D r , A. BUEHLER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR Vat. xvia—mi The Arab Steed. Ths subjed of the R9lowinß unreal*, in rityine is taken from Lammtinces “Trarels hi the East," The wounded sheik lay bound in chains, But his Arab heart beat high, As he thought upon his tented plains, Where pastoral palm-Ml*9 l *h : He pondered on . fhe wealth of Lift, giquandered like worthier* store— Of his bta►e . companione inigo; strife, Now blackening in their gore apiritounk into a dream— The vultures fierce he saw iadeiitiige strewn - Their palmier bosoms gnaw: He viewed his stately patriarch tent, With his fair boys at He heard their careless merriment, And Abla's love-taught lay. Fond one! she knew not that the morn %rimld shine the lad for him, Else would she rend her leeks forlorn, Else were her dark eye dim: Itat Chief had looked in Death's dark face, IF From Youth, without a liar; Yet in his eye you then might trace The sembance of a tear. But deem not %was his own dark doom Bade that warm tribute start : It was--that on his slighted tomb Would break that loving heart! What rouses his bat thoughts at length? A desert steed's wild neigh: Free, as when glorying in his strength He joins -the battle fray. ..My steed! I know thy neigh full well, Thou rival of the gale ! Long shall the desert minstrel tell Thine and thy manor ' s tale : And skaU ithoornever more career Athwart the desert wide, My noble bait., but linger here, Neglected in thy pride I 4 •Y es!" as be spoke his lord forgot His hastening down, and crept, Though bleeding, Geed by generous thought, Midst free that heedless slept, Until he.found his poble steed, Then gnawed his cord sport, With lastly tailing strength; and freed The sharer of his heart. ...Now speed thee hence, my noble ono, And seek niy maul tent, -Arid tell that ere*v-morrow's sun shall Kaled's breath be omit ! day to my black-eyed Abla, too, - la vaia shall she deplore, And the blue distant monntaiu view— For Kaled comes sr more!" ...Away!" the earth the bold barb spurned, And scorned the sandy plain, But swiftly to his lord returned, As though he Celt the rein, Amid gazed—and agighed—then in his teeth He seised the dying sheik, And bore him safe from savage deatli,4!74- - Ere morning's roseate streak. Away! o'er mount and desert waste, Away ! through torreut's foam, The 'feed and fainted rider haste Unto their patriarch home! The gaol is reached—the race ia o'er, Ero waned that Wad night: The Chief h aaved--but ah ! no more Him stood *hall view the light. Beneath the tent's broad sycamore, Upon the filled turf,,: Be gasps for life, besmeared with gore, And foam, like Ocean's surf: Yet still upon his lout he keep. Hilt dimmed black eye with pride, Who, weary, worn, unconscious sleeps, With Abla by his side! Bold barbs the desert harp shall swell Its proudest song for thee pilgrims by the shady well Vatfnt thy fidelity. When heroes fell, each high strung lyre Awoke a kindred lay : Nor did*. thou without Fong expire, For thou wert bold as they. survey from the Pyramids. 131103E11=13E IeaIIILIO, FRIBRUAIT 14, 184 r. I have been so out of the world for the Oast thiee months Aitat I am not qualified go comment on the events which have been ! passing in it. I have been sailing up the Nile, far into Nubia, some hundreds of miles beyond : post offices and newspaper.; -so that, on my retwm So Cairo, I have to learn and think,over the news of the world insteaduf remarking upon it. But I have been taking Wither kind of survey, full = interesting to me as that of the busy living race: *survey of Time instead of Circutpti l isuce ; mai it may be' well for AP= to speak of this, not only because my own mind is full of it, but because it is good (ores all to hive our thoughts now \, and then called off from present alliiirs and Axed on ti point yf vie w which commands • wider gospeet. We are all apt to overate the importance of mg anittlines, our Own work, our own experisnee. Ido not *peak of this as fault in us. It is natural to the Union mind, and a good in its Oreeil ; for we should barony put our full strength into our wok, or Our hearty interest into the emits of ereri daY, If we ilaW luiw,rmuill a proportion any thing presem besra l e th e histor7-4ctutracf. This etruck me pow- Welly tis 011mr when ' l whenwitliet, two • * 1 1 000 IttoSS on the t ol ) -Pr ll* Great Frit* of Egypt. The present famine in Ireland and trying wta• tar in , 0 4 1111 0 see m naturally enough, to those Jet dl; or experience of them, the most important events that ever happened in:the wohil ; built is worth while to look back to famines which occurred-in this Eastern part of the world several thinisands of years ago, and see if uny thing could be more important than their caws and their consequences. During several months past there have been floods in various parts of Europe, sweeping away dwelling and produce, and causing the loss of some lives. To those an the spot this event appears like the end of the world—the greatest Ca lamity in the experience or man. BC', looking over from where I stood, there was a place almost within view where a flood rose and destroyed a mighty monarch and all his host, and affected the the destiny of the hunian — race - to the end of time - . Again ; we are vain of the enlightenment of our age ; we think that our knowledge is al most new, and that we are able to do things by steam, waterpower, electricity, the tel escope, the printing press, &c., which were never before dreamed of by man.— keurvey of the past from the heart of E gypt may show us whether this is true, and perhaps.sober our -views- in regard to our own attainments and the prospects of the race. It was for some time taken for granted, on the assertion of scholars who judged too hastily, that.our globe has been created 0,000 years----that is, about 4,000 years before Christ; and also that Man was ere- ated at the same time. The science of geology has proved that the world is very much older than had been supposed; and that it had lasted a long time, inhabited by curious beasts and fishes, of kinds that we never see now, before Man was created.— And now, the more we look into E- gyptian history, the more clear it becomes that we have been mistaken in our judge ment of the lapse of centuries, and that 0,- 000 years ago some nations were as busy about their works of art, their farming, manufactures, literature, and philosophy, ! fisheries, their hunting and shooting par as we are now. When any ?ne speaks to ties, their boats with many oars and gay us -of 0;000 years ago, we think of Adam chequered sails, their beautiful furniture, and Eve gardening in Paradise—no such ! couches, easy chairs, lamps and vases, very thing having been thought of as human a- like the handsomest of ours at the present bodes, or clothing, or any of the arts of day ; their.kitchens, with the , slaughtering. life, or transactions of men living in socie- I of cattle, and the cooking of the joints of ty ; but it is now believed, with good rea-lheel; their wine-presses and their ward son, that time pyramid on which I stood the robes of rich clothes and handsome neck- 1 other day was there in its place 6,000 I I laces ; their arms and war-chariots, and the years ago; and it is certain that the build- tbridgesand fortified towns they passed over ing of that pyramid is a thing which could lor stormed. I have seen the weaving of not be done now, With all our boasts of gay cloth, and the steeping and spinning of our modern resources. We cannot even flax; rope-making; glass-blowing, just understand how it was done. such as may be seen at Newcastle any day; This mighty mass of building covers i the building of houses, the carving of slat eleven acres of ground, and is built of ucs ; games at ball, and gymnastics, wrest blocks of stone so enormous that it is in- ; ling, and playing the harp. conceivable howl with any length of time What is of far more consequence, as oc or number of men, they could have been curing long before any clear tidings that brought from the quarry and raised to Iwe have elsewhere of men's condition of their proper places. It was once smooth mind and life; there are solemn pictures and polished on the outside, and its histo- and sculptures about death and burial, and ry was engraved upon it in hieroglyphic the state of the soul. I have aeon and the characters. So the old historians tell us. body laid out and embalmed, carried on a But now the smooth outside is all gone— Ibier to the boat, and borne in the boat to taken, probably, to build other edifices ; lake or river which usually lay between and the next range of stone blocks forms a cities and the burial places. I have seen set of steps, by which means I got to the the ferryman, the dog which waited on the top; a rough, broken; and difficult staircase further shore, and the judges who were to of 480 feet high— the steps being chiefly assess the deeds of the deceased. I have from four to three feet high. Each of our seen the weighing of his deeds, and his ad party had three Arabs for assistants—dark mission into the presence of the approving brown men, in turbans or little white caps, gods, by means of his integrity, the sym and loose shirts and drawers,and who nev- bol of which lie carried in his right hand.— er dream of` being silent for a minute, or of Thus early did the people of this country leaving off asking for a present. These believe that soul lived alter the body was Arabs are of a di t race from the pen- : ilead, and that its integrity was the means pie who built the pmids,.and they know of its blessedness. ...... nothing whatever about them, nor can con-1 These had been prepared for their own- I eeive why we go and examine such Crs, occupied by the embalmed bodies, and merits. They can only suppose that we closed up for a future age to open ; the go in eearch• of treasure. But they are mighty pyramids had been built, and their kind to strangers, and faithful to their trust; appearance had grown familiar to genera and I felt in very good hands while they ' 1 tions ; and their builders—tens of thou were helping me up and down the outside sands in number—had long slept in their of this, the largest building in the world.— graves, when a rich Arab entered the court- They drew and lifted me up - the high steps, ! try, with his flocks and servants and - fam so as to spare me any great fatigue, en-1 ily, to seek subsistence for them all in the couragieg me with the few words of Eng- fertile valley of the Nile, as the people on Rah they had picked up, "Very good!". his own plains were more than could be and "half-way!" After one particularly fed. This rich Arab and his train tracers difficult step, they were in great delight, ed the Delta, no -doubt, to arrive at the and patted me oe the back, all three cry- great city of the great monarch of Lower ing out, "Ah ! alt! good morning—good Egypt; and ho must, it is thought, have morning I" They were ordered to be seen the obelisk now standing at Heliopolis . ; quiet while we were at the top,where we, which all travellers admire, and have look wlshed to look about us Undisturbed, and ed With amazement like ours at the Great to date and begin some letters to our friends; Pyramid. This visitor was received with but, with all my interest' with the_mene favor and pomp by the mighty king, .and spread abroad. I could not but look on these Imnlie much of for a lithe. This was Atins-' men with wonder and sorrow that they HAN. As I stood, the other day, loOkitit should be inhabitants of a country abound- I at the .way he cams, and wondering at my lug in-such monuments. 11ot in seeing the .very things he-. saw, and_ The landscape" which we overlooked was this : From near the foot of thi pyre- j mid to the , northern horizon stretched the line which divides the sandy demo from the fertile plain which extends to the I Nile. - The line of separation — Wee:wavy and' marked by a little canal, which had ou in it some of the water left by the inundation. To the east of this dine, fill ing up the Ixtodscape to the river, and van bilting in the'northetn horixan, spread the most fertile • plain in ,the 'World, covered with green crops, dotted with villages of brown mud houses overshadowed with palms, and marked by a faint linehf cause. way heirs and there, and by timny threads of blue water. To the east was the Nile, about five 'miles from ue at' the 'nearest point, but winding away from the, farthest GETTYSBURG, PA. FEIDATIVENINq, JUNE 1847. north to the utmost south. Beyond the fiver spread the beautiful city of Cairo ; its white citadel crowning a lofty rock, : and being itself backed by the rocky hights of the Mokultum hills. These eastern hills then spread awaytoutliward into the ! Arabian desert; which allowed the eye no rest till it came round to the river again.-- `The circuit of a landscape was completed! by the Lybian desert ; the parched, glaring! desert where nothing was to be seen on; the interminable sands bu*a line of camels I 1 pacing along in the heat, and a few brown Arab tents not far from the pyramid.— For ti kW Mites to the south omus, and close round about us,.were clustered a crowd of pyramids—some larger some smaller, but none to compare with the one we stood on. Of these, the most interests ing were those of Sakhara, which we had 'visited the day before. They stand amid the Necropolis, (the great burying ground of the mighty old city of Memphis.) of which nothing - now -remains -- but a statue here and there, and some scattered blocks of sculptured stone ; nothing else but the tombs, which are enough to show this was a great city indeed. Here, in these tombs, which are cham bers cut out of the rock, and adorned with columns and pictured walls; in these tombs and otl , ers were men busy sculpturing and painting at a time when we have been apt to suppose the earliest generations were learning how to live on the rude earth..:-- 7 These' pictures on the walls, however, show the way of life of the Egyptians to be not very far behind our own. I have seen what the possessions of men were in those days, from these mettiorials iu the chambers of. their graves. I have seen their flocks of cattle, their poultry-yards, their fields in seed-time and harvest, their considering how refined and advanced were the people whom he visited, the history of the world did 'appear to stretch itself out so as to confosott qur early` boating, and made us bitable asp to the rapidity ,of he man progress. In these daytwoin-ed-reigti ed and Were' obqyed without questi on. l!fot, only wets Ahem long and regular reigns , but ate snPreuitteY Was unques , timed when in the hands of a woman; it 'token of high civilization; as was the func tion pf the priesthood, with whom was ,lodged .a science and philosophy which we I mare reason to believe has since cornmind ed the veneration of the world when de)iv ered by Greeks, and might do so still if we could fully recover them. A few generations after this, a young slave was brought into the country, and "FEAALESS AN?? FREE." placed in the hOuse of an •fficer of liitatet. We all know the story o oiseph ; how he became•the minister of • great coon in its rising greatnese ; a ds how he chang ed the whole political , ition of Egypt by buying up all the lan , for the monarch. Froiit the time of that se' n years' famine, the kings of Egypt were *summers of the whole land and river—se e present ruler is; and, as now, the previa for an unmiti. gated despotiemivatreore great improvements iinde wise sovereign; an obj may have had in view as TeigitioTifiF In various buildings 0' have seen the unbakedl it is called—which cann out a large admixture or The eoil of the Nile vall worked up • with cut etre, laid in the hot sun of thi Some such bricks bear t of - very - earty--kingi;" - was the work assigned t which they were go crue: I could see them with m if it were but the last sea down from the pyramid mains below us, and the plain, and over toward G given to the Israelites w favor; and again over through which Moses led the oppression became borne. Nearer to these Cairo, lies the Island of dition gays Moses was fo daughter. I3ut this is of point, and one which I while gazing on the sam: of natural scenery as we the days of.his•youth. One impression has prise. I . used to won did till now—at that scup ices which so angered t piningafter Egypt after fi to live there. It was they could long to go b.l cruel oppression, for • it could give. I now NA, having seen and felt the ing the charms of the One evening lately just a l struck upon my heart, o, the sense of beauty. A an extensive grove of pal from out of the thiClC;it to the bight of 80 feet. ved gently in the soft bre the surface of a small p , grassy shores. There and sharp shadows amon stream had slowly mad yellow santlhills of the d themselves, between the . scattered palms. Withi carefully tilled fields. w lupins, and purple bea ,cucumber patches were tle were tethered beside he houses ; and on a bank near 'tat meld. man and a boy and a girl, 'basking in th last rays •of the' sun with evident enpy ent, though the magical coloring give' to Egyptian atmos phere could not be ststriking as to Eng lish eyes. But what:nest it have been in the memory of the Israelites, wandering in the desert, where there is no color ex cept at sunrise and onset, but only glare, parched rocks, and Otoking dust or_sand! I will not attempt mw, for not one has ev er succeeded in suci an attempt, to convey any impression of tie appalling dreariness of the depths of tht desert. I can only say that when it roe up before me in con trast with that nookof the valley at sunset, I at last understoodthe surrender of heart and reason on the part of the Israelitea, and could gym pathke in their forgetfulness of their past woes,ln -their pining for ver dure and streams, it shade and good food, .and for a perpethalinght of the adored riv er, instead of the beeful sands which hem med them in whichver way they turned. This is not the 'ace for even the most reverential inquire into the relation be tween the Egyptiat theology and philoso phy, and the sysem of Moses. That great subject muscle left untouched, now and here;, and I mist come down at once to the time when Egypt •had sunk from 'her highest-pitch of greatness, and bad been conquered, Got by the Persians, and then by,klexandeiihe Great. I rill only observe that Moseiwas the son-in-law of a priest, and mustitierefore have been of the priestly caste; of that caste- which I held more poweronore knowledge, mere ',wealth, and a highr station than any oth. er, An old Egysian histerian declare* that Monet was -limpet( k.learhed pileat of Helicipolis. I . le cannot suppose this to be true; but it thaws how be *Weep.' necteg. in the ppular belied'. with the priesthood, and 'low naturally much of his system must, lave been deriaQ fiom the institutions if the country be was brought up id. i , . , i t The d e spis e d raelitett spread aid con quered their con -e es, and became a nation powerful enough 6 hat ineknowledged in tercourse of waror peace with the kings of Egypt. Kineolomon married a prin cess born and mired in the Nire valley ; and when Solomon ,died, his•fother-lador!, , • Shishank,Went.up.a,gainet Jerumileiti f and brought home may, captives and grievous epoil.--I have seen on the walls, of .the great temple of Kornai, at Thebeig, a soulp tured group of Jewish captives,' whom the conqueror was holding by the hair of *sir heads and ,raising his war4uiife over them, while they implored mercy with uplifted hands. . These battle pieces abound on the walls and gates of the grand old temples which are ranged along the Nile valley as far as hints been explored; and they , remind ,ev ery one who looks at them of the battles of Homer's poems—except in the great point that Homer makes the gods take part in wars, while the Egyptian gods were of too high an order to be so debased by hu; man passions. 'Some scholars think that Homer hed seep the city of Thebes, of Which he gives such magnificent reports. and where he represents the gods as coin• ing-tlown to - iisitthernoble inhabitant: It is pleasant to think, while gazing abroad; that the father `of poetry saw, what' I now see, and wrought his Epics and his mind from leaking on the sculptured walls that I have been studying. A bout another great man—the first of his class—the old Herodotus, whom scholars venerate as the father of history, there is no such doubt. We have his account of Egypt in his day ; and so remarkable is his veneration for the antiquity of the E gyptian usages and edifices, that 1 shall ever think of him as standing before the great monuments of the land--a learner as we are. He knew well enouich, and plainly declared that the Greeks derived their religion from the Egyptians—a thing which it would be hard to dotibt when we think of their account of the scene Mier death—their river Styx, their ferryman Charon, their dog'Cerberus, and the judg es. All this tiaterat,nrid solemn amid "the funeral scenety of Memphis was borrowed and spoiled by the Greeks—as was much else which is supposed to be their own. If any thing is called Greek more emphat ically than another, it is the philosophy of Plato; but Plato lived thirteen years at Heliopolis, studying philosophy under the priests., who *ere Considdied Inaitekilb all learning. No one will undertake to 'say that we should have had Plato's phi losophy as it is, if he had not studiedtun- Ider Egyptian sages for thirteen years:-- This happened nearly 400 years before the time of Christ. :fit: - as also for tho sway of a which Joseph rich to the in 'his early time I. It—crude brick be made with raw to bind it.- is moistened, moulded, and ountry to dry. name and mark o make-these the Israelites, in ly oppressed. * i• mind's eye, as ryas I looked n the brick re wellings of the hen, which was e 'they were in e eastern hills, 1 is people when .o bitter to be I.lls, and close by 1 hods, w hero tra d by the King's nurse a deubtful red little about :leading features ! ' before him all I en 'me by sur 14'—ilea always 1; ty of the Israel -1 ir leader—their ingit impossible I onceivable how I k to a place of I aka of anything iid iii er no longet, Bert, and know •y of the Nile.— sunset, the scene tossing it with Ilage was beside which sprang I d richest clover l'heir tops we e which ruffled d lying among re golden lilies banks where a its way. The ert then showed Now, after consblering these things, and seeing what Egypt was while the rest of the known world was in an infantine or barbarous state, what becomes of our pride of knowledge and achievement? It is clear that the Egyptians of the time of Abra ham, and for generations before his tidy, could do-things.of Which we are in - - and had knowledge which is yet concealed from us. Amid their abstract religion and high philosophy, they 'painted - sr lacer and cruel warfare, as Was men's way in the early ages of the world. Amid our nobte and . purer religion, and the /ighis - Of many thousand years, men and -nations now are quarrelling and fighting, and can not even carry the point that every mem ber of society shall have .sufficient Toed. Surely, there is matter for deep considera tion here. me of the more view were some strong wheat, blossoms ; and t far off. Cat- The land pf Egypt is now inhabited by kith's, Who know nothing..heipe nothing, care for nothing, but living on air - quietly as .they can under a despotism which they cannot resist. Parents cut of their Ail& ren's best finger, that they 'may'be Unable to write or to Are'efr a Musket ; and if man earns anything that he likes, he con coals it lest it shoOld be taken - from hint. They choke up the solemn old temp'es with mud buti,_ arid build their.hosele on'' the holy roofs. They burn statues lime; and 'split the head of a granite marts.' sue to make mill-stenei They light fires against the : painted walls of antique totribs, and, in search of treasure, crush under foot the bones of the kings.. The temples are filling up teiWthe pond of the desert, sad the tombs are decaying under the ignor., once and violence of num ..lint the sand of the , dotter!, is * friendly. preserver, and. 'l. may he:only withdrawing a grest . book of - knowledge for ji time. for restoration when it can be. hotter need. The key to the hieroglyphic language which they bear has been discotered. While •secure of# this, and knowing that alias moutimintud tree-, sure lies safe endilry beneath the sand for one thourp:tui luilei(along the valley of the • 'we, mey trust that the light of old Egypt wilt not he,lost. but burn mare brightly when the ages have removed liv ing man furtherinki the future: In thOse days there will•be some one to take a truly rich and curious and varied Survey front the Pyramids: , • Our. journey his been prosperous to the last demo ; almost too glorious. We are off next for Sinai. LIPS or A GrENTLEMANI-.-110 Beta Up leisurely, breakfasts comfortably, mud a tart gravely, mike insipidly, dines euper4 fluously, kills time indifferently, sups ele gantly, gee to bed stupidly, and lives vs.. lbssly. The Ruling passion strong in Death, Maxarin felt noeompunctinn in cheating at cards, which were at that period the ruling passion of the court ; and miser as 'he Wes, habitually risked the gain or boas of fifty thousand Ayres in one night; while as a natural consequence, his temper ebbed add flowed with his fortune. Perhaps the Met musing anecdote connected with hilt avarice, multitudinous as they were, wee an eqttivoque which occurred only a few days before he breathed his• last, and within, an, hot ; r aAer he had 'obtained the absolution.whieh his confessor had for a time withheld. • The Cardinal had just transmitted his will to Colbert,•when nowt* one scratched at his door, which havimOwen interdicted, Bernouin, his confitienlitYo6llle-e4m bre. ilismissed the visitor. • “Who was there?" *eked Mazarin, as Iticatunulartt-mturned-te•hitle44l4 ism M. de Tubed the. president of the chamber 4 . - AiocctuatiO,zeplied Bentou.. in; and I told him that your, eminence mold mot be seea" • - ...ideal" exclaimed the dying inan, have you done ; "he• owed nie money, per he tame to pay it,; mat .hirw.back in stantly." , • ; M. de Tubeuff was overtaken, its;the to-wpm, and-introduced. -Nor, had the el" dine! deceived himself. • Ho was indeed come to I iquidide whelity gambling debt ; Mazarin welcomed him with etright emile as though, he 'had y,earsvf life before him in which io profit by lds good fortune, took the hundred plunks in his 'hand. aud ask ed foritiglieWol casket, which 'was placed upon the hod, when he deposited the wine in one of the compartments, and , then be gan to examine voids great intermit the val,- uable gems which it contained. A.You must tive,sue leave' -44.*:de -Tot beef," he aside, with emphasis e al. be lifted a fine brilliant and passed it rapidly. across the 'lien; "to-riffer to -Madame -de Tp , beta*" The president , of accounts, beliering that the cardinal, in achnowledgement.of the heavy sums , which be had-from time to,tiina gaiaed st4he . eardrratils ; oir , hie se count since he had tan ill ; to acflor himself, was about to present him with the precious Vini bia- , sheniteki in his trembling fingers,,. moved a space or two nearer the bed, with a smile up!' his lips, "Po oiler to Madame Tubeuff--,7 re peated the dying miser, still vir.ing !Too the jewel, ~ to offer to ; Madame de 'rubeuff —my very best compliments r - As he ceased apeaking be closed the casket, and made a sign that it should be removed. Nothing remained for dke dlscometed courtier but to make his bow and epart , With ht fie - orodeiiiiciq- of feeling tlit, he had been for an instant so fa 4 r the dupe of ids ownwiehes, ,that while be Was' yet a ..,...—,.. , .. hve, Juice di itfazarin could mhke up his mind to give away anythinglor which he had no pros 4 ct•of 'receiving an equivalent. N .1. -..,—. U . 3 oer ,toitta the Fourteenth. A Trae!Ghoot Story. Dr. rewl ! r, 'Mohan of Gloucester, in the'early fetof the eighteenth .ent ry, was a' WI eVer la apparitions.' , lhe fol. lowing eunicrilation of the' bishop With Judge PoWell is`recorded afitucel saw you," said the lawyer, "T have had Ocular dentonstration of the et. istence of tioOttithil ipPittitions." ). "1 am glad you are &mine* citinverr to truth; but do yttou say ocular deMotiotra. don t' Let tneleew the Pattieulare of the story."' ' • ' A uNly lord, I will. It was—let me 'e last 'nitride) , night, between the hours of eleven end- twelve; but neiter-tke ismer • than the former, as I larideeping In my bed, I was suddenly ;weakened 'bran an• cOmmOn' noise,' and liedrd' soinething com ing op sudri, , end andkintrdirectly towards ilying open, I drew back my mirtaitt, stnd saw a faint glimmer , rug light entertny eltailber." "'.r large fur cap on his head, and a long staff ill his hand. Struck with astonishment, 1 remained for some time motionless and silent ; the figure advanced, staring me full in the face; I then said, "Whence an what art thou ?" — .6oWhat was the answer--tell me—wha was the anewerr "The following was the answer I re.. ceived :-41 am a watchman of the night, an't please your honor, and made bold to come •up stairs to inform the family of their street door being open, and if it was not soon aliut e they would probably be rob bed before morning.' " f3S:VIA ANNA'S DR/SAT•—It is said that Santa Anna foamed with rage, [at Cerro Gordo] when he found that the day wee lost.—Charieston Coutith. It is no wonder that. Hr. Polk's cork legged friendfortesed's little. He wai corked.--louia. Jour. TWO DOLLARS 11111 Al(2 an riEW BERMS-440.1 llong.—A man's house Is Ids muddy paradise. It should be of all other spots, that which he leaves with most regret, said to which he returns with mast &Ilene= And in order that it may be so, it should be his daily task to provide everything conven lent and comfortable, and evert doe tasteful and beaatifiti should not be her lected ! "A few sunny pictures in simple' frames strigeol, A few precious volumes—the Wealth of the mhri And here and there treasured some rare gem Mrairt. To kindle the fancy or solli'm the heart; Tints richly stun:minded, why, why shonkt I roans! llh! am I not luippy-wnost 'Nappy at howl' TRUY COURTlMY.— u Manners, " nye the eloquent Burke, "are of more importatteur than laws. Upon them, in s great mear tire, the laws depend. The laws touch vs here and there, now and then. Manners iVe what vex and soothe;corropt or purify. , wish or debase, barbarize or reline, by I constant, steady, uniform, insensible ope ration, like that of the air we breathe - IL" They give their whole form and color to our lives. According to their quality they aid morals—they supply them or they te• tallYo"troY • e e 'eve in lore. bet have little faith in friendship—•and least of all, in those men who profees the most,— So long as you have apocket fill ofmoney. or. power to confer benefits and to dispense favors, there Is tut lack or what the world calls his friends. Smiles and compliments, and helping hands, meet you everywhere but when the day of adversity comes, those smiling friends will fall oft "Like the•leavcs of the forest, when Annulus Lift, . blown." Most of us in our "salad days" are dis posed to trust in the professions of friend ship, and believe that all that glitters isgold. lila; however, but a morning dresm, - and the sooner the delusion is broken, the 11411- ter for our interests, if not for Mir het:tett...- 1W youth we nre and Nitimistitry nature, but as our sum: of life ascentis,ile dews of affection dry up, the flowem oC hope wither and eloae, and the beautiful mists rise from the vales and vanish from the hills. Life becomes stern and rugged and real; and every man must fight its bind -battle or fall on the field. SvmpsTirr.--Russell was singing the dismal song entitled , The Gambler's Wife; and having uttered the words— Hush! he conies not yet! The clock strikes one! he struck the key in imitate `the sullen knelt& the departed hour, whet a respect. ably &Infecd lady ejaculated, to the amuse. tnenS4( eVenybody, *Wouldn't I hare fetch. ed biro tine V liaansommr iloaxitu"—The norilon Post ae. knowledges that it has met the fete of most news. Opera, and been once in its lifetime handsomely heated. The affair was es follows: - --The Strange Young Lady"—lt is now going on eight years since we, then mere bays, began to use the scissors; but though inexperienced in the ways of the world, we havint been often hoaxed—nor should we have been "sucked in" by the Hineh man, Ky., Standard, had it not been kor a very bad headache on the morning of cut ting out the editor's paragraph stating that "A young lady, whose name he has not been able to ascertain, came into his dwel ling two days before and has since remain ed with his family. She has, not spoken a word since her arrival, but she weeps al most incessantly." 'Six weeks after publishing the above, our' sraigish brother relieves public mit.- ty by this admission:— “We have since found out her Mlle, and can guess pretty well.where she eons front.' Mies Lucy Hannah is a bouncing gtrl, and when she gets a little older will rail uijalher.” A WAOONIKR 9 II , RETORT.-...A rich met. chant, named Hogg, once requested a wag oner to bring him a land of corn,-in a stated time, which he failed to do, and did not take the corn till the next day after that which he had promised. The merchaot, as might be expected, refused it. replied the wagoner, 'you're the first Hog I ever ever knew to refuse corn: A'SIIRKSYD Bor.—A friend tells no the following which we consider a good 'nn. Being in a mechanic's shop, the other day, an urchin came in, his dress covered with mud. His father, observing his dirty plight, said to him— 'William, my son, how came you to muddy your dress so?' hoy stoked a moment, then Wl* 114 his father hi-the eye, very eebeilt asked— , Father, what am I made er .Duet. The Bible says, •Diet them ae and unto iluet shalt thou remora:" *Well, father. if I'm duet, 'how raw i" help being muddy when it raise oe t..r *William ! go down stairs atiirts.i, wood, start.' 7 The Knickerbocker toe Mirth, tratea the following: ' • ,i i' "Why are we led to infer that and Joshua wens intention* osoo 1 i' . i A cogie David, 'when be woo int ow Goliah. on the "id of boogie ,l sibigg" sad ,foi.hoo t omioao tail* 011 tho widii of ioriiho o •iskOd tr - ' 1 and sive a 6 togodiw Afoor silite, ~ ? 1 : #