The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 21, 1866, Image 1

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    r : - - r r ,
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. "i vs r -
j tV, AU J1C03 , f uMhher .
Truth and Right God and oar Country.
$2 50 in Advance, per Annua.
- r
v n in ji ri
J Fi .II I i !T !V 5' '-.'.i 1 ' W: ' . f : K n
V ; ' ? ' ,v I lLJy ! I I 11-11
, - U rCBLIShKfr KVBBT W SDK K.-C4 1 Bf
' tVM. if. JACOBW
t.Tict ca Slaio St., Ird Square below Harktl,
.r TERMS; Two Dollars ti.d Ftfijr Cents
( ' 1o idince. If not paid till the end of '.be
' yfiTlirre' f)yl!ar witl la charged.
J No ocb-criptions lakoo for a period es
htt ix moriths ; no discofitihuatae permit
ta.l outi! all arrearage are paid ur.less at
tfc ddtion nf she editor.
' t)ne 5auare. one or three insertion, SI 50
Rfery tuLseqoent inertion,les than 13, 50
One column one year, 50 00
1 Admi(iii;ra!or' and ExecDior' notices, 3 00
- ' Transient adver:iiiii pajab'e in advance
" ktl other due aher the firt insertion.
A Yi"omn of the "Keystone State,"
For year, had battled hard with Frr ;
When, 80fJen!y, to cheer toil,
, The farmer uruck a wel! of od
- i At l'ithole !
VVek rolled alon with qoiei pe,
' 'And other cme to view the pUce ;
Then et to vrorS and boilla town, ' .
' . .. .. - '
. While nock went up and well went down
. . At Pilhole !
: A tiomber more to see tba po
: Whr ell the wealth otoil wrae (ro,
Now bid their horca and friend farewell ;
.. VTbea having looked, return :o tell
' , OJ l'ithole !
t ffett came a Hebrr merelunt here ;
Then a "Saloon'' and u Lager Beer ;"
A lawyer n a doctor nest ;
. A mioister then .took his text
'. i" . . , In. Pilhole ! ;
7 . . .
And then there cams the Journ to tle.,'
A primer. who his knowing pre;
" He came to truth'nlfy record
The Work of rsau and his reward
. " - hi Pilhole.
en theatre and lector? toi,
When Mordotk, Dent", Murphy drew
Glad crowd to pa an hoar away, - -)u
cbeerlal mirth while they tvouUI may (
v. ' ' i . -- ' - : lu fiihole
And nowihf cr.ty mote a'og,
trom ama'l to firet, from weak to ttrong,
- ,1 ill ofner cities can't compare,
And .eterylody want a hare
I a Pi
4 What i a N.wpFi:a. -jt i a transcript
of thought, and a record ot what is pass-
-lug in Hie world. But is not as most bocka
re, the transcript ot a single mind. It is
an exhibition of though'? of many minds.
t It ia collecifd wisdom of the wor'd in some
instance, perhaps, npiced " with a lit lie ol
ihenonene and fully of the saide minds.
It ia a boqitetof t eautiful flowers, compos
t -ed of all the .varieties in nature Ilia a
, ckl ot prrcioas jewels of every hue, ar.d
ire and shape. It is a twee: rpat, a
board spread before the honr) , comprising
, ;he choicest men's and nchet dfcts thai
; earth can affjrd a feast ol fat things a
perlect pic rue of every daimy that the
mind can der-ire. Who would be wi'.houta
' newspaper? VVho would be without thee?
None. wj ven'ure to say, except the old
lories who are a hari'rd j ears btfhiiid the
" '"" Mjsnebs 'f make ii a poitit fif mora!i
,. IT,' J wruer, "never to firid fau'l aiih
another lot ui manners. , lliey ny be
1 awkward or racelul, blunt rr polite, pol
Ihed or rulic, I care not what they are, if
" tfie omn mriHi ell, and acts from hoi.est
i iM'.ernioos without eccentricity or aflecta-
.lion.- All men have net t'ie adao:ae of
t (jood society, a it ia called, to school them
" selves in all fantastic rules and ceremonies ;
-and il there U any standard ol ma' neri, i'
.!ta well founded 'on reavon and good ense
and not upon thee an.oci! rguiatiuac
Manners, like conversation, houlJ be ex
tetnporaneous, and net nodied. I al wajs
. Jauspact a man (bat meets me with the same
premeditated shake of the band. (Jiva me
th hearty it may be- rougb-grip of the
'Jlfadc'areless tod ot recogniiiou, and when
" occasion requires, the home but welcome
salutation 'How are you my old triend V "
JM km ad Women. Women may talk o.
t. their iahereot righia as much as they please,
r tot they can't overcome nature They may
.preach about the equality of the texes, but
ihey ",can't overcome facia - and organiza
tions.. n
Men-and oaks . were made to be twined,
' and women ana ivy were made to twine
4:2 "about item. ; Though in eqnali;y were to
. be eiUbtished teiween calico a ad casei
:, mere- lo morrow, it would not be a week
V.I.fcabrs atl the officers would be men, and
. all the, soldiers women. -VT
"I Feraalea are perfectly willing to go ahead
provided ) tba men go first. Set fire to a
-Bteanx&oaatidinQUa yard of dirnity will
bodge till cassimere sals, the exjunple. So
iooyat Che men clip? JO the vessel, the wr
-jnetULiU cling tollie neo. Bat if ifie men
plunge overboard, 'cbemisetts plunge too.
As w said befprei relormers miy prate as
c:iJe7 niay about equal rights, bol'tbey can't
ci a'lartha regulan'ons ol God. , It is impossi
, t!e for vomit to cot themselves looee from
tcj, a ii is t-ji Bicci uuoi iu iica u3ii iroui
jts tdt&cbmeni to a magnet. c . ...... , ;
;Mici ;rt; ? rt I . j
Sits A rtem as Ward : "Ya ra differ at
ncch aa yooi'pleie'aboat the tu'le of a
ryTsrBger7ui I ielil y oo "confer i
ersbauy- aaJ troolylf ?he 'bar forty thou-'
;v?oi ooiiarsqi ; pereacoan, taa bs ias
C? m yoa can it iu" ... iii :..; : 1
Lore OB the ice.
Lake Austrice, the i-kaiing pond of Whites
town, was a perfect flower garden ; scarlet,
and purple, and amber and divinest shades
of azure flirting about hither and ihi.her,
shading curls and flax and brightest ebony.
Silvery laughs rang out high above the
sharp click ol kater's Heel, and sott ejes
grew tenderly lustrous beneath the fire of
others held all too dangerously near
Remington Ahe looked on with adroga
tion, in. his dark, bright eyes. ' I
Suddenly a little figure shot out from the
6hore, and sped down the lake like an ar
row. Now 'keeping close to the wooded
shore, then gliding like a sunbeam through
the very rnidt of ibo skaters.
Toe -scarlet feather in her cap floated
back behiiid her, mingled with the bUck
hair, which, ecaping from her net, tumbled
into masses ol glittering ringlets on her
As he tocched the arm of a gentleman,
near htm.
Who is he, Churchill? .
Verne Churchill's dark cheek showed a
touch of crimson.
- Which one V
'As if there was more than one! Sht
wi'h the scarlet feather and velvet sacqua.
The queen of them ail.'.
fOh ; that's Asia Vauce.'
lAia ! - What a name ! How came she
by it?'
W conceit of ber father's I have been
ioM,' -
'flumph ! An odd" lancy ! ' Do yon 'know
Yes.' '
'Introduce me, please, I cannot return to
Boston w'uhout hearmj; her voice It ought
to be sweet as silver bells . to accord with
her face and figure.'
'1 see no opportunity, at present, to grat
ify, your desire,' said Churchill, rather
We wi!i seek the opportunity. Bockl
on yourska'esl We will overtuke her.'
'That is easier- said than done. Miss
Vance is a swift skater.'
'At least there i-no harm in trying.'
Ahe said and presenrly the two gemlrma
et lorth in pursuit of ber.
Her brilliant eyes. oftenpd slichtly, as
they met the expression in Churchill's, and
a little corlcion rose color flushed her
cherk. He touched lightly the dainty han
in it foft-furrfd gauntlet.
This is Mr. Afhe, of Boston, Miu Vnr.ce. s
Se acknowledged the introdection with
a cay courtesy. Ashe was fully a match
lor her in small talk, and the acquaintance
proirreysed rapidly.
The two c fa'e!y strangsrs whirled off
totjeiber, leaving Chi.rchrl to return or to
folkw them a' leisure.
He hesiia'ed a moment and then joined
Maud Eist.'ord.
Maud was cnosnally brilliant that day.
The keen air had colored ber pale cheeks
scarlet, and her bice eye fla.-hed like sap
phires. 'Maud and Asia were rival teauties.
Maud's skates had -become loosened. She
seated herself on a fallen log, while Church II
arranged them.
Just then Asia and Mr. Ashe swept by.
Churchill saw the bright flut-b on Asia's
face, and caught something of the subtle
fascination in Ache's dark grey eyes.
And be who had. loved with his whole
fOnl Aia Var.ce lordiree jear, bad never
teen able to win from her a smile half so
tender as that which. new wreathed ber
Lee for this stranger.
Churchill's thoughts were bitter. Per
haps his countenance expressed something
of what was passing within. Maud bent
towards him, one curl of perfumed gold
touched his cheek. What a sweet voice
she had.
'What tronbles jou. Mr. Churchill?'
For a moment the man was tempted. He
looked up into her beautiful face, so rear
bis own that he could have tocched tte
scarlet lips with his. Maud loved nim acd
Asia was a old hearted coquette.
. He took the band Maud laid on his shoul
der, and half encircled ber waist with his
arm. but his native truth conquered. Bi-
cause one woman fl.rted, he would not be
false himself. So lie answered Maud qui
etly : - . .
Thack you. Nothing troubles me. Shall
we join the company.?'
And piqued and disappointed, Maad re
luctantly assented.
Asia, little coquette that she was, could
not be unmindful of the attractions of Mr.
Ashe. His blonde face with its golden,
brown beard and hair, would have won the
heart of alraos: any young lady. Asia liked
the courteous deference of his manner, and
she was not averse to reading the admiration
expressed in his eyes; besides, the marked
attention made '.he other belles spiteful
towards her, and Asia liked that. She did
not care how hard the girls felt against her ;
she knew ber bright eye would set all right
with the ether sex.
Ashe walked ' borne with Asia, and ob
tained permission to call...
He went there frequently.
' His stay-in Whitesiown was prolonged
from three days to a week, and tc a fort
nighi. His business bad taken more time
than be thought, be said, by way of excose
But he could stay no longer.' His partner
was becoming impatient at his delay, and
bad peremptorily recalled him.
- The last day ol his stay he went down to
the lake.' It was .the first of April, bat the
ice bad not yet broken op.
tor9 OQ balold folks are, prone; to croak,
The old "people-said it wascasaie 10 vea
andihe joongpeopje rgave
tarp. - J.', ' " .
lifle heed to
There was quite a crowd on the ice, and
amohj them Asia Vance.
Asia had never been gayer. She glided
op lo ihe'ceniiemen mentioned, and chal-
lensed them to a race. -
A-he's eyes glittered meaningly.
What shall be the stakes we contend for.
Miss Vance V
Whatever yoo please.' she answered
qui'e saucily.
'Very well. I accept the condition. It
shall be yourself, if you please.' .
She blushed, but was too high spirited
too retract.
'So be it. But you rautt catch me fairly.
I claim that.' ,
. 'Right. We are both gentlemen, I think,'
bowing to Churchill, who stood a - little
apart. .
'AllowS she said gaily ; but in spite of
ber light tone, there was a sober light in
her eye seldom seen there. She could see
that by tbe way they looked at each other.
What if Abhe won? and, again, what if
Churchill won? She dared not think lest
they should recede.
They started off fairly all together. 'Asia
went straight op the lake toward tbe head
waters. Tbe gentlemen followed her. None
of the party as yet exerted ihemselves.
They glided on easily, saving their strength
for the final contest. Swifter and swifter
flew the slight figure of the girl, tbe dis
tance between her and her followers mate
rially lengthened, and the race began in
People called oat thai it was dangerocs
to go so near the mouth of 4he Rocky River,
The principal tributary of Lake Austrice
but they did not heed the warning. They
were too mcch excited to think of peril.
On went Asia, the scarlet feather stream
ing out behind her like a war flag and her
silvery voice of defiance now and then
floating back to them. '
The color and texture ot the ice was dif
erent here. It vra dhrk, and they cou'd
see the water gliding beneath. Still they
would not hesitate :o follow where she
dared to lead them.
Asia ewept around the last point of land
out into the broadest part of the Like, op
posite the mouth of Rocky River. Tha gen
tlemen followed. Ashe was ahead, Church
ill was a little heavier, and not so agile.
Ashe's handsome face gleamed and his
eyes sparkled as he sped on ; the ice ben J
ing beneath his weight, and the water bub-,
bling through the air holes wi:h a Loarie
scucd. He knew how insecure Jvas bis
footing, he knew the risk he ran; but Asia
a little before him was beckoning List on.
He made the attempt to advance; but the
ice cracked beneath his feet; ihe water was
ankle deep, and it was frightfully evident
that the lake was breaking op.
'Good God !' he cried, 'all is lost !'
To go on was death. He was not ready
to sacrifice himself for the desperate chance
of outskating Asia Vance.
He turned quick!, and like lightning!
g'ided back to where tne ice was yet in-!
tact. Gathering bis strength for an instant,
be made for the shore.
Churchill's eagle eye took ic the scene
at a glance. His brea h came quick, and
his heart beat like billows of the sea. And
his sreat strength served him. Over tbe
yielding ice he glided on, gaining percep
tibly on the scarlet feather. A . moment
more and e should be beside her.
Suddenly she stopped, transfixed with
horror; at last she realized the deadly peril
of her position. -
Chorctiilt strained every nerve, never for
a seconi losing sight o! the graceful figure
staudiog so frigidly erect amid the roar and
tumult all around.
Another instant it seemed hours to him
and he had thrown his arm around her.
'I have won you,' cried he hoarsely.
She was while as death, and her stiff fin
gers clung to his arm wkh the grip of de
spair. 'O, Verne, we are lost,' she crieJ.
'We must trust to the water. See it i
growing deeper.'
Even as he spoke his leet were -swept
from coder him ; the whole mass nf ice
heaved and groaned ; and then large cakes
drifted tumcltoously around.
Churchill was a strong swimmer, and bat
tied bravely for tbe victory. Sometimes it
seemed as if he must go down; but his
will was like iron, and his strength indom
itable. He fought his way through the massive
cakes of ice, torn and bleeding, bat never
At last be caught Ihe pliant branch of a
willow which swept far out over tbe watar,
and by its aid drew himself and his burden
to the shore.
Alia looked into bis face with wide open
eyes, and a glow nf crimson stealing over
the ghastly whiteness of her countenance.
.'Have 1 won fairly, Asia ?' .
'Yes; yoo have won she said averting
her eyes.'
'I do not hold yon to it unless yon will it.
Are yoa mine freely ?' -'And
wbat then V she asked softly.
'Asia !' their eyes met.
1 She flung her arms around Lis neck, and
put her. lace op to his.
4I give myself to you, oh, so free ! Vetne
did you not know thai I bava loved you so
always I
Mr. Asbe returned to Boston the next
day, without calling to Lid Asia good bye.
She did cot think' i the omission until
Mr. Churchill asked ber opinion of Boston
breeding. . . . ... .. ------ ,
She answered him sancily : ---
lit am ' qoite satisfied jfttb WLitestown
rainoers sir.' . ' ' , " -
"iDjlrf s About."
: About the year 1823 and '33 there lived a
, family of some note on the Gandoloope riv-
er in Western Texas. Among tbem were
aeverai young moiea or tne upper tendom
of thote days sensible looking creatures,
I ,aPI,r 'ar'C8 aniI always oil of fun and
rniscntet. it nappened ttiat among n.teen
or twenty yoon men residing in that sec
tion there was one by the name of Miller, a
snrly faced. grizzly haired, choffy and moon-
eyed chap, who became wofoily smitten f
younz ladie who, of all the buskskins in
the wilds of Texas, was most unlikely to be
a successful diplomas! in matters where the
gentle sex were to be consulted, won aod
Hie visits became less like those of angels
first once a month,then doubling to twice
a month, and once a' week1' and soon"
6aid the old man, "this amber spitting, deer
killing fellow was almost every day forcing
his company on poo' Betly."
Many jokes at her expense followed, of
course, and she resolved, after suffering uu
der them for some time, to get clear of ber
admirer or quit the ranche herself.
.An opportunity offered on the following
Sabbath. It being watermelon season and
Betty's father having a fine supply, all the
youngsters for miles around assembled there
on the holiday to feast on melons. M. was
prominent in the circle until afternoon.
Betty had a private interview with the
young rnen and arranged that M. should be
decoyed from the house and frightened by
the cry of "Indians," from some of his
comrades, which would wound his pride
and drive him away. "A swim in the river,
aorr, three hundred yards distant, was pro
posed by one and seconded by sevreal
course poor M. was in for it.
They tvcr.t to the ford near (he meloa : the 15th tost., the prisoner was brought into
patch, and began undressing. In the mean- court, before His Honor Judge Duff, on a
time eight or tea others, with guns, had ', writ of habeas corpus. Tne Court proceed
cone down unJer cover of the bank, and se-! ed wiih the trial. The circumstances, as
creted themselves along the path from the j revealed by the evidence, pointed directly
bathing place to tbe bouse. The company j to the prisoner as the murderer of Mahorn,
with Miller were in fine glee, and in going i as the clothing found was identified as his;
down spoke of the recent outrages of the j and that certain teeth which he was known
Indians, their increased boldness &c thus ! lo have had extracted ia his lifetime were
exciting the ar.:i combative bumps of Miller
to the highest pitch.
"Now boys," said one, "who'll j:rap into
the river first ?''
"I'll bet I'm first in," said Miller, 'by
Josh I'm fir-t with the gals in course I'm
first here."
Off went coats, pants, shoes, socks, &c.
Just as Miller had doffed everything, but
his short red flannel shirt bang! bang!
bang ! why-o-wo-ja! ban! went two,ihree
and four more guns loud and more shrill of Henry Mahorn in proprii per sum, in the Iheir nearest neighbor, for assistance. As
roe the terr'.ble warboop in the dense brush ' court room, in full vigor of lite, hale and 6oon as the party discovered Mr. C. was ue
opder the bank. ! hearty, giving the most unmistakable evi- . able to render any further resistance, they
"Goodness gracious ! I'm a dead man,'' dence that he bad not been murdered and , drove on, ridiculing the grief cf the terror
groaned James Simpson. that the accused was innocent of the heiu- i str.ckcn wife, atid refusing to assist her in
'My leg is broken ! Oh, save me !' shreik-, ous crime w iih which he was charged. , her attempt to convey the insensible body
ed George Williams. j The prisoner was so overcome with joy at of her husband into the house. Silting in
"Run for life men ! run for mercy's sake, ur.ezpecied and apparently providential de- the snow, supporting bis head upon her lap,
ran !" cried Jack Parson, "one of mr etes ' liverance from the sLscicious'circumsunces Mrs. Campbell wailed until Mr. Ingham
are out, and boih legs broken."
All was said in an instant do you see
that red blaze along the path ? Look a mo
ment what velocity ! That jagged hair all
"B;raiglit out behind Thai is Miller streak
ing for (he bouse shirt and all see him turn
the corner at the thicket bang ! bang!
went half a dozen pieces, and louder than
ever rose the hideous war cry.
"Oh, my !" groaned Miller redoubling his
speed, ihe red blaze getting larger, acd
bunches of his bushy hair dropping out as
he spread himself see him leap the yard
fence, high in air, red shirt and all.
The porch was full of ladies off went
two or three more guns M. glanced at the
ladies and then at his short flannel shirt.
"Run for your life M 'screamed Bmiy.
"the Loose is full of Indiana ; father is dead
and brother Sim is wounded. Run ! speed !
In the twinkling of an eye M. was out of
the yard, and supposing the premi-es sur-'
rounded, off he shot the red blaze more
brilliviit than everand striking directly for
ihe tbick. ihor;iy bottom, he reached and
'warn ibe river, and although it was nearly
sun-et, Al. got into a settlement r.tty miles
distant to breakfast next riioruin?, still re
taining ihe sleeves and collar of his red
shirt, and reported all the family, v'mitors,
&c, among the slain. As for himself he
said he had fought aslong as fighting would
do any good.
It is unnecessary to inform 'yoo whether
or not Bet:y was ever troubled with M. after
that snap.
A drunken wituess leaving the-box, blur
ted out:
"My lord, I never cared for anything
but women and horseflesh!' .
, Mr. Justice Maule : "Ob, you never cared
for anything but women and horseflesh ?
Then I advise you to go home ar.d make
your will, or, if yoa have made it, put a
codicil to it, and direct your executors, as
soon as yon are dead, to have your skin
made into side-saddles, and thertf whatever
happeus. yoa will have the satisfaction of
reflecting that after death, some part of yoa
will be constantly in contact with what, in
life, were the bearosl objects of your affec
tions." A temperance lecturer, descanting on the
essential and purifying effects of cold water,
remarked as a knock-down argument :
"When the world bad become so corrupt
that the Lord could do nothing with it, be
was obliged to give it a thorough sousing in
cold water." . .
v rallied the toner, "but tt kibed
ever darned , critter on tbe face; of the!
earth.?...- . '
Kcmnnlic Murder Trial.
The Benton fill.) Standard relates a story
of a trial for murder which endedjn toman,
ce and not in i:agend. The man supposed
walked into court, alive and well, during
tbe trial. The Standard says; A few-weeks
since we noticed the fact of the find iug of a
human skeleton in the woods, aboot two
miles east of this place, by Mr. Benjamin
Williams, and of the verdict of tte jury of
inquest, designating the skeleton as the re
mains of a vounz man by the name of
Henry Mahorn, and implicaning David
Williams, son ol Benjamin Williams, aa his
mcrderer. . The circumstances surrounding
the case were strongly against Ihe accused,
as the missing young man was last seen, in
this community, about a year ago, in com
pany with Williams, on their way to enlist
in :he army as substitutes.
The accused, after an absence of a few
weeks, returned home alone, staling that
his comrade, Henry Mahorn, bad enlisted
in the Tenth Regiment Missouri Infantry.
This appeared plausible at the lime, and
Henry Mahorn was almost entirely forgotten
by our citizens, until.'the finding of theskel
ton in ,he woods. The scspicioos of our
citizens sere at once aroused, from the fact
that the clothing was iden ifieJ as the same
worn by Mahorn when last seen. Their
suspicions that he had been foully murder
ed by Williams were much intensified by
learning that his father and family, living
in Tennessee, had never beard from him
from the tinse he left this neighborhood in
company with Williams, lo join the army
although diligent inquiry had been made
to ascertain, if possible, his whereabouts.
The supposed murderer was immediately"
arrested upon the rendering of the verdict
! of the jury of inquest, and lodged in the
county jail lo awaite his trial. Oa Monday
the identical ones that were found wanting
in the jaws of the skeleton. j
In fact the circumstances pointing to the
guilt of the accused were so strong that;
nine-tenths of the ciiizens of this commu-j
mty were fully satisfied ol his guilt.
lu the midst of the trial, imagine tbe
utter astonishment of the cocrt, counsel,
witnesses, the eager and excited spectators, j
as well as the overwhelming ior of :h pris
' oner in the dock, by the sudden appearance
. - a a
! that surrounJed him, that he wept like a
! child. The Judge at once ordered there.
leae ol the accused. !
It seems thai Mahora had joined the army
under "an an assumed name, and in conse
quence was unable to hold correspondence
with his (rinds, and being discharged but a
few days previous to the trial of the young
man Williams, as his murderer, he fortu
nately arrived at Benton the very day the
trial commenced.
This case should serve as a lesson to ju
ries to be slow in convincing on purely
circumstantial evidence. It would be .
more in accordance with the dictates of hu- j
marity that ninety nine guilty persons
should escape punishment of the law than
lha: one innocent person should suffer an
ignominious death.
This singular case, which appears more t
Ike fiction than reality, has produced a pro-;
, . . i r- .i. '
touiiu sensation in mis cimiiuiuhhj , iui mo
i , - ,u i, ,i10 a
I cosej Wi8 guilty. Indeed we think had not ;
) lacfj, returned, or been accounted for, j
J thal jt wouj fcaTe been very doubtful
a iiiur l iiiji v li rui - - - - - - '
wbe'her a jury could have been obtained
in the country that would have acquitted
him, in view ol ibe strong circumstances
that pointed to his guilt.
A Married Man Send the wrong Let
ter to nis Wire We understand that a
well known business man ol .Lis city, who
has a wife and a family, has given rise to a
good deal of talk by his attentions to a fair
and frail damsel. The gentleman is in
New York, aod wrole an affectionate letter
to the object of his guilty passion, urging
ber to join him, and enclosiug fifty dollars
lo pay her traveling expenses. At the same
time he wrole a loving letter lo his wife,
deploring- the urgency of the business
which kept him away from the bosom
of his family, and bewailiog the tedi
oasness and tastelessness of the hours un
enlivened by ber dear presence. By some
odd fatilit) tbe letters were mixed, and the
wife got the one intended for the mistress
She bad scented a rodent for some time, bui
now there was co docbt. Pocketing the
money she placed tbe fatal letter in the
hands of lawyer, who will proceed to bring
suit for a divorce. Indiav.opolis Herald.
"Why do you set your cop of coflee upon
the chair, Mr. Jones 1"
"It ia so weak, ma'raa." replied Mr.
Jones, demurely, "that 1 thought I would
let it rest." !
We have seen coffee so weak that it
I couldn't run I ' ' "
A 51 a a Ponadfd to Dta'irj by Ilufriats.
One of the most shocking crime; of which
wo have lately had any account, was com
mitted in ;ho town of Frankfort Herkimer
county, yesterday afternoon, shortly before
6 o clock. The victim was Mr. Jobn Camp
bell, a man about 45 years of sge,who own
ed a farm in the locality known as Frankfort
Hill a respected citizen and exemplary
man. The guilt of the crime rests upon
one or more of a party of five 'ronghs,' well
known in Utica and Frankfort, where they
have resided.. Their names are Win. Dul
ch er, Charles Vance, Hartow or 'Hile' Da
vis, Irwin Vance and Asa Fuller, a brother-in-law
of Harlow Davis.Thecircomstances
are as follows ; In the midst of a drunken
carousal, one of the Vance boys proposed lo
hire a horse and cutter and attend a dona
tion party that took place at Cedar Lake, in
Herkimer cour.ty, last night.
The proposition found favor,and Asa Full
er Volunteered lo procure a rig for that pur
pose. Fuller accordingly went to Ketch
am'a livery stable on John street, where he
succeeded in hiring a horse, and (he party
started for Cedar Lake. Reaching the resi
dence of Mr. Campbell, about four miles
from this city, about half-past five o'clock,
tbe party stopped and demanded liquor of
Mr. C Mr. Campbell had secured his
house for the purpose of attending tbe do
nation at Cedar Lake, and had taken h i
place in his own conveyance with his wife
and little daughter for that purpose when
the party drove up.
In reply to their demand for liquor, Mr.
Cammbell replied that be had no such ar
ticle. The roughs in their drunken obstina
cy, insisting that he bad liquor, and threat
ened him with personal violeoce unless
their demands were complied with. Mr.
Campbell and his family left their sleigh
and went into the house, hoping the fellows
would drive off. It seems, however, that
they had no such intention. They lefttherr
cutter in the greatest passion and, by the
aid of some sled stakes, broke through one
of the windows on the ground floor.
Here they were stoutly opposed in their
i attempt at entrance by Mr. Campbell, who
resisted them with a consciousness of right
that only a man in his situation can feel.
The encounter, as represented by Mrs. C.
was terrible. As might be expected, ber
husband was overpowered, being driven out
of tbe house into the road, where bis bead
and face were literally pounded to a jelly by
the sled stakes in the bands of bis numer
ous assailants.
While the fight was in progress, Mrs. C.
had despatched her 1 ittle daughter, only four
years of age, to the house of John B. Icgham,
could arrive.
Her situation as dasenbed by Mr. I. was
pitiful in tbe extreme. - Both bodies were
covered with congealed blco d the faithful
wife, Lsarly dead with cold, supporting the
head and kissing the Junditinguishable fea
lures.of her dying husband. With the as
sistance of a hired man named White, Mr.
1. carried tbe body into the bouse and Bp-
pi ed the usual restoratives
Medical as
sistance was, however, useless, and the
murdered man breathed his las: ia less than
ten minutes after he was taken inio the
Oor police worked through the nigh, and
by five o'clock this morning, tbe murderers
occupied quarters in the police station.
Utica (.V. Y.) Ileiali, Feb. 8th.
Chloride of Lim k eor Vermine. A cor-
... .
Sjrne years ago I read in a French scien-
- - , .
-tific periodical, that chloride-of lime would
rid a house ol all these nuisances. I look
an old country house infested with rats,
mice and flies, I stuffed every rat and
mouse-hole with the chloride. I threw it
on the quarry floors of the dairy and cellars
I kept saucers of it under the chests of
drawers, or -ome o'.her convenient piece of
lurnature, in every nurery, bed, or dressing-room.
An ormme-ital glass vase held
a quantity at the fool of each staircase.
Stables, cow-sheds, pigstie, all had their
dose and the resul, was glotious.
I thoroughly routed my enemies, and if
the rats, more impudent than all the rest
did make renewed attacks upon Ibe dairy
in about twelve months, when probably,
from repealed cleansing and flushing, all
tracees ol the chloride had vanished, a
handfull of fresh again rouned them and left
me master of my own premises.
Last year was a great one for wasps;
they wouldn't face the chloride ; though in :
the dining-room, in which we had none
as its smell, to me most refreshing and
wholesome, is not approved byiall persons
e had a perpetual warlare and all this
comfort for eight-pence. Only let house
wive beware that they place not chloride
in iheir china pantries, or in cloe proxim
ity to bright steel waresbr the result may
be that their gilded china will be reduced
to plain, and their bright steel fender to
rusty iron in no time.
A lawyer is something ot a carpenter.
He can file a bill, split a hair, make an en
try, gel up a case, frame an indictment, im
panel a jury, pot them in a box, nail a wit
ness, hammers judge, bore a, cocrt, aod
i inch things.
Gavemor Bram'ttte or Eentriclcf oa ' lit
- Frccdmen's Bareaa. . - .
A few days ago, Judge S. S. Goodloe of
the City Cocrt, Lexington, Ky.t ender the
statute of Kentucky, fined a negro for bar
ing a pistol in bis possession. Mr. Pink
erfoo, agent of the Freedrnen's Boreso.'toor
the case in hand and notified Judge Good
loe that all seeh statutes, were no UngtY
valid, and requested. him to restore the
gro bis pistol and remit the fine.' Judge
Goodloe declined to do this, not recognizing
any role of procedure ia bis Court bot that
of tbe statutes of Kentucky. Tbe aulter
was at this stage referred to Governor Bram
lette, who in answer to Judge Goodloe,
y ' '"'-1 : i '
'You take the correct view of your daty.
Yoa have no power to make, unmake or
amend laws, bot must administer tbem aa
they exist. This yoa sad all other officers
should do, regardless of ihe menaces of ibe
agents of a Bareaa which has no legal ex
istence in Kentucky.
The powers assumed by anper officials
and agents ol overriding the laws and civil
authorities of the Slate, should be firmly
met and resisted ic every legal form. The
whole negro population being now free,
are by our laws, as they exist, secured and
protected in their rights of life, liberty and
property. The slave coda has nothing to
do with the free negro now, and never did
have. I. have every reason to believe that
the present General, Assembly will adopt
suitable and wise provisions for the benefit
of tbe freedmen. Whether they do or not,
Mr. Pinkerton ought lo know that it is not
ia your or his province to make, amend or
disregard existing laws. Mr. Pinkerton
would better subserve the true interests of
negro, aod of the society and State in which
he lives by locking up his bureau aod los
ing the key, than by the coarse he seems
bent on pursuing." The Governor baa
turned the whole matter over to the Le;i.
The wife of Garibaldi was a woman of
extraordinary daring and bravery. A short
time after their marriage, she wetit throngb,
an engagement at sea, with ber husband,
refasiug to go ashore, and dnring tbe fighi
would stay nowhere but on deck, where sha
wielded a carbine and cheered tbe men.
In tbe heat of the battle she was stauding
on deck, flourishing a 6aber, acd inspiring
the men to deeds of valor, when she wsa
knocked down by tbe wind of a canon ball
that bad killed two men standing by ber
side. Garibaldi was springing forward to
her, thinking that be would find her a corpse
when she rose to her feet, covered with tbe
blood of the men who had fallen close to
her, but quite unhurt. He begged ber to go
below and remain there till the action was
over. "I will go below," was ber reply,
''but only to drive out the sneaking cowards
who are skulking there;" for only a few
seconds before she had seen three men
leave the deck and hurry rapidly down tbe
hatchway, 60 as to escape out nf danger of
the storm of bullets that was sweeping the
deck. And going below, the immediately
afier re-appeared, driving- before her tbe
three men, overcome with shai&e that they
should have been surpassed ia courage bj
a woman.
Mastfactvrisg at the Socth. Many
ot the Southern States are embarking in
manufacturing enterprises which promise
speedily :o develope and pot into lull ope
ration the ttnrivaisd resources tba! they en
joy. The causes which have kitberto re
tarded the Gulf States in manufacturing
iheir own principal staple cotton bare
been removed, factories are everywhere
springing up, machinery being provided,
and skilled operatives imported. Every
Southern State is furnished with water
power in abundance; the only necessary
thing to complete snccess is capital, and
that is exhibiting its willingness to migrate
thiiter ; so that under the new system of
f.-ea tabor the manufactures of New En
gland may soon encounter formidable rivals
id the South.
To Prevent Horses Kicking. Haviog a
horse thol would kick everything to pieces
ia tbe stable thai be could reach, and
having found a remedy for it, (after trying
many things, such as lettering, whipping
hanging, banging chains behind him for
to kick against, &c.,) I sesd it lo yoa. It is
simply fastening a short trace chain, aboot
two feet long, by a strap to each bind foot,
and lei htm do his own whipping, if he can
not stand still without it, and be will not
need to have boards nailed to bis stall every
day. Country Gentleman.
The Seven Siss Some geunioe typo
has furnished - mankind with a new cata
logue of the 6evea deadly sins. He ranges
them as follows:
1. Refusing to take a newspaper.
2. Taking a newspaper and not paying
for it. 1
3. Not advertising.
4 Advertising and not paying for it. -
5. Making a printing offioe a loafing
6. Reading mauuscript in the bands of
compositor. r
7. Sending abusive and threatening letters
to the editor.
Os a lence in Lancaster, Pa., is painted,
ijj glaring capitals, "Use Dr. Prior's coagb,
balsam, and ju6t below. "Get your coffisx
ready." ' ' " . : . . ;
This line fills ihe pa