''0'""'r iiwiii i i 111 i i ii nun 1,1,1 nai ,,n am i in, i '"JJJS.- ' ' . ' MMtoyiM aagsi i in i , mil i .'uji- Vm w i i m i 111 ',., " ' r1mrrrpir-n -rnia ini'il IWMM .kg ,1 i ' l - - -' - ' ' U. U. l ablisher. $2 50 in XCtzvcc, per Auncn VOLUME' 17. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, -FEBRUARY 14, 1866. NUMBER 17 'i 't !-' , f..t i 1 ' f i -1 7 VA w A' ' ' i;r r3 r.1 j I 'HI 1 H W J' I A M h- . RI I . fcl I fa - , -J1 !, ; . - Triuli and IliprLt Gcd and cnr Country. r , '" I : t t "i . K 7 THE STAR OF THE NORTH ' J M -, - . " ; is PCBLlSHfcD KVERT, WKDSRSDAY BT ff'M, n. j.wonr, .' Office on 31ain St., 3rd Square btlsw Market. TERMS"; Two Dollars and-FiT'y Cents T ' " In advance. 'If nor paid till-ihe 'end of the . ' ; jeaf.Thretf Doflars'wilt be ciarged. ; ' No subscriptions taken for a period less than nix months ; no discontinuance permit- ,n "tedrotnir att arrearaaes. are paid unless at the option fit The editor - RATES OF ADVERTISING : TN LINES CONSTITUTE A SQUARE. T -"One Square, orte. or three inisertions, SI 50 -" Kery ab?equent insertion jtees thao 13, 50 Oae column one ear, J 50 00 '' Adminis:rators' and Executors' notice9,3 00 ' TranfienVadrer:iirijr payab'e in advance, all other doe after the first insewion. 5 g"1 1' .. , i"v; .."TIic" I?ore in the Snncl:nsi it 'r i .!! ' v . , " " ' , '.'i". -'Apaift I hear thai creaking etep !- He's rapping at the door, " Too well T know tfja boding sound i " ' ' ' ' That oher in a hor. I do not tremble when I meet .,.- . The tnBtft ot try (oeg, .i-.4. But flenten delentl me from the friatid I " ' t Who' cotiies tat nerer ie. .1, ; -...,.' ' - . " He droprinto my eay ehstr,- And a.-kA about ibe newf. ; ' r- He peers info my irjanuscxipr, ii.' ." And gie his candid -views ; " He tells me where he likes Ihe tin, - And where he' forced to prieve. HeVskei ihe siranjes: liherlie, '.""' ; '"But never tfiVes his. leave'. . ' ' fie reacts my daily" papers tiroi'ih Before waa a ord, He scbs the tyrie (ihntjj wrote,) And thiuis it quite absurd ; Ha calmly smokes my last eif-u, And coo! aks for wore; .. . He opens everything he sees Except the etiiry door. j - - f . . . 1 : 1 H? ls!k abeot hi Irajile heakh, ";And t.ells me of his pains, Me aufTera trurrt a cor of illf, ""OtM htch he: r.e'er Comptdl:is ; Ai! flow he Singled once with death " To keep the fiehd at b.y ; On the me Ike thee away he goei ... fiol fcBver gos away : . t n i k'l ' : ' . ,.l)e '!elia me of the carping wrrJa 8ome ehllow critic wroie. ' Ai4 efery 4reciatfs paragraph - Faaiiiiarty can quote. He thinks the wriier did me wrong, He'd like to ren him Ih'rouith! Jle sa)s a t!iouard pleasa'it !iir2S : But iierej saj !,Adiev! - i t ,Vben'er he com cs that dreadful man .Disguise it' as I may, I knowthaf like an autumn rain, He'il last throughout tiie day. , " In vain I pek of urgent tasks, In vain 1 scowl and pout ; A frown" i no ex inauisher ... It does notput him out !' I mean to lake the knokeroff, . Pot crape oponthe door, .. Oi liint lQ Jonn that 1 have gone . To 'slay a month or more. I do not tremble-when meet "L The etoatest of my loes; But Heavefl defend me from the friend . -f - l Who vie vp r. never eos L ,V A fi'PU.. .1, C'e f-r "jai ; , tacheri A , La-icater county paper re--poris the following cave: " ':ComrroM wealiii Drd- Mille. The'deff b taut in litis a leacher of ;i public school in i Mooax JvVfi and was charged of commi't'injr nn assanlt and battery on one of his pupils ri"amed Sara Royce, about ten vearsof ie Xhe Testimony revealed tbd Ucl th it t!ie girl n ,ow incari'rgtbh aid wou Id not .sobrr.it to ' th-1 discipline of -the scho-h O.ie of the v-' modes -of potiishimeni was t-J 'compel a girl in wiar a bo'y'i liar, itinding in the presene of the scbooj, stud vice Tu tins mode f p0rtjs'lun'eul .lh'e girl prote J, . but fiifaily fielded, bot'-whil onderaoig he ii;..Wh- , menf JbV mqirte.' appeared en ihe scene of ' .stihn.mr. "iha hat -fram the "iris head. i?heruppa ,'a cenexal tscrimmae'-" took place. Thereupon the leacher seized Ihe j s uiiifl and gaveher a severe fl-igelatiort, mark- n . befj back , wit h.v zebra stripe: i ms testimony.was contradictel by other wii-.- -nesseiwho.0aid the, p.ntishment could not have been sor severe, as 'the child was at Sabbath-school next day-,ari4 further that no compfaint had been made to the school v, board; w'Tedict, not fittilty, but deiendani ! 10 pay t o-thiids of the cost and the plain-J, "liir one-thirdV RxMASXiBLeOccTRBCNca Snikeiu u Man's Sio'mackX-Thi 'Ne'wville 'S(a)lhf Ihe Valley l? 'says 'that WiRiam Hatton,a- youbg "man j..reaidieg i;i"( Ship pen sb org, one day last weeky Tromiled a iive snake about 18 inches -11 7ong ' onf mors than ha(f an inch thick ! He swallowed it wbife drinking from' a pool in '''IdahOjatotU four rnontbs ago, and has sm- fared" great (Tiatress , in ..his stomach ;.eer .;since,c.onjpf4f4io especially of a sensation of coldness 'HrfVeiarned . 10-his; horne t in htppehsBurgf JflfS 8?j j'3- Af'r rjriderzoTnsr? an., unauccessful treatment by lrfreat manjr- tnedicalj men, negated nis "car.o pnyaiciaiL-in Philadelphia, who to .presfribed 'in 'emetic,' which - was taken, with' lha above result. J It came near stran gliaj hi m,vancf before 9 'was "rcliered, he wis black in the fsce. ''". a ' i " - - Wc see h'reco'rdad ' Ifiata ioap . peddler . wasjeeeaily caught at 'Ica-dafHig a violent '' siorra,' w'he ri he saved "''his'' iifff- by lkin g a ' cs'ie 'of rbi.foaV. "and.' washing himself " t jl -ral- TbraVoapi or the .stoiyVtaosihava ' I ;;a vuit frora very strong tit. Speech of the President to a ! Delegallon of Colored Slca. , The tU!egation of colored representatives from different States of the country, now in Washington to urge the interests of the col ored people before the government, had an interview with the President tbia afternoon. The delegation was as follows : " Fred. Douglas, of Nw York, George T. Downing, representing the New England States, Lewis H. Douglass, son of Fred. Dooglass, and Wrn. E. Matthews, of Mary land, John Jones, of Illinois, John F. Cook, of the District of Colombia, 'A.J. Reytiier, of South Carolina, Joseph 0ts, of Florida, H. W. Ropi1, of Mississippi Wrn. Ripperfnf Pennsy tvartia," Joftrr'M 'Brown, and 'Alexan der Dunlap, of Virginia, and Calvir. Pepper (wliire) of Virginia. The President shook hands kindfy with each member of the deletion, Fied. Doug lass first advancing for that purp oe. Go. T. Downing then addressed the President as folto jrs : ! We preent ourselves lo your ej eellency to make kiiOwn with pleasnre the repect which we are glad to cherish for yon -a repect which is yonr dhe as onr Chief Mais-.rate. . I. is our desire for yoo to know thai we come feeling ifiat we are friends, meeting as friends. We should, however, have manifested our friendship by not com ir.j to further tax yonr already moch bur dened and valuable time. But we have anoiher object in callirc- We are in a pis- i sair5 to equuhiy be!ore the law Gid hath m&d it by opening a red sea. We would have yocr assistance throogh the same We ctt7io to yon i'i the name of the United Siates, a:. d are 'delegated by some who have unjustly worn iron manacle" on their bed ie, by some whose minJa have been tram-mt-Ied by cuss legif .'ation in utas called fre. " ; " ' The colored p?op'e of the States of I li-r.r.i-', Wisconsin. Alabama, rvJissis-sippijFlor-i It, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Marylaiid, Pennsylvania, New York, New Ei. gland S;a:e, srid Dirict of Columbia, have specialty delesued os to come. Oar i coming ,s a mar-ted cirenmstanee n:tirg j that community yet in compairing hi-i coa : de errniiied h"po, that we are riot satisfied ditioa aoJ hi posi'ion there with the ncn- wf'h i are:.Jme!tt prohibi:ifs slatery.bnt slaveholders, he nsoaliy estimated his i ra th: we -vi'h it er.iorce.i Wittj nnpropriite legislation This i o':r !e .-ire. - u e ass Dr it ir.tel igen'Iy, h the kiion !t?dg? and convrctio'i that the lion intended Ireejo fa'hers of the revnlu-j iu ,or . :ry American, !ht they should be protected in their rig Ins as citizens .and equal lelcre the law. Frs J . DjuIms adfanedd a id auuressci a 1 1 43i.jeul v e r -i ... I I are net here to eulightea yon sir, as lo y jur dd.ies as tie 1-tnej iJgis:rata oi the repab-1 j lie, but to show our repect, arid to present j in brief the claims of ctut race to your favor- j j able consideration. By the order of Divine , I Provideiice ycu are placed in a position ( where you hae t'ie power to save or de- J stroy us, to bless or blast us. I rnaan ocr whole race. Your nobie and humane f re- ' dpcessor placed in our hsnds the power to assist in saving the ra'ion, and we do hope that yoo, his able successor, will favorably ! regard the placing i.i our hands of the lal - j lot, with which to save ourselves. We shall submit no argument or, that i poi.-;t. The fact that we are the subject cf rerr.ment and sutj?cl lo taxat ion eab- j-jct to volunteer in tlie sersca of yourcoen-j try -o j-ctto nen -g cratteit- si, sj c! to I ear H e burdens of - ihr I proper lha; we shoi ite, ma.T'a it r.oi irr. -.k to s;.a:e i.i the t privilfgs of this condirion. I have r.o sp??ch to m.ike cn this occasion. I simply ; oJrri; !heo observation? as a limited ex-i , prp.-Mot. ot the views and feeling of the i iJe!egaiir.:i with which I have enrce. j i C'l.owm is siiosfannatiy ihe response of the Prndent : In reply to some of yocr . j r.q.iirip, not to make a speech about this j matter .nr j: i? always ce-t to ta : p. nr.tr j aa-i di".ir.c:!y aboJt such jr.esthu.s-I will j y thai if I have not zire:i enidrfnc in iny j former course that I am a friend of huma-ii- y, sr' to that portion 'i.f it which consti- L Jutes the colored population, I can give no : evidence hereafter. E?erv hing that 1 have , 1 had both as regards life and property, has j been puriied in this cau-e. and I liiink that I u'ldersland what should be the true directio.. of this question, and what coarse of policy would result iti the .amelioration and ultimate elevation n?t o.iiy of ihe col- ored, but of tlie great mass ol the people or the United S ates. I say that if 1 have not given evidence thai I arn a friend of hu manity, and especially the friend of the col- ored man, in my past conduct, there is no h- ing that I can row. do thai would. Ill know myself and iho feelings of my own heart, they have been for the colored man. I have owned slaves and bought slaves, but I never sold one. I might say, however, that practically, so far as my con nection with slaves has gone, I have been their slave instead cf their being mine. Some have even followed here,hi!e others are occupying and enjoying my prrper'.y with my consent. For the colored race my means, ray time, my a'l has been perilled, and now, al this late day, after giving tan gible evidence, I arn fr?o to tell you that I 1 do noi like to be arraigned by some who can get up handsomely rounded periods, and deal in rhetoric talk about abstract ideas of liberty, who never perilled life, liberty or property. This kind of theoretical, Isollov unpractical friendship amounts to hut very iiiiie. . While I say that I am a friend of the colored man,! do not want to adopt a policy that I believe will end in a. contest between the races, which if7persis:ed .n, will result in the extermination of one or the other. God fotbid that I snocia De eugageu m mca 1 a work now. It is always beet to talk prao- lieally and.jn a common sense way. Yfs, I have said, and I repear; it here, that it the colored man in the United States could find no other Moses, or any Moses that would be more able and efficient than myself, 1 woold be hit. Moses to lead him from bond age to freedom ; that I would pass him from a land where be had lived in elavery to a land (if it were in our reach) of freedom. Yes, I would be willing o pass with hirn through the Red-S'eawo the land of promise, to Ihe land of liberty ; bet I am not vcilJirg, under either circumstances, to adopt a poli cy which will only result in the sacrifice of his life mid the shedding of bis blood. We talk atont justice we talk about rifht We say the wf:ite man has been. in ihe wrorii; in keeping the black man w s'a vrry a long us he has. That is all true. Again w e talk about the Declaration of In depencence, and quali:y be.'or9 Ibe law. .You ut.der?land all that, and know Uox to appreciate it. Bji now let us look each other in the face. Let r.s go to the gr!n: mass of colored men throughout the slave States. Let us take the condition in which they are ai the present time (and it is bed enocgh we all know)and suppose by Borne magic you could say to every one, "You shall vote to-morrow." How much wocld that ameliorate their condition at this time ? Mr. Docglass Mr. President: Do you wish The President I arn not qnite through yet. Slavery has been abolished A great national guarantee hasbem given one that cannot be revoked . I was getting at the re lation that subsided between the white man and the colored man. A very small propor tion ol white persons, comparpd wiih the whole number of such, owned the colpred people of the South. I miahl instance the Sia:e of Tennessee in illasiraiion. There were twenty-seven non-sl.ive:io!ders to one slaveholder, and j et the slave power cdi IroII-ed .tbat Srate. Let us talk abont the matter as it is. ' Although the colored man u-3s in slavery there, oni owaed as property in the sense and in the laticuajc of that locality and of nsrtanca iiist iu nrmirrinn b thpimmtur nfl ii - - j i t vl slave that his master owned with tfte nou- shtvehoider. Have you never liveJ uncn a plantation? t ir. Douglass I have your Ext-ellencv. j The Prsi.lent When yot ca1J look ovr j gpJ e a mjinj w?l0 haJ a ,arge farri;yj t Btrp'"Tt;r.- hard upon a po;r piece cf !acT), i i nn ihin ili' of hill than ; yoB di(! Af yo,,r pw master. j ' " Mr. Dugis?? No: f. The President Well I know such was the casa with a lare mj-rity of jou in those sections. Where such is the cae. vre know there is an eumiiy, we know there is abate. 1 he poor white mart, cn. the other hand, was opposed to the slave and his master, for the colored men ar.d his mavor combined kept hirn i i slavery by depriving him of a fair participation in the lalur and ; production of the tich land of the country. Don't yoo kuow that a colored man in going to hunt a master (a they call it) lor the ; Rext year, preferred hiring to a man who owned slaves rather than one who did cot know the fact, at all events. Mr. Dois-lass Because they treiled him Lefer. J The Presidoat They did ret consider it qLileas re?;.eciible to hire to a man who did net own negroes as to hire to one who ' did. ! Mr. Douglass Because he wouldn't be j treated as weil. The President Then that is another ar- gurnet:! in favor of what I arn eoing to say. . jt shows that the colored man appreciajed j t,e slave owner more htghly than het'iJ the ( man who ilidn'i own slaves hence the ; er.miiy t atwee. the colored mau-and the noti slaveholder-. The whitman was per-1 mit.ed to vote before government was deri- j ved from him. He part and parcel ol the j political machiuety, not by ret eii o:i cr revolution. And when yon come back to the i-bjct of this war you li-d . that the abolition r! , slavery. was not one .of tbe olj-cts. C: n-, gres, a' d ihe President himself, d?c!ar 1 thai it was w&ged on ocr par: ia ord.T to. s suppress the rebellion. Tl.e abolitit n of j elavery ha come as an incident to the sup pression of a great rebellion as an incident ; and as an incident w'e 6hou!d give it the I 1 proper direction. ihe colored man went j into this rebellion a slave. By the operation j of ihe rebellion he came out a . freedan, eqoil to Ireedmen in other portions of the country. Then there is a great deal 'one for him on ihU point. The non-slaveholder who was forced into the rebellion, and wu as loyal as those thai lived beyond. th lim its of the State, was cariied iijto it, an I his property, in a number of instances ihe Jives o! such were sacrificed, and he who has survived has come out of it with nothing gtined, but a gra! deal lost. Now, upon a principle of jnstire, should they be placed in a' condition different from what they were before. On the one hand or.e hai a'.taired.a great deal ; ' on the other band one ha lost a great deal,ahd, iu a po litical point of view, scarcely stands where he did before. Now we are talking about where we are going to begin. We have got a: the bate that exists between the two racesi The query comes np whether thee two races situated as they were before whether the one should be turned .loose upo.) the other and be thrown together at iho baflot box wall this enmity and .hate exfsting between them. You have spoken about government Where is power derived from 1 ' We eay it is derived from the people. Let us take 't so, and refer to the District of Columbia by way of illustration. Suppose, for instance, herein this political community, which ti a certain extent most have government, rnuM have law, and potting il cpou the broadest basis you can put i' j tnke into consideration the relation which ihe .white has heretofore borne to the colored race ; is it proper ta fcrce pon this community without their consent the elective Iratichiee without regard to color, making it univer.-ai? Now, where do yon begin ? Government must have a controlling power must have a lodgment. For instance, suppose Cor, ftess should pass a law aalLcriziug an elec tion to te held, at v. Jsich all over twenty-one years cf age, withont regard to color should be allowed lo vo;e, and. a majority should decide at scch election that the elective franchise should net be cniverssl, vvtiat would you do about i: ? Who would settle it 1 Do jou deny that first great principle of ihe riilhl of the people to govern them selves 1 Will you resort to an arbitrary power, and ea a Minority of thi people snail receive a slate cf things they are op posed to ? Mr. Douglass That was said before the Wilf. The President I am now talking about a principle, riot what somebody elre said. Mr. Downing Apply what "you have said, Mr. President to South Carolina, for instance. The President Soppne yon uo to South C.roina suppose, -vou no K O:io that does not chart ire if.e principle at all. The query to whicn I have referred still comes up when Ihe government is undergoing a fundamental change. The government com - rrwnced coon this nriucioie : it has existed up?n it, and you propose now to irCorpo rste into it en elemar.t that d:d not exist be fore. I gay the qr.ery comes op. in under taking this thing, whether we have a right to make a change in regard lo the elec ive franchise in Ohio, for instar.ee whether we shall nctjet the people in that S'.ite decide ! the poor who who wil. ral.y wmi lnm there the mafer Icr themselves ? . in this conflict that yoa speak of between Each cemmunitv is better prepared to dd- the wealthy slaveholder and Ihe poor man. termine the depository of its political pow- j The President Yoa touch right npon the cr than any tody else, and il is for the Leg- i poir.t there. There is this conflict, and isiatzre, for the people of Ohio to say w:. her.ee I segcesi emigration. If be cannot shall vote and not for the Congress of the ' eet employment in the South, he has it in United States. I might go down here lo the j h" po'.vcr to go where he can get it. ballot box to-morrow and vole directly for j I parting the President said thil they -unit erssl errrTrasr, bet if a gre.it m -i'.r;.y of ; were toih d-Bifoua cf acccmpUrhing the this people said r.a.'l should consider it j same ei.ils, but proposed to do so by lollow wnuhi be tjauni'cal ar.d arbitrary ir, me to j "3 nifTeret.t roads. attempt to fctrce it -upon them witbo-ut their i Mr. Douglass, on lurning-io leave, remark will It is a fundamental text in my creed l ed lo his fellow delegates, "The President that the will of the people must be obeyed j sends ua to the people, and we will have to when fairly expres.-ed. Isthcr-? anything i ?" r,rl get the people risiht " wrour. or unfair in that? Mr. Douglass, smihr.g-A prt Oasl cf wrctg, Mr. President, with all rcp.ct. - TUe IVMdent-It U the people cf the Stres that mu.tfcr rhcmselvcs determine this notion. I do net want to be engaged in a wo-;k that wi l commence a war ot races. I want to begin 'the work of repa ra'ion. If a man demeans himself well, and shows evidence that this ne w state ol affairs will operate, he will be prctecteu in all his rights and given every possible ad- vantage by the State or community in which J ; he lives vvhn they beca'ce reconciled so c-ally and politically to certan things , Then will this new order cf aflairs work harmoniously. Bu: f.rceu opon the people before they are prepared fur ii, it iil be resisted ar.d work iiiharmor.ionsly. 1 !-eI a conviction that tr.rcir.g 'Ins matter epett the p. pple, upon tl.i community, vv i I r-u;i it. the i' j -ry of Loth race-, ar.d the ruiii of or.e or the other. Go J knows 1 have r.o desire but the g.od of thrt vt hole human race. I wor.ld ii were so th it all you J fccate cou'd b-; d-ne in e f.vi.A.i:- ci an eve. i. i 1.1 of an Pi- I.-f i; ic f -. the r.a.:ore ol tilings, ar. I I :o not assume or prater..! to be wi.-er than Providt-rice, rr i stra::-;tr ih.fi the law of r.rv.tre. Let us 1 no.v seek to ili-covcr the hivvs t;-over;jir their coniiiion, I wiii do., and to ba able to do ?o the sincere desire cf my heart. I am g'.tid to-iiava met jou, end that you for the complimer.t you tiave paid ct?. Mr. Dyla- 1 have 10 return yon our thanks, Mr Pre-u!eot lot m kindly rant ifi us this iniervie-. We tint not come here exreciit'i: to rg'.; 'hi qoe-ihiti with your Excellency, but rimpl to nta;e what were orr views and wishes in the premises. If we were disjosed to srgue the question, and you would endeavor to controvert some of the positions .von have assumed. .Mr. Downing Mr. Douglass, I take it lhat the President, by his kind expressions and his very full treatment cf tho subject, must have contemplated some reply lo ihe views which he had cdvanced, and iu which we certainly do" net concur, end 1 say this with due respect . . The 'Prudent-! inotni you cxpectea me to indicate, to some extent, what my .;.'.' nr. ihe subieci touched cpon in . . 4 UuI Dint? lit CUU - h - Mr. Downing We are very happy in- deed, to have heard them. - ; -- - Mr. Douglass If lhe; PresiJent will al- i i- 1 n !,.. i na nr. tarn ili ' ; . " . The President What I have dosa is im- t 1 .. -istilnn 1 iiord 1 n nrml v,ur.-.i.... ....w . rv.T-r and ar.or.vmcs the skotch sl'ps out ana the it. Lei us. er.cleavcrto fi,:d nut what , t'' ' j -ung cct., ronttl ar.d away we go into the ' nr. an was makin his affertln speech, we t.r.t law and cof.larr..- oor acion to .:. - kt.0.v yoatr lly'. And Jonsi.r is the driver, and he hPFF ; and Capen DcdJs, the in em I Ail the del.-. Id v ill then propsrly a.'j tst j nrfl"' " n.T'c. t I aas "Go slow," and he hollers "W o I woV j tiom Poik. remarked that he wonld like ihern-eive, rind woik cui well in the end.t ror, '. ' v"'.l"il' Lr,i i,,,H, ,1 , rvi an ,,., e hav to n ilio t'jsi', icr 'lie never expec-.ed to fee! , , , . . j , ., , Voter. Why, (lis Ccitey em a gemmar., "u iv)es i..e r ..j, anu ut,i we nav 10 , i G.hI kaowa ,but anjtu-.n 4 I. can do I wt.I ,0 Cut:eyVare all common folks U-k to the f,k and wait ii 1 he blazes . heaveniy a.tm , .b. .ear. run down ,1ns . in the m.gh.y process r,y which , the pr3.u ' ' hich of the Co fie, are! the way. He seen' to be doin his best, but -3- ii.e raw,. I other eye were beat , end is 10 Le reached. - Anything I Cu-i i.o to - . vnloTjt iben thar is Sumner and S-tar. and Sevens . by a at:kee soidier whi.e the Capen v t-leva'.e Hie races, to solten and amchora'e 3 . .. , , .. ! n. .1 rvhpr M p "r.nrmen who keen hoi er. : i Prison. Of course the vmen wcra tr ply to indica'e what my views are, as I sup pore yoo expected from yonr address. Mr. Doi)gIa My own impression i that the very thing fhat your Excellency would avoid in tne t.'ou.liern States, can only be averted by the very measure that we propose, and I would state to my broth er delegates that because I perceive the President has taken strong ground in favor of a !iven policy, and distrusting my own. j j utility to remove any of those impressions f which he has expressed, I thought we had J better end the interview with the expres sion of our thanks. (Addressing" the Freeident.) But if your Excellency would be please! to hear, I woold like to say a word or two in regard to that one matter of the enrranchisenietit of the black a? a means of preventing the very thing which jour Excellency seems to apprehend tbjat is a conflict ct races. The TreFident I repeat, I a erely wanted to vindicate my views in reply to your ad dress, und not to enter into any gf neral con- i troversy,.fcs I cotdd not well do so undfrt'ne 'circumstances. Your statement was a very ra.tk otiesrid ! thought it was due to you ti meet il in the same spirit. Mr. Doug'at-s Thank yon, sir. The President I think you will find, so (ar a the South is concerned, :hai if you will all in cu'eats their iJcas in connection wiift ynur own. ibat the colored people can live ar.d odvarce in civilization to belter advantage elsewhere, than crowded together in the South. It would be be'ter for them. Mr.'Douglass But the mas-ers have the making of the laws, and we cannot get i a way from the plantations Ihe Fresieent What prevents yoa 1 Mr. Djngtass We have noitha simple I right cf locomotion tbrouh the Southern i States now The President II the raas'er now con trols him or his action, would he not con trol him in his vote ? Mr. Douglass Let the negro ence under stand that he has a right lo vote, and he will raise a party in the Southern Stales among i 'The President Yes, fir; I have rreot 1 latj in the people. I believe they will do i Ul i? j :sf, r.r.d have ,.o doubt h.y will -e:t!e this cvestion ri2M, avd hope M.al it ; will be submitted to them for final action. The delegation then bowed and withdrew A Fancy Sketch. As there is a chance cf the Disnct or I Columbia t ei::g turned into Dahomney and ( of ihg t,e;p; meIa1Pfpfl0,ed .( ,d v . nQ harfn ,0 Jraw a . ofa fcpne at lje fancy there'ore uppo-e the po l open preeer.ts himself ai.d ht.nJ iu ana a voter his ticket. Officer What's your narra. ' Voter CnfTV.'y. Oilh-er B-.t yonr ur-narnc! Vt.vr Mar.i :iel-er cal'ci me SV. (), et. We!!, vur Lajtitr.al name? Vo er. Oh, gory, r.eber .was babtieJ in i di- lifetime. t lilC r " V e I , JUUI s ii I I- lo l.a-i.c . Voter No, Christ was the old Masa's naTt. ww ,! n..c n'!:Prj t IJ.lHri. CII. Ul C IUL I l. ramed CuiT-v in Your Ward ? Vo cr.-O't, Gor-i michty jes, ?ah, yah, : am six CciTe in oae house. Oilicrr. Well. "which Cufl-?v are yn ' Othct-r We!!, r.heie do yoo live? . er. Down at de hotel. Oihcer. U ell, does any other CuflVy live there? Voter. Gory yes, dere am four cr six. Catt'i count which. Cflicer. Well, what's your wife's name? j Voter. Lor-o Massa, haiut got no wi'e. Officer. Weil are the other Ct-fTeys mar ried ? Voter Nebbet seed :exn married. Dej hab one woman betwixt em all. OtTicer. Weil, what age are yoo? Voter Dat question is too misiieated for dis child. Oaicsr. Well, are you lwen!y-one? Voter. Neber coar.ted more than two ai d had to count ;em one at a lime. OtTicer. Did you ever pay a tax ? ! t- t- . , . r . .. f voter.--.es, a ne sen. ne m r once but he paid for dst paper hes se It. ! Olflcer.-What claim have yoo ior asking .aro,l . i a - oviv . j : Voter. I a loyal cor.traban American ; citizen of A.'rican descent. I . . . . . i. r . ; - lwinfflo tt.e.lnir. DMe oj meai vi b.j kinds, a company has been alarteJ to man- J ufactore pork out of pig-iroa. 1 , . r r .... 1 r .. - - m 'n r nil irs . . .. ...... -- , i - - C . . 1.UII lit ti. it.. J p.', s . ,. .. . it,.- . I 33 Y NESGROirS T'IFK. We are (acght to love ; from childhood's 'Twa s:an,ped upon my mind ; .ears : My l v rf 1 1 1 c ? i nr.icies ui :anu VVb love for tinman kind; To love my neighbor as myself Is christian -like, they cay ; And if I love my neighbor's wife, How can I help it, pray The Golden Rule I strive to heed Wherever I may be, And do to others as 1 would Ti.at they hould do to me; And so ooe day ( thought 'twere well J( I this precept tried, And, filled with generocs thoughts,! took My neighbors wife to ride. But, ah ! this kind and simple act Gave ris to slanders high ; A host of furious lorgues assailed My neighbors wif3 and I. We're taught to share wi;b liberal hearts The blessings that we priza To smile with oth?rs when they smile, And dry the mourner's eyes. And when one day I chanced to find My neishbor's wife" in tears, 'I whispered words of sympathy Within her Iis'nn:ng ears; I drew her trembling farm to mine, And kifrseJ tier tears away ; The act was seen ; and lo ! there was The very duce to pay. Alas ! alas ! 'tis parsing strange I'm siu I can't see through it; I'm told to love with all rny heart, Then blamed t ecaose I do it ; The precept that I learned in youth, Will cli ng to me through lih ; I try to love my neighbor, and I'm scbk I love his wife. LMII 4rp Addresses bij Ccnslitaenls. RXSPEKTTUL PttPLE : I address you on this okashnn with pro found admiration for the great considera tion and the nice discrimination which caused you o hn or rr.e by jour votes with a seat in the Sinate of Georgy. For two momenitti and inspirin weeks the Legisla ture hav been in solemn session, one cf whom 1 am prcud to le which. For several days we were engaged as skouts, makin a sorter rekonysance to see whether Gecrgy were a State ci a Injun terrytory whether we vre:e ia the old Un-ion, or cut of il whether me atid my folkes and yoa and yocr fo'.kes were somebody cr nobody, and, lastly, but by no rriear.s Ie;stly, whether ocr poor innocent children, born during the war, were ai! i lecal and had to be l orn over os'tu or not. This lust pint are much unsettled, lot our women are advised to be and screen 5,y frtends rur ato hav honest.y U- you a., tac, ,n ho foh , , ..a j c,J Ln-.nn. L.ke the rrrygal son been to "icr'.cus we had nuthin to live on. and feei lonesome and hunsry, hav been bowin and crapin and makin apoljijies for five cr six months. j u- hav teen seen ftar.din atur r.fT for j we?j;, ic jum tne calf do they kill for os. Thev know we've cot notrins, for they eat nn our subs-ar.ce; and as for pnttin rings on onr fibers we eculJsr.t eipekt it cnf.I they . is r.. iCzk the j-elry ihey earrjpd away. j c.arTr,ot say, i.i 'the langwidge of the poet that our later have leen a labor of love, for we've had r.onstrcus rt-or encocrarement to te shtir?; l ot we had ill sot our Leads toward th? stars nr.d strips, ar.J vs e jin'.ly ' ueterrr.M-ied that co'r.e woo! ccrr.e wo, sink j cr swim, sr.rvive cr parish, thunder cr Ii'.e- I ve'd sl:p beck, cr stteak back, or git back scrriehow or somehow else, cr ne'J stav ont forever and ever arnsn, aJ le 1 hanged to 'em, so-called, I gr.Uy. : I Up to ihir time il hav been an nn hill bu- , '!,.-. m J ., nr..t ,1 . (i:;C:p, .l lnill O iw.i Ul.li llltr ! a. I sound at.o tae wai greased, but th road are perhaps the rufTest, rotter.cM . ; eordyroy in the wor.d I. s pu.l np and !skotch,atid pull op ar.d sko-ch, and ever ! in ti lnm ar.d crick u h 6 wh:n. and ccn- - - - a I 1 It. ;.taJ. ..-,K.-.t enmatimoa tx a A nt'.'l lUDMI Ul? V. - J 111 WV W .' .A VI W U W W IB f. ! know whether he's cee-in or haw-in. My j friends, about ibem fellers, I t'ott't know! I what 1 crt to say. If yoa do, or if anybody I" does I wish they would say it 1 don't cn i -. . . ... ..t i coara-c ccssin 10 ncpoay, nor at r.;i, i-ut 11 vou know of a man that car. 'tie broke ol ! itdurin his cateral life, it rroul be well to' I hire him by ihe year. It thet is iu all hi- ' I tor? a "ood exku'se r.d a proner snbj-ek, it ; i- r.nnn them I.e&rlle-s. soulless bowetless. Pi7zrdl-s-. fra:riidel. f uicide!, nirsside!. sisters-del. abominabnl. coutem ptibul dis - i ffustibul individuals. 1 sometimes think . j then till my brain ci-. sorter addld, and. I 'feel like recutnin'a vc!an eer con vikt of ! the'Lvtuatik Asyloruin. Char. y inclines I un to tha cpinvun that old Sumner are era- ' 7V. 1 lrins ne i.as teen gusin worsn ever . .. .11 j he n?ock on andi, do:tccordin lo the'.r work. Mre anonym j . . . ! Fill An peem he ,he 6les ,,a' V" CJni.U i P. S.-Comio John Thras'.er se- be ; If they are lor Peace it mosi be Ibe 1 ihat sasseth all ctiderstandin, for we can't ( fathom them in these regions Thay foul , ., 1. . j-1 . . 1.. . os to free the poor n.g2er but d.der, t keer i Jnr iti ITn.inn . Thi We -tern ho vs font ns " -- ; for the Union bol diden't keer lor the. nig ger. By double tearain on cs they licked os and we gin it up, bat now the one don want ocr niggers and the other don't want oor Un-ion, and its the hardest skedoia to p,eaefl !hem bolh a p0Qr ran,shed peo, j . i. . t. . . . tici Luuenunt, lie liia zuvl usructi war to wind op that history rekords. Sum ner Satan and Company, are tlill & fussin and lamin abont tbe everlastin nigger want him lo vote and make laws, and squat cn a jewry, and want to perhibil os rebels from doin iha same thing for thirty years to Cum ! Jerusalem I where is the cassia man 1 They say its all right (or a nigger not to vote in Connecticut, bekaus there ain't"" but a few cf era ;bar ; and its all wrong for em not to vote in Georgy bekaus (here's a heap of em here, aud they laik Loilrarid Ret- orik emazin to prove how il is. Well II haiat got a whole passe! of sense like om,j bet as shore as I'm two feet high a niggrj is a nigger, I .don't kecr whar yea smelll bim, and a vo: ia a vote I don't keer mhar you drop it. J golly I they .can't git oven that. - . The trclh is, my feller citizens, I eomeJ time6 feel Tihe we didr.'t hav no govern- rrtent. I fell that cay ecrter when Mr. GibJ son Pr,ointL. J m a rfinrnitl.'a r.n lh laaf I ... . . . u . l, of the Repcthk. When the SekrelaryJ read out my name a'l mixed cp wiih the Republik, I felt I was cbleejed to renig. Risiti iragestikully to my feel, says 1 . "Mr President; I bej to be respek'ybly. exkusec sur, if yoo pleyee.. ..If thar is any Republi! on this side of Jordan I can't purseeva it a this time with these rpek. Thar wa i place iu old Virginry called Port Republik but Mr. Rebel General Stonewall Jackso wiped out its contest" g?r.ers.j;y in 1863 and 1 haven't tir-se I.eeid of it in Norther literature. I lave heard of & skrub cor sarn over Ltoui Washington they call a Rt peblik, bu', sur, bet I must insist on bein rspektyb'y discharged." I took my set amid the most profcundest and tumDltcoo silence ever seek, end Mr. Gibson remarke that he wouldent impose the Republik o the respektybly "man agin his wishes. H then transferred me lo the Finants Commit I tee, tnd said he hoped we would lake imT mediate action, for the State had no mone 1 as well as hime!f, and board was high anf eat seieras frequent. This may not hat not hav been his exakioal langwidge, bi is anglin loward it. 1 bowed my head art said "Di to. exsep that I don't eat se'eras Forthwith I lelegrald varyoua gentlerne! for a temporary loan ontil Mr. Jeukine we n'jrgora'ed, for they wanted his name the note. Thanks, says I, there's a teJ lost &bout the wagin. If we are a Stall we can borrow money in Aogosty. II w tii't a State, its none of onr bisiuess born ! at a'l- If Andy wards to run the ai : chine his own way, let Lim pay his ow : expenses What in the dickens is a Pr ; iion Government for, if it ain't to get d prov.sk.ns and proviae for a fel'er generall ' made cp my mind that perhaps we bi ' cen hcrnorn Andy about long encf. V. had as much right to a Governor as Alabar : or sou!1 Carolina, tie wants us Dac aoo as bsJ 09 we wact t0 get lack, and a Jilt! badder, fshsp3 ; ar.d he neeier.1 put on naar.r unr.ecessare a:rs aroct Kns senat j 1 icess. If he fools with os nsuch 4 won't elect nobody I go.Iy ! we ll take t : 6'uJ anJ backwards. I forihwith i , I'1'8 Capitol, ar.d streichin fori cne cf J' sea 'i "Mr "Gibsor., sar lrn 'cur fner.d I'm the friend cf to '-J ar.J ctu.orcn ; pui u .ir. Jei.Ktns ait : r. operated soon (he Sute will collapsi a bright end glorious star will be oul'.terat frcm ciT lha striped rag, ane the Preside tri'l 'ose about nine eepporters in the Fe cral Con .res: 1 move, snr, ihat if we ca gt cur Governor at or.ece like a sine 5 we t"'"'4 iri a row and depart : Mexico." Ii lock l.k? the small pox a were carryed tumult jously. These pr6cef! in. were 'eVgrafd to Wahington before I ink r.-a cry, and we rsceiveJ orders fori w i h to rorgr.ra e our Governor aod roll rtrcert. Tiien the money came, and 4 vctcd ourselves a pocketfull spiice, and t a fur'o. My friends, that wur a proud a plorious day. When that j-reat and n, ana rung ; uiUU,.i t uao, 4 oa . att ' mer.tir.il C4 it I U Ue VIBSt. AIi i ti Wirz. My fellow-citizsjs, let rse, in ccudce . eongrita'ats yen 00 havio a Governor ci ; more, es.is n Uoverr.cr. - it. n'.l t,p.t rlDt.'l!,vrrtrwt 1 " j- , .v. vj j ! mix up wiih orr frier.di 'crth, tnd v transport them Black Republican ir.ta Jjt Afr.kan desert, and put em to tefcchin iRr len'o's ihe' right of ft.fT.age. .Winter D . omU tt.ere t;nu a rifeia ot iwcr scieic.' nrsertiUe remna::l of his ue.clinin ye H "e a;i '1 Winter cf car- dicot. of, meriiioneo & .ir. cik.f1-" ' i . . . - t-i- 1 . t- 1 , ho he a'.loo-Jed to, and I went to git ri 1.5m. He and his clan lav done us nr. ; evil, attd I am indoosed to exc! nm in Iangvi.ige ol 1 ul abeiit . exan.-er ; .nnnnr.ni 1 "AiaV I r R l.OTJ EW.rj -. .. -l T-l -I , -t-,-, j j ftdied taw a week, and will be a ca ! dale for sum hign pflis when we meet ft . provided we cive turn time to se.l Ins too seed lit say tins art nav aon " KJm mnmm ot ,h, P, i . . 1 iu: ... flues, ami ni iure idoib- suu uii vouoii - j are as good seed M J aver seed. I borj will sackseed.