IVcspeetuS oj Ysl. III. 1333.-' r r" v r A . M O NT HLY J OUR N A L, " i k VOTEP 1 L1TKKATI KK, SCIENCE AND . . AST, ASt T!iC ' rranciits or a 77:3 j.iidsz. - C. CHAUNCEY PL'S P., 'Elitor. f JMiis Maazir.e will eontinas to defend the principles - of Government which t-viitled our f3ther in (he foundation of ho Republic. The spirit and doctrine, of the i wo first volumes will be fully maintained i.. rAe third volume. We have no compro r,it.es to make with error no parley with despotism. Democracy will be treated,, not as a varying policy of cunr.irg oiHe setters and spcil-hunters, but rather as-an abiding principle of political economy and i.f popnlar liberty. AH supporters of this revolutionizing, Abolition war, will be held ss the enemies of the Democracy. We hall acknowledge no organization to be Democratic which doe not honestly enun riate and support the principles of ihe Kentucky aud Virginia Resolotions of 1798 .iid the Dred Sroit Decision of the Su preme Court, the one assserting Sln!e Sov treigntg and the other White supremacy. To rreerve these honorable doctrines, the Democratic parly was organized by the very founders of the Federal ; Government. . and it remained true to them down to the Ttal and dishonoring departcre, at the commencement ot this war.. The Old (Juludu an organ of Democrat1 as it wa., te'ore this cowardly surrender of rincipie 4' d as it must be again, before ii can re "avem our country froro the ruin of faction ; i,.. .. :.. . Tk: . -.. i,.... v H !' I UCPUIIPIll, AMIS yCril II lid-" k'CCll Cll lirited to double its former sizs that U, to '" lory-eight pagei for the pnrpose of mak ii g- it in all respects, a to style and ma'icr ;i popular Literary and Family Magazine. One copy, one year, S2 00 Seven copies, or:e year, and cue to the getter up jf club, 14 00 Twenty copies, 35 Go ; Smjle copies sent, pnsi-paid, for ' 2t) Terms invariaby in advance, and the Magazine. win oe stopped when ttie un,e paid for expire. , As eaL number of THE OLD GUARD is stereotyped,! bark numbers and volume can always be fusnished. - ' Subscriptions will be understood as com. rnencicg; with the year,"and back numbers pent accordingly, unless specially ordered oiberwiae. . The Old Guard will be sent through the Pust Office to subscribers in the city, Brooklyn, Williamsburg ami Jei-ey City. The postage of The Old Guard is 12 cts pet year, payable ir advance, at the ctllce ' id mailing or delivery. Copies, of Vols. I.; and K of The Old Goard for 1S63 and IS64, will hi lu mished bound in paper, for 51.50; in cloth lor 8-2, pobl paid. All letters in relation to the- business de pariment of the .Magazine, should be in variably addressed to the undersigned, as follows : ' VAN-EVRIE, HORTON & CO., . 162 Kaseau Street, N. Y. nn iTTVfi n iTi no in liiAliliMj liAlL 1VUA17. AEKASGLHEM. GRF.AT Trunk line from the North and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. Poltsvilie, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton. &.C., &e. Train leave Harribburs for New York, as follows. At 3 00 and 8 15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M., arriving at.IWw York at 10 A. M., and 2.45 and 10 00 P. M. ' The above connect with iimilar Trains - en the Pnrjpylvania Road, anf Sleeping - Cars accompany the fir?t two trains trilli on change. - - "Leave for Reading, PottsviMe, Tattiaqua, Minersvil'e, Alleniown and Philadelphia at 8 15 A. M. and 1 45 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Trains, stopping at all points.at 7 25 A. M. and 4 40 P. M Returiiing, " Leave New York at 9 A. M , 12 noon, aud 7.00 P. M. Philadelphia' at 8 A. M. and 3.30 P.M. ; Pousville at 8. 50 A. M. and 2.35 P., SI., Tamaqua at 8.10 A. M ar.d 2.15 P. M. and Redain? at 12 midnight, "7.35 and 10 45 A. M., 1.38 and 6.05 P.AI. Reading AccommntJaiii) Train : leaves Reading at 6 30 A. M. returning from Phil adelphia at 4 30 P. M. Colombia Railroad Trains leave Read ing at 6'40 and and 11 A. M. fd"r Epnrata, Litiz, Columbia, &e. On Sundays; Leave New York at 7 P. M. Philadelphia 3 15 P. M., Poltsvile 7.30 A. M., Tamaqna 7A. 51., Harrifbur? 8 15 A.M. an? Reading at 12 midnight for ' Harrisburg. - ' Coifamuiaiion, Mileaga, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. Baggage checked through; S3 pounds allowed each Passenger, G. A. NICOLLS, General Soperinlendent. Rkadisg Pa Nov. 30, 184. jyjsir.. goods'. GREAT TlEDUCTIOX IX PRICES NEW ARRIVAL OF r Summer Goods, AT PETER ENT'S STORE IN LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. J.fAS just received from the eastern cities JL and is now opening at the old 6tand a splendid assortment of which will bs sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! His slock consists of Ladie9 Dres Goods, choicest styles and latest fashions. CALICOES, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELS, - ' HOSIERY, SILKS,. SHAWLS, CARPETS, &C. JlcniSy-iH.nIc Clothinc, SATIN liTS, CSSIMERES, " COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANS Til READ, &C. . - QUE ENS WAKE, - - CEDA.RW.A ilE, . ' HARDWARE, MEDICINES, DRUGS, 7 $ syj shoes, hats ana caps, in shnrt ewrythi ig usoal'y kept in a Co'in'ry str. - Tli-' patronage of hi old -friend., and t' pub Re generally," is respectfully so- ! . - . . i 1. 1. J. Ti ? in :he?t market pries paid for conn ry ! r ,J -irH. PETER ET. U-iht S'fVM-y 3, ': ,. - am! 1 Hmm.. I rilH BEST PAPtlulx THE lYCriLI). C. Wood, r.d. nnt! Proprietor The Democracy of the North. will corn :nh i faiai error if they accept the reenlif - - ,iui an iuu Hia ioa frrm tf e hamf of Destiny to relax their "pnliiicjil Ection until the- opening o r.he next campaign. The future we'fura o the republic depends upon the politics zal and activity of t.e Democracy during the year 1865. ' The small majority of the popular vote that elected the Black Republican candi dates, considered in view of the extraordi nary resources ot the Administration for corruption acd cpmp'ulsion, attests that the power of th D?mo:racy, on a fair field, is equal to ih. vindication of Democratic principles. There is one feature in the result of th Presidential election thai goes far to'-i concile the patriot to the hard, fate of hi ' rountry under four years more of Plack Republican misrule. The baleful meteor that lingered in grief whiln in or political atmosphere lias vanished for ever. War Democracy has fulfilled its mision of dis organization, and like any other pestilence ill be remembered only for the evil it Las done. - ' The issue now before the people i the. final siriiil.J between CenteraliZrt'.ion and States' R'sjh'.s, and no journal is Democrat ic tbai is'not the devoted champion of States' Rihis, the paramount priocip: o! the Democratic faith. The New York News needs no testimony beyond its f lain unalterable record to sub slanliate its claim to bring, and having been the most earnest, able and consistent States' Rights Journal in the land. WV have no excuses to invent for modification of sentiment, nor have we to pUal Mex--pedieney" in palliation of inconsistency. Our paih has been straigM forward. Our columns are before the people, not a line in them that we would cancel ncr senti ment we would recall, not an assertion t!;at requires an explanation, not a word that we regret io have- urered, not a prin ciple advocai'ed that we have not stood by and will stand by to the lasi. Such has been our pai:t record, so will be our future. We do not, however, ask the Democracy to sustain us in ocr mission a a reward for the servico we have done, but in con sideration of the good work that we pro pose to do. The Nw Yoik News lor le65 will rot merdy imitate its predecessors, it will excel them. It shall be, r.oi only the trueet exponent cf Democratic principle, but the best newspaper in the country, llereiofore it has had no superior as a ve hicle of new, hereafter it shJll have no equal. In every department of journalism ye have arrang' d that the News shall dis-i tance competition. It is the only Demo era.ic newspaper in metropolis that ha the advantage of publi-hing a daily isue I with the full dispatches of -the Associated Press, anp therefore its machinery for fur nishing a complete record of events i moe perfect than that of any of its Dorr.o cratic cotemporaries. Non& have a tempt ed latterly, lo compete with it in the publi cation ot Souther.) intelligence, as our system of exchange with Sonlhem journals btitllrts the ftigacity and eaterptis of our rivals-. . A glance at thfe cnlumns r f The Nmvs deo'ed to "Southern and Nonheru per sonal7' will remark the extraordinary suc cess that has attended our enterprise in that direction. We are in dally receipt of letters expressing the thinks ot those who, through the medium of tha '-Person!'' in 1 tie iNews, ruve feen enaried lo receive tidings from iheir fiiends and relatives in the South, and the heart of many an exile and wanderer has been gladdened through that instrumentality by words of affection and hope Jrorn those mourned for as dead The New York News has become so popular in the rural districts thai other Me tropolitan j-nirnitls, in publ'shing their stereotyped boast of ,;ihe largest circula tion of any wsekly journal1' are constrain ed to make as exception in our favor II is a significant circumstance that since the "Presidential election and consequent de mise of War Democracy, the subscriptions to this paper have been unusually numer ous. The Agric<ura" Department cf Th New York News renders it an invaluable companion and a.-si.-tant to the farcer; and its Cattle; M'iket and Produce Re--! ports are more reliable and full than iho-e of any other jaurnal. The Daily Mews will forfeit one thou sand dollars i. in the above Departments, competent judges should deny i. a. superi ority. TERMS. DAILY NEWS. One copy, oie year, by mail One copy, six months, ;. ' WEEKLY NEWS. 0n copy, one year, Four copies, one year, Ten copies, one year, Twenty copies, one'year, We have no traveling agent Sio.oo 5 00 2 00 7.00 1700 30.00 acthorized to collect or receive money for subscrip tions. Orders and letter should be addressed to BENJAMIN WOOD, Daily News Office, New York. Jan. 25, 1865. . NEW GOODS Vnollier Arrival ol" Goods. AT Hat, Cap and Grocery S3 J? 02. 5 c Note is your Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having just returned from the Eastern cities with a large aud fall assortments of fGRf' in addition lo a euperi- tT-tBTESiJ' or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER M HATS AND CAPS, comprising ev jry son and quality, is how preparsd to se.J a little cheaper than can purchased elsewhere. His Stock cl GROCERIES are not sur passed in this marke', which be offers cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE.' . ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to wnich he invites the at tention of Shoemakers and the public.' Give hint a call At Stroup's Oid Stand, on Main SireeS. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloorcsburg, Nov'r 27 IS61. HOlFAEiDS ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. . DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and re liable trea'raer t in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in eealeJ letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Dr. . J. SKI LLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 -South - Nirftb S'reei Philadelphia, Fa.' ' Pec. 16, 185;! ly. CABINET WARE ROOM. sst2.iv c. ssiiva, T ESPECTKULLY invites the attention o--"-Mhe Public to his exiensive as-or'trem ot Cabinet Furniture ar.d C H A IR;(5 which he will warrant made of uood Vii material ar.d in a workmanlike man-' i "at. At his establishment can always be found a gnod assortment of fashionable furniture, which is equal in style hud fin ish to that of Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low pricts. He has on hand of different style and p'jyj of different style and prices, from S25 to S60. Divans Lounges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs. Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, ff.c'7 cenire and pier tables, detasf.n, ) i lie ue n if rs, w u ui nuis ami rnini'iie' .1. ir .. : .t.-.. 1 1 r-r and all kinds of fa-hionable work. stork'of bureaus, enclosed and common wasr.standSjdress-lables, corner cupboards, tola5, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is the largest in (his section of the county. He will also keep a. good assortment of looking glasses wiih fancy gilt and com mon frames He will also furni-.h spring mat'.rasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for d urabilily and com fort to any bed in use. nioomstinr Nov. 4, 1SC3. E, & II. T. ANTHONY & t O , tIaiialHCturer (.( ''holographic Miiterinls, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 50 1 BROAD W A Y, N. Y. In addition to f.ur main business ol POTOGRAFIHC MATERIALS, we are Ilea 'qsaners lor ti e Inflowing, vit tSiereocopt s and Stfrosropic l ieicr, Of these we have an immei;-6 assortment, inr'ii:g War Scenes, American and Fcr 'u;i Cit:r-s ?v: L-r '.:api , , Groups, fctat uarv, kc., &.c. Also, Kevo'vicg Ster-io-s.opcs for pti or p rj v";m2 e-xhiO'tiou. Oar Lutdlojac will be sent io a ay a.id:es in receipt of Stamp. IMictograpIiic Alburns. We were the first to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture im mense qiiauiities in great variety, raging in price from 50 cents to S50 eacti. Our iLIirirlS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability le any others. The will be sent by road, . , (n receipt o! price. PJ"i':ie .'Ubutns Male io onhr.2 CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousand sttf jcts (to which additions are cot.tinr.ally Icing ma--e) of Portraits i Err'inent Am,ericans, &c, viz about 100 Mi G-nerals, 550 S:a;eimens, 200 Irig. Generals, 275 C'doneis, li.O Lieut. Colonels 2"0 O her Office's, 75 Navy Otlicer? 130 Di v'n es, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stages, 0 Prorn'nt Women, 10 rrominent Foreign Portraits. IS.OUQ1 I'ojJics ol Works of inclnrling reprodueiop? of the most cele brated Engravings, Paintings, Statutes, &o.-Cataio:v-33 sent on receipt of Stamp. An Order kr one dozen Pictures Irorn our Cat--il.'gue wiil be filled on the receipt o! 1 .0 and sent by mail, Free. Photographers and others ordering good C. O. D. will please remii twenty-five pe cent of the amount with iheir order. E. & H. T. ANTHONY at CO., Manufacturers of Pnotogiaphic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. VW The prices and quitity cf our goods can net fail io satisfy. Dec 7, 1S64. Cmo. ARCANA WATCH. " An Elegant NoTelly iii U-'alcbeV. THE cases of this wa ch, ere an entirely new invention, composed ot six diiTre:r. ma'ais combirieJ, roilel together ar.l planished,- pro d ncir g an exact imitn.rton of ISxarat gd .1 called Arcana, u hi' h will always keep its coiNr. fhey beantiftil and doral !e as solid i'o are afforded a one eigh h the cr. cae is beautilulft designed, with are a I, a-id Tl!H Fan-l and shield lor name, with Pa'nt Posh Pin, and engraveit In tfe ea"t sj! of the cele brated Gold Hurting Lev?? and .are real ly handsome arrd t'esirab!-, nd so exact an imitation of gold, a v defy detection. The movement is in a o factored by the wei! known St. Jimer Y-'ittcfi Company of Eiirope, and are sup-rbly finisliev, having engraved ralleTSj ia"c carved bridges, adjusting regulator, witl i;o!d balanced, and the imp-ov p 1 ruby jewelled action with the line dil and skeleton hands, and is warranted a good time keeper. Thee watches are of thre different siz?. Pie smallc-l being for ladies, and are all Hunt ing Cases. A case of six, will be sent by mail or Express for S125.09. A single one sent in an elegpnt Morocco case for S25.00 will readily s'ell for three times their cost. We are the sole agents for this Watchin Ihe United States, and none are genuine which do not bear onr Trade Mark. Address, DEVAUGII & CO.,. Importer?, 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Feb 8, 1865 3ano 1FM.B K00NS I'ropricror BLOOMSniRG PA.. THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, his been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the roost pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market atTords,and his Bar wiih tiw choicest liquors. Attentise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in this se ion of. country. Omnibuses wit alwayscte in readiness to convey passen gers to and from the Railroad Depots. WM. S. KOOxNS. Bloomsburg, July 4. 1860. 4 CAKU JO INVALIDS A CLERGY "man, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a sale and sim ple remedy for the cire of Nervous Weak ness, Early Decay, diseases of the Urinary aud Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought oa by baneful and vi cions habiis. Oreat num bers have already been cured by this noble remedy. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted and cnforlunate; I will send the recipe for pre paring and csiog this medicine, to any cne who needs it, in a sealed envelope iree of charge. Please enclose a stamped envel ope, addressed to yoursalf. Address JO SEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. 52-ly Xy H il sub-criber would announce lot'ie A- oitizen of Uionrri'-blirg hd.) viciuitj, tliai he h selling LIQUOliS in large and small quantities, and at different prices, at his New Store, on Main street, .-s" north side, two doors -ocP) of i y-ZHZZH'fi ton Mrci-i, Blocmsburg. His f:';:s 1 :Z stock ot Foreign and Domf-siic J&JmZtjiJ 13 IS HT E E ! S s ronsis's of Cognac and RoChelle. Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of 2? a 3 DSL C33 9 Old Rye. gray with iige, tine Old Bourbon, Old Foiks Whiskey, and auy quauity of common. He also has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras. Lisbon, Claret, Sherry ar.d Cam pagce Wines; and last but ,not least, a qnan'ity o good dcuble extr? BROWN SI OUT; all of which he wilt sell at the lowest cas'i prices. The public are respect ful!) solicited to give his liquor a trial. D. W. ROKB1NS, Jgt. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. UTOitilNti INSURANCE C03irANY, Office over the Wyoming Jlank, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, I50.CCO. ?" Will insure again! loss or damage by Fire on property in lawn or country, at reasonable errns. DIRECTORS. O. M HoUenback, John Reichard, Samuel Wudham", D L k it Of, maker, Daniel G. Driesb.u-h, R. C. Smith R. D. Lacoe, G. P. Steele, W. W. Ketcham Charles Dorrance, W. S. Ross, George M Harding. G. M. HOLLENBACII, Pres't. D. L. SHOEMAKER, Prcs't. R. C. SMITH, Secretary, W. G. STERLING. 1 r-asnrer. L H. CONOYER, Agent, Ilecn Haveu, Pa. December 2d, 1863. ly. Js'cw Stock of Clothinq. TNVU ES attention to his lock-f cheap -- ar.d fashionable Clothing at bis Store, on M.UX STREET, BLOOMSBURG. two doors above the Jmtrican IIgusc, where he has pist received fmm New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of ioclu licg the mo! fahionab!e, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS. consisting ol liox, Sack, Frorkf (ivm and Oil Cloth Coats, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. Il a!r has replenished tn aireaily lare stock of Fal! and Winter Shawl-; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stock-", cp'tars, bund kerchief , g!ove, eu5pender? ?.':dfat:cy article. N B H? has constantly en band a la'ge and well selected assorimenl of C!o:vi arid Vesi'inss, wliich be is prepared to make rp to order, into aay kind cf clo.hing on very shnrt notice nttd tnth? best cf nanner. A!! his cloili'tngis rr.3de to wear ar,J moc: of ir is of horria rnancfacture. AND O! every Description, Fine and Cheap. Hi Case of Jewelry ia rmt surpassed io this place. Call an I examine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watches. JewcTry, &c. Sic. f A V I D LOWENBER'J. Bir.omsbr.rg, April 20, Ifio. !.s ckr. writ & niscrabars X- i. TWO DAILY TE!AIiS. ON and aftsr Monday, December 26th, 1864, Passenger Trains wi'l run as fol lows : STATIONS. MAIL. PASSENG'R. Northumberland, Danville, Rupert, B!onrisbnrg;, Berwick, Shickshinny, King-ton, V.'yoming, Piitson, Arrive At Scranton, Great l!end. New York, Easton, Philadelphia, feranton, Pittston, Wyoming, Kingston, St.ickshinny, Berwick, Bloomsburg, Rupert. Danville, 8.00 a m 5. CO p M 8 40 5 40 9 25 6 25 9 45 6 35 10 25 7 30 U 10 8 15 12 15 pm 9 15 12 L0 9 35 1 05 & 50 1 50 10 25 rr.i 6 40 " " 5 0 2 45 6 30 fiitliivartL 6 00 am 4 20 pm 6 30 5 ( 0 6 15 5 45 7 00 5 30 7 55 6 45 8 35 7 30 9 15 8 25 9 25 8 25 10 CO 9 15 Arrive at Northumberland, 10 40 10 00 Williamsport, 6 30 pm 200am H.rrisburg, 1 20 1 25 Baltimore 5 40 7 CO Washington, 9 05 10 35 Philadelphia, 5 40 5 00 The shortest and mrst direct'route to the West and the Oil Regions ! Trains of the Philadelphia and Erie Rail road leave Northumberland every monrn- ing for Erie, arriving there the afternoon of the same day to connect with Trains for Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, And ail other points West, connecting at l orry with all Trains on the Oil Creek Railroad. Passengers for Train 3, can leave New York via The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. at 9 00 A. M., thereby reaching all points on this Road the same day. II. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, Dec. 20, 1S64. OMNIBUS LINE. riHE undersigned would respectfully an- nounce lo ihe ciiizens of Bloomsburg, I and the pobli?sgenera!ly, that he is running SnllMMIIMR' rtyL' between this place and-j; the different Jiail Road gv.T imC Depots, daily, (Sundays excepted) to con nect with the several Trains going South and West on the Ctawissa& Williamsport Rail Road, arid with thoe going North and Sonth on the Lack. & Bloomsburg Road. His OMNIBUSES sre in good condition, commodious and comfotrable, and charges reasonable. . CJT Persons wishing tb meet or see Iheir friends depart, can be accom modated, upon reasonable charges, by leav ing timely notice at any of the Hotels. JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. IHE SINGER SEWING MACHINES. UR I.Ptter A Family Sewing Machine is fast irainin? a world-"wide repmation. li is beyo"d doutt the best and cheapest and mot beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No ether Family Sowing Machine has so many use frl appliances lor Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, GuagineK Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so lorth. Nc other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity lor a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread. Great and recer.l improvement make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at. all rates of speed. It makes the inlsrlocked siitch which is the best stitch known. Any one, even of the innsi ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance how io Use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are fini-died in chaste and exquisite sty le. The Folding Cae of the Family Ma chine is a piece of cunning workmanship of me most useful kind. It protects the ma chtne when not in use. and when sbout to tie operated may be opened as a spaciou: and s'lbr-tanlial table, to sustain the work While some of the Cases, made out of ihe choicest woods, are fiin-hed in the sim plest aud chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embelished in the most costly and superb mariner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to judge of ii? great capacity a .d bea-uty. It i fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are lor manufacturing purposes. I he Branch Offices ar well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very be-t quality. Send for a Pamphlet. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 810 Chestnut St N. S. Tmgley, Agent, in E-py, Pa. Evans, Agent, in Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1S63. itld Things Brcomc IVciv, The undersigned would beg leave to in form his old friends, aud "the rest of man kind, ,: that he has lately returned Irom th service of his country, and again re- .P opened bis O L D E S T A B L I S U- 't E D T A I I, O R I N ti S A L O O N.-ii-with a view cf m-king up entire new gar ments, as eil a mcnilmg old or:es, for all mankind, and any tody eNe, who may favor hirn wiih their work in his line. He is prepared to do work NEAT, Fash IONABLE a n d. S U BST A N TI A L, and hope by so doing, and strict attention to business to merit and receive a due share of patrrm ae. But remember, all, that these times require money, or something to live upon, he therefore hopes and trust, thai when he has don? his part, his customers will do theirs, by furnishing the "rnady John," or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is worth v of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT - Bloomsburg, Sept. 10 102. A CARD TO THC SlFFLIiiXG. SWALLOW two or-lhree Hogshead? of P.uch'j, Tonic Bitters, Sarsapanlla, Nervous Antidote, &c, &c, &"., and .alter y ou are sHti-fied witn ihe result, then try one box ot OLD DOCTOR BUCUAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC .PILLS. and be re.-tored lo health aad vigor in less than 30 days. They are purely vegetable, p!"asant to lake, prcrrijH and ealut -ry in their effects on the broken down ar; ' shattered consti tution. Old and young cm take them with advantage. Imported and sold in the U. S. only by . J AS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Rroadwty, New York, M'" Agent for ihe United States. P. S. A box of the p:l!s, securely pack ed, will be mailed to any address on r- ceip! of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, o-ist paid, rnonev refunded by the Agent ' if entire saticfaction is nr viven. July 20, 1S64. 3m. EDITOR OF THE 'STAR,' Dear Sir: With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper thrit I will wend, by return mail, lo ail who wis, it (free) a Re cipw, with fuil directions lor making and using a simple Vegetable Ba!m. that will effectually remove, in ten days, pimples, bUdcre-, Tan, Freckles, and al! impurities of the skin, leaving .the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail Iree to ihoe having Bald He.ids, or bare Faces, simple directions a:ul information that will enable them to start a full growth luxuriant hair, whiskers, or a moustache, in Ies than 3o days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Respectfully yours, THOS F. CHAPMAN. Chemist. 831 Broadway, New York. July 20, 1SS 1. 3m. rVorSli central Xiailtvny. TI M E. T A LB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from tiip North and West Branch of Re Susquehan na, Elmira, and all of Northern New Yoik. On and after Mondav, Anril 20th, lt63, the Parenger Trains of the North Central Railway will arrive and depart from Sun bury, Harrisburg and Baltimore, as follows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at . 10.10 am. Leaves Hairisburg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives al Baltimore, 5.35 11 Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1107 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg. except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Monday, at 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NOR TIIJ FAR D. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays at Leaves Harrisbnrg, Arrives at Snnbury, Express Trains Baltimore daily, Arrives at Harrisburg, 9.15 a.m. p m. p.m. cc a.m. 1.15 4.05 9.15 1.35 Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3. 00 Arrives at Sunbury, 5.38 " For further particulars apply at the office. I. N. DUBARRY, Supt. Harrisbura, Aog. 8, 1863. II C KOffliU, SURCEOIV IEr T I S T, T? ESPECFULLY offers his professional services to the ladies & gentlemen of Blooms burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Dentistry, and is provided " with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. Alloperations on the teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above the Court House, same side. Bloomsburg Aug. 19, 1885 TO ALL IROV IN THE BLOOD. It is well known to lh mwdical protes- sion that Iron is the vi al Principle or Lib Element of the blood. This is derived chtelly Irom the food we eat : but if the focd is not properly digested, or if, Irom. any cause whatever, Ihe necessary quan tity of iron is noi taken into the circulation or becomes reduced, the whole system eul- ) iers. i ne oau otoon win irritate the near:, will clog up the lungs, will stupefy the brain, will obstruct the liver, and will send its disease producirg elements to all par' cf the system, and every one w:.l! suffer in whatever organ rr.ay be predisposed to dis ease. The great valunof IRON A A MEDICINE Is well known and ack no Ipdsred bv all m .-! i r a 1 i!ji Thf d i iTif-li !t v- liai hpf i: t'i 1 obtain such a preparation of it as wiil en ter the circulation -and assimilate at once with the blood. This point, says Dr Hayes, Massachusetts State Chemist, has been at tained in ihe Peruvian Syrup, by combina, lion in a way before unknown. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a protected solution of the Protoxids of Iron. A new discovery in medicine that strikes al the Root ol bir-ease by supply ing the blood with its Vital Principle or ) Life Element lrot. j THE PERUVIAN SYRUP I i Cures Dispepsia, Liver Comp'aiut, Dropsey Fever and Ague, Lo-s of energy, Low Spirits. - THE PERUVIAN SYRUP infuses stiength, v igor, and new life into ihe system, ana builds up an "Iron Consti tution." . THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Cures Nervous Affection, Female Com plaints, and all diseases of ihe Kidneys and Bladder. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP -Is a Spevific for all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low state of the system. Pamphlets containing cerlificales of curas ar.d recommendations from some of tho ir.c-t eminent Physicians, Clergymen 1 and others, will be tent FREE to any ad dress, j We select a f.w of the names to show ! the character ot the testimonials. ' John E. Williams. E-q , President of the Metropolian Hank, N. Y. Rev Abed Sevens, late Editor Christian Advocate & Journal. Rev P. Church, Editor N. Y. Chronicle. Rev. John Pierpont, Rev. Warren Burtons Rev. Arthur B. Fuller, Rev. Gurdon Rnb bins, Rev. Sylvanus Cobb, Rev. T. Slarr King, Rev. Ephraim Nute, Jr., Rev. Josehp H Clinch, Rev. Henry. Upharn, Rev. P. C, Headley, Rev. John W. Olmstead. Lewis J.hn-on, M. D., Roswcll Kinney, M. D . S. K Kendall, M. D., W R Chisholm,M D Francis Dana, M. D , Jeremiah Stcne, M. D , Jose Antonio Sanches, M. D , A. A. Hayes. M. D., Abraham Wet. dell, M. D , J. R. Chilton. M. D., U.K. Kinney, M. D ., Prepared bv N. L C'laik & Co.. exclu sively tor J. P. DINSMORE,No. 491 Broad way, Now York. Sold by all Druggists. ncf!dii;'w Zl!i!i(i Salrc ! FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE has ful ly established the superiority of RED DING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healing prepara'ions J It ctiref all kinds of Sor-s, Cuts, ScaU, Barns. Boil, Ulcers, Salt liheam, Erysip ; elas, Sties, Files, Corns, Sore Lps, Soe Eye, &c., rerroviog Ihe pain at once, and reducing ihe most angry looking ewelir.gs. and inflamatinn as if by magic. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, No. 4D1 Broadway, New York, S W. FOWLS Co.,.No. 18 Tie moot Si. Boston, and by all Druggi-t. August 3, 164. ly. AliTIirit'S SIOIE 3IAGAZIE. E ti'ed bv T. S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN IA E. TOWN SEND. The Home Magazine for lc65 will be en larged and improved, aud maae still more worthy of the eminent favor with which it nas been received Its character as a 11 i Is-To v i Vcri o d i ta 13 claiming public favor en the ground of real merit, wiil be carefully maintained ; while for vareiy interest, usefulness, and all the attractions of literature and art rse ntial to a Hue Home Magazin the publishers w i.'l aim to ir.'p it Superior To All O tiers. A Fine Steel Engraving, and Two Page of Music, will appear in every number, besides choice pictures, groups and char acters, prevailing fashions, and a laro va- riet' J 1cm of patterns lor garments, eninrni.iery , i etc., etc. in an respects we snau sive A FIRST-CLAS5 MAGAZINE, at a price within the reach of every intil' "eiu family in the land. A new story by T. S. ARTHUR will be f commenced in the January number. I Yearly Term, in Advance One copy, S2 50. three copte. C6,00, rive copies aud one to the .getter-np d club, S10,(.H). nine copies, and one lo the gellsr up of club SI 5 CO. n? A beautiful Premium Pla'e. entitled The Irfaicv of Siaksieare,;" wil' be mailed to each person who send ns actub of subscribers. It will also be mailed to each single subscriber from whom we re ceive 52,50. rwFor it 4 f0 we will send ore cpy ft each of Home Magazine and Gody's Lady "s Book for one year. Address, T. S. ARTHUR & CO. 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 23, 1861. 7L TJ ATRIMONIAL. LADIES AND GEN--'-'tlemen. If yon wish o marry address the undersigned, who will send you wi.h oct money and without price, valuable in formation that will enable yon io marry happv and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and if you wish to marry. I will cheerfully asis yon. Ail letters I strictlv confiaential. The desired informa tion sent by return mail, and no questions asked. Address Sarah B Lambert, Greeu point, Kings county, New-York. 0:t.- 12, 1864 2m DR. J.R. EVANS, .Physician and Surgeon, RAVING located permanently on Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally, that be is pre pared to a'tend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted lo his care, on terms commensurate with the times. C5" He pays strict attention to Surgery aswell as MedicinSS November 25, 1 3.-ly. DAVID LOU'EXBERG, CLOTHING H TOR r, On Main street, two doorsabove t he Amer ican Hotel. CLANKS ! CLANKS ! CLANKS l : DEEDS, SUMMONS, - EX ECU! I ONS , S UB rCEN AS', of proper & desirableform,fo sale Oftice'ofthe 'Star oft.he North.' HESIiMBOIsD'S ' FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, . A posltlvo surt f pecluo IiMDctj for dlbCfleB of th Illadder, Kldaeys, Cr.Tcl Mid Dropaicnl Kwclllar. Tbls MsillctTc lncrenea ttio powerEOt digestion, and excites Uio al5o:Lciiia Into healthy Lctlcn.by vklcti the watery or calcareous depostttonn, eud all nrnotsrat en largements ere rcv!ucc3, m well na pala end JnflamaiaUoa, aoJ 1b good for xacn, women and children. - iC..ii HELKBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For wentnet ariblng from Excesses, TUbltB of Dissipa tion, Early InOlucrctlon, aitooded with tlic following 6vmptor)i8: IndlspoBltion to Kxertlon, loss of ilensory, TTcaUXcrvcs, Horror of Dlcrasc, , Dlinae8 of Visioi, . Hot HandH, Dryness of the Cktn, Low of Tower, , Dtaicnlty or Hreathlnf , Trembling, ' ' V ike fatness, Tata la the Eacfc, Fluihtng of the Body, Eruptions of the Face, I allld Coautcnance. Tclversnl Latitude, . These symr,t02-.B, If allowed to goon (which Uiht Medi cine Invariably removes), soon follow FATUITY, 1.1'ILEFTIC FITS, &e., Jn one Cf which the patient may expire. Wno can say they axe cot lrequen'ly followed by thote " direful ttl! rcSAKlTT AND CONSUMPTION'? Hanr are bwaxc of the cause of tbr ir suffering. tut no& J wl'.l coiifct-s. The records of the lni ine asylum ead.lL i'rjclaachoty flcstbs by consumption twar ampin witness t j tbetnthof tao'Bseortloif. ! T-m rv.raUTti!on. Pi.fe cjr.jr.t)d b orsante weakneiu. rcqulrob the old cf medicine toBtrcngiuen audlnrlgornta the eyttcm, which ET-.LMIiOLD'S EXTRACT OF BrCHlT liivwlitly d&ea. atrial will convlnca theciont eceptlcal. t:1 11 In rr.iicy afTec'lons peculiar to Female, the Fxtkact r-rcciAla nncyuaied ty aDy ether remedy, and for all eo .phJata Incident to t'ce iti, or In tho peclesx on ciiiVS'as of life, C.? Era Bran OJ13 Afcovit. p? 2fo Family BhoBid bo wlUiout it: Take no Palssm, Mercury, or nnpleafant medlclse for cnple&Bant and dur.gerous Uaca?cs. lLuli'ovLu o La i Ail lit DuciiJ Cures Secret Discuses In all their stages little expense, little or no clause of diet, no Inconvenience, end KO EXFOSUEg. 1 LTSS I-I1-:LIT30LIDS ' E X T R A C T BJJ C H U For all affections and d'setws of theso organs, whether EXISTING IS MAX& OH FEMALE, From whatever cacse orlgtnbtlng.and no matter bow loef ttandlng. DiacaEea of thcoO organs require the aid of dturego. HELKBOLD'S EXTRACT EUCHU Is Uia Great Diuretic. And It t certain to bare the desired cect Is all dlbeaae Ccr which It Is recommended. ttottvt cssnc sr bat. 3 cotpoctb FLUID EXTPCT SAR S A? ARILL.A, Tor pcrifylrig the Ttlwdjrflmnrtii? li chroilc cor.tli i t'.OBil dijeifj art.-in fiou r.a l.untror'.alc t l.c l Io!, ted te only rcltai-te ar.d sOcttia! Yuv.-u r- tr.ty t r V t enre of Fji-oi'ihi, Pcald Head, S:iii I tt-t.r. s alns s I fwclllrtts of tho Eor.'js, lTlcerH:.t.ip of the Thra:t .I Leg2, lloi chis, Fliaplcs oa thy Vjio'.TeltiH.Lrj'i'il, and all scaly ErrrVcna of '.tie Ctts, $:.i. rrvii'v i;. Xiit; cuMrt.ic-XfO v. NOT A rZ7 cf tl-e worr. "5srr. ra thst sClct nr.irl.tT:l n-l frr-n il. corruption thr t sccsn-ntat In tho Slctxl. t.f all ti-i! d's covertotl.EthaTC orea tr.Adeto ptirje ltotil,cor.a c :r tical ti elert jr.rxi'-aoi.rVs Coaj'ocyo i.T.T.t c- Saj-e.-APi-i-v. It clet'.r.scs and rccvate tho fW, Inalttj tl.o vtjor cf beoltti into t2 ry lt-, and r"1- oni l-3 L'uia.r. 'ttt icti mrt:c rtl.Tse. It n:'iuiilatcs ttc t;cn!'t j f-Mr,r.r.' th" l. -.d3,oilerpelstt.a iis:rJersttjatcroT. kin.iii. v.u t: 5 t.Icod. tnch a reuie.ty tist could t.a r;"cdO!ihn3lcr.2 -:-a tov-hl rr, iiiJ aoir.fc.rthe fii: t tlz:e the j t:tlc l:av! c-.e cu wl Ich ti.fj cus. attend. Cur t vace here does wa ndrait cci tlficr.u-s to t how UiiC'.'cct i. but ho tilul of as'gic l.olt'.e will tiiow to U:e sick iliai ti haa !U vlrtnes e urj.csjuj tnythic;? they have ever rtica. Tv:o t .t'.fcopoou- fal o ILs extract of CaisuparlUa uddc I to i T-irt nf v-it-r Js c;til1 to the Llstwa I'tct IirlntE. r.a-l cue T-ottte li ,".' .y p ; .i .l lo a j.dt j:i cf the Syrup cf ca P -lUa, cr U.o utccctjoa cs 3- aa.Ily LiiJ j. TJr.rCLT.7LIj OZul) 3 KOSS WASH, j Aa cx?f-tlint LorSoa for dtsossta arljJn fru habits of i dtsstpif Ion, us ed li corncctton wirh tlic ftstrnc'a Uncha j acl Sirsapi'.ri'.la, la e-.ch ("isTses as reeomniended. Et- e tnce of th? ciot rtorthlc nnd rcVahle c!:aractr witl I accoripncy tl;e niediclnf s. AUo explicit directions for n o, c:'h hrrr lr?('s cf t'.or'Mf.n.UM'.ng witnesses, ni: J np- t wmdsof isi.'.O r.r.r.tiritod ccrtlf.cr.tes andvecommenda- tor; letter-, nan;.' cf v.hicb are from the highest sources. luf.tn.tinj iM.iiiei.t ri)r!"i::r:P,C1-rcyr:cn,'a:itcimeu,4:c. The FrorlKior has ccrcr re-sorted to thsLr patlicuUcn !a the cewt-phpera; he does not 1o tMjfrom tic fact that hhi articles rai.k as Ptnn-terd Prcfcratioa and du not nccl to be propped cp by ccrtlScatLS. The Science cf Me llclne, lttio the Doric Colnmn.ehonltl Ft&nd slTcple, pirc, r-.aJcsUc, baring Fact for Its bfcsta. Induction, for ltt ptltr, and Truth aloue folts CapUal. My Zstrr.cl Tor-ipsritla Li a Flood Further ; fey rrtract Fnchu 13 a L'icretlo, ccd will net es euch In all casoa. Both ere propped cn pcrcl 6clcntiac principles Oa tacuo and r.ro the nest ecilve measures of cither that can te made. A rca'Iy and conclusive test will bo a com T trlEon of their properties with those set forth la the fol lowing worts: Sec Eliperisatory cf the United Etnes. ee I rciuooor Df.vEts valuable worka on tbe Frsctlca of rhyFlc. Fee remarks rs.sde by the celebrated Dr.rHTSic, rhlla. Ecc remark tMdeby Ir. Eimmw McDowxix, cele brated Fbyilclun nnd.Kernber cf the Foyal Cwllegaof Pnrgccns, lrttud, tnd published la tho Transaction of the King and Queen '3 Jonrral. Eco Jiedtco-Cbirurgical r.cview. p;bllshel by HtsiX Tkavxbs, Tellow of tl.e Hoyal College of Surgeons. ee mot of the late standard works on ilcwiclaev FOLT DT ALL TFUG GISTS : Address letters fcr information. In confidence, to H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist. : PSHICTPaL DEP0T3 Jlelmbcld's Drag and Chemical "Warehouse ' .2o. 5?i SB0ADWAT, KEW Y0EK, eoii nt'lmboM's Hedical Depot. Ho. 104 SOUTH TENTH ST, PSILADELPELa."' BEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOB UELaBOLD'Bl TASK NO OTHER ! o D