. rrocpcct!:s of Vol. HI. ISG3. A MONTHLY' JOURNAL, t F VOTED TO LITERATCRF, SCIENCE AND ART, AM) THE - Principles of 1 77G and S7. C. CHAUNCCY BURR, Editor. flhis Maj.a7.ino will continue to defend the principles of. Government which puided our fathers in the fonndalion of the Republic. The spirit and doctrine of the two first volumes will be fully maintained in the ihird volume. We havp no compro mises to make with error no parley with despotism. Democracy- will b$ treated, not as a vary ing policy of conning rfllee seekers and spcil hunter", Lnt rather as an abidin? principle of political economy and of popular liberty., All supporters of this revolutionizing. Abolition war, will be held the ci.cmies of the democracy. We shall acknowledge no organization to be Democratic which does not honestly en on riale and support he principles of the Kentucky aud Virginia Resolutions of 1728 nndll.e ftred Sc3tt Decision of the Su preme Court, ihe one asssertiu!: Stale Sod ercignty and the ether White supremacy. To preserve these honorable doctrines, the Democratic party was organized by the vey founders of the Federal Government, and it remained true to them down to the .fatal' and di.-honorini departure, nt lhn commencement of this war. The Old Guatd'u an organ of Democracy as it was, before this cowardly surrender of principle and as it must he aijain, beforts it can re deem our Country from the rule cf faction nd.de?pntism . This year it has bA-n en lapsed to double its former friz- that is, to forty eight page for the pnrpose l mak ing it in all respects, as to sljle and ma'tor a popular Literary and Family Magazine. One copy, oe year, S2 00 Seven copies, !r:e year, and one to tf.e getter up of club, 14 00 Twenty copies, 35 00 Single copies sent, posl-paid, for 20 .Terms invariabfy in advance, and the Magazine will be Mopped when the lirre paid for expire?. As each number or THE OLD GUARD is stereotyped, bark numbers and volume? cac always be fnsnished. Subscriptions will be undersiood as com mencing with the year, and bark numbers' sent accordingly, unless, specially ordered otherwise. The Old Guard will be sent through the Post Office to subscribers in the city, Procklyn, VVilliamshurs and Jersey City. The pci-tage ol The Old Guard U 12 c.s. per year, payable in advance, at the cflke of mailing or delivery. Copies! Voln.V ard II. of The Old Guard for 1663 and 1864, will be lurni-hed bound in paper, for 51 50; in cloth lor S2, post paid. All le'ters in relation lo the business de partrr.em'cf the Magazine, should; be in variably addressed to the undersigned, a fallows : d . TAN LVRIE, KORTON & CO., ' J62 Nau S;reet, N. Y. READING RAIL ROAD. rvovcrfinER 7, ires. CIiEATTronk line from the Nor:h and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading PottsviIie(Lebanoa, Allen town, Eacion, te.(,S:i!. ". Train leave HarrUborg for N-rw York, as follows. At -3 00 and 8.15 A. M. and t.4f P. M-, arriving at New York at 10 A. M., and 2.45"and 10 00 P. M. The above ?onneet with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Road, and Sleeping Cars accompany the firft two trains with out change. Leave for Reading, PollsvUle', Tamoqna, Minprsville. AlIenown and Philadelphia ;ii6 15 A. M. and 1 45 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal Station only. Way Trains, slopping at all points, at 7 25 A. M and 4 40 P . M Returning, Leave New York at 9 A. M , 12 noon, and 7 CO P. M. Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and .1.30 P. M ; Podsvilie at 8. 50 A. M. and 2.35 P Jl , Tamaqua at .10 A. M at.d 2.15 P. M and Redaing at 12 midnight, 7.35 and 19 45 A. M., 1.38 and 6.05 P. M. Reading Accommodation Train: leaves Heading at 6 30 A. M. re'.urning from Phil ndelptirj at 4 30 T. M. Colombia Railroad Trains leave Reari ng at B 40 and and II A. M. for Kphrata, Litiz, Colombia, &c. On Sundays; "Leave Nw York at 7 P. .f. Philadelphia 3 15 P. M . Potisvila 7.30 A . M., Tamaqaa 7 A. M., Ilarrisburg 8 15 A.M., and Reading at 1 2--midnight "for . larrisbarg. - . Commutation, Mileacra, Season, and Fx ursior. Tickets, at reduced rales to and rom all points. - -I Baggage . checked throagh : 60 pounds Uowed each Pasaenuer. j "C. A. NICuLLS, j General Superintendent, j RuAriNG Pa Nov. 30, 164. YJYBW GOODS ! r.REA T REDUCTION IX PRICES - NEW ARKIVAirOF Summer Goods, I AT PETER ENT'S STORE LV I.IGHT STREET, COL. CO. TTAS just received from '.he ea?tern ciiie and is now opening-at the old stand splendid" assortment of hich will be sold chear for . 3ASII OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! lis s:ock consists of Ladies Dress Goodsj toicest style? and latest fashions. 'AMCOFIS, . MUSLINS. (JINGIIAMS, FLANNELS. HOSIERY, ILKS, SHAWLS, CARPETS, AC. J.lcaflv-Jladc Clotliii:, SATINETS, (JASSIMERES, COTTON A I) ES, KENTUCKY JEANS, 11 READ, &C. UEENSW AREj -CEDAR WARE, - HARDWARE. MEDICINES, ' 'DRUGS, ' : :ns .i:c! hats and caps, H rh-ri ev.Tyfhini; o0:1y ' kept in a .:,- (rr?. - 7'h'J pa'.ronap:? of h' r.ld 'friend.', and : pnM;? . g"r ?ra:iv. is respectfully go- Tfis h',:1!? t rnaiV-'! pri-'e pni-l fir c-'-nn- Tf.Tf n f-.NT. !thk ew yoiJK rv'Ewy. THE BEiST IMPWl IS THE ' WORLD. H. Wood, Ed. and Proprietor IIP UQ CE S IP CZ3 (S a m S3 o The Democracy of the North will" com mit a fatal error if they acceol the result of lie Iai Presidential election as an indiea 'ion from the hand of Destiny to rrlix their polil cal arlion until the openinz o tihe next campaign. The future welfare o the republic depends upon the politics zeal and aMiviiyof the Democracy during the year H65. Thesmi'I majority of the popnlar vote hat elected the filack Republican candi dates, considered in view of the exiraordi nary resources of the Administration for corruption and cpmpul.ston. atlestsjhal the power of the Democracy, on a fair field, is equal lo the vindication of Democratic principlos. There is one feature in the result of the Presidential eleciion that j:"rs far to re cor.cile Ihe patriot to the hard fate f hi country under fonr years r:rre of Flack Republican misrole. fhe balepjt. meteor that lingered in grief while in o:ir political atmo-phfre-has vanished for ever. War i Democracv has fulfilled its rriion rf dis- t orzamz.Htion, and like any otf er pe.-tilenre will be rernsmtered only for" the evil i: f as done. The ijsne now before li e peopl is ihs final struggle between Cauleraliz ition at:d S'ales' Riyht-1, nd r:o journal i Democrat ic that is not the dfvoti-d champion of S;ates' Rights, the paraitiount prituipic of the Democratic faith. The New York New? need no toli-i rvny beyond it - plain" unalieruble record t:n:b stntiale its claim to being and having been ihe most earnest, able and conisViU States' Rights Journal in Ihe land. W: have no excuses to invent for modifications of sentiment, nor have we lo plead "ex pedienc)" in palliation of inco".sistenry. Our path has been straight forward. Our co'urnns are belore Ihe people, net a line in them that we would cancpl nor senti ment we wor.ld recHll, not an as.-ertion that requires an explfna'iqn, not a worJ j lhat we regret io htve nt'.ered, not a prin ciple advocated lhat we have no' tood by and will stand by to the last. S ich has been our pat record, so will be our future. We do not, however, ak the Democracy to Fiirlain us in our mir&inn aa a reward fur the service we have dcn, but in con sideration of the good work thai we pro- J pose to do. The Nw York News for 1SG5 ! will not merely imiiate its predecessors, it j will excel Iherrl. It shall b- riot only t!ie I fcesi exponent cf Democtalic principle, j but the best r?crrpaper in the country, j Mereic.icre it has had no superior as a vo- I hide of new?, hereafter it- thall have no i ee;nal. In every dcpari'cenl of j tuna!im we have arranged tLat the News shall di ian"e competition It is the otdy Demo cratic newtpaper in ihe metropolis that has the advanuzd of publishing a daily issue with the full dispatches cf ihn Associated Press, and therefore its machinery for f ir nishing a complete record cf events is more perfect than that of ar.y of i:s Darno cratic cote mporaries. None- have attempt ed latterly, to compete with it in the publi cation ol Southerj intelligence, as our ytem of xcharge with Sonlhem j'yrr:a!s balils the sagacity and enterprisa of our rivals. A glar.c-? at the columns of ;The' News devo'ed lo "Southern and Northern per sonaN" will remark Ihe extraordinary suc cess that has attended our c.terprisj in lhat direction. We are in daily receipt of leiters expressing the thanks of Pio.-e w!io, through the medium of the ' Personals'' in The News, have been enabled to rpceive ti lines from their friends and relatives in the South, and the heart of many an cxi'e and wai.dcrar has been gladdened thronzh that instrumentality by words of affection and hope from lhoo mourned fir as dead The New York News has become so popular in the rural district that other Me tropolitan journal, in publishing" their stereotyped boat of '-the largest circula tion of any weekly journal" are constrain ed lo make an exception in our favor It is a significant circumstance lhat since t'ie Presidential election arid consequent de-, mie cf War Democracy, the subscriptions to this paper have Lecn unusually numer ous. ' The Agricul'ura1 Department of The New York News renders it an invaluable companion and assistant to the farmer ; and its Cattle, Market and Produce Re ports are more reliable and full than those of ary i tixr journal. ' The Daily News will forfeit one thou sand dollars if, in the above Departments, com petent judges should deny its superi ority. TERMS. DAILY NEV.'S. One copy, one year, by mail c 10.00 One copy, six month?, a CO WEEKLY NEWS. One copy, one year, ' 2 00 Four copies, one year, 7 00 Ten copies, one ear, 17 00 - Twenty copies, one year, 30.00 IV e have do traveling agent authorized to collect or receive money for subscrip" lions. Orders and tatter should be addressed to BENJAMIN WOOD- - Daily News Office, New. York. Jan. 25, 1565. NEW GOODSJ YnolSsrr Arrival or CJcod. AT Hat, Cap and Groccrj S3 CO 02L 1X3 o Now is Four Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE nndersigned having j'ist returned from the Eastern cities with a large ana fn assortments of (Hf--rr n ajJiiion to a snperi Z-dijSS or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER Q HATS AND GAPS, comprising every sort and quality, is row prepared to sell a filtl-j cheaper lhan can b parcbasil eiaewhere. IBs Stock cf GROCE RIES are not sur passed in this marke', which he offers eheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO.-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, and LININGS to wbich he iuvites the at tention ol Shoemakers and. ihe public Give him a call At Stroup'a Oid Stand, on Mairi Sheet. : JOHN K GIRTON. Bloomebijrg, Nov'r 27 185L HOW ARDS jS5'0CIATIO.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary End Sexual Systems--new and re liaMc tfea'iTient in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail ir sealed luter envelope6, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Asirclation, No. 2 South Ninth S'rt i'! rJ';i id;i')ifl, PA. " CABINET WARE ROOM. JJESPECTFDLLY invites ihe attention of r-the public to his extensive assortment' el Cabinet Frrnilure ar!d C H A IRS,Q wjiich he will warrant made of goodly materials and in a workmanlike mon- ' T ner. A I. his establishment can always be found a good assortment of fa&hionalle furniture, which is equal in style bnd fin ish lo that ol Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low pricts. He has on hand i h of different stvle and ." ij oi um prices, from 625 lo S60. Divans Lounges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rockirg and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a vaneiy of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card, "J centre and pier table.s detashns, jjfjj chefTenje rs, whatnots and como(Ies,C&--3 and all kind, of fashionable work. His stQfk of bnraus, enclosed and common washfctandsjdress-ubles, corner cupboards, sofas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bod.sieads,cane seat and crmrr.on. chairs i the largest in thi section ol ihe'eouifly. Ji will clso keep a gonj a'?or"l retit ol looking glasses with .far.ey ciSt am! com mon frames. He will also farni.-h sping mattrasscs fitleif to ar.y si.d bd-tf3d, i hir.h aresrprrior f r dauat i!i:y and t om for; tn any bed in nae. Disn)n biir Nov. J, 1S03. j U Ul 1 .kit M a 'ilar.ufactureis tf rhnlopiup'.iic ?2.itcrl:ili, WHOLESALE AND BCTAII.. 5 0 1 IiROA I)W A Y, N. Y. In addition to e i:r main busings POrOGIlAPIMC MATF'.RIALS, we o! are Hca 'qr.arters lur It e fo'io .v i-g . v iz IJttre' copes aud Siertscepic f'it-K'sj Of these we have an irrimeii-c assortment, including War Seenes, Ameriran and For einn Cities'aud Landacape, Groups. Stat uary, fee, fcr. Also, Revrdyir.g Pcro scopes for pn' li-.r or private exhibition. Our Catalogue v ill be sei.t to any n uiress on receipt of Stamp. We were the first to introduce these into the United States, atrl we manufacture ira r;;r nse qnar.tit e in fter.t variety, raging in price from 50 cents lo 50 eaca. Oct .tS3?irjJS l ave ip repntaiion rd" being superior in beauty . p.nd drrabi!;ty te any. others. Thej will be sent by r.aail, " , on receipt of price. ChRD photographs. Our Caurrru? now embraces over Five Thousand sutjc!s (to which additions r.re continually eing made) of I-'c-rirails of I.minenl Americans, ice, viz about 100 Maj G-nerals, 550 S ate-T.pn?, 00 I'rig. General-, 275 Cnlanels, 110 Lieut. Crdon -I 2."0 O her 0;n?e'sr 75 Navy Oiliceis, 13) Divines, 125 Authors,, 40 Artists, 125 irtaeps, 5a Prom'nt Women, IoO I'rcnincr.t I'orci?n IortrnH. s including reproductions of tlt-j most cAs L rated Knaravicga. I'ain'irgs, Siatutes, &!. Cafaiognes sent on rejeipt of iS;amp. An Ord.jr i'li one dozen Pictures from our Cat al.cus will be filled o the receijU of 6 I. So and sent by mail, Frea. . Phoorapbcrs .d other? ordering gO"d CO. D will pi a.-e jvrrit fventy-fiva pe cent cf ihe arr.onni with their order. E : II. T. ANTHONY ic CO., Manufacturers of Ftioi )2iap'iie Materiils, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. tjT" The prices end quality cf our goods con tirl fail io s'llL-fy. Dec 7, lt6k rr.o. . ARCANA WATCH. An ElcgacicvcIIjr in V alcl.c. THE cases of this watch, are an entirely new invention, composed of six different rr.P'ala corritined. roiled toetlier art-1 planished, prod ucin z an exact imitation of 1H carat gold, r ailed" Arcnna, which will always keep its colcr. They Pre c brantifu! and durabl? as oiid cold, and are sff irded a' one cigii'h the o?t. Thi;, case is tea ut if ally designed, wiih Panel and shield for name, wit!) Paten! Pash Pin, and et graveti fn the exact style of the r.r !e hrated GjIJ Hunting Lever? and urc real ly handsome and ?esiral'e, and so txact ji ti imitation of gold, as to defy detection. -The movement is manufactured by the well known St. Jirner Vv'ak.-h Company of Europe, and are sup-rlli fini-he i, having engraved railets, fancy, carved bridgen, a''j:isting regulrdor, v ith cold balanced, and the improved ruby j -veiled action with the line dial ad skeleton hands, and is warranted a Lrood lime keeper. Thee watches are of Ihrc different size,s, the sma!lel being for ladies, and are al! Hunt ing Cases. A case of sis, will b9 sent by mail or Express for ?!2.00. A sing! one sent in an elgent Morocco ca3e forS25.e0 will readily set! for three limes their cost. We are Ihe role ag'-nts for mis Watch in the Uni'cd S'a'ps, and none are genuine which do net bear onr Trade Mark. Address, DEVAUGTI li CO., Importers, 15 Maiden Lane, New York.. Feb 3, 1565 3 .no lOI.B KCCXS rrcpriclor RX,Ott32SX:rKG IM. rpHIS rragnificent Hotel, situate in the A- central portion of the town, and op posite the Court Houe, ha? been thoroughly repafre J and refurnished, and the Proprieior i now prepared lo accommodate travelers, teamslers, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His lable will be supplied with the best the market aff.ordsjand his R irwith the choicest liquors. Attenlise ostlers will alvrays be cn hand, and his stabling is the mol extensive in this se ion of country. Omnibuses wil alwayscle in readiness to convey passen gers to and from the Railroad Depots. WM. B. KOONS. . Bloomsburg, July 4. 1860. ACAKD IO INVALIDS A CLKKG Y man, while residing in S?uth America a3 a missionary, discovered a safe aod sim ple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weak ness, Early. Decay, diseafes of "ihe Urinary atid Seminal Organs, and the vhcla train of disorders bronght on by baneful and'vi cious habits. Oreat numbers have already been cured by th'n noble remedy. Prompt ed by a desire to benJi the ai?u'cted and unfortr,nakJ; I will send the recipe tor pre paring itnd using this medicine," to any one who-needs ii, in, a sealed envelope fre of charge. Please er.clo-e a stamped ritvel opoaiMresed ycarcgif!" Address 5J. SFpff T. PJT !r-". t ?"' '' - - . : Wlsocsafc nsid tcCaiI. : fTIIE subscriber wocld' announce loihe -- " citizens of Kloomsburg and vicinity, that he .is selling LIQUORS in large and sn.cll quantities, and at difTerent prices, at his New Store, on Main street, r--?-,. north side, two dcorn eoul'i of AXT''j Iron sueei,.BIoomsburg. His Uy.'i-T! - stock of Foreign and Damrsiio' ciLJU.-.it 13 IS . 333 ID II 32 D 3 consists of Cognac aid Rochelle, Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment cf "3 mas Ca' Z3 zi-'v Old Rye, gray with age, fine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and any quantity of common, lie also bas PURE HOLLAND GIN Madeira', Lisbon, Claret, Cherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not leaM, a quantity cf good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell a ihe lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give his liqnor a trial. D. W. ROlililNS, At. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. 'VTC32IXG inTIJAri( E COMPANY, Ojficc orer the Wyoming EanJe, 0d W li A M it kj iK.tt' L fill Ut ltV,UVVi Yrill insure againcl loss or damage b Firs on property ii) town cr country, at reaoriaide ierrns. I'd REC1 OiiS, G. M IIolL'nbarl-, John R"irhard, Samuel Wiulhairi', D L Siioa. maker, Daniel G. Drie-bach, R. C. Smi h' R. D. Liirop" G. P. Steele; W. W. Let. bam' Charles Durrance, W. S. Ross, George M Harding. ' - (J. M HOLLENIA('Il, PresU. 1). L. SHOEMAKER, V. Pies' t. R C. SMITH, Secretary, W. G. STERLING, Treasurer. L II. CONOVER. Agent, Beach Haveu, Pa. December 2d, 1S63. ly. JSTcic Stock of Clothing. Sprin?; "n:id :i;;3::srr Cioods. iNV'l 1ES at'ention lo his stock of rheap and fashionable Clothing a: Lis S:ore, r. M. J JX S Tp.E E T, P, L '() 052SP U12 G , tivo t.'oor$ above Ihe Sim trie a House, where he ha j-ist received from New' York and Philadelphia, uTjI! aasortment of 7.1 tin niJii 53f5-,s CIoI!i;js?t, iticl'iJiug tfie rrosi fashionable, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consistin? of 1,'jx, Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Cotl Ccats, and Pants, of all srrts, sizes, and colors. - He also ha? replenished his already large stock of Fail and Winter Shawl--; striped, flgorvd and plain Vests, sLirts, cravats, stock-',- coildrs, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspender- a'id fancy arfn-l-s. N B He ha? constantly cn hand a l.i'ge and well selected asorirr.ent of Cloths a-,d Vestings, which he i prepared to make op '.o order, into any kind of tludii ig on very short notice atid in t!ie bst of maiir.er. AH his clothing i made lo wear and most of it is of home manufacture. Ot every Description, Fine a:.d Cheap Hi Ca;e of Jewelry is not surpassc 1 in tf.i place. Call anil examine his ereral as sortment of Clothing, Watches. Jewelry, A.e. kc. r A V 1 D LOWENBEUvJ. Binomsbnrg. April 20, TSf.5. Lacks v anna L CbcsjbKrj'R ( if f"""- . TV;o DAILY TRAIKS. ON and after Morday, December 26;b, 1S64, Passenger Trams will rati as fol low s : STATIONS. Nor!i'jmborlan! Dan vilie, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Lerwick, S'.iid.'hinny, Kirgston, Wyomi.;g, Pitt.-on, Arrive it Scranton, Ort at P-n !, New York, P.ton, MAIL. PASSENG'R 8.C0 A M f 00 r :i J 8 40 9 C5 & 45 10 25 11 10 12 15 r a 12 50 - 1 05 1 50 f. 40 " 5 50 2 45 G 30 5 40 r. 25 r, 35 7 30 8 15 9 15 9 35 9 50 10 2") r.M Philadelphia. Lravc Scro.nton, PiltsTon, Wyomit-g, Kingston, Sr.irksMinny, -Per .vie k, Bloomsburg, Rupert. Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, Will'umsport, Hjrriburg, P.ahimore -Washington, f 00 C 30 6 15 7 ro 7 55 S 35 9 15 9 25 10 00 a tn 4 2 ' p rn (0 5 45 5 30 C 45 7 30 . 8 25 25 9 15 10 40 10 00 f. 30 p m 2 O'l am 1 20 1 25 5 40 7 00 9 05 10 25 5 40. 5 00 ' Philadelphia, The shortest r.nd mos: dirGclrou!e to the Wfl and t!;C Oil Region" I Trains cf the Philadelphia and Erie Rail rood leave Northumberland evorv monrn ing for Erie, arriving there the ahernoon of ihe same day to connect with Trains for Rjflal-i, Cleveland, Chicago, And ail other p in.ts West, connecting a' Corry v. iih ail Trains on ihe Oil Creek Railroad. Passengers for Train 3, can leave New York via The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. at 9 CO A. M., thereby reaching all points on lhis Road the same day. ' II. A. FONDA, Snpt. Kingston. Dec. 20, 1S61. OMNIBUS LINE. rglHE undersigned would respectfully an rounce lo ihe citizens of Bloomsburg, I and the public generally, that he is running ' iiiiviniTe i irn a" U.tli IOVJ 11 Ij f betw een this place and -OVTt the d.flerent iiail Road ttZi-rcL Depo's, daily, (Sundays excepted) to con nect with the several Trains going South and Wesl on Ihe Catawissa & Williamsport Rail Road, and with those going Nor h and South on ihe Lack. & Rioomshurg Road. His OMNIBUSES pre in good condition, commodious and comfctratie, and charges reasonable, t" Persons wishing to meet or see iheir friend depart, can be accom modated, npon reasonable charges, by leav iog limely notice at any of the Ilotils. , JACOB. L- CHITON, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1861. A N D V J V T-.' .-a, .-4 - S - - j. THE SINGER SEVH MAIIILNES. I'VUR Letter A Family Sewing Machine is 'last raining a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has so many use ful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tuckins, Gathering, Guaain, Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so lorth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity for a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of clcnh, and with nil kinds of thread. Great and recent improvement iTiake. onr Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, even of the mnst ordinary caparity,can see, at a glance how lo use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are finished in chafte and exquisite 6tylc. The Folding Case of the Family Ma chine, is a piece of cunning workmanship of Ihe most useful kind, (('protects the ma chine when nol in use, and when about lo be operated may ba opened as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work. While some of Ihe Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the sim plest aud chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embelished in lha most Cosily and superb manner. Jt is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to j utge td its sreat capacity and beauty. It is fas' becoming as popular for family sewii:g as onr Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purpo??s. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needle;8, oil, etc, of the vrry best quality. S.-'nd for a Pamphlet. . THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Rioadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8 JO Chestnut St N. S. Tingley, Agent, iii Espy, Pa. A. J. Evans, Aent, in Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1S63. Old T E:i2s ESocfliKc Ky, The undersigned wonld beg leave lo in form his rid friends, and "the rest of man kind," thai he has lately returned from the service of his country, aid aaain re- ,"5 opened his OLD E S T A B L I S II- f: E D T A I L O R I N G S A LOON,-. with a view of making up emir new gar ments, as wed as mending old ones, for all mankind, and any body el-e, who may favor him with'their work in his line. " V.n is prepared to do work iS EAT, Fash ION ABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, ami hope Ly sodoin2, and tlrirt attention lo business to merit and receive a dne share of patron age. Pol remember, all, that these times require money, or something io lire upon, be therelore hopes and IruM?, thai when he has done his part, his customers wiii du their, by fumis'iin;: the "rea'iy John," or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is worthv of Lis hiic." BERNARD RUPERT onm feting, Sepi. 10 15:02. A (.A.tiy iii ili.j f(l i i.id.ii; SWALLOW two or three Hogsheads of B H'hu, Tonic Bittere, Sarsaparilla, Nervo js Aptidntcs, fee. fee, and af:er you are satisfied with the resr.tt, ihen try one box ot OLD DOCTOR LUCliANS ENGLISH T;FJIFIC P1LL. and be restored lo health and vigor in less than SO days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and "sal atary in Iheir effects n the, broken d.iwn an l.sdia'tered consti tution. O' I and youp.u can take them with a Ivaniage. ' Imported and sild in t tie U. S. ordy by JAS. S. BUTLElf. No. 127 Broadway, New Ymk, T"A."er!t for tfie United States ... - P. S. A box of Ihe n.ils. securely pack- ed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of priee, which is ONE DOBLAR, p st paid. mo-ley refntide.l by ihe Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. July 20, ISSt. 3in. EDITOR OF THE 'STAR,' Dear Sir: With your permission I wish to say lo the readers of your paper that I " j'. tend, by return nail, lo all who wish it (free) a Re cipe, with f ti LJ directions for making and r.sicg a simple Yegeiable B'.!m; lhat will effect:". illy remove, in ten days, j imples, I !ct.e. Tan, Freckles, and all iv.puri:ies rf the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail !re3 to those having Bald Head, or bare Facps, simple directions h'ld information that will enatle th"'n lo start a full growth H:.criarit hair, whiskers, or a mouslache, in les than 3; days. Ail floptical ions answered by return mail without ct'.arue. Resprcifi: By yours, THOS F. CHAPMAN, Cherr.it, 831 Broadway, New York. July 20, 1F61 3;n. rioi'lli criiJrai Hailiv.'iv. TIME T A LB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North ai d West Branch of the Siisqneh.m Tsa, Elmira, and ell of Northern New Yrk. O.i and fdter Mondnv, Arril 20;h, HC3, the Passenger Trains of the Nor.h Central Railway w ill arrive and depart from Sun bary, Harri.-bur hnd Bahimore, as follows: soiTmwinn. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10.10 a m. Leaves Hatristcrg, 1.15 p.m. Arrive? at Baltimc, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury diily except Sundays, at 1 1 C7 p.m. Loaves Harrisb rg, except Monday 2.00 a m. Arrives ri P-allitnore daily except Mond.iy, at 0.15 a.m. Accomnicdalio'1. leaves Ijarrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NORTHWARD Mail Trail leaves Ba!;imrre daily execj t Sundays at Leaves Harrisbnrg, Arrives at Sunbury, Exp:cs Trains B.il.in.nre daily, Arrives at ilarrii-bnr, U.lo a m. 1.15 p.m. 4.05 p rn. 0.15 " 1 .35 a.m. Leaves Harrib rg exrept Monday, 3.00 " Arrives at Sunbury, 5.38 " For further particulars appiy at the office. . I. N DL" BARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Aug. 8, lst.3. " 1(Y n T T "IT S V II E N 3) i: i T- S S T, -rrs ESPECFULLY offers his j ' " --professional servicesto the -GTI t ladies gentlemen ol Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Dentistry, aud is provided with the latest Improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well a? natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac lured and all operations cn teeth carefully attended to. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. All operation; on the teeth warranted. Residence and OiUrr, a fcr -Wus at vr Important TO ALL IROV IN THE BLOOD. It is well known to the medical profes sion that Iron is the vital Principle or Life Element of tne blood. This is derived chiefly from" the food we eat; but if-ihe focd is not properly digested, or if, Irnm any cause whale ver, (he necessary quan tity of iron is not taken ?nto the ciiculation or becomes reduced, the whole system suf fers. The bad blood will irritate the heart will clog up ihe lungs, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will send its disease producing elements 10 all pari of Ihe system, and every one w:II suffer in whatever organ may be predisposed to dis ease. The creat value of IRON AS A MEDICINE - Is well known and acknowledged by all medical men. The difficulty has beer, to obtain tuch a preparation of it as will en ler the circulation and assimilate at orce with the blood. This point, says Dr Hayes, Massachusetts S'laie Chemist, ha been at tained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combina, lion in a way belore unknown. THh' PERUVIAN SYRUP I a protected solution of the ProSoxid of Iron. A new discovery in medicine that strikes at the Root ol Di-ease by supply inn the blood with its Vital Principle or Life Element -Iron. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cnres Dispepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsey lever Spirits. auc Ague, Loss of energy, Low THE PERUVIAN SYRUP infuses strength, vigor, and new life into the system, and builds up an "Iron Consti tution." THE PERUVIAN SYRUP . Cures Nervous Affections, Female Com plaints, and all diseases of Ihe Kidneys aud Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a Specific for all diseases originating in a bad state of the blcod, or r.ccornjariied by Dability or a low slate of the system. Pamphlets containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most rnnnert Physicians, Clergymen and o'hers, w ill be sent FREE to any ad dress. We select a fjv cf ihe names lo show the character of the testimonial. John E. Williams, Esq , President of dia Metropo itari Bank, N. Y. Riv Abe'd Stevens, late Editor Christian Advoca'e Journal. R-.v P. Church, Editor N. Y. Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont, Re v. Warren Bnrto.s Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, Rev. Curdon R.b biiis, Rev. SlvacuB Cobb, Rev. T. Stair King, Rev. Ephrairn Nine, Jr., Rev. Jv?sehp H Cl.r ch, Rev. Henry Upham, Re.v. P. C, Headley, Rev. John V. Oimslend.- Lewis J' hnsou, M. I)., Rosweli Kinney, M. D. S. K. Kendall, M. D., W R Uhishnrn,M D Frar.cis Dana, M. D , Jeremiah Stcne, M. D, Jose Antonio Sanches, M. D, A A. Hayes, M. D., Abraham Wendell, M. D , J. R. Chilion. M. D., II. E. Kinney, M. D Prepared by N. L Clatk & Co . exclu sively ;or J. P. DINSMORE,No. 491 Broud--way, Now York. Sold by ali Diuggisis. FOKTV YEARS EXPERIENCE has ful ly fcs'.ablis-heii the superiority o BEDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over ill r ther healing prpp.ira ions It cures al! ki'.ds of Sjre, Cuts, Scalds, Burns, Boils, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Erysip elas, Sties, Pilas, Corns, S'r? Lips, Sore Kye,c, removing Ihe pain at once, and reducing the most angry looking swelipgs. and ii.fUmatim as if f'v rnagic. ONLY 2 5 CENTS A BOX. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE. No. 491 Broa Hvay, New York, S W. TOWLE fi Co.. No. 1 Tremont- St. Boston, and by all Drnggi-d. August 3, IG4 ly. AIlTiirR'S UO2II: 3IAGAZII-:. E !i-?d bvT. S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN IA E. TOWNS END. Tlie Home Magazine for lc(i5 will be'en- larged and improved, aud made still more worthy of the eminent tavor w'yh which it lias been received It- character a; a 1 1 i h - Tc, 11 v il Per: c i; i cr. ! s cl lin ing pv.l lic favcr rn the cronnd of real n.eri', wiii be carefully maintained ; while for variety, interest, us-lnlues, and sdi ll-.e attractions c literature aid art esse r.dal to a tr.;e Home Magazine the publisfiers will aim to rnske i: Superior To All Oilier A Fine Steel Engraving, and Two Page cf Music, w iii appear in evry number, besides choice picture3, groups and char acters, prevailing fashions, and a large va riety of patterns I'nr garments, embroidery, j etc., etc. In all respect we shrdl eive j A FIRST-CLASS MAGAZINE, I at a price wilhin th3 reach r f every ii.t.-!i'' e:ii family in (he land. " A new story by T. S. ARTHUR will bt commenced in ihe January number. Yearly Terms, in Advance Oie copy, 50, three copies, Sfi.fO, five copies and one to the ;;etter-up o! club, SlOdiO, nin-5 copies, and cne lo the z-li up of club S15 00. n.3" A beau'.ifil Premium Phi'i. rnti'ied 'Ihe Irfancy of Shakspeare.." wiii t mailsd to each person who s ns ac'.Lo of subscribers, it will also be mailed 10 each single subscriber from whom we re cei ve ,50. CZ'To: SI 50 we wid send one ocpy 01 each of Home Magazine and G'ltljV Lady's Pook for one year. Addre-. T. S. ARTHUR CO . 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 23. lSd. PATRIMONIAL. LA f' IRS ANi-'OHN-ilempn. If j cu wish "o marry address ihe undersigned, who will send jon wi h cr.t mcn.'V and without price, valuable in forma:icn"ihat will enable you to marry hr.ppy and speedily, irrepec'.ive of agp, wealth or beauiy. This it.formalion will eost you nothing aud if yon wish to marry. I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confiacMial. The desired informa tion sent by return mail, and no questions avked. Address Sarah J! Lambert, Oreen pninl. King- county, New- ork. O.-t. 12, 1SG1 2m DR..T.R. KVANS, Fliysician .ltd Sirgco:i, jfTAVlNG loca'ed permanently on Main Street, RLOOMSrUR, Pa., would in form the public generally, that he is pre pared lo a.tend to ail business faithfully and punctually lhat may be intrusted to hi cam, on lerms commenMi rale w ith the limes. CP" He pays strict attention to Surgery aswcll as Medicine. November 25, 1663.-ly. DAVID L01Vi:.Mii:UG, C LO T II I X G V T O R E, 0 Main strcetjlwo doorsabovethc Amer ican Hotel. KL.lMvS ! CLAiKS ! BLMiS i DEF.DS, SUMMONS, Exixu'i ions. sur.ia:.s, n f ri " ",tl X' d . -' rti ' 1 . f .M ri )''v-.if HE3MSOD'S Fluid extract bochtj, A pcslttvo emd Spcclflc Remedy for diseases of tbo Eludder, Iildscya, Grovel r.nd Proptlcal Swelling., Tills Kccllctso lncreoflcs tie powers of digestion, and escttcs tlio absorbents tsto hccliiy oct'.on.'by rtUcti U;o watery or ctlcorcou6 CcpoEltions, end til unnatural cn Icrceinests lire reduced, as well as pstn ard lnfi&unasU'ja. hud la good for it.cd, vcmen cad ctililrca. IlELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For veakDers arfBlnJ from Excesses, ItablM of Elsslpa tlon, Early Indiscretion, attended vrtta tte followlM Symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss cf Tower, DlXcalty of Ercathlsg Trcmbllrg, Waicefalncts, Tsln ln tho EticJr, Elasljlng of tae Body', Ernpf lona of tbe race,- Loss of Memory, T7eak Xcrvos, Horror cf Thcae?, 'ti I)lmness of Vision, Hot Ilandd, Dryness of the Skin, TnlTCrEal Laseltade, Taliid Countenance. Tbc;e symptoms, If allowed to goon (vrldcb Udn Ucdt cine Invariably removes), eoon follow EATUITT, EPILEFriC FITS, &C, . In ono of Trbicb tbc patient may expire. Vno cm en ttey are not frequently followed by those " dlrcfal fits cases," ISAnTT A27D CONSUMPTION? ' ITar.y arc aware cf tbo canac of tblr suffering, bnt coso T.'t'.l confers. Tbo records of the Insane asylnms and tbfl rjelancbol7 deaths by consumption bear ample witness to t'je trutb of the wjcrtlox Tho Con3t!tT!t!cn, once erected ty organic weakness, rcqulrca tbc aid of mcdlc'.no toctrengtben end Invigorate tbe Eyptcn, wtlch TIXiLMIJOLD'S EXTRACT OF BTJCHTJ Invariably Co'C. A trial will ccnvlnco de most sceptical. lanvr.ny ofToctlons peculiar to Females, tbe Extract Trcnu Is unoqnaleJ by any other remedy, and for all coTjplaliita Incident ta tte sex, or In th PECLrXH OH CHAJTGE OF EXE, CC EZS BT3trT0S3 ABOVE. C27 Ko lraiaily ehould be without it: Tatoco Eilsnai, Mercury, or ucplcafact medicine In ocpteosant and diinpcrocs dl30a3C3. lliLiiD'uuij 0 . pt r. tt ntrr 4.T.D Cures Secret Diseases la til tLelr stages little expcno, little or no change of filet, no Inconvenience, 1yd KO EXPOSCIiE. CJSE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For oil alcctlocs and diteaees of these organs, whether lxistesto ts hale or female, From whatever cacse originating, and no cattcr tow long standing. Ciocaeea of thc;o organs require the eld of a diuretic. HELHECLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretic. JLnd It la certain to bavo the desired cilcct la all disease! for which It Is recommended. ZICHi UiiOOOi SLCCD! FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, For purtfylr. the rlool,r?3:ovlr!i? all c'liron!-: cc;af:. Lorial dltcas arL'tag frora an impure i-tito ol tbe ElocJ, end the orly reliable aud cSectucl kaorv n remedy for t'j 1 cure of EciofcJa, ictli Held, Sd. r.hcu:a, Talna 05 1 EwcUlngs cf tbo Eonc8, XTIccrr-tiora of the Tbroct at.d Legs, Elotcbcs, nmplcs on Tie Face, Tetter, iyij,c.Ui, Dtd ell SC9I7 Era-tlora of the Dila, KOT A FEW Cfto rrc-?t dijorders thit alTJct msn!ilad a:l- c fic?n tt.O ccrmjtlcn thnt cccun:ulatC3 In thaElcoJ. Cf rtl t'..oCi ccvcrics tbntbavc teen iarxdc to i.nrjre It ou'. couo srn ccal in ca .ct llzL"ai'B Costpocsd Extteact c? Cit rrAErrxA. It c'.czn-xs asd rsroraei tbc Elccd, lLsur te n,7cr cf !.c:.th into tic fyttcn, sr.d r'.rjcs cut Cs Lumcrs ;UlU r:a!:c Circac. It sttsalates the hcaliiy fsnc'iosp.-? tbc body.nsd crr-elsthc disorder that prcc tn? eakwin ihe blocl. Taoh a redely that coutl 1 3 relic J cn has (kcsrht for, en. 1 tow, for tt It--: tinie tae pul-Ic hive enc on which tbcycim dcpvi. Cur r; sec here docs nt aitt of certificate to sl.ov su cfc-r te. I -it tho trhil of a tingle t ottlo wl'.l thow to the V.zz tt.r.; li Lis L3 virtues fcrpnir.. oaythL-.p they hao ct't tikm Two toWcpODRLfal cf the Extr.ict of fcarearauWa adiici lo a r tnt cf water Si c-.;n2.1 to tho Lisbon Ltd IM&k. c&d uzc ! o'ile :? f iV.y c-yjil Id a cllon of tho Pyrup t-f firsa-I'-riU, cr tlii U.ccc.:on as a; rially m&lc. Ai cxccllor.t Lctlon for Clc-cirea crletnj from Lablta cf dirtl;i:::!or.,Ucdi'i connection slth the Extracts ISocha aJ Ss.r.-.rr.r.rUla, la B'jrh dleiFca a recommended. Evi c"eric5 of the ir.ost responsible ad rclU.V.e character will ccron.pasy t:.-s mtHlicince. .Lo esrl:clt directions for esc, v:;"i 7i ..v..'a rf tf.oiw.r. it lirtf wtincEscs.and np-vir-s cf C?,0C3 az-xllcite-i ccrtiilctcs ted rccommcndA tary itticrs, ri.a.y cf which tre iVoni the blchest oourcco. U:c!u;".-.g c: aurt n y.'icl-ni.norgyaicu.Ftaiecaen, 4c. The rroprli.-tcr br.3 never r-jsortcd to tLelr publication la the reTEpapcrs ; be uoc-s cot do thia Iron the fact that LL articles rani cb Standard Frcpsrctloua, ted do not tcel to bo prpfK?d y crniCciitcs. The tcicncc cf lIcdlclco.Lte the F-crte Colu'run. should ' rtand rticptc, pure, rricjcstlc, Lavir.j Tact for Ifa basW Liductlon fur Its pillar, rtd Truth olouo for lta Capital. t-'-j r.rf --t r ST-.rrrrllla 13 a r.loo-.l ri Igcr ; rr.7 Trtrcct rnci:U 13 a ri arctic, red will act cs ruch in all caeca. Foth ore prepared cn pnrcly eclcntlilc principles in riruo and ore tho raofi active mcasareacf either that ccn bo made. A rcr.dy and roncldflvo test win te a com parison of their propertlea with those set forth la tho fol lov,1c5 worts: Fee Pl-pcnratory of the TnilM States. fee FrofesEor DEivrrs valuable worts on the Fractice cfrhyrlc. , ECO rernarka inndp T-.v thr. rfVhmtml' TV. Trrrrtn. TTi'l. tralcd rhy-iclan rni JTexbcr cf tho Foyal ColKgeof tnrgcons. Ireland, cad published la the Transactions ct the Eing end Qucoa'3 Journal. Fco Kcdlco-Cbtru'-clCil Ecvitw. pcblichod t y Vzsj'zs TnAVETta. Tcllow cf the Eoyal College of Surgeons. C2 b.o.t cf the late Etandard v.orkd oa MeUicioe. TOLD FT ALL DRUGGISTS LilVW UEZE. Address lcttcr3 for lnf'.rrns.tlon, in cocadcace, to n. T. KEX.MEOLD, Chemist. ISINCIPAL LLrOTS llelrn'ooldda Druc an I domical Warehouse Kn. 531 LFADWAY, KEW T0EK, aal " IIclmLold'a Llodical Depot, hs. 10 i COUTH TLlITbT, ST, PHmLDELTIII A, W. V AR1 OPCOll N T I 1 1 V I ' IT R . K 1' (J il UU li M li O J. D B ! -" T.Md'. N"1? ''j'Hfir! 3 JL -A n