v. v 7 i r PJUU-.IWI rjmmwu . I - . - rSTiR 'OF THE NOHTHj TlUXaS A3 JUT TOWN L COUNTRY. W KDNESOA Y. J U N E 7 1 8fi5. Sice Prospectus of the Daily Auk i.i week's paper. .,. . lb: Stko.no indications of coal oil have been discovered near Orar.gevill, this county. Gko. Ruswkk is making arrangements to wet Main Street from thi mud ihe 20ih of Oc ober tiert. He will do the job well. A street sprinkler has been much needeJ lor the past two week. -..- . Mr. R S, who wot o his name, with Ihe request lhai we announce it a a candi date for ,4r?.oiT,". will be obliged to send 09 the publication fee S3 00 to insure his ''card'-" a place in the columns of the i Stab. This p'ace was visited by a fine shower between the honrs of six end seven o'clock last ftlonuay evenng. u iaiu me uum pJew.'y. Yegrtatimi stood rrnicM in need of ibis rain. The ground was becoming very bard and dry. . . B ' 1 . .-II . I- - 1 .. . . I Thb people ol Bloomsburg observed ThnisJay last, according to President Juhti son's proclamation, s a das ol humiliation and prayer. The places ot business were closed, and our streets presented the ap pearance of Sabbath. There were services in several of the churches, and large num bers were in attendance. Tus editor of the Berwick U-zctie was induced to go fishing for Eels with : i!jvi!" a few evenings since The coneqner.ca 'was. he met wi-.h a terrible cat-trophe by, .uuwiilinrfly," being plunged out of a i....r.;..n ..... .. ,i .,, i roade a miracalous escape from drowning JkrhY might have known that the "imp," i and "devils" would play .heir pranks upn j him if be ofT'-red them an opportunity Hereafter be caauou-; you mim have j lirowutd. j "TV.--- :n u k!.t :.. . i. v. f . u . . t Lutheran congregation, a Strawb.kht and I Icb-Cbicam Fpstival, on Thursday. FiU:y and Suturdiy Evening, of this week, June ihe 8ih, 9th and I0 h ; for the porpo of raising a snfiicient amonntof funds to pur chase a bell for said church. Some money has already been collected for this purpose bet not snrTicient. Tlie ot'jci is worthy of attention and ive hupe it will meet vvjth euccesj. Cspt. Willi 3i Silver returned home last Friday. He was unable to gel re muntered iiiio the per vice. 7;he order of the day wems'tot e, -muster vul'' instead of ''mus '.ft in " 7hi wi:b the lareest number o? penp'e, is kood news. It would seem like grange proceeding if the government should 8 ill receue officers into the service while Inre numrers are dai!y bein dihar-eJ tn accoutii of their iioi being any longer (iteded in ''pnttinss down j.hi rebellion' A tounu ladt va. heard to remark, on her return.-from services, iu one of tf e chnrcl.es of this pUce, on lh day ol fasling, humiliation and prayer, in accordance with President Johnson's proclamalio i, thai "the ermon was e'rictly poiiiical.'' . This came trom the lips of a lady ot intelligence and a iai liful chnrch-eer. It Joet. not snrpri-e in. in the least io bear of our niifi-!ers preach ;ng poinic-ul sermons; that bus been t'e order of -the day for the last four years Abk Likcoum assisted in prossjutin,; the pulpit. Wrho dare deny it ? TT fine span of horses bought bv sore : Abolitionists of New York, for Pre-idenJ Johnson, which he declmed receiving, was sold a tew days ago, at public out cry, for 900 00 j-isi Sl.eCo 0 le-,3 than What it cost the party. They lost on the carriage andhamess several thousand dollars be . sid. . W'e urtdernlana: the President thank d them lor t-lio desiring to honor him, bu: when he wished a span of hor-.es ad car riage he was able to buy and pay tor them ! ,Tmb Republican in sjeakirgof "copper beads'' 48 understood fry nearly every per on a meaning Democrats. The editor of the abusive and unprincipled sheet in (ques tion, state! in bis' last issue, thai ''copper heads tolJ bim that Greenbacks would be o!d aa wate paper by the cord before the ir wm over." He never saw any such expression published in either of the Dem ocralic papers ol this county ; aud we con iesa lobe about as radical a Democrat as there are in the county and never have herd any cch langoage made ose of by our Democratic friends. He must have re reived his information from "that "life long Denpcrat" be keeps standing in his office. Can't you manufacture another one ? Sup-jpo-e yon try. . V leldom notice anonymous icribblers, and shall fay but slight attention to the one in Ut week's Republican. Let him come oit 1rom under his anonymous, place bis real iiaeie tu whatever he chooses to wri'e, and we will soon discover which is the greater patriot, he 'or Jiff D vis. One thing has already been discovered that, whoever "Loyaby" is, he is given to misrepresenta tion. We say this, not that ba has misrep resented o in any way, but misrepresented Sir. Davis. He understands oor position., as io onr opinion of Lincolk and Davis, perfectly well. We always thouhi tittle of Divu, and privately and publicly denounce t d his course ; but we thought less ol Lin tcls as a man, and we do sull ; make of it what you choose, and bs carefo! and keep jour unholy hands off of cs, while you! ,. ' 7f,e oim6,'', Co. Republican of 4ib alt. says Cnnrad k'ramsr Pnci maetar at Terser. town. havi5 rRsiisnp.l Sjmnnl Rrn iler has been recommended to succeed him and will be appointed. This item ol ihe 'Republican contains three assertions. The first, that Conrad Kreamtr ha 'resigned is as the editor of that sheet informed his readers in a late issue a nec essary ingredient of soap lie. The second, that Samuel Brugler has been recommended to succeed him may be true though it is peculiar tuul a single trmh should find its way to such columns. The third, "will be appointed'' is doubtful. 'lr Republican you are engaged in low business, friud and falsehood, and it may result in the loss of the "dignity" you so much boast of. Suppose you publish the Ftuih, concerning the case, and let your readers know the petty infamy you anil your accomplice are plotting. Klciment af er Regiment have" beerr ar riving in Harri-burg during ihe la-t lew days. We notice the ?0?th and SltHu Regis. in which there are a number of Columbia co'irjiy boys, h;ive come to that plate. The 14lt and 1 42.! Regis, have also arrived there. The Pennsylvania boys are being discharged rapidly. The Goernment does not pay them the lull amount of their bounty j money, w hien, we think, is entirely wrong. wa3 lbtoaj,h Ifr8 iHducements, held out ,Q UM ni(i() in lhfl Bhapfl of boQn , ,ha won ,liem Q the fetfice llai, ,.0. ,Ke((. bounties teen offered volunteer in g would have been slim. The money took them in the service, and wa say pay tfcem. LT went we recorded a c&se- of triplets in sheep : w e have now reported to tis by Mr. Peter Reeder, of Wolf township, nsar Uuuhesvillrt a similar case wbn a cow owned by 21r. Reeder, on the 5th dy of Apil lat. The thrr,e calves were all heal- thy and am daina well. What county can !. fam! , it affords me great pleasure in re be v. old Lvcomins? These should be kept ! coojniendin it to ti e puc-ijc as a valoa- for tim Sta'e fair to be held here in the fail. IVat Branch UcHwoat. - . . I M.vtNG Down.-Hay, oat,, corn, beans ! fork, and eerMh.ng that had anything to i w'h the army contracts, since the de- r pea are earning ilown in price. . r . . i " j . . - i ,ei ,,ie,n c,,ma cown Fp e nave paio 'P'lrrple pnv Ioiij enoogli. U.S. 7-30 LOAiV. THIRD SERIES, $SSO,GCOaOOO. By auihori-y of ths Secretary of ihe Treauri, ihe underpinned, the G-ner-l Sul''.-r:piioi Agent for ih sale of United Stales Securities, ciTers to the public the third series of Treasury Note, bearing heveii.and ihreetent?is per cent, interest j er a'.nnrp, known a the SEYEX-TKIRTY LOAN Thastf notes are ii-.-unJ Kn.ier date of Inly 15, l8o:tf an-l are payable three years rom th.it i'i'f in currency, r are convert-.! inle at ihe option of the holder into U. S. ZiSO iix pea cent. The-e Bonds s re now worth a handsome j premium, and are exempt, as are all the j 'overrmcnt Bonds, rom Stale. County and) Mankip'il b'i'ititn, tch'.rh ahii from one to three per cent per unnmn ty their vilue ac cording to thu rate levied upon other prep, erty. The interest is payable semi-anru ally by coupons attached to each note, which may bo cuto.'f aaJ old to atiy ba:ik or bsnter. The tere.-t at 7.30 per cent amcutits to One cent per day on a 650 note. Two tents " ' " Sltn) " Ten " " ' " $500 " 20 " " " " $1000 " l " " " " i550(t) " Notes of 'l deriominatiorie named wi:I b"s proniptly furuirtied upon :eceipt of sub scrij tions. The Notes -af this Thiid Series ara pre- i r ... . rMly ,i""lar 'orm privileges to tne j Seven-Ttiinie already so!J except that I ne LfOvernmtiut re.-erves to itcKtt the "p. iion of paying interest in- golj coin at 6 per cent., instead 7 3-10ths in currency. Subscribers will dJcl the interest in cn:' rency opto July I5ih, at ne time when they subscribe'. x The delivery of the notsof tliis third sej;es of- Ihe Seven-thirties will ccnmence on thn l't of Jine, and will be made promptly nd conti-iuo us lyafter that ilatt. The slight change m-ade'in the condition ol this THIRD SFRIES afTect? only the ma-ier of interest. The payment ir. gold, if made, wiil oe equivalent to the currency interest of he higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in GotJ be availed of, would so re duce and equalize prices that purchases made with six per cent in gold would be hilly equal to those mde with fe7en a:i 1 three tenths rei cent, in currency. This is Tfcc O'uIy.Losn i.i Market Now orlcred by the Government, and its superior advantages mak it the Great Popclar Loan of the Pioplc. Less than Si'3i,000,000 of the Loan au thorized by Congres.3 are now on the roar kef. This amount, at the rate at which it is beirg absorbed, will all be subscribed for trithin sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly beo the case -on closing :he subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be affbr ted fa cilities fo r taking the loan, the National Bank?, State Bsi.ks, and Private Bankers thronhout tha country have generally I agreed to receive subscriptions at par.- Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom tiiey hava confiderice, anJ who Only are to be responsible for the delivery of the coles for which tljpr receive ord rs. JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. Subscriptions will be received by the FIRM NATIONAL BANK OF BLOOMS- WISTilII S 2$AL,SAM OF . 77ILD GI33RK7, One of the oldest and mot reliable rem edies in the world for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bionchiti,Dif fieulty of Breathing, Asthma, Hoarseness, nre throat, i Cro??:!leve' 'j01.1 Ule THROAT n'ivio arm mi, incitiuina even W.STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY So "eneral Iihs the u?e -of this rtmedy become, and so popular is it evi-ry where, that it is Di'.r.e.'e.-ary to rei ounli it virup lt works ppik for it. and fi-,d utterance in the abundant and voluntary ies iinony ol the many who trout Inny s' ilrin and s-t-iled d-ra-e have by its nte beci restored to proline vigor and health. We can pre sent a tn;i?5 of eviJeiice in proof oi our assertions, that ' CANNOT BE DISCREDjTKD. Testimony of iMr. JAAIES GRIMKS, acentleman hijily e-teemrl in Col.imbia Co. Pa . and cue wli cte s atement can bf relieii upon. Ml. Plf.ifar.t, Co. ;ro., Pa., Jlay 21.1&60 Messrs Seth W Forler& Co.. Bo-ton' Gdi.tlcmTi About 1 1; ret? year aao oni daughter, r.ow twelve yt'ars ot ge, w;i .Hverely afflicted wiih iroup. A general irritation ot ihe Iun:?. followed, oroducir, a hectic conli, which became almo-t con stant, swelling of Ihe ieui les ai;d other indications ot Consumption wer? also ;ip parent, and her lift? whs I'ei-paird of bv her physic-tan. At this critical moment we were induced to uive Dr. W i-tar's BiUarn of Wild Cherry R trial; a-id after she. bad taken oris bottle we found her so much re- lieve'i inai ii was inougrit unneresary to continue it?- use. since thai time we iiave 1 used the B.ilsain ir. our family in ca.-fd t Conshs and Cold-,, s nd believe it to be a Miperior itriicJy foi all diseases of the Lutm. Yours with respect JAMES GRIMES. FROM JESSE SMITH, E-o,., President of the Aljrris Couiity Bauk Mor riftown, N. J. "Having used Dr. Wistar's. Balsam of Wild Cherry (or about fiheen ytar-, and navui reanie.! us ufneu -iHi reni(s in try o.e remcoy in cases or weak lung, c.m-, Ci'tighs, &., and a rerr.edy vhich 1 cot sid er to be entirely innnrnnt. aid may be ta ken wi h perfect sa ftty by ilia most o'eli c iie in hjl!h.'J' FROM HON. JOHN E. SMITH, A disoiinguisaed Liyer hi WesWnu'sur li .: t j 1 have on several cci ?.sion u-ed Dr. is:ar'o B.-tl.-am ot Wild Cherry .'or revere , eolith, ai.t always with Jecu'eil benefii. J 1 I- . . . - - I . ,-. , . . . . . rr i:uvi .n iiu j " c ('ft i i i.iii 1,1.11 i- iijr.ft; riil-' ca"i(..LS or inoie d't-rvilig nf general ue. Trie Bal-aui has al.-o ben ase with ex reller.l t lirci by J Kiboll, Merchant, Hali's Cri-s Iln ids, M I. WIS TAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY None genuine unies sig:itM;'l BUTTS, " on the ra;-per. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE. No. 491 Broadway, N.Y. S. W. FOWLE i Co.,-Proprietors, Bolon. A ud by ail Druegists liFRIilXG'S S1LM1 Heals Oid Sorm: RedilingT Russia Salve Cures I'jrns, Seal Is, Caw. Bidding's Rassia Sulve Cures Wcundr, Bruises, Spra'ns. Re idmg's Rusria Salve Cures Bjil?v, Ll : cers, Cancers. j j Redding R'issia Salve Ceres Sail j j Rf'.eutn, Pdes, F, sioe!-?. J lieuuiJ'g S nils 14 CillVU V-UfS Jllil2 j worm, Corns. &c, N family kI'OiI I be without ii. 'JJ' 25 ZXTS A BOX. jp!VlNS KRE, No -191 Broadway N.Y. S..W. EOWLK & Co. No. 8 Tren.c-ut S'. Boston, and by all Druggi-ls and Countij 4 S'Orekeepe-s Aug fO, IJ-fiJ. ty. OKIGIML, 'CiCMISS Si, HLLIACLL, FOR THE GROWTH. HEAUTY AND PRESERVATION OR THE HAIR. CEs4.-aS.lihuJ 18G0.1 Price, 75 cts.pcr bottle. Tin preparation rari show living evidences of iis eicel Ience. SEE Photcgtd.ph and read cerSi ca'.e of Mrs. Wni. Sutton hair five feet and on irh in length used Reve-' Ariibro bta about twenty rtiO:i hs. ALSO.. Photograph and ceriifi."a!e nf Mrs. L M. Neil hair five ft. length used the Ambrosia 18 months . Ttumsaful are nsmnr this preparation and offering w il - ling testimonials. There pf.tographs, taken from Bfe, have been awarded to extend th knowledge of the merits of this wonderful discovery. Hundreds have seen these ladies and heard the facts irom their own lips. Mrs. aiaxwe'l's Testimonial. bev Yok. Dec 23, 1S62. Knowing por.itively that Reeves Am brosia pioduced a beautiful head of hair for Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, New York, 1 was imtneed, thereby, to use it thoroughly. I needed something for my hair, it being short and thin had us-d or e half dozen bottlea when! could plainly no'ice an increase in i!s length, strength, and beanty. An experience of about i-.vy years has proved a complete eucoess. Mo hair is now by measurement, four feet ten inchesin length, nearly reaching the floor. I lave allowed my photograph to proclaim the merits of Reeveb' Ambrosia to the world. MILS. WALLACE E MAXWELL. ZjiZ7ttl cntenprisiig Druggists have these Photographs and keep for sale,' nV.V.V& ,1MB ROOM at 75 Cents per Bollle. Druggit who may not have oor prepa ration, will send for it it applied to. Prin cipal Depot, 62 Fi.Ron Stree', New York. Mes-rs French, R-chards, & Co. of Pi il adelpfiia, General Agents tor Pennsylvania. Nov. 30. 1 8fi 4- 6 mos. IFYOU"TyANT TO KMOW LITTLE ol everything relating to the human system, male and female ; the causes "and treatment of diseases; the mar rtage customs ot the world; how to marry well and a thousand things never publish ed before, read the revised end enlarged edition of ".Medical . Common Sense,'" a curious book for curious people, and a good book for every one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price SI. 50. Cor.ten ts table sent free to any address. Books may ba had at ihe book stores, or will be sent by mail, post pai'i on receiol o' tTe price . Apr icn.Hirr.I (ffceiaic.il fo.'s CHEAP FFJIITIMZEEIS. THE Fertilizers prepared by the Agri cultural Chemical Co., (a Company tha tered by the Legislature, ol Pennsylvania with a capital of 250 000.) have been proven" in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable, and best, or the Farmer, Gar deuer and Fr&ii grower, of all concenlaried Haiiures now olfered iu any maiket. Ptie Company 's list embraces the following PABULETTF. This Fertilizer is composed ol t;i'hi soil ind the leinliziiig skeins of lifif.e. combined i hemi"ailj and meclinnicu'l with other valuable lert.lizing agents aud ab-orbent. - It is reduced to a pulverulent condition ; ready for immediate ose, and without loss of i'.s h iglily nitrogenous 4triiiiz iiji proper tic-s.. It nnjvprsal applicability to all crops and soils, and its durab'lny and active qualities are well known to be all that ..g ricuhnrista can desire. CHEMlCiVTcOjIPOST. The Kertibzer is largely compo-pd of animiil matter, such a mit, tiooe, fi-h, leather and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decompile ihe mass, and retain :Le nitrogenous ele ments. It is t- very valuable fertilizer for field rrojis neKeraliy, at d espeeiall tor potatoes and garden purpo-t'S. lis excellent q-ialities, strength .m l cheap ness, have iTLtde. it very popular with all who hdve n-ed it. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. 1 his highly ' pljo-phnte f'.'rtiiiZ"r is par ticularly adapted fur tl e c n liivation ol trees truits, lawn- and flower-, t will promote ? very vigorous and healthy growth ol v ood fruit, aud largely increa-e tha rjantity a:d perlect the maturity of the Iru it. For hot hose; and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indis;e:iit le article to se eur their greatest pertVciiori It will pre vent and cure di-easen renditir n- of the peach and grape, aL.J is eitedent .'or gra.--i.a 1 lawns. It is composed of sr.ch elerr-e'.b-' as make it adapted to the growth ol all ktnda ol crops in aM kinds of soil. 'The tor in i l.i tr method of oorr.bini'-g i cniiititnent feit'diziis if 4' re! i e !!s ha re reived the higfiest api rov;d of eminent ciieujitis and ecientihV. Hricjiturists. PllOSI 11 All: OF LIME The Agric.tihiral Ctiemical Company mann.'arinr a PhophHt ot Litre i'i .fcor dance with a inu and v.iluabln ijrr.in!u by which a very sit; erior arut-le is pr -jdi.ee ', as to be afforded a', a If" priee tha:; other manufacturers ctiafi;. I'ractical ie-, have proved that its valne, as a ler:i.'izr, 1-erj-Jnl to the bev l'hcsph;i'.e of Lime in iihe market. TERMS CASH . All Orders of a T..n or moie, will bi delivered at the R.ii;rra l SiHtio'i- and ttie Wharves of Shipment, Iree of cartage. Canage w ' Le charge i on a'! crder cl 0 barrels or lfs One il'ular per Ton aHowan-e forr artar- will be made on all sales lebvere I at ilia Works of the Company on Can l Whrt . Agricultural Ct err it al Coiiifp.nj 's Works, At Cuii'il W'kii f en lie t e'irm e. Office, 4i:- Atch S . Pi-ila Vlphi-i, Pi. II. B. HITS, General Aen! The Con pany's P.nnp:iet Cucniar, e:?i bracing full direction Io u-i-ig the al-ove Fertdizer?. fe.u by mail, Lee, when rs- nnesied - Marcn, S 1SS5 Cmo. WORTH. OF AViTCLLF, CHASMS, imV, LC. G. S. HASKINS c CO., :3o Bethuiin tin el, Nnc Yurk. otli r ti e Jrllowitij Inducements lj ' layers 3" Vjjitia'iSc Ilavirg "t'ten fcr a It i g time ergag(! tt-e Packet businfs.. and estaLIi-iie.t onr reputation f-r prr rrptc.ers and rt-1 i a b i I i i y . ml possessing gr at facilities for Sffilin Jevhy m t hi ay , w e are crnfident tint we rat; give .satisfaction to a!l who lc?l t!ipoed to patri-n'za ns 50 000 WORTH OF WATCHES, D I -mond Pins, Chains. to be sold lor O.ie Dollar pieh, withoct regard to value, ai.-i i o- to be pti for un'ii you know what j on ;ue to r' ceive. JUST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LlT OF ARTICLES TO BEHOLD FOR ONE rOLLAR EACH! 175 Wan lie- (handsomely enjrAvc I ami warranted perfect time keepers), varyi; in prices from 820 00 to S120 00 eiM-h. 225 La -lies' wr.-ches, solid gold bunting ca. es. 5n5 CO, each. 250 Genderuen's Silver watchos 15 0C to 2-j On e;tch. 6.t l(t Latest style vest and neck chains 4 5C to 30 00 each 5,:u0 ('"nt's California Diamond 2 50 to 23 00 each 4 COO Calilcrnia diamond ear drc-w. P:i;s 2 00 to 15 CO each. 3 CtJO Miniature and enamelled- gen 's tcarf (ins. new styles, 5 00 to 15 CO each. 2,000 Masonic and emblem P'n'i; 3 10 10 CO epch. 2 5C0 Gold band bracelets, et.graved and plain. 3 00 to 20 00 eacl . 3 t-00 Jet and Mosaic brooches, 3 00 to 70 00 esch. 2.0C0 Cameo brooches rich pattern, ver tasty, 3 00 to 60 00 each. 4 600 Florentine and Lava pins, the real article. 4 00 to 10 03 each. 3 500-Lava and Fiote:.tiue ear 2 no to to 00 eicb. drops, 3,U0 Crral ear diops 4 00 to 6 CO ech 2 0o0 Ladiei,'-Chatelaine chiias, j-:t and neb!, 15 no tc 20 00 each. ' 6 000 Gor.t's pin-, a splendid assortment, 2 00 to 15 00 each. 4.010 So'itair f'evf buttons, eniireiy new st les, 2 00 to 5 0Ceach. 3 000 Sitds ai d sleeve button?, in sets, vtry rich, 3 CO to 15 00 eac.n. 5 000 Sleeve budons, pl.tin. eparr.ellej iimt engraved, 2 0') to S CO uch. 10 n:i) Plain and barr.'.-oiiieiy engraved rings, 2 50 to 10 00 etich. 8.U00 Spring Mcket, driible- case, lichly engraved, 2 00 to 15 CO each. 15,000 Sits Indies' jewelry, new and Iatet styles, G 00 to 12 CO each. 2.000 Gold pens, and haudsome silvtr ca-es, 5 00 to 10 CO each. This entire list of beautiful and valuable goods will te sod for One Dollar Etch Cf r ificates of s 11 the above arue'es wiil be placed in envelopes, aid sealwd. These envelopes are f-e:u by - mail, a ordered, without regard to choice. On the receipt of the Certificate yon will see what you are to have, and then it u at 'your optiou to send one dollar aud lake the article, or not. Five Certificates can be ordered for SI; eleven for $2; thirty-five for 55; sixty-five for f 10; and one hundred for SI 5. We will send a single Certificate on the receipt of 25 cents. ' , - G. S: HASKINS & Co , Box 4270. 36 Beekmari St., N Y. BJoomsburg, April 5tb, 1665. t-. .. . --. - j - . r.,- -- - V '. J.- - .'' t. ' .r ' ; ' -.' - ----- - " V''.v.''.-',-;,:... ;',--v::--- ------ . '! 41.-- -.--v.- -r.j - ! .1 T V - J a -j .: V.-'.-.fi.--;-.--": ys- G R V U, is cso t2i Lmy 3 i -.--. -. f t . . : - ' ? mi THE attention of the public and the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Roe wood Piano-Forte-., which for volume and purit) of tone aie tmrivhlled bv J bi-berto offered in this market. They contain all the modem irr provr ments. Frerrli, Grar-t' Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame. Over-Sunn-!. B.t- &r., at d es-i h insui n enl t eir. n.xi'e under the peroral m,( eivisiv n-ol Mr J. H. (H.OVESTLF.N, who has bad a rrarttcal ex leriencK of over 30 years in their rr ar-ulai Jure, is Irliy warrentcd ir eery anirnlar. 7'Ue Gioietttni Fiano-Fi rte Iieceh-tu the Ifizhtsf nnuird Mirit cvtr all others at the CeU'orarctl YorlW air. Wha.o .vor ovh"i! ntfd ini. irn mpnts ftnm the bust iriakerr- of London. Paris. GrrnanS, ' Pbilapelphia. Bsltimore, Bostr.n and New York; and also at the American Institute hw five successive jeais. the g'dd and silver menuls from both of which can be seen at our I wme tni'.n. By tt,e inrod ec'iori of improement we make a sti'l more perlect Piat.o j Fore, and by mai.r.factinii.? largely, with a ettif t'y ra.-h sys.em, are enabled to oifei ltie-e ins rumriUr at prices v bich will preclude all cumpetition. ' v I PRICES : No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, Rom'wooi! plain case 275. f Seven Octave, mnnt'l comers, Rnswood betvy moulding $300. No. 3, Seven Ocae, ton iu corner", ii' senmn i."ii i- .i i i-n"- i T. ... it v 7 ... TriK31.-SiT C1S5S, 17 ClJiSUE'iVr l''SJiH5Jr3. S&- DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SE.VP FKEE.j July 13, IR61. ly- ": - - - - - i j 'S V3 IT IS I 1 1 E ONLY RELIABLE S V L F-Ji !J C STING ll'R ISGFR. 2o ll'G(d-Y.rk to iWiW or fuHt No T!,uir.b i'rifrs tn ?(! cut of order li'arraatcd ivilh or irithonl cjg-u lueh 7 T took th? fi's: r-.en.i;:iti at f.Ky-sevwti H ,a;e and Couc.ty Fairs in 186, and i .vi ' oct t n y ex e;tiott, the b"t Y'ri.-gr ever m-i-J.e. P.i'ej.ted m ihe Unit-d Si l.-. England, Car.adi, a:id Australia. Agent wanted in every ' town, and in kB par.s ol li.ri Olld. Ener-eti;. Aj-Ii! Call IlluLc from three to ten Do'lars j.er day. Sim; le Wringers eeiit Express paid on receipt of price No. 2, So 50. o. 1, S7 .o0. No. V p.iO. No. A, f 3 50. Manufactured aiu' ould, whr.le-a'.e nd retail, bv I HE 1 U1NAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Pl'tt' S;reei, N. Y. & Cioveland, O. A H. FKANCISCUS. Aj-n'. Philadelphia. Pa. 11 hat Everybody Knows, viz: Tiiiit iron well jjulv;. lied v.iil hut rtist. Tiat a simp'e maetiine i- baiter l.'ia-t a coir: plicated one. Tr.ai a Wringer shriild be seil adju-tifg, lnrat.de. and elfii-ienl. Tim Thumb sc-rn-.vs and Fastenings can.-e deliy and trouble to rcjnl-iie and keep in order. Tlmt vvri-d snakrd in If't w.?t--r will s-.tcII. -bntik un l split. 1 ha', woo l bearifgs foi the -hall to r.m in will wear out. Tnav lh Putnam Wi inger, v iih or ill-oni cog w heels. i'! hoi te.ir ib3 clothes. That cog v heel rejnU'ors are t;ot es-ei:-tial. That the Pmt.ani Wrinjer has allthe advMi lage-, a-id not t ;.e of the disedvan la m5 above pamd. That ail wtir have tested it, proi'ourn-e it the bst W'iriger ever mad-. Trat i' will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without a'teratior.. V.'e rniglil f.'d the paper with testimoni als, but i 1 1 -e r t otiiy a few to cnnvNi.ce the skeptical, if'siuh there be; and we say to ail, test Pirnam's Wiingcr. Te.-t it thor oughly wnn any and ail others, and if not e"iiHv sati-fm-tory, return it. Piitnai.i Manufacturing Co. Genilpitiei. 1 know from practical evperiei.cn that iron well galvanized with zinc wdl i. ol oxidize r-r rust ore p.iri -ie. The Putnam Wringer is a- near perfect as pes-i! le, and I can cheerfully recommend it to be- ti e t est in use. F!'-pf'ltfliliV oi;r--. JOHN W.WHEP.Lr.R. Cleveland . O'l io. Mary yertrs exTeiience iti la ga!v;.riz ir.g bui'.f e, enable me to endcrse the above statement in ail particulars JNO C. LEFFEBTS. No. ion Beckinan St. New York, January, 161. We have te-ted Pn'oam s Clothes Wring-" er b pncttcal working, and know that it will do. It is rhe-tp, it is simp!-, i. require no rnom whether at wmk or at ret; a i-hdd--au operate it It does itsd-j'y tho-oi ghly. It saves time and it raves vrear ar.d tear. We earnes'ly advi-e all w l o have n iich waht: g to do, wi'h all intell'ent per-ons wbrr-may have any, Jo boy lh.- .Wringer. It will pay tor itself m a ver a ino-t. HORACE GREiiLEY. July 6, 1864, ly. ,1. lj. & i. -OiAi-Jl DAKEIi AM) CO.FCl TI0M:it "J"AS alwave mi htrt .l an I lor s le F.cih a BREAD, CAKES, and PIF.S : in rea' anvl splendid variety ; Nirs Fr-in-, j! J evt-rytl iiig ui-tJ."!iv found i.i a G;sl cla-s cntefi'Uiery &t"re. lie wonid call e-peci I attention to b '.s r.ewl received s ;.-k of PICKLED tRULTS. AS D JELLIES. Having recently f.z up a new and tlegtni 2cc Cream rjloos:, on the tirst floor, two doors west cf Ever J iz ?.lryer"s Drug s'ors, he is prepared to wan i;ron his many customers with IlKST CLASS ICE-CREAM as rhe-p as the c heaped. He will supply Bails, Parties, and Picnics with Ice Cream, Confectionery, &c. at reasonable rate. Bloomsbnrg, April 5-6, 1865. Claim -Agoncy. THE undersigned desires to call atten tion of the ptibln; to his facilities of obtain -in Pensions, Bmnties (Local an i Govern merits Bounty Lands for Soldiers, Settlement of olScers Accomi's, &c. Dis charged Soldiers oi their heirs can gel their FULL BOUNTIES, throgh generally they have teceived part. No charges for information, t;or unlcsi c Uj'M je seeared. " " " lt;'-? wi'h E. H. Little' Eso,. ir wh'te i -: j .S. p. EST EN 8c CO. 27 .uji". - .j i .. r.i 1 1 . n i Ti o n no v I'll i . JYcw Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fSHE undersigned respectfully informs his frien'N and the public generally, iLat he has just received (rom the Eastern Cities-, a larce assortment of CLOTHING, . Fre-h from the seal of Fa-hion, of al! sorts, sizes and quantities, which will be scld cheap Lir rash orcor.ntry (iroJuce. A L S 0, Tcjether with a variety of no d 'hings too trout lt.-ome to numer ate, Io which he invites the a teniion of pur-ch;iw- r. He 19 aho prepared to make us clothing to order, on rrawnablc Itrmp, and vp to the latest fashions. try C all aud examinn tuir stoi-k o goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Blonmsburg, April 27, l8f-4. Jflillcr's Store. j i HV VML Vs UIMLIt GOODS. r"js-JE subscriber ha? ju-t returned from the cities with another large atid select asso.tme' t of Full and IVialer Good, pur: l.a-ed at Philadelphia and New Yoik at the lowest figure, and which he is deter-mir-.ed to sell on hs moderate terms as cui be pr.icared e!.-e where in Biojmsburg. Ill- slt-ck comprises LJDin.S' MiFSS Goom, of Ihe clu ic.ee. styles and luteal !aLiu:. . to'ieihrr wih a InrjR iissf-rurient r-f D'.lY-GOOnS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS, AND V12STINGS. 1 1.60, ( i I H ) U K 11 1 K S , HAUL) W A II VI , Ql I K E N S W A 1JFJ. C E I) A K W A i F. , HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IKON HOO PS 4- SHObJS, HATS f- U APS.c. In short, ever) thing usnally ke,tin cuu try s'orcs, io which he inv tits be attention of the pi: bite g-.'iieraby. Piie hiiibe-t i-i'ce will be pa:d for conn Iry prodijce, in exi'hf-e? for goods. STEPHEN H. MILLER. lilnomsbuig, Oct 12, 1S54. - JAMES ROBINSON, .M' IMPoill K "it a'cfce, Jcwcli y o: t rt itcti mie ti( c s Al- JJ S I K' 1 Cut h if SILVER AND SILVER PLA TED W A rt E, GOLD SILVER VS'-EEL SPECTACLES. Xu. I (.'31 Markrl Street, btlow tUtvnth. No nh Si a-, PAJLADELPllI A. Clock, Wi irhes n". Jewelry neatly r -p ire! at the -b(T est i-o' ice." Gilding an J Pit:ng, of sill Jescrip:ioi;s, done ne ally to or.'er. t " N. B. Masonic, O Id Fellow's fmd o her yiTiblentitic iarkt;, made and Eu gravyd to order. A F I N E A SSO R f M E N T O V FIU1XCII, ENGLISH 4- J1MERL CSN CLG K, TADLIi AM) rlK?:T t ITLwi V, Army Corps C23irrDCXLIilj3z3 Vor A AND MADE I U ORDEU. No. h'31 Market S reel, 3 1 door below Eiereii'.ti, Norih ti-le. March 2;, lC,5. C 0 N F IX T I O N CRY STOP FJ . II. C. Cnr.lST.MAN, RESPECTFULLY announces U the citi 7.eus of Blnom-borg and vicinity tha' he has ji.st opened a new Refreshment Sa loon and Confectionery S-ore, on Main-st , second door lelowihe ''American House' where hs iiitends supplying all who ma eiv him tlieir custom with FBESH OYS TERS, Clam Soup, Sardines, Boiled Eggs, Ham, Tripe Pigs' Feet, Dried Heuing.Scc He wdl also keep on hand a superior ar tide ol DRAUGHT ALE, Potter, Lagerbeer, and Sarsaparil.ia : together with a grod as sorimeut of Can lies, Siveetmeats, Cukes. Cigars and Chewing Tobacco. In connec tion with this saloon he has fiuej up u La-dif-a Department where ?.ll who n.ay de sire can call lor Oysters and Refreshments and wi'd be free from all annoyances an indecencies that ladies are too often ex posed to ih some of onr best restaurants. DoiPl fail to give him a call. H. C CHRISTMAN, Proprietor L!oom-bnrg. O.-t. . lSi4. S7 - i L5 '-Ai. tior.s a National Foundry. E5Ioon;sl)iir, Columbia Co. ri'ne subsribjr, proprietor of the abovj named extensive establishment, is nov prepared to receive orders for all kinds r machir.ery, for COLLER1 ES, BLAST FU R NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, AllLLj THRESHIMG MACHINES, kc, &c. He is also prepared to make S oves, a! sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in tir-t-class Foundries His extansive laeililies and praclica workman, wair-nt ttim in recpi jng-tin largest cuiitracls oji the most reasonable terms. CL Gra-u of all kinds will be taken it exchange (or castitigs. . V-W This e.-iab!i-bmeni is located neh 'lie Lackawanna Railroad Dpoi. PETER BILLMEYEIt. Bloom-bnrg, Sept. f I Pfi3. 180 I8 PENNSYLVANIA & ERIE RAIL ROA I - This great line traverses the Norther and Northwest ronmie cf Perfns ylvania t the city .f Ere, on Lake Erie. It hns been Inase.d by the PenrsIvani Bail Road Company, and is operated L them Its entire length was opened for pa-een ger ami freight b jsiuess, Oct. 17th, 1864. Time of P.issenger trains at North'd . Ieavc u(Yi;artl. Mail Train 10 16 Ebr-ira Express Train. II 27 L lloen, Ac'modatiori, 14 27 P. A. M M licaves Westward. Mail Train, 4 26 Eimira Expres Trin, - 5 18 Lock Haven Ac'modvion 4 34 A. (i m; P Passenger cars run through on Mail train uilhmil rliri''i ho!b wait haiiBujn Phlld tlelohia Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Oars on the Mail T'ai bo h ways between Philadelphia and Loc Haven, aud on Eimira Epxre.-s Train bot ways between Williamsport and Baltimore rur information respecting Passenge hiisiness apply at cor. 60 h an tt Market Ktsj Pbiladli.nia. xud for Fieiglj) bu-iness r the Corr pany's Agent. S. B Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13ih and Mar it-1 Street. Pti'ila'ielphii. , J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M Drill. Ag't. N. C. 11. U.. Baltirnar 11 H. HOUSTON. GTieral Freight Agt. Phil a II W.G WINNER, Cetieral Ticket Agt, ' PiiiPa. JOS. D. POTTS, Gm-ral Manager, Willuinspcrt Feb. 22, 1865. GROCERY STORE. ON MAIN STREET, BLOOilSBUBO Jlorc rrcli Gooil. Just received af Henry Gieer's Xer Store: MOLASSES, SUGARS. TEAS, COFFEE, HI C E.fil'ICEK FISH. SALT. RAISIN TOI1AOCO. SECAKS, CANDIES. NOT1NN-, Tov. FELi) AM) lTiOVI?ia.S, Together with a great varieiy of notior JLC , too numerous io mention. Ji UTTER. EGGS, MEW, anJ I'roduce gi.ijrally, taken in excharg for yoods. The be.-t market price wiil b allowed. Give Li:n a call. HENRY GIGER. Blnomshc.r. April 2fi. l-35 rtalional Iain: Aeiiry, CONIU'CTEU BY HARVY 56 COLLINS, ' WASIIISGTOS, D. C. I N order to facilitate the prompt adjust! - men! ol Konti'y, arrears of pay, Peiisio iuJ other cia-rns due soldiers and oth persons tio-n the (iovernmetn of the U. S he undersigned has made arrangement with the abve tirm whose experience an cio-e proximity to, ami daily intercours wt'h, tl e Department, as well as the earl knowledge acquired by thesa of Ihe decis inns frequently being, made, enahld ther to pro--e.u:rt claims more effectually tha Attorneys at a li-t.tTe c.n possibly tlo A-l persons entitled to claims ol the abov description ran have tbcm properly attenc Htterni rtd to by calling on me and entrusting iheiij to my care W. WIRT, A-ent fur Harw &. Culluii. Bioiurisburg, August 10, 1864. cnHrixi's' rVcliee. E-.Li!e '.j Go. John, due isc.l, Scott Toicnhp J ET'iERS IVstainentary no 'he Estate George John, late o! Scott town-hii Lolcmbn toior.ty, tlecease.l, hav beei 'r. ntcd by the RiKier of said County, i Maitna Ai-u J dm and G irolme S. Dewiti rvsiung in -am to.vnsiup All persntj-j Tiavios ciaims again; ibe eate of tha de -ed(m arrt requested to present it.ein fc -ettlemeiit , and ttm-ei indebted to ihe es state will m;ike ;invm-nt fu-hwitli to MARTHA ANN JOHN J am Executrixes. CAROLINE HEWITT, ) A; ril 5, liiJ5 ?3. SiUormaf ion I'ice. To Xerccous Sufferers. A Gl.NTLEMAN, mrel of Nervou Debility, Im-ompetency Prerr.ature Decay m t You h!ul Error, actuated by a desinj to beitcflt ethers, will hu happy to furnisll " a:l who nee 1 it, (tree ol charge.) tht itji-ipe ima uiiec-.io't, l r malrmg the Mini plj remedy used in his case. SnflererJ wishing to profit by the advertiser bad exj pertence, an.t po-se- a sure and valuable remeJy, ran da ho by adJrefeiu- bim a once at bis place .of business. Trie Rec.inc and Il.11 i.ifjrmotioii of v i:al importance .vid be eheenudy eent by return of mad. Address JOHN B. OGDEN. i No. 30 Nassau S'rvt, New York. P. S. Nervous SuiLrers of both fcese!. will find this inforniaiuni in valn.ihlrt. ;w-& April 12, ISfiS 3;rM. SELECT SCHOOL The Spring Session of my School wilt open on luesaay ton I s$ tti tast., in the Basement of ihe German Reformed Church, All the branches of a liberal English Edu cation wiil be taught. Pri&as will range! trotn 53 to per quar'er of elever; weeks, Instructions w ill be "iven in anv of .h far cy bratches,and also on the Forte Piano or jieiooeon. ELEONORA I. LESCHER. Bloomsbuig. April 5:li, lfc65. The Rridal Chmsiber. A nnln of udrninc mn aiiv'iro tn. iKnJ.J soflering wiitt Semiual Weaknee, Gener( Debility, or Premature Decay, from what-4 ever cause -produced. Read; ponder, ana reflect! Be wise io time. - Sent FREE to any address, for the bene-.' fit of the aiTlicied. Sent by return raail.' f. , c-