Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, June 04, 1847, Image 2

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From. GCB, S. 8 Army. 1 The Re r üblicano of the Bth inst. says,
.Afseraelent of sank, :firma tqW4 Pires4---1, that by a littter from Orizaba-of the 4th,
G 6- Scott Ilia ea Jalapa --- Nealikof i they were informed that General Scott was
Gen. Siteilds anti Gen. P.' F, Smith ; sick at Jalapa, and would hot move towards
--- lbrineini: ll r- nirl. 1 Puebla until the commissioners from the
By the arrival of the schooner,'Eleanor , United States, bearing the propositions of
Stevens, Capt. Hall, at N. Orleans on the peace, would reach headquarters—that by I
24th inst., from Vera Crux, whence she I that,time he would have the necessary re
aileditin the 'lsth inst., the Picayune has inforcement ; and that besides two wagon
letters from Jalapa to the 14th instant— loads of supplies which the ..guerr , illes"
three iiaya later then our previous advices. had captured from the Americans on the.
The Movement 'of Santa Anna upon road, they had also taken $OO,OOO in gold.
Dimehriacitsecttioned in Mr. Kandall's let-' The same letter says- that• the foment miler
ter below.: Jlopes are entertained that Santa Anna were rapidly ineritesing t :and
Gen. Worth may be so fortunate as to ea- that "His Excellency"' was Only awaiting
counter him. GPI]. Worth lett i'erote for i for the money which hilted asked, in or-
Puebla on the 10th with his own and Gen. ! der to b egin his operation ,. . .
Quitman's divisions. Ile was expected A letter from Durango, dated 25th April,
to enter Puebla on Sunday the" 10th. It i says thes_Yankeest(Doitiphan's conimand) .
is supposed that the i authorities of the town , had conuternunthed to Chihuahua, on air
will come out to meet him and escort him 1 wont o f istogigotte, received-by them that
in. 1 the New Mexicans and "Pesenos," (na-
AU will be glad to learn that General' tires of . Et . P as o m o t h er w i t h the b er m,.
Shields is mending, though slowly, and rests trams of Nabejcse Indians, headed by
titan Gem. P. F. Smith has reported fur ' the clergymen, had Minniteneed an india
duty. ' . . , - - i crinahnue slatighter on all Americans in the
0•1. Childs is Governor ofJaispa,. and"! ph rec .H-Thi n ii iin t cr e c tio n i s A mid to h ave
will tentain there with 2,000 picked trooper been 40 gOlltlikdOlA ern the woinen vvere
when Gen. Scott moves to Puebla. The ,i n i t , en d r o aste d c consp i cuous port In
oily easilapa, is entirely quiet and orderly; cu tti n g the throats of the "Texans," It
PO room or disturbauces have occurred . was also *ported that those very men, feel- ,
• • t ing elated with the result, were marching
lie tYaakee, or "foreign legion," or-1 towards Durango, to order to avenge the
i .by Santa • Anna from deserters eu--,—r of Chilitithtta.
• armies; has been disbanded and 1 rGen. Bravo published a decree on the
't of the city. Their immorali- !, oth instantoardering eVery person having..
' , ordination isossigned for ,this i two or mein - horses in . his possession to i
Their mullets the Mexicans -i d e li ver one of the w to the commissary, at
I adapted to their society- or befiiii itiereitiiimion of the 6th day.
lurangu, dated' the 26th B yinto go tc d ecree o f t h e same d ate , G on.
ly that Col. Doniplian's , Bravo "(Oeneral-in-Chii& of the Central
k upon Chihuahua in-' Ar tn lr;). o edees ill citizens, from 15 to 60
'on Durango. We years of a g e, to enlist as the shortest no
ne doubt of this ' tice, and be prepared to present themselves
Cu!. Doniphan armed and equipped, when they should be
1 insurrection mt it e d l t ipee . , . i
5- the cause` El Monitore( the 4th, says that the par- .
' tisane of Santa Anna hive sent commis
').unel . the . diff t Statesinorder
stonen to - even to
obtain rotes for him to be elected president.
11 in
-Gen. D. Sebarkian Germs' n had taken
.ti charge of the works of fortification near
the Capital; and three points had been se
'ketedio be fortified between Sen Cristo
.. _
val and Coeste'de Berrientos.
The Bishop of.,oajaca has sent - to the
iiiiiertiiiiiint - $20,000 far-the - expenses 'of
the war. Several churches had delivered
the `Oatei v fait cif-their plate to the Gov
einiiimit,. in order - thatit should be melted
'into Coin. ,
• - Don Pedro M. Anays, President Sub
I stituto of the Republic, 'published a decree
oo the 2d, declaring the Whole district in a I
state of siege. , In another decree of the ;
commander of the Federal District, it isl
prohibited to introduce any goods or mer-1
chandise in the towge or cities in posses
sion of the Americans, touler,a fine of from l, l
2100 to $5OO, which will be appropriated'
to the expenses of the war. The sale of
any provisions, goods, horses or cattle to
the' Americana is also . prohibited; under a
fine of from $lOO to 01,009, applicable to
'the aforesaid - purpose. , • .
A recent Order'from the Government di
rects that all the forces from the East and
South Nhonld report to Gen. Santa Anna as .
the only Commader-in-Chief.
"Aerly of the Preas.—The military
CoMtnandant Of Mexico had issued a de
-cree suspending the liheiii of the Press so
. . ,
far as the discussion of political and mill
tarY 'stairs, and of the sets siC„,,,lhe author
ities was concerned, whilst the city should
be in a state of Siege.
.., .
English Malintion.—lt was understood
at Mexico that the British Minister had of
fered t h e mediation of; his, goiernment to
secure a return to mogul relations be
tweet; MeXteil and the United States. The,
step, however,. meets with Wt . Utile Lvov_
srigii k . the papers.; but, .from the feet that
their liberty has Mace been suspended,
there iii no certainty that it is equally dis
countenatice4 by .the government.
/ The Clergy, of, San Luis Potoli issued,
on the 28th of April, a long and Whim
matory Address, .to the Mexitrim people,
, which Is published-in El Reptiblicano of
May 4. The address breathes a most bit.
' ter and implacableftpirit swami the United
I States, and denounces our army as a "horde
[ of robbers. -destitute of humanity—mon
! stem, who bid defiance to, the laws of us
htureTrifandals, wifinitted from bell to scourge
the nations , who worald. no God, but gold,
l and aspire to no happiness but the gratifi- .
[cation of their own brutal.paseiona l" The
war is denounced as a crusade against the
1 Catholic religion,-amPhe moat violent•ap
peals are made to the religious feeiingmof
the people. The following paragraph is a
specimen of the whole :
"Fellow citizens of Potosi! Can you
behold, with waking eyes, and without,the
blood freezing in your veins, a condition
so humiliating, a fate so disastrous and
frightful ! Can your bold and valiant
character behold without rage that the foot
of a heretic adventurer should `defile your
magniticenttemples, or destroy your ven
erated images, and trample even upon
your God, oiterthrowing your holy sacra
ments, and depriving the Christian soul of
the sublime virtues and exalted enjoyments
of the angels I Will you permit that u cov
etous and barbarous stranger should out-'
rage that God who has visited anti consoled
you in your infirmities—who accompanies'
you in the horrible transition from life to
the enjoyment of eternal beatitude ? Will
you consent, brave Potosinos! to have the
holy rites of your church abolished, and
the sign of your redemption exterminated !
Finally, fellow citizens, will you be insen
sible to the loss of your religion, your tem
ples, and even to the sweet name of Chris
tians? Yet all this will happen to you.—
Your families will hunger after the bread
of The Word, and the eternal consolations
which the' adorable religion of Jesus can
can alone dispense, and there will be none
who can furnish thou. Your daughters
The tYarikee, or "foreign legion," or-;
ganitted .by Santa
.. Anna from deserters
frout,otu . artnieri; has been disbanded and I
ordered out of the city. Their immorali- i
ty. sad insubordination is assigned for this!,
proceekig. Their manners the Mexicans .i
say amigo at all adapt:id to their society.
A letter front Durango, dated' the 20th
April, states positively that Col. Doniplian's 1
forces had fallen back upon Chihuahua in-•
stead of advancing upon DurSngo. We
think that there can be no doubt of this'.
fact, and consequently that Col. Doniphan
has not boon defeated, The insurrection
of New Mexico is assigned as. the cause`
of his return.
profaoriiiteoriespondcni. of the'Pieiyune.]
' ' 'JALAPA, Metlett, A4iiBt7. - - '
Lilt night an intelltOnt 6paniurd in
formed me he saw ,two lei rs from Grit*.
Ita, one dated thellthln he other the 7th
inst. On the first day the letter stated that ,
the first brigade or division of Santa Anna's
army started en route' for Puebla, and on
the 7th the other division marched in'
same direction. His entire force was put
downat2soo, the most of them indiffer
ently armed and under little or n o disci ohne.
_ If Santa Anna has moved towards the i
capital, and there certainly is good reason .1
to believe he has, his intentions arwdoubt-1
less to control the election for President,;
which takes place to-morrow. lle cannot;
ocrtafidfthiek of attacking Gen.. Worth,;
whose division could put to flight 10,000 t
of the best Mexican troopefthat ever bore.l.
arms ; So that the eonvietien Is irresistible
, 1
that be intendi having , a hand in the cote-1
ing election, . ' "
Gen. Scott's proclamation, which 1 sent '
0413340.141Weiff:Slatet.iticht 5 since,bY RC
1** 14 .4 rider, Astk.heatt • read here by all;
thittAtOttanes end.* a Jorge majority of:
aficalies.with excellent effect. It is a most
able &Cement, and goes home to the feel- 1 ,
impkef,the people. By this time it has
been circulated at Puebla and the city of i
Mexico, and will dothtless turn the minds,
at least of the honest andiredecting towards
peace:- +-
- Mr. Trist arrived here this - warming.
Enna Vora Cruz. His business I . do not
kaow, but I suppose he goes on with the I
lowly. Grit. Scutt, owing to the non -ar-,
rival of all the train, will not be able to I
stove for twq or three days to come.—
gam. Walker, with his Rifles, is on his /
way up, guarding another smaller train,
The report that Santa Anna gone to
wands the capital receives, additional con-.
finuation. We hear notl#fig of General'
Worth, but every one hope b lie has fallen
is with Santa Anna.
Imopoxtant from the City. of Ilex*.
Santa Jana aspiring to the Pres=
ibrlffiration of the C'apital—S
out declared Commander-in-Chief—No
signs of Peace
We have received (says the Baltimore Sun of
Wednesday,) by our Overland Express, aropy of
the New Orleans Delta of the 211th hot., from
which we extract the following important and in-
Wataiting news from Mexico and the Mexicana:—
Through the kindness of the editors of
"La•Pattia," we have been placed in pot
senior' of hill files of El Republicano, El
Monitor, and 'Mario del Globiernoto the
Othinstant. These files are tilled with in
teresting information, and were they to be
oonsideml a fair index to the popular mind,
they would go to show that the •war spirit"
is increasing daily, and that new measures
ass constantly being adopted to carry on
die war with vigor and perseverance. Al
most every number of the Mexican jeer
ig* is Ailed with appeals to the people and
i authorities, urging action—prompt
and incessant defensive action.
The papers complain bitterly of the
course pursued by the members of the
Maim Cougress—many of them (front
1114 to Inn each day) were reported siek—
shoat u many, or more, would not attend,
and at last accounts, some sixteen or sev
' 01110,11 Illan!ilbers had left the capital with
out limns°. Don Vincent Romero was
lenselluatly !Weasel:int to arouse his bro.
Abet otouthers to s sense of the . country's
• 'Erakilassa. bat his, eloquence. se,ented
11to Summit Government appointed a
enereilltiattlt no raise honey by subscription,
.$41,41 IrOgiclof Paying the exP ooo ts of
dm , tora% Atues ere serend thousand
and we see amounts
T .oit4h..
, ~,, *in !do
, eittOr le'
, ..: ' , , netitwatsis boon appoint
-14 . , I. Chief of the Guer.
rillaa of Tulancing°, and of the Lianos de
and your wives will be seized in your
eight and made victims to lascivious pas
sions, even in thi , strects and public places.
Your tender eons will expire on the points
of the.swords and bayonets of the barba
rous conquerors, directing towards you
their last looks of fear • and agony; and
ma yourselves will be seized and bound
like 'brutish beasts for the dungeons of sla
very, and savage men, fiftlty prostitutes,
and wild beasts will come and 'enjoy the•
delicacies of your homes."
e 9th inst., contains the following :
"As the column of
,Itleximin prisoners were
marching by us on the allernoo of the 18th,
irtiiihierved moving on With the rest a lit
tkkbay and a lamb. Amidst the fire and
smoke Rod the roar of musketry and artil
lery, which hadso lately enveloped the hill,
these weak and defenceless creatures had
stood unharmed. As they passed along
our lines, they were levet, where greeted
with kind looks and words. Countenances
dark with the Ilene passion! of the recent
conflict, clouded with the remembrance of
fallen friends, and of revenge but half sa
ted, relaxed into et smile of minfled pleas
ure and pity—pity, that they should have
been thus exposed„and pleasure, that He
who guards the sparrow, had sheltered
them from the ranges of the iron storm."
A Soumtit's PRICE.—This average
price of a aoldier, according to the standard
fixed by Gen. Scott, is $3OO. A letter
from Mexico, in the Journal of Commerce,
says that Gen. Scott has taken the guerilla
business in hand, and by his order, every
murder that the Mexicans may commit,
takes $3OO out of the nearest alcalde's
. The Pennsylvanian says that the Admin
istrative, having carried all its measures,
"can henceforth repose upon a bed, of ro-
ses." We have seen many a pig, that had
broken into a flower garden, doing the
same thing.—Lotrisr We Journal.
KrWe.look in vain over the army list
and long array of killed and wounded in
'Various blades fought with the Mexicans,
foranyinie bearing the name of Polk!—
The family of the President is not repre
sented! Clay, Webster, Crittenden, and
other .itory Mexican Whigs" have sent
their sons to the war—Polk has seta SA N-
• The President, it is said, has adopted
Col. Yell's son. Who will adopt the
thousands of other children made orphans
by the President's wart There is no father
for them—but Ile who is in heaven. May
he temper the wind to the shorn lamb.
Washington' Iffdir. _
,Buctivo A IV IFE.—The Sag Harbor
Corrector tells a story about a runaway
wife, much as follows:—The good woman,
it appears, went to Sag llarbor with a man,
and passed for his wife, and the mistake
was only discovered when the real husband
came for his runaway. He at once had
the wan arrested for running away with
his wife, but she got over this by stating
that she ran off with the man. A second
ineffectual attempt was made to put the
man in prison for stealing the clothes the
woman had upon her, but the matter was
finally settled by the man, who paid ten
dollars in cash and gave a double barrelled
gun besidee. She was rather a cheep wife,
but the seller had, no doubt, the best of the
MICHIGAbk Caor.—We have ta
ken some care to make inquiries of gentle
men from various parts of this State, and
have come to' the conclusion that the pres
ent appearances give assurance of at least
an average wlitat crop..—Detroit Adv.
Tits Caore IN Ft owt:t.—The Jackson
tile News of the 14th says : "From all
quarters of East Plorida we receive the
moat gratifying accounts of the state of the
crops. The copious showers which have
recently fallen - have been of incalculable
advantage to the farmer, and an abundant
harvest is counted upon by all.
Ramo- AND FALLINO.-••J‘ W hen the count
try sinks, Federalism rises," say the Lo
cofoco papers, quoting from the remarks of
one of the warmest hearted and most thor
ough going Whigs that ever gave a vote
fur Henry Clay or John Quincy Adams.
Well, it may be true. flow much did tja
country sink when Mr. Taney rose to die
Supreme Bench of the U. States Court, to
All the place made vacant by the death of
Marshall, another Federalist! How much
did the country sink when Mr. Buchanan
rose to be Secretary of State, with not a
"drop of Democratic blood in his veins ?"
[U. S. Gazelle.
Gnaw; Immiostawrs.—Many German
immigrants, who pass through this place
for the west. are of II class that will ulti
mately be of great benefit to the country.—
One day last week a company of ninety
tiio arrived here by Railroad, and as the
cars were to remain during the evening,
they marched id; * body to the German
Church on Ford street, and held a prayer
meeting. The country has nothing to fear
from such inimigrants:—Roch. Dem.
CONVENTION assembled at the Marlboro'
chapel, for its annual meeting, on Tuesday,
at ten o'clock, and ' was organized by the
choice of Frederick Douglass, as president,
and Samuel May and Eliza Jane Kenney,
as secretaries, and by the appointment of
vice presidents and finance and business
[We thought that, in Boston, Mr. Gari
ison and his people would get up something
new. s , -The novelty here is in having a
colored man for president, and a while lady
for secretary.)
A few days — ajo.,a" man in the city of N.
York.waa taken suddenly with apoplexy.
He was relieved by several "cops of cold
water 'being poured upon hie head, and in
a quarter of an hour went home well.
A friend has handed to ow the ffisphio , ,aatx)unt
which we pufah below of the battle of Cerro
Bonin, by a young Lieutenant of the Mounted
Melaka gradaste of West Point, written to a rela
tive. , Ills just such bright and brave fellows as
the Weiler of this Idler who set the world agog at
"I proceed to tell you of the peril play
ed In the battle of Cerro Gordo. God de
liver me from ever being in such another
fight ! In my last letter from Vera Cruz I
stated that I had been left bchindmy divi
sion (2d of G wiggs's) sick, but that
I was aboutito"of it cat Jalapa. Who
can calculate on the future I The next
news from the limy Was that Santa Anna,
with an army of sixteen thousand men,
was strongly entrenched in a mountain
pass between us and Jalapa, at Gerro Gor
do, the name of the principal height and
key-pi a / 2 u of his, position—a perfect Mex
ican Gibraltar. a mountain height of eight
hundred feet or more—surmounted by
eight pieces or cannon,) eighteen and six
teen pounders.) which completelY sem
, manded the neighboring ground and ap
proaches ; and, 'urthermore, strengthened
by two hreastwirks of stone, wood, and
brush, which empletely girt about the
1 summit upon wlich stood a small town,
from which waved proudly the flag' of
Mexico. By listening on, and travelling
Iby night as wellas day, I arrived just as
the ball opened. The peak of Orizaba in
the distance looted down upon the battle
I like some huge pres!diag and avenging In
dian deity. Tht Mexicans, drawn up in
columns, to the anount of six thousand on
I the summit, wilt colors displayed, - wild
iand martial muiic sounding, and Santa
Anni;upon a Wilk-white steed and our
: sounded by a billiant staff, riding along
t the lines encourging his men, presented
---a sight - at-once iaposing and beautiful. Orl
ithe right of our position (2d division' of
regulars, to whoa the whole honor of this
great and gloriois victory is due) was a
isecond height, conmanded almost entirely
by that of CerroGordo, and occupied by
1 a large force of Mexicans. It was neces.
eery that this lieght should
paratory to the Band assault.
was gallantly excuted by the
. 1 tillery, and one company of
fantry. Many ci our men,
by natural impehosity, and many others
misunderstandingorders, after having driv
en the enemy iron the first hill, advanced
even to the basso( Cerro Gordo. That
night, when wo , ested upon the first hill,
under comparatie cover of its crest, sur
rounded by deadand wounded Mexicans,
many a brave omrade was missed who
was expiating the sidof having been brave
even to rashness.
..I was too tau to join my regiment on
the first day, bit attached myself to a
company of the, 'th infantry, which held
an exposed situaion, and had the extreme
felicity of being fired at all day ,without
0 the pleasure of teturning it. Thalmight
I rejoined my company, under Capt. Ma
son, and next truing the ball re-opened
with great eclat,tho enemy having waken
ed us during tht night only twice by plea
sant messengen in the shape of cannon
balls. In the reciting we (the. rifles) were
obliged for two nortal hours to stand an
artillery fire of tall, grape, and canister,
1 under very imprfect shelter; tierore the
icommand forwa l to storm the height was
given. lt was re that poor Mason, as
fine a fellow as pver lived, (aud who, by
1 the by, is doing ell s ) lost his leg. Lieut.
Davis was ki iu the very spot where I
had been lying ew minutes before ; and
after Wards, whedl arose to obey the order
forward, a sohliir was discovered about
' six feet above mt, op the side of the hill,
who had been Miens° dead by a grape
: shot that had pur ee through his stom
ach that he had net aarently moved from
j i
his recumbent postu , and had died so
suddenly that those round were ignor
ant of the fact of his eying been struck.
The rifles were ordeto take l up a posi
tion in the ravine, an to hold in check a
body of Mexicans advincing,to reinforce
Cerro Gordo, and the otier three regiments
of the brigade to stort 'he height. I my
self heard only the o r forward, conse
quently went ahead wi • the main column,
and was fortunate enou 1 to be among the
brat over the breasiw i -s of the enemy,
whom I revenged myse upon by turning
upon him a six-pounde one of his own
guns, and paying, him ack with interest
in his own leaden and . on coin.
"The storming of C
magnificent spectacle,
moat brilliant, if not
ever accomplished by
The mountain was ad
so exhausted by previ
becalne a cool deliberate
no rub ; oar gallant
calmly and slowly;
canes which onc,easingl
tattinies in the rear , p
but there ifts no pause
ey went. Their mi
to conquer or die.:` On
ally converging to the a
ed for* like a yokrano,
ly fire opened upon the
became ours also., aid
may the different
e storm entered, and
umphantly waved in the
dem de Mexico.' What
of elation took poasesei
that moment. I cannot
the wounded, deadpand
speak. I have:seen Dee
ghastly terrors, find feel
ing indifferent to the suff,
lows; my profession dp
dry green upon the hill too
and many dead awl suml
burnt up, or rather roasted!
'suffered terribly ; the prof
and wounded among the officers was more
than one out of three, eight officers being
killed and wounded where fourteen were
unharmed; among the men the proportion
was one out of five. Pretty hot work; ,
such as 1 do not care about being engaged
in again in a hurry. At one time, I assure
you, such was the noise' of balls paising
over my head that I was unconscious of
any other sound, though regiment - a - at the
time were rolling forth their fi?e. What
a magnificent and terrible tune was played
in those mountains, which acted like some
huge sounding-board, and prolonged and
rolled away info the distance the noise of
the battle !
"I hove only pretended to give you an
account of that portion of the battle in
which I was engaged. Ire, however, won
the day."
THE LATE VICTORY.—Gen. Score has
certainly exhibited in the present campaign, (says
the Raleigh Register,) all that his numerous and
iulmiring !Heath' have claimed for him. His mili
tary attainments are of the highest tinier, and his
gallantry is only equalled by his generosity, hti•
inanity and chivalry. The following paragraph
from the “Rivannah Republican" so much the
better expresses our thoughts than we an our-
Pelves, that we right willingly adopt them t
"THE Smola AND- BATTLR.—General
Scott's great administrative powers have
been much commented on by his friends,
and scouted at by his enemies and other
impartial judges. The people of the U.
States have now had a chance of seeing
his generalship. From the time that ho
landed near Vera Cruz (in itself a aerate-.
getical operation, for his demonstration was
on Anton Lizardo) to the last advices, he
has exhibited a rare combination of milita
ry)4t-% attainments, reduc the art of war,
even with his most a ty mans of Innis
portation, to an al ost exa science.—
:Ole ma Icing eYour trop through the
entrenchments of Cerro Gordo, and not
stopping to survey the defences so gallant
ly won, is prompt mamruvring. We sus
pect Gen. Scott, and most of those with
!dm, have taken their soup in double quick 1
The Union has retracted, with laugha
ble eagerness, its proposition for the se
questration of the elitirch property in Mex
ico, and the application of it to the 'support
of the war. There are a great many Cath
olic voters in the country yet, as few of
them are found in Virginia, and nothing is
said of them •in "the resolutions of 'OS,"
the Editor of the Union could not be sup
posed to know any thing about them.—
80, the fart having been brought to his
attention, he at once exonerates the Ad
ministration from the responsibility of hav
ing 8841 any thing to offend so many "free
and independent" voters. Mr. Poi.x had
nothing to do with it, the "Union" assures
us, nor Mr. BUCIIANAN, nor Mr. MARCY,
nor any other member of the Administra
tion. It was an independent suggestion of
the Government paper, and was intended,
somehow—the Union does not exactly
understand how—for the benefit rather than
the injury of the church !—Prot. Jour.
Grand Temperance Jubilee, by the Sons
of 'Pemperance, throughout the Union, will
be held in the City of Philadelphia, on
Tuesday the 15th of June inst. It will be
a splendid spectacle to behold the great
Cold IVater Army that will march through
the streets of Philadelphia on that day.
send paid in advance nine hundred and
eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents, for
' advertising in a Philadelphia paper; and
double that amount to a paper-QIN. York.
It is not 'astonishing the great popularity
his medicine has gained throughout the U.
'A Miss Pumpkin, of Vermont, has late
ly been married to Mr. Pye. This comes
very near making a pumpkin pie.
The London papers notice the death of
the grand daughter of William Penn, the
founder of Pennsylvania. This venerable
lady was tint widow of the lion. W. Sw
art, late Lord Primate of Ireland. She was
83 years old.
Mr. Freeman, who recently lectured in
Philadelphia in -oppolition to Mr. Green,
the reformed gambler, and in defence or
justification of gambling, has been convin
ced of his error, and is now himself lectu
ring against that iniquitous vice.
Dr. Culkn's Indian k Panacea
is The greatest medicine w before the
public. Persons who are icted are re
quested to read the advert' ement in an
other column of this paper. There is no
fiction About it but all truth.
Gordo was a
well as one of the
oat brilliant feat
,merican aims.--
eep, and the men
a efforts, that it
ing. There was
fliers advaiiced
leaden Man
• -
waWtver them;
yea ilort them ;
o hesitation—•on
a were'made up
ey went gradu
mit, which blas.
I finally our dead.
e, his breastwork
Imeit eimultane.
mats 'euifernd in
tie stabdards tri•
dace of I , LaJdan.
glorious feeling
of my soul at
describe it. Of
ying we will not
robed in all his
lat.l am becom
ings of my fel.
"ands, it. The
fire at ono time,
wounded were
Our regiment
ation of killed
When the body is oiled to many
changes, it requires 'ne.—•Sudden
changes from ye to c i y weather,
are unfavorable health, and it is a fact
universally admitted, that heat and moist
ure axe-powerful agents in producing dis
ease, and that constant dry and constant
wet weather are both favorable to its gen
eration it does not signify what we call it,
it may be ague, it may be billions lever, it
may be yellow fever, it be dysentery.
it may be rheumatism,it may be bronchi
ds, it maybe cholk, ifthaylniEonstipation
of the bowels, ii may be inthimation of the
bowels, it may be tnflamation of the sto
mach, it may bo a nervous affliction but
still'it is a diseue, and a ditieutir curable
by the Baminarrn Flusaweause theY re=`
move all impurities from the body,Vl that
can in a manner feed We further progress
of the malady, no matter how called, thus
these pills are not only the most pl'oper
medicine, Bit generally the only medicine
that need or ought to be used.
l'ho gemseise Drandreth's Pills can be hallo
be following Agents:—
J. M. Stevenson ip Co.,—Gottyaburg.
Jiw. McCreary,—Petersburg.
Araham A'ing,—Hunterstown.
Hut)ld C. Miler—Hampton
Aft Sherry ¢ Atik-, Mown.
Nary Ihinran,-41timIttown.
John lloke.—Fairtield.
May 11, 1847.
The Rev. Pr. K ; iv will deliver an
Address on -Tempe nce. in Si. James'
..Chureh. on Sabha( E vening , the oth of
Julenext. The ddress will ' be in con :
tinttation of the ries of Sabbath Evening
Temperatee ddresses, and it is expected
that the other churches of • the town will
be closed on the occasion.
May 38—td.
IT 0 T. I a M.
DAN away from the service of the
scriber, on . the Ifith of May, an in
dented colored boy named Titoism harm
lemma. The public are notified not
to harbor said Niehols., Six and a quarter
carts, but no thanks, will-be given for his
apprehension and return to the Subscriber:
Fountaindale, May 2s-3t ,
OF TEMPERANCE ( will hold a
Public Meeting and Procession, in the re
galia of the Order, on Monday, June 141/1.
There will be an address delivered on the
occasion by Rev. S. W. HARKEY, of Fred
erick, 111 d, Sister Divisions aq4.retipect
fully invited to be present. Procession
will form on High street, in front of the
Division room, at 3 o'clock, r. M.
W P, Bell,
J. Bringman,'
Geo. E. Buehler,
Conrad Weaver,
I. G. Baker.
May 28. (Al
Jbr Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, Asthma, Croup, ll7woping
(mgh, Spitting of Blood, Sore
Throat; Pains acid Oppres
sions of the Breast, Dif
ficulty of Breathing,
and all other di
mites of the
Read the following Certificate of Cure performed
by the me of Rwr'r Expectorant and ■ay if you
will longer neglect your cough, or doubt in. etfica-
Baltimore, March I '_', 1817
Dear Sir—About three weeks ago my wife
caught a severe cold, which troubled her a good
deal and gave her great uneasiness • she prepared
a great many. articles which were recommended
to her by her friends, but without receiving the
benefit from any of them ; her Rough was getting
worse every day ; her appetite was last tailing.
and to sleep was impossibte: the pains in her
breast and side became so severe that that she
hail to go to bed, and my friends advised me to
call in a Physician. I thought I would call in
the store where you were engaged and see. if I
could not get something that would relieve her.
when you gave me a bottle of your Expectorant,
assuring me tLat it would core her, she commen
ced taking it that night, not, however, without
great opposition on the part of some of her
friends, who said it was only some "Quark
Medicine," and would do her more barn'
than good, lint I determined to take your fishier.
and now Sc? all knave the Rash ! From taking the
first dose she telt easier. though linable to sleep
on account of the quantity of phli•gm that loosen.
el and would almost choke her, but which ir'he
could spit up with but little difficulty, the follow
ing day she continued it according to the three.
tions. and that time, for the first time for nearly
two weeks, she enjoyed a good night's rest and by
the time she had finished the first bottle, she was
entirely cured. Make what use of this you think
proper, (or such an invaluable medicine should be
'made known to the afflicted every where. With
best wishes for your success,
I remain yours kr..
CAUTION! !I Beware of Counterfeits and
Spurious Imitations. Sea that the initials 'J. F. R"
are on the seal : also my Written S'ignaimx on the
wrapper of each bottle, without which none is gen
uine. Prepared only by James F Ross. Druggist.
Baltimore Md. Li For sale in Grityantrg by
SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, and in //11/in /taro by
May 28, 1847.-1 y
or:rn•suunn, PA.
RU IT TREES, of all kinds, (grafted
E. in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1846.
,Flower Seeds.
113 ISLEI"S celebrated FLOWER
SEED 18, a large variety and ben
quality, received anti for sale by
Gettysburg, March 5, 1847.
DRY GOODS of every description can
be had unusually low, in Chambers
burg street. immediately opposite Heagy's
Cabinet Ware House.
May 7. W. & C. RUTHRAUFF.
WE have just received a handsome
v • - assortment of plain and fringed
PARASOLS, which we will he pleased to
show to all who favor us with a call.
May 7. W. & C. RUTHRAUFF.
.#?I El. S LIM OA'S,
SILVER MEDAL awarded for the best
_pictures ever exhibited. Strangers
visiting the city should call and examine
the various specimens of colored Daguer
reotypes, at M. P. Simons' Gallery ; and
those wishing likenesses, may rely upo"
receiving perfect satisfaction in every res
pect. Whole families - can be grouped to
gether, which forms a most invaluable
keepsake. Miniatures set in bracelets,
Medalions, Breastpins, &c. An assort.'
ment of the above Jewelry, selected for
the purpose, always on hand. Examine
and-then decide. Materiiils used in the
Art for sale, at the lowest rates. Instruc
tion( given by letter or personally. All
communications must be post paid.
M. E. SIMONS, ... .
No. 170 Chestnut Street,
Opposite the State House, Phila.
April 30, 1847.-4 m
ETTERS of Administration on the
-1.4 Estate of JOSEPH RIFEIIaUs"
Franklin township, Adams county, de o,
ceased, having been granted to the sub'
scriber, residing in laid township, notice is
hereby given to all- persons indebted, to
said estate to call and settle the same with
out delaY, and those having , claims against
said estate are requested to present the
same, properly authenticated, tor settle,
went. •
May 21.-41 t.
Neatly St expeditioncly executed
AT THE•• S T ? 0 F." IC E.
Spring & Slimier Dry Goods,
j) AMY received from Auction, at J.
11058 HOOPES', No. 411 Market
street above 11th St. opposite Girard
Square I)ltilstielpilia : such as mous. de
!sines, from I'2 1-2 to 18 3-4 cents, ging
ham., new style, 18 3-4 to 25 cents, yard
wide lawns, 12 1-2 to 18 3-4, white mulls,
bishop learns, tarletons, jaconetts, striped
and plaid muslin from 12 1-2•10 25, rich
and glossy alpacas from 2510 37,41e1►ings,
flauels, diapers. duo. Sliawli of every
style from $1 to *l2. Calicoes. from sto
12 1-2 c, of a superior style, hosiery and
gloves, men's,and boy's linen. cotton hid
woelen stripes and plaids c tiom 10. to 04 0 .
Tweed, Cassimere, all wool, only 25 and
31 eta. Ddnek 'Eng: arid Frenektlidhs
from $2 to $5 per yard. My assortment
of inuslins and - linens are oat to be surp lus .
sed, either in cheapness or variety, in this
city. Muslin, at 8, 10, 12 1-2 : 3 yards
wide, 37 1-2. Cotton and wool ingrain
carpets from 10 to 50 cents. Matting 25
to 87 1-2 cents.
N. B. Purchasers are requested to call'
and examine for themselves before buying
elsewhere, and they will save at lout 25
per cent.
Phila. April 9.-3 m
Fentliel;s: Feathers !
Cheap for Cash.
arerer and General Furnisher, No.
415 Market street, above Eleventh, North
Side, oppositb Girard Row, Philadelphia,
where may be bad at all times a large as
sortment of Beds and Mattresses. Curled
Hair and Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bed
steads and Looking glasses, together with
all other articles in the above line of bus
iness, at the very lowest price for (lash.
N. B. All old work repaired with neat
ness and despatch.
March 28, 1847—(Sm. •
lt Ea,' 0 PLI L.
JLADOMIIS has removed his Watch
Watch-Tool and Material Store,
from No. 33 S. 4th street, where he has
on hand a large assortment of Gold and
Silver Lever, L'Epines, and Plain Watch
es, with a complete assortment of Tools
and materials, such as Lunette, Patent and
Plain Glasses, Mainsprings, Verges, Hand
Dials, etc., of every description, to which
lie has added a complete and splendid as
sortment of JEWELRY, consisting of
Ear Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Gold
Chains, Keys, etc. which he will guaran
tee to sell. lowest New York prices,
WholesaleW Retail.
N. B.—Country Merchants, and others
visiting the city, arc invitedto call & exam
ine hie stock and large assortment at No.
216 Market at, below Bth South side.—
Orders from the country promptly attend
ed to.
Pliilatl'a, April 9--Pan. 22-om.]
N 'l' IC E ` s "
To C'oantry Merchants, Storekeepers, and
the inthlic in general.
r IIE Subscriber takes this method to
1 . inform all whom it may concern,
that he intends to keep at his Old Estab
lished Stand, No. 38:4, 0 Market street, a
first-rate assortment of all kinds of
4 /11
ll.ll'lli et GIPS,
suitable for the Country Traee.—
Feeling confident from his expe
rience and practical knowledge of the bus
iness in fill its various branches, that tie
will be able to render general satisfaction
to all who may favor him with their cus
Itc.7-Country Merchants would do well
to call and examine before purchasing of
his Inure noisrcompetitors.
,', All hats warranted to retain their
color. flats from $125 to $l.OO, of the
latest svle4
No. 982 Market street, uhave Eleventh, south site
January 22, 1847. Oru
.qt the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry
No. 96, North Second street, corner of Quarry
Gold Lever Watches; ull jewelled,
18 car. cases,
Silver Lever do. full jewelled,
Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepine do. jewel'il, lst-qual. 14 -00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00
Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00
Gold Spectacles, 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 175
Gold Briwelets, with topaz stones, 350
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 18 carats, 2 00
Gohl Finger Rings, 37 ets to $8 ; Watch
Glasses—plain 12 cts ; patent 18; toilet
25. Other articles in proportion. All
goods warranted to be what they are sold
for. • 0. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers,
Lepines and Qoartiers, lower than thp-tt
ov o prices.
Dec. 4,1840.—1 y
The Cluapest Gold and Silver !finches
IN P1111.9DELP41.1. 1
Gold Levers, full' jeweled, 645 00
Silver Levers, full jeweled, ' 23 00
Gold Lepincs, jeweled, 30 00
Silver Lepines, jeweled, lb 00
Silver Quartiers, fine quality, • 10 00
Cola watches, plain 15 00
Silver Spectacles 1 75
Gold Pencils, 2 00
Gold Bracelets, 4 00
A large assortment of Gold and Silver
Hair-Bracelets, Finger-Rings, Breastpins, •
Hoop Ear-Ring, G old Pens, Silver Spoons,
Sugar Tonges, Thimbles,Alold Neck, and
Fob Chains, Ward Keys, and Jewelry st
equally low•prieee. -- - •
IrrAlll want is avail. to 0 00vinc• 1411 *
All kinds of 'Witches and Cloits re
paired and warranted to Ireip gdod time
for one year, ' Old Gold and Bitter bought
lbr Cash, or taken in exchange. -• t
I have some Gold and Silver Lignitni, - 40
stiU cheaper prices than tlwebeve. A lihr ,
oral Diicount made ta . deitiere. Call and
For *sale,' Eight-day' sod - Thirly•lotur
Brass Clocks, at - • •
Watch, ClpekOind Jewelry Siors, No. 4131
Market 9t., 4601,8 1 Ith, north side, -
Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 18411.
Perfumeri: ,
ARTICLES, TOYS, ate.obr se%
by • •
April 10, 1840.
41cc., of beet quality, can always be had st - *
the Fancy •Sturo of, C. IrVEAV ER; .
April 10, 1840.
*45 00
3 r--
1. avaat 6 11111VOLL
iie ii 'iv it 66
Friday Evening, June 4, 1847.
CITY AGENCY.—TV. B. - PA LIM ZS, Esq. at the
corner of Cheentif& Third street, Philadelphia ;
160 Nassau meet Nese York; end South-eaet cot.
net of Baltimore end Cavern street, .Battintorr—
and E.W. Cass, Esq. Sun Building, N. E. Corner
Third & Bock sts.and 44U N. Fourth st. Philsirn
are our authorized Agents for receiving Advertise
ments and Subscriptions to the "Star" and collect
ing and-reeeipting for the same.
C3sFor Delinquent Patrons !QED
MThe enlargement dour paper has drawn
mow heavily on our purse than we anticipated,
and we are compelled to call upon our patrons to
relieve us from the difficulty. Them is a large
amount on our books due us for Job Work and
,„ftubseription which it would give us much pleas
tier to see "squared off" The amount against
each subscriber may seem trifling, and for that
reason remain unpaid;. but it is of drops that the
ocean is made, and a few dollars from each of our
subscribers will in the aggregate produce an
amount of some importance to us. Those of our
minim who have already paid kip, will accept our
Ihks, while those who have not, we feel assured
will . ..olmm° the present "nog," as it is the first
they ha been troubled with since our connection
with the ° a."
rinfoney lie reniitted . to us per mail, af
itti risk.
The "Mae , lo .the Campaign..
ar7•'he Gubernatorial campaign is about opin
ing, and as it promises to to one of inure than ip
raid interest and importance, we propose to furnish
the elEtra a •on BA NY ZS," until alter tho Eleetion
copies will be forwarded fur $5, or twenty-five cop
ies GM 1.10. Semi on your names with the mon
ey, and we will give you snore than an equivalent
in Star-light. Will our Whig friends mention
this to their neighbors, and thus assist in doing
service - for the good cause !
lirj'For an interesting article en the
renovation of worn-out land, we Agricultural de
estruneut on the fourth page.
MT Dr. GI Lisa wr announces that he has connect
ed with him in the practice of Medicine, as a per
manent partner, CLA Troll' A. Coven LL, M. D.
late of Philadelphia. Dr. Cowin ta. is a young
Mall of fine attainments, skillful in his pnifession,
and will no doubt prove an h ruble acquisition
to the distinguishetrtnedical ability of which our
?two can already boast.
The Administration poling for
rirThe Admitiiidnition Is evidently sick of
the IV•r with Mexico, already protracted fhr be.
vend their anticipations, when eiMintencing it, and
the vial of which seems to be as remote as ever,
only "a little more so." But a few months 'liner
the moult-piece of the president at Washington
was daily indulging itm readers with glowing eulo
gies upon the irresietable prowess of our arms
which were ere !mg to find their way to the city
of Mexico and force the enemy to sue for terms of
peace from melee the walls of their own renowned
capital, and scarcely a number of the Union was
permined to leave the press without being burden
ed with the most comfortable assurances of an
"early and honorable pracd,onqwered by our arms."
The Administration, howevet has at last found
it necessary to "go a begging," and ie now suing
with all dilligence for that peace Which, thecountry
was. no often assunxl, was to be so abjectly sought
after by the Mexican people. Well, it is gratify
ing re he assured that our Government is at la 4
waking up to a wine of the telly of • further pros
veiniest of the wir, and the propriety of bringing
about an early peace. Had it discovered as much
winless twelve months ago, the heavy load of to
orpoeuftality now meting upon its shoulders ly rea
son of the thousand' of brave men sacrificed on the
enemy's soil, and the countless widows and or
phans made destilitute and miserable by their loss
—might, have been obviated. _
The Washington eorreapontlent of the Baltimore
'Sun writing on the 31st ult., speaks of the arrival
of Mr. Trial, the Government agent at Jalapa, and
tic proclemation subsequently issued by Gen.
Won, and remarks :—“Gen. Scott and Mr. Trial,
I have reason to believe, have full power to treat
with the Alesiesna, though they are not the bear_
era of a distinct propositionJkom our government.
Tisis is as it should he, and commended by Giro
cies, and prudence. It is not offering to treat
when you merely invite the other party•to put its
name to the'cortditions imposed by you, leaving no
enargin on either side. Gen. Hcott is entrusted
with a much more important mission than merely
to obtain the voluntary or corudtained assent of
the Mexicans to a proposition, however wise and
good, elaborated in the State Department; he is.
you may depend upon it, vested with very large
discretionary powers, and will, as is apparent from
his proclamation, use them with discretion. Gen.
Scott has already given great proofs of his skill and
moderation, and if his diplomatic talents, as is
generally supposed, be commensurate with his
Vest military capacity, peace and good will be
tween the two great Republica of the New World
must inevitably crown his ends."
Cir The U.l steamship Trumbull arrived at
Nrw Orleans en . the 224 ult., from the Brazos.
Adriees from Monterey to the &I state that appre
hensions were entertained fai the safety of Col.
Doniphan's conuatind, which hail left Chihuahua
for &halo. There was a rumor that he had been
met and defeated _by _a large forte of Mexicans,
with the lows of all hi s artillery, The rumor, how
is gunman.
Rdit. Oen. Cadwaleder has been ordered
o proceed forthwith with his tonunand, (elu'Vt
ing the dragoons) now encamped at No Alto, to
Vera Crux to veinforce Clem Roan. Col. Ram
oey's regiment le included in thiertmegoondi an d,
of course Capt. Barnarire company, connected
with which are the ieturg gentlemen Tram this
place, who vidunteerod in March leat.....yg eon!
Miller, Wolter, Tilting, Ohier, Pottorff, sad Gout.
den. A meant letter from one of the Party
written at Palo Alta,describes the party as being•
irenorally in pod health, excepting Mr. Potionswho had beep removed to the hospital at ?data.,
Lois by File.
• We leamthst fba dwelling of Mr. Winn, near
Hampton, Ina mainly destroyed by Are on Baur•
,lay night tot The faney had retired, and wero
00 Iladdlinky wow from their alumbew as only to
allow the time to owe from the deroMing Me
yer eat. The law, wo tindendand, was toutl.
Scott and the Administration.,
. We are rejoiced at the prairies recently bestowed
lit, the administration presses pion Gen- Scott, for
his achievements in Mexico. It might be thought
that those praises were shreent, for • such deeds
challenge the gratibudngf entry patriot, were they
not ginierally expressed in terms of studied con
trast with the exploit! of General Taylor. The
of itself, even in the shrew* of an obvious men
dicancy for a candidate willing to encounter de
feat in the name of Locofocoism, week! explain
the desire to array Whig against Whig, Scott a
gainst Taylor. The effort Is absurd as it is Meech
crews. Have they seen any characteristic of Scott
that will justify this rah - rilkinpf to excite an in
vidious jealousy I
TheMAig party of -Pennehrania has no cot-
rupted part in which such worm' can breed.
There is not • bolder, manlier, nor more high mind
ed Whig living than Winfield Scotto The heart
of the Whig party is greet enough to bold both
Scott and Taylor; and from the relations7intimate
and friendly, between them, it is probable tlikt
each is more earnest fin the other than for himself.
The Whig National Convention will 'elect the
candidate of the party ; ■nd whosoever he may be,
whether it be either, or another, neither Scott nor
Taylor can loss a ray of the lustre that surrounds
It is, however, pleasant ti awe the Loco Focus
come to their senses in relation to Gen. Scott--
An a short while since, the Whig Gen.-Scott was
made the subject of universal ridicule by the Ad
ministration prem. , We heard of nothing but his
plate of soup, a joke as witless as it was unworthy
and our corneal rebuke of which found no one
willing or prepared to answer it. We rejoice that
then, in his darkest hour, when he encountered.*
storm of that which no worth, no wisdom can
breast, ridicule--we were among the most ardent
of his. champions. We kne? the man, and knew
that mope, opportunity and a Stir field were an
that could he desired to prove that the hero of Lem.
dy's Lane would again ahine forth ■ hero, and that
■II which calm science-, ardent - energy and theps•
culler power of a truly great general mold effect,
would—whatever the odds or the difficulties—be
He hos won laurels, which even the poisonous
distillment of Administration praise cannot wither.
There is not a fault in his curer. It is all bright,
all worthy the admiration of his country. We
cannot forget the maledictions of the Administra
tion, and its press against him ; but we are grateful
for their present praise. The Pennsylvanian pub
lished the proceeding* of a recent Loco Foco meet
ing in Centre county, in which every general offi
cer at Cerro Gordo was thanked, and ticott's name
wholly omitted. But what's that, after the course
of the Administration and the party- 7 -alle;llie de-
nuiteiation and ridicule with which, for months,
Soatt was unsparingly covered!
Tim war of the Administration against Hcott
has no parallel in bitterness and injustice in the
history of the age. It was monstrous in its injus
tice and cruelty. Ile has surmounted it; 010,
now, we rejoice to find the Loettfoco prints con
'omitted to do justice to one of the moat ardent,
thoroughgoing and determined Whigs in the coun
try. Es cry word of extorted praise dropped from
the Isteolocy pn•as, in nisei' of the gallant Scott,
must tend to cons ince the A.dolinistrution party of
this .Salta that they have been deceived and wrong
ed. cannot he that Pennsylvanians will vote
against, and in censure of Taylor and Scott ; that
they will endorse...the censures and persecutions of
the Administrations of the General and State gov-
ernment ; and leave those heroes, by, their votes,
to the tender mercies of a party which has sought
et nll times, and by all efforts of official power, to
degrade, displace and ruin them.
Gen. Scott is a patriot worthy the confidence
with which he has inspired the Whig party, wor
thy to share the glories won by his comrade in
amp) and friend, Gen. Taylor, worthy to he worn
as a grin of the first water, on the brow of the
Whig party. That party is proud of all its sons,
who have, by their services to their country, ap
proved their claims to its confidence and respect.
From its Clays and Webstenc its Taylors and
Scotts, its Claytona and Crittendens, its vast and
varied wealth of genius and patriotism, it may
pause to choose, but cannot be emberrussed and
whomsoever may be selected—the Whig party
will he found to have but one heart and, ono voice
in his favar.—North .dmernuar.
IE? Gen. Score ham issued a long Pmelama
lion, dated Jalapa, May 11, 1847, addressed to the
Mexican people, on the recent events of the war,
and the measures adopted by thr Mexican Govern
ment. Hllares the war that is being waged
by his counny, is not directed against the property,
the religion, and the happiness of the Mexican
people, and gives the assurance that the U. States
is desirous of peace. The Proclamation concludes
with the following paragraphs :
"The order to form guerrilla parties to us, I assure you. can produce noth
ing but evil to your country, and no evil to
our army. which will know how to protect
itself and how to proceed , against them ;
and if, so far from conciliating, you suc
ceed iu irritating, you will impose upon us
the hard necessity of retaliation, and then
you cannot blame us for the consequences
which will fall upon yourselves.
"I am marching with my army upon
Puebla and Mexico—l do not conceal it;
from those capitals I shall again address
you. I desire peace, friendship and union ;
it is for you to select whether you prefer
war; under any circumstances, be assured
I shad I not fail my word."
respondent of the New Orleans Times states, on
the authority of Col. BAKsn himself,' that he
brings home less than iiiit4ualf of the troops car
ried by him frorp the United States. The bodies
of the other half enrich the soil of Mexico, and
their memory the military character of their coun
try. The Colonel also states that but a single sol
dier of his regiment has been nifty of an act re
spiring punishment, and
.his offence wasamply
atoned for by a line of seven dollars and a few
tours of double duty. This fact speaks well for
the character of Col. Datrina's
rar Gen. Cosa ins, of the Massaebtieetts vol
unteers, met - with 11 serious accident- at Mabunons
on the 6th instant. As he was walking with a
lady, he stepped upon a loose brick and fell, and,
we are berry to say, broke his left leg just above
the ankle.
ME. POLK'S PABB,*-The North Americus
givettho folloseing ae.the pass which the people
of this Uoion hare long mince determined upon, to
take effect on andUter March 401, 1849 :
"FellowAountrymen :—You, are berm noti
of James, RI Pe& and *NW to Tensaw:, aa it has
been finuid wiviaahlo that ho should , return thither., 1845. Tux Anzisicese Norte." ,
IS' Messrs. COSMOS/ it & /he's, of Wash;
'aeon City, have given fife tliteteassti dollars to the
Irish lead bs d.• -
Otr Gen: Scott htut informed the Mexi
can authorities that, it any wrong is done to the .
Anterlean - lithwnent now In the City of Mexico,
or eloewhere, the Mexican prisoners in our hands
atoll be held rcepout4dc,
Gen. Taylor and the Presidency.
The New Orleans Bulletin publishes the follow
ing extract from a letter written by Gel/. TAMAN,
under date of Kay 15, bearing upon the move
ments, in his bear so a outdid' Mr for the Presiden
cy. It will be wen that the Old Hero expresso% Ili
wining:sew to accept a worairation if tendered
"In re g ard to the Presidency, I will not
say that k will not serve, if the good people
of the country were require me to do so,
however much it is opposed to my wishes
—fin I am free to say %hat I have no aspi
rations for the situatien. My greatest,
perhaps only, wish has been to bring, or
aid in bringing, this war to tt speedy and
honorable close. It has ever been, and
still is, my anxious wish that idiot one of
the mostexperienced, talented and virtuous
statesmen of the country should be chosen
to that high place at the next election. I
I am satisfied that, 'if our friends will do
their duty, such a citizen may be elected.
"I must, however, be allowed to say,
that I have not the vanity to consider mx
self qualified for so high and responsible a
a station ; and, whilst we have far more
eminent and deserving names before the
country, I should prefer to stand aside if
one of them could be raised to the first of
fice in the gift of a free people.
"I go for the country, the whole country ;
and it is my ardent and sincere wishio see
the individual placed at the head of the na
tion, who, by a strict observance of the
Constitution, (be he who he may,) can
make us prosperous at home, as ,well as re
spected abroad."
Gen. Taylor's Polities.
The connoection of Gen. Toytor's name with
the Presidency by • Dumber of Whig presses, is
little relished by the Locofoco leaders, some of
whom affect to deprecate, oat of "pure Icrre"
the old Hem, such an "unauthorized" we of hie
name, as necessarily repugnant to his wishea and
mollifying to bis kelinge: while others go the
whole figure and claim him as a Democrat of the
true blue Locokico Gith. Whatever may he the
sumps; of the movement made with a view to the
nomination of Gen. Taylor to the Presidency,
there can be but little doublithat he is a Whig,
and a Whig of the right school. The following
paragraph from the "Democratic Advocate," •
Lcreoftwo paper printed at Baton Rouge, the place
of Gen. Ta)lor's residence, should settle the ques
'4)nr contemporaries IF disputing about Gen.
Taylor's polities. There need be no ditlieulty on
this 10ne,.: Gen. Taylor gave his last villa for Gen.
Jacksim—he would have voted for Henry Clay, at
the late election, because he personally esteemed
and admired him as a statesman, and because he
was oppoited to the annexation of Texas, on con
stitutional grounds. Gen. Taylor says he belongs
to no party, but is called a Whig. Gen. Taylor
thought the,war with Mexico could and oetht to
base been *voided. We am satisfied that it is an
noying to the old General to hear of his nomina
tion for the Prenidenry. But, of one thing we
can assure our democratic friend*, (bm. T. is no
democrat ; and we will my further—we believe be
mould never ask a question in appointing men'to
office, as to their politics, but his Men%Ureg would
not harmonize well with the late +mil present tie
moirratir ad harations—anye on the tariff."
Later from Europe.
117 The packet ship Rainbow arrived at New
York on Tuesday with a few days later whims
from Europe. Rut little news of interest. The high
famine fever seas raging and greatly on the in
crease. No has than 256 funerals had entered
Father Mathewr's Cemetery in one week. In the
last four weeks 754 !imams have died in the Kil
kenny Poor-house. The commercial news by the
Rainbow has again unsettled the markets, and
canoed an advance in dour to $9. It had fallen
to $A 75.
From the Army..
trr.tott night's southern mail brought but little
additional intelligence from the Army. Active
preparations were being made in Mexico to defend
the Capital from invasion. The immense train of
wagons which left Vera Cruz with heavy supplies
and a large amount of specie., had arrived at Jalapa.
ccy The influence of the Press over the unholy
designs of ambitious rulers (says the Philadelphia
tun) has been moat signally manifested by the
recent recantations of the Government of its in
tention to conquer, dismember, and partition the
Republic of Mexico. History presents few exam
ples of the power exercised over Govemmeits by
the liberty of the pea, equal to this revocation of
its long cherished scheme of the national subjuga
tion of the domain of our sister Republic. „,
1...7" The venerable ex-President Jona QVISCT
Aa►vs passed through Baltimore on Tuesday lard
from Washington on his way home,. His health
is quite feeble.
t Mrr WZISTIER arrived at New Yo'
Tui ;iiii.}-linorning on his return home.
L 7" President Pout and suite are on a visit to
North eluding',
appointed by the Governor of Mississippi, a Sena
tor of the U. States during the unexpired terms of
the late Hon. Jesse Bpeight. COl Digs com
manded the Miwissippi Regiment which behaved
so well at Buena Vista, and is a ion-in-law of
Gcn. Taylor.
drought which was hardly interrupted by the rains
of this week, has reused so great a scarcity of ve
getables in the lower sections of thisritete, both
on the Eastern anal Western Shore, that there are
DOW persons left without food to cat. An
ei ci kuruku r on the lever bag, from Mr. John Spald
ing,ommaster at Pleasant Hill, Chitties county,
dialed ay 26, states that on that day six persons
called him begging for meal or corn , and that
'7 :
in the wurounding country many are begging, from
door to door, and that no corn is to be had at any
prineJ We bear that similar destitution prevails
in other counties. Wiss, the ieronaut, intends•to
make his 50th !serial voyage from Laneas
teriamorrow afternoon.
'CP The FLOUR MARKET is quiet.
Holders are unwilling to lake less than
$9 00, at which prices some few trainee
tiding have taken place. But little doing.
Good to prime red Wheat $1.95 a $2.02 ;
white and yellow Corn at $l.OO a 41.06;
Oats -59 a 60; Rye $1.20 ;* Cloverseed
$4 50 ; Flaxseed 81 40 ; Beef Cattle $0
to $ 8 75 . --lip $O 25'to $6 75.
. it_A _R.RIED
On the 25th of May, at Canoeing° Chineli Mr.
Citanua Tinning, of New o:find, and Mile
eravarxems. e( Abbottatown.
Ou the 17th oh., by the Rev. C. P. Hotrineyer,
Mr. ltroa Knit, of Mosaßm township, and MIMI
ELIZA 80C11111,4 Saban township.
On Sunday lost:MaMmose, by the Rev. Mr. Le
vin, Mr. Sixes. R , of Mountjo7 township,
and Mls MATILDA RsaiMau , of Baltimore.
On the tat inst. by the Rev: Lblitasidt, Rev. W.
O. Ilsoan, Pastor of the English Evangelicallu
theism Congregation of 'Zanesville, Ohio, (lately
of the Seminary at this place,) and Miss MATILDA
M'Ciraor, of Chambersbarg, Pa.
On the 281 h ult. Joss' A. son of Mr. Abraham
Trustio, Jr., aged 5 yintrs and 4 months.
DR. GILBERT informs hie friends,
and the public in general, that he
his formed a permanent partnership with
one of the resident?Phytieiana of the Phil
adelphia. Hospital at Moakley.
Gettysburg, June 4, 1847.
General Taylor never Surrenders !
Mew Books, Almilels, Are.
JUST received at Keller Kurti'is Cheap
Bookstore, opposite the, Hank
Sides, by Maxwell, 25 ets. t Tancred, or
the New Crusade, 25 cts.; History-of St.
Giles and St. James, by Jerold, 37 eta. ;
The Prisoner of Fenestrella, or. Captivity
Captive, by Santine, 60 eta. I The Cann{
oftMonto Cristth elegant illastrations,
by Dumas, el 00.
June 4, 1847.
V 2.. having abandoned his home, notice
is hereby given to all persons interested not
to trust him on my account, as I will not
be responsible tor any debts of his con
tracting. • JESSE NEW MA N.
Motintjoy township, June 4.-3 t
FOURTH OF U V.—The great
mammoth Double Pictorial Brother
Jonathan, for sale at Kurtz's Cheip Book
Store. Price 12-14 cis.
OUBELL'S Pomade-Philicome, the
alt_kareet an& most perfect article for
the growth and preservation of the H i stir,
for sale at Kurtz's Cheap Book Btore—
price, 181 eta.
N*ICE is hereby given to the heirs
and legtl-ifepreOutativffis(FitEDz.
RICK Sturm., late of Vyrone township,Ad
ams county, deceased4oivit : John Shull,
and Jacob Shull; (PetitiaNrs,) Peter Shull,
pnd Win. Shull, of the ..county of Richland
State of Ohio, Elizabeth Shull, intermar
ried with John Fidler, also of the aforesaid
county of Richlvd, Ohio, add who is now
deceased, leavitig issue the following, to
wit: George, Elizabeth, Catharine, Mar
garet, Lydia Ann, Sarah, David, Jesse, and
Sophia Fidler, (who are minors and have
for their guardian Henry Myers, of Stra
ban township, Adams county,) Margaret
Shull, intermarried with Jacob Slagle, also
of said county of Richland, Ohio, Susanna
Shull, intefinarried with Casper Fought',
also of Richland county aforesaid, also Fol
ly Shull and David Shull, of the county et
Adams, and Hannah Shull, intermarried
with John Stouffer, of, the county of Fred
crick, in the State of Virginia, who are the
surviving children and representatives of
the said deceased—that
will be held on Saturday the 26118 day of
June next, at 12 o'clock, A. M. at
the late residence of said deceased, in
Tyrone township, Adams county, Pa. for
the purpose of making a partition of the
Estate of said deceased to and among
the heirs and the legal representatives, if
the same will admit of buelt partition with
out prejudice to, or spoiling the whole there
of, but if the same will not admit of such par
tition,then-to part and divide the same to and
among as many of them as the same will
conveniently accommodate, but if the same
will not admit of division at all, without
prejudice or spoiling the whole thereof,
then to value and appraise the same, whole
and undivided ; and further to enquireland
ascertain whether the said Real Estate
will conveniently accommodate more than
one of the heirs of said intestate, and if so,
how many of said heirs it will convenient
ly accommodate.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
June 4, t 847. 3t
AI'S, Moleskin and Silk, a superior
article—only $3 121 for Moleskin,
and $1 75 for Silk. For sale at Kurtz's
Chea Book store.
Borough for 11616.01.
J.I.IIES MAJORS, Esq. Treasurer of
the School Fluids .of Me Borough of
Gettysburg for the ,School year ending
June, 1847
To amount of State appropriatiOn
for 1847, $233 50
Tax , assessed for do. 1327 50
Outstanding tax in hands of John
Slcntz for 1840, 137 49
Do. in hands of John Jenkins
for 1844,
Do. in hands of James Majors,
for 1845, 120 00
Do. in hands of Q. Armstrong for
To Cash received from .1. Bloch
er, for tuition,
To C received from Samuel
Co , an, fur tuition,
By amouticdue Treasurer at last
settlement, 606 724
Amount paid L. Houpt, teaching, 112 68
J. A. Houck, " 100 00
J. S. Ifatike, 100 00
" Wm. Withe.row. " 140 00
' 6 T. Datterline, " 180 00
" R. B. Paxton, " 40 00
" Miss M'eurtly, " 126 . 60
66 Mrs. Keach, " 100 00
" Mies Scanlan, " 00 00
Jesse Bibb:, " 00 00
" Peter Weikert, for rent to "
April 1„1847, 24 00
" Colored C f ongtegation, rent, 7 50
Sundry persons for Wood
and sawing,
Sundry incidental. expenses'and
repairs, • ' 68-soi .
Additional release to John Jenkins, 2 50
Printing and Blanks, '‘ 19 37}
By. Fees and releases to James -.
Majors, Collector for - 1845, 109 88
Outstanding tai in handS of J.
fitentl4 - 1849;7.._ laT 4O
J. 4enkinc 1844, 17 87
Do. Q. Armstrong, 1846, 553 04
Do. Henry Welty, 1847, 347,58
Balanctrin hands of 'rreasurer: 80 73
We hereby certify that the foregoing fie
count of James Majors, Esq., Treasurer,
has been examined and found, correct, . .,
D. 11I'CONAUGHY, "reel
June 4, 1847.-31
TOBACCQ, Snu ff , and Sagan', whole.
male and mail, at Kurtea, Cheap
Houk Store.
AT the suggestidh of a number of
friends, I offer myself as a candidate
for the office of COUNTY TREJSU.
APR. and respectfully ask from my hroth
er Whigs a nomination for the office at
their regular Convention.
Gettysburg, April 18, 1847.--tf
110 NCOURAGED by , the suggestions
j 241 of numerous friends, I hereby an
nounce myself a candidate for the office of
COUNT)" TRB4SURER, subject to th 4
decision of_the Whig County Convention.
Should my political friends deem me
worthy of their confidence,- .atid elect me
to the office, its duties will be : promptly
and faithfully discharod.
aettysb i April 23 i 1847—d'
I N acco Coe with the wishes of ntv•
siemus friends, I offer myself ass eau.
dial.° for the Office of COusrr TREA
SUR E 11, and respectfully ask the nomi
nation for that Office at the next regular
Wing County Convention.
Gettysburg, April 23, 1847,,—tf
INcomplianee with the requeetvistilutte.
ber of friends, I respectfully present
myself as a candidate for - the office 'of
COUNTY TREASURER and solicit the
nomination at the next Whig °minty Cat:
vention. GEORGE urrLE:,'
May 7..
riI•HE School Directors of the Borough
of Gettysburg hereby give•nolice, in
accordance with a
_resolution passed at a
Public Meeting on Tuesday last, that .an
election wilt be held at the Court-house,
in the Borougl of Gettysburg, on Satur
day the 28th of June next, for th'e 'purpuse
&deciding whether the Board Shall be-au
thorized to purchase the ""Old Academy: :
far - the purpose or converting ttiritto
lie Schools.
. .
The election will be held between th e
hours of 10 A. M. and 8 P. M, 'said
day. and proper °lndere Will be., appinted,
and tickets prepared for that purpose.
By order of the Board, "
H.J. SCHREINER, 4'ec'y,
Gettysburg, April 7, 1847.
THE subscribers have oir hand a very,
large stock of STONE COAL,
which they will dispose of low by thesin
girt lusliel or otherwise, at their Coach
snaking Establishment.
March 12.-3 m
'IF HE undersigned, having been appoint
-A. ad under a - Deed of Voluntiity"As
signment Assignee of JOHN MIigSER,
of Tyrone Township, Adams Count r y;,
Notice is hereby given to all who are in
debted to the , said
_John Minnier,.:S,
and to make payment to the Subscriber,
residing in Straban Township; And those
having claims against him to present them,
properly authenticated for settlement.
April 23, 18.17.-6 t
xi / OULD call the attention of persons
V V to the stock-of GROCERIES,
which are now opened at their Cheap
Store immediately opposite David Heagy's
Cabinet Ware House. Call and examine
for yourselves.
May 7, 1847. "
rrHOSE persons who hove engaged
to furnish the Subscriber with
WOOD, on account, are requested to de
liver it immediately at his Foundry, other.
wise he will expect the money., These,
interested will please attend ' to . ihe"above
Gettysburg, April 28.—ti
TAKE NOTICE.' , • -_
THE subscriber having associated With,
him in the Mereantiloilusinese hie
brother, would respectfully. ask all preens
indebted to him to call-and make imme
diate payment.
'TIRE Corner-atone of *Flaiet ;Olin's
Jt Church, in Franklin tp.', York co.,
being erected by the German Reformed
and Lutheran Congregations, will be-laid
on Sunday the 20th of June next. Elfj
hall and German preaching May bet -
ed. Services to commence at le o'c rCk,
A. as. _ .. COMMirruc,....
May 21, it - 47.--a , • • •
733 33
111 A NDSOMg Mahogany-fram'd Look
ing Glasses can be had chimp at
May 7. IV. &C. RU'FfiIIAUFF'S..
First Premium Writing Ink.
From Dr. Hare, the celebrated Profes
sor of Chemistry in the University of Penn• .
Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1843.
"Dear Sir—Haring tried your 'lnk.
will thank you to send me another bektith
u I find it to be excellent.
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, {lip
guished fur his numerous scientific:rt.
searches: '
"Med. Col. of Ohio. Cincinnati, -
Jan. 17, 1844.;
“Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink,
am satisfied that it is the beet which bits
ever come to my knottledge, and especial
ly itis excellent for the use of the Steel
Pena„ and will noteorrode them, oven in
long use. JOHN LOCKL
Prof of Chemistry."
70 801
novel.Pa Adsmantine„Cement.
From a well knownecientifie gentleman.
"Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1840.
"Mt. Joseph E. Hover—Sir : A use of
your cement, and some practical tests of
its superiority, has induced me to recom
mend it tp others as an invaluable article for
mending China, Glass,"Or Cabinet Ware.
, • Analytic Chemist."
.For Sale, Wholesale •and Retail, at the
Mannflurfiwy, No, 87 North Third Street,
oppotite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
L 0:72•F0r sale in Gettysburg at the store
May 14, 1847.
$1414 80
52641 90
AN Imk.. raw - MIIIILENS
• OF vAittote KINDS
FOR S'..dLE dT Tlll s OFFICE.
I am yours, traly, ,
Just reclved at
Chamtfrasturg strret,
T UE subscriber respectfully informs
' his friends and the public generally
t tat he continues the Tailoring business at
his old stand, in Chambersburg street,
where he may at all-times be found, ready
to accommodate all those who may want
garments made. lie has just received the
last New York . '
and he promisee all who may favor him
with their patronage, that he will give them
entire satisfaction, both se regards the fit
and workmanship of all garments entrusted
to him ; and at as moderate prices as they
can be obtained anywhere else. He hopes
by strictlittention to business and a - desire
to please, to minititionthnianee of public
patronage:and slope t. ^ .600. Country pro
411c° I * l / inoX4r4 o 4l o for work.
Aptil 147.-bm
rive ►z,
ir HEAsubseriber would respectfully in
formthe citizens of Gettysburg and
riainity• and the public generally, that he
has oped a
Tailaiina Establishment,
In South Balt imore street, in the room oc
cupied by Daniel Culp as a Chair Ware
n:nun, a few doors South of the l'ost Oflice
where he will at all times be happy to se
commotlate those_who may patronise hint,
assuring' ihent that he feels himself able to
a_first.rate MT. His charges will
be as reasonable as at any other establish
mOnt.,..tik the county: Country produce
taken in exchange.for work.
He has made arrangements to receive the
Neal York 4- Philadelphia Fashions,
quarterly ; and will therefore be prepared
to make garments in the most approved
styles. ESAIAS J. CULP.
Gettysburg. May 14.—tf •
1111Itts, of Ike lallest.Slyle,
rI AN be had at the Hat Establishment
VL,/ of J. J. BALDWIN, in South Bal
timore street, a few doors above the Post
Office, and next door to Wampler's Tin
ning Establishment, ItaN ras CENT CHEAP
ER than at any ntherliat Establishment in
townembraeing Rite Nutria Beaver,
Fine Air, and OW Men l o Broad
bri ons, and a a gtxSlci Youth' s iea assortment of
,S - , 3it MILTS,
Uf.Wl;ichlieliti.aittlwrixed to sell low
for'cash or . ebuntry produce, if delivered
iinmetliatyly. • -
• • • J. .1.• BALDWIN, .4 gent .
Dettysbmg, March. 19, 11347--.3at
Compound Medicated candy ;
0 ^ R, the Core of Qokte;'cobghs► Spit-
IC • tingef.•illood 4 Iktratehethk Asthma,
Whooping-VOugh, Value and Oppreesiona
of the bresmt, and all, other Pulmonary
complaints, and other dissolves iibinh haw,
a tendency to produce' Conon:000n. It
serves also as an -effectual clearer of the
This candy is entirely a vegetable pre
fitraMoti, the principal ingredient* being.
ore-hound,- Wild Cherry, Siinaparilla,
Bonoiset; Litpiciried; flax
seed. Iceland , Moss, Prickly Ash; die. and
will, if taken in tinte k ..rdlievet Abe system
from them distressiff„ afflictions titas mad
to Consumption., ,
Olio', give' advaiiiage'la this viluable
medicine is inttbe - pablic not
beintimposed nistirviry ;km einortsiously
high prices,whielt are inettrally erected
for. l'Airodoo4RibOr Sodlool ProPora,ilono•
Each packase .ecitait • diCectious. Call
and try it ; u. ..
Prepared Mid sold at the Votifeetion and
Variety store' bl,ilie Subscriber in West
York suel4, atm squarn. from ihe Court
house. and next door , to 'Tbompectit's
li can aisti be YAW it - lel/rug Stores
0f43. 11Artkititdii and B.lltrattuir.
itzrfrhelisteeriber arminani continues
hiht 1041. 'is prop:trod to supply
Partißa at, 1110 *bertelt Ulticel l walk thole()
cal!ef,,#tc.. . •
H '$
• So TON
AkiklIONA,lll,,,E Berber. and Bair
PrPsirrii 141111novell his "Temple!.
to the"Diamgpd,adAoining the County 'Quit
whettrhe can' at all times be found
prepared td Sneed to the calla of the public.
From +ioig orperiettee her flatters himself
thatite.tmuri.through all the, ramifications
of thp, Topsotleid departments, with such an
infinite ae g rim of Okill as will nieet the en
tire Mitliflieficitfot all who may submit their
chine tti the teen (ordeal 'of his razor. lie
hopes, thereform•that by attention to busi
nehaiand.4l tle!ltte to please, he will merit
a well. as, rpceive, a liberal share of public
. patreiTir. The sick will be attended to at
their 'Pnilate'd Wettings.
Oct. 10,r.• c• If
• t h LtriVEDIPS
, 11 7 0iopal bagefirrion Gallery and Pho
toirapherie I PurnishingToi:
WARDED the Medal, Four First
"It Proiniumi, and Two Highest Hon
ors by the Institutes of Massachusetts,
New York, and Pennaylvania, for the
moatbeautiful colored Daguerreotypes and
best Apparatus ever exhibited.
pomPortraits taken in exquisite s tyle,
without regard to weather. Instructions
given in the art. A large assortment of
Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at
the lowest cash prices.
New York, 251 Broadway; Philadel
phia, 136 Chestnut at.. Boston, 75 Court,
and 58 Hanover streets ; Washington,
Pennsylvania Avenue; Petersburg, Va.,
Mechanics' — Hall ; Cincinnati, Fourth
and Walnut, and 176 Main Street; Sara
toga Springs, Broadway.
June 15, 1840.-1 y
MY Son, Ihnonzitii? JACOBS, having a
bandoned hie home, notice is here
by given to all persons interested sot to
trust hitu , on my account, as I will not be
responstible for 'ally debts of his contract
ing while absent from home.
Mounijoy tp., May 21.-31,"'
HAVING succeeded in *hipline the.
Mexican Armies at Vert enti and
Buena Vista, and now designing to match
against the city of Mexico to meet the en
emy under the walls of their own Capital,
the subscriber would imitate their exam
ple by waging war against Raga and Na
kedness, and he has accordingly recently
visited the city of Philadelphia for *it
purpose of purchasing a stock of
which he can sell at prices so low as fit
enable any person calling at his establiah.
meat to clothe themselves from heettto
foot, at astonishing low prices --his mot.
to being "Quirk sales and small profits.—,
My stock embraces the largest assortutedt
of Ready-made Clothing and k
11"..L.V0T (2490309
ever offered in this country, has been se-
Fleeted with great care, and having beets
t purchased for cash entirely, will be sold-
than they have ever before been sold in
this place. In professing to sell cheap.
or than ever, I wish it to be distinctly un
derstood that I do not do so because it has
become fashionable for purchasers taninkii
such announcements ; 1 am sincere, and
only ask "A visit from those wishing to
purchase to convince them of its truth.--;-.
Among the stock will he found COATS
of Fine Black Cloth, Habit Cloth, Alber
tine, Tweed, Cashmerettc, Cassinet, Lin
en, Check and Gingham ; Sack and Frock
Coats, &c.—Also, PANTS, of Fine Fan
cy Cashmere, Cassinet, Linen, Cord, and
Cotton,—fancy colors and styles. Also,.
VESTS, Fancy Cross-Bar, Silk, Satin
Cashmere, Ilierseilles and Cassinet. Al 4,
Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Hand;
kerchiefs, Men's Lasting Gaiter* Seven:
ders, Gloves,' Stockings—in tact every
thing belonging to a gentleman's furnish-.
hug line; all of fashionable cut and mate:,
rials, and as well made as can be. made
anywhere. Also on hand n large assort
ment of fancy and useful articles, Pine,
Needles, Thimbles, Jewelry, Perfumery, ,
Shaving Apparatus, Combs, Penknives,
.Rough and Ready" Ilats, &c.
I have also for sale a lot of BOOTS
SHOES, made in this county, a lot or
IRON, and a lot of Calfskin, Soleand Up
per Leather, which will be sold uncoiw
mon cheap, as! wish to clear off the stock..
Also, on hand a, new Rockaway, two,
second-hand Buggies, a second-hand Card
rings, new and old Harness, which 1 will '
dispose of at extremely low prices.
pJ''l'bose wishing BARGAINS, will'
remember to call at the old-established VA
RIETY snmE, next door to Kurtz!,
Hotel, and immediately opposite the Bank.
P. S.—l have jum received an addilkittal
lot of goods purchased at auction very low.
Gettysburg, April 30, 1847.
fresh supply of first-rate GARDEN
J SEEDS just received from Risley's
&lite Quakers Gardens, N. York, and los
sale at the Drug Store of - '
G643:411 7 , March 5, 1847.
calved a very large aaaoruncla of
FANS, from 3 eta to $1.25.
may . 7.
- pu ILL be made and put up by eh.
V.V. subscriber, who will attendpronts
ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable
terms as can be procured at any establish
ment in the county.
Gettysburg, March 13.
Sur wren Den I SW,
ESPBCTFULLY o ff ers hit proles,'
atonal services to the citizens of Oitt.
tyshurg and surrounding country. Ile is
prepared to attend to all eases usually en=
trusted to the DENI:ST, and hopea,by'striee
attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to
please all who may see fit to entrust their
teeth in his hands. Office at Mr. ArCoaderr
May 15. It
T 11. HEED has removed his
. Office to the room one door Edit rit
Mr. Wattle's Hotel, and immediately Op•
posite Dr. Horner's,
April O. 1847-Iy.
OW MI VFW 1113.3111 E: 11311.
(Of ('arliale,)
'III3IIESE NTS his respects to his friends
jiL and informs them that he has 'Snide
arrangements to continue to pram iceasiseat
in the Courts of Adams county, ostler the
new regulation of the times for hold*
Jan. 30, 1810. 1t
ALEX. It. NT1.V.E1140.11,
FFIC in the Centre Square, North
E or the Court-house, between thaith't
and Sievenson's corners.
Gettysburg, Pa.
U• 31 9 C0:N AUGHT.
OFFICE in the S. IV • corner of the
Public Square, one door West of U.
Arnold's Store, formerly occupied, u
dec'tl.' lle solicits, and by preinlit inK
and faithful attention to businetor in Ida
fession, it will be his endeavor le Anent
confidence and patronage,
IrTD• IVlTossuotiv will also stlentl,
promptly to all business entrusted to hint as ?,
Agent and Solicitor fbr Patents EM,
He has made arrangemenie, iltrough . abiel
he can furnish very desirable &Mine.
applicants, mid entirely relieve then fur =
the necessity of journey to Washingto,„
on application to hin► personally
• Gettyiburg, April 2,1817.
TuomAs 10 , CP, lj t it , 2 4
ATTORNEY ,iir .7, 0 1 F V i
0FFICI: in the tilouth•esitt
the Diamond, between kik'
lotehend H. W. Mlitiserty's stoiftiP 04 ' 1
Gettysburg, Dee. 14, • ~Tr•7l
VL!I -11
Cheaper for Ca§h,
Garden Seeds.
8. H. BUEHLER.-,.
L. 11 1 7 NOTICE.