1? TsTTT ffiT)rFrf OJiilV Uf lilili iNUlvl II .T- , , . . , IIinGS AECCT. TWSfe COtTNTRTaMigrttfoBgbllt,tttd bore their wound WEDNESDAY OCT. I8. 1?65. We understand Hon. Peter Eut intend polling hi? Furnace in blast in a short time. Tsj Bc-Hei.a of PoTTpM will be lkn at this cfiiee for which ihe croV will be ' paid. .They mnsibeof a good q-jdi'tf oth erwise they wll not be accepted. McKslvt, Nk. !i Co. nave again pnt lfeir Furnace in operation, after Handing idle several weeks ondsrjoing repnirs. "Waited A good girl, to do kitchen work for a email familvrto whom fuir wages will be paid. Apply al this office. Buckwheat flour sold in market a few iliiya since at fii dollar and fifty cer.ts per rjt ndred- h is hoped there will be plenty offered and at a much lower fi'irre. Thojis D. Brown, (colored) frr several yearn barber at thi rlace, died last week at Wilkesbarre, where he had been laying ill for noma time. It is said he died of con sumption. He lee a wife and child. Tli Columbia County Farmer are bnsily ngaeed gathering their corn. So far a e have been able to learn, the crop in this county is more than an average ore. The summer crops, general iy , have boeo jwd this season. ?bota is ajiai'n selling at 50 cents per 'pound in this tnatket. We are situated 'tight io the midsr of a thickly settled agri cultural district and we -can't cn!er-and why bn'er should command such a high price. It seems like an imposition. The Balloon Acens":on which wa mde at this place on the Fair Gr-oi;d, on tur day last, n the mea-.s of sufficientlf excit ina the corioiy of the penpia to brinij a 'great msuy in attetuUnce at the Fai'. The Ascension was -made very "successful ail atiffied, and '-nobody hurt. ' Aftcr this week should V.ny of our sub scribers lait tu receire rhe Sra they can judge what's the ma'ter.1 We iotenJ -' iinj our list a thorough pruning, and wilt knock orT every d!iiqtfa subscriber. Notice has been given time and again to these in arrears to come forward and pay up Fc!TOil Wit -Our Bemocmtic frrend, 'E. S M Hill, E'q., of the Scranton 'Rtgis- J tr, paid o a short viit on Fritisy last, J - .... I woKiP2 vigorous ana near y auer jui emer lrz Uom a warm -campaign in the S'a'e o 'Lozeri.e. Mr. Hiit. is a forcible and ready political writer, and pcblishe on- of the e'3 best and largest weekly oewspaper in alt Nu'ihern Perursylvania. - Tat Agricultural Fair held at thr. pl.ice last week was we!! amended. The articles -on exibirion would compare favorably with those displayed at former Fair. Ii some of the departments ihe display wo. most excellent, whi in others it ws rher meager. Bit this alleys is iho cafe. So tar as Ihe tak.-r in ol "cah, was eoncern ed, we are doubtless correct in spying thit "the Fsir was a grand succe.- . Tma number of the St n. completes the xteenih volume. Tire present is a very rock! time tor ail wha -wish to snbscrite to r.d in fheir name. Those who have not paid Trtr this volume are respectfully ra qceted to di st. We need an mut hae teci.iey to defray oar necessary election- and ether expenses. Hoping & know'ins thern aelves io arrears on inscription, job-work, (lid fcd?rtiiiig, will immediately respond. Nte will' tlismi the aebj-ct lor a roare p!eain! one. CoiouBia. Covntt never 2ve a larger Democratic majority considering the small vote polled. We hae n fault to find, but on lh contrary have reason to rejoice, on account ot her doing so well. There were many Oemocrats-who did not see irm m por'anc of carrying the State over the Re publican party at ibis time, otherwise the State would have gone for Davis. It is plain to every man -that the Democracy ttave tb3 strength to sweep the State, and 'iiVat Fall they tnein to do it. We have made inroads into the Abolhion ranks, re ducing their last FalFa aiajofit'y quite ma terially. . STitT Wc)odwrd, Esq ,ihe Democratic candidate for State Senator in Luzerne Co., was beaten by a small majority. The Dem ocratic candidate for Sheriff came pretty nearly being defeated in the same county. We are unable to account for this change in Lozarne, unless it was caused by there being such a small vote polled. The Dem ocratic vote was not near all oot. The Stata of Luzerne frequently cuts up sncb capers ; bot at this time we are sorry to see 4t actio;; sa badly. In the Senatorial can Tass there was, no doubt, considerable money used by the Opposition. Moccasin tracks are visible. The Winnebago may Siavo been about. Tift were informed a few daya since ftat Inrat nairint nf ihia Innn had mntm mjd bis last ticket, or io other words, that he would attend no mora elections. He voted farLiocolo and Johnson; but at j-reseot. become disgrjsred with President Jobn coa'a course in relation to the rebois, and thtnki too much money is being expended tryinj those people whom be woahl hate XM0!ad without trial. Thia loyalist ia now eppoainj tha "government" and declares ts will not exercisa the right of loflraga tsraafter. Poor fellow. We pity-him. VitzilzrA JoliDson did not agree to jjo oat :lta CoDstiioiiOfj Jor anncrity to airs of tba govemriienl Id cf sich p?27p as the r.n tz'ttla tzuz ( rHS flcrac-craiic ticks Columbia county 1 I... ficp, TiOO maioritr. The ReDobiicaos call this ticket Ihe '.'copperhead ticket," and i of course all who voted the Democratic ticket are ."copperheads." Some of ths more ignorant and less to be minded call the Democrats "rbifela." All this matters nmhinr. Thm Derrfnera! made verv (rood wih parience; and when it comes to vol- ing, theyeo'e for the restrVrtt'm of the Un ion and the laws, for which they fooght. and by eo doing sustain President Johnson, ;he man these Abolitionists "bate to the bot torn ol their very Hearts and dre oot give him their support. Became the war was perverted, and the soldiers used for a pnr pose for which they did not er.lit, is thai any rnaoo wh they should, when they re turned home, vote to condone these sconn drels in cilice to further on their damnable fchemes and sink deeper the country into ruin; and because you will not agree io do thiii, you are called ' copperheads," "rebel," and denounced as not good Un ion soldiers, by this unprincipled Aboli tion pany. FaiNTisj pper has taken anorheT fearful leap upward in price. Within the last two week it has advanced front 14 to 20 cents per pound. Focr years ago a bet;er article than can now be obtained at the Utter fi.;- , , . .. . . , , It :s charged that this advance iUhe result of a combination among manufacturers -2-tTaAra If; if irers. the sub - this be so. Congress shou!d gie jct their.attention. Frotectiou aa'nsi do-me-iic imposition i qr.i'p a impnrtaiit as protection against cheap labor abroad. Hon. ?mckl McLean, son of Alexander McLean at Wilkesbarre, has been re-elected TerntoriaUe'egate in Conijre- for Montana, by about 1.00D msjoritj. " He is saiJ so be a sound Democrat. That's right; they bo old send nobody but Democrats to Con gTes if they choo-e to be hooesrly repre sented. f'oca cars were thrown from the IratS cf the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, between Hrrisburg and Lancaster, on Saturday af ternoon. Nine persons were killed and two slightly injured. Anion? the killed was the wife ot Hon. James P. Barr, of -Pitisbcrj, Surveyor General of Pennsylvania. Tne Democrats havecarried little Snlli vn ci.onty by a majority of two hundred and even:y four on the State Ticket. This is body for Sullivan, considfring the slim tore. Wn-T's your opinion li's our dpinion to take igood care of children at all seasons of ihe year, bnt it is well enough in the winter to let tktm sli.-.'e. Thk Ai'ornev General has orde'ed the COO belonging to Mrs. General Ewe!!, which was -libePed at St. Loois. to be retrr ed to the owner. A Nrsro babr wa born in reterstori, Va , rhe other day, with tha exact impres sion of a hoi cent V. S. revenue stamp on his JortkeaJ. LitchJUld Crquiier. T3 rr.cther mart have been chased by a gorernmerit tax -c-IHrcicr. As alarming ear.hr.oake occurred in Caii i c i w t.- u i , ilre io property, several persons ir. j'ired, but no lives lost. It ia said to have been more tevere t&an ever before known. DuBt.o the first quarer of the present year the total expences of ihe PotofTice Department were S3, 643. 869, 47 . The re ceipts for the same period were 53,837 931 51, leaving a. prog; of 5139,052.01. A Ms in Si. LosSs has ned for divorce on "he ground that the marriage was per formed when he was under ihe influence of some stopefyin potion the woman had ad mini:ered to him. Th csplain of a whale ship, which not long since arrived at New Bedford from a voyage of thirty seen months, took as his part cf the proceeds the sum of 12,000 A mili'ary gnard is still kept op around the Execntive Mansion at Washington, and about the boose of Secre'aries Stanton and Seward, his time sncb- myal loolery were topped. Gen. Banks don't l:Ve the President's policy. Neither does Ben But'er, and for the same reason there is too much honesty aud restitution about it. Stone, the nejr.ro sufTraje candidate for Governor of Iowa, will have only about 20 009 majority. The trial of Captain Pettit, late of the A'idersonville prison, will begin at Alexan dria, in a few day. Assistant Jadge Advo cate Gen. Gowan will conduct the cae. A colored corporal was bong at Camp Hamilton near Forlres Monroe, on. Thurs day. for rapejro'mmitied lay April. Oh Satnrday, the Postmaster General or dered twenty postoffices to be reopened in various Southern S:ates. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE ol everything relating to the "harrun system, male and female ; the cause and treatment of diseases; the mar riage customs ot the world; bow to marry well ar.d a thousand things never publish ed before, read the revised and enlarged edition of "Medical Common Sense'a curious book for corioua people, and a good book for every ons. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price Si. 50. Conten is table sent free to any address. Books may ba had at the book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid on receipt ot tne price. Address , Dr. E. B. FOOTE, M. D. 1130 Broadway, New York, Feb. 1, 186 6mi. DR. J.R. KVANS, Pbjsieian ad Surgeon, HAVING located permanently on Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., woahl in form the public generally, that he is pre pared to attend io all business faithfully and punctually that mny be iotrcsted to his care, on terms coromensorate witi tbe limes. lie pays strict, aitehtica to Surgery swell as MVdrcirie. . ' ". V- r V , r . rttOSPF.CTUs OF THE PHILADELPHIA AGE, 1865. npHE only Democratic Daily Morning Jonrnal published in Philadelphia. The pubpshers ol the Philadelphia AGE rnvte the (p&rnest attention ot bnsiness men, trunk ng men, literary men, and all who are interested in the various occupa tions -and pursuits of life, to the DAILY and WEEKLY editions or their Journal. The Philadelphia Aae, which advocates fhe principles and policy ol the democratic party, is iued every rwirriinsr, ( Sundays excepted,) and contains the latest intelli gence from all parts of the world; with care fully prepared articles on Government. Politic, Trade, Fioanee, and all the cur rent questions and affairs of theda; Local Ote'ligence, Market Repot ts, Price Ci:r- rent, mock qnotanons, marine ana wom mercidl Intelligence, Keportu of Publ-c (iaiherirjgs, Forei2n and Domestic Corre pondence, Legnl Reports, Book No ioss, Theatrical Criticisms," Reviews of Liu tt? Art and Music, Aariculiural Matters, anJ discusiont of whatever subject is ol gen eral interest and importance. No event of any importance occurs in any part of lbs country without beins fully and promptly teleg'aphed to and published in its cnliinuis. It has all the despatches of the Assoriaied Press from every part of i the United btates, and Ihe news from ail parts ol Enrfipe brought by the steamer is intani!y telf graphed; from whatever poi;n he vleamers fi;si 'oucli. Terms Ttn Dollar $ ptr atinmn, for t sinste copy, tire jyoiiam, jot s x i vionlhi. Two Dollars anil Fifty cmts lwr three monthi. Jind for any less , .mttm nr n nJ.i!- ------ - - j - i - payment required invariably in advance. ; Th(, Philadelphia Weekly A'JE. is a - mm complete crmpendiotn of tb.e news of the week, and coma rs the chre.f ec!itnriah, the Trie "Current and Market Ue porta, Stork Q iotation?, ln:elliei.ce for Farmers. Cor respondence, anl General Nevv Ma'ter published io ttie Di!y A. It ala con tains a treat variety uf other literary and miscelluneous matter, including Taie, Sketches. -Biography, Facetiae, and Poetry, rendering it in all respects a First Class Farrtily Journal, oanicularly adapted to the Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Literar- man, and all classes of readers. It has in f-ct, eei' character of a live j newspaper, fined for tne Countrn Honee, the Workshop, the F reside and the Gen eral reader. The WEF.KLY AGE mailed in season to reach bit parts of Penney Ivania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, on or be'ore Saturday of eac5 week. Terms Two Dollars per annum fr a single copy. Gne Dollar fir six tios. and Sixty cents for three months. One i copy gratis toiU be sent for one year to the person forwarding us 20 yearly subscribers paid tn'advance. Jo paper will be sait until the subscr:ption is paid. SPECIMEN COPrSS of the abovft pa pers eent gratis to any advices, on applica tion. TO ADVERTISERS, The crrcnlatlrm of the Philadelphia AGE, which is sieadily and rai-iiily growing, makes it at lea-t a valuable a niedrtjm for advertising a any other comraercial and bufinesi uewspapt-r in Philadelphia; and the fact that it reach es a large cla- of conservative reader', scatiered over a vaj-t "xwnt cf country, w ho do noi tale any other Philadelphia paperj commends it, io an extrtort'inarv ilerre, as a means of commuiKcaiinu wiih the pub lic not pose?sed by any other Jjurnal pub lished -in this city. The AG" is now established on a snre and permcent foundation. Ihe publish ers conld easily fill irnir columns wth the j unsought and most liberal commendations they pretr that it hon!J stan-j a!toHX.-r upon "fii.nrs Io public cor fidence well- known ar.d established. It will be, as here tofore, tha supporter ol the National, Con servative, Democratic, Union Principles:, opposed alike to radicalism and fanaticism in every form, and devoted to the main tenance of Good Governmeiit, Law, and Order. The revival of all the, business relasions of ihe country, consequent upon the snppreion of the rebellion and the restoration of reace, will enable the pub lishers to make a number c! improvement in the various departments of thi Journal and they, therefore, respectfully llt the Mipport cf ail who i?!i to ecur one ol the bet Commercial, Literary, Bootless, and Family newspapers in Ihe country. EiF Now U the lime to sr.b!-nbe. Address, GLOiSBRENNER & WELSH 430 Che-mui Street, June 1, 1PG5. PHILADELPHIA. jatioii:I Claim Agcnry, COSDL'CTtD BV HARVY 56 COLLINS, WASlllXGTOX,'D C. XN order 'o facilitnte the prompt at'jn-t-menl of Bounty, arrears oi pay. Pension and other c'aim dne soMi?rs and oher persons troni ihe ftovernment cf the U. S . ihe undersisred has made arrangement with the above firm whose experience ami cloe proximity to, atid daily intercourse with, the Departmeni, as well a the early knowledge acquired by ihem of the decis ions frequently being made, enable them to proecute claims more effectually than Attorneys at a distance can pqssibiy do. AH persons entitled to claims ol tha above description can have them properly attend ed to by calling on me and entrnstins them to my can. W. WIRT, ' As;eni for Harvr & Collins. Bloomshnrrr, AniiM 10. !P4. ITSatrimonial LADIES and Gentlemen : If ynn wieh to marry oncan do so addressing me. 1 will send ynn, without money and without price, valuable information, that will ena ble yon to marry happily and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. Tin information will cost you nothing and if yoo wi-h to marry. I will cheerfully asit jou. AH letters strictly confidential. The desired information sent by return mait and uo reward asked. Pleae inclose po-I, age or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenpoini, Kins Co. N. Y. CARD TO INVALIDS A CLERGY-. "man, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a safe and sim ple remedy for'ihe cire of Nervous Wekk ness, Early Decay, diseaes of ihe Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vi cious habits. Oreat num bers have already been cured by this noble rertedy. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit Ihe aflicied and cnfortunale; I will send the recipe for pre paring and using this medicine, to any one who needs it, in a"eale,d envelope free ol charge. Please encloe a stamped envel ope, addre-sed , to yoursslf. Address JO SEPH T, INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. 52-1 y COXVEYASCISG, NEATLY. AND . PROMPTLY DONE, by C. G. BARK LEY, Attorney at Law, Bloomsburg, Pa. Terrible Excitement ! IN LIGHT STREET, AT PETE II ENT'S STORF, Oh Account cf I he IV cw Arrival of FALU Sc IVinlcr C2 CE QE I3D sS3 GREA T REDUCTION IN PRICES "TAS just received from r"he eastern cities and is now opening at the old stand a splendid assortment of which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! His stock consists of Ladies Dre Goods, ct oiee-t stvleaud latest fashions. CALICOES. MUSLINS, GINGHAMS. FLANNELS. HOSIERY, SILKS. SHAWLS, CARPETS. &C. i:e:uly-.llalc Clothing, SATINETS, CSSI MERES, .COTTON A DKS, KENTUCKY JEANS4 I'll READ, &C. QUEENSW ARE, CEDAR WARE. HARDWARE. MEDICINES, DRUGS, COOTS AM) SHOES, HATS aisd CAPS, In short everylliing usually kept hi a country store. The patronage of hia old friends, and the public generally, is respectfully so licited. Ths highest market price paid for coun try prodtice. PETER EKT. L2;hl Sueet, Oct. 4, 1865. BLOOMSBUKG PROVISION S T 0R E ! THIS ESTABLISHMENT OFFERS TO THE PUI.LIC AT V HO Is A fcl3 A: R F.TA 1 1 4. A VERY LtRCn STOCK of Superior Family GROCERIES and all things to live opo.-j in ihe Une of n"reaiies and luxuries H F R E YOU CAN FIND SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SPICE, fee. DRIED FRUIT OF ALL KINDS. FLOUR. PORK, HAMS, DRIED BEEF. BUTTER. CHEESE, CRACKERS, FISH. SALT, BKOOMS. WOODEN WARE, AND ALL THAT. Time and space will! not admit of an enumeration of ihe endless J varietybf Good which I off-r for sale. It U my intention to supply the wants-of the people, and ro that' end shall lend ail my er.eraie, jmin to thern at all times, the benefit ot a decline in the market. Having prcrrraed largely and for Cash, since fhe ereal d'idire in Gold, i am ena blil to pI'i at crrrepor;di'al V lw piices. Ezras ii paid for e a g s. LAYTON RUN Y AN. - 8!fomsbu72, May 22, 1865. SHERIFF'S SALE, 7 BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa., t me di rected, issued ont of Ihe Court of Common Pleaa of Columbia cotnty, will be exposed t to public Sile, on the premises in Light Street,, on SAIUKUAY, lHb 21ft VAX OF OCTOBER. 1865, at 2 o'clock, in the afternoon, the followins ral etnt. to wil A certain LOP OR PIECE OF GKOUND j s i:ca:e in the vi!'ag of Light S re?t, C6hm- j b; county, being $0 feet iront and 150 fee; I deep, and No. G and one halt ol o i in plan of said town; vhror. ere'eil a iwoSTOiiY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a frame stable, ard a well of water l the door, with Ihe appurtenances. Sei?"d taken in eTpB'in and to be 9r'u as the propert of Wiliiam M Yohe. AM J f.l. SN V Lr.iv, &nenrt. Sheritl's Office. B!oombur,Spl 2 7,l.65 JYcio Clothing Store, LATEST STALES CHEAP GOODS. 'f'HE uni:ersignJ respectfully InfoTrr j his friend- and tha public eer-i'-Iy , tn?.'. he tia jusi received Irom ihe Eaterii C.t.e a la'g a-c:imer:t cl CLOTHING, Fre.h from the seat of Fashion, rf all sorts. si?es and quantities whicii . will be sold cheap forced or country produce. A LS O, W COOTS AND SHOES fvjft Tcgethr with a van?ty of no lions at;d ihins too trnublesome to numer ate, to which he invi'.es the attention of pur chaser. fST" He is also prepared In make us clothing to order, on reasonable termp, and up to the latest fashions. CSCail aad examine our stock of woods ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloom sbnrjr, June 7. 1865. "TEACfiSr.RS TTAIVTEtt, FOR BLOOM DISTRICT, COL. CO. PA. Tne Directors of Bloom School District wih 'O employ TEN MALE TEACHERS to take charge of the Winter Schools. No one ned apply except they can produce firt class Certificate, a!o certificates of aood moral character. Persons applying iay meet the Board of Directors at t lie public Examination at the Academy, on October 23. The Schools to open on the 1st of November. By order of Board. J. K. EDGAR, Sec'y Bloomsburg, Oct. 4, 1865. KEIV IVALL PAPER ! The undersigned has just received at his rooms, one door below Lwz's Drug Store, a new supply of WALL PAPER. WIN DOW CURTAINS & FIXTURES, CORDS. AND TASSELS, for pictures all of which be will fell CHEAP FOR CASH. His stock of goods surpasses any. hereto fore brought to this market. E. J. THORNTON. Bloomsbnrs. Oct. 4. 1865. MORO PHILLIPS' Sirper-Ph'sphate of Lime. Iiavgh Sons Raw Rone Phosphate, ia large and small quantities, and Pure War ranted Lake Salt, at ichotesale $ retail, for sale bt, J. H. IfARM.ixV, July SI. 1865. Rupert Station. Attorney at l,av, AND ' Office on Main Street, CdTAlt'lSSA, t r j--- . r . i i ii i.iu-ijtn.'..i wipn Miller's Store. .( t Fall & Winter Goods. THE subscriber has just returned from the ciries with another large and select assortment of Fall and (Pinter Goods. purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowest figure, and which he i deter mined to sell on as moderate terms ae can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. His slock comprises LJIDlE'b DRESS GOODS, of The rhcicest sijle and latest fashions, together with a Jar;ze assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, AND VESTINGS. SLBO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUE ENS WARE, "CEDARW ARK. -HOLLOW WARE. NAILS, IRON. BOOTS SHOES, HATS C APS$ c. In short, everything usually kept in coun try xores, to which be invites ihe attention of the pnblic generally. The highest price will be paid for coun try produce, in exchange for goods. 3 STEPHEN tt. MILLER. Bloomsbutg, Oct. 11,1865. DL0031SBCUG ACADEMY. THE next Term of this Intitntion will begin on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16TH, rSo5. The recnlar price ol Tuition rane from S5 50 to S7 60 per Term of Eleven Weeks, io be paid at or before the middle of the term. The usual extra charges will be made for German and French, and the various Ornamental Brandies. It is extreme. y important that the pupils who shall attend the School should be pres ent at ihe beginiiiiisi of the term, or as socn after as possible, in order to Hart resularfy with the clas. In all e: tniijon will be charged for the fcix term, unless otherwise by per-ial previous agreement. The Principal hs had an experience of vear in teaching tne Languase and high er Mathematics, a well as the various branches ol a subcardial English Educa lion, vnd will spr fo eflort to ecure rapid and thorouah pro2ret.s in his pupils. REV. H. R INKER, A. M Aogut9, lSf5. Principal. TO CONSUMPTIVES. SUFFERERS WITH CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, Bronchiii, or anv di-ense of the Throat or Lung, will be cheerfully furrrshed, without charye, with the reme dy by t tie use of which the Rev. Edward A. Wilson, of Williamsburah, N-gy York, was completely restored to healin, after having sLffeted. several years with that dread disease. Consumption. To Oonnmp live sufferers, this remedy is worthy of an immediate trial. It will cost nothit)2, and may be the means of their peTlect restora tion. Those de-irins; the same will please addrosa Rev. VDWARD A. WILSON. 165 Sooth Second Street, Willtamsburgh, K'tigs 'County, New York. A.nuT2, 1H(55 6w. lost! " ON or about the middle of Auaost. IP'65, ihe tindersicned lost in Beaver two. or that neighborhood, a STATE DRAFT, of Ihe School appropriation of said lown ship, to the amount of EIGHTY odd dol lars. The public are cautioned against the payment of aid Irali, as the township would not Teceive any benefi: unless, an other Dra't be procured or the money on ihe original one be rightly applied. The Draft is dra"arr. payable to the nndersisined. JOHN FRY; Pies'l School Board Beaver, Sept. 5, 1865. Beaver iwp. TOBACCO AND CIGA II STORE. At Strovp's Old Xlmd, on Main St'rrrf. THE under-ianetl, bavins opened the Store formerly occupied by David Stroup as a Grocery, and Jurni.-hfd it with a large and varied a-so'mei? of exrlir!t . TOUACCO AND CIOAS, mcsl re.-pecifiily invites Ve pa"ror:Hje of 'he nii-?r. of Bloomsburg and vici:;ity. He is prepared to i who'ea!e and retail, oro'i tl. mo' rea-ionab t-'rTis. Merchanis, Hotel keepers, and Grocery men. would do wed to giv him a chII. PiAil kinds of Chewing nd Smoking Tobacco, in ar.d small qoanti'ie, co;i tantiy on hatid for sa'e. H. II KUSSSERGER. B!oombi;rg, Sept 13, 1S65. GROCERY STORE. ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. JSovc lh'v-U mootI. Just received at Henry Gibers New Store: Mi ) LASS F.S, IS UO A KS. TEAS, COFFCI', RICK, SPICES, FISH. SALT. RAISIN. TOIIAOCO. SEC ARS, CANDIES, NOTINNs, Tovs, FEED KM PROVISIONS, Together with a great vanely of notions &c, too ntimerous io rr.M.tion. B UTTER EGGS. MET, and Produce generally, taken in exchange for oods. The bcet market price will be allowed. Give him a call. HENRY GIGER. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1863 EST 11 AY. CAME to the premi-es of the subscriber, in Locust township, Columbia coutity, on the 27ih of July, laf5, A DA UK BU0WX HEIFER, aed about one year, in tolerably good con dition. The owner will come forward prove property, pay the charges, and take her awa y,. oihervj-is she will be disposed of as the law directs. JOHN HARNER. LociM, Sept. 6, 1P.65 Auditor's Notice. kittle of Thomas Aien, deed. THE undersigned Acditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to make distribution of the balance in hands of Thomas and Wm. Aten. administrators of Thomas A'.en, late of Mifilin tiwnship, in sai'' county, dee'd, amotig the sevel heirs of the decedent in the order establish ed by law, will attend at his office,; in Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the 14ih day of October next al 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day. for the pnrpo-e of making the distri bution. AM persons having claims orde mands'against the estate of the decedent are notified to present them to the Auditor on that day or be debarred from comining in for a share ol the tnnd PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold at public sale, at the resi dence of ihe subscriber, in town of Bemon in Benton twp., Columbia connty, on Saturday the 14A day of October 1665, the following personal property to wit EkOUSS IIOfi.W GOO?, A lot of NEW F -URN ITU RE, Kitchen and r.ttir nn.t. fiRAlN fc'nd Lumber. ONE I SPRING BO VRD. one Sulkey, one Cutting dox, one l aieni tee nie, iiu.ciwun other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when do attendance and a reasonable credit wiil b srivn. LAW SON HUGHES. - B-r.tor, Sept. 13, 1H65. THE PUCS NIX PECTORAL 717 ILL CURE Your Cough. Read the aiver- r- TV JST v titfriftfe ilC" iwment below . j&4&W0&? Fhe Pi:Ceriix Pec " a riai- i sm& loral; or compound Syrup cd WildCherry and Seneka Snake Root, will cure the Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as cold, coughs, croup. Asthma, bronchitis, ca'arrh, sore throat, hoarerie.s, whooping cough. &c. lis timely n will prevent PULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even where this fearful disease is fnliy developed, it will afford more relief than anv other medicine. J. Lawrence Geiz, ex-Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, says ; "This cough remedy is r.ov exten sive usrtd, and is of the highest value to the community, its curaiife qualifies bav in been tested by thousands with the most cratilj irii results. It is carefully and skillfully prepared from Wild Cherry Bark and Seneka Snake Uooi, by Dr. Lewi Ober holizer, a reputable physician of Phanix ville, Pa., arid is sold by nearly all drug gist and country storekeepers. " D. P. Crosby, ex Post Master and ex Bui"es of Pottsiown, certifies as follows: POTTSTOWN, J-a.3, 1S65. This cert fies that I have ued Ihe Pl.o? nix Pectoral in my family, and I iecom mend it to the Public a the very best remedy Tor cough and colds that I have ever tried One of my children was taken with a colli, accompanied with a croupy coujjh, so bad, indeed, that it could not 1 lalk anil scarcely breathe, flavins heard so much said about the Phoiix pectoral I procured a bnttla of it. The hrt dose relieves the difficulty of breadline, and be lore ihe child had taken one founh of the bottle it was en'irelv well. Every family bhould have it in their lions. Signed D. P. CRCSBY. J. C. Smith, druggist of New Hope Bucks conuty says : - i .1 ! rti infT lr l)r 1 hurhAl-7af 'A few days sir re I bonuht iwo dozen of our valuable couah remedy to try, ami find it very good, and as it is near ly al! sone I would like you to send me a gross of it. "Vcut medirire cives better satisfaction than any other ! have in the Store. I am aznt tor some of the most popular couh preparations, trt yours seems to be doing the most good." Th following is an ex'Yacl from a letter from -Hiram Eil's, merchant, near Y'otts town, Pa., "1 have tried the Pf ctnix Pec loral and find it to be the bet cough med icine extant.' It meets with a more ready sale than :iy other that I have ever haJ in rny slnre." The proprie'or of this medicine has so much ccntident'e in its curative powen from the testimony cf thousands who have used it, that the money will te paid back to 8ny purchaser who is uol satisfied wi'h its efif-cis.'' It is so peaan' to take that children cry for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; !arg Br-itles ONE DOLLAR. It is intended for only one c'n of di eases, namely tt:oe ol the THROAT and PiVpVred only by LEVI OcERHOLT ZER M D , I'f o?:iixvii, l a., a id euld by ail Drniiai-'ts and Store 'cpeM. Johnson, l!oiicw, Iz. Cowden, No. "3 North Sixth Mret, Philadelphia, and F. C. Wells : Co.. 115 Krankhn Siraet, New York. General VVhoicsale Agr.i. N. B if your nearest dr.12.j1-1 or store keeper Jofs not kfp this medicine do rot let tii.-n put yon orT wi-h some otser medi cit.e, bt-ca'i'-f? he makes ppm not.ey on it. bot send al on re to o:ie ol the Argute h-r it June SI, IS5'?. 6 n. J'a I i o n a I JFo u n at if. rJ!ooiiiv?:ir, Co!itsnIia Co.. rSne siibriVr, proprietor cf the above named ext ensiv e etablishmen!. is now prepaid in receive orders fcr ail kinds oi maorrr.erv, lrCOLLERlES. BLAST FUR N AC ES SIATIONAUY ENGINES MILL THRESH I M M A C H I N ES, & , &c. He is alsi prepared to make Sieves, al size aid patterns, Plowiron, and every ihiog uua!iy made in tir!-c!ass Foundries His extdr.sive fivihties ar.d practical workmen, wairznt him in receivivg the largest contract or Ifce rr.cst reasonable terms. Gmin cf all kinds will be taken in exchange i'-r c;is!i'!E?. fTcT This p-nHi-hmen: is located near 'he Lackawanna RH.!roal Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bh"fimbiirg, Sei'. o. isr3. YaltirVhic lli'cipc. E J'.'o's ol the "S!ar." Dear Sir. : '.V'.ih your pernu-ion, 1 wish to say tJ ihe read ers of your paper (hit I wi'l send, by return mail, to ali who vih it ( ree; a recif fc with lull director; for making and UMug a simple Vegetable Btm, ihat will eiTeciu idy remove, in ten days, I'imple, Bhvches, Tan, Frwckle. and Jill Impuriiie-) of the Ski:i, leaving tha saiie to'.t. clear, smooth, and bpae'.if':!. I will also rpail free to thoe having bald heads cr bare laces simple directions ami information, that wi l enable them to start a l. II growth ol luxuriant hail, whiskers, or a moustache, in Ic-s than thirty days. These recipes are valuable to buih old and young, and as they are mailed to ab who need them free of charge, ihey are worthy the attention of a'l who prize a e'ear, pure skin, or a healthy growth ol hair. AH applications answered by return nail, without charijp. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN,, Chemist and Perlumer, Nn. S3 1 Broadway, New York. Aogost 9, 1865 2m. CLAIM A(SEiCY. THE undersigned desires to call alten "ionof the public to his facilities of obtain ing Pension, Bountie- (Local and Govern ment Bounty Lands for Soldiers, 123 C3 affil'i? Settlement of officer's Acconnth, &c. Dis charged Soldiers ot their heirs can get their FULL BOUNTIES, thoogh generally they have ieceived part. No charges for information, nor unless claim is sernrerL -. Agr icii lurtl tbemical Co. Cheap FfjfTiiisEus. THE.Fettilizers prepared by te Agrl- -nlinr.l Phatnix.l f!n . f Com! s'V L-rr lered by the Legislature of. Penn)Nni. with a capital of 2250,000.) have teen . u u ii ww ska u v - -w r j proved in practice to be .the cheapest, "irtni profitable and best, lor . Ibe Farmer, Gar dener and Fruit grower, of all otc.entaneil fcanures now ottered in any markel, -Tha CoGpanj lut embrace the following - p biTlett". This Fertilizer is composed ol ftjht soil and toB fer-ilititig i penis. . tirtr;et combined chejnicailj . ar.'d trechanicaltv wiih other valuable lertdizirig agents and absorbents. It is reduced to a pnlverulent rondMon ; ready for immediate use, and without losa c.fi's b'.yhiy uitrogenous teriiliz'ng j.ropet ti"s. lis nnlve rsal applicability fc all "CYepa and soils, and its durability, and. aciiv qualmes. are well known to be all that ricultnrista can desire. fCIIEMlCAlTcOMPpST. The Fertilizer i largely composed of animal maiter. such as meat, bone, fish, leather, and wool, together wiih chemicals par.d inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mas, and retain tLe nitrogenous etc menta. It ia o very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especial! lor potatoes and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with all who have u-ed it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This hialdy phosphate femliTer ,is pat ticularly adapted Tr the cultivation of tree fruits, lawns an J flowers. It will promote very vigorous and healthy growth ot v cod fru it, oud largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of ihe fruit. - For hot tiose and household plants and flowers it will be found an indispensible article to se cure their greatest perfection. It will pre vent and cure dieaseu conditions , of the peach and repe, and is excellent for grass and lawns. -.... It is composed of :ich elements as make it ada pied to the growth ol all kinds of crops in all kinds of soil. t . The tormnla or method of"Combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients ban t ceived the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific agriculturists. rilOSPHATE OF LIME The Agricultural Chemical Company manufaclnre a Pfiophate ol Lime in accor dance v;ith a new and valuable formula by which a very superior article is produced, as to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical, tesis have proved that its value, as. a .fertilizer, . is equal to the best Puophte of Lme tit the market. TERMS CASH. All Orders of t Ton oV more, wi'l b delred at the Railroad Stations and the Wharves of Sbipmen.l,frtee ol cartage. Cartage wifl be cherged on a'l orders of 6 barrels or less. One doi!ar per Tor. allowance for cartage will be made on all safes delivered at the Works of the Company on Canal Wharf. Agricultural Chemical Company's Works, At Cannt ti'h'trf, on the Delaware. Office, 4I3J Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. R. . FITTS, General Agent.. The t'owpany' Pampnlet Circular,, eon bracing falJ directions fo Mng the abpve Fertilizers, sent by mail, free, when re quested. Marcn, 8. 1665 otno. SI, SG5o;ooo WORTH CF St, WITCHES. CMlVs, HISCS. &C. G. S. HASKINS 8c CO.', 36 Betkmt.n Strtet, New YarJc. ofTVr t'e Ullowir;;. ii.tncemtits to JBuycrs of Valuably Having been Tcr a Jot g tin:e ei.gatd the Packet business, and established our reputa.ion for promptr ess and reliability,' and possessii'a grat facd:ie tor selling Jewelry m ihi ay, we are confident thst we rstn rive sati'tac'ion lo all ttho lev! i;(.-noelt io pstrin"e us r . S6:o.or;0 WORTH OK WATCHES. DlA mond Pit's, Chai'is, to be sold lor Oue Doi'ar p'trh. w;ioi;i regard to value, and not tr be paid fjr until you know what yea at to rrceive. - JUST IHK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES'."! 0 BE SOLD FOR ONE POLL A R EACH 1 175 Watches (handsomely engraved and irarranted perfect time keepers), varying in prices Irom S20 L0 to 120 00 each. . 2?5 Lad:.?-' wrvches, t olid gold huntlug Cd'e, ?ri5 CO each. 2bo" Gn lemeirs silver watches 15 CO in 20 00 e;tch. 6.000 La:et style vest and neck chains, 4 IC to SO 00 eah. 5,000 Geri's Cilifcrnia Diamond Pins, 2 0 to 23 CO each. 4.000 Cali'ornia diamond ear drcp, 2 03 io 1 5 00 each. 3 000 Miniature ar.d ensme.lled ent carf ins. rew Myles, 5 00 to 15 00 each. 2,000 Masonic and emblem pins, 3 00 to o 00 each. 2 500 Goid band bracelets, er.grared and pU-n, 3 00 to 20 00 each. 3.000 Jet and Mosaic brooches, 3 60 to 70 00 esih. . 2,G0O Cam?' trr oches, rich patterns, very Ja-iy, 3 03 to 50 00 erh. 4 uGO Floren'ine and Lava pin?, the real article, 4 CO to 10 00 each. 3 500 Lava and Florentine ear drops, 3 00 to 10 CO each. 300 Ccral ear drops. 4 00 to S 00 each. 2 COO Ladies' CnateUine chains, j-;t and cold, 15 CO ?c 20 CO c ch. 6 000 G-ni's piti, a splendid assortment, 2 ()) to 15 CO ear h. 4, COO So':'uaire fl-eve tu'tcn:, entirely new siyles, 2 00 to 5 00 each. 3 000 Stcds.ar-d sleeve tollons, in sets, very rich, 3 GO to 15 CO each. 5 000 Sleeve buttons, plain, enamelled and engraved, 2 00 to 8 03 each. 10,000 Piain and handsomely engraved rings, 2 50 to 10 00 each. 8 t;00 Gpring iocket, double case, richly enaraved, 2 00 to 15 03 each. 15,000 S-ts ladies' jewelry, new aad latest styles. 6 00 to 12 .00 each. . n rw.it P.al.l nana and ti a n.-trT. n l!vr 4. . 1.7 V. J VJ'IIVJ , ' I 1 ' ' " ' ' ........ . . - . cases, 5 00 to 10 00 each. This entire li-t ol beautiful and valuible 2Dods will be so'd for 0;ie Dollar Ech Ceriificates of s', the above articles will be placed in envelopes, and tald. , Tfrese envelopes are se:,i by foai'. a r'ered. wiiiiom reaard to choice. Ca the receipt of the Certifies'e y.-n will see what yoi are lo have, and then it is at yonr option to send one dollar and take the article, or not. Five CertiBcates can be ordered for $1; eleven for $2; thirty-five for $5; sijty-five for SI 3; and o:-e hundred for Si 6. W will send a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 cents. q.S. UASKINS Si Co., Boi 4270. 36 Beekman St., N. Y. Rlnnmihnto Artrll 5.!h. ISMS.