" Prospectus of Vol. Ill 1S05. IY0TEI-T0 LlTERATCftE, 8CIEXCE ' V.:-'' ART, AD THIS V-' -" . " Principles of 7?6 and '87. :. "c'CIIAUiNCEY BURR, Ewtob. j Ihia, Magazine will continti8; to defend A the principles of Government which raided onf father in the fonhdatifcm of rhe Kepcblie.-Thc ppiiir and doctrine ''of the two first volumes will be. folly, maintained in the third volame." We have noeompro i mi sea io make, with error no parley with ; despotism.: Democracy wilrlbe treated, DOl as a v3ryingpolicy f canning" office reekt's and spcil-hnnters, bot rather as an abiding principle of political economy and : of popular -liberty. A!I supporters of this .revolutionizing, Abolition war, will be held , ai.the enemies- of the Democracy. We t eball acknowledge no organization to be .-Democratic which does noi honestly ennn ciate '.and support Ihe principles of the Kentucky aod Virginia Resolutions of 1798 and the Dred Scott-De cision' of the Su preme Court, the one 8M?ertin Slatt Sou ireigny and i be other IJ'hiU nvpremacy. To 7 preserve these honorable doctrines, the Democratic party: wa organized by the very ionnders of the Federal Gyvernmeni, and it remained trae to (hem down to the fatal and) dishonoring departure, nt the commencement i of. this 5 war. The Old Guard is an orgar. of Democracy as it was, . before this cowardly surrender of principle inH'a ii mail be aoain. before id ran re deem tivt 'country from; the rule of Jacron j and, dppfltim. l This year it has been en-;; larged to double its tmr iz -lhat is, .to j fortr fight pazi fut.jbe pnrpoae. of mk ing it in all repect. asto style and matter la popular Literary and Family Magazine. ,(5iie copy One year. . -Seven copies,' one year, and one K to the getter up of club, ...Twenty copies! . : $2 00 14" 00 35 00 Single-, copies sent, pcsi-paid, (or 20 j lTerms invariable in advance, snd the Magazine will be stopped when the time paid for expires. . As each number of THE OLD GUARD istereoiyped, back numbers and yolume can always bp lHnished. Subscriptions will be understood as com ruencirg; with the year, and back number pent accordingly; unless specially ordered otherwise.' , - The Old Guar J will be sent through the Peat Offire to sobscribers in the. city, Brooklyn, Williamsbura and Jersey City. .tr.Tae p'oage o TheOld Guard in 12 cts. pet year payable m advance, at the cfilce of mailing or-delivery; Z - , v Cooiei of Vols. I. and I' of The Old .Gilari fdt J86Jinil 1863," wilt m lurni-hed -bound hi paper, for.31 50; in cloth lor 22, , coat paiJ. - :- . All letter in relation to ihe business de -paitment.of ihe Msgarin, shoald be in ! variably addressed to the audersigned, a S followa : r , VAN KVR1E. I10RTON & CO.. 7 .Hal ,r 162.Natau Street, N;;Y.. READmG RAIL ROAD. VWKTEB;AKKAr.SEMEXT, GREAT TraDk line from the North and P North-west 'for " Philadelphia, New 1.YoTf Reading; Pottsville.Lebanoo, Allen town, Easton, Sua., &. " ; " ' , I'Traina leave Harrisbag for New York, as follows.. At 3 00 and S.15 A. M. and i:43 P: At., arrivine.at New York at 10 A. M., and 2.45 and" 10 00 P. M j The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Road, and Sleeping Car accompany the first two trains with .out change.- - - -.. Leave for Reading, Po'tsville, Taanaqoa, Winersville, Allentown and Philadelphia at 815 A. il. ar.d 1 45 P. M., stopping at Lebanon and principal Stations only. Way Traina, stopping at all points, at :7 25 A. Al. and 4 40 P. M Returning,,' Jave iNew Y ork at A. M-, Yi. noon, auci 7.C0 P. M. - Philadelphia at 8 A. M. arid 3.30 P.M.; Potlsville at 8. 50 A. M. and 2.35 P. M. Tamaqua at 8.i0 A.'M and 2.15 P. M. and Redains atl2 'midnight, 7J5 and.J0 45 A. M-J 1 i8 and.6.05 P. M. Reading Accommodation Train r leaves Heading at &30 A- M. returning from Phil adelphia.at'4 30 'P' il- -' : , ColambtaRailroad Trains leave: Read ing at 6 40 and and 11 A. M. tor Epbrata, Liti, Columbia, &c. .' s .: On Sundays; Leave New York at " P. M.PhiUdelphia 3 15 P. M., Pattsvile 7.30 . A.M Tamaqaa 7 A. M., Harrisburg 8 15 A.'M.,-anc, Reading at 12 midnight for Ifarrisburg.,'. , , . . J Commutation, Mileag3,Beaon, and. Ex cursion Tickets, at; tedaced .rates to and Ironfall, points. t : ;; .."Baggage ; checked through : SO ; pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICuLLS, Rsadiko Pa Nov. 30, 1864 ::JYEJT:t GOOD'S V. -nE VOLUTION TX IUGU PRICES! i,Ifj;W .ARRIVAL 'OF . WINTER GdODS AT PETER ENT'S STORE IX.',; LIG HT STR E ET COL C 6. rTAS" josl received from the eastern -j-J- and is now opening at the old cilies stand :a ep!ehdid assortment of " ; - G2 a? ce Da ca m dl fiCea & 0 which will be sold cheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE M His stock consists of Ladies Dress Goods, choices sVyles and latest fashions. CALICOES, - -"-JUSLINSr :.'. . . . - '" - ;'"" GINGHAMS. ,"- rin.iv v..- -FLANNELS. v:r.--:M--'- HOSIERY SILKS, SIUWLSTCARPETS, &C. Kcaily-'Iade Clbtliin?:, Z- . SATINETS, i v. a v;" C4SSI M E R ES, - . COTTON A DES, KENTUCKY JEANSi j THREAD, &C. . r ' u ' QUEENSWRE - " ; CEDAR WARE, .m: r; ' HARDWARE. .z:Z '- M EDICIN.ES,--' . .: t - DRUGS, .... TOOTS AaD CES;nATS and CAPS, In short everything caa!lf, , kepj. ia a country store. . ' ' '.' f Tha ' -..?r.a'? cf ht3 old frtsnas, and - "c, ii rerrec:f:!:y so- THE IEW YOKIi KEWS, THE 'BESTPAPERix TflE WORLD, n. Wood, Ed. and Proprietor The Democracy of the North will com mit a fa'al error if they acceDt the result of he lat Presidential election as. an indica 'ion from : the .hand of Destiny to relax their political action until the opening o ithe next campaign. The future welfare o the republic depends upon the politics zeal and activity of the Democracy daring the year 1865. u&he m ill nnj-rity pfihe popular rote . elected the Black Republican candi dates, considered in view of the extraordi nary resources' of the Administration for corruption and cpmpntsion, attests.that the power of the Democracy, on a fair field, is equal to the vindication ,. of Democratic principles. - . ' ' .There is one feature in the result of the Presidential election that goes far to re , concile the patriot to the hard fate of hi rountry'-under fonr years more of Plaok Republican misrule. The baleful meteor that lingered in grief while in our political atmosphere has vanished for ever. War Democracy has fulfilled it mbsion of dis organization, and like ary other pestilence will be remembered only for the evil it. has done. The issue now before the people is the Jinal at-rnggle between Centeraliz lion and S'ates', Rights, and no journal i Democrat ic that is not the devoted champion of Stats-' Rights, the paramount 'principle ol the Democratic faith. The New York News need no testimony beyond it plain unalterable record to sub sUntiate its claim to being and having heen the most earnest, able and consistent Slates' Rights Journal in ihe land. W have no escapes to invent for modifications of sentiment, nor hive we to 'plead "et pedincy;: iu palliation of ioconsi stenev. Onrpilhba been straight forward. Our eohimns are belore the people, nor a line in them that we would cancel nor senti ment we would recall, not an BSerfon that requires id explana ion, cot a word thai we regret io hive ut'.ered, not a prin ciple advocated thai we have no' stnnd by and will stand by to the Usi. S.ich has been our past record, so will be our future. We do not, however, a-k the Democracy to snstain us jn our mission a a reward for ihe service we have done, but in con sideration of the pond work thai we p'O pose to do. The Nw Yotk News for 1565 will uot merely imitate its predecessor,"' it will excel them, h shall be f.ot only the t'uesi exponent cf Democratic principle, but the best newpaper in the country. Heretofore it has had no superior a a ve hicle of newe. hereafter it sSall have no eeual. In everv denartment of ioicna'tsra a we have arrans'd thai ihe News shall dis tance competition. It is the only Demo cratic newspaper in the metropolis that has the advantage of prjb!ihing a daily issue with ihe foil dispatches of the Associated Pres, and therefore its machinery for fur nishing a comple'e record of evetiis is more perfect than that of any of i's Demo cratic coterrrporaries. None have attempt ed latterly, to compete with ii in the publi cation ol Southerj intellidence, as onr syslern of exchange with Sonthern jonrnats t !.o tH jee ikk c.iranilc atijl aiilurinla rkf nnr ' U ' -J U9 C.y.Ul. II VIIU ' . 1 1 I I I'l U J ' wu. rivals. ' . '' A glance at the column of The News devo'ed to "Southern and Northern per sonal5' will remark the extraordinary suc cess that has attended our enterprise in that direction'. We are in dily receipt of j letters expressing the thanks of those who, through the medium of the ''Personals" in The New, have been enabled lo receive tidings from their friends snd relatives in the" South, and the heart of many an exile and wanderer ha been gladdened iliroush that instrumentality by words of affection and hope from those mooned for as dea I. .; The. New York News 1ms become so popular .in ihe rural districts that othf r Me tropolitan journal, in publhing their slereotyped boa?-t of "the largest circula tion of any weekly journal" are constrain ed to make an exception in our favor It is a significant ciretfmsrance that since the Presidential election and consequent de mise of "War Democracy, The snbK-rip"iotn io this paper have teen unusually numer ous. The . Agriculiora' Department of The New York New renders it an invaluable companion and assislanv to ihe firmer ; and its Cattle, Maiket and Produce Re ports are more reliable and full than those of any other journal. The Daily News will forfeit" one thou-' sand dollars if, in the above . Department, competent judges should deny-wi's superi ority. ' . , ,TERiHS. DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year, by mail $10.00 One copy, six monihs, . 5 00 WEEKLY NEWS. 2 00 ; 7 on ' Ten copies, one y ear, , j , i?nn Twenty copies, one year, We have no traveling agent 30 00 ' authorized'! to collect or receive money for subscrip lions. ' . Orders and letter should be addressed to BENJAMIN WOOD, Daily News Office New York. Jan. 25, 1865. . ' NEW GOODaj Vnother Arrival of Good.. . AT -- Hat, Cap and Grocery S3 C2J? CE 132 133 o Now ia Four Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE 'undersigned having jnsi returned from the Eastern .cities with a large and foil assortments of fGHOf JrSS? 0 addition to a snperi . fcry-Rl ES ij or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER El-. HATS AND CAPS, comprising every sott and quality, is now prepared to sell- a little cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. . Ii s Stock ol GROCERIES are not sur passed in this marke, which he offers cheap for rash, or in exchange fot GRAIN OR PRODUCE. : : ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOKDCCOES, and LININGS to - hish be invites the at tention ot Sboamaleri and ihe public. Give him a call At Stroop's Oid-Siacd, on Main Street. ' JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloorcsbnrg, Nov'r 27 1864. . I . . m, , , -4 i - HOWARDS ASSOCIATION... . "PHILADELPHIA, PA. - DISEASES ef the r Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and re liable trea'ment in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent , by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. CABINET WARE ROOM. RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the Public to his extensive assortment of Cabinet Fcrnitnre and CHAIR S,fJ , which he will warrant made of good pa material and in a workmanlike man-M oer. At his establishment can alwys be fount! a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which U equal in style fcfid fin ish to that oi Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low prices. He bason band .' of different sty le prices, from 825 to $60 Divans Lounges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs; Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and narlor boreans. sofa, card." centre and pier tables, detashus, chefTeniers,whatnois and comodesJ and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common wasribtands,dress tables, corner cupboards, sofa, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads,cane seat and common chairs is the largest in this section of. the county. -,-Hn will also keep a good assortment ol lookin? glasses with fancy gilt and com mon frames He will alo furnish spring mat'rasses filled to any sized bedstead., v hieh are superior for durability and com fort to any bed in oe. Gloomsbnrg, Nov. -4, 1863. GENUINE PREPARATIONS. C mpocnd Fb.iid Extract Buchu, a posi tive and Specific Remedy for direaes of the Bl.idder, Kidney s, Gravel, and Drop sical Swelling. This ledieine increase (lie ppwe-rof Diyef-tion, and excite th Ahorbnls into healthy action, by wMitii the v p.te:v cm Catcareons depositions, and ul! Unnatural E;laremer ts are rednced well as Pain and Ifiammaiion. iii:i.3iom; rxTKAor nr:riirf. For Weaknesses ari"mg Ir'om excesse, Hatlits of Dissipation. Early IndUcreiion of at use, attended vri'.h the following ymp torn : " . . Indisposition to E.rtion, Loss of Power, Log of Memory, DifTicnlty of Breathi'ig, Weak Nerves, Trembling.' Horror of Dis ease; Wakefuln-e. I)imns of Vision, Pain in the Rnck, Universal Lassitude of lh Mncular System, Hot Hands, Fiuhing of the lioilv, L'rynes ot the fckin, Eruptions j on the Face, Pallid Countenance. t These symptom, if allowed io go on, which thi medicine invariablv remove (soon follows. IM POTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, ia cue of which the Paiient may expire. . Who can say that they are not frequently followed bv those "Direltl Dieasps." "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION'." Many are aware of the canst, of their suf fering, bul"rione will confess the Record? of the Insame Aylums. And melancholy ' Deaths by. Conswmp tioa bear ample wimes to ihe Truth of the i a-ertion. The, Constitution once effected 1 with Organic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to S'reng'hen arid In vioraie tte j System, which HELM POLO'S EXTRACT BUCI1U invariably does. A trial will con t'vince the mos skeptical. j FEMAliES,-FM ALES.-FEMALES. ' In many AtTciions peculiar to Females the Extract Ducho i nneqnaled by aDy i other remedy, as in Chlorosis flr Re'enlion, Irregularity, rainlolness, or Snpp'ession of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous siate of ihe Luteins, Leuctrorrhcna or Whites, S erility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from indiscretion Habits or Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change of Life. Take do more Balsam, Mercury, or un pleasant Medicines for unpleasant and danerons disease!. , HELM E OLD'S Ex'ract Rr-cho and Im proved Rose .Wash cores SECRET DIS EASES, In all their Stages, At I'tile Ex pense, Little cr no change in Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It Cannes a frequent deire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing ob structions, preventing and curing stricture of the Urethra, allay ing Pain and Inflam mation, so frequent in the clas of diseases, and expelling all poisocous, diseased and worn out ma'ter. Thousnrds upon ' Thousands who have been the victims of Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be rured in a sfiori time, bave lonnd they we e deceived, and that the "poison" has, by the use of ''pow erful astrir gents," been dried up in the system, to break ont in an aggravated form, and perhap after Marriags. Use Helmbo'd's Extract Buchn for jll aOeclions and diseases of the Urinary Or can urtiAihir o i 1 1 n rr in 1 a I o nf Pumalo from whatever cause originating, and no m:,,r of how long siandirg. - - Diseases of these Organ reqnires the aid ot a Diuretic, tleunooici 8 r.xiract ujenu is i ihe Great Diuretic, and i certain :o have the desired effect in all diseases for which !it is recommended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will ac company tne medicine. ... Price $1.00 a Bottle, or Six for $5.00. Delivered to any address, secorely p?cked from 'observation. Descr bt symptoms in all commnnications. Cunis guataniecd! Advice gratis. Address fuller for Informa tion to . If. O. riEL3IBOLl, Chemist. 104 Sonlh 10th si.; be'l. Chestnut, Phila. II ELM COLD'S Medical D ?pot, HELM BOLD S Droa k Chm'l Warehouse, 549 Broadicaj New York. E?" Beware of counterfeits and unprinci pled dealers, who endeavor to dispose ''ol their ow" ar.d ''other!' articles on the repntation attained by . ' ' . Helmbold'a Genuine Preparations,. do do Extract Bacho, Helmbold'a Genuine Extract Saraparitla. do- "do Improved Rose Wash. tSold by all Druggisiti everywhere Ask for Helmbold's. Take nb other. Cut out (be Advertisement and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. December 9, l863.-ly. . - 2ZCE AUGE : HOLBi, " IF 21. B K00XS Proprietor dloo3is;dfrg pa. THIS magnificent -Hotel, situate in (he central portion; of the- town, and op posite the Coo rt House, hie been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now; prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner.' His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Altentise ostlers will always be on. hand, and bis 6tabling is the. mcet extensive in this se ion- ot ? country. Omnibuses wil and ft , n v AVhocsale and Ketail. THE sabscribet would annoonce to the Citizens of Bloomsbnrz and vicinity, that he ts selling LIQUORS in large and small quantities, and at different prices, at his isew btore, on Mum street, a . . nonnside, two doors souti oi , jr VJW Iron sueet, Bloomsbnrg. His ffT.CSS sioca oi foreign ana uomesuc cODsis's of Cognac and Rochelle. Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of : ' Da a S3 Cs. Old Rye. gray with age, fine Old Bonrbpn, Old Folks Whiskey, and any quaUity of common. . Ke also has - S . PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not least, a quantity of good double extra BROWN STOUT; air of which be will sell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to give his liquor a trial. 1 D. W. ROBBINS, Agtr Bloomsbnrg, May lt 1861. tVYOMIXG IXSURAXCE C03IPAX, OJjice over the' Jfyoming-Bank, CAPITAL AND STRPLCS, I30,C0O. CF Will insure againM loss or damage by Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable verms. DIRECTORS, G. M H-olienback, John Reichard, Samuel Wadhams, D L SUoe? maker, Daniel G. Dr'tesbach, R. C. Smith. R. D. Lacoe, G. P. Steele, V. W. Ketcham Charles Dorrance, W. S.Ross, George M Harding. G. M. IIOLI.ENBACn: Pres't . D. L. SHOEMAKEK, V. Pres't. R. C. SMITH, Secretary, W. G.STERLING, Treasurer. L II. CONOVER, Azent, Beach Ilaveu, Pa. December 2d, 1863. ly, JYcid Stock of Clothing. Spring and Summer Goods. INV11ES attention to his stock of cheap and fashionable Clothing at his Store, on MJilX STfiEE'A JJLOOMSnUJiG, two doors above the JJmtrican House, where he has just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full assortment of Men and' Boy's Clolliinff, iticludingthe inol fahionab!e, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting of Box, Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Coals, and Pants, of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He. also ha replenished his already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, fi'io:ed and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stock-, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fancy ar.icl?. , N B. He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vestiogs, which he i prepared to make up lo order, into a-iy kind 6f clothing on very shorl notice and in the best of manner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it i of home manufacture. , 3 A N D 71 TIP lU2.; Ot every Description, Fine and Cheap His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place. Call and examine his general as sortment of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c. PAVID LOWENBERii. Bloomsburg, April 20, 1865. Lackawan a & filoomsb ur? R. R. - - j - - - " - i r TWO DAITY TRAINS. December 26th, will run as fol - ON and after. Monday, 1861, lows : Passenger Trains licavc rSorllivrard. STATIONS MAIL. PASSENGR. Northumberland, I)nvil!e, : Itupert, Bloomsbnrg, Berwick, Shickshinny, Kingston, Wyoming, . Piltson, J Arrive at Scranion, Grtat Bend, New York, Easton, Philadelphia, 8.00 a m 5.00 p si 8 40 5 40 ' 9 25 6 25 9 45 6 35 x 10 25 " 7 30 11 10 8 15 12 15pm" 915 12 50 9 35 1 05 9 50 1 50 10 23 pm 6 40 " " 5 0 2 45 6 30 L.caYc Sonfhward. Sccanton, -V 6 00 am 4 20 pm" Pittston, 6 30 ? 00 Wyoming, 6 15 5 45 Kingston, 7 00 5 30 Shickshinny, 7 55 6 45 Berwick, 8 35 7 30 - Bloomsburg, 9 15. 8 25 Rnpert. 9 25 8 25 . Danville, 10 00 9 15 Arrive at Northumberland, 10 40- 10 00 Williamsport, 6 30 pm 200 am Hirrishurg, 1 Z6 1 25 Baltimore 5 40 7 00 Washington, 9 05 10 35 Philadelphia, 5 40 " 5 00 The shortest and most direct route to the West and the Oil Regions! Trains of the Philadelphia and Erie Rail road laave Northumberland every monrr. ing for Erie, artiving there the afternoon of ihe same day to connect with Trains for Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, And ail other points West, connecting at Corry with all Trains on the Oil Creek Railroad. . - Passengers for Train 3, can leave New York via The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. at 9 00 A. M., thereby reaching all points on this Road the same day. .'.'"' H. A. FONDA, Sopt. , Kingston, Dec. 20, 1864. OMNIBUS LINE, THE undersigned would respectfully an noonce to ihe citizens of Bloomsbnrg, Xand the public generally, that he is running An niTMIUTTs I.I ME the different Rail Road iVrV " - Depots' daily, (Sandays excepted) to con nect with the several Trains coins South and West on the Catawissa & Williamsport Rail Road, and with those going North and Sooth on the Lack. & Bloomsbnrg Road. His OMNIBUSES are in good condition, commodious and cotnfoirable, and charges reasonable, ,J3T Persons wishing to meet or see their friends depart, can be accom modated, upon reasonable charges, by leav ing timely notice at tfny of the Hotels. - JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. BloomsborgY April 27, 1864. " ' TliE SINGER SETTING MACI1IXES. OUR Letter A Family Sewing Machine is last gaining a world-wide reputation. It is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sewing Ma " chines yet offered to the public. No othc Family Sewing Machine has so many use ful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, Goaging, Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so forth. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity lor a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of cloth, and with all kinds of thread. . Great and recent improvement 4fake onr Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at all rates of speed. It makes ihe interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, even of the most ordinary capacity,can see, at a glance how to use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing ' Machines are finished in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Ma chine is a piece of ennning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the ma chine when not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened as a spacious and substantial table to sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the sim plest a;.'d chastest manner possible, others are adorned and embelished in the most costly and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as to judge of its t:reat capacity and beauty. It . is f.i! beepming as p.opular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needUs, oil, etc, of the very be.t quality. . Send for a Pamphlet. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO , 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.8 10 Chestnut St N. 8. Tingley, Agent, in Espy, Pa. , A. J. Evans Agent, in Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1863. Old Things Become icw, The nnderigned would beg leave to in form his old friends, and "the re6t of man kind," that he has lately ralurned from the service of his country, and again re opened his O L D ESTABLISH ED T A ILO RING SALOON, with a view of making up entire new gar ments, as well as mending old ones, for all mankind, and any body else, who may favor him with their work in his line. He is prepared io do work NEAT, Fash 10NABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes by so doing, and strict attention lo business to. merit and receive a due share of patron axe. But remember, all, that thi.se t'mes require money, or something to live upon, he therefore hopes and trud, that when he ha done hi part, his customers will do theirs, by furnishrnur the "reaiy John," or ready trade. For truly the" "Laborer is worth v of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT Bloomsburg, Sept. 10 18G2. A CARD TO THE SITFERIXG. SWALLOW two or three Hogshead of Buchn, Tonic Bitters. Sarsaparilla, Nervous Antidotes, &c, &c, &c.t and after you are sati-fied with the result, then try one box ol OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH SPECIFIC PILLS, and be restored lo health and vigor in less than 30 days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and sabiury in their eflect on the broken down and sli a'tered constt '.ntion. Old and young can take them with advantage. "Imported and sold in the U. c. otiiy oy mo. o. du i i-ijx, No. 427 Broadway, New York,' fiTAgont for ihe United State. . P. S. A box of the pill, securely pack ed, will be mailed to sanv address on rceip of price, which is ONK DOLLAR, post pnid, money refunded by the Agent if e'ltire uatiifaciion i not given. July 20. 1864. 3m. . EDITOR OF THE 'STAR,' Dear Sir: With your permission I wish to say to the readers of y our paper thai 1 will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (free) a Re cipe, with full directions lor making and nsing a simple Vegetable Bslm. that will effectually remove, in ten days, pimples, blotches, Tan, rreckles, and aw impurities of the skin, leaving the same soft, clear. smooth and beautiful. I will also mail tree to those, having Bald Head, or bare Faces, simple directions arid information that will enable them to start a full growth luxuriant hair, whiskers, or a moustache, in les than 30 day.s. All'applicationB answered by retu'n mail vrhhont charge. Respectfully yonrs, THOS K. CHAPMAN, Ct.emiM. 831 Broadway, New York. !.,f.. r. a iOci 1 ,n iVortli central Ztailivay. T I M E TA LB E . TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the ! North and West Branch of the Susquehan na, EJmira, and all of Northern New York. On and after Motidav, April 20lh, 1863, the Pa-er"ger Trains of the Nonh Central Railway will arrive and depart from Sun bury, Harrisburg and Baltimore, a9 follows: SOUTHWARD. Mai! Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10.10 a.m. Leaves Hat riborg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg.except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore daily except Monday, at 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NORTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays at . 9.15 a m Leaves Harrisbnrg, 1.15 pm Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p m Express Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrives at Harrisburg, 1.35 a.ra Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday, 3.00 Arrives at Sunbury. . 5.3S ( For further particulars apply at ihe office. I. N. DUBARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Aug. 8, 1863. B31TTSTSaYf n c iioivlr, SIRGOA DEiVTI ST. T ESPECFULLY offers his --'professional services to the -7 ladies & gentlemen of Blooms bnrg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend to all the various operations in Dentistry, and is provided with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. , Mineral plate and block teelb manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. , A scperior article of Tooth Powders, al ways'on band. All operations on the teeth wsrmnt Bd, !' i i . ' ! IfEiAAOS. --CP TiJi j3.IT i BELLiriT. The Moat Complete and Magnificent IVar Exhibition Extant Devoted to raisi g Funds for a Na tional Home, 100,000 TICKETS, AT SI EACH. ' A DONATION of 34.720 i ValuoNe Prop erty to the Ticket Holders. - JOSIAM TERHAM, Agent for t I Pro prietors, has the honor to announce a plan for creating a'fund for the founding ol.a National Institut ion, to be a home for In valid, disabled, discharged soldiers. The original sumber of Tickets issued for this object was 100,000. one third o( which have been already disposed of in Boston, Mass. where the. enterprise ' was first projected. - . Each of the One PoUnr Ticlet igood for Four Admissions to the Mammoth MIRBOR OF THE REBELLION, at 585 Broadway, New York Cily, or wherever else exhibited. One half of the profits of the entire sale will be exclusively devoted and donated to the above named patriotic object. According to the Priginul advertifd plan, a Mass Meeting of the ticket hold ers was held in Faneuil ' Hall, Boston, on Nov., 4th, and an adjouriied meeting at ihe same plnce on Dec, 16th. The fol lowing named penllemen were elected as a. Board of Trustees, to receive the funds which may accrue Irom the novel enter prise, and to appropriate the same, to this object in accordance wnh the plans of the oriainator ; Gen John S. T)lr, Breton: bis Excellency Governor James Y. Smith, of Rhode Hand; Hon. Geo Brigjjs of New York ; his Excellency Gov. A.G. Curtin of Pennsylvania. Major Gen' N. P. Banks, ct Mass., Major Gen. O. O Howar-5 ol Maine, his Excellency Gov. Richard Ya'e, of Illinois. To speedily accomplish this great ob ject, every wise means will Le used by the projecior lo effect the immediate sale of Ihe ticket; and he call npon 'he loyal and humane to assist earnestly in carrying this noble undertaking forward io a (Hum phanl success. Nei.her its importance, nor its feasi bility,can be called in ques'ioti. Lei the people but respond in a spirit worthy oj the project, and no obstacles shall delay its consummation. Making the proposition in good faith, and ready to devote hi whole energie to the great wotk, the projector firmly be lieves ihe tide of popular lavor will flow in th desired direction, and accomplish the lotindig and insure the creation of a permanent National InMitntimi, which shall be an asylum for ihe riired sol lier. whose loss of health or limb is hi lip!o ma for heroic services performed in hi country's cause, and which hall o t!o vn j to the future generations a blessing to man- j kind and an enduring monument to ihe j hberali;y of ihe loyal people. : j Bv oornpinir.g. thi enterprise with a j public place of amusement ol such well ! established high character and merit, the 1 snbsciiV.er lo ihe fund, while giving -h! money for the promotion of a grat char- ! itable design, may receive a lull equiva- ; letii for the outlay in witnessing t hip. ' snlendid series of Painting. ATT A K AC FIVE I'OUNTY TO PUR CHASER. To effect the speediei-t possible sale of j these ticket, so that nnnecessary ex-per.se j may be saved, ai;d Ihf National Homj Fund proportionately increased, a jfurther i inducement is offered a a oouiity to pur- : chaer. - ' A soon as the tickets shall harp been ! sold, in addition lo one half the profits. a j aforesaid, the following described prop i erty will be dona ed to ihe ticket holders, ! and placed in the hands ol their Trustee, j a distinct board having been chosen fori that purpose, at the mass meetings held i as above stated, and which consists of the j following gentlemen wno, on receipt ol the property, will dispose. o"lhe same, by lot, or oiherwise, a the ticket holders in mas meeting may direct--there to be no violation of law in such disposal : Hon. C. O- Rogers, Hon. C. W, Slack. Gen. Bobt. Cowdin, Col. A. J Wright, John C. Hay nes, Esq., ol Boston, Johna Webster Esq., of Maplevill, Mass , Isaac S. Morse Er-q., of Cambridge, Mass. SCHEDULE OF DONATION PROPERTY To ivh'uh the Ticket-holders u-ifl be entitled. Otie gen'eel residence in the Cily ol Robury. Mass. valued at S!0 000 Three Piano fori, val. at 5500 each t.- -. i ..cinr n 1,500 Five piano-fortes, val. at 300 ech 1,500 50 2,500 60 Five Gold Watches, at 100 each, Fifty Gold Watches, at S50 each, Two shares in the Boston-and Wor cesier Railroad, a 130 each. ' Twc shares in Ihe Boston and Maine 260 200 Two shares in the'Merchatits' Buk, Boston, at S-100 ench, Six thousand Gold Union Medals valued at S3 each, lflJOO Ttro Sewing Machines, at $50 each, 100 Total, 34,720 Dne notice will W git en of il.e next mass meeting of Ihe licket holders whic1) will take place in New York City A National Home Ticket, costing on. dollar, consist of five, coupons, tour ul which are admissions io the Mirror, good at any time, nnd '.h other a certificate of an interest in the Enterprise, which the purchaser retans. The admision coupon may be" nsed sep arately, or all at once, as suits the conve nience of the purchas-r. All communication on the subject, and all orders for tickets by mail, or expres, should be directed to JOS1AII TERHAM, Agent, 585 Broadway, New York City. T O C L U B S. ' Persons taking an active interest in this charitable nnrleri.king, - by getting up clubs, will receive eleven tickets lor every ten dollars sent. Jan. 20, 1864 ggNElV 3IILLIXERI GOODS -cX FA I.I. ANl'J 1VISTF.lt. Mis MARY BERKLEY has just returned Irom New York and Philadelphia with an excellent assoriment of Millinery Gobds. She has the very latesl fashions and the most approved styles of Hats and Bonnets, together with ihe most tasteful lot ol Rib bons, Trimmings, &c. Give her a call aod examine for yourselves. : MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, Oct. 1?, 1864. To Consumptives. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for the cure. of Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections free of charge,) by sendFns their address to Rev.EDVVARD -PEKnAK'S INVALID SOLDIER NATIONAL HOME ENTERPRISE. 5 8 5 BROADWAY NEW Y O R K , Imp u In nt ; : - - to -' ; : IRO.v IN THE BLOOD, b i well known to the ri.eJK'al pro'es- sinii ihat Iron i. ih vi ul Principle or., l.ito Elem-m ol ihe tlr.od This i derived hiflly from ihe food we ; bo I it , loed is not properly' iPgeted or if, lnm .ny cmubb v. Iiate ver, rie ne e-sjtry quan tity ol iron is riot takei. into ihe circulation or lecomes reduced the whole system fiat (ers. I he bad blood will irritate the heart, will clog tip the lungs, will stupefy the brain, wi,ll obstruct the liver.and will 'send its disease producing elen.ents to all part of ihe system, and every one w ll suffer jn whatever oigan may be predisposed to dit ea.e. The great value of IRON ASA MEDICINE - ' 1. well known and acknowledged by all medical men.--The difiicnl'y.ha beer, t obuiti such a preparation ot it as wilfi eiw ter ihe circulation and asi-irmlHle at one with the blood. This point, says Dr Hayes, Massachusetts Staie Chemist, iia be-ti at tained in the Peruvian Syrup, by combma, lion in a way before unknown. " ' " , TH E' TR RC VI A N SYRUP r, Ia protected solution of the Profojids of Iron. A new discovery in medicine that' strikes at Hie Root ol Disease ' by ' inpply ins: th blood with its Vital Principle 'or Life E.ement Iroi.. . THE PERUVIAN SYRUP - ni Cures Dispcpsia, Liver Compljutii, Dropsey Fver and Ague. Loa of energy, Low, Spirits. x;j THE PERUVIAN SFRUP infuses slreng'h, visor, and new life into the system, a no builds op an 'Iron Consti tution." - THE PERUVIAN SYRUP ' ' ' Cures Nervous Atleciions, Female Com plaint, and all diseases of ihe Kidneys and Bladder. . THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Is a Specific for all dieases originalin? in a bail- mte of the blood, or accompanied I. by Debiln; or a low slate of the system.. j Pamphlets containing certificates 'of ! cures and recommendations from some of j the most eminent Physicians,- Clergyman t and others, will be tent FREE to ahy ad- tt re. s v j. We select a f w of he names tb khow '. the character ot Ihe testimonial. Jolm E. Williams E-q , President of the Melropo i'an Bank. NY. ' Rev Abell S.evei.s. late Editor Christian Advocate & Journal.. . - t Rev P. Church, Editor N. Y. Chronicle. Kev. John Pierpoul, Rv. Warren Burtons Rev. Arthur B. Fuller. Rev. Gordon Rob bins, Rev. Stlvanus Cobb, Re. T. Starr King, Rev. Ephrsim Nine, Jr., Key. Josehp H Clinch, Bev Henry Upham, Rev.' P. C, Headley, Rev. Jon n VV. Oltntead. Lewi J'jhn.on, M. D . Rosweil Xinney, M. D S. K Kendall, M' D , W R Chi-holm,M D. Francis Dana, M. D , Jeremiah Stone, M. D, Jose Antonio Saiiches, M. D ,' A. A. Hayes. M. D., Abraham Wendell, M. rf. ... 1.11 lfui;. .tl. A'., . IlilH'CJ, Prepared by N L. ( Iark.& Co . exclU sively tor J. P. DlNSMORE,N. 491 Broad way, Now York.' Sold by all Druggim. - - ': Retidins'x Riisa Salve ! FORTY-YEA KS FXPERIK.NCE has firi ly eMaMthed th" superiority of ' RKDDING'S RUSSIA SALVE Over all other healuig preparations It corf all kii.ds of Sores, Cuts, Scalds, Barn. Boil", Ulcers, Salt Rheum. , Eryip Us, Sties. Piies, Corn, Sore Lip, Sote Eves, removing the pain at once, and reducing the most angry looking swelings. and inflamaii on as if by magic. ' ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. Fr sale by J. P. DINSMORE, N". 4Sl Broadway, New York, S W. FO'A'LE t Co., No. 18 Trejiotii Si Boston, and by all Dni22it. - ; August 3, 164. ly I Ol. . 1 - M n II V L'lnn.. . t D ARTHUR'S HOME J1AGAZIE. Edi'ed by T S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN IA E. 1 OVVNSKN U. " The Hnrne Magazine for 1865 will be en larged and improved, and made Mill more worthy of the eminent favor with which it j has been received Its character as a Efigh-Toncel Periodical, claiming public favcr cn the ground of real i merit, will be carefully maintained ; while ! for variety it',"t, usefalne, and all the ! attractions o Jife .ture and art essential to i a true Home Ai.azin. e the publisl.ersjwill aim to make it Superior To All Oihers. A Fine Steel Engraving, and Two Pages ' of Music, will appear in evsry number, besides, choice pictures, groups and char- acters, prevailtttg lashions, and a large va , riely ol pattern lor earmenis,' embroidery, ! etc., eic. In "all rep.ci we shall sive ; - A FIRST-CLAS MAGAZINE. ' at a price within the reach of every intellia gen. family in Ihe land." i A new story by T. S. ARTHUR will be commenced in the January nnmber. i v- i.. t a r ,. lfit!IV jriU'-, t fviai. c wile Kiyj , 52 JO, three copies, 56,00, five copies and i' one to the :etier-up of club, S10.00, nin j copies, and one to the getter up of 'club ! f 15 00. I tlT A beautif il Trcmium Plate, pniiiled ' The Ir fancy o! Shakspeare," . wil' be mailed to each person who send ns a club of subscribers. It will also be mailed to each single subscriber from whom .we r- ceive S2.50. CF"For S4 50 we will send one copy of each of home Magazine and Gody 'a Lady's Bo?K for one year. .Address T. S. ARTHUR L CO. ' 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 23. 1864. t ATRIMONIAL. LADIES AND GEN- I'l, ilemen. . If you wish "o marry address the undersigned, who will send yon wi:b out money and without price, valuable in formation that will enable yon to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and if yon wish to marry. I will cheerfully assisi yoo.. AH letters strictly confiaential. The desired informa tion sent by return mail, and no questions a'ked. Address Sarah B. Lambert, Green point Kings county, New-York. 0-:t. 12, 1864 2m Dli.J.R. EVANS, ; Physician and Surgeon, STAVING located permanently oo Main 1A Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., wonld in form the public generally, that he is pre pared to a tenJ to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted lo his care, uu in ins i-uMiiuerisu raie wnn tne iimea. ' 5He pars strict attention to Surgery aswell as JHedicin86 November 25, 1 ' 3.-ly. t 7 : nivin i.nirRREnc: - n t n t it r .v n z t n i? r? fin Mlin I 9 am, ItrAHnnrllttAtt.lhff Am ican Hotel. of whW kers, a nice moustache, or a . r . i i j r i i..:.' :il liiui iieau oi sio-7 n'r, i"ooo Mi -rr jr"i t j