STAlt -or THE NORTH THINGS ABOUT TO WX & CCCSTttY WEDNESDAY, JUNK. 28,. 1865. We hvb on hand and lor sale, neatly primed, , blank oil leases. BitXJ. F. Hartman, of ihi place, has been appointed Depuij Collector for this county ice J. SKreigh, of Catawissa. All kind of job-work executed at t his ' office belter and cheaper than can be had I either of the other offices at this place.. Mr. Michacl F. Ktcrly his been, ap pointed collector, of State and County Taxes, lor this township We should think this a rather good appointment. Ws understand that Stiphcn Baldt, Esq.,. has received I be Duplicate for the collec tion of Stale and County Taxes in the lownship of Catawissa. Isac S. MositoE still retains the position of Internal Revenue Assessor of this county. Ibetoyil nian of the Republican most be hating a high old lime in getting "Ood old Isaac" turned out ! - Sick Abraham Lincoln has been made into a Gud, may we not soon expect to re ceive a proclamation from Heaven declaring the will of (that) God 1 Os Monday last we wre favored with a very nice rain. Noi very good for making hey, bat a very essentia' aid iu making corn and potatoes. ' Ova devil fays the ice-cream prepared and dealt out at Stohner'a Saloon is "bunk um:' If "bunkum' means' good we can endorse his idea. Ou Abolition neighbors endeavor to pro duce the belief thai by death Abraham Lincoln was made into 'a God ! Consider ing hi conduct during Kle we are more inclined to infer hi transition resulted in milking birn prince o devils ! . -- Wk would call at euiioii io the aJveriae tnent of Reed & Brother iu another column. They are lecommended as men of imesriiy, ttd no drtatt u ilf do justice to all who may favor 'hem with J heir ps:rona2. Thr imroa ot te Republican -huiks a local item vt our fast issue, touchina the negro question, ttr.kes closely, and he advices us lo look around ard see what seme body may have lor dinner. A- that would lead -nsioan examination of the a flairs of It dies, e respec fully lifeline, leaving the ui4tier to an adept. Fur iii.-uce; Mr He Jiulllltlllt. - - - TuRpeopleof Bviwick and vicinity pur pose celehrating the coming 4'h of July in kn appropriate aiid t-ecoming' manner We remember the day when BrfT'vick wss not easily sorpbed in getting up anything of the kind ; and from what we siiil know ol the place, it has not re'.rograutf J any in (hat rrfpect, at lea-t. TiUhR has t een qui e a contest i'i Wa.-h-ingtoti city between the different relinioof ilenominaiions for the purchase of Ford's. Theatre. -Ji is ss'nl that the Young MenV Christian Association will procure the ins i iiilion and will speedily convert it into a house ot worship, after which the proba bilities are, Ae will It no more Pie: ideal Q$aiilatei in U. Next ek being a general week of holidays our jratrona will excuse o for not ' publishing oor paper. Our compositors we suppose instigated by ihe teaching' o! the 'devif," who always rejoicei in a week of idleness pnrpt-se celebrating the com ing anniversary of independence by recre ation and suspension ot labor, so that we are unable to issue a paper next week. ' WtxroMR Ho3b. Almost every train brings some o( our soldier. back to their homes. Covered with honor aud g'ory she) are welcomed by a grateful people. .The letrices which they have rendered to their roontry, the perils and hardship which they have braved, the personal sacrifices they made, have secured for them the a -probation of their fellow cit'Zer.sT and en tile their memories lo be k-pt green lorve r more. Welcome bomejihen, we say, brvr sons of Columbia county, and live in peace aain. Printing paper does not seem to decline iu price in ihe same proportion with other articles of irade. We are paying a higher price at the Catawissa Mills than paper can ie had for (same quality) a: Philadelphia or New York. How is this? The price of paper material and jaoor does not warrant oor paper manufacturer in charging os pres ent prices. It is too muth ; and publishers should combine together "and erect mills ol their own. We know quite a number of or neighbr ring editors who send lo Ithica, lS'ew York, for paper, and receive a cheaper andVfc article than we are buying in Co lombia county.- We don't use a great deal, tut think we shall do th same. Thr Fourth t.i Jackson The citizsns of Jackson and adjoining towaships will hold r celebration eu the coming 4th of Jaiy near Ira jf Dcaa'a, in Jackson township. We nn derstand speakers have been procured, and all arrangements made to celebrate the day ia rooJ old fashioned way.- This is what we delight to see. The' abolition party would -ignore the day entirely other than Jor political purposes. The Democrals pada the 4th of July and it is do more 4ha proper and right that they ahoold cel ebrate i:s anniversary when ever it comes found, which they intend Joing A coxTtMPOHiRT saj a three-fourths of the Ihe j'jjgss on ihe bench of this Slate take teir toddy "on the sly," and it is estimat ed that a similar proportion of preachers do( thrt same thius- The coad'uion of public rtcr slj ssem to prove jt. J Thsw heir to the Prince of Wales, and after him to the crown of bogland, was born oil June 3. James G. Bennett, of the New York Htrald, and W. C. Byratil of the Evening tost, are both over seventy years old. Mrs. Lyd:u Huntley Sigourney, whose poetry, chiefly of a religious and didactic character, died at Hartford, Conn , on Son day week. Jefferson Davis, it is reported now, is to be tried iu the United Stale District Court at Baltimore, presided over by Chase, C. J. It is stated thai Geo. Grant will be in PhilaJelphia on the 4th of July. , ft is also elated lhat he will be at the Saratoga Springs on the same day, and it is further announced that he will be in Albany on that day. Where won't he be? The newspaper writers have bim here, there aud all over at one and the name time I Mrs. Skwasd, wife of Secretary of State, died on "the morning of the 2 1st inst., in Washington city, and her remains were interred, on Friday last, in Auburn, N. Y. Rkt. H. Bellows, a Unitarian preacher of New York city, in bis late fast-day ds course, presented the gospel of Christ in two aspscts, vi : 1. The importance of holding the South ern people uncer the most gallitm despo tism cl martial law,, and regarding the whites of all aes and sexes as subjugated people. . 2. The necessity of depriving all Catho lics of the benefit of citizenship in this country. That is the eospel of Christ accorTfin to Mr. Bellows. We have often wondered what can be the character of thu people who sii under the pipings of such a wind instrument . Christians we may not imagine them to be ; nor can we fancy them gentlemen and ladies, without straining a point. Troops to be Mustkred Opt. The num ber of troops in ihe army of the Potomac and in the armies of Sherman, whose terms of service ex pire prior to October 1st, and now i under orders for muster out, is estimated at 122.310. as folIow.H . 139 three year regiments of 1862, Three year recruits of 162. 23 one year regi ments of 1864, One year recruits of 1864, Total. 55 600 20,150 14 8-10 31.720 122 310 Administrator s IVoticc LETTERS of administration on th esta'e of William E. Shannon, late of Scott township, .Columbia County, deceased, have been granted by the Register of said ountj , to ellington H Ent, residing in lh lownhi; and county aforesaid. All persons having claims against the e-ta:e ff ihe decedent are rquet-t-d to prj-ei:t tttem for payment to the adminiMra'or ; and thosrt in lebt-d lo the estate will make immediate payment to WELI INCTON II. ENT, June 28, 1865 S3. Adm'r. Ad szii nisi ra lor's I'ot:ce. J" ETl ERS of administration or th enr!e of Charles Siewarl, lateof Bloom town- : ship, Coluriis. County, deceased, Ii.ivh been granted by the Uegiter of-aid conn- ! ly, to Lemuel Potter, residing in Mjinvill, I Columon Cooniy. All prons havmsr da iins . against the E.-late of the 'ectiient are requested lc present them lo ihe a i miuiiiraior lor set1 lemenl ; and ths in debted to iht entate will come fo'.vard a'nl make im'iiediate payment to the adminis trator. LEMUEL POTTER. June 2S, 1865,33 pd. AJm'r. U.S. 7-30 LOAiX. THIRDSERIES, 5?2:;o,ooo,o. By auihoriry of the Secretary of the Treasury, the undersigned, the General SnlrmiAii Aoentfor ihe sale of United! r --o States Securities, offers lo ihe putl'c the third series of Treasury Notes, bearing seven and ihree-tenths per cent, interest per annum, known as the SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN Thase notes are issued unJer da'e of July 15, 1865, and are payable three years froin that date in currency, or are convert ible al Ihe option of the holder into U. S. 5-2C Six per cent. ttOLD-BEASrlAG ISOMiS These Bonds are now worth a handsome nrerr.inm. and are exempt, as are all Ihe , , . . Government Bonds, from State. County, and Municipal taxation, which adds from one to three per cent, per unmnn to their vfue ac cording lo the rate levied upon other prop erty. The interest is payable semi-annually by coupons attached to each not, which may ba cut off aud sold to any bank or banker. The interest at 7.30 per cent amounts to One cent per day on a S50 note. Two cents " " " S100 Ten " u ' " 500 20 - " ' " " " SI00O 81 ' ' " S5O0O n Notes of all denominations named wi'l be promptly furnished upon receipt of sub scriptions. The return to ppecie payments, in the event of which only will 'he option to pay interest in Gold be availed of, would so re duce and equalize prices that purchase made wiih six per cent in gold wonld be fully equal lo those made with seven an I three tenths 'per cent, in currency. Thi i The Only Loan i i Market Now offered by tae Government, a;id i:s superior advantages mak it f i Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $230,000,000 of th Ln'i au thorized by Congress are now on t" mir kel. This amountr at the rate al which it is being absorbed, will all be ub-eribed for -vilhia sixty days, when the notes wiil nndoubledly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing 'he subscriptions to other.Loans. In order that cit zans of every town an.) section of the country may be afforde-J a cilities for taking the loan, the National Ban knj Slate Bankii, and Private Bar.keis. thronuhout the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par.--Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom ihey have confidence, and whe only are to be responsible for ihe delivery of the notes for which, they receive ord rs. - JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. -- Subscriptions will be received by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BLOOMS BURG AND THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BERWICK. May 24, tSG5. . I WIST AU'S BAILS AM or One of the oldest and mni reliable rem edies in ihe world for Courtis, Colds, -Whooping Cough, Bonchiii, Dif ficulty of Breath ins, Atthrna, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup. and every Afie;iiou of the THROAT LUNGS and CHEST, including even WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY So general has the use of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, lhat it is ur. necessary lo recount iis virtue lis works speak for it, and find utterance in the abundant and voloniaryles imony of the many who from long suffering and set iled disease have by its use been restored to pristine vigor and health. We can pre sent a mass of evidence in proof of our assertions, lhat CANNOT DE DISCREDITED. Testimony of. Mr. JAMES GRIMES, a gentleman highly esteemed in Columbia Co. Pa, and one whose statement can be relied upon. Mt. Pleasant. Col. ro., Pa., May 21,1860 Messrs Setli W Fo-rler & Co., Boston Gentlemen About three years ago our daughter, now twelve years ot age, was severely afflicted with croup. A yeneral irritation of the longs followed, producing a heclie cough, which became almost eon slant, swelling of, the temples and other indications of Consumption were also ap parent, and her life was despaired of by physician. At this critical moment we were induced to give Dr. Witar's BaUain of Wild Cherry a trial, and after she had taken one bottle we found her so much re lieved lhat it was though) unnecessary to continue it use. Isince that lime we have used ihe Balsam ir. our family in cases of Coogh9 and Cold, i nd believe it to be a superior remedy fji all diseases of the Lungs. Yours with revert JAMES GRIMES. FROM JESE SMITH, E-q., i President of ihe Marris County Bauk Mor- rito n, N. J. "Having used Dr. Wi&tar's Bilsam of Wild Cherry for about filteen year, and having real'zed its beneficial reult in icy family, ii afford me great pleasure in re commending it to Ihe iiubhc a valua- be frnedv in cases ot weak lung, cola-, coU2fis, 6:0 , ana a remedy wiiu-n 1 cousin er 10 be emirrly iiinocent. and may J'e ta ken wi'h perfect sa lety by the most deli cate in fiahh." FROM HON. JOHN E. SMITH, A disslitiguished Lawyer in Westminster Md. I havn nn several occasion" used Dr. Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Cherry forevere cold- and always with decided benefit. 1 kr.ow ot tio prepnratiin lhat i more etfi--c;icin3 or more deserving of ueneral ur?. Th Bal-am liae al-o ben un6 I wiih ex fflUr.l etff-ci bv J B Elliott. Merchant, Ilii's Cross Roads, Ml. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY N:,f sieuiiine unit's- sinefl BUVTS, '"' nn the h-rapper. . FOR SALE BY . J. P. DIN'SMOKE. No. 491 Broadway, N.Y. W. FOWLK & Co.,-Proprietor, Bo-:on. And by a 'I Drugiss IIKCDIXG'S ITSSIl SALVE Heal- O. i ore: Rdding Ru-sia Salve- Cures Bcrns ScaKt, Cii'i. Rr'hiinti's Rn-i-ia Salve Cures Wound-, Bruises. Sprains. Re.iding's Russia Salve Cures Boils, Ul j cers, tanrer Redtiin?s Rnssia S.dve Cures Salt Rhenrn, P.le-, Erysipelas. ' Rodding's husia Salve Cures Ring worm. Corns, ice, N No fa.xily holll be witf onf it. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. For salf by J. P. DINSMORE. No. 491 Broad way . N.Y. S. W. EOWLE &. Co. No. 18 Tre.i.ont b; Bo-ton, and by all Druggists and Coun'ry S orekeepers ,0v IS6I. ly." rpHE County Com missio'iers will reeeive J. proposals arUilliam Uolme s in len- Ion township, Columbia county, between ihe hours ol 12 M. and 3 P. M , on Mondaij, the day of July. 1865, fi-r budding an Arcli Covered bridue over Fishingereek, near the resi('pn-e of Peter Karns. Said Bridge to bn 100 feel between abutment ; width 1 feet; height 13 fe?t 6 inches from low-w?ler mark. The abut menrs to be 7 feel thick, and the wing wall on ihe upper side of Ea-l abutment 20 feei i loria, and on lower side of said abutment 12 leet long The will also receive proposals al Josh-' ii a B Hess' in Snsarloaf township, Colum bia conntv. between the hours of 1G A. M anc 3 P M., on Tuesday, the 1 1'h day of July, 1863 for building an Arch Covered bridge over Fishingereek, near the residence of Ihe said Joshua B. Hess. SaiJ bridge lo be 92 feet between abutments; widih 16 feel 8 inches ; hight 13 leel 10 inches from low water mark. The bbutmerts to be 7 feet thick, and the wing-wall on upper side o! j Last ahunneni 25 feet Ions; Ihe wing-wall pu lower side ot said abuiment 10 feet long, and none required on ihe upper and lower side of We-t abutment. By order of the Commissioners. R. C. FRUIT, Clerk. Commissioners Office, ) Eloomsburg , June 21, 1865 ) BLO0MSBUI1G PROVISION S T OR E ! THIS ESTABLISHMENT OFFERS TO THE PLT.LIC AT XV B! O Is I : S A LK & 11 UTA I Ii, A VERY L4RGF. 8TO K of Superior Family GROCERIES and all ihic to live upon in the line ot necearies and luxuries. .HERE YOU CAN FIND SUGAR, TEA. COFFEE, SPICK. &c. DRIED FRUIT OF ALL KIM. FLOUR. PORK, HAMS DRIED P E K F , B UT i E R 'J HK ES E. C BACKERS. FISH SALT, - BROOMS. W 00 DEN WARE, AND AI L 1 HA r. Tin e and will not r. 'mi.' a:' er: i: mral io. of Hit ei.dl-s varieiy of (JooJ- which t off-r for sale. 1 1 is my iniention to guppU the h::Ii t t th j.eoole, and to lhat end shall ler.d ii my T.-r;iiesJ xivi' g t" them at ail the benefit of a decline fa ilm market. ' Havng pnrct a-ed lare'y ami for Cash. ince ihe great decline in Gu!d, 1 am ena bled to sell at correspondingly low prices ' csraisii paw for eggs. LAYTON RUN Y AN. Bloomshr.ra, May 22, If'So COWARDS ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Urinary and Sexual Systems new and reliable irea'menf. Al so the BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Essay of Wa ning and Instruction, sent in sealed envelopes, free of charge. AdJTesd, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associ ation, No. 2, South Ninth Sreet Philadel phia, Pa. June'21, 1865 ly. Agricn tural Cbeaical Cos CflKAP FERTILI-5EUST THE Fertilizers prepared by the Agri cultural Chemical Co., (a Co mp any ha tered by the Legislature" ot Pennsylvania with a capital of $250,000.) have been proved in practice to be the cheapesl, most profitable and best, tor the Farmer, Gar dener and Fruit "grower, of all concentarted manures now offered "in any market. The Company's list embraces the following pablTlette. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing igents of urine, combined chemically and mechanically with otber valuable fertilizing agents aud absorbents. It is reduced to a pulverulent condition ; ready for immediate dse, and withonl Ions of its highly nitrogenous, ferjiliziug proper ties. lis nniversal .applicability to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that ag riculturists can desire. CHEMiCAC0MP0ST. The Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, siich as meat, bone, fih, leather, and wool, together with chemicals ar.d inorganic fertilizers, which decompose the mass, and retain The nitrogenous ele ments. It is u very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especiallj for potatoes and garden purposes. lis excellent qualities, strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular wiih all who have ned it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This highly phosphate fertilizer is par ticularly adapted for the cultivation of trees lruits, lawn and flower. It will promote a very vigorous and healthyarowih ol v ood fruit, aud largely increase the quantity and perfect ihe maturity of the Iruil. For hot los and household plants ?nd flowery it will be found an indispensable article lo se cure their greatest perfection. Il will pre vent and enre diseased conditiwi of the peach aryi grape, and is excellent lor grass tnd lawns. It is composed of such element as make it ada pted lo the growth of - nil kinds ot crops in all kinds of toll. The tormnla or method of combining it constituent- fertilizing ingredients ha re reived the hiahest approval of eminent chemists and scientific aricuiiuristg. PHOSPHATE OF LIME The Agr'uultural Chemical Company rnanii.'actnre a Phophatw ol Lime in accor dance with a new and valuable formula by which a very superior article is produce!, as 10 be afforded al a 1- price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that its value, as a lertilize,-, is t-qual to the best Phosphate of Lime in ;tl e market. TERMS CASH. A!! Orders of a Ton or more, will be delivered al the. .Railroad S aiio'i- and the Wharves of Shipment, free (il CK'ia0. Carafe wid be charged on a'i order- ot 6 barrel or less. Oi.e dIar per Tot; allowance for cartage will be made 011 alf sales delivered at ttie Work- of trie Company on Canal Wharf. Agricultural Cbenr,ica.i Company's Works, At Cuml tt'h-trf. on the De'aware. Office, 413$ Aich Si. Philadelphia, Pa. R. K. KITTS, Grr.eral Auent. The Company 's PamiKilet Circular, em brat-ing fj!J directions fo . Using ihe above Fertilizers, t-eut by mail, free, when requested. March. 8 18S5 6mo. 61, ok I o or WATCHES. CUAIAS, RIXGS, JLC. G. S. HASKINS 8o CO., 36 Refkman Strict, New Yark. cf!-r t' ;tlloi?i2 ii,diu-em"ins to II ii vers of Valuable Z3 LSd 33 O j Having bten fcr a lorg time er.saged th Packet business, ami established our reputation for prcmp!ier-s and reliability, and possessing grat facilities for sfllma Jewelry in 1 1 . i way , e ere confident lhat we ran cive satisfaction to all who feel disposed to pa'ronize us. S650.C00 WORTH OF WATCHES. DIA mnnd Pins, Chains, to te sold for Dollar each, w ithout re J-ard to value, and lot to be paid for until you know what you ar to receive. JUST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH I 175 Watches (handsomely ensraved and warranted perfect lime keepers), varying in prices from S20 00 to $120 CO each. 225 Ladies' wa.ches, solid gold hunting cases, S55 00 each., .' 250 Gen le men 'a silver watches 15 00 lo 20 00 each. 6,000 Latest style vesl and neck chains, 4 5C to 30 00 each 5.000 Gent's California Diamond Pins, 2 50 to 25 00 each. 4 000 Caiilarnia diamond ear drcp, 2 00 lo 15 00 each. 3 000 Miniature and enamelled Hem". tcarf .in. new sty Ie, 5 00 to 15 00 ea:h. 2,000 Maonic and emblem pin-, 3 00 to 10 00 each. 2 500 Gold band bracelets, engraved an. I plain, 3 00 to 20 00 each. 3,000 Jet and Mosaic brooches, 3 00 to 70 00 esch. 2,000 Cameo brooches, rich patterns, very tasty, 3 00 lo 60 00 each. 4 500 Florentine and Lava pins, the real article, 4 CO to 10 00 each. 3 500 Lava and Florentine ear drops, 3 00 to 10 00 each. S.noo Coral ear drops, 4 00 to 6 00 each 2,000 Ladies' Cha'elaine chains, j-t and gold, 15 00 tc 20 00 each. 6.000 Gent's pins, a spIendiJ assortment, 2 00 to 15 00 each. 4.000 Solitaire sleeve buttons, eufnely new siy ies, 2 00 lo 5 00 each. 3 000 Siuds and sleeve buttons, in sets, very rich, 3 00 to 15 00 each 5 (mi) Sleeve bu tons, plain enamelled jr t engrave.!, 2 00 lo 8 00 each. 10.000 Piaui and handsomely engraved rins, 2 50 to 10 00 each. 8 1)00 Srrir locket-, double case, richly entraed, 2 00 to 15 00 each. 15.000 Scs ladtes' j-welry, new and Iatet styl.-s, 6 (K) to 12 00 each. 2 000 (ioitt pens, at,d handsome silver a-e-. 5 00 to 10. 00 each This entire Ii-t of beauiiful and valuable wood will be so'il for One Dollar Etch Cer ificales of sil the atfova art.cles wiil be. placed in envelopes, and sealed. The..-e envelopes aie sent by mail, a cr-'ered, without regard to choice. On the receipt of the Certificate you will see what you are lo have, and then it is a!, ye-ur option to send one dollar and take thu article, or not. Five Certificates can be ordered for 81; eleven for $2; thirty-five for 65; sixty-five for S10; and one hundred for SI5. We will send a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 centsv G. S. HASKINS & Co , Box 4270. 36 Beekman St., N. Y. Bloomburg, April 5lh, 1855. Ayefs Cherry Pectoral, riAivo-roR': THE attention of the public and the Irade is inviled to our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano-Fories, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hrherto offered in this market. They contain all ih modem improvements. V rench, Orsrio Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Sirun Ba-s &r.. ai d earh it.s.rnmer.l being made under the personal supervision td Mr J. H. GllOVESTEEN, v, ho has had a practical ex rerience of over 30 years in iheir rcar.nfartnre, is fully warremed in every panicular. The Groveitcen Piuno-Frte Received tfie Highest award of Merit over all others at the Celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from the besi makers of London, Pari-, Germany, t -i i..i. 1.,., i ij w YnrV- and also at the American Institute lor I five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our lin a still more nerfect riano ware-roon. u y ine lu'tnuuiiuuu ui nuiu .i. . " ... Fone, and by manufacturing largely, with a st.icily cash system, are enabled lo offer Ihese instruments at prices which will preclude all competition. "-.,- v n PRICES' No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, liosewooc plain i ae 5275. So. . Seven Octave, round corners, Rowood heavy mouldin2 S300. No. 3, Seven Cave, round comers. Rosewood Loui- XIV sile &325. h lac simile of the a v ''t- TEIMI-. NKT V V S El , IX CIISMSFT FUxDS. rT DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SEM FREE.j July 13, 1864. ly. V f Ti A n I LOU IKS V IU X G K R . IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE S R LFADJ US TIN G JM ISG ER . Y Wood-Work lo s to ell or split No Thumb sciews to gel out of order -Jfarraixlcdwilh or without cog-whfth T look the first premium at fifty-sevwn Siate and County Fairs in 18B3, and i without any exception, the best W ringer ever rna 'e. Patented in ihe United States, England, Canadi, and Australia. Agenfg wanted in every town, and iu all parts ol the voild. Energetic Agents can make fnm three to ten Dollars per day. Sam, le Wringers sent Express pail on rceipt of price. No. 2, 50. "no I, S7 50. No. F, 58.50. N'. A. 59 . 0. Mai'tfactured am' told, wholesale and retail, bv THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO , No 13 Piati S'reei, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. A H. FRANCISCUS. Aser.'. Pl.iladeiphia, I'a. JJ hat r.vtryhouy Known, viz: That iron well al v;,:ii.ed will not rust. T!?at a simf.'e machine is be'ter than a complicated on-. Ttiat a Wrinar should bo sell adju-ti:i2, durable, au.l etTicienl. That Thumb screws ami Fastenings cause dlay and troutle to regul ile and keep in order. That wood soaked in not water will swell, sluink an t spin. That wood bearing for the shad to run in will wear out. That the Putnam Wrii.2r, wiih or without coz w heel, w ill not tear the clothes. That coi wheel renu'a'ors are. not essen tial. That th Putnam Wringer has all t tie advantages, and not one ol the disdvan laiies above named. That all who have tested it, pronounce it ihe b st Wrineer ever made. That it will wrina a THREAT) or a BED QUILT without alteration. We mitit fill the paper with tesiimoni als. but insert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such there be; and we say u ali, tesi Putnam's Wiinger. Test il thor oushly wnti any and all o:hers, and if not entuely sail-factory, return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Gentlemen I know from practical eiperiei ce that irou well calvanized with zinc will not oxidize or-rust one particle. The Putnam Wrinaer is as near perfect as pcssible, and 1 can cheerfully recommend it to be ihe het in nse. Respectfully vours. JOHN W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Onio. Many years experience in toe galvaniz ing business, enable me to endorse the above statement in all particulars JNO C. LEFFERTS, -No. 10( Beekman St. New York, January, 1861. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wring er by pr-ii-iical working, and know that it will do. Il is cheap, it is simple, it require no room whether at work or at rest; a child I'iiti operate it li does itsdmy thoroughly. It saves lime and it saves wear and tear. We earnes'ly advise all who have much washing to do, wiih all intelligent persons who may have any, lo buy this Wringer. Il will pay lor itself m a year a. moM. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. "IT n. stoiinerT BAKr.UAXI) COXmTlOMiii TTAS always on hnnd and Tor Kale Fresh Al- BREAD, CAKES, and PIES; French and Domestic Coufcctisus in grea? and splendid variety ; Nuis Fruiis, and everything usually found in a Srst class confectionery stare. He would call especial attention lo his newlv received stock of PICKLED FRUITS, AS D JELLIES. Having recendy fitted up a new and legHiu Ice Cream Saloon, on ihe lirrt floor, iwo dcors west of Eyer & Moyer's Drug storey he is prepared to wait upon his many cu-tomers wiih FIRST CLASS ICE CREAM as cheap as the cheanest Ht? will supply Balls, Parties, and Picnics wiih Ice Cream, Confectionery , ice. at reasonable rate . Bloomsbutj, April 26, 1865. Claim Agency. THE undf r-iaoed desires lo t ail atten tion of liie pabl'h: to his facilities of obtain ing FeiT-ions, Bounties (Lcal a.iA Govern ment) Bounty Lands for Soldiers, 03 CC3 si 12 a Settlement of officer's Account, &c. Dis charged Soldiers ci tneir heir can gel their FULL BOUNTIES though generally they have ieceived pa rl. No charges for information, not unless claim is secured. Office wish E. H. Little Esq., in white frame building below Exchange Hotel. C.B. BROCK WAY. Bloonsburs April , 1865 ly. -'SS-C-JU'T-P G RVOESTE f N 8c CO. i: i?s a i vv ctmieks, JYcio Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. F"lHE undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public tenerally, that he has jusi received Irom ihe Eastern Cities, a larse assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of all sorts, sixes and quantities, whicti will be sold cheap lor cash or country produce. ALSO. a a '1'; - it t. aw n 7 IHlll'l w 1111 k mil. T, ... 1 1 a r il- ill, u Kariuli' r t n r tions and ih'uoj- loo troublesome to niiTier- ate, to Lich he inviie.- Ihe u tenuon ol pur chaT'. tf Hr is aho prepared to -make us clutliinz to ordrr. on reasonable tcrrip, and vp lo the latest fashions. ESCall a::d examine our stock of woods. ANDREW J. EVANS. B'oomsburg, June 7. 1865. jailer's Store. OF TALL AM) Vt I.rLIi GO'JIiS. f?YIIE snb-criber has j-jst returned from ttie cilies with anoilier lare and select assoitinei.! of Full and JVinttr Goods, purchased al Philadelphia and Nww York, al the lowrst finnre, and which he is deter mined to sell on a moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere iu Bioomsbu rg. Hi slock comprises LJIDIF.' DRESS GOODS. of the clu icesi styles and laiesi lashious, lo'njiher with a lame assort nieio of DllY-CUODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, AND VESTLNGS. ALSO. GROCF.RIES, HARDWARE. QUE EN'S W ARE, C E D A H W A R R, HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON. IlOO IIS 4- SHOES, HATS 4- OAPS-c. In shoit, everything usually ke;t in coun try stores, to w hich be invd be wtletilion of the public generally. The hiihe-i price will be paid for coun Iry produce, in exchange for ponds. STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsbuig, Oct. 12, 1864. ! gyAMES ROBINSON, Clock and "Watth JSaker, AND IMPOBTKR CF Watches, Jewelry A: French Tfme-IMeccs, AISO. SISfVntTV.R OF SILVER AND SILVER PLA TED WARE, fJOLf; SILVER If STEEL SPECTACLES, No. 1031 Marktt Street, bduw Elevnth, North Side, PA1LADELPHIA. Clocks, Walchus sni Jewelry neatly r; paired at the shoriel notice. Gliding and Plating, ol all descriptions, done neailv to order. rs" N. l. Masonic. Odd Fellow's .and o her emblematic Marks, made aud En graved to order. A FINE ASt-ORIMENT OF FRENCH, EMI US II $ AMERI CAN CLO' K, TAP.LE AX I) TOCKKT CITLCi V, Army Corps tor sale. AND MADE Hi ORDER. No. 1031 Market Sree;, 3i door be!ow Eletenth, Nonh oide. March 26, 1S65. is 1: i;s 11 H E.vr s i. o AS'D CONFECTION ERY STORE. II. CllRlSTMAX, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi zens of Bioornsburg and vicinity lhai he has just opened a new Refresh men! Sa loon and Confectionery Pmre, on M-iiu-st, second door below the ''American House," where lie intends supplying all who may Eiv,i him their custom wiih F:'ESIIOS TEfiS, Clam Soup, Sardines, Boded Egss, Ham, Tripe Pi2' Feet, Dried Herring, &c. lie will sNo keen on hand a superior ar ticle of DR.M'GHT ALE. Porter, Lagerbeer, and Sar-aparilla : together wi;h a good as sonmenl of CanJres, Sweetmeats, Cakes, Cigar and Chewing Tobacco. In connec lion with this saloon he has fil.ed up a La-, dies Department, where all who n.ay de sire can call for Oysters and Rfresonien t and will be free from all annoyances in indecencies that ladies are ton of;en ex posed 'o in some of our best raetaufants. Don't faii to giv him a cr.ll. H. C CHRIS I'M AN, Proprietor Bioom-burg. 0-i.-I2. lfil. O.WI'YAXllXti, NEATLY A N D PROMPTLY DONE, byC. G. KAKK I.F.Y, Attorney at Law, Bloom sburg, ?. IMJOM'FCTi: I - THE PHILADELPHIA ACL, 165, rtMW. only. Democratic -Daily Moririn A J0nrnl published in Philadelphia. The publishers ol the Philadelphia Aur. invite the earnest alterdiou of busmes men, thinking men, literary men. and all who are interested in ihe various ''"P": lions and pursuits of life, iotheDAlLx and WEEKLY editions of their Joornal. The Philadelphia Ase, which advocaiet the princile and polity ol the democratic pa rty, is issued every morning, - (Sundays excepted,) ar d contahis ihe latest intelli gence from all parts of ihe world; wiih care fully prepared articles on Government. Politics, Trade, Finance, and all ihe cur rent questions and affairs of the day; Local Intelligence, Market Repoils, Price Cur rent, Stock quotations, Marine and Com mercial lutelliserice, Reports of Public Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Corres pondence, Legal Reports, Book Nonces, Theatrical Criticisms, Review' of Liltrar Art and Music, Agricultural Mailers," and discussions of whatever subject is of gen eral interest and importance. No event of any importance occurs in any part of the country without beimr fully and promptly telegraphed lo and published in i's columns. Il has all th despatches; of the Associated Press from every paitof the United Slates, and ihe news from all parts ol Europe brought by the steamers i instantly telegraphed, from w ha;ever roiiit the feteamers fi;st much. Tkrms Ten Dollars per annum, for . a single copy. Five Dollars, for s'x months. Two Dollars and Fifty cents for three months. And for any less time at the rale of One Dollar per mo., payment required invariably in advance. The Philadelphia Weekly AGE, id a complete compendium of lite news of tha w eek, and conta i s the chief editorinls.jthe Price Current and Market Reports, Stork Quotations, Incelliuence for Farmer. Cor respondence, and Geheral News Mailer published in the Daily A&e. Il also con tains a urei variety of older liierary and miscellaneous matter, including Tales, Sketches, Biography, Facet. oe, and Poeiry, renderiihu il in all respects a First Class Fa mil) Journal, particularly adapted to (he Politician, the Merchant, the Farmer, the Literary- mac, and nil classes ot readers, Ii lias in fact, every character of a live newspaper, fitted for the CountinaiHonse, ihe Workshop, ihe F reside and ihe Gen eral reader. The WEEKLY AGE is mailed in season to reach all parts of Pennsylvania, New; Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland, oil or beiore Saturday of each week. Terms Two Dollars per annum fir a single copy. One Dollar for six mo s. and Sixty cents for three months. One copy gratis tviU be sent for one year to the person forwarding vs 20 yearly subscribers paid in advance. No paper will be sent until the subscription is paid. SPECIMEN COPIES of the above p. pers sent gratis lo utiy address, on applica tion. TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the Philadelphia AGE, which is steadily and rapidly growing, makes il at least as valuable a medium for advertising as any other commercial and business newspaper in Philadelphia; and the faci thai it reach es a Iar2 class of conservative raader. (scattered over a val exieni of country, who (li not lake any other Philadelphia paper, commends it, 10 an extraordinary degree, as a means of communicating with the pub lic not possessed by a:ty o'.Ler Journal pub lished in ihis city. The AGE is now es'al.n.-hecT on a surtf and permanent foundation. The publish ers could easily fill their columns woh the unsoutht and most liberal commendation of the press throughout the Country; but they pre'er that it should stand a! 101 her upon claims 10 public confi.'encewell known and established. It will be, as here tofore, the supporter ol the National, Con servalive, Democratic, Union Principles, opposed alike !o radicalism and fnaiicism in every form, and devoted lo the main tenance of Good Government, Law, and Order. The revival of all the business relations of ihe country, consequent upon the suppression of Ihe rebellion and the restoration ol peace, will enable the pub lishers to make a number of improvements in the various departments of this Journal, and they, therefore, respectfully solicit ihe support of all who wish jo secaie one of the beat Commercial, Liierary, Business, and Family newspapers in ihe'cour.try. Ci?" Now is Ihe lime to subscribe Address, GLOsSBRENNER & WELSH, 430 Che-tnni Street, Jun- 7, lr-C5. PHILADELPHIA. National Foundry. XHooimbttr, Columbia Co., 'lne subsribjr, proprietor of the rbove named extensive establUhmen?. is now prepared lo receive orders for nil kinds of machinery, for COLLEIU ES, BLAST FIR NACES. STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES. &c, &c. He is also prepared to make Sioves, all sizes and pattern, Plow-irons, mid every ihing usually made in fitsi-class Foundries His extansive facilities and practical workman, wairanl him in receiving the largest contrasts op tte most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds wiil be taken in exchanae for castings. r?" This establishment i located near he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. GROCERY STORE. ON MAIN STREET, ELOOMSBURG. ITZorc I'rcsh Good. .Tint received at Henri Giser's New Store: MOLASSES, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, RICE, SMCER, FISH. SALT. RAISIN, TOP.AOCO, SEGARS, CANDIES, NOTINNs, Tovs, FEED AXD PROVISIONS, Together with a great variety of notions &c , too pumerons 10 mention. D U TTERt G G S, MEk T and Produce generally, laken in exchanga tor oodij. The bcsl market price will be allowed. Give him a call. -HRNRY GIGE'R. Rloomsburg, April 26, 1863 VF.W MUSfc FUNEriATfARCl'TTw 'lho memory of Abraham Lincoln. lh Martyr President, By Mrs. E A. Task hvbkt. Author of '"Richmond -CJirs," 'The 'Soldier's Dying Fareweii,'r Ob, send me one Flower from his ("rave." No Slave beneath Starry Flag," etc., etc. This March is very o!emu and in.pre: i ve?. Price 30 refits ; with Vignette of ihi Pre- dent, 50 cents Mailed free. Pntlikher, HORACE- WATERS, No. 4 t V-iiadv?ir1 New ork. Mav 3, 1?65. 2w, V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers