The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 01, 1865, Image 2

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to i iiii
J7. Cf7Br, EDITOR.
C11AS. G. BJRKLEY, Assistant Editor.
SSCEC, tfEDHSDAT, SOT. 1st, 1865.
S. M. Pettingill &. Co., 37 Park Row
New York, ate duly authorized to solicit and
Teceive subscriptions and advertising for the
Flar of the North, published at Bloornsburg,
Columbia county, Penn'a.
Mather & Co., 335 Broadway, Naw York,
are authorized ;o receive subscriptions and
advertising for the Star of the North.
The' Opposition. Notwithstanding the
attempts now made by those Republicans
whom Thaddeos Steven designated as
"parasitic Republicans," to disguise their
opposition to the President' policy, under
the hypocritical profession of support, bat a
few montht will elapse ere the entire Re
publican party will be arrayed in open war
fare against the Administration. We ay
the Itepoblican party of coarse occluding
those noble patriot! who prefer country to
party, and jive their adherence to the Pres
ident' policy because they deem it to be
lie only plan for the complete reotoratiort
of the government to ita old status. With
these exceptions the great mass of the Re
publican party clin; to their organization,
and on purely partizan ground reject the
salvation of the country.
That the aaccesa of the President's wise
end patriotic policy is not dependent on
them we riay be thankful but we"" may
rest assured they will not cease opposition
so long aa' they are able to oppose. Bat
; sustained by the entire Democratic and oth
er Conservative masses of the country, the
President may well dispense with their sop
port. As wk informed car readers before the
October election, the radicals claim the re
sult io Pennsylvania aa a victory favoring
negro suffrage. Read what the Pittsburg
Gazette says : ' . ..
"The Democrats cade negro suffrage a
special issue in the late election throughout
th State, and have been beaten. They in-
, sisted upon it that it was the issue, and the
fnly issue. We accept the rnsolt aa deci
sive on. that point, and the Democrats being
judges may fairly claim that Pennsylvania
iias decided against the admission of south
cm States nnlets manhood suffrage is first
" conceded and secured.""
Herschel V. Johnson, in Augusta, gave
good advice to bis friends. Ha told them to
opport the President and elect men as
member of Congress whose antecdente can
furnish the radical with no pretext to tp
pose"thera taking their seats.
On the night of the 20tb, cattle thief Jim
Lane. Senator from Kansas, made a speech
at Washington, in which he said that he
would rather bear, instead of the daily an
nouncement of the pardqri of eighty or one
bendred and fifty rebels, that two or three
were hung. He also expressed the opinion
that no roan should be pardoned en til his
e;a(e should be reduced to the squatter's
claim one hundred and sixty acres. By
snch oddities and atrocities Jim manages to
gather around bim enough rascals and cut
throats to constitute' an orbit, and to form a
uriking contrast to the good which merilori
tjcs men perform.
At St. Louis, Missouri, an Attorney who
was indicted for practicing without taking
the eatb, has been subjected to a fine of
fie hundred d&IIars. An appeal waa taken
m the. United States Supreme Co art, and a
p' of execution was granted to file a bill oi
exception. General Frank Blair made a
speech recently t Rolla, Missouri, in which
lie stated that of one hundred thousand bales
of cotton seized in the vicinity of Vicksbnrg
, and turned over to the Government, not a
thousand bales were ever accounted.for
lie charged that the Provost Marshals of the
West were a set of thieves and plunderers,
generally; accused Secretary Stanton with
t ping an original lraitor;said that Alexander
H Stephens was, on the other band, a loyal
man, and that when Stephens was : locked
t'P, the true man was imprisoned and the
nrcal and traitor meaning Stanton was
left on the outside.
: .The "local" editors of Nashville are kept
busy, we wonld judge by the following "re
cord" of one day gathering:!. "A spirit
ed dog fight';"' 2. "Robbery of an actress;'
3. "Highway robbery;' 4. "Sad case of
death from destitution:" 5 'A whole family
poisoned with arsenic;" 6. "A bloody street
fi2hi;'"7. Horrible tragedy a man kills his
wife and is shot by his neighbors;" 8. "An
other despera'e and bloody street fight;" 9.
"Negro guard killed by a dray driver." An
exciting horse race toot place in the after
noon, and the day's entertainment closed
with a destructive fire. ;
Fftisx. Leslie's monthly magazine, the
Gazette of Fashion and; Choice Literature,
has been ; received for November, heavily
laden, as usual, with fashion plates, illus
trations of various .kinds, and most excel
lent reading. This magizine is not behind
any of them, but is at the top of the heap.
Sand and get if. . ' ' '
A EciTon tsr Lccx. William L. Davis,
Eq., proprietor of the Easton Daily Erpress,
received a very substantial token of the
pood wi!l of his fellow townsmen on Friday
evening last, in the gift of a handsome steam
p-i-'na and boiler.-complete, intended to
v'-r.'i fc's new power press.
Ths Philadelphia Daily News says, that
th individual arrested -some time since
n--3 s??picion of his being John H. Surratt
it a f 7 is stiM in " prison, without ao ex-ar.-.i.-.atioa
to sbo jv who he really is.
Tf .! is the way Stantoa manages the af-
in his tlepar
;.rser,t cf Slate. What cares
t-i'.h ci?2 s.Td a.CIsecca,
v. ,-T SarrsU Essss. :
The Washington correspondent of the
Roatoo Herald says: 1
The room at the Surratt House in which
Payne slept, and Booth conspired, are to be
thrown open to the idle gaze of a crowd,
while all of the household farnature and
utensils are to .be knocked off to the highest
bidder by the auctioneers hammer. Even
the house which belongs to John Surratt and
sister, and who now occupy it is for
runt. The estate is to be settled, and all
that remains of the-name of Surratt, save
the interred corpse in the arsenal yard, is to
disappear from Washington. ' The house
continue to be an object ol interest to stran
gers and citizens. I rosy add here that it
haa always been something ofa mistery as
to what caused the detectives - to go to the
Surratt House in little more than an hour
after Mr. Lincoln was shot in the theatre on
that terrible Friday night. They went there
and inquired for John Surratt about mid
night. Not finding him they went away
and did not go there again until the follow
ing Wednesday night, when Payne came in
and was caught. Wiechman, the witness,
could not have given the information, for he
was in the house abed and asleep when the
Deiective called. The fact may also be
cited that the detective force wbo inquired
for Snrratt that same night belonged to the
Metropolitan police, while those who arres
ted Payne some days afterwards at that
house were attached to Gen. Augur's head
quarers. The two visits here have been so
mixed up in conflicting accounts that the
public are doubtless unaware of the fact
that in about an hour after the assassination
the authorities were at the conspirator's
headquarters and close on the heels of the
assassins, bo much for the Snrratt house."
Arrest cf Election Officers.
On Wednesday last Jacob Fisher Acting
Judge and Charles Lewis Inspector of Elec
tions in the middle ward, were arrested and
bound over to Court by Esq. Hunsicker, to
answer the charge of receiving votes know
ing them to be illegal; for those of Samuel
Roberts and John Baan, who have clerk
ships at Washington. On Thursday, Wal
lace Henderson and John Leedom, of Upper
Merion, Jude and Inspector, were bound
over on four distinct charges of refusing to
receive the votes of drafted men who had
sot reported. Aigermon S. Jenkins Esq , of
the Gwycedd election district was also on
Friday bound over to. answer the charge of
refusing to receive the vote of e qualified
On Tuesday, Samuel S. Roberts and John
Bean, of this ' Borough, were arrested 'and
bound over to court in the sum of S300, to
answer the charge of illegal voting in the
middle ward of the Borough of Norristown.
These prosecutions have been instituted
to test what the laws really are in relation to
voting and to ascertain who are the legal
voters of a district. Regularly as elections
come around we have several votes brought
home to the Borough, who reside out of it
daring the whole year, with boarding, wash
ing etc., out of the State. We are opposed
to petty prosecutions out of improper mo
tives, but it is well enough to have these
matters promptly settled. It will be fair
for all parties in the future. In the case
of the Upper Merion Judge, no vote certain
ly, could be rejected that were qualified
under the Slate laws. Norristow i Republi
can. A friend bends us a verbatim report of
one of Beechers late sermons, as a '-'curiosity;'1
and in the matter of logic and philoso
phy, it is indeed a curiosity. For the most
part, big sounding words, but senseless.
Take an example: "Things foreign to the
universe cannot last, because they have not
God in them." This i a perfect Beecher
ism,one of those novel sentence which sur
prise shallow people without conveying any
meaning whatever. What are we to under
stand by things foreign to the univtrse ? No
thing can be foreign to the universe, for it
comprehends, in itself, all things, being a
whole of wholes and embracing all parts of
all. It is units and versus, one and all. No
thing that is can be foreign to it, or outside
ol it. Even Beecher himself is a part of it,
a fact which, however disagreeable, must be
accepted. If the people generally were sen
sible, such a senseless sentence-monger as
Beecher could not earn his salt at the preach
ing business. He stands high upon the ig
norance of his bearers. If they bad a high
er degree of intelligence, his position would
be much lower. He flourishes upon their
stupidity. Reduce bis sermons and his lec
tures to the strict line of logic and sense and
they vanish lika so much smoke. The Old
Tec worthy people of Massachusetts sent
$150,000 to the Black Republicans of New
Jersey, for the purpose of carrying the elec
tion in that State by bribery and corruption.
The same class of men at Washington, New
York and Philadelphia sent, for the same
purpose,-between S300,000 and $400,000
more. What is (his but attempting to de
prive ejrery honest man of tb benefit of hie
right of franchise ? : Every man whom they
cannot corrupt they would a effectually dis
franchise as though they were to drive him
from the polls with the bayonet.
Shocking Inhumanity. At daylight yes
terday morning, the naked, dead body of a
large; healthy, and newly born male infant,
was found on a pavement in Callowhill St.
near George, this borough. An inqaest was
held subsequently, and it was evident that
the child bad been born In some other spot,
carried there and bad died from exposure.
No marks of violence were found on the
body. No evidence was elicited which
would lead to the detection of the unnatural
mother. A verdict of infanticide by some
party unknown, was rendered. The body
of the child was subsequently interred in
Potter's Field Pottsville Paper.
Tex Fenian Congress, in session in Phil
adelphia, has adopted a constitution, mod
eled upoa that of the United States, end
?ctsJ a Present aid Senators for the
Tb8 Isfasiani fiepnblieaa Frauds la Ptila
delpbia. .. .
At the late election in Philadelphia the
nominee of the Republican party for City
Commissioner,1 Mr. Given, was .defeated by
the vote of the people of Philadelphia, and
Major Weaver, the' Democratic candidate,
was elected. Mr. Given lost over bis party
vote nearly lO.OOO! Major Weaver's ma
jority was 1,350 rotes. Col. Mann, the
Republican nominee for District Attorney,
an the same ticket with Given, had nearly
10,000 majority. Yeaterday the so-called
"soldiers' vote" was returned to the Protho
notary's office. By this vote .Mr. Given was
counted elected lit
This gigantic fraud has taken the people
by surprise. Even the Republicans are
frightened at the audacious attempt to set at
defiance the popular will. Men of all par
ties begin to ask if the Republican party is
not rotten. This attempt to "treat an elec
tion as though it had not taken place" has
stirred the public mind to a state of great
exasperation. The " negropnblicans" feel
that they have trifled with the elective fran
chise once too often they have overshot the
mark. These "soldier vote returns" show
patent frauds. The ballots are no: folded ;
the envelopes are all of one kind; they
were mailed all at the same post office, on
the same day. just in lime to come to Phila
delphia for (he last meeting of the return
1 judges, Friday, Oct. 27. .They were post
marked Naw York, as coming from New
Orleans, but there bad been no arrival from
New Orleans at New York for some days
before these returns were mailed at New
Fraud on fraud, utter contempt for the
rights of the people, insolent and audacious
disregard of the plainest principles of hon
esty and even prudence, mark this last ef
fort of the Republican party to defeat tSe
will of the people. Men of Pennsylvania,
are yon content supinely to permit such
outrages to pass, unrebuked, on the sacred
right ol the ballot. Men of Pennsylvania,
are yon willing by your want of interest in
the fate of your country and its institutions,
its free government, its free ballot and free
elections, to give op your manhood and po
litical rights to the Republican party, which
cheats lor power and commits frauds for
Rise up, men of Pennsylvania, organize
at once, either clubs or societies or meet
ings, to protect the free ballot. Begin at
once. Come together, young men, to save
your system of government from destruction
bFOaai8 of the Republican party. Re
member what it cost your fathers to estab
lish a free government, the right to vote,
and the purity of the ballot. Will yon suf
fer the Republican party to destroy all and
you stand idly by ? Awake ! arouse ! orga
niz!! Let the cry go forth over the hills
and valleys of Pennsylvania i free ballot
the consequences "fall on us and onr chil
dren." Sound the clarion call marshal
the men organize I organize ! Now is the
hour to begin. A free vote, a fair Count, or
despotism Patriot and Union.
Hcnst Ward Beecher says he w a tit J "a
government hereafter so strong that there
can never be either a tumnll or n insurrec
tion." Then the government of hell otlght
to suit him exactly, for there Lucifer's pow
er is so absolute and go great that no one
can ever think of resistance. We read of ' re
bellion in heaven,''but never of rebellion in
bell. According to Beechers theory, hell is
the best, and the best administered govern
ment in existence. No wars ! no riots ! no
tumnlts ! no insurrections! no rebellions!
no sympathisers with treasoa! There'pow
er is so perfect and despotism so admirable,
that the peace of the kingdom is never dis
turbed. Insurrections and rebellions sup
pose a consciousness of oppression.or some
wrong, with the hope of redress. Bot there
is nothing of this kind in Mr. Beecher's mo
del government of hell no consciousness of
injustice, and no hope to inspire action.
All is the dead inertia of power ; that is the
perfect model of a strong government. We
hope Mr. Beecher's admiration of that sys
tem of government will not be dampened
when he gets there. For our part, we want
to see discord, vengeance, and resistance
reign, wherever and whenever tyranny and
oppression raise their heads. We pray God
that there may never be any peace, any
where, on the basis of despot 'urn. It is the
people's right and the people's doty to free
this world of tyrants. It is the people's right
t.o be free,tnd to send to Satan's kingdom all
wbo try to introduce his system of govern
ment on earth. The Old Guard. -
Wear a Smile. Which will yon
and make others happy, or be crabbed and
make every body miserable? You fan live
among beautiful flowers and singing birds,
or in the mire surrounded by fogs and frogs.
The amount of happiness which yon can
produce is incalculable, if yon will show a
smiling face, a kind heart, and speak pleas
ant words. On the other hand, by sour
looks, cross words and fretful disposition,
yon can make hundreds unhappy almost
beyond endurance. Which will yon do?
Wear a pleasant countenance, let joy beam
in your eye and love grow in yoor forehead.
There is no joy so great as that which
springs from a kind act or a pleasant deed,
and you may feel it at night when yon rest,
and at morning when yon rise, and through
the day when about your business. .
A number of our Democratic exchanges
are leveling their heaviest blows at the
great body of the Democratic party for not
turning out at the recent election. Probably
tlie party merits a, good share of chastise
ment, but dont yon think, good friends, that,
if more of our cudgeling had been done
bi'fore the election, there would have been
loss necessity to do so much of it now ?
Emerson Etheridge, it "is stated, has been
acquitted of the charges preferred against
bim before a military commission at Colum
bia, Kentucky, and that be is now at his
home in Dretden, Tennessee.- He should
immediately bring an action against the
commission for damages, and show that the
whole proceedings against bim were nali-
Official Tote or Representative. . '
Jacobt, D. - .Ecxman, R.
Colombia, 2999 1583
Montour, .1196 . 841
Soldiers' vote, 6 6 '
4201 "2430
Jacoat's majority , 1771.
Improvements. We notice that the Lu
thsrG congregation of Berwick and vicinity,
are engaged erecting a Parsonage in our
Borough, for the use of their worthy Pas
tors Rev. Wm. B. Fox. It is to be built of
brick and will be quite an ornament to the
town. We understand several other new
buildings will be erected in onr Borough
this fall. Berwick Gazelle.
A so-called "War Democrat" is indig
nant at being called a "mule." Why, sir, it
is probably the best thing to be said of you.
A mule is something between a horse and a
jackass, and if you were not a mule yon
would almost certainly be the latter; i. e., if
yon were not a mule Democrat, yoa would be
a Black Republican ; lor it is probably not in
you to be a true, foil-blooded Democrat.
Peterson's Philadelphia Counterfeit Defect
or and Bank Note List, fcr the month of No
vember, is received. It announces that
twenty new counterfeits have been pnt in
circulation since the issuing of the October
number; eleven of which were described
in the semi-monthly number of October.
Business men should have this money
guide. Those who do a pretty heavy busi
ness should subscribe for the semi-monthly:
Terms, monthly, Si. 50; semi monthly, $3. 00
There is no longer a doubt that Seward
has played the role of a spy, and inlormed
in relation to the Fenians of the United
States. However much the English govern
ment may rejoice in the news thus recived,
it is not to be supposed that there is one
man of honor in all England wbo does not
despise Mr. Seward for the low part he has
played. He does not think it beneath his
character to play the part of a watch-dog for
Great Britain nor shall we hereafter.
Rebellion in the liunan Interior.
Rebellions are not confined to bodies po
litic. They break out in our own interiors
as well as in the "bowels of the land."
The natural law of onr bodies is health,
but we misuse them and they revolt.' We
Bubject them to exposure, we overtask
them, we overload the stomach, we neg
lect the bol9, we plunge ont of rooms
hotter than the tropics into an atmosphere
below freezing point, and in various other
wavs triile with oar health.
Bnt these frames of onrs are wonderful
machines, and we can, by the nse. of the
REGULATE them as to render therrOal
most proof against the ordeals to which, in
our recklessness, we subject them.
Nothing that has ever been known or
heard of as a tonic adds so much to the
resistant power of the human system un
der circumstances unfavorab le to health as
you woald escape the intermittent fevers,
fits of indigestion, bilious attacks, and
bowel-complaints, of which cold and damp
are the frequent causes, use the BITTERS
the wisest course ; but if already an in
valid, try the preparation as a RESTORA
TIVE. In either case, full reliance may be
placed upon its efficacy. Sold everywhere.
Sunday Mercury, Dec. 25th, 1862.
Nov. let, 1865.
On the 26th of October, 1865, by the
Rev William J. Ever, Emandus Rhoads
to Miss Mellacina Troxel, both of Locust
township, Columbia county.
On the 23d of Oct. 1965, at the residence
of the bride' father, Hudson Owen, Esq.,
by Rev. M. P. Crosthwaite, Mr. Jerome S.
Walcott, oi Northumberland, and Miss
Hattis J. Owe, of Berwick.
In Orange township, Colombia county, at
Stony Brook Powder VVorks, on Friday, the
20th olt., Mr. Daniel G.-Ent, youngest
brother of the Hon. Peter Ent, in the 31st
year of his age.
In Mount Pleasant township, Columbia
county on Saturday last, Mr. Wm. M cluck,
ia the 74ih year of bis age.
On Sunday evening, October 22J, I860,
near Shicksbinny, Mr. William J. Krxameb,
aged about 48 years.
carefully corrected weekly.
WHEAT. S2 25
RYE, 1 00
CORN, 80
OATS, 50
FLOUR pr bbl.12 0
LARD, per lb.
1,0 ST.
CERTIFICATE No. 514, dated Augnst
6th, 1859, for Six Shares of the Preferred
Slock of the Lackawanna and Bloornsburg
Railroad Company issued to me, having
been lost, this is to caution all persons
against purchasing the same, as I have ap
plied for a new certificate.
- Box 2637, N. Y. City
Nov. I, 1865. 4w.
man, while residiag in South America
as a missionary, discovered a safe and sim
ple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weak
ness, Early Decay, diseases of the Urinary
and Seminal Organs, and the whole. train
of disorders brongbt on by baneful and vi
cious habits. Oreat numbers have already
been cured by this noble remedy. Prompt
ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted and
unfortunate. I will send the recipe for pre
paring and using this medicine, to any one
wbo needs it, in a sealed envelope free oi
charge. Please ecclose a stamped envel
ope, addressed to yourself. Address JO
SEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House,
New -York City. 52-ly
A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily
restore sight and give up spectacles,
wi hout aid of doctor or medicine. Sent
by mail, free, on. receipt af 10 cents. Ad
dress; E. B. FOOTE, M. D.
1130 Broadway, New York.
Court Proclamation.
T HEREAS the Honorable Wm. Elwell,
" President Jodge of the Coa'M of Oyer
and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and
Court of Common Pleas and Orphans, Court,
in the 26th Judicial District, composed of
the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wy
oming, and the Hons. Stephen Baldy and
John McReynolds,' Associate Judgee of Co
lumbia co., have issued their precept, bear
ing date one thousand eight hundred and
sixty-five, and to me directed fcr holding a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General
Jail delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace,
Com, Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms
burg, in the county of Columbia.on the first
Monday, be'in the 4lh day of Dec. next,
and to continue one week.
Notice is hereby given to the Coroner, the
Justices of the Peace and Constables of the
said County of Columbia, that Ihey be then
and there in their proper persons at 10 o'
clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inquisitions and other remembran
ces to do those tnings which to their offices
appertain to be done. And those that are
bound by recognizes, to prosecute against
the prisoners that are or may be in the Jail
of said county ol Columbia, to be then and
there to prosecute then as shall be just. Ja
rors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, agreeably to their notice, dated
at Bloornsburg, the 30th day o I Oct., in (he
year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and sixty-fifth and in the eighty-ninth year
of the Independence of the United Stale of
America. (God pave the Commonwealth.)
Sheriff's Office, . ) Sheriff.
Bloornsburg, Nov. 1, 1865.
TERM, 185.
Benton William Apple man.
Briarcreek Stephen Michael,
Bor. Berwick Paul Kirkendall
Beaver Simon Slicher.
Centre John J. Hagenbuch.
Hemlock Mathias Appleman, David
Armstrong, Reuben Bogart.
Jackson Jno. McHenry, jr., Elisha Rob
bins, lram Derr.
Montour Lloyd Paxton, Samuel Giger.
Madison Elieha B. Hartman, Allen Wat
son. Maine John A. Shuman.
Orange M. I. Hayhurst, John Mejargel.
Scott Thomas W. Edger, Jacob Keller,
Jacob Clossen.
Sugarloaf David Lewis, Samuel Fritz.
TERM, 1865.
Beaver Andrew Shuman, John Shu
man. Benton Philip Shuliz, Benjamin Rozeil,
Abraham Young.
Briarcreek Henry Deitterick.
Bloom Henry Ohl.
Catawissa Caper Rhan, John Ritter.
Centre Peter Delong, Geo. Low, Steph
en Hutton, Henry Shaffer.
Conyngham F. R. Wohlforlh.
Franklin Jesse Mensch, Jackson Clea
ver. Fishingcreek Charles Ash, Sam'l Yost.
Greenwood Emanuel Conner, Robert
Roboins, Josiah Kline, John Leggott, Wm.
Hmlock Jacob Harris, Rea. H. Guild.
Jackson Henry Hurley man.
Locust Aaron Lewis, Peter Bitner, Wes
ley Perry, Hiram Cool, Peter Schwank
Montour Daniel Kashner, John Deit
terick. Maine Daniel Nnss.
Madison William Kreamer.
Orange John Fisher, Cyrus McHenry,
Cornelius Bellas, Samuel Everett.
Roaringcreek John C. Meyers, Peter
Gearhart, Josiah Rhodes, Samr.el Hauck.
Sogarloaf Philip Hess, Gaor2e Moore.
Scott William Garrison, Elias Krum,
William M. Ent.
TERM, A. D. 1865.
1. Rachel Morgan by her next friend Wm
M. Hoagland vs Richard Morsan.
2. Wm. Longenberger & Jas. McAlarny
Exr. of Geo. Longenberger dee'd et al
vs Hugh W. McReynolds et al.
3. Stephen Baldy vs Catawissa, William
sport & Erie R. R. Company.
4. Elijah McMurtrie Indorsee of Aaron
Wolf vs Christian Wolf
5. Jacob Harris vs Peter Jaeoby.
6. Russel P. Slucker vs Wm. lkeler.
7 Jonas Fahringer Jr vs Eman'l Ashton.
8. Wm. L Lance vs Harman G. Crevelins.
9. Wm. L. Lance vs Thos. Creveling et al.
10. Jacob Bucks Exrs. vs Jesse Buck.
11. Jacob Sbuman va the Catawissa Rail
Road company.
12 Amos W. Creamer vs Enoch Howell.
13. Hugh McReynolds vs Peter Oliphant.
14. Amos W. Creamer vs Enoch Howell.
15. Adam Deitterich vs Jere. Jacoby.
16. Benj. Wertman vs Miles A. Williams.
17. Georuo A. Herring vs Peter Miller.
18. B. F. Reighard vsGeo. Patterson, et al.
19. Aaron Bloom vs Reuben S'nler.
20. Jacob Remly vs the Catawissa Rail
Road Company.
21. John Michael, jr., vs John Michael, sr
22. Bonn, Raiguel, & Co. vs Levi Kutz.
23. Mathias Tronsue, vs the twp. of Scott.
21. Anna Barbara Deighrailler, vs Henry
25. The Commonwealth of Penn at the
relation of H. R. Kline, el al., vs Wes
ley Bowman, et al.
2. Administrators of Joseph Paxton, dee'd
vs William L Lance.
27. Hemlock twp. vs Elias Deitterich.
To Drunkards.
Cure permanently eradicates the taste-for
strong drink, and cures the worst case of
drunkenness in less than eight weeks.
Thousands of reformed inebriates now
live to biers the da) they were fortunate
enough to commence the use of this valua
ble remedy. Price two dollars a package.
Mailed to any address on receipt ot an
order, by JAMES S, BUTLER,
429 Broadway New York.
Sole Ag't for the U. S.
August 9, 1865. 2m.
Estate of Christena Kisner, late of
Madison township.
I ETTERS testamentary on the estate of
--4 Christena Kisner. late of Madison twp.,
Columbia county, have beea granted by
the Register of said county, to Samuel
Kisner, of Greenwood township. All per
sons having claims against the estate of
the decedent are requested to present them
for settlement to the Executor ; and those
indebted to the estate will make payment
without delay. SAMUEL KISNER,
Oct. 18, 1865. S3. Executor.
LADIES and Gentlemen: If yon wish to
marry yon can do so addressing me. I
will send yon, without money and without
price, valuable information, that will ena
ble yon to marry happily and speedily,
irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This
information will cost yon nothing and if
you with to marry, I will cheerfully assist
yon. All letters strictly confidential. The
desired information sent by return rnait
aod uo reward asked. Please inclose posl,
age or stamped envelope, addressed to
yourself. Address,
' tTinfr. N. Y.
Y virtue of several writs of venditioni
-f exponas and Levari Facias, to me di
rected, issued ont of the Conn of Common
Pleas of Columbia county, will be exposed
to public 'ale, al the COURT HOUSE, in
Bloomsbnrg, on MONDAY, THE 4TH OF
DECEMBER 1865, al 1 o'clock in the lore-
F I 1 . l r 1 1 - 1
' nuuii ui oaiu uny, me louowing real estate
)lo wit:
A rertain tract or lot of ground situate in
Greenwood township, Columbia co., con
taining TEN ACRES more or less, bounded
as follows: adjoining lands of Jacob Ger
rard, Isaac Dewitt, William Mather, and
others, whereon are erected a Grist Mill, a
Story and a half Frame House, and two
Stables, with the appurtenances.
One other lot of ground, situate in the
county and township aforesaid, containing
TWO ACRES and twenty two perches more
or less, adjoining lands of widow Conner,
Jacob Gerrard and others, with the appur
tenances. ALSO,
One other lot of ground situate in the
county and township aforesaid, containing
ONE ACRE more or less, adjoining I ands
of Joseph R. Patton, Henry Stout, Ephraim
Parks and others, whereon are erec.ed a
story and a half Frame Dwelling House,
and Frame Stable, with the appurtenances.
A lot of gronnd situate in the village of
Rohrburg, Greenwood township, contain
less, bounded by land late of the defendant
and others, with the appurtenances.
One other lot situate in the village of
Rohrburg, county and township aforesai d,
iumi.iiiig rumi iu rtUL.tiri.S, ad
joining lands of C. 81 E. G. Ricketts, where
on are erecteda story 'and a half dwelling
boue, and frame stable, with the appurte
nances. ALLO.
One other lot of gronnd siihaie in the
village of Rohrsburj, known as the "burnt
lot," containing FORTY NINE PERCHES,
more or less, bounded on the west by Main
Sireet, on the north by Main StrePt. on the
east by lot late of James Lemon, on the
soutn Dy lot ol Francis Koe, with the ap
purtenances. ALSO,
One other lot situate in the village of
Rohrsburg, eounty and township aforesaid,
containing twenty-one and one tenth per.)
be the same more or less, adjoining lands
of Robert Stout, and others, whereon are
erected a story and a half frame house and
frame stable, with the appurtenances.
One other tract or land situate, part in
Franklin township, Lycoming county, and
part in Madison township, Colun.biaco,
containing one hundred and ten acres and
one hundred and forty percbe more or lefs,
adjoining lands of John Fox, Margaret
Montgomery tract, Philip Young and others,
wheteon are erected a frame dwelling house
and frame barn, with the apportenar.ces.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Wilson Ager.
The following described real estate situ
ate in Ihe township of Scott, in the county
ol Colombia, the first part thereof contain
ing FIFTY ACRES & eighty nine perches
of land, more or less, bounded and describ
ed as follows: on the north by land of Peter
Schug and John Ent, on the Souih by land
of Samuel Mellick, on the East by public
road" leading from Light Street to Orange
ville, and on the west by land ol J. White
and others, whereon are erected a Furnace,
a Grist Mill, a two story frame dwelling
house, a frame barn, five one story dwelling
houees and a stable.
The second thereof also in the said twp
of Scott, containing Seventeen acres and
four peiches, strict meanre, bonnded and
described as follows: On the north by land
of John While, on the east by laud of John
White, John Eat and lands la:e of Samuel
L. Beltle.
The Third thereof si' the township
of Mount Pleasant, county aforesaid, con
taining four acres and sixty six perches,
more or les, bounded on the north by land
ol John White, on the south by land of Jno.
White, on the eat by land of Peter Schug
and John White, on the east by lands of
John Wh'ne.
The . Fourth thereof being all that two
story Frame Store and Store House and lot
of ground, situate in Light Street, coonty
aforesaid, bounded on the easi by piibiic
road leading from Light Street to Orange
ville, on the west by land late of Samuel L.
Beltle, on the north by an alley and on the
south by a lot now or late of Wm Shannon
and Charles Shannon, being lot No. 3 in
the plan of the village of Libt Street.
The Fifth being all thai certain lot of
ground pituaie in Light Street aforesaid, con
taining sixty feet front and one hundred
and fifty feet in depth and No 4 in the
plan of said Light Sireet, bounded on the
east by road leading from Light Street to
Oratigeville, cn the west by land late ol
Samuel L. Beltle, oc the south by an alley
r nd on the north by land now or !tte of one
Johnsos, having erected thereon a two sto
ry Frame Dwelling House, and two stcry
frame stable, wiiii the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Samuel L. Beltle.
All that certain tract or piece of land sit
uate in Jackson township, Columbia co.,
containing FIFTY ACRES and allowances,
bounded and described as follows to wit :
on the nonh by lands of Wilson Roberts
and Silas McHenry, on the south by land
of Isa?c Lewis and George Hnrleyman, on
the east by lands of Samuel Roberts and
Edward McHenry and on the west by land
of Samuel Rober's, whereon are erected a
one and a half story frame dwelling house,
a log stable, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of John Roberts.
A certain tract or piece ofland situats in
Locust township,, containing three
hunJred and fifty acres more or less, boun
ded and described as follows: On the west
by land of John Rider, Nand others, on the
north by land of Mr. Hiles, on the east by
land of George Kreisher and others, and on
tbe south by lands of Jonothan Hoagland,
whereon are erected a Charcoal Furnace,
coal house, saw mill, store house, six
dwelling houses, batn and 6table, also a
large barn and dwelling house on another
part of said farm, with the appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and lo be sold
as the property of Samuel B. Deimer.
All that certain messuage, tenement and
tract ot land in Locust twp., Columbia co.,
bounded and described as follows : begin
ning at a white oak tree corner, thence
along land of Jacob Idler and Kerns north
three quarter degrees east, eighty five per.
to a stone, thence along land of Benjamin
Wagner, ea6t thirty four perches to a stone,
thence by land of Frederick Schlee south
three quarter degrees west, seventy eight
perches and five tenths to a stone, from
thence along land of Sarah Lee tenty nine
deg'ees west, thirty six perches and eight
tenths to a posl, thence along land of Jacob
Idler, north fifty nine and one quarter de
grees west to an apple three, from thence
f.gjg s eight perches to the place of
beginning, containing twenty five acres and
forty one perches strict measure.
Seized, taken in execution nd t be eoJJ
as the property of Charle- William.
Sheriff's Office, 1 SherifJ.
Bloomberg, Nov. 1, 1865
' ' 1866: '
An Independent DrrnncrRtic Daily,
Weekly and seml-Vt eekly Newpnper.
After foor years of civil wsr. forend upon?
the people of these United States b the
violence of sectional parties, we now en
ter upon a new era Of Unity and of prog,
ress. North and South, a oordial co-ope-raiion
of all honest men is needed to re
pair Ihe waste of wit; lo establish our
Peace through the triumph of sound con
stitutional principles in the administration
of the government, and our Unity bv guard -inz
all thai makes Union desirable.
The great Democratic party, rhose hi
lory In the past is the hUtory of private
prosperity, of territorial extension, and of
public order in America, stands now, as it
has ever stood, the Party of the . Naiiori;
superior to all sectional passions in it loy
alty to ihe rights of co-equal Slates and 10
the liberties of the individual citizen. Once
more its voice will be heard, once mora
its adherents will be rallied to its time
honored standards in every city and town
of the Northern, and Southern State.
To the principles of the great Democratic
Party of the Nation, The World has borne
firm witness throughout the ordeal of civil
war. It tvill now be devoted to ihe not
less arduous task of appljing those prin
ciples to the solution of the many and
weighty questions financial, social, polit
ical which come upon ns with the return
of peace. Faithful to the real interets of
all sections, it will be enslaved by the prej
udices and blinded by the prepossessions
of none.
That the principles of American Democ
racy should thus be uttered, with no weak
or uncertain voice, here in the great metro
poliian center of American enterprise and
commerce, is a matter of such importance
10 every citizen as itiost recommend The
World to ihe co-operation and soppoit of
good men in all sections of the Union.
Whatever skill can devise or enierpris
accomplish will contribute o make The
World what it is our resolve that it shall
continue lo be the Best Newspaper of the
Competent correspondents at every com
mercial and political center of both hemis
pheres, who are always instructed to make
the freest and promptest use of the tele
graph, will keep our readers full informed
of the doings and ihe progress of mankind
in all parts of the globe.
The Daily World afford a complete com
pendium of, and commentary upon, thei
new 01 every aay.
The Semi Weekly World is a large quar
to sheet, same size as Daily, containing all
its news, corre-pondence, editorial, com
mercial and market new, cattle market
and provision leporis, and a fresh and en
teruinins miscellnr of literature. Pub
lished Tuesday and Friday.
The Week! World, a Urge quarto sheet
same size a9 Daily, has now the largest
circulation of any weekly journal publish
ed save one. I s extraoidinary success
since is union with ihe New York Argot)
has justified the most liberal pxpemlit Sires;
which will make it unrivaled in interest
and value lo farmers. Published Wednes
day. 1. The market reports embrace the ft-?w
York, Albany, Brighton and Cambridge
live slock market; the New YcrL coun
try produce and general produce markets ;
special and valuable hop intelligence;
department of agricultural reading ; all
together composing an unrivalled hand
book of current information for ihe farmer,
live stock or produce dealer, the country
merchant, etc.
2. It rending for the family circle em
braces the freshest aud best mo. Us, poetty,
religious reading, etc.
3. Its dire-'i of the news is not, like raot
city weeklies, a mete waste basket oi the
daily ; only matters of interest and impor
tance are chosen from the daily, while ths
mass of its contents are prepared especially
for the weekly.
In every post office district there should
be found some active, public spirited dem
ocrat, who will confer a benefit upon u,"
his neighbors and tbe cause, by making
a determined effort to form a club of foor,
ten, twenty, or fifty for the Weekly World,
at our grealy reduce. I rites.
One copy one year by mail, SlO 00
One copy one year, $ 4 00
Four copies one year, 10 OO
Ten copies one year, 20 00
One copy one year, 8 2 00
Four copies one year, 7 00
Ten copies, one year, 15 00
Twenty copies, one year, to one ad-
dteBi, 25 go
Filty copies, one year to one address 50 00
An extra copy of tbe Weekly edition
fornisheed to clubs of twenty or more?
For clubs of fifty the Seni-Weekly, and
for clubs of one hunnred the Daily, will be
sent to getter up ol a club.
Additions may be made lo clubs al any
time during the year at the regular club
Changes from club lists can only be
made by request of the person receiving
the club packages. All such request
musi name the edition, post-office, and
state to which it has previously been sent,
and inclose twenty five cent 10 pay for
changing lo seperale address.
Orders for any ot the editions of The
World may be sent by mail, and should
inclose Posl office Money Order or Bank
draft for amount (less the discount). Ws
have no authorized traveling agent. Mon
ey sent by mail will be at tbe" risk of ihe
senders. Orders and letters should be ad
dreSi,eJ lo THE WORLD,
35 Park Row, N. Y.
October 25, 186A.
A LITTLE ol everything relating to tbe
human system, male and female ; the
causes and treatment of diseaes; the mar
riage customs ol the world; bow to- marry
well and a thousand things never publish
ed before, read ihe revised and enlarged
edition of "Medical Common Sense," m .
curious book for curious people, and a
good book for every one. 400 pages, 100
Illustrations. Price Si. 50. Contents table
sent free to any address. Books may b
bad at the book stores, or will be sent by
mail, post paid on receipt ol the price.
Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, M. D.
1130 Broadway, New York,
Feb. 1, 186 6mo.
Notice to Trespassers.
THE undersigned, .farmers and land
owners, of Orange township, Colombia
county, do hereby caution all persona
against hunting or in anywise trespassing;
on their lands, thus making themselves
subject to the penalties of ihe law, which
will be most stringently enforced.
Otsnje twp , Oct. 1 1, 1863.