The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, June 28, 1865, Image 2
TAR OF TAB ffOHTIL - f . s. V f- -. 'v. .-Z t ' is 11 Tt: , IFAL . COBF, EDITOR. CI! AS. G.BJRKLEY, Assistant Editor. E LOOMSBURGr VYO. ESDAir JCSE23"l865. S. M. Pkttenoill & Co., 37 Park Row New York, aie duly authorized to solicit and receive subscriptions and advertising for the Sln of the Forth, published at Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Penn'a. MaTh kr & Co., 335 Broadway, New York, are authorized :o receive subscriptions and advertising for the Star of the North. GHEaiL SHERMAN IN CDlCiCO. - HIS fFEECH TO THE PEOPLE, General Sherman's reception at Chicago r a the most enthusiastic affair of the kind ever winessed. The news of Lis arrival spread with lightning rapidity through thai ri'V, and the grounds of the Sanitary Fair, w here he was announced to appear, were speedily thronged with a denia mass of citi ' zens. At noon, precisely the General enter f 3 the Fair Building, and was escorted by the Mayor io the platlorm. Gen. Sherman, was received with tumultous applause. The M ayor introduced him in a neat speech, and Mr Bates recited an appropriate ode. Gen eral Sherman then stepped forward aad de livered a short address of thanks : "I have been far iway from you, but my feelings have been here qine as much a hoi;h my tody had been within the limits if Chicago. My sphere of action lay way i tT in the South. I had with me your brothers ;!f.d your sons, and I never wanted better backer in anything. 1 can recall, among idoj-e backers, men of Chicago, armed with ftronger arguments than mere words or let tersarmed with the twenty-pounder and twelve pounder, which speak, in language w hich cannot be mistaken, the only voice with which men arrayed in arms again! us ire to be addressed and the only means man can use when reason loses its sway to con vince. Now all is passed ! Now all is pence from here to the Gulf, and yoa gentle ii. en, know belter (ban I can tell what yopr ('.ones have become. Instead of destroy ing, oo tnnst build op. Instead of insulting you n-nct encourage. Instead of destroying, you muM aid those willing to assist Do in bnild im2 up a Jand so diversified as ours. You uni.ot expect tie people of Louisiana to (re as you do, nor those who live iu tb'e Caroliuas. All parties have their prejudices, and yoa must, and should respect them as they respect" yours. With that simple cao tioji tnere is do danger of the peace we now ci-jny being disturbed daring our life-time, and we can leave the future to our cti'dren." Lincoln and Washington A roTfiEo? is." Among the many ridiculous and heathen ish representations of Lincoln by photo grjph now being exhibited in the win dow ot stores and found in the parlors of the Phariees Abolitionists that one, ur. dti which we Cud the above quoted words, i? certainly most accordant with the deism i f At;olificnil3. JpoHieonit aiifi is . deifi-i-a ioii r raising one tolrhe raak of a God. Therefore these loyal people deists, who have sit ce the beginning of the rebellion s.ii!noiif.y opposed the doctrine ol reveal ed relL-ion, would have the world believe that another god has jnined the great I am, in II-aven, there, we snpposs, to assist in ruling the universe. Whether he has eooe to be subservient to our beneficent Creator wi:h whom all just and good men are con -tent, and whorr they adore and praise, or to supersede the -Almighty, assume the throne and 'supply the demand of Aboli tionists, w-ho have been clamoring for an anti'slavery GcJand an anti slavey bible, we have col been informed. We suppose, ere long, some most- worthy minister of onr Lord and Saviour, Abraham Lincoln ! will give us the information. The States and Union, of Portsmouth, N. H , edited by J. L Foster, Eq., one of the Bblest end truest of all the New England editors, after having i:s office entirely de stroyed by a Republican mob, makes its appearance in new type, with a front as trave and vigorous as before. The editor loxes. and cuff the rriobocrau over the head, ant! ears, and fairjy dares them to try -the thing on egain. They won': do it. Now thai they understand a welcome is waiiiag for them, they will take precioua care to keep their worhless bodies out of the reach of barm. Eftry Democratic edi tor in the cocntry should, at ail hours of the day and night, be prepared to send the scoundrels, who attempt to mob him, straight to their friend and fellow-laborer, the devil. A few of these mobbing villains &ent home will bring the rest to their senses. RivcRBv Jodnsok in hib argument to the Miliar) Commission, sitti-ig fur the trial of :t.e conspirators, in Washington, fully pre setted the already, known faet that. that court had no jurisdiction in the care, and tfcirned the persons composing the Com iiusrion of the personal 1 responsibility at tached to them in case of a sentence and execution of the individuals charged. This lody consists of Judge Bingham, of Ohio, Jodgg Advocate, Col. Burnett of Indiana, Asitant -Judge Advocate, Major General iluater, President, Major Geneial Lewis Wallace, of Indiana, "Major GeDeral J. G. Fcster.'of New Hampshire, Major General K-turz, Brigadier Gen. Ekin; Brigadier Gen. Ilwe, Gsn. Comstock, Gen. Harris and Co!. Ciendin. Executions under the sentence ol these men, net beihz made by authority of . - i idw, woQid be murder. Tks bill defining the right of suffrage -'r ich hat .r8ce.nly been passed by the Li;:Uti:r3 of-Tennessee," ignores the tie ;ro trr.Mr-ily and limits the Irar.chise o Jojaj . hlte cinz-Tis only. - A.I those who have, -crve l in the armies of the Confederacy, or who' have given aid and comfort' to the euemy are excluded from voting for a term i six yeari, aft?r which they "may, be; reh3 s cr'nrts smi by 3 Uui:ed States, .Uit's t'oJ of JoyaMy to Ix the Agt of Monday 2Pih inst, we no tice a letter dated, ''Tajuqua, Pa., June 22, 1865," and signed, ''Chas. ALBRiGHT.Bre vet Brig. Gen. Conimanditfg' Disttici." : ac companied ivitb a proposition, made and signed by tte ame person, conlajiiin& a plan to procorejhe history of what Pennsyl vania hasdojoe,in thewar, We have noth ing to. say agint his right to make propo sitions for men a work, nor against his plans which seem-foolish, but, we warn the people that vrhal is done by the bands of such a man will need substantial confirma tion. He is the blackguard who after making the tour through Columbia county in search of evidence a?aint the persons arrested last Fall, mounted the stump in Bloomsburg, and declared with much boasting, that he had -sufficient evidence to prove the building of forts, &c, by the people of Fishingcreek and to convict them of treasoo. A blatant lie made by a runt pig of the Republican party. As it is probable Albright desires to be written ol in the history proposed, we suggest this its an interesting and impartial item to be followed by a history of the tri als and determination of the court upon the doing of the Fishingcreek patriots, which prove him a base falsifier. He is now com manding ajorce in Schuylkill county, sent there to enforca deduction of wages de manded by coal operators from colliers.- A history produced under the auspices of a society headed by such a man, must be partial, biased and filled with low-bred falsifying. m It is enough to blanch the cheek of every Christian gentleman in America to listen to the ravings of a large class of Northern men in relation to the people of the Southern States. And of all these noisy brutes, none are more brutal, or more profane, than the clergy. They appear to be inspired by two passions, each equally vile, a thirst for t venge and a desire for plunder. They want the North to become a boundless thief, and possess itself of all the lands and property of the Southern people. A heathen poet, j Menar.der, said, "Covet not, O, Pamphilns. even the threa J of another man's needle; for God, who is near thee, perpetually beholds tby actions." How much better, how much more acceptable to God, would a man's lime on Sundays be spent in reading even the heathen poets than in Ihttnin- to the 'brutalizing jr,;on of the pulpits. For one, we will listen to no priest of Mars, to no woulJ-be thief and murderer, in the dese crated pulpits of the divine 1 Prince of Peace. ''Old Guard. Wc occasionally hear the remark made by men of less brain and talent than they suppose they possess that the publication ol the Republican is a "perfect success." Please inform the public in what way it is a success ; for our part we can't see it, only so far as it rela es to the publisher. The pa per Jiaa not increased the Republican vote in this county or district, but to the contrary, reduced it. There is scarcely an iufloential Abolitionist in the county that takes the Republican who'does not declare it to be a curse to him I , Save the Editor's having made some money out of the concern, the enterprise has been a total Jiikirt Where the success comes in, is only. seen by s-jch men as proclaim it, to the amount of tvo dollar, a year, for hit paper. Morally and politically where is its "success'? Down on Nfcjwo Pic-Nic. Lately Bn ap plication was made "to President Johnson for permission to hold a negro pic nic o i the grounds belonging to the White House. It was refused on the ground that "the local ity should be kept free from snch an?em blages." Fare-vell ! negro pic-nics. Two years ago when President Lincoln threw open the gates of the White House grounds to a negro pic nic, Cccationil (Forney) ol the Press spoke very favorable of it, an J thought it was s more "in the right direc lion." Information is wanted of what he thinks of negro pic-nics now. Has his mind undergone any changes on this subject 1 Please let os kntjr. We need rot remind Occasional that it is disloyal not to support the ''goveroraewt.'-' Doylettown Dent. We KOTtCK tlat. many of our Abolition cotemporaries still persist in tel'ing their poor dupe that Jefferson Davi donned wo man's attire to avoid detection and capture br our troops. Now, the fact of ihe marer is, there are no evidences to warrant them in making any such statement about Mr Davis. The offcial report of his capture slates nothing of the kind; but that he made a manly dignifiad and honorable sur render. The Southern papers (edited by Northern men) corroberate what is" here stated. Iris announced that Governor Broloh, of Ohio, declines ibeing a candidate for re-, election to the Gubernatorial office. Since writing ;he above we notice in the wenern papers that General Joseph D Cox has received the Republican nomination. The Democrats of that State talk strongly of nominating General William T Shp.h mam as their candidate for Governor. He ought to be elected but with the large odds against the- Democrats of that State we hardly anticipate any such good leck. What adileraroa the Abolition party seem to be placed in siuce the demise of the late President Lincoln. They dare not, it ap pears, otter one word of praise towards the present incumbent ; fearing thai Mr. Joh soh would ere loag turn out altogether in opposition to- ibsir views. He has declared hisaseir, as he ever has heen, a States' Rights man, and is endeavoring to main lain those rights which are guaranteed to the Southern people coder their Sta;e as well as the United Spates Cons:itution - Thc Detroit Free Pres. tell how Massa chasetts belpedto fill her quo; a. An Ander sonville prisoner,npon returning to his home in Massachusetts lound that the peop'e ot his district had sspposed him dead; and, as his terra of enlistment bad expired while he wa in prison, they had put him in again and ' receired credit therefor. , Bat J they didn't rob the grave that time, and the in dignant soldier psached on them. fcIUical Power of tlie Soulh. -V The South has fought valiantly for politi cal independence? wtthont the Union. It has lost the battle; Will it therefore ig-noro the opportunities for securing political pow er tcithin the !Union ? We cannot believe (hat men who have exhibited so much spir- Uj nerve and endurance during ' the hottest and most doubtful periods of terrible con- flict, will give way to a morbid sensibility or waste the golden moments in useless re pining and sullen indolence. . Every hour of inactivity at this crisis will, help to con firm the imprension that the prostration and bewilderment of the people u fit ihem'for the responsibilities of local government. Apathy on their part at this juncture, a seeming indifference to their fate, an appar ent disposition to b'ood over the past rather than to stiive for the future, will be regard ed as an excuse for the exercise of an arbi trary central authority for the re adjustment of the systems of tcpela'iion, judicial action and social order that have been heretofore exclusively managed by the States respect ively. If on the contrary, the Southern people display a cheerful resignation to the natural consequences of their military and political disco nrlture, if they show an honest alacrity, and, if possible, some little enthusi asm, in resuming the interrupted relation ship between themselves and the Federal Government, it will soon become impossible lor the most violent eflotts of fanaticism and partisan intolerance to withhold from them ihe full rights of American citizenship. There is a latent political power-in the South that awaits but a restoration to the normal condition of republicanism to assert 'itself. An unmistakable disposition on the part of the Southern masses to resume, ia good faith, the duties of 'citizenship under the laws and constitution of the United S'.atafjWill appeal so powerfully to the pop ular nentiment of jnstic e and self-interest in the Nonh, that demagogues and factionists will be compelled to yield to the current and to accept the reastablishmenl of the political attribates of the Union as they were acknowledge to exist previously to the com mencement of hostilities. Of course the R-idicals will make every effort to limit the right of suffrage in the South lo tho?e of their own inclining; and sophistry, forced conclusions, the familiar and convenient argument of expediency, all will be employed to iecure that great ad vantage to their party. But they cannot prevail. It is impossible. The good sense ol the people, and the imperative dictates ol their republ icanism, will forbid the dis franchisement ol any p'ortion of their coun trymen for whatever ffetioe, by the mere exercise of the central authority. . Besides, the Democracy of the North have, at least, influence enough to protect the Democracy of the Sooth in the enjoyment ol Tights so essential lo the supteraacy of the Democrat ic party. Our history does not reveal an in stance whea the democracy permited the canceling of a single vote in their interest without emphatic remonctrancd and oppo si ion. Purtisa'i organizition will soon set tle that question, and we defy the centralists at any important general election, to drive a Democratic voter from the polls by any other process than the applicaiion pf brute force, which roy ii ot always ecrve their turn. As soon as order has been re-enacted out of the existing chao, principles privilege?, organization acd political alli ances, and applications, will find their natural level, and the State- will resume their prerogative of determining who stair and who shall not exercise the elective franchise within iheir respective limits. Meanwhile Ihe Southern people mast demons ra'e to the Democracy of the North their prospective value as active ar'd efficient adherens the party. They must be op and doipg, exhibi;ing their in telligence and industry in all the fields of labor that make up the miion ol American citizens. When ihe harvet of the South begin to come to Northern markets, and the logic ot profitable commercial intercoor-e disputes the theories of demagogues and ettre-nj partisan, there will be Ijss talk of disfranchisement and the penalties of treason. Be it the care ol the Southern peop'e to make themselves valuable a hard working members of the national com munity, and their politic! equality will soon be recognized. With proper manage ment they will assist, in 1S63, in handing over Ihe reins of power to a Democratic Admini6ira:iot! N. Y. Djily Xeic$. A Societt has teen 'or me J in New York, called Umtid Service Society the members of whichare made up of the ex officer? and men of ihe army and navy. Among the resolutions of ihese.soldiers we find the following rebuke to Stanton and his military commission gentle men : Resolved Thai ihe lime has come when the application ot martial law and trial bo lore military courts should cease whenever civil law and government exists ander the authority of a loyal sta'e of the federal gov ernment, excepting as to persona in the military and naval service of the United States. The high tax of two dollars a gallon im posed on whiskey in January, has most largely reduced the revenue. It ia stated that out of one hundred million gallons manufactured, revenue is collected on only aooul twenty million. . In some sections of lite country each liqaor retailer has a small still of his own, and the recent frauds dis covered in Bostoo, Chicago, Cincinnati, and elsewhere, indicate that honest manufac turers aud payers of the revenue cannot compete with the illicit producer. If the law shall be continued, private domestic stills will next be introduced, and each guz zler of the ardent will draw consolation from his own worm. - We heard a gentleman the other day, upon the cars, remark thai he was not an Aboli tionist ; although he voted for Lincoln - and sustained old Jjbn Brown and the whole Abolition clan. .This same disciple ot lory ism may be heard proclaiming, in less than a year, that 'be never was a Republican. There is no worJc for the Abolitionists fur ther than to procure ihe right of suffrage for Sambo ! The negroes being all free, ac ording to modern teachings, the Abolition party has performed its work! A Kansas Abolitionist at Richmond. i Another good sign Is found in a letter from Hon. Martin- F. Conway, late .M. C. fromKansas, now an attorney at Richmond, Va., and a tearing Abolitionist, in and "out of Congress. Mr. Conway addresses the Tribune to correct what he calls the flagrant misrepresentations of its Washington cor respondent touching the recent elections. We quote : In the first place, (says Mr. C.,) there has no general election taken place in Virginia since the restoration. The election to which allusion ;.s made was a special one, held in but six counties ; and of them returns have as yel t een received from only three. I am informed upon the best authority that of the pereona in three counties heard from, all were Union men before the war, ex cept the ones from Alexandria. Iu the next place, it is a fact that there are no longer any "DisunionUts" in Virginia. The people are all for the Union, having failed in their effort for a separate overu ment, and recognizing thai failure as con clusive. They acceptj ihe Union without reservation, intending to stand by it in good faith. I he National. Government is to be theirs and their children's forever, and to that governmeni, although Ihey would not have voluntarily chosen it, they will bear faithful allegiance. This is the exact posi lion ol ninety-nine hundredths of the peo ple of Virginia. I deeply regret to see the spirit of pro scription which many persons entertain toward ihe Southern people in their present condition a people whose kindred blood and befoic character, to say nothing of their misfortunes, should commend them to our sympathy and respect. Thia spirit of pro scription is wrong. Ihe slaveholders re bellion was precipitated by irresistible forces, and it is unjust to hold individuals responsible for it. It should rather convict Thomas Jefferson than Jefferson Davis of being its author ; but ihe truth is, it was an event developed in the progress of civiliza tion. Shall we not be kind and forgiving to those whohave committed error, however gribvous, when it is manifest that their error was ordered by Providence, in His wisdom, to advance the interest of mankind 1 With regard to the "incidental" quea tions connected with the war, I find the Southern people as reasonable as could be expected or desired. They consider slavery dead and gone, aid are glad that it ia so. They are disposed to accommodate them selves lo the new system of labor, and to promote thc well being ol the black man lo the best of their ability. As to saf Irage, ii is a new idea here; but 1 am sure that it will in some form or other, be ulti mately adopted by ihe people. Very respectfully, your friend, Martin F. Conwat. Richmond, Va , June 2, 1865. NATIOHl BASES. This new system of banking, fastened upon theconatry in the hoar of trial by the old money hunks who fought Jackon in his day, promises as much now as then, but are lhete promire based on anything more secure and lees dangerous than the old U. S. bank system ? we ihink not. The men who contend for a uniform paper currency for the while country, are men who have accumulated larje es'ate and desire to perpeiaale ih- same in theii families, by puning itie country under bond- in shape c.f a heavy perpatual national dell, inaking it the basis of bank ing, and by that system astociate the weal.h of the country, so organized as lo over shadow every other interest and control the government of the country. That class cites Eng'and as a precedent, telling the people how large a debt the owes, how etable and prosperous she is under litis heavy debt, but fail to tell the people England -has by a id through this system, a pauper list of over 25O 000 of grandee?, gentle folk, bet-idef her active and useful thoua?ids who also liva upon the preu'ueing and. laboring class, while the reat mass, of her subject through this money system have no more to say in ihe governmeni thin ihe ox or horse upoT ihe manor of Ihe lord of the soil We don't desire now, to discuss the mer its oflhis new banking system, but only to throw out a thought for tb.3 consideration of thoe mora competent than ourself to, handle this qnestion, and elabcra'e an argument that will expose the danger growing out of the system to republican insatctions, and the interest of the whole people. I: is said Judge Chae, the author of this system of banking, is already endeavoring to make advantage out of his own bantling for the purpose of reaching the Presidential chair in IS6S, but-, he m.iy possibly find long before thai day, his system crumble lo piece, and himself an object of dire hate and public scorn, even more intense aud violent than that visited upon a Law .or a Biddle. These national banks now number over one thousand, and it is quite safe to say will double within a year. Our State or local banks are all fast becoming national banks, soou ihe people will have no other money, men under these specious promises will lose their accustomed caution, and as inflation increases speculation will increase; men will sell aitd buy, money contracts will become due, Mr. Jones will lift his deposits, say len, twenty, cr perhaps fifty thousand dollars at the Eirst Natioual Bank of Funkstown, carry the same to Discount ville lo pay offh'ts farm, bought from Mr. Hunks ; the vender eays lo Mr. Jones, ' I don't like this money, can'l take it." ' But," says vendee "Mr. Hunks those are natio-nai bills, all genuine and receivable by the United States government in payment of debts ar.d dues, except" ''No matter, Mr Jones, here is our contract, and 1 am judge of what 'money I will take, and as I am not obliged to " receive this son of money, you had better just return to the bank and exchange these bills for gold or legal tender." Mr. Jones returns to the First National Bank of Funkstown, after laying his money package upon the counter, says to the cashier, "Mr. Hunks won't rvceire this racney, but demands greenbacks or gold, now if you please Mr. Cashier, 1 will feel obliged it you'll exchange with me.". 'Indeed, Mr. Jones, it is impossible, we have neither gold nor greenbacks." "Well," says Mr. Jones, "you'll please redeem yo.ur bills, and as Mr. Hunks will not take this money. I cannot receive other j than legal tender for these your bills, and will be obliged to carry your bills lo a Notary Public for protest." The bills are protested and forwarded lo ihe Treasury Department at Washington, D. C. The Comptroller of the Treasury is re quired lo realize, upon the bonds deposited by the First Na'ional Bank of FunkMowti, and after thirty days must begin - the re demption of the bills of the First Nationa 1 Bank of Funkstown. The Treasury agent puts upon the market one, two, or fife hundred thousand dollars of 5 20 U. S bonds, belonging to the First National Bank at Funkstown, announcing at the same time that nothing but gold or legal lender will be received as money for those bonds, as national bank bills are not legal tender they cannot be received ; yet the duty of the Treasury ageut is imperative, and these bonds mu-l be sold that the bills of the First National Bank ol Funkstown may be redeemed according to law. Down goes Five Twenties, down, dowr, down, the people lake the alarm, a panic ensues, who is to stop it and how is it to be stop ped. Some perons will say , "Why, let Con gress declare all national bank bills legal tender ;" Congress can do no such thing, no more than Congress can compel Mr. Hunks to take Mr. Jones promissory note as legal lender. .Congre ss may suspend specie payment, as England did, what then 1 why lo compensate for this check lo depreciation, gold, teal e-tate, and every commodity will go op, up, up, no one can le 11 bow far. All this may or may not happen, we hope it will not, but il something is not done to restrain this national banking sys tem, and the nation cease to borrow Irom these national ba-iks, it will come, for it is the logical sequence of the system. We have confidence in the prudence and foresight of President Johnson, (ha- he will call lor some action Congress eatly to check this mad banking system and by recom mending a continuance and extended issue of legal tender U. S. bills for circulation amongst the people, and thereby ward off an evil as threatening almost as the inva sion of our country by a foreign enemy ; but will the loyal Congress see it, or will their 1 y ally permit them to sepport President Johnson, and save the country from a panic, and the sovernment securities lrom deprec iation. West-Branch Democrat. Mr Editor : A theological question poz zies me, and I wih, Mr. Dimm, Wilson, Beckley, or some other preacher would an svipr it. They tell us every Sabbath thit repent ance, faith, conversion, and baptism are neee.-'ary lo salvation They also told o that our late President went straight to Heaven. Now, as he never prolpsed laith. nor repentance, nor communed, nor w. baptized, was an exception made in hi case? In o:her words, is God a respecter of persons ? .Another qnestion. The newspapers, and certain preachers c'aim that Mr. Lincoln was a Ma-on This is not so ; l ot why don't Dr. John correct it, as he pretends to be one ? Anxious Inqjikcr. Edmcnd BrFKiN, ol Virginia, who tired the firi cm at Fort Summer, commi ted suicide ne-tr Richmond, on Saturday last ai a rr Ye dT At Easton, Pa., on Tuesday, I3'h inst., by Rev. Dr. Gray. Iaac X. Gner, Esq.. ct Danville, and Mis Emma; di'ihter of the late Hon. James M Porter, of Easton. By J M. Chemberiiu. Esq , June 17, 1865 Pe erc MCalmut to Manah Jones, ail c.f Bloomsburg. Ia New York city, on the llth inst, by Rev. J. B. Haany, S. Bhice Colkmai. of B onmshnr, Columbia county, Pa . to Mis Hattic B.. yonngest daughter of Silas Dad son, E-q , ot New York city. The happy couple have the most profound thanks and best wishes of the Printers' for that slice of delicious cake sent them by Express. So they go. The Star otHce has furnished more Union men than ariy other estabii-hment in this r.eighorhood. Three of our boys have none and jotted ihe Union, (not the Printers' Union, or Union of States, but Woman's Union,) ic a little over a year. For this kind of service ihey volunteer as rapidly as they did for Uncle Sam's. Suc cess to them, and may they pass through the campaign pleasantly and happily. DIED. Ensign James H. Brockway, son of B. S. Brockway of S-t'em, Luzerne co., was killed on toard the Unred States Steamer "Sag inaw" December 7ih, 1S64. The deceased has followod the sea for the last 20 years, never once in that time visit ing home. He has visited all parts of the world, bat during the present war was act ins ensign in the Pacific Squadron. C. In Centre towhship Columbia conty, on Sunday last, Mr. John Hill. son of John Hill, Sr , aged 31 years 2 mos. and 22 days. In Lewisburg Pa , on the 14 h inst. , Mag gie M. Barkley, wife of Eli T. Barkley, aged 25 years. 5iRinlhs and 13 days. In Linden, Learning coantv, on the 9 h of June, William Matfet, Esq , aged 77 years, 11 months and 12 days. Is Black Creek, Luzerne county, on ihe 1st ol June, Martin Rittenhouse, aged 77 years 8 months and 15 days. Also, Dec. 30;h. 1864, Amelia, wife of Mariin Rittenhouse, aged about 75 years. , Auditor's No! ice. Estate of Henry U. Koons, deceased. THE undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphan's Court ol Columbia County, to make distribution of the balance in Ihe hands of Henry Buss, administrator of Hen ry G. Koons, late ol Hemlock township, in said county deceased, among the several creditors ol ihe decedent, in the order estab lished by law, will attend al his officp, in BLOOMSBURG, ON SATURDAY THE 12TH DAY OF AUGUST NEXT, at 10 o'clock A. M of said day, lor the pur pose of making distribution. All persons having claims on demands azainsl the es tate of the decedent, are notified to present them lo the Auditor on that day, or be debar, red from coming in for a share of the fund. ROBERT F. CLARK. . Bloomsborg, June 28, j865. Au'tr. 230,000 GoUl and Silver Watches. Jewels, &c , al&Eicli. REED & BROTHER, AGKNTS FOH European and Eastern Manufacturers ! Having for disposal over ONE MILL ION of dollars worth of fine Gold and Sil ver waro, and fancy aiticles, Imported an I American will dispose of every , article al $2 each, without regard to value, in the manner below stated. We are constancy teceivinti letters from our Agents thron5out the Country saying that our cooils Wear for Years, whii the articles obtained for Si each Turn Black, and spoil in a very 6ho.-t lime ! To all who have had experience in wearing such goods, we refer as to the truth of the above sta'e ment ! ! Our Goods are of Superior Quality. We call particular attntion to ihe choice ar.d rich assortment that we here offer lo the public, for TWO DOLLARS EACH ! ! No article to l e paid, for until you are fully satisfied as lo the value of the article you are lo get. List ol (iouds to be sold al $2 Cnch. KACII. 500 Diamond Pins $250 to 500 500 ,c Rings 210 to 50C 5000 Gold Eng. Lev'r Watches 150 to 300 5000 " Ametii an '; 100 to 225 10000 Silver English " 50 lo 100 10000 ' American " 25 to 75 5000 sets silver plat'd lable-ware 50 to 150 00 " solid bilver " spoons 5000 " " tea 5000 " " Forks 6 to 8 to 18 to 15 to 20 to 20 to 15 16 35 50 30 50 25 100 30 75 7; 3000 tilver plat'd Ice Pitchers 3000 3000 Card Baskets Cake " 3000 5000 10000 2C00 )00O byrup cups with . salvers 10 lo Wai'ers or salvers all sizes 10 to Goblets and cups 6 lo Castors, cut glass bottles 15 to CofTee-Urns 25 to (i (i a 2000 EnamelM watches ladies) 75 to 150 2000 Gold Chatalaine chains 10 to 150 5C00 Lone fi' e Link chains 15 to H0 5000 Vest and Fob chains 15 to 60 2000 Ladies neck chains, new patterns 15 to f0 3C0C Oval band bracelets 15 to 40 3000 Link " 12 to 20 3060 Plain 12 to 25 3000 Jel fc Gold " 10 to 18 1500 Children's plain and fancy bracelets 10 to 15 2500 solitaire and gold brooches 12 to 25 5500 coral, emerald aad opal brooches 20 to 30 1500 pairs armlets for children 10 to to 10000 Moiaic, Coral Cluster, Onyx and Opal ear drops 1R to 40 2000 Cal. diamond ear drops 15 to 100 10U0 cameo stone ear drops 15 lo 40 5000 sets plain and enamelled sleeve clasns R lo 16 5000 sets pi. art! enamel'd studs 5 to 15 1000 ztold and siler thimbles 5 to 15 5C00 Minaiure double lockets 12 to 20 10000 rold tooih-picks, screw pen- cils crosses 12 to 50 luOOO ftts ladieh' jewelry, cameo, oal, onyx, pearl Cal. dia mond, coral, emerald, ji, ) lain, goid r.d cluster (all style.-) 12 to 50 10000 silvf r extension pen hold'rs & UOiJ pens 8 to IK 20000 articles of gold pens, pen lif-hlers, both silver anJ gold, gold pencils, chains, ring, belt buckles, etc. jo to 100 The 250.000 articles are printed or writ ten nti 2l)AiVQ slips of pater, an. I each sealed sepa ru'e.'y iu small envelopes ; and1 w h'Mi ordered, are taken out, without re gard to choice, and sent to ihe address or dered by mpil. No f(vot iti"m is shown On receipt ol the Notice on can sre what you can have for TWO DOLLARS ! ! Pur chasers may thus obtain a Gold Watcti, Dt amoud Ring, or other very valuable ariide for the abie small sum In all transitions by mail we, shall charge 10 cents for correspondence, pest agrf, etc. Send 10 cents and get a certificate 12 for SI ; 30 !rr S2 ; 75 for S5. AGENTS W ANTED. r-Any Agent send ing us Five Dollars at one lime, shall re ceive by return ma f. in addiiion to the 75 certificates, one of our aricles fr-e ol co-', valued al l ot les than FIFIEEN DOL LARS, a a sample to show his Iriends. Address REED & BROTHER, Box 5133 New York City Salesroom No 34 Liberty St. Jjne 23, 1S65 2w. $s CASMDITi: FOR CCEJIiSSIOXLR. JOHN F. FOWLER, of Pine towm-hip, has been induced, thrruglf the earnei-t solicitations of his many democratic friends to offer hinr.sell as a candidate for ihe offi ;e of COUNTY COMMISSI JN ER, at ihe a(.- nroachins General eleciion. sntWt to the decision of the Democratic County Conven- tion, which will convene in August next. Jane 14 16553. pd. C AX DID ATE FOR COJUIISSItMCIt. YIMLLIAM R- DEMOTT, ol Ma lison iu o n i"' uu swvu I nil u ru j 'ne solicilaitons ot his many Democratic friends, lo authorize us to announce to. ihe Democracy that he will be a candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the cominn Fall election, subject to the decision ol the Democratic Coumv Convention. June 7, 1S65. S3. riM)IITH F0IJ TRUASl'ItO, "JOHN J. STILES, ESQ., of Benton twp., llironah the earned solicitation of his many Democratic Iriends, has been induc ed to offer himself as a candidate for the office of TREASURER of Columbia Coun ty, suhjct to the decision of the Demo cratic Convention, which will be held on the 28lh of August next. Benton, May 22, 1865. 3 pd. SEW MLLrAEKY SUOI mid RI.NG & SUMMER GOODSit MISS LIZZIE BARKLEY mot respect fully announces to the citizens of Blooms burg and vicin'ny that she has opened a NEW MILLINERY SHOP, hi rooms for merly occupied by Dr. Ramsey, deceased, on Main St., below Market. She has a fine assortment ol Mdlinery goods, which has been selected with care and taste. She is prepared to do all work placed in her hands in as neat and durable ttyle as can be done elsewhere. Give her a call MISS LIZZIE BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, April 26, 1865 The Bridal Chamber. A note of warr.itif, and advice to those suflering with Seminal Weakness, General Debility, or Premature Decay, from what ever cause produced. Read, ponder, and reflect! Be wie in lime. Seni FREE to any address, for tie bene fit of the afilicted. Senl by return mail. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, 429 Broadway, New Ycik. Ap'ri! 12, 1865 3in. sii THE PIICEXJX PECTOIUL ILL CU R K- .' i uead th Hdver- 'dZ&te' lraf;or compound Syrup nl Wild Cherry and Seneka Snake Root, will cure the Diseases of the Throat iind LitniiS, such as cold, coughs, croip, Asthma, bronchiiia, catarrh, sore throrff, hoarseness, whooping couah. Sin. Its timely use will prevent PULMOARY CONSUMPTION. And even where this learlul disease is fully developed, it will afford mote relief than anv oilier medicine. J. Lawrence Getz, ex-Speaker of the Pennsylvania House ot Representatives, says ; '-Thi sioujih remedy is now exten sive used, and is of ,he hisihe-.t value to the community, its curative qualities fiav ing tren tested by thousands with the rno-t gratifying results. It is carefully and r.killinlty prepared Irnm W lid Cherry Bark and Seneka Snake Root, by Dr. Levi Ober ,oI zer. a reputable physician of P.irjpnix vtlle, Pa., and is sold by ne- y all dru" isis and country storekeepers.7' D P. Crosby, ex-Porl Master and-ex-Bulges ol Potls'owti, certifies as follows: I OTTS I OWN, Jan. 2, I8fi5. Thi-ceilfies that I have used the Phoe nix Pectoral in mv family, and I tecom mer.d it to the Public as ihe very best remedy for cough an i colds that I have ever tried One of my children was taken with a cold, accompanied with a croupy couah, so bad, indeed, that ii could tjol talk and scarcely breathe. Havins hear! so much said about the PI ce lix Pectoral I procured a bottle of il. 'l're first dose relieves the difficulty ol breathing, and be lore the child had taken one fourth of the botile it was entirely well. Every family should have il ia lhe:r house. Signed I). P. CROSBY. J. C. Smith, drnggi-t of New Hope. Bucks comity, Pa., in writing to Dr. Oberhohzer, says : "A few days since I bought two dozen of your valuable cough remedy to try, and find it very good, and as it is near ly all gone 1 woutJ like jou to send me a gross of it. "Your medicine pives better satifuction than any other I have in ihe Store. I am agenl lor some of the most popular couuli preparatiens, tut yonrs seems lo be doing ihe most good.:' Thf foliowiny is an extract from a letter from Hiram Ellis, merchant, near Potts loan, Pa.. 'l have tried ihe PhcDtiix Pec lorn! am! find it In be the best cough med icine extant. It meets with a more ready sale than any other that I have ever had in m store." The proprietor of th' medicine has ro much confidence in its curative powers, from the testimony of thousands who have used it, thai th money will I e paid back to ar.y purchaser wto o not satisfied with its effects.'' It is so pleasant lo take that children cry for ii. Price THIRTY-FIVE CENTS; large B ule- ONE DOLLAR. 1; is iinen led for only one class of dis ea"s namely those ol ihe THROAT and LUNGS. Picpared only by LEVI OSERHOLTZER M D , Pi . iix vilie. Pa., ani eold Uy all Dniirc'iots and Storekeepers. J-il.ti-oii, llolloway, & Cowden, No. 23 North Sixth Mreei Philadelphia, and K. C W .!!.& To., 115 Franklin Sire!, New York. G-tpral Who'esale Agent. N. B If your i e:e!t dru22ii or store k.eper does not k-ep this medicine do not U l him put j on off i;f some other medi cine, because lie oakes more mor.ey on it, bui sen J at oiife n one ol the Agents for il. Ju ne 21. 1865. (Ju. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Entile of filis Jackun. lute of Stigailoaf tup., Columbia county, deed. J EfTER5s tes!rne!iiirv on the ei-tate- of . ila Jackson. Lie of Siijmlfnf town. "hip, Columbia coumy. deceased, have ! been craned bv the Register of said coun i ty lo DAVID LEWIS residing in Sugarloaf j lowcshi,', C Inmt'ia co. All persons ha j ing claims against the estate of the dece i dent are requested lo present them for set t tlement, and thoce indebted to the estate j are requei-ted to make immediate payment. 1 DAVID LEWIS, Executor, j May 10, 1865 pd. S3. j To School Directors. j JM1E School La-jv requires thai the An j rinal Report ol Directors shall be filed in the ctlice of tTe Superintendent at Ilar- r sburz, be'ore the 15th of JULY next, or , the S-ate appropriation shall be. forfeited ; ; hence it is i.ecee-ary for Directors to make : out the Reports and forward them immedi I Ktely to ih Coumy Su perintenderil. The S;a i-l'ca! Report is to be Mmied by the ; Prescient and Secretary of ihe old boatd. Oo th oppo-i:A pa.'undrr "OFFICERS J AND Ml'M BERS OF I HE BOARD," the 1 names and oilicers of the new hoard are 10 b- written. f..G. BARKLEY. Jitne 7, t?65. Co Sup't. e-:.stjmv. S on 1 re Pre n" ol 1 he subscribe 111 Hemlock townthip, Columbia county on : or 'V101" Ifa!" ' l6o. I A LARGt BROWN t Till I'll IIIW ! AND CALF: ihe Cow.lo, ! ed to be -ix or ei'nt years old and calf one J j . . .. - w i j x ij t IV 1VI VVII V lorward, prove property, pay charges, and lake them away, oiherwi-e they will be ad-ver:i.-ed and sold as the law directs. REUBEN BOMEOY- May 31, 1S65 jltfiiihiistratrix's IVoticc. Estate of G Lotciy Kline, late of Orange dee'd. LETTEI- S of administration on the esta'er ol G. Lowry Kline, late of Orange twp., Columbia county, deceased, have been cranted, by the Register of said county, to Eltruda Kline, residing in the township and county aforesaid. All persons having de mands against the estate of the decedenl are requested to preesent them for settle ment, and those in dee bted. to the estate are requested to make immediate payment. ELTRUDA KLINE, Orai ge, May 31, 1865. Adm'lrix. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW 4 LITTLE ol everything relating to the human system, male and female ; the-cauc-es and treatment of diseases; the mar- riai:e customs ol the world; how to marry well at;d a thousand things never publish' ed before, read the revised and enlarged edition of "Medical Common Sense,' a curious book for curious people, and a rod book for every one. 400 pages, 100 I I istrations. Price Si. 50. ..Contents table sent free to any address. Books may ba had at the book stores, or will be seal, by mail, po't paid on receipt ot tie price. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, M. D. 1130 Broadway, New Yotk, Feb. 1, IS65 6mo. OLD THINGS MADE NEW. 4 PAMPHLET directin; how to speedily tenure sigiu ana ive tip spectacles, wi hout ai l ol doctor or medicine. Sen oy mail, lree, oa receipt af 10 cents. Ad dress, E. B. FOOTE, M. D. ' 1130 Bioadway, New Y'oik. i Feb. 1, 6mo.