C'jniinveJfiom First Pee t: la? e tha nations of Earcpa to choosa tbeir own dynasties &si forta their otrn systems of 0erncan. This consistent moderation may justly demanded oorre?pond!!ng modsr alioo. W should regard it as u great ca lamity to ourssWesi to tha cauia of goad gorraan,' ud to the peao of the world, should any Europnan power cbtilleDgs tLa American people, as it were, to the defense of republican against foreign interferenct. TiTe cannot foresee and are unwilling- to consider what opportunities miht preeot tbsmselrss, wbat combinations might offer to protect ourselves against designs inimical to oar form of goyernment. The United States desire to net in tbe future as tbey hate Ter aoted beretofore ; they will never be driven from tha course but by tbe -greeuuon of European powers ; and we rsly cn the wisdom and justice of thoie' Powers to respect. tbe system of Don-interference which baa s.o long been sanctioned by time, and wbib by its good results, hail approved itself to both continents.- Tbe correspondence between the United States and France, in reference fo quentioDs wt:ca tave Become eutjects of discussion betwen tbe- two- UoTernmcnts, ;will, at prccer tlaia, be laid before Consr jss. Ti ber on the organization of our Qovern ment," under' tbe Constitution, tba President of tbe United States delivered hie' inanguraT address to tbe two Houses of Congress be said to them , a&d through to them to tbe 'coun try and to mankind ; that "tbe preservation of the eacrad fire of Jiberty and the destiny ef tbe republican model of governmont, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as fi ' nally staked on tbe experiment intrusted to And tbe House' of Representatives an wered "Washington by the roice of Madison : "We adore the Invisible- hand wfciob has led tbe American people through so many difficulties, to cherish a ooosoious responsi bility for the destiny of republican liberty." Mare - tbaa seventy-six years have glided away since these words were spoken ; tbe United States have passed through severer trials than were foreseen ; and now, at this new epoch in our existence aa one nation. ;,v, . tt..; .;r..A k . I strengthened by conflict, and established by j ,n them thafwe wou.d cancel nor senti tha virtue of the people, the greatness of ! men WB W0B,d recal' not an assertion the oocasion invites u onoe more to repeat that squires an explanauon, not a word with solemnity, tbe pledges of our fathers ' thal w reSTel io have uf.ered, not a prin to hold answerable before our fsllowmen for c,PIe advocated that we have not stood by the success of the republican form of gov- and will stand by to vhe last. Such has eminent. " ' ' been oor pat record, so will be our future. Experience has proved its sufficiency in1 We o'o not, however, ask the Democracr peace and war ; it bas vindicated its auttur- ity through dangers and aflictiont, and sud den and terrible emergencies, which would bate crushed aoy system that bad been less firmly filed ia the hearts of the people. At th'a inauguration of Washington tbe foreign . relations, of the country were few, and its trade was repressed by hostile regulations ; now all tbe civilised nations of tbe globe welcome our commerce, and their Govern ments profess towards us amnity. Then our country felt its way hesitatingly along aa untried path, with States so little . bound together by rapid means of communi cation lis to be-hardly known to one another .and with historic traditions extending over vtrv few vears now iatercouse between the States is swift and intimate ; the experience f centuries has been crowded into a few generations and bas created an intense iade oribable nationality. Then oar jurisdiction did not reach bsyoad the incenveient boundaries of the territory which bad achieved independence; 'now, through cessions of lands, first colonized by Spain and Francs, the country bas acquired - i ? . i i st mere complex cusracier, ana nas ior lis natural limits tbe chain of , Lakes, tbe Gulf of Mexico, and on the east and the west the two great oceans. utner nations were wasted hy civil wars for ages before tbey eoold establish for them- ; elves the necessary degree of unit? ; tbe latent conviction that cur form of Govern ment is the best ever kDown to the world, has enabled us to emerge from civil war t within four years, with a complete vindica tion cf tbe conetitutional authority of tbe General Government, and with our local liberties and Stat institutions unimpaired. The throngs of emigrants that crwd to our shores are witnesses of the confidence of all peoples of our permanence. Here is the great land of free labor, where industry is blessed with unexampled rewards, and tbe bread of the workingman is sweetened by the consciousness that tbe cauae of the country "is his own cause, his own safety, his own dignity" Here every one enjoys tbe free use of his faculties and the choice ot activity a a natural right. Here, under the combi cad influence of a fruitful soil, gamal climes . , . . ... , ' . . I ana dsdov institutions. Donulation has in- ' ana nappy institutions, population n& in creased fifteen-fold within a oentury. Here, through tbe easy development of boundless resources, wealth has increased with two fold greater rapidity than cambers o that ws have become secure against the financial vicissitudes of other countries, and, alike in business and in opinion, ara self centred and truly independent. Ilara mora and mora cara is given to provide education for every one born on the soil. Here relig ion, released frara political eooneotinn with the civil Coveroment, refuses to subserve the -ihe craft of statesmen, and becomes, in its independence, tbe spiritaal life of tha people. Here toleration is extended to every opi nion. in the quiet certainty that truth needs only a fair field to seen re the victory. Hare tha human mind goes forth unshack le! in tba pursuit of sciecne, to colleet stores cf knowledge and acquire an aver increasing mastery over the forces of nature. Hera the national domain ie offered and held in mil- IT - . r i t . t . . . t ium ui iroeuo.u, bo iubi our leuow citizens, beyond the occupants of any other part af tha earth, constitute in reality a peo Here exists tha demooratio form of Government; and that form of Government, by tha confeo'sion of European statesmen, "gives a power of which no other form is capable, because it incorporates every man wih the State, and arouses everything that ielongs te the soul." v here in past history does a parallel ex ist to the public happiness which is within the reach of the peeple of the United States? "Where, in any part of the globe, can institu tions be foand so Boite4 to their habits or so entitled to their loye as their own free Con stitution ? Every one of them.then.in what ever part of the land he has his home, must wish its perpetuity. Who of them will not now acknowledge, in the. words of Wauhing ton, tbit "every step by which the people of tbe United States havo advanced to the char-a-:-?. ft on independent nation, see us to hvi been flietinguiahed by soma token of Proriiential agoney V , Who will not ioio with .me ia tha prayer, thatth) invisible hand, which bas led us through the clouds that gloomed around our p ath, will so guide us onward to a perfect restoration of fraternal affection, that we of this diy may be abla to transmit our great inheritince, f cf Siaf a"' Governraenta ' in' all their rights, of tbe General Garernment ' in i' whs's cotmitati'inal vigor, to our poster ::y, p.nd .they, to thtirs through countless uintbzs. . . - -. - ANDREW JOHNSON. ". -isI..agtoa, Deeemler 4, 1855. OLD THINGS. . MADE NEW. l'AASPIILKT directing bow lo speedily r?--ire vighl and ive up spectacles, or medicine,i; Sent us i Li uwui.ur v UlfUlCID?.! i, y i, (3 T1' free, ou receipt af 10 cnts. E. 15. FOOTE. M Ad D. I IS-,' Brsachrs tw i'ork. IVEW YO ISK 'NEWS. THE BEST PAPER IN THE .WOULD. p." Woodi Ed. and Proprietor The Democracy of the North will com mit a fatal error if they accept the result ot ihe lata Presidential election as aa indica tion from tbe band of Destiny Id relax jheir political action until the opening of the next campaign. The future welfare of the republic depends upon the politic a zal and activity of the Democracy during the year 1865 The small majority of the popular rote that elected the Black Republican candi dates, considered in view of ibe extraordi nary resources of the Administration, for corruption and cpmpulsion, attests that the power of the Democracy, on a fair field, is equal to. the vindication pi Democratic principles, . , , , . ' There is one feature in the result of the Presidential election that goes far to re corrcila the patriot to the hard fate of bin country under four years -more of ..Black Republican minrole.-'' The baleful meteor that .lingered m grief while in our political atniopherebas vanished for -ever. . War Democracy baa fulfilled its mission of dis organization, and like any other pestilence will be remembered only for the evil . it has done.- .-: ? . The issue now before the people 'is ihe final struggle between Centeralization and States' Right, and no journal is Democrat' ic rhat is not the -devoted champion -of States' Rights, the paramount principle of the Democratic faith. The New York News needs no tetimony beyond its plain unalterable record to sub eUntiate its claim to being and having been the most earnest, able and consistent States' Rights Journal in the. land. We have no excuses to invent for modifications ot sentiment, nor nave we to pitaa "ex pediency" in palliation of inconsistency. Our path has been etrai;ht forward. Our columns are he ore the neoDle. not a line to sustain us in our mission as a reward for the service we have done, but in con si1eraiionof the ood work thai we pro pose to do. The N-w Y'ork News for 1865 will oot merely imitate its predecessors, it will excel them, ft shall be, not only the truest exponent cf Democratic principle, but the best nfwjpaper in the country. Heretofore it has bad no superior aa a ve hicle of news, hereafter it shall have no equal. In eveiy departmenl of journalism we have arranged thai ihe News shall dis tance competition. It is the'only Demo cratic newspaper in the metropolis that has the advantage of publishing a daily issue with the full dispatches of the Associated Pres, and therefore its machinery for fur r.ishing a complete record of events is more perfect than thai nf any of i:s Demo cratic coiemporaries. Nona have attempt ed latterly, to compete with it in the publi cation ot Souther.! intelligence, .as our system of exchange with Southern journals Lades the eagacity and enterprise cf our rivals. A glance at the columns of The News devoied lo ''Southern and Northern per sonal7 will remark the extraordinary sue cess that ha attended our enterprise in that direction. - We are in daily receipt of leliers expressing the thanks of those who, ,hroa2n tQe medium of the "Personals" in The News, have been er.aMed to receive I tiding from their friends and relatives in ; the South, and the heart of many an exile ' and wanderer has been gladdened through that instrumentality by worJs of affection and hope from those mourned for as dead. The New York News has become bo popular in the -rural districts that other Me tropolitan journals, in publishing their stereotyped boast of "the largest circula tion of any weekly journal" are constrain ed Io make an exception in our favor It is a significant circumstance that since the Presidential election and consequent de mise of War Democracy, ihe subscriptions to this paper have been unusually numer ous. The Agrieoltura1 Department of The New xork New renders it an invaluable ,i .;,, ,n r companion and assistant to tbe farmer; -.... . . n . ' an J its Cattle, Market and Produce Re ports are more reliable and full than those of any other journal. ' The Daily News will forfeit one thou sand dollars if, in the above Departments, competent judges should deny its superi ority. 1 TEII1TIS. x DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year, by mail S10.00 One copy, six months, 5 00 WEEKLY NEWS. One copy, one year, 2 00 Four copies, one year, 7.00 Ten copies, one year, 17 00 Twenty copies, one year, 30.00 We have no traveling agent authorized to collect or receive money for subscrip tions." Orders and letters should be addressed to BENJAMIN WOOD, Daily News Office, New York. Jan. 25, 1865. NEW GOODSJ Another Arrival or Goods. AT Hat, Cap and Grocery ' S3 QD 23 Now is Four Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having just returned from the Eastern cities wilh a lame and fall assortments of in addition to a snperi or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER Q. HA S AND CAPS, comprising every sou and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can b purchased elsewhere. H'-s Stock ol GROCERIES are not sur passed in this marke', which he offers cheap for cah, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, and LININGS to which he invites the at tention of Shoemakers and Ihe public. Give him a call At Stroup'a Old Stand, oo Main Street., JOHN K. GIRTON. -Blooncsburg, Nov,r27l86. . DR. J.R. EVANS, : Physician and Surgeon, ITAVING located permanently on Main " Street, BL0OMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally, that he is pre pared to attend to all business faithfully and punctually Ibal maybe intrusted lo his Care, on terms cornmen?uraiew;th' tha fimes. ijiT He pay strict" al'.entidn to Surgery aswell as Medicine. r : . November ZS; lSCS.-iy, CABINET WARE ROOM. SIMOiV C. SISIVE, T ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of ''the Public to bis extensive assortment ol Cabinet Furniture and C H A lRS,fJ which he will warrant made of good wc material! and in a workmanlike mnn- 1 ner. At his establishment can always be found a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which is equal in Flyle and fin ish to lhauf Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low prices. He has on hand .S3 of different style and prices, from 525 to $60. "DivanXounoes, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, centre and pier tables, -detashua, dheffeniers, whatnots and corrodes. and all kindo of fashionable work. His slock of buieaus, enclosed and common washstandSjdress-tables, corner cupboards, sofas, .DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads,cane seat and common chairs ir the largest in ibis section ol the county. He will also keep a good assortment ot looking glasses with fancy gilt and com mon frames. He will also furnish spring maltrasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for durability aod com fort to any bed in use. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1863. ARCANA WATCH. An Elegant KoTclty in Watches. THE cases of this wa'ch, are an entirely new invention, composed of six iliftVrent maials combined, rolled toethtr nt planished, prod ucin g an exact imitaiion of 18 carat gold, called Arcana, which will always keep its color. They are as beantiful and durable as od gold, and are afforded at one eighth the cost. The case is beautifully designed, with Tanel and shield for name, with Patent Push Pin, and engraveT In the exact style of the cele brated Gold Hunting Levers and are real ly handsome and desirable, and so exact ar imitation of gold, as to defy detection. The movement is manufactured by the well known St. Jimer Watch Company of Europe, and are superbly finished, having engraved pallets, fancy carved bridges, adjusting regulator, with gold balanced, and the improved ruby jewelled action with the line dial and skeleton hands, and is warranted a sood time keeper. These watches are of three different sizes." the smallest being for ladies, and are all Hunt ing Cases. A case of six, will be j sent by mail or Express for J 125.00. A 6ingle one sent in an elegent Morocco case for 225.60 will readily sell for three limes their cost. We are the sole aaents lor this Watch in the Uniied States, and none are genuine which do not bear onr Trade Mark. Address, DEVAUGH & CO., Importers, 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Feb. 8, 1865 3mo. E. & II. T. ASTHOSY & tO., Manufacturers ofl'hotographic Materials, " WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition lo cur main business ol POTCGRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the following, viz Siereocopes and Slcroscopic Views, Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and For e'lHti Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Stat uary, &c, &c. Aloo, Revolving Siereo fcopes for public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue wiij be seat to any address on receipt of Stamp. , Photographic Albums. We were Ihe first lo introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture im mense quantities in great variety, raging in price from 50 cents to S50 each. Our AIl.ISU.115-have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability te any others. They will be tent by mail, , on receipt of price. ' VZjTFint Albums Made to order.jgQ CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue mw embraces over Five Thousand subjects (to which additions are continually l-eirig made) of Portraits Eminent Americans, &c, viz about of 100 Mai. Generals, 550 Statesmeos, 130 Divines, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stages, 50 Prom'nt Women, 200 Brig. Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. Colonels 250 Oiber Officers, 75 Navy Officet9, ISO Prominent Foreign 1'orlraiCs. SjOOO Copies of Works ofi iiri, including reproduciiorrs of the most cele brated Engravings, Paintings, Statutes, &.c. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An Ordor for one dozen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on tbe receipt ol Si. 80 and sent by mail, Free. Pho'ographers and others ordering good C. O. D. will please remit "twenty-rive pe cent of the amount with iheir onW. f3T The prices end quality ol our pooils can not fail to satisfy. E. & H. T. ANTHONY fit CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Dec 7, 864. 6mo. , , Rational Claim Agency, CONDUCTCD BV HARVY 56 COLLINS, . WASHINGTON, D. C. 1TN order to facilitate the prompt adjust meni of Bounty, arrears ot pay, Pension and other claims due soldiers and nther persons from the Government of the U. S.. the undersigned has made arrangements with the above firm whose experience and close proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, as well as the early knowledge acquired by them of the decis ions frequently being made, enable them lo prosecute claims more effectually than Attorneys at a distance can possibly do. AH persons entitled lo claims of lhs above description can have them properly attend ed lo by calling on me and entrusting them to my care. W. WIRT, Agent for Harvy & Collins ' Bloomsburg, August 10, 1864. DISSOLUTION OF CO PASTNERSIIIP. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing between John ' RV Grotz & Edward Rehr, trading under the firm of John ' K- Grotz & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con st? nt. All persons having unsettled ac counts, either on Book, Note, or Judgment, are requested lo present them without ' de ly for adjustment. Tbe Tanning business will hereafter be .. continued, in all its biranche?, by John K.' Grotz Son, at ihe Old Stand, near Bloomsburg. .1 JOHN K': GRQTZ L CO. ' Eloomsburu, Ac?ast 2, 1865. ' ; LIQTJC3.S i . -KQTJOUSi Vvhoesalc and Hetail. rpHE subscriber would announce to the X citizens of Bloonisbnrg and vicinity, that he is selling LIQUOliS in large and small quantities, and at different prices, at his New Store, on Main street, - north side, two doors south of ffTpCTiT Iron street, Bloomsburg. His yyQf Etock of Foreign and Domestic 4t iU..ZLtitkit consists of Cognac and Rochelle, Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of &Sf DO. a S3 CSl 3Z ST Old Rye, gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and any quantity of common. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, She'rry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not least, a quantity of good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. , Eloomsburg, May 1, 1861. : LSl'KAME COMPAXI, Office over the Wyoming Bank, CAPITAL AXD SURPLUS, 150,000. Will insure against loss or damage by Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable terms. DIRECTORS, G. M. Hollenback, John Reichard, Samuel Wat! hams, D L. Shoe maker, Daniel G. Driesbach, R. C. Smith R. D. Lacoe.G. P. Steele, W. V. Ketcbam Charles Dorrance, W. S.Ross, George M Harding. G. M. HOLT.ENBACII. Pres't. I). L. SHOEMAKKK, V. Pres't. R C iMlTH, Nrreiary, W. (i. STERLING, Trea-nrer L 11. CONOVER. Aaent, Beach Haveu, Pa. December 2d, 1863. ly. JScw Stock of Clothing. N Snrin? and Summer Goods. TNV1TES at'.ention to his stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing al his Store, on 3UJX STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors above the American House, where be has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of ITIcn and Boy's Clothing, including the most fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting ol liox, Hack, Frock t Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished bis already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, floored and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy ar'.icles. N B. He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cioihs and Veftings, which he is prepared to make cp to order, into any kind of clothing on very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home manufacture. Of every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in :hU place. Call and examine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c. DAVID LOW EN BE KG. Bloomsburg, April 20, 1865. GROCERY STORE. ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Jlore Fresh Good. Just received at Henry Giger's yew Store: MOLASSES, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, RICE, SPICES, FISH. SALT. RAISIN, TOBAOCO, SEGARS, CANDIES, NOTINNs, Toys, FEED AND PROVISIONS, Together with a great variety of notions &c, too numerous to mention. BUTTER GGS, ME XT, and Produce generally, taken in exebarge for goods. The best market price will be allowed. Give him a call. HENRY GIGER. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1S65. TOBACCO " AND CIGAU STOKE. Jit Stroup's Old Stand, on Main Street. THE nndersigned, having opened the Store formerly occupied by David Stroop as a Grocery, and furnished it with a I use and varied assortment of x-l Irt TOBACCO AND CIGARS, most r"prt folly invite tli pa roi sie of iff ciiirM" f Hlfionrist.nrg an.' vici'iiiy. H i .j--)Mtil to --ll hi wholesale and retail, ii j-O" trie- nio ri-a-o' ahl terms. Merchant., H(ifl krejers. and Grocery iTien, would do wed lo give him a call. RP"AU kinds of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, in large and email quantifies, con stantly on band for sale. II. II. HUNSBERGER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 13, 1865. BLOOMSBURG ACADEMY. THE next Term of this loslitution will beginon WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16TH, 1865. The regularpric.es of Tuition range from So 50 to 57 50 per Term of Eleven Weeks, to be paid al or before ibe middle of the term. ' The usual extra charges will be made for German and French, and the various Ornamental Branches. r It is extremely important that the pupils who shall attend the School should be pres flnt al ihe beginning of the terra, or as soon after as possible, in order to start regularly N wiih the class. In ail cases tuition will be charged for the full term, unless otherwise by special previous agreement. The Principal has had an, experience of years in teaching the Languages and high er Mathematics, -as well. as ihe various branches cf a substantial E.igiiah Educa tion, und will .spare - no efiort lo secure rapid and thorough' progress in his pupils. REV, H. R INKER, A. M. . August 9,. 1865. : , . Principal. Attorney at Law, OJJict on Main Street,. CdTAWISSA, ;'h Lot umbia xxitcn hi, Pa. - - - A ND r: ' . ii c iioivi:r, SURGEON DENTIST, X? ESPECFULLY offers his iitlcMioiiai itriv u r iu me -1." Iai1i Sr tp n 1 1 in n n t lil ni) rn i- .a. burg and vicinity. He is prepared to' attend to all the various operation in Dentistry, and is provided with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. Alloperations on the teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above the Court House, same side, 'bloombbnra Aug. 19, 1885 Prospectus of Vol. 111. 1865. THE OL,I GUARD, A MONTHLY JOURNAL, BE VOTED '1U LITERATURE; SCIENCE AND ART, AND THE i Principles of 177G and '87. C. CHAUNCEY BUBR, Editor. fllhis Magazine will continue lo defend the principles of Government which guided our father in the fonndation of the Republic. The spirit and doctrine of the two first volumes will be fully maintained in the third volume. We have no compro mises io make with error no parley with despotism. Democracy will be treated, not as a varying policy of cunnicg office seekers and spoil-hunters, but rather as an abiding principle of political economy and of popular liberty. All supporters of ihis revolutionizing, Abolition war, will be held as the enemies of the Democracy. We shall acknowledge no organization to be Democratic which does not honestly enun ciate and support the principles of the Kentucky aud Virginia Reflations of 1798 and the Dred Scott Decision of the Su preme Court, the one assserting Stale Sov ereignty and the other White supremacy. To preserve these honorable doctrines, the Democratic party was organized by the very loundersof the Federal Government, and it remained irue to them down lo the fatal aid dishonoring departure, at the commencement of this war. The Old Gunid'is an orgar. ot Democracy as it was, before this cowardly sturender of principle and as it must be again, betore it can re deem our country from the rule of faction and des-potUm. This year it has been en larged to double its forme r size t hat is, lo forty eight pages for the purpose of mak ing it in all respects, as to style and matter a popular Literary and Family Magazine. One copy, one year, S2 00 Seven copies, one year, and one to the getter up of club, 14 00 Twenty copies, 35 00 Single copies sent, posl-paid, for 20 Terms invariabfy in advance, and the Magaine will be stopped when the time paid for expire. As each number of THE OLD GUARD i.i stereotyped, back numbers and volumes can always be fusriished. Subscription wi!l be understood as com- mencir.g with ihe year, and back numbers sent accordingly, unless specially ordered otherwise. The Old Guard will be sent thronph ihe pwst Orifice io subscr;bers in the city, Brooklyn, Williimshurg and Jersey City. The postage of The Old Guard is 12 cts. per year, payable m advance, at the oiflce of mailing or delivery. Copies of Vols. I. and II. of The Old Gcard for 1S63 and 1864, will b lurr.Mted bound in paper, for 50; in cloth for $2, po-t paiJ. All letters in relaticu to Ihe bosi.ie.ss da partmetu of the Magazine, should be in variably addressed lo the undersigned, as follows : VAN EVRIE. HORTON & CO., 16 Nassau Street, N. Y. JYational Foundry. nioonisTiurr, Columbia Co., 'Sne subsribar, proprietor of the above named extensive establishnient, is now prepared lo receive orders for all kinds of machinery, for (JULLKKl KS. BLAST FUR N AC KS STATIOXAIiY ENGINES, MILLS THKE5HIAIG MACHINES, &c, ice. He is also prepared to marke Stove, all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in firstciass Foundries His extansive facilities and practical workman, wairanl him in receiving the largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. ViT Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchanse for casing. CsT This establishment is located near the Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. CLARK'S SCI100LVISirOK. Volume X. A DAY SCHOOL MONTHLY. The Visitor will commence its tenth volume wi:h the January number, J866. l':f i ihe or.lv Day School Periodical ,.itlihed at SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS A YEAR! Magazine farm, beautifully illustrated. New type, new features ; Readings, Music, Speeches, Dialogues, Stories, Puzzles, Enig mas, Rebuses, Sic, from the very best writers. The Visiter has the largest circulation of any EJucaiior.al Journal published. Now is tbe time to form clubs. The publisher, in order to reach all parts of Ihe conntry, will send tlie Victor one vear, FREE, to one person (who will act as ageiTT) at any Post Office in the United Slates. Address, with five rents for particulars, J. V. DAUGHADAY, Publisher 1308 Chestnut Sireel, Philadelphia. Administrator's IVoticc. ' Estate of Ann Hutchison, Late cf Fishingcrttk lowmhip, Columbia county, dee'd, T ETTERS of administration on th estate of Ann Hutchison late of Fishingcreek township, Columbia County, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to Thomas J. Hutchison residing in the lownship and county aforesaid. All persona having claims or demand against the estate of the decedent are requested lo present them for settlement and those in debted to ihe estate will make immediate payment to the administrator. THOMAS J. HUTCHISON, fishingcreck, Oct. 11 1863. AJm'r. HOWARDS ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of Ihe Urinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable trea'ment. Al so the BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay of V aning and Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, free ot charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard -Aaaociv ation, No. 2, South Ninth S'.reet Philadel phia, Pa. ; . ' ' ' - Northern Central Xlailw.'iy. Tl M E TAL8 E . THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from th North ar.d West Braru h of Ihe Susquehan na, Elmira. and ail tf Northern New York. On and atter Mondav, May 28ih, U6o, the I'ast-enger Trains of the North Central Railway will arrive anil depart from Sun bury, Hrrisburc and Baltimore, as fallows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at Leaves Hairisburg, Arrives at Baltimore, 10.40 a m. 1.30 p.m 5.30 41 Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 11 40 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg,except Monday 2.50 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Mouday, at 7.00 a.m. Accommodation leaves Ilarrisb'rg 7.45 a.m. Sunbuiy Acc. leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays at 7.30 a.m. Arv's at Harrisb'e except S-mdays 10.15 " KORTIIWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily ' - except Sundaye at .. . ,9.20 a rn. Leaves Harrisburg, 1.45 p.m. - Arrives at Sunbury, . 4.20 p m. Express Trains Baltimore daily, 10.00 Arrives at ilarrisburg, 2.20 a.m Leaves Harrisb'rs except Monday ,2.40 " Arrives at Sunbury, 5.15 " Erie Express leaves Baltimore ex cept Sundays at 8 00 p.m. Arrives at Harrisburg, 12.55 a.m. Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 " Arrives al Sunbury, 4 10 " Sunbury. Accom. leaves Hatruburg Daily except Sundays at , 4.25 p.m. Arrives at Sunbury at 7 10 " For further particulars apply at the office. I. N. DU BARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, July 10, 1865. AltTUUfS HOME MACAZIE. Ediied by T. S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN IA E. IOWNSKND. The Home Magazine for 1865 will be en larged and improved, and made still more worthy of the eminent lavor with which il has been received Its character as a E2igSi-Toiicil 1'crioflicnlj claiming public favcr cn the ground of real meril, will be carefully maintained ; while for variety, interest, uadulneps, and all the attractions of literature and art essnniiallo a true Home Magazine the publishers will aim to make it Superior To All Oiher A Fine Steel Engraving , and Two Pages of Music, will appear in every number, besides choice pictures, groups and char aciers, prevailing fashions, aud a larje va riety of patterns for garments, embroidery, etc., etc. In alt respects we shall nive A FIRST-CLASS MAGAZINE, at a price within the reach of every intell'i getufamily in the land. A new story by T. S. ARTHUR will be commenced in the January number. Yearly Terms in Ailvar.ce One copy, ?2 50, three copies, S6,00, five copies aud one to the geiter-up ol club, Sll,00, nine copies, and one lo the getter up of club 515 00. CP A beautiful Premium Plate, entitled Tne Ir fancy of Shaltspeare," will be mailed to each person who sends ns ac'.ub of subscribers. It will also be mailed to each siniiie subscriber from whom we re ceive 52, 5U. rsTor S4.50 we will snnd one copy o! each of Home Magazine and God)' .Lady's Book for one year. Adore, T. S. ARTHUR L CO 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 23, OMNIBUS LINE. riMIE undersigned would respectfully an- nounce to the citizens of Eloomsburgj and the ncthe Generally, lhal nC is running i An OMNIBUS LINE belweeu thia place ana the dillerent Rail Koad Depois, daily, (Sundays excepted) to con nect with the several Trains gon.g South and West on the Catawissa & Vii!iamporl Kail Road, and with those going North and South on the Lack. & Bloomsburg Road. His OMMBUM-.b are in ood condition, commodious and coinfotrable, and charges reasonable. Fi" Persons wi?hir,r to meet or see their friends depart, can be accom- i . .i , . , mooateJ, upon reasonab e charges, bv leav- 1 . c . ' i ing timely notice at any of the Hotels JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor, j Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. I 1VM.B KOOAS Proprietor. j II LOO.11 S SI Vl G 1A. j rpHIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the i- central portion of the town, and op nofiif the Court Honae. hi hrn thornnaf.lv j repaired and refurnished, and ihe Proprietor j . is now prepared to accommodate travelers, j teamster, drovers and boarders in the mon pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords. and his Bar wilh the choice?! Honors. Attentise ostlers will a! way. be on hand, and his stabling is ihe moM extensive in this se ion of .country. Omnibuses wil alwayscle in readiness to convey pa?sen gers to and from the Ru'dmd Depots. WM. S. KOOXS. Bloomsburc, July 4. 1860. TO COItSU.HPTlVKS. CUKFKRl!RS WITH CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, Hronchitis, or any dleae of the Throat or Lungs', will be cheerfully furnished, without charge, with Hie riiie dy by the use o( which Ihe Rev Edward A. Wil sou, of W ill ia m sbu rg New,ork, was completely restored to health, afier having suffered several years wi;h that dread disease. Consumption. To Coiioump tive sufferers, this remedy is worthy of an immediate trial. Ii will -tt nothing, and may be ihe means of, their periect restora tion. Those tl e -i r i n 2 ihe sam will please address Rev. HOWARD A. WILSON, 165 South Second Street, Williamsburgh, Rings County, New York. August 2, 165 Gw. CHAS. G. BARK LEY, Attorney at ILaw, BL00JISBCRG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. - practice in ihe several Courts of Columbia county. All legal business intrusted to his card shall receive prompt attention O F F I C E, On Main Street, Exchange Buildings, over Miller's Stc ,e. April 13, 18fi4. " XEW WALL TAPER The underfined has just rerceived at his rooms, one door below Lutz's Drug Store, a new supply of WALL PAPER WINS DOW CURTAINS & FIXTURES, CORDS AND TASSELS, lor pictures all of which he will cell CHEAP FOR CASH. His nock of goods surpasses any hereto fore brought to this market. E. J THORNTON. Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, 1865. BLANKS I BLANKS ! BLANKS ! DEEDS, SUMMONS, ... EXECU1 IONS, SUBPCENAS. of prooer & desirable fona for sals t tti FLUID EXTRACT, BUCHU, A positive and FpecIQc Reroetty for dUeasea of th Bladder. Kidney., Craval and 01-ojmIc-b! BweWjiga, TSits J'.ciiclna increases tbe powers! tflgnHon.aal cxcltfa tbe abtor!.CTU3 into healtbj action, toy which Ui watery or CvtcrTcocs rtcposlttonii, and all unoattiral o. lurgeir.ests cro reduced, as well aa pain anl IrlMmnr.Uoa. aud la good tot mon, women and cJldran. ' a HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, ' For weaknose orlelnx from Ezceaei, K-blu of Xttsatp. tlon. Early Indiscretion, attended Wlti tbe feUovlsc cympioms : Indkposltion to Exertion. Loss of Power, XHflicnUy of BreallUnt TremWlng, ' VakefaTneM, -Tain In the Hack Flushing of tha Bodf, , Emptlona of the Faca. Ixttt of Memory, VeakXerves, Horror of Pine we, " " Dlmnesa of Ylbion, " - ' Hot Hands, Dryness of the Eklo, - Pallid Countenance. - These symptom, If allowed to goon (which thta M4V cine Invariably removes), soon follow FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FIT3. Ae, . . v in one of which the patient may expire. Who can aay they are not frequently followed by tbose " direful dla caues ' rXSAKTTY AND COXSCMPTIOXr Many arc aware of the canse of thrlr m Bering, but ooM will confess. The records of the lntune asylum and th melnurholy deaths r-y consumption bear ample wltneaa ta tho truth of the assertion: The Constitution, once affected by organic weakness, requires the u.U of tncdU'lue to strengthen and Invigorate Uie sj-stem, which KT-.T.MHOLU'S EXTItACT OF BUCHU Invaxlatly dcs. Atrial will convince tie mteTiUal. Km Tnrcary affoctlons peculiar to Famalea, the Xm.o Brciru la nneualed br any other remedy, aai for all ocplalnbi Incident to the sex, or In tha DECLINE OB CHA2TGK OF LOT, ' iV Sh BmpTOJia ABora. VT Ho family should b wlUurmt iH . - al-Lirj Tax ao Balsam, Merearr, or aopleaaaat maitletaa tot onpleasaut and dangcroaa di6asea. iiELliBOLD'3 EXThACT BUCHU Cares Secret Diseaaes In all tlielr etagca Uttle expense, Utile or no aaasf of fllot, no lncoavenleDce, and KO EXPOS COS. USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all affections and dlaeasea of the organa, vketLar EXISTING Ef HALE OB FEMALE. From T-fcte vcr cause erllaatlng, and do matter how long standing. Dlaeaoca of taeeo organa requlra tae aid of dlorellc. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. And It la certain to havo the deilrtd. tJTtel la all rinwaa tot wMch It I recommended. SX.OOU! &a.OUa! CL.OODI rielmloIcl-M FLUID EXTRACT SATiS A? AHILLA, Fcrpnfyinc the Elool,rcinovlnf all climnte rotUfa tlonol dloeaeos arising from a!lir;pare atato of tte Itlocd, aud tho orly re'.isMe and effcctna! kno-n reined j far Ua cure of Sr.iofiila, teal 1 Head. Salt Klietun, Vila aal Swellings of the Boses, Tlccratlona of tha Ttroat aal Lfgs, Blofclps, Plicplea on tbe Fmc, Tatter, Zryxlyaia, and all scaly Erupilocs of tte Ekln. axj UEAtrxiyxi-o tot ccasrxxxxoar. A FEW j cf the -wont dlyordera that t corruption ot accamuiati aili'ct mankind arlae frcma Ac , btes In the I:luod. Of aU aa I coverles timttave oeen u-ade to prte It out. oont aa f equal In eSoct IlEUCBOLO'a CoKPotirD Extkact of 8a H T. , . . ,v . . .. ' atxuxa. It cleone and reno? atea tLa I.'ood, trjUIla tho 1?or of l!iV.h Into Itr. sjftem, and parses oat tae b'jmora. r!ilcn ntte (liberie. It stlintilatea tie Lealttr ?ia.c.Ttrj! tlic bo.tj.&cd expel tbe ttlnordera Uat pov . anc3.-ai:klrin ttie Mood. Such a remedy that eoild e relied cn cm long teen rooM for. anl now, for tlie firtl tlac tlic puLUc havs oco on Kiiicb tlicy can depend. Oof 11 act Lcre does not cda:'.. ccrilUt atej to sliow ltaeUccta. but the trial of a single ioltle will gbow to the alck that tt lia Its Tirtues eurpaesiog anytbing tbey bare arer tnkea. Two talileapoonrnul of the Extract of Sanaparilla add4 to a pliit of water Is equa! to tbe Uboa Prink, aal one bott'.e Is fuliy egoal to a gallon of U Syrup of Bama partllb, or the dccrxll m u asuaily made. ' , HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH, Aa excellent Lotion for diseases artalOaT from bahlat e4 dlfcslpalion, ucd !ti connection, trlth tbe Extract Bacbv and Sarsaparjlla, la farh disease aa recommended. IrV- accorrpary the tuedlciae. Also explicit direction for use, trt.'A hn-.-trr'U cf r.'. ;u?ai. J3 living itneta, aod Bp wards of 50,000 naool'rlted cert!3cate and recotsmecda tory letters, mnnv cf wtlch are frova tbe blfhejt oarcet, lucU.'.liig cmiiiF.Di Itj Jii-iLvno,Otrciri(rttrSUVe8icn, &e. TLe rroj.rlctor Las ne rcsorici to their publication ra tl.e nCTppajirrs ; be doci cot do tills frota tbe fact that kia article raiikae f'.tcdard Preparations, and do Dot b4 to be propped cp by ccrtlScatcc Tbe Science of Medicine, like tbe Doric Column, should Ftand pimple, pare, raaleet'c, having Fact for lfa baaia luuucUuu iot lla i'ilUr, acd Trnib aloue for 1U Ctpltal. My Extract Esr apsrtila Is a Blood Purifier ; tny ErtraM Eacbu Js a Wnretlc, and will p.ct as 8ncb in an cum. Both are prepared on purely ecltntiflc principle Aa ticuo and are tie most active mcasnres of either that can te made. A ready and conducive test will be a com parison of tlielr propertied wlta those set forlli la tha fot lowlcj worts : Ece Dispensatory of tbe TJaltcd Btatea. See rrcfoooor Ijcvvita vaiualla woriia oa tbe Practice cf rbys'.c. Ece remarks made by tbe celebrated Dr. Phtsio, PhlU. ctcremiru xr.u.c Ly It. iru3a-.ii jicIXvill,c(I fcratcd Physician and Member of the Koral College of Enrseons, Ireland, end pctlisbed la tlie Transaction! ol rl TT I Trr Ami in - 'a T? i rr l.1 See MeUco-ChIrur?ictti lie view, published fcy BoaV TmATSBs, Fellow of tlie Koyal Couega 01 Burgeon. lllifll V A X4W uiV gbium v vr w k aatw aaaMaB , EOLD DT ALT. DBCOGISTS L 'tLKV : Address letters for information, la confidence, ta II. T. TIELMBOLD, Chemist. rElSCIPAL DEPOTS fJelmbold'a Drug and Chemical Warehouaa, " Ko. 6'Jl BE0ADWAY, NEW Y0SK, aad Helrabold'a iledical Depot. " 9 .Aa. 1C4 SOUTH TL2JTH ST, Pl2LAl)ELPEiA' m-m r a vv -r t w -k vmY r T mm arf a . ASK I'OK.HELUliOLO'BI . TAKE HO OTIiEr.I