The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, May 10, 1865, Image 1

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    $2 50 In Adranct, per Annum.
Truth and Right God and our Country.
W. a. JACOB!7, Publisher.
Cffift on Main St., 3d Square below Market.
rt31 : Two Dollar and Fifty Cents
in advance. If not paid lill the end of the
year. Three Dollars will be charged.
No subscriptions taken for a period less
than six monihs ; no discontinuance permit
ted until all arrearages are paid unless at
tbe option of the editor.
One square, eight lines, one time, SI 00
F.very subsequent insertion, ...... 25
'One square, three months, 4 60
-One year, . . . : . 10 00
Sing not for me those mocrolul songs
That tell a nation boxed in tears ;
My soul is wearied with the wrongs
tOf these last reetless years.
The winds that in the woods make moan-
The waves that murmur to the son
Speak all too veil, with burdened tone,
4 Of "vrcwrhw, lost or won.
And down the vale where fallen arer,
. Throb out a brave life's parting breath,
A flash of gleaming steel and then,
The fearful wail of 'eath.
Rachel are weeping everywhere,
" AH the dull night taeir sobbings fall :
One dirge ol mourning flood the air
I'm weary of it all.
Let me forget that enemies fling
Black shadows o'er my country's ligh',
Boi rather listen while you sir.g,
Of sorat thing else to nigh'.
TriUttboseolJ familMfrtys
That, in the twilight, you and I
Once loved so well, in other days
; Sweet o. her dajs gone by.
When only on historic page
Hie victor and the vanquished met,
And freedom's holy heritage.
All pure and stainless jet.
tZohen (A. Y) Republic.
Stwspapers ts. Liquor.
The British Standard institutes a compar
ison between a glass of Whisky and a news
paper in the following terms:
"A glass of whisky, says an exchange, is
manufactured perhaps from a dozen grains
of ma.hed corn, the va'ue of which is too
small to be estimated. A pint of this mix
lure sells at retail for one shilling, and if a
good brand, is considered by its consumers
veil worth the money. It is drank off in a
minn e or two ; it fires the brain, rouses the
passions, sharpens the appet're and de
ranges and weakens the physical system.
Itioue,and swollen eyes and parched
li;is and aching bead are in. followers. On
the same sideboard upon which this is
served lie a newspaper., the white paper ol
which cost alout two cents. Thi J is cov
ert-d with a hundred thousand tjpes; ii
' brings intelligence from the four quarters b1
the globe; it bas in its early prided col
umns all that is strange or new a: homo ; it
tells yo j the state of the markets ; it gives
yoo an account of the war, the execution
of the last murderer, rtie last steamboat- ex
plosion oc diaster; "I philosophy, govern
ment, religion, &f .. &.C, and for all this the
paper cost less than a glass of grog, the
juice of the grain of corn. . It i no less
strange than true that there is a Urje propor
lion of the coram unity who think, the corn
joice cheap and the newspaper dear, and
the printer has bard, work to collect bis
dimes when the liquor dealers are paid
cheerfully. How is this? Is the body a
better paymaster than the head are thing
of the moment more prized, than the things
of the future 1 Is the transient tickling of
. the stomach of more conseqoence than the
improvement of the mind, and the inform
ation that is essentia! to the rational being ?
if this bad its real-value, would not a news
paper be worth qidj pints of whisky ?
'-' ' 1 -
A Political Joke In a neighboring
county,, one of the political parties had
over twenty jears txeen ia thehabjt of hold
ing their county nominating conventions at
the boose cf Mr. C. He happened on a re
Tent occasion, for the .first lime, to be in
wheti tbey finished their business, and
heard a little delegate from R. move that
'this Convention now adjourn $ine die.1'
"Sine die" said G to a person standing
rear, "where is that !" ''Why it's way up
in the northern part of the country," said
rfcis neighbor.
Hold on, if yoa please, Mr. Cheerman,
-said G." with great earnestness and empha
sis, "bold on, sir, I'd like to be heard on
ihifqaesrion. , I have kept public house
.twenty year. , I'm a poor man. I've al
ways feeleagaJ to the party, and never spljt
-my ticket in my life. This is the most cen
tral location in the county, an' it's where
. we've allers held our caucuses. I've never
'had or asked lor an office, and have worked
night aad day for the party and now I think,
sir, it's contemptable to go to adjourn this
..contention away up to sine die.?
As exesedin;!-raodast young- lady
desiring a leg of archicken at the table said,
Til take the part that ought to beMresed in
drawers. A nice young gentle roan who sat
opp3.i4 immediately said, I'll take iqe part
ihit cuht to ware the bostle. ; -
'Ynrv a p?r?on dc!.ir?i that hilt "brni"
II. IV. Beteher Plead, Pardon Jor the Rebels
fl'ni Jeff. Davis.
n....s...f Tr sou. spple tree thi
. - wr. vrniTCTiTiAM niaVQ k 111
The Rev Henry Ward BeecherV valadic
tory to his congregation at Plymouth church
on Wednesday evening, prior to his depar
ture for Forr Sumter, was a remarkable ad
dress, and must have been received with
astonishment by some of his flock.
He commenced his discourse by stating
a tnost interesting and instructive narrative :
An old Levite, while traveling, found en
rising in the morning that hia wife had
been beaten to death. Taking her bleeding
corpte to his dwelling, he cut it into twelve
pieces, and sent one to every tribe of Israel.
Asking the meaning of this insult, Israelites
were told that in the tribe of -Benjamin
dwelt the murJerers. The tribe was asksd
to give up tte culprits, but impudently re
fused. Then the other tribes, ordered by
the Lord, fell upon tbem and destroyed
them almost entirely, save only about a
thousand, who fled and hid in the caves.
The point which I wish to call to atten
tion is the situation presented by the tribe
of Benjamin when est off by the vengeance
of their brethren. They were so despoiled
and impoverished, and so pitiable in their
distress, a to excite the compassion of their
destroyers. The people then went up to
the house of Israel; then went they to the
men who had fled, and gave them wives,
that they michl raise up seed to the restor
ed, tribe. The offence was as great a one
as could have been committed, and was
panished in alter expatriation. The tribes
of Israel obeyed the Lord and destroyed the
tribe of Benjamin, all but one thousand
men ; and whan grief overtook them they
prayed as above. They felt that tribad al
lotment was a holy one, and they felt tbat
without Benjamin, Israel was not as it was
ol old. We have come to gather circum
stances like in our time. We lament and
moan before God that a tribe should be so
near extinguishment. So long as it was
necessary our leaders bad this one para
mount duty before them to sustain the su
premacy of the Government.' But from the
moment of victory a new feeling came
upon them and they yearned 'for their
brethren. It is some time since I have felt
troubled concerning the Government. For
over a year ever since Grant and Sherman
took command it has seemed but a ques- j
tion of trme There have been days and j
weeks of doub1; but they were exception.;
No one is now so faint hearted as to doubt j
that the eud is near. .The fall of Petersburg ,
u is near. ,iue la.i oi reiersourg
lond, the position of Grant, and i
of Lee, settles the question be-1
l m -t-i l . t
and Richmond
the flight
vend a doubt. The dav of bulletins is pass- ;
ed. The cruefbroad, dreadful war which
has populated the dark region beyond with '
the murdered and the slain, is now ending,
it is in the agony of death now, and we te-:
joice in it. -Our work has jus": began. We J
irave urged the people of the North to stiff-
en their backbones aad to keep' up their !
moral tone, and we have done our doty.
That such a nan should be elected as has .
re-asumed the Presidential chair is a mag .
oificeot resnlt. But now we have the coon- j
try, and the whoje country, in our hand.
We have fought for ?t, and we are retponsi '
Me for il. I hare tangbt to believe that the
Union was inditpensible to the honor of the ,
country. We did not care to see the North
prosperous,' and great and wealthy, and the
South feble and impoverished and weaken
ed by exceises. We are bondsmen for the
welfare and properity of the country not
of New Ei gland, or any other seciicn.
The exigencies of our coon try require us to
do a thousand f)ld more than ever before;
and first, let us. lake care that we do not fall
into rheeasy sin of vengeance under the j
plea of justice. Few men can afford to be .
just until they first learn how to love. 1 j
bear many men say this war ought not to
be ended until, the principal traitors are '
bong, and that a ocr apple tree should take j
the place of Haiman's gallows, upon which j
should swing the arch traitor Jeff. Davis. (
i r ' r . I i I : -u . I
ll 1JI. I'Stib wtio uij iiniui Y,v3 mjui,
1 would do by him as I did with another
wasp yesterday. I saw the fellow on my
door, in the country, and was just akout to
mah him, whsn I said, "Wiat's the use?
It's only a wasp, and it' not al all probable
tbat be and i will meet again, so I'll let him
go." That's what Pd do with Jeff. Davis.
Let bim go away where he'll be by himself
powerless to injure us, end of no particular
account to anybody else. And il I had my
way at the closo of fighting, I would not let
oh drop of blood tys spilled, . and then I
could say to the world that this great civil
war has been e&ded as none other ever
was ?
Ought there not to be an exhibition of
law and justice ; ought not there to be a
ierrib!e spectacle of retribution t say some.
In mercy's name bas there ot been offer
ing enough 1 Is not the penalty already
paid? God's vnngeance patent enough ?
We don't want any more vengeance. I
would net expatriate any leader , on the
ground of veogeaoce, for as they once mis
led the people ihey might do so again.
I would col e.t patriate and disfranchise
them. I don't know as yoa will go with
me or endorse me in this view. I am, how
ever, consistent, having never urged the
slightest shaddirg of blood, save when it
was pecessary to establish the supremacy'
bension of our former sentiments. Their
conning politicians hate made them be-
"eTe ina we naie tem L 7
. - . i b i j.
leu me wny a man living m aoum aruu
na and Georgia, should be more antagonist
) tic than one in the West. Il was tried du-
twS kte election to stir up a feeling of j
.' distrust and jealousy ; but it couldn't be!
done. There ure no antazonistic interests
between the North and the South. Relig
ion, blood, bnsines are the same ; and if
there are no social or political reasons for ;
hatred, why should we not be the best of j
friends? - But next, we must not undertake
to re establish the South just as she was.
A hundred years will not put Virginia
where she was. You can repair property,
but if you sweep off a generation of men,
you cannot replace that in a generation.
Westchester county has not got over the re
sult of the Revolutionary war to thi day,
and it is even worse at the South. Emi
gration cannot do it. I suppose there are
whole regions in the South where the en
tire male population is entirely cut off. j
Along the sea-board we can give essential j
relief, but all along the route of Sherman's
army the description given by the prophet, i
is eminently amicable "Before hirn was,
the garden of Eden, and behind him was
the desert." We can send our sons and
daughters our wealth, our" prayers, and j
sympathies must go forth in the missionary j
work of teaching and resuscitating. We '
have a great field in our own beloved laud,
greater than ia Africa, and .we should enter !
in and begin to labor ; and as this church i
has had its proper share in inspiring the
limes, the -success and the army, so
calls us to go on with the other part, so I
much more grateful to the Christian. 1
trust that it is in this spirit that )ou send ;
me away. I would go in no other. I would ,
te no.maa's tervant to be the roan to go;
down among them, and when they are bu- i
ryiug their dead to taunt them ; and when j
that shining old flag is again thrown forth, j
God forbid that I should call their attention 1
to it as the standard of those who have con- '
quered them. It is the flag of their .'aibere;
its glories are theirs and memories theirs,
and not henceforth the banner cf their ene- i
mier. in tnat crumoiing puipnoi '.nines
ton harbor I am your minister, to say to
them there is nething now between us and
yoa ; we are brethren and Christian breth- ;
ren ; we love you, and desire your regard
in return ; and on such a roiseioa as that I J
will go forth most cheerfully. The day on
which the old flag is to be raised is Good ,
Fiiday, on which occurred the resurrection j
of the Savior ; and, as Christ was raised to
bring life and liberty into the world, so will J
that flig carry renewed life and irue liberty j
to the Sooth. And as Plymouth church has I
been known as an anti-slavery chorch, let
oeen tnnwn tuu uhtuicij vuuhu, ici
your record te hereafter fraternity
and national benevolence; and 1 know il
-1 1 ... I tA.. I rft n ra rlsrs vnn twill on
will be. Inour luiure days yon will go
all around the world in your Christian work, j
as in your earlier days you devoted yoorj
time and efforts to the one special need ot
the day at.d the country.
Widow We learn from Washington that i
il is the purpose of Mrs. Lincoln to make
this city her future home. More than a
year ago the deceased President declared to
some ot his personal friends here, that after
he had laid aide the cares of his great of
fice and retired to private life, it was his in
tention to spend the remainder of his days
in Chicago. He had commissioned one of '
our citizens to look about the city, and be- j
fore the cloe ol his present terra of office, J
to secure the refusal of a comfortable resi- j
dance on some pleasant and suitable street. !
He felt a warm attachment for the people'
of Chicago, lor what they had done lor him j
belor'e he became President, and for their
unwavering and powerful support through
the Sark days of his first term. It the mat :
ter had been left to the first choice of the,
stricken widow of the fal.en cbiel, she '
would have directed that his ashes should
repose on old Mihcigan's shore oear those
of bis great compeer and frieud Stephen A. :
Douglas. There would be a manifest fit- !
ness of things in placing the mortal remains j
of those great sons of Illinois side by eide. '
Bat the strenous desires of Springfield
friends ol the President prevailed in selecting ,
the place of interment. Tbe sudden death '
of the President prevented him from ex-
pres-itg any opinion or preference in rela
tion to a choice of cemetery. Chicago Tri
bune, April 26. -
An English wrktr in Paris, speaking of
the speech of the Marquis de Boissy in the
French Senate, and his hatred of Great
Britain says : That that aged imposition
should be allowed to lake op a whole sitting
of the Imperial Sedate, strikes a practical
man as rather strange. For years the hus
band of Lord Byron's lover has vented his
spleen against things in general and Eng
land in particular, in words which would be
insulting if they were not absurd. Session
alter session sees Ibis imbecile raving in
unmeasured language, and yet he is per
mitted to go on again at the beginning of
this meeting of Parliament, a miserable ex
ample tbat a man can live seventy years,
and under more than half a score different
governments, "be faiibfull to all," and jet
learn nothing.
There is 'a man out West who claims to
cure disease by laying on hands. Tbat is
nething marvelous. We have ourselvs,
says tha Bangor Whig, when young, been
Reseued by a D?.
In 'the' early part of tbe late Indian out
break and massacre in Minnesota, a family
named Hol'.on was living on ths frontier,
about sixty miles west by north of the Ger
man town of New Elm. The family con
sisted ol Mr. and Mrs Holton, a son, John,
about eleven years old, and Susan and Ma
ry, twodaughters, of the respective ases of
eight and five years. Holton had pre-empted
or squatted on a farm something like a
year before the outbreak, and had got pret
ty well under way, having a enug log house,
with fair out boildings, and about forty
acres fenced and under cultivation.
"The principal features of the es.ablish
mem, however, were the boy John, and bis
deg Boase, a cross ol tbe mastiff and grey
hound, fleet of foot and powerful of muscle,
an-i possessing unusual intelligence. John
was a lad of precocious development both
of mind and body, and might have passed
for a boy of fourteen. He and Boase were
inseparable companions ; and the boy had
taught the dog about all that he knew him
self, excepting only, as he wa wont to say,
such thing as required speech. We are
thus particular in our mention of these
things, because this story hinges on the
courage and sagacity of John and lha fideli
ty and intelligence of Boase.
The first knowledge which the "Holtons
obtained of ihe Indian outbreak was com
municated by a band of abontjtwenty Sioux,
who came upon their dwelling joet about
daylight one morning, and killed and scalp
ed Holton before the eyes of his horrified
family, shot the cattle, burned the house
and barn, and carried pfl captive Mrs. Hol
ton, John, Susan and Mary.
Whither they were being taken, the cap
tives knew not. Mrs. Holton and the two
IiMle girls were so overcome with lighten
ed horror, that they seemed bereft of their
senses ; but John,- though al first stunned
by the terrible tceces of which he had been
a witness, Eoon recovered his self po;"9
ion, and with characteristic courage began
to cast about in his mind for some means
of escape and revenge. ' If Boate only
knew where I was,' be thought, "be would
come and help me to get away."
The squad of savages having the captives
in charge, dwindleJ down to only two in
the course of the day; of from three
o six having successively left, as thev cima
within etr.king distance of opportunities for
massacre and rapine. Aboat duk they en
tered an oak Of-eninu, which graduiliy
changed to a derive, brushy thicket , where
in the savages at last came to a halt for the
night. They made no fire ? and alter par
taking of a frugal meal of parched corn and
dried meat, they prepared to pass the night
by binding the captives hands and feet, !
and laying them close, together, and then
stretching themselves on each side of them.
John was lying next to the savage on one
side, his thought busy with planning some ;
modeof escape. He had noticed that each j
Indian had laid his gun by his side, and i
had a tomahawk and kniTe in his belt; and I
mere boy rhough he was, be felt that il be
could onlyget possession of their weapons
as they slept, he would be able to free him
self and his mother and sisters from their
de'ested mastership. Bat how to do this,
he could not imagine, unless Boase shonld
come to his aid, as his hands and feel were
securely tied.
After remaining perfectly quiet for hour
after hour, until .not only bis mother and
sisters 6lept in spite of their fenrs, but nlco
until the watchfulness of the savafs was
quenched in slumber, as he supposed, John
ventured to rai himself to a silting pos
ture and peep about him. He first satisfied
himself that the savages actually slept, and
then he worked bis arms and leg" to over
come the pain and almost paralysis, which
had been occasioned by their remaining so
long tound and in one position ; ail the
time keeping as sharp a lookout in every
direction as the prevailing obscurity would
As he thus sat peering into the brush, he
at last saw corns object slowl moving to
wards him. Nearer and nearer it came,
but with perfect stillness, and occasionally
stopped as if to listen. When it bad got
within a short distance of him, it stopped
and gave a low, plaintive whine. John's
heart almost bounded into his mouth, for in
that whine he recognized t'ho tones of Lis
faithful Boase ; and in the exuberance of
bis joy be called the dog by name and held
up his hands toward him. Boase imme
diately crept forward, but John, becoming
alarmed at his own rashness, lay down
again by the aide of the savage, lest the lat
ter should awake and detect tbe presence of
the dog.
But the Indian slept on, and after a 6heri
time John again cautiously raised himself
to a sitting posture ; and to his great satis
faction he found Bouse crouching at hip
feel. He caressed the brave fellow with
his bound bands, and then holding them
op so Boase could see the leathern thong
with which tbey were lied, he told him to
gnaw it in two. Boase seemed to compre
hend the case at once, lor he instantly set
to work and soon set bis young master's
hands at liberty.
What to do next? was now the question.
John was so overcome for a time, at the
terrible task bofore him, that he forgot that
bis feet was still bound, until be attempted
to rise. Then' he was reminded of that
fact. Should he let Boase gnaw them loose,
or should he withdraw the Indian's knife
from hi belt and cut the thong? Deciding
then cautiously drawing the tomahawk'
from the savage's belt, he rose to his fee'..
He had decided upon his course.
Pointing to tbe sleeping savage, he pal
ted Boase on the head and whispered him
to seize the Indian tbe moment he stirred;
then taking the Indian's gun, he cautiously
cocked it, placed ihe muzzle to the heart of
the other savage, and fired killing him in
stantly. As tbe surviving savage, aroused
by the report of Ihe gun, attempted te spring
to his feet, Boase, with a howl of vengeance
dashed at his throat, and with a few terrible
tearing and crushing killed the bloody
wretch outright.
Mrs. Holton. Susan and Mary, awakened
by the noise of .the gun, and hearing the
brief but horrid sirnggle between Boase
and the Indian, set op a series of terrified
screams, which it took poor John some
time to quiet. When, at last, the assuring
voice of John, the severing of their bonds,
the gambols and caresses of Boase, and the
lifeless bodies of the Indians, enabled Mrs.
Holton and the little girl to understand
what had actually transpired, their joy was
beyond expression, and was at last mani
fested by their all rushing into a compact
pile, the chief elements of which were
John and '33a?a mellowed by bugs and
As soon as calmness was restored, Mrs
Holton and John resolved to set cut on ilieir
return, piloted by Boae, without delay;
and taking the weapons of the dead war
riors, they started on their toilsome journey.
They proceeded slowly, as little Mary had
often to be carried, and the way through
the brush was difficult. But day soon dawn
ed, and in crossing a prairia during the fore
noon, they were overtaken by a large num
ber of settlers who were fleeing from the
murderous wrath of the savages; and with
them they at last reached Mankato in safe
ty. Trem thence they came east to Massa
chusetts, where iheir former home was,
and where they still reside, B ae and all.
The London Owl tells the following amu
sing story ; During ihe past week her Maj
es;y, who has always, displayed a most
kind interest in the families of the domes
tic of the Fonl Hotisetcld, sent for
a number of the children of the royal
pages and footmen at the Caste!, in orderio
talk to tbetn and make them some
li tie present. Of course the children were
duly instructed ty iheir parents to put on
their bestbeliavior, and say "Your Majesty,
&c.," when speaking to the Q-ieen. All
went on very well till ju.t before the depart
ure of some of the children, when one little
thing, on taking leave of the Queen, forgot
the parenialiisiraciions and, while quitting
the royal presence, exclaimed in a childish
artltjssness, 4,Ta ta ,' much to the amu.e
ment ol those present.
Tne great collapse of 1S57 was caused by
an inflated currency, wh-ch at that lime
ammounted to two "hundred and fifteen
millions. At the pressent we have a circu
lating medium of seven hundred and fifty
millions; more than three times the circula
tion in 1857, when all the State were incla
ded. If we include the State Bank circula
tion, the paper issues of the coontry wouiJ
make a grand asregate of over nine huu
dred millions. What then may we expect
when this immense babble bursts ? We are
fast nearing a lee shore, with brakers ahead,
and our advice is to take in sail. There is
entirely too much canvass spread to the
breeze, and the storm is surely coming.
Cleirfirfd Republican.
Wtominu Canal. We have been inform
ed by Mr. D. N. Kownover, Superintendent
of tee lower end of the Wyoming Canal,
that the water will be let into this thorough
fare iili along the line, on Saturday, to-rmr-row,'br
on Monday next. This will be
good news lo boatmen, merchants, iron
master, and others interested in canal nav
igation. Considering the immense damage done
to the canal by the late flooJ, it speak well
lor the energy and management of Mr.
Parri-h, General Superintendent and his
sabnrdinates, to find this important avenue
of trade opened for navigation to eJr'y
in thfc season. Danville Intelligencer.
A Committee visited Wiltiamsport last
week for tlie purpose of-ascertaining what I
inducements would be offered by the citi
zens of that place for the holding of the
next Annual State Fair at that city. We
learn that the committee were well pleased ;
and the probabilities are ihnt, the coming
State Fair will be held at Williarssport, in
September next. The selection we think
would be a good one ; railroads are leading
to ihe place from neatly all directions,
and ample accomodations can be obtained
for all who may attend.
1 I sat, old fellow, what are yonr poli
tics ?'' said one friend qnizzing another.
"CoTiservative, my father was conserva
tive," he replied. "And 4f fiat is your re
ligion ?' continued the other, "Protestant,
my father was a Protestant," was the en
swer. "And why are yon a bachelor ?"
said the other, "Because my father wa oh,
cenfound it ! don't bother me with your
stupid questions."
Thx "oldest inhabitant" has been found at
last. He exists in the person of Joseph
Crele, a resident of Wisconsin and is one
hundred and fifty-nina years old, as the
record of bis baptism in the Ca'hol;cchwrch,.t
10, 1865,
The following story was told some dozen
or fifteen years ago, by an editor of a Perm
6ylvania paper, and bas been published be
fore. The scene occurred in New Hamp
shire some forty years ago, and is doubtless
true; and we reproduce if for Ihe benefit o I
our fun loving readers of tbe present day :
Nathaniel Ela, or "Uncle Nat," as he was
generally called, was the corpulent rubi
cund and jolly landlord of the best hotel in
the flourishing village of Dover, at the head
ol the Piscataqua, and was excessively fond
of a bit of fun withal. He was also the
owner of a large farm in New Durham,
about twenty miles distant, the overseer of
which was one Caleb Ricker,or "Boss Kale,''
as termed by the numerous hands under
his control, and sufficiently waggish for
practical purposes of fun and frolic. Caleb,
like a wise and prudent man, had a wife;
and so had Uncle Nat, who was accustomed
to visit the farm every month or two, to see
hew matters went on. On the occasion ol
one of these visits, the following dialogue
occurred between Uncle Nat and Mistress
"Mr. Ela," said the good lady, :why
have yon never brought Mrs. Ela out to the
farm to pay us a visit? I dare say she
would be pleased to spend a Hay or two
with us, and I would endeavor to render her
stay as pleasant and agreeable as possible."
'Why, to tell the truth Mrs. R:cker,"said
Uncle Nat, 1 have been thinking o f it for
some time, but then she is so very deaf as
to render conversation with her extremely
difficult in fact, il takes the greatest effort
to hear anything that is said to her; and
she is constantly very reluctant to mingle in
the society of strangers."
"Never minci that." replied Mrs R'rcker;
"I have a good strong voice, aud il any
body can make her hear, I can."
"If you think so, I will risk it," said
Uncle Nat. ''She shall accompany me on
my next visit to the farm."
This having been agreed upon Uncle Nat
left for the field.
!t was finally settled between the wicked !
wags that the fact that their wives con'd
hear as well as anybody, should be kept a
profound secret till the intetriew cf the la
dies themselves.
The next time Uncle Nat was about to
"visit the farm" he sugges'ed to his wife
that a ride into the counirv would be of ser
vice to her ; tbat Mrs.' Ricker, who had
never seen her, was very anxious to receive ;
a visit from her, and proposed that she
should accompany him on that occasion, j
She consented and they were soon on their
jo.irnsy. They had not, however, proceed- j
ed (ar, when Uncle Nat observed that he
must inform her that Mrs. Ricker was ex-!
trimly deaf, and she would be under the j
necessity of e'eva'ino her voice to the high
est pitch, in order to cohverse with her.
Mrs Ela regretted lht misfortune, but
thought as fhe had a strong voice, she (
would be able to make her friend hear. In
a few hours later, Uncle Nat and his lady
drove up tp the door of his country man
ion, and Boss Ricker who bad been pre 1
viously informed of the time of Uncle Nat's
intended arrival, was already in wailing.
Mrs. Ricker, not expecting them al ihe
time, happened to be engaged in her do
mestic duties in the kitchen ; but, observ
ing her visitors throcgh the window, she
flew to the glass to adjust her cap and put
herself in the best trim to receive them that
the moment would allow. In the mean
time, Boss Kale had ushered Uncle Nat and
his lady into the parlor; soon after Mr. R.
appeared in the presence ol her guests. -j
"Mrs. Ricker. I will make you acquainted
with Mrs Ela," reared Uncle Nat in a voce
ot thunder. . . ;
"How do "you do madam?"' screamed'
Mrs. Ricker to Mrs Ela, with her mouth to (
the ear of the latter. j
"Very well, I thank you," replied Mrs. i
Ela, in a tone of corresponding elevation.
"How did you leave yonr family V re-1
turned Mrs. Ricker, in a key which called '
into ton niifirn all rha nnuor of har lnn !
In the meantime Uncle Nat and Boss
Kale had quietly stolen out of ihe door, and
remained U'ider the window, listening to
the boisterous conversation of their deaf
wives, which was continued on the same
elevated letter of the staff for some time,
when Mrs. Ricker, in the came ledger line
key she had observed from the first, thus
addressad her lady guest
"What on earth are yoa hollowing to me
lor? I ain'l deaf."
"Ain't you indeed ?" said Mrs. E., but
pray what are you hallowing to me lor? I'm
sure l?m aot deal."
Each then came gradually down to her
ordinary key, when a burst of laughter
from Uncle Nat and Boss Kale, at the win
dow, revealed ihe whole trick, and even the
ladies themselves were compelled to join
in the merriment they had afforded to the
outsiders by tbe ludicrous character of their
A Boy's Composition ox Moonlight.
The following composition is said to have
been read in one of our city schools :
"It was a calm still night, the moon's
pale light shone soft o'er bill and dale.
Not a breeze stirred ; not a leaf stirred; not
a dog stirred ; net a horse stirred ; not- a
man stirred , not an owl stirred ; not a hog
stirred ; not a cow stirred ; not a sheep stir
red ; not a cat stirred ; not a mouse stirred;
not a ben stirred; not even a goose stirred."
Here tbe teacher interrupted with the ob-;
The Attempted! ABtAftsfNi'tibN of 'Priki
CKNT Jackson: The attempt of Lawrence)
to assassinate President Jackson is called to
mind a the only instance of any known
attack upon any one of our Presidents.
Upon the occasion of the funeral of War
ren R Davis, at the Capito, while the Pres
ident was under the eastern portico, and
surrounded by members of the Cabinet an'd
officers of the government, members of
Congress and others, ;Lawreneo approached
within a -lew feet of the President, and
aiming a pistol al bim snapped it. Il did
not explode. 'Dropping that pistol he snap
ped another, with like result. The Presi
dent, at the second snap, had his arm rais
ed against the assassin. - Lawrence did ndt
attempt to escape. He wa brought to tha
City Hall, where witnesses were examined.
When asked what explanation he wished
to make, he merely said that he should not
contradict what had been stated by sa many
respactable men. Lawrence was a native
of England. Some of his fatnily'lived here.
He was of feeble mind, and subject to men
tal aberration at times. He was sent to a
lunatic asylum. He had 'no accomplices
and no apparent political motive. V-
DtNciNC It would be difficult to traca
the exact origin of'this art. It wat prac
ticed al the solemn leasts of the Jews ; and
both the Greeks and Romans 'had their sa
cred and military dances. It was'afterwarda
adopted by many Pagan nations ; and
Cbristiaus, ultimately, in Roman "Catholic
countries celebrated certain festivals -with
dancing. England in the olden time was
famous for its love of ibis amusement-; the
sport wasusuaily kept up till midnight, anil
it was an invariable accompaniment of
weddings. The well known "Sailor's Horn
pipe," or something like it, can te traced
to the ancient Britons, probably before the
invasion of Julius Caesar. Italian dancing
wa first; publicly performed in 'England in
Take Him Out. A scrub head boy hav
ing been brought before the court as a wit
ness, the following colloquy eusaed :
" Where do yoo live ?" said the judge.
"Live with my mother."
"Where does your mother live ?"
"She lives with lather "
''Where does be live ?' -
"He lives with the old folks."
"Where do they live ?" says the jodg,
getting very red, as tbe audible snicker
goes around tbe room.
"They live at home "
"Where in thunder is their home?'' roars
the judite'.
That's where I'm from," sayg theboy
sticking hi tongue in a corner of his cheek
and slowly closing one eye on the judge.
"Here, Mr. Constable," say the, cour,
'take the witness out and tell him to travel ;
he evidently doe not uuddr.tand ihe nature
of an oath.'' .
"Vou weald think d.fferen,,.' says the
boy, going toward the doorway, .f I was
once to give you a cussin' !" Ex
Emigration from Iki; and L' tors frcm
various' parts of the Irish province show
that the people are already preparing in
considerable number to emigrate during
thepring, their 'friends ;in America having
assured them already that ihe war is nearly
over, and the restoration of peace will t
fallowed by a brisk demand for labor. One
communication from tba county of Long
ford ata tes.that.ihere are five of the .'rrotl
for one of the male sex quiting the county.
In'every iustanc which cme under lha
writer's notice, the money to pay the pas
sag, or a free ticket, came from teletivesou
the 'other side'of the ocean. Dublin March
29) Cor ;PallMiU O-xtUe.
BsAvtnv of the President. President
Johnson wisely determines to show tbe
wor d thai in spite of this fearful tragedy
the protection 'of otrr Executive is not, even ,
now, to be in the bayonets of a guard, but
in the love and vigilance of the people.
He exposes himself in public places with
the utmost indifference. A gentleman,
meeting him on Wednesday, asked, rtMr.
President, is it wise for you thus to jeopard
yourself?" He replied : "Yes, 1 bave al
ready been shot at twice you remember,
without injury. Threatened men live long."
A Fashionable lady, arrayed in the great
est amplitude of crinoline, recently went
walking wi'h a little son four year of age. '
All of a sudden she missed the little fellow,
and could get no glimsa of;hUn. Her cries
of distress soon gathered a sympathizing,
crowd around her; messengers were dis
patched in every direction and the lady
walked slowly and sadly home. As she ba
gan to ascend the steps of her mansion a
liny voice exclaimed, "Hold on, ma! let
me wit !" The little rascal was ouder her
lattice-work skirt.
The Assessor Around. "Bob, that's a
fine horse you have ; what' he worth?
"Three hundred and fifty dollars." "No,
not so much, as that '" "Yes, every cent
of it, and fifty on top of it. Yes, I'll swear
to it.' "All right." "Vhat are yoa so in
quisitive lor ?" "Merely for assessing pur
poses; I'm assessor for this ward, and only
wanted to know what yoa valued your nag
at." ,
A collored man bas oeen drawn as a
juror in Providence Rhode Island, and will
-itra t. r. I U -V.