STAR OF THE NORTH THINGS MGVT TOWN & COUNTRY. I2JQO;?JBU!5Gs PA." WE ONES DAY, NOV I. 1565- Thi week's Stah comaina tbe coort ad verlisements for December term, 1865. .A load of pine wood, will be taken at this office on subscription. Thk public schools in the borough of Ber wick opened on Monday last. -All who wish a good locil newspaper, soundly Democratic, will subscribe lor the Stab. ' . VVm. E. STKRfeta is building a handsome bricK house on Market Street, Dear the Lackawanna Depoi. Hok. William Elwill has made some improvements upon bia dwelling boose, on Third Sireet, which add very much 'to its appearance. - ' - The fcoldiers vote on the Representali ve Ticket ran a tie. Oo the county ticket the Abs. have a majority of two or three in the soldier rote Irora this county. ?iHATton hand and (or pale a lo! of neatly printed School Orders, which we will dispose of, itr quantities to sail pur chasers, cheap for cah. ; The fierwick Gjze.7 tells its readers that the Baptist Congregation of that place are erection a Gallery, besides making other improvements, in their church. Pee John returns bib thanks to his friends "all over the district for their numerous let ters of congratulation." Wonder if he re ceived one from the "Old" Pharisee7'? We arc requested to announce the ''Nob Mountain" Book .i at the office of Col. John G. Free2e, in the Court Housi?, for de livery. Boui.d copies SI. 5C; paper, ICO. To Our Patross. Those of enr subscri bers who wish topay os in buckwheat flnr, beef, apples, or potatoes, can do so. The trade will be acceptaMe. Bring it etorrg: Shovld printing paper remain at the pres ent figures, and the necessaries to snstain life continue to demand "the now high , -,..--- price", we will be obliged to charge S2.50 In advance (or the Star At present writing, Tuesday, it m raining bard, with fair prospects of continuing all day. Ii is a cold rain. The waier in the stream i very low in this section. The Veils are giving out in some places, we have been informed. Upon the whole we need a good soaking rain. The American Agriccltcri.t, the beet Journal devoted to agriculture published, ban made its appearance in our sanctum for tp moota or . November, livery farmer and gardenef should have this journal. We can't see bow they can do without it. Send and gel it, by all means. Price, S 1.50 per anncra in advance- All thofe who do not pay n for the six leenth volume of th Star j'ist completed, (meaning all. those in t arrear) pretty soon, will fi-id when they come to settle that three dollars will be "posted'' asiinsi them. Oar capital is not so large that we can lay out of oor money in several hundred subscription, year in and year out. We must have it. Those owing os will please 'attend to the matter.. ExAMiRATio-f of Teachers .for Colombia county will be held at the office of the County Superintendent, ia Btoomsburg, on Friday aod Saturday, the 3rd and 4th days of November next. All teachers, not hav ing received certificates at the regclar Dis trict examinations, should appear for exam ination on one of these clays. C. G. Barklzt, Co. Sapt. A Cold Winter Coming. Farmers and other wise people in the rural districts, pre dict an early winter, along one, and a strong one. One of the signs is that birds earl) took their flight southward, and an other that the bucks of the growing corn was very thick and covered the ear to the Very end, a never failing proot that over coats and fuel will be irv great demand. Forks Hotil. This well known and pop olar bouse is undergoing some necepsarv repairs. The bar-room is being enlarged and improved. The walls are receiving coma very fine paper, which adds ranch to their appearance. Mr. Geo. W. Maccer is keeping a good bouse ; and endeavors to please his guests and make them comforta ble. The traveling public will do well to give htm a call. Success to the new land lord. ' P. T. Barnom has been making search for a Republican who has given cp bis po sition, as Assessor, Collector, er Postmaster, to a returned soldier, for the purpose of ex hibiting such Republican among bis lately '"gathered collection of curiosities in bis new Museum. He has not yet succeeded. We " will notify Mr. Barncm in time that be need oot make any search for the desired person In this District, as there, are too. many '- 1 t t r t David Lowexbero, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, of-this place, ha requested ns to announce through this week's Star that he has jast received, at his establishment a Varge and well selected Stock of Goods for the winter season, both made op and un made. This is the place to gat your Fall and Winter clothes njade to order. Mr. L. keeps constantly oa hand all kinds of first clas goods, and is prepared at all times to maka cp gznriemen't clothing, in the ieigh cf fashion, upon short notice. This is the S3asc! fcr over-ccats and heavy clothing generally. Give him a call. Ha w eald aUo invite yonr attention to bis c::j cf Cne j-sweiry. Ila has in this line f.- ; a fine gt!J wsich.down to a pair of Ir Vtt Jobs ia not a little careful he will I wet, himself over the. result of the election He'knows that the Democratic .Press, gen erally ,'da not feel any too well pleased- the tvay ihe election went, and still bs is weekly asking ihem to tell their feadefs how (he State went. Is be afraid the people will not find out that the Abolitionists carried the State 1 As for our press, we announced the fact that the State had gone to the d I, before any other in the county. Had the Republican party throughout the State done no more to carry the election than that party done in thia county ender the leader ship of Pee John, the party would have been gloriously defeated. Yet Pee John keeps up an incessant cackling. John F. Fowler, Esqr., ol Pine, was, on Monday last, installed as one of the Com missioners of Columbia County, in place of Rohr McHenrt, Esq., whose term expired. The retiring officer was one ol the best Commissioners Columbia County ever had. Mr. Fowler has the necessary qualifica tions to make, as he no doubt will, a very excellent and careful officer. Th9 present board is composed of the following gentle men, viz: Thos. J. Vakderslick, of Hem lock, Allen Mavk, of Bearer, and Johk F. Fowler, ol Pine. Tbey are all of the proper Age and experience to make safe and trusty guardians tot the county. We congratulate the people upon their wise and judicious selection. President Johnson i filing oot the ab olition party, body and breeches, to the South, says Wendell Phillips. Poor fellow, he chould not have been so loud for Andy's nomination at Baltimore. We always tho'l Johnson possessed Southern feelings, and bin late pardons thow that he does to a considerable degree. He grants pardons so rapidly that he does not sign his name any more, out nas it printed in the black form. necessary Look Oct tor Him. Aa exchange raps on the knuckles a certain class in this good style: When you find a man writing his advertisement and sticking it up at the post office, or in hotel, or on the e'reet poats. instead of pnhlishing it in his town paper, took oct lor him the very act shows that he is loo close fisted 10 deal 'with to advan tage. This i the frozen trutTi." BUSINESS COLLEGE is. tu corner jenin and unelflut siraets. corner jentn and Lhetnut PHILADELPHIA. The trot complete and thomnghly ap pointed Bastness Commeicial CoHege in the country. The only on3 in the City possessing a Legislative Charier, ad the onlv one in United Slates authorized to confer Degrees of Mfrit. Diplomas awarded to graouates in the Commercial Course under its tora raie seal by authority of law. Condocted by gentlemen of liberal edu cation and extenive experience in business and affording unequalled advantages lor the thorough theoretical and prsriical educa tion ot young men, ior the various duties and employment ol business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a sytm of ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giv ing the ftnderit in the shortest lime a com plete insight into the routine, details cus toms and forms of business in neneral. a . conducted in the best regelated commer cial and financial establishments THEORKTlCAL BOOKKEEPING Upon a iew plan, with an original exposi tion of ihe science of accounts, arrai:gd and pubiifhe by the propretor of this In stituiion exclusively for his own use, sav ing one-half the ordinary Ubor of iha stu dent, and giving him a complele knowl edge of the practice of the best account ants -s THE COMMERCIAL COURSE. EMBRACES Bookkeeping Commercial Arithmetic, Pen manship, Business Correspondence, Commercial Law, Lectures on Bu siness Afiairs, Commercial Customs, Form, and Ac tual Business Prac tice. . SPECIAL BRANCHES. Algebra and the Higher Mathematics, Pho nography, Ornamental Penmanship, the Art .of Detecting Counterfeit Money, Engineering, Surveying Naviga tion and Telegraphing. TELEGRAPHING. The arrangements for Telegraphing are far in advance of anything of the kind ever offered 10 the oublic. A regular Tel egraph L'ne is connected witn the Institu tion with twenty brancet. in various parts of the city, where public btifineBS is trammel ed, and in which the stuJenls of this Insti tution are permitted to practice. No regu lar office "practice can be had in any other school ol instruction in the country, With out which no one can obtain a position as a practical operator. Young men are cau tioneJ against the deceptive representa tions of those who, without any soch fa cilities, pretend to teach Telegraphing PATRONAGE. This institution is now enjoying the gesl patronage ever bestowed upon commercial school in the Slate. Orer hundred students were in attendance lar any five the first year, and over seven hundred daring the past year. The bet class of siudents may invariably be found here, and all its associations are first class. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS.: The iLStilniion is located in the most cen tral part oi the city, and its accomola'ioi, tor extent, elegance ana convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rooms have been fitted up in the very best style with BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HOUSES, TSLGRAPH OFFICES, STATIONERY STORE, and a regular BANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium in the Department of Actual Business. TO YOUNG MEN who desire a PRAC TICAL EDUCATION FOR BUSINESS, we guarantee a course of instruction no where else equalled, while tte reputation and standing of the institution among business men make its endorsement the best pass port to success and advancement. All con templating entering any commercial Col lege, are invited to send for an ' ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND CATA LOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, and full particulars of the course of Instruction, term, fcc. L. FAIRBANKS, A M.', - ' Presiitnt T. C. SEARCH, Special Teacher and Sapt. of OfSee Business. v--v. t. xf ; '.. PROSPECTUS, FOR 1 8GO. TO IABY?3 FBHIHBe 8plendid Array of THlenl. - In entering upon the third year of i!s ex istence, the proprietors of this new maga zine beg leave to offer their thanks to the ladies of America for the liberal support already extended to them. Few magazines have boasted during their second year of a list of nearly Twenty-five thousand names. - The Lady's Friend will continue to be devoted as heretofore to choice literature and the illustrations of the fashions It will contain the latest patterns of Cloaks. Caps, bonnets, head-dresses, fancy work, em broidery, &c , with teceipls, .music, and other matters interesting to ladies. The mnric alone is worth more than the cost cf the whole magazine, the pieces being selected by Prof. Gelze from the eapacious repository of that widely known and enter prising firm, Messrs. Lee & Walker. The Lady's Friend is edited by Mrs. Henry Peterson, supported ' by the follow ing brilliant corps of contributors. Florence Percy, Mr Bella Z Spencer, Mrs. L. C. Moulton, Annie F Kent Mrs. M.! F. Tucker, Frances H Sheffield, Miss F.f. C. Donnelly, Carrie E Meyer Jnlia Gill. Mattie Dyer Brills Mrs. El iza S. Turner.E Margaret fetarr. f ranees lee Frail Mrs P. H. Phelps Mrs M. C Pyle August Bell Emma B Pipley Miss A L Muzzy, Mrs H A Heydon Emilie Lester Leigh Charles Morris, Miss H S Corey "Aunt Ailice," Mrs M A Denison . Cath. M. Trowbridge, Jilary J. Allen Virginia F TownsendMiss A Foresiier, Beatrice Colonna J. C. T. Mrs Margaret IlosmerCIara Ansosta Miss L W Tappan Mrs Anna Bache Marcia Hope, Haltie Hammond Sarah J Ramsey " Mrs L. J. Rittenhouse Helen Mayo Ettie V Siade T J Chambers Mary H Cox, Addie E Sutton And other talented Annie Russell Leslie Walter, Helen M Pratt Sophie May Phila H Chase Edwin R Manin Caroline A Bell Harris Byrne Emma M Johnson Minnie W May, Mrs James , -, writers. Beautiful En gra viiigs, A beautiful Steel Fancy Engraving and a superb colored steel fashion plate wiil illustrate every number; besides well exe cuted wood cuts, illustrative of ihe f&b ions, farc.y wcrk, &c, too numerous to detail SEWING MACHINE PREMIUM. In order to enable ladies to procure a first quality Sewing Machine at very little out lay, we tr.ak-e ihe following liberal offer: We will give one of WHEELER & VIL; SON'S Celebrated Sewins Machines, the remoter price of which Fs FIFTY-FIVE DOLLARS, on the following terms : I. Twenty copies of the Lady's Friend, one vear, and the Sewing Machine, S70 00 II. Thirty copies, one year, and the Sowing Machine, 85 00 III. Forty copies, one year, and the Sewirg Machine, 100 00 In the first of the above clubs, a lady can get twenty subscriber- at the regular price of two dollars and fifty cents a copy, and then by sending on these subscriptions and Twenty Dallars in addition, will gel a Machine ihal she cannot buy anywhere for less than Fifty-five dollars. If she gets thirty sob.-cribers and Seventy five Dollars she will only have to add ten. dollars to the amount. While if she gets forty sub scribers at the regular price, she will get her machine for r.ot!iing. The Magazine will be tcnl to different pest offices if desired. The names and money fihonfd te forwarded es rapidly as obtained, in order thai the subscribers may Degtn to receive tneir magazines at once, ant, not become dissatisfied with the delay. When lh9 whole amount of money h re ceived, the Sewing Machine will be duly forwarded. , The Clubs may ba partly 'composed of subscribers to tte "Saturday Evening Pcsi' if desired. In all cases the Machine sent will be the regular Wheeler & Wilson's No. 3 Machine, sold by them in New York, boxed, and forwarded free of cost, with the exception cf freight. ' TERMS: Oar terms are the same as those of that well known weekly paper the Saturday Evening Post in order that the Clubs may be made up of the Daper and magazine conjointly when It is so desired and are as toilows : One copy ore year, S2 50 Two copies one year, 4 00 Fonr copies one year, 8 00 Eight copies one year, and one to get ter up of club, $16 09 Twenty copies one year, and one to gstler up of clcb, ' 35 00 0;ie copy of the Lady's Friend and one of the Post, 4 CO Single numbers of the Lady's Friend (postage paid by u) twenty-five cents. Subscribers in British North America most remit twelve cer.ta in addition to the annual subscription, as we have to repay the United Slates postage. The contents of tne Lady' Frier-d and of the Post will always be entirely difft?reni. Address, DEACON & PETERSON, No. 319 Walnut si., Philadelphia. Specimen copies will be sent to those desirous ol getting up Clubs, on the receip of fifteen cents. October 18, 1865. TEA e 11 K US WANTED, FOR BLOOM DISTRipT, COL. CO. PA. Tne Directors of Bloom School District wish 10 employ TEN MALE TEACHERS to take charge of the Winter Schools. No one need apply except they can produce first class Certificate, also certifica'es of good moral character. Persons applying may meet the Board of Directors at the public Examination at the Academy, on October 23. The Schools to open on the 1st of November. By order of Board. J. K. EDGAR, Sec'y. Bloomsburg, Oct. 4. 1865. Administrator's IN t ice. Estate of Ann Hutchison, Lnfe of Fishingcreek iownih'p, Columbia county, dee'd. T ETTERS of administration on the esfa'.e of Ann Hutchison late of Fishingcreek township, Columbia County, deceased, have been granted by Ihe Register of said connty, to Thomas J. Hu'chison residing in tbe township and county aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against i&e estate of the decedent are requested to preterit them for settlement and those in debted to tbe estate will make immediate payment to the administrator. THOMAS J. HUTCHISON, fuhingcrcct, Oct. 11 1865. AdrrCr. ITCH I ITCH ITCH ! Scratch, Scratch, Scratch ! WHEA TON'S OINTMENT, Will Cere tte Itch In 48 Hours. ALSO cures Salt Rheum, Ulcers. ChiU blainp, add all Eruptions of the skin Price 50 cents. For sale by all druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POT TER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington' street. Bostotr, Mass., it will be forwarded by mail, nee of f ots?, to nrtrt fM"T7i.jLJV!!. Lackawanna & Bloonsbnrg It. It. TWO DAILY TRAINS. ON and after Monday, 1864, Passenger Trains December 26th, will run as f ol- lows : ... XeaYe rorthTrard. STATIONS. MAIL. PASSENG'R. Northumberland, Danville, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Berwick, Shickshinny, Kingston, Wyoming, Pittson, Arrive at . Scranton, Great Bend, New York, Easton, Philadelphia, Leare S Scranton, . Pittston, . Wyoming, Kingston, Shickshinny, Berwick, Bloom6burg, Rupert. Danville,' Arrive at Northumberland, Williamsport,. Harrisburg, Baltimore Washington, Philadelphia, 8.00 AM 6 00 P 11 8 40 5 40 - 9 25 ' 6 25 10 15 6 25 10 25 7 30 11 10 8 15 12 15 PM 9 15 12 50 9 35 1 05 9 50 1 50 10 25 PM 6 40 " " 5 50 2 45 6 30 out h ward. 6 00 am 4 20 p m 6 30 5 00 6 15 5 45 7 00 " 5 30 7 55 6 44 8 35 7 30 9 05 8 2n 9 25 8 25 10 00 9 15 10 40 10 00 6 30 p ra 2 00 am 1 20 1 25 5 40 7 00 9 05 10 3 5 5 40 5 00 The shortest -nnd most direct route to the West and ihe Oil Jlegions I Trains of the Philadelphia and Erie Rail road leave Northumberland every mourn ing for Erie, arriving there the afternoon of the same day to connect with Trains for Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, And ail other points West, connecting at ('orry with all Trains on the Oil Creek Railroad. Passengers for Train 3, can leave New York via The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. at 9 00 A. M., thereby reaching ail points 011 this Road the same day. H. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston. Dee. 20, 1864. lMtOPKCrilJi OF TIIE PHILADELPHIA AGE, 1865. fflHE only Democratic Daily Morning Journal mi rlichi4 in Ph 'i I a A a I rK i ! -w r---" " ...... F. The publishers of the Philadelphia AGE invite the ,earuest attention of business men, in in 6 ng men. literary men. and all who are interested in the various occupa tions and pursuits of life, lo the DAILY and WEEKLY editions of tl eir Jonrnal. The Philadelphia Ase, which advocates the principles and policy ol ihe democratic party, is iued every morning, ( Sundays excepted,) ar;d contains the latest intelli gence from all parts of the world; with care fully prepared articles on Government. Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the cur rent questions and affairs of the dayj Local Intelligence, Market RepoMs, Price Cur rent, Stock quotations, Marina and Com mercial Intelligence, Reports of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Corres pondence, Legal Reports, Book Notices, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Literary Art and Music, Agricultural Matters, and discussions of whatever subjest is of gen eral interest and, No evpnt of arty Importance occurs in any rart of tbe country wifhout be'insr fully and promptly telegraphed to ar.d published in its columns. It has all lh despatches of the Associated Press from every part of the United States, and the news from all parts of Europe brought by the steamers is in-tantly telegraphed, from whatever poitil the steamers CtSt touch. Terms Ten Dollars per annum, for a single copy. live Dollars, for s'x months. Two Dollars and Fifty cents fur three months. And for any less tim: at the rate of Une Uoftar per mo.. payment required invariably in advance. Ihe f hilattelprna Weekly A'h, is a complete compendium of the news of the week, and cDnta r.s ihe chief editorials, ihe Price Current and Market Reports, Stock Quotations. Intelligence for Farmer. Cor respondence, and G3neral News Matter published id the Daily Age. It also con tains a great variety of ether literary and miscellaneous matter, including Tales. Sketches, Biography, Facetiee, and Poetry, rendering it in all respects a First Class Family Journal, particularlyadaoted to the Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Literary man, and all classes of readers, Ii has in fact, every character of a live newspaper, fitted for the Counting Hoot-e, ihe Workshop, the Fireside and the Gen eral reader. The WEEKLY AGE i3 mailed in season to reach all parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, on or betore Saturday of each week. Terms Two Dollars per annum for a single copy. One Dollar for six mos. and Sixty cents for three months. One copy gratis toill be sent for one year to the person forwarding U3 20 yearly subscribers paid in advance. No paper will be sent until the subscrption is paid. SPECIMEN COPIES of the above pa pers seat gratis lo any address, on applica tion. TO ADVERTISERS, Tbe circulation of the Philadelphia AGE, which is steadily and rapidly growing, makes it at least as valuable a medium for advertising as any other commercial and business newspaper in Philadelphia; and the fact that it reach es a large class of conservative readers, scattered over a vast extent of country, who do not. take any other Philadelphia paper, commends it, to an extraordinary degree, L as a means of comman:cating with the pub lic not possessed by any other JournaUpub lisbed in ibis city. The AGE is now established on a sore and permacent foundation. The publish ers could easily fill their columns w'th the unsought and most liberal commendations of the press throughout the country; bat they prefer that it should stand altogether upon claims to public confidence well known and established. It will be, as here tofore, the snnporter ol the National, Con- servavive, Democratic, Union JfrincipJes, opposed alike to radicalism and fanaticism in every form, and devoied to the main tenance of Good Government, Law, and Order. The revival of all the business relations of the country, consequent upon the suppression of the rebellion and the restoration of peace, .will enable the pub lishers to make a number of improvements in the various departments of this Journal, and they, therefore, respectfully solicit the support of all who wish to secure one of the beat Commercial, Literary, Business, and Family newspapers ia the country. -Br Now is the time to subscribe. Address, GLOSSBRENNER & WELSH, 430 Chestnut Street, ' Jane 7, 1865. . PHILADELPHIA. '. pOXVElf Alt C1XG, NEATLY AND Terrible Excitement ! IN LIGHT STREET, AT PETER Mrs STORE, Oii Account of the IVetv Arrival of FALL & Winter GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES IIAS just received from the ea; and isnow opening at the tern cities old stand a splendid assortment of lLOirkcQasiiciio.e2cda which will be sold chean for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! His stock consUts of Ladies Drese Goods, choicest styles and latest fashions. CALICOES, MUSLINS. GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, HOSIERY, SILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS, &C. Ueady-illadc Clothing:, SATINETS, CSSIMERES, COTTON A DES KENTUCKY JEANS4 THREAD, &C. QUEENS WARE, CEDARW AilE, UARDWARE, MEDICINES, DRUGS, COOTS AND SHOES, HATS and CAPS, In short everything usually kept in a conntry store. The patronage of his old friends, and the public generally, is respectfully so licited. - . The highest market price paid for coun try produce. PETER ENT. fj'sht Street Oct. 4, 1865. Miller's Store. or Fall& Winter Goods. flUE subscriber has just relumed from - Ihe cities with another large and telect assortment of Fall and IFinter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at ihe lowest figure, and which he is deter mined lo sell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere in Bloornsburg. Hi slock comprises LA DIE' A DRE$S GOODS of the chcicest styles and latest fashions. together with a larae assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, AND VESTINGS. ALSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Q0EENSWARE, CEDARW A RE. HOLLOW WARE. NAILS, IRON HOOTS SHOES. HATS CAPS.-c. In short, everything usually kept in coun try stores, to which he invites the attention of the public generally. The highest price will be paid for coun try produce, ir exchange for goods. STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloornsburg, Oct. II, 1865. Auditor's Notice. - LAate cf Jime McBi ids decV, THE undersigned, Auditor appointed by the O-phans' Court orColurabls county, to make distribution of the balancsiti the hands of Hugh D. McBride administrator cf James McBride, late ol Hemlock township in aid county, i!ec'd, among the several heirs of the decedei.t in the order establih ed by law will, attend at bia office, in Bloornsburg, on Saturday ihe ilth day of November next at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day lor the purpose of making the distribu tion All persons having claitcs or demands aga'msi ihe estate cf the decedent are noti fied lo present theia to the Auditor on that day or be debarred from coming in fo: a 6hare of the fund. C. G. BARXLEY, Aud'r. Oct. 11, 1866. 4w. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Franklin McfJride, dee'd. THE undersigned, Auditor appointed By the Orphans' Court of Columbia couuty, lo make distribution cf ihe balance in the bands of Hugh D. McBride, administrator of Franklin McBride, late of Hemlock townsliip in said county, deceased, among the several heirs ol the decedent in ihe 6rder established by law, will attend at h:s office, in Bloornsburg, on Saturday tre Ilth day of November next at 10 o'clock, A- M. of said day, fa; the purpose of making th distribution.. All persons haviag claims or demands against the estate ol the decedent are notified lo presant-them to the Auditor on that day or be debarred from coming in for a share of the fund. C. G. BARKLEY, Aud'r. Oct. 11, 1865, 4w. SHERIFF'S ALB. By virtue of tioni Exponas, a writ of retlatum Verdi issued out ct the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne countF. to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the COURT HOUSE, in C!oom?bur2, on THURSDAY, the 26;h DAY of OCTOBER, 1865, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon, the following real estate, lo wit : All that certain tract or piece of land situate in Madison Township, Columbia County, Containing one hundred 4and twenty four acres, bounded on the South by lands of James Kisner and William Barber, on ihe west bv lands of Conrad Kramer and Dr. Comer, on the north by lands of Daniel Smith and Isaac McBride. Where on are erected A TWO STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AND A FRAME Barn. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John B Mills. SAMUEL SNYDER, ShrifTs Office, ) Sheriff. Bloornsburg, Oct. 11, 1865. ) A CEIVTXEJIArV, URED of Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and the effects of youthful in discrecion, will be, happy to furnish others with the means of cure, (jree of charge.) This remedy is simple, safe, and certain. E7For particulars, by return mail, please address, JOHN B. OGDEN, Jane 7, 1865. 60 Nassau St. N Y. DAVID LOWEXBERG. CLOTHING STORE, On Main street,! wo doors above the Amer ican Hotel. HOWARDS ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Urinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable treatment. Al so the BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay of W aning and Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. J.SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associ ation, No. 2, South Ninth S'reet Philadel- THE PIICENIX PECTORAL ,2 17 ILL CURE rg w Your Cough. ' C - Read the aJver- H isement below. The Phosnix Pec toraljor compound Syrup ot WildCherry and Seneka Snake Root, will cure the Diseases of Ihe Throat and Lungs, such as" colds, coughs, croup, Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, sore tbroal, hoarseness, whooping cough, otc. Its timely use will prevent PULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even where this fearful disease is fully developed, it will afford more relief than any other medicine. J. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker, of. the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, says: "This cough remedy is now exten sive used, and is of the highest value to ihe community, its curative qualities hav ing been tested by thousands with tbe moft gratifying results. It is carefully and skilllully prepared frnm Wild Cherry Bark and Seneka Snake Rool, by Dr. Levi Ober holtzer, a reputable physician of Phopnix ville, Pa., and is sold by nearly all drug gists and country storekeepers." D. P. Crosby, ex-Post Master and ex Buigess of Poitstown, certifies as follows: POTTSTOWN, Jan. 3, 1865. This certifies that I have used ihe Pbce nix Pectoral in my family, and I recom mend it to the Public an ihe very best remedy for congh and. colds that I have ever tried One of my children was taken with a cold, accompanied with a croupy cough, so bad, indeed, that it could not talk and scamely breathe. Having heard k much said about the Phcenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieves the difficulty of breathing, and be fore the child had taken one fourth of the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have it in their house. Signed. D. P. CROSBY. J. C. Smith, druggist of New Hope. Bucks conoly, Pa., in writing lo Dr. Oberhohzer, says: "A few days since I bought two dozen of your valuable cough remedy to try, and find il very good, and as h is near ly all gone I would like you to send roe a gross of it. "Your medicine gives better satisfaction than any other I have in the Store. I am agent lor some of ihe most popular cough preparations, but yours teems to be doing the moM good." The following is an extract from a letter from Hiram Ellis, merchant, near Potts town, Pa., "I have tried the Phcenix Pec toral and rind ii to be ihe bet rough med icine extant. Ii meet with a more ready sale than any other that I have ever bad in my store." The proprieior of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative powers, from the lestimony of thousands who have u.ed it, that the money will be paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects.'' Il is so pleasant to take that children cry for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; large Bodies ONE DOLLAR. Il is intended for only one class of dis eases, namely those ol the THROAT and LUNGS. Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER M. D. Pl.ccnixville, Pa., and sold by all Druggists ami Storekeepers. Johnson, Holloway, & Cowden, No. 23 North Sixth Sireet, Philadelphia, and F. C. Wells & Co., 115 Franklin Street, New York, General Wholesale Agent. N. B. If your nearest drugaisi or store keeper does not keep this medicine do not let him put you off with some other medi cine, because he makes more mor.ey on it, but tend at once to one of ihe Agents fcr it Jjnc 21, lSC5. 6:a. Jmalional Foundry. XHocimlHirg, Columbia Co., nptie sub?ribri proprietor of the above named extensive elabliihmen!, is now prepared to rect-ive orders for all kinds of machinery, for COLLERIES. BLAST FUR N A C ES STATIONARY ENGI N ES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared lo make S:oves, all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every ihing usually made in first-class Foundries His etlansive facilities and practical workman, wairant him in receiving the largest contracts on the most reasonable terms. C-e" Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchanae for castings. CF" This establishment i located near (he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloornsburg, Sept. 9. 1863. Valuable Kecipc. Editors of the "Star," Dear Sirs: With your permission, I wUh to say to the read ers of your paper that 1 will send, by return mail, to a!i who wish it (free; a recipe with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Ealm, that will effectually remove, iu tea days, Pimples, Bloiches, Tan, Fruckles, and all Impurities cf the Stin, leaving the same toll, clear, soiooih, and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having bald hads or bare faces simple directions and information, thai will enable them lo start a lull growih of luxuriant bait, whiskers, or a mcubtachej in less than thirty days. These recipes are valuable to both old and young, and as ihey are mailed to al who need them free of charge, they are worthy the attention of all who prize a clear, pure skin, or a healthy growth of hair. All applications answere'd by return mail, without charge. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Perlumer, No. 831 Broadway, New York. August 9, 1865 2m. CLAIM AGENCY. - THE undersigned desires to call atten tion of the public, to bis facilities ol obtain ing Pensions, Bountie (Local and Govern ment Bounty Land for Soldier?, Settlement of officer's Account!., &c. Dis charged Sol-iiers oi th'eir heirs can get their FULL BOUNTIES, though generally they have received part. No charges for information, loi unless claim is secured. C. B. BROCKWAY. Bloornsburg April 5. 1865 ly. ESTRAY. P'AMR to the premises of the subscriber, in Locust township, Columbia county, oa the 27th of July, 1865, A DARK BROWN HEIFER, aged about one year, in tolerably good con dition. The owner will come forward prove property, pay the charges, and take her away, otherwise 6he will be disposed of as the law directs. JOHN IIARNER. Locust, Sept. 6, 1865 . MORO PHILLIPS' Super-Phnsphale of Lime. Laugh 4 Sons' Raw Bone Phorphate, in large and small quantities, and Pure War ranted Lake Salt, at xeholesale Sr retail. AgricnUural Chemical Co's. CHEAP FERTILIZERS. 'THE Fertilizers prepared by' the Agri cultural Chemical Co., (a Comp any haet tered by the Legislature ot Pennsylvania with a capital of S250.000.) have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, lor (he Farmer, Gar dener and Frail grower, of all roncentarted nanures now offered it cny n akt. . The Companj 's list embraces tte lollovting p buTett". This Fertilizer Is composed of night soil and ihe fertilizing gen is of urine, combined chemicail and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and absorbents. It is reduced to a pnlverutent condition f ready for immediate use, and without Ion of its highly nitrogenooi fertilizing proper ties. Its universal applicability to all crop and soils, arid its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that ag riculturists can desire. CHEMICAlTcOxilPOST. , The Fertilizer is largely composed f animal matter, such as meat, botie,-fih, leather, and wool, together with chemical ar.d inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain tLe nitrogenous, ele ments. It is o very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially tor potatoes and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very, popular with at! who have ned it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This highly phosphate fertilizer is par ticularly adapted for the cultivation of trees fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy 2'owlh ot v ood fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of ihe Ira it. For hot tiosn and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensible article to se cure their greatest perfection. It will pre vent and cure diseased condition of tbe peach and grape, and is excellent for grass and lawns. Il is composed of snch tdpmenls aft make il adapted to the growth ol t'f kinds of crops in all kinds of soil. The tormnla or method cf combining its constituent fertilizing i nreiiient ha re ceived the highest approval of e'i:iuent chemists and scientific agriculiur'uis. PHOSPHATE OF LIME The Agricultural Chemical Company manufacture a Phopbale ol Lime in accor dance with a new and valuable lotmo!a by which a very superior article i produced, as to be afforded at ales price other manufacturers charge. Practical ie. have, proved that its value, as a fertilizer, ia equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the -market. TERMS CASH. All Orders of a Ton or more, will be delivered at ihe Railroad Stations and the Wharves of Shipment, lie of cartage. Cartage will be charged ou all orders of 6 barrels or less One doi.'ar per Ton allowance for cartage will be made on all sales delivered at ihe Works of the Company.on Canal Wharf. Agricultural Chemical Company's Work, At Canal Whnrf vn (he Dtfotrart. Office, 413$ Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. R. B. FITTS, General Aaent. The Company's Pdmpnlet Circular, em bracing full directions f; u-ang tjin abort Fertilizers, sent by mail, free, w hen re quested. Marchj 8. 1865 6mo. si i S 6 5 O, O O O SO VVUKTH OF WiTCHES. C2IAIX5, RIXGS, &C. G. S. HASKINS 8o CO., 30 Reekmnn trcet, Nerv Yark. offer the fcllowins inducements to Buyers bf Valuable Having been fcr a long time er.gaurd the Packet business, and established .reputation for promptness and reliabilii), and possessing grtat facilities for selling Jewelry in this way, we are confident that we can sive satisfaction to all who foul disposed to patronize us $650,000 WORTH OF WATCHES DIA-" mond Pins, Chains, &.:., to be sold lor On a Dollar each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you know what yno are to receive.. JUST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH I 175 Watches (handsomely ensraved and warranted perfect lime keeper), varying in prices from $20 00 lo S120 00 each. 225. Ladies' watches, solid gold hunting cae, S65 00 each. 2 SO Gen lenen's silver watches 15 00 to 20 00 each. 6,000 Latest style vest and neck chains, 4 5C to 30 00 each. 5,000 Gent's California Diamond 2 50 to 25 00 each. Pins, 4;C00 California diamond ear drop. 2 00 to 15 00 each. 3 000 Miniature and enamelled gentV icarf pins, new styles, 5 00 to 15 POeach. 2,000 Masonic and emblem pin, 3 00 to 10 00 each. 2 500 Gold band brarelets, er.graved and plain, 3 CO to 20 00 each. 3,000 Jet and Mosaic brooches, 3 00 to 70 CO each. 2,000 Cameo brroche", rich pattern, very tasty, 3 00 lo 60 00 each. 4 500 Florentine and Lnva pins, the real article, 4 00 to 10 00 each. 3 500 Lava and Florentine ear drops 3 00 to 10 CO each. 3,00 Coral ear drops, 4 00 to 6 00 ehch. 2,000 Ladies' Chatehine chains, j-t ui.d gold, 15 00 tc 20 00 each. 6,000 Gem' pin, a spleudiJ assortment, 2 00 to 15 00 each. 4,000 Solitaire sleeve bu:tons,en'.iie!y new st) les, 2 00 to 5 00 each. 3.000 Studs and sleve buttons, in sets,, very rich, 3 00 lo 15 00 each. 5 000 Sleeve buttons, plain, enamelled and engraved, 2 00 to 8 00 each. 10,000 Plain and handsomely eograveJ rings, 2 50 to 10 00 each. .8.000 Spring lockets, double case, richly engraved, 2 00 to 15 00 each. 15,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new and Utet styles, 6 00 to 12 00 each. 2.000 Gold pens, and - handsome tilvrt cases, 5 00, to 10 00 each. This entire list of beautiful and valuable goods will be sold for One Dollar . Certificates of all the above articles will be placed in envelopes, and sealed. Thee envelopes are sent by mail, a urJererf, without regard to choice. On the receipt of the Certificate you will 6ee what you are to have, and then it is at your option to send one dollar and lake the article, or not. Five Certificates can be ordered for SI; eleven for S2; thirty-five for S5; sixty-five for S10; and one hundred for S15. We will send a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 cents. - G. S. HASKINS & Co , Box 4270. 36 Beekmaa St., N Y.- BJonm.bnr2, April 5th. 165.