The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, November 01, 1865, Image 1

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    tTTk ti"t rm TTTT
w n u" i 1 n
WlTd- JI Ji.U.o
'i ttv n J1C0BT PcblisherO'
Troth and Right God and oor Country.
$2 00 in Adrancr, per Annnm.
VOLUME 17. ;
; TO. '7. JJCOBY,
OffieVon main St., 3rd Square bleow Market.
TERMS Two DoIIare anil FiftyCents
r-in dance; If not paid till the end of the
year, Three Dollar wifl be charged.
; : No subscriptions taken for "a period less
ihanf six months ; ho' discontinuance perrrlit--r
led until all arrearages are paid unless at
ri the option of the editor.'-
- . One Square, one or three insertions, SI 5o
rKvery subsequent insertioness than 13, 50
One column one year, . 50 00
Adminis:ratora' and Executors' notices, 3 00
Transient advertising-payab'e in advance,
f all other doe after the first insertion.
; The Eeal hmi.
".."The future ol the opposition to the De--j
Tniocracy is taking form rapidly in the pres
ent. The Loyal Leaguers wil! certainly be
plucked .from place In 1863, even tboogh
they .should remnin in the mean time on
such-rigidly good behavior as to escape that
, fata at the bauds ol Mr. Johnson- . The nai
! oral life or,-we should have said, the un
natural of that party, fiais, therefore, its
. extreme limit in November, 1868, with the
very strongest presumption that it wilt be-
ion that have been pat to a death, which,
'provided it be not deferred too long, (he
' world wilt certainly not consider unlimtfy.
Like a shattered comet, that omen of evil to
maakind ma7 be expected, therefore, to
leap before long from its socket, md rush in
whirling fragment through political space
". without orbits, without - order daugerous
I eccentricities of oor system. .
The central mars of Black Republicanism
will retain in the disintegration of the whole
a certain attractive' power. : Some of the
parts Will doubtlessly be drawn off to the
. grand movement of the Democracy; bat the
1 greater - number will be attracted into the
" wake of the .remnant of abolition. The
, . . . . ,
.tute the nneleus of the reconstruction of
Blark Republicanism is consequently, a
"subject, at this moment, of important study
'to the observer of the political rmnarneot.
.Mr,.. Wendell Phillips, ii is true, ha, for the J
moment, i ven op his clutch upoi the body'
,of thai party ; but he has doae so. be it on- i
derstood, as an unavoidable preliminary-to
'eize it in a firmer grasp. The lea Jing spir
.it of the old and dead crusade of the fanati
cism be represents o well, he will be alo
-the leading spirit of the new and living cru
sade which he has :o enter oo m,uu sjeecn
Boston. . ; ,.,; ; , ' '
Tbe policy of the radicals i. bkotched out
ery clearly in certain elitoriafs 'of the Black
Republican pres?,'rean under the light and
warmth, infosed into them by the last 1
tnroofMr. Phillip The fundamental p in-
ciples underlying the new Crowde.lhe same
a (hose that underlie the oro.invotve direct
nos.ili.y to the .Government of our fathers,
uenerat consmerat.on. point pia.n.y 10 me
Coaclaaion that the Black Republicans, in
eooceivabie as the impudence of such a fact
vnay appear jo be, are eminently a party of
i class. .The aristocracy of be Sooth they
struck at , beeansd it stood with it basis of
qohr between them and the workiri J classes
of the' North !' Andjhat champion of the
dignity of thei while, being, a the. radicals
would now have things. powerless, oh! how
rovely.are the swarthy lips and kinky curls
of miscegenation! The blending of ,raJes
will be confined withia :he ifmits of the to
ciil equality which tboe : radical preach ;
and, once accompIished,wiII thus have rep
irated our society into the cojjper colored
ixorkini tlassti and the whi e . children or
that pane pride which sppears to be id the
yalar conception's of New EngUcd, the
biahest ideal of ''aristocracy V -1
M" Wendell Phillips is no lev e'ler. Far
- from i; his speech at Boston shows him, to
be in harmony with thai impudent, vulgari
an of bis follower', yon proud stomached
grandee! ' ?The Sooth- elanding on the pe
destal' of State rights,1 ruled the country,"
eaid Mr. Phillips in , bis lecture at Boston,
"by negroes and poor, whites in one hand,'
and, as-John Randolph said, by whte slaves
- the other the Democratic parly of the
Nonh!". Whether M r.. Randolph, ever used
' the terms or not we do not pretend to ask;
burpertaio it ia thai the leader of the ' Radi
cait of the North has accepted the definition
of the " working classes of this' section a
"white sfaves I" , Caste, 1 , bo repeals
"pith the, three-fold whip of the slave, -the
poor cw hito: and ths Northern slaves,"' ruled
ihe Feudal Uoion.? . The Northern slave
quoth fie, "the white sUves'; saith the
apostle of the dignity of labor, the preacher
of the rights of toil I Eut times change and
me a change with them.' The wbits slave
of the North it becomes expedient to mate to
the' b'ack slave of ths South, , so tl at Mr.
Wendell Phillips and all hia followers shall
walk abroad as worshipful as so many raf
atiag Maitvlarias ! Ouly think of thti moral
Icheray that hopes to convert thi base
blood of yoar sniveling roundhead into- the
generoua and lofty graces of an autocrat ! '
Cut the design of the Radicals on oar sys
tem cf governcneat extends beyond the im
pudence of making it a thing of cjasses. In
common with all other shade -of Black7 He
jcb!icaaisrn, tbsy hava beea seen in their
, presses, thair pslpisa, their legislation, "to be
determined ensaiesof the principle of uni-r:!--!
rzZ.-zgi. Tbe'r history for four ycafs
has prrs J t'era to Lave besa iDlrljujBg for
r s a cf t!.is' Govern rasnt frctn one
cf . 1 ;;!:: ri:y to one cf despptio cen
l:z.ii..zri. Az lit. Fhillips.s spesci'r da
c!rr:i cr-. v;t t -i..-.:A -tha rights e-f the
3 M,
ional law that can cripple the Indestructible
nature ' of , State sovereignty. Tbaf is the
normal line that tuns through every act and
every address of President Johnson.' ' A;ain
he says :' '"Patting that aside, education,
labor, property, marriage, locomotioa, citi
zenship, suffrage, every single point that
determines the condition of the man, the
State, the sacred, indestructable unap
proachable State, still keeps folded In her
bosom!' And the ' Radical protest against
that enunciation of a distinct provision of
the Constitution, shows evidently that the
new movement of 'Black Republicanism
will be one of an attack upon the form of
our Government, even though Mr. Phillips,
in bitter disappointment that the South takes
her place In the Union of our fathers, tad
not asked : "What one pir.crpie has the
disowned 1 What one element of strength has
she parted with in political affair V
The Radicals we repeat represent, to day
the life awaiting Ihe resurrection of Black
Republicanism. The present power of that
party will break- before long into fragments,
to be reconstructed on the general plan in
dicated in the Boston lecture of the arch
Abolitionist. 'The overriding of the rights
oi he States, the enforcement by sectional
a3ittion of negro -suffrage, the equality of
the white and the black to the extent of mis'
cegena'don among the working classes con
stitute the basis of the succession to Black
Republicanism with, in the dim distance,
New England blazing in all the glories of
my Lord Wooden Nutmegs, His Grace the
Duke of Shoddy and His Serene Highness
Praise-God Barebones! The foreshadowing
thus given us in the speech of Mr. Phillips,
of the undertone and the outspoken views
of the next form of living opposition to the
Democracy, serves as an indication of the
future points ol'defense in the policy of the
party which, in all those chopping and
changinzs of the revolutionary storm that
threatens (be spirit anl fame of oor govern
ment, stands ever ready to do yeoman's du-
1 ry within the grand old citadel of the Con-
3 - .,
tution. iV. Y. Daily News
Brick romeroy Struck Peter Oliam.
Petroleum, von are the Pele for me. El?e
why f Mf Mo,eB 8rnot the rock, and ex
cecdinz mncu of ,he 0il treacled forth.. And
I am rich oilso. To find to mnch grease
doth well agrease with me.
I skirmished from a gxrret upon the oil
tfgioo. Ever since I became borr., my
poverty has been bard to be bcune. 1 hare
r .nfiered 1 ha-e'been bored bv creditors.
I My cradft was run into the around. People
I tjj0o'gbr tne rich meanwhile, and a very
j m8ao wblr8 jt wa3j l00
j They lhoag i had .pUnty of money, so
they wants J pay dowa for what I ha J
i boag'Ql; Not wishing to humor peopla,
I albei 60(nelhing of a humorist, perhaps. I
j- WU nol' porchaia raany thins. I leased,
j b" feJ j bo ht u Veni. vidi, vici. '
. Qil-i. He-i Greas-i. Oils well that ends
we!L I bored, and it came.
' I drilled a hole through a rock, and have)
already been rewarded with so moch of the
fuel being prepared for the final conflagra
tion, that I fear the last boil will end in an
great a fizzle as did the Do'ch Gap Canal.
And now I am rich more rich than any
man or any other. I have lots of money
now when f 'have do use for it. What a
queer world.
- Nothing like oil. Folktay, Hallo, here's
Honorable Mr. Brick, jjst struck a fortune.
Duced fine-fellow, Mr "Brick." Three
months since 1 was plain "Brick." It's all
owiogto Petroleum. And now for a splurge.
Brown stone house on Fifth Avenue, with
brown stone 'front, designed by old Brown
himself on both ends cf it. Rd horses with
green tails, pink eyebrows, blue eye,
chocolate colored ear, frizzled mane, and
matchless style: . Yellow wagon with black
sides, pnrple blinds, and brown top, ala
clam shell. Ethiopian driver, with kidf,
solferino stockings, magenta hat-bands, and
false tee h on guttapercha base. And a
sixty four etbiopian, withbrocatelle drawers,
that modesty may not be shocked by look
ing at the legs thereof. And a library de
voted to redbacks and even "greenbacks,"
"dara the expense' quoth : I. ' And Til
have a park in the woodshed, and a bath-
ing tub full of oil in church, and a builato
to-steak from and oysters as large as Lin
coin's majority,- and boots with round toes
and square heels, and a "seat in some fash-
ionable church, and new. hoop skirts for all ?
my hired girls, and I will employ so many
niggers to wait on me, that, oil I'll have to
dp will be to be happy... Oh Pete! lei ma
kiss you for yocr Ma.
, And I'll lay a bedroorn?ngB, and sit up all
night,.and bore my friends oil day, till they
can't bear'l it. Talk about honest industry,
sawing wood for the dost, opening oysters
for. the shells, blacking boots merely to see
your face in them, and being honest forty
years waiting for soma rich man to adopt
you Played. ' Petroleum is the boy. ... And
now I'll live high. . Out of my bouse, rain
pomp. Away from .the cold cuts, crackers,
cheese, mash boiled No. 5 mackerel,
warmed soup, and brilliant appetites. ' 'I've
struck Pete " : ; " . '
A young man "was receu'tly tried ia Paris
for enticing a young woman away from her
family by means of the use of mesmerism,'
and was teztenced to? twelve years impris
onment at hard labor. , . , '
A young lady, on being asked if sha in
tended wearing that fingsr-rinj to church,'
said ehs diia'tlstsn i wearirg anything else.
If eha kept bsr wc;d,'s!:s ncsffcave tad a
The ponderous old time piece that stood
on a small wooden shelf between my aunt
Rachel's kitchen windows bad just struck
- I eat there just where the moving maple
leaves interposed a canopy of emerald shade
between the pages of my book, and the
fervid heat of old Pbeobus, regaling my
self with a capitally flavored cigar and in
dolently watching my rosy little aunt as she
tripped hither and thither, busier than any
bee that ever lost bis wits in an acre of
clover blonsoma. Ever since I could re
member, she had made a business of spoil
ing roe, and il was the greatest luxury I
knew of, to escape from the heat and tur
moil of the great city where ! was begin
ning to practice law, and spend a week with
tlii most favorite of aunts ; notwithstanding
she invariably considered it her duty lo lec
ture me roundly on my single blessedness,
and to recommend all the unmarried fe
males of her by no means limited acquaint
ance, to my bachelor consideration.
"Now, there's no use teasing me, aunt
' Rachel," said 1 emphatically tossing my ci
! gar out into a bed of glowing eweetwil
' Harris, "I've no intention of falling in love
wi:h any of.yonr red handed country divin
: i'.ies, whose accomplishments are confined
to pies, and work: bed quilts, and
'Philip ! I'm astonished at you," k ejcu
lated my relative. "Let roe tell you, young
man, (he art of housekeeping is not to be
undervalued. Now there's Hepsibah War
ren the nicest girl in the neighborhood
the very person to suit you, ray boy.".
' She needd be a nice girl, with that , hid
eous name fastened o ber for life," said I,
shrugging ray phoulders ; but aunt Rachel
went on, pretending not lo bear the uogra
cious remark.
"Philip I should be perfectly happy if I
aw you the accepted lover of Miss War
ren." "I'm afraid you're not destined to the en
joyment of perfect happiness just at pres-
ent, then aunt Rachel." remarked I de--1
rnarelv. (i!e falling in love with a oirl
girl named Hepsibah !" . v .
Aunt Rachel could not help laughing at
the horrible grimace I made, even as she
hurried away to answer an "imperative
knock at the front door. I settled mysell
comfortably back in the big rocking chair,
and prepared alas ! how little do we pen
etrate into the dim mysteries of the future!
fer a morning of peaceful readier and
In a micute aunt Rachel came back
flushed and anxious.. ' .
-( Such a pity, Philip ; old Mrs. Holden on
the bill las been taken suddenly ill, and
they've sent for me. The other neighbors
all live at such a distance, and I've had. a
good deal of experience in these sodden
attack-, but"
"Well, why ddo't yon go V
For the good old lady stood before me,
twisting her apron in the direst agony ol
. "That's just the question for a man to
ask ! when yon know that your uncle has
four hired hand in the field, and dinne
hain't IookeJ at! Peas to be gathered, po
tatoes to be washed, .kitchen fire to be kin
dled, sustard pies lo be baked"
"I'll get the dinner, aunty. Go and pot
your bonnet on," quoth I, with the head
long courage that belongs oo!y to total inex
perience. "Nonsense, Philip '" she said, laughing
In spite of her trouble ; "you get the din
ner, indeed ; I should like to see you do
such a thing." .
"And why not ?' demanded I, with a
cool. imprudence which evieently inspired
my anot with a tort of belief in roe. "You
seem to think that it requires the intellect
of Milton and the generalship of Napoleon
to cook a dinner I"
"I could not be at home by the time to
dish it up," mused my aunt, evidently con
sidering the feasibility of the whole scheme.
- "Of course you could oot," echoed I,
beginning to feel rather anxious than oth
erwise for an opportunity of distinguishing
mJse!f o the sphere oj domestic life.
"Welt Philip," said my aunt, suddenly
coming to a decision, "I believe I may lro(
you. But. my dear boy, remember that the
fire m08t be kindled at eleven precisely.
rn" ome mc ,re9n m 'he gardeu
ana, rnnip, you mignt cut a little aspara
gus. Don't forget tbe " peas and potatoes,
and be sure the cqstard pies , go into the
oven when the lire is hoi. They are on the
kitchen table now, all ready." .
It's all right, aunt Rachel," responded I."
. "And Philip, be particularly careful to
! keep the garden gate shut those pigs of
farmer Rop ley's are in the xoad again this
, "I won't forget." .
"Now can you tell me what ) on intended
to do" first !" said aunt Rachel, at the close
of a volley of directions. - -
"Pat the garden gate into the oven when
the pigs are hot pull some nice fresh peas
kindle the asparagua at eleven precisely,
iind eat up the pies the moment they are
baked," answered I with bewildering volu
bility. . ; " ;
i "PbiKp ! ' groaneJ aunt Rachel, in de-
spair.'; ; . .. i ,: ;
' "NeTermind, auaty,it'a all right. There's
a little confusion of ideas ia my brain just
at presear,ot they'll all settle af;er a while.
Don't ba nervous." " :
' And I bondled .the shawl round my un-wi!'nr-
r'',iT' i-.--m..s . - j .v
it would not be best to allow her half a sec
ond for sober reflection !
I sat down on the doorsteps, thinking it
wa a very nice thing to be a housekeeper.
"Now, if I was a woman," soloquized I,
'1 should be' tearing around the house
knocking down chairs and flirting up dust
with a . broorn, until ice wouldn't cool me !
As it is, I don't see but that I keep house
very nicely with no fuss at all.''
I lighted - my cigar, balanced myself in a
comfortable positjpn, arid waited for the old
clock to fire the signal gun for my attack on
the back kitchen cooking stove.
One two three four five six seven
eight nine ten eleven !
"Now then," quoth I, "for rictary or
death !
Confound that fire it wouldn't burn in
spite of my coaxing, and chip and blow
ing and puffing. My eyes smarting 'with
smoke ray nostrils tinged with ashes but
the fire declined to blaze.
I sat down and contemplated it malevo
lently. For a minute or two I had a wild
idea of getting a conflagration oot of my
aunt's stock of locifer matches, and cook
ing the dinner thereon at all hazards ; bat
with sober second thought came a bright
idea charcoal !
Of course ! What a blockhead I was not
to think of it before."
And I jumped and dived into the sooty
recesses of aunt Rachel's charcoal barrel
with an alertness that surprised myself.
"Let me see what next?" pondered 1
meditatively. "Ah ! the pies were to be
put in when the oven was hot. Well, if the
oven isn't hot now it never will be, so here
goes !"
I bad always supposed a pie to be a solid
substance.. Consequently when both the
villainous compounds "keeled over,", and
discharged their Eticky contents over my
coat, trowsers and white Marsellaise vest, I
was just a little taken by surprise..
''Well, here's an interesting state of af
fairs !" I exclaimed, setting down the empty
crus'.s, and viewing ray drenched garments
through which the clammy liquid was
swly penetrating lo the very skin. If this
is housekeeping, I wish I was well out of
it ! One thing is pretty certain I roust get
my peas and asparagus boiling, before the
fire all burns out, as I've put every lump of
charcoal into the stove. Revising my toilet
can wait dinner can't !"
I caught up a tin pan and knife, and
made a frantic rush (or the garden. The
asparagus was easily found and cut; but I
was no botanist, but a city lawyer, I could
not decide which were beets, and which
something else !
Finally I bit on a truly ingenious expedi
ent of pulling up by the roots every bul
bous plant which I conjectured might be
the vegetable in question.
"Ronnd, white possibly turnips cer
tainly not beets. Yellow, spindling oh,
carrots to be sure. Phew, what a smell of
garlic ; by the powers it's an onion I've got
hold of! O, here's the fellow round and
red as sure as I'm alive. Nothing like per
severance !"
While I dug briskly away at my hard
won treasure, whistling "Dixie" with all
my might a sepulchral grunt close to my
ear made me start couvulaively and drop
my knife.
I won't try lo smooth over the matter. I'll
confesb at once that I did mutter one or two
naughty words under my breath. But who
wouldn't when all of Ripley's pigs were
running wild over aunt Rachel's darling
garden 1 I bad unwittingly left the gate
open, and here was my exceedingly great
reward !
"Is Mrs. Sedley at home t"
Here was I in full shout after a drove of
pigs, -my trowsers besmeared in my band,
and the perspiration rolling down my face
in torrents, accosted by a lovely girl, with
cheeks like fresh damatk roses, and the
purest of whjte muslin shawls.
"Is Mrs. Sedley at home 1"
"No yes," I answered looking uneasily
around, as the last of my four-legged ene
mies scampered through the gate. "That
is, she isn't at home just now, but I expect
her very soon.' Won't you walk in V .
' Why did she hide that-cherry mouth in
her handkerchief .. so often ? why did the
hazel eyes dance so roogoishly as she
walked by my hide to the house? It cer
tainly made her look- very pretty, but still I
resumed a Byrooic air, and conversed in
sentimental nothings which made her
laugh more than ever.
I showed ber into tba sitting room and
withdrew to secure my beets and asparagus.
As I came in from the ' garden, some . good
angel prompted me to take a sly peep at tba
equate looking glass that Selh Jones, one of
ray uncle's "hired hands' kept hung op in
the back porch.
Great Jupiter ! if I bad been one of oor
colored population, my face couldn't have
been more . grimy with charcoal dust and
asbes, save where tha perspiration had
coursed through it in mimic rivulets. I
took one moment's council with myself,
then walked up stairs, washed my face,
brushed out my curls attired myself in a
white linen suit, and came down again.
The pretty girl hardly; knew roe;?8he
couldn't hardly -credit ber senses, until I
spoke, and, lold .her of, all coy Iroubles.
Then bow she laughed to be sure.
"Yes," said I, "I'm willing to confess that
housekeeping is' an art, and one which I
don':' possess.,. Only. I. mast acknowledge
that I shall be a liUle mortified when aunt
Rachel comes home and witnesies T?tir tn!..
I Here the hazel eyes danced again
I'bad secured a powerful ally. .
! "Ob 1" said she, "I can remedy all that.
' Just you tell me where to find the milk and
j egg", and I will make' some custard." " .
j I conducted her to the dairy department,
j and stood looking on in speechlats admira
' lion, white'she drew off her gloves, rolled
J up her roundest, pearliest of dimpled arms,
land stirred op spicy mixtures in blue earth
' am K n a i f Y m Ainttr ndca r t m aninnla.
VU Will SJB) UailK J Urg V M BlUJmw
lion that nearly drove me crazy. Then she
sent me oot after chips and had the fire all
a crackling before I knew what she wa do-) toped, nay thought, that Binney & Co.,
ing. Then she washed the potatoes and pot j lfciDg churchmen of the straight-laced
in the asparagus, and then burst into Bchooi had lhe intere8t of that great or
sweetest peal of laughter that ever re echo-
ed in the rafiers of that old kitchen.
"Why what on earth are those?''
"Beets, aren't they ?"
"They are radishes I"
And "then we both laughed until we bad ;
to lean against the dresser for support.
"Come," said she "there's no help for it.
tfO UtU9l gVJ UU OUU wl IWW hi.m v ... w
real beets '."
I never eniored anrthine half so much
as that, nestling with a pretty face, all portant question, ana reaa wnas provea io
smiles and dimples opposite, and a white , be the nigger, hidden under a deal of un
little band wandering among green leaves, J necessary verbiage We have eaid that
purely by accident, coming in contact with
mine. Then the shelling was the most in
teresting business, and our mutual superin
tendence of the cookery, and the table set
ting. To be sure we broke one teacup in
our zeal, but who cared for that !
Then her merry laugh at my absence of
mind roused me once more to the fact that
i; was one o'clock, a superb dinner smoking
8 '.
' i
on the table, Uncle Sedly and bis "hands
approaching from one point of the compass,
and aunt Rachel from the other.
"Now promise me one thing, Mr Sedly,"
said the fairy.
"I'll promise you forty," replied I7ener
getically. She Blushed charmingly. "Don't ell
tbem that I helped you. Let them suppose
you a first class bouse keeper."
I assented, not at all unwillingly, just as
my auiit Rachelcrossed the threshold. She
stopped short in astonishment at seeing
that I was not alone, then a smile of recog
nition flitted over her face.
"Why, surely I cant be mistaken is it
Hep3ibah ? My dear I'm so glad to see you
Philip this is Miss Hepsibah Warren."
"Mr. Sedly and I are very well acquainted
already, ma'am" saiJ the yoncg lady, de
murely, her long. eyelahes"hiding the mis.
chievous sparkle of these hazel orbs, while
I called aunt Rachel's attention by my mas
terpiece of a dinner.
What a liberal meed of praise I received
for it bow raany undeserved complimeoib
were paid me. I don't know which enjoy
ed it the most, I or my bright eyed compat
riot. However I believe aunt Rachel began
to suspect how matters were after a while,
especially when she discovered the carede
rediahes and the empty charcoal barrel !
She said not a word, however, ouly smiled
roguishly to herself.
Well, all this happened three months
since: I am really going to housekeeping
now, on my own hook, and haven't a doubt
but that I shall succeedadmirably, panic
larly as I have engaged Miss Hepsibah
Warren as a life companion. 1 am quite
reconciled to ber name it bri ngs up before
my mind'- eye the prettiest vision ol rose
cheeks, dimples and satin braids of golden
brown hair, over an alabaster forehead, and
I am ready to exclaim with father Shaks.
pear, "What's in a name? My little wife
elect never can think of our first meeting
without a fit of merriment, bat I dont ob
ject to ibat.
P. S. Aunt Rachel is delighted, and like a
woman of sense, she never referes to that
day's housekeeping. I have my suspicions
that Hepsibah has told ber the whole story
but I'll find that out after we're married.
Can a 11 other Forget!
Can a mother forget? Not a morning
noon, or night, but she looks intp the coruer
of the . kitchen where you read Robinson
Crusoe, and think of you as yet a boy.
Mothers rarely become conscious that their
children are grown oo: of their childhood.
They think of them, advise them, write to
them, as tboogh . not full fourten years of
age. They cannot forget the child. Three
times a day sbe thinks who is absent from
ihe table, and hopes that next year, at far
thest, she may just "have her own family
there," and if you are there, look out for the
fat limb of a fried chicken, and coffee which
nobody but everybody's own mother can
make. Did Haioah forget Samuel ? A
short sentence, full of household history,
aud running over with genuine mother love
is telling beautiful :-''Moreever, his motber
made him a -little coat, and bro't it to him
from year to year, when 6be came up with
her husband to sacrifice."
A motber mourning at her first-born's
grave, or closing the eye of child after child,
displays a grief whose very sacredne is
sublime, but bitter, heavier than '.be death
stroke is the desperation of a son who rush
es over a crushed heart, into vices which he 1
would hide from even tha sbaodoned and
vile. , ,
: Napoleon was onca asked by a lady what
France needed for tha education of youth:
and the short profound reply was, "Moth
A lady, speaking of the gatherings of
Religious Intelligence.
The Episcopal Convention was thrown
into anothor stew over a series of resolu
tions, introduced by Horace Binney, Jr.,
setting forth the great joy felt by himself
and clique over the decease of the nigger.
This question had been very summarily
disposed of at another session, and it was
hoped never again to be resurrected. But
the true and sincere friends of the Church
were mistaken in their men. They had
again being distarbod by their ill-timeu
resolutions. But their hopes were disBt
pated on Tnesday last the day by the
- Way had been set aside by the Convention
&g 0QC of th(J thanksgiving to God over the
retn of peMe. Mr. Binney arose dur-
ing one of those momentary pauses that
generally follows the vote upon some im-
the resolutions were wordy they in fact
acknowledged a little of everything, and
there was much set forth to give tharjks for,
but wa felt more than thankful to hear
Mr. Binney wind up the harangue, and
discovered that no one had been hurt.
We must inform the readers why our ap-
prehensions were aroused. On Mr. 13tn-
. . . - . n 3 j . : t :
ney s taaing'tne noor, ana prouuciug aia
yard and more of manuscript, the repor
ter of the New York Independent, sapient
youth with considerable more brass than
brains, clapped his hands with an idiotic
expression of joy, and exclaimed, ''Now
comes the fun." These church rowdies
designate disttubing the peace in a relig
ious council, 'fun It has proved aserious
kind of enjoyment to all who have per
mitted this perplexing question to once en
gage their attention. Well, as the New
York Independent man says, the fun com-
l mecced. Dr. V nton, of New York, aec-
onded the resolutions in a speech of abil
ity, and withal eloquent. Got Hunt, of
New York.repUed to it in a statement-like
effort, and made apparent the sophistries
it covered, a well as the irregularities of
the whole proceedings. Govercor Hunt's
speech was listened to with attention, and
he went bver the whole ground with a
minuteness that was remarkable, lie spoke
also upon the merits of the case, and dwelt
feelingly upon things as they now exist.
Dr. Kerfoot followed him in a speech
admirably suited to the occasion lie re
lated in no braggart, spirit what be had
suffered at the hands of our late enemies.
He told how he had been a p isoner in
their hands, and how even then he bad
upheld his principles. In a voice of deep
earnestness, he said : 'My loyalty is ten
times greater than that of any man who
boasts of bis upon this floor' He allud
ed also to the wrong committed in intro
ducing such resolutions, and of the malic
ious spirit evinced in it by creating hos
tility for men whose love for the Church
would not permit their violating their con
science in voting for what was intended as
If the crowd who bad been hanging
around the doors of the Convention insti
gating those incendiary movements, had
possessed the spirit of a dog, they would
have sneaked away after such an expose.
But no, their ambition was to ravish the
Church at whose altar they had solemn'y
sworn to serve God, and Him only. With
all the insatiate thirst of gluttons they
smiled at the good Doctor's home thrusts.
What was concord, love or charity to
them T
To have accomplished their purpo?e
they would have permitted the disruption
of the church. We honestly believe they
would not have hesitated to have Lewn
down the Temple of God itself, had it
been a hindrance to the execution pf their
plans. They have dictated malign abuse of
men of the same belief as themselves
they have scattered, the same broadcast
over the land, and grinned exultingly over
the ruin it promises. These men are pro
fessors they are wont to prate to us about
charity and what constitutes Christianity,
or what some of them style evangelical, vi
tal party. These earnest laborers in the
vineyard have not charity sufficient to
allow even a reasonable difference of opin
ion. It matters not what the Scriptures
may say tbey have a more conclusive ar
giment in the League's orders. The lat
ter is the higher law to obey its man
dates they rush pell mell, heedless ot rea
son and circumstances. The League or
dains, but, happily, there is a God who
overrules, and who,in this esse, manifested
Himself, and showed how insignificant are
the machinations of men Human weak
ness was never better illustrated than at
It was hoped by the fanaticar crovi
that at the last pinch, for the sake of quie
the majority would cave ; they presume
their principles were like their own, cot
venient ; but oh ! bow mistaken. Tl
lime army wno provea so true to tt,
Church and Christ, much preferred quie
but they were none the less determined i
pursue the right. The disorganizes far
eied they had frightened the m jrity it
their -views, t ut the same body knew lb
the Chief Magistrate of the nation ha
undergone fur months just such buIlyiD
iney were resolved, ana when the tor
came, it was as decisive as that taken
week previous. The church again uphel
its sacred character, and those who sougl.
to desecrate it were diaoomfciteeV an!
routed. Dr. Vinton pledged his wort
that, sq far as he was concerned, no mor
efforts should be made in that lioe. wj
should think not. If those eDgaged ij
the last two raids have any eliame left
they will never again ask their conetit
ants to return them to this body. As
as me delegation irom tnts mate is co
cerned,.we can assure the Convention th
it is the determination of the Episcop
Church in this section to supply their pi
ces at the next convention with belter an
holier men William Welih and Dr. Har
excepted. -".j
We admire pertinacity of purpose, b
not when it is engaged in a diabolical en
sade. . We can appreciate a reasouabl
enthusiasm, when the object sought i
worthy of that exertion ; but we abhor th let loose in the convention last wee
by men who seek rather to gratify thei
prejudices than serve their God Th
most of those engaged in it were emigran
Irom the land ol muscular Christianity
that land where it was once fashionable te
men is denounced as being an ins poster.
The same land where God's truth
mocked, and where, all the isms generated
in hell have been cast loo e to annoy thd
world. Sunday Mercury.
JtST The Episcopal General Convention!
which met in Philadelphia, in the early
part of October and is still in session, has!
made for itself a record which will forever!
resound to the credit, the harmonv. and
peace of the church. In spite of the per
sistant efforts of Horace Binney Jr., Dr.
ilowe, Dr. inton, and a few other radi
cals, with whom politics was more impor
tant than religion ; he convention as iften
as the .point was raised, quietly voted
uown au political aw anions, and put its
seal of condemnation upon all political
priests and all political preaching. Noth
ing of a secular or political character will
appear upon its journal ; and the great
bishop of rent sylvania, m words of
burning eloquence and power, exposed the
difference between a Minister who preach
ed the Gospel, and one' who preached
about slavery, or natiotial political, or sen
sation topics.
In view of this action of the united wis-
dom and piety of the Church, how con
temptible appears the little clique of schis
matics who would mar its harmony, pre
vent its joyful reunion, and destroy its
ancient organization hew utterly insig-
ninrant abashed and ashamed ma?t they
ieei, wnoionowea tne world, the flesh, the
devil and the nigger, upon the plea of vital
piety and conscience; standing before
their respective communities, tebuked by
their Bishop, and condemned by the cou
Bidered and re-considered action of tho
Grand council of the Church. Democrat.
S&" The New York papers report tho
appearance of Cholera at Brooklyn. Vig
orous sanitary measures are tulkedoty as
they have been ever since its outbreak in
the East, and nothing really done. Should
not every town and village fu the country
at once clean up the streets and alleys,
and burn decaying vegetable market, and
put the country in state of as complete
purification as possible. The battle fields
of the South are also fruitful of causes of
sickness. Cleanliness is akin to godliness.
The list of English holders of Confed
eral Cotton bonds, which was published
in this country, and declared by the shod
dy organs to have been furnished by ono
of the departments at Washington, ic de
clared by the English press to be bogus.
Quit a number of prominent Englishmen,
whose names are on the list, have denied,
through the newspapers, that they held
any of said bonds. -
Judge Wright, of Boston, Vavs that
out of 32,764 children in that city, under
fifteen years of age, 1,800 are annualy in
some way disposed of as criminals. So it
seems that the Solons of the ' hub'
t , .