STAR OF THE NORTH TfllNGS C0"CT TOWX& COUSTRT. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29. 1965. Thb blue-bird have made their appear ance. They look re'lreshiogly vernal and 'sprightly. . - . . . Clibton Robbikb, of Greenwood town 'hip, will sell on Tnesday of next week "Tive head of horsea. together with a lot of -good lumber, and his entire household anil Ititchen furniture. VVc are hating an early spring. The 'weather for the past few days has been balm) and serene. The grass and the buds upon the trees are coming oat finely. Thcrc are indications of a , movement on 'the part of General Grant. Many of the eick thai were in the fie'd hospitals hare been removed to Ciiy Point. Captain Msksch has been, home on a 'visit to bis family . The Captain is enjoy ing good health and is foil of vigor. He reports the company in good heahh. Thi ' Fra Bill regulating :he Justices Wees in the Counties ol Erie and Crawford lha9 been exteutted to ihL counsy. We will -prepare and print a fx bill (or the Justices and Constables of this county, in a few days, which will be for sale at this office. Those of our readers who change their residence on the 1st oi April will inform os I the cha.ige, in order that we may di tect our papers accordingly. Give us the name and post office address. Both branches of the Legislature have passed a general bill increasing the lees of Clerks of the Orphans' Court, Register and Recorder, Sheriff, and District Attorneys. Trie Bill has become a law. The dI Columbia and Montour are not excluded from the operations of this law. -.- - Niew volunteers are going into the ser vice every day. Companies are being or panizedat Camp Cnrun, Harnsbnrg, daily. Raw recruits are sent to the tront .without lite least drilliog, or experience in cam paigning, to be rushed into the jtws of death the moment the enemy opens his, liuge mouth, through . which many before -riaie parsed. . The moving season" is cloe ar hand. There will be a great, many changes made vli is j ing in this place We understand Jiooesare scarce, and many families wilj 4-e obliged to discontinue 'honse-keeping" lake up boarding at the Public Houses. i his may te fully s cheap, considering 'he high rents and the extravagant price of living. - Gold has fallen 10 I 50 and caused many broker and merchanlsto 'break up" in fJew York and Philadelphia, L V. SwaP ' 1.KS8, ib Bloomsourg, is rot '"broken,' now offered in the market li is compos tbongh he will cause o her Stores in town eC of such elements as make it adapted to 10 ' shot up" for want of customer, if ihei will not come down to his prices. He sell - c'ry -goods, groceries and all ar'icle usually tound in country stores at reduced prices o suit the fU of gold Give him a call. He 1 is there in Rupert "s .Block below Market Street; and ready tr accommodate you Ma David Lowekbeko requests as to 'ate thai be has just replenished his already large assortment ot goods ; such as cloths, cassimeres, vesting?, and goods generally tor men's wear. Besides he bis recruit . . - i- r 1 1 -t 1 - l 1 ca up iiis iiuck ui jewcuj, ui wuicu ue keeps on hand a varied . and splendid as sortment. Mr.. Lowenberg is op to the times in fashion, quality oc any way you may choose to take him, in his line. Give his establishment a call. Advertisement Will appear in our next. -.Wesley Wiht, Esq., went to Harrisborg on Monday evening last, to Jake - steps to wards feaving the credit of some 40 or 50 men, who lef; this place and enlisted, placed to this township, as the law directs. Should Bloom township receive the proper credit for the men that have went into the ervice since the passage of an' act requir ing ll who er.Iist to creJit to their place of residence, the quota f this township would be more than made op. The trains on the- Lackawanna and Rlnnmahnrv Railroad hava renaif(f ihnirl usual trips as laid down by the time-table It was bat two or. three days thai the road was itnpasiab(e on account of the late high water. We are pleased to state that the damage done was nothing like aa great as waa anticipated. Tha North Branch Canal Company sustained much more serious loss than did the Pat I road Company. New Bounty Law. Tha Bounty Law at it now stands, provides for the levying and collecting of a tax not exceeding $400 and a per capita tax not exceeding $15. It also provides for the drafted man'receiviog $400 or the man 'who pots in a substitute and credits such . substitute to the towothip wharf the principal resides. This law is optional with the authorities. They can act if they feet it is the genera- wish of the people ol their district.- - " The Abolition war party of to-day are the most, cbop-f alle n set of people ever known Their wild shrieks lor blood are 00 more tear J. The lime has come when Abraham rhe first oeis their services, and they are endeavoring 10 shirk the responsibilities. Tbey wer, a few years ago, bellowing loud and deep for the vigoroua prosecution of this war; and were willing 10 sacrifice the iaatmaa and the last dollar, bat never in tended that their dollars should ,Je thus plat er tiai their bidf hoald) ever be f'srforatsd wiih bullets. ; We are d 10 state that oar. young and valued friend Capt. C. G. Jack son of the 8-fi'h, who wa's seriously wOouded. and taken prisoner in the battle at the Wilder ness last May, "has returned borne on pa role to his parents and friends, in Berwick The Captain has seen some hard service besides some very sever treatment at the bands of the "reboots," although he looks better than oine-tentha of the returned prisoners. A Provost Marshal is to be appointed in this District in the place of C. M Man ville, removed. We saw an announce ment that our townsman.' Capt. Silver had received the appointment ; bo. on making inquiry about the marter we were informed that the announcement was premature The Captain is an applicant with fair pros pects of receiving the appointment. We do not know why he should not have it as well as some one else. So far as we have been able to observe, the Spring election have resulted in favor of the invincible Demo?racy. We have had gains in nearly. 'evert town, Ward, Precinct, and township, throughout the State, where elections have been held. The Stale is good for a handsome Democratic Major ity next Fail. We will elect a Democratic Auditor General and Surveyor General with, out mistake. The hand writing on those old wills is becomin g too plain for us to be deceived in this matter. The ruinous pol icy pursued by the present Abolition party must and will crush ihem down, not to be beard ot culy as a condemned party. The Abolitionists say-that the administra tion is the "government." AuJy Johnson, a leg of the government, is known to have been drunk at the inauguration, (How many others of the "government' were drunk has not been ascertained.) Nevertheless, Andy Juhnbou being drunk, the question arise, was the "government'' whole drunk, half drunk, quarter drunk, or was it only tipsy . Judging from the proceedings of'lhe inau guration, takeo all together, we should say that the ' government" was whole drunk. . The gold market is not as brisk as it was some three or four months ago In New York it was quoted at SI. 52, This created qnite a panic, which had hardly became subsided until it took another pitch down ward, to $1 48. This has had a tendency to already bringdown all articles of trade. It is hiubly important that something should take place lor as matters were going it woulti not have taken long to baukrept the whole country and place the necessaries of life beyond the reach of every man, even ih moderate ciscumstances. This fluctua tion at present in the money market may mean something of no little importance to the whole country ; then on the otter hand it may only be the working of a cunning enemy to further deceive the people into the support ol this bloody and wicked war, which in our opinion is net yet near the end. We wish we could think differently, bat we do not design to deceive our read ers. - For Sale Twenty dollars worth of good fertilizer. This fertilizer has been proved in practice to be the cheapest, rnnst profit able and best, lor the farmer, gardener and truit grower, ot alT concentrated manures the growth of . all kinds of crops in all kinds oi soil. e will also dispose- of an order calling for one of Fiukle'fit Lyon's first class Fitly Dollar Sevang Machines, with hemmer and feller and aU. necessary fixings. Any per son in need rf a capi'1 family sewing ma chine will do well lo caJ vpoa as. We also have far safi an irder fuf one ol Gkovkstekk Sl Co's No. 3 ltue Hundred Dollar Piano-Fortes, splenjid tfieewooJ, seven octaves, extra mouldings-, vvpen tine base, frei Ij re, harp pedal and cai ."ed Louis XIV style. This Piano look the prenhuni at the World's Fair besides at many other exhibitions. General GaANT need men, and tosnp' ply this need, the draft will pe enforced and our citizens are called on to contribute immense soma ol money. The necessity of instantly re enforcing our armie in the field is the reason. for inflicting untold sorrow up on hundreds of poor . families. And yet, notwithstanding all this effort, will it be be lieved that recruits do not reach the front, bat are kept crowded together on Bdloe's and Galloupe's Inlands? The Quartermas ter General pleado inability to gel adequate water transportation. Our military hospi tals are, forthe same reason, unable to send back convalescent patients to the regiments ThaSecrteary ol War cannot, in this boor of sopremesl peril, find vessels to transport recruits and conscripts to the front ; but the administration has no difficulty in placing a large steamer at the service of a congress ional junketing party, and a fi ;e yacht at the call of Mrs. Liucoln ! Fled to the mocstaihs. Shick-Shinney Borough was almost eotirely inundated du ring the recent freshet. The inhabitants were compelled to find refuge upon tha ad jacent bills and mountains. The people of Huntingdon valley very generously suppli ed those who were destitute, with provis ions. Berwick Gazette Confederate colored troops already have confronted, our forces before Richmond- Tbey have not been placed on picket duty, bat man the lortifjcations. A grandson of the author of "The Star Spangled Banner" receaily t'led ia the Old Capiul Prison, at Washington. ' A Number of wat clergymen have. been petitioning Congress for a recognition of God ia the Constitution. These bloody min ded parsons had better begin by recognizing Goi ia their patpiu. - 1st the "Life of Wilberforce," is the fo lowing entry in bis diary ; "Went to bear MrFoster. Felt much devo;ed And won dered at a mu who fell asleep daring the psalms.' Daring the earmoh, trfnl lo sittp . . E. & U. T. ANTIHOT & t0 , Manufacturer of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to cur main business POTOGRAPH1C MATERIALS, we of are Headquarters (or ie following, v it - Stereocopes andSteroscopic Views, Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and For eign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, "Stat uary, &c.,ij(!. Also, Revolving Stereo scopes lor puMic or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will be 6ent to any address on receipt of Stamp. 1 Photographic Albums. We were the firsl to introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture im rneriKe'quau'itiesJn great variety, raging in price from 50 cents to 850 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beanty and durability te any others- They will be eni by mail, , on receipt of price. l2&"Fint Albums Made to order.mXj CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Caia-loaue now embraces over Five Thousand subi-cts (to which additions' are rontmua v beina mare) or Portraits of Eminent Americans. &c, viz about 100 Maj Generals, 200. Brig. Generals, 275 Colonels," 100 Lieut. Colonels 250 Other Offiee'8, 550 Siatesmetis, 130 Div'nes, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stages, 50 Prom'nt Women, 75 Navy Officers, ISO Cromment foreign I'orlr.iilis. 3,000 Copies of Works of An, including reproduction of the most cele brated Engravings, Paintings, Statutes, &.; Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. A n Order for one dozen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on the receipt ol il.80 and sent by mail, Free. Pno oaraphers and others ordering good C. O., D will please rex i 1 twe ity rive je cent of ihe amount with iheir order. E & H. T. ANTHONY it CO., Manufacturers oj Pholou up Ma-eria!, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. " rW The prices und quality 0 our goods can not fail to satisfy. lec7, 1864. 6mo. REEVES9 ORIGINAL, & RLLIACLE, AMBROSIA, FOR THE GROWTH HEAUTY AND PRESERVATION OE THE HAIR. . established 18 CO. Price, 75 cts. per bottle. Thi preparaiion can show living evidences of its excel lence. SEE , Photograph and read cer'iG cate ol Mrs Wm. Sutton hair five leet and one inch in length used Reve' Ambro sia aboot twent iron hs. ALSO, Photograph and certificate of Mrs L M. Ned-hair fiv ft. length used the Ambrosia 18 months Thousands are nsing Ihis prep.'iration and offering wil I1112 te-tiinonials. These ootoraohs. taken from life, ha v.- , been awarded to extend th knowledge of the merits of this wonlerftil discovery. Hundreds have seen these ladies and hear! the farts from heir own lip-. . airs. Maxwell's Testimonial. bvjo York, Dec 23: 1862'. Knowing positively that Reeves' Am brosia produced a beautiful head of hair lor Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, New York, I was iiuluced, thereby, to use it thoroughly. I needed something for my hair, it being short and thift had used. one hall dozen "bottles when I could plainly nonce an increase in iH length, strength, and beanty. An experience of about iw years has proved a complete success. Mo hair is now by measurement, four feet ten inches in length, nearly reaching the floor. I Lave allowed my photograph to proclaim ihe merits of Reeves' Ambrosia 10 the world. MRS. WALLACE E. MAXWELL. UL? 7w enienprising tjruggiai un j these Phutosrrophs and keep Jor ale, REEVES' dMBROM.l at 75 Cents per Bottle. Dru'?gii who may not have our prepa ration, will send for it if applied to Jrr cipal Depof, 62 Fulton Streei, New York. Measw French, RicharJs, & Co. of Phil adelphia, General Agents lor Pennsylvania. Nov. 30. 1864. 6 roos. ARCANA WATCH.. An Elegant Kovtltj in Watche. THE cases of this watch, are an entirely new invention , .composed of different matals combined, . rolled logetber and planished, prod ucing an exact imitation of 18 carat gold, called Arcana, whi-:h will always keep its color. They are a. beantiful and durable as solid gold, and are afforded at one eighth the cm The cae is beautifully . designed, wuh Pnl and shield lor narne, witn. Patent Push Pm, and engraved n the exact style of the cele brated Gold Hnnting Levers and are real ly handsome "and desirable, and so exact ari imitation of gold, a to defy deieeuon. The movement is manuXactured by the well known St. Jimer Watch Company ol" Europe, and are superbly finished, having engraved pallets, fancy carved bridges adjusting regulator, with sold balanced, and the improved roby jewelled anion with the line 'dial and skeleton hand, and ia warranted a aood tine keep-r The watches are of three iliff-'-ni iz--. l -smalle-t being for la. lies an f are nil H-iv ing Caes. A case of ij. wii!.- e t r v mail or Ex,re lor Sl2?.00 A '1 1 o sent in an eleir-M M'-ro t;o c-e ' r25.n will reai'ilj II tor 'hee v-ne ?.-ir -: We are the sole aa-nis (or I'.is V h : ; ihe U'ti'ed Sates,and vnun tire genu;:, which do 1101 bear onr Ttad-. Mark. Addre-i, DEVAUGH & CO., In.porters, 1 15 Mai-len Lane, New York. Feb 8, 1865 3io A CARD TO INVALt)S-A CLERGY man, w hile reMdiojj in S'mh Am-i-as a missionary, .iM-oered n af a ' pie remed lor the e c - . Nt- 'A -nens, Early Dea di.-e.-e-. . and Seminal Orn, a-ut ttir .v 1 ot disorders broiigM 01 by tari' t;. . ciouS tiaOits. Oreal nu r bers itav- : been cured bv 'hi nobl ren.e.! . P'- m 1 ed by a desire to b-nefi; the afiitc ' Cn for tori ate. I will end .he ren;.e tor pre paring and using this medicine, t ii any 'ne who needs it, in a sealed nelope free 01 charge. Please ecclo a stamped envel ope; addre-sei to yourself. Address JO SEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. ....... 52-ly National Foundry. Rloonifcbnr?:, Columbia fo., vf'ne snb-ribjr, proprietor of the bov name i exteiK-ive euMishtnen:. is row ntei'ard 10 receive orlers tor nil kind.- -f rr,aclrt,.ery;forCOLLERIES BLAST FIR 'A( ES STATIONARY ENG IN ES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c , &c. He is also prepared lo make S ove, all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in first-class Foundries HTs extensive facilities and practical workman, wairant him in receiving the largest contracts on the rnosl reasonable terms.- -' . GT Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. This establifhment is located near he Lackawanna Railroad Depoi. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. f 1863. Tho New York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN the WORLD 1 HE extei-ive and comprehensive (acu ities in its possession enables the Pro prietor of the Weekly Herald 10 guarantee the la'est and most reliable inlormation possible to b obtained, not only from all parts of the United States,but from all parts of the world. lis home correspondents, enaaged at very heavy cost, and connected with each new naval and military expedition ol the gov ernment, prove thai it is determined to leave no spot uncovered by 'is operations and no event cxn occur that shall not ficd imme diate report in its columns. It costs ihe proprietor over one hundred thousand dol lars per yer to maintain its corps of cor respondents in the field. In its collation of Foreign News the Herald has for years held a high position, and it will endeavor in Ihe future o main tain tha stand it ha assumed. It has spe cial correspondents' stationed in all of the prir-i-i o-1t eities of the world. li teiesirapnic arranzemems r,vniu wherever ih eler-tric wires are stretched, i W 1 en ihe Atlrfi't"" :able'i laid, which j f-.t will s.. on be a- mi.lis.-d telegrams , will be r-i--lTet tr n. E'' .. in! A-l 1 a i well as iront tf e Vv "! ,ir rn.U. wll. h tve h evert- I t-.-ti nr j f ihe week ' it. a'l :-r -i r I .tie m '' --m- ' r--.l.triy and clearly laid beto'c ihen. The ,in pnt K f tievot-e a portmr. of ihe ncnar m 1 1 1 r.. tn re. Fasl'ioii, Aaricul'Ure, ihe Mechanic Art, Sporting Matt-re 80-i-I nes, Theatrical and Jfinam-ial nepons. Catile Markets, General News, and reports ,.1 nti or,.ic r.a!oiilait in form an excellent m-lMpolitan newspaner a weekly photo graphic view ol ih- events of (he world and nil at a -ry Imv price. The Weeklv H-rald is i-'ned every Sat- j urday morriin'a, and lurni-heM 'I'' o1" low ins! ra'es : One copy S2 00 Fiw ropi-s a" 1 dree copies 5 00 l-n enp'e 1 Any lar-er nun.Ner ad-tre d to nam-s of su crib-r 61 50 -in-h. A etra ro -y j vi it! h- .e-.' t' -ver,- c In'- ;f e'i. TwC'ty r'jj iet. t'i 01- n on y a r . S25. iii 1 any larir wiKi.i-r a m- .nee An extra ro. v sei.l t. rlnh- ol twee". 1 j . Aii vt-r:im.iil t it a It'll) "it nii'iiD r-u 1 II be inoerted in 1 tie WeekU Heral l The Dail Herald. Four cen ;-er cOi . Fourteen Dollars ter y-ar jor i.r t'Ou ' and i y thffi i?-ii-'. S e-' ' r: ' r ix rriPll'l's. Ti'iei- C--t-ai- l ' V for 'h.e- n " 0" - J A M K-i GO ri DON B E N N K I i" E.ti ni ... I'-:. .)' Northwest cor Fni on a Th-re are nr travel 4 N ,r-.iU--!- V r . jioe.iis 'or i'i" H-r-l I. THE JIAGAZIXE I FOR THE TIMES! P K T Fa I i S O i S . JH A G A Z I E The Rest and Cheapest in the World for Ladieji .' The popular monthly magazine will be greatly improved for J865. It will contain Oi.e Thou-an! pages! Fourteen :piendid Steel Plates ! I wei ve Comied Fashion Piares ! Twelve Ci-lored B-rlin Wrork Patt-m '. Nine Hu idrel Wool Cot!-'. Twen: four Ph-- 'l M ! All Ihis will be 2ivert tor only Two dol lars a year, or a dollar ' M; znes ol 'he cla-ol ;'P-te'-on ' I Thrillinff Tales and X velettf s rti c 1 it jt- r 1 , .1. K-. PR h'i; .1 nriy a' r . Ali :h- n:n-t nonnUr vvn'rr an en; i ! ; e.l ui rit iri I8fid. n oiiinaily for "Pelern-n addition to its Un il Allan' v of rhrt "t 'i ie.. Four oria' Copsn'tt Novelette will te uiven, by Ann S Sihph-ns. L'mii-e C. Monlton, Frank Lee Benedict, and the Author of Ihe "Second Life." Il also pub lishe , Fashions Ahead of all Others. Each number, sn' addition to the colored plate, gives Fonnet, Cloaks and Dresses, ang'aved on wood AUo, a pattern, from which a Drees, Mantilla; or Chil t's Dres can be cm, w ithout the aid of a man'u-ma-ker. AUo several paj;es of Housshol,f a-al other Receipits. II i the eeit Lady's Magazine in the world TRY IT FOU ONE YEAR. - TERMS Always in Advance. One copy, one year. S 2 00 Eight mpues lor one year. 12 00 v ....I-.., i-nm-s fofone;ear 20 00 Premium for Getting vp Hub's the above, ia e-, a CJ; y lie ; r Y.ajazp e il prrl-r 27 V-H-e- for 1865 will S i 11 ii r 11 - r.A iK .,i:im i:.'r.(VIIIJ J-tZe. bv 20 in ie-.; fi,.t.hi'-e'" Pmliue Fiom His Gn ernlt." Ad. ire--, pt .-I pai l. CHARLES J PETERSON 306 Chestiiiii ctreet, Philadelphia. 'CF"S, act nens eni rrati. when it lor. Nov. 23 1864. EDITOR OF THE STAR DEA K SIR: iii.i-'i'o I ,r . e: I' ll vv; 10 . Alii ' I i 1 . 1' R t-e read-r tor-' 'i;;' I r',: . i it ! i . I - i- 1 1 a SI I- pi- Vf.J li1, r? f OV t ,,, t-e- 1'.,' . iiS i t M.i- St, i- li erf- P. , -. rtil I;, r -a;r.- o-e Waving '.r; e iie- Hbi- ' em r. H.r t .IX a ' l!;e Tiii.- Fr-l-fc: 1 K I V I ' ,.'-!( Ml ' I Bi' H-ad- er H I 1 - ,1 ii i; lorriiK t .1- .Ht Wit L.i o t. -r at n sk-r- l .'IV l liuiiDh iihJA NEhT-Y CP iii is ir -e-S I2 iv 1 in t OFF1CK OF THC STAR OF TII1R IVOKTII, BLOOMSBURG, PAi X. J 1,. - : -.--jf M- C -JL -. . a -i. .7' f JT rr' I 'GROVE ST EN 80 CO. PIAINO-FORTIi JIAMIFACTHRERS, rrrCEgirJlygt!yL sfcy 2c2irCs.s. THE attention of the pnblie and the trade Is invited to oor New Scale 7 Octave . Rose nod Piano Fortes, which lor volume and purity of tone are nnrivalled bv any hi hero worn offered in ihis mark et. CI, J lirY l-uiii.Mi Thpv rnnlain all Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Slrnna under the personal supervision ot Mr J. liliKUVtaitno na -oerience of over 30 years in iheir manufacture, is fully warrented in every PMr"rr'ar 7Vie Grovettttn Fiano-Fcrte Received the Highest award of Merit overall others at the Celebrated World's Fair. . Where were exhibited instruments-from the best maker of London, Par., '""J" Philapelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York; and also at the .A;;" "' five succes.iU years, .he gold and silver medals Trom both of wh.c h can be seen m ou, ware-roon. By the introduction of improvements we mate a still more Pf Forte, and by manufacturing larsely, with Ihe-e instruments at puces which win preciune an comp. n..... PRIPF.S No. 1. Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood plain case jwo Siif.n D.Mave. round corners. Rosewood heavy moulding 5oo round comers. Rosewood Louis XIV s.le S325, a lf .m.le of 1 a bove it. TEIMI. IVET CASH, I IV CCKKOT FIUVDS. ty DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SEAT FREE. July 13, 1R64 ly. .FlTiA3I CL0TUES VTRIXGCR. IT IS IHu ONLY RELIABLE .V V LF-A D JUSTING WRINGER. No Wood Work to swell or split No Thuvib sci'ew to gel out of order Warranted with or without cog-wheels T 100k the first premium at fifty-seven i A Stat- and County airs in Ibhi, and i j without any exception, the best Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, ! England, Canada, and Australia. Agents i wanted in every town, aii't in all parts ol tie world. Energetic Agent can mane froTi three to ten Dollars per day. Sim. le Wringers sent Express paid on rTS'i'' if pric6. S . 2 S6 50. No 1.S7 50. No. F, SS.50. y, A. 9 50. Manufactured anf sold, . ..olo-ale and retail, by THE PLM "NAM MANUFACTURING CO., No 13 Plxtt Street, N Y. & Cleveland, O. A H FRANTISCUS, Agent, Pf-iladelphia. Pa. II hut i vryloily K',?ows. viz : y.ti I ri wetl jiiilvi.-.iizeii v" impi. , -niiple m'-'ine 1 hewr than a i-h-.I on-. That a Wringer ;honld i ,ilj i-nni!v durable, and efficiertl. i'Mirntt -crew- and Factenins caus-e ami trouble lo rejul.ite and keep in 1 hat wood coaked in hot water I e Tii lo order. will W e 1 II itinnk and split. .1 hat woou b-aring" foi the shaft to ron in will wear out. I nat the Putnam Wringer, with or i itl.ont coi wheels, will not lear the clothe-. That wheel regulator are not essen tial That ihe Putnam Wrinner has all the ailvanirfse, and not one of the dis?dvan taes above named." That all who have tested it, pronounce" it the. b st Wringer ever ma'de. That it will wrina THREAD or a BED QUILT w ithout alteration. We mmht fill the paper with testimoni als, bur insert only a few to convince the t-kepiical. if uch there be; and we say io all, test P-.imam's Wiinaer Tem it ihnr ontil wuh ny and all others, arid if nni ,.,,t,,r -mi i-fclrry return it. Putmtfi Manufacturing Co. G-r. ie-i -n I know from practical -;eri-iC'' tttt ir n well alvtniz-d with ,nf i!l 1 ' ost tize "r mt 01 - partible. ;-,v Pnu rt-r. Wnraer is a near perfect as pLS-iine. .t il I can cheerfully recommend 11 10 be the bel in use. Kecpecttully yours," JOHN W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Onio. Many years experience in the galvaniz iii2 business, enable me lo endorse the above etateinenl in all particulars JNO C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Beekman-St. New York, January, 1864. We have tested Putnam's Clothes Wring er by pru'tical working, and know that it will do. It i cheap, it is simple, it requires no room whether at work or at rest; a child can operate it It does in duty thoroughly. It Mve time and it save wear and tear. We earnestly advi-e all who have mnch washing to do, wiih all intelligent persons who may have any, to buy this Wringer. It will pay 'or itselt in a year a mo-t. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864 ly. HIE XEH GliOCEIlY ST0UE FORMERLY ERASMAS' OLDAND ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. 11re Fresh Good. Just received at Henry Giger's New Store. Mi )L ASSES, SUGARS, . TEAS, COFFEE. RIUE, SPICES, l2"jfe'2j33 JISSe FISH. SALT, TOBACCO, SF.GARS, CANDIES, RAISIN, FEED AND rROVISlONS. Tu'j-itier with a greai variety of notions ,itc numerous ro mention. - & Bn 1- r Fags Meal and produce gen- - ' e h.iPge for aOOiti. - HENRY GIGER. -. -. 1 i Hi. NLV- it-: ' ..ij ri-.iV 10 s,jeeiiiiy . ,-ive Uji etla(le, O' ur medicine. Sent i-- ipi af 10 cenrs. Ad- 1 , ire- . o .: ! - E B. FOOI E, M. D. . 1130 Broadway, New YorK. Feb. 1, 1865 6rno. Ayers Cherry Pectoral the mooeril im nru r uir im i, i - ..... & 1 batr. ., ara earn ntMrnu. . . . a sttictly cash sstero, No. 2 No. 3, Seen Oc ave, JVeic Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rriHE undersigned respectfully jnforms his c 1. nn.i iko nnhiir nenerauv. ihat he has insl received from ihe pastern liiriius ouu iiiw 1 Cities, a laree asortmenl of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seal of Fashion, of -sorts, sixes and quantities, which will sold cheap for cash or country produce. -ALSO,- all be HATS & CAPS BOOTS AND SHOES. Together with a variety of no lions and ihings too troublesome to numer ate, to w hich he invites the attention 01 pur chaer. Cl?" He is also prepared to make us clothing lo order, on reasonable termp, and up to the latest fashions. CSCall at?d examine our slock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburg, April 27. 18SL Miller's Store. OF FALL AND WIXTER GOODS. flHE subscriber ha just returned from tfie cities with another large and select assortment nf Fall and Winter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, a 1 ihe lowest figure, and which he is deter mil ?d to sell on as moderate terms as cai be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Hi f.irck comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of Ihe chf. icet-f styles and latest fashions, loether with a Iarae assortment of DRY-GOODS. MUSLINS, CLOTHS, AND VESTINGS. ALSO, . GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS W A RE, CEDABWARF.. HOLLOW WARE. NAILS, IRON. BOOTS Sr SHOES, HATS CAPS,4 c. Tn hhort, everything usually kept in coun try Ftores, 10 w hich he inv dee he attention of the public generally. The hii-hest piice will be paid for coun try produce, in exchanea for goods. V STEPHEN H. MILLER. . Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1864. 1 1 E F R K S B 1 .71 E A T S A la O O AT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. H. C Christmas, J" ESPECTFULLY announces to-the citi zens of Bloomsburg and vicinity that he has just opened a new Refreshment Sa loon and Confectionery Store, on Main-st second door below the "American House," where fie intends supplying all who may eive him their custom with FKESH OYS TERS. Clam Sonp, Sardines, Boiled Egs, Ham Tripe Pigs' Feet, Dried Herring, &c. lie will alo keep on hand a superior ar ticle ol DRAUGHT ALE, Porter Lagerbeer, and Sarsaparilla : together with a good as sortment of Candies, Sweetmeats, Cakes, Cigars and Chewing Tobacco. In connec tion with this saloon he has fitted up a La dies' Department, where all who may de ' sire can call lor Oysters and Refreshment and will be free from all annoyances an indecencies that ladies are too often ex posed o in some of our best restaurants Don't fail to give him a call. H. C CHRISTMAN, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 1864. Administrator's lYoticc r Estute of Jacob Kindig, fate of Fiihing cretk. twp-t deceased. LEETTEltS of administration on the es tate of Jacob Kindig late of Fishingceek twp, Columbia county, deceased, iiave been granted by the Register of Columbia cuiinty, to John Wenner, residing in town ship and county . aforesaid. All persons having claims against the estate of the de cedent are requested to present them to the undersigned without delay, and al I rr suns indebted to male paymect forth wih JOHN WENNER, ifJm'r. Eishgcreek, Nov. 9, lfc64 f w i2. Rational Claim Agency, CONDCCTIO BT HARVY &, COLLINS, WASMSrGTON, D C. IN order to facilitate the prompt adjust ment of Bounty, "arrears of pay. Pension and other claims due soldiers and other per-o'is trom the Government of the U. S , the underManed has made arrangements w ith the above firm who.e experience and ;oe proximity to,- and daily intercourse with, the Department 6 well as the early knowledge acquired by them of the decis ions frequently being made, enable them 10 pro-ecute claims more effectually than Attorneys at a distance can possibly do All persons entitled to claims oi the above description can have them properly attend ed to by calling on me and entrostins ihera to my care. VV WIRT, Agent for Harvy & Collins. Bloorasbuig, Auiusi 10, 1864. feWft. GROVE R 56 BAKER S crLEBHATKD ELASTIC STITctt sEAViiVf; micialfcft Were awarded the highest Pr'Sfclbrna ot all Competitors at ihe fallowing State and County Fait" of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for Liniiljf Machinat.. . Firm Premium for Manufarlnritig Machine First Pieminm for Mschine Work INDIANA STATE FAHL First Premium lor Machine for all purposei First Premium1 lor Machine Work VERMONT STAtfc PAIR. -Fir.t Premium for Farriily JNIachine.' First Premiom lor Mahulacibxiog MachinaL First Premium for Machine Wt'rR OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premiom roi Machine Work IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine t First Premiom for Manu.actuting Machine First Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. - First Premium for Machine for all purpose First Preminm for Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR F'rst Premium for Machine for all purposes Frisl Premium for Machine Work, MICAIGAN STATE FAIR.. First, Premium for Manufacturing MMhiue F:rrt Premium for. Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work PENN'A STATE FAIR First Premium for Manufacturing Machiue Frist Premium for Machine Wbrft Oregon state fair. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. Kiritt Premium lor Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Macl ine First Premiom for Machine Work FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine. Firsi Premium for Manufacturing Machine' CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium or Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine, Diplomafor Machine Woijr. WASHINGTON CO, N V FAIR. Firsi P:emium for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Jan.ily Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. First-Premium for Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. Firs; Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premiom for Machine Work GEREFIKLD O, UNION FAIR. J First Premium for Family Machine ' ' - Firi Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. First Premiua- for Family Machine Firt Preminm for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fist Premium lor Machine Jor all purposes' Firi Premium lor Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cat FAIR. First Premium fcr Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work: . SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-i Premium for Machine Work. ""ES?"The above comprises ail the Fairs at which the Grover & Baker Machines were exhibited this year Salei rooms, 495 Broadway, New York.. , 730 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Mdrch 23, 1864 lj. THE Greatest Improvement yet ih the' Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity wortQ seeing.- , , Please send lot circular with B9---' 6 sewing. These - Improved Machines save rjne hundred per cent of thread and silk; and make the lock stitch alike ort both side. They require no instructions to operate perfectly, except the "printed directions " No change in sewing from one kind of goods to andlher. And no taking apart to cleaa or oil. Our New. Manufactory is now complete, with all its machinery and loots entirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machines, which for beauty and perfection o' finish are not surpassed by any mauufac mre in the world. N. B. Should any Machine pto?e unsat isfactory, it can be returned and rnoney refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by our own Asents ... : FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. 538 Broadway, New York. April 20. 1864. lv- Aotice to Trespassers. THE following farmers and landowners, of Orange and Centre townships. Colombia coontv, do hereby caution all persons" againsi hunting or in anywise trefpasii- on their ' lands, thus making themselves subject to the penalties of the law - which' will be roost strinaently enforced 1. -, fl L. U . ! I ' 3 T , J .. 'UJ ...V.', v.f.'v.. - - " , Samuel Heidlej, Frany Hayinan, Simon Lawry. Reuben Suler All of Otange townsaip. Benj. Stiner, Wm Becfcj Frederick Beck, Adarr, Hill. Wm Wiimiie, Geo. Witmire, Joseph Ruckle, all of Ceniie Iwp. Orange, Nov. 16, 1864. r jiHE undersigned having connected hire - self with established Agencies in Wash in2too and Philadelphia is prepared to attend to ihe collection of Back pay, .Bounlic Pension, and all o her equitable claim- against the Government. His experience atid business connections enable him to attend to them with ihe least roscible delay. No charge made unless the claims are secured. .. Office with E. H Little, Ec, Court House Alley, Blconjiber Pa. CP FROCKWAY. Blooroburg, Dt, 14, iSS4.- if.