The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 22, 1865, Image 3
STAR OF THE NORTH ! TUINGSaEOCT TOWN & COCNTRY. RLOOilRUKG, PA. WEDNESDAY NOV. 22. 1865. School Orders, hands-omely primed, foe ale, cheap, at ihi office. Uschangeable Our pockets, bI waji emp- ' Attkntiom i ditecied to cew adverl'ue tneats in thi paper The Furnaces in this county are all in full blast, save a few old defunct concerna. Hok. Wm. Elwcll, of this place, haa told hi Farm in Bradford county, for $5,000. On oar first page will be found an inter eating article on ihe subject of 'Education." Sjill Coming New subscribers to the Star. Plenty of room for more on our new books. Those of our patrons who promised to pay os in potatoes will do us a (aver by bringing them along. Struck Gold The Amber Coal Company, in Greene County, while searching for coat oil. The prospects are flattering and the whole community is in an excitement. S. II. Miller has received another lot of new goods which, are going off like "hot cakei.'' Mr. M. has first-class go6ds sells a great man) in the coarse of the year and cheap. Give him a call. For Sale. One certificate of member ship, entitling the holder to a full course of instruction, in the Quaker City Bjsines College, Philadelphia, will be disposed of cheap, by the editor of this paper. For in formation regarding the school, see adver tisement in another column. The edicr of the Republican feels Lifalutin over the. result of the late elections. Thai's all righ ; we don't blamchim any; but we are inclined to the opinion, that the grin will be on th wrong side of hi pc-tato ho'e before another year rolls round. Slick a pin there, if you please. B. Stohner is receiving Irom the city, a large lot of Holiday presents which he will eell cheap" (or cash. He has toy, candies, and notions, of every description. This is 'the best place in town to boy your holiday presents. CrtARi.E H. Dokblur, of W illiamspor,. rare understand, has purchased property of Klits Hick, of this place. Mr. Doebter having S.7M It in property, where he now re sides, is desirous ol re-moving back to Bloomsbnrg", the place ot his former resi dence. Thfrc are a greal many ruea wlio tenbe anil receive newspapers tiiat never Printer to make ait honest living ? Suppose ' would neglect paying hi:n anything, would he not toon be compelled to steal or starve 1 Pmccs stilt remain h.'ijli and seem firmer than they were a yer ago. A redaction in the pric, of a'inost every article consumed in a facni'y. is imperatively demanded. The grocrymen should be the Grt to 5tep into the channel o'. retrenchment and reform in this line. Dwcllikg H ousts are going to be scarce, for the first of April. Have we any capital ists in our town 1 If there are any here why do they not build some good hauses for rent? They could let them at a good price The money invested would bring in a fair return Good dwelling houses are in great demand, in this place, and no signs of the demand fcocn abating. ' Mont. Williams advertises In today's Stab his Corn Proore Mann factory at Wilkes- barre. He has bad considerable experience in' thif basiness, in Northumberland and Colombia coonties, aud no doubt will give j entire satisfaction. He is prepared to fur- j nisb parties with broom at wholesale, up- ! on the most reasonable terms, or work op j lock upon shares for those having the ma terial and desiring it made into brooms. Rumor has it, that Dr. Palemon John, In ternal Revenue Assessor, President of the Green Creek Oil Company, and Editor, Pub lisher and Proprietor of the Columbia Comity Republican, gave a supper, a few evenings since, to his political friends who stood by him in ousting the "Old Pharisee " Dear me, bow fat his friends most hare become Eit. D. J. Waller, has considerable en terprise, and is not backward in making a display of it He bas erected for his own use the finest and most cosily dwelling in the county, and bas dona much in the way of marking out and selling town lots in South East Bloomsburg, and is now build ing a large, doublj, brick house, which be proposes to sell or rent, at a reasonable fig ure. Had we a few more men possessing Mr. W.'s enterprise and perseverance, this place would soon present a different aspect. Ve need tberiK A SanBK DfN. Persons owing ns on Subscription or otherwise, are requested to taake payment, on or before Court Wikk, as we stand very mnch in need of our moc ej. Time are quite a large number of pa Jrana to tiie Stah whe are in arrears for two and more years a thing that should not be tolerated in well regulated newspaper offi ce. We ar8 compelled to pay the Cash for everything oaei .in our line of busices; and to keep moving, moat necessarily re ceive a chsh return, Thosa of our patrons liviuj at a distance, and finding it inconve nient for them to call upon oa on Court Vkkk, will plaase remit the amount of their tad3btedness to U3 by mail, at our risk. Hoping to receive a gQtd return, (as all kno Jte should have our money,) wVJI ydxii up !hi3 article. "Vehilt, is the Midst of Life vt are r Death." Among the obituary notices ic ibis paper we chronicle the demise of Ems Dietterick, Esq., of Montour township, who died rather suddenly from the effects of act acute attack of Erysipelas, leaving an inter esting family and a large circle of friends to mourn bis speedy death Mr. D. was a well-to-do farmer, respected, and esteemed by all who knew him, having lired more than the average years of a man's life, and at one time filled the position of County Commissioner with credit alike to himself and his constituents. His funeral obsequies were largely attended, there being some fifty carriages in the procession. The re mains were interred in the old Presbyterian burying ground; at this place, after which the mourners, relatives and friends repaired to the Lutheran Church and listened to an appropriate and impressive sermon, deliv ered by the Rev J. R. Dimm. Pee John chatters quite a good deal over additions made to his subscription list, in creased advertising patronage, and large run of job-work. All this may teem flatter iag to him, if true; bat we have often heard it remarked that a hungry dog always made the most noise. His yelping may now be expected soon to cease, as he is supported and paid ont of taxes wrung from the pockets of the poor people. It's a blessed thing to pay taxes to keep up such individuate as Tee John. The community could not spare him especially the ladies. Dead Samnel Alexander, a worthy and respectable citizen of this place, died at his residence in Sageturg a few days ago. He was in the 59:h year of his age. Long a devoted christian in communion with the Methodist Fpiscopal Church,-he saw his approaching end with calmness and met the last great foe, like a good soldier of the Cross. Montour Ame-icm. On Saturday morning of last week, two young men, named Wm. Thompson alias Clark C. Little, and George Shippy, the for mer charged with horse stealing and the latter with larceny, escaped from the Jail at Tdr.khannock, Wyoming county, by climb ing over the wall. They made a rope lad der out of a blanket which they tore and twisted into ropes RcbclHo i in the Human Interior. Rebellions are no! confined to bodies po litic. They breaK out in oar own interiors as well as in the 'bowel of the land.' The natural law of oar bodies is health, ! bet we misuse them and they revolt. We subject them to exposure, we overtask them, we overload the stomach, v.e neg- l?ct the bowels, we plunge out of rooms i ho ter than llie tropics into an .atmosphere ' below frezin point, and in various other j wavs trill-? with oar health. But these frames of -ors are wonderful machines, and we can, by the nse of the TROPER MEANS, so INVIGORATE and REGULATE thm as to render them al most proof r.gainst the ordeal to which, in cur recklessne.-?, we subject them. Nothing that ha? ever been known cr I heard cf as a tynic adds so maci to the re?ls:at: f o-.rer of t!:e humaa system un der circumstances unfavorable to health s HOSTETTER S STOMACH BITTERS. If j . .i t )un wt.'uiLi trti,e .lie iiiiciiiiiuri.i icvcu, fits of iiidigeatiou, bilious attack, and bowel complaints, of which colJ and damp are the frque nt causes, De the BITTERS a a PROTECTIVE MEDICINE. This is the wisest course ; but if already an in- valid, try the preparalioa as a RESTORA TIVE, in ehiipr case, full reliance may be placed upon it etSc.icy. Sold everywhere. Sunduy Mercury, Dec. 2blh, 1862.. Nov. 1st. 1865. BROOMS. t ONTGOMERY WILLIAMS respectful Iv announces to ihe Dublic generally that he is manufacturing CORN BROOMS, for sale, wholesale or retail, in Wilkes- Barre. He is prepared to furnish merchants and others with a qood article of Brooms, at reasonable prices. Persons having ma terial that they desire made np.upon shares can send it to him. His work will compare favorabh with any made up in the Sla'e. MONT. WILLIAMS. . Wilkes-Barre, Nov. 22, 1S85. ADIIMSfRATOAVSKOTICE. Estate of Michael Fry, late of Mifflin town ship, Columbia county, dee d. LETTERS nf administration on the es tate of Michael Fry, late of -Miillin township Columbia county, have been granted by the Register of said county, to John H. Hetler, Esq., of Mifflin twp.," Co lumbia county. Persons having claim against the estate of the decedent are re quested to present them to the administra tor for settlement, and those indebted to the estate will make payment forthwith to JOHN II. HETLER, Nov. 22, 1863 6w. Adm'r. Administrator's Notice Estate of Ann Hutchison, Late of Fihingcretk totcmh'p, Columbia county, dee'd, LETTERS of administration on the estate of Ann Hutchison late'of Fishingcreek township, Columbia County, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to Thomas J. Ho'chison residing in the township and county aforesaid. All persons bavin; claims or demands against the estate of the decedent are requested to present them for settlement and tho'se in debted to the estate will make immediate payment to the administrator. THOMAS J. HUTCHISON, Fishing creek, Oct. 11 1865. . Adm'r. B. II. STOHNER, BAKER AND CONFECTIONER HAS always on hand and for sale Fresh . BREAD, CAKES, and PIES ; French and Domestic Confections in great and splendid Variety ; Nuts Fruits, Rrd everything usually found in a first ciaos confectionery store. He would call especial attention to hi? newly received stock of PICKLED FRUITS, AND JELLIES. Having recently fitted up a new and elegant - - ' OYSTER SAL.OOIV, on the first floor, jwo doors west of Eyer StMoyer's Drug 6tore, he is prepared to wait upon his many customers wish FIRST CLASS FRESH OYSTERS as cheap as the cheapest. ' He will supply Balls, Parties, and Families, with Oysters, Confectionery, Lc. at reasonable rate! . Bloomsburg, Nov. 22, 1855. BUSINESS SOLLEGE N. E corner Tenth and Che-tout Streets, PHILADELPHIA. ' The most complete and thoroughly ap pointed Business Commercial College in the country. , The only on3 in the Ci!y possessing a Legislative Charter, and the onJvone in United States authorized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Couise under its corpo rate seal by authority of law. Conducted by gentlemen of liberal edu cation and extensive experience in business and aiii'rding unequalled advantages for the thorough theoretical and practical educa tion ot young men for the various duties: and employment ol business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a sytem of ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giv ing the student in the shortest lime a com plete insight into the routine, details cus toms and forms- of bu.ine"5 in general, as conducted in the. best regulated commer cial and financial establishments- THEORETICAL BOOKKEEPING Upon a new plan, with an original exposi tion of the science -of accounts, arranged and published by the propretor of this In stitution exclusively for his -own use, sav in? one-half the ordinary labor of the stu dent, and giving him a complete knowl edge of the practice oi the best account ants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE. EMBRACES Bookkeeping. Commercial Arithmetic, Pen manship, Business Correspondence, Commercial Law, Lectures on Bu siness Affairs, Commercial Customs, Form, and Ac tual Business Prac tice. SPECIAL BRANCHES. Algebra and the Higher Mathematics, Pho nography, Ornamental Penmanship, the Art of Detecting Counterfeit Money, Engineering, Surveying Naviga tion and Telegraphing. TELEGRAPHING. The arrangements for Telegraphing are far in of anything of the kind ever offered to the public. A regular Tel egraph Line is connected with the Institu tion with twenty brances in various parts of ed.and'in which the student of this Insti tution are permitted to practice. No regu lar office practice can be had m any other school ol instruction in the rountry, with out which no one can obtain a position as a practical operator. Young-men are cau tioueJ against the deceptive representa tions of those who, without any snch fa ciliti e, pretend to leach Telegraphing PATKONAGE This institulicn is now enp in? tho lar gest' patronage ever bestowed upon, any commercial school in the Slate. 0(er five hundred students were in attendance the rst Jcar a,,ti over seven, hundred during the past year. The best clas pt students may invariably b? foond here, and all its assrr iati"n ar nrst c!a-s-. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. The it.s;iiniion i located in the mo.-t cen tral part of the city, and its accomodations, for extent, elegance op.d convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rocms have bt.en fifed up in th. verv best styh? with business offices or counting houses, telghaph offices, statl0nel1y stoke ar.d a r err til a r RANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic r, e as a circulating meuiam in Department of Actual Business. the TO YOUNG MEN who desire a PRAC TICAL EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS, we guarantee a iour-e of instiuction no where ele equalled, while the reputation airl standing of the institution among business men make its endorsement the bet pass port to success and advancement. All con templating entering any commercial Col It'ze, are invited to send for an ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND CATA LOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, and full particulars of the course ol instruction, terms, fcc. L. FAIRBANKS, A M., Pretidtnt T. C. SEARCH, Special Teacher and Supt. ol Office Business. Nov. 1, 18C5 1 r. MEXICO! MEXICO ! ! 830,000,000 LOAX OF THE REPUBLIC OF 2IEXIC0. Twenty-year Coi:pnn Bonds in Sum's cf S50, $100, S500, and $1,000. Interest-SeTfQ Per Cent., Payable ia Tfcc CHy of AW Yerli. Principal and Intere.-t Payable in GOLD. 310.000,000 to be Sold at SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, in U. S. Currency, thus yielding an interest of Twelve percent, in Gold, or Seventeen per tent, in Currency, al the present rate of premium on gold. The first year's interest already pro vided. ri; iL'osr desirable investment EVER OFFERED. Immense tracts of Mining and Agricul tural lands; sixty per cent, of port dues, imposts and taxes, in the States of Tamauli pas and San LuisPotosi; and the plighted laith of the said Slates and the General Government ars all pledged for the redemp tion of these Bonds and payment of inter est. The Security is Ample $30 in U. S Currency will buy a 7 per cent Gold Bond of S50. . &60 in U.S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bor.d of 510P. S300 in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent Gold Bond of $500. $600 in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per ceni. Gold Bond of SIOOO. Let every lover of Republican Institutions buy at least OIVE BOIVl). Circulars forwarded and subscriptions re ceived by JOHN W. CORLIES & CO.; and J. N. TIFFT, Financial As;ent of the Republic of Mexico, b7t Broadway, New York. . Ei Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally throughout the Unji ed States. Nov. 8, 1&65. Notice to Trespassers. THE undersigned, farmers and land owners, "of Orange township,' Columbia county, do hereby caution all persons against hnntrngor in anywise trespassing on their lands, (has making themselves subject to the penahies of the law, which will be most stringently enforced. ISAAC HAGENBUCH. MICHAEL HAGENBUCH. Orange twp.. Oct. 11, 1865. CurtiTCYAULXG, NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DONE, by C. G. BARK- j LEYj Attorney at Law, Bloomsburg, Pa. Court Proclamation. WHEREAS the Honorable Wm. Elwcll, President Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans,Coort, in Ihe 26th Jodicial District, composed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wy oming, and Ihe Hons. Stephen Baldy and John McReynolds, Associate Judge, ot Co lumbia co., have issued their precept, bear ing date one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and to me directed fcr holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms burg, in the county of Columbia, nn the first Monday, ihe 4lh day of Dec. next, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, the Justires of ihe Peace and Constables ol the said Count' of Columbia, that they be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in theforenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions and othei remembran ces lo do those tnings which to their offices appertain to be done. And those that are bound by recognizes, to prosecute against the prisoners that ars or may be in the Jail of said county ol Columbia, to l then ?nd there to prosecute then as shail be just. Ju rors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice, dated at Bloomsburg, the SOih day o Oct., in the year of cur Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fiith and in the eighty'r.ifith year of the Independence of the United States of America. (God save the. Commonwealth.) SAMUEL SNYDER, Sheriff's OiTice, ) Sheriff. Pdoomsburg, Nov. 1, 1863. . GRAND JURORS FOU DECEMBER TERM, 1865. Benton William Applman. Briarcreek Stephen Michael, Bor. Berwick Paul Kirketulall Beaver Simon Slicher. Centre John J. Hagenbuch. Hemlock Mathia Appleman, David Armstrong, Reuben Rogart. Jackson Jno. McIIenry, jr., Elisha Rob bins, Iram Derr. Montour Lloyd Pastor, Samuel Gi2r. Madison Elisha B. Hartuiati, Allen Wat son. Maine John A.Shuman. Orange' M. I. Hayhnrst, John Megareel. Scott Thomas W. Ede-, Jacob Keller, Jacob Clossen. Sngarloaf Davi I Lewis, Samnel Fritz. TRAVERSE JUKOKS 1 OR DECEMBER TERM, 1865. Beaver Andrew Shnman, John Shu man. Benton Philip Shultz, Binjamin RozeP. Abraham Youns- Briarcreek Henry Deitterick. Bloom Henry Old. Cataw'KsM Camper Rhan, John Hitter. Cnire Peter Dt-.lni(;, Geo. Low, Steph en Hutioii, Ilnry Shaffer. Conyii2liam F. R- Wohiforth. Frarikiin Jesse Mer.sch, Jackson Clea ver. Fishincjcrppk Charles Ash, Sam'i Yost. Greenwood Emanuel Conner, Robert RobOtns, Jotiah Kline, John Leggott, Wm Eyer. Hemlock Jaroi IIarr;, Rea. II. Gsi'd. Jacksot: Hnry Hurieyrnan. Locus: Aarcn Lewis, Peter Bitner. Vef ley Perry, Hi.-afa Ccr.l, IVter S;'vank Montour Dn'l Hat liner, Joh.i Deit terick Maine Danitl Nc-s. "Madisrr. William Krean:er 0:ir.gc J-u FULcr, Cjrus McIIer;, 'Cornelius Bslias, Sam up! Ever-j'.t. Iinriiiccres-k J--ht. C. 3 Peter Gcarhnrt, J.?iah Rh-.Ji, Iluclt. Sognrloaf P:i;iip George Mcora. Scott Wiitiarn Garrison, Eiias I'rum, William M, En I. LIST OF CAUSES FOR DECEMBER TERM, A. D. I EC 5. 1. R.chel Morgan by her nest friend Wm M. Hoauland vs Richard Morz&n. 2. Wm. Lonaenberger & Jas. McAlarny Exr.' of Geo. L'lnqenberer dee'd et al vs Huah W. McReynoLls et al. 3. Stephen Baldv vs Catavrissa, William iort & Erie R. R. Company. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18- 19. 20. Elijah McMurtne lncorsee ot Aa:o:t Well vs ChrlstiaT Wolf Jacob Harris v? Peter Jacoly. Rnf el P. Stucker vs Wm. Ikeler. Jonas FahrinserJr vs Eman'l Ashtoa . Wm. L Lance v Ilarman G. Creveiinir. Wm. L. LancP vs Thos. Crcveiinj et al. Jacob Bucks Exrs. vs Jesse Buck. Jacob Shurnan vs the Catawissa Ra l Road company. Amos W. Creamer v? Enoch Howell. Hugh McReynolds vs Peter Oliphant. Amos W. Creamer vs Enoch Howell. Adam Deitterich v? Jere. Jacoby. " Benj. Wer.nan vs jSIiles A. Williams. Georp A. Herritig vs Teter M.Ker. B. F. Reighard vsGeo. Patterson, et al. Aaron Bloom vs Recbun Si ler. Jacob Rcmly vs the Catawissa Rail Road Company. 21. John Michaeljr., vs John Michael, sr. 22. Bonn, Raisuel, k Co. vs Lvi Kutz. 23. Mathias Tronsiie. vs the twp. of Scott. 24. Anna Barbara , Deighmiller, vs Henry Deigh miller. 25. The Commonwealth of Fenn. at th- relation of H. R. Klineel al., vs Wes lev Bowman, et al. 23 Administrators of Joseph Paxton, dee'd vs WiliiaM L Lance. Hemlock twp. vs Elias Deiiterich. To Drunkards. 27 OLD DOCTOR BUCIIAN'S Drunkard's Cure permanently eradicates the taste for strong drink, and cures the worst case of drunkenness in less than eight weks. Thousands cf reformed inebriates now live to bless the day they were fortunate enough to commence the u?e of this valua ble remedy. Price two dollars a package. Mailed to any address on receipt ol an order, by JAMES S. BUTLER, 429 Broadway New York, Sole Ag'l lor the U. S. August 9, 1S63. 2m. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Chrislena Eisner, late of uJadiso)i township. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Chrislena Kisner, late of Madison twp , Columbia county, have been graoled by Ihe Register of said county, to Samuel Kisner. of Greenwood township. All per sons having claims aaainst the esia:e of the decedent ate requested to present them for settlement to the Executor ; and those indebted to the estate will m?ke payment without det i y. SAMUEL KISNLR, Oct. 18, 1865 S3. Executor. ITIati'iuionial. LADIES and Gentlemen : If yon wish to marry y on can do so addsessing me. I will send you, without money and without price, valuable information, that will ena ble you to marry happily and speedily, irrespective cf age, wealth or beauty. Tin? information will cost you nothing and if yon wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confidential. Tne desired information sent by return rnau and uo reward asked. Please inclose posl. age or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, SARA.H B. LAMBERT,.. Greenpoini, Kings Co. N. Y. PROSPECTUS, FOR 18GG. Splendid Af ray or Talent. In entering upon the third year of its ex istence, the proprietors ot this new maga zine beg leave to offer their thanks to the ladies of America for the liberal support already extended to them. Few magazines have boasted during their second year of a list of nearly Twenty-five thousand names. The Lady's Friend will continue to be devoted as heretofore to choice literature and the illustration of the fashions It will contain the latest patterns of Cinaks, Cap, bonnets, head-drpsps, fancy work, em broidery, &c , wiiii icceipts, mtisic, and other matters interesting to ladies. The mnsio alone is worth more than the cost of the whole magazine, the pieces being selected by Piof. Gtze from the eapacious repository of that widely known and enter prising firm, Mesrs. Lee & Walker. The Lady's Friend i edited by Mrs. Henry Peterson, supported by the fol ow ing brilliant corps of contributors. FJorenre Percy, Mrs Bella Z Spencer, Mrs. L C Moulton, Annie F Kent Mrs. M. F.Tucker, Frances H Sheffield, Miss El. C. Donneily. Carrie E Meyer Julia Gill. Mattie Dyer Bri'.ts Mrs. Eliza S. Turner,E Margaret Marr, Frances Lee Pratt Emifie Lester Leigh Mrs P. II. Phelps Mrs M. C Pyle August Bell Emma U Pipley Miss A L Muzzy, Charles Morris, Miss H S Corey "Aunt Aliice," Mrs M A Penison Cath M. Tro-.vbridga, i Mrs H A Hoy.'on Mary J. Allen Y;rinia F TownsendMiss A Forestier, Beatrice Colonna J. C. T. Mrs Marsnret Horr.erClara An?ta Miss L W Tappan Annie Rn'ell Leslie Walter, Helen M Pratt Sophie May Phila II Chase Edwin R Martin Caroline A Bell Harris Bvme Emma M Johnson Minnie W May. Mrs James , Mrs Anna Bache Murcia Hope, Ilnltie Hammond Sarah J Ramsey Mrs L. J. Rillenhouse Helen Mayo Ettie V Slaile T J Chambers Mary H Cox, Addie E Sutton And other talented , writers. Hcautifu Eiiffravinffs, A beautiful Steel Fancy Engraving and il!nft'.r:ite everv r;litr)pr: besides well exe cuted wood cuts, illustrative ff the fash ions, fancy work, &c. , too numerous to r detail. SEWING MACHINE TREMIUM. Tn ordf r to enable ladies to procure a firt quality Sewing Mafthine at very little out lay, we n ake the followin? liberal offers: We will sive one of WHEELER & WIL SON'S Celebrated Sewing Machine, the rennlar prk-e of which is FIFTY-FIVE DOLLARS, 011 the following terms : !. Twenty copies of the Ladv's Friend, o-ie vear, and the Sewing Machine, t-70 00 II. Thirty copies, one year, and the Sv ii2 Mac hine, 85 00 ill. Forty copies, one year, and the Sewing Machine, 100 00 In the' first nf the above clubs, a lady can get twenty sbscriber at the regular price cf two dollars and fifty cents a copy, and then by 'ending on these subscription? and Twenty Dailar? in addition, will get a Machine that he cannot buy anywhere for less than Fifty-five dollars. If she gets thirty subscribers and Seventy five Dollars she will only have to add ten dollars to the cmcunt. While if she pets forty sub scribers at the ref.lar price, she will get Ifer mrchine for riotiiin. T1k Magazine will bo sent to diffnr-n! prst ofucf if desired. The names and mo-.rv .;rt:!d be lor.varucJ as rapicv as 1 cb'ained, in crdr that ih snbscribcr may begin lo receive their magazines al, aid rot become dissatisfied with the delay. When the who!? amount of mney i re ceived, the Sewir.g Machine will be daly for warded. The Clubs may be partly composed of subscrib-rs'to the 'Saturday Evening Post if desired. In a!l c:i?e? the Machine sent will be the regular Wheeler & Wilson's No. 3 Machine, sold by them in New York, boxed, and forwarded free of ccst, with the exception of frisht- TERMS: Our term.'- are the same a thoee of that well known weekly paper trie Sa'urday Evt-nir;q Post in orler that the Clubs may be made up of the aper and maznzine conjointly when it is so desired and are as lollows : One copy one year, Two copie one yenr, copies one year, Eight copies one year, ter up of clnb, 2 50 4 00 5 CO and one to get- SIG CO Twenty copies one year, and one 10 pettcr op of club, 35 00 One copy of the LaJy's Friend and cr.e of th Post, 4 00 Single numbers of the Lady's Friend (postage paid by u) twenty-five cents. Subs-ribers in Briii-h North Arrerica mast remit twelve cer.ts in adJition tn the annual subscription, a we have to repay the United Slates pr-staae. The commi ts cf tne LvJy' Fricr-d and of th Pom will always be entirely different. Address, DEACON & PETERSON, No. 3D Walnut s.. Philadelphia. Specimen copies will be sent to 1I1050 deimu of et:ig up Ciuts, on the receip of lif;een cents. October 18, ISG5. LOOK HERE. THE VERY FLATTERING SUPPORT heretofore given to the late firm of JAMES S. McNINCH & CO., induces the under signed 10 enter upon ihe business of MERCHANDIZING upon a somewhat new pun. 1 ne system has been an injury to both credit buyer and seller, and tharelore S. iftcXIIYCSI propo-es to open cn the 13th day of the month of November, A. D. 1S65, in rgyj ,V r;3 . r yxsr? g?4 S3 THE MOST COMPLETE JXD EL VGA XT STOCK OF . GOODS EVER-OFFERED IN THIS COUNTY; consisting of every variety and quality of staple and fancy 2nrd, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE, and ail sort of articles kept in a country store ; to be sold OR IN EXCHANGE FOR ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. The whole business lo be conducted on the system of pay as yon go; and at cheap er rates than any other house. Call ana judge for voutselves. JAMES S. McNINCH. November 8, 1865. MORO PHILLIPS' Super-PIiosphafe of Lime. Baugh Sons' Eaw Bone Phosphate, in large and small quantities, and Pure War rantid Lake Salt, at wholesale Sr retail, for sale by J. II. II ARM AN, July3. I860. Rupert Station Terrible Excitement ! IN LIGHT STREET, AT PETER ENT'S STORE, Oci Account of tlic New Arrival of WAIA z Winter GREA T J?ED UCTJON 7AT PRICES FTAS just received from the eastern cities and is now opening tt the old stand a splendid assortment of (23 rr cr? Do. si in. gQ. a E3 cs q which will be sold cheap for CASH Oil COUNTRY PROMJCR ! His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods, choices-t styles and latest fashions. CALICOES, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS'. FLANNELS, HOSIERY, SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS, &C. Ucariy-i?f :i'lc C!otEiiu? SATINETS, CASSIMEKES, COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JE A N S -THREAD, &C. QUE ENS" V ARE , CEDAIiWAjlE, HAUL) WARE. MEDICINE'S, DRUGS, COOTS AND sliGKS, HATS and CAPS, In short everything usually kept in a oonntry store. '1 h patronage of ' his old friend', and the public generally, is lespectlully so licited. The highest market price, paid for conn try produce. PETER ENT. L'ghl S'reet. Oct. 4, 1865. Miller's Store. OF Fall&j Winter Goods. !MIE subscriber has just returned from - Ihe cities with another large and helecl assortment of Pull and JEinter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, al ihe lowest figure, and which he is deter mined to sell 011 as modeiHte terms as can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsbuig. His stock romprises LA DIE'S DRESS GOODS of ihe chcicest styles and latest fashions, losether with a lame assortment of DRY-GOODS. MUSLINS, CLOTHS, AND VESTINGS. ALSO, GROCERIES, H ATM) WARE, QUEENS WARE, CEi RWARE, HOLLOW WARE. NAS, IRON. ROOTS ' SHOES, b CAPS.4-C. In short, every thing uy kept in coun try stores, u which he iQfues the attention Of the public generally. JT. The highest price wiff be pa'd for coun try produce, in exchange fr goods. STEPHEN 11. MILLER. Bloomsbnr-r, Nov. 22, 65. VID01VS' AFPRMSE5IEXTS. !oJicc cf Confirmation. THE following r.ppraisVmer.t? r. rer.l at-d personal property set cpirtto Widows of Decedents have been filed in the CnTc of ihe Register of ColembiConutj, under the Urdes of Court, and will.' be presetted fcr absolve confirmaticn, tofihe Orphan's Court to be held in Eioomsburt, in and for said county, or. WEDNESDAY, THE C;h DAY OF DECEMBER, A D.I 1SG5, at 2 o'clock Tn the afternoon of said way ; unless excep. lions to such confirmatfma are previously filed ; of which all prfr-ons interested in said estates will take i!Vtice. Wift tw ot John Yrger, ssn.. of Locu?!, filed 2d An:: lS8.r Wid w ol John WJI'er. oi Lccust, filed 14;h Ana. 1SC5. tV Widow of Wil', of Centre, filed 22d An-. ?ft Widow nfletiry men, cf Briarcreek, filed 23d Ac;. Widow of Arch';jii.'.tereon . of Green wood, filed 2UrtIvz. 165. 6.A i.'o.v of Wm. l Shannon, of Scott, Tiled 1st Sept. if5. 7. 8. WiMow cf Geo Lo-tanberser, of Mine, f 4th 'pt 65. Parks, cf Sugirloaf, WUow fcl'', filed ISth Sept. 9. Wiiow ol Sidomi:-. S rocp, of Madison, filed 21st Sent.iTr65. 10. Widow cf N. ' Penninstm, cf Fish it 'Ecreek, filed Cd Oct. 186j. -Widow cl J-trrr Vv. Kitchen, of Sugar- 11. loaf, filed 16tiYOrt. 1865. . Widow cf Danrel G. E.U, cf Sjo'.I, fileJ 30th Oct. 1&65: JOHN G FPXF.ZE, R.!::?:er'f CiFicv IL'jieter. EIf;omsbjarg,Nov. 8, 1S55 . THE County Commissioners will re-eitre proposals al the the house cl John L. H.Ust, in Siabtown, Columbia County, between the hours of 10 A M. and 3 P. M., on SAT URDAY, THE 2d DAY OF DECEMBER, next, for building an Arch Covered Urtdje, over Roarincreek, i.ear G. W. Parr's Mil', in Franklin township. Said bridge to be 67 feel between abetment?; width 16 leet The abutments are already bnili, except al tering face lor Skewback. Plan and Gpe cificaticn can be seen 0:1 the d;y and place of letiir.g. Ry order of the Com'rs. R. C. FRUIT, Commissioners' OfTice, j Cleik. F.loomsburg, Nov. 8, 1S65. j CURED of Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and the effects of youthful in discretion, will be happy to furnish others with the means of cure, (b;e if ctargc.) This temedy is simple, sale, and certain. KrFor particulars, by return mail, please address, JOHN H. OGDEN, June 7, 1SG5. CO Nassau St N Y. CERTIFICATE No. 514, dated August 6th, 1359, for Six Shares of the Preferred Stock ol the Lackawanna an I bloomsburg Railroad Company issued to rne, having been lo.-t, this is lo caution all persons against purchasing the same, as I have ap plied fcr a new certificate. CORNELIUS J. SPRAGUE, Co.x 2637, N. Y. City Nov. 1, 1S65. 4w. CHARLES B. BROCKWAY, Altornpy-ai-aw, Bounties, Bach-pay, Pensions, -c, collected. Special aU?:Jt'nn p iid to matters arising under x-i Internal Revenue Laws. OFFICE, Fourth door below ' American House." BLOOMSBURG, Pa. November 8, 1865. ; TUEmaZXlX PECTORAL rVi7LL CURE !T'rwjf rf!, v-Yoor Cough. gT' ?Ql itRed ibe adver- a'iml Tb - ri.atnx . Pec HiiiK toral: or compound Syrup of WildCherry and Seneka Snake Root, will cure the Diseases of tbe Throat and Lungs, such as colds, cough, cronp, Asthma, bionchnis, catatrh, sore throat, hoarseness, whooping cough, &c. , Its timely nse will prevent PULMOARY ( CONSUMPTION. And even where tbi fearful difas'f t fully developed, it will afford more relief than anv other medicine. J. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker ol the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, says ; "This couch remedy is notv exten sive used, and i of ihe highest vslueto the community, its curative qnsliiies hav ing been tested bv thousands with th most gratifying result. It ih carefully nnd skilltully prepared (rum Wild Cherry Bark and Seneka Snake Root, by Dr. Levi Ober holtzer. a reputable physician of Phcpnix ville, Pa., and is sold by ne:ir'y all dftig " gists and country storekeeper." D. P. Crosby, ex-Post Matr "d er Butgess of Potts'own, certifies flj follows; POTTSIOWN, Jan. 3, 18fi5.- This certifies th&t I have ued the PI o nix Pectoral in my family, and recom rr.end it to the Public as ihe very best remedy for rough and coifs that I have ever tried One i f my children was taken with a cdd. accompanied with a cronpy coush, so bad, indeed, that it could not, talk and scarcely breathp. Hiving heard so much said about the Phreiiix Pectoral I pmenred s bofle cf ii. Hie first dose relieves the difficulty ol bre?lhng, and be fore the chi'd had taken one faunh of the botiln it was entirely well. Every family should have it in Iheir hone. Signed D. P. CROSBY. J. C Smith, dragqist of New Hope.Buckd conuty, Pa., in writing to Dr. Oberhohzer, says: "A lew days since I bought two dozen of your valuable couah remedy to try, and find it very good, and as ii is near ly all gone I would like. you to send me a gross of it. "Your medicine gives better satisfaction than any other I have in the Store. I am agent lor some of the most popular conah preparations, but yours seems lo be doing the mot good." The following is an extract from a letter from Hiram Ellis, merchant, near Potts-, town, Pa., "I have tried Ihe Phoenix Pec toral and find it 10 be ihe bet cough med icine extant. It meets with a more readf sale than any other that I have ever bad in my store." The proprietor of thi medicine has so much confidence in its curative powers, from the testimony of thousands who have ued it, that the money will te paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects.'' It is so pleasant In take that children cry for it. t'rice THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; large liotlles ONE DOLLAR. It is intended f or onlv one class of dis eases, nameiy those ol the THROAT and LUNGS. Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER M D., Pi mnixvilie, Pa., and sold by all Driisists and Storekeepers. . Johnson, Holloway, & CowJen, No. 21 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, and F. C. Wells & Co., 115 Frankl. n Street, New York. General Wholesale Agent. N. C. If your nearest drogai-t or store keeper does not keep this medicine do rot let him put y ou otT with some other medi cine, because he makes mors money on ii, but send at once, to one 0? the Asents for it. June 21, 1SG5. Cm. Q IP S G .1 SI, WORTH OF ES. CHAIN'S. RtXSS. iC. G. S. HAS KINS c CO., 3G Bceki.ian trect, JS'uo Yark. oifsr t'io fcllowing ifidneements to Buyers ol Valuable Having been f or a l"gtime ersaged the Packet btisin?, and established our reputation frr promptness and reliability, and possessing great facilities for sellic" Je-velry m thi way, we 8re confident that we can ctve f atis'action to all who lenl dipreed to patronize ns. S650.OC0 WORTH OF WATCHES, DIA mond Pins, Chains, to be told for On Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what yon are to feeive. JUST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH ! 173 Watches (handsomely engraved and warranted perfect time keepers), varying in prices ftom ?20 00 to S120 00 each." 225 Ladies' watches, solid gold hunting ca-e, ?5 CO csch. 250 Gen lemetrs silver watches 15 00 to 20 CO each. 6,o&(! Lnte't style vesl and tieck chains, 1 5C to 30 00 each 5.('t!0 Gent's California DiamonJ Tins, 2 50 to 25 00 each. 4 CC0 Cahiomia diamond ear drcp 2 03., to 15 00 each. 3 ICO Miniature and enamelled gflnt icrf pin, new styles, 5 00 to 15 00 each. 2,000 Masonic and emblem pins, 3 00 lo 00 each. 2 tOO Gold band bracelets, engraved and piain, 3 00 lo 20 00 each. 3 000 Jet aud Mosaic brooches, 3 00 lo 70 00 each. 2,000 Cameo brooche, rich pattern, very tasty, 3 00 io 60 00 each. 4 500 Florentine and Lava pins, the real article, 4 CO to 10 00 each. 3 500 Lava and Florentine ear drop, 3 00 to 10 00 each. 3. "00 Coral ear drops, 4 00 to 6 00 eacb. 2,000 Ladies' Chatelaine chains, j-it and gold, 15 00 tc 20 00 each. C.000 Gent's pins, a splendid assortment, 2 00 to 15 00 earh. 4, COO Solitaire sleeve buttons, entitely new styles, 2 00 to 5 00 each. 3 COO Studs ar.d sleeve bullous, in sets, verv rich, 3 00 13 15 00 each. 5,000 Sleeve buttons, plain, enamelled ani engraved, 2 00 to 8 00 ach. 10,000 Plain and handsomely engraved tmzs-, 2 0 to 10 00 esch. 8,000 Spring lockets, double case, tichly engraved, 2 00 to 15 00 each. 15,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new and latest styles, 6 00 to 12 00 each. 2.000 Gold pens, snd handsome silver cases, 5 CO to 10 00 each. This entire li.-t of beautiful and valuable good will be so'd for Dollar Each Certificates of ail the above articles will be placed in envelope", and ssatad. The."e envelopes are rent by mail, a crJenjd, without regard to- choice. O.i the receipt of tha Certifican? you will see what you are lo have, and then it i? at your option to senJ one doilar and taka the article, or not. Jrive Certificates can be ordered for SI; eleven for S2; thirty-five for 5; sixty-five for S10; and one hundred for S15. We will send a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 cents. G. S. HASKINS, & Co., Box 4270. 26 Beekman'St.; N-Y. hiopmbur?, April 5'h. 1P5. DAVID L0HEXSE2G. CLOTHING STOR E, On Main street, two doorsabove tLe Amer icaa Hotel. .