STAB, OF THE NORTH THINGS ABOUT TOWN & CCCMRI. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 6- 1865. - Editor Democrat will please accept our thanks for article in type relative to the Nob Mountain Meeting. In OCR Caxt will publish the account pireQ of the Nob Mountain Meeting by the correspondent of tbe Patriot and Union. Wiit(d-A good, stout, active gir! to perform kitchen work to whom liberal we dges per week, will be paid. For further par ticulars, Tnqnire at this office. . CocT. is still in session (Wednesday morning). . On Monday there wa a full at tendance, more than we usually see at this lime of year.. We will give a synopsis of the proceeding In our next. Pnor. Price will walk a wire at Epy on Saturday, the I6ih inst. He has improved ery much on the wire since he last per ' formed In Espy, beside perform feata that "were not then part ol bis exhibition. Go nd eee bim. . Wt publish on oor first p-aae sprigs which were written by Col. John G Freeze aped ally , for the Nob Mountain Meeting and "ring by Iram Derr and aona. The Derr fam , ilj ling well. This part of the exercises formed quite an interesting foal ore of the meetiog. Tua, election held a few day ince in Ln cnt wwrfship to decide Whether or cot said township aho!d be divided, resulted in fa vor of no dioition. But two dr three votes -were polled lor a division ; and those votes were caal by the men who have been - agi tating the question. Tina dtfffsion, by & ptoplt of the township, should forever hush op the grumbler. Law As there appear to te omi misapprehension in regard to the time when gray squirrel are legally "shootable," we woald siate for ibe benefit of all con cerned, thai the Act of April 2 1862, fixes this lime from the 1st day of September to the last of December The law inflicts a penalty of five dollars for killing them at any other time. Mathim A most bruul affair occurred in the neighborhood of the Lackawanna Depot on Saturday last, when a peron by the name of Patrick Finn was assaulted and knocked down by a ruffin, who bit off a . portion of his nose. From what we could learn Mr Finn ha a! way been known as . quiet, peaceable 'citizen. This crime of Mayhem, is severely punished under1 the iw penal code. Danville Intelligencer. Bcrglaut We learn thai the store o! Hon H. W. Tracy, of Standing Stone,' was entered by robber on Thursday night last, and 8500 cr (600 stolen, besides certificatesj for Bond to the amount of several thouaand dollar. The tbief after breaking into the Store, secured thetoofy by effecting an en trance into the safe. We hear that srong . suspicion rest upon certain parties. This is only one of thousands of crimes that are now perpetrated ail over the country, and (toe to show the demoralized state of the country. Biadford Argus GTCapt.'C. B. Brock way, on motion of Wesley Wirt, Esqr., was admitted to the practice of law in the several courts of this county. Cspt. Brockway was student of E. H. Lit tie,. Esq., of this place, previous to his en taring the military service, and after h:s retorn.-resumed hie studies. We are in formed be pased an examination credira ble alike to himself a well ai his precep tor. He is a young man of more ttt-a.n f.r.'i iary ability. Soccera attend his effjr s 5om t time since Geo Reiswick, liver) mm t)f this plac,hired a horse o a stranger, ho attempted to run of! with it aod succeeded in getting into the upper end of Lczerne county where he was arrested, lodged in prison at Pittston, end" the property recover ed. The prisoner soon broke out of his lock-op and made his escape. There seems to be a great deal of horse-stealing going on in this State,; and very few stolen horses are afterward recovered. Some "more .stringent punishment than imprisonment inflicted upon there 'hofse thieves. - , Two paisojtZM escaped from jaillmhis 'place on Friday last, during the absence of the Sheriff. They were arrested on a charge tl theft, and commii!el to fail by the justice to await their 'trial. But on Friday, after having finished their dinners, when Mr. Snyder, the Sheriffs wife, unlocked the door leading into the'rr apartment, and was about going in to' receive their empty dish es, they rnsted through the Jbor, shoving the wonin-to one fide.aad made good their Mlip9. They have not since been heard 4t. Tfve name of the parties, we have not Seamed. The theft wae committed in Mon , 4oor county but the prisoners were arrested and lodged in-jail in this couaty. NoTosre Ft re a lic an officeholder in this county ha yet resignecThia position in favor ct the soldier, for whom they would have the people believe they bed so moch sym pathy. They are not willing to thu give o; the oilices and prove by their action, which apeak louder than words, that they7 are t he real friend of the soldier. Wa never believed these Abolition scoundrels were sincere in their profession, and every day we are more and mora convinced in the correctness ts our belief. They now even rz'.s down raGiBhoos in their Conventions j-t'tin to jrive to the solJinrs a liberal t.'.r: 3 efCs c :t?. ' "Oh! consistency, thoa tr! a j jwel J' " - GENERAL SETTS 1TE31S. Fitz John Portcr was a delegate at the Iowa Democratic Convention. Dr. Isaac Romanes: has been nomioa'ed for Aetnbly by the Abolitiomets of Snyder county. . , . . At a horse-race rr Easton, a few days ago, a Mr. St een, of Reading, was attacked by two men named Wellers and Hutman, and m ordered. Thr Democrats of. Montgomery have re romiated Dr. A. D. Markley and Edward Sattenhwaiie lor Assembly. Th population of Wi-conisn is 855.000. That ol Iowa is 770 000. The. government machine shops at Nor folk, Va., have been closed and ihe work man discharged. Thb Democrats of Boiler have nominated John C. Coll for Assembly, and recomeud ed Cot. STrwjll, ol Armstrong, lor Senator. Hiturns from one precinct in Prince George's county, Mil., show i It at 13 1 ogi ot 180 voer nave been disfranchised by he registration law ol that Siate. Thk Democrat of Fulton, Bedford and Sotnernei have nominated General A Smith and A J. Colboni for Assembly. It i staled that John Hitchel is sick, and that he has applied to the War department In be allowed daily out door exercise, like Mr. Davis, bis fellow boarder at Fortress Monroe. GgNtRAL Wild in Gorj?a ordered Mrs. Robert Toombs to leave her house that it might be ued by the Freedman's Birea'a, but General Sleadman countermanded the order. Bcrks CorjvTT The Democracy of "old Berks" met in convention on.Tueday and nominated a full ticket, with Fredrick Hat net, John Miosimer and Henry B. Rhoad j as candidates lor Assembly. All good men. . . .Why is it that Massachusetts can have her war claims against the Government cashed, and Pennsylvania and other Stales cannot ? TiiKRt are thirlv-four officers of honor and profit in Huntingdon county, thirty-one ol which are held by civilians, three by sol diers. Alfred L. Ttlv.r has, been -appointed general manager ol the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, iu the place of Col. I D. Pons, re signed. Thk Democratic convention of Northamp ton county nominated Hon. Heister Clymer as a candidate tor Governor in 1866. Tsk New York Tribune declares that the riecroes ' saved the country in the hour of Itn sorest need." We have some slight rec ollection that a few white men had a hand in the mailer. The Hon. E. Joy Morris, wr'iina from Constantinople, says that the cholera ha reached that city and become virulent. Two hundred deaths are daily tepnred 1 he pestilence we brought to the Porte by an Egyptian Iriga e. At a recent Abo'linn meeting in the city of Pi tsburi a resolution was passed de nouncing Catholics a "arch traitor to civil and religious freedom throughout the world." A Bni.iTWN'TST argue that the nesm is she eql ol the white man. He may be sa an exchange, as lar they are. concerned. They are betier able to mensnre their own capacities than any one el-e. Jjsiata Cocstv. The Democratic con vention mt on Monday last, selected an ex cellent ticke'.nnanimnnvly ratified the nom ination of Davis and Linton, and passed a resolution declaring Hon. Hiester Ciymer to be their first choice as candidate for Gov ernor in 1866. The convention was large aid harmonious. Thk President ha ordered that M-jor Generals Banks, Baiterfield Casey, Double day, Heintzelmen, Hartsuff' and Peck, be mustered out ol the service. Thirty-nine brigadier generals of volunteers are also or dared to be mustered out. Beavbr County The Democratic con vention on Monday nominated a soldiers' ticket, and endorsed the proceeding of the State convention. A re0!uiioT was adopt ed expressing a preference for Gen George, W.Cass, of Alleghany county, as the next gubernatorial candidate. On of Dan Rice's elephants got furious in Indianapolis, lately, and broke into a graveyard, and destroyed gravestones mon nments, shrubbery, &c. He wa finally se cured without injuring any one. A rack between three Indian and four hor-es took place at Chicago on the 23d for a stake of S2 000. Tne Indian ran. four miles and a quarter, the horse trotting eight rnjles in harness-Lorses and Indian charis ma each mile. The Indians won : time 2102; horses time. 21.06, aod best by Indian, Deerfoot, 4.52. Why it wa Domb. The New York cor respondent of the Philadelphia Ledger says: ''Gentleman just from Washington, in a po sition likely to know, state that the striking out of the names ot General Lee and James A Seddon from the specifications arid char ges against Captain vv ir a as done at me earnest solicitation ot Grant,President John son concurring. A party nf ladies from Newport, Pa . went out a few days since to gather whortleber ries. One otthera placed her liule child on a flat clone near where she wa picking the berries Shorty after a do. which accom panied the party, setup aloud barking around the child, and smelling at the edse ot the stone. The child was taken away and the stone tur.ied over, when a large rat tlesnake wa found under it ' Tne dng at lacked the snake, was bitten twice, aod di ed shortly alter. The negro shoddyites are in a terrible fluW because there are now at home thou sands ol Democratic soldiers 'who were de prived of their votes last fall while in service because they would nor vete for the Abolit ion cacdidale. Let these gentry keep cool. NcGao Equality. In the Abolition con vention. of Susquehanna connty Galoha A. Grow made a speech denunciatory ol Presi dent Johnsonr restoration policy, asserted that the worst danger were vei to be met. and declared thai the equality of till colors was the true policy ! Lo! thb Poor Whitk Mah. The Hartford Time 6iy in Coneclicot they have a system of putting up poor men and women on an auction block and selling them (or their service, which is the same thing) -to the lowest bidder. The lowest bidder means the man who will feed, clothe, and house them at the least expense to the town or State. The poor, for whom the State is responsible, have been recently knocked down under the hammer at from 31200 lo S2000 a year, according to-choice of lot. The town have knocked down their poor at such rule a appear in the following tatement: Ndw town, wiib four tb'aasaad inhabitant, $300 a year, last year, owing to tbe high price of provision, about fcoOO extra was paid. Barkhamstead, 1,300 inhabitants, the sura of S450 was paid, and thet con tractor was Mr. Mason of New Hartford, who keeps Ihe New Hartford poor. Town of 1,000 lo 1,500 inhabitants pay $500 to $600 a year. That paupers do not grow fat on the regime to which this system subjects them may C well be imagined. St Louis Republican. . Those Post Masters in the county who are in the habit of reading and handing out our paper to persons who are not subscri bers to it, or of our political faitb, thus fum bling and soiling the paper, and nearly wearing it out, before it gets into the hand of ihe subscriber, if he receives it at all, will please discontinue ihat practice, ere we are obliged to publish the names of all such officials. If they will make the proper ep plication we will send them a copy for thai purpose, then they wonld not of hecessiiy it seems be obliged to 6ieal and use what does not belong to iherr. These Abolition dopes ere getting anxious lo.see tbe truth and should have all the aid it is possible to re ceive from reading Democratic papers to help them out of the darkness they have been grouping throogh during the last four years. We have this week printed hand-bills for the County Superintendent, announcing the times and places at which the public, ex aminations of teachers will be held through out the county . Two of these will be sent to each pecreiary of the several srhool Boards, who ate respectfully requested to post them in conspicuous places. All teachers deirioa lo leach during the coming year, sho-ild attend ihee examina tions, as the State Supt rir.iendeM of Com mon School has given instructions, that no private examination should be held except when a teacher can' offer a justifiable ex cuse for not attending a public examination, and then only upon the request, in writing, of a majority of the members of the School Board, lo which such teacher may have made application lor a school. Ths rT is fast coming when ihe man who beaded a squad of soldiers, or the man who acted ia the low, mean capacity of a spy, skulking through the country alter night, hunting his neighbors for the purpose of making some arrests, for the special ben efit of hi own pocket, will be ashamed lo show his fsce among honest men. He will be, as he is already, a stench and an ee sore to all respectable and patriotic people. The Democratic, as well as the conservative portion of other parties, have a just appre ciation of these poor mi-erable Provost Marshals, spies and home sneaks. They "sre looked opon with scorn I Our os Bir.. The alleged murderer, J. Calvin Wolfe, had a hearing on habeas corpn before Judge Pearson, last evening, and was admitted to bail in tbe sum of two thousand dollars for his appearance at the Novgmber court. The accused is an intel ligent young man of prepossessing appear "ce, and has always bcrne an irreproach able character in the community where ha resides. The evidence agaicsi him U en tirely circumstantial, and many person who heard it entertain strong doubts as to the criminality of tbe prisoner. If reports be true he is to some extent the victim ol po';tical persecution. Jhrrisbr Patriot. Died We are pained to learn Jhat Dr. D. L. Scott, of this place, died at the city of Al bany, recently. Dr. Scott has for several years been a resident of this borough, and was highly esteemed bo:h as a gentleman and in his professional relations. For some time past be was connected wih the Army of tbe United States as Surgeon Of the particulars connected with his death we have been unable to learn. We sincerely sympathize wi h Ihe bereaved family in this their affliction. Danville Intelligencer. Gov. Brocgh, of Oaio, is dead. . He de parted this lite at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 29ih uh. The people of Ohio have a Gu bernatorial campaign this Fsll. The Repub licans say they are going to elect Ma Cox, a negro-suffrageite ; but who is doing all in his power to evade the true issue. Mr. Brocgh is the man who defeated Mr. C. L. Vallandtgham, as true and honest a man as Ohio can boast of. At any other time than last Fall a year Mr. V. wooi-i havt been elected. The Democracy of New Jersej sssem bled in Stale Convention on Wednesday last, and nominved for Governor. General Thfooobe Runtan, ho is now Major of Newark. He will be elected successor to Gov. Parker, as pure and sound a man as ever brentied. Tn resolutions adop'ed at the New Jersey Convention have the Jack- onian ring about them EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Filis Jackson. lte of Sugarloaf twp., 'Columbia, county, dee'd. LETTERS testamentary on the estate oT Silas Jsckson, Ue of Sugarloaf town ship, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said coun ty to DAVID LEWIS residing in Sugarloaf township, Columbia co. All persons hav ing claims against the estate of the dece dent are requested to present them for set tlement, and those itidehied lo ihe estate are requested to make immediate payment. DAVID LEWIS, Executor. May 10. 1865 pd. $3. To Drunkards. OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN S Drunkard's Cure permanently eradiMes the taste for sirong drink, and cores. the worst case ol drunkenness ir. less than eight wek. Thousands of relormed inebria'es new live tobies the daj they were fortunate euouh to commence the use of this valua ble remedy. Price two dollars a package Mailed to any address cn receipt ol an order, by JAMES S. BUTLER, 429 Broadway New York, Sole Ag'l lor the U. S. Angnst 9, 1865. 2m. ' N O II ill A Jj SCIIOO L.. Jlcademy 4 Soldiers Orphans School. THE next Term of this Institution will commence on MONDAY, AUGUST 14TH, 1865. For particulars inquire of PROF. H.'.D. WALKER. Orange ville, August 2, 1865, -3 w. ; I DISSOLUTION OF CcFAIlTSEItSnH NfiTIflF. is hereby given that the co- partnership heretofore existing- between Nathaniel D. Kile & James F. Kile, doing business in the upper end ot Oolumoia to., was mutually diaaolved, in March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. N D. Si J. F. Kile. Jackson. July 12, 1H65. MORO-PHILLIPS' Syiper-Phnsphate of Lime. Bavh $ Sons' Haw Hone Phosphate, in large and $mill qvantitifs, and Pure War ranted Lake Salt, at wholesale retail, for bole by J. 1L 11 ARM AN. July 31 1865. Rupert Station. Valuable Kecipe. Editors of the "Star," Dear Sirs: With your permission, I wish lo say to the read ers of your paper ihai l will f.end,'by return mail, lo alt who wish it (tree; a recipe with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually imnti. in ten davs. I'imo'es. BUtches, .Tan, Freckle, and all Impurities of the bKin, leaving the same toil, clear, smoom, and beautiful. I will also mail free to thoe having bald beads or bare laces simple directions and information, thai will enable them lo start a lull growth of -luxuriant bait, whiskers, or a moustache, in less than thirty days. These recipes are valuablo to both old and young, and as they are mailed to all who need them free of charge, ihey are worthy the attention of a'l who prize a clear, pure skin, or a healthy growth of hair. AH applications answered by return mail, without charge. THOMAS F. CHAPMAN, Chemist and Perfumer, No. R31 Broadway, New York. Angost 9, 1865 2ti. HI V SCHOOL will open its next Term of ! Af Eleven Weeks, on MONDAY. THK 28TH DAY of AUGUST. Ail the branches of a liberal Engl'isdi Education are taught VOCAL MUSIC will be a siandard branch for the benefit of ihe whole School. Inductions will also be given in any of ihe' Beautiful Branches, and in Instrumental Music. 3? Terms, liberal. ELEONOUA I. LESCHER BJoomeburg, August 2. 8(i5 -Im. Auditor's iVolice. v"' HE undersigned Auditor, appointed by - ths Court,ol Comnon Pieas of Colum bia county, to liistribute the fund in Ihe hands of the la:e Sheriff of said county, arising from the sale of the real estate of Samuol C. Krickbaurn, among the s-vt-ral lien creditors of the sid S.iuniei C. Krick baurn, will attend at his olfic in Rloorrs burj, on FRIDAY the I-i'day of SEPTKM- j BER next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of -aid dav, lor the purpose of making distribution. Ad persons having claims or demands against the said lund are notified to present them to the Audiioron that day, or be debarred fnm cominf in for a shar of the fund. "CO. BARK LEY,-Auditor. Bloomsborg, August 2, 1863. CI, A IU AGENCY. THE undersigned desires to call atten tion of the public to hib facilities of obtain ing Pensions, Bounlie- (Local and Govern ment) Bounty Lands (or SoMiers, Settlement of officer's Accoun t., &c. D.s charged Sol'iiers ii their heirs ran gel their FULL BOUNTI ES, though generally thev have received pi rl. No charges for information, t.or utiles claim is secured. Offise wi h E. II. Little Esq., in wh'le frame building below Exchange H.vel. C. B. BROCKWAY. Bloomburg April 5, 1P65 lv. DISSOLUTION OF C0-lMT.LUaiili'. 1 H E Co-partnership heretofore existing between John K Grotz & Edward Rrhr, trading under the firm of John K- Grotz & Co., is tbs day dissolved bj mutual con pent. AH person having unsettled ac counls, either on Book, Nte, or Judgment, are requested to present ihrn without de lay for adjustment. The Tanning busine-s will hereafter be continued, in all it tranche, by John K. Grotz & Son, at the Old Stand, near Blonmsburg. JOHN K GROTZ & CO. Bloomborg. August 2, 1865. Administrator s INotice LETTERS of administration on the esta'e of William E. Shannon, late of Scoti township, Columbia County, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said county, to Wellington H. Ent, residing in the township and County aforesaid. All persons having claims against the esta'e of Ihe decedent are requested to present the.n for payment to the administra'or ; and those in-tebtd to the estate will make immediate payment to WELI INGTON H. ENT. June 28, 1865 S3. A-lm'r. Northern Central Katluay. T 1 M E TA LB E . THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and West Branch of the SusqoehAn na, Elrnira, and all of Northern New York. On and after Mondav, May 28ih, if 65, the Passenger Trains of the Norn Central Railway mil arrive and depart from Sun bury, Hrrisbnrg and Baltimore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10 40 a m. Leaves Hatrisburg, 1-30 p.m Arrives at Baltimore, 5.30 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 11 40 p.m. Leave Harrisb'rg. except Monday 2.50 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Monday, at S.Ob a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 7.45 a.m. Sunbciy Ace. leaves Sunburj daily except Sundays at 7 30 am. Arv's ai Harrb'e evcept Snndays 1015 4 $ORTIWiRD. Mil Trail leavt Ba :imore daily except Sur days at 9 20 am. Leaves Harnsburg, 1.45 p m. Arrivrs at Sunbury, 4.20 p m. Kxpiess Trains Ha hi more daily, 10.00 " Arrives at Ha'rifburg, 2.20 a.m Leaves Harrisb'rg exrep: Monday .2.40 " Arrives at Sunbury, ,5.15 " Erie Express leaves fJaltimore ex cept Sundays at 8.00 p.m. Arrives at Hatrisborg, 12 55 a.m. Leaves Harrisbairg, 1.15 " Arrives at Sunbury, 4.10 " Sunbury Accom. leaves Harrisburg Daily except Sundays at 4.25 p.m. Arrives at Sunbury at 7.10 " For further particulars apply at the office. I.N DU BARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, July 10, 1865. . -OLD THINGS IUADE NEW- A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily tesiore sight and give up speciacles, wi hoot aid ot doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, ca receipt af 10 cents. Ad dress, E, B. FOOTE, M. D. . 1130 Broadvray, New York. , Court Proclamation, . "ST THF.RRAS the Honorable Wm. Elwell, President Judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and Court of Common Pleasand Orphans, Court, in the 26th Judicial District, composed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wy Am 1 1 w uni I iI.h Hons. Sieuhen Baldv and John McReynolds, Associate Judge ol Co- lurnbia to., have ibueu meir ,rci.-e(M, scal ing date one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and to nee directed fcr holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Corn. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms burg, in the county of Columbia, on the first Monday, bein-j thd 4th day of 5ept. next, and to continue one week. Notice is hereby iveu to the Coroner, the Justices of lh Peace and Constables ol the said County of Columbia, thai lhey be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o' clock in th forenoon ol said day, with their records, inquisition and other remembran ces lo do ihoB tnings which to ilieir offices appertain to be done. And ihos thai are bound by recognizes, to prosecute against the prisoners that are or may b in the Jail of said county ol Columbia, Jo b then and there lo prosecute then as shall be just. Ju rors are requested to-be'pnnctual in their attendance, agreeably to itieir notice, dated .at B;oomsburg, ihe 26 h day of Jnlv, iu ihe year of our Lord one thousai.d eight honored and gixiy-fiith and in ihe eighty-ninth ear of the Independence of the United Stales of America. (God save the. Commonwealth.) SAMUEL S.NYUKU, Sheriff's Office. ) Sheriff. RloOfriiSiirj. Jnlr 2rj. 1865. i AdiiiiiiistratorN Notice. TETTERS of administration on the estale ol Charies Sewart, lateof Bloom town ship, Columbia Ccuniy. deceased, havi been granted by the Register of said coun ty, to Lemuel Poller, residing in Mainville, Co'umbia Couniy All persons having claims against the E-late of the decedent are requested lo present them lo the ad-mini-trator for sef lement and. those in debted to ihe est-i'e will come foward and innke immediate payment to the adminis trator. LEMUEL POTTER. June 2S, ISHV S3 p i. Adinr. Auditor's iolicc. Estate of Doviit Umip'on. deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county to make ditribution of the balance in the h-inds of Oliver Evans, administrator of David Hampton. Iat of Ro.trincreek twp., in said couniy, deceased, among ihe sever al heirs of the decedent, in the order established by law, will attend at his office, in Bloomburg, on SalurtUy,the 12 h day of August n-xt, at 10 o'clock, A. M., ol said day, for the purpose of mak ing the distribution. All persona having clain.s or demands against the estate ol the decedent are notified to presenMhem to the Auditor on that davor be debarred f;om coming in for a share of the fund. P S RISHEL, Auditor. Bloomshnrg July i9, IS65, 92. aIhxistkators .otice. LETTERS of administration en the esta'e of Cailiarine Jacoby, late of Mt. Pleasant township Columbia county, have been gr.inied by the Register of said county, to George W. Jacoby, residing tn tbe town ship nnd rc3rty aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands agiin-t the es tate of the decedent are requested to pre sent them duly RU'henticated to ihe aJmin is ration for settlement, and these indebted to the e&ta'.e will make immediate pay ment :o GEOUGE W. JACOBY, July 12, 1R55. Adm'r. THE PUCE MX PECTORAL -j-r y ILL CURE :rY ciL-""? Your Cough Read the aJver- Jr. j1vVAi(?i? it a - i-rinenl t elovt. " W u ral; or compound Syrup tt Wili'.Cherry and Sei.eka Snake Root, will cure the Diseases of the Throat and Lungs, such as colds, roughs, crocp Asthma, bronchitis, catarr sore ihroat, hoarseness, w hooping cough. &f. lis t'rrtelv will prevent I'ULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even whero ir.N fearful disea-e is fully developed, it wiil uflord more relief ihan anv ruber medicine. J. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker of the Pennsylvania Hoj-e of Representative, says .-''Thi- oouuli remed is noiv exten sive used, and i f .he highest value to the community, its cura'ive quali'ie hav ing been teileJ by thousand with the mot gratifying results. Ii is carefully and skilllnllv prepared Irim Wild Cherry Brk ard Seneka Snake Root, by Dr. Levi Orer hol'Zer. a reputable physician of P.trpnix ville, Pa., and i sol 1 by near y all drug gists acd country storekeepers." D P. Crosby, ex-Post Maier ard ex Butss ol poits'own, certifies a fdlivvs: POTTS KHV N, Jan. 3, 1865. Thi certifies that I have uel the Pt cd nix Pectoral in mv family, and I recom mend ii to ihe Public as the very be rernrdy for cough an 1 cold that I have eter tried One ol my children was taken wnli a cold, accompanied with a croupy cough, i-o bad. indeed, that it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard so, much said about ihe riCBiiv Pectoral rprocured a bottle, of it. The fir-.t doe relieves the difficulty ol bre.vh;ng, and be fore the child had taken one founh of the bottle it was entirely well. Every family should have it in their house. Signed D- P CROSBY.. J. C Smith, drngqW of New Hope Bucks conuiy, Pa., in writing 'o Dr. Oberhol zer, says: ''A few days since I bought two dozen of your valuable cough remedy to try, and fin! it very good, and a ii is near ly all gone would like 30U to send ir.e a gro-s of it. "Ycur medicine gives better satisfaction than any other I have in the Store. Iam agent lor so'me of the most popular couh preparations, but yours seems to be doing the mo-l wood." The following i an extract from a letter from Hiram Ellis, merchant, near Potts town, Pa., 44 1 have tried the Pl-.amix Pec toral and fintrli to be the best cough med icine extani. Ii meets with a more ready sale than any other that I have ever had in mt store." " The proprietor of thi medicine has so much ronhdenoe in its coraiive - power, from the testimony of thousands who have used it, that the money will be paid back to any purchaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It is eo pleasant in take that children cry for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; large Bottles ONE DOLLAR. ll is intended for only one class of dis eases, namely those ol the THROAT and LUNGS. Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER M D., PiiCenixvilie, Pa., and sold by all Druggists aftid Storekeepers. Johnson, Holloway, & Cowden, No. 23 North Sixth SSlreel, Philadelphia, and F. C. Wells & Co., 115 Franklin Street, New York, Gt-neral Wholesale Agent. N. B. If your nearest druggi-i or store keeper does not keep this medicine, do not let him pot you on wnn some omer raeui-, cine, because he makes more mor.ey on it.l ft .,Tfi,0 nUarrT PnnfntKjl but fcend at once to one of ibe Agents for h.YyQV S KjU&TTy ireCtOrai. June 21, 1865.6tn.- '...'.V-' 1 i Y1iT-fll:ifr'VTW-" A&ficoUnral Chemical Co's. CXISiAP FEUTIMSEHS. THE Fertilizers prepared by the Agri cultural Chemical Co., (a Company hacr tered by the Legislator of Pennsylvania with a capital of S250.000,) have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, lor the Farmer, Gar dener and Fruit grower, of all concentaried h anures now offered in any maikel. The Corxpanj 's list embraces the following pablTTette. This Fertilizer is composed ol nighi soil and the lertiliz'mg tgents of urine, combined chemiraibj and mechatiitall with other valuable lerldizing oyetils and absorbents. It is reduced to a pulverulent condition ; realy for immediate use, and without los ofiis h ighly nitrogenous fertilizing proper ties. Its universal applicability to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that ag riculturists can desire. ciiemicaTTcompost. The Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fih. leather, and wool, together with chemicals ar.d inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain the nitrogenous ele ments. li is o very valuable fertilizer for field crops geHetally, and especially tor potatoes and garden purposes. lis excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with al! who have n-ed it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This highly phosphate fertilizer is par ticularly adapted far the cultivation of tiens Iruils, lvns anJ flowers. It will promote e very vigorous and healthy g'owlh- ol v rod fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perlect the maturity of the Iruit. For hot hose and household plants and flowers, it will be found an ind ispensible article to se cure their greatest perfection. It will pre vent and cure diseased condition of Ihe peach and grape, and is excellent for grass i.nd lawns. It is composed of such elements as make it ada pted to the growth of all kinds ol crops in all kinds of soil . The tormnla or meibod of combining it constituent fertilizing ingredients has re ceived the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific agriculturists. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultural Chemical Company mannfactnre a Phophate ol Lime in accor dance with a new atid valuable formula by which a very superior article is produced, as lo be afforded ai a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical lesis have proved that its value, as a lertilizer, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in ihe market. TERMS CASH. All Orders of a Ton or more, will be delivered at the Railroad Siations and the Wharves of Shipment,free of cartage. Cartage will be charged on all orders of 6 barrels ot less. One do!ar per Tor. allowance for cartage will be made mi all sales delivered at the Works of the Company. on Canal Wharf. Agricultural Chemical Company's Works, At'Cannl If 'Air on the Delegare. Office, 413 Arch St. Philadelphia, Pa. R. B. F1TTS, General Agent. The Company' Pmpnl?t Circular, em bracing fjlJ directions fo UMng the above Fertilizers, sera by mail, free, when re quested. March, 8 1S65 fimo. 61, 650,000 SI, WATCHES CHAINS, RINGS, AC. G. S. H AS K INS 56 CO., 3G Hefkman Street, Ntw Yark. otfer V-e tcliowing indnc-miits to 5? uycrs of Valuable Having been fcr a lorig lime er.gaged the Packet business, anil established our and reliability, and possessing grt-at facilities for sellinn Je elry in thi ay , w e are cr ufiden; tha' vtp ran give satisfaction lo all who feel disposed to patronize us. 5S50 000 WORTH OF WATCHES. DIA mond Tins, Chains, to be sol.l lor O ie Dollar eat-h, without regard to value, and 1 ot to be paid for u il ) ou know w hat you re 'o receive JL'ST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH! 175 Watches (handsomely pngrnved and w arranted perfect lime, kep.ierc), varying in prices from $20 00 to S120 00 each." 225 Ladies' weehes, solid gold hunting cae-, fi5 00 each. 250 Gen lemen's silver watches 15 00 to 20 00 each. 6,000 Latest s'.yle vest and neck chains, 4 5C to 30 00 each 5.000 Gent's California Diamond Pins, 2 50 to 25 CO each. 4.000 Calilomia diarnonJ ear drop. 2 00 to 15 00 each. 3 000 Miniature and eniimelled genrs icarf pins, new stles, 5 00 to 15 CO each. 2,000 Masonic and emblem pins, 3 00 to 10 00 each. 2 500 Gold band bracelets, er.graved and plain, 3 CO to 20 00 each. 3,000 Jet and Mosaic brooches, 3 00 to 70 00 ech. 2,000 Cameo brooches rich patterns, very ta-ty, 3 00 lo 60 00 each. 4 5i!0 Flotpn'ine and Lava pins, the real article, 4 00 to 10 00 each. 3 500 Lava and Florentine ear drops, 3 00 to 10 00 each. 3 ooo Coral ear drops, 4 00 to 6 00 each 2.000 Ladies' Chatelaine chains, j-t and gold, 15 00 tc 20 00 each. 6.000 Gent's pins, a splendid assortment, 2 00 to 1 5 00 eai-h. 4,000 So iiaire sleeve buttons, en'.irely new styles, 2 00 to 5 00 each. 3 000 Studs and sleeve buttons, in eels, very rich, 3 00 lo 15 00 each. 5 000 Sleeve buttons, plain, enamelled and engraved, 2 00 to 8 00 each. 10.000 Plam and handsomely engraved ring, 2 50 to 10 00 each. 8.U00 Spring" lockets, double case, richly engraved, 2 00 lo 15 00 each. 15,000 Seis ladies' j-welry, new and latest styles, 6 00 to 12 00 each. 2.000 Gold pens, and handsome silver, 5 00 to 10 00 each. This entire list ol beautiful and valuable goods will be sold lor One Dollar Eich Cer iticate of all the above articles will be placed in envelopes, and sealod. Thei-e envelopes are sent by mail, as uriered, without regard to choice. On the receipt of the Certificate you will Bee what you are lo have, and then it is alyouropuon to send one dollar and take the article, or not. Five Certificates can be ordered for SI; eleven for ?2; thirty-five, for S5; sixty-five for SI9; and one hundred for S15 We will send a single Cernfioa'e on the receipt of 25 cen'.s. G. S. HAS KINS & Co, Box 4270. 36 Beekman St., N Y. Bloomsburg, April 5th, 1865. IMttSiKCTttS tlP THK PIIILOELPIUJL AGE IEC5 rpHE only Democratic Daily Morning, -- Trtnrnnl nil blished in Philadelphia. - Tbe pubjjfhers oi the Philadelphia AGE invite the tamest attention oL business meo, Itiinking , men, hierary . men. and, all ... i. rcwl ;n ihp vnrions rrCCUPa- lions and : pursuits) of life, to the DAILT ar.d F.ELY edition ol trir journal. The PhiMelphia Age, which advocate ihe principle anil policy ol ihe democratic parly, is isued every morning, (Sunday excepted,) Kid cwiurns ilie . laten ilireUi gence from all arts of ihe world; with care fully prepared articles 'on Government. Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the cur rent questions arid afT's ot the da; Local liiielligenoe, Market Ref!o;ts, Price Cur rent, Str:ck quotations, Marine anxl Cjn mercial iiirl!igiice, Reports of Public fiatheringi, Foreign and Domestic Corres. pondence, Legal Report, Book Notice, Theatrical Criticism,- Review of Lin rsr" Art and Music, Agricultural Matters, tf tl discussions of whatever subject is oT gen eral interest and importance. No event of any importance occur in any part of the country without being fully and promptly telegraphed to and published in its columns. It bus all the despa!-ts of ihe Associated Pres fiom every pait of the United Stales, and ihe news from ;dl parts of Europe brought by the sieamvT- is irv-tamly telegraphed, from whatever joiid the steamers fi st much. Tuhms Ten Dollars per annum, f-tr a single copy, five Dollars, for 9 x months. Two Dollars and Fiftu cut- for three months. And for any It. time at the rati of Une Dollar per nm . payment required invariably in advance. The Philadelpha Weekly AGE. 1- a complete compendium of ihe new tf ihe week, and ronla i s the chief edftori.iN, the Prict Current and Market Reports. Stock Quotations, Intelligence lor Farmer. Cor respondence, and (ieneral News Matter published in the Daily Age. It also con tains a great vjriety of other literary and miscellaneous matter, inclndin Tales. Sketches, Biography, F.icelise, and Poetry, rendering it in ail respects a First Gas. Family Journal, particularly adapted to the Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Literary rnari, and all classes of readers. It has in Uci,, every character of A live newspaper, fined for the Counting Moose, the Workshop, the F reside and the Gen eral reader. The WEEKLY AGE is mailed inenT to reach all parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, on o? bemre. Saturday of each week. Terms 7 wo Dollars per annum fot a single copy. One Dollar for six mon and Sixty cents for three months. On? topy gratis will be sent for one yen" to the person forwarding us 20 year subscribers paid in "advance. Jfo pap will be sent until the sulscrption paid. SPECIMEN COPIES of the above pa pers sent gratis to any address, on applic -(ion. TO ADVERTISERS, The circulation the Philadelphia AGE, which is nea' and rapidly growing, makes it at least - valnable a medium for advertising as h v other commercial and business newspaj in Philadelphia; and the fact that it re es a large class of conservative read , scattered over a vast extent of coontry, ' 1 do nol take any oilier Philadelphia pa;1 commends ii, 10 an extraordinary det v. as a means of cnmmuii.'cating with the 1 -lie i! ot posesed by any other Journal j -. lished ii this city. The AGE i now established one and permanent foundation. '1 he puld-- ' ers could eailv fill their columns wtii it- unsought and most liberal commendnt"M of the p-e-s throughout the country; t- they pre'ei that it should stand altot-ii upon clairrs to pullc corfidence w. " known and established. It will be, as h" tutore, the supporter ol the National, (V servalive, Democratic, L'nion Principl- . oppo-ed alike to raiicalism and fina i. i iri every form, and devn;ed to the n tenance of Gocd Government." Law. ! ')rder. The revival of all the busir-. -re!a i(n" ol the country, conRcqneni, up the siippre-ioii ol the rebellion and restoration pi eace, w ill enable the pii -fishers, lo make a number of improve'.-.: in the various departments of this Jourr-. and ihey, therefore, respectfully solir'il I.S- supjiort of all who wi-h to secure one o! th best Commercial, Literary, Busnifss, and Family newspapers in the couu'.ry. R? Now is tlie time to subscribe. -Address, G LOSS B l EN N E R & WEI5'.!, 430 Lhestniu S r. et June 7. 165. PHILADELPHIA V FT. J 1 llLUfllUl JL UllllUI ff J nioombiirs:, Colunihin i'c . ri'ne subribjr, proprietor of the vim named extensive e-iablihmnr. U prepared to receive orders for all ki:nl -i mactiir.ery, for COLLEUIES. bLAST Fl . NACES STATIONARY ENGINES. Mll.' THRESH IMG MACHINES, kc, tie He is also prepared to make Sov-. . size arid patterns, Plow-irons, and ei thing usually made in first-class Fou d His extansive facilities and pi.nli. workmn, wairant tiim in receiin ;l largest contracts on the most reason;. - terms. r, r - , , , Ml . . if wrain 01 an Kinas .win ne insen , exchange for castings. PF" This establishment is located 1 'he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER. BILLM.YF.:. R!oom.bnrg, Sept. , 1K63. BLOOMSBURG PROVISIf...' S T crR E ! THIS ESTABLISHMENT OFFER "' THE PUBLIC AT -WHOLESALE & UiriMf A VERY IMIUJr, STOI K of Sir. Family GROCERIES and all things i . : upon in the line of necesaries and Ii-i:h HERE YOU CAN FIND SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, SPICE. &c. DRIED FRUIT O -ALL KINDS. FLOUR. PORK, II M DRIED BEEF. BUTTER, CHEE-I.. CRACKERS, FISH, SALT, BROOMS, WOODEN WARE, AND ALL THAT. Time and spsr . not admit of an enumeration of th i-d.-vurieiy of Goods which 1 offer for II is my intention to supply the the people, and lo that end shall i. my energies, giving to them at si! 1 the benefit ot a decline in the market Haying purchased largely and for ('.. since the griat d"cline in Gold, 1 a bld to sil ai corresponding! v low p.n-- rXrC.lSll PAID FOR EGG v. LAYTON RUN VAN. Bloomsbnrg, May 22, 1865. TVTT;f.l?f AT1 rT Attorney at Law, . Office on Main Street, CdTAll iSS Columbia county Pa. July 12, 165 3ra. 1 3V ii