The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, February 14, 1866, Image 2

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    i iilii l.UHIII.
C. U. Ji ARK LEY, Assistant Editor.
S. M. Pkttkngill & Co., 37 Tark How
New York, are duly authorized to solicit and
receive subscriptions and ad vertisiniz for the
Star cflhe North, published it Bloomsburg,
Columbia county, Penn'a. ,
Mather & Co.,.335 Broadway, New York,
are authorized to receive subscriptions and
advertising for the Star cj the North.
iiiliU cf tie
State Central
Democrahc State Committer Room3
Habbpburg, Feb. 9, 1866.
,Tq the Lemocrmy cj Pennsylvania:
The events of 4be last political canvass
are yet fresb in yoor minds.
Yoa announced yoar unequivocal en
dorsement of the restoration policy of Pres
ident Johnson, and denounced the doctrine
of negro suffrage.
Yoor opponents affirmed, their topport of
the President, and eaaded the issve opon
the qnesilon of snffrajte.
A powerful organization, large official
peonage and an unscrupulous use of
tuocey, tecured to them the victory.
7 he record if the past month strips the
mflc from the face of the victors.
Tbey treat with derision the declared
j.olicy of the PresidenU They have placed
the Government of the Constitution in
' abeyance, arid its legislative and executive
functions are usurped by a cabal of men,
rho, in obedience to caucus, govern the
cation through the forms of a directory.
The right of each Stale lo regulate the
fjm'iflcations of its electors is denied ; the
y.iH-ef the people of the District of Colom
i ia U overridden, and by an almost onani
' i. .oo vole. The Republican party in Con
f res and Ace State Legislature accord to
the negro .equal political rights with the
white man.
1 he initial tep toward a war of raees has
teen taken, and a consolidated gerernment
looms up in -the distance.
The tenets of lbe President opon these
points are oor cardinal doctrine. In sus
taining him we vindicate them.
Organize in every cook and corner of the
"Organize to sustain the President, lb
En i a tain onr priacipleelo restore the Union,
(o vindicate the supremacy of yoar race,
and to bring in political oblivion the meu
w ho huve been false to the Un.'on, false to
it eir pledges, false to the inatJCci'e of their
Hood, and irne alone to the madu-89 ,nal
rules the ho nr.
By order of the Democrrtic State C?u :rat
Committee. ' I
" William A. Willace,
Who Comes first.
Durirg three nights of last week, the
children of Bloomsburg, of course inci ed to
action by older persons, held a fair and fes-
A the proceeds of which were to bo ap
plied to the relief of freedmen negroes.
During three nights of this week, the cl.i'
!ren of Bloomsburg, probably incited by the
fame person?, announce that a fair and fes
tival will be held, the proceeds of which,
we are told,' are to be used to alleviate the
ciTjrit'gs and wants of the widows and or
phans of sokliers who died, or were killed
trie ervic3 of ihe late war. We ak,who
conies first in Bloomsburg? Last week
.as' court week, and then when a large pa
tronage was expected the negro comes in to
"i a the. profits.' Nothing unusual is in
r .'ogress this week to bring crowds of peo
i in, and the proceeds of the fair may be
rvpected to be very small, this will do for
im soldier, say our loyal filks.
We commend the action of lbe boys lor
this week and hope they may realize a
LiaJeome profit from their labor.
CarlShubz, in a recent speech delivered
at Brooklyn, used ihe following language in
reference to the restoration policy of An
irew Johnson :
"I do not wish to impugn .the motives of
the men who inaugurated the presen? meth
od of reconstruction. They are, doubles,
u with good and bonet motives. Tbe.'O
i however, an old proverb that hell is pav
ed wjtb, good intention". " . .... .
This renegade, who escaped (he halter by
fleeing from his own native country, onder
ihe guilt of treason, ia one of the mouth-t-ieces
of Ihe destruction party of the United
Nates, fie becomes as bold and lawless
pre as Id bra native land, and joins hauids
"iib the crew of partisans, who all ihe
J. us!itntion a league xciih hell, while he
'alms that action founded opon the pr:nci-
I 'es of the came constitution sresueh as
kdl paved and he is applanded. . If
n.rentionsoca as Andrew Johnson declares
i- hi restoration policy, shall be seen by
dri Schurz, when he departs this life and
f'ttiM the place of which he describes the
(Tiatertal . of the pavement information
probably gained through the medium of the
pirn of J. B. it may be presumed that
vhen the intentions he harbors shall ttave
?n placed iher, there will be an increas
5 J terror in those regions.
A J GLOsrBBPKWiCR, having dissolved co
rtpcrsho wir"a William 'H. Welsh in Ihe
'jMieauon 01 ids Aget iur. eun ui u-
..- - -. S II. IT'-l 1. U J
r.itted in partnership with him, James M.
",obb. The Age has been an able and ear
,pst Democratic" paper, while onder the
oatrol of tie firM publisher, and from the
-ne cf theV paper since the partial cbange
raMl?hers. we expect to Cod it quite as
;i if wot better. Mr Robb is & epiritedl
:r cf c.cch ab'.lity. 11
. LtgSllatlTf. , ,
In glancing over some of the -late pro
ceedings of the Legislature, we. notice that
the Member from this District has intro
doced the following bills:
A bill providing for the pa) ment of local
bounties to Veteran Volunteers. This bill
is general, and no doubt will meet the hear
ty approval of the soldiers and their friends.
A bill incorporating the Centralis Water
A bill authorizing the appointment of
Commissioners to lay oot.a new road be
tween Ashland, Schuylkill county, and Cen
tralia, Colombia county.
- A bill incorporating the Montour and Col
orada Gold Mining Company.
A bill changing the time of holding the
Spring Elections in the Borough of Berwick,
fixing it at the same time the township elec
tions are he'd ic this county.
We also notice that patois have Ucn
presented from Citizen; ot Columbia county,
and refe.:ied lo the proper committee pray
ing for the passage of more stringent laws
for ihe punishment of horse thievesand like
criminals. This being the only County
moving in lbe last mentioned matter it may
hardly be expeted that any altera'ion will
be made in the law in that particular. Im
portant general laws are not so easily made
or changed, as some people may imagine.
A local bill was paused a few days since,
increasing the fees of certain officers for
the cour.ties of Crawford, Bradford, Susqne
hanna, Sullivan and Wyoming, to which
the county of Montour was included at the
instance of the Member representing this
District. These counties received no bene
fit of the bill which was parsed at the last
session, increasing lbe fees of county offi
cers of this Commonwealth ; they being ex
cluded from the' provisions ef the bill, by
the Members representing those counties,
upon the ground that the people in those
counties were not desirous of any increase
of lees.
A bill war passed on the 8th inst., for the
relief of certain citizens of Chambersburg
and vicinity, whose property was destroyed
by fire, by the rebels, on the 13th of Ju'y,
1864. The vote on the bill stands 73 yess
to 23 nays ; the DemoctaU supporting Ihe
bill with but two exceptions.' The Repub
lican side of the House made a fierce fight
against the bill. This bill provides for the
appointment of appraisers by the Court of
Dauphin county, whose duty shall be to as
sess the damages. The bill, also appropri
ates the snm of five hundred thousand dol
lars for this ebariiable purpose?
The appraisers shalas soon as they will
have finished their duties of assessing dam
ages, make return to ihe Auditor General of
all the petitions presented to them, with the
awards, thereon, and when snch return has
been filed, the said sum of five hundred
thousand dollars shall be apportioned to ssid
awards, pro rale, upon the valuation of the
losses admitted, by the Auditor General, and
his warrant shall be drawn upon the Treas
urer in favor of the persons to whom the
awards and apportionment have been made
and the snms thus ascertained to be due re
spectively to sufTererSjShall be paid to them
or their heirs, executors, administrators or
assign, npon their receipting for the same,
, w,uch receipts shall stale the amount paid,
and authorize ihe JState to receive from the
GenVraf Government said ums out of any
monej-which may hereafter be appropria
ted by Congress lo. compensate luerrl for
losses sustained by the war. It also pro
vides for pw'virig the appraisers four dollars
per day whi" employed in making the as
sessments, and their clerk three dollars per
TL'w" War Opens.
The war between 'be Radicals and the
President, opens fair.'j"- Johnson's opin
ions declared some two' weeks ago through
the press, incited the ire of Tbad. Stevens
to so great an extent as .to bring from his
negro amalgamations!, a tbi eat of decapi
tation, and violent threats of n'ding over the
President, who is a part of the law-making
power ol the country, by refut;ng to sub
mit to him the works of Congrfsa for his
approval or veto, according to the demands
oi the Constitution. Samner in order to
avoid the opposition of ihe President, pro
poses to lake another rout to get to negro
equality. He throws Constitutional restric
tions, and Constitutional amendments over
bis shoulder, and begins a direct operation
to wholly annihilate State privileges by di
rect action in matters exclusively .reserved
to the States. .
But there comes a terrible fire from the
West. Tbe Chicago Tribune, the most rad
ical, and withal the most able journal of the
Abolition party cuts loose from the Presi
dent, and does him honor in the following
Mr. Johnson has for months been very
BtveCt to both sides, but he is approaching
ihe poi.?t now where be must get down
from the le:ce, on one side or the other. In
a few daye wi.'.1-be presented to bira a bill
abolishiBg slavery n the District ol Colom
bia, which be must evther sign or veto.
Then will come Trumbull's civil rights bill
and the bill to enlarge the powers of the
Freedmen's Bureau. The President cannol
sign any one of these bills without aban
doning bis expectations of being aepported
by tbe late rebel element for the next Pres
idency. There are three reasons why he
Joes not want to abandon that suoport :
1, be has forfeited all claim to" Republi
can support in order to get this Southern
support, and while it holds out to him some
hop-e of being re-elected, no other policy
does'. .
2. Ji9 a Southern politician, of Democrat
ic instincts, he believes that the way to be
elected President ia to divide the Northern
vote s no' unite ihe South. By forty years
grazing in tbe Democratic pastures, this
taith ha got into bones, as those of sheep
turn, red by feeding on madder. He ex
pects to be elected in the same way that
Martin Van Bnren, James K. Polk, Frank
lin Pierce, and James Buchanan were.
3. Not being a statesman, nor a man of
any high order of intellect nor elevaiton ot
eentiment, he has never been more than
sopercialiy Republican, and now gravitates
by force of his affinities toward politicians
of his own class, and they are to be found
among tbe three classes of nee who are
alike in despising . "ideas"-especial!y those
of liberty; ,
Largs crops of cotton and tobacco will be
planted in Southern Illicoi Ibis year.
, Tbe Bloody lUematire.
Mr. Sumner is very frank. He. tells the
Senate plainly that the alternative for which
we must be prepared, if negro suffrage fail,
is a bloody revolt of the freedmen, in com
parison with which Saint Domingo was
nothing a revolt, too, in whose behalf the
Almighty and Mr. Sumner (though this last
auxiliary don't count for much in the fight
ing line) will fight. That we may not be
supposed to overstate this, we give bis very
The freedman, though forbearing end
slow toanger, will not submit to outrage
always. He will resist, resistance will-be
organized, and here will beein the terrible
war of races foreseen bv Jefferson, wher?
God in all bis at.ributes, has noo which
csn take part with the 0n5r;s0rs The
tragedy of Saint Dorftigo will be renewed
on a wider thriter) wil0 bloodier incidents.
e w'rnert w tQja D;.ior:c precedent. It
W3.l iue denial of rights to colored people,
after excessive promises, which caused that
fearful insurrection. Alter various vicissi
tudes, during which lbe rights of citizenship
were conferred on free people of color and
then resumed, tbe slaves at lasl rose, and
here the soul sickens at the recital.
The name ot Toussaint L'Ouverture, a
black of unmixed blood, who placed him
self at the head of bis race, showing the
genius of war and the genius of statesman
ship alfo. Under hie. magnanimous rule
the beautiful iland began to smile once
more, agriculture revived, comnr.erce look
a new start, the whites were protected in
person and property, and a constitution was
adopted acknowledging the authority of
France, bnt making no distinction on ac
count of color or race. In an evil hour this
policy was reversed by a decree of Napo
leon Bonapar e ; war revived and the French
army was compelled io succumb ; the con
nection of Si. Domingo- with France was
broken, and this island became a black re
All thin dreary catalogue of murder, bat
tle, sorrow and woe, began in the denial of
justice to the colored race. And only re
cently we have listened to a similar tragedy
from Jamaica, thus swelling the terrible
testimony. Like causes produce like ef
fects, therefore all this will be ours if we
madly persist in ihe same Henial of justice.
The freedmen among us are not unlike
the freedmen of St. Domingo or Jamaica ;
ihey have the same organs, dimensions,
senses, affactions, passions, and above all
the same sense of wrong, and the same
revenge passing from tbe necessity of tbe
case. "
There is one soul that does not sicken at
this recital, end that soul is Mr. Charles
Sumnere. He thinks and, in so many
words, he says that revenge from the ne
cessity ot the case is natural, and there is
no page in modern story which he reads
with as much sympathy as he does the
record of tbe burning of Cap. Francats no
canon so holy and sacred as that of Tous
saint L'Ouverture. It is simply horrible
that such language Is tolerated. It is more
horrible that it should, as we doubt not it is,
be approved. Tbe North Amencan of yes
terday, while it treats Sumner's proposed
amendment with contempt and calls it
'nonsense," has no word of condemnation
for sentiments such as these. Bnt Mr. Sum
ner's historical statements are false and
delusive. Ha know3, none better, for it has
been a favorite study long, that but for the
meddlesome interference of the "Amis des
! Noirs" in Revolutionary Paris, and the de
cree of 179 1, Saint Domingo would at this
hour have been as contented and prosper
ous a colony as Cuba is. Such meu as
Brissot de Warville (French Sumners) set
the ball in motion with'a cry against "ulic
arcby," and caste and nero slavery. They
filled the beads of negroes in the distant
colonies with notions of political equality.
TaP made "freedmen" of them, and the
end was bJ?cd, because, says Mr. Sumner,
they ?id nof get .more" and all they wanled.
But it shouId be remembered 'bat before
this blood came, tbe agitators Oi ihe .mis
chief bad themselves perished. BrUsot and
his Girondists, tbe especial black man's
friends, Lad gone to the scaffold, if we
mistake not, for oar common place book is
not at band to verify our dates, before the
great consummation in Saint Domingo.
The American reaction, we trust, will not
be as sharp as tbe French one, but it may
come, and the cry against Charles Sumner
may be as loud as one once was, here in
the North here in Philadelphia against
John Brown Age.
Fred. Docglass and his white allies are
highly scandalized at the President's reply
lo the negro delegation. Tbe feeling among
the radicals in Congress is very bitter lr
ward the Executive. Sumner. ' Wilson,
Thad. Stevens and Kelley, are exceedingly
sour. They realize at last who they have
got to fight. They cannot begin to carry
two thirds of either House with them in
support of their obnoxious measures, and
as the President is fortunately armed with
the veto power, they are just now iu a
quandary what to do next. The so-called
Reconstruction Committee have come loa
stand still. They have buried tbe creden
tials of the Southern members, and are
doubtless satisfied with that portion of their
business. It is hinted ihat they will soon
introduce some ne measure, providing
for, what they call, additional guarantees.
They ronld lo guarantee, or perpetu
ate their hold, on tbe" public treasury for
ever, bat they can't accomplish it by any
legislation they may propose. The people
will decide that question at the coming
election, spite of all "Thaddens & Co." can
Suicide.- We regret to announce that Mr.
Henry D. Seyberi, one of the most respect
able citizens of Salem township, Luzerne
coonty, committed suicide by hanging him
self with a baiter in his baro, on Wednes
day afternoon last. This sad affair resul'ed
from deep distress of mind on account of
the supposed death of a son, who bad taken
the bounty and enlisted ia the United S:ates
army for the suppression of the rebellion.
Notwithstanding his distressed father bad
made every effort in his power to discover
his whereabouts, he failed to gather any
trace of bira, or as to his probable fate.
This baa weighed so heavily on his mind",
that it is supposed in a fit of abstraction 'he
committed the fatal deed. Tbe unfortunate
occurrence has cast a deep gloom over the
entire community, as be was a man univer
sally beloved and esteemed. Berwick Gas
Bsmaoce and Reality.
Many of the citizens of Pottsville no
doubt remember ahandsome, dashing young
officer of the Seventeenth United States in
fantry, Lieut. Ed. McConnel, who was for
merly stationed here on recruiting service.
1 Lieut. Ned" was a brave and distinguished
officer, and being fine-looking, and of a gay
and festive turn generally, he was quite a
favorite with many of tbe ladies and "fast"
men here.
Some time after leaveing here the Lien
tenant rose to the position of a Major,, and
was appointed Provost Marshal ol St. Louis.
. ... ...v "iou'.;uio uj vviuri veu o ue in nar-
tisborg freouentlv. and became too intimate
with the daughter of Gov. Cor'.in to suit the
fancy of the Governor, who finally ordered
him to discontiue his visits.
One day however, Major McConnell and
tbe Governor's daughter stepped into the
office of tome magistrate to the Governor
unknown, and were married The bride re
turned home, and not long after the Major
called to see her, when the 'stern parent'ob
jecting, he was made acquainted with the
true position of afliirs. Of course, he "ex
alted the antique Nicholas" generally, but
finally cooled down and proposed lo send
his daughter, who was rather young, to a
boarding school for a year before she en
tered into the responsibilites of housekeep
ing, etc. This plan was carried out, and
the youthful bride was sent off to a distant
Major Ned, becoming dissatufied with
this arrangement, carried the young lady off
again. But Msjor Ned,the sosipe say, was
inclined to fast living, and the ' course of
true love" didn't rnn smooth. The Govern
or went to sea for lbe benefit of bis health
Cupid did the same, probably, and the ro
mantic onion of the Major and his. partner
ended in a most onromantic squabble.
Last week a bill of divorce in their cae
was passed by lbe Legislature at Harrisburg
and the illy-matched pair, were separated as
suddenly and as much to the surprise of the
gossips as they had been united. Major
Ned Is again a gay single man, emd the
young lady a miss; and both parlies will
doubtless be a little more cautious next time
about "tying tbe knot with the tongue that
can't be untied, with ihe teeth." Pottsville
Yestepdav afternoon, says the Lancaster
Intelligencer of the 3d inst., we were favored
with a visit from a "lady of high degree"
in this city. She claims to stand high in
social life, and is of the fashionable hoe
about tbe color of a new saddle. She has
long presided over the household affair of
that grim old Mephistophelean septuagena
rian who so admirably represents ihe sparse
negro population of Lancaster county, and
so complejely misrepresents the voters of
this Congressianal district, by ignoring ev
erything that seems to have any relation to
the interests of the white race.
We are proverbially polite, especially to
the ladies. Being a bachelor, we have an
amiable weakness that way. Whether
they be maid, widow, or blooming matron,
we are always at their command. Recog
nizing the voice which accosted us from be
hind as that of 'a female, though it was
somewhat cracked, and a little harsh with
al, we turned round with our courtliest smile.
Judge, reader, of our amazement when we
saw before us a dingy tesmagant, laboring
under intense excitement, with eyes that
flashed a vengeful fire. A torrent of accus
ing words issued from her lips. We were
amazed, stunned, stupifiad. Before we
could recover oar accustomed equinimity,
th- very imposing form of the most corpu
lent member of our firm appeared opon the
;oene of action, when the following dialogue
ensued :
Thad. Steve' Hocsekecper. Why
wbj did you publish me in yonf pspert
Our Corpulent Partner. (la the peculiar
bland lone of voice for which he is noted )
Madame, when did we publish you in tbe
paper? What do you mean?
Tbad. Si evens' Housekeeper. didn't you
call me Mr. Stevens' idol?
Our Partner. With a roguish leer in his
eye) Are yoa his idol?
O'.d Thad.'a Housekeeper. (Excitedly, i
and with a convulsive gasp ttat threatened
to choke her.) No no!
Our Partner. Wi:h one o! his broadest
smiles) Why, then, raadame, do yoa ap
ply it to yourself ?
Mr. Stevens' Houskeeper. With a won
derfully self-important air.) I have been
waited upon by more than a dozen white
ladies and gentlemen; all of whom have in
sisted that I ought to come and demand an
Our Partner: (With a lowering dignily
commensurate with the occasion.) Mad
ame, we have no apology to make.
Hon.(?) Thaddeus Stevens' Housekeeper
(With the air of one who wouIJ protect
another ) You are always abusing Mr.
Oor Partner. (With a glow of patriotic
excitement on bis honest face.) Mr. Ste
veDr acts are public property, and we have
yet lo learn that we must consult yoa in re
gard to what we shall say of them or him
Are you hi keeper ?
Houskeeper of Our Congressmen (In
dignantly.) No! But I have plenty of back
ing lots of it while at that.
Our Partner. (Savagelv.) Why dibn't
you send some of your white backers here?
We might have known better bow to deal
with them.
Old Tbsd.'s Housekeeper. (In a fary.)
If if ever if ever my Dime appears in
your paper again I will will cowhide the
editor I
Exit the tan-colored termagant, in a fury;
clamming the door behind her.
Gkorcc Sanderson, Democrat, was re
elected Mayor of Lancaster city, Pa., on the
6th inst., over John B. Livingstone, Repub
lican, by one hundred and sevenly-nine
A man named Campbe II was driven from
bis house, near Uiica, New York, on Tues
day evening, of last week, and murdered by
a. party of five yonng men. The murderers
have been arrested.
Atendacee of Pupils.
Upon. this subject the State Superintend
ent of Common Schools of Pennsylvania,
Mr. C. R. Cobcrk, ii his report of 1865
makes the following pertinent remarks:
"There is no other one caose that so
completely neutralizes the exertions ot
teachers and school officers as the irregular
ity of attendance of the pupils. -It will be
seen by reference to the statistical - tables
for the several counties, that ibis evil, al
though alarming as it has hitherto been, is
increasing, and that the attendance in. the
whole State is but 628 per centnm, and in
some counties even below. The evils of
such a courpe cannot be estimated.
Of lbe 629,587 children that bad their
names entered on the teachers' rolls io our
public schools during the year, the average
attendance has been only 396 701. Some
have attended but a few days, some but a
few weeks, but none of the delinquents
have attended with sufficient regularity to
derive much advantage from the school.
Thus a large army is coming upon the stage
each year, the members of which are not
prepared by mental and moral culture for
the duties of citizens, and this, notwithstand
ing the facilities offered by the mnnificense
of the State for their education. Property
holders are called upon lo pay taxes to ed
ucate the children, and then because parents
do not send them lo school, they must
again be taxed to bring to justice and pun
ishment those same children, for crimes
committed, which, with proper culture,
would have been avoided.
This matter is still worse when we con
sider that the evil is by no means confined
to the pupils who are irregular. No teach
er can do as well by the regular attendants,
when severa 1 in each class are occasional
ly absent, as he can when the classes are
always fnll. The delinquents injure and
retard the progress of the whole school.
Parents, as a general thing, keep their
children at home, in order to have the ben
efit of their labor. Thus, for the sake of
money, they defraud their offspring out of
thai which, if they possessed, they would
not in after life sell lor all the treasures
their parents can bequeath; and at the time
time they send them lo prey upon the same
community that has paid liberally for their
A question worthy the serious considera
tion of our law makers presents itself here.
Can nothing be done to remedy this evil ?
Can no inducements be offered to parents
that shall incline ihem to permit their
children to get an education a mo ive that
shall have a power stronger than moaey ?
Must citizens pay millions of dollars an
nually for the education ol tbe youth of the
Commonwealth, and then have one-third
or more, of the chifdren Bttend school only
occasionally? For it should be remember
ed that the expense of a school, where all
Ihe children attend every day, is no greater
than it is for a school of similar gnde,
where one-:hird or one-half are present
but two or three days in the week. This
crying evil calls loudly for a remedy.
Court Procsedikgs, February Term 1S66.
Com. vs John Johnson, jr., Samuel John
son, jr. aud Aaron Johnson. Indictment
Malicious Mischief. True bill. Verdict
finding John Johnson, jr., and Saracel John
son, jr., not coilty : Aaron Johnon Guilty
in manner and form an indicted. Sentence
of Court A fine of twenty-five dollars and
Com. vs. Dennis 0Neal Iudic'.ment
Malicious Mischief. True bill. Defendant
plead guilty. Senlence ol Court A fine of
one dollar and costs of prosecution.
Com. vs. Simon P. Case Indictment
Assault and Battery. True bill Verdict
nol guilty. Prosecutor and Defendant each
pay one half of costs.
Corrit vs. Susan Anderson Indictment
Assault and Batterry. Not "a true bill.
County to pay the costs.
Com. vs. George Dodson and Charles
Dodson Indiclmel Assault and Escape
True bill. Nolle Froetque entered.
Odr Stirdindg Armv. We have repeat
edly denounced the determination which is
exhibited to keep up a large etandingjarmy,
now that all need of such an institution has
passed away. We heartily commend the
following timely remarks on the subject
which we find in the New York Ti ttups of
the 24th nil.
We entreat Congress to ponder long and
anxiously before conenting to pass Gen.
Wilson's bill proposing to increase the per
sonnl of our regular army to some Seventy
Thousand men. If that Bill becomes a law,
at least Thirty Millions per annum will be
added by it to Ihe taxea of our people; aud
for what? "To add Forty Thousand men to
our Army," say you ? Then you are griev
ously mistaken. We shall at most have but
tbe skeleton of an army; officers without
soldier, regiments on the books dwindled
to companies on parade; bloodless, fleshlef-s
skeleton, with bony jaws grinning at the
folly which called them into being. Men
in Congress! save us from this costly illu
sion !
Ample experience proves that the ranks
of our little Army of Fifteen to Twenty
Thousand never were nor could be kepi
lull in time of peace, they were often half
lull. Now, War is going out of fashion ;
and every mac in oqr ranks beyond the first
Twenty Thousand will have cost S500 by
the time he has fairly joined his regiment
Then why expand ? We are groaning under
unprecedented taxation, which must be yet
more severely felt as prices decline towards
a specie standard. Economists in congress!
save us from the passage of this most need
lessly oppressive measure !
Ths Legislature of Idaho has unanimously
endorsed the reconstruction policy of Presi
dent Johnson and the administration, pledg
ing both a beany support. Tr.ey have
granted a territorial charter for the branch
Pacific Railroad, from Salt Lake lo the Co
lombia, through tbe valley of the Snake
There will be a large sale of government
property at Forlress Monroe on the 23d ir-
1 stant.
Tbe Girl that Wrart Balmoral Booti.
A nanghty editor has the audacity to print
tbe following from a private letter :
Dear : I've jnst returned from ska
ting, and I had such a splendid lime that I
must sit right down and tell yon of it. You
know this wa my first attempt, and 1 cot
pilong so finely that I got a number ol com j
plimeiits 'Twas not the compliment 1
cared for of course not. Twas only the
thought that, some of these limes I would
be able to skate so as to astonirh the natives.
Why, even yon would have to stand back
and admire. There was one little girl who
skated beautifully. She ran a race with a
gentleman, and won. And well might she
win ! She had skated all her life. Oh, I
must tell you, before I forget it I fell down
twice. After I had fallen down tho second
time, Tenie came rushtr.g cp to me and
said "Oh, M ! how you show your lgs!'
(yes, she said legs,) but I didn't care, for I
had been particular to put on all clean ami
pretty clothe before we started ou. I had
a pair of those balmoral boots on, which
come rjp nery high, and have a pre'ty red
tassel to top ofT with. The contrast between
my black boots red asels, and white stock
ings, was boh jotiet distingue.
A Peaceable Little Arrangement. The
Washing'oi (Pa,) Review thus de-scribes
a dainty little toy that can discharge twenty
four full sized cartridges per minute at an
offending object. We advise all the Mary
Harrises to set one. Mr. Frank'.in Parkin-
eon, of Morris township, has had several of
his breech-loading magazine guns manu
factured, and it is a perfect success. The
magazine holds twenty-four loads, war size,
which can be discharged in a minute The
magazine can be tilled in half a minnte.
The wonderful and terrible character of this
weapon will b9 realized by the reader when
he thinks that a regiment of men conld in
one minute discharge opon an enemy twenty-five
thousand leaden mistle of dea'b.
Of conre such a hurricane of lead could not
be resisted by human courage, and would
make ihe army possessing it pfrfectly im
pregnable. We understand the patent is lor
sale, and we have no doubt Mr. P will find
plenty of purchasers.
In using Internal Revenue Stamp.
would be well for persons to remember that
they ere required by law, to write the initials
of their names and the date, in ink, on the
face of lbe Stamp, so to prevent its beir g
Bird again. An exception is nude in the
cafe of proprietors of certain articles, put
op in boxes, bottles or package, who fur
nish their own designs ior Mumps, which
must be so placed as to be effectually de
IroyeJ, before ihe crnten's can be ued.
The Commissioner of 1'iternal Revenue has
issued a circular to all Collectors, Assessors,
&c , to institute suit for the recovery of the
prescribed penalties against persons, who
are notified and persist in using stamp
without effectually cancelling them as re
quired by law. Lat vouz ol our readers be
caught napping.
Savs the Cons'itutional Uiion, of Washing,
ten. D. C. : While strenuous efforts are
making to enlarge ihe Freedmen's Bureau,
and thereby give additional protection to
the colored race, it would be well to in
crease the protection of the white citizen
and soldiers ol this city against their many,
and in some cases unparalleled depredations
An act of s'n gular atrocity is now under ex
amination belore the criminal court, of th
District. A negro is ci trial to day for
shootir.g a soIJier who, at the lime cl tbe
deadly assault, was pHfin;r q'tiet'y by WiU
larJ's Hotel, toward the heac'q laners o
General Augur. The negro wiibuut provo
cation or previous knowledge of the mn
stepped up and fired his revolver, when
within a few inches of the soldier's head
The shot took effect and came near result
ing in the victim's death.
Toast To THE lADiEi. We appeid the
Utest toast to the Indies, which was got ofl
at a recent public dinner :
The ladies May their virions ever p
ceed the magnitude ol their kirt, whi'.
their lau'.U remain smaller than tneir to i
Fifteen Years Ago
was struggling into notice a:;ai:iM the
prejudice? which ever) thing new, however
excellent, is dootnevl to encounter
it stands at the head of all the tonic and
al erative preparations in existence. Its
celebrity has evoked many imitation but
no rivals. Physicians pronounce it the
om.t safe sTiMLi.aT that ha ever been
introduced into the sick chamber. In ihe
Hospitals of Ihe Army and Navy, the sur
geon s find it Ihe very best tonic for conva
lescents, and report it as invaluable for
sustaining the vigor of troops on the march,
as a remedy for scurvy and all scorbutic
affections, and as the only specific for sea
sickness. California and Australia have
emphatically indorsed it as the Miser's
Mi pat cxullence, and in Spanish
America and all the tropical clima e, it is
considered the tny reliable antidote to ep
idemic fevers.
There is no mystery about the causes ol
its success. Itith.eonly stomachic and
alterative in which are co nbined the grand
requisites of a mild, pure and unvitiated
vegetable stimulant, wivh the finest selec
tion of tonic, anti-bi lliou s anti-scorbutic,
aperient, and deparative herbs,plants,roots
and barks that have ever been intermixed
in a medicinal preparation.
The Bitters h-ve this distinctive quality,
which is nol shared, it is believed, by any
tonic, tincture or extract in the world :
Ihey do nol excite the pulse, though they
infuse a wonderful degree of vigor into the
nervous system, and strengthen and sus
tain the whole physical organization.
It is also pioper lo state that tbe Bitters
are sold exclusively under glass, and nev
er by the gallon or barrel. Irapotcrs and
imitators are abroad, and the only safe
guard the public has against them is io t-ee
that the Bitters (hey buy bear tbe engra
ved label and rote of hand of Messrs. Hos
teller & Smith, and th government stamp
over the cork of ih) bojiie.
I am composed of eighteen letters.
My 3, 15, 15 13 io, is part of tl. head.
My 1 5, IS, 4, 8 17, Is man's name.
My 9, 7, S, I, U an animal.
My 9 18, 15, 1. W, 16, ia a irl' r.ame
My 7. 15, 12, II i a narne of State.
My 3, 16, 9, 17, 13, 15, 6, it name of a
town n New Jersey.
My 16. 14,7, 18. 'u a neme cf a river in
My whole is a rump of a great poet.
I bh composed nf sixteen letter,.
My 16. 1 1. 6, 2, i possess! by all.
My I, 2, 16. is a boys name.
My 5, 1 1, 16, is a pari ol the body.
My II, 3, 12. 5 i a girls name.
My 13, 11, 3 2, is the name of one who
explored the Arctic ocean.
My 11, 7, 10, is something compjsing the"
My 15, 12, i a preposition.
My 4, II, 16, 2, is n girU natie.
My 9, 5 8. is ned in the nmrrnr.
My 14, 11,3 2,i a name of a bady of water
My whole is the name ofa gr4i Philos
opher. J. L P.
Answers next week-
0:i Thursday, the 1st of February. 1885.
ai the residence of ihe bride mother, by
he Rev. Mr Crilenden, Mr John Fruit, of
Brighton, Macconp'o county. III., lo Mi
Hatiie N. Barber, of . Joseph Co., I.di
ana ; bolh formeiiy of Columbia count), P.
On the 1st inst. by Rev. NatTmnUI Spesr,
Jacob Shnltz, of Jickson lvp.. io Miss Sa
villa Bishline, ol Benton twp , Col. Co.
On ihe 8th, hy the same, Pe'er Hy
man, io Mis Suvilla Kitchen, bOib of
Oa the 6th ini., !v the Rsv. William J.
Eyer, Mr Samuel S'anffer. of Rmgtowii,
Schuylkill county, ano1 Mis Suy Btebe'r', of
Roaringcreek, Columbia eon'y.
At Ca'awissa, on the 23J u!t. nt the resi
dence cf the bri le's lthr by Her. F Gel
bart. Jacob H Creay, to Sarah E J jH:, a'l
of Cilawissa Pa.
.1) I E D.
In Orange township, Colombia county, on
the $th inst
73 years.
In llem'ock, nn the 4 h "m . Mr. Joli
M. Barton, ud 35 )ear and 7 mouth.
In Montour mwnship, on the 4'h ini..
Coward E Roberts, son of Cad waltudpr and
nnd Ann Huberts, aged 17 year and 8
LARD per lb.
I no
FLOUR pr 1M 12 DO
EVIt. i:i;ri:iM., laino hcn-M L.
iim.yoi'- Iniv'lKX STOIllv, m
mow prepare ! to !! Groceries l VVI;ol
-ale or Retail, as C'te; a the Cheapest
&:.' w. Euvr.u..
Bloom. -I unr, Esb. u, 't55 .
Miller's Store.
Full& Winter Goods.
'jMIE subscriber ha jti-l returned frorn
ihe oities with another large and e!et l
i-ort in?' l 'f
Fail ami If'iiUr' Ooodi,
pnrc!ise.l f! Philadelphia and Nw VorST,
l tlit lowest (i'4tire, ani! w l;ie.:j he is detr
aii'ied to sell on a moder-ts terms n c
e nroeured el.-e where in Bloomsburg.
His Mook com prsp
:f the chriret syl and latest fashion e
lO'jwiher wth a lapje -nrimen of
In short, everything usually kept in rutin
try stores, to which he invites the attention
of the public generally.
The highest price will be pad for conn
try produce, it. exchange for eonds.
Bloomsbnrsr, Nov. 22. 1865.
At Stroup's Old Stand, on Main Sired.
THE undersigned, having opened the
Store formerly occupied by David Stronp
as a Grocery, and iu(nihed it with a large
and varied assortment of excellent
mol respectfully invites the patronage of
the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity.
He i prepared to sell at wholesale and
retail, npon the mot reasonable terms.
Merchants, Hotel keepers, and Grocery,
men, would do weil to give him a call.
CFAI1 kinds of Chewing and Smoking
Tobacco, in large and small quantities, can
tantly on hand for sale.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 13, 1865.
Attorney nt Law,
I "17 ILL practice in tbe several Courts of
Columbia county. All legal business
intrusted ia his cars shall receive prompt
O F F I C E, On Main Stree', Exchange
Bnildings, over Miller's StCiB.
April 13, 18R4. "
V"7 lor six entirely rew articles, inst
out. Address O. T. GARRY, City Building
Biddeford, Bl. Die. SP'CMr.