The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 08, 1865, Image 3

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A load o( pine wood will bs taken at
this office on subscription.
Attcmtion is directed
tisements in this paper.
to the oew adver-
Bxtr wts offered in this Market, a few
days since, lor 12 cts. pet lb., by the quar
ter. A little too steep.
VVc bare been informed that the public
schools oi this place will begin on Monday
ext. . - .
Bloomibubq has prettier girls, more jovial
fellows, taller steeples and better Hotels,
than any other town in the State.
Thb School Directors are repairing the
Academy at this place. It needs some
refitting, as the desks, floors and doors, are
considerably oat of repairs.
Tub march of improvement is going on
id East Bloomsburg; William Terwilliger,
Harmon Kline, and John Long, baring each
just completed a dwelling In that part of the
A splendid hound pap is offered for sale
by Mr. Got of this place.. The yoong pop
is full-blooded, and will make an excellent
'hunting dog. For futther particulars inquire
at this office. .
"Saow.The first snow,of the season made
its appearance no Sunday last ; at one time
covering the ground completely. Tbe fall
was light, but the day very blustery, cold
and dreary. We have ever since been for
ciblr reminded of mid winter.
Thirk are only two prisoners in oor coun
ty jail at present, but quite a number rutt
ing at large who had ought to be there.
We hear of depredations being committed
nesrly every day in the county.
Dr. John has now a good opportunity to
prove his friendship for the soldier, by ap
pointing soma returned veteran as his clerk,
but he won't dc it, so long as any of the
home guard are available.
National Thawb.suivin. President John
eon has recommended to the people of these
United States that they set apart the first
Thursday in December next as a day of
Thanksgiving.. . This is in accordance with
lbs time-honored custom, and . it is hoped
the day will be generally observed.
Cideb has been aotd in our market, "viihin
a week past, at prices ranging from $3 00 to
S10.CO. This is enormous when we con
sider the price of apples and tbe labor re
quired to make it. A barrel holding 40
gallons, or 160 quarts, would retail at this
rate, at 6 cents per quart for new cider.
Ma. Jo'hca Fettebman , of this place, has
deuce, two doors west of the American
Hocse, belonging to one Mr. Swartz, of
Washington city, for the sura of f S3, 000 00 j
three thousand dollars. This property is suit
ably situated for business; but considered
vtllsold. Real estate is rather high in tbis
place, and seems to be still advanciog.
We have been informed that some of the
fanatics, belonging to the Methodist Episco
pal Church, of this place, were disposed to
find fault with their Minister, on account of
bis having invited a preacher of opposite
politic, but professing the same religion, to
' seat in his pulpit, not long since. It seems
nobody but a shoddyite is fit to sit in their
presence, especially in the pulpit. Go in
what congregation yon choose and yon will
find sums fools, fanatics and knaves in it.
' Fiat. On Friday last a fire broke out in
tbe bouse of Harbt Scakk colored bostler
at the Exchange Hotel situate in East
Bloomsburg, burning tbe root off and doing
much damage to tbe second story. Tbe
contents were all saved but not without be
ing more or less daKed. Tbe house was
frame and insured in tbe Wyoming Com
pany. Tire flames were extinguished be
fore doing anyf further damage by tbe
prompt action of our citizens forming them
selves into a bucket and water company.
Mft. M. Hamlis, of Catawissa, has par
chased lie right to build and sell Mr. W. D.
flarrah'e National Gate, patented on the 20tb
of September, 1864. He will sell farm,
township, or county rights. It is the best pa-
teat gate we have ever examined. It is light,
can be made of almost any size and easy of
construction. In fact its simplicity is one of
its beat qualities. Every farmer.and other
property owner, should have this gate. All
they have to do is, to boy the right of Mr.
IIaxlin, to build and use it on their premi
ses. Any person can construct one after
casing the model.
- The CROCKaTKEB of ibis place need a lit
tle blowing op foe keeping the prices at tbe
present high figures. AH articles in their
line teem to be sold at too high a price
Tbe article of batter, for instance, is entirely
too hih-rfifly cents a pound ! Another arti
cle which we are paying too much for, is
potatoes one dollar per bushel, and of a
poor quality at that. . But a few weeks ago
they could be bought in oar market for fifty
tenis per bushel, which ia all they were
worth, considering tbe quality; and to-day;
if yon want any,jou most pay one dollar per
bushel. What is the cause of this ? They
are not scarce, aa large crops were raised.
Bat the groceryxaen, have done the basi-
cess, somehow, and there Is not one of
them "willing to own that be advanced the
price. It ia an outrage, and should be abated.
The price of sugars, molassas, coffee and tea,
is nearly, or quite, as high as it was when
goldjwaa quoted at $2.87. This ahould not
be.Jwhen gold ia quoted at $1.43. The war
fceinj over and gold down, prices should
coma tuck ta their old standard. This we
have frr, bst ia tain, for cionthi.
of Association will appear in
A. J. Glossbrenner, one of the proprietors J
of the Philadelphia Age, desires to dispose
ol bis interest in that journal. '
A conductor of a freight train, by the
name of William O' Donnell, of Harrisbcrg,
was killed on Wednesday evening, the 25lb
ult. at Northumberland.
A meeting of the Democratic State Com
mittee will be held at the Bochler House,
Harrisbarg, on Tuesday, the 21st day of
Joseph Davis, the brother of Jefferson,
has written to tbe Freed men's Bureau in
Mississippi, asking the reicrra:ion of his
own and brother's property.
Got. Fenton, of New York has issued a
proclamation naming Thursday, the 7th of
December next, as a day of thanksgiving
and prayer, in that State.
The Soldier Vote -Only five votes were
returned for Schuylkill county. Tbe count
ing of these votes cost the county over three
hundred dollars. Rather expensive that,
but by law, couldn't be done cheaper. Ash
land Advocate.
It is reported on good authority that Pres
ident Johnson willappoint his Cabinet early
in December, and that Reverdy Johnson
will be Secretary of State ; General McClel
lan, Secretary of War ; General Dix, Secre
tary of the Navy, and a distinguished South
ern gentleman Attorney Genera!.
A man can get along without advertising,
so can a wagon whhoat greasing, but it goes
hard. Some of our merchants in this place
are trying tbe experiment of selling goods
without advertising, but from all appear
ances they do not sell a dollar's worth per
day. The people do not know what they
have for sale, and how are they going to find
out unless the goods are advertised in the
local papers? The man who advertises his
goods will find customers, and can always
recommend what he offers to the public.
A Grad Jury, composed of respectable
people of Columbia county, reported against
letting the Court Rooms to traveling show?,
political meetings, or anything of that char
acter, some six rrontbs or a year ago. The
other day the Jury were denounced as
"copperheadi",'-" by a blandisher of the
Methodist Church, for prohibiting shows,
&c, the use of that building, and remarked
that "the church could be bad." We con
cluded that some of the church buildings in
this place could be prostituted no more by
holding shows in them than they have beeu
with Abolition harangues during four years
past. They are running into Theatres rap
idly. Some time aioce, a copy of cur paper, di
rected to Henhy Y. Slater, a regular sub
scriber, wat returned by the Post Master, at
this place, ma: Led, contrary to the law,
"Reason not called for." Now, the fact of
the buine3s is, and we hare no reason to
disbelieve our subscriber, this paper was
called tor, and Mr. Slater was told no such
paper was there for him. Mr. Slater al
leges that he was in the habit of calling for
his paper regularly, every week, until it was
discontinued, af:er the fashion as above
stated, by the Abolition Post Mister. This
kind of work we do not like, and will not
put up with it longer than we can help it.
What makes tbe matter look very suspi
cious, we called at the Post Office, imme
diately after the paper in question was dis
continued, and demanded the uncalled for
copies, but the parties acting aa assistants
in the office could not supply us with any
such copies. Vet the paper was returned
maiked "uncalled for."
When Gen. Lee surrenderedthere was
gieat opposition by iha "Republicans" to
every appearance of lenity towards the
''rebeU." Some of the former even called
Gen. Grant a "traitor," because of the terms
be made with Gen. Lee. What da these
straight-laced advocates of the bemp doc
trine, think cf tbe daily pardons granted by
the President to leading "rebels I" Humph ?
General Grant hat recommended the
discharge cf all major and brigadier gen
erals in the velunleer service who have not
been disabled.
Amoko the ex-rebels who called on the
President on Saturday, were R. M. T. Hun
ter of Virginia, and Pierre Soole of Louisi
ana, both formerly Uui:ed Slates Senators.
Miss Harris, who shot ber lover recently
in Washington, is now a milliner in Rich
mond, having quite recovered from her
Arte mas Ward says, that as a Son of
Temperance be believes in temperance
hotels, though, as a general thiog, they sell
poorer liquor than the other sort.
A terific gale has swept tbe whole South
ern coast, during tbe past week, and a cum
ber ef vessels have been wrecked, and
many lives lost.
A lecture was delivered at Philadelphia,
Oct. 31st, by the Very Rev. Dr. Moriarty,
opon tbe Liberation of Ireland and its An
nexation to the , American Union. The le
gitimacy of tbe Saxon dominion over the
Emerald Isle was denied and refuted. The
subject of England's treachery and Erin's
wrongs was discussed, and a determination
expressed to make Ireland a lree, sover
eign and independent state.
The Fenian excitement continue- nnabal
ed, and thousands of Irishmen are daily
joining tbis powerfat organization.
RYE, 1
FLOUR pr bbl.12
LARD, per lb.
CERTIFICATE No. 5U, dated August
6th, 1859, for Six Shares of the Preferred
Stock of the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg
Railroad Company issued to me, having
been lost, tbis is to caution all persons
against purchasing the same, aa I have ap
plied for a new certificate.
UUiixi &LI Uo J. ol ivA.UU.fci,
Box 2837, N. Y. City
Not. 1, 1855. 4w.
car next.
Lackawanna & Bloomrtnrg R. R.
ON and after Monday, December 26th,
1864, Passenger Trains will run as fol
lows :
Leave Northward.
Northumberland, 8.00
Danville, 8 40
Rupert, 9 25
Bloomsburg, 10 15
Berwick, 10 25
Shickshinny, ll 10
Kingston, 12 15
Wyoming, 12 50
Pittson, 1 05
Arrive at
Scranion, 1 50
Great Bend. ' 6 40
6 00pm
5 40
6 25
6 25
7 30
8 15
9 15
9 35
9 50
10 25 pm
it tt
New York, 5 50
Easton, 2 45
Philadelphia, 6 30
Leave Southward.
Scranion, 6 00 am 4 20pm
Pittston, 6 30 5 00
Wyoming, 6 15 5 45
Kingston, 7 00 5 30
SLickshinny, 7 55 6 44
Berwick, 8 35 7 30
Bloomsbunr, 9 05 8 2rj
Rupert. " 9 25 8 25
Danville, 10 00 9 15
Arrive at
Northumberland, 10 40 10 00
Williamsport, 6 30 pm 200 am
Harrisburg, 1 20 1 25
Baltimore 5 40 7 00
Washington, 9 05 10 3 5
Philadelphia, 5 40 5 00
The shortest and most direct route to the
West and the Oil Regions !
Trains of the Philadelphia and Erie Rail
road leave Northumberland every mourn
ing for Erie, arriving there Ihe afternoon of
ihe same day to connect with Trains for
Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, And ail other
points West, connecting at Corry with all
Trains on the Oil Creek Railroad.
Passengers for Train 3, can leave New
York via The Delaware, . Lacks wanna and
Western R. R. at 9 00 A. M., thereby
reaching all points on this Road the same
II. A. FONDA, Supt.
Kingston. Dec. 20, 1864.
N. E corner Tenth nnd Chestnut Streets,
The most complete and thoroughly ap
pointed Business Commercial College in
the country.
The only on3 in the City possessing a
Legislative Charter, and the only one in
United Stales authorized to confer Degrees
of Merit. Diplomas awarded to graduates
in the Commercial Course nnder its corpo
rate teal by authority of law.
Conducted by gentlemen of liberal edu
cation and extensive experience in business
and affording unequalled advantages for the
thorough theoretical and practical educa
tion ol yonng men for the various duties
and employment ol business life.
by a system of
original and pre-eminently practical, giv-
-ma me eiuueni ia me shortest nine a com
plete insight into the routine, details cus
toms and forms of business in general, as
conducted in the best regulated commer
cial and Snancis.1 establishments.
Upon a new plan, with an original exposi
tion of the scieuce of accounts, arranged
and published by the propretor of this In
stitution exclusively for his own use, sav
ing one-half the ordinary labor of ths stu
dent, and giving him a complete knowl
edge of the practice cf the beet account
Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Pen
manship, Business Correspondence,
Commercial Law, Lecture on Bu
siness Affairs, Commercial
Customs, Forms, and Ac
tual Business Prac
Algebra and the Higher Mathematics, Pho
nography, Ornamental Penmanship, the
Art of Detecting Counterfeit Money,
Engineering, Surveying Naviga
tion and Tplesraphing.
The arrangements lor Telegraphing are
far in advance of anything of the kir.d
ever offered to the public. A regular Tel
egraph Line is connected with tbe Institu
tion with twenty brances in various parts of
the city, where public business is transact
ed, and in which the students of this Insti
tution are permitted to practice. No regu
lar office practice can be haJ in any other
school ol instruction in Ihe country, with
out which no one can obtain a position as
a practical operator. Young men are cau
tioned against the deceptive representa
tion of those who, without any such fa
ciliii ;6, pretend to taach Telegraphing.
This institution is now enjoying the lar
gest patronage ever bestowed upon any
commercial school in the Slate. Over five
hundred students were in attendance the
first year, and over seven hundred duriog
the past year. The best class of students
may invariably be found here, and all its
associations are first class.
The iustitntion is located in the most cen
tral part ot the city, and its accomodations,
for extent, elegance and convenience, are
unsurpassed. All the rooms have been
fitted up in the very best style with
and a regular
supplied with finely engraved lithographic
no'es used as a circulating medium ia the
Department of Actual Business.
TO YOUNG MEN who desire a PRAC
guarantee a course of instruction no where
ele equalled, while the reputation and
standing of the institution among business
men make its endorsement the best pass
port to success and advancement. All con
templating entering any commercial Col
lege, are invited to send for an
LOGUE containing complete interior views
of the College, and full particulars of the
course of instruction, terms, fee.
T. C. SEARCH, Special Teacher and
Supt. ol Office Business. -Nov.
1, 18651 yr.
"URED of Nervous Debility, Premature
Decay, and the effects of youthful in
discretion, will be happy to fnrnish others
with tbe means of core, (free of charge.)
This remedy is simple, safe, and certain.
ETTor particulars, by return mail, please
address, JOHN B. OGDEN,
Jane 7, 1865. 60 Nassau St. N. Y.
Court Proclamation.
VSHEREAS the Honorable Wm. Elwell,
President Judge of the Court of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
Cotirl of Qaarter Sessions of the Peace, and
Cohrt of Common Pleasand Orphans, Court,
in tbe 26th Judicial District, composed of
the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wy
oming, and tbe Hons. Stephen Baldy and
John McReynolds, Associate Judges of Co
lumbia co., have issued their precept, bear
ing date one thousand eight hundred and
pixty-five, and to me directed for holding a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General
Jail delivery,' Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
Com. Pleas and Orphans'-Court, in Blooms
bnrg, in the county of Columbia, on the first
Monday, bein the 4th day of Dec. next,
and to continue one week.
Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, the
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the
said County of Columbia, that they be then
and there in their proper persons at 10 o'
clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inquisitions and other remembran
ces to do those tnings which to their oflices
appertain to be done. And thoss that are
bound by recognizes, to prosecute against
the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail
of i-aid county of Columbia, to be then and
there to prosecute then as shall be just. Ju
rors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, agreeably to llteir notice, dated
at Bloomsbnrg, the 30th day o J Oct., in (he
year of our Lord one thousand eight hnndred
and sixty-fifth and in the eighty-ninth year
of the Independence of tbe United States of
America. (God save the Commonwealth.)
Sherifi's Office, ) Sheriff.
Bloomsburg, Nov. I, 1865. J
TERM, 1865.
Benton William Appleman.
Briarcreek Stephen Michael,
Bor. Berwick Paul Kirkendall
Beaver Simon Slicher.
Centre John J. Hagenbuch.
Hemlock Mathia Appleman, David
Armstrong, Reuben Bogart.
J.ckson Jno. McHenry, jr., Elisha Rob
bins, Iram Derr.
Montour Lloyd Paxton, Samuel Giger.
Madison ElichaB. Hartman, Allen Wat
son. .Maine John A. Shuman.
Orange M. 1. Hayhurst, John Megargel.
Scott Thomas W. Edger, Jacob Keller,
Jacob Clossen.
Sngarloaf David Lewis, Samuel Friz.
TERM, 1865.
Beaver Andrew Shcman, John Shu
man. Benton Piii.ip Shultz, Bsnjaiain Rczell,
Abraham Young.
Briarcreek Henry Deitterick.
Bloom Henry Ohl.
Catawissa Casper Rhan, John Ritter.
Centre Peter Delong, Geo. Low, Steph
en Hutton, Henry Shaffer.
Conyngham F. R. Wohlforth.
Franklin Jesse Mensch, Jackson Clea
ver. Fishingcreek Charles Ash, Sam'l Yost.
Greenwood Eman uel Conner, Robert
Robbins, Josiah Kline, John Leggott, Wrn.
Hemlock Jacob Harris, Reu. II. Guild.
Jackson Henry Hurleyman.
Locutt Aaron Lewis, Peter Bitner, Wes
ley Perry, Hiram Cool, Peter Schvtank.
Montour Daniel Kashcer, John Deit
terick. Maine Daniel Nuss.
Madison William Krearaer.
Orange John FUher, Cyrus McHenry,
Cornelius Bellas, Samuel Everett.
ftoamigcreek John C. Meyers, Peter
Gearhart, Josiah Rhodes, Samr.el Hauck.
Sngarloaf Philip Hess, George Moore.
Scott William Garrison, Elias Krum,
William M. Er.t.
TERM, A. D. 1865. ,
1. Rachel Morgan by her next friend Wm
M. Hoagland vs Richard Morgan.
2. Wrn. Longenterger & Jas. McAlarny
Exrs. of Geo. Longenberger dee'd el al
vs Hugh W. McReynolds et al.
3. Stephen Baldy vs Catawissa, WJlliam
sport & Erie R. R. Company.
Elijah McMurtrie Indorsee of Aaron
Woll vs Christian Wolf
Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby.
Russel P. Stucker vs Wm. Ikeler.
Jonas Fahrinser Jr vs Eman'l Ashton.
Wm. L. Lance vs Harman G. Crevelin?.
Wm. L. Lance vs Thos. Creveling et al.
Jacob Bucks Exrs. vs Jesse Buck.
Jacob Shuman vs the Catawissa Rail
Road company.
Amos W. Creamer vs Enoch Howe!!.
13. Hugh McReynolds vs Peter Oliphant.
14. Amos W. Creamer vs Enoch Howell.
Adam Deitterich vs Jere. Jacoby.
Benj. Wertman vs Miles A. Williams.
George A. Herring vs Peter Miller.
B. F. Reishard vsGeo. Patterson, et a I.
Aaron Bloom vs Reuben Sitier.
Jacob Reraly vs the Catawissa Rail
Road Company.
21. John Michael, jr., vs John Michael, sr.
22. Bonn, Raiguel, & Co. vs Levi Kutz.
23. Mathias Tronsue, vs the twp. of Scott.
24. Anna Barbara Deighmiiler, vs Henry
25. The Commonwealth of Perm, at Ihe
relation of H. R. Kline, et al., V9 Wes
ley Bowman, et al.
Administrators of Joseph Paxton, dec'J
vs William L Lance.
Hemlock twp. Vs Elias Deitterich.
To Drunkards.
Cure permanently eradicates the laste for
strong drink, and cures the worst case of
drunkenness ir. less than eight weeks.
Thousands of reformed inebriates now
live to bles tbe day they were fortunate
enough to commence the use of this valua
ble remedy. Price two dollars a package.
Mailed to any address on receipt ot an
order, by JAMES S. BUTLER,
429 Broadway New York,
Sole Ag't lor the U. S.
August 9, 1865. 2m.
Estate, of Chrislena Kisner, late of
Madison township.
I ETTERS testamentary on the estate of
Christena Kisner, late of Madison twp.,
Columbia county, have been granted by
the Register of said county, to Samuel
Kisner, of Greenwood township. AH per
sons having claims against the estate of
the decedent are requested to present them
for settlement to the Executor ; and those
indebted to tbe estate will rcake pavment
witbeut delay. SAMUEL. KISNER,
Oct. 18, 1865 -S3. Executor.
T AD1ES and Gentlemen : If you wish to
--marry yoa can do so addsessing me. I
will send you, without money and without
price, valuable information, that will ena
ble yon to marry happily and speedily,
irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This
information will cost yoa nothing and if
yoa wish to marry, I will cheerfully assist
you. All letters strictly confidential. The
desired information sent by return roait
and no reward asked. Please inclose posl,
age or stamped envelope, addressed to
yourself. Address,
Splendid Array or Talent.
In entering upon the third year of its ex
istence, the proprietors ot this new maga
zine beg leave to offer their thanks to the
ladies of America for the liberal support
already extended to them. Few magazines
have boasted during their second year of a
list of nearly Twenty-five thousand names.
The Lady's Friend will continue to be
devoted as heretofore to choice literature
and the illustrations of the fashions. It will
Contain the lalest patterns of Cloaks, Cap.,
bonnets, head-dresses, fancy work, em
broidery, &c, with receipts, music, and
other matters interesting to ladies. The
mnsii alone is worth more than the cost
of the whole magazine, the pieces being
selected by Prof. Gelze from the eapacious
repository of that widely known and enter
prising firm, Messrs. Lee & Walker.
The Lady's Friend is edited by Mr
Henry Peterson, supported by the fol. ow
ing brilliant corps of contributors.
Florence Percy, Mr Bella Z Spencer,
Mrs. L C. Moulton, Annie F Kent
Mrs. M. F.Tucker, Frances II Sheffield,
Miss El. C. Donne!ly,Carrie E Meyer
Julia Gill. Mattie Dyer Britts
Mrs. Eliza S. Turner.E Margaret Starr,
trances Lee Pratt
Emilia Lester Leigh
Mrs P. H. Phelps
Mrs M. C. Pyle
AuguM Bell
Emma B Pipley
Miss A L Muzzy,
Mrs H A Heydon
Charles Morri,
Miss H S Corey
'Aunt Allice,"
Mrs M A Deniron
Cath. M. Trowbridge,
Mary J. Allen
Virginia F TownsendMiss A Forestier,
Beatrice Colonna J. C. T.
Mrs Margaret HosmerClara Anguta
Miss L W Tappan
Annie Russell
Leslie Walter,
Helen M Pratt
Sophie May
Phila H Chase
Edwin R Martin
Caroline A Bell
Harris Byrne
Emma M Johnson
Minnie W May,
Mrs James ,
Mrs Anna Bade
Marcia Hope,
Hattie Hammond
Sarah J Ramsey
Mrs L. J. Ritlenhouse
Helen Mayo
Ettie V Slade
T J Chambers
Mary H Cox,
Addie E Sutton
And other talented
Beautiful Engravings,
A beautiful Steel rancy Engraving and
a superb colored sleet lashiorc p!at wn
illustrate every numDer; besides well exe
cuted wood cuts, illustrative of the fash
ions, fancy work, &c, too numerous ta
In order to enable ladies to procure a first
quality Sewing Machine at very lit'.le out
lay, we make the following liberal offers
We wiil give one of WHEELER & WIL
SON'S Celebrated Sewing Machine, the
regular price of which is FIFTY-FIVE
DOLLARS, on the following terms :
I. Twenty copies otthe Lady's Friend,
or.e vear, and the Sewing Machine, 70 00
II. Thirty copies, one year, and the
Sewing Machine, 85 00
III. Forty copies, one year, and the
Sewing Machine, 1C0 00
In the first of the above clubs, a lady
can get twenty subscriber at the regular
price of two dollars and fifty cents a copy,
and then by fending on these subscriptions
and Twenty Dallars in addition, will get a
Machine that she cannot buy anywhere for
less than Fifty-five dollars. If she gets
thirty subscribers and Seventy-five Dollars
he will only have lo add ten dollars to
the amount. While if she gets foriy sub
scribers at the regular price, she will get
her machine for nothing.
The Magazine will be Fent to different
post-offices if desired. The names and
mency f-hould be forwarded as rapidly as
obtained, iu order that the subscribers may
begin to receive their mngazines at once,
and not become Iissatis6ed with the delay.
When the w hole amount of money is re
ceived, the Sewing Machine will be duly
The Clubs may be partly composed of
subscribers to the 'Saturday Evening Post'
if desired.
In all cases the Machine sent will be the
regular Wheeler i Wilson' No. 3 Machine,
sold by them in New York, boxed, and
forwarded free of cost, wkh the exception
of freight.
TERMS: Our terms ara the same as
those of that well known weekly paper the
Saturday Evening Posl in order (hat ihe
Clubs may be made up of the paper and
magazine conjointly when it is so desired
and are as follows:
One copy oce year, S2
Two copies one year, 4
Fonr copies one year, 8
Eight copies one year, and one to get
ter up of club, SI6
Twenty conies one year, and one to
getter up of club, 35
One copy ol ihe Lady's Friend and
one of the PoM, 4
Single numbers of the Lady's Friend
(postaae paid by u-0 twenty-five cents.
Subscribers in British Norih America
must remit twelve cents in addition to the
annual subscription, as we have to repay
ihe United States postaae.
The contents of trie Lady'- Frier-d and of
the Post will always be entirely different.
No. 319 Walnut st., Philadelphia.
Specimen copies will be sent to those
desirous of getting up Club?, on the receip
of fifteen cents.
October 18, 1865.
Toe Directors of Bloom School District
wish to employ TEN MALE TEACHERS
to take charge of the Winter Schools. No
one need apply except they can produce
first class Certificate, also cerlifica'es cf
good moral character. Persona applying
may meet the Board of Directors at the
public Examination at the Academy, on
October 23. The Schools to open oa the
1st cf November. By order of Board.
J. K. EDG&R, Seo'y.
Bloomsburg, Oil. 4, 1865.
Administrator's iVUce.
Estate of Ann Hutchison, Late cf FUhingcretk
towmhip, Columbi't county, des'd.
T ETTERS of administration nn the estate
of Ann Hutchison late of Fishingcreek
township, Columbia County, deceased,
have been granted by the Register of said
county, lo Tbornas J. Hutchison residing in
the township and county aforesaid. All
persons having claims or demands'against
the estate of the decedent are requested to
present them for settlement and thesd in
debted to ibe estate will make immediate
payment to the administrator.
fishingcrtek, Oct. 11 1865. Adrn'r.
Scratch, Scratch, Scratch!
Will Core the Itcb in 4$ Hours.
ALSO cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Chil
blains, and all Eruptions of the skin. Price
50 cents. For sale by all druzsists.
By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POT
TER, Sole Agenu, 170 Washinaton street,
Boston, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail,
free of cottaze.lo any nan of tbe United
Terrible Excitement !
Oil Account or the IV civ
Arrival or FALL & Winter
0"AS just received from the eastern cities
-a--- and isoow opening at the old stand
a splendid assortment of
which will be sold cheap for
His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods,
choicest styles and latest fashions.
Keady-illade Clotliin&r
In short everything usually kept in a
country store.
The patronage of his old friends, and
the public generally, is respectfully so
licited. The highest market price paid for coun
try produce. PETER EST.
L'aht Sireet, Oct. 4, 1865.
Winer's Store.
Fall& Winter Goods.
fTMIE subscriber has just returned from
- the cities with another large and select
assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
purchased at Philadelphia and New York,
at the lowest figure, and which he is deter
mined to sell on as moderate terms as can
be procured elsewhere in Bloorrrsburg.
His stock comprises
of the chciceet styles and latest fashions,
together with a large assortment of
In short, everything usually kept in coun
try stores, to which he invites the attention
of ihe public generally.
The highest price will be paid for coun
try pr&dcce, in exchnnga for goods.
E!oomsb'JT2, Oct. 11, 1865.
Auditor's IVoticc.
Eitale of Jumet McDridt dte'd,
THE undersigned, Anditcr appointed by
the Orphans' Court ol Columbia county, lo
make distribution of the balansein the
hands of Hugh D. McBriJe administrator of
James McBride, late of Hemlock township
in said county, decl, among the several
heirs of the decedent in the orderestablish
Pil by law will attend at his office, in
Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 1 1th day of
November next at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said '
day for Ihe purpose of making ihe distribu
tion. All persons having claims or demands
against the estate of the decedent are nod
fied to present them to the Auditor on that
day or be debarred from coming in fo: a
share of the fund.
C. G. BARK LEY, Aud'r.
Oct. 11, 1S6G. 4w.
Auditor's ZVoticc.
Eslalt of Franklin Mctiriie, dee'd.
THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Columbia cour.ty, to
make distribution cf the balance in the
bands of Hugh D. McBride, aaministrator
of Franklin McBride, late of Hemlock
township in said -ounty, deceased, among
the several heirs ol the decedent in the
order established by law, will attend at h:s
office, in Bloomsburg, on Saturday tbe 1 1th
day of November next at 10 o'clock, A. M.
of said day, fo: the purpose of making the
distribution. All persons having claims or
demands against tbe estate of the decedent
are notified to present them to the Auditor
on that day or b debarred from coming in
for a share of the fund.
C. G. BARKLEY, Aud'r.
Oct. ll, 1865, 4w.
JYational Foundry.
Bloom burr. Columbia Co.,
nftne subsribjr, proprietor of the above
-- named extensive establishment, is now
prepared to receive orders for all kinds of
machinery, for COLLER1 ES, BLAST FUR
He is also prepared to make Stovee, all
sizes and patterns, Plowirons, and every
thing usually made in first-class Foundries
His evtansive. facilities and practical
workman, watrant him in receiving the
largest contracts on the most reasonable
ET Grain cf all kinds will be taken in
exchange fcr casting.
C?" This establishment is located near
Ihe Lackawanna Railroad Depot.
Bbomsburz, Sent. 9. 1863.
man, while residing in South America
as a missionary, discovered a sale and sim
ple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weak
ness, Early Decay, diseases of ihe Urinary
and Seminal Organs, and the whole train
of disorders brought on by baneful and vi
cious habits. Oreat numbers have already
been cured by this noble rertedy. Prompt
ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted and
unfortunate. I will send the recipe for pre
paring and using this medicine, to any one
who needs it, in a sealed envelope free of
charge. Please enclose a stamped envel
ope, addressed to yourself. Address JO.
SEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House,
New York City. 52-ly
Notice to Trespassers.
. THE undersigned, farmers and land
owners, of Orange township, Columbia
county, do hereby caution all persona
against hunting or in anywise trespassing
on their lands, thus making themselves
subject to the penalties of the law, which
will be most stringently enforce.!.
.Read MtW
tisement rei,
The Phcenix Pe
loral; or composud
Syrup of WildCherry and Seneka Snaa
Root, will cure the Diseases of ihe Tnrot
and Lungs, such as colds, cough, cnn...
Asthma, btonchilis, catarrh, sore thro
hoarseness, whooping cough, &c.
lis timelv use will Drevent PULMOARY"
f CONSUMPTION. And even whet t
fearful disease is fully developed, i? will
afford more relief than any other medicta.
J. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker rf t
Pennsylvania House of Representati-,
says ; "This cough remedy is now ptn -sive
used, and is of ihe highest valm lo
the community, its curative qualitie r -ing
been tested by thousands with r
moFt gratifying results. It is rarefo'ly (
skillfully prepared frnra Wild Cherry H- k
and Seneka Snake Root, by Dr. Levi ()ut
holtzer, a reputable physician of Prm-ip.
ville, Pa., and is sold by nearly all Cu.-j. .
gists and country storekeepers."
D. P. Crosby, ex-Post Master and x
Bnigess of Poit.s'own, certifies as follow;
POTTSTOWN, Jan. 3, 16-
Thi certifies that I have used the P u--nix
Pectoral in my family, and I ie-i,, .
mend it to the Public as ihe very !
remedy for cough and colds that 1 ho-
ever tried One of my children was tk-n
with a cold, accompanied with a crtti(y
cough, so bad, indeed, that it coul l t
talk and scarcely breathe. Havin?
so much said about ihe Phoenix Prt 'Tl
I procured a bottle of it. The firt d...
relieves the difficulty of breaching, and U
fore the child bad taken one fourh f iw
bottle it was entirely well. Every l.uti t-
should have it in their bonse.
Signed D. P. CROSRY.
J. C. Smith, druggist of New Hop HirU
connty, Pa., in writing lo Dr. Obeilml rT,
says: "A lew days since I bought!',
dozen of your valuable cough remx.fy .
try, end find it very good, and as it i- i,,r.
ly all gone I would like yoa to send n.
gross of it.
"Your medicine gives better sa'ifjii.,:,
than any other I have in the Store. I nn,
agent lor some of tbe most popular -ti'i
preparations, but yours seems to be do ui
the most good."
The following is an extract from a l"tT
from Hiram Ellis, merchant, near P"ti
town, Pa., "I have tried the Phoenix Po--toral
and find it to be the best cough ei.-.i-icine
extant. Ii meets with a more r't
sale than any other that I have ever had m
my store."
The proprietor of this medicine ha. n
much confidence in its curative powrr.
from the testimony of thousands who rmv
used it, that the money will be paid baric
to any purchaser who is not ratisfied wnti
its effects.''
It is so pleaant to take that children err
for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS: iarg
Lis intended for only one class of dis
eases, namely those ot the THROAT and
Prepared only by LEVI 03ERHOLTZEK
M. D., Pt cenixville, Pa., and soli ty all
Druggists and Storekeepers.
Johnson, HoMoway, & Cowden, No. 23
North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, and
F. C. Wells & Co., 115. Franklin Street,
New York, General Wholesale Agent.
N. D. If your nearest druggist or store
keeper does not k?ep this medicine do not
let hirn put you off with some other medi
cine, because he makes more money on ic,
but send at once to on9 of the Agents for it.
June 21, 1SC5. Cat.
$T, $G30,000 3T.
36 Betkman treet. New Yark.
offer the following inducements j
Buyers ot Valuable
Having been fcr a longtime erpn-d
the Packet business, and established i.i r
reputation for promptness and reliabil'M.
and possessing great facilities for !li -e
Jewelry m this way, we are confident i't
we can cive satisfaction to ail who 1--I
disposed to patronize us.
mond Pins, Chains, to be sold lor Oim
Dollar each, without regard to value, an t
not to be paid for until yoa know what you
are lo receive.
175 Watches (handsomely ensraved an-t
warranted perfect timer keepers), varying
in price from S20 00 lo 8120 00 each.
235 Ladies' watches, solid gold hunting
cases f 65 00 each.
250 Genilemen's silver watches 15 0t)
to 20 00 each.
6,000 Latest style vest and neck cbsin,
4 5C to 30 00 each.
5,000 Gent's California Diamond Pm.
2 50 lo 25 00 each.
4,000 California diamond ear drops, 2 o
to 15 00 each.
3,000 Miniature and enamelled gn:'
icarf pins, new sty les, 5 00 to 15 00 each.
2,000 Masonic and emblem pins, 3 00 ui
10 CO each.
2.500 Gold band bracelets, engraved nti.t
plain, 3 00 to 20 00 each.
3,000 Jet and Mosaic brooches, 3 CO t-j
?0 00 each.
2,000 Cameo brooche, rich pattern, very
tasty, 3 00 lo 60 00 earn.
4 500 Florentine and Lava pins, t't.d i?l
article, 4 00 to 10 00 each.
3. 509 Lava and Florentine ear
3 00 to 10 00 eacb.
3 , "00 Coral ear drops, 4 00 to C 00 e.4c-V.
2,000 Ladies' Chatelaine chains, j -i b,.;f
gold, 15 00 tc 20 CO each.
6,000 Gent's pins, a splendid as60rt:n?:ii
2 00 to 15 00 each. . '
4, C0O Solitaire sleeve bultons,en:ire!y ric .tj
styles, 2 00 to 5 00 each.
3,000 Studs and sleeve buttons, ia
very rich, 3 00 to 15 00 each. '
5,000 Sleeve buttons, plain, eaut'.j
and engraved, 2 00 to 8 00. each.
10,000 Plain and handsomely cajmvij
rings, 2 50 to 10 00 each.
8,000 Sprin lockets, double eav ricMr
engraved, 2 00 o 15 00 each.
15,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new al U't
styles, 00 to 12 00 each.
2.000 Gold pens, anJ handsome kVstr
cases, 5 00 to 10 00 each.
This entire list of beautiful ar.J t-frt'!
goods will be sold for One Dull-r K-. is ,
Certificates of all the above aniclun wi'i h
placed in envelopes, and ssahtd. Ti ij
envelopes are sent by mail, a if pmi,
without resarJ to choice. Oa the
of tho Certificate you will see what y-.
are to have, and then it is al your o,u-n i
send one dollar and take the article, or m.,;.
Five Certificates can be ordered for ;Vj
eleven for $2; thirty-five for S3; ivty-fin
for $10; and one hundred for $15. We
will send a single Certificate on the receipt
of 25 cents. C
G. S. HASKINS & Co ,
Box 4270. 36 Beekman 5t., N V,
Bloombnr2. April ib. 1865.