.3 a-ywt;...- I'M m i-. U - -"'' Z 10:1 Tin; c.;:i'io or igj. T': political jt fiparnng in Pennsylvania in defined lo OS oi" oi-.-reai imrirtanr, ami tr tiavn a poweri.u ir.uu enrp upon the future of li.n country at large. Jn'a rpat measure it will tleterm ine Ih guWrrifitoria! coolest of IP36, atd hare an Influence upon the presidential election two years ihereaf:er. Hot, more important, it will probably dstrmine le chaice of the r.p.xt U. S. Senator from thi Statu and thu? affect tlie legislation of Congress and the restoration of peacs lo the land. It if, therefore, of vital importance that every exertion should be made by every member of our party to secure the victory. Not only fhpuld every locwl organization be pvtt ta work,but every honorable measns should be adopted to e-tir up the apathetic aid lukewarm, and to make new votes by con version. It cu only be through the im mutable and golden principle of Democra cy that tin country can be redeemed Irom the thraldom of fanaticism, degradation and taxation. Outside the Demorrty theie are no principles. The rule of action of the opposition i ever' changing oo thins today- something elseio-morrow; It is held together merely by expedients the lateat and ruo-t outrageous of all being the mod ern, Hx-months political trick of negro suffrage. To defeat this, and all other schemes of the A bolition-ehoddy hordes 5ho live only to plunder and tyrannize, let every Democrat arouse and gird on the rusty armor of -his fathers in Democracy of Washington, oj Jefferson, of Jackson, and march to battle and to vicry ! THE -WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION. As the Central organ ot the Democratic party the Weekly Patriot and Union has acquired a larze and more diffused circu lation than any other Democratic journal in the State. It has heretofore occupied an influential position as an able and in dustrious Nrorker in the cauee of Democ racy, and its friends eay that it still contin ues to be a valuable organ of thu party. It is not for us, however, to puff our own work. If we have been laithful to the cause of the party and the country, we hone every Democrat will make it an ob ject to extend our field of operations, by j adding to our list ot subscribers. The low i "Sl " SUUSCMLr. 1LB ,uw VVeekly in cornpamor wuh Df matter furnhed, makes it ; leanest ot newspapers. Wei price of the the amount o one ot tue cheapest ol newspapers hope ever' good Democrat who reads this will. send Lis name and 2 50 for a copy for one year. It this is too much for those who are very poor, let all such send us fifty cents each, and receive the Weekly Patriot and Union for the campaign. The folios' mg are trie terms : TERMS PER TEAR. Single copies, per annum, " 54 six months, Clubs of ten ox more to one address 2 1 50 50 DURING THE CAMPAIGN. Fingle copies Clubs of tenor more to one address 50 cts. 50 cts. All orders should be addressed to the PATRIOT AND UNION,' Harrteburg, Pa. Northern Central Railway. ti'm e t a lb e. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the" North and West Branch of the Susquehan- . na: Elmira. and all of Northern New York. On and after Mondav, May 28ih, l65, the Passenger Trains of the Ncrih Central ; Railway wiii arrive and depart from Sun- bury, Hatrisburg and Baltimore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10.40 a m. Leaves Hairisburg, 1.30 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore, 5.30 if Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at II 40 p.m. Leaves Harrbb'rg.except Monday 2.50 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Mouday, at 7.00 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'ra 7.45 a.m. Snnbuiy Acc. leaves Sunbury daily except Sundajsat 7 30 a.m. Arv's ai Harrii-b'g except Sundays 10. lp " fiORTIlirjRD. Mall Trail leaves Bal:imore daily ' except Sundays at 9.20 a m. Leaves Harrisbnrg, 1.45 p m. Arrives at Sunbury, 4.20 p m. Express Trains Baltimore daily, 10.00 " Arrives at Harriburg, 2.20 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday ,2.40 Arrives at Sunbury, 5.15 Erie Express leaves Baltimore ex cept Sundays at 8 00 p.m. Arrives at Hamsburg, 12.55 a.m, Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 " xrriven at Sunbury, 4 lo u Sunbury Accom. leaves Hatr'uburg Daily except Sundays at . 4.25 p. m Arrives at Sunbury at 7 10 " For further particulars apply at the office I. N. DUBARUY, Supt. Harrisburg, July 10, 1S65. JAMES ROBINSON, Clocli: and - Watch xllakcrj AND IMPORTER OF Watches, Jewelry & French TimePlcces ALSO, M A f CFACTCR ER OF SILVER AND SILVER PLA TED WARE, GOLD, SILVER $ STEEL SPECTACLES, No. 1031 Market Street, below rJevnth. North Side, PAILADELPIIIA. . Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly re paired at the shortest notice. Gilding and Plating, of all descriptions, done neatly to order. O N. B., Masonic, . Odd Fellow's and other .emblematic Marks,- made and En graved to order. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Li ASSES, FRENCH, ENGLISH 4. AMERI CAN CLOCKS, TABLE AXD POCKET CUTLEI Y, AIMIY COUPS 'RADGES FOR SALE AND MADE TO ORDER. No. 1031 Market Street, 3d door belowH Eleventh, North side. March 26, 1865. -Will.fi -K00XS Proprietor.- rpHIS magnificent Hotel,. situate in the central portion of the town, and op po?ie the Court House, his been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pl-asiv! and agreeable manner. His table will .be applied with the best the market afTor.!?,and his Car with the choicest liquors. At' - itise ostlers will always be on hand, a:: 'Ms stating is the most extensive in t ,; sa ion -ot cour.try. Omnibuses wil ; ; iyscte in readiness to convey passen -.s to and frora the Railroad Depots.- YVM. li. KOONS. ur; ly 4, 1SE3. - . - .' - " ins ivi-w.ii'onx THE BEST PAPER U T1IJE 1F02LD. D- Wood, Ed. and Proprietor The Democracy of the North will com mit a fatal error if they accent the result of the late Presidential election as an indica tion from the hand of Destiny to relaK jheir political action until the opening cf the next campaign. The future welfare cf the republic depends upon the politic a zeal and activity of the Democracy daring the year 1865. The small majority of the popular vote that elected the Black Republican candi dates, considered in view of Iheextraordi nary resources of the Administration for corruption and cpmpuleion, attests that the power of the Darriocracy, on a fair field, is equal to the vindication of Democratic: principles. There is on feature in the result of th Presidential election that goes far to re concile the patriot to the hard fate of his country under four years more of Black Republican1 misrule, fhe baleful meteor that lingered m grief while in our political atmosphere has vanished for ever. War Democracy has fulfilled its mission of dis organization, and like any other pestilence will be remembered only for the evil it has done. The irisue now before the people is the final struggle between Centeralization and States' Rights, and no journal is Democrat ic that is not the devoted champion of Stales' Rights, the paramount principle ol the Democratic faith. The New York News needs no testimony beyond its plain unalterable record to 6ub sUntiate its claim to being and having been the mos-t earnest, able and consistent States' Rights Journal in the land. We have no excuses lo invent for modification of sentiment, nor have we to plead "ex pediency" in palliation of inconsistency. Oar path has been traigl t forward. Our j columns are before the people, not a lino in thern that we would cancel nor senti ! ment we would recall, not an assertion j that requires an explanation, not a word that we regret io nave ur.ereu, not a prin- f j advocafeJ lha, Wg nave n0( pooJ by Jj wil, slanJ b lQ ,he ,ugL Such fceen our Qxi gQ wi;, fce OUf fntorft , . , . . we uo not, Dowever, asu me uerr.ocrncy to sustain cs in our Hii.-slcn as a reward for the service we have done, but in con sideration, of the good work (hat v.e pro pose to do. The Nw Yoik News for 15G5 will not merely imitats its predecessors, it will excel them. It shall be, not only the t'uest exponent cf Democratic principle, but the best ticwfpaper in the country. Heretofore it has had no superior as a ve- 2 coln,cleot news nereaUer it siall have no j equal. In every department of journalism we have arranged that the ISews shall dis tance competition. It is the only Demo craiic newspaper in the metropolis that has the advantage of publishing a daily issue with the full dispatches of the Associated Press, and therefor? its machinery for fur nishing a complete record of events is more perfect than ual of any of i:s Demo cratic cotemporarip.i.' 'one havp attempt ed latterly, to comJtwith it in the publi cation ot SautherX intelligence, as our system of excha'igeiwi'.h Sonthern journals Lames the sagacity atil enterprise of cur . . , . A glance at the. columns of The News devo'ed to "soDttiern and iSorinern per sonals7' will remark the extraordinary suc cess that has attended cur enterprise in I cess r'.aa airr,( hat direction. . e letters expressing IS e art ia daily receipt of the thanks -, those who, through the medium cf the '-Personals'' in The News, ha ve teen enabled to receive tidings from their friends and relatives in the South, and the heart of many an exile and wanderer has bean gladdened throuah that instrumentality by words of affection and hope from those mourned for as dead.' The New York News has become so popular in the rural districts that other Me tropolitan journals, in publishing their stereotyped boast of 'h'e largest circula tion of any weekly journal" are constrain ed to make an exception in our favor II is a significant circumstance that since-the Presidential election srul consequent de mise of War Democracy the subscriptions to this paper have been unusually numer ous. The Agricultura' Diarlment of The New York New ren Jevi an invaluable companion and assi-tanL'.o the, faimer ; and its Callle, Market al Produce lis ports are more reliable.-j full than those of any other journal. The Daily News will ufeii one thou sand dollars if, in the abov Departments, competent judges should deny us superi ority. TERMS. DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year, by mjail 10.00 One copy, six months, v 5 00 WEEKLY NEWS. One copy, one year, 2 00 Four copies, one year, 7.00 Ten copies, oue year, 17 00 Twenty copies, one year, 30.00 We have no traveling agent authorized to collect or receive money fcr subscrip tions. Orders and letters should be addressed to BENJAMIN WOOD, Daily News Office, New York. Jan. 25, 1865. NEW GOODS! Ynothcr ArriTal of Good. AT Hat, Cap and Grocery S3 QD 02. 03 o Now is Four Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having just returned from the Eastern cities with a larae and full assortments of rR7)r"7r tP in addition to a snrwri-c? KirLLEJLi or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER E HATS AND CAPS, comprising every eoitand quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. H;s Stock of GROCERIES are not sur passed in this marke', which he offer cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, and LININGS to wnich he invites the at tention of Shoemakers and the public. Give bim a call At Slroup'n Old Stand, on Main Street. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloonssburg, Nov'r 27 1864. . DR.J. R.EVANS?, Plijsician and Surgeon, STAVING localed permanently on Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally, that he is pre pared to attend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted to his care, oa term3 commensurate with the times. O?" He pays strict attention to Surgery aswell as Medicine. ' November 25j 18e3.-ly. ' CABINET WARE ROOM. T ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of --the Public to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Furniture and C H A IRS,f-j which be will warrant made of good JrO! materials and in a workmanlike man- ' 1 ' tier. At his establishment can always be found a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which is equal in style arid fin Lish to that of Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low prices. He has on hand R . ii of different 6tyle and prices, from 25 to 550. , Divans Lounges, Walnut and Mahogany. Tartar chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card.f- -" centre and pier tables, detashu3, J, cheffeniers, whatnots and comodes, and all kinds, of fashionable work. His stock of boieaus, enclosed and common washfctandSjdress-tables, corner cupboards, sofas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads,cane seat and common chairs is the largest in this section of the county. He w ill also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gilt and com mon frames. He will also furnish spring maltrasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for durability and com fort lo any bed in use. Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1863. ARCANA WATCH. An Elegant Korcltj in Watches. THE cases of this watch, are nn'entirely new invention, composed of six different matals combined, rolled together ami planished, producing an exact imitation of 18 carat gold, called Arcana, which will always keep its color. They are a beantiful and durable as solid gold, and are afforded at one eighth the cost. The cae is beautifully designed, with Panel and shield lor name, with Patent Push Pin, and engraved tn the exact style of the cele brated Gold Hunting Levers and are real ly hand?ome and desirable, and so exact an imitation of gold, as to defy detection. The movement is ma nufacwred by the well known St. Jirner Watch Company of Europe, and are supfrbly finished, having engraved pallets, fancy carved bridges, adjusting regulator, with gold balanced, and the improved ruby jewelled action with the line dial and skeleton hands, and is warranted a sood time keeper. These watches are of three different sizes, the smallest being for ladies, and are all Hunt ing Cases. A case of six, will be sent by mail or Express for 125.00. ' A single one sent in an elegent Morocco case for 25.60 will readily sell forthtee times their cost. We are the sole agents for this Watch in the United States, and none are genuine which do not bear onr Trade Mark. Address, DEVAUGH & CO., Importers, 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Feb 8, 1865 3mo. E. & II. T. AXTHONY & tO , .Manufacturers of rtiotojrrapliic Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 50 1 BROADWAY, N. Y. In adJUiin to cur main business POTOGRAI'HIC MATERIALS, we oi ara Headquarters for ti e following, viz Stereocojns and Stcroscopic Views, Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and For eign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Stat uary, &c, &c. Also, Revolvicg Stereo scopes for public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to auy address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albums. We were the first to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture im mense quautities in great variety, ragin in price from 50 cents to $50 eacfi. Oar AL.IIU.tlfe have the .reputation of bein;j superior in beauty and durability te any others. They will be sent by mail, , on receipt ol price. EZTUe Albums Made to order. mXZ CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over Fiv Ihousand subiects (to wnich additions ara continually being made) of Portraits Eminent Americans, tc, viz about of 100 Maj. Generals, 550 Statesmen. 200 Brig. Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. Colonels 250 Other Officers, 75 Navy Officers, 150 Prominent 130 Divines, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stages, 50 Prom'nt Women, rorcigu Portrait. 3,000 Copies of Works of inclading reproductions of the most cele brated Engravings, Paintings, Statutes, &c Catalogues sent cn receipt of Stamp. An Ordur for one dozen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on the receipt of 1.80 and sent by mail, Free. Pho'ographers and others ordering good C. O. D. will please rert it twenty-rive pe cent of the amount with their order. j3p The prices and quality of our goods can notfaU to satisfy. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 01 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Dec. 7, 864. 6mo. IVational Claim Agcnry3 - CONDUCTED BY HARVY Sc COLLINS, WASHINGTON, D. C. " TN order to facilitate the prompt adjust- ment of Bounty, arrears oi pay, Pension and other claims due soldiers and other persons from the Government cf the U. S.. the undersigned has made arrangement with the above firm whose experience and close proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, as well as the early knowledge acquired by them of the decis ions frequently being made, enable them lo prosecute claims more effectually than Attorneys at a distance can possibly do. All persons entitled to claims oi the above description can have them properly attend ed to by calling oa me and entrusting them to ray care. W. WIRT, Aent for Harry & Collins. Bloomsburg, August 10, 1864. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PARTXERSUIP. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing bstween John K. Grotz & Edward Rehr. jj trading nnder the firm of John K. Grotz & I Co., is this day .dissolved by mutual con sent. "All persons having unsettled ac counts, either on Book, Note, or Judgment, are requested to present Ihera without de lay for adjustment. The Tanning business will . hereafter be continued, in all its branches, by John K. Grotz & Son, at the Old Stand, near Bloomsburg. JOHN K. GROTZ L CO. E-Ioomsburgj Acgust 2, 1865. rr; - r Who'csale" and --Retail. rpHE subscriber would announce to the citizens: of Bloomsbnr? and vicinity, that he is selling LIQUORS in large and small quantities, and at different prices, at his New Store, on Main street, (t-Rf2r1 northside, two doors south of iTvfZIA Iron street, Bloomaburg. His 6?$ slock of Foreign and Domestic consists of Cognac and Ilochelle, Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye, gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and any- quantity of common. He aUo has PURE HOLLAND GIN, - Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagoe. Wines; and last but not least, a quantity cf good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which be willell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to sive his liquor a trial. 1). W. ROBBINS, AgU. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. WYOMIXG IXSUIiAME C0MPAM, Office over the Wyoming Bank, CAPITAL, A SI) SURPLUS, 150,000. Will insure againt loss or damage by Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable terms. DIRECTO KS, G. M Hollenback, John ReicharJ, Samuel Wadhatns, D. L. Shoe maker, Daniel G. Driesbuch, R. C. Smith' R. D. Lacoe, G. P. Steele, W. W. Ketcham Charles Dorrance, W. S.Ross, George M Harding. G. M. IIOLLENBACII. Preset. I). L. SHOEMAKER, V. Preset. R. C. SMITH, Secretary, W. G. STERLING, Treasurer. L II. CONOVER, Agent, Beach Ilaveu, Pa. December 2J, 1863. ly. New Stock o f Clothing. Sl'riusr and Snrisrsicr ftoods. TNVl l'ES al'.Ptdion to his stock of cheap and fasIiiorjr.t le Clothing at his Store, on 2LHN S TRUE T, BL O OMSB URG, two doors ubeve the American House, where he has just received from New' York and. Philadelphia, a full assortment of Jlvti and I5oy's Clothing, inclndiug the most fahionab'.e, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting ol Vox, Sack, Frock t Gum and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; Btriped, figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stock, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy articles. . , N B. He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Yestings, which he is prepared to make rp to order, into a:iy kind of cloihing on very short notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is made icvear and most of it is of home manufacture. A N D Of every Dcst riptior, , Fine arid Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and exJrnine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watcher, Jewelry, &c. tt. DAVID LOW EN BERG. Bloomsburg, April 20, 1S65. GROCERY STORE. ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. ITIorc rrcsh Goods. Just received at Henry Giscr's Neic Store: MOLASSES, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, lilCE, SPICES, FISH, SALT, RAISIN, TOBAOCO, SEGAKS, CANDIES, NOTINNs, Tots, FEED AM) FftOYISIOXS, Together with a great rariety of notions &c, loo numerous 10 mention. BUTTER GGS, MEAT, and Produce generally, taken in exchange for goods. The best market price will be allowed. Give him a call. HENRY GIGER.. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1865. TOBACCO AND I G A II STORE c At Stroup's Old Stand, on Main Street. THE undersigned, having opened the Stcre formerly occupied by David Stroup as a Grocery, and furnished it with a large and varied assortment of excellent TOIIACCO AND CIGARS, most respectfully invites th? patronage cf the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity. He prepared to sell at wholesale and retail, upon the most reasonable terms. Merchants, Hotel-keepers, and Grocery men, would do we'd la give li'rm a call. C"i?AIl kinds of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, in large and small quantities, con stantly on Laud fur sale. H. H. HUNSBERGER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 13, 1865. 1 BLOOISKIIIG ACADEMY. THE next Term of thi$ Institution will besmon WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15TH, 165. The regular prices of Tuition range from 5 50 to -7 50 per Term of Eleven Weeks, lo be paid at or before the middle of the term. The usual extra charges will be made .for German and French, and the various Ornamental Branches. Il is extremely important that the pupils who shall attend the School should be pres ent at the beginning of the term, or asoon after as possible, in order to start regularly with the class. In all cases tuition will be charged for the full term, nnless otherwise by special previous agreement. The Principal has had an experience of years in teaching the Languages and high er Mathematics, aa well as the various branches of a substantial English Educa tion, wnd will spare no eCort to secure rapid and thorough progress in his pupils. REV. II. RINKER, A. M. August 9, 1865. Principal. Attorney at Law, 1 AND OJiceonMain Street, CATAWISSA, Columbia county, Pa. July 12, ISBS.Sra. SDKGKOIV DENTIST, -w ESPECFULLY offers his "professional services to the ladies & gentlemen ot Blooms- burs and vicinity. He is prepared 10 attend to all the various operations in Dentistry, and is provided with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on baud. Alloperation8 on the teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above the Court House, 6ame side. Bloomsburg Aug. 19, 1885 " ISO ISfi PENNSYLVANIA & ERIE RAILROAD This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city cf Ere, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, and is operated by them. Its entire length was opened for passen ger and freight business, Oct. 17th, 1864. Time of Passenger trains at North'd. LcaTC Eastward. . Mail Train , 10 1G P. M. Elmira Express Train, 11 27 L. Haven Accommodation, II 27 A. M. Tyrone Accommodation, 4 10 P. M. Lcavrs Westward. Mail Train, 4 26 A. M. Elmira Expres Train, 5 IS " Lock Haven Ac'rr.odation 4 34 P. M. Tyrone Accommodation, 1100 A. M. Passenger cars run through on Mail trait1 without change bodi ways between Phila delphiaErie, and Baltimore and Erir;. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Mail T'aic both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and on Elmira Epxress Train both ways between Williamsporl and Baltimore For information respecting Ptssenje; business apply at cor. 30th and Market Sis., Philadelphia. And for Freight business o the Corrpany's Agent. S. B. Kinyston," Jr., Cor. 13th and Mar ket Street, Vb'lauelphia. J. W.. Reynolds, Erie. W Brown, Au't. N. C. R. R.. Baltimore, H H. HOUSTON. General Freight A gt. Phil'a. 1LW. G WINNER, General Ticket Agt. Phil'a. JOS. D. POTTS, General Manager, Williaraporl. Feb. 22, 1865. Prospectus of Yol. 111. 1865. TZ5E OS,2 A MOT4THLY JOURNAL, E VOTED 'IO LITERATURE SCIENCE AND ART, AND THE Principles or 177G and 87. C. CHAUNCEY BURR, Editor. ffthis Magazine will continue lo defend the principles of Government which guided our fathers in the fonndation of ihe Republic, The spirit and doctrine of the two fi'st volumes will be fully maintained in the third volome. We have no compro mises to make with error no parley with despotism. Democracy will he treated, not as avarying policy of cunnirg office seekers and spcil-hunters, but rather as an abiding principle of political economy ,nd cf popular liberty. All supporter of this revolutioi"ii:ing, Abolition wet, will be hehl as the eiiernies cf the democracy. He shall acknowledge no organization to be Democratic which dee not honestly enun dale and support the prir.C'pls of the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1708 and the Dred Scott Decision of the Su preme Co tut, the one asserting Stale Sw ertignty and the other White svprcmacy. To preserve these honorable doctrines, the Democratic party was organized by the very founders of the Federal Government, and it remained true to them down to the fatal and difhonoring departure, at the commencement of this war. The Old Guatd is an orgar. ot Democracy as it wa, before this cowardly srurendrr of principle and as it must be again, before it can re deem our country from ihe rule of faction ar.d desp;-ti.m. This year it has been en- Iarg?J to double it lormer size that is, to forty ei2ht pages for the purpose ot mak ing it in ad re?pec:s. as to style and matter a popular Literary and Family Magazine. One copy, o;je year, 2 00 Seven copies, one year, and or.e to the'getter up of club, 14 00 Twenty conies, 35 00 Single copies sent, posi-paid, for 20 Terms invariably in advance, and the Magazine will be stopped when the time paid for expires. As each number of THE OLD GUARD is stereotyped, back numbers and volumes can always be fusnished. Subscriptions will be understood as com mencing with the year, and back number sent accordingly, unless specially ordeted otherwise. The 0;d Guard will be sent through the P.t O.T.ce h) subscribers in the" city, Brooklyn, Williamsburg and Jersey City. The postage ol The Old Guard is 12 cts. per year, payable in advance, at the otike of mailing or t'eiivery. Copies ol Vols. I. -and II. of The Old Guard for 1SG3 and 1S64, will be furnished bound in paper, for SI .50; ia cloth for S2, pest pai l. All letter in relation to the business de partment cf the Magazine, should be in- variably at dieaeed trie undersigned, as follows : van Eyrie, horton ec co., 1C Nassau Street, N. Y. IiOH AIIDS ASS0CIATI0X. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Urinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable trea'rnent. AI 1 the BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay cf W anitig and Instniciion, sent in sealed envelopes, free ot charge. Address, -Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associ ation, No. 2, South Ninth S'.reet Philadel phia, Pa. Jane 2I, 1865 ly. National Foundry. ISIooimbur?, Columbia Co., rine subsribar, proprietor of the above named extensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of machinery, for COLLERIES, BLAST FUR NACES, STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared to make-Stove, all sizes and palteros, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in first-class Foundries His extausive facilities and practical workmon, wairant bim in receiving ihe largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. G? Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. This establishment is located near the Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. BloomBburg, Sept. 9, 1S63. -READING RAIL-ROAD: SIMMER ARiMAGO EXT. J? LY 203 1S6.?,; GREAT Trunk line from tiie Norlh and North. we'sl for Philadelphia, Nw Yoik, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allen town, Easlon, &c, Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows. At. 3.00, 7.25 and 8.15 A. M and 1.45 P. M., arriving at New York at 10 A. M., and 3.C0 and 10 30 P. M. The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Road, and Sleepinu Cars accompany the 3.00 and 8.15 A. M.. trains without change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tatnoqna, Minersville, Ashlaud, Pir.e Grove, Allen town anJ Philadelphia, at 8.15 A. M. ar.d 1 45 P. M., stepping at Lebanon and prin cipal Stations only. Way Trains, , slopping at all points, at 7 25 A. M. and 4 40 P . M Returning, Leave New York at 9 A. M., 12 noon, aud 8.00 P. M. Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.30 P. 'M.; Pottsville nt 8. 15 A. M. ar.d 2.35 P M., Ashland at 6.10 A.M and 12.30 noon, Tamaqna at 3.15 A.M. ar.d 2.15 P.M. and Redaing at l.OO, 7.35 and 10 45 A. M., 1.38 and 6.05 P. M. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 6 00 A. M. returning from Phil adelphia at 5 00 P. M. Colombia Railroad Trains'. pave Read ing at C 00 and 10.55 A. M. and 6.15 P. M. for Ephraia, Litiz, Columbia, &c. On Sundays : Leave NVw York at 8 00 P. M. Philadelphia 3 15 P. M , Pottsville 7.30 A.M., Tamanua 7 00 A.M., Harrisburg 8 15 A. M., ant' Reading at 1 00 A. M. for Har risburg. Commutation, Mileag?, Season, School and Excursion Tickets to and Irom all points at rednred ratea. Baggage checked through ; 80 pounds allowed each Passenger. "G. A. NICuLLS, General Superintendent. Readino Pa., Aug. 9, 1865. AMIilJlS II03IK 2IA(iAZli:. Edi'ed byT. S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN IA E. 1 OWNS P.N I). The Home Magazine for 1865 will be en larged and improved, and made till more worthy oltlie eminent lavor vvitii which it lias been received Its character as a Eih-Tonc(I periodical, claiming public favor cn the ground of rca! merit, wiii be easefuliy maintained : whilf lor variety, intreM, u-efo Ine'-H, and ali I tie attractions of literature and art ese t.tial to a true Honi'j Msguzine the puldi-hers will aim to m&lf il Superior To All Others. A Fnie Steei Engraving , and Two Page of Music, wid appear in evnry niunt-er, be.-ides choice picture", gronjn and c'lar acers, prevr.ilinj faliion., and a lre va riety of patterns tor garments, embroidery, etc., etc. In all re.pectf ve ha!l -ive A FIRST-CLASS MAGAZINE, at a price within the reach ol every ii:ie!l geni family in the land. Anewnoryby T. S. ARTHUR will bt commenced in the January number. Yearly Term., in Advance One copy, S2.50, three coiies, 6,00, five copies and one" to the getter-up ol club, 10,00, copiefi, and one to the getter up of ii me club Slo 00. HT Abpaniif-.il Premium Platp; eniithd ' Tlie Ir fancy of Siiak.peare," wil' W mailed to each person who sends ns ai-ti.b of subscribers. It will also be mailed to each tingle suhicriber from whom we re ceive 2.f0. CEor S4.T0 will :nd one ropy d ea(h ol limine Magazine and G;,:i ) V I.aoj ?a Book for one year. Ad.fre--. T. S. ARTHUR 4: CO. j 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Nov. 23, :S64. ! OMNIBUS LIME. UlE ur1drigncd would reippctf-jlly an- nounce lo tlie citizens of D'ooinbnrg, and the public cenprall , that he is runniiig AI103LMBUS LINK &vkt?. between this place and ivc&'?f ! the diflerent Ra.I Road LfeS- Depots, daily, (Sundays excepted) to coil- i nect with the several Trains comg South j and Wet on the Ch'awia k. VVilliimport t Rail Rnad, an i with lhoe aoiiig Norih and j South on ihe Laclc. &. l)i(omsburg Road. His OMNIRITSES ?re in good condition, ' commodious and comlotrable, and charges ra( liable. t"v"" PeronH wishing lo meet ' or se their friends depart, can be accom- j moitate.l, upo-i rea-onatle chires, by leav ing timely nrnie-; at a-iy of ihe Hotels. JACOI5 L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Illoomsbnrj, April 27, 164. I CiUPFP.RERS WITH CONSUMPTION, r I ASTHMA, Bronchitis, or any ditease , J of the Throat or Lungs, will be cheerfully 1 f 1. - 1 t . . . J lurrisneci, wnnout cnargp, wnn me reme dy by the use of which- the Rev. Edward A. Wilson, of Wiiliarnsburgb, New York, was completely restored to health, after having eLiTereJ several years with that I dread disease. Consumntion. To Cnnsnmn. j live sufferers, this remedy is worthy of an immeaiate trial. 11 wiii cost nothing, and may be the means of ihcir perfect restora tion. Those de-iri:ig the same will pea-e address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 165 j South Second Street, Wiliiamsburgb. Kings coiiruy, i t w 1 orK. August 2, 1SG5 6w. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at Iaw, BLOOMStil'itti, iOLUIISIA CO., PA. VtHLL practice in the C rt 1 11 in S : a pniinlr several All lega Courts of j I bus-ines tr.trus'ed attention. to his carij shall receive prompt j OFFIC E, On Main Street, Exchange j April 13, 1SK4. HVAV Whh VXVEll I The u:nler-igned has jti.t received at his rooms, or.e door below Lutz's Drug Store, a ne'.v 5iipp!v of WALL PAPER, WIN DOW CVH TAINS & FIXTURES, CORDS AND TASELS, lor pieiure all of which he will cell CHEAP FOR CASH. His stock cd goo.l r urpisses any hereto fore brought to this market. E. J THORNTON. . Bloom?burg, Oct. 4, 1S65. ANTor about the middle of August, 1S65, the tfndersigned lest in Beaver Iwd. or that neighborhood, a STATE DRAFT, of the School appropriation of said town ship, to Ihe amount of EIGHTY odd dol lars. The public are cautioned against the payment of said Drait, as the township would not receive any benefit unless an other Draft be procured or the money on the original one be rightly applied. The Draft is drawn payable lolhe undersigned. JOHN FRY, Pres't School Board Bearer, Sept. 5, 18G5. Beaver twp. CLINKS ! EL-ASKS ! ULAMiS ! 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EXECUTIONS, SUBPOENAS, of proper & des:rableforms,fo sale Office of the "Star ofthe North." FLUID EXTRACT BUCHUr A positive and Ppociac Kotaedy for disooscs of the niadder, Kldnrr. Crorel itnd Dr.ptlcal Swelling. TtJs Kedlcloo Increases the powers of digestion, and excites tlio absorbents Into hcaltuy notion, by vtilca lh watery or cclcnrcoTis flcrofltlona, and all armatnr.l larcments arercdnccd.es'wetl as pa in and huiammaUtfa and 13 00(1 for wen, Troraen and cilldroo. . HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For weakness arlHln? from Excesses, Hablu of Dlsalpft tlon, Early Indiscretion, attended with tae following Byrnptoms: Intllpposttlon to Exertion, Loss of Tower, Eifical! y or DreatblDK, Trcmjllr,. WatcfalnCBS, Tain in the Dock, noshing of tbe Body, Eruptions cf the Fac, rail i. I Conntenance, Loss of Memory, Weak Nerves, Horror of Iease, Dimness of Vision, not Hands, Drjnees of tbe Skin, Universal Lassitude, ThCEO syrr.pioui!:, if allowed to goon (uhlch thb Meiflp cine Invariably removes), soon follow FATUITY, EPiLEITlC FIT3, ' In one of whicU the patient may expire. "Who can mf they are not frequently followed by those "direful dis eases." HTSAXITT AND COXSTJJIPTIOII? Many are aware of lie cause of thf lrenfferlns.bntnoiH will conft-KS. Tl;e records of tbe insane asylama and tb ; melancholy deaths by consumpttoD bear ample witness t tlie truth of the assertion. The ConeLKtition, odco ntTected by organic weaknoM, requires the old of ruodictnc t0 3tren!ithen and lnvigorat the rvslem. which KtLMIK-UVS EXTINCT OF BUCnr la &i Ubiy dvt A trial will convince iho most scepttoal. Tnrcftny offecllorm peculiar to Female, the txTU"! Bcciiv Is uneunalcd by uny other remedy, and for all complaints Incident to the hex, or In tlie DECLINE OU CHANGE OF LIFE, t?" SSH STitPTOMS ijva. tST No JFaniily chotild be witliout it Take no rtolaam.rlercnry.or onplcatact medicine fj onplcasant and dangeronsdiseaKcs. liLuniiuiiU u LAiitiiLil iiUuilU JIKD Cures Secret Di3case3 In all tLclr vtnges liulo expense, llt;le or no chance of filet, co Inconvenience, o t NO EXFGSUXiZ. USE HELUBOTD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Tor all afTecltPng and dl?enees of thefio organ, whether EXISTING IN MALE Oil FEMALE, From whatever cause originating, and no matter bow locg Handing. Discuses of ttsso orgaua rcqclxo yio aid of a diuretic. HELWB OLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU - Is tbe Great Diuetic. And It Is certain to have the desired tiled lo all dlseaae for which It Ij recommended. ci.kCD! eicet.t coscrsnciTna o.-i-rocya 1 1 U 1 n ; PA RILL A, I '-r j :r'f;. r'.rvii, Trirr.''v r!t chronic cocl'ia- ti.:!i:.l Ji. t i-fi a.-l.--ir,j f.-o::i .:ii-::rnrp futc of t'. c I Uu J, aid t!.o cr.j- icl'ablc f.rA -(T-!;:apl tT,yrrn rru.e-ly for ttit ccra rt i c.vf-iia, f?r.Id I'-.- '.ti, S..U l'Z r-i, I't in r-.t Ev.-'-UImits r t t,i I I.r:-s ;!-: r:i--..,r:r at a alltcsl I".r':p: ami u;..irr: r-T-, T li..-rr.:l3r .1 :t- r.-i 1: i . . frt!:o Thro it rr. , i ctlr, Erystpjio, :..-.t c:. ,i.t mai.Vln-1 .-te f.rrn th 1 i"ioi.lou.i. f all il.e :: to pui:t it otit.cnne cm Mr:c;;t ExriAtT orHxs :.ovite$ tic rtood, IrrtKtj -tern. Cud r. :rrc oot V..9 li fctltr-uiklcs the tatltx i'tjl'jv: .u 'orders tbat r;.-t. w cm." 3:". oi 0,:.t r.-i-::..-:'ta: cevcr'ts ;brf J-. " f i-cn P.T-i'.l.-.M. Itt: :c.:r.v:s r.r:ci r'. lie -'.z-jZ A l. l-"!.i'--r v Ur-rr. - f tr r.-.. rxiwlj L'-iO b'.oo.l. -.cli a r-u.c'Jy ttatcoa'.JIo rc"J; a or. ii- b cn yc, ir,r, r. jil hot, for tie rtl I'.nsj I'.c pi;:... ; e i n: cn '.hereon d'pi r.d. Cur f; ace ! o rl !?' !.c. - cfc'.T'ii itetOfho-B: IraeCsr's. t jt the trial of n rtrc'.c rilc v-;".: K.c.r totboslcktii! It had lu irtr.r-s'-i-r.f.f-'t!.: r.vytl.'.r.g tticv hnvo ever t-.iia. Two taV-C'-p-mn f-.'l t f toe Est rati of Huapari'la Mliel to n i.ft of r '.a c i: to l'ir t.i' .on 1 1:1 rrtnk.ani .1 to a ;.."!" of t:;o i rrjp of ari .a rs TisuatlT nii.'.o. ni:LriE0Li5'3 r.oss n CTrrtlfnt I.otin f -r CL-c- s arising froru babltt of . !I.':-!rat;i.-'i, tir-otl it m'nrc'.iir: r l:h tiio Ertrarla I'.ucha i.nJ : arapRrit 'a, ia B'u h t!i. rx:rs ta recommcnOoJ. Evl (icro cf itii i::cst rcrpomWo aud rttlr.blo chtraclcr wl'l i."c. :: r"7 t'.io i.i' i:;i:'o:.. A-" explicit direction! for l..c, .:;-(. if ':..( living witntics.sd Op v. -t '.- c f ': !.- r'i.'.f X -' r 3 ics r.nd reeoaunenda t"; v a., - l" !.n h are troui the hih?et eunrcca. larii.t'.:ur; J :;; 1. -I or. Clei iry men, i' tatcsincn. &e. Ttic 1 r pih-K r I ; evi-r te--';le'l to ttieir publication ra tto i.eRri.nj-c-3 , t e duos not do this from the fart that L! ari!cl?f rr.r:ii r.s S-. intm J I'r.Tpiiatlonn, aad do not seed to ye r.:'t ji-.T t:p t y rrrtilic-a js. Tt.e i-eicrice of 5'cdti-iae, Uke !he Doric Colamn. rhould Ftsnd Flinjile, pure, tn&jo; -tic, having Tact for Its basla, luCuctloti for tiilur, and Truth alote for 1U Capital. T If j- Eit-ict rarccp.-.rtiU b a ;:iood rnrirter ; Extract r-crli': is c I'lt;rc.'i-. u;.l -will act cs fui h in all casca. I'oth ore prepaid cn pi:rcl cleatinc prlnclplae-! raci" ar.d uc V..c r.iQ. t a-;:i-e iucaurt-a of cither that can tic in-.de. A rcaitj- r.t.i cor.uiuslvc test wltl te a cora-j-iripon of their i roj crufS w 1th tuOoC eel fortU la tho loW lcvlnj; vrorls: a fce l.-i pensatory of the TcSted States. fcce I rofuiior iJjiwxts valuable works on the Practice of Ehrsic. Fi'o rcmarhsma-lc hr the cc'.e!ir8teJ Dr.rrmK?, Ittl, Fce remarks i :c do "by I r. Ephsaim Mcrn-.u o celo l rated rL vbic!. a r..t yemr-cr tf tho E.ornl College of ri.r--con., lrcl:-.:id,!.THl rnVJtLcl ia the TrunEactloaa t4 the K'.ug kcI Q-.cen'a Jtun-.sl. Pee !odit,o-(.liin:'-.5ical UcTiew, pubilihod br Bktj,J Tkivkbs, Fellow cf tho Eoyal College cf Sariteons. co iao: of llio 1Mb Bt.'.n lard -rrcr'j u& loulctao . FOT.D ET ALL PEL'COISTS EVUttI ffUrA ' Address letters for information, ia cocfldonce, ir II. T. IIEIiiairjOLD, Clicnilfit. PF.IiTCIPAL ilEFOTS Ilelrnbold'ti Dca-r -in I Oaernical Var3houa. Kj. 1301 E?.0ADr.VAr, IE'v7 T0RK, and Haira fold's Medical Depot, fto. 1C4 SOUTxi lENTH ST, PHILADELPHIA. HI c a PN'i'Fit i-t: i tsl ii i: I. T.t 1 JL. L 3 J A. ii A. AJAm .. J i. ti. 4. . i n 1 tiff1 5 J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers