- l SFA-ll-OF THE NORTH-i THINGS ABOUT TOWS &"CCriTKY WEDNESDAY, AN. 10. 1866. 2J7S AGST CERTAIN TV A Y TO SECURE A LARGE FORTUNE 1 1 'lib .Tot Delay a ftlorprnt. but buy Immediately!!'. 'A VERY SMALL CAPITAL I SUFFI CIENT!!! ! The mt certain way to ama's a very Isrge fortune in a few mcmeri!,i to boy ihe editor of the Republiean for his worih, as estimated by the majority of Republican, in this county, and fell him for the value he jjjts opota himself. The investment should not be made until a porchaeer is found, as he "critter" might not be salable. ' ' Tmk 'coldest day of thii Winter Lit j Monday morning. Thermdmetor, 9 degrees i : t " ! x 1 1 ' , ' i A'luabi. real Estate i advriiid, tr .be 'old at iherirTV Sa', on Monday the firs! day ol February Cnnrf. A Lit" Maij, E-q. , ol B-aer VaFey, ! r.i k:. .. k . .n--, - , f"; c N u. ' r . Conveyancer See. in another column. ueaJ nis aavenu-emeni ; 1 t . . . ' Br a r.-.otnti.n of the r!o:a ol Uopren. 1 v- . , . ., . , , i larje. the of il.e IIoi)m h granted to ' the Penny !ar.i. . Sh.id Convention, on Wednesday th lOin i t. Thk School Erectors cf Centra fi':d Mdison rJi'slriV't, irt'this coa-.ty, h--.e prn-. curd full se; o! Cornell' O.itlir e Maps for ea-h school ot the rspec'ive uVtrieH. j " " " j At a special meeting of the Bujm-nr Lrcal Senate on Thursday evening. )-e , ' 2.h, IP65, W. V.r, . w elected l',e - : . , 0 0 . i- f l . . , -.dent, C.B Brock way, Ivq, Vten-.itul, mid A. F. Yost SecretaVy. , . 'J . Tint lata co!d weather has ffrded our i 'citizens a good opponuniiy to lid tt.ei ica :bouse wiiti very pure and solid ce, and they are making pond use ot their tin e in 'prpanc for the warm days of summer. " ' " r . The Lepisla'ore aJjmr.ied, cn tV. 2J i 'iiil,'unni Verlii!ida to-day, and after a ' 'session ol a few day, at this lirne, , it is sup- ' Bf!d await ; ' rosed that h sck'ui atiTirn and . .i. I r i uie ts.vemor return iro.n uuu... j :. te held in blorMibnru in and for khiJ . i i.nij cn Wedi'esJay. l. e ?;h d2v of Feb- Upon the' departure cl Gov Cur.in, cn o i rna-y, A. D. 1SCG, at 2 aYiock in the ulter vnva f.-r t'he 'rcrverv cf bis lentil, b.9 ' ''" o! ti!' exception tu . .. ... , . i wBi9ia:urc, mrr? y r..e caa-e cr n: . absence Etcepi thi, no informarirr: or ii irnc'ions !.va tsr. s.! j that tod from tLe Garcrnor. Diivtsr. MclUvar, E-rj., oi,r late efHcieni C'iii!y TrfHsorer, hi :iiid his accoun' viih the ComrriiMi,'iir nr.d r-.'iiffd from office. He leaves the Tr-a.ury i:i cood Vodi:ton, bavii.g served ifve pfnp!, a -ire- I 'creditable to him'elf. His successor, Jours J SriLfs. Esq , Leii g man of business h.iiis, nnd tore-iIi:. wsli tuike an equally wor hy otTier Thc County Auditors, Corrmi'.-'icrcr 1 "d Treasorer met on the first of January, and a sett'ernent cf the County affairs was made. A statement, which wiil appear ia doe time, will ho& tiia: enr fina"CSJ T;re in a most florsri-bir: COa-i'on, coutidetitg bc disadraals3 ender v;,icn lh- comma T.'fy has labored, r? the pat fonr years The Cr,r,,nJs,';oners male ihe fllowir.-ap-Pi3lrYients 'or the preen! year ; viz : IX. C Fkcit, Clerk. W. Wirt, Attorney. FiiK Lies Lift's Lkk!s' Mvg2i.vk romen io is, in the beginning of 186H, with most handiorrre cuts and patterns tur the la die.-. 'i he rcOing mat fr seems, h4,?o. lo show re tiewed and increasing spirit in the publish er. . It .is cenainly ihe best ladies' book published in ihe counlry, and probably car - J not be excelled In the world. Now is the i time to eubscribe. Subscription price. S3 CO ! per jear. in advance. Address, Frank Lea 1re, No. 537, Pearl S reel. New Yotk. K)x SaiCRDAT last, a son of Mr. George States of thi place, was serionsly injured by jnmping from a car of the Lackawanna and Biootnsborg Rai'road, while coming Thi boy, with several others, had been I kating on the cnal, and being at the Cat- ! issa bridw when the train arrived there, ! Jk , , , , , ihey stepped upon the platform of ihe carl tr ride home. The conductor a'ked yonn" ! Bates lor bu fare, to which Bates replied 'that he had no monefc when the conductor in a joking manner said he woold take the "boy's skates. Bates immediately leaped H'rom thd train. . V. . . . . A Meeting of the cit-zens of Bloomsborj, Nvas called on Fridy'eetiing, the 5th insr. for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Shad Coriventien, to be held in Harris borj, on the tenth of this month. Very few citizens were present, and very little in terest appeared to be taken in ahe move ment. II. W. Rinker was chosen presi dent ol the meeting, and -Samuel Snyder, secretary. C. B. Brock way, Eq , stated the object ol the hieetihg in a few words, after "which upon motion of M. Whitmoyer, Esq., b. B. Brockway was anpoiuteJ a delegate. Upon motion of C B. Brock way, P. Joho " ra appointed another delei'e to accom pany Mr . Bracltway tn HarrrMbur. Tha mt etinr then adj-lurneJ. ' ."sheriff sales. 5"y vir.ue ol several writ of venditioni - exjyyia and Ft. Fa. to me directed, is sued oi.t of the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county, will be exposed lo public sale, at the CCJJRT HOUSE, in Blooms bur2. on MONDAY, THE 5th DAY OF FEBRUARY," lf6fi at 1 o'clock in the af Uciiooci of rbiJ Ja, the lollowirg real est&ie to v it : 1 . A certain trp.ct o: pier cf land sitrate in Fihir::crrek township, Columbia coim.y, bounded and described as follows to wit : On the west by land of A Jam Bella?, on the 'North "by 'i d ot Jonat. Doty, on the south by land of George Heath, late bought of Appiemsn. on the ast by land ol John Bcs'.oa, containing about fotty five acres more or les, whereon are erected a Irani dwelling hor.se anJ a frame barn withihs appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to bs sold a the property of Jacob Yap!. ALSO, A cpttiiu lot or piece or;round 'situats in the town of '15m. ton, Colunibia county, containisib; one fourth cf an acre, bounded .a lollows : Cn the -nori'i by lot of Adam Lutz. on the est by public road, on the south, by lot of Clemuel Mclleniy rid on ( i tie west by a't al'ey ; whereon is erected , a large fr.irrc Cabinet shop and a frame ! sable wi'h Ihe appur;enaoce., SttZ'd, taken in excretion and to be sold as the property of Samuel C. Krick banm. ALSO, The undivided one-ninth part cf all that 1 re t-iin trart cl land situate iu M (Tim .Up , Cobunhia cur:ly, co;i:aiii!i one hundred fi't-t at-r.-K, bourdon the we-t by !and of Leonard Kirlrend;!!, on i?ie norih and rat b) lands of Cornelm Kirkendail nnl orr the fonth by lan 's of ribram lie- trl.er, whereon if 'erected a K- lu-oe and a frvme -barn "-i' if.e a:u urt:ianrt?s. i S.'ied l:Xrn io "xtrti'iai nr.d to resold il.e pfc-pe:ty of Ab- I Uer'.ooUer. M0, A !c! of round siiiiaie in S'iuth BI orr.- hnrrr I .it rnniili uitini i n r n .J! l VVm I ii..ieriian i'u iiih f'tui'i. ..tlernan on the sw.iin. Railroad utreetbn i h wei a lot ot Mr Margaret Uvvofi on- t!; noitn and Biorkberry al'ey on t!i Pat b-'w2 thir,y ft'et K',l,tJ '' 'e hundred ard hliv-tive l"Pt i-et m nr or l", whereon , . ,. , .. t . ajjinr;ct;.ii.C'-. tn evecntion !r be ! a it.e property r-f Tueoiia! 1 M Davv- s; n ALSO, A oeitin tract or pitc? cf land fii:catt? in flip IHVP.f-.Iii i!nl::mhiJ fnnnii'.i'ii'i- taiuim; one bund rd end twentV-Iive'cre t cr.-t l iil on ihxt socth y bind? of Ten:h ( atid ! tr.js ,f Ef"'; and Sltfnan al-o Ctt!awisa Rati .R? d, on th wef by 'afn,' cf DX"1 Ur0',V''- ," 'U nort' !a"Jf liert'y Hariiuer. on :h.i east by Iandii.of Jphn : w,t!, ;tP ,r,;nr!(,n;i.1(.PH . S?i---.l, taken in -' cc;i"ri and to be eo!d h tne jrop-?r'y of Lswis Filler SAMUEL SNYDER, Sher.iT. Siicr..T0;:icj, ll.-.o:i.ur,'. Jan. 3, IPCS NOTICE UF CON I I tiM ATIO.V Ti'.E fo!!owin2 appraipmer!t9 of t?a : v.' persrnal property ef apart to WiJows of Decadents h:Vfr b-en ti!d in the cfHce o! ";f Rei:er cf Columbia chanty, under she '"'!e oi Court, at! w:d b; preen'ed lor atso!ni3 Cii-ilrniattcn t' the Orphan's Ccsri l a2 . . : t i t w-.-'ch a!: persons inf3reJ i.i biu e0u;B II Wll! ,-ke LCl;ce. 1 W'do'.v of Jacob Ilea!, .'ai3 of Cea;er tv.-p dee'd. 2 Widow cf Dr. JJarnrs A. Vv'ilion, lale ofC?rw'fck Uornoh ds-M. 3 Willow of Mict.aal Fry. Ute of MdTim twp, d-crd. 4 U'iilnw of Wm. 2.1 Riberts, lafe o: Jdl 1 P l,ec Ul 5 Widow of Gordon t . . . . . . . , . R. GjII, late cf 6 W iJov ol Wm. G,i!a-py, lat of Hsm nek t".', 'ie'd. 7 Widow of Valrr.line Whiter.ight, late !I?i:il ck twp, dt-e'd. S Wide w of Elias Diet.iich, late of ilt n tour t p, dee'd. JOHN G. EREEZE, Regieter. Jnn. 10. IS65. trT . - tm to.SK tmsr Hb J Licensed Convey a r.cer, Scrivener, and Survivor, OfiScc Eeavor Valley, Pa. Will attend to taking acknow iedgemertts, Wfte Deeds, Mortgages. Leases, Bonds. Notes, Ag-eemems, kr. Surveying atten ded io with despatch. Charges moderate. Jan. 10, 166 4 mo. "TTeiTSt b n n e r , " c.iKE.i A?;t) ro:iFErT!ex!;it . a"TAS always on hand and lor sal Flash BREAD, CAKES, and PIES; Frf HCil DOHlfSUC CCilfeClIoaS in grea en f sp lent! it variety ; Nn s Fr iiis, nd everything unally lo'vul in a first el.i-s con (-"tio.'t ?ry .st:re. He would call especial aile:;tion to his newly received s-oi cf PICKLED FRUITS, AND JELrAES. Having recently fitted up a new and elegant OYSTER SA3,O07 on the fif-t tlocr, iwo Jjor vve-t o( F-ytr : . . u : . . . " . i i CLASS FRESH OYSTERS as cheap as the chapet. H will snpp.'y Bills, Parties. Vd WJ, h OjS-.e, Confeciion-ry, &c. at reasonable . Dioornsburg, Dec. 20, 1855. ii upn.i iii niHr. n'rifr. wi;i riloi Auditor's ioticc- Isaiah John 1 Venditioni Expona. vs y No. 9, Dec'r Term. Samuel B. Dipmer. j 165. The money raised on the above writ hav ing been ruled into Court, .on' motion ol Jdnn G. Freeze, ihe Court appointed M. E. Jack-on, Auditor to disiriPute the fund ic and among the Fieri creMitorS entitled there to according lo Tne Auditor will at tend at the Office of Robert F. Clark, Eq.. in Bloomsbur-., on FRIDAY, THE 26TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1866, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, for the purpose of perfortnin- the duties o; hi appointment; and all persons having claims upon said fund, are hereby notified and required to make their claims before -mid Auditor, or be forever debarred from coming in on said fund. - - M..E. JACKSON, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Dec 27, 1 865.-1 w 2 50. CLOVKKSEEI) UAXTED. The undersigned will pay tlie highest market price for CLOVE USE ED. PAXION HARMA.V. Rrpert, Pa.- 3 mo. -'.I BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E corner Tenth and CheMnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and tl-.orouphly ap pointed Business Conimcicial College in the country. Ttie orly'on-3 in the City- possessing :i Legislative Chwrter, and the only one in Uniied States authorized to confer" Degrees of M.rit. Dipl omas awarded to craouate in the Commercial Course under ils corpo ra'e seal by acthftrity of law. Cotidocied by gentlemen of liberal edu cation and extensive experience in business and affording unequalled advantages for th'5 thorouuh iheoretiral and (iraotical educa tion ol j oiing men for the various duties and employment ol business life. 1 HEORY AND TRACTICE COMBINED by a system of . ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giv 1 ing the student in the shortest time a com plete insight into the routine, details cus toms and forms of business in general, as conducted in the best reu!ated commer cial and financial establishments THEORETICAL' BOOKKEEPING Upon a new plan, wr.h an original exposi tion of the science of accounts, arranged and published by th propretor of this In 6ti:u:ion oclcsivcly for his own use, sav ing one-half the ordinary l.bor of ilia stu dent, and giving him a complete know I edije oi trie practice ol the best acccjnt- TI1E COMMERCIAL COURSE. . EMBKACIC Rockkrepir.g. Commercial Arithme'Ic, Pen manship, Bitsine Correspondence, Commercial Law, Lectures on Bu . in ess Affairs, Commercial Cus:on-,, Form, and Ac tual Bnsinesi Frac t:c. SPEC! L BRA yciIES. Algebra arpl tfie UiI.er Mathetu itics. Piio noarnphy, Ornarrntal P?n m-sliip, tfi, Art of De:ectH!g Counterfeit Money, Engineering, Surveying fJaviga lii'i and Tplcranin-'. TELEGRAPHING." The rrar!2emer.ts for Telegraphing are far in advance of "anything of the ki-.d ever offered to t'ie tublic. A regular Tul enrap!i l.'iie is connected wi;n ine Irn-tiiu-'ti'Mi with twenty trances in various parts of the city, wht-re publ;e business is transai:! e und in which the student of this Jns.i ifiiion are inrnit!pd to practice. No ren lar office practice ran b had in any o her school ol instruction in ill country, with out which no one c.n ob ain a posiiiun a practical d,ieraior. Yount' men are cau liot ed agn:ttl the deceptive represen a tion of lliose who, witho'H any such fa ciliti s pretend to !acn Te!e"rap''iin" PATRONAGE. Thi institution is no-enj jying tits lar gest ptrctiie ever fe-to-Aed r.,on zv, rorrmercial sclmcl in the State. O.er five hundred stndfnis we-e in attendance the first y car, .j i.J ever S3ve:i hundred during the pal year. The bc-l class ol stndtn's may. invariably be found her?, and ail i.3 ii-sncia;ion ar lirt r'sj. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. The i:.s:i-i-:ic!i is located in the most cen tral prt cl t:ie city, and its aocomcita'ion.s, for extent, -!egaiiee a;id convenience, are orKtnpassed. Ail the ronnis have been fifed ho in the verv be! styl wiih BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HOUSES, TELGRA'PII OFFICES, STATIONERY STORE rnd a rerznlar DANE OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, feppiied with finely engraved lithographic m e? used as a cuculating medium in the Department of Acttisl Business. TO YOUNG MEN who desire a PRAC TICAL EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS, we gnaractee a course of instruction no whpre else equalled, while the rcputa'ion nnd standii si of th-j institution among business men make its endorsement the be-t ta?s port to success and advancement. All i-on-lemplatinj tn.ering any commercial Col 12? , sr.? invited m k?,tI frr ?i ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND CATA LOGUE ccntainif.g complete interior views cf tfie Co'.l.'ue. and full particulars ol the course ot instruction, terms, kv. L. FAIRBANKS, A Jl , I'reduml T. C. SEARCH, Special TfacSer ani Supt. ol OiHe Bti'ine?.?. Ncv. IS65 1 jr. KEaICO ! MEXICO ! 6SO,SO,00 IOA3 CF THE RLTcELIC OF TtlKXRO. Ttcenly-vertr Coupon Bonds in Sums of '$50, SI CO, S500t aui 1,000. Iiilercst SeTn Per Cent., Payable in TIis C ity of vr Yrk. P.-in?ipa! and Interest payable in GOLD. S10 CC0.C29 to be Sold at" SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, in U. S. Currency, thus yielding sn interest of Twelve pr cent, in Gold., or Seventeen peripo'.in Currency, at .the present rate of premium on troll. The" first year's interest already pro vided. THE MOST DEXIRARLfrlXVnSTMENT EVER OFFERED. Immense, tracts of Mining and A:ru! j turel lands; sixty per ceri' o port dues, j imposss and laxes.in th "-tales of Tamauli- pas and San LuisPotoi ; and the pii2ht?d f.-,ith ol the said States and the General (icvett.oient ar? all pledged for the rcucmp t'nn o ih?s?. Bond a..d payment of inter est. The Sccnrily i As3ji2p. S30 in U. S Currency will buy a 7 per cem Gold Bo i l of S50. Si0 in U.S. Currency r;ill buy a 7 per cent. G-dd Bor.d of SIOP. ?30rt in U S. Currency will buy a 7 per cettt Gold P-ontl of ?S00. ffiOfi" in U.S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. G ! I Bond sf SI000. It every loVer cf Republican Institutions buy at least Circulars forwarded and subscriptions re ceivn(1 be JOHN W. COR LIES & CO., anrt J. N. TIF FT. Financial Ajent of the Re;i0i)lic 0 Mexico, 57 Broadway, New York. ET5' Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally trirougnout tne Unit ed States. Nov 8,.1665. AUDITOR'S XOTICE Estate tf Jccob Fditls, deceuseJ. THE UNDERSIGNED, appointed Audit or by the Orphans' Court of Columbia Co. to make distribution of the balanre in the bands of John Stui.h, one of the Execntors of Jacob Mill late of Madison township Columbia county, det'd, among the Lega tees of Testator, will attend at hi office in Bloo-tn sbnrii in said county, on SATURDAY THE TWENTY-SEVENTH DAY OF, JAN, 1866, at 10 o'clock of said day to make the distribution, when and where all persons interested will attend if they see proper, of ; be debarred fron coming in for a thare or tho fond. ROBERT F. CLARK, Aud'r. r - . I SAG: An liiUcpi nili ni licoincraiic H:iiiy, Weekly uud emr-Weekly .;wpnpcr. After foor years of civil war, forcprlnpon the people of these United States by the violence of sectional parties, we now en ter upon a new era of unity and of prog ress. North and South, a oordial co-operation of all honest mn is needed to re pair the waste of war, to establish our Peace through the iriinph of tfonnrJ con--liiiilirmal princijies iu the administration of ihe government, and our Unity bv gnard in ell thai makes Union desirable). The great Democratic party.Whose his tory in the past i t lie history of private prosperity, of territorial extension, arid of public crder in America, ftands now, as it has ever itood, the rarty of the Nanon, ) superior to all sectional passions in its loy - ally to the rights. of co-equal Siate6 arid lo the liberties of ihe individual citizen. Once more its voice will be heard, once more its adherents will be rallied to it time honored standards r every ciiy and town of the Northern and Smtthern State p. To the principles of the great Democratic Party of the Nation, Ihe World has borne firm witness throughout the ordeal of civil j war. It Mill now be devoted to the not J less at'dnons task of applying those prin- i ciples to the srdutinn of the many and weighty questions financial, social, pobt ieal wfiich come npon ns with the return of peace. Faithful to the real i mere dm of bll sections, it will beenflaved by the prej udices and blinded by the p repcs&essiotis of none. That the principles cf American Democ racy should thus be uttered, with no weak or uncertain voice, hers in the great metro politan center of American enterprise! and com rner-.-e, is a matter of Pitch importance to every citizen as must recommend Ti e World to the co-operation and snppoit of ; go:nl men in all sections of the Union. j Whatever skid can i.ev;?e cr enterprise ' accomplish will contribute 'o make The j World what it is nir reso'vs that it shall ; continue, to be the B?st News-paper of the ! Dj-V." , j Crmpe eu! crrre?p.-r!ents at every com- j mercial ard political c; ter c f bo'h l.etnis ! pheres, who are al .vny instme'ed .o maktr ! the treest ank? prornpt-n use ot rh? tele- j graph, will keep t)ar reavlers !u!l informed j of the doiiiH-j and the progress of mankind I in all purl cd tlie clote. - j EDITIONS. j The Padv World afiords a complsle com- peifdium cf,and comrr.cn'ary upon tbe 1 i.ew ol every day TlteSerrii Weetly World is a large quar to sheet.. sarr-e sz as Daily, coctaintng all its news, cor.'e'pordene, editorial, con merctl ami rii-rket t e'.rs, ca'.tle market acd provi-ion leports. and a fresn and en :ert?iui"g misc-lianv of li'.eruture. Pub- lisl e l Tuesday and U.'iday Ti e Weekly World, a lirr-- q-r.r'o -hcet ! jrr.j ki7J no Hitli- kai r- ,t. il ' circulation of ....... t. u .... . i.i. ii t . of any weekly vtirral puMi-h- ' t.. Us extraordinary si ccess ! ed save on sir ce its union wi;h tiie New York Argus : has j tsiiried the most liberal expenditures, ! winch will ira'-e it oiirival?d in interest ! and lalue to larjr.er?. Published Wedne- I ! 1. Tht? market reports embrace the New 1 York, Albany, Brighton and Cambridge i Ine stock markets; the New YorJ cnun- in- nrn.tr.ee, r.nd ei,era! rmdiico rrUi: . special and valuable bop iriisjlisence ; a' ' less than Fifty-five collars It gets ' York, General Wholesale Ag-nt. department of agricultural reading ; 'alt thirty sub-cribers and Seventy five Dollars i - B If your neare-t dnig2i-t or store tca'eiher composing an unrivalled 'hand- ! she will only .have to add ten dolla-s to j keeper does not keep ibis medicine do not book of current in'ormction for ihe farmer, 1 the amount. While if she sets furl y sub I lt him put yon oil w.ili rome otner rr.-di-live stock or produce dealer, the country t scriber at the regular price, she will get ! '. because he makes more money on it, merchant, etc. j her machine for nothing. - i b'Jl send at once to one of the Agents fur it. 2. Its reading for Ihe family circle cm- ! The Magaine will be sent to different i " Jef 2 1, 1S63. 6m. braces the ite-hest and best stories, poetic. rehaious leadii.j:. .. 3. lis itij;ei ol itie news ;s not, l.ke mo! city weeklies, a mere waste bhk-'t i the dany ; on dy matters of intcre.-i and impor- chosen Inm the d.idy. wtme the Ui.ee are rn-.ss ct us cot'.teius are preparea especially lor the weekly. In everv post olTlte dis'ric! there shrnl 1 ... 'be found seme cctiv, public sniri.ed d?m- orrat. who will center a benefit upon u, his neighbors, nnd the chus, by maki'.nj; a determined effort to form a club of four, ten, twpaty. or lif'.y for the Weekly World, at onr crv.atiy red need rates. GREAT REDUCTION IN TERMS. DAILY WORLD. 0,e cpv one yrrarhv mail, SEMI-WEEK LY WORLD. Cue copy one ear, Four copies one ypar. Ten copies ortp vear, WEEKLY WOPvLD, O-.-.e cc-py on? ycar, Fccr copies one yecr, Ten copies, one year, S10 00 C 4 00 ' v 10 on 0 CO 2 CC j 7 (.0 ! 15 (JO I Twenty copies, cue year, to omc ad- dress, . ' 5 j Fifty copies, one year to one address TO CO : An extra ccpy of the Weekly 'edition j fjrnisfieed to cbios of twenty or more. for clubs of one hunnred tho Daily, will be sent to getter up ol a club. (liuhwiis nidi w 11 ,.-.iu in u.jjis di rt'ij time dunng the year at tae regular cI-".o r"'r,' ,t..l , , , : f .1- inu.ie o ifij-jt-M oi me pt-r.-ou rere i v.ng .u .ii -J.-.. m, ..... .. n.iy t. - . i ir'jr?n i must name ihe edition, r.oi-office, and sta'e to which il has previously been sent, t a:td inclose twenty fiyp. cents ;o pay for! char.rrir to reperats address. i Orders fcr any ct the editions of The World roiy be ent by mr.il. and should j itfclose Po-t-tr.io Money Order or Bank i (Jralt for arpnuni (less the discount). We j have no authorzed traveling agen'-. Moo- i ey sent by mail will bs at ihe risk cl ihe ; seod-jrs. Orders and lener shout t be ad-,; dresse I to THE WOULD. 35 Park Uov.-, N. Y. Oi.tr.ber 23, ISfio. EVANS & HARTMAN'S CLOTHING EMPORIUM, JS err ly opposite the I.'pirop-i! Chin c.'i. CLOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. OUR svek is composed of fine rlotlmt:, iTiP.iiiim and iow priced a.I.:i,'.fd to fiil cotidi.ion8, tates and wints. We have the late-t styles for the season a fitie as sor'ment cf Orercoals and Gentlemen's Shaw.'s, from low toths very be-t. Ocr Gocnls are cm-hioii ib'e an.i wdl Mule. In addition to our slock cf ready-made clothing, vre have piece goods for custom orders, Clot lis, CaBiis3crr.9 &c.9 &c. And having one of the first class cutters, Charles L Reichard, formerly of Easton, we guarantee a fit in ail cases and give satislaction. AUo a variety of Woolen and Linen Sairts, Stockings, Neckties, fol iar, Stocks, Handkerchiefs everything in the gen'lemen's line of clothing. Also Hats, Eoots and Shoes, Trucks and Carpet bags. .We will sel! at the lowest Market prices. Pleae give ns a call before purchasing eleewhere , EVANS & I1ARTMAN. Nov. 15th 1865. CLANKS ! CLANKS ! BLANKS ! DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, -of proper & desirable forms, fcr t tie at the ORice ol the "Slat ol ti e Norih." I T Splendid Airay of Tatent. In entering upon Ihe third year of its ex istence, the proprietors ol tfiM new'rnai;:i zine be; leave to ofTer the jr thanks io the ladies ot America for the liberal support already extended to ibem. Few marazines have boasted during their second year of a list of nearly Tweniy-fise thousand names The Lady's ; "Friend will continue to be ( devoied s fieitoiore (o choice literature a.'id the illustrations of the fashions h will contain the latest patterns of Cloak. Cp, bonnets, liead-dres'es, fancy . woik, em- bmnlery, &c , with receipts, rjnusic,. and other matters interesting lo ladies. The mnsti alone is worih more than the cost of the whole masazine, the pieces beina selected by Prof. Gatze from the capacious repository ol mat widely known and enter prising firm, Meiers. Lee & Walker. Ttie. Lady's Friend i edited by Mrs. Henry Peterson, supported by the follow ing brilliant corps of contributors. Florence Percy. Mrs Bella Z Spenr-er, lurs. l u. iMouuon, Annie 1' K-nt Mrs. M. F. Tucker, Frances H Sheffield, Miss EL C. Donnelly, Carrie. E Meyer ' Julia Gill. Mauie Dver Rriii Mrs. Eiiz.i S. Turr.er,E Margaret Starr, - Frances Lee Pratt Emilie Lester Leirh Mis P. H. Phelps Mrs M. C Pyle August Bell Krana B Pioley jNliss A L Muzzy, Charles Morris, Miss H S Corey "Aunt Allice," Mrs M A Denison Cath M. Trowbridge, Mrs H A Heydon Mary J. Allen Virginia F Townser.dM iss A Fcresiier, Beatrice Colonna J. C. T. Mts Matsaret HosmcrClara Annsta Miss L W Tappa.-i Mrs Anna Bache - Annie Ru'-ell Marcia Ilne. Leslie Walter, Helen M Pra't llatt'ie Hammond Sarah J Ramsey Mrs L" J. RitUnhousc Helen Mayo Ettie V Siade -T J Ct'nmbn Mary H Cox, Audie E Stiiton And o'her talented writers. Sophia May Phila II Chase .iwin ft Mar in Caroline A Be'.l Harris Mrne KmiIjJt yt Johnson jiM1I,ie V May. yi:j j ,,,-s A bcautilid Sttel Fancy Engrav Ing and h superb colored ee Ustiion plate, wiil illustrate every ticrnt.er; besides well e- cn'ed woo l t uts, il'ustrjsiv of the fAh- ioa-, fancy work, Ei, too .numerous to detail SEWING MACHINE PREMIUM. In order lo enable ladies to procure a Prt qnahiy Sewing Machine ;, very link oi.t- JV uan aUilif inll(iivin7 I ; h,.r a ! ..ffr-- i We wi.l aive one of WHEELER & WIL- '; SON'S Celebrated Sewing Machines, the ! ro'nlar nrice of which is FIFTY-FIVE DOLLARS, on the following terms ; I. TweP.tV COPiCS lf ttie Lady's Fliefit ' ' - one vear, and the Sewmg Machine, 70 03 ! II. Thirty copies, one year, and the j S-wing Machine, HI. Forty copies, Sewing Machine, 85 00 one year, and the 100 00 1" fiffit oi ,ha above clubs, a lady can gel iwemy sa-ocuuer- i iiitr ruuiar price ot two dollars and fifty cents a copy, and then by sending on these subscription . . ... L. . U. . . . 1 . . . t and Twenty Dallars n addition, will get a Machine that she cannot buy anywhere for t rn-t offices il desired. The ices it itesireJ. the names andj..- i a jrx should be forwarded as 'rapidly as ',:,"',,'' ' " 4' i1.n,,'-rii,!.iit,Ji -...iLL.J WORTH Or j money ! ootatnecTjii orter itiai ine suoscriters may j ' besiii to leceivc tiieir irtnciRZtnes at c ce, , ... ,... ...... .Uv...? i.,a l ' ami not become dis.-atif-Ced witii the delay, j j When the whol amount of money i- re- j i ceiveit, me sewing iMacniiie be .uiy j for.vard-d. ' The Clubs mrty te partly composed ol - . i- . i -ii. .. . subscriber- to the 'Saturday Evening Post' ; if nr'siren. i In ail cae th Machine 'ent wil! be the j regtdar Wheeler & Wilson's No. 3 Machine, j sold by then in New York, boxed, nd j i.Twa'ueo: tree ot cost, wan tne exemption of fr-ijht. TERMS:-0ar terms are the same as! those of that w;dl known weekly pa.r the i . Satuiday Evening Post m order that U,e ! ! Clnbs iricy bs made up of the oaper ?nd ' J . . . . . . r. . - j magazine conjointly when t is so desired ! and are as lo.iows ; One copy o- e year, 2 50 I wo copies o:.e ycr.r, 4 Four copies one year, 3 Eight copies one year, and on.a to "et- 00 I oo ! tpr up of cbib, c;T5 cq Twenty copies one ye'ar, and one 10 g:ter up nf'clob. 3? 00 1 Or.e copy of th-"3 Ladv's Friend and - one of the T'nsf, 4 On I Single numbers of the Lady's Friend j 1 (posf.ge paid by uO fventy-fi ve cent J' Subscribers in British Nor'h America uusi letiin infivff i-ei.is in ao'iitxti in ine j annua sucr.pjiot aya have Io repay i ' ,c',l!'ri'.,.,.'.eti''V!r.Vi r- 1 , r t .t. -,. .t . ' i , . ine rosi w in ai v aj s ue en:ireiy o ine.ren'. i .., tm. . r. ,-t.,,,. iuuir-i.j t-...kv..'.w ii. i.i...., No. 319 Walnut si., Philadelphia, Specimen copies wiil be spnt to ihnse I'esirrus of get'ir.g up Ciube, on the re'eeip of fifteen cents. Oc'ober 18, ISG5. LOOK HE LIE. , THE VERY FLATTERING SUPPORT ( ; here'tdore divert to trie late fiiui ol JAMES i ; S. McNINCH CO., indnces the under- J ; signed to emer r.fioo ihe b;iine.s (d j j MERCHANDIZING i upon a somewhat new pi m. The or '!i: ! sy-teiri h been an i. i.iry to Ooi buyei j ar.vl st'ilr, and therefo-e iSSLHUS S ! prnpo-es to open on prnpo-es to open on the -.tay ol t.ie 1 --- ' -1 fa- - - ' Till: MOST CO P LUTE dSD K L N T S TO CK OF EVER OFFERED IN THIS COUNTY; consisting ol" every variety and quality f staple and f-incy anr-d, GROCERIES. (JE ENS W A RE, HARD WARE, and ail sorts of articles kept in a ccr.ntry store y io be sold OR iN EXCHANGE FOR ALL'KINDS OF PiiODUCE. .'Ihe whole busi .ess to be conducted on the system of pay as you so; and at cheap er rates than any other house. Call anj jjdgo lor vourselvps. v JAMES S. McNINCH. November 8, 1865. MORO PHILLIPS' Sirptr-Phospfiafe of Lirne. Eaugh Sorts' Hare Bone Phosphate, in lart i , .... V . ani smnu quantities, sand fvrt lvr- ranted Lake talt, at irholeiaie retail. . fvr; tale by J. H. II AH MAN, July 31, 1865; Jiuptrt Station, tut: rncRSJX pectorbl ' ILL CURE "C? - Vor.r Pn....S t " Read ihe, adver- The Pba,niK Pec iUiK3r loral; or compound I Syrup of WiidChetry ami S-iieka Snake Root, will curt tl.o Diseases of the Throat and Lucius, such as co.'d, coighs, crnrp Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sore throat, hoarseness, whooping ctgh. &e. lis timely n" will prevent l'ULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even where this tearlul diseas- i.s folly developed, it will afford mote relief ihan anv other medicine. J. Lawrence Getz, e. -Speaker ol the, lVnt.sy tviuiia Hoa-e ! UeprceutatUeK, say s : "This coogli remedy is co.v cxlfin sive used, and t f the hig?ie.-t value to the community, its curative qualities hav ing teen tested by thousands wiih Ine in ort gratijjinc results. It in carefully nd skillfully prepateil from Wild Cherry Bark and Seneka Si:ake Root, by Dr. Levi Ober .'oltzer, a reputable physician of Prwenix vil.'e, P.M and is sold by near'y all drug gists nrrri country storekeepers." D P. Crosby, ex-Post Master and ex Buiess ol IV'if'own, certifies as follows: POTTS IOVV N, Jan. 3, 1865, Thi certifies that I have usel the Phas nix Pectoral in'my famf'v, and I recom mend it to the Public as the very best remedy for cough and colds tnU I have ever tried One ol my children was taken with a cold, accompanied with a croupv cough, so bad, indeed, that it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having beard so much said about ihe Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieves the difficulty of breathing, and be fore the child had trtken one fourth of the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have it in their bouse. Signed D. P CROSBY. J. C Smith, druggist of New Hop fiacks conuty, Pa., in writing to Dr. Oceitobzer, says: "A few days since I bouaht two doen of your valuable couch remedy to try, and find it very good, and a it is near ly ail gone I would l.ke you- to send me a gros of it. "Ycur medicin- pives better sa'isfaction than any other I have in the Store. I am ngent lor some of the most popnUr couh preparations, but yours seems to tc doing the mn-t good." ftie following i an extract from a letter ' m Hiram Ellis, merchant, near Potts- I from town, t'a., "I have tried the Phcemx Pec loral jnd fiml il to be the bet cough med icir e extant. It meets with a more ready saie than any other that I havd ever had in tnv store.." The proorieior of this modicin h-s so m uch roil (rerice in its curative rnwuH. 1 from the testimony of thousands who have n-ed it, tliat th money will be paid back t'lo anv purchaser w bo is not sati.-fied with Its eiJect!.'" ... It is so piPaan tn take that children cry r - . Tlllfrrir riifnnnn -r. . . 'f innxi i-1'nr.tr..MS; targe Bailies ONE DOLLAR. 1; is intended for only one o!as of di ease, namely tnose ot the THROAT and LUNGS. Prepared only ty LEVI OBKRHOLTZER M. D.. Pt ccnixville, Pa., and geld by all DrUiri3ts ami Storekeeper'. Johnson, Hollowly, h Cowdn, No. 23 iSorth Sixth Street, Philadelphia, and f . Wejis 5t Lo., lla hranklm Street, Ml ,.-iTrU'r finnv xywt-t.c U AlUlir, A1A(, it. G. S. HASK1NS Si C, :'G lied, man tret, jV I or A". offer tne lollowing inducements to SvMyt'l's of Valuable Having bten t c r a U r.g time tc.di,ed the Packet business, and es!ablie?lie Y,ur reputa'.iuii for promptness and reliability, and posstf-in;: great iaci'es for selling Jeueiry m thi ay, 've are confident that f ,-,v 'Uon to all who feel ' d ' " T tf-' n 5 z 1,3 i :ii0 Oiitl l- 'n-r-ii ; S650.O0Q V.'ORTH OF WATCHES DIA- i "!0!1i 1 ''' Cliatiis, to be sold lor One ' 111 L. .... I 1 . . I .. II ! cacn, wu.m.ui tar.i iu va.uu ' 1.0: to be paid for until you know what you i are to receive. I JUST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH! 175 Watches (handsomely engraved and varranied perfect iim keeper-), varying ia prices Imm SCO (:0 lo SI 20 CO eoch. J Ladies' watches, solid "old hnntino I fa'Cs t5i55 CO eacli. (5.000 Latest style vest and neck chain. 4 if. to 30 CO each- i . . ., 1-1 r 1 ti j jo 00 ! 4 .CC0 California diamond ear drrps, 2 00! m a CO each. - ,,. . , , , . 3 000 Miniature and enamelled cent s icarf pin. new sidles, 5 00 to 15 00 each, j MILL, containing three pair of Suit e 2.0P0 Maonic and emblem pins, 3 00 to ; Saw Mill, Dwe'lbrg House and S:ar.. 10 00 each. i ALSO, n certain Plartaliot and Tra-' 2 cOO G'dd band bracelets, er.graved and' Land, sittiatf in Betdon 'o-ri-hip, t ! plain. 3 00 to 20 00 each. i said, s'ljuiiiing Ian Is of R-njarnin Brink 3 0f!0 Jet and Mosaic brooches, 3 00 to the north, the heirs f John ..Latibacn 70 00 e.-ch. ! th." east, Fi.-liin jrro: k.nn tho we.-t, and 2.P00 C'tiren brnc'.'e, rich patterns, very I:iI trarl above described on the .o. i I a - 3 00 to 00 CO e.;ch. 1 Dt'O Floifn'ine rtnd L-vt pins, lh3 rCu'! a-t;c!e, 1 C) to 10 00 each., o c,.- r ... i I.-1. .-. J t" J", Li I l I... i. ..li.i z til VJ I -, e?r crc-ts, 3 00 tc 10 CO f S oot) r. r-il e ir droo;. 4 01 lo G CO eneb nl c ir drop I -y r. i-.. j r-i. i i (CO I.:-IW'-' Cha-phioe cbi;i, jet and, hi, I ft CO te CO CO o f):. 0 0P0 0-m;-.'- pins, a splendid assortment, . 2 0.) to 1 ") 00 c:-i-':. i 4.CC0 So ' i a i r sleeve, buttons, en i rely nev. s;l- s. 2 rn to 5 0.! CK. h. 1 3 I'CO Stcd and sleeve buttons, iu sets,; v. rv ri-. 't, 3 f t) to 15 00 each. 5.000 Sljev t.ntt-.ns, plain, enamcild j art l f't: .t.t,i.u:. l' -l-" 10. CCD P.r.i-i and handsomely engrave -:.v . .:. .i rri i in r.n j ... opr ng en-r.iM-d ,2 CO to Ij CO eao. 13,01:0 S-ts Uii . , -J, t. 12 0) e.ic.i. Stvll-s, ( CO 2.0-i) GoTil prt.s. ond handso: case-. 5 (';') t 10 CJ each. ver Th;s entire ii-t id Leauritu! r.n 1 valuable "oods wiii te svj tor 0.;e Dollar E !i Certiiicavs of sil the abnvfl art.cles wit! be r laced id envelope, and -jab. I. Tjie-e envelopes are se tt by mai. as cr iere wi'hoat Teuard to choice. On the receipt of th? Certifii!3t'5- vmi will see ivhut yon are tn have, and then ii is at ) our option io send one dollar and ta!:3 the.article, or m I'ive CertiScates can be ' ordered for eleven for S2; thirty-five for S3; ixty-five for SI 0; and one hundred lor s-15. We will send a single Certificate on ih j receipt of 25 cents. G. S. HASKINS k Co, Box 4270. 36 Geek man St., N Y. Bloomsburn, April 5th, 18S5. I)YII L0HEBrRG r J ti rP IT I X fi S T n T? r 0, Main sireet.t wo door? abovethe Amer- ickrt Hotel: . JYJjJJVSTO.UE ' IN at-GOMSBJJRG, PA. 'i HE V Mi UNSIGNED has just opened rf S ore.m s-CMYFS BUILDING MAIN STREET. r.v'iKt.urnt Pa., wVicb, he baa fille I with rir t cl e assortment of , ,.- 11 itt'S-" iptM'M-.-UHll -. GRcci:j;n:s, hardh aki: asd qi!;i:swai:!:, ' . f- --f,i,A . t ..a A!so l'l,l:lt it r r.c.i .nppiei si . fovi e-t m k puce He re-pec'tfuHy so licits a lair sbaM of pT ;' . JAMES K KYF.R P!o-.'m-birL-, N.r JKfi5iJ. jVOTlCf. is hereby fjivon that.l!.'. f hi-) fii.a'.jiciiLtil ot Jfd-ii K. ,e sefop.l G'Oix & John Sj1f Assist. e:s ot !ias Werin-nt.. has het r filed in If e Protf.i-po ary V OfTir o! ( oil iiibta (Ptmv, slid ttat.lhe hh will te refcn'd tn iIjh Judk'es of it Court iA Ci mir.cn Plexe of (oluinbia cn , cn TUESDAY, THE 6 h DAY OF FEB RUARY, Irfi6, for confi'maiion, ot wf.r'ii all perfcons interested i!llaJ;e notice. JESS-E COLEMAN, Protly. Pdormsburg, Dec. 27. 1665. ; Auditor's Notice. El"!e of littiih Bihldeed ' . . . , THE ondersigned, an Amlilor. appoints i by the Orphans' Court of Columbia cohoiy (o dis!ihut the funds in ihe hands of Setti B Bowmrn nd Isaiah Bower adrnioi-tra-tors of Isaiah Bahl, deceased, wiU attend to the duties of iis ppoititmeiil at his oilier in Berwick, on Wednesday, iba 24th daj of Jan., 6o, at 10 o'clock A. M. at which tin.e and place all person interested r notiGe.d to present their claims or bj debar red srom c.rr ins in on said fund. M. M. TRAUGH, Auditor , Deo. C7, 1835 iw. l 61'. - ' "Public sjile ' OF - IJCAr. EST AT F!. In pcr-nnnc of an ord?r of .be Orp'iau Court of Columl ia f'ourdy, P-i , or. . Monday, WEzsi January w. ' 10 'clrl ' lhe forenoon, SOLOMON NEVH ARD. GuardiarioftiiHnunoiii-i.il-' orcii oi oamuei 4v. ijowman, :ae ol i.t t.i . t t wp . in said county, dve'd. will expp-e . o sale, by public vendue, on ihe pren:i; ttie undivided five-sevendis of the am?' ten ded eleven twelfth of a certain Lot of 7. i sdua'e in MilTln twp, adjoining Da'-.'-l f 'ver win thrown, lietij. xotie, anJ o ify rs.- r o n t a i i n u Twenty-two Acte.s a cju ! S'" wlif is cleared. ALSO at ! kiim" lim. 011 tf . Prerifi.e, ihe ni..- i vineu ii vt?--eveni .1 ei intJ uuoivi.iea eieven- I . , r. i c ... . ' 'wti.'.ns ot ne out lots, lyin" a:joi-i ".' i i the same twp., bounded by lantts nL IJ- j. A l L. i. I . 1 i lone, oaran uowman. arm oiner, con ing Ten Acres. AlO at the sa.rie ii i , on the oremi!ies, ihe undmded Ine -e-i enths of the undivided eleven-; welftb.s mn certain Out Lot, lying in Mifuin ville. adj L'i- ini; Stah Bowman. Berj. Yohe aoil - (Jgo. w ... Yol e, containing Four Acres. ALSOv ii tne same time, on I lie premises, it. hihu-' ..: .1 -.i c .. - , - . . ... . i j . i 9 . iurii live setrcuui- n. uie ti 11 J I v me ' ei.e en-twelfths of one other Oui Lot. itM iiIi .- I ville, a.'j .iuinif land-of" Wm. BtQvrn, it.i- nel beidelman and w m. Brown, contii g Foar Acres. A LO, on the piemise-. ih sarriH .line, five-sevetiths ol ji crM Out Lot, in M tliinviile, N. 81, coma.."-., Ten Acres. Late tlte esia'e ol sid d-c h ed, si;ute in r Ii e lor. ct hip cl M'filiutui county a!ore-s id. -, t JESS.E COLEMAN. Cl rk. SOLOMON NE.YH Alii), Guardian. Binoinoburg, Jan. 3, ISC3. ALSO. At tr-.e -rr.e lime, and pl.wt hens of ibr ss-id Samuel A. Cowmati, wt, areola, tt ii 1 ctfer in enniectiii wt. the 'iiregoinij the undivided lwo-sevpn;n the Si'nl ur.divid l.l eleye:j-lwe! b- ' eacii hi me above tuentioucd and de-cr-j-premises; and the undiyidej iwo sever-: of 0:il Li', No SI .'.foresaid. Term- and conditions made known ,;. day ol sale. J0-ETtl P. gOWM VN. CELESTE MILLER WILLIAM MILLER. Jan. 3. 1865. ijxi5ci;tieis' sai.:: Cf Valuable Real EslaU TT71LL be pxpoed to p.obb? sale a- ' T la dwelling bou-e of. WlLi.lA COLE, deceased, in Benton icviistnp, C lumbia county, on THURSDAY, THE 18TII OF JAN, ISC at 10 o'clt ek in the lorenoon of said d; I the following described real estate, to- x tEKTA!x tract or -lam?, ! situau in Bent.iTi township, Coinmbia c i di.-u ,ina l i.tds of the heirs cf John ll- 1 1 .v . 1 ....!.... ,., the euie of ,.e said WilJiam CoU . the no'.ii, s-n-ii, and v.e-:, eriitajnira Ti At UL rr ore or. Ie, w he. eon are pin-' , , ,nr-r- tirnjvjr ni-i 1 A uARijk. n.l) IJLLALLh. O.i c.ini-i: in,-1 SEVEN TY ACRES, iti"i ies I'ereor; urn erected a TWO cT4; i : . I . . - r. . n c f fi . -v- I - Di ' '. A l...ili i'ii.'i.i.'i i.i.iiv J i ... C!" 1 ' 3 l. A LSC a ??;-) rr-r-t cf Is'i.t sna'P lUri to .vn ttp '.; ', ami on st side of I';shi..gi. reek, adjoining la Rtij -n'in Brink on tae noun, aojoirj me rn;.n.r iract o. the soct'i, Samol H :r..i'i and o t.srs cn ih wc-sl, and' Fish crvk cn the 'est. r-nntaicmg EKJHTY ACRES, . i U aK, lB.n-r acres cleared ' -:,v' " . . I,e b ilnnce tix.br I i-id there is on i a r r-H Op. Al.M, , 0,htr (,( L.n.1-senate in Sngarioaf . . ... . . ..,1. r t C"!e Ci .1 e ii T h. J.icob knnble and ST? f" 1 i -t .- .. . , . ., tt4nrj ;ici ll---- .ri iT.; sti;i a.ui vcrs-, .fiiu rW tfe ia-. Is Ot V I ioi Colo cn tna east 5Tii?-5' ! . ' ' I til til v. J I iil.v 1 All ww- 1 more or les. at r-n: eia'ry acrei. imp I inrid, th- rei.te ti-..bef : there are o t. preniis.-- a two :ory fr-i 0 duelling hd ; a f'.ir: o tarn, Ooi tniluiiigs, and a ! orchard. j Also, a T-.-U't o! U or llanrf, fituat t. i Sngarloif twp. j.!wpsatd, a-'tQininsr i of Monicunery C"':a ainl Fishingcree the ca-i. Aiiua Col r.u ib north. o out!i by lands (, Jobn. Svartwoct, 8i the west Lv Cd'nec Unds i f the de'e containing about EIGHTY ACRES. The above land to be. sold pursna the d'reirtious coitiamed mihe last wi! tesi.itaent ot William Cole, deceased, dii.ons -ind .torvos of eale will be known cn da of sle, by MONTGOMERY COLE THOMAS R. COLE, Executors cf ITrrTiim Co.', dctr 1 r