;.; "•A•-3k: EIjEBLER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. VOL. Yriioner for Debt. am t. e. vtarreistr.. Lekibint—through hia dungeon Pala pray and cold, the monfing light Ceram stealing round hint. dim and later • • 'Asif it teethed the sight. R'eelining On his showy' bed, Hjelttitpl POsailla its drPollithi Whi .-- . ille blattabok cliaakil Roamed and ittd. Unarm* hle troy. ilteihntad head i , , And iPee his IngdifiViow • Hie bridigllttlrelled *kip of gnaw. . „ No grateid dr* woretam' iiienvii, . 1 Arai r t 4.' . tants:es tw,th is shio ; -And 0., 14h.!=a',.1,': ita. . - The frequent ague tWI . A asenid, half Murmur and half groan, resew apart the pirialid vip • Of tin old snflintr's balmier" lip; .1 1 eSo , ..Ohrisindetualdng is the Ate ' Of chained and.deeolated . Aust.tied.,, .liviv - thit'eld lit' flititete i Api slams hie piisoo lied; . Whose ' it s , 'limit his *gm bed;.-- . i l y welkin on him den* and ;ed. - - '"Airlitetuthrserthimi - heartiess jeer...... Fall ever on' his loathing sat,; . ' And, or In wandlike= or sleep, - Nerve, heels and atom ;prep, e . Whenc'er that ruffian% loosing limb Crirnseeiwith murder, touches him ! What has the grey-haired prisoner done . b Has murder *lined his hands with gore i l-- .Tiot , ap: his crime's a furrier one— God iiade Ike Old Met tool ! For this be theirs a felon's gen— The fitteet estthly type of hell ! Per Odiro-the boon for which he poured His "004 blood on th' ingradeeir Word, And counted light the &arful cost— * Hii Nood.gained liberty is lost ? And thou, (or such a place of rest. pld prisoner, poured thy blood as rain On Commas field, and Bunker. crest, And Saratoga'. plain ! . . Look forth, thin mon of many seers, Through thy dim dungeon's iron burs; It must bp joy. In-soods..booilbo. - - ... - Fon monument upreared to thee; T iled ;granite and a - prlion cell— . fand repsLyetfik advice well! - e . -. go, &Mile bells iiigifire, the guns, And fling the starry homier out ; tlhout "Freedom!" till your lisping ones .., . also hack their cridle shouts! Let boasted elegise:roe declaim Of honor, liberty, and fame; Stilt lot the poet". Staab; be heard, With "glory" for each .envier word, And vise-thingeidt breath agree Te praise "our embus liberty !" Bet when the patiiotl' cannon jars The prison's cold and gloomy wall. . And through Its grates the stripes and stars Moe on the wind and fall— Think ye that the prisoner's aged ear Rejoieeain the general cheer? Think yr his dim and failing eye Is kindled with your pageantry 1 Harrowing of soul, and chained of limb, What's your karnival to him . Down with the I.IW Plst flinde him thus! Unwurdlyinternen, let it find No nrfuilt from the withotipg nurse Of tiod 'GO human kladt Orin 11ie arisonees u ink teat► • An 3 tilher from iliro; glooln .The etc# l l' I"!; _ fine opm swish rifdod : dam N ethoi t q botal . ;no ohatitottm of th' AtiOgy's hand 1 " Gant. The Rattlesnake Bite. 0 8 0 Klidttned the airs sacks, . .•. •, , Subtlast beast of all tba kV." Par. Lost Twenty-one years ago, the goodly town of CharoberibairvinPettaylvania, wore a dilTerep. asps t, from what it does at the prerientd4:' In this twist petioda mighty Omer ,ttee tak,en,plare in the condition of -thipp,artiond it. ,Railmatis,were, as yet, things uninstren-.4he rishipg of the steam - froitte,:With''hiif long , tiairr, rivalling the .riPeed of: this.tillsr.Pigebit, - had net' yet - dist- Vrbed the echoes ofthe otoiincsin shies Jul L ° county. connty. lbisk tlayik , iniilht be seen, fillip their rifili4YAMMtelveti Pennaylvania teams L AO Imes oily, live in the - Memories of men. They have paned away, and have given place to the swift ear, ?the slow, uogain ly A. grand sight it was to nee s oniettnies a dozen of those pea( teems in ene,lopg,string, drawn by five or six stout dlOrses4 Moving steadily along at the rate ottiirenty *tiles a day, and headed by a Wagon tidiness linen corer was whiter bleach -14, aid .Wboste Imply was painted a bright .l-ser bine, than the rest, and whose horses and honsings were trimmed with gay red !Vine, and strings of bells on iron arches rho:re.fheit collars, that made merry music moveditong. Ildw proudly stepa pftd,the horses, and with what an air did the, driver 'wig himself in his saddle, and • orack Ails whip, and cry "wo hoy." In this. manner all the merchatmlize for • •:''suipplyingdthe "Western country" was stlum transported to Pittsburg. "Going o --v pr ~the mountains" was a very different lAA . from the easy three liar?' journey of 10 .the,proseitt. And the taverns along the .tgremt turnpikes are changed as sadly as the means of locomotion. Every pretty lowa slid not then, boast of its Washington or American Flossie, with a paltry Mina- , thin at table of the etiquette of the lordly .Aonti or Tremont. . The good old nature of the "Preen Tree," the "Spread Eagle ,r epti thu "Rising Sun," were 1) 1 01 ill VOgile. • T YII.IOI Weis 1 111 10 , rarfill "found thi** vents fqr the itcoonsmodatkon of thethaso , eters, slid' ihereetitt& !tient be seen ten or twelve Warms %dad atoUbd to trough fastened to the 'iongueoutd.five or sit ltoteceartinulltill Ni to "each, quietly munching fheirOits after the short jar-. ney of the day. An iir of conniftirt, rpigned withil' the hoes% audit the table profusion was more plainly discernible than •etyle. Who .knew better then the . Pennsylvania landlady Of tharday bowie stew a chink en and make a cup of coffee 1 Or who better than the could bake the crisp broWn waffle-cake, and bring it to the table time; king botand owitnnting in butter ? “But past is ell thdr fame : the Tax spot Wbets once in pride they flourished, is fame . t.” On a. bright. Warm 'evening in Juno, 1825, at the sign ;of, the ()roes Aingp, in Chambersburg, the landlord was talking to some Ohio nierchant, who hart been to Phil adelphiii to purchaie Odds, and were thus on *sir return home, travelling on horse back._._ Around the door were various peo ple and mechanics of the town, who had dropped in to have an hour's 'chat, audio hear tho news from the city, brought by the teimsters—for the people then contri ved to live without the eager haste for news that characterizes the present generation ; and however we may smile at their sim plicity and ignorance, such a thing never entered their heads as killing horses and breaking the necks of their riders for the sake of getting Intelligence a few hours sooner than by regular course of mail.— By degrees their discourse turned to poli- tics, and the Presidential election, and the inauguration of John Quincy Adams, whielt had taken place w few months previous, were the the themes. The anti-adminia 7 nation mty was_ dal most numerous on this occasion. foe Stintrnel,, the black stuith,wea. loud in his dissatioffiction at the result, and litde Torn Pierce, the white barber,routidly asseited that Gin. dackeon had been cites ted ou tof his election.- "But lookout. -boys,!! said he. "anditwo det% make hint' President next - time; you may hang me for a false prophet:" On the-turnpike, three quarters of a mile witet - of Chambersburg,' lived •a good sub stantial farmer by the name of Peter Bon switz ; each retarding year added - to lint wealth t he had the talleit horses anti the fattest cattle that could be seen in Frank lin county, when he had a team on the turnpike, and his farm' was all fenced in with locust posts and chestnut rails. Of the dunibility of this mode of enclosure, his hired man, Jake Hoover, had the most exalted idea; he declared that locust posts and chesnut rails .would last forever, for Peter Bonawita had tried them twice,— Jie had one only child, a daughter, fair and rosy as the summer clouds when the sun went down behind the Cove mountain. Kate Bonawitz was eighteen years old, hut, most sentimental reader, sbe had not been educated' at a fashionable boarding school, and at that age, I am ! wry to Baty, she was not a proficient inunidern accom plishments. She eould not play on•the ptano, nor thrum on the guitar--she could not paint in water colors, ner perfdrm ex periments in annual Philosphy. But who could spin a finer flaxen thread than she, and weave it with her own hands t—who could bake a whiter, lighther loaf'—who could send sweeter butter to market t--or whose voice . went up Ira eleer and melodi ous in Old Hundred, in the good old tp tlierantditirel .oT - Olimbersbergt - Not One. T will not pretend to say that.being solelteirea . s. to . her father's broad acres, Might not have been.a large ingredient in ate admiration that weir felt for her by the Young men in the region round about Chatnintreburg, but without this egpectan cy, Kate was a desirable twentiteart. To la blooming complexion, and .a :form that had not been spoiled by the milliner, she addel i4oileutty' Mid a:large shareor good' genii,' and Irtite *la well' fitted to MaTits. that much talked 9f.thiag. a good lie webder, the • canoed the heaths of the younteden to flutter. In the borough lived a young house-ctuu pester, a scion of the ancient 'family.of the . Smitheinatri./nith" wish 1 "" itc'Son, face and black curl y locks; •irith broad. shoulder' and intimations habits. foremost in all the country "frolics of the times ; he took the lead in the hiss' sit',the singing school, and no quilting or sleighing` party was bbinplete without John 'Smith." Oh ! these jolly sleighing parties 'in the country ! To be wrapped in the same butTalo robe with your Tairtner. and speed away a dozen of miles to - a dance! Ohl the music of the belli and the oectutirinal accompaniment of a tilt over Into sitt!ow bank—and the delightful task of picking up yourcompaniun and brushing the snow from her ; and then to start after .your horse just to show her how fast you can run, 'and meeting every few rods with a fragment of your sleight You go to the next farm house where you Wind your horse frightened to death ; you borrOw another sleigh, and then proceed on your journey. Oh ! these jolly sleigh rides in the equntry. It was at a party that went out to‘Lou- GETTYSBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 28, 1847. don that John was first fairly smitten with Kate Boitanitz. He had known her long before this ; he had admired her at church ; he-had sigbed when he heard her sweet voice at singing school ; but not till now did he give himself wholly of to love's swipe dream. But it would have taken a heart mach less susceptible than John's to resist after riding fifteen miles in the same sleigh; and dancing half a dozen setts with her. After tide it happened that he often turn ed down the lane to old Peter Bonawiti's, and it aleci happened that Kite never gave him any eauso f .Mbelieve his visits unarel conr. Imltied there was mu c h to admire in his- •bad t iree charaeter,mtd-by , • and without her being aware of it, Kate was smitten too. But say in what clime. and under what sky, cornea there not dis appointment. The great poet has declar ed that, "For aught that ever he emt(' lien, Could ever read by tale or hittory, ' The course of true love never did run smooth." OM Peter - begin - to. remark the -Inereas int frequency of his visits, but he had no idea that his Kate should be.carried off in such a hurry. And besides, who was this John Smith i He had but served out his apprenticeship and began business on . his own account a year before, and tried in a balance, Kate's expected wealth Would make John's worldly possessions kick the bearn,in a trice. So reasoned old Peter in 'Pennsylvania Dutch.' Ile had not sr rived at that pitch of refinement to despise him, for being a mechanic,--it was purely a consideration of dollars and ccifts.' So the old man shook his head, and forbade him the .house. Great ,was the tribulation•of John and Kate. But 'love laughs at lock smiths,' and many an old man has heen cheated oat of his daughter. It so fell out, that Peter went off on a journey to Car lisle, and John was not slow to take ad vantage of his absence. On the bright evening :in June before mentioned, he dressed himself in his Sunday suit, and Was Soon &mu at the tariff,. and in the kitefien 1)j , the side of Kate. I dare not tell the many sweet words that passed be tween them, but 'The moments winged their way with pleasure,' and John's chair had gotten very CfOl3El to Kate 7. and (entirolyby aosidarnt)hic inn I lied encircled her waist, and was' gazing right into her eyes, when. tramp!—tramp! on the long porch was heard the heavy footstep of Peter Bonawitz! He had come home a day sooner than was expected.— John knew that footstep—he started up with a look of agony, and without even al lowing himself time for a farewell kiss, he I sprang out of an open window into the garden and running along a narrow walk, he cleared the fence at the'botiom with a single hound. 'Misfortunes never conic singly,' the grentest evil was _yet to befal him. At the foot.pf the ganien lay i mead ow which borders* on the turnpike, and he hurried across across to regain the high way, and so get back to town. -He had but • taken a few strides after his leap, when he felt a convulnite movement un der his foot, then there was . a clear sharp rattle, something darted suddenly against his leg, and he felt a stinging pain. The dreadful thought flashed through his mind, that lie had stepped on a rattle-snake. and it had bitten him. Filled with horror, ;he ran, he flew, fear lent him wings and Ightittly pale with anguish and affright; he ruched into the bar-room of the crein, Keys just as Tom Pierce had. uttered s hin patriotic prophecy in favor of Gen. Jackson. 'W by, whtit's the matter, John rnsked Tom# terrified iii turn ...by his friend': blanched countenance. 'Oh,l'm bitten by a Rattlesnake!' said `Bit by a Rattlesnake!' was repeated in dismay by every. one in the room. All was instantly confusion. 'Run fur the Doctor!' roared the land- lord. 'cut it out with a razor; cried wont 'Pearce, the barber. - - 'Burn it out with a red . hot . poker! shouted Stimmel the blacksmith: ' , .41 , 41 have mercy on me !' groaned poor John Solitb. They led him,to a bed room, and upon ;exelitinitiou', a small puncture of skin diseo'vered, a little below the knee, eurronntled by a faint hlue circle, and from which e , fi)sv drops of blood had . exuded. 'goody /melon!l liots it's, swelling!' exclaimed the landlady;diurting out. of the room. She had aliVeys Onand a specific for this cure of every ache or pain, or dis ease unkr. tbe KM. - It was composed of the leaves - of greengage pounded to a pulp, I With:the scrapings of fat bacon. (Bran- I dreth's Pills wereas yet nnkno wn to fame.) She quickly returned with a jar of her in ') valooble salve, and spreading a portion of it on a linen rag, she applied it to the wound. 'That will draw the pizen out,' said she. There was Bill Davis that rut off his big toe with a broad axe, and it made him so powerful wtkak that he couldnt walk, and we put on some sage and bacon end it cured him all up in two weeks. And there was neighbor Klinger's tram Mat, that was bit in the ann by datidy Jack, the monkey that rode the Shetland .FEARLESS AND FREE." 1 pony when the many jury (mensgerie) shield. And old Peter, ending thr Kate, was in town, and we pui on some of this like all oilier girls of her age—the more he salve, and it cured him in ten days ; and opposed the more she would have .him— and there wale— gave his consent as a sensible man should, Just then the doetor entered out qf breath ; all eyes were turned to Mat t : ill earn were stopped : fM hearing any ifoie of the landladyswoiderful cures. The doctor went pp to, the , bed" side, and he , straightway showed his respect for the , sage and bacon by tending it out the win dow. 'Has was one Ofthose men who nev er let pees an opporiqiitt, forgiving a lee , lure* On this °maiden he Made a cameral survey of the wound, and looking around l oiter the tope of 1011 , es, on an anx , ions group that 't' 'the bed;"he 14- gan, 'My frietedo we- three- Chill sea of poisons--asi ' ' ble, and an- Wt ivrer mal. The wearer ' i e videntl y Orflicted by some iterPeni— it the !alum dam and Own di Avileliogly" inflamed *ppearanne Ilronouwe irk bite of the Crotahnt !retrials of banded Rattle , snake. - The generiol character' of this species - *Ascots -ort-the- abdomen,- -scar and scales beneath th# tail; rattle at the end of the tail. :-, , i- 1 - 'There are iskrinpeeiee, all natives of America. The ratde is composed 01 dry MI hollow bones nendy of the same size and form, and is considered by most new; ralists as being designed to warn other an imals of their dangekind the sound of that instrument often isppresses them with such a degree of terror,as to wither every energy of their fiemes 7 -and incapable of motion, they become an easy prey to their' dreadful enemy. Their bite is not only poisonous; but rapidly-fatal, and has been known to kill a ut%ri in a few minutes-- and'— -, 'Lord have mercy ou !' groaned poor John -Smith. 'Yes, fix the bite first and give us the spefich afterwards !' cried Tom Pearce, At this sudden interruption of his half finished description, the Doctor frowned i terribly, then he gazed ; and on his au dience with a sneer of ntempt, for their, want of appreciation of 'once ; add then he turned to the poor 'Offerer, and cutting i away a small portioh e flesh surround ing the wound he ap i glass cup . to draw out - the..-_poilin — : ..iluill.implita *ere by - the &IVO y reptile. and as an indispensable a9unet, he adminis tered a copious dose orulite oil. John now felt a Intl: relief, and he de scribed the spot minuttly wlrere the hor rid thing lay coiled in lie grass, and how lie trod upon .hisu and vas bitten. It was proposed that a party of five including the blacksmith and Tom Pares at their head, who armed with long dub* procured at a neighboring woodpile, set off instantly on this bold and dangerousenterprise. They they soon reached tie vicinity of the, dreadful serpent-Lthey began to stirin the' high grass with their clubs; when sudden ly they saw a move:neat. rapidly followed by that clear, sharp retie heard by John---. they started back a stepwitb horror. 'Tom, baler than the rest, raised aloft. his efub to give the death bloir..-but his attn. was palsied in mid air; his weapon fell harm less to the party.. Was he chanted by the snake? No---before him in the bright light of the moon he saw- 7 a po?r hen Nit. ting on a nest of eggs'. Such a shout. as went up front the bottom of Ilter. Boni ' witz'a garden. - 'Whoever heard of a rat!leanika with feathers?' Cried the blacksmith. 'That beats the Doctor's snakes with okt:ter* in theibtknuen r shouted Tom. 4hey Captured the unconscious hen, and hurrying back to the tavern. marched in a body to John's_ The anziousgroup with solemnfices wail still aroantthe bed, and the Doctor was, yet at hie postanziotte-, ly watching the *Oa of the suction aide cuPigniO 4 .- 'Did you kill' ham, Tom?' asked the landlord with breathless haste. Alter. said Toni c 'we hawk/got hire and there'-he aril' and has flung the poor hen uttering a piteous *Oil!, on die toed Tit their midst. 'Dino.' cried the badlorsi, 'and John was only, bit by a chicken I' and seek another scene at this unexpee led termination of their lamentations-- such roars of laughter—and John laughed too, and he jumped nimbly from the bc,l, kicked off the Doctor's cupping gl.-3h, breaking it in a hundred pieces, anil danced a Pennsylvania Quickstep fur joy at his happy deliverance!' In tires 'l, fight of the hubbub the Doctor slop•-it cart the "back way wisely reserving the .•inainder of his description of the Croat I:naridus for a future occasion. The story spread, and even old Peter laughed and was glad du. Jinni was not bitten by a real snake. And there was good eu , m‘ for his:kw/kg i nation to conjure up such no? , - ots,--,chased by the old man—junip7r,c tyy- of the kitch en window—vd racked by thwarted love ! Say, '• ;. any wonder he was frightened ! But he soon recover try , n his fright; and as for being laugh. he thought 'those may laugh who •-% ,‘ he was !1-. dustrious, and industry 4 confidence, confidence- was rapidly his bu and after another year's probation they were married. She made him the beet of Mrs. Salida-Ind never ore in siker life, was John Smith risnritonso.. Human Love. aY a. IVIWg! Sib ! if those is ene law above the rod, Ilirtitten in wistiolus4-4 them , is a ward That I would tikkm, eirwith a pen of the, -Mien — the dltiihetrtifirdlNSpee'rtt if Wier', is 6y 411114 that karoiAlid kind 4 . 1 0 14 " 1 4 1f1 4 41111 The ntieery'ef 4—his'lnnian kite? God bath made nothing +rattly of ,Irliterrilit. "Tho'saimilt,i iwebble.in the well ritr* /Pt° . 1ne,04 4 0 , w in 4 i llll When atan'e hetti tacendtlems.haTe Puled awpy The taw of Ititaven,is thingglt . ita name Has been: ufatiod flou,i(o l ..nr4 profinelk .Ta ite nasty uses throggh,idl,time, Stiletbe eternal principle is pose, And in those deep affections that we feel .Omnipotent within na,weltii see The lariehMeasure in Width Lamle given; d In the yearning tenderneas of a child • For every bird thit Si* above his heed, And every ematmei fieding on the And every tree, and dowel, and flintily* brodt, We see how every thing wild' made td tttite And hoW they err, who, in a wmid like tide, ' Find at thing to hate tut human arida. Arnold at limit' ST J. T. 11NAULIT Gates took Arnold's division away.from him and gave it to Gen. Lincoln; so du when the second battle of the 71h of Ott& ber occurred, hp, the best Mid bvest:mid most 'successful GeUritt in tfoi lay, w _ ..) t i. without a command. This ,eal t roge was enough to madden it less stormywature than his, and he inuntuliAtely dettlelideld.* passport to Washington. It wasgrantedp but on a second thought he concluded it would have an ugly look to leavarnt the eve of an iniportant engagement, lisikiit. 9044 to remain: He 'radio:M!' i*lnp. , when the cannonading of the 7.th of Coto ber commenced, and listened, one nay guess with what feelings,--to the roar-of I battle, Which weir ever muaie*bie-ster. my nature: li r lhe7"tlitinliVirsefrtilie4 shook the ground on which he stood, fol. lowed by the sharp rattle of musketry, his impatience and excitement could no longer be restrained. He walked about in the' greatest agitation—now pausing to listen to the din of war, and now watching the fiercely ascending volumes of smoke: that told where the-fight was raging. Ahl— who can tell what gloomy dtmighis and' fierce purpoies of revenge were thin lad there born in his maddened soul 'it is mini ble to drive the brave to despair.' The hero of Quebec, Champlain and Ridgefield,te whom the luellopg charge and perilous; march 'were a delighriVho pantedlike a war horse for the conflict; wail , hertidoons-r ed by 'an Iliefficient commander to tinieht . inactive. Ilia 6;1'4 fouprws won' rush ing on death without him, m e ld Molilenti 're' solves and overwhelming emotions kept up Suave tnmult• In• his bosoln; Mat his excitement mounted almost tnMedttiii. - • Unable!longer to yestrain his impulses. he called. like the helpleins Aegean for his horse. . Vaulting to the saddle, he rode for a while around 'the camp in a tempest Of maim". , A 4 leegth a heavy explo sion, of artillery,, iutakisil llis e4rt!' Vern' ble beneath - him; bluer on :hie ,ear. He . , paused a moment, and leaned over his eaddlOote; then Eilungittg lila rowels up t 4 lheidrai l4 1 % 6 botiO, Winched like a thunderbolt away. , tie vow mounted on a beautiful dark Spanish mare named War ren; after the-hero of Bunker Ball, worthy such' sillier, awl 'w i lich bore him like the wind into thWiwall , , Ii wua, told , to Galls that Arnold had gale t&ihe'field and he immediately scut flok'Atnititiotig idler 'him. But Arnold, o , xprehim, ,thittod,deteitnining not to be calltd. bacii as Its hfµ been, done before, sparredenrioadramid the ranks, and as thelfoinitir spitioaphed him, galloped into thiiiidliitie,lthd thus the chase kept up for ittilf,tathour,TUntil att length Armstrong gore:4 Pp,' end^ the fierce chisftain had it elf his own . way. Goaded by rage and and diiiiitmintment almost into insanity, ho e‘itlently was resolved to throw away his life, and end at once his troubles and his career.. Where the shot fell thickest, there that black steed was seen plunging 'lliroUgh the smike, and where death reap ed down the brave fastest, there his shout was 'heard, ringing over the din and tu mult. Ile was to; longor the cool and skilful officer, but the headlong harrier, reckless of life. His splendid horse was flecked with foam, and it seemed impossi ble 11* his rider could long survive amid .the fire through which ho wildly galloped. Some of ilie officers thought him intoxica ted, so furious and vehement were his movements, and so _thrilling his shout, as with his sword sweeping_ in fiery circles about his head, he summoned his followers to the charge. Once, wishing to go from one extremity of the line to the other, in stead of passing behind his troops, he wheeled iu front and galloped the whole distance throughlte cross-fire of the cunt batants, while a long huzza followed him. Holding the highest rank on the field, his Orders were obeyed except when too des perate for the bravest to fulfill—and re ceiving no orders himself he conducted the whole battle. His frenzied manner, exci ting appeals, and fearful daring, infused new spirit into the troops, and they charg ed after him shouting like madmen. So perfectly beside himself was lie with. ex ,elthmeet. that he dashed up to an officer who did not lead on his men as he wished, and ripened his head with his sword. He was every where present, and pushed the I l i first line of the enemy so vigorously, that it at length gave way. Burgoyne moving up his right 'wing to cover its retreat, he hurled three regiments with such terrible iinpettiosity upon it, that it also broke and fled. While the British officers were ma king desperate efforts in other parts of the field',toenty the reversed tide of battle, he pressed on after Burgoyne—storming over the,hitterios, and clearing every obstacle, tillatiength haforeed him and the whole army heck into their ramp. Not satisfied with this, he prepared to storm the camp also. Butenen behind their entrenchments. the British rallied, and fought with the fu ry of men struggling for life. The grape shot . and bath; swept every inch of the grotirid,' end it rained an iron tempest on theAmirriesn ranks, but nothing could re 'On, on they swept in of their leaders, carrying ev erY,:klk4fV3thein. The sun had now sunk-in the: West, and the night was draw mantle laver the scene. Arnold, rentingettr at the obstinacy of the enemy, nini4vnL . to make one more desperate ef foOtur ;scumplete victory, rallied a le w Of his bravret.trcsaps about him, and rousing that 7 or hii•enthusiristic appeals, led them tcriliett hltargoon the camp itself. "You," said he ttronit,. 4, was with me at Quebec, "wow in the wilderness, and you on Cham plain-4060°W rite 1" His sword was senor glancing like a beam of light along their adrrted array—the next moment he galloped , iii bent, card riding right gallant ly st.their,bead through thu devouring fire, broke With , a clatterand a crash into the' atilly~po?t of fhtl:npenty, where torse . and lifiiirtilfnThiiiiither'tk . thit'oiki.L. - -the geed eiectrdnini: and 'A.riatl i ti&Oii, his leg ehattered to, pieces, the-satne leg that was broken at the storming of Quebec. This ended the fight, and the wounded hero was borne paid and' bleeding front the field of his fame, only to awitkeritthairin and disnppointwent..• is but little doubt, that when he viebsted , his orders and **piped to thle field, 6611014 a up his mind-Id: btiryvhis -,itorraws and dint>. PlAn*llto *Woody:Otte', Weitld that he , had,:succedeil, and saved hint's& from the erns of his countrynten, and the scorn Wursit , - . True as a J3ook. The/rankee Blade with its usual' keen• ness of edge, takes orr the head `‘')f a hide. ous. 'which ''has been worshipded in this Onaitry, just us easy as a practical Turkrtioo the eapnt of his offending slave. Wimp - o,ole blow. We San astatement going the rounds of the papers, regarding the late Judge Martin, of New Orleans, who it seems came-to - this country a poor boy, and died worth Italia million, The fact is blazon ed forth as though it were some marvellous thing, that from a poor, penniless vagabond, destitute of home or friends, he should have forced himself up in society to a point where he could count his riches by hundreds of thousands. We can see no thing so very strange in this. Any man, with tolerable sagacity, who has a mind to make money his sole god, and is resolved therefore to bend his whole energies for hie, to the simple end of amassing riches ; denying himself other species of pleasure, end never letting a penny slip from his fin ger that promises nut to return with increas e,' interest; may, with a fair share in luck become as rich and despised as he pleases. Hut col bate ?—to what good end is all this hoarding ; this farthing can dle-saving ; this toiling in hunger, and cold, and want, through a long series of years?- Is it to know that many - will hate him and inure despise—to know that no one will love him, and that his kindred, if he' have any, will wish him dead' Or is it to enjoy a dreams of power, (and only a dream, for he can never realize it,) that he denies himself the enjoyments and even the comforts of life, stuffing the crannies of his den with golden guineas, which he has not the heart to use!—Poor, soulless wretch! he lives all his life through the bond-slave of Mammon, and Mammon's slave he dies ! The raggedest beggar that ever sought subsistence from door to door, is rich in the elements of happiness, an ob ject of honcir, in comparison with the mean, stingy old curmudgeon, who with his coffers tilled to bursting, yet gnidgtts buying even the necessaries of life, atO leech-like would extract the bloods of the community, returning nothing therefeto" RMETII/ U L !-At the Weheter dinner, at Rich. motel, the follewilig wart was &auk with MOW., =EMI “The Ktetee of the Ultimo 1 :-.Dietittet, like , the billowa,hut ame,, taw thttipes., TWO DOLLARS POR Attikittil4., NEW SERJES- I NO. L James SmitWon. James Smithson, a Londoner born, MU claiming to be the son of a distinguished! nobleman, gave his life exclusively to id tellectual pursuits, and especially, to t T4 i t searches in physical and experimentid*i7 ence. Supplied with larger warts his wants required, and steadily mittill4 a strict scheme of personal economy; hd amassed a considerable fortune. He died at Genoa in 1829, and by his, will he• quenthed his accumulated property to this- , Union—a country notwithstanding his change of abode he had never visited, whose citizens he never associated With, but in whose inevitable future ho saw Oat moat solid ground on which to cast tht,oll- . chor of hi. lame. This legacy, forsometiinh , the subject of litigation in the British tottii of chancery was finally secured, br0414, over and received into the treasury tho United States on the Ist of Septembet4 -1838. Its exact amount when deposited was five hundred and fifteen thousand One hundred and sixty-nine dollars. The legacy was accompanied by it deco laration of its design, and the execution of that design has "been assumed, as well by an acceptance of the money as by several open and formal avowals by our govern ment. it "was to found an Institutionat, Washington for the increase and the dill fusion of of knowledge among men?' to found, not an academy, not a college, wit a university, but something less technical and precise, something whose importand circuit should beholder and more coMpre hensive : an institution, not merely for disseminating, spreading, teaching know!, edge, but also, the foremost, for creating, originating, increasing it. Where? Ie the city whose name recalls the wisest, pu.. rest and noblest spirit of the freest, newest: and broadest land. And among whom 1: Not a chosen or designated eless•--not'the followers of a particular sage or sect.—, not the favorites offertune nor the lifted of rank—but among' rates-men of every • condition, of every school, of every faith, or every nativity ! men! It was with a purpose thus elevated end expansive as well distinct as undiscriminating, That . James Smithson committed his wealth the guardianship oldie Amenicau Repub.., , lie. A,Gund 011 e. The Baltimore Western Continent tall!' the following good ofw, combining galliXot-' ry and greenness Some two weeks since, a young gentle !. man froth one or the Southern States emits to Washington, to endeavor to obtain put appointment ittAtor r if the new reginittons about being raised or his first trip to the North, and havingliniffii ; ailed thro' from Atalanta to Washington; without stopping on the road, he had betr tor opportunity of feeling than treeing . .ibei effects produced by the change of climate. On the day after his arrival he was intro laced by the member from hisilivitriet4* several young ladies, witli one of whci4 it fell to his lot to walk rim Gadsby's tit the capital. It was bitter cold, and the young lady was provided with a pondirous muff, now so fashionable an article of dress at the North. Our hero was in a diletor ma—what to call it or fur what purpose it was used, he did not know. But one thing he did know, and ‘that was that 'it was any thing but polite for a gentleman , to allow a lady to bear such a burthen.7.- lie scrutinized it with much uneasiness for some time-rhe could not divine Whet it contained, but he was perfectly with the "'Jiver," and unable longer to ter strain his gallantry, he extended hi. hind, "Miss Julio, 'low me to Mat Jeresti skin for you 1" '•'Thank you, sir, don't troutder your. self," replied Miss Julia,-blushing . vocr. rely. "Oh, 'taint no trouble in the 1000 . 7 Ile% . • plied our hero, ineitititig reherns,* of her burthen. The merry girl et last consented, rasher than enter into an ensharsising' impla nation ; and taking the muff under one arm, our hero offered the other to: Inc tali' companion, with Whoth ho Walked Ot4d i ji, along the Avenue to the capitol. Acs. the no email wondernment of the passing crowd. It is needles to add that he soon &tor .. tired his mistake, or that he has from) I* hour held mulls is utter Abort. 14Petreo 14;•rvipo or`ora* Colin or 1550.--Xs long since ae 1751, Alr..giehr e and Dunhorne, of Cambridge. on compia; ting the elements of the comet of 1204 and thatof 1550, WUA let to the ennelnoitso tbat the two were identical, and that ite,MMTis might be expected about 18411. SiAstor uent in vestigationa high have Esetsto Nod! by different astronomer's, confirm-061MP elusion ; and there is, therefore, otory son to look fur the re-appe'srastettof,o4 comet (luring the year 18414. About* it.erOuld not be aurprising if thialseitsl should happen even a ear rtllhPda + ltitlt then this daterrSill inti 4 {4 4l lo ll 4 A, man may samosa, aid sma a Moodosupstli.l4 l 4 ll .m.r.. hoe onelstasktidak smeaall l ll4M-SAV , o ,, aiosscv . _ .