7 ; r, l STAB OF THE NOllTHj T IIIXG S A DO IT TOW X & COmgY.' WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1965. A 6CFICK10R aricle of syrups for sale at the Nevv Provision S ore. - Canced Corn.-, as fresh and sweet as when put up, for sale at Ronyan's Store. Price, 50 els. per can. " .-;." It has teen reported that: Lirut. E. B Yordy left for New Orleans, a few days since to coromaod a colored Company. AaTHua's Magazine has been received lor August. It is highly interesting, and is a first-class magazine. Send and get it. . Mrs. Mart Jank Shannon of Light Street, advertises her personal property, consisting of household and kitchen fornitore, for sale; 10 be disposed of on Saturday next. Mr. J. H. Harman advertises in to-day's paper, So per-Phosphate of Lime, Lake Salt, &c., all of which he will sell cheap, in quantities to suit purchasers. A good article of packed butter can be had, at 'alt times, by calling upon Mr. L. Runyan, at the New Provision Store. Ilia weet and nice for table use; better than roost of the butter made in this section. - JoHS T. Ford, on Wednesday last, made a formal demand on Secretary Stanton for his Theatre. Stanton caved, and pays Ford 1S 1,J00 rent per month, "to allow the ' Shee bang" to be closed. M. M. Tracch E-q., of Berwick, will be a condidate for District Attormey, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention of Colombia. Wr have been requested to announce tbrat th Evangelical Association will hold a Camp Meeting on the I7ih of August next, two miles i.onh of Berwick, in Priar creek township. Preparations will be made lo receive alt wbp may attend. Mr. E VV. Wtncoop re-opened, her school tn Monday last, at her residence on Third Street. She will be p'eased to receive scholars from all who may Ifel disposed to patronize her Few instructors, if any, give mere fenerul satisfaction .than Mrs. Wyn coop . MOBK NlW ClOTHICG AND GkNTLCM tx's T)niss Good. We would announce ihat Atrdrew J Evans has just returned from New York City with a supply of new cloths, rasnimeres, vesting, and goods generaliy torentlemetr wear. -He keeps coiislamly q hand ready made clothing. - -m The Llthlran Congk&gation, in this place, have received from" the city, and vilipended in the cupola of their church, a tine tell procured by the money netted at "the late Festival . held by the members of a id crunch. It sounds clear lor a new trll. It will improve after a proper amount t)f .usage. s Capt. A. H. Rush, ot Berwick, ha? re opened hw marble shop, with fair prospects of receiving a liberal share of public pa Irorlage. He is a good skillful mechanic, and ia prepared to execute, in excellent taste, any kind of wcrk in bis line. The marble business we should think rather de sirable anil lucrative employment. The unfortunate condition of oor country, has afforded any amount of work for the sculp tor and engraver. Dr. John has rot et succeeded in ousting that ancient and venerable friend of ours, Isaac Monroe. Up to the present it seems to be a losing operation with. the Doctor, fie has succeeded neither in obtaining the otEce, nor iu fleecing his friend Iaac, as. be did a recent bolder, of the office ot Assistant Revenoe Assessor to the tune of sixty dollar for a little bit of influence with the member of Congress It Isaac would only ubmitto be moderately black-mailed there can be no doubt the Dr. will relinquish his pretensions to the office. Our town is becoming notorious for rows and street disturbances. Almost every day tve learn of some violent assault, terraina ting in a fight or riot. This should be s;op ped by a proper application .of the law. Another offence against the peace and safe tj of the community ia very rapid riding usually committed by intoxicated persons. 'That lagerbeer which our people were invi ted to tske, by the Republican, we are made to believe should be avoided, as it is "fight ing Lager" occasionally containing an ia" gredient of fast riding. Da. Jous'a Democrats, like himself, are all-Republicans vote that ticket! The Democratic party oi this County are de- uouoced by him as the"copperhead" parly. They voted, last Fall, a straight ticket for President, which ticket received a larger vote in this State than has been cast by our party for years, although it suffered defeat; nod that ticket was der.oor.ced by Dr. John as the " copperhead ticket;" hence all uho voted irf were "copperheads," and ail who voted against it, were Republicans or Abolitionists. He will not pretecd to say that a man who votes the Republican ticket is still a Democrat! as on the'oiher hand a man may vote the Democratic ticket and yet be "a Republican! Can this bo possiblel Does any of his Republican friends vote the Democratic ticket ? if so they are "copper beads," according to the Dr.'s reasoniug, It is necessary to advocate- the principles uf Democracy to claim to be a member of that party J would be a straaje party in aa who claimed a membership and . yet voted against it.. All Democrats may be "copperheads" or they may not : it matters very little what U.ey are called by biack- rr3 af ii. They era ret aCvocztei of of disposed lizrntela riots, neither are 'Cay r-AO. 0 f'H The Grdener below town Ma. Wil liams is raising a lot of fine mellons, can taloupes, cucumbers, tomatoes, squashes, cabbage, and early corn. The most of his vegetables will be ready for the market in a few days. His tomatoes seem to attract the most attention IT is surprising to see the -quantity raised upon so small apiece of ground, and those too of an extra quality. Gardening is a money making business and it is strange some enterprising person had not gone into it sooner at this place, while, we are situated by the railroads, and have such excellent land for the purpose. RoBBEnv. On Sunday last a robbery was committed npon Mr. A.J. Eh mitt, in Hem lock township, this county, by a person en tering the dwelling house of Mr. E, during the absence of himself and family, and stealing from -his drawers, money to the amount of about Foua Hundrkd Dollars ; three hundred and seventy five in bank notes and the balance in gold and silver; also one pis'ol a seven shooter. Suspi cion rests npon a young man who came to the place a few days since and hired as a laborer an entire etrauger, and who left on the day of the robbery and has not since been seen. A reward of $100 is offered $50 for the apprehension and conviction of the thief and 50 for the recovery of the money. The lad is about five fee. 6ix inches hih rather light build ; dark complexion ; bUck hair and dark eyes; and wore, when he left, a white solt telt hat, black frock coat, and light colored pants and vest. Three Jiluck Republicans made an at tempt to draw corn rations from the field of our neighbor Williams, the gardener, on Satorday night last, but Mr. Williams' guard happened on the ground, and by h flank movement disorganized the force of "Aroer ican citizens of African descent," and cut it in three parts, each Linkum child taking his own way, and all resorting to their well balanced heels lor safety. One, believing he had arrived at a safe distance, presented a bold front on ground selected by himself. The guard made a charge upon the crani um of "white eye" and made him plead for quarters. Mr. Republican you should teach your adopted children that they are not arce to steal in this neighborhood as in tbe South. Tne Black Republicans won't s and fight, but they will Meal. ' Huckleberries and blackberries" are ann dant in tbis vicinity. They are brought lo town and sold at ten cents par qaurt. MMB3,B,M,MflaBaavB,aMllMBaM''Lb!?a?!?? LEGISLATIVE. WILLIAMSON H. JACOBY. of Blooms burg, will be a candidate for re noiri iration to the LEGISLATURE, before the next Democratic Convention of Columbia county, subject to ifre usages of the party. August 2d, 1865. CAM)! DATE FOE COJUIISSIO.NER. JOHN F. FOWLER, of Pine township has been induced, through the earner solicitations of his many democratic friends la offer hinr.ielf a a candidate fr the oiiije of COUNTY CUMMI&T JNEk, at the ap proaching General eiection. subject to the decision ol the Democratic County Conven tion, which. will convene in An2'Jel fcext. June 14. l&fio. S3. d. CASiMDATK fou co3::ssio.li:. VS71LLFAM K. DEMOTT, ol Ma.li.-or township, has been induced, through he solicitation: of hid many Democratic friend?, lo au:horize us to announce to ihe Democracy "that he w!II be a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the coming Fall election. suljct to the decision ol the Democratic Coumv Convention. June 7, 1865. S3. , CANDIDATE FOK TitEASlKKlI, JOHN J. STILES, ESQ., of Benton t-p., through the earnest solii-itiiiri of hi many Democratic friend, ha5 been induc ed to offer himself as a candidate for the office of TREASURER of Columbia Coun ty, subject to the decision of the Demo cratic Convention, which will be held on 'tfi 28th of August next. Benton. May" 22 IPfia. S3 pd. DISSOLUTION OF tc-IMltTMIIISUIl'. NOTICE is hereby given that the co partnership heretofore exis'.iriir between Nathaniel D. Kile & James F. Kile, doing business in the upper end of Columbia co., was mutually diar-olved, in March, A. D. one thouand eight hundred unA six'v-four. N D. & J. F, Kile. Jackson July 12, 1865. Auditor's IVolicc. Estate of Henry G. Koons, dcccised. THE tdersigned Anduor, appointed by" the Orphan's Court ol Columbia County, to make distribution of the balarca in the hands of Henry Buss, administrator ol Hen ry G. Koons, late of Hemlock township, in said county deceased, among the several creditor of the decedent.in therdsr estab lished by law, will attend' at his offic, in BLOOMSBURG, ON SATURDAY THE 12TH DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, at 10 o'clock A. M ol said day, for the pur pose of making distribution. All perron having claims on demands asainet the es tate of the decedent, are notified to precent them to the Auditor on that day, or be debar red from coming in for a share ol the fund. ROBERT F. CLARK. 'Bloomsburg, June 28, iR65. Autr. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN pursuance ol an order ol 'he Orphan' Conrt ot Columbia coonty, on SATCliDAY THE 261 DAY OF AUGUST. H65, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, JOHN WEN NER, Administrator with the Will annex ed, of Reuben Savage, late of Fishing creek township, in said county, deceased, will exposa-tp public vendue, on the prem ises, a certatrr - FARM OR PIECE OF LAND, bounded and described as follows, lo wit : Ou the north by land of the heirs of Mc Kiniiey Buckalew, dee'd; on the east by land of Daniel Thomas ; o.n the south by land of Jones' heirs, and on the west by land of Solomon Buss; containing SIXTY-FIVE ACR S. more or less. About 30 acres are cleared and in a tolerably good btate of cultivation. Whereon are erected a Dwelling HoiitiC, Frame Bank Barti, and .other. out-builJiugs and improvements. Late tbe estate ol said deceased, situate in the township ofFiah ingcreek, aud coonty aforesaid. JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk. . Bloomsburg, July 20, 1S65.: :. CONDITIONS OF SALE. Ten per cent, of one-lourtti on the day of sale ; one-fourth leos said ten per cetst. when the sale shall be confirmed; the balance in one year thereafter, with interest, and to be secured bv bond and rfiortjjae. . " ' JOJiN WENNER, Adir.'f. PUBLIC'S AXE OF Valuable Real Estate. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan-' Court of Columbia county, on SATURDAY THE 26th DAY OF AUGUST, next, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, Geo. W. Jacoby, administrator of Catharine Jacoby who was Executrix of John Jacoby, late of Mount Pleasant township, in said county, dee'd. will exposeto sale, by, public vendue, on the premises, a certain FARM 6c TRACT OF LAND bounded and deecribed a follows, to wit On the North by land of Peter Jacoby ; on the EttM by lands of John Culp and Naae Culp; on the so'ith by" land ol Thomas J Vanderwlice, and on the west by laud ot John Wanich ; containing; OiE UUIVIMiB?!) ACRES, more or less; whereon are erecied two lo hou.-es and two log bams. Lnie the eMate off-aid deceased, situate, in ihe township of Mount Pleasant and county aforesaid. JESSE COLEMAN, Clark. Bloomsburg, July 20, 1865. TERMS OF SALE Ten per cent, of one foonr. ou the day ol sale. One fourth lee the said ten per cent, when the sale shall be confirmed. The talance in one year thereafter, with interest, and to be secured by botid and rowtjiaae. GEORGE W. JACOBY, Admr's. July 26, -1865. Administrator's Notice. LETl ERS of administration on the estate of Charles Stewart, lateof Bloom-township, Columbia County, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said comi ty, to Lemuel Potter, residing in Mainville, Columbia County. All persons havirm claims against .the Estate, of the decedent are. requested to present - them lo the ad-mmi-trator for set: lement ; and those in debted to ihe estate will. come foward and make imnediate payment to the adminis trator. LEMUEL POTTER. June 28, 1865. S3 pd. Adm r. Auditor's Iolice. Estate of David ILitiip'on, dtcensed. The underpinned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Columbia county to make di-tribution of thd bulance in the h-uivi-i of Oliver Evans, administrator of David Hampton, late of Roaringcreek twp., in said count;, deceased, among the sever al heir and creditors of ihe -xiecfderit, in the order established by law, will a:tond at his ol!ice, in Bloomsburg, on Saturdny, ihe 12;h day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., ol said day, fur the purpose of mak ing, tne distribution. All persons having claims or demands against the estate ol the u'ecedPiU are notified to present them to the Auditor on that dav or be debaned f;cin coming in for a eh are of the funJ. P S RISH EL, Auditor. Bloomsburg. July i9, 1S65. S2. AlKUIMSTISATOnS XOTItE. LETTERS of adtniniftratiyri on the e.tata of Caihariiie Jaroby, late of Mt. P e.i.-ant township. Columbia county, have been Granted by the Register of said county, to George W. Jacoby, residing in the town ship and conrjjy aforesaid. All persons having claims or demands against the en tate of the decedent are requested to pre sent thern duly authenticated to the a iniiii is ration for settlement, and ihoae indciLitd to the ea'.e will make immediate pay ment to GEORGEY. JACOBY, July 12, 1865. Adtr.'r. the ruaisix pectoral I! r rrrr 4,4' iU Your Cou"h. :irrrTj Read the adver- to Vl(s:1x rec aT.i's;w toral; or compound Syrnp of WildCherry and feeneka Suake Root, will cure the Diseases of the Tiiroat tmd Lungs, such as coids, coughs, troop. Asthma, bronchitis, oatarr sore throat, hoarseness, whooping cough, Its timely use will preveut PULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even where thi- Ii r ci I 1 1 1 1 u i ass i i uii j vv- i v. j. . . , . . .. . auora more renei man anv oiner meuicine. J.. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker of the Pennsylvania Hojse of Representatives, l says ; mis cougn remeay is now exten sive used, and is ol the highest value to the community, its curative qualities hav iit been tented by thousands wnh the n;0t uratiiymg rei-ulis. It is carefully and skiiiiuiiy r.repared fmai WildCherry Rark ' ar.d Seneka Snake Root, by Dr. Levi Oaer- hobzer. a ref-utable physician of Phrxnix- vi!!e, Pa., and is soli by neariy ad drug gist anil country piorekeepers." D. P. Cro.-by, ex-Post Master and ex Buf'ess of Potteiown, cenifis as follows: 1'OTTSIOWN, Jan. 3, 1865. Thi cert Ses that I have used the Phce nix Pectoral in my family, and I tecom mend it to the Public as ihe very best remedy fcr cough and col Is that I have ever tried One uf my children was taken with a cold, accompanied with a croopy conoh, so bad, indeed, that it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard so much said about ihe Phcenix Pectoral 1 procured a bottle of it. The first dose relieves the difficulty of breathing, and be iore the child had taken one lour h ofthe bonle it was entirely well. Every family should have it iu their house. , Sinned. , D. P. CROSBY. J. C. Smith, druggist of New Hope. Bucks coiiUly, Pa., iu writing to Dr. Ooeihol zer, says: "A few days since I bought two dozen of your valuable cough remedy to try, and find it very good, and a it is near ly all gone I would like you Id send me a gross of it. "Your medicine gives better satisfaction than any other I have in the Store. Iam agent lor some of the most popular couuh preparations, but your seems to bo doing the most good." The following is an extract from a letter from Hiram. Ellis, merchant, near Potts-. town, Pa., "I have tried the Phoenix Pec roral aud find it to be the best cough med icine extant. Il meets with a more ready sale than any other that I have ever had in my store." The proprietor of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative powers, from the testimony of thousands who have u-ed"it, that the money will be paid back to any purchaser who ia not satisfied with i( etiecU." . It is so pleasant lo lake that'children cry for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; large Bottle ONE DOLLAR It is intended for only one class of dis ease, namely those ol the THROAT tud LUNGS. . Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER M. D., PLcenixvilie, Pa., and sold by all Drtigists and Storekeepers. Johnson, Holioway, & Cowden, No. 23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, and F. C. Wells & Co.." 115 Franklin Street, New York, General Wholesale Agent. N.B. Ifyoor nearest druggist or store keeper does not Jceep this medicine do not let him put you off with some other medi cine, because be makes more money on it, but send at once to one of the Agents for it. Jone 21, 1S65. 6m ; 1 Ayers CatharticJPmsJ Attorney at JLar, Office vn Main Street, CdTAWlSSA, Columbia county, Pa. July 12, 1865. 3m. U. S. 7-30 LOAN. TH1RD3ERIES, -$230,000,000. By authority of the Secretary of the Treasure,' the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for the sale of Uuited States Securities, otTes !(io the public the third "series of Treasury Note; bearing teven and three-tenths per cent, interest per annnm, knowu as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN These notes are i.-eUfed under date of July 15, 18G5, and ate payable three years from that date in currency, or are convert ible at the ppiion of the holder in'o U. fcix icr ccait. GOLI-ISEAKIXtt IJOSJS These Bonds are liow worth a handsome nwminm. and are exeniDt. as are all the I . 3 ' Government Bonds, Jiom Stale, County, and Municipal taxation, tchich addt from one to three per cent, per annum lo their vtlue ac cording lo the rate levied upon other prop erty. Tbe interest is payable semi-annually by coupons . attached to each .note, which may be cut off and sold lo any bank or banker. ' The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a S50 note. Two cents " " " " SlOO Ten " " ' " $500 20 " " " " tlOOO . l " " " " S5000 c t Notes of all denominations named will be promptly furnished upon.receipt of subs scriptions. The Notes cf this Third Series are pre cisely similar in form and privileges lo the Seven-Thirties already sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the op tion of paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent., instead 7.3-10ihs in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in cur rency up to July 15th , at tae lime when they subscribe. The delivery 0f the notes of this third series of ttie Seven-thirties will commence on the lat of June, and will be rnaJe promptly and contitmo 'uslyafier ! h vt date. The slisht'change made in the conditions ol this THIRD SFRIES affects only .the ma:ier ol interest The payment ir. gold, if made, will be eqfUvaleLt tJ tho currency interest of he higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will 'he cp'.ior. to pay intereet in Gold be availed of, would reduce-and equalize prices that purchases made with six per cent, in gold would be fully tqoal to those mt:de wnh seven and thrte tenths pel ceLl. in cur.tncy. Thi3 i ILc Only Loan i;i Market Now ofJered the Govrn meat, a::-4 i:s snperior adan'ag make it the Great Popular Lc&n of hz People. Less than 230,000,000 of ihe Loan au thorized by Congress are now on the mar ket. This amount, at the rale at which il is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for vithin sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing '.La subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of ihe country may be afforded fa cilities fo r taking the loan, the National Banks, State Backs, and Frivate Bankers throughout tbe country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who Only are to be responsible lr the delivery of the ncie&fur which tb v receive nulrs. JAY COOKE. ' Subscription Agenn PhihJe!j.hii. Subsctiptioiu'will be received by ihe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BLOO.MS BURO AND THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CP BERWICK. May 24, 1865. BLOOMSBURG PROVISION STORE! THIS ESTABLISHMENT OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC AT VilOI,USAI,F. & KBTAIIi, A VERY I-WtGF. STOCK of Superior Family GROUfclilES and all thing to lie -upon iu the Uneot necessaries and luxuris. , , HERE YOU CAN FIND SUGAR, TEX. COFFEE, PIMCE.&c. DRIED FRUIT 07 ALL KINDS. FLOUR. r PORK, HAMS. DRlRf BEEF. BUTTER, CHEESE, CRACKERS, FISH, SALT, BROOMS, WOODEN WARE, AND ALL THAT. Time and space will not admit of an enumeration of the endless variety of Goods which 1 "offer for sale. . It is my intention to supply the wants cF the people, and lo that end shall lend all my energies, giving to them at all limes, the benefi: ot a decline in the market. Having purchased largely and for Cash, since the sreat decline in Gold, I am ena bled to ?ell at correspondingly low prices. CQT CASH PAID FOR EGGS. LA YTON KENYAN. Bloomsburg, M-ty 22, 1865. ' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate cf tilts Jack$un. lute of Suga, loaf tup., Columbia county, deed. ETTERS testamentary on the estate of Siiis Jacks-oil, lute of Siigarloaf town ship, Columbia county, deceased, have been-granted by the Regi-ter of said coun ty to DAVID LEWIS residing in Sugarldat towiii-bip, Columbia co. All persons Wav ing claims against the estate of the dece dent are jequestedMo present them for set tlement, and those indebted to the estate areiequested to make immediate payment. , DAVID LEWIS, Executor. 5lay 10, 1865 pd.S3. OLD THLNGS MADE NEW- A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore sight and give up spectacles, without aid ot doetor or medicine. Sent bv mail, free, ou recs ipt af 10 cents. Ad- dress, E. b. rUUlK.Ji AgficnTtursI (hemic.il Co.'s I en i: a r f e kt 1 1 . i as liis . THE Fertilizers prepared by the Agri cultural Chemical Co., (a Comp any hacr tered by the Legirlatire ot Pennsylvania with a capital of S250,OuO.) have been proved in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, lor the Farmer, Gar dener and Fruit grower, of all concentarted n.anures now offered in any maiket. The Company 's list embraces the following PABULETTE. This Fertilizer is, composed ot night soil and the lertilizwig igeuts of mine, combined chemieail) and mechanically with other valuable lertdiziug agents aud aliHOrbenls. L It is reduced to a pulverulent condition ; reaily for nnmetliaie ose, ana witnoui ions of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing proper tins. P universal applicability to all crop- and soils, and it- durability and cciive qualities, are well known to be all thai ag riculturists cau desire. CIIE3I1CATC0MP0ST, The Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as rnent, bone, fi-h, leather, and wool, toelher with chemical-' ar.d inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain the nitrogenous ele ments. It is u very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, at;d especially lor potatoes and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap ners, have made it very popular with all who have ned il. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This highly phosphate fertilizer is par ticularly adapied lor the cultivation of trees fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote a very vigorous aud healthy growth ot v ood fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perlect ihematnritv of the Iruit. For hol hose ami household plants and flowers, il will be found an indispensible article to se cure their greulett perleciion. It will pre vent and cure diseased conditions ol tne peach and grape, aud is excellent for grass und lawns. It is composed of such elements as make it ada pted to the growth of all kinds of crops in all kinds ol soil. The turmnla or method of combining iH constituent fertilizing ingredients has re ceived the highest approval of eminent chemtfcu atid fccientifie agriculturists. I HOSTHATE OF LIME The Agricultural Chemical Company mamifaclnre a 1'hophale ot Lime in tiixor dance with a new and valuable torm ula by which a very superior article is produced, as to be iiffor.led at a lJ- price than other natiufdciurers charge. Practical tesis have proved tliiit ils vidue, as a lertilizer, is t-qiial to the best l'hosphuia cf Lune iu the market. . . -TEEMS CASH. All Orders of a Ton or more, will b delivered at the Railroal Siaiions and the Wharves of Shipment, tree ot cartage. Cariage will be charged ou all orders ol 6 barrels or les One do!ar per Tor. allowance for cariage V will be made on all sales delivered at the Works cf the Company on Cansl Wharf. Agricultural Chemi'-al Company's Works, At Cunnl U'iviff. O'l the De'airure. OfTice, 4131 Ap-.LS.. Philadelphia, Pa li. B. F1TTS, G.TH.ral Agent. The Coiripi:.y'i Pumpr.let Circular, ern t rr.ciiig full directions lo Using liie above Feiiilizer?, sent by mail, fiee, whet; rt,- qn'-tf-d. March, S. 1S65 6mo. J AVATCCES, t3IAl.S, RIXGS. LC. G. S. HASKINS CO., 30 Beihiwn Strict, Ntw Yark. oCer tl e following indncpmenis to Huyct'tf ol Valuable Having been Ixr a Iftg lime eryaed the Packet business, and established onr reputation for promptt.et-s and reliability, aud poscessinil grtat facilities for helling Jewlry in thi way, we are confident that we can give satisfaction to ail .who feei disfiosed to pairrmize vs. U50 000 WORTH OF WATCHES, DIA mond Pins, Chains, lo be told lor One Dollar each, vvilhout regard to value, and not to be paid for until you Luow what you are to receive JUST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACIL! 175 Watches (handsomely engraved ar.d warranted perfect liiiie keeper.-), varying inptit-es from t-20 00 to 120 Cu each. 225 Ladies' watches, solid gold huuting cases, Si55 00 each. 250 Gen lemen's silver watches 15 00 to 20 Ou each. 6.1,00 Latest style vest and neck chains. 4 5G to 30 00 ea-h-5,000 Gent's California Diamond Pins, 2 50 to 25 00 each. 4,O00r California diamond car drops, 2 00 lo 15 00 each. 3 GOO Miniature and enamelled genrs icarf pins, new styles, 5 00 to 15 00 eacfj. 2,000 Maonic aud emblem pins, 3 00 to lo 00 eat h. 2,500 Gold band bracelets, ei:gravcd and plain, 3 00 to 20 00 each. 3.000, Jei an J Mosaic brooches, 3 00 to 70 CO each. 2.000 Cameo brooches, rich pationts, very ta-'ty, 3 00 to fiO 00 each. 4 500 Floientine and Lava pins, the real article, 4 00 to 10 00 each. 3 5PO Lava and Florentine Car drops, 3 00 to 10 00 each. 3'00 Coral ear drops, 4 00 to 6 CO each 2.000 Ladies' Chatelaine chaitis, jet and gold, 15 00 tc 20 00 each. 6;000 Gent's pins, a splendid assortment, 2 00 lo-15 00 earh. 4,000 Solitaire sleeve buttonSjentiiely new siyiew, 2 00 to 5 00 each. 3 oCt) Studs and sleeve buttons, in sets, very rich, 3 00 to 15 00 each. 5 000 Sleeve bu.tons, plain,' enamelled and engraved, 2 00 to 8 00 trach. 10,000 Plain and handsomely engraved rins. 2 50 to 10 00 each 8.000 Spring locket-, double case, lichly engraved, 2 CO to 15 00 each. 15,000 Sets ladies' j welry, new and lalet styles, 6 00 to 12 CO each. 2.0UO Gold pens, and handsome silver cases, 5 00 to 10 00 each. This entire liM ol beautiful and valuable goods will be so id lor One Dollar Eieh. Ceruticales of all Ihe above articles will be. placed in envelopes, and sealrfd. The-e envelopes are eni by mail, as ordered, without regard to choice. Oa the receipt of lh Certificate you will see what you are lo have, and lheu it is at your option lo send or.e dollar and take the article, or not. Bive Certificates can be ordered lor SI; eleven for 82; thirty-five for S5; sixty-five for 10; and one hundred for 815. U e will send a single Ceriifisate on the receipt of 25 ceuts. - G. S. HASKINS & Co , Box 4270. 36 Beekman bt., N. Y. Eioomaburg, April 5th, 1865. - Acer's Cherry Pectoral. rrTiA3I CLOTHES. WRIX6CE. IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE SFLF- D JUSTING WRINGER. No Hood-Work to stotll or split No Thumb-seiewn to gel out of order -It'arr anted with or without cog-wheels IT look th fust premium at fifty-seven State and Couiitj Fairs in 1863, ami i without any exception, the best Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town, and in all pans ol Ihe world. Eueryetio Ayents can make Irom Ihree to ten Dollars pe r tlay. Sample Wringers sent Express paid on receipi f price. No. 2, trt .50. No. I,S7.5(). No. F, p.50. No. A, S'9 50. Manufactured ant sold, wholes-ale and retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Piatt Sl' ei, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. A II. FRANCISCUS, Agent, Philadelphia, Pa. jyhat Everybody Known, viz: That iron well galvanized will not rust. That a simple machine is better than a complicated one. That a Wringer should be sell adjusting, durable, and efficient. That Thumb screws aud Fastenings cause dplay and trouble lo regulate and keep in order. Thai wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split. 1 hat wood bearings tor the shall to rm in will wear out. That the Putnam Wringer, wi'h or without cog wheels, wii! not tear the clothes. That cog-wheel regulators are' not essen tial. That the Putnam Wringer has ail the advantages, and not one of the dis?dvan-ta-es above namoJ. That all who have tt-sied it, pronounce it the b'.st Wringer ever made. That it will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We might fill the paper with teniimoni als, but insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such there be; and we say to all, test Putnam's Wiinger. Test it thor onghly with any and all others, and if not entirely satisfactory, return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Gentlemen I know from practical esperier.ee that iron well galvanized with zine will not oxidize or runt or.e particle. The Putnam Wringer is ns near perfect as possible, and I can' cheerfully recoauneiid il to be the best in ue. Kerin'ct fully yours, JOHN W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Onio. Many years experience iri the galvaniz ing business, enable me lo ei-dotse the above statement in all particulars. JNO. C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Beetman St. New York, January, IiG4. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wring er by practical working, and know that it wiil do. It is cheap, it is simple, il requires no ro'Jtu whether at work or -al rest; a child t -. ... i it.. can operate it It itoes iiiuuiy inoroiigut) MVe iin,e and it saves wear and lear. We earneiily advise all who have much war-lung to do, wiih all intelligent persons who may have any, to buy ihis Wringer. Il will pay lor itse'.fin a yar a moM. iki'i it " ''"'V !'V July 6, tSGT, ly. n CAIiEIi AM) COXFiXTIOXEtt TTAS always on hand anl lrt sale F:Ciii BREAD, CAKES, and 11 ES; Frcacli and Domestic tonffctiuus in great and splendid variety ; No's Frui(?, and everything usually found ia a lirsl cla-s ctiiiiec-tionery store. lie would call especial attention to his newly received stock of PICKLED FRUITS, AS D JELLIES. Having recently fined up a new aad elegant Ice Crcaszi Saloon, on the fir.-t finer, two doors west of Eyer & MoyerV Drug siore, he is prepared to wait upon his mar.y cjiotners with FIRST CLASS ICE-CREAM as cheap as ihe cheapest. He will snpply Balls, Parties, and Picnics wi:h Ice Cream, Confectionery, &c. at reasonable rate. Bloomsburz, April 26, I8f3. JfliUcr's Store. IZP S3 LlT'DficS!.!! OF SPIllAG AM) ;V1ME11 HOODS. flMIH snbscriber has jut returned from - the cities with afother Irge and keletl arsortiner.t of Full and Jt'intir Good, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, ai ihe lowest figure, aud which he is deter mined to sell on a moderate terms a can be nrocured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Hi- slock comprise LA DIE' DRESS GOODS, of the chcicest styles and latest fashions, lofeiher with a large or'me:i! of DRY-GOODS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS, AND TESTINGS. ALSO, CiROCEKlKS, HA l I) W A UK , QUEENS WAliti, CEDAR WAKE, HOLLOW WAKE. NAILS, IRON. HOOTS SHOES, 41 ATS f- CAPS,.S-c. In shott, ever thing usually kept in cor.!) try stores, to which he iuv des he attention of the public g?neral!y. The highest price will be pa'd for coun try produce, in exchange for good?. STEPHEN H. MILLER Rloomsbutg, June 28, 1865. SJAMES ll0BiiS0N,S Clock aiie! Watch .T2akci AND IMPOHTKK OF Watches, jewelry .V i'rt itch 1 jmc-ricccs. ALSO, il A I'KACTCK OF SILVER AND SILVER PLA TED WARE, GOLD SILVEUSTEEL SPECTACLES, No. 1031 Market Street, below Elcvnth, NorJi Side, PA1LADELPHIA. Clock?, Watch-s ainl Jewelry neatly re paired at the shortest notice. Gilding and Plating, Of all descriptions, done neatly to or jer. W N. 15. Masonic, Odd Fellow's and o:her emblematic Mark, made and Ea graved to order. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FIili OlUiWi AXD SIT FRENCH, ENGLISH $ AMERI CAN CLOCKS. TARM? AM POf-KKT CCTLEr V, AHMY COIlSS 15AIIE FOR SALE AND MADE Tu ORDER. No. 1031 Market Street, 3d door below Eleveuth, North side. at.,. '. -; 1 IMCO.nIMCCTUS t)F THE PHILADELPHIA AGE, l$65v f3AHE only Democratic Daily Mortiing Journal published. in Philadelphia. ' Ti e 'pt'bli-Lers ol Ihe Philadelphia AGE invite the farnest attenuon of business men, thinking men, 'fiterary men. und all who aro iiireres'eri in the various feenp" tions and pursuits t.f life, to th DAILY and WEEKLY editions of ihfir Journal.' , . TLe Philadelnhia Ase. wbich advocate - - j the principles and policy of the democratic r I partv, is issued every tiit rnini:,1 (Swulaya ' excepieo,; riu -cpiiu.ii '" - gence from all parts of ihe woiJd; with care- ' fully prepared articles on Government, Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the cur- rent quesiions and affairs of the day; Local Intelligence, Market Rpoile, Price Cur rent, Stock quotations, Marine and Com mercial Intellisence, Reports of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Corres pondence, Legal Reports, Book Notice, T Theatrical Criticisms', Reviews of Liu tttf Art and M usic Agricultural Matters, Bnd discussions of whatever sut jeel is of aPa' -eral interest and importance. No event of any importance occurs in any pait of the country without beinn fully and promptly telegraphed lo and published in its columns. It has all lh despatches' of lh Associaied Prets f;om every part of the United Slates, and Ihe news from all pans ot Europe brought by the steamers is instantly telegraphed, from whatever point ; the steamers fTi6t touch. rKUMs Ten Dollars per annum, for a sinsle copy. Five Dollars, for s'x months. Two Dollars and Fifty crnts far three months. And for any less ' time at the rate of One Dollar per mo.. . 4 payment required invariably in advance , The Philadelphia Weekly AGE, is a complete compendium of the news of the , week, and conta'ns Ihe chief editorials, the Pricj Current and Market Reports, Stoi-k Quotations, Intelligence for Farmer. Cor respondence, and General News Mailer -published in Ihe Daily Ase. It also con tains a grat variety of-other literary and miscellaneous mauer, including Tales, Sketches, Biography, Facetiae, and Poetry,. -rendering it in all respects a First Class Family Journal, particularly adapted to the Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Literary mar,, and all classes of readers, - , It has in L.ct, every character of a live newspaper, fitted for ihe Counting House, the Workshop, the F'reside and ihe Gen-, eral reader. - - The WEEKLY AGE is mailed in season to reach all parts of Pennsylvania, New" Jeieey, Delaware, and Maryland, on or betore Saturday of each week.. 'Perms Two Dollars per annum for c single copy. One Dollar for six mos. , . and Sixty cents for three months. One , copy gratis will be sent for one year to the person forwarding us 20 yearly , subxeibers paid in advance. No paper will be tent until the subscr'plion is paid. SPECIMEN COPIES of the above'pa pers scut gratis lo any address, on applica tion. 'TO ADVERTISERS, The circulation of the Philadelphia AGE, which is steadily and rapidly" growing, makes it al least as valuable a medium for advertising as any c.tht-r commercial and business newspaper in Philadelphia; and the Tact that il rearh es a lare class ol conservative readers, scattered over a va.-l extent of country, who do not lake any other Philadelphia paper, commends it, to an extraordinary degree, as a tneaas of-ommuii:cating with the pub lic tiul pofseised by any other Jouruul pub lished in this city. - . . The AGE is now es'abliehed on a sure rmi i frmaueni foundation. The publish ers could easily FJ! their columns wmIi the unsought and most liberal commendations of the p.e.-s throughout the country; but they p relet that it shonld stanJ altoMher upon claims to public confidence well known and established. It will be, as here tofore, the supporter ol the National, Con servative, Democratic, Union Principles, opposed alike to radicalism and fanaticism in every form, and devo;ed to the main tenance of Good Government, Law, and Ot.ler. The revival of all the business relation of the country, consequent upon ihe suppression of ihe rebellion and tho" restoration of peace, will enable ihe pub i;.-Lrs to make a number of improvement 1 in ibe various departments of this Journal, and they, therefore, respecUuuy soncii wi support of all w ho wish lo secure one of the bei Commercial, Literary, Business, and Family newspapers in Ihe country. Now is the lime to subscriber Address, GLOSSBREXNER & WELSH, 430 Che-lnut Street, June 7, 1S65. PHILADELPHIA. JYational Foundry. EI loo :t.i ur Colu!:i!ia Co., 'lr:e siibi-ribjr, proprietor of the above -- named extensive e-tablis-hment, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of machinery, for COLLERIES, BLAST FUR S' AC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS TH RESHIMG MACHINES, &c, &.c. He is also preparetl to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made ia first-class Foundries His exlansive facilities and practical workmen, w at rant him' in receiving the largest contract on the most reasonable terms. IV (irain of all kinds will ba lakea ia exchanjje for castings. CsT This e.-tablishment is located near ihe Lackawanna Railroad Depoi. PETER RILLMEYER. Rloomt-bOrg, SepL 9, 1863. GROCERY STORE. ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. Jlorc I-Ycfeh Guo(2 Just received at Henry Gigers Neu) Store: MOLASSES, SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEE, UICE.SPICE8, FISH, SALT. KA1SIN. TOiiAOCO, SEGARS, CANDIES. NOTINNs, Tors, FEED AXD PKOVISIOXS, Together with a great variety of notions Sec, too numerous io mention. BUTTER EGGS, ME XT, and produce generally, taken in exchange lor good. The best market price will b allowed. Give hiai a call. HENRY GIGE.U. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1S65. VJE wIlUS 1 "CLFU NEE ALTaRCHTio ihe memory- of Abraham Lincoln, tba Martyr President, By Mrs. E. A. Park--hcrst, Author of '-Richmond is Ours, 'The Soldier's Dying Farewell," :Ori, sfnd me one Flower from his Grave." "Nr Slave beneath ihat Starry Flag," etc., etc This March is very tolernt and impressive. Price 30 cents; with Vignette of ihe Presi dent, 50 cents Mailed tree. Publisher, HORACE WATERS, Na. 481 Broadway, New York. I A