STAR OF Til!) iYOETJL . .Jr-v-i -v... 7W. H. JJ1COBY, EDITOR. C G. BARK LEY, Assistant Editor. BLC3SS2URC, WEJJ.VESPAT,' JAif 10, JLS66- -S. M. PtTTitKGi ll & Co., 37 Parle Row Hev7 "York, are duly authorized to solicit and receive subscriptions ar.d advertising for the Star of Ike AorA, 'pob'ished at Bluomsburp, Columbia county, Penna. . Mather & Co., 335 Broa.dway.'New'YoTk, are authorized. :o receive subscriptions and advertising (cr the Star of the North. : Tb9 Lfgisfatnrc.s The Legislature of this Sta'e met on the 2d lnsr.,-end organized by-electing one of the roost radtcal of The opposition, in the -person ofJusics R. Kkllkt, of Washington county, as Speaker. As a legislator he bas had considerable experience ; and it is ex pected that he will dispatch business rapid ly, impartially, and cse hit best efforts to t preserve harmony and decorum through the entire session. With all his radicalism we look for nothins more.rhan a strict enforce- ment-ef the -rules and laws rovernin- the 'Legislature. 'His political views and opin ions have nothing to do with his course as 'the presiding officer of that body. It is 'hoped he wi! not step-oot-side of his duties as Speaker, and attempt to inflict upon the 'Legislature any of the fanatical notions and whims, respecting the American citizen of African descent, of himse'rf or his party. In asumic the duties of the chair a heavy responsibility rests upon him; and in his remarks on taking his position as Speaker, be seems not unacquainted with those du ties. His address wa, in ihe main, couch ed in language mors applicable to a po litical gathering than a legislative body -lie goes as far as Sumner, Stevens & Co. -ever attempted to go in laudation of negro freedom, the result of the war. This was expected ol him, as he is the representative ' -man of that radical portion of the Republi can party, which placed him in the chair H ami did he not serve them, or at leat give them some guarantee in that directian,-in Jiit earty me?age, he would have been coc--sidered oeglectful of his duty and acting in bad faith to Aw pwty. ' It is not claimed but wbat more competent man, for the posi tion of speaker than Mr. Kelly, might have teen selected, but -it fe doubted very much whether a more true man to his party friends eoold have been found. We soncslhat great anxiety is manifest ed to know who will be chesen Chairman of the Honse Committee on Railroads, the fnost important position in the gift of the Speaker, and one which, cf ?oorse, the! r Diiaueipniann are laoonng nara to secure- it is. apparently to their iMerest to con'rol j fht Coaimittee, and they are in the ascen- j -dency so far as that is concerned. At leas', j tach are the present indications. James N. j Jerr.s, ol that city, desires trie position, as Chairman, -but has no backers, and Elisha W. Davis, who but a thort time ago resid--ed in Venango" connly, but now represents the Seventh District f "Philadelphia, is -spoken of. If the greai fi lit comes off be tween the Pennsylvania Cer.iral and the Atlantic and Great Western Com pan ie s I -anticipated, this session, surely no Phila- ) deipnian snooic receive me position, ana it : ' i$ only tote regretted that sufficient time . does not elapse befora live naming of the a few days ago the mayor of Springfield, oramiitees, to allow Hie pre-s of rhe State ,:ll.noi!j nJ for;y .prorninent Citiz-ns;-to come out and shew Speaker Kelley the raade a carriase p-image to the tomb of bsolate necessity of giving the Chairman- Lincol0j on tie invi:alion and at the expense hiptosome disinwrested Representative 1 o a Q miaMiel troope. The minstrels from the interior. We all know the impor- lane: of the post; we. ail nnderstand why ! 4 is so mucn, coveiea. . rreseni inaications -are that Mr. Kel'ey is going to do the fair j -thing in making op bis ccmmitlees. It i3 ; not expected, thonjih, that he will give to 1De uemocxa. many la.rmap.p-, " even leave any ot his Committees in ihe j , Republican minority. Not he; that would . -v . ri : 2 I e uu -..u eu.u u ui.jjut impeached. CoQffress. The Rem d Cocsrees re assembl-jd on the 6th inst , - and resumed ihe raid tpon the t Constitution with increased vuor. Sor.a'.cr Sumner presented,another proposed amend- j men', to thin much abseil covenant, declar ing the Confederate debt void; and Mr. Williams, of Oregon, followed with another, providing that no power shall exist in Con gress to appropriate money to -pay for emancipated slaves.' -' Sumner presented several petitions of "colored people" praying for the secarity cf freedom to tbem. Thas goes legislation by Congress. Corses against the Constim tion, and praise of the Negro, are the only wcrkiof this hnrnbrjg. la ihe House, ihey opened fire upon Brig ham Young, Polygamy, and Utah, t.ien con sidered a proposition 10 educate the chil dren of the South, acd hurried to renew 4he fight against the President. Mr. Spalding (Disontonis') of Ohio,, spoke in mcch earnest, against the Union, and condemned the President for having turned the Southern Stales ever to the civil aoihor itlcs, and released them from military re etraint by military Governors. -. Cocgress then adjourned until Monday. Coth editors ol the Stab, being absent dari.n? last week, tho ork of reading proof the compositors of the office, and being aaaccustomed 10 ihe business, did not notice many errors which bud been. raiJa in setting op the article. Thers were enoraia the relation of words, 1 echography, acd in punctnaiion. The crAj one, however, which may cause a .'"i!er'm din?, is to ba four.'.! ir the in a r?er to the qoestioa concerning the school 3T. Tte word p?-:r,.izr'jztrJ ti article 4 6 1 0 n 4 y 3 C , Ttc Tine Irtnin'.V" .' ,-" In'another column may be seen bd st count of the beginning of a suit against Edwin M. Stanton. Secretary I War, insti toted, by Joseph H. MadJox, asking one hundred thousand dollars damage, suffered by the plaintiff, from illegal conduct of Stanton in seizing lh property of the plain tiff, and, without' juM cause, arresting him and confining hun in prison, at two different times, contrary to the laws of the land and without justification. This is but one of the many difficulties into which this demon St an tor, has brought himself by oppressive conduct. The time U now coming, when the thousands who have been inhnmanly tortured, by impris onment, and made to suffer under the rule of military despotism, may appear in the Courts -of Justice, and be heard in their complaints -against the Secretary of War, the thousands of Provost Marshals, and cowardly brutes, that were protected, in the doing of unprecedented wrong. against good citizens of the country, only by the power of lhe-sword, improperly held over the peo ple. - "No man can be denied the privilege of a hearing before the Courts, end ci vil law, having been suppressed beneaih'the weight of arbitrary power, will appear again, in the absence of despotism, like the clear, flowing fountains in Spring, whenreleased from the bond of Winter, and inspiring new" life, -health aiid vigor, will command reparation to be made for the offenses com- . milted by shoulder-strap nabobs, who were 100 cowaly to lace the Confederate .to irt arms, oui soogm out ine quiei ana peacetoi citizen to abuse him, because he dared to enjoy that which the Almighty caused him to have bis own conscientious views of right or wrong in political affairs, and which had been secured to him by the laws of the land. We say the time, is coming, and when it does come, we expect to see the knaves, the malicious partisans, the Provost Mar hals and the many dogs -of Columbia county who permitted themselves (0 be used as spies and lalse witnesses, properly placed 'in the power of law, where jus'.ioe may be rendered them, according to the rules of law, and the determination of tweWfc good and lawful men. HoMicirg. The rowdyism which pre vailed in this town on Christmas was dis graceful in Ihe extreme, and culminated, in the evenins. in a brutal murder. It seems that an alterca'ion took place on North Hanover 6treet, near Thcdium's hotel, be tween a parly of soldiers and some ciizens. One of the paries charged tho other with passing a counterfeit note. Words gave ris8 to blows pistols were drawn and sever shots fired by bolh paries One of these shots took effect in the person of a soldier from the .garrison, named Elijah C. Teta. The tall entered the lower part ol the stomach and passed op through the heirt, causing instant d-ath. An inquest was held upon the body by Coroner Smith, altera post-mortem examination, a verdict was rendered rn accordance with the facts n8td atove. No C,D9 ha9 yet been found as to who fire.j ,te fj;i shct b, several of tha parties tare bsen Cr,mmit!ea t0 jajj nn a charge of T;oU Irin(, wasi( a yocn Vren y-three years old, and was a ua'ive of Moorfield, Hardy county, Va. He had but recently enlisted in the service cf the United States, at Governor' Island, New York, and was sent to this place but a few days before his death- Tfe anthorities are spairiog tio efforts to fix the the commission of this crime upon the guilty parties, and we trust ,tjey wiu te gu'ccesKful American Volun perfofrliea ;ome .pieces, which drew lorth a f peech from Ihe ma) cr and ivrespon.e from itis leader o! the troupe. The Chicago Times thiuks "it must have beeu moving to see Bones and the Tamborine .standing in mwmrant a a n n t Va(rsra iK A tnmS lliolr m !f o & hoilhed ind :heir thoughts remote from ccnQndrom9 and donbUj inienilre9 h ex. h ie(of of ,h9 ,earne,, sr elhJbi,or of lhg doobje headeJ C3if; will next make a pilgrimage tinder the may or's prctrction, to be assured that he hopes ihey ''will meet with the success which taeir loyally and meritorious ability so richly j deserve.'' ' Wax fingers" seem to be look- ,nE op- The brig C. M. Carver, Captain Trea's from Georgetown, S. C, with lumber for Searsport, was distrusted ami filled with water in a gale on the 21st oil. On the 31st she was fallen in with, seventy miles from Cape Ann, by the schooner Emma, aud the crew taken off after being nine days on the wreck without food or water. One man was killed when the masts went over, and the stewarJ died on the SOth, of starva tion, end tchen rescued the crew vere living on his body. The survivors were landed at Gloucester this (Tuesday) morning. The C. M. Carver registered one hundred and seventy-five ions, was built at Bangor in I860, and bailed from that port. The Philadelphia Mercury thus pays its respects to ThaiL Stevens and Carl Schurz ? And who is Mr. Stevens? Not a Penn sylvanian, thank God, bat a YankeV intru der into this S:a:p, whose reputed wife is a negro, and whose children are rr.ulaitoes V "And who is; Carl Schurz? A wretched adventurer, who, a traitor lo his native land tfled hhher for refage, kept beef 83,oon iri lDi9cityand f,iIira, a lager g in that, has lived ever since on lha Government that ha rescued Mm-from the penalty oi treason and the obscurity of a scullion." Th award of priz money has been footed op atthe Fourth Aoditor's .office. j lira yumirii wno wm in comrnana qiihb South Atlantic blockading squadron derives over niaty tbonsaud dollars. IUI9 IT 1 11 n larTiT sward. Time'i Wfcirlrgi. - -' lhe leginning of -suits oainsi Edwin Rl. St dr.! on to sicme his punishment for the Jtiii napping . Ametican Citizens One Hun died Jhovsbnd Dollars chimed in a smgli 'case. A soil has been commenced in the. So preme Court, in this city, against Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War, for one hundred thousand dollars damages, for the false im prisonment of one of the owners of the ninety-five tons of tobacco seized and. de stroyed at Fredericksburg in March last, by order of the War Department. The case came up yesterday' al Chambers, belore Judge Sutherland, on a motion by plaintiff's counsel to strike out parts of the answer as redundant, irrelevant and contradictory, or to require defendant to make it more defi nite and certain. The plaintiff, Mr. Joseph H. Maddox, claims that withjhe knowledge and consent of the proper authorities, and with a full and lawful nermit and au'.horitr. ; t. : t and was engaged in transferring it within the lines near Fredericksburg, when, by the order and procurement of Mr. Stanton the property was seized, and he was him self arrested in violation of all law, and thrown prison at Baltimore, under the name of James Brown. The complaint al leges that the plaintiff, in addition to the ar rest above stated, was also on the 18tfi of April, 1864, Nhile he was a good and legal citizen, and had borne and conducted 'him self as such, ''without any just or lawlul or rightful authority, and in defiance and der oga'ion of his rights, wantonly and mali ciously caused and procured to be arrested" by the defendant, Bnd imprisoned al Camp Hamifon near Fortress Monroe, and at Washington until the 8ih of June. At tho lime of the second arrest, on the 14 h of March last, the defendant, it is alleged, well knew the plaintiff's real name, ami that he had done nothing in. violation of any law, but imprisoned him under the name e-f James Brown, for the purpose of keeping the fact of the tobacco seizure a secret on known to his friends or counsel, and so thai no legal steps -could be taken for his discharge, and for the same reason all ac cess was denied him, and he was detained for sixty nine days until President Johnson released htm by a special order. The plaintiff, during the whole period of his in carcera'ion, was kept in ignorence cf the cause of his arrest ; no charge or complaint was made against him ; no connsel was al lowed to see him, and he finally had to pay thousands of money to the government agents n have the opportunity of sending a letter to his wif"5. At the lime of his arrest all of his papers showing the legality of the transaction he was engaged in were taken away from him and never returned. His final release was effected through an application made or. his behalf to President Johnson, and was granted against the ad vice o! Mr. Stanton. When a simi'ar ap. plication was made to Mr Lincoln, Mr Stan ton tried to dissuade him from making any order for plaintiffs discharga. Mr. Stanton's answer, which was sworn toon the fifth" of December, first claims lht J the Court has no jurisdiction in ihe case, for the reason that neither of Ihe parties are residents of this city j that the defendant is a resident cf the City of Vashington, and then was and s;i!4 is Secretary of War under tfe government of the Uniled States thai none cf the alleged wrongs, injuries and trespasses occurred within the State. The defendant then makes a general and also a qualified denial. He denies thai the plain tiff was arrested by him or his order, and tlveu a'l-eges on information that Maddock was arrested for violation of the articles of waT, ar-vi for certain military offences against Ihe government, and was for a time kept in. custody thereunder; that plaintiff by him self or rounsel made requests to the defend ant, in his official capacity as Secretary of War, lo be released on parole and bail, to be tried by a military iribnna'. The answer then recite that the Uni;ed Slates was then engaged in tho suppression of a rebellion ; that Fro Jericksbur was in the imnsdiate neighborhood of the field of hostilities, and that Baltimore was subject to martial law, ur. ler tiie proclamation of the President an.1 sar,c:iened by act of Conarpss; that traffic with the enemy wasutje?f to milita ry control ; thai plaintiff, as defendant was informed, was arrested by order cf the Pro vost Marshal of Galtinsore, in conjunction with Mr. E. Mar in and J. F. Monahan, ar-J held fcr r.nlawful intercourse, correspor., traffic, ar.d commerce with lha enemy ar.d with the inhabitants of the re bellion Slates, and engaged in the trans portation of roods therein, in violation cf the articles of war and the act of Congress ; that an examination was directed to be rtiaJe, and cpon it the bureau of military justice rec omrrendad thai the plaintiff be he'd foMrial before a miii'ary coart: that what defendant , did was no more than he should justly d: and was bound lo do as Secretary of War wfiile hostilities were perding. Mr. Stan ton, in conclusion, nleads in bar in anv r j remedy by the plaintifi, the act of Congress j cf Marcn 3, 1863, claiming that all be did was in good fai.h in bis 'official capaci'y, and by authority and direction of the Piesi-i dent. The motion was argued at length by ex Judge Cowes for plaintiff, and ex-Jadgo Pierrepont for defendant. It was claimed that defendant should specify some of the facts constituting some of the miliary of fenses alleged, so thai the plaintiff could fairly meet ihem on the trial. The Jodge tools the papers AT. I". II'07ii. Is the Criminal Court of tha disirict of Columbia, in the case of the United States against Lieatenar.t Smith, U. S. N, who was chargpd with assault and battery, in having by force of arms arrested a mechan ic, who was employed at work on board ihe United States steamer Hbode Island, of which Lieutenant Smith was executive officer, Judge Fisher roled that an officer who ordered the arrest of a civilian or a mechanic oot connected with tha serviee aml did nM tak9 proper egai.8,ep8 !o t.:m -:.,t-ii t.,.m y:m mi - I'- W M II V liA U SO vessel, was gQiltv ol ao sau an(J baUer Tn -y V convicted the accused, and a 6n of forty .!i... . : .r 1 EDUCATIONAL. From the Pa. School Journal. To Directors. ' By the Act of April 17, 1865, as pablish- ! ed in the official department of the Journal for May, 1865, the time for issuing the war rants for the Slate appropriation ia'changtd' or the law has mads definite what bad be fore been uncertain. The affidavits and certificate cannot be made until the common schools for the school year have closed, and the President is to swear to the whola num ber of months taught, also -as to the fact that all the teachers had certificates. The annual report most be forwarded at the same time that the affidavit is; this must, there fore, be made out as soon as possible in cr uder that the district may be entitled to its appropriation, for nd warrant can be- issued until the annual report for the school year ! for which the certificate is intended has been receivetl The law requires positively that the forjr months certificate and annual report snail be forxarued at the same time. -If lha common schools of the district j commence on the first Monday of Jane, or ! September cr December, and are to be con tinued six months and at the end of that lime the school operations for the school year are lo be closed, the certificate and j annual report 'can be made out soon after! Ihe close of November, or February or May, i and Ihe warrant for the appropriation can j be issued immediately. The law of 1665, j requires perem p.oruj luai uuwi uucuriieiua be on file in this department by the fif teenth of July in each year. It is probable that in some districts this change in the operations of the law may put Directors to somo for the first year, but after that there can bo no in convenience attending it. The money will be received esch ear at the close of the j schools, if Directors will make oct and 1 promptly forward the proper documents to 9 thi d par'ment. It is believed that after j the first year i; will be found that the new ! J i law is preferable in its operations to ihe old ', one. The officers of the beard who have j transacted ihe business for the year will be j obliged lo swear to the affidavit and make ; out from the data furnished them during the j year the annual report for the year for which j ihey have acted. As the report mtist be j transmitted with the certificate, it will be j made when th9 facts a'e fresh in the j minds of the officers wtio have kept ihe j records and had charge of Ihe documents J and will ol necessity be on file in this de. j part mem in time, so that the report clerk j will have all the necessary oocuments or. hand, to enable him to prepare Ihe t-latisti-cal tables for the bound .volume, in proper season for publication. literary 5oE?nc!atcrc. The fashion of using odd phrases and mottoes,, as titles fcr novels, is r.diculed by an Englis-h satirist, who has made good use of publishers' circulars. Telia I' he snys, emergsd ' By tho Se:-;: advancing against "Wind ar.d Tide" he saw, "Rsneath the Surface," ''Breakers AheaJ." This was liA Dad E?sinr,:rg" a kind of "Notice to Quit so ha he turned into "Cel.'orest," and encountered "Seme' Famous Girls'-' (both ''Black acd Whi'e"), I who have since become "Famous Wcm- . en." He beheld "Eleanor's Victory? and ; "Christian's Mistake," and heard Cary's Confession." Here be "Shattered Idols" ,; and "Singed Moths," qcoth he; 'Grasp! your Nettle," but "Look before yon Leap,' for "Who Breaks Pays." It was just the "Darkest before Dawn ;" but Belial per ceived "The Womaa in White" fijhting with "The Man in Chsin.'- and "How to I Manage it" she did not kr.ow." Once and Again" the seemed "Lost and Saved ;" but at last she inflicted the "Crcelest Wrong of All,' and fled, crying out "Qits ! ' Verily, a ' Strang S ory." Rot our Amer ican publications afford material for as mar vellous a narrative. Think of "Angelina Shoddy," "The Seoul in Crinoline," spend- j ing "A Week at Saratoga," ihen left "Ail j Alone" "Among the Fines," and going into "The Wide, Wide World" with "Nothing j to Wear'-" except "Fern Leaves." Surely, ! the situation is "i eculiar." DtrrcTcns, Teachers, arid oihers having business at the office of the County Super intendent, f-hoold come to his office on Sat urdays, dcTing Ihi.s and next month, as he will be travelling throughout the county on I cflicial business on all other days of lha j week. A fire broke oat last Wednesday morning on Willow S;reet, tetweec Fourth and Fifth, HctoL-en. From what can ba learned of the critic cf the fire, it was caused in the following manner: A woman who resides in the honsa went out for a 6hor! time, leaving her two children alons. During her absence, while the children were playing about the stove, the clothes of one cf therrt took fire, and in her friaht the poor child clang to the others, and soon the clothing of both were in i fiaine?. The trro children were barned to death. The whites who were arrested at Alex andria on Christmas have been released by ihe rnilitnry authorities, but some of the negroes arc yet confined in the slave-pen. A shoddy sheet takes this not as showing upon whom the blstr.e of Jrioting rested but as proof ofjniliiary injustice to ihe blncks in toe biaed mitids of such j jurnals it can not be conceived .hat negroes caa ever be in ihe wronj or that white raer: may bo ever in the right. A very destructive fire broke out in Phil adelphia, at 1 o'clock on the 3d inst., in Chestnut street. The buildings 607 Chest nut street, occopyed by Harneden's Express Comany, 603 and 605, by Rockhill and Wilson, wholesale clothiers, and by 609 Perry and Company, cloibiera, were almost entirely destroyed. The walls fell into (he p rdome of lhe firemen were injlJr ed The loss will cartainly not fall ehm o' j 4fno fo The seal of C. M. Pancan, Senator from the district composed of Adams and Frank lin, is contested upon the petition of David McConaDghy- Hon. John C.!,'o llarrisbnr, was admitted as counsel for the contestant, and J. McDowell Sharpe, Esq.. of Chanubers burg, for the sitting Senator. A Democratic coiemporary, in urging the Demrcracy not lo be discouraged because our party was "swallowed up" in the last election, says Remember the whale swaMowed Jonah. Jonah was heard of af terwards, the whale never." At a picn:c, while the party were re freshing themselves over the eatables, an eld maid called for a strong ccp of tea for a lady w ithout milk. Artemus Ward says that his hair resem bles lovers on theeve separation. It is htrd to part. RLYIE.y OF THE MARKET, CAREFULLY CORRECTED WEEKLT. WHEAT, 2 10 00 80 50 CO BUTTER, EGGS, TALLOW, LARD, per lb. POTATOES. 40 25 15 5 1 00 RYE, 1 CORN, OATS, BUCKWHEAT, 1 FLOUR pr bbl.12 00 DR'D APPLES2 52 CLOY KRS BED 7 00 HAMS. 'Beware cf Asbsscadss. Few r:eo;!e realize the fact that .!ie.Tf I".e3 in ambush everywhere, ready lo sei.o upon the weak. The Ttrorig pass through many perils in safely ; the st'etigtless f a! i by the wayside. It i arn?zing thai the freb'e Fhould tot ter with nncertain steps orerth Ijc of th' earth in danger every flay of fal'irg vic tims, to the morbid influences by which we are all sn-rounded, when a tested ami pro en vegetable tonic, capable of endowing ihem with the vigor ihey need, is procura ble in every c i 1 3-, town and eetilenreit. It might reasonably le thottght that after ti e twelve veers' experience whjrh the wo'ld has had of Hos tetter's Stomach B:ttkks, ell would know that its effect is to disease. The fact is notorioss that a dos of poi son which will srnrcely aflcct a vigorous man in perfect health will kill a weak one. Now, what is the raue of epidemic dis eases ? Poiion in the air. At this season Ihe atmosphere is surcharged with thw seed.-! of iruerrnitt-ints, remit'erit, rheum atism, pulmonary disorders, bilious com plaints, and the like. Pernors whose vou -stems are rela.ved are tho fi:t to suecumb to these flit'temprs. Brace up the physical encris thnn, with thi po'an tial vegetable lonie. It is rnot pcn-ef f:il recuperant which the bnan'.c ki.iadoin has ever yielded in patient research and experiment. Try it, Tr.- bliridcst di-cijife of th old rr.e.Iieal dogmas will :.l !fa-t ad-rr-U that a Ionic and ait"rati v. compounded of approve ', herbs, roots and bark. en do no barn, while the testimony cf thousands invites a trial of i;s vkte-. Dec. 27, ISCj. Al tins place tn ji... iJ, lbb. ty lie. D. J. Waller. G. A. Potter to Miss Kute J. Ohl, both of Cloomsbcrg, Pa. On the 25th clt., at "the M. E. in Berwick, by Rev. M. P Crofth w ii:e, Adam A. Schuyler of OraTi!!eii", sind Carrie E. elieat dacghter of the ofT.ciaiini: Minister. By ihe same, on Dec. 25 h at the. resi dence of the brides father, Ilotert Watt, of Wilkesbarre, lo Miss Kale Biwman, cf Mitilin vil'e. On the 26;h of Dec. by the Rev. J. R Dimm at his residence, Mr. William l White to Miss Beckie A. Crevclir.g, all of Light Street, Pa. At lha residence of the bride rn Jarnsry 1st, by Rev. L. S Truckenmiller, Mr. John Buriinaame to Mi-sS Valeria Furman, allot L;me Fiidge, Pa. In Orargeville, on ihe 31st u!t., bv Rev. Nathaniel Spear, Lafayette Moors of Green wood, to Zilpah Lance, of Bunion. On January 1st, IF60. ty the same, Atr ham II. McColom, of BentOD, to Almira W. Boston, of Fishincreek. Pa. Bv ihe same, Jan. d, Worman Mcllenry of Greenwood, lo Rebecca I Lonir, of Fih inscreek. 15 I C I) On lio 2-lih 0 It., Mrs. Eiias Yai s, ol Greenwood, aged 52 jears. In Yk'ashinston. on the 23th u!t.. George D. Everet'. aL'ed G years snd 27 days. O.i the 25 h tit., in West Hemlock twp.. Montot r conniy, Pa., Wm. R. Sheep, aged 23 yeajs, ll montbs ar.d 9 days. GROCERY STORE. I ON MAIN STREET, DL00il3-iUR5. j I?Icrc Frc&h Goot!. Just received at llenrv Giber's Xar $lore:MO LASSES, S UG A KS, TEAS, COFFEE, TwICC, STICES, FISH. SALT, RAISIN, TOBAOCO, SEC A IiS, CANDIES, KOTINNs, Tovs, FEED AND PRCVISIGSS, Together with a great variety of notions &c , too numeroas to rnention. BUTTE It EGGS, ME XT, and Produce generally, taken in exchange for goods. The best market price will be allowed. Give him a call. ICT The hiahest market prices paid for all kinds of COUNTRY FURS. - HENRY G1GER. Bloomsburg, January 3, lS6t3 ITCH ! 1TC!I ! ITC5I f" Scratch, Scratch, Scratch! WIlEJTOiWS OLXTMEyT. 1 ill Cine (he Ilcii in. IS Hours. ALSO cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chil blains, and all Eruptions of (he skin. Pi ice 50 cents. For sale by ail drujsisi. By tending 60 cen's to WEEKS & POT TER, Sol Agents. 10 Washington street, Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, free of potage, to any pari of lhe United States. Sept. 27, 1865. 6m. AQn A Jlu.M Il ! AGENTS wanted H?f tor six entirely new articles, just, out. Address O. T GARF.Y, Citv Building Ei.ofo Mm Deg. o "6S ly.- J 1. Rachel MorcMti by her next fTtetid Wrn ' M. Hoasland vs Rirhard Morgan. 2. Siephen P.aldv v Ciuawissa, William SDorl & Erifl R. R. Cotnn.iriv. ' t t fi ' i- V iv t , c i-i u m - i ' r . MoU vsChn-Mnn Wo' . 6 Jacob Hams v P,-er Ja,oby 7. Ku-fel P. Slucker v H m. IknTer. 8. J.cob Hopler vs H.lliam fclaubach & CI.rWiat.Hsli.sw.lB .) Road company. 10. Hugh McRej.Uls'.areter Oliplnut. II. Adam Deitterich vs Jere. Jooby 12. Abraham Hartman vs Silas D E 'gar. 13- Benj. Wertman vs Miles A. Wiilima. 14. Gi-oro A. Herring vs Peter Miller. 15. Edward Heilner vs ths Locus. M Rail R. St Iron Co , A. W. Rea, & S Fetter ! man. t LIST OF CAUSES FOR -FEBRUARY TERM, A. D. 1866. 10. ChamV-erlm for a?s of l!rcket)bejg, v ; 0,rf r' rt .in , . 1 1 "Y O P.i..f 1 v . 1 . J s Lo T rA Crnn,bH crnn v n IT 1 I i r . r it i'i-!nb".'..:?n of U.s f:i:i I i:i l!.e ha'ndj 17. John 1 1 1 n : t r i i er r J'-ho James"p. v....,.., ..u. , , , , . 18 Ii. F. R,Urd v. Ceo. P,ferso,, el al. 't' 'Cl c . ' ' T ".'T' rl iiahV 19. Aaron Uio-n vs R-ub,,, Si'r. j ,:,,:",! ? i' "'"r th 20 Jonoth.n Wrlf, Indorse of G, , Y:iXtyVT! ' Marsh 2t Co s (Ircrne-ll Fr-.s ' , ' V,''1 rr' ''X b' 21 jono han . U ..lf Ir.dor.c of Ga.L!.., s.1lir1 ,!;r 27, l , , . , ,i",V:a n- C- VS ("i0n- 7;- : 10 o'c!--c!; A. M . of U,y Inr tl, pur m.j J.ioco l.eii..t.y va .:e tii sv;ia h. R. ' i ,.; . i, i . , orrrnnv 21 Bunn, Riju. I, & Co rs L-vi Km 2. o- f u n .i t r . 1 27 W.Liam L.n,r-n vs John Varfps t. i 28 AdrrMtraicr- of Joseph Pax o-, !,c'd 29 M-ii?s F-et & Satr.uel IC. Phillippi vs j J'.).''i.!i FiCt l; owner or rtjpi.tcd fcw.i-r' 20 Jac--b SI. tin an vh J'.n B. Ilitn'-ir.gcr. 31 Alia'-; am V, Si-Zter v'l Ilir.7by. ', 32 J. M. Fe; k Zi C."1.' v Ciifon D-wi't. i 33 Stobcrt Gorrell vs Tv.p of Conv ns'ia ui. ! 24 Lit Jones vs Milts C. Ab:y;: & Iiu-!;rd B. :ieri;:h, Zj Wili.a.-n Ever r Pi e' S Bh; '-r. 3c (Jreenv. ord Two. vs Si'i'je! Bojar'.. 37 Sylvester J I'ai r. v- Whi'n. 2'A Slv.-. "r J F:tnx v- 1-t'c Whi.e, Z'J Christ:iin F. K-.pp Scur-ol Director" of !;;.)'rr; Tv. j.., 40 Wi;.!.' Hi:.;es rs PeJ?r Micr 41 L?.tis C Green v a 42 M;ry E (Ircrr 1 vs It-ja'" V;iii 43 Andrew Soyder vs J 'i--i S.'iea ier. JESK ("Oi.EMAN, P.t-::'y. lVthrnoiary's OfTic, ) Bloom bnr2, Ja''y 3d. f.r ) Court X'roctasnatioii. Yt ,'UEllEAS the IIor:oraMe Wm. Klwel'. ! Ie-i!er,t Jtida- ol th? Court of Orer ', and Terminer a:: i (J-nral Jail Div-ry, i a ' t',"!' ,!'"' '"M ,f - '" ,h" hi;"' Court of Quarter S"ions rl the Peace, at'.d nl K' F. Clark, Executor nf J.,hu Beal Lourt cf Cooimoi; p.e.isaoi) Orphans,Coiirt. ' pr ,!et'!al?' ;o srid rh 01.5 ' te creditor in th 9firh 1. .'Ini:,l tli-iri, ! Mi,,r.r.-I n ' t.d beira en.i-l-. to ;h- .iin-, tbe or ler i the lor.t.tiesol C"l.-.mbi. Sullivan at;d W I '8-f b!..l by l w. i! :,ti,. t pt ti, ,... ! orniMfj, ar.d t';p IIo-i. S ephor. r.alc.y end ! '" !!,nrrn"'" ou WEDNESDAY. M1K : John MeReynolds, Associate Jud ol Co- 24TH DAY OF JANUMJY, AT TEN lumbia to., have i-iied their precept, bear- f"l't''J. A- M ' '"', for it-e p -.-po.t in- da9 one. :ht n-nt:.l ei-M hundred a.ul : "' t''- r"''b'.t'.'..-. All per-01.1 sixtv-s.x. f.d to :ro directed I firil.'ititi t Coi.rt cf Oyr n Te-miner. a-d (Jfi.eral Jail delivery, Qu.rer Sesionol the Pe .ce, Com. Ple,c nd Cour. ir. Bl'mm-! b'-.r, in !'" coiM ty cl Columbia, on the fir-t i Mo i.!v. b':i,t i!,e E-thx'ay of Feb. riexl, . ind to eoritinti' 0:1 vt -eV. N'olu'i i- l.-rub siven 10 t-e Ceropr, 'I e j Ji:.-:iep of - PeiC" ::(! Cf rifct-at I-" o' t'.-e j fn ("ovi ty i.f Ccliitr.bii, that they 5 - t'.en J and th?rc in 'fifiir pr'jr person's at 10 o'- t cIock in i::e -.for f f-'i '. (.'r.v. v i.h rr.'?, if.rje.i-rtto.i.. I other rernenibrati- pes do if o-e t';-:ts wf.,rh lotneir cfTices sprerntn to te '.-:ie. Ard thos- thf-S are bo-:;.! by recrr.iz-'. to p'cn;? r.-n! h -r-rrs that a;s o: rrr.y. t e 1- li.a :T,.i' ( ,r veer I.-.', to l.,-.v Tn Attd:t..r w'let if fail cc-.i:.'y cl Colurr.l "n, to be then ..nd ltfRj at ufcv.. cf RVJr.rl v. ci.-.rk. E-.j , there to r.r0e--e th?n ahaM l" '". J2- i in Dfcomsbpf?. on Frtdar. Jonary 2iti, ror are r. q'.es ed to be p- ru:nl in 'heir ' JSCS, at tn o'e'ock in tl,e Wpnnnr. of s. at!endnce, agreeably to their en';f. ?.- J ; 4' t for ,,0 rRrpo-i ot pru.finuii it: .In ft B:o:.nburj;, ihe 28 h ay cl Dee., o the ! vl., f hi- np.pou.tmem ; utiJ .H year t-four Lcrd il fi-' t htiud-e. - havit: ut v cl.,:m n.i, hi 1 f.i... am and 6.x!j-!X-h and in the. ei-htv-! in'h vetv : are" l-eret- ' n'-titid :(:-.l r , i; ; .., ,k of ihe I..dep"i det t-e of t'" I'mi'cu 5;a'e vt i their rUins- b.-i a-.d An .f m i'or- America. (Go.l -ave tVe C'n.m'-nwe;1l;:t.) : tit, dt-Uned troin n.-i .-..d fond. SAMUEL SNYDF.R, j M E. JACK')N. A.itPr. Sl.crifl's O.'ii-e, j S .enll. j B!.o i.-barj. Dee. 7, lbtio 4 ii bo. Blijo.T.sbur-, J in 3 - ! W want V2 A't'u a-ents every whf everywnere to sei: our improved 20 Swir..' Machines. Three ! '.OX and LI TE RATE RE B-ruui'ul bt-el new kind-. Under aid upper (ee l War- 1 EnjrHvins. S,tle:i lid tionWe z ''colored ranted five yenrs Above salary or lare ' fa-hiou plates. The latest p.i'terns of comrr.i.-iors pid. Ti e ONLY machines j Ore-res, Clotk, l!oririt-. F.mbroid-'rv. ftc. in ttie Uni:e I Stales for le-s than ?10,w hi,-h j H-ce.old Rf.ceip:, Music', &c. WHEEL are fi:lly Ji?e::ed by Howe, Wheeler & j ER & WILi?ON';S Sewing Machinee given Vv'ilsO'', Grcvtr i Rjker, Sincer S; Co . an ' j Premium". Se';d 15 ce".rs to- a arr.p!ti B -.c!ie!der. Ail oiher d eap 'machir-e- are j .'or,v to DEAC . PETERSON, 319's an.! the t-i!r or t sr are lia- t Wa! 'ut Street, Ph.htdel ph. a. tie to arrert, five iv. l i :n ;-jn: rat'n'. C r- . , cr.i:rs l-o". A .-, cr ca! npr-i !iaw fc Clark, Pid-M.-".! M or n No. S2'a L-ou.j New York ; No 231 Carer t.., P.iila delyhia Pa , Nn. 1 1 Lo.-r.'.-ards Biock. Cm rnj;?, Ill , N 1. 170 nn'ii, O., or No. V 'est !'onr;l) St. C.ncin ' -!i;:gr- Exchin;-, j Z0 v-!y. j I TRAYERSE .JUr.ORS TOR FEIiRUARY 1 B'ron A Til. Rupert. Beaver He.-Ty Hi; dt-rli er. Briarcreek Jcob Crea-y, Davi J ShctT.-t. Reuben M ilr, Na;t an !ar:7.. Benton S:o t E Cj!.-y Ttu.Tias B. Cr le. John I'avi-. Ciittawifsa J .ccb Kr.'i-h, Datii-:! H i Co lyrsrr. S cphon Thorr.cs. Fiahin'-reek Ii .igu Mr Bri.le. Frunk in !o-e line. rr.Jarr.b Lrem.'.'i. (irtcnwo(,l-(i 'o W. Fi:, Jos. S Kli!,e. Iletn'.cit'k N he:a:ih Rcse, liou! I) rt t , . J Jdcksoi, Jrha Yorks Lccui! Ilnry Fi. k. G ij.Uct. I" He! wig Mifilir. Jacob N;:s. Mot. tour Evan Wellivcr. - 1 Orange Al Col-man, Michael ;, John Snyder. Pi. e-Jat-jb Chenitieriin, Yaletiline Win-' Ur-leetf. Roari.'gcreck B-m jamin Ha nek. Sugur'oai Andre A' Laubach, Henry C Hess! Sco t Philip T. Hartman, John. Kressler, Daniel L. Everhart. January, 3, 1S66. BROOMS." ftf ONTGOMERY WILLIAMS respectful- ly announces 10 lhe pu'blic-cent'rall v that he is manufacturing CORN BROOMS, for sale, wholesale cr retail, in VYilkes Barre. He is prepared to luriiish merchants and others with a rjood article of Brooms. at reasonable prices. Persons having ma- ) tnat tney ttestre niaite up upon share can send il to him. His work will compare favorably with any mad? t;p in ihe State. MONT. WILLIAMS. Wilkes-Barre, Nov. 22, 1865. rriHE LADY'S FEJEND - The Best of the Monthlies devoted 10 Fashion and Pure Literature. S2,50 a year; Two cop es S-t : Eiijht fand on graiis) S16 WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MA CHINES given as premiums. Send I5et, for a sample cony to DEACON & PETER SON, 319 Walnut S, Philadelpnia. S'male number for al by the News Dealers, AirditorV ffolicc. Estate of if ilhrd C.Cctn, dee'd. THE UNDERSIGNED, Auditor appoint od by the Orphan' Court t.f Coiurnt.i I cnomy. to distribute the JnJ ir. the hand I'11 v. ores ue ti ot i'wis . oreer.e adminiu tamr of Wil- lx,,n u. ownf, l,-c , to ai.d fnon th d,to ami "amons thu ''""Or I'l Ti ftfii'1 decM.1, at'uirdlT la dece-..", acunrtilns o R li; eiJ a, .u UloomsbuV, vn ; nr,!a ha 2, , d o! u ar; ' I'm .'. L- m t . i t i .. ' fJse pf Ir,aki ,,(,lriU; jp;.. A pif,Uu having ,..imS or ilemand- Kgaict ihe es- ! f ? ' h ' a r ' " f l rr"f ! '. KJlZZl tV 't"X """" in ui n Fi.aiC ! IUO inuA. C. B. URUCKWAY. sivcncr. RloomibD'c, Dec 27, 1865. 4w 2 60. . AUDITORS NOTICE. Eilate of Rr.stel fi'htf, dece iwi j c-..i r u i.ih rrp.-s''.l ft!" nnil,l-"t to pre- C1 1 " ' :i:r ', o-i ..'fa -jay, or i- !"e lu" " C" ('- A.-HLM . tm.lvr,. Coe 27. l6-i S2.SO. e. t thiu 1 tl:r Au.':i r, 01 tha Jay, or i- i.'.i.'f rj (.'oti'dt I'enstti mocker t decenr.i. i 'IKE c iter i,T.:"i!, And'ror appointed by j Orph C.-urt cf to!;irrtia c ounty, 16 j rnske !iribnt ion -;t fip fut-d tn t'te hands , f.l B-Mtjj'fii'i P. p. .'J n r t t L?wis Yette'r, '. V.K: ct;to' "1 C-'crad IVns'et, vVc'il, ' i-rT'i'i; !'.'. -ever:;l , ol t!.e ilpf.'dci.t i t : th cr ' r e-i!b'u-lie.t by la -v. wilt nt:"1 Ht : hi- rfri,-e in r,!.-..x. !ir-. n-, TI I UnSD A Y, i 1 EE 2.iMI DAY OF JAM'AUY, l?66, bi 1 J'J t'cl"fk, .M.. 0! said 'ay. lor 'lie purjv0 ; ot tvxk'.Tj ih t:s:rirurio'i A l pe'i..s ' having :iinrf r.r U :2'in-t !: es. j ta'e i 1 :lu I'ece.'f't.t, er" :nrifi d ro jreenl ' their, in t? A'.n'i'or oij -hat d.iv. or be d--1 tirred !ro:n ro'sii" in for 1 -hr of it, ; fund. John a fijkeze. au.. or. i;;o"m-b-.iv. V" 27, lfi5-4.v 2 50. A it(itur.i rVolicc- LfUH r J-J:n Featrr, dne-t-e!. THE uiide'si .. t Ainli or uni'iii'.! bv r(,?'!,h -'' r' ot voinrnt ... i:.ooniy, ta ritvrij u i.tis or t!e:r.-n 1 a i)it trie e tae ot !,' iVi-f ( t. ;, cuti'i-d to p-eeut ; ,! fn ' e -ot on dv, ,.t be de- ,rj:" v0"'u " ,n ' '-r "fil.a in .'. v . .. r; t .'. HI' 'btu . Tjsc. 27, l--6.r..-4w Z2 50. ui tar's Maria Fu!!r, et. al. ) Lvari Fa.-isit, N. 33, !-e. L. ne::!e & M " Bef IVrm. lgQj. I tie rnci.CV r i:e1 nn tii- f.avir.o been tole.l i. V Cut't, on ico i-n r-i j.,!- ;. Ffeys. tt.e Ctjn ap,,oni:e I M. E. Jck.Ti, An.'it.'r, t .'Mbut- th fund t. ;tn;f ztri, l.c lis-n rm! .r- ecrl-d t,re. a; ove wni. THE BEST OF THE MONIHUES- I IHK HDY 5 KKIKMi 'levted to FASH- CHAS. G. B ARKLC Y, 7T.-ILL r v v (.,,... i; fn-:eil :? in the several Courts cf c"rr::y. A 11 legal business) iir; sl.olJ receive prompt j O V F I C E,0:i Mhifi Sps', F.xchange I B; ::::g-:, rrcr Mi'ltr'o Si .e. l, -!, A !). I ! S TR X TO ll 'S NOTICE. E tate of 3 nh'-e! Fry. hit rf Mifflin town flrp. Ccltimhiii cvn'yt dee d. J ETTER5 ol adtr'mi-lraiion on the i-t-i tatt- of Micluel Fry, late of Mifflin :v.n-,:i- Colc.-r.bia coar:ty, have beet. i'r.-r!o-l by l!.- Refiner ot -aid conntv, to J-hu ll. Il-'tler, E-q.. of Mifiliu twp.," Cc l:t:ti' cv i-.n y. Pe.-on having claims -.:.-) rl.t excite of ihe decedent are re qc-ted to iree:-.t t!ie:n 10 the administra tor fv r srfiile v. ', and it.debted la '1.0 Ci'.aio v. .A u.ake piyrienr forthwith to J JMN If. HETLER, 1 , .-r t 6-t. AdmV GRAND JURORS FOR FEBRUARY TERM 1S66. FI om Morris C. Sloan. For. Berwick Charles D. Fowler. Briarcreek Jacob Jlateller, William Lnrrrn. Braver Daniel Gear!. art. Benton E. J. Aibertsor. Catawis.t Jacob Drumheller. F.sltingcrtek Samuel Shiv, Ma.hia Kline, John J Hutchison. Franklin Joseph Bidler. Greenwood Richard Kitchen. Hendocfc James Roat, Hudson GirtorT. Locus; Wi'iiam (Jooo'man, May berry S.iyder, Jonas' Fet.erman. Ml. Pieasant Elia Dreblebis. Madioi Jo.eph C. Smith. Jitkon John Keeler. - Ro.inr.gcreek henry Hoff.oan. - Scoti Jaoob Terwilliger. Sjgarlobl Joseph O. Hees, William P. Peterman. Jan. 3, 1S66. ICnn THE LADY'S FRIEND J-OUUf. The bes,t of he Monthlies d- voted to Literature anJ Fashion. 32,50 a year We give W HEELER & WILSON'S' celebrated S55 Sewing Machine on lha following terms : Twenty copies and Sewing Machine $70 Thiny copies ami Sewing Machine ' 595.' Forty copies ahJ Sewing Machine 8100. Send 15 cents for a sa-nnple copy to DEA CON Sc PETERSON, S13 Walnut St. ThiU T i it i : i . t i . . . i-