STAR-0P-T1IE NORTH. IV M. II. JACOBY, EDITOR. CI1AS. G, ilJRKLEY, Assistant Editor. fiLOOHSfil'SG, WEBJESDJT, JCSEj IS65. S. M. PiTTtNGiLL & Co., 37 Park Row New York, ire duly authorized to solicit and receive subscriptions ar.d advertising for the Star of the Worthy published at Blocmsborg, Calnmbia county, Penn'au . M ath tea & Co., 335 Broadway, New York, lire authorized :o receive subscriptions and advertising for the Star of the North. "TREiSO.V It i seldom, if ever, these days, that an editor casts his eye upon an artielr, in any of his "exchanaea," that t xactly tip to his ideas and belii-f, upon ibe stme sub ject. In cldncir.'p over the columns of the New Yotk I)a;ty Acres, a day or two since, we ducovered an article, under the above caption,- TREASON which comes rip to our way of thinking, relative to the arrest and trial cf'Ju-F. Davis, late Pre.-ident of the Southern Confederacy. We shall give it entire. The writer' knowledga of con ititutional law is not limited, ucther is his mind biased, but his views are plainly and forcibly given -in a very few words. Read them : " If nobody else will pay it, we ehall this Government has no right to put JefTereoti Davis on his trial for treason. For four years be has carried on anjopen and honor able war, one of the grandest wars evtr waged upon earth, against all the powers of (his nation : and during all those four years so long as he had the pvieer vf retaliation our Government never pretended to treat as leions tee thousands ot prisoners who ' fell into its hands : it exchanged them. Bui c fjicers of jmt;ce do not make cartels of eichaRge with felons : the sherff does not treat the resisting criminal as a bellig erent. Now is it righ:, that the moment ttose armies with their illustrious generals lay down their arms and submit to superior forces expecting to be treated as defeated tut honorable enemies the moment the Federal prinners in their hands are all lib etated, and Mr. Davis, no longer at the head of a government and army, has ho longer the power of retaliation, that we should torn opon onr gallant foes of yesterday, and say to them, Now yon are not defeated soldiers yoa are captured thieves and murderers: you have not only lost your cause, as soldiers of a vanquished political Confederacy, but yoa have forfeited your lives and lands and soods a hi " brought to justice." We have neither moral nor legal right thus to degrade an honorable foe into a caitiff ielon, nor to make a mighty war, manfully carried on for so many year? with all the high usages and courtesies cf war, end in the convicts dock, and at the foot of the gallons tree. When the British Government got hoid of The captive Napoleon, it might as' well have tried him at the assizes for murder of Brit ish subjects and the pira ical dastrnction of British property on the 'high soas. It is a deep stain upon that Government that it bent such a captive to St. Helena.: how much deeper, bow indelible and execrable, if it had hanged him as a brigand ! Bat there is more. Air. Davis an J Lis as sociates were in all this business acting, at least, in the sincere lelitf of the clear right of their States to pecede from the Union !t was known for many j ears that tills was the conscientious conviction of most South ern States, anil of many Northern. Seventy years ago, YirgiDia and Kentucky Convea lions declared it ta be their' rijht ; Massa chusetts claimed the right for herself. Mr. oachanan, the President of the United States at the time of South Carolina's seces .-ion, though he did not admit the right, de clared, at least, that the Federal Govern ment had no constitutional power to pre- - eht il by forcible coercien ; Mr. Johnson, the President of to-day, was himself an ad- . voeale of State sovereignty. The two the ories concerning the limits of Stare Rights ' had been lang in ; the advocates of the two were. known to one another, and sat side by side in the national councils ; lor many years it was believed that this di versity of theory might lead to a practical collision ; but it never occurred to eiiher party in the brgorueta that their adver saries were machinating burglary, arson -Tid piracy. Il Mr. Seward declared, too, itiat between th two states of Society and iorms of civilization, North and South, there -was an irrepressible conflict; ife meant, we oppose, that Ires labor and slave labor urere incompatible, and that the one must t rush out the other ; but 6urely he did not mean that the advocates of the bealsn party i.i that irrepressible couflict should lie man acled in dungeons and parish by the hang, man' rope. The predicted conflict came : the Sooth and its theories went down in the shock ; ii industrial system has perished ; its claim of independent State sovereignty is buried in blood ; it accepts defeat shall it also be forced to accept the felon's brand upou its brow, the felon's doomopoa 'the shameful gibbet ? It can scarcely be argneti that the case, under these circumstances was so very clear and plain, as to Jeava iha partisans oKthe desated cacie altogether without excuse, 10 make their btave defense of their invaded Slate a penitentiary crime from the first, arid e?ery bloar they struck a wanton sin against the light and against high Heaven. Would to Gcd, this question, were left to t!,a oidie:3 of the Federal ajmies to seule ! Would t'icy be willing to avow that they were all' the S3 four years not fighting an honorable foe, bnt tx'.erminatiug a gang of cCou:;dril brigands tliat they wera net a -rand araiy arrayed against' another grand arny, in iha decision cf a grand quavel, but only aVhsriiT post ccmilatus called 'out ortcrah: daymen! Sach a theory of ' . f , ; : i.. .-. ...ita ns-i-j. - ! to mercy to rebels. Call them rebels if yon will; bnt what we demand for them is toi mercy: il is justice: '.justice to ourselves a well as to them. . We would save the na tion from a foci blot, which if it stains its escutcheon vrithal in an access of passion, pur children's children will wish to blot out that page of their history. And .here are m thts matter. h.2h cons.J- erations ol policy as welt as' of honor and jus-tite; What is the reason, now the war is over, that Government paper fall in value? I it not because the policy which seems now to be settled upon by your Adminisira tion,.threatens to render the South for a long while miserable, disaffected and dangerou? If the people of that country, after frankly submitting arbitrament of fate, and yielding to the authority vt the National Government are still to be held as outlaws in their own States; if their late head and repre senting the whole Confederacy is to be ig nominiousiy tried like a garclter, so as to make them all feel themselves degraded and branded in his person; if a high-spirited people are to be goaded and tortured by eve ry most ingenious and iatolerable humilia tiofi; then what chance is there that those fertile States will soon resume the peaceful way s of progress, and brir.g contentedly their full conrribotion as before to the general na tional wealth and power ! If we are r.ot to have peace and good will after all if the struggle of arms is to be succeded by long agony of political proscriptions and Tions, by black list., and irformers, and con 6ecalioos as in Poland, and picked juries a in-Ireland, why the sooner prudent men get rid of their greenbacks, and quit the coun try, shaking 'he dasl oil their feat, the better for thern. We say nothing about the asa?ins of President Lincoln. We take no knere-u in I assassins. An issassio. or an ucconnolicj of ast-assi us, or stttorrer of as-at-sination, if convicted, ought to s-ffer the penalty due to his crimes. If Mr. Davis himself could be proven guilty of complicity ia such a busi ness, we admit that from a political chief and banner bearer of a nation he sink into the common cui-thrn.ii ; and in that case away with him! . Stiew him no mercy! Bat in the name of common sense do not seek to put a whole nation in criminal's dock in the person of its choseu chief. Tne Washington authorities have issced an order prohib i'ing the re-mcsteritig of officers for higher rar ks, according to ia'e promotions, which- they may have receiveJ. Thin will be quits a saving to the Treasury of increased pay, which would be paid out in case these officers were ro-mus eted, i order to cccupy the higher ranks. This or der has cante 1 cnite considerable fluttering' among the Cap ains, Colonels, and Briga diers, who stood on their tip-toes awaiting promotion. Now is the time ft r economy, retrenchment and re'orm, ;a every depart ment at Washington, and too mcch of the former cannot be practiced in the oCice of Secretary Stanton. The financial condition of our country demands careful and diiigen t attention to carry us safely through th ter rible ordeai. The weight of ot:r public debt has no parallel in the annals; and knowing, as we Jo, her heft, we should ue all precaution in protecting the roariinery of our Government, to save it from utter destruction, else the Government is destroy ed and our people ru'uied, morally, politi cal and finaiicial'y. Sa far, under the new tegime, all .-tjerns to work in the direc tion cf a speedy, permanet tly, reconstruct ed Union, vpon the oli plan. The Abolition ;iarty are becoming quite dissatisfied with the coure of Andkew Johnson, :1m man who became President by accident. His leniency towards the reb els does not suit many of the load mouthed patriots, They Iiad expected Mr. Joh'son to carry out their mora extreme doctrines, and inflict severe and unjust punishment opon the people Dr the Souther States, of satiate their desirss. It would seem that Air. Johnson intends to recoiatrcct the Un ion upon the basf.i of the Cuns'.itation and thereby repecl and obserre States' Rights. Ha also feels inclined to treat the right ot negro suffrage constitutionally, allowing the white population to decide that question, in the Slates whera they are interssted. This is entirely jut. What right hava ycu or any other disinterested person to say who shall be the legal electors ia South Carolina. Not any. This is a question for the psopie of that State to decide Little Mac Right. The sudden man her in which the rebellion died out after the t fall of "Richmond, was a-singular proof of the correctness of McClellan's judgment. He wrote from Harrison's Landing to Hal leck, in response to the order commanding btm to withdraw his army, as follows: "Here directly in front of this armr is the rebellion ; it is here thai all our resources should be collected to strike the bio .t which 6hall determine tho fate of the nation. All points of secondary. importance elsewhere should be abandoned, and every available man brought here a decided victory here and the rebellion in crushed it matters not what partial reverses we may meet with elsewhere. Here is the defense of Wash ington. It is hem na the banks of the James, that the fate of the Union should be decided. !; - 1 A Good Beginmko. President Johnson has declined to bo the recipient of a car riage and a jjair of horses presented lo him by some citizens of New York. The mo tives of ihe givers were undoubtedly proper enough, bul the President, frotc a sense of duty to himself and the country, declined ta gift, though acknowledging kindly and gratefolly ibe compliment intended- This shows that President Johnson means lo be governed by right principle ia the eimplest matters of official conduct, and intends to keep his high office op to tha standard of a pure and simple discharge of duty, free from any influence but that which- con science and reason impose upon him. Charles Pleasvits, Esq., a much es teemed citizun of fcunbory, died on Wed res "' of hi trotter, Dr. Henry Pleasants, at Radnor, near Phil- aJelphia. Ilis funeral took pUce at Sonbury "Wc to not forget," says the radical editor of this county, ' the titter lesions taught ti in (he early iJais of the rebellion by the Democratic leaders ho, when treason was flaunting its bloody banner in the breeze., these men assailed onr la e martyred President and the cause h was upholding with a malisniiv unparalleled in the history of politics. "Oar i'fttlrA Id l O r 1 1 et ft I.. Irnnn n. !! nilnnl eye on Ml. who hav teen our enemies lltim'' till MTI-al iiIiikict!i ' You do not forget 1 You God-foraken creator, you cmnol forget it; you ha!l not forae it. Those Democratic leader., ol whom you ?peak, constitute the great, pa triotic Democratic party of which there are no leader.", save the ConMitution and the f Laws of the land. They are the ing upporters of law, justice and liberty, cf the rights of person and property. They art with equal firmness the powerful op ponent of oppression, tyranny and usurpa tion. They know no cowering wing. Im bued with euch nobleness of principle and endowed with courage to maintain their privileges, they could tiursue no other course than amany not malignant oppo sition to your "Jate martyred" oppressor. That opposition was conducted, it is true, with a zeal "unparalleled in the history of politics1', because the occasion required both earnest acd continued opposition, yet it was mugnanimous and proclaimed to the world wi;h man!ines "unparalleled in the hitory of polities'" Il was not conceived at midnight meetings, by members of a som Ieaga9, blindly, like heiithe is, sup posing the un warrantable and "unparallel ed'' ly runny of him, whom you take exclu sively to yourself and call him your 'i.i e martyred President." But how was our oppo.-kion incited except by the dpppctic conduct of that ' L!e martyred President," agisted by fillovvets w hu worshiped him as do I.eatLetis worship GuJo made of wood and sloiif , and who was taken to Heaven ll rough rru;ar.s of sav ing graie, granted to him by rn.inis.iers who preached not peace ai.d 4-h'istian feliort s'.ip, nor exhorted to faiih in Jesus Christ as the on!v means bv which man can be saved, but preachers of war, havoc ami destructiou, hatred and re venge among mankind, and teachers of fa's doctrines, setting up slaves again their rnavtr in deadly hostility, aid de light irtg tn the sufferings of political pris oners, cor.fined for no Oiber purpose than enjoy ing the malienable right which God bestowed upon them, the right, to oppoe wrong to contend against evil. We say, then to you, that since this "un paralleled" opposition rose from oppression of which you and your associates, ara par ticcps criatinis, and since this honest oppo sition was met by mere than malignant damnall-i and traiiorous conduct on your part, y ou that never forget it. While his tory ha recorded yucr infamous proceed ing, lor the world to 'examine, we warn you that they are written in indelible char acters npjn the hearts of outraged patriots, citizen of car once proud Republic, and Democrats. We will never forget. We ask no qcaner ol you. Follow o-t yocr coarso : let your ey e be ever vigilant, and thecrgtn of vision which reflects the ungainly pic ture of y our w retched heathenism and bar barity upon the hearts cf true and faithful Democrats, shall ever be watchfel, in pur saingthe path of vile miocreants who have murdered, in loathsome dungeons, our fel low citizens though free Irons crime, and hunltd Utfvm Ibe wites and children of the same pa riots. O'jrcMldren even the tenth genera lion shall receive an inheritance of hatred against you and learn to point the finger of contempt at your successors as thu fol lowers of a clan of murderer, robbers and ty rants, ha did eppress eve. la the widow and ihe orphan. The lesson which yoa shall be taught in future shall be more bitter and more terrible lo you han what has already ben tanghl you. The load of sin which hanga over you shall bear yoa down, and fcrce you to pJead for mercy. Then nurture your aboli tion malice, and seek revenge for tho op position to your "late martyred" usurper, ai,d we shall rnoet you with what remains of law and justice and stump upon yonr forehead mhceant and cast ycu upon the wortd to be despised. Forge', it ? No, the eDormity of y our siqs is so dreadful that the Almighty will compel fyou tp remember throughout a'i eternity. Te KK13I.E Cahmitt Scvev Children UvsiktD to Death ! On Thursday rii-iht last, May 25, the dwelling house of Mr. Joseph Mayberry, In I- rankford lowoship, this county, was totally destroyed by fire, and horrible to rela'e, seven of his children per ished in the flames! Tha fire, it appears, orijjiniited in the baement of the buildin C at atom II o'c'ock, when ihe members of the1 family Mr. Mayberry, his wile and seven children werd sound asleep. When first discovered by Mrs. M., tho entire building was in flames: Mr. and Mrs. M. al once jumped from their bed and rushed to the room where six of the children were sleeping. Their chamber was filled with black eraoke. Tiie eldest daughter was the first 10 leave the room, and tte mother plac ed ibe baby in her keeping and attempted to rescue tho other five children. At this moment the floors and roof, having been burned to a crisp, fell in. Mr. and Mrs. M. sprang lo a window and escaped, but the children fell lo the cIlar with the burn in2 boddine. where thev noon nerUfca.-t Their cries could be distinctly heard for several minutes by their agonized parents. The names and ages of tha children were Leah. 13J years ; Mary, 1 1 years ; Isa bella, 7 years ; Jeremiah, f years; Lizzie Agnes, 4 years ; Joseph, 3 years ; and David, 10 months. The building was en tirely consumed, and with it the' children were literally burned up Mr. arid Mrs. Mayberry were both severely burned be fore they escaped Irom the bnildicg, bnt their injuries are not serious. This is the most fearful calamity that has ever happened in our county, and its recital causes tha heart to sicken and the eye to moisten. The feelings of ihe distressed parent can neither be imagined nor de scribed. May God, in H"is infinite good render them the aid th?? r?d. r-ri:; .ew and Startling Solution or $e Scgra Suf frage Question. The question of negro suffrage in the southern states is destiied to assume a very different complexion ;rrom what home Re publican politicians and new-papers have assumed, and that at no distant day. The decision of the question will depend alto gether opon the views which President Johnsen entertains, and these views are not at all in harmony with the vienb of those false philanthropists of New England, who have no business to meddle with the matter at all, but who are persistently ihrubting themselves, unasked, into Ihe executive coir.cels. We do not know whether Mr. Johnson intends to be a candidate for Presi dent in ISC?. But we do know that he is filled with a landtbie' ambition to ba the President cf the whole United States and to do justice to all the State alike. We can assure our readers that he ha ho idea of permitting the future political and social status of Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, or any other southern staie, to be determined by a lot of calculating, speculating, and meddlesome theorists from Massachusetts or Connecticut. Mr. Johnson is well groan ded in Denncraiib principles. lid will sea to it that no traitor or disloyal person is al lowed to vote ia any slate. Ha will see that work and rations are provided for the negroes. But ho believer in that cardinal doctrine cf the Democratic party, that each state has a right, under the Con it m ion , to regulate its own internal &fTiir in its own way, and he will see to it that eac'i one of (he SoJlhern States is sesurd jn that right. Tte A'a-iicnal Celt raid. The Herald's plan for payinj off the na lirr;al deht command-i i:p.!f :.i jan' n.'rti t " that has a sur, lua of twenty thousand del lars, and purposes to keep on having it. Mr. Bunnell heids the list by subscribing for two shares, that is, forty thousand dol lars; a very loyal aud safe investment, of figuies, for Mr. Bennett. . Il i, cf coiii -e, un j deibtooJ that not e if these st -lsct ip'iot.a ere to j be pall vp until the trhn'e Kinwit is suh crilc l for. Oli, of course. Therein consists the wisdom we wiy hay nothing of the effica cy of The Herald's generous proposition. Put us dd'vn for five shirr's, Mr. B'inett. We subtcr be in the most liberal and loyal spirit, and the circumstance that there are not one hundred and fifty thousand individ uals "n the United States that can py twen ty thousand dollarsj'cash down" is not oar fault nor The Herald's. So much the better for Mr. Bennett and for u. We have a better pUn. Lit every citizen who is possessed of any Government secu rities, bo.vds, seve.i-thirtiss, fire twenties greenbacks, legal lender, cr other indications of natiotial indsbteJr.ess, hand it in unreservedly ta tha N'i nal Treasury as a dona'ion to the . Republic. TLus the whole debt can ie canceled in a day, which will save time and Tether, ar.d be a much more sublime exhibition of the loyal rouDifi of the American character thpn that scgpsted by our cotemporary. It will be more just ard eqttitabla, likewise; for a those evidences of debt are distributed among individuals ery nearly in proportion to their wealth, the sacritiia. to each ne will be measured by his ability to endure it. The superiorly of our p! ui over The Her ald's is that onrs is practicable and would day the entire naiioaal debt to a fraction. If any should neglect to pay up promptly, their will msy bd taken for the deed and ' the paper in their hands considered ca-ice!-J e1 by th9 balance'of the ccratJ' unity. ; We comrcend tie proposition to the popular attention. Action" had better bd taken i:n- mediately, or the liberality of the people may be forestalled at Washington, and same of the-e days a plan similar i.: etfjet to our. may be made compulsory by Congrsss . Better make a virtue of a necessity, ar.d with a loyal generosity, hand over to day whst may be pronounced valueless to-morrow., Sew York Daily Scies. A Disloyal Cc There is al the Astor House in this city, a fine IS.berian hound that was kept as a watch dog at Castle Thunder, and was cap tured w ith his muster, when the Federal troops entered RiohmonJ. The masr.iifi ceul proportions, the strer gth and beauty of this canine rebel obtained to him several fir-l-rate cotices'in ihe local journals. Rui the Evening rod is alarmed and indignant at the e'emeucy and lo.e-a.ion exhibited to ward this treasonable quadruped. Its out raged patriotism finds its vent in an -n-ry editorial. "This dog ought to be si.ot f i; excuim, in ih intensity of a loyalty that i fodmiii-al the mouth. ' He has no richt to live!" it adds, after taking breath. call tha attention of ll, a proper authorities to this fact. The beast ha3 no fit place in New York except in jail." Poor 'Hero !' thou art doomed. The ven geance of the Poit has overtaken thee Never more shall thy bark sound deep mouthed welcome to thy masters return Go bang thy lail in couciousness of the igno minious death upon the scaffold that awa'rs thee. Never more shall little children pat thee on the bead and play with the sable tangles of thy shaggy coat. Thy fate is sealed. We suggest th the dog be tried before a military commission. If he don't take the oath of allegiance hang him. Let htm be brought into court with manacles upon his limbs and hcod his head w ith a close sack. O her dogs, less guilty, will be muzzled in the corniDg dog days-but lei lhat traitorous schemins, and dangerous specimen ol ca nine wickedness be incontinently tagged, be judgement pronounced opon him, and be he then led forth to execution, as a warning and terrible example to the ri ins generation el Southern puppies. Then will the wrath of the Pat be appeased and jus tice satisfied. N..Y.News . Gen. Sherman's testimony, and official re port, submitted in evidence before the Com mittee on the Conduct of the War, is a com plete vindication of his condaci in regard to Lis truca with Genera! John-ton, and bears heavily ast nst Secretary Stanton and Gen. llalluck, w hose hasty- condemnation of tha Negro Outrages in Talbot County Georgia PlantlcriDg-, ilumias and Ravishing. On die night of April 28, Will iam Aid- ridjje, formerly of Atlanta, who belonged to the Sixth Georgia regiment, headed a com pany ol negroes, consisting of forty-seven, went to the residence of a number of citi zens in that county, and demanded their , , ... t,.' v ... i gold and silver. They burnt the gin house j and twenty-eight bales of cotton, the prop erty of Mrs. Gcrmon, a widow lady ; the gin hous and twenty-five bales of cot ton of Major Samuel Baldwin; the gin house and sixty bales of cotton of Hiram Knowlton, together with a large quantity bT wheat, peas, etc. . . !" , .1 I t 1 uss.iue mis pinnuering anu ournitig, sev 1 . , i . i ii., . i-.. .. i rocioos outrages opon the- persons of a number of ladies. They threatened to ro turn next niiiht ami destroy evervihinir thev could lay their hands upon ; they, however, were prevented from carrying out their dia bolical schemes by Capt. McKinney, who, with a company ol citizens, went in pur suit of them. Aldridge and several negroes were arrested at Tazwell, the others escap ed, and it is ihonght, went to Macon. Aid ridge and four negroes were shot, and three who committed ihe rape burned were hung. The negroes belong to Major Baldwin, Will iam Searcy, Hiram Knowlou and James Lit tle. Sumpttr (6?'J) Republican. Training of a Pkizk Fighter at Easton. A professional fighting man has bpen stayins at Odenweders tavern at the Fair groand fr several weeks past, Iraiuing and preparing himself for a prize tight which is to take place near Philadelphia on Satnr day. lie is an Englishmen by birth and i said to have fought seventeen fights, fifteen of which he won. Those who have seen him represent him as a very stojt, athletic man. T i e process of training a man for a fight is peculiar. This gen Jeman dr'n.k uo water and no liquor, merely tea. His meat he eais nearly raw. The amount at stake in thi Sht is 2,000. What a business for a human tsing to pursue ! Easton !- Static Co.vvkntion. We notice that the Chairman of the Slate Central Committee, II it . C. L. Ward, has issued a crd an nouncing a postponement of the l)mu csatic S ate Convention, which was to have assembled in Harrisburg, on the 21t inst , until the 24lh cf August next. This rep Mr. Ward lias been induced to take through the advice of many leading Democrats throughout the State. It is all for the better We always doabted the propriety of hold ing early Coti vention. As a general thin they result disastrously to whatever par y holds them. ScvfRK Accioext. A severe accident t e fell two of our citizer.s on lloruiay morn inn lart. Mr. Cr.arles Childs and Mr. Evan Jordon were employed in dijgir.g the four, dation for the-new Steam Jllill about to be ! ere.c;el by Waterman & Beaver, when ia Uiiderniitiitig an embankmetit, il suddenly gave way, partly covering the above named workmen. Mr. Chi'ds escaped with some severe bruise, but Mr. JcrJon was very s riouly hnrt, his !2 t eir.-jj frac ured and oth erwise badly ii jured. We understand boi'i are improi'mg. Danville Intelligencer.' Fe.HK Ls.fLtK is here for June. It is the. "chief ol There ars net afiy Magazines pnbished lhat surpass it in any particular . The ladies ehould all take it It is very cheap. Oae No is worth, often j times, the subscription price. By all mean?, j if you w ih a jint c'.ss puL.iCutiun sena k r ! Fruk LctUc's Livic s Haozir.e, price only 53.50 per annum. Address Fjti.NK LesLik, 537 Pearl St. New York. Lim e John Ct?SA. This renegade Dem ocrat ha been selected to represent ihe Abolitionists of Bedford county in the next Sta'e Convention. A number of ye jr ago whei Joseph GufTay ws cno of te Rep resentatives from l.'iis county, Cesna. or. some question that arose, made a roaring speech about Democracy and charjed Gjtiey with a wai.t o. ze.. a..d udenty for I the party. 1 f-. -T... o n 1 ; ':T o!. tt, tie John Cesna brags loudly about his De mocracy, but I have always noticed that the cow that bawl most luJly, cares the least for her calf!" Giilley was riht. Tha li t'e ! betore Saturday of ea-h week. bl&tatit beast of Bedtord n?t only baw led j 'Perms 'l'wo Dollars per annum f r like a cow, but when presswd by tli. need j a siitgte copy. One Dollar for six mo s. of his si nation, was like a cow, retrcflex. o.nd Sixty cents for three months, (hie IVtmoTilauJ RcpuUic'i.t. copy xruHf tciU be sent for one year j t t.'ic ptrso.i Jrtcart'ing us ( ytarly t- . , ,n.. r, , , i siib'C ibers paid in advance. Vo i(rjjer The Aden county (Ohio) Dcmocmt mikes I , , 1 . . . ,, . r ! ,!'' be sint unlit the subtcr ption is tho following quotation Irom a speech of , i 1 : paid. the Rev. Mr. Molly, at Lima, the day after SPECIMEN COPIES of the abovb pa ths assassination : j pers sent gratis to any kddres-, on applica- ' I had noticed by ihe papers for a week t linn, or ten day s prior to the assassination, that TO ADVERTISERS. The. circulation of Mr Lincoln was adopting and pursuing a I the Philadelphia AGE, which is steadily policy mat wouij eventually tring those ecocnureis iton outa racK ana give triem ajiain tha riht of suffrage, and when I heard of the assassination, I jo.i ihonaht to myself that God, in His inscrutable Provi derce. had taken him (Lincoln) otf jut clout the riihl li'ne.'" School Month How rnany'days consti tute a school month, has been a disputed questioa between teachers and directors for the last six or eight y ear?. The Legisla tore at its last session decided iha matter, by enactirg that twenty two days shall con siitate the school month, but that Saturdays should form no part of the twenty-i wo days ; that is the school cannoi ba kept open on Saturdays; but they further decided that'if a majority o! all the members of a Board of Director chose, they might appropriate two Saturdays of each month for Teacher's In stitutes, which two Saturdays, if appropri ated, may be counted "as part of the twenty two days. We understand that O. D. Gooekocuii, Esq., has resigned. his position as publisher of the Sullivan County Democrat, aud lhat he has accepted his old position on the Elmira Daily and Weekly Advertiser. Ues is a good fellow well verted in the "arl pre- Savs the New York Intmne : "Ihe A merican people will not condemn 6uc h a man as Gen Stierman on heard ; and, w hen they shall hv heard him thy will proba bly not need to hear any volunteer adto- ct " At the An.enrai: Hotel, of i h is place, on the 24di of May, by the Rv. J. R. Diuiro, Cnpt C. H'. Boone, of the 7ih Pa. cavalry Q ,iM Jlinervi4 Altf al, Q, Bloomsb.,rg. In Hemlock Township, Col. Co. jjy ihe Rev W. K Jjims, John liveritt, of Dinville to Misa Kli4 Girton daughter of inn la'e llathias Girton, of Hemlock Towu-hip afor esaid I V 1 - I In Cooper trj wnship, Montour county, oi the 3d ult., ot Sp otted Fever, William Al 1red. son of Jesse & Catharine Cromley,aged 17 year, ori m int h, and 10 days. In Greenwood township,. Columbia Co , on the 22d of April 1865. Mrs. Lenah wife of Michnel Watts, aged 42 years, 6 months a,J 16 ULYlLtt OF THE 3IAIIKKT. CA tt V.YV LL Y CORRECTED WEEKLY. W II RAT, 50 RVK, l 20 CORN, so OATS. 62 BUCK WHF. AT, 1 00 FLOUR pr lA jo 00 CLOVKKSKKD 15 no but mi, FGGS, TALLOW, LARD, pr lb POTATO KS, 35 20 16 25 62 DR'D APPLKS2 bo HAMS, 25 URKD of Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, mihI the effect of jout-tiful ir:-di-'ie.ioc, will he happy to lurnish others w ith the means of Cure, (bee if charge ) Thi remedy is simple, safe, and ceriain tFcr particulars, bv return mail, please address, JOHN B. OGDliN. .Inno 7 fr,s,. riO Nassan St N Y To School ilircclors. fx.IIE St hoi i La v requirts that the Ati Rpport ol Directcrs shail be fiied in the tfice ol il.u Superititenlent ai Hir r;st urg, be oe the 15;ti of JULY next, or iie S'ate appropriation t-hall be forfeited ;' hence it i oei s.-ary for Directors lo mat out ibe Imports nd forwarl them ifnmed; "itely to ibe Couniy SuoHriniendeii'. The S aiial. cat Re,,oit is ly be siloed by tlie President and Secretary of the oi l boai.l. On liiH oripo-ii paue, ntuler "OFFICERS AN D MEMBERS OF THE BOARD," the names and ollicers of the new board are u be written. CO. BARK LEY, June. 7, iFG.i. Co Sup't. i'miKCi in ok THE PHILADELPHIA AGT, 165. 'SHE only Democratic Daily Morni'ig Jo'iruhl published in Philadelphia. Toe publisher ol the Philadelphia AGE invite inrf earliest attention of bu.-itie. ni6fi, tliiiikitij men, lnerary men. and all who are inieres ed in ttie various (h'cuom lioni and pur-unsrf life, to h" DAILY a-id W KE'vLY e !i i n of their Jo :rn,il Tne Ptiiiadf fiihia Ai, wtncli udvocaieK the principle- Hint poii.-y of ihe democrat ic parly, is i-soe l every inortitni;, (Sandays excepted.) and co.-na'tis ttie laiesi imelii 2Pnrt! from id! parts ot ttie world; with care Inity rrriwfd ailicle on" Government. Ptilitics, Tiade, Fi.arice, an I all the cut rt nt question ami ali ti.s ol ttte clay; Local liiieiiia;if.e, Market R"j.o:ls, Price Cur rent. Stock qnotatuoi-, Marine and Coro meri. ial It.t-l'"u-enf.. Rfports i. PnLlic (iathem-- F.neijn an I D.imestic Corr?v. 1, Legal Report., Book Notic-, 1 heatfica! Criticisms, RfvieAsof Liu rar - Ait and M.isi;. Agricultural Matters, end discu inr s ot whatever subject is of geti-er-il interest a i l irnportnce. No event of ar;y i n.poiianee occur in if.y patt ol lhs country without bcinsr t'jiiy atitl promptly teVg'aphed lo and pubh.-r.Kd in its fol-imn. it has all th de-paicties of the Ac-or iaie l pr.-s f:oru every p ut of tt.e United S'ats, and th news from all part ot Europe brought by the s eamer is in-latitly telegraphed, fr-mi whatever p.ji;jt th steamer fi st touch. Terms Ttn Dollars per annum, fur a single cent, 'ire Dollars, for sv months. Two Dollars and Fiftti cutis yur ,, C jrtnlhi. .1ml fur uny less iw ie at the rule of One Dollar ptr mo . payment required iiv iriably in adt aute. the Philadelphia Weekiy AGE. is a complete compendium of the news ol I' e week, and co ita us the chief editorial., th lYirj Carrei. t and Market Reports, ftoi'lc Quotation-, Iriteliience tor Farmer, Cor respondence, and General News Mailer puMishe 1 in the Daily Ace. It also con tains a jzrr'at variety ...f other literary and rn isce llaneons n..ttitr, includiii Tale-, Sketches, iJioraphy, Facet 'a;, and Poe;ry, leiidecin it in ail respects a First Class Family Journal, particularly adapted to trie Politician, the Merchant, the Firmer, tha . of a.:lvP newsoapcr. tilted lor the Couatmg Hou-e, ti,e Workshop, thtj F rtaide and the Gru- eral reader. The WEEKLY AGE is mailed in season to reai-h ail parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, ac.d Mar. land, on or ; and rapidly growinu, makes it al least as valuable a medii um lor advertising as any other corn rnercial and business newspaper in Philadelphia; and the. fact lhat il reach es a large clas of conservative reader, scattered over a vat xient of country, who do not lake any other Philadelphia paper, commends it, lo an exiraordin&ry decree, as a mean ol communicating wuh.the pub lic not possessed by any other Journal pub lished in ihis city. Th AGE is now established on a sure and permacent foundation. The publsh- j ers C0lltj easily fill their columns wMh the unsought and most liberal commendation!1 of the pre.-s throughout ihe country; but they prefer that it thou'd siand alloHhr upon claims to public confidence well known and established. It will be, as here totore, the supporter of the National, Con servative, Democratic, Union Principle?, opposed alike to radicalism aud fanaticism iu every form, and devoted to the main lenatica of Good Government, Law, and Order. Ihe revival of all the business relations of the country, consequent upon the suppression of the rebellion and the restoration of peace, will enable the pub lishers lo make a number of improvement in the various departments of this Journal, and they, -therefore, respectfully solicit the supportof all who wish to secuie one of thi best" Commercial, Literary, Busines, and Family newspapers in the country. W Now is the lime to subscribe. Address, GLO.vSRREN.VKR h WELH t XMDTi: FOll TKI-ASIUUB, 10I1N J. SULKS, ES(i, cf BenUin two , " through the earnest nlirjia4i'Mi of bis many Dernocraiic friend-, haHeeii ind'.f d to (lier fiimslf a i-u;utidai fur ihe oiiioe f I'RKASURKR of Coliimti Con-,. ly, suijct lo "h deri-irui .f ifi0rno rra io Convention, which will be held on trn'2Sth of AiiyNt neyi. Bnnlon. M.ty 22 lSfJS. S3. CIMUMTE FOR C0Mi!S!I0.KI. I VU'LIAM R. DEMO I T. ol Madison township, has been induced, ihrough he solicitation of his many DemocrMUo friei.ds, to authniize' u 10 announce to ns l)f mocracy that t e w.ll t,e h cnndidati lor COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the comir Fall election, subject 10 ihe oecision ul ihe Democratic County Convention, June 7, 1865 3. ' AilEiiiiiiwtrntrix's IVotic. Estate vf G Lowty Kline, lute of Orange dtc'J. LETI El Sof administration on the esUirt of G. Lowry Kline. late of Orange tw p , Columbia county, iocea-ed, linve been framed, by ihe Register of -aid c niity, tn Eltrada Kline, residing in the ownship and ' county aforesaid. All per-on having de mands agair st tbe sia:e of ih decedent are requfted to preeseM them for seitle nif nt, and those indeebied 10 the m aie aru requested to make innm hate, payment. ELTRUDA KLINE, Otarg Ma 31. 1865. A-n'ifiv. CAME on l !e j rami es i the s -brribt r in Hemlock iowroni;, Columbia cotiofv on or aloiif the I6iti ot JMv, IS65 A LARGE BROWN n cow if AND CALF: iht Ciw f.,ti.n,n. K-dBi w --.- i l ed to be six or eight years old mid calf on year old. The owner is reque-te.l to con e lor ward, provo propert-, pay charge, an I take I ! o.'d away, oihervvi-e ihey wid be al ver";ited and sold a the law dirfo.u. REUBEN BOMBOY. Mav 31, 1R5 BLC051SBURG PROVISION S T O R E ! THIS ESTABLISHMENT OFFERS TO THE PUbLIC AT A VERY la4Slf: Tli Si of Superior Fani.iy GROCERIES and alt thii lo livj upj"; to ihe line of nece--aiies- and luxuries. HERE . YOUCaN FIND M'GAU, TEA, COFKEE, ' " SPICE. Sic. DRIED KHUU' or' ALL KINDS FLOUR. PORK. 11 VMS DRIED BEEF BU ITER. CM EESE. CRACKERS, FISH, SALT, UROOMS, WOODEN WARE, AND AIL I HA f. Tui.e, and space will not admit of an enu meratior. of (ho endless variety of Goods wh'ch I orf-r for hhIh. It is my intention to supply t tie wuuis of the people, and to thai end shall lend all my cr.eririe, iviiig to ihem hi all tunes, li e betu ii: ot a decline in ihe market. HavitiJ purcl a-cd largely and for Cash, since itif j.'r-'Hi d.-clme in (i.dl, I am en t bld t -!! ai cirre-;iondinsi v bw niii". CO" c i s il ji id Fun ; u u s. LAYTON RUNYAN. i!i'n:hi.ri, M-ty 22. lSti3 E X c C "U T O R 3 S N OT I CeT" EttatC f i'il-ia J ckf.-n. .f if Snptolonf tup., Cu'ii iittta county, iltc J. I EfTERS tsmt-titary on th -tate t-f Silas Jhck-oit. lute of Sn2arl:af town ship, Coin-ulna coun'y. deceased, hav teen granted b t!i Register of faid roun IV to DAVID LEWIS resiling in Simarloaf township, Columbia co. Ail persons hv. in cl.t me againsi itin e-iaie ot the dece t i!t tit are requested to present thern lor mM t'emrnt, and those indeMed to Ihe estate are (eqtieeted lo make iinniediate payment. DAVID LEWIS, Eietutur. ' My lo, 1soj pd.?3. Atii!iii2itraf r's Police. Eiln'e of Reahen Svu.e, hie of Fi-hinaeik luwuzh'p e:cuseJ. ITOriCE i" hereby iven thst lei'ers of " avlnntiisira'ion on ihe e-tate; of R-!Utien Savaye. (Hte of Fishir.creek lowiiohip, Co I'lnitiia coni,t . have been "ranted by ttid Register of coun'y, to J h i Weauer, of the tO'.vtiship and county atoreaid. All perrons hav inu claims agains! the snij rs late of Uie ifecdeni are requeste. lo pre sent them for settlement to the administra tor, anJ itin-e owini the estate will com lorwaid and mk irnm?diiet payment. JOHN WENNER, AJmr. Miiy 3, 1S65 53. fi-'-r Nciv 'il I LUX L RY VilU i'TT R lUi u u m i; i: cuu i s MISS LIZZIE li ARK LEY moM respect fully announce- lo the citizen of liiooms bur. and vicitiiiv thai -h hit opened a NEW MILLINERY SHOP, i-i moms for merly occupied ty Dr Rirn-ey, deceased. on Mam St , be'o.v Market. She ha a fintt assortment d M ilinery good, which ba beeu selected with care and ta-tn. Sh is prepared to do ail work placed in her hand's in us neat ctt:d durable sty Ie. as ca:t be doua elsewhere. Give her a call MISS Ll.ZiE RARKLEY. Lloom-burg, April 26, 1865 Jlali'inioiai.'it. f A DIES and Gentlemen : If yon wish to -Anarry you can do so addsesiii me. 1 will send ynu, without money and without price, valuable information, that will ena ble you to marry happily ant! speedily, iriespct tive of ae, wealth or beauty. Tin information . will cost you nothing and if t.-v 1 am. .11 aI. ..n .1 .1 I I .. you. Al! Iet'er strictly confidential. TA desired information eeni by reium mail, and uo reward asked. Please inclose post age or stamped envelope, addressed to yourself. Address, SARAH B. LAMBERT, - Greenpomt, Kings Co. N. Y. AT... TsOi?c 0 A I II, IOOJ. J III. FRESH H ALL PAPER ! TUST received a new assortment of on styles of WALL PAPER, including BOR DERING and CEILING PAPER, and a general variety of material in his line, which will be found on the First Floor, immediately west of Lutz's Drug Store, in the Rupert Block, where all persons wisti ing gojda in his line will be attended to ia per-on at all time. Cir Paper Hanging and executed to order and best siyle, at ehort noiic. E.J. THORNTON. Bloom-bnrg, Jin- 1 1865. CHAS. G. BARKLfc Y, " Attorney nt Laff, CL003ISDIRG, t OLOIDIA CO., PA. vv ILL practice in ihe Feverl Courts of Columbia county. All legal business j intru-ted to his card sbalJ receive jirompt attention o rp tp 1-