The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 15, 1865, Image 4
- W Ui a T IX EVicn. crises. 4-Wt;ariipa:2ii jr.M opaainjj in -4 FOlraf i deri'iiied to be on? of :rrat ; tfe, and to nave a powerful ir.fl--ee upon the future of the country at lare. rt ureal measure it will determ ine ' ih bernainrial coMeM of 1866. anil have an .loenre opon H e presidential elecion two aw thereafter. Bnl, more important, it dl probably determine He rhoice of the xi U. S. Senator from ih i- State and thns TV ct the lef.islatioil of Congress anil the iora'ion of pears to the land, li is, erefore, of vita! importance th&T every enion should ba made by every member . our pany 10 eectue ine victory. Iot y shmdd every 1 cal organization be put ; work, hut every r honorable measiis tiipuld adopted to stir up the apathetic and kewarm, and lo make new vole? by enn-v.-ion. It cu only be through the im iutable and golden principles of Democra 1 that the countiy can be. redeemed from s thraldom of fanaticism, degradation and xation. Outside the Democracy theie are i principles. Ihe rule of nctton of the' position is ever changincr one thins to- j y something else to-rrorrow. Il is held iether merely by expedients the la'eM I d most ctitrsufons of all lein the mod- ! n. six-rr.ontas political triclc ol nero i7rn"e. To deleal this, and nil oher hemes of the Abolii'um-shnddy hordes I ;ho live or.!y to plunder find tyrannize. Il j ery Democrat arouse tad circ on the 'sty armor of his fathers in Democracy - i VVa-liinton, o.' Jefferson, ct Jackson. :d march to battle nl to victory ! HE WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION, j As ihe Central or;:an of ihe Dmnc rat e ily the Weekly and Union has inquired a larze ancf more diffused circu ,iiyn than any other Democratic journal the Sta'e It has heretofore occupied i inflneniial position as an able and in 'istiiciis worker in the cau-e of Demoe- ! i r. i .. .1..,. : . . 1 - w i .I r . -3 to be a va uab'e organ of the partv I j- ,r . . c- ' . is not for us, however, to rtifi our own) , if ' , . ' i -.i r i . .. ork. Il we have been laithful to tie ' r ,t, . -., , ,, . . iuse ot the party and the country, we i - r . n . v fpe every Democrat will make i an ob- r. . 3 , r ii r . i. I ci to expend our field of cpera ions by . i- . i l v i ulmg lo our lit o subscribers, i t.e low . tt , , , .iiHitnhe Weekly in ccrrpar;sor. with ' r r t i u -. e amount of jRrttier furnished, makes it i r .. u . i : ie of the cheapest cf r ewspapers. e . pe every good Democrat who reads this j 'il send his name a-.d f2 53 for a copy for i 5 e year. It ihis is t-o much for those who ! u t,,4 f i -nts each, and receive the Weekly Pa'rict 3 Tel i L' l i i . v an cjv.ii rtuu v. :,.!i!ninn for ihe rarnnai 'n. Tne (ol'.o v- jt are the lerms : j" TEKM3 FEB TEAS. ngle copies, per annum, 2 50 I " ' 'six mor.lh, , 1 50 .ubs of ten or more to one adJreti 2 CO CRING THKCAMPAISS. ns'e copiea 5" c!s ubs of ten or more io one address 50 cts All orders shojld be a !Jres?d lo the PATRIOT AND U'!ON, HarrisLcrc, Pa. .orliiei'ii Ccsafra! Hailivny. Tl M E TALBE. 'THREE TRAINS DAILY to ard from lh? Lirth atid Weft Branch cf Hie Elrnira, and all of Ncrthern New York. On and afier Monday, Hay 2s:h, 1 65, e Pasi-enner trains of the North Central ,dilway will arrive and ?epart from Sun- .iry, Plrrisburc and Ba' imor?,as follows: 1 . SOUTHWARD. tail Train leaves Sunbury daily - except Sundays, at 10 40 a m. eaves Hairiborg, 1.30 p.m. Arrives al Bahimor'?, 5.30 " vpress Train leaes Sunbury daily exce;t Sundajs, at 1 1 40 p.m. ;.ives Harrisb'rg except Jlonday 2.50 a.m. rrives at baltimore daily except Monday, at 7.C0 a.m. ccommodaiion leaves Harrisb'rg 7.43 a.m. n;bciy Acc. leaves Sunbur) dtlv except Sundays at 7 30 a.m. Irv'g a Harrib' excapl S-jndays 10.15 ' j iSORTHltJtllD. lail Trailleaves Uahimore daily j except Sundays at 9 20 a m. eaves Harrisbnrg, 1.45 p m. ) Arrives at Sunbury, 4.20 p m. ixjies. Trains Baltimore daily, 10.00 " j -. Arrives at Harrii-burj, 2.20 a.m .eaves Harrisb'rj except Monday .2.40 " Arrives at Sunbury, 5.15 " frie ExDrest leaves Baltimore ex cept Sunday at f 00 p.m. Arrives at Hairisburj, 12.55 a.m. Leaves Harrisbnrg, 1.15 Arrives at Sanbary, 4 10 " inbury Accnrn. leaves flarrisfcurg Daily except Sundays at 4.25 p.m. Arrives at Sunbury at 7 10 " Por further particulars rpply at Ihe oflice. I N DU BARRY. Supt; IIarr'?bnrff. July 10, lSfi.5. Clock and Watch EaEici', j AND 1MPOUTER OF Vntcbes, Jewelry Ar Frc;c!i l ime-FIcccu I ALSO ! M'F CTl" a K R OF SILVER AND SILVER PLA ! TED WARE, 70L). SIL VE: lr STEEL SPECTACLES. No. 1031 Murktl islrerl. below EZevnlh j Norih Stu'e, . PA1LADELPHIA. I Clocks, Watches vxL Jewelry neatly re- oairetl at ihe honest notice. ' Gildjn? and Plating, of all desert p! ions, C-N. B. Wasoni-5, Odd Fellow's end i v.her emblematic Harks, raade i;id Eti- -raved lo order. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF 30S3S 7RENC11, EX GUSH AMERI CAN CLOt-KS, TADLK AM) PGCKGT CCTLE) V, AH.72Y COZSES KAtJGES Oil SALE AND MADE To ORDKR. a'j. 1031 M'arket S ree;, 3d door below Eleventh, rConh eide. ' Marcli 26, 1865. 17:i.D K00XS Propxfelor. . DL.'0032SnVRG PA.. PHIS majnificent Hotel, situate in the A. central poriion of the town, and op ;si!e the Court House, hi? been thoroughly ; paired and refurnished, and ihe Proprieior j nov prepared lo accommodate travelers, rosters, drovers and boarders in the mosi asactand agreeable manner. His table i'l be srppiied with best the market T:ir is,snd his Car with the choicest liquors, .t.tanlis'; ostlers will always be cn har.d, n.I his stablinii" i the most extensive in iis fts ion 01 country. umnu-uses wn of Wvays'J'e m reaniness 10 cmivey passen Tim rvi: wvi:k ievts. i THE LEST PA PC It IX TlllE WORLD. G. Wbb'cl, Ed. and Proprietor .. . IPdpcdcsxP-SS' The Democracy of ihe Nrt!i will cnm mi; a fa'al error if they nceeDl the resell of ihe Iat Presidential election a an imlica lion from ihe hand of Destiny lo rela jheir political nrtion until ihe opnirn of Ihe next campaign. The. future welfare of the republic depends uton the prditira zeal ami activity of the Democracy during the year 1865. ' Tte small majorby ofihe popn(ar vote that elected ihe Black Republican enndi- dates, considered in view of the e.xtraordi- ; "3' resources ot me Aiimmislration tor corruption and compulsion, attests that the power of the Democracy, on a fair field, is equal to the vindication of Democratic principles. There is one feature in the result of the Presidential election thai goes far to re concile ihe patriot to the hard fate of his country under four years more of Flack Republican misrule, fhe. balef'jl meteor that lingered in grief while in onr political a'mo'phere has vanished for ever. War Democracy has fi.ifided its mision rf ui- organization, and like a-1) other pestilence will be remembered only for the evil it has done. The now beW the pen-d j the iia trnala between Centeralizaiion and Siates' Kighi-, and io journal is Democra! ic lhat is not the devoted champion of States' Rights, the paramonnt principle of the Democratic faith. The New York News needs ro testimony beyond its plain unalterable record to sub stantiate i;s claim to beinj and teen the most earnest, able ard consistent Stiites' Rigliis Journal in .lae lnd. Ve have no excuses to invent for modifications i of sentiment , nor hnve we to pit ad "ex pedencj" in palliation ot incoisistencv. L . . . . r , puih has teen struct for.vard. 0.:r r . . - , ,. columns are teicre the people, not a iv.s ... , , ' ' in t.iern that we would cancel nor sen;i- . tin. reent we would reca !. not an assertion . , ' . . , that requires an epla:ia ion, not a nnrJ ,, , 1 . . '. that we regret to have m ered, not a rnn- - , . . , , .. . . ' ; ' c:p!e adv jeafed that we have no1 too l by i . n . i u . .u i c u l 3 ad wi I stand by lo tne Ms. S-ich has . 3 , .,, . . been our past record, so will Ne our luture. 1 e 10 ,,0,j however, a-k the Democracy IO sustain us in oor rni-sion a a reward fjr ,he service we have done, but in on- SMeranon oi me srorc work in al we dh ' m i f fe to 1 Nw iork iSews for Hoi i w11 ct merely imitate Its predece-sors, it will excel them. It shall be not only ihe I'ueet exponent cf Democialio principle, bui the best ncwinaper in fie cou'itrv. Heretofore it Ins had no superior a a ve- hicle of news, hereafter it shall have no i ee,ual. In every department of pt:rna!im we have arrangi-d that the new s saall dis-: competition. It is the only Demo ! cfatic new spaper in the metropolis that has the advantaae o! purdisfnpg a daily isue with the full dispatches of the Associated Press, and therefore i's machinery for fir r.ihir.g a complete record cf events h more perfect than tha: of any cf i s Demo cratic cotemporaries. NJnt have a'tewpt cd latterly, to compete with it in the publi cation cJ Souther.i inteli getice, as our system cf exchaise with Southern journals LaSles the sagacity and eti'.erj f'.se cf our rivals. A glance at the cnlurrn cf The News j devoed lo ''Southern and Northern per- 1 snal.H''' will remark the e.x'raordinarv sue- j cess that has attended our enterprise in i that direction. We are in daily receipt of i letters ex;tressi:i2 the thank ol those who, thrcnuh the media'm of the ' Personals in 1 Tlie News, have teen enabled to receive! Slere:copts and Microscopic Vines, li l'm;: from their friends and relatives in ! Of these we have an immen-e assortment, the Sooth, and the heart of many an ex'de ! incln Initj WarS-enes, Af:ier:c-i and P.,r and wanderer ha lieen gladdened ihrot!h J er Citie and Landscape, Groups. S at that by words of a'fectio i ! narv. fee, &s. Alo. llol.ica S-er"o. 1 and hope Irorn tho-e monr-ied for as iiea I. j The New York News h.s tfCOT.e so popular iti the rural iii-trict iha' othf r Me- Iropolitati j huimI-, iti pu'.d hir.j; their sterenl ped t-na-l nf ' the largest circula tion ol any weekly pumal' are con-trained 10 make an exception in o;jt favor It i a sinificanl circiiir;itance that Mure the Presidential election and consequent de mise of War Deir.oc.'RCy, the sohscrip ions 10 t L is paper have Leen unusualiy numer ous. The A rrriiT.I; nral Dppsrtmonf rC Th I Nrtvv York New renders it an invaluable ' companion and assitant !o the farmer ; ami its Cattle, Maket and Produce Ra pr.risare more reliable and full thati those of any 1. liter journal. Toe Daily News will forfeit one thou sand dollars if, in the above Department, competent jnde should deny its superi ority. DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year, by mail One copy, six months, WEEKLY NEWS. One copy, ens year, Four copies, one year, Ten copies, one year. Twentv copies, one year, SlO.flO 5 00 2 00 7X0 17 (o SO.GO We have no traveling agent authorized to collect cr receive money for subscrip tion?. Orders and I?:!er should b? addressed to BENJAMIN WOOD. Daily News Office, New York. IS Go. Jan. NEW GOODS! Viiclhcr Arrival o AI 2" Goods. C7? TT; r f. rrr riflt. lH n nilfi lirO(ifir' ! CTr r r: Now in Four Time, to Ihiy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER rpHF. cndersbn'ed hav'1112 retnrn-d J. from the Eas-.ern riiies with a Urae I and fnll a.anrim.nt f tTT -cr-, ... ,.-wni,rrlFrt-r 1 in addition to a npen fi r. cr stock of spring and summer M HATS AND CAPS, comprising every son and qualitj, is now prepared to sell a liirle cheaper than can purchased elsewhere. H-s Stock of GROCERIES are not sur passed in 1 1; is marke', which he offers cheao for rafh, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO:-A fine loiofEIDS, M0R0CCOES, ar.dLININGS lo wrjich he invites the at tention ol Shoemakers and ihe public. Give fiim a call At Slroap's Oid Stand, cn Main Street. JOHN K. GJRTON. Bloorcsborg, Ncv'r 27 1864. DR. J.R. EVANS, Pbysician and Surson TTAVING loea'ed permanently cn Mart iA Street, BLOOMS BURG, Pa., WOnId in form the public generally, lhal he is pre- na ruil in 3 tnri m utl Kn.inscg f r. It . . 1 . .- - - , v ... XM -..iv 1 1 11 1 il 11 1 tlllU punctnaliy lhat may be imrnsted 10 his care on term co-nmen-urite with rbe limes. g.JMtT wr ra Mr. CV CABINET WARE ROOM. SIMON C. W52IVE, T ESPEC TFULLY invites the a'lention or the Piibiic to his cxieosive i.crtment of Cabinet I-rniture and C H A IHS, which he will warraiit mai.'e of good Wpa materials ar;d in a workmanlike man-i ner. Al his establishment can always ba lonnd a good assortment of fa.-hionable furniture, which in equal in siyle hod fin ish to that of Philadelphia or N. York cities and ai bs low prices. He has on hand RiT il ol diflereiit stylo and ; r; .f , - A prices, from 25 to ?60. Divans Lwimses, Warm ut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and eay chairs, Piano stools, ami j - tr. a variety of uphol.-tered work, with Dress- j lowest rash prices. The public are re.pect in and parlor bureaus sofa, card, 3 fully tcliciled to ive his liquor a Irinl. centre and pier tables, detashn?, r chefTenier',whatno!s and rnm(i(lj,-!i-i and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common .VHst!.Mands,dress-tables, corner cupboards. DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, be Nteails.cane seat an 1 common chairs is the laruet in this section ol the county. lie will aiso keep a no I aeorimeni of lnokina glasses vi:h fancy gitt and com mon He will also furnish spring mat'.rasses fitted lo any sized bed.-teal, v hich ar superior lor durability and com fort to any bed in use. li!oomsbnr Nov. 4, 1S63. ARCANA WATCH. An Licgaul AoYclly in lVafrtie?. THE cases of this watch, are an entirely new ir, yention , composed of six different ms'ais combined, roiid together and pl.inishe J, pro i ucin 2 an exact inn:a'ion of IS carat gold, calletl Arcnrn, which wiil always keep its color. They are as beantifol and durable as solid gold, and are afforded at one eighth the cosi. The cae is beautifully designed, wiih Piinel and shiehi lor mrrte, with Patent P,ih. Pin, and encraved in the exact stvle of the cele brated Gold Hunting Levers and are real ly h.miisome and ilesirable, si'id so exact an imitation of gold, as to 'defy detection. The trioverori:t i ma tin fact n red bv tfie Wfll known St. Jimer Wa'cli Company of r.orone. and are sunerbiy n:ii-'e l, having eti-'ravt-tl r.nilcts. laucv carved Druir'PS. a tjn-tin'j regnlator, with cold balanced, an ' t'ie improved ruby jewelled action with the luii! dial and bkeieton hands, and is warranted a nood time keeper. T:; wa'rhes are of thre dificrem eiz"?. iese the smallest teinu for ladies an I are ail Hunt- ma C ae. A cae of si v, will be ser.t cv mail or Express tor S125. CO. A single one sent i;i an eleven! Morocco cae fort'25.00 wi'.i readily se!i tor three limes their cost. We are the so agents fortius Watch in the Uni ed S'a'es, and none sire ger.ui:re which do r.o: tear our Tiada Mark. A:ldress, DEVAUGII k CO., ImpoMers, 15 Maiileri Lane, New Yoik. Feb 8, lS5 3mo i:. L II. T. ANTHONY & 1 0 , .Uanul lciurcr of rtioWigriiphic .Hatei nils, WHOI.FSALE AND RKTAIJ.. 5 0 1 BROAD W A Y, N. Y. li aifdiiion to rcr main bnsines? ol POTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Iiea 'quarters forile foilowi- , viz scopes !r pnMi? or private ehibnio;i. Ot:r Catalogue w ill he sei.t lo any a fd.-ess c:i teceipi ot Slump. We were ihe first to introduce lhe i:do t!ie Un ited it a f s. and we manu lactnre irn- ! rcense tjdar.tit'es in prcat variety, rasing 1 in price from 50 cents tc S50 eac'i. Our ! 4:.IIL'"SS have the reputation of beinsr snpfriorin beantj- and tiiMabiiity le any t others. Thev will be sent by mad. on receipt r f price. ZXZTTine Albums Made to order. CRD PHOTOGRAPHS. Onr Catalogue now emtrices over Five Thousand subj-c(s (to which ad.fiiions are continually beins ma.'e) of Portraits of Eminent Americans. viz about 10O Mai. Generals, I 550 aTe-ruens, 2C0 "rz. Generals, 275 Color-rls,. IPO Lieu:. C. lrne' 250 O OiT.cers. 75 Navy Oilicet, 130 iliv nes, 125 Anthers, 40 Artist., 12T- Si:t?s, L0 Pr.iiis'nt Women, ISO Prominent Porciirn I'orii.'iiis. 3,O0 C'optcs oT tYorlis of inclmiin reproduction of th-o most cele brated Enravins, Paintings, Statutes, :c Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An Order lot one dozen Pictures fr -irn onr Cat alo'Jfl will be filled on tbe receipt c! 1.80 1 at;d sent by mail, Free. I'tio nsrap tier aoci oiners criterin-r siorij C. O. D. will please rent it twentydive pe cert of the wish their order. CzT The price? end qualify cf o'.:r goods con not fail lo giUJu. E Si U. i ANTHONY CO., Manufacturers of Phntotipoic Matetialj, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Dec 7, 64. Grno. roNDUCTPI) tT HARVY fio COLLINS, WASHINGTON. D C. I orUer. ' prompt aiijn:- ,menl f'' ''Onn-y, arrears of pay, I Vrivioo d other claims doe srddiere and oilier persons from the Governmem cf tbe U. S, ihe undersigned made srrartgernei:! witri tbe aDov firm whose experience and close proximity 10, and daily intercourse with, 1 he Depariment, as well a (he early knowledge acquired by them cf the decis ions frequently being made, er.abl-j them to prosecute claims more effectually than Attorneys a! a distance can possibly do AH persons entitled lo Ciaims ol Us above iscription can have ibem properly attend- ed lo by railing on rna and enlrr.stins them to my care. W. WHIT J . - Acent for Harvr d Col!in Dloomsbnrri, Anu-i K). IV64. DISS0LUTIOX OF i O-I'lilTMlUIIIP. 1 HE Co-rtr'er''ip (..'rfn-'i, exi-t:'i.' fcstweii J,.riii E U'OZ it Edward Ki.r, trading under the firm o j ptm K f'rntz Co.. is Itiis day di- le: b. ni'i n-d i nn- ni. All person Lavntj nr-efleij :c- i-ounis, eiinrr o'l ennu,, f.r Jinrn etc, are reques'ed lo present ibrn without rle lay for adjustment. Tns Tanriins bnsinei w.ill hereafter be coniinuei in all its branche. by John K. Grotz & Son, at the Old S'vd, rer !'!oombnr?. ameer? Vhocsnlc nd t.ctti. TTIEsubscrif-er vouid announce to the cilizens of Lloomsbtirc and vicir.uv, that he i selling LIQUOIIS in lr,rz and small qu nti' ies. and ai duTerenl prices, al his New Store, on ilain street, nor.hs'nle, two doors soul1! of V,..i Iron sreei, Bloomsburg. U'.s w slock of Foreign ami Domestic J. j-a?. j-, consists of Counac and Kochelle, Blackbrr ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of OKI Rye. gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Foiks Whiskey, and any quantity oi common. Ee al?o has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Cherry and Cam paune Wines: and ;it bill hot leal. a nnantiiv ol uood double extr? liUOVVN STOUT ; all of which he will sell ai the D. W. ROB BINS, Ag't Bloomsburg, May 1, 1S61. WYOJUSG IXSrRAX(E COiUPAXT, CJJict over iuc Wyoming Hank, CAPITAL -AND M7KPLFS, 150,030. Will ini:re s:i;ainst loss or d.imaue by Fire on property in town or country, ut reasonable verms. DIRECTORS, G. M Hollenbnck, John Heichard, Samuel Wadhams, D L Siioe maker, Daniel G. Driesbach, R. C. Smi h' R. D. Lacoe, (i. P. Steele. W. W. Keicharn Charles Dor;ar;ce, W. S. Ross, George M Harding. O. M. IIOLI.CNRACII. Prcs't. I). L. SIIOEM AKKli, 7'. I'res't. R C. SMITH, Secretary, W. G. STERLING, Treasurer L H. CONOVER. Aent, Beach Haven, Pa. December 2 1, 1FC3. ly. JYcw Slock of Clothing. i T N 1 1 r.S at'cniion to his st:ck of chea; ; i . i ia-iiinu.iL-ic j).;iuii,, i ii ivr i-i: 2L1 IX S TP. EE T, EL O OMSI2 67? G , tico doors above the .imtrica-i House, where he has jost received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of I?Irn an:! Boy's CSolain?:, includicg the inos' fas!.io-.ab!e, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, cctisis ,,n 0 Hex, Sack, Frock t Gum end Oil Clcth Coa.'c, an I ran!;, oi sti sens. Sizes, ar.u coir-rs. aiso nas re; lenihed I,!s already large stock of Fall u a s v..,.e Vii.ianis,.ort an i Baltiroore end Winter Shawls; etnped. tiaored and for j-iorria i i r-pc tin-.' Passen-jn-plain Vests, shirts, cravats, Hock--, co lars. j tM;.;,,s ar.0:y m , or 30'!i.i i I M ..rkei S 3 handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders ai lancy ; pi.iia.Mi.tna. Avid for Erei-ln tuu:o3s 0 ar'""1"- ! it e' Aer.t. N li --He has constantly on hand a lir-e ani wfii -electee: assortment 01 i.iottis a:ui Yc-fifi's. wl.ic'i he is prepared to make rp o order, into a iy kind rf rlodii: : on very short notice and in the bel of manner. Ail his c!th::2 is innde 10 wear at-d most of it is ot home manufacture. A N D Ol every Pescrtptico, Tine nt d Cheap. His Case of Jewelry i rot M-rpassed in :hi place. Call and examine his gereru! as sorlTent cf Clothinc:, Watches, Jrwelrj", cc. fee. DAVID LOWENDERv.i. Pdoox&'or.r?, April CO, 1S65. G R OCER STORZ . ON MAIN STREET, ELOGJISDLT.G. iylcrc E-'rcyh Goc:". Just received c f Henry Giber's Nvir Store: M OLA SS ES, SUG K.S. TEA Sf C CJ FFF.E, I1ICL, S PIC ES. F!SII. SALT. UAISIN, TOBAOCO. SKAItS, CANDIES, NOTINNs, Tovs, fi:i:d axd rr.cvisroxs, Together with a rea! variety of notiotis Sic , mo nnnerons to metiiioo. 1JUTTF.11 EGGS. MET, and Produce iiener-iily. taken in pc:l.r:, frr 'Ow. The bfst irtarhfel price will tc 1 1 j Ci.owec Give hiiri c rail. ii!::;r.Y giger. DIoornsbi:rpr, April Co. iSco TOBACCO At Stroi'p's Oh! Stand, on Mai.i Street. THE nndersined, b.avissu rpeppd t!i Store lormcrly o-cupiid by David Stro-p as a Grocery, and lurt.i-hed it witri a larj:e and vr.r'.ed ai-sor'meni of evcellor.'. TO li A CCO AND AllS, mosl resppftfnlly inves tki pa'ro-j-ce of the citizens ot Ijioori-s'.mr firm vic'idty. He is prepare 1 lo eil at '.vlicle-ah and retail, Ojion tr.e mc' r,;a-onab'e tT.-ris. Merchants, llo-el l;n,if:s. a. I Gr"c?ry rr.m, v, or.ld do wed to u'-ve 2i - t a cad. n?"A!l kituls of Chewius and Smoking Tobacco, i-i l irje ar.d small onantiiies, con ttantly on band frr sals. II. II I5UNSUERGER. DloomsV,or?i Sept 13, 1SG3. DL0WISBtK ACADE?IY. THE rpxi Term of this Institntion w"!l besm on WEDNESDAY, AliUT 161 IL 18C3. 7 he regular prices ol Tiii'ioii ranue from -3 L0 to il 10 per Term ol Eleven Weeks, to be paid af or before the middle of the term. The usual extra charges v.i'I be made .'cr Herman end French, and tlie varices Ornamental F.rar.ches. Il is extremely impcr!am lhal the papils v. -io shall alien. I the School shouM be pres e.nt at tlie becinnins cf iii term, or as scon af'ra possible, in start reaniarly wun 'he class. Li .id cases tni'ion will be , crareil for the rci.i. term. nr. less otherwise ft... by spfciai previous acr--nierit. Tbe ha. I a ! an cvperiefc of year in reaching t! e Lannaue-. an! lush er Maiden atic, as tA.-. i!, va'ioi: f !t-s rd a S.';i:.tial Eiid-!i E.lnca i:r. r .i spare r r -ii'ii! lo eci:rc ra--id af.i t!:or.!'f pin-:- in hi- pupil. LF.V- II. EINKEII, A. M Al-jni 9. iS.;5. Princinal. 1 Attorucy at Baw, (i W g) AND OPire on 'inStrjx!GATA IF IS S A . ' n.'ii. &rouNRR LKYAi ad ccnfi:( Tio?::ri f"7AS always on halid and lor sate l-re-li A BREAD, CAKES, Mini Plliii; Trearli antl Eotnt-slic Conlfcfi. ns in sirea an ! sj Icn liif variety ; N's Erims, and csually found in a lirst clas coriiedionery fetors. He would call especial attention lo Lis newlv received s'ock of PICKLED fRUlTS, AND JELLIES. Having recently fitted up a new and elegant ' Ere Crcmas Snloou, on ihe firft floor, iwdors west of Eyer & Moyer's Drug sioreJ he is prepar-d :r wait npoTi hi- rnai.v ivi-iowerf vviih URnT CLASS ICE CREAM as chep ihe cheapest H' will supply Balls, Par'te. and Picnics widi Ice Cream, Confectioner j : , &c. at reaonaMe rte-. BloonUburj, April 5-6, ISfio. ii c iiui:r, SURCEO IV I K . T i S T. I J ESPECFULLY offers his rI:l; lies & 'entlcrneii ot Blims- burs ami vicinity. He is prepared to attend lo ali the v.irious operations in Den:iiry, am' is provided with ihe latet improved PORCELAIN TEETIf, wh i. h willbe in erled on pivot or gold plate, lo look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carelidly attended lo. '"A superior art:cle of Too'h Powder, a' ways on har.'d. All operations on the teeth wa rra tiled. Res'ntence and OlTcef a few doors above the Court House, same side. lihiomsburu Ann. 19. 185 I I p E N N S Y L V A N I A fc E R I E RAILROAD S- I i is rea! line traverses t'o Nur.hern and Northwest cnurine of Peunsylvaiiia to Ihe city of Ere, on Lako Erie. It has open leased by the Pennsilvar.n Rail Road Company, and is operated by them. I;s entire lent!i wi opened for passen ger and frei::hi business, Oct. I7i:i, 1S64. Time of Passenger trains at Norlh'd. Mai! 1'rain 10 In P. M. Eindra Express Train, 11 27 L Haven Accommodaiion, 11 27 A. Tyrone Accnimrida1 inn, 4 10 P. M. Sipavos Vcslirar:?. Mail Iran, 4 2G A. M. LImira Expres Tfaio, 5 IS Lock II iven Ac'mndation 4 31 P. M. Tyrone Accommodation, 11 DO A. M. Pa-sepger cars run ihrooh on Mail trait; without c'latie bodi ways between Phi! djioliia Erie, an.l U.dtimore and l"-ie. E'.esant Sle; it'g Cars on t!ie Mail T'ai; t"'.;) ways between Philadelphia and Lock It.ii!iiM :ir..t ni; t'lr'iira :i v ri Triiti Oil: s K Kit.-jstoir, Jr., Cor. 13 h and Alar- kei Street. 1 ;.'.a(ie:t!iia. J W. Reynolds, Erie. W Brown, Art. N. C. R. Rallimore. n h. nous ton. G 'htjI Freight A 31. Phil a. II W. (iWINXEU, t'?;; Ticket Agt. Fii'iTa. JOS D. POT I S, Genera! iPirtagT, Wiiiiimspcrt. Feb. 22, 1835. r rosre ci-isTfi Vol. III. ISC". A MONTHLY JOURNAL, irvOTCij -ut 1 yi n: vi rr.v, sciknci: and .nr, and Ttir. "i ;nci;?:rs of 177 G :zid !S7. C. CIIAUNCEY I'LT.R, Ec:tor. M.::.i7;tA will con;ir::i io defend j.riiH (i ivcr.iirient w!i-ti I iiui.ied our latter m iire i.inao-itioti ol i':t Si"pi:t li. T::e spit it and (toctrme of i:.t two f:r' volu'ties w!l be f;:'iy r.i ii:tr,i : t in tiie third volume:. Wb have n imt j-.r--mi-cs 10 make vi;ii error no tiar'pv with Derrncracy wdl be Irei i. not i;s a v ir :j v. "-v of :.:nn--: ii;i;,'--el:"rs :;;,d v;-ci! InMii-rs, l:iii rather a- ;if a't i.!i''i: '.rii ciple of pnliliai ecninri- .t'-ii ol i: -- r lil'r-r'v. Ad nini!i;r o tn;- dii- 1. A.-O'o t: .r. v:!l l e I. el i the eneir ;e.- d tie Lerj.ocacy. W r 110 OrjU'.IZ ilioii tr, i ; a.-'niio -.vied 21 D.'Csocratic wtdch doe not hcne-tly enn:; ,";;i' i;rt snprori tho j ri; ies o '...ft LPttiitcK y an I ri::ia ke-oi.:tK't! ot l.TS tin i the Drd i-Votl D ciioii ct t:.e i"n-;'r-iT' e Ci-tT'. i.'.e crte as-s.--; :, r S'i'u'e Sov j a. id i!i ci'er Ia '.Ke-er L):!.il." vc'V ! ve i!'.e-e l.t imratde ti.-c'.rtnr ihr- i ra'ii party v.- i.- f,i: t bv i!: - in ters cJ ihe Ke' ra! (i vertinic:it. d .1 re n sin?d r:i- to ! :.-tTi c :i ah to ile la'ai j'id di-.'.niiorirrj; itejaniue, :.t m,. rommencsn:ent ol ihis v:ir. Tup Oid Giimili an orjar. ( Dt-rn ocracy as n was. re!re this roi-i;rdly s-r u rt: - r cf nncipfj antl ;; i rvitr-! he m, l rt it can re .ceii our coni-iry lt;iti the nde of !ac - j : . r. ati.t lie-ji- I i-rn . Til is year il ba-s been cn tamed 'o dn::ble i: f.niiier .-i- t h t is c tnr'.y e'uh! psiuesfor .lt, pi:r:;S(, ,, m'.,k i2 il in re-pec;- as to tyie a-nl tracer a popular Literary and Faindv M aazinj. cl!2? '-"--f Z'L D te cop-,, cue year. 2 CO been mpies, (,r.e year, and ci:a to the.'-ettsr up of club, Twenty co;;e, Sin-le copie sent, posl-pald, for 14 00 35 CO 1 ern.s mvariabiy in advance, and the Mauazme wiil be stopped when tiie time paid lor expire. A-each number cT THE OLD fit' A HO is stereni ped, back numbers and v. !:.;, e ran always be li:-ni-.'ied. Set -cri;vnns wii! be understood asrom-mncir.-' wiif. tbe year, and back numbers sei i accordingly, uiiless specially ordered oiberwie. The Oid Guard w ill be ser.t through the Pn: Ofl.ce io subscriber- in the' rdy, U.-ocklviij Williamsburg and Jer--ey City. The po-taue ot Tiie Oid ('t art i.- I2'rs. per year, payable in, at t;;e rtike of mailing or debverv. Copies, ot V. is. I ':,rd II of The Old Guard for IST.3 ar.d 1?4, w ill ? !n Mii-b-d bound in paper, for 61 ci); in clotti lor S2. j-oss psi !. Ali letters in relation to the br.sioss de par-rrent of ihe Maiayme, sjinuld be in- variHi-iy ai ore-,--ed to t!ie undersigned, a- ii'llo'.vi : VAN EVRIE. IJOR10N S: CO., IT. Nas.-au Streel, N- V. KWA!!I)S ASS0ri.TIO.. PHILADELPHIA. PA DISEASES of Ihe Uri! iirv an. I e.ti;; Systems t:ew and re!ia'd irea'mem Al o ihe Bill DAL CHAMBER, an E-s.-v rd Waning and Ii.sti iict-cn, seni in sea'ed. P-ivetopes. free ol charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Ho war.l Assoei jMon, No. L5.SQR!rXJVmjh Sregt Philadel- HEADING HAIL ROAD. I (T REAT Trunk lice tn- KnfU en! JI Nor-wesi f r Pfiiliuii Ipl ia. New York. R-a .ittg. lYtioville, Lebaittiii, Allen town. E.isitm, U.: , Zi". - 'l iains ea e H.trn-hnrg for Nw Y"tk, as follows. Al 3 00. 7 25 and 8.15 x. Al. and 1 45 P. M.. airivina s,t New York l 10 A. M., and 3 00 and 10 30 P. M. The sibove vonnect '.villi similar Trains on the I'cnri-) Ivaitia Road, and bleeping Car- coinpa'iy (tie 3 00 and 8.15 A. M., I'iitns wiit'Oiit rlianye L-ave for Reacfici. Pottsviile. TavrTiq'ia, Mmersvdle. Ashlai l. Pir.e (Jrove. Allen lown and Ph'Ktdelpiiia, al K 15 A. M. ar.d 1 45 P. M., sir pring at Lebanon and prm ripal S'-anon- only. Way Trams. Mcppins ol all roitds. at 7 25 A. M. and 4 40 P.M Retnr-iinj, Leave N'w York at J A. Al , 12 noon, and 8 CO P. AL Philadelphia at 8 A. Al. and 3 30 P AI ; Po't-vil'e at 8 I5A. A1. and 2.35 P M., Mfl.-laml ai fi.10 A Al and 12.30 noon, Tamaqua ai 3.15 A M and 2.15 P.M. and Eedaintr at 1 0, 7 35 and 10 45 A. Al., 1.38 unit 6 C5 P AI. Re;o!i:iii A i'( or' moda! ion Train: Leaves Reading at '( A A', le'uruing Irotri Piiii adelphia at 5 CO P. Al. 1 Columbia Railroad Train'' leave Read- ' ir. at ( 00 and 10.55 A. Al. ami fi.15 P. AL j for Kp'nr;.;a, Liliz, Col iinbi.i, &c. j i:!:'.';i. : Le;ive NVW Y..rk at 8 00 P. ! M. Pnihi -iel.h:a J 15 P. M . Po tsvipe 7.30 ! A.M., T..rna pjd 7 (:) A.M.. IL.rn-burg 8 15 A. Al., ant1 Kcadn.g at 1 00 A. Al tor Har risbwg. Commutation. Mileag?, Season S hool and Exciirsioi: Tickets to and ironi fall points at reduced rpte-. Bagyae checks! through: 60 pound? allow eil each Puarengr. (i. A. NICoLI.S, General Superiiiieiuit.-ii!. Rfadiko Pa.. Am. 9, lfio. E li-ed bv T S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN. IA E. 'IOWNSKND Tti- Hume Magazine for 1R65 will be en larued and improved, and made sliil more wontiy of trie eminent tavor wiih which it lias been received It- character as a 11 isrh-Tossed Periodical, claiming pnl li-t lavcr cn the ground cf ica! merit, will be raretuily mai ntained ; while for vareiy interest, u-efiiine-s, and all me atirartions ol Iner.ilnre and art e-t-etui,!! If; a true Hume .M iua.'ne li e pibii-iers wi ) aim In tn.ikf 1! Superior To Ail O her-. A Fine Steel liuravmij, and Two Pajje of Music, will a; pear in evnry nnrnt'er, besides choice pictures, groups an-l char ae nrs, I'lrevaiiitfj la-luotis. and a l-tree va riety oi pattern- I t arnients. riiilrridery etc., e C. Pi all re-j'cts .ve hall uive A FlLST-tLAS M GAZINE, at a price witinn me reacti ut eiery uit'il' Uf.u I 1 tn 1! v iti 1 1 e I 11.. I . A l.-w-'t. ry by T S. ARfiiUR will bt C'j'iime'ice.1 in liie J 4 ' 1 a r -,' n ii rr: tt-r. Vcarly Term-, hi AiUh iv 0-:e copy. ?2 f,0, Inrce cojiie-. l '(', live copies ,tnl or.e to the ol dub, Sly 0 ). nin copies, and 10 the .-iut up 01 clnb 15(0. tir A l earif il Trmium Pine, eiiid-d 1 I t.e It iancy o! S:iak earn," wil1 I mailed to each person who etids ns ai-'i.b of -libscn'-iers. I' will a!so be r.iaile.l to e.icii single stj.-criber Irorn wh-jni e re feive S2..0. C?rt 54 CO e v .' seed orp e.-j-y cd each home Magazine and (inl)'. i.auj'a Rook lor ore jear. A'Mre . T. S ARTHUR i CO Z22 Wul. ui Sued, I'niia.'t-lptna Nor. 23, isni. OMNIBUS LINE. r"'''IIE u!!ders;r,e.t wocld re f p-ci ft. I ! y an - IP'inrr in liiC fillCP- of 1 ' I io.I: t; rU , a n. I it id iic e:i-raii . thai he i- mnnii.:! .ini.!:;i;:usLi.L: (r, r ditoad ssSiiSL D-T-o-5, da:!v. (S::n iay "ftyo !) .i t oti-tif-t w i ; 1 1 -m .--everd Tri!i- ..ii. --:ii.:: .1 id U'e-t on t;-.e C ai i.--a tc VVi'.'um- ' rt i;.td Ro.-. !, ..-.i t with :f os y;i:, N.'r..' and ?;!. i t1 c Lack. & o!nOf:j:.,:"r ' 1 1 .,, 1 His OMNH'USE ere i . -cod c-:; -ii com rii o ! iti:i Hid l-nwiicfabie, ji r : C.;f'-i rej.uiat'e. f. T Per-u.ii w i-.ii';r ;, nee t M-e thrir friends depart, ca . i e accoft. i. odd ted. li, tori rea-onaMe i-ar-ps, i.y R-itv. t:y tiinri IITlre a: any of liir Eni-is J.LO;; L. (iiRii)N, Pr'v rictnr. I'lonTl-l'i.--, Apt-p -J 7. isrji. UI- FKUEliS WI J ii CONlTMPTIONT, " ASlliMA, ISmiicbitis, or arty i! p."- o! '.be Tnro - ir Lc:-'. v. it; le cltf-r -.!iy ! Inrriss'ieil. wit'ifir.! ctiar", witt r?:r e- j ''V bv the use cl ihe Kev. i'dwarJ i A. Wi!- -r . oi Wid am-bnr-h. N-w V.-iL. ! wr.a compi-tcty re-;.r .! M i. h, abr ; i.a.rj M.iTcie.l iecral ycr.r.- wit!j tnai .t.-e.. I di-e.i.-e. C'.!. s.: i,i - 'i in. 'i'-) C:-: -n :r; - 1 1 ve s;i:-rr, this i,T:C.'v is vc."::v of an 1 inimedia'e trial. J v. id rot r;"' i, , mav be tfie rr.eati t.f liieir periect re-.';r.i-tiu'i. 'I ft i .- ile-iri'i t!i siirne will : l..i-e at'd,c-s bev. EDWARD A WII.sQN. liii , S-nn.ti Second'i, dham-bii r-'i, Co'imy, New Yoik. Auu-i 2, l'-iij fi-.v. I CHAS. G. CARKLt Y, AltOB'ESOV .'Jt fj.-lT; DLCCriSIilllt:, tOLlMIliM 16., TA. 'C'JiLL pr.i.-l'ce in Hie several Conrls of j Ccdumbia county. All lecal bii.-iness iutrns'.ed io hi- card thali receive prompt altnlir.n O F F I C E, 0;i Main Sire?', Exchange IJr.ildiri2s, over Miller's Stc :e. April 13, ISM. The nnder-inea fias jn-t received at h is ; rooms, one doer leiow Ln z's I)rn Smre, ; a ttew f WALL PAPEU, WIN- ; DOW CUM TAINS ic 1-lXTUIlh. COP.DS .ND TASEI. for icu;re- ail of which ! i,e wid ell CrIEAP I Oil CASH. j His -tnck of jnodr. -11 r j i.i -es any hereto- ! fore brought lo this rnai ket. E. J TIIOilNTON. rdonm-bnr. Oct. 4. S-'5. T,N or aboi t ihe middle of Acinst, I P 65. the uinter-ianed lo-t in Heaver two. or thrd i-eihrmhood, a STATE DRAFT, of Ihe Schi rd apjircpnat jr.n cd said town stiip, lo l!ie amount ol EIGHTY" odd dol lars. The public, are caationeil against ihe payment ol said Drait, a the town-hip would not receive any benefit unless an other Dra!l be procured or ihe money on the original one tv riahity applied. TJie Drait indrawn payble to the undersigned. JOHN FRY", Pies't School Bord i'eiver. Spt o isfia. Ueaver tvvp. CLAMvS: iiLAMiS! CLANKS 1 1 DEE Do, SUMMONS, EXECL'HONS, SUBFCENAS, FLUID EXTRACT EUCHU, A pcsil!7C cict rrr'.rc I:racrl7 tor 71xr39a cf th fc'.ttJtfcr, Klilncfi, Crut-1 'd Irplri;l CtrclUnc Th!s J.Toi'fio Incroapoo tris poTvc'scf ditre"Uon,mo4 xcilcj tto &'o'-crlccia lsto fccn;:t;y cttion.Vy v.tlcn ttta fratory orct'.caiooi.s r.cpclwCSS, cad f.'.srrl e Urrcments tro rcc'cced, eg -well r.3 pala aad inf rnirraUa KaJ U cxl for tacn, votaca aa J c-t'.rea. JbL HELMDOLD'S EXTRACT CUCHU, - Fop wca!cncR8 arising from Excesses, Habits of Dlsilp tion, Eai'.y Iadlr.crcilon, attended vltb li foUoirls IniUpoLltlon to rxcrlloa. loss of To-irer, X)iCicul;7 of EreUitoCv Trcrr.V.icc, TTtkcfalacos. Tz'id la tlio Eact, riarhlnj of Iho Bofly, Ertptloni of t jo I'm r&lll.l C'ouatccncc,- Iocs ol l.:csory, TTcalcXci-Tcs, Honor cf r-l-cce, Elnineas of Yistoa, - Hot ITaiids, Drync: z of ttie EUla, trclverricl LcsituCe, 71ietct7c.piom3.lf r.:io-rC(tto gooa (vhlca UjU lfl Clao lurcriably resavs., sjon follow TATVTiY, EriLPTIC FITS, la oce of -which l!io patient cay expire. Trho ea ttf tiey are net Ircj-ucally follo-srcd b7 tioso " dlxefal C&SC3 nrsAiTT AVi? co"smrPT:o:r? I!ir.7 iTrara tf tiio caatc of tU' Ir buTcrln-,but bob xr'.'il co.-.fOj:. TV 0 rcconla cf tlio insco csylaau end ti ri;Jccbc;y U .'ttu.i 'c-j cocauspUoa besr asplo wltocu t the trut'a cf tao 23;crt;oTT. The Cii.-iG'.siiitioa, oace c".v:ted If organic r-e&tnes, rcQ'.:ircs lio sj of rncuIcSriC lo stretgtien aad InTlcora'. the svsieai, vM.-.b IHcI.V I. ES7R.VCT OF BCCIIIX lovAiU ill wOwft. A trl-1 vlU coavinco Ui SMS cpUe4U Inttwy nrcctloDS pectf.'ar to Females, the TmCt rrcr Is nnC'i-aaicJ ssij otber remedy, ul far U coCipislats laciacnt to tlic c::, cr la tUe declixe on cni;;GE or iirz, Zfo ramily should bo without I Talaro Tatrfta, Mercury, cr tanptooaaat o(Uls tW ocpleasaat and in:igcrou illscaicj. iiLiii3oLD'3 EXIiiACT BUCIiU Cures Socrct Ciscacca Ii t'J thrtr s'.9js3 liti:3 crpccsc. Utile cr no eC of diet, no laeoaTCEt3T:ce, and :o riSE HELMBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU I or all eJccilors tui d'.icMa cf thcyc crgsna, -wllW rx:: r::; male or rr:cAii:, Trc-r r-hntevcr csr:se orlTiautlsg. and no caUer how lot f.T.C.z.. ideates cf U-cs orgios rcqolro tao U ci 1 13 th-3 Crr.t IXurctic. Ani It li ctru:n to hRvo tt.o d':airtJ eJcel la aTl Cji t;r wticU It la rcccnricauii. Er.C?Di ii.wiii.i J2irCT2! Hl f ? I J 1 1 i.o I ti'ii r"-iv c -jr:- i 7'-':? EXTRACT J?ARR.PP!: l -orr-"fr!' V. rt'-..-1,r;r.oii,1t :i clj'-oni'i .-r.i;i'i t or!., u! c-.. ;-j 1 cr. iu l-.v-r J t'.nxi: t; v.-5 i-tw.". euro r c.o.'i.t. ; c-.: : !;-. :. t r .''..l-i,"e t-f u-j T : tr.'.'! 11 c? tit Ttrt-A a-1 !.--, Jiu.r'.'"-, I : i c.i t''C 1 tit ?.:jr. j:-a, am) mj.viiy ' j" rnr. cs ".ZHzct. i.. . i . .1 - c: , ; .... v. l l'. r. ..'.-'z in rrr : c-j'..-or.o t'l r .. .i 'l .-'."a vj. -t x.- l.y.rr cr Eti t -.. L'::. 1- 5- i .-ir-:'tJ5 V.r tti-!;.-.. t:.c . '.;-.:, t.r-. yu:rs o-t U.-? J h w .'t: i.-iic ii!--;---'. Il t'..autv it tf.iV.lf '-t-. .- ; ii .- ci;.c'.3Vt f:'-ricrstii.igrCT '''-y 'i:c:h V..i l.--!. a j-cmt.ry 2.s: coy 19 t:..' -.-.1.:...:.. tffci. jjt f-.-, Lcw.for the t.ti I.::.- 7. 1 a --rtlri tiry Cia J.-vtai. C r; -cc i.v ro ". c ci r. l-i.l. j!'cer;'.t..-'t..i; TtoTl.serrcti I i.: irlii cr n !.'-$... : c....; w,:l !:7tt&rflrk tSslti 1 a - ' a iuc 3 "u: r.j.i .i-; rtr.-ii.iif; .Utj tiuw orr latoa. i- t'i.'.'c.-. - : il'.i v, lr:. actof trsiT.ri'.lali:?-l '.- ,irit ct t t r . c ;o fr.o 1 :-t;a lirtk. 3d t u j-V. n cf lia Tircy oi Ocr- vsr::u, t T.c?i'.c-t I-'iT: t-.r c'.' nrV.ii: i cm hal.IU of itU--r c-o j !- co-.nccU ;a vltli tuo ."it.-ictj Dcc'ua :.r,;.' .r -i,.ivf ):;, 1 3 blS dio-a'ts a; recraitndcU. Evi u.n -v vi lii rprj-.'Tts'.o sul rc'.libl 3 irttl i.::j--?7 l-j-jilirlics. Ao e-p'JcIl d;.-ect'.crj for u.-', 1-.. i :; :.. ..; ,- T ltcessca,aad tsp v. C.'. . t;.vc.i::e;l i-ortii'iru.cs ta.l :07j '..T.ti.-. r: of -w'l'.h crc iron, tts L.tstt escrcca. i v--" tL...- -LL I hy.'-i. r.ii, Clfr;yc3cn,t. li.cjoica, ie. ti ti-- i"fi.,r;..icrl.a jver retorted to ilielr xiiMic:l!ou In 11.0 r.rop..;)!.:.. , 1 o dncs nor do this from 1'acfact tUat hla trt:c'.c- r:u- r.- f i.irnla;-.l I'rr iratioia, anl do not cceU t a :.c j rr-.pv-;" T- !r ccrtiCcalr 1. 1i:c ::?i -? oi ?:c-l;r!iC.llij the Oorit Cotaaia.fhoaM elsau felmp:c, pare, mr.jciiic, ta-rln rct for lis basin, ii- u-ctiwi. tr Us foliar, n-1 TruUj a". jLO for Its Capital. ?!y TrtT-.-t rsr.fir-n-.'.a Is a I.looarsTfJeriTSy Zxtte Incha Is a J frolic. ar.;t r l'.l tct cs sucti la all cases. EoLh crc jirtrarcd ca purt'.y cc;cul!2s prtclp'.es fc rrc::0 sJ crc tc cert tr.lveECisxescf e'.licr lljat be tt.z Ts. A real? tad ccac'.uslTC teal rr'M toacca. Tirl: ot: cf ir.-'.T prc?crifc3 vUa Cose eel ioziU la t-o lol-loTir-vor?r:'.: . fee i l.-ssctcrycf iac V-iizS Etctce. Ec; TrcTcEsor Hev. ezs vul-iatlo rorLa ea lie Fractle f .a jnt: 7 te ccr-reted Dr. rtrrsre, njl. tc: tcz.'si i-Ca'kj It. Trri.:ii JicUowctL, a cclo-t.-iUu r:-;::c:a end J'f-aVcr tf tio r.o.-r.l Co:tejrcr' t"rco.,). tlr.i t, -a rt-"i-cd la tia ?rssacUbUU I'uc Cics sr. I Q-tcr-'s JocrEil. co y.cC:cCLi:n7Sicti KcvI-tt. nrM.'srica liTtejS TrtiTK:-. Tt'Tovr f tho r.oril Collcsa of Eur jaoas. cc asti tf U.0 1-to rrr.uJard worka oa Xodlciio, FOID T.T ALL EP.rOGISTS i. Hl'YWH Eta. Address letters for lnfonuutloa, la eonaieuee, to II. T. HELLIBOIiD, Chemist mirCIPAL DEPOTS Hclmbold'n Drug ai Caemiecl Warehousew K&. St .7 AY, SEW T0KK, and Kelmbold'a lledica.1 Depot.. I.e. 104 ii3CT3 TZSTflSr, PZILJJJLLPHIA. I3EWAP.E OF COUNTF.HFEITG. ASH fOU 11 KLUL o iD'ai ?AK3 iJO OTHieT p 1 Sri J l '"rl