t f J 4 4 STAB OF THE NORTH mSCiABOUT TOWN ll COUNTRY. xiLoojisnimG-, pa. WEDNESDAY, SEPT- 20. 1865. WiNTiD A good girl, to do kitchen work for a small family, to whom fair wage rill be paid. Apply at thia office. . In axtwuft to the many inquiries would state that Capt. Bkockwat's we Nob Mountain speech will appeaf in oor next issue. Hon. M. Strouse, M. C. of Ponsville, has oor thanks for the Monthly Report of the Agricultural Department of August, 1865. Flaxseed Wantd. Cash will be paid 4at any quantity ol Flaxseed at Ronyan's New Store. ... William . Bkdi.y, oi Philadelphia, has -commenced giving music let-sons injhis 'place. He understands his business. At present he is stopping . at the Exchange 'Hotel. ' ':: ' Cholera Morbus prevails throaghoot the county la considerable extent at preent There has been qoiie aChomber of deaths reported from that and ptber summer com. 4laints of late. The Harrisburg Patriot and Union says "Elijah R. Wtlar is chairman of the Demo cratic Standing Commitree of Colombia Co. .This is a mistake; the name should be Elijah R. Ueler. Tat Pennsylvania State Agricultural fair, will open on Toesday next, at Wil'iamsport. 4 Excursion tickers are to be issued from tbe 20ib to the 30th inst., inclusive, on all roads leading to Williamsport.- The remittance of oor. brave soldier boy, Mr. D. V. M , has teen duly received for hich he has oor 'toiftfy thank; 'an8 the amount will find its prrper place upon oar books. Thb Cumberland Oil ad. Salt Comtast bare struck oil t the month of Crocus Creek,. Cumberland coanty, Kenti cky. Tbe well on tbe 8h inst was doarcng one thousand barrels per day. - A load ol wood will be taken at this office if brought in within a few day p. Those of out subscribers who pay for their paper in wood will do well to heed this notice. Neirly all the Republican papers anil or ators are -denouncing President Johnson's restoration policy. One year ago it was ; treasonable to say a word against the Pre idem alias 'government." Now the Abo lition papers say every coppeihead and rebel sympathizer glories over the condact of the administration." ' V. H. BiccHTEL,-ot HetriJock township, will please accept our thinks for that bas , Icet of peaches presented ds a few days ago. They were of hia own raising and would compare favorably with any th.it.bave teen brought in our market. Peaches have sold ,iri this town at prices janging from 52 50 to 35 00. Make it Full. The abolition journals ' are jmrt, 'now engaged in mating op the record of their candidate for Auditor Gen eral, General Han laaft. We hope they wilt make it foil. Ph of it we know con sists of the 'daringflj- act oi hanging Mr. Sorratt. This important part should not be overlooked by thetn, unJer any circom--stances. SrBiCRtPTio((s will be received by the-editors ot this paper for copies ot the proceed- . ings ot the great Nob Mountain Meeting. It will contain a full and inierestirg histcy of the invasion of Columbia county, togeth er with all lb reeches, songs, &e. Trre maiter is in ttre bands of the primer, and The work wifleppear in a reasonable length of time. It will be gotten op in different styles. Tbe first : will be in. paper cover price one dollar. Tb eecorrt, fround in Tnoslin price ooe dollar and fifty cenis.' . The Republican editor frotha about some evertnd gentleman" who.be says.prepated statistical Revenue 'table, fot other papers of the district, but neglected the RejntbUcan. If the editor of that machine desires a copy of tbe table, we refer him to the hlontdur American of the 7ib inst , and recommend that, in connection wfih tbe Revert, oe statis Vict, be publish the comment there found It proms that editor, who a tew weeks ago accepted the EST" of tbe Republican, has tak en aide wi:b the "old Pharisee", closed the tiand and girea oar neighbor a full blow with hia fist. Mr. Republican, yon have no friends ; bet- er for you, to Mbtow out" jour concern, and move your careas to tome mere suita ble clime Africa. On the 13. h of last month we commenc ed tbe-third volume of the Star since oor return from the army. Very many who commenced taking our paper at that time have as yet, not paid as one cent. This does not speak well for these times, when tegal tender is said to be so prenty and a "naiiooal debt a national btessicgv' Tfcis tUiri2" part we do not much believe in, aa individual debts si em like "comes to us When we are disponed to pa our indebted net lax have not the means to do so on account of so great a cumber of delinquents cn oer books. "A national debt a national blsnsiog V not a bit of iu There is not tbe .ljit trcih in it ; it ia more like a national ftirse, and the poor laboring people are be ginning to feel its heavy weight bringing tj2Ba down to perdition and niio. They have got to pay this debt, in tbe shape of taxss, or etery ihio? they consume. The jk'a can convert bis surplus cash and ia:o Unitad States Bond 7-30s if jcj i ' and ia ihos exempt from F3I'r cf this heavy debt by tut'ion! h rrtbi T V.'e leave the tot.m millions . -Tub Danville Intelligencer says the Psnn sylvania Iron Works are again ia operation. The wort had been idle for some lime, and no doubt many poor people were sof- fering in consequence. Chari.ec N. SavvqcoI the Danville Hole!, im taanlnil a Aral nl hnni. ThlS StaAd l I one of the very best in the town of Danville; and with Ciiirlt's iweiatgaw energy ana perseverance, this Hotel is destined to sur pass all tbe others. Persons traveling in that direction will do well, should tbey have occasion to tarry awhile in that enterprising f.d stirring village, to give Mr Savage call, at the Danville Hotel " Treachery and a betrayal of confidence are so despicable in our opinion that we prefer dispensing wnh the Jodas kises ol ihosff knowing themselves to be guilty. Republican. In reading the above paragraph, wie came to the conclusion that, the "Editor" mosi have had a dreadTo! fit of nightmare, from a sight of his own shadow, as all who know him best declare thai the picture could suit none so well as himself. Judas, however, did two good things, which we fear the Editor of the Republican has neither the honesty nor magnanimity to do-he first con fessed the wrong, and then went and rid the world of tbe T&t scoundrel who did it, by hanging himself. The able, patriotic, and .interesting ad dress of Col John G. Freeze, which delivered to a large and intelligent audience on the morning of the 30th of Anut, at tbe great Nob Mountain Meeting, will be found published entire on e firt and fourth pages ot the ''Siar." Kad it care fully and you will find that it contain" a little more truthful matter than rsuMia'lty crammed into speeches of its lengih Thofe of our readers not fully acquainted with all matters connected with the Colum bia Coanty Invasion, would glean -considerable inlormation from this address. Mr. Freeze bandies the whole subject without gloves, arid pars a just tribute to all the scoundrels, both in hih and low places, whohad any thing to do directly or indi rectly in getting do this "political raid" in Columbia county. Their intended result as well as their real result is completely de picted and exhibited in all its wickednecs to a jiKt and honest public by the speaker. The Honorable W. T. Oldham, fate Sen ator from Texa to the Confederate Congress, writes from Monteray, o San Antonia. con fifming the statement that Maximillian had ordered all CoufeJerate rel uges . to San Louis Potosi. The latest advices from South Carolina represent the return of General 'Gillmoro to Charleston from Colombia, where be and Major General Meade had been to have a conference with Governor Perry, and that an arrangement etfjcte I there by which I all the State and municipal authorities will j soon resume their function. GE3ERAL ELKtTION PIT0CL.1M1 TI0X WHEREAS, in and by an Act of Generil Assembly of the Commonwealth ol Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to regulate the General - Elections within this Common wealth," "it is er-joined upon me to aie public notice of said elections and to enu merate in said notire what officers are to te elected, I, SAMUEL SNYDER Sheriff f the county ot Columbia, do hereby make known and give this public notice to th electors of the County of Columbia, that a General Flection will be helJ in said county, on the SECOND TUESDAY (10th) of OCTOBER, 186A, at the feveral election district, viz : Bloom township, at the Conrt House, in B!oombnrg. Benton township, at the Public House of John J. S'iles. in the Town of Benton. Beaver township, at tbe Public House of Franklin L Shuman. " Hriarcreek township, at hePublic School Hon, near Evansville. Borough of Berwick, at the Town House in the Boiooch. Catawissa township, at the Public Hon?e of Samuel Koslenbauder." Centre townhip, at the House of Jere miah Hess, deceased. Connham township, at the Public Houe of R-toben H'asar. Fih)ngcrek township, at the Public House formerly kept by Bet.j McHenry. Franklin township, at Claytou's School Hoose. Greenwood township, at the House of Joseph R. Patton. Hemlock township, at the "Buck Horn." Jackson township, at the Houre of Eze kiel Cole. ' , Locust township, at the Public Hon-e of John L. Hurst, in Slabiovrn. Mifflin . township, at the Public Hone oi John Keller., Madison township, at the Public Hau-e of ?acno'l Rimby. Ml. Pleasant township, at the Public Hoose ot Thomas Jones. Montour township, at the Hoase of Win . Hollingshead. Main township, at the Pablic Houb ol John A. Shntriani. Roaririgcreek townsbfp, at the Hons for merly occupied by George W. Orei-bach. Oranae township, at the Public House of Alexander Hughes, tn Orangeville.. Pine town&bip, at the Hocse of Albert Hunter. Sugarloaf township, at the House of A. Cole. Scott township at the Pablic Hoase of J. D. Alarchbank. At which time and places' the qualified electors will elect by ballot the following Slate, District and County officers, viz : An Auditor General. X Surveyor Gen eral.' One Member of Assembly. A Dij trict Attorney.. A County Treasurer. . A County Commissioner. A County Auditor Coanty Sorveyor. County Coroner. It is farther directed that the election of the several districts shall be opened be tween the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock in the lorenoon, and stall continue open wiinoui interruption and adjournment ontil7 o'clock ao the evening when tbe polla shall be closed. It is further directed that tbe meeting of the return Judges at the Court House, in Bloomsborg, to make oat the General Elec tion, which will be the 13ih day of October next. The return Judge of the Representative District, composed ol lh counties of Co lumbia and Montour, hall meet at the Court Hoose, in Bloomsborg, on Tnesday, the l7thilav of .October next, to make om returns for Member of AsmMy. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That every person encepting Justices of tbe Peace who shall cold any orace or ap d States, or of thia Start, or any city or 1 corporated diwrict, whether a commission ed ofheeror otherwise, a suoorumaie um cer or agent whoie or 6hall be employed under the legislature, -executive or jadV ary department ot tDi9.aiate, or oi any vuj or of any incorporated district, and also, that every member of Congress and of the State Legislature, and of the select or com t nf mi p.iiv. or commissioners I UIUU "J J 1 -- - Vof any incorporated district, is by law in- 1 . f m 11- : .: n iW. capable ot Homing or weaimisi time, the office or appointment of ludse. Inspector, ot Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector, Jude ot other officer of such election shall be eligible to be then voted lor And the said act of AwemMy entitled "an aci relating to electious of this Com monwealth," ped July 2, 1819, further provides tt follows, viz : -That the Inspector and Judges shall mee at the respective plates appointed for holding the election in the district at which they respectively belong, before 8 o'clo.-k. on the morninz ol the SECOND TUES DAY OF OCItOBKR, and each aid In spector shall appoint one clerk, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. Incaie ihe person who hall have re ceived tne highest number cf vo'es for fn Bpectot shall not attend on the day of any election, then the person who shall" have received ihe second highest nnw.ber ol voles for Judge at the next preceding elec: tion shall act as Inspector in his place And in case the person who has received the second highest number of votes tor In specor.shall not attend, the person ejected Judge shall appoint an Inspector in bis placVand if any vacancy stiM continue in Ihe board for the space of one hour after the time fixed bylaw for the opemn ol the election, the qualified voters ot the township, waid or district for which such officer shall have been elected, present at the election, shall elect one of their num ber 10 fill such vacancy. It fliall be the duty of tbe several As sessors respectively to attend at the place of holding every general, special or tOTn ship election during the whole time such election i kept open, for the purpose of civing information to the Inspectors and Ju.tge, when called on, in relation to the tiiiht of any person assessed by them to vote at such election, and on such other matters in rlatren to the aFsessment o? voters, as the said Inspectors or either of them shall from time to time reqnire. 'No person shall be permitted to vote a any election as aforesa'd, than a white cit izen of the age of twenty-one or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year, and in the election district where he offers to vote, ten days immedi ately preceding eoch eleciMjn, and within two years paid a Slate or County 'x which shall have been ae-" 1 at 'e"' ,' bfore (he e4e-lio.i Bui a t i Z-n ot United Stares who ha revi.M.sly bee ; qualified voter of thrs Sti " remove i therefrom and Tejurned, and who!all hv. resided in ihe. election district mi.l paid taxes, aforesaid, shall be entitled re" afw residing in this State six months Provided. That the white freemen, cuins of tire Uuited States, between iha 8ge of twenty-owe and twen-y-two years who have wsidet! in the election dtstricl ten days as aforesarfl shall he entitled to vote, altlretigh they shall not have paid tax. 41 any person shall prevent ot attempt to prevent any officer of an election, under this act from holding such election, or ue or threaten any Violence to any sech offi cer, and shall interrupt or improperly in terfere wilh him in theexecotioii of his duly, shall block up or attempt to block np the window or avenue ro any window where the same may be holden. or shall tiotously disturb the peace of such elec tion, or shall use or practice intimidation, threat, lorce or violence, with the design or influence nndoly or overawe any eleotor or prevent him from voting, or to restrain Ihe freedom of choice, such persons on conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, to be im-prit-oned lor any lime not le8 than one nor more than twelve months and i! it hll be shown to the Court where the trial of uch offence shall be had, that the person so offending was not a resident ot Ihe city, ward or district where the said offence was committed, and not entitled to rote therein on conviction he shaU be sentenced to pay a fine not less than one hundred or more than one thousand tlollars. and be impris oned not less than 6ix months nor mote lhan'iwo years. Given under my hand, at my office, in filpomsburg, thi 18th day of Sept. 1865 SAMUEL SNYDER, Sheriff Sept. 20, 1865. Auditor's Notice. Estate of Thomas Aten, dee'd THE undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county, to make distribution of the balance in hands ofThomac and Wm. Aten, administrators of Thouia Aten, lata of MrtSin township, in said county, dee'd. among the sevel heir of ihe decedent C'" he order establish ed by law, will attend at his office,; in Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the i4in4da ol October next at 10 o'clock, A.M., of said day. for the pnrpoe cf making the distri bution. All persons having elaims orde mands'against the estate of the decedent are notified to present them ro the Auditor on that day ot be debarred from tOmming in for a shre of the fund. 0. B BROCK WAY. Aaditoh Sept 20, 18654 S2 50 Valuable Kecipes. Editors o( the "Star," Dear Sirs : With yoor permiion, I wih JO say to the reader- ot ynnr paper ihat I will send, by Velum mail, io all who wish it (Ireej a recipe with (nil itirections for making and osing a simple Vegetable Balm, ihat will effectually remove, in ten days, Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all Impuritiea of, the Skin, leaving the same toft, clear, smooib, and beautiful. . I will also mail free to thoe bavin bald beads or bare laces simple directions and information, that will enable them io sUn a full growih of luxuriant bait, whiskers, or a moustache, in les than thirty da. These recipes are vatuMo m m iicm and young, and a- tfu-y ht r. aii: to a! who need them tree' nl cliar-e. it ;tre worthy the attention (fa! io fn- a clear, pure skin, or a healthy srowih.oi hair. AH application anpwerfd by ri ur ena'tl, withont charsre. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Perlumer, No. 831 Broadway, New York. August 9, 1865 2m. OLD THINGS MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore Mght and give up spectacles, wi hoot aid ot doctor or medicine. Sent bv mail, free, oo receipt af 10 cents. Ad dress, E. B. FOOTE, M. D. 1130 Broadway, New York. MORO PHILLIPS' Super.Phnsphate of Lime. Bauh $ Sons' Raw Bone Phosphate, ia targe and small quantities, and Pure-War ranted Lake Salt, at xcholisale r retail, for sale b J. H. HARMAH. . rr.r filler's Store. OF SPRING AND WINTER GOODS. THE subscriber has just returned from the cities with an other large and select assortment of Fall end iriatet Goods. purchased at fchrladetphia atid fcew o' at the towet ftgdte, and. which he is deter iv coli ri vnndetare terms as can III ll'tiU J V ---- be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Hi stock comprises tJl DIE'S DRESS GOODS. of the chcicest styles and latest fashions, ioether with a larae assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTllS, AND VEST1NGS. ALSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, CEDAR WARE, , HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON. BOOTS Sr SHOES, HATS (f CAPS-c. In short, everything usually kept in rnun try stores, io which he invd es he attention of the public generally. The highest price will b paid for coun try produce, in exchange for ood. ' v STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsborg, June 28, 1865. Aew Clothing Store. , LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rtHK nnd'eTsined res,.ertfnlly informs his friend nd the pullic enera!ly, that he ha- jus; rereived trom ihe Eastern Cilte, a larop assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of all sorts, sizes and quantities, which will be sold cheap for cash orcountry produce. ALSO. HATS & CAPS f BOOTS AND SHOES. fatjs Together with a variety of no lions and things too troublesome to numer ate, to which be invites the attention of pur chaser". , He is also prepared tn make us clothing to order, on reasonable termp, and up to the latest fashions. p Call and examine our stock of eods ANDREW J. EVANS. Blonmsbnrg, Jon 7. 1865 A Card t tbe Suffering. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED! IP 0 SVt A".I.f;V i 'to r I'tre ios.ied- ol h;. !ui ; ' 'l ot.i.' Mi er ;? 'S .r-x) iirilla,:' NVrvons At1:''.'.-"':--.'' &.&., snl .-;;,r tiii H-t' -. !;i-v t Willi tle re-nlt then ;m- o. hr- l OI.P DOC I OR BUi:HAN'S f:N(;LlSH Si'KCIFIC PILLS and be re stored in heth ami visor p le-sihan thirty dajs They are purely vee:able, pleaani to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken -dow-n and shattered consti tution. Old anri young can la ke them with advantage. DR. BUCHANS ENGLISH STECIFIG PILLS cure in lessthan 30 days, the worM cases of NERVOUSNESS, I m po tency, Premature Decay, Seminal Weak ness, Insanity and all Lrinary, Sexual, and Nervous Affections, no matter Irom what cause pTodticed. Price, One Dollar per box Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an orJer AddTess, JAMES S. BUTLER, No. 429 Broadway, New York, Gen Agent. P. S.A box senr to any address on re ceipt of price which is One DoVur pot! free. CF' A descriptive Circular sent on application. July 19, 1865. 8. BL09&S&CRG ACADEMY. m v THE next Term of this Institntion will begtnon WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 16 TH, 1865. The resular prices ol Tuition range from 85 50 to $7 50 per Term o1 Eleven Weeks, to be paid at or before the middle of the term. The usual extra charges will be rnade for German and French, and ihe various Ornamental Branches. It is extreme'.y-imporfam that the pupils who shall attend the School shou'd be pres ent at the beginning of the term, or as soon after as possible, in order to start regularly with the clas. In all case tuition will be charged for the full term, nnless otherwise by special previoos agreement. The Principal has had an experience of years in leaching the Languages and high er Mathematics, as vell as the various branches pf a substantial E"glish Educa tion, nd will spare no effort to secure rapid and tbornnh prosres in hi pupils. REV. H. R1NKER, A. M . August 9, 1865. Principal. IOST. ON or abonl the middle of August 18B5, the undersigned Iol in Baver two. or that neighborhood, a STATE DRAFT, of Ihe S-hoOl appropriation nl said mwn ship, to the ft mount ft EIGHTY -M dl Idrs Th- piibln e rautiOM-.t at'iti the payment ol sa'ul Drslt, a the ti.aViship would not receive any benefit unless an other D'att be procured or the money on the original one be rizhdy applied. The Draft is drawa payable io tfcw imdersigVied JOHN FRY, Prfes'l School Board Beaver, Sept. 5, 1865. BeaVer twp. ESTUAY. CAME to the premie o' the subscriber, in Locust township, Columbia county, on the 27th of July, 1865 A DARK BROWN IIEIFKR, aged atom one year, in tolerably good con dition. The owner will come forward, prove property, pay the charges, and tke her away, otherwise she will be disposed of as tbe law directs. JOHN HARNER. Locust, Sept. 6, 1863 TO CONSUMPTIVES. SUFFERERS WIl'H CCiU-NlPTIO, ASTHMA, Brnuchiii-', or any di-ense of th- Thront or Lnn-js, will t e rheertnllv trr :ifd, witbor.t c'-tit wi U e tHiie o'v '.lift of :i:cU R-v Kl- art A. V.Tv'.n, ol' Vti! frvr..iri N-w York, was . orsipMely r"-C r.l 'o health, afier h-.iV'ii ?!.tl-fe! eefl years vvnh ttai 'fA I di-e,,w. I.! IIMIIIljl lull, Tl C(UIUmp- tie snfierers. th's remedy is worthy'of an immediate trial. It will cost nothing, and may be the means of their perfect restora tion. Those de-irina the same will please address Rev. EDWARD A- WILSON, 165 South Second StreetWiIliamsburgh, Kings County, New York. August 2, I865-7-6W. To Drunkards. 'OLD DOCTOR BUCHANS Drunkard's Cure permanently eradicates the taste for. strong drink, and cams the worst case of drunkenness in less than eight Weeks. Thousands of reformed inebriates new live to bless the day they were fortunate en 00 j.h to Commence the use of this valua ble remedy. Price two dollars a package. Mailed to any addrnsa on receipt 6t an order, by JAMES S. BUTLER, 429 Broadway New York.. Sole Ag't lor the U. S. HBIC SAlE. WILL be sold at public sale, at the resi dence of the sobseriber, in town of Benton, in Benton iwp., Columbia connty, on Saturday the 11th day of October 1865, the following personal property to wit: iotJsirtirb goods, A lot of NEW F'UKNi I UKE, -Kitcnen ami Cellar Goods, GRAIN and Lumber, ONE SPRING BO RT). rmeSulkey, one Cattina Box, -ene Patent Bcfe Hive, and numerous other articles to'd tedious to mention. Sale ro trommeTrce at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when due attendance ant? a reasonable credit wiil be aiven. LAWSON HUGHES. Benton, Sept. 13, 1865. ruitMc xAtfi oi VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN pursuance of an order of t! Orphans Court ol Columbia county, on SATURDAY the SEVENTH day of October next, at ten o'clock in Ihe Inrenoon, Abraham Young, administrator ol William E. Roberts, late of Jackson twp., in smd county, derea-ed. will expo-e to sale, by public vendue, on the premise, A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate in Jackson township, in said connty, adjoining Henry Hurleman on ihe west. Silas McHenry on the sonth. Daniel Fritz ofl the east, containing TWENTY ACKES n.nre or less, there is on the premises one PLANK HOUSE, one and a half stories hiah, one other btiihling, one story and a half hiah.a frame stable., about fifteen acres of which is cleared land. Late the estate of said deceased, situate in the township of Jackson and county aforesaid. ' JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk. Bloomsborg, Sept 13, 1R65. CONDITIONS OF ALE One fourth of the purchase mtn9 less twenty per cent, to be paid on confirma tion nisi, twenty per cent, to be paid on day of sale, and the residue of the purchase money o be paid in one year, with interest Irom Ihe confirmation nisi. Purchaser to pay for conveyancing nd stamps. ABRAHAM YOUNG, Admr. Sept. 13. 1865. THE riUESIX PECTORAL ggssw IV ILL CURE - Your CnnoK A Read ihe aJver- i-einent behiw. The Pdceuix Pec oral; or compound Syrup .i vv n. Cherry and Seneka Snake R.ini, will core the Diseases of the Throat and Limits, Mich as colds, coughs, rrnop, A-thma, bronchitis, catarr "ore ihroai, hoarseness, whooping cooah. lis timely n will prevent I'ULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even when. i,i learlnl disease is folly developed, it will afford more relief ihaii anv oihernedii-ine. J. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker of Ke Pennsylvania House of Representatives, says ."'This cough remedy is now exten sive used, and i of he highest value td the commonity, its curative qualities hav ing been tested by thousands with Ihe moft eratilying results. It is carefully and skillfully prepared Irnm Wild Cherry Bark and Seneka Snake Root, by Dr. Levi Ober boltzer, a reputable physician of Phcpnix ville, Pa., and is sold by nearly all drug gists and country storekeepers." D P. Crosby, ex Post Master and ex Bufess of Potts'own, certifies as follows': POTTSIOWN, Jan., 1865. This certifies that I have Used the Phoe nix Pectoral in my family, and I lecom mend ii 10 the Public as ihe vtry best remedy for cough and cold that I have ever tried One of mv children was taken with a cold, accompat ied wilh a croupy cough, so bd, indeed, ihat it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having bearo so much said about the Phccnix "Fedora1! I procured a bottle oY it. The first dose relieves the difficulty ol brca.hitia, and trft lore the child had taken one Tontth of the boule it was entirely well. Every family should have it iu their house. Signed 3 I. P CROSBY. . J. C. Smith, druggist of New Hope Bucks conuty, Pa., 1n wtning 10 Dr. Oberhohzer, says: "A few day since 1 bouuht two dozen of your valuable couah remedy 10 try, and find it very good, and a it i near ly all gone I would like yoa toe?id me a grof-s of it. "Ycur medicine give better satisfaction than any other I have in the Store. I am agent lor some of ihe most popular 'cooh preparation", but yobrs seems to be doing the most good." The following is an extract from a le'ter from Hiram Ellis, YneYi han't, near P.itts. ton, Pa., "I have iTied ihe Pt rjfemx Pec iora an! find it lo be the. bet covjfh med icine eXtatn Ii meei With a more read sale than aiy ohet that I have ever had in my store." The proprietor of this medicine ha sd murh Confidence in Its curative powers, from the testimony of thousands who have u-ed it, thai the money will te paid back to any prchasf who is uol i-elisfied VVilP. its eflerii..' It is so pleasant to take .that children cry for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; large B-.ttWs ONE DOLLAR. It is intended for only One class of dis eases namely those ol the THROAT and LUNGS. , . . , P.epared only by LEVI OBKRHOLTER M D., Pl-cenixville, Pa., anJ sold by all Drtisjists ami Storekeepers. Johnsoi Holloway, & Cowden, No. 23 North Sixth Street. Philadelphia, And F.'C Wells & Co., 115 Franklin Street, New York. General Wholesale Agent. N. B If your nearest drugai-i or store keeper does not keep thi medicine do not let him put yon off with some oiner medi cine, because he make more mor.ey on ii, but send at one io one ol ihe Agents for it June 21, lS65.6m. CLIH AGENCY. THE uirW-iiined desire io call atten tion o! the publm to hi lacililies ot nbiaiu- . i, r i j ing rent-ioiis, Dounne- u'K-at anck ooveru me.1.1) Bounty Lands lor Soldiers, Settlement of officer's Accouivh. &c. Dis charged Sol'iiersoi their heir ran get ihetr FULL BOUNTIES, ihooah generally they have ieceived p rt. No charges for information, tot uiilesK claim is secured. Office with E. H. Little Esq., in white frame building below Exchange Hotel. C- B. BROCKWAY. Bloomsborg April 5, 1865 ly. DISSOLUTION OF CO-PArTXE SHIP. 1 HE Co-partnership heretofore exi'tina between John K Grotz & Edward Rehr, trading onder the firm of John K. Grotz & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. All persona havine unsettled ac eoants, either on Book, Note, or Judgment, are requested to present them without de lay for adjustment. " The Tanning business will hereafter be . continued, in all it branches, by John K- Grotz & Son, at the Old Staod, neat Bloomsbnrir. .... JOHN K. GROTZ & CO. lrrn lnml fhemfCai Co'S. ( cheAI fertii-izei:s. THE fertilizers prepared y the Agri cultural Chemical Co., a Com? any hacr tered by th'e legislature ot Pennsylvania with a capital of 1250,000,) have been proved in practice o be the cheapest, most profitable and best, lor tbe Farmer, Gar dener and Fruit grower, of all concentarred nnn nfrrri in nnv rrraikftl. The Compauj 'a list embraces the following p BuUette, This Fertilizer is composed ol Yllght soil and the (ertilizing rgents of nrtrre-, combined chemicail) and mefchan'icfclly with other valuable lertilizing agents find absorbents. ' . It is reduced to a pulverulent condition 5 .ait fnr immediate nse. and without loss of its h ighly nitrogenous fertilising proper ties. lis-tjnmrsal applicability to all crops and soils, and ft durability and active qualities are wetl known to be all that ag riculturists can desire. CHEMICAL COMPOST. The Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fih, Jeaihnr, and wool, together with tcheVnicaN ar.d inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain the nitrogenous ete- mi"is a very valuable fertilizer for fiel crops geHerally, and especially lor potatoes and garden purposes. lis excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with al! who have n-ed it. n-iMiyrkci-rE' lrcnTir !7irn I V,UllI U.'l i' 1 1. A 11. 1.. ' This highly phosphate fertilizer is par I t:...t. .1.. n.lnni.,1 fnr ihaenli i v9lrtn nf I rees fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote very vigorous and healthy growth ol v ood fre it, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot tios and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispen'ible article 10 se cure their greatest perleciion. It will pre vent and cure diseased conditions of the peacn and grape, and is excellent for grass fend lawns. It is composed of such elements as make it ada pted to tie growth of all kinds ol Crjps in all kinds of 6oil. The tormnla or method of combining . conlitnent fertilizing ingredients has re ceived the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific a:ricfl1iori8lft. PHOSPHATE OF LIME The Aarit-wluiral Chemical Company maribfactnre a Pnophate ol Lime in accor dance with a new and Valuable formula by which a very superroT article is ptodttced, as 10 be afforded at ale- price lhan other mannfai'iurers charge. Practical tens have proved ihat it- value, as r teYtili2er, is rqu.d ! the best Phosphite of Lime in the market. TERMS CASH. All Orders of a Ton or more, will be delivered at ihe Railroad Station a-.id the Wharves of Shipmen l,(ree of cartage. Cartage will be charged on all otder of 6 barre's or less One doilar per Tor. allowance for cartage will be made on all sales delivered at ihe Works oTlhe Company on Canal Wharf. Agricultural Chemical Co-mpany'a Works, At Cannl Wharf, on tbe ldabafe. Office, 413 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. R. B. FITTS, General Auftnt. The Company's Pamphlet Circular, em bVavtos faH directions u-ing the above Fertilizers, sen by thai I, frte, when re quested. March, 8. 1865 6mo. SI, S G 3 O, O O O $1, WOKIH OF WATCHES. CHAISS. RINGS. &C G. S. HASKINS 56 CO., 36 Jicfkman Street, New York. "oVfer the tollowing inducements to Iltiycrsi ol Valuable Having been I cr a lor g lime er.gaged the Packet business, and established our reputation for promptness . and reliability, and possessing gn at facilities for selling Jewelry in ihi way . w e are confident that w"c can cive satislaction to all who feel disposed 10 patronize us S650 000 WORTH OF WATCHES. DIA mond Pins, Chains, to be sold for One Dollar each, without regard to value, and rot to be paid for until you know wbat you are 10 receive. JUST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH I 175 Waiche (handsomely ensraved and a'rt-Hnietf pertec.t lime keepers), varying in price Irom $20 00 to C 1 20 00 each. 225 Laities' wa dies, solid gold hunting case. 555 00 each. 250 Gen lemen's silver watches 15 00 to 20 0J each. 6,000 Latest siyli vest and neck chains, 4 50 to 30 00 each. 5,000 Gent' California Diamond Pins, 2 50 io 25 00 each. 4,00.0 Calilornia diamond ear drop, 2 00 to 15 00 Bach. 3 000 Minialure and ennmelled flent?s icarf pins, new sty le?, 5 00 to 15 00 each. 2,000 Masonic and emblem pins, 3 00 to Id 00 each. 2 500 Gold band bracelets, engraved and plain, 3 00 to 20 00 each. 3,000 Jet and Mosaic broothes, 3 00 to 70 00 each. 2,000 Cameo brooches rich patterns, very tasty, 3 00 10 60 00 each. 4 500 Floten'ine and Lava'pins, the real article, 4 00 to 10 00 each. 3 500 Lava and Florentine ear drops, 3 00 to 10 00 each. S.OO Coral ear drops, 4 00 to 6 00 each 2 000 LaJiej.' Chatelaine chains, jet and gold, 15 00 te 20 00 each. 6 000 Gen;' pins, a splendid assortment, 2 00 in 15 00 earh. 4,000 Solitaire sleeve buttons,entirely new sly les. 2 00 to 5 0i each. 3 000 Studs and sleeve buttons, In sets, very rich, 3 00 to 15 00 each. 5 000 Sleeve buttens, plain, enamelled and engraved, 2 00 to 8 00 each. 10.000 Plam and .andsotne!y engraved rings, t 50 to 10 00 each. 8 )00 Spring locket, double cass, lichly e Mjrave.l, 2 00 to 15 00 each. I5UUU Set-ladies' j-welryj new and latest -fyles, 6 00 to 12 00 eCh. 2.000 Gold pen, and handsome silver car-e, 5 00 to 10 00 each This entire list ol beautiful and valuable good will bd sold lor One Dollar Ech Cerifkaiej of all the above art.cles will be placed in envelope and seald. These envelopes are sent by mail, a uttered, without regard to choice. On the receipt of the Certificate you will see what you are lo have, and then it is at your option to send one dollar and take" the article, or not. Five Certificates can bo ordered for St; eleven for 82; thirty-five for S5; sixty-five lor $10; and one hundred for 15. VVe will send a Single Certificate on the receipt ol 25 cents. u . tj. S. HASKINS & Co , Box 4270. 36 Beekman St., N. Y. Bloomsborg, April 5th, 1865. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral I'HOM'KCl Ust OF THEHILADEfcPlHA AGE, Democratic Daily MorainZ Journal 'published in Phfradielnhia. The publishers ol the Fbihfflebpbia AuF. invite the earnest attention of buinee men, thinkinz mn. literacy In en, and all. who are interested in the "vartdti oeeupa-l lions and pursuits of life, to trmlDAlLY, and WEEKLY ediiirms-of ihietr tfdcrrnal. " The Philadelphia Age, which atfVcCalls! fhe prirtciples and policy of rtie detriotrati Warty, is issued' every mcmrne, vsunuajs excepted,. aid conia'ns rlre rareri intelli gfence from all parts of the World; with tare- fully prepared articles 'on UoveYiiment Politic. Trade, Fiiance, "tfnd -all f& cut- Vent questions and affairs ol the day-; Local Intelligence. Market Kepnils, rnce Cur 'rent. Stock quota lions. Marine and Cnni-I Ynereial Intelligence, Reports of Public atnerings, roreign ana uomesnc Torres pon'ence, lgal Renorts, Book Notice Theatrfeal CriiicisniS, Reviews of Lin rarj Art and Mo sic, Agrifuhural Maftets, ti. discussion of Vhatever subject ia of fjerc eral inte'rst and iiriportance. No event of 'riy importartce t occurs Jrs any pait of the rbWilry without Win? fully and promptly teleg'aphed to and put lishei in its columns, n has all the 'de-patcti of ihe Associated Press from every pait n ihe united Mates, and the news from a nans oi Europe brought bv the steamer i instantly telegraphed, from whatever fo'riA the steamers nisi toucn. TerIws 7Vn Dollars per annum, foA ypy. Five Dfifar far a stnsle conv. months. Two Dottars ttnrf Fiftv letotJ for imee montns. Jina for any iesi time at lite rate oj Unt UnHar per irto., payment required invariably in advance ti, Ph:i..i.ini.;. nr.. -Li.. ai m. complete compendium of the news '6i thv! week, and conta'rs the chief editoiiaN, thW r: f... . it. ...i... r x-.. t into uiirui im uiici rwepuria, ?toci Quotations, Intelligence for Farmer. Cor responderrtre, and General News Matte published in the Daily Ase. -It also con tains a great vaYietV of other literary an miscellaneous matter, including Tales Skeiehes. Biography. Facet tt, and Poetry rendering it in all respects a First Clas Family Journal, particularly adapted to'the Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Literary mar,, and all classes of readers.-- It has in fact, every character " of a livi newspaper, htted lor the Counting Honvyi the Workshop, the F reside and the Gen eral reader. The WEEKLY AGE is mailed in seasorl to reach all parts of Pehnsvlvanta. Ne. Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, on o betore Saturday of each week. 1 Terms 7 wo Dollars per anntimoi a single copy. One Dollaror siJt mos and Sixty cents for three months. Onl copy gratis tcUl be sent for one yeaA to the person forwarding fc'20 .carh- subscribers paid in advance. No panel win uc aim unite me suoscr ption ii paid. uuhks of the above fin rers sent gratis to any addres., on applica- IO ADVERTISERS, The circulation oi l. the Philadelphia AGE, which is sieadil t . arid raciilly growin2, makes it at least a -valuable a medium lor advertising as ahv " other commercial and business newspap in PhiiadelphiaJ and the fact ihat it reach es a large class or conservative readers r-caltened over a vast xihi of coontry, whe do not take any other Philadelphia paper, commends it, to an extraordinary degree as a means of commnnrcating wiift the ptlb' lie not possessed by any other Journal pub lished in this city. ihe AUbn now established on a sore a sure iblib4 Mh th and permit eni foundation. The rhbli ers could easily fill their columns wm unsought and most liberal cortirbendalloHf of the press throughout the cduniry; bn they pre'et ihat it should stand alloelht upon clairrs to public confidence well krown and establfshed. It wilt be, as here4 totore, the supporter ot the National, Con servative, Democratic, Union Principles, opposed alike to radicalisrh and fanatfeisrr in every form, and devoted lo thet" lenance of Good Government, L Order. The revival rjf all ihe bt relation- of ihe, country, chnseqaefj, ihe snppres-ion of Ihe rebellion ti restoration ol peace, will enabfc lbe lishers to make a number of irhprdverl in the various departments of this Jod and' they, therefore, respectfully solicil support of all who wish to secure clru lUt best Commercial, Literary, Bnsihl and Family newspapers in Ihe codr.iryA CF" Now h the little to shbsrribe: Address, 0 LOSS BRENNER & WELSHK 430 Chestnut Street, June 7. 1H63. PHILADELPHIA. National Foundry Itlootiwlytir- Colkinihf.t Cti., 'prie snbsribjr; proprietor of the tfeore nartted extensive etablifhmeh!, is bow prepared to feceive order for all kinds r mat-hJr.ery,' for COLLERIES. fiLAST Fl NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, Mll thresh Img Machines &e,&.c, 7 u .. i. v. sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every-1 nii'i usuaiiy maae in nrsi-class roondnea His extaniv facilities and practical workman; wairant him in receiving the largest contracts op tbe most reasonable terms: , Grain of all kind's will be taken ill exchange for castings. CF This establishment is located hf)ar 'he Lackawanna Railroad Depot., PETER ElLLMEYEit. Bloombnrg, Sept. P. 1S63. BLOfjMSBUilG PROVISION S T OR ! THIS ESTABL1H1ENT OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT WHOLESALE Sc RETAIL, A VERY f.iliGR STOi U of Superior ! Family GROCERIES and all thinss lo live upon in the line o f neceajjea and luxuries 1 HfcKK KUU UAIt HiNll t SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, l . SPICE. &c. DRlED.FRUir OF ALL KINDS. FLOUR. PORK, DRIED CEEF, BUTTER, CHEESE, C DllTrrD f li rrcu . IJKACR r.K, MSH, SALT, BROOMS, WOODEN WARE, AND ALL THAT. Time and space Will not admit of an enumeration of the endlesa variety of Goods which I offer for sale. It is my intention to supply the wants of trie people, and to that end shall lend alt my ep.ergies, giving to them at all limes, the benefit ot a decline in the market. "Having purchased largely and for Cash", since the great decline in Gold, 1 arn ena bled to sell at orreinnriiglv low pf ice. GZ7CJ1SH PJ3W FOR EGOS. LAYTON RUN Y AN. Bloomsburg, M-iy 22. 1885 Attorucy at Lavr, ah a Office on Alain Street, CJT.1HSSAj Columbia county; Pa. 'vJlwtBx-- i