The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, July 19, 1865, Image 3

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n is o o ji s n u a a , pa .
P. S Bi-nm. Esq., advertises Auditor's
Notice in to-day' Stab.
A SrnriAL Court will be held at this place
by hi Honor. Jtrcc Eiwcll, on Thursday
i(lo-morrow )
The new post otfke at this place ia fast
approachirg completion, under the direc
tions tof El.u aianDRNHAtt the builder.
We Liabm that "Col. Joseph F. Ramsey
has been released on the ground that the
evidence does not sustain the charges."
. . . , ... I1T . l n I a A will
AIRS. tU . irisiuor, ui hub pi-o,
. h, ,,m of school at her
Vllll ulvi'v ...- - -
residence, on 3d Street, on Monday, the 31st
tt.t. She is a good teacher.
Julok Etvrii.L and Ladt retnrneJ last
week from the West, where they spent
some six weeks vi.-iting thrir relatives and
HrsaT C. Frcas, of Berwick, ha conver
ted the old Paper Mill of that place into a
Flouring Mill, which will be quite a con
venience to the citizens of Berwick.
Likot. E, B. Yokdt and William Stcr
ta, of this grafts, .have been ' honorably
discharged the service and returned home.
They are spoken ol by their men in terms of
To m . ILtht cama to u tail week
much enlarged and improved, which is
trong evidence ol prosperity. Success to
the new firm.'
Gbecn Cohn and Tomatoes have made
it, ir nnrerrire in our market. Young
,.,ha. has also been brought in. Our 1
- p
coun'V yield an abnndanca of these ecu
Jem ; but .'. .s not quite as early as some foIowinjl Ac, of Aembly was pass
g.her counties in furnhing the market. ejJ on he q Apf. ,86I . which
Oil. Oi.e ot our urmers in this county J we re-publish for ihe benefit of the boya
tells us that he has diecovered very clear; whom we are informed are in the habit of
;;m. of oil on his Urtd. about four ' breaking into garden arid orchards in all
'miles from Danville." WLy may we not ;
have oil in Montour county as well as else-
where? I),n,vit!e Ue'Vencer.
Seraeant ions T. Huwk. of the Baldy
Guards', has returrjed home, and is engaged ;
iu the ale ol Photograph ol eminent men, j
and engraving of the d tl-ieni engaeements ;
foouhl by the two armies. These things,
will tell, end roi.y'' seems to be jost the .
tad to make ihem sm. " j
The oat cnp in this section is coming j
on rapidly. Our tarmers will be considera
bly horned to get all their wheat and late
trass in before the oats will be ready for the
reaper. The oaf crop looks promising ,
tever beticr.
Tb OFru-K ot the Lack wanna & Blooms,
-berjr R K. Co. at Pitisir, wai lorcibly en
tered, on Suirday night last, by a burglar,
wiiti, no dou?i, the expectation of making a
rich haol. He cuecseded in capturing the
enormous Mini of n'x'y rend in pactional
As WATim ft perlal interest io the world
- we announce that Dr. John has no: yet suc
ceeded in ouMii.g ihat venerable patriot,
Isaac Monr-e Irom hisoiFice. In direct con
nectioii with this subject we may mention
that a new expedition is fitting ont in Japan
to sail directly to the North Pole, cut it i
down, and t ricg it home, to- be used as a
fifhirtg po'e.
nETt'RM t.u Soloi k as Since our last itsue
quite a number of our townsmen oare re
turned home from the service; men who en
listed in February and March last io "avoid
the draft" They are all looking well, and
report theffcselvefc as havin enjojed good
.bealih during their enlistment. 4 Ve wel
. come home the brave !'
Importakt R. R Cosnkcion. The con
necting linE between Lock -Haven and Ty
rone was completed last week Passengers
visiting be West can leave this -place at
9.0o A. M. and arrive at Pittsburg early the
same eveninz. This is, indeed, a very im
portant railroad connection.
Attention ia directed, of all who travel,
to the Time Table of the Northern Centra!
Railway, published in Ibis issne, as &ome
important changes have been made. This
road connects with th Philadelphia and
Erie R. R al Sunbury and runt to Baltimore
via Ilairisbur;
What a set of ignoramusei and unprinci
pled scocodrels these Abolitionists are !
Thev wound iustifv the hanging of those
people who were tried by a military conn, at
Whinrion. for contmracr. if the Demo
crats only denoanced the proceeding !
They would not stop to enquire the authori
ty of the court to try them ; neither would
they consider the crime or their guilt, but
Aang Ihem at onct, if it only sHed the Demo
crats. Shame oo such a aet of people !
Scicatorial Delegate. At a meeting held
by.the Democracy of Sulliran county, not
long since, it was resolved that they concur
in the nomination given Hon. Peber Ent
by the Democracy of Colombia county, as
!ie Senatorial Delegate to the next Demo
cratic &ate Convention, which will be held
in Harrisburg on the 21th day of August
itxt. It i hoped be will receive the con
'enrrence of the counties of Mor.torr and
Northumberland. ;
, Ma. David Satace has received the con
tract ol the County Commissioner! for Ihe
building of an arch covered bridge over
Fishingcreek, near the residence of Peter
Kama, in Benton townhlp Mr. Savage's
proposal was the lowest SI 400 CO.
'Sir. W.'A Kile's proposal for erecting a
brid"e In Sugarloaf-townsbip, was the low
est being 51,875 00. This also is to be
an 'arch covered bridge. It seeraa to v
thee proposals are both pretty low. The
CommiBioners demand 'good substantial
fridges; and ihe plais and recifications
vf have to-be carried pi.i o the very letter.
Bloou.bu.o to b infe.Ld wiih
boorish bigots, who show, their cowardly
malice by collecting together in squads,
'and then insulting such Democrat as hap-
pen to pas them io the streets. We are in-
formed that one Mr. Bunitt, apparently a
mulatto; but familiarly known a the
wooden nutmeg Yankee ; was heard to pro-
claim, in a lovd voice, to his comrades on
such an occasion, 11 D d Copperheads,
they had all ought to be hung !" Again,
Lrcwts H. Macse, we are told, improved the
opportunity, when h MW Democrat pas--ing,
to say to one of his aociates, so as to
be heard on both sides of the street, How
did you like the traitors down South, are
they as bad as the traitors up here V These
two instances are al'oded to merely as speci
mens of the language indulged in by narrow-minded
fanatics of the Abolition faiih.
who hare labored so hard to brina on the
war, from which they derived so much
profit, and whom impartial history will hold
responsible for all ocr National troubles.
Now, hereafter, we shall report the names
of all such brainiest pimps as shall be bro t
... , . r.
o oor knowledge, in order that Democrats
may knew whom to patronize. There isio
way to clear the town of such nuisances
except to touch their pocketi, for tbey can
conceive of no aim in lile except to cut up
well when they shall be killed and dressed ;
yet unlike swine of better manners, they
have not sense enovgh even for that.
? ccd en Deaths. On Fridsy last William
Johnson was instantly killed in one of the
mines near Wilkesbarre. Hi friends tel
egraphed to a brother of the deceased nam
ed John, who was engaged at the Chestnut
Hitl Hospital, Philadelphia, as to what dis
position should be made of the remains
The brother on receiving the sad news start
ed lor Wilkesbarre by taking the Phita. &
Reading R. R., and on arriving at Tamaqna
met his death by the cars. An inquest
was immediately held over the body, when
the dispatch announcing the sudden death
of his brother was found, which led to
identify the body, and explained what wel
have written about the untimely demise of
William Johnson.
parts of this town and stealing froit to an j
extent that was never known before,
"The wilful taking and carrying away of
) irnr. vegeiaoies p'am, irnn or nrnamem
I al trees, vines or shrnf's, whether at'ached
I "to the soil or not, hall be deemed, and
! ,-the same is hereby declared, a misSe'nriean
' "or, and may be prosecnted and pnniehed
: "a snch. under the laws of this Common-
''wealih, and, on conviction thereof, in. the
Court of Quarter Session, of said county,
"Khali b fined, not excedina fitly dollars.
j "and imprisoned not exceedin sixty dajs."
j We recommend that citizens waich for,
and prosecute all '.he young ihieves ihey can
catch ; but to be ure and not lake them be
fore any Justice who decides cases only ac-
cording to the politics cf the parties. The
i &reat increase of crime is owing to the
' fact that a certain bigoted Jus ice of this
stripe, discharged whom an indi
; vidua! of this place once prosecu ed atid
' proved to be guilty by several witnesses
who caught the culprits in the very act.
Of late, a nnmber of young ihiets have
been known to bid defiance when cai.ght,
nd to say, "procecute as soon a ou
please, ' tried i; anJ could do
A Strike. A number of the workmen
connected with the Pennslvania Iron
j Works and the Rough anJ Ready Rolling
i Mill hate been on a strike" for several
days past. We learn that thee employees
were informed about the firt of the month
that another reduction in their wages had
been made by the proprietors, which induc
ed the 'turnout.' On Monday afternoon the
j strikers formed a procession and marched
through the principal s reets, preceded Dy
martial music.
Everything was conduced
orderly and peaceably. It is to be hoped
that an amicable arrangement will soon be
effected by which the Works will again be
set in motion. Ponville Intelligencer.
Interesting Statitjcs or the War. By
an official report of the Secretary of war, it
appears that between October 1863 and '64,
675,442 men were enlisted in the army and
navy. On November 1, 1861, there were
10 1, 950 colored soldiers in the army. In
the sixteen months preceding March, '65,
S3 895 persons were tried by court martial
In the draft of 1P63. 194,925 men were
drafted, of whom all were exempted but 9
843. In ihe draft c-f May 1,1864, 85,861
were drafted, ail being exempted but 3.431
In the draft of September 19, 1864. 72,430
were drafted, 13,654 being held to service.
The Forthcoming Trial or Jtrr. Davis.
Now that the Conspiracy Trial is over and
the sentence of Jhe Military Commission
executed, there will soon be definite action
concerning; the trial of Jeff. Davis. If it
shall be determined to try him for treason
the proceedings will ol course. take place be
fore a civil tribunal, bat from present indi
cations it is more probable that he will be
tried before a Military Commission, as the
leader and instigator of the contpiraey, tor
it is said in prominent quarters that there is
newiy discovered evidence in this connec
tion against hira.
Democrats, if yon wish to purchase a Pi
ano, Melodeon, or Sewing Machine, and
afterwards be abased, by being called
'Copperheads," Sympathizers" and "Trai
tors," boy ol one Bennett of this place.
If you hear a loud-mouthed, or see a lone,
eared, owl-eyed, gauntling legged Yankee,
on our streets, berating Democrats, yon may
depend it is Bennett. He is guilty of just
such low, mean, contemptible business,
but bis tongue ia no slander ! The better
portion of the Republican party are not en
gaged in that kind of work.
The New Hampshire Statesman says:
"Never since New Hampshire became a
State, was its soil laidec with more laiori
ant crops. The horn of plenty bids fair to
gush oot with fatness." In tht language
A.Wsrd. 1st it s"3h. '
I Tm m.a BtKntiT-lhe -oodeo ommeg)
' ankee ol oor town, onsni io mtb some
position by h.e Government ; for sta'.dtna
1 upott oor re's ihreaiming to Knccn me-.
I (town (;'if they wan'! so nd ) e' "r
he hear a conversion tht doe no! ex
i actly aree wi'h hi? way of thirking. We
i understand not long since an old entlemnn
waived his age, bat Mr. Bkknktt
di vol
put in execution his desperate threat of knocking
the old gentleman acrot the pavement I The
cowardly Yankee won't hurl any body
mcch !
Some of the radical organs don't feel ex
actly easy about the en-Men and barbarous
execution ol Mrs. Serration the flimsy evi
dence of a o'runken tavern keeperwho tj
a wit lie to save himself from heina tried
a g piincipa1 and they are now r!re.i'!i
up v-a 'iih-r'Z'd and ineponit.l-. batches
of st off that wa newer tfi v en in evidence a d
are unworhy nt a moment'- serious atten
tiou ll ill require an immense amount
ol labor for th9m to convi'ice the world of
the justice! their own conclusion in regard
io that victim of "military justice."
High Prick Well-founded complaint is
made that there has not been a fall in the
price of provisions at ail commensurate with
the fall of gold When the price ot gold
(alls, everything should fall with it. This,
however, is not the case. Provision are
almost as hith now as ever. Flour for.
examplo, is retailed nearly at the figure it
was when void was quoted at $2 85. It i
the same with many other articles.
is nothing but a swindle, and some means
shoold be taken to prevent it. The public
are grossly imposed upon by speculators.
The people have contributed their blood
and their money to purchase peace, and
now that (hey have obtained it, they are
entitled to one, at least, of the blessings it
should bring low prices of the necessaries
ot life.
The Abolitionists of Alleghany cocnty
have officii-lly declared in favor of negro
suffrage. That will be the isoe in the
corning election, ondertandmgly, if not
operly avowed, by the Bepublican ' loyal
ists." The great work of te-!aying the Atlantic
Cable is probably already completed, as
the Great Eastern, with ber convoys, was
advertised to sail from the coaM of Ireland
for certain purposes last week.
" Y
onr Coosh.
ij ueaa ine adver-
T 1 .
t 1 1 ' .'f V? V--Yemeni relov.
0fykMf Pcenix Pec-
"iniii tnral; or compound
Syrup of Wild Cherry and Seneka Snake
Root, will core the Ureases ot ihe Throat
and Liinss, such as colds, conghs, crorp,
Alhnia, bronchitis, catarr fore throat,
hoarseness, whooping cough. &c.
Its timely nse will preveot PULMOARY
CONSUMPTION. And even where thi
fearful disease i folly developed, it will
; afford more relief than anv oiher medicine
J. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker of the
Pennsylvania House of Representatives,
says ; "This cough remedy is now exten
sive Msed, and n of ihe higher value to
ifi-i community, its curative qualities hav
ing been lefted by thousands with the
mo-t sratilying ret-uli. It is carefully and
hkilluillv preoared trnm Y ld Cherry Bark
n:id Seneka Snake Root, by Dr. Levi Ober
hol zer. a rfpuinbie physician P:ionix
rille, Pa., and is sold by nearly all drug
and country storekeepers."
D. P. Crofby, ex-Post Master and ex
Buiges ol Pottstown, certifies as follows:
10TTST0WN, Jan. 3, 1865.
Thi certifies tbfit I have uned ihe Phoe
nix Pectoral in my family, and I recom
mend it io the Public as ile very best
remedy for cough and cold that I have
ever tried One of my chilJren was taken
with a cold, accomparj-d with a cronpy
rough, -o bad, if! deed, that it could not
talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard
n much said about the Phoenix Pectoral
I procured a bottle of it. The first dose
relieves the difficulty of breaking, and be
fore the child had taken one fourth of the
bottle it was entirely well. Every family
should have it ia their house.
Signed D. P. CROSBY.
J. C. Smith, druggist of New Hope. Bucks
connty, Ta., in writing to Dr. Oberhohzer,
says "A few days since I boauht two
dozen of our valuable cough remedy to
try, and find it very good, and as it i near
ly all gone I would like you to peud" me a
gro.s of it.
"Your medicine givs better satisfaction
than any other I have in the Store. I am
agent lor some of the most popular couh
preparations, but yours seems to be doing
the most good."
The following is an extract from a letter
from Hiram Ellis, merchant, near Potts
town, Pa., "I have tried the PhdBnix Pec
toral and find it to be the best cough med
icine extant. Il meets with a more ready
sale than any other that I have ever had in
my store."
The proprietor of this medicine has so
much confidence in its curative powers,
from the testimony of thousands who have
used it, that the .money will te paid back
to any purchaser who is tiot satisfied with
its effects.''
It is so pleasant to take that chilJren cry
for it. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; large
Bottles' ONE DOLLAR.
It is intended for only one class of dis
eases, namely those ol the THROAT and
Prepared only by LEVI OBERHOLTZER
M. D., PI enixville, Pa., and sold by all
Dmgsiets and Storekeepers.
Johnson, Holloway, & Cow Jen, No. 23
North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, and
F. C. Wells & Co., 115 Frankho Street,
New York, General WbolcSale Agent.
N. B. If your nearest druggist or store
keeper does not keep this medicine do not
let him put yon off with some other medi
cine, because he makes more raotey on it,
but send at once to one of the Agents for it.
June 21, 1865. 6m.
Administrator's Notice
LETTERS of administration on the estate
of William E. Shannon, late of Scott
township, Columbia County, deceased,
have been granted by the Register of said
couDty, to Wellington H. Ent, residing in
the township and county aforesaid. All
persona having claims against the estate
of (he decedent are requested to present
them for payment to the administrator ;
and those indebted to the estate will make
immeJia'e payment to
- WKLLlHlil UN tl. tun l t
Jane 23, 1865. S3.
LEY, A'iorn?r f 1 Mrmhir'?. P
Attorney at Iair
Office on M (dn Street, CATJWSSA,
Columbia county. Pa.
Jnly 12, 1865. 3m.
U. 8. 7-30 LOAN.
By authority of tne Stretary of the
Trear, . ih underigned, the General
Subscription Agetil for the sale of United
Suite- Securities', offers ;io the public the
third -eries of Treasury Notes, bearing
-ev'i a'.d three-tentha per cent, interest
; er ar nr.m, known as the
These notes are issued under date of
July 15. 1865, and Bre payable three years
from that date in currency, or are convert
ible at the option ol the holder into
U. S. 3-20 Six per cent.
These Bonds are now worth a handsome
premium, and are exempt, as are all the
Government Bonds, from Slate, County, and
Municipal taxation, which adds from one to
three per cent, per annum to their vilue ac
cording to the rate levied upon other prop
erty. The interest is payable semi-annually
by coupons attached to each note,
i wnicn may bH cut an S0'J 10 any Da,,k
or banker.
The interest at 7.30 per cent amounts to
One cent per day on a $50 note
Two cents " " 41 SlOO
Ten " " ' " $500
20 " " " " SIOOO
SI ' tl S5000
Notes of all denominations named witl
be promptly furnihed upon receipt of sub
scri ptions.
The Notes of this Third Series are pre
cisely similar in lorm and privileges to the
Seven Thirties already sold except that
the Government reserves to itself the op
tion o.' paying ifiterei.t in gold coin at 6
per cent., instead 7 3-lOths in enrreney.
Subscribers will deduct the interest in cur
rency up to July 1 5th , at tne time when
they ubrribe.
The delivery of the notes of this thirl
series of the Seven-lhirties will commence
on the 1t of June, and will be made
promptly and continuo ot-y after that date.
The slight change the conditions
of this THIRD SFRIES affects only the
maner of -interest The payment ir. gold,
if made, will be equivalent to the currency
interest of he higher rale.
The return to specie payments, in the
event of which only will he option to pay
interest in Gold be availed of, would so re
duce and equalize prices that purchases
made wi;h six per cent in pold wonld b
folly equal to those made with seven and
three tenths pei cent, in ccrrency. This is
Tbe Only Loan 1 1 Market
Now offered by the Government, and its
snperior advantage make it the
Great Popular Loan of the People.
Le than $230,000,000 of the Loan au
thorized by Con2ress are now on the mar
ket. This amount, at the rate at which it
i beir g absorbed, w ill all be subscribed
for fithin sixly days, when the notes will
undoubtedly command a premium, as has
uniformly been the case on closing the
subscriptions to other Loans.
In order that citizens of every town and
section of the country may be afforded fa-ciiitie-
for taking the loan, the National
Banks, State B"ks, and Private Bankers
throuuhout the country have generally
agreed to receive subscriptions al par.
Subscribers will select their own agents,
in whom they have confidence, and who
only are to be responsible for the delivery
of the notes for which tfi-v receive ordrs.
Subscription Agent, Philadelphia.
Subscriptions wiU be received by the
May 24, 1865.
A VERY tVlRGC STOCK of Superior
Family GROCERIES and all things to lie e
upon in the line of necessaries and luxuri s.
AND ALL THAT. Time and space will
not admit of an enumeration of the endless
variety of Goods which I offer for sale.
It is my intention to supply the wants of
the people, and to that end shall lend all
my energies, giving to them at ail limes,
the benefit ot a decline in the market.
Having purchased largely and for Cash,
since the great decline in Gold, I am ena
bled to sell at correspondingly low prices.
Bloomsburg, May 22, 1865.
Estate of b'tlis Jackson, late of Sugarloaf tiep.,
Columbia county, dee'd.
LETTERS testamentary on tbe estate of
Silas Jackson, late of Sugarloaf town
ship, Colombia county, deceased, have
been granted by the Register of said coun
ty to DAVID LEWIS residing in Sugarloaf
township, Columbia co. All persons hav
ing claims against the estate of the dece
dent are requested to present them for set
tlement, and those indebted to tbe estate
are requested to make immediate payment.
DAVID LEWIS, Executor.
May 10, 1865 pd. S3.
A PAMPHLET directing bow to speedily
restore sight and give up spectacles,
wi hoot aid of doctor or medicine. Sent
by mail, free, on receipt af 10 cents. Ad
dress, . E. B. FOOTE, M. D.
1 130 Broadway, New York.
FH. I. 1s Hm.
" Affricn.tural Chemical Co.'s
THE Fertilizer prepared by the Agri
enkunl Chemical Co., (a Company hacr
terpd bv I'r.e L'.'gi-'a litre of Pennsylvania
wiih a capital of 4250,000.) have been
proved in practice to be the cheapest, most
profitable and best, lor the Farmer, Gar
dener and Fruit grower, of all concenlarted
manures now offered in any maiket. The
Company's list embraces the following
This Fertilizer is composed ol night
soil and Ihe fertilizing j.gents of urine,
combined chemicailj and mechanicall
with other valuable lertdizing agents and
It is reduced to a pulverulent condition ;
ready for immediate use, and without loss
of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing proper
ties. lis universal applicability to all crops
and i-oils, and its durability and active
qualities are well known to be all that eg
nculiurists can desire.
The Fertilizer t largely composed of
animal matter, such as meat, bone, fih,
leather, and wool, together with chemical
and inorganic fertilizers, which decompose
the mass, and retain the nitrogenous ele
ments. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field
crops generally, and especially lor potatoes
and garden purposes.
Its excellent qualities, strength and cheap
ness, have marie it very popular with al!
who have ned it.
This highly phosphate fertilizer is par
ticularly adapted for the cultivation of trees
fruits, lawns and flowers. Il will promote a
very vigorous and healthy growth ot v ood
fruit, and largely increase the quantity and
perfect the maturity of the fruit. For hot
liose and household plants and flowers it
will be found an indispensible article io se
cure their greatei-t perlection. It will pre
vent and cure di-esed condition" of the
peach and grape, and is excellent for grass
and lawns.
It is composed of snch elements as make
it ada pled to the growth ol all kinds of
crops in all kinds ol soil.
The tonnnla or method of combinin in
constituent lertilizing ingredients lin re
ceived the highest approval of eminent
chemiits and scientific agriculturists.
The Agricultural Chemical Company
manufacture a Phophate of Lime in accor
dance with a new and valuable lormu'.a by
which a very superior article is produced,
as io be afforded at a less price than other
manufacturers charge. Practical lesis have
proved that its value, as a fertilizer, is
equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in Jthe
TERMS CASH. All Orders of 4 Ton or
more, will be delivered at the Railroad
Stations and the Wharves of Shipment, free
of cartage. Cartage w ill be charged on ad
orders of 6 barrels or less
One dn!ar per Tor. allowance for cartag
will be made on all sales delivered at the
Woiks of the Company on Canal Wharf.
Agricultural Chemical Company's Works,
At Cannl Wharf, on the Delaware.
Office, 413 Anh St. Philadelphia, Pa.
R. B. F1TTS, Gfreral Agent.
The Company's Pamphlet Circular, em
bracing fall directions fo r uing the above
Fertilizers, tent by mail, free, when re
queried. March, 8, 1865 Cmo.
8 C 5 O, O O O
36 Perfitnon Street, Ntw Yark.
offer the fcllowinz inducements to
Iluyer of Valuable
Having been tor a long lime er.gaxed
the Packet business, and established our
reputation for promptness and reliability,
and possessing grrat facilities for selling
Jewelry in thi way, ne are confident that
we can eive satisfaction to all who feet
dipoed to paironifce us.
mond Pins, Chains, to be sold for One
Dollar each, without regard to value, and
not to be paid for until jou know what yon
are to receive.
175 Watches (handsomely ensraved and
warranted perfect lime keepers), varying
in prices from $20 00 to $120 00 each."
225 Ladies' watches, solid gold hunting
cases, S5 00 each. -
250 Gen.lemen's silver watches 15 00
to 20 Oii each.
6,000 Latest style vest and neck chains,
4 5C to 30 00 each
5.000 Gent's California Diamond Pins.
2 50 to 25 00 each.
4.0C0 Calilornia diamond ear drops, 2 00
to 15 00 each.
3 000 Miniature and enamelled gent's
icarf pins, new styles, 5 00 to 15 00 each.
2,000 Masonic and emblem pin, 3 00 10
10 00 each.
2 500 Gold band bracelets, er.graved and
plain, 3 00 to 20 00 each.
3,000 Jet and Mosaic brooches, 3 00 to
70 00 each.
2,000 Cameo brooches, rich patterns, very
tasty, 3 CO to 60 00 each.
4 500 Florentine and Lava pins, the real
article, 4 00 to 10 00 each.
3 500 Lava and Florentine ear drops,
3 00 to 10 00 each.
3,000 Coral ear drops, 4 00 to 6 00 each
2,000 Ladies' Chatelaine chains, Jet and
goid, 15 00 tc 20 00 each.
6,000 Gent's pins, a splendid assortment,
2 00 to 15 00 each.
4,000 Solitaire sleeve buttohs.entirely new
stjles, 2 00 to 5 00 each.
3 000 Studs and sleeve buttons, in sets,
very rich, 3 00 to 15 00 each.
5 000 Steeve buttons, plain, enamelled
ant! engraved, 2 00 to 8 00 each.
10,000 Plain aud handsomely engraved
rings, 2 50 to 10 00 each.
8.000 Spring lockets, double case, richly
- engraved, 2 00 to 15 00 each.
15,000 Sets ladies' jewelry, new and latest
styles, 6 00 to 12 00 each.
2.000 Gold pens, and handsome silver
cases, 5 00 to 10 00 each.
This entire list of beautiful and valuable
goods w ill be sold for One Dollar Each
Certificate! of all the above articles will be
placed in envelopes, and sealed. These
envelopes are se:ii by mail, as ordered,
without reaari to choice. On the receipt
of tbe Certificate yon will see what you
are to have, and then it is at jour option to
send one dollar and take the article, or not.
Five. Certificates can be ordered for 81;
eleven for 82; thirty-five for $5; sixty five
for 813; and one hundred for 815. We
will send a single Certificate on the receipt
of 25 cents.
G. S. HASKINS & Co ,
Box 4270. 36 Beekman St., N. Y.
BJoomibarg, April 5th, 1865.
Aycr's Cherry Pectoral.
No Wood-Work to swell or split No
Thvmb sctews to get out of order -Warranted
with or without cog-wheels
IT took the first premium at fifty-seven
Slate and Count) Fairs in 1863, and is
without any exception, the best Wringer
ever made.. Patented irt the United Slates,
England, Canada, and Australia. Agents
wanted in every town, and in all pans ol
the world. Energetic Agents can make
from three to ten Dollars per day.
Sample Wringers sent Express paid on
receipt of price.
No. 2, $6 50. No 1, $7 50. No. F, 88.50.
No. A, 99 50. Manufactured 8111 sold,
wholesale and retail, by
No. 13 Platl Sireet, N. Y. & Cleveland, O.
A. H. FRANCISCUS, Agent, '
Philadelphia, Pa.
What Everybody Knows, toiz :
That iron well galvanized wilt noi rust.
That a simple machine i better than a
complicated one. That a Wringer should
be sell adjuring, durable, and efficient.
That Thumb screws and Fastenings cause
delay and trouble to regulate and keep in
order. That wood soaked in hot water
will swell, shrink and split. Ihat wood
bearings for the shaft to run in will wear
out. Ihat the Putnam Wringer, with or
without cog wheels,wil! not tear the clothes.
That cog wheel regulators are not essen
tial. That ihe Putnam Wringer has all the
advantages, and not one of the di6edvan-tagp-s
above named. That all who have
tested it, pronounce it the bst Wringer
ever made. That il will wring a THREAD
or a BED QUILT without alteration.
V.'e might fill the paper with testimoni
als, but insert only a few to convince the
skeptical, if uch there be; and we nay io
all, test Putnam's Wiinger. Tesl it thor
oughly with any and all others, and if not
ent'iiely satisfactory, return it.
Putnam Manufacturing Co.
Genilemen I know from practical
experience that iron well galvanized with
zinc will not oxidize or rust one particle.
The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect as
possible, and I can cheerfully recommetid
il io be the best in use.
Ke-pecttiilly vours,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Many years experience in the galvaniz
ing buiness, enable me to endorse the
aboe statement in all particulars.
No. 100 Been man St.
New York, January, 1861.
We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wring
er b) practical working, and know that it
wiil do. It is cheap, it is simple, it requires
no room whether at work or at rest; a child
can operate it It does in duty thoroughly.
It saves time and it saves wear and tear.
We earnestly adviee all who have much
washing to do, wim all intelligent persons
who may have any, to buy th.s Wringer.
It will pay lor iie!f in a year a most.
July G, 18G1. I)'.
TAS always on hand and for sale Fresh
French and Domtstic Confections
in erea and splendid variety ; Nuts Fruits,
and everything usually found in a first
claes confectionery store.
He would call esppcial attention to his
newly received s'ock of
Having recently fitted up a new and
Ice Cream Saloon,
on the fmt floor, two doors west of Eyer
& Moyer's Drug store, he is prepared to
wait npon his many customers with FIUST
CLASS ICE CREAM as cheap s.s the
cheapest. He wiil supply Balls, Parlies,
and Picnics wiih Ire Cream, Confectionery ,
&c, at reasonable rate.
Bloomsburg, April ?G, 1865.
JWUev's Store.
'"HE subscriber has just returned
Ihe cities with another large aud
assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods,
purchased aft Philadelphia and New York,
at the lowest figure, and which he is deter
mined to sell on a moderate terms as cati
be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg.
. His stock comprises
of Ihe chcicest styles and latest fashions,
together with a large assortment of
In short, everything usually kept in conn
try stores, io which he invd es he attention
of the public generally.
The highest price will be paid for coun
try produce, in exchange for goods.
Bloomsburg, June 28, 1865.
Clock and Watch .Tinker,
Wntches, Jewtlry & French Time-Pieces
No. 1031 Market Street, below Elevnth.
Nonh Side,
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly re
paired at the shortest notice.
Gilding and Plating, of all descriptions,
done neatly to order.
CF N. B. Masonic, Odd Fellow's and
other emblematic Marks, made and En
graved to order.
No. 1031 Market Sireet, 3f door below
Eleventh, North side.
Marh ?, 15.
MHHE only Democratic Daily Morning
-- Journal published in Philadelphia.
The publishers oi the Philadelphia AGE
invite the earnest attention of business
men, thinking men, literary men. and til
who are interested in the various occupa
tions and pursuits of life, lo the DAILY
and WEEKLY editions of their Journal.
The Philadelphia Age, which advocate
the princ iples and policy ol the democratic
nartv. is ii-sued every morning, (Sundays
f excepted,) ai d cotua;ns the laiesi intelli
gence irom an pans 01 me worm, wuu tio
fully prepared articles on Government,
Politics, Trade, Finance, and all the cur
rent quest ionfi and allairs ol the da; Local
Intelligence, Market Repoits, Price Cur
rent, Slock quotations, Marine and Com
mercial Intelligence, Reports of Public
Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Corres
pondence, Legal Reports, Book Notices,
Theatrical Criticisms: Reviews of Litersrj
Art and Music, Agricultural Matters, and
discuscions of whatever subject is of gen
eral interest and importance.
No event of any importance occurs In
any pait of the country without being fully
and promptly telegraphed to aud published
in its columns. Il has alt the despatches
of the Associated Press from every part of
the United States, and the news from all
parts of Europe brought by the steamers is
instantly telegraphed, from whatever point
the steamers fiist touch.
Trms Ten Dollars per annum, for
a single copy. Five Dollars," for s'x
tnonths. Two Dollars and Fifty tents
for three months. And for any less
time at tne rate of Une uoltar per mo.,
payment required invariably in advance-
The Philadelphia Weekly A'iE. is a
complete compendium of the news of the
week, and conta i s the chief editoiials, the
Price Current and Market Reports, Stock
Quotations, Intelligence for Farmers, Cor
respondence, and General News Matter
published in the Daily Age. It also con
tains a great variety of oiher literary and
miscellaneous matter, including Tale,
Sketches, Biography, Facet', and Poetry,
rendering it in all respects a First Class
Family Journal, particularly adapted to the.
Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the
Literary man, and all classes of readers.
Il has in fact, every character of A live
newspaper, fitted for the Counting House,
the Workshop, the F reside and the Gen
eral reader.
The WEEKLY AGE is mailed in season
to reach all parts of Pennsylvania, Ntew
Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, on or
betore Saturday of each week.
Teems Two Dollars per rinnttrrt for
a single copy. One Dollar for six mos.
and Sixty cents for three months. One
copy gratis will be sent for one year
to the person forwarding vs 20 yearly
subscribers paid in advance. No paper
will be sent until the subcr:ption is
. SPECIMEN COPIES of the abov n
pers sent gratis to any addres-, on application.
IO ADVERTISERS, The circulation of
the Philadelphia AGE, which is steadily J
1 1 1 i j . i . Sw
arid rapuiiy growing, mane 11 ai leasi a
valuable, a medium for advertising as any
other commercial and business newspaper
in Philadelphia; and the fact that it rear fl
ea a large class of conservative readers
scattered over a vast extent of country, who
do not lake any other Philadelphia paper,
commends it, 10 an extraordinary degree,
as a means of common.cating with the pub
lic not possessed by any otbet Journal pub
lished in this city.
The AGE is now established on a sure
and permarent foundation. The publish
ers could easily fill their columns wmIi lh
unsought and most liberal commendation,
of the press throughout the country; but
they pre'er that it should stand altoethr
upon clairrs to public confidence well
known and established. It will be, as here
tofore, the supporter ol the National, Con
servative, Democratic, Union Principles,
opposed alike to radicalism and fanaticism
in every form, and devoted lo the main
tenance of Good Government, Law, and
Order. The revival of all the busines
relations of the country, consequent rjpoa
the suppression of the rebellion and the
restoration of peace, will enable the pub
lishers to make a number of improvements
in the various departments of this Journal,,
and they, therefore, respectfully solicit th
support of alt who wish to secure one of
ths best Commercial, Literary, Business,
and Family newspapers in the couGtfy
te Now is the time to snbscribei
430 Chestnut Sireet,
June 7, 1865. PHILADELPHIA.
National Foundry.
Rlooimburgr, Columbia Co.,
fne sub-ribjr, proprietor of the tbov
named extensive establishment, is now
prepared to receive orders for all kind of
machinery, for COLLER1ES, BLAST Ft'R
He is also prepared to make Stoves, nil
sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every,
thing usually made in first-class Foundries
His exiansive facilities and practical
workman, warrant him in receiving ihe
largest contracts op tbe most reasonable
17 Grain of all kinds will be taken in
exchange for castings.
Cy This establishment is located near
'he Lackawanna Railroad Depot.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863.
ITIorc I'Yesli Goods.
Just received at Henry Giger's New
Together with a great variety of notions
&c, too numerous to mention.
Produce generally, taken in exchance
for jzoods. The best market price will be
allowed. Give him a call.
Bloomsburg, April 26, 1865.
J1 the memory, of Abraham Lincoln, thu
Martyr President, By Mrs. E. A. Psks
HtasT, Author of "Richmond is Ours.''
The Soldier's Dying Farewell," t:Oh.
send me one Flower from his Grave." N i
Slave beneath that Starry Flag," etc., etc.
This March is very olemn and impressive.
Price 30 cents ; with Vignette of the Pre
dent, 50 cents Mailed free. Publisher,
HORACE WATERS, No. 481 Frodwaj(
New York. ' -'
Mar 3. 2w.