r HI II. JACOSY, Publisher. Truth and Right- God and our Country. $2 50 in Adrance per Annum, E NORTH. P2 4 - 3 I I VOLUME 16. THE STAR OF THE NORTH IS PUBLISHED EVERT WEDNESDAY BT IV M. II. JACOB Y, Cffiee cn giaia St., 3rd Spare below Market. ! TEX13IS : Two Dollars and Fifty Cents In advance. If not paid till the end of 'he year, Three Dollars will be charged. No subscriptions taken for a periiod Ies lhan six months ; no discontinuance permit ted until all arrearages are paid unless at the option of the editor. RATES' OF ADVERTISING : TEN LINES CONSTITUTE A SQUARE. On Square, one or three insertions, SI 50 Every subseqoent-insertiorjjless than J 3, 50 One column one year, . 50 00 Adminis:rator' and Executors' notices, 3 00 Transient advertising payable in advance all other doe after the first insertion. - THE 31Cl'TAL TO THE 3IEETI.!G. Once more within thy grateful shade, . Our hosts assembled stand ; Once more the battle-cry resounds Alood.tbroaghout the land; . Full many hast thou seen, and heard, -, Oh! mountain Fair and high, Since first thy towering crest was reared, , in triumph to the 6ky. The limpid Fishingcreek has laved - For years, thy rock bound foot; The red-browed Itfdian here has roved, And built his leafy hut ; The white man sought him here a home, First of his race was be And made the idol of his hearth, The Goddess Liberty ! And thoa has seeu for many years ; Hr rule o'er this fair realm, While 'Democrats securely held A hand opon the'helm ; . That peace and plenty crowned our work, And happiness, all saw ; And president and pauper, had The benefit of law. - "Yes I have seen,'' the Nob rejoined In accents loud and clear; "Your strife for laws and w hile-men's rights, Kept up from year to year ; , And I have seen (he stalwart tons Of Old Columbia stand Before the brazen throat of power, " A small undaunted band. From my broad velley have I seen,' Swept off in law's despite, The cheerful sons of honest toil; -It was a sorTy sight And many a weary day pissed by, Of sunshine and of rain ; And then, along the winding creek, blow passed a funeral liaia. . Long af:er, one by one they came, j Dejected, sick and sore ; To glad their homes, and faithful wives, . And little ones' once more.! Tons right has triumphei'over wrong - " Aa it shall'ever do, .' When faithful, earnest, hoaest men, To ptinciple, are uae ! Be firm as is my rock-bound base, . Clear at yon limpid stream. And Heaven shall yet your labors crown, Your faithfulness redeem ; Shall bring again this glorious land , Beneath your genial sway ; . And all the clouds that drape it new, Shall break and pass away.7' ,' Jomks and Brown were talking lately o! a young clergyman. whose preaching theybad heard that day. Tbe sermon wan like a certain man mentioned in a certain biogra phy, "very poor and very pious." 'What do yon think of him!" iaquired Brown. 'I think," said Jooes, "he did mcch bet ter two years ago." "Why, he didn't preach at all the a," aid Browa. "True," replied Jones, "that is what I mean. An eating house keeper, who kept a "rest-yonr-aunt," as the French? call a cook hop, and who prided himself on his abili ty to gel up tbs best dinners to be had any wheT, wishing to give tbe puBlic the full benefit of -his knowledge, perpetrated the following eige: . "Try my dinners they can'l be beat." In an evil hour, however, a. wicked wag came along and dextrously painted over ibo in itial letter of the last srorb. The aa "Loancecaent than wa, "Tt'7 Y1? 4''?aers, tieyc&n'l be eat." Mill , Wolits SiKCERiTT. A formal ifaihion . able visitor thus addressed a little girl," "How are you my dear!" 'Very well, I thank, you,'? she replied. The visitor then 'added: Now, my -dear, yon should ask me how I am." The child aim ply and honestly replied, "But I don't want to know." So they've mustered you out the bait all ien, have they?" naid the ex-corporal.. . 'Yes," replied the high private, ia a tone cl regret. ''Well," continued the ex-cororal," 'ispead npon it, that to be mustered out it tsttar than than to be peppered in," and" xnd raarched away to the music of an ita-Tzr-iairy bra33 taad and among a crowd of jciriiiass. A fill 5 7? cf atrocioca cglineis chaaced to :i a j-gfaas on his road.; Eot when 3 1: :.:4 at himself he Sang it away in a CI, 'c:r! j jca, if yea ware gced - 3 w--!i t:t lit a tesa BLOOMS BURG. COLUMBIA A Capital flit. ."Webster's great American Dictionary mos aennes a word in common use : Democrat, n. One who adheres to a gov ernment by the People, or favors the extension of ine tiighto; bvfjrasi to all classes of men Democrats should seek a new name for their party, or else come out boldfy in Javor oi negro sonrage." This is a quotation from the Johnstown Tribune, which quotes from the Dictionary. V e do not know that when fightiy under stood, the Democracy have any objection to the definition. They always went in lor i Government by the people. They never view ed the '-Loyal League," however, as all the people. , Nor did they consider Provost Marshals the people. Nor did they view tne XNortn as me people, considered apart from theSouth. Nor did they believe that the people who were wor.h over twenty thous and dollars were not people. Nor did they consider poor people as not people, as has been done in .some of the New England States. Nor did they look upon naturalized foreigners as not people. Nor did they ever make any other invidious distinctions in regard to the people. They took the definition as it was undarstood by our, fore fathers who believed that while men were the people, and who accordingly iografted the word white in nearly every State Consti tution in the Union. In forming the Na tional as well as the State governments, white people were considered the people by our forefathers." All Abolitionists oppose these governments both State and National ; and hence in opposing them must be trai tors in heart. . They want all these State governments and the National government, as formed by our ancestors, broken down, and new governments instituted, in which negroes shall have the right to vo:e and to hold office. This is covert treason, for it is openly opposing the governments which protect them. We cannot see this in any other light Men who oppose the government made by ocr forefathers to be controlled by white people are traitors. Abolitionists oppose this government. Therefore Abolitionists are traitors. Thev imaoinn that ther nn derstand the Dictionary" better than their ' ancestors and better than rrodern Demo crats and this conceit leads them to oppose the State and National governments, and not only to oppose them, but to violate their Constitutions openly and in in secret con clave. What they call a government by the people is a government with bayonets at every election window, and with the elections carried by public fraud, in select ing certain men' in the army to go home and vote, and in preventing others with Democratic antecedents from going home, i This is their "government by the people." Now for the second part of the definition, "In fivor of the Right of Suffrage to all clasits j aj men." The Bible says that Eve was the ; mother of all living, bo; we are notto infer I that she is necessarily the mother of ba- boons and monkeys, and when the Diction- ary says all classes we are not'to inferjthal it means all races. "Class means a number of persons itf society supposed to have some resemblance or equality in rank, edu cation, property, talents, and the like." If even our neighbor bad studied botany or natural history either, he would have known that a class does not mean a race nor a te- nuj neither, nor even a species, but only a division of these orders. And according to this all classes means all clashes of the while man the divisions of the species of race. Our forefathers so understood it when they in corporated it in our various State Constitu tions. Now permit cs to try our hand on defini tions. "Abolition" means otter destruc tion, and "Abolitionist" meaus a person who favors "Abolition." Therefore an Ab litioist must be an utter destructionist. Pretty near correct, for they have destroyed all they ever'laid their hands on. They don't need a "new na-ne." Johnstown Dem ocrat. ' Foctenelle lived to be nearly a hundred years old. A lady, of nearly the same age, said to him one day in a large compa ny, "Moasiesr, yao and I stay here so long that I have a notion .death has forgotten OS. "speaK as low as yon can, said Fon- j tenelle, "lest yon remind him of us!" " Bft,u babies ra so small that they can cresp. int0 qart measures. But j Ui way in which some adults can walk in to such measures is very astonishing. T ' J . , . Tut most laconic will on record U that of a man who died in 1769. It ran thus: ''I have nothing; I owe a great deal the rest I give to the poor." Little Sallie was teaching her younger brother the Lord's Prayer. They went on smoothly till they arived at "give us this day. onr daily bread." "No, no. Sissy we want cake!" and barefaced to proceed anti II the desired amendment was made. A school boy being asked by his teacher how he should flog him, replied. - 'If yon please, air, 1 shoald like to have it npon the Italian system of penmanship, the heavy strokes upwards, and the down ones light.7' Jemmt remarked to his grandmother that old Mrs. Cranshaw had the ap pe&rance cf a person with one foot in the grave. "Well, reiUy, cpoa rny word," said the an tique l&dy, "I thooght I notici aha walked a iae'Is Uts!.' . ; The Bell Ringers. During Robert Heller's engagement at PitUburg bis fame and the excellence of his entertainments attracted all classes of peo plethe musical and refined, the million aire and merchant prince, the mechanic and artizan, in fact every class, found its representatives within the walls of the the atre each night of his performance.'. One evening a genuine specimen of the genus verdant, with his "gal" hanging on his arm, presented himself at the box office and demanded, "What's the tax to see the show?' "Fifty cents." oolitelv answered a. j - the ticket seller. "Well, I guess I won't back down now, anyhow here's your tin." Receiving his tickets, greeny entered, drag ging the young lady after him. The peculiarity and oddity of their dress soon made them the "observed of all ob servers." Heller shortly after commenced his illus trations, which were wondered at with eyes and mouth wide open by onr rustic pair, he occasionally ejaculating in pretty loud tones, "Thunder !" while she would exclaim, "Marcy me, ain't it queer ?" Feat after feat was presented and receiv ed with the plaudits of the audience nntil the introduction of the "rial Bell," a glass bell suspended by a simple cord from the cen.re of the ceiling, and used in an swering questions. After the uual nr. r - - formance with it the question was asked, Is there any one in the house who wishes to get married V Bell "Yes." "Pray tell me in what part of the house are tnev f ' The bell immediately designated our rus tics who looked at one another as loving as a pair oJ doves, apparently, in their own happiness, oblivious to all surroundings. ''Are they engaged ?" Bell "No." ' When will it take place ?" , Bell "Tonight." - I During these questions and answers our rustic bad been gradually opening himself like a knife, and now attained hi foil atti. tode' pD,!ing P his ehirt coIlar' anJ t'".ng up uis tiuji ui inA-coioreu nair, ureatti les-s ; wiib jojful excitement. j "Say, say, now mister ! jest ax that thing ! if Nancy Jane and me is to get spliced to- ' gether, and if it says yes' I'll give you the best boss in Butler county, and call our first j boy baby after you." ' . i Shouts, yells, and laughler followed this announcement, and Nancy Jane, with face' suffused with blushes, pulled at the tail of, bis coat and begged him in her most en- ,reaunS wa7. ao. me, please set, down won 1 now 'e. however, too much ela'ed with hia ood ,or,nne and unmindful of all around, 8treIcbeJ h'9 body as far as possible over the balustrade f ba box, and, in a roice anu,0'e ia ""7 comer ot tne honse, cited out "Dod rod it, mister, do jest get that thin to say 'yes' and dog ray cats if I don't call all my babies, boys and girls, after you, and lick anybody that says grass to yoo.to boot." You can readily imagine the entertain ment was short that night, and, when over, the happy couple were made still happier, Bb a minister made them one for life iu the presence of Robert Heller. A Snkb Stort. A short time since there arrived at tbe Walnut Street House a mys terious looking individual, having as a part ' of his baggage a large box, perforated with breathing holes, and marked, "Beware of the snake certain death," which was de- posited for the time with the rest of the baggage opon the floor of the office. Ac cidentally two of the "holes had been "knocked into one," and but a short time elapsed before-one of the snakes, an infant I anaconda, about ten feet in length issued from the box, and rapidly crawled along the floor, tbe possession of which was 'yielded 'o it without any dispute on tbe part of tbe terrified guests, with whom chairs and ! benches were immediately at a premium. J The danger appeared imminent the exi- : gency one with which only a true hero dare j grapple. Fortunately, j-jsl as a 'bus lod of' would be guests if they dar- i0.1nrnaA 'Way r'0rn..,h d00r " h rrightlul cry of r,ve ou; naed hero was found in me Ftsiiion ot mine host, Crittenden, who issued from the office with a huge cavalry sabre. Courageously the gallant "Cril" attacked the monster, and with more than mythological energy quickly severed his sknakeship's body into several separate and distinct parts, to the inexpressible disgust of the owner, who was seen anxiously inquir ing a few moments after as to who bad killed his $500 anaconda Ctn. Com. One of our city urchins bearing his father read an article in the paper in relation to a new invention of bricks of glass, exclaimod: "Glass bricks ? I know what thern is." "What are theyl" inquired one of the family. "Tumblers of liquor," shouted the juve -ni!e. In a certain city, a sign hung out from a Doll Factory, which read thus : "all kinds of babies made here." A sailor walking along one day, noticing the sign, he stopped in, and avked the lady attending if she wanted to hire a jow. A younger brother had espocsed an old and ill-tempered wife, bat extremely rich He osed to say, "whenever 1 find my wife cros, and my own temper gi?icg way, 1 retire to my library, and console myself by xeadir hsi njrtiagfl sottleEsat." COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1865. Thc Spirit of Federalism. As manifested in the tone of the. Black Republican press for some time past, the old spirit of Federalism is again exerting its influences to the detriment of our institu tions. The same' intolerant feeling towards all antagonists the same relentless'and un mitigated hatred towards all opposition which was exhibited in the days of ihe Al ien and Sedition laws, is exhibited here in this age, by these worthy descendants of the Adamses and Gores and Pickerings of the New England regime, la a closer degree is also thown the same reckless management of government the same wild and fanat ical legislative spirit which then so pearly ruined us, and which was prevented in ut terly so doing by the providential interpo sition of the Jeffersonian Administration. In those days, however, the Puritanical element of New England was in great measture freed from the transcendental the" ories which now form so large a feature of its policy. The abstraction of a false, hol low and disgupting philanthropy had then made bat 'slight headway east of the Hud son. They desired to thrust their monarch ical ideas upon the whole country, but as yet did not seek to rule the sentiment, nor define the virtues of the rest of mankind. Now. however, with their thoughts and ideas highly educated into the Red Republi can Fourrieriam of Germany, so ' largely transplanted into this country since the Rev olution of 1843, their progress in this re tpect has been worthy of admiration. We not only suffer the tyranny the legislative tyranny which our fathers suffered ia the days of the Hamilton ian rule but we are forced.to endure what th'y were happily free from. We must not only pay tithes to this New England Federal Csesar, but our mor als roost be regulated by the fashions of Messal ina. We not only must recognize the negro as our equal, but must let him regulate the style of our thoughts, and take pattern after his idiosyncrasies. What mockery, we repeat ! and how long will it last ? At least there is some satisfac tion in knowing that a we have closely par alleled the lyrat.ny vi the days of Aciam, so we may congratulate ourselves upon paralleling the results of that a tyranny, and in a second Jeffeonian inauguration be hold the final end of this fanatical Federal despotism. Even-Handed Justice A pleasant country village in Ohio some years since possessed that which is olten denied to places of more conseqnence a court which really dispensed justice. Its chief was a justice of the peace, whose common sense and honesty of purpose counterbalanced his want of legal lore ; and in consequence of its straightforward deci sions the "Dutch Court," as it was com monly called, became a great terror to evil doers. Once npon a time a case was brought be fore his honor arising out of an infraction of the ''liquor law" of the state, which then provided for the punishment by fine of any individual who sold intoxicating beverages to porsons under sixteen years of age, or by a less quantity lhan a quart. Upon one of those grand occasions when a "general muster" of the militia gave delight to num erous officers in gay oniforms, and to large masses of the good people of the country ,an nnlocky wigbt sought to avail himself of the "gelorious" opportunity to turn an honest penny. Providing himself with a small lot ol ginger cakes and a disproportionately large quantity of "lightening whiskey," he located opon an eligible site near the field. Knowing the penalty of the law against bis little enterprise, the vender of the "ardent" hit npon an expedient to evade its provisions of selling to his customers a ginger cake and then throwing a drink into the bargain. Justice was not so blind as to fail to notice "this artful dodge," and the next morning found the delinquent citizen in the very jws of the "Dutch Court." Tbe testimony 'was hort and conclusive, to the effect that he had sold a boy a cate and then had given him a "horn ;" and'the defendant's lawyer put in the defence that his client sold, on the occasion nnder consideration, not liquor 1 but ginger cakes, well knowing that salt wouIdnT. save him. As he anticipated, the court pronounced a virdict guilty, but, to the suprise of the defence, put the fine at filteen dollars instead ot the legal penalty" of five. "May it please the court," interposed de fendant's counsel, "is there not some mis take in this sentence! The statutes provide for a fine ot but five dollars for each offence and we are ready to pay that flue, but we hold it as contrary to the plain reading of tbe law to make the penally fifteen dollars.'' "There is no mistake at all," replied the court; "the law says five dollars for each of fence. Now, 1 fines this maa five doIlars,in tbe first place, for selling less than a quart of viskey; I fines him, in the second place, five dollars (or selling viskey 10 a boy ; and I fines him, in tbe ihird place, five dollars for trying to screen himself behind a ginger cake!;'. The hue was paid aa.l no appeal taken. "Pompkt, ar yoa wiliiog to bt damned it it should be the Lord's wiil? ' ' "Oh, yes, maa, and more too; I, am willing you be damned too, massa!" replied Pompey. Hams, who is a jud je of morals as wel'ias money, says that being- tender to another man?a wife ia cot "legal tender." We ac- cept his opinion, though we h'G to inter-1 5!i 11 ui loe5U3'. ' ' I'D CHOOSE TO BE A BABT. I'd choose to be a baby A darling little flower; A plaything for the ladies, ' No care in childhood's hour. The ladies beaveu bless them. " They'd kiss me, and they'd vow That they could almost eat me, Wrhy don't they do it now? Repeat the first four lines for. Chorus. O when I was a baby They'd take me on their lap, And fill my little stomach full - Of lolypops and pap. Oh yes, they'd cram it into me, And if 1 wade a row, They'd press me to their bosoms then, Why don't they do it now? Choros I'd choose, &c. Ob, when I was a baby, They'd walk me out serene, They'd powder me and wash me, And keep me nice and clean. They'd smother me. with kisses, And pat me on the brow, And wish they had one just like me, Why don't they do it now? Chorus. I'd choose, &c. Oh, when I was a baby - They'd to my cradle creep, And there they'd kiss and hug me, Until I fell asleep. And when the shades of evening Made repose come o'er my brow, They'd wrap me op so nice in bed, Why don't they do it now? Chorur. I'd choose, &c. Josh Billings at Long Branch. Long Branch, Joly 15, 1865. Editor of the Troy News,: Arrived here Jest in time tew see the Atlantic Ocean, which iz now on exhibish on, and dewing a good bizziness, tew foil hout.es. Took a bath tew onst, and was astonished tew find the water so salmons; e-quircd the kauze ov an intelligent n at iff, and he informed me he didn't care; I think the cuss lied There iz about one hundred and sixty thousand humman beings, and other folks, here now, az near az i kan git at it; i kounted till i got tired, and then esti mated. It is perfekly heart renting tew see the femails here in search ov natural pro tektors. i kounted 16 yesterday in one pile they awl sighed az i past bi them, with down cast eyes. I felt sorry for them, but couldn't help them, for i am thoroughly marrid, and intend to to remain so. There iz two breezes here, a sea breeze and jersee breeze, and i advise aul persons tew ose the sea breeze, for the other iz so much op before it reaches here, that it soon uses up everybody after it gits here. Shoddy and Petroleum are both here, and exsite az much noti6s az a patent churn, warrented tew make butter in 10 minnitts from skim milk, but they say they shant remain long, bekause the air smells so match like old brine. Yesterday I went out krabbing and ketched a peck ov them, they bit sideways, and bang on like a dead boss shoe, they make good vittles enuff, but they aint prof itable tew eat, if yoa kount your time walh enything. They have a singular bug here, which they kail the mtssketow, they roam about in herds, and an much respect ed bi the inhabitants; i caut one day before yesterday, sticking something sharp into me and carried the bug info mi room, and smashed him on the eli. The bathing iz luxurious, and the bathers resemble mer mades, half men and half wimminjthey aul dress in the choktaw kostom, and when they emerge from the water, yu kant tell which iz who, unless yo ask them, after j bathing yu feel a kind ov lackoess or lim- berness, for which i waz advized tew bathe . in wbiskee. I took one immershun, about j half a tumbler, and never felt so strong in mi life. I thought i could lift an acre ov j their land, but oimby, after the licker had j let go, i felt az tho i could foi'er an angle worm into hiz hole, and hadn't strength enuff tew ask a dog tew foiler me if i ev- , er drink sum .more jereee whiskee, it will! be after i am dead and gone. There iz ons church here, but it wont hold but so fu that ; nobodJy dont go out ov politeness. There , iz 21 hotels, and they are priasiply bilt out j doors, tew give the guests asmuoa brinaq-! oeous air az possible. The lodging room j are small, but handy, each one haz a door tew them, and a looking glass c-n the wall, and two wash boles and a towell. Dinner iz served at 2 o'c'ock, and opens with soup, and shuts op with hucjeberry. The serv auts are generally blak, but me.iny ov them bav lived so long among the whites that they begin to adopt oar kuller. The beach, bi moonlite, iz worthy ov a philosopher Lovers meet here from aul parts ov the kun try tew vow and swear, and menny a harte euros here tuff and hearty goeshorne smash ed, and bleeding luv at evry pour. But the grand attrakshun iz the Atlantik Ocean, a great hemisphere ov liquid life and power, blu water, evry whare the eye kan reach, az gentle az a summer evening mill pond, and then agin, az awful az a watter earthquake Upoo the whole, Long Branch iza sensible place tew visit; I tbunk thare iz az little nonsenz thare generally, -az the same num ber ov visitors are capable ov. JOSH BILLINGS. Somk yonng ladies brought oor bachelor friend a bouquet of wormwood aod tansy, to wb Za he answered that they might bring bim something bitterer yet, hat he should r.ot ik tbrathe Tillntn. A Little Story for the Times. There is many a good moral to be derived from the fabulous episodes that are inter woven with ancient history; and it seems to os that in the following there may be discerned something not altogether inappli cable to passing events. It is related that Aristomene, chief of the Messenians, was captured by his ene mies and condemned to be cast into a deep pit.' The fatal- hour for the execution bad arrived, and an immense turmoil of peoole were assembled to witness it. Just as the captive was hurried by his executioners off the brim of the abyss an eagle swooped down from the sky, and, clutching his robe ia his talons, bore op against him iu hia de scent, so that be reached the bottom of tbe abyss uninjured, on which tbe noble bird ascended by the way it came, and soared back into its boundless dominions. Although unhurt of limb, Aristomenes was rendered insensible for the time by the rapidity of his descent. On coming to him sell'he examined the cavern into which he had fallen. Its sides were perpendicular, and so tar down from tbe upper air lay its rocky floor that bat few and faint were the rays ol sunlight that ever reached it, So Aristomenes, faint with hunger, covered op his face with his robe and laid him down to die. Afier a long time be heard a rustling noise in the darkness of the cave, and on looking op descried dimly a fox devouring a dead fowl. Joy at the possibility of es cape rom a horrible death revived the fainting hero. He knew that there must be some outlet to the shaft and be deter mined to find it. Waiting quietly, then, un til the fox came within arnrs length of him, he clutched il by the tail with one hand, while with the with the other wrapped in his robe be parried the attacks of the ani mal whenever it turned to bite him. Pres ently the fox made efforts to break away, on which Aristomenes yielded so far as to allow it to move forward, still keeping fast grip of it by the tail. Onward they went, dragging through slimy pools and over cold and clammy rocks, haunt of the lizard .and the snake, until a small spot of light ap peared in the distance. Then Aristomenes let go his bold of tbe fox, which clambered up the narrow guile; leading to the hole, through which it quickly disappeared. The passage was narrow, bat with great labor our hero worked his way through it and once more emerged into the light of day. He then concealed himself in some boshes until night fell, when be took his way by paths well known to him across the moan tains, rejoined his people, put himself again at the head of his array, and routed his en emies with great slaughter, otter demorali zation having seized opon them when they beheld what they supposed to be the spirit of their victor bearing upon them. The allegory contained in this little story goes to teach that the force of the eagle and the cunning of the fox are good elements for a euccefu! general, lid application may be extended at the present time, how ever. There is a great Spirit that watches over our country, emblematized in the form of an eagle by our ancestors, and this great Spirit is not going to .allow us tofalL There will be trouble yet Aristomenes pining in the gloomy cave but the ray of light will dawn at last, though we are not yet prepar ed to divulge tbe name of the fox by which we are to be guided to il. Another Case of liseegenation. Fron the N. Y. World of yesterday. 1 Another miscegenetic case was tried by Judge Led with yesterday in the same court. At 3 o'clock an officer brought two elderly Celtic ladies to a temporary prison which is loca'ed in a room adjoining the court. Each ot the prisoners carried in her arms a negro child, one being about a year and the other six mouths old. A moment's glance at them would convince an observer that they were deadly enemies. Near them eat a a genuit)! negro, of the pure African order, who displayed his ivories with occasional lar.ghter. He had captured, by the exercise of the gallantry and love of which his race is so capable, the hearts of the Hibernian damsels near him.and was the self confess ed lather of ih9 two little miscegeus which they hoisted before him in true uutsery style. Oae oi ths ladies, however, teemed determined that her rival should not enjoy the charms ot her black lord. In order to ascertain the facts in .the case our reporter viiited the-prison where the colored, bigamist was confined, and ascer tained from one of the women that she bad been married to the negro some two year, since in New Haven. "Bat," said, "a little trouble happened me, and while I was away he look up wi h his concubine over there, and she decoyed him to leave me, and he's living with her ever since at No. 75 Laurens street. But he's my lawful married hu-band, and by I must bav? him. This is his child.and he must support me and it, and he must live wiib me!" She bad scarcely ceased speaking when wife No. 2 approached the darkey, and ex hibited t he other child before him, remark ing that he must support her and it, and that she would live with him in spite of the other clamant for him. The two rivals then fought till they were separated, 'be negro, who wilnesteti the contest, maintaining his composure nil ihey we re s eptrated. When they were brought refore Judge Ledi'h, wife No. 1 was identified as a woman who bad served six months on Black well's Island for disorderly conduct, and this circumstance ;s the explanation to which she alluded when speaking to oor re porter. After hearing the evidence in the case, Judge Led with sent the two women to the penitentiary for six months for dis orderly conduct. The negro was dischar - NUMBER 45. Slanders on the South The ttesignand Ob ject. The Springfield, (Mass ) Rtpublkan in an article "False Reports from the Sooth" denounces that calumnious spirit which is now so busy inventing and propagating slanders against the Southern people. It saj: "We can conceive of nothing more cruely wicked than deliberate misrepresents - tion ol the people of the Sooth, from what ever motive. It is difficult to believe North era men and correspondents of Northern newspapers capahle of 6uch injustice. Yet we regret to say the offence is by no means an unusual one. Indeed, it has become so common as to look like a systematic effdVt for political purposes." The Republican then goes on to state what it has learned from reliable sources as to the feeling of the Southern people. Its information is that "the intelligent and influential classes comprehend the real situation of affairs, and are disposed to conform to it, and willing to submit in silence to many wrongs and inn dignities ratbr than obstruct in any way the process of reorganization ; that there is no desire to perpetuate slavery eitbein form or substance ; and that the freedom would do much better if they could be relieved of the influence of some of their impulsive aod fanatical advisers from the North, each as the Englishman Redpath and his associ ates" The St. Loots Republican, refering to the apparently systematic efforts that are made ia the direction reprobated by its Massachu setts namesake, says: ' Such stories as these abont tbe Sooth were rife while the compromise negolia lions, which might have saved the country from the disasters of oor civil war, were pending. Then similar horrors were con jured op. Fiank Leslie's Hustrated publish ed a cartoon, showing the bangiog'at St. Charles, Missouri, of Rev. Mr. White by a pro-slavery mob. No snch haagiog took place there and no Rev. Mr.iWhite lived there at that time, nor, so far as we coold learn, ever did live there. At the same time the N. Y. Tribune published. a story of ' a horrible enormity committed at Friar's Point. MiesissDDi : the enormitr consisting V , j of the seizure bl a Northern man and head ing him op in a barrel, which was then trun dled into the river. No such outrage occur red there, as was satisfactorily shown opon the statements of tbe best oitizens of that place, who published a card utterly denying the truth of the btory. Shortly after this publication another outrage precisely like it was, upon the authority of a statement in the Tribune, perpetrated on a creek bank in Alabama.' There was as much truth in this story as in its fellow. Tbe wonder is, that a genious inventive enough for the produc tion of the first lie could not have varied his second one, bat choose rather to repeat him self. Did he suppose that bis readers were ready to believe anything, and would swal low tbe self same tale ot outrage when mul tiplied by easy trick of shifting the ven ue to fihj . ..fierent localities ? The design and e ol such storiestwere appartnt. They woe like that legion which the fertile brain ot the Redpath mentioned above coin ed, when he played the part of Kansas cor respondent for New York and other Eastern prints. They were intended to perform for the Northern mind what Yancy proposed for the Southern mind, to-wit : "Fire it." The object al that time was to rouse against the Southern peop!e a thread, which would make the Nor.hern people refuse to listen to any terms of compromise with theJSouth. ! T .... r .i ti .f I iu aij man qui oi ino r:ng" to any, man who is not bent on forcing on the South' negro suffrage and negro equality, social as well as political i. is evident that the Southern people are doing all that coald be expected, and all that cor.id be asked of them. Thev have submitted ther hsvs relinquished all thought of restoring slavery J They desire only to live under those State organizations, which are in accord with the Cocstitution of the United Slates. They are willing to obey and support every law oil the Union, and in that respect are as loyal" as any people in our broad land. Can we ak more? No. It is foul injustice and out rage to ask mere; nobody is as-king more except these plotters against the peace ac best interests of the country which we hav stigmatised with much less force of repro-j bation than they deserve. So far as concerns these reports of vrron and outrage and all sorts of violence ant hostility to the Union and government, a are being so busily circulated in certain c the Northern papers, it becomes tbe South ern editors and all her people to be on thj alert,and to trace up every one of these die! paraging stories Where they are as in ej many instances they are,naked lies ormor or less artful misrepresentations, exposoJjX the fraud and let the hoaest and weltjt?! intending pecple of the North see that. the',ilf. are slandered. In this way they may pre rent ranch and perhaps irreparable mi ) chief. Henry Ward Beecher has lately "bee pitching inio the practice of working t road conductors and drivers on SandayJ The other day, Beecher, in bis peculiar w? was makins inauires of a Rrnnkt;n -tr conductor, to w&em he was unknown, as I wuBiuer me jonaay riding could not be b; ken op. I "I think it might be," sain the conduct: "bot for that sanctimonious bypocri Beecher. So maoy of the fancy peop1 from all parts visit his establishment, it n ui.kos me roaa more proatable on Sand iuu ny otner csy urine week;. ' Jo", nlj Bp lh thiD cnW t