rAiruF-Tiii: KoiiTii & '-- - . . . m i . . 't I THINGS' ACOPT 'TOWS & CCCXTj.?. WKDNESOAY. APRIL 26 Hff5. Ffc BitL. We h ""''J prim ed Fkb Bill, for Justices e! the Peace and ' Constable of $u coan'ty, for sale cheap ai thi office. ; ' .... ' ' ''Mobb laPHOviMssTs. Col. L L. Tate "' raised, on Monday last, the Ira'me work of a "' new stable, opon the iam'e spot the old one "stood which was consamed by Ere last Au--gcsl. ... . ,Vfi learn that the 'Post Office at'Evaris viiie has keen discontinued by order ol the ' '.Depancnent. We always doubted the" pro ' priety of establishing an f5ce at that ''place. ' ' ' Cocbt The regular May term of Court 'Vwill commence on llenday next. We an--' V.oipa'.e e pfo'tiy large attendance. Several s- interesting sn'ua pending.- There, will be littU baaibctta f. a eriminai character. . J . C. HiLL will ' commence a term of school in ihe Ac'jemy, at this place, on Monday the fsi of May, to continue eleven 'weeks. Tuition, trora 54 lo S for a full term. Mr. Hill is successor to' D. A. Beck who has lately been appointed Pctt Master of this place-. - Jc6t ShaNkos has carpenters ' at work, finishing, the interior "part of the ne w .brick build jng, oo Main Street below Market, for a store 4 roots. We understand i w ill be occupied as a-gro-rery and provender sure ' as soon as finished. i . - - . f ' ... ' r n at a Post Office no: far fro aloul crie )ear, theu tluconti luconhituoi it ; had better "call ia M our ufhee and settle hi Aicouct, before we publish to the-people of Vis i 'vicinity how mall i peroa tHey have ' io their' mi'lst. Wb iRs sorry to iaru that Richard Sracs, ol Booton, this couuty, was so wounded iu the late bat le ' nar Rtchmond, a to Ioe hi right arm, which has been amputated ' lose to the tody. Our Coluastn cwoniy . beys escupeJ the euetvyn bullets pretty we!l ia the Ute engagemems. ft, ; tft.Z Niw Goods. Henry Gijer, Grocer and Confectioner, on Maui S:reet, is almost con stantly ic receipt ol freh sopplie at bio 's"tore. ' He sells reasonably low, and Mrtjcies of a good qualify. See ddtertuwmeul in this paper. , ' The Rhodestown Posi Office has been re moved to Nurhedia, and tba "r.anie of the "office changed. AbmIi'ice has beej ap 'pointed Fust Master ia'p!cj of Isaac Rhodes 'resigned Republican. , 'Couikg Down. Tde price of aonds are rslidiug down, 'gradually. Sir. G.rlon op -ton has jast retwriipd from the ' city of Philadelphia with a fine assortment of grc 'rceries, notion?, &c, well (elected for the spriug trade. . Therein qui e a marked dif lertrnce ia the price of eery article he of fers for sale. . Hi Iriends and the public generaKy are' invited to call and eiamie bis goods. See advertisement io another "column. . : Thb County Cortimissior.ners commenced 'nil fvTnnrta lal k.1.lir. I- '. il. . ! v - . . . y uv iuhi I ii g 1 1 Byt 13 1 1 UIB several disrrjets of ibis couuly, which will 'continue until about the 15:a of May It is necessary that iS'ey ho'd a ' meetir.g in 'nearly ertry township ia this county. All who are interested bad better' attend these meetings if they think proper ;cnl all con cerned' in the militia enrollment and claim 'exemption will do well to be present. We publish on our firt paae an interest ing accoont'of the character and life of J Wints Bootu, ihe supposed asssassin of oor late lamen;ed Chiel Magistrate, Abh vhim LiucoLK. We extracted the article 'from ihe coUrans of the Arrj Yot'k Dai'y 'f2fevs'. , Ve also print oa our second -page, a 'letter. writieo by Booth, in November last, '"and left with hi brother ia-Iaw, J.S. Clarke, bf Philadelphia. . - H. A BiDbLK, of Ibis county "and boo -in. - Uw of William Cole, of Banion, deceased, was killed in front of Petersburg, some two 'er three weck go.- His remains were rjonght home for iotermeni by Thomas B. Cole and deposited in the burial grounds 'near 3en too-. The deceased received a (a. Cal'shot tbroogb or about the abdomen, and tired bat a short tftre -afterward. He was a fine young man, mdeh fespeced by all whe'.knew hira,',and leaven a wife "and young children to'taourn liis tfntifaery 'end. ,'. " " " -V'iVrxr Any of our subscribers having 'the following Waters of the Stab will con fer a faror opon ns by sending them to this 'office, for. which they 'bail receive a edita ble, reward ; Vol. H, No. 25, of June 25, '1862; Vol. 15. No. 10, of Pec. 30, . VP63 ; Vol. 15. No. 43, of Aug, 17, 1864 ; Vol. 16. fto.'IO, of Dec. 12, 1864. Tn making up "the foregoing Vol, we find these numbers 'tiiesifig. They are valuable to os, and we Vope some of oor pairoos may be able (o furuiib os with the desired numbers. fcSAN Up. This, is the season to clean op says an exchange. Clean up the streets, laoer anJ alleys; remove all, tht rubbish, 'and deposit it in some out of ihe way place. Clean up your houtes and cellars, and' pre pare for the "coming warm weather. In thi way jeo will , save much" annoyance and trouble, .'and in- many cases remove that which may cao;e disaase and breed pssti-Usc-. "'i-'et tb' borough authorities make top their rrjinds l'i have clean quuersanJ Ibcj will recura Ibe health of the town. THE undersigned liaving been restored to health ia a few week, by a very aim pie remedy, after having suffered several years, wiih fcevere- lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption is anx iou to make known 10 bis feilow sufferers the means ofcure. . . To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used free of charge with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they. will find n sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, &c. The only object of the adver tiser in sending Lie Prescription j to bene-, fit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes eyeiy sufferer will try his remedy as it'will cost them nothing, and prove a blading. ' Parties wishing the ' prescription will p" lease address. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings Count), New York Fenroary'15 1K65 3nro ' GROCERY STORE, ON MAIN STREET,.' ELOOMSBURG. fTIorc: T ro&h GootU. Just rerciveiT at Henry Gizer's ' Netc &Vore MOhASSES. SlHiXK. TKASjCUFFKE, KICK, SPICES, FlUH SALT. UAISIN, TOBAOCO. SKG ARS, CANDIf-.S, MOTlNNs, Tovs, FEED AXD PROVISIOXS, Together with a great variety'bf notions &C , too numerous ro 'mer.linri ' BUTTER, EGGS, MEAT, and rroduc aei-erally, lakcn r exchange tor ioofn. The tct market price will be allowed. Give; liirb a rail. HENRY GIGER. Bloomfbnrg, April 26, 1865 U. il. STOIINEU, D 1KER J AD C0XFECTI0NE2C ! - Fresh . ' ' - Frciirb nd DomtsUc CenfectiuDS in area' anl splendid variety ; Num Frui, and evf-rvihintf onually found in a first cla-i con lectioiiery ?tr. fie would call epecVil attetition to hif newlv re"eied ('ock of - PICKLED f RUITS, ASD JELLIES. Having recjiuiy fitted up a uew and eleif-t ' Ice Crcniji Snloon, on the tiri-t fi'Mr, two doors wet of I'yer wait upon hi many c-j-'toiiers with FIIJST CLASS ICE CREAM as chp ihe. cheapst.- He will supply Balls, Parties. an! picnics wii i Ice C'-eam, Confec ilonery , &jc. al retfOnatl ritei . Bioomburz, April ?5, 1S65. Inforni.-Hion Free. To Nerveous Si-Jfems. A. GENTLEAIAN, inred of iNVrvons Debility, Incompetency Prn.atiire Do ay, and Youthful E ror, actuate.! by a desire to benefit others, will be happy 'o furnis m ail who need it, (free ol chars,) the recipe and diieetion, fur making the sim ple rerrredy osfd in his case. SiilTerer wiliing lo pTofii by the H'lvertiers bal ex perience, and pesse a ware and valuable remedy , can do so ty addresin; him at once at hi place of biiine. The Recipe ami lull informal!!-. of. vital importance will b ch;erlulljt setn by return et mal. Adil'Cs. JOHN B. (KDEN. No. 60 Na-nan Street, New Yoric P. i? Nervom Sufferer cf both sexes will tint thi itiformaiion invalnabla. Afr.l 12 1865 3 mo. REEVES' ORIGINAL, GEM IMS & RELI ABLE, A MBItO I A , FOR THE GROWTH. KEAUTY AND riiFEr.VATION OE THE HAIR. CGslnblisIifd ISGO. Price, 75 cU.pcr bottle. Thi preparation can show tivinn evidences of its excel lence. .'".'' 'SEE " . Photograp.i ami read certifi cate ol WLrs. Wm. S'iiron ' hair five luet and one inch in length used Reye' Ambrb- . sia about iweMv vibn f;s. . ALS,-' . .. Pr''ogri'iih and certificate of ; Mrs L -M.,' Neil hair five ft. length used the Ambrocia 18 momhs Thousands are' ning this preparation and offering wil ling testimonials. Tb'ese'pqrographf-, taken from life, have been awarded to pxtend' the knovvletlue of the merits of this wonderful . diwovery . Hundreds hav'e seen these ladies and heard the facts from their own lip. 3Irs. 3Iax?reirs T slimoaial. . .. , Iev York Dec 23. 1862 jv.nowing : positively thai Reeves' Am brosia pioduced a beautiful head of hair for Mr:' Lizzie Sheprerd, of Brooklyn, New York, I was imluced, thereby," lo use it thoroughly'-. J needed something for my hair, it berng short anil thin had used one halt dozen bottles V4 hen I cuuld . pUinly not'ee an increase in.H lenlh, strengih, and beauty. An experience of about iw years has. proved a complete success. Mo hair is now by measurement, four feet ipO inches in length, nearly reaching tho floor. I have allowed my ptiotogra(ih to pioclann Ihe rnerifi ot Reeves' Ambrosia to ttie world. " ' MRS. WALLACE E MAXWELL. Er"itt tntenniUint Drugietl Tiave these , Phulnsrvphi anil,, keep for) sale, REEVES' JlMBRVCt.i at 75 Cents per Dottle. . . p-n SEW 3IILL1NEI1Y S110P p MISS LIZZIE BARK LEY most vespeci tnlly announces to the citizens of Blooms Ibnr2nd vicinity thai she has opened a merly occupied by. Dr Ramsey, deceased,, on Main Si , be'ow Market.' She has a fine assortment of Millinery goods, -which has been selected with care and lat. Sb? is prepared to do all work placed in her hands in as neat and aurahle style as can be dope elsewhere. Give bir a call : l -MISS. LIZZIE BARK LEY. . Bloorrisbar, April 56, 1865. . U. S. 7-30 LOAN. By authority ,'of "the Secretary ol Ihe Treasury, the undersigned has assumed the General Subscription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bear ing seven arid three tenths per cent, inter est, per annum, known as the , SEVEN THIRTY LOAN. These Notes .are issued - cinder date of June 15th, 1865, and are payable three years fro m ih'aT time, ia currency, or are convertible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent. . GO liD-BEA li IAG'lJOA' OS These bonds are worth a premium which incra ases :he actual profii on the 7-30 loan and ito exemption from State and municipal taxation which adds from one trthree per cent more, according to ihe rate levied on other property. The interest is payable in cur rency semi-annually by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The. interest amounts to : One cent per day on a $50 note. Two'cea's " " " "flCO " Ten " ? " $500 " - 20 ".-" " l000 " 81 " " u " S5000 ' Notes of all the 'denominations named will be promptly furnished upon recept ol subscriptions, and ibe notes lorwarded at once. The in est to 15th June next will be p.aid' in'advsm e. This is the" ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and il is confidently expected that its superior ad vantage will make it the.. Great Popular Loan (if the People, Less than $300,000 000 of the Loan au thorized by the la rl Congress are now "on he market. This amount, at the rate at wt ich it is being absorbed, will all be sub scribed for within foui month', when the notes will undoubtedly command a premi cm, as has uniformly been trie case on closing the subscriptions "to other Loa ns. ( " In order that citizens of every town's1 section of the country may be afforded la rililie ft r taking the loan, the- National Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible lor the delivery of t'te notes for which they receive, orders. JAY COOKE. Subscription Agent, fhilade'yhvi. Subscription will be received hy tft FIRST NATIONAL B ANK OF ELOOM3 IIUKG. .' . April 1865 3no. ' ' $GJO,000 SI, WORTH OK. WATCHES. CHAIXS, RKtGS. U. G. S. r HAS KINS tS6 CO., S6 Iteflman Strtft, Ntio Yark. offrt t'.e Ic flowing IndiiccmentH t& 11 ujers ol" Valuable Having been fcr a long time ergazed the Packer business, and established our reputation for prompines-s and reliability, and possessing great facilities for selling Jewelry in thi way, we aie confident that we can sive satisfaction lo ail who feel diposed io patronize us S650 000 WORTH OF WATCHES. DIA mond Pins, Chains, ic?., to fe told for One Dollar each, withncr regard to value, and not to be paid for urni jcu know what you are io receive. JFST LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING LIST OF ARTICLES TO BE SOLD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACH I 175 Watches (handsomely engraved and w arranted perfect lirne keepers), varying in price from $20 00 to i2u 00 each. 225 Ladies' wr. chef, solid gold hunting cases. SrJ5 00 each. 250 Gen.lemeti's Silver watches 15 00 lo 20 0j each. , . 6,000 Latest style vest and nect chains, 4 5C to 30 00 each 5.000 GrrM'i California Diamond Pins, 2 50 to 25 00 each. 4.000 Ca'ilornia diamond ear drrp. 2 00 io 15 00 each. 3 000 Minia'ure and enamelled rrnt?ti icarf pin. new styTs, 5 00 10 15 00 each, j 2.000 Ma-on'r3 and einLlem p; ns, 3 00 to 1 00 ach. - - 2 500 Go'd band braf-elets, engraved and tda-ti. 3 00 ib'20 00 ea.-lu ... j 3 000 Jei and Mosaic biocches, 3 00 to i 70 00 each. . . I 2,000 Cameo brooches rich patterns, very lasiy, 3 00 to 60 00 each. 4 5i!0 Florentine and Lava pins, the real article, 4 00) to 10 00 each. 3 500 Lava and Florentine ear drops, 3 00 to 10 00 each. 3 "00 Coral ear drops, 4 00 to 6 CO each 2.0G0 Ladies' ChateUine chains, jet -and gold. 15 00 tc 20 00 each. 6.000 Gent's pins, a splendid assortment, 2 00 to 15 00 each. 4,000 Solitaire sleeve buttons,enti:ey new sty lee, 2 00 to 5 00 each. 3CC0 Studs and sleeve buttons, in sets, very rich, 3 00 to J5 00 each. 5 000 Sleeve buttons, plain, enamelled and engraved, 2 00 to 8 00 each. 10 000 Piam and handsomely engraved ri'igs, 2 50 to 10 00 each .' 8 t00 Spnn locket, doqb'e case, lichly engraved, 2 00 to 15 00 each. 15,000 Sei ladies' jwsiry, new and late.t style-. 6 00 to 12 00 each. . 2 000 Gold pens, and handsome silver cases. 5 00 to 10 00 each - This emire ii-t ol raniiful and valuable goods will be so'd for One DoSlar Each Cer ificatej of all. the above art.cVs will be placed in envelopes, "and sealed. ' Thee envelopes are sent by mail, a oritered, without reaard to choice. On the receipt of the Certificate yon will see what you are to have, end then' it is at your option lo send one tfoflar and take the article, or not. rive Certificates can be ordered for Si; eleven for S2V thiny-five for $5; sixty-five forSlOj'and one hundred for Sl5. We will send a single Certificate on ihe receipt of 23 cents. ... a S. HASKINS fc Co , Box 4270. v. f 36 Beekrnan St., N Y. BJoornsbcrz5, April 5th, 1865. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at ILaiF, BL003ISBCRG, lOLUIBIA CO., PA. WILL practice in the several Courts of Colombia county. All legal business intrusted to his care ahall receive prompt attention. ' . . O F F I C E, On Main Street, Exchange Boildiog?, over Miliat'tf !Oie. , April is, tm. " ' : ; Grand Jurors for 31 ay Tern, 18C5. Bloom H. C. Hower, Jeremiah- Fahringer Philip Eyer. i"t" ' " . Benion Isaac K'K rick ba urn, Geo. Ke'eler. Centre And rew Freas, Jacob Heiler. Fisbirrgcreek Wm Stacker Hiram Hess. Green wood Geo Girton Wm Robbins. Jackson Joshna Savase. Locust John Morris. Wm Erwin. Madison Wm Graham.. Maine David S Brown. ' . . Orange Wesley Bowman, Sara '1 Everett. M omour Jeremiah Harmon. Ml Pleasant Elias Howell. Pine John Lockarr Scott Jacob B Workheiser. , Sugarloal Samuel Hess, David Lewis. Traverse Jurors May Term, 1865. Berjton Samuel York, Elia Shuliz. . Beaver Mcses Srhlicher, Isaac Klinger- man, James Large. Bloom Jesse Shannon. Thos J Morris. Briarcreek JonaJhan. W Eck, Jeremiah Jacoby, John Kisner. ' Catawissa Geo Hughesl Joseph' Claywell, Wm John Daniel Kreiuh. Fishingcreek Moses McHenry, Emandus , , Unangl. Franklin John Hower. Gr?enwood A S K'Hohen Clinton Ro b"bins JacL'son Joseph Yo;ks. u. , Locust Peier Miller, D S Rfilwig. . Madison Jacob Flick Wesley Demott.. MVine Henrv Bowman, Cha Fiher. . Mifilin-rhs KlingerTjan, Jno HufTuaughle, . II B Freas. -- Mnnto-ir Joseph. Moiiser. - ; Mi Pieasanl Ainw Wan ick Orange Jonathan Poust. . : j - ' Pine Albert Hniiier, Eltjah Shoemaker." - Roaringcreek CharIe;Mensch. ; . Sugarloaf Christian L Moore; : . March 29, 1S65. : . List of Causes for . May, Term, IS65. 1 El'jsh 'McMnrtrie Endorsee of Aaron Wolf vs Christian Wolf. ' 2 Jacob Harris vs Peter Jacoby . 3 Russel P Stucker vs Wm. Ikeler 4 David Achenbach vs John Wardin. 5 Samuel Williams v Charles H. Diel erich and Geo. A. Herring. L 6 Hugh MtReyiiolds et ai vs (Ter'Oli- pl.ant. - 7 A W Creamer vs, Enoch Howell. . 8 A-WCreamer vs Enoch . Howell . 9 Johr Beisel e.t af vs S F Hadlv lOCJeo W Garrison vs Casper I Thomas 11 Richard Moruan vs Samuel Hoaglaiid. 12 John Ruckle vs Henry T Riley et al 13 Henry Gilmer vs oore Crevelmg. ; 14 Jotm Keiffer aJm'r of Joseph Gearhart deceased vs Hoses M.iver 15 George Carr, etdorspe of James: Carr vs Sylvester J Faux Si Thoma Crev eling jr. . . . . 16 J nas Berninger r "vs Emanuel Ahtor., 17 Augusin s C liabb vs James E)r and Luke Mojer. 18 Jame Cair vs Henry T Reily and David J Waller. 16 John Ruckle vs Henry T Reily et. al- ; A?ricntural (hemic! Co.'s ClUlAl FEIMEMZEiiS. THE Fertilizers prepared by theAgri co,ltura I Chemical Co., (a Company char tered by the I.egii-'aturp of Pennsylvania with a capital of $250,000.) have been provetl in practice to be the cheapest, most profitable and best, tor -the Firmer, Gar dener and Fruit grower, of all concentarted R.anures now oiiered in any market. The. Corr.pau" list embraces the following pabuTettf. This Fertilizer is composed of night soil said ihe fertilizing igems of urine, combined chemicailj and mechanically with other valuable lert.lizing agents and ab-orben's. f . . It is reduced to a pulverulent condition ; reaiy for immediate ose, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing proper liei. ! Its universal applicability lo all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities sre well known to be all' that n' nei'.!iiriM can desire. Price S30 per Toil. 'ciiemicaITcompost. The Fenjlizer-is - largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fi-h. leather and wool, together with chemicals ar.d inorganic fertilizers, wnich decompose the mass, aud re:a!.i tLe nitrogenous ele ments. " It is very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especial! lor potatoes and garden purposes. Its excellent q-ialmes, Strength and cheap ness, have made it very popular with all who have n-ed it. Price, S-10 per Ton. COMPOSITE FERTILIZER. This highly phosphate fertilizer is par licu'ariy adapted hir it, e c n I' i vat ion of trees fruits, Uwns and flowers. It will promote v. very vigorous and healthy-growth ot v ood fro it, and largely i'7rreae the quantity and perfect the maturity of the Iru it. For hot bose arid household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensihle article to se cure their sireatest perleclion. It will pre vent and cure diseased condition of the peach and grape, and is ciceilent for grass tnd lawns. Il is'composed of snch elements as make it add pted to the growth of all kinds ol crops iii all kiuds ol soil. TMe totmnla or method cf combining il constituent fertilizing ingredients has re ceived the hiahest approval of eminent chemuis and scieinificagnc'uliurisis. ; Price, $30 per Ton. PHOSPHATE OF LIME. , The Agricultural Chemical Company manii.'acmre a Pftopbate ol Lime in accor dance with a new ati.1 valuable formula by which a very superior arucfc is produced, as to be afforded al ales- 'price than other manufacturers charge. Practical lesis have proved thai its value, as a Iertili2er, is equal lo the best Phosphate of Lime' in Jlhe market. Price, $65 per Ton. TERMS CASH: All Orders of aTon or more, will be delivered at the Railroad Siaiioo and the Wharves of Shipme.ii,!ree of cartage. Cartage w i!l be charged on all orders of 6 barrel or less One dot.'ar per Tor. allowance for cartage will be made on all sales delivered at the Worts of the Company oh Canal Wharf. Agricultural Chemical Company's Works, Al Canal .Phirf on the Delaware. Office, 413 Arch Si. Philadelphia, Pa. It. B. F1TTS, General Agent. The Corhpany's Pampilel Circular, em bracing full directions fo lifting the above Feniiizers, seat by mail, free, when re quested. . Marcn 8, 1865 6mo. OLD THINGS MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore sight and give up . spectacle, without aid ot doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, oa receipt af 10 cents. Ad dress, . E. B. FOOTE, M. D. ------ H30 Broadway, New York. - eb. J 1865 6mo - ; GRCVESTE N 8c CO. TIAO I ORTE A 1 UFA CTI RERS, THE attention of the public and the irade is invited lo our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Pianofortes, w hich for volume and purity of lone are unrivalled bv any hitherto offered in this marlret. They contain all the modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Strnhs Bas &c, and enc.h instrument t eine made under the personal supervision of Mr J. H GKOVESTEEN, who has had a practical ex rerience of over 30 years in iheir manufacture, i fully warremed in every psrucolar. The Grovetteen riano-Forfe Received the Highest award of Merit over all others at the Celebrated World's Fair. . ' ' . Where were exhibited instruments from the best maker of London, Paris, Germany, Philapelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York; and alpo at the American Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at our ware rooo. By the introduction of improvements we make a stiil more perfect Piano Forie, and by manufacturing largely, with a stiicily cash system, are enabled to offer lhee instruments ai prices which will preclude all competition. PRICES : No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood plain rase 275. No. Seven Octave, round corners, Rosew ood heavy moulding S300. No. 3, Seven Ocave, rouud comers. Rosewood Loui XIV sn le &325, a lc simile of th.e above cnt- , TI3RUI .-1SET CASH, II CtJSJKlT FViOSs. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SE.T FREE, jtj July 13, 1864. ly.' . ' I PUTNAM CLOTHES WRINGER. ( IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE .V F.LF-A D JUSTING If RINGER. JXo Wood Work to swtll or split No lliumb iciewn to gel out of order -IVarr anted with or without cog-wheels IT took the first premium at fifty-sevn State and County Fairs in 1863, and i without any exception, the best Wringer ever made. Patented in ihe United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Auenis wanted in every town, and in all pan." ol the world. .Energetic Agents can make from three to ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers eent Express paii on receipt of price. i No. 2. S6 50. No 1, S7 50. - No. F, No. A, $9.50. Manufactured aru' fcold, wholesale and retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO , No. 13 Plan St'eei, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. A II. FRANCISCUS, Agent, Philadelphia, Pa. IVhat Everybody Knows, viz : . That iron well galvanized will not rust. That a simple machine is better than a complicated one. That a Wringer should be self-adjusting, durable, and efficient. That Thumb screws and Fastening cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep in ! order. That wood soaked in hoi water will swell, shrink , and spin. I hat wood bear'mcs for the shaft io run in will wear out. Tnat the Putnam Wringer, with or withont cog wheels, will not tear ihe clothe. That cog wheel regulator arc net essen tial. Thai ihe Putnam Wringer has all Ihe advantages, and not one Jf the disadvan tages above named. That all who" have tested it, pronounce it the b?st Wringer" ever made. Thai i' will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We might fill lha paper wilh testimoni als, but insert only a few to convince the tkepiicaj. if such there be; and we say io all, test Putnam's Wiinger. Test il thor oughly with any and ail others, and if col entirely sati-factory. return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Gentlemen I know from practical ner'ieiu tht iron well galvanized with zinc will not oxidize or rnt one parlicie. The Putnam W ringer is as near peneci as pcssible, and I can cheerfully recommend il lo be ihe best in use.. Re-nectfnllv VOUrs. . . JOHN W. WHEELER. Cleveland, 0'iio. . Many years experience in the galvaniz ing business, enable me to endorse the above statement in all particulars JNO C. LEFFERTS, No., 100 BeeKman St. New York, January,, 1864. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wring, er by practical working, and know that it will do. Il is cheap, it is simple, il requires no room whether al work or at rest; a child can operate it II does ilntaty thoroughly. Il save lime and it saves wear and tear. We earruss-ly advise all who have much washing io.do, wiih all intelligent persons who may have any, io buy this Wringer. It will pay lor itself in a year a. mnt. : HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864. ly- jg AMES E0BINS0N, Clock and Yl atch .Tinker AND IMPORTER OF Watches, Jewelry & Trench rime. Pieces ALSO MCCTUPPR OF SILVER AND SILVER PLA . . TED WAKE, GOLDSlLVERtf STEEL SPECTACLES, No. 1031 Marktl Slrert. Lfh'.v Eltvnth. North Side, PA1LADELPIIIA. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry neatly re paired ai the shortest notice. Gilding and Plating, of all descriptions, dene neatly io order. N. B. Masonic, OdJ Fellow's and o'her emblematic Marks, made and Eu graved to order. - A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Fiii: on: a aaj : i,ases, french, en gush $ ameri CAN CLOf A', TABLE AM) P01KI.T CUTLERY; Army Corps rV T-f53ra-i For sale :.. AND MADE IU ORDER. No. 1031 Market Street, 3d door below Eleventh, North side. March. 26, 1865. HOUSE BILLS, NEATLY THB OFFICE OF THf '. STAR OF THE NORTH. . JiLOOMSBURG, PA. 'M JYeic Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fgiHE" undersigned respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he ha just received from ihe Eastern Cil ies, a large ' assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of sorts, sizes and quantities, which will told cheap for cash orcontmy produce. -ALSO, H A T 8&CAPS all be : BOOTS AXD SIIOES.es feiij Together with a variety of no lions and things too troublesome to nuner ate, io which he iaviles ihe attention of pur chairs. FJ?" He, is also prepared tn make u clothing to. order, on reasonable lermp, and up to the latest fashions. , Call and examine our stock of gcods. . ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsborg, April 27, 1864. Miller's Store. ' OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. fpHE subsnribpr has just returned from - ine cities with another large and select assoitmei.t of ; Fall and JViater Goods, purchased al .'Philadelphia and New York, at ihe lowesi figure, and which, he is deter mined io sell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere iu Bloomsburg. His Mek fomprtes L.I DIES' DRESS GOODS, . of Ihe chticest styles and latest lashians, together, with a large a-sortmeo' of DRY-GOODS. MUSLIMS. CLOTHS, AND VESTINGS. ALSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSW ARE, C E I) A 11 W A R E, HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON. BOOTS SHOES, HATS CAPS.c. In shorl, everything usually kept in coun try rtores, i o w hich he inv he attention of ihe public generally. The highest crice will be paid for coun try produce, in exchange for good. . STEPHEN H. KILLER Bloomsbnig, Oct 12, 1864. UEFRKSSmEAT SA LOON AND - . CONFECTIONERY STORE. H. C. CllitlSTM AN, E3PECT FULLY announces to the citi- zens of Bloornburg and vicinity liat he has just opened a new Refreshment Sa loon and Confectionery S;ore, on Muiu-st., second door below the 'American Housn," where he it. tends supplying all who rrav give him their cusinm with FRESH OYS TERS. Clam Soup, Sardines, Boiled Eg!!s. Ham Trips Pigs Feet, Dried Herring &c. He will nl-o keeo on hand a superior ar ticle of DIIXUGHT A LE: Porter Lgerbeer. and Sar-apariila : together with a good as torment of Can lies. Sweetmeats. Cakes. Cignrs and Chewing Tobacco. In connec lion with ihis saloon he ha fitted up a La dies" Department, where all who n.ay de sire can call for Oysters and Refreshment and will be free from all annoyances an indecencies that ladies are ioo of;en ex posed o in some of our best restaurants. Don't fail to give him a call. H.C CHRISTMAN, Proprietor. Bloomburg, Oct. 12, 1RW. Court I'roclamal ion, 'C'myHEKEAS the Honorable William El ' well, Pre-ident Judge of Ihe Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery, Conn of Quarter Sessions of Ihe Peace' and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans, Court, in the 2th Judicial District, compos ed of the counties of Columbia, Sullivan and Wyoming, and the Hons. Stephen Baldy and John McFieynolds, Associate Judges, ol Co lumbia co., have issued Iheir precept, bear ing if ii? 3 one thousand eight hundred and sixty five, and to .ne directed fc hid ling a Court of Oy er and Terminer, ai d General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Couri, in Blooms borg, iu the county of Columbia, on the first Monday, bein- the I si day of May next and to continue one week. . Notice is hereby given, io the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace and Constables ol the said County of Columbia, that ihey be then and there in Iheir proper persons at 10 o' clock in the forenoon of said day, wilh their records,. inquisitions and -other remeinhran res to do those things which lo iheir offices appertain to .be done. And those that are bound by recognizes, lo prosecute agaitisi ihe prisoners thai are or may be in Ihe Jai! of said county ot Columbia, to be then and there to prosecuie then as shall be just. Jn rors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably lo their notice, dated at Bloorhsburg, the 25-h day of March,in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-fifth and in the eighty-ninth year of the Independence of the United Slates'of America. (God save the Commonwealth.) SAMUEL SNYDER, Sheriffs Office, .1 Sheriff. Rlnn m shn ror Maxch 29, 1865. c , ) JYaiional 'Foundry. ... . - ", Rlooiii-sbtirr Coluiubia Co., - . . '" v : r"ne subwribfr, proprietor of:the above named extensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders" for ell kinds cf machinery, for COLLERl ES,1 LAST FU R NACES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESHIMG MACHINES, kc. &c. He is also prepared to make S oves, 1 1 sizes and patterns, Plowirons, nud every ihing usually made in first-class Foundrie- His extansive facilities and practic;.! workman, , wajrant him in receiving if e largest contracts op the roost reasonable term. . . !.-..,. Fir dram of all kinds will be taken in exchange fcr castings. ,-.- This establishments located near' he Lackawanna Railroad Depot: :. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9 I863. ' 180 . ISO . PENNSYLVANIA & ERIE RAIL ROA ! 1 his great line- traverses the - Norther and Northwest cocmies of Pcnns ylvania t the city of Ere, on Lake Erie. It has been leaded by 'the Pennsylvan Rail Road Company, and is , operated; Ly them. 1 t Its entire lenglb was open ed for- passen ger and" freight bisiness, Oct. 7th,T864 . Time of Passenger trains al North'd; . , L.caVc Ens lira rd. t M.iil Train - - .10 16 P. M. Elmira Express Train. .. '1T27 ' -L. Haven, Ac'modationt; 14 27 A. M licavrs lVt'slirara. Mail Train, 4 26 A. i M. Elmira Expres Train, 5 18 Iock Haven Ac'modition 4 34 P. M. . Passenger cars run-through on Mail tr- .t without change both. ways between. Phi dolohia Erie, and Baltimore and Erie.! Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Mail T' ''z both ways between Philadelphia and L W Haven, and on-r.lmira Lpxresg Trainl"H ways between Williarasport and 8a 1 time For information respecting v Passe i..i tuoiiiest, aopiy al cor. 30'h and Market . Phl3delnh-a. And for Freight business of ihe Conrpaiiy's Agent. : ' S. B Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13in and Mc kft Street. Philadelphia. ... i. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M Drill, Ag'i. N. C. R. R.. Baltimor H H. HOUSTON. General Freight A gt. Phil'a H. W. G WINNER, General Ticket Agt. Phil'a. JOS D. POTTS, j . General Manager, Williameport. Feb. 2, 1865. , , ' Naliunal Claim Agency, COUDCCTCD BT, : HARVY So COLLINS, ... WASHINGTON, D. C N . order o facilitate the prompt adjn-t--mem of. Bounty, arrears ti pay, Pensi - i and other claim due soldiers and lh r persons irom he Government of the U. l," the unlervigr.ed has made arrangement with ibe aDove firm whose experience an ' close proximity lo, and daily intercoarse with, the Department, as well as the early knowledge acquired by ihem of the decis ions frequently being - made, enable them to oro-ecnte claims more effectually than ' Attorney's at a distance can possibly rlo.nr ah persons enuiieu io e-iaims oi.ine aoove description can .have them properly attend ed to by calling on roe and entrusting them to my care. , W. WIRT, Auenl for Harvr &. Collin. Bloomsburg, August 10, 1E64. ediTo r6ftTiestar7: r ?DEAR SIR :. With your permission i wish io say lo Ihe readers ol yoirr paper that I will send, by re turn mail, in all who wish it (free) a Recipe;, wiih full directions for making ai d losing a simple Vegeable Balm that will effectu ally remove, in ten daysj Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles, and all ImpurU ties of the Skin," leaving the game eoft. I clear, smooth and Beautiful. i I will also mnil free lo those having Bald Heads, or Bare faces, simple direc tions and information that will enable ihem io st-r; a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or Moustache, iu leas than thir ty days. . i . nil applications answered by return msd without charge. T-epecifnUv yviur". TIJ0S. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 831 Broadway, New York. March l. 1365 3 mo. Kxccutrixcs' Nctice. Eifck cj Geo. Jnhn, deceased, Scott Township rET'iERS Testamentary on the Estate of -4 f.nma Jnhn. lale of Si-o't townshin I , - - J , Columbia county, deceased, have beeo grantt.d by the Kegisler ol sani louniy, it Martha Ann John and Garoline S Dewitt. rf siding in said township. All persons having claims againsi the estate of the de cedent are requested To present item lor settlement, and tnose indebted lo the 63 si ate'-will make pavmer.t forihwith to MARTHA ANN JOHN J . and Execulrizes. CAROLINE DEWITT,) April 5, 1865 S3. Claim Agenc)y ; THE undersigned deeires to call atten lion f ihe public to his facilities of obtain ing Pensions, Bounties (Local andGavera ment) Bounty Lands for Soldiers, . . Settlement of officer's Account, &c, .Dis charged Soldiers oi their he'rs can gel their FULL BOUNTIES, 4 though generally they have . ieceived part No chargss for information, lior unless claim is securetl. i OtTije wi h E. H. Little. Esq., io white frame building be'ow Exchange Hotel. C. B. BROCK WAY. Bloomsburg April 5, 1865 ly. iFT6lMYANT TO KNOW 4, LITTLE ol everything relating r to , the . "fiurnan system, male, and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases; the mar riage customs ot jhe world; how , to marry well ar.d a thousand .ihinga never publish ed iieiore, renu ine reyisea anu eniargeu edition cf .'.'Medical Common Sense," a curious bock for curious people, and a good book for every one. 400 , pages, 100 liJustralioiiH. Price 31.50. Conten is table sent tree io any addr ess. Books may b" had at the book stores, or will be sent by mad. oot Daid on receiot ol tne'Drice. Address Dr. E. 3. FOOTE, M. D. 11 ?0 Broadway, New York, ' Feb. 1, IS5 6m. loEtT SCD00L ., . Tne Cpriug Session of my School Twill All the branches ot a liberal, English Edu cation will be laught. Prices will ran nu'u rfo iu o jjcr quaner oi eievec wee instructions will be given in any of lancy Draucnes. and alfco on the curie P or Melodeon. i n I'nvni? i i ircrui . Bloornaturg, ApriLSth, 1865.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers