"T STAR OF THE NORTH TI11.GS ABOUT TOWi& COUNTRY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22. 1965. VVs notice some persons ate beginning to make garden in town. ' The iroius on ibe Catlawisaa railroad ran throogh "on time."" Passengers are carried over the West Branch in boats. Hon. C. R. Buckalrw has retarned from Washington to his residence near Blooms turg. . Aitkr a long and very cold winter, the spring opens pleasantly with a prospect of en early season for farmers. Ax the township election on last Friday the loyal ticket was elected by an average majority of about thirty five. Abraham Lincoln is opening a trade with the rebel, by swapping, bacon for to bacco, hi more profitable tha.i swapping horses crossing a stream. At the celebration of St Patricks day in New York the first toast offered was -''The Republic May the Angel of Peace soon cover a restored Union with the shadow of her wing." Fuank Lkslic's Lady's Magzink Is the cheapest anil best Gazette of Fashions in the world. The March comber contains most beautiful patterns (or Spring. The reading is of the beet literature and tends to making happy and prosperous house, holds by promoting intelligence. Frank Leslie 337 Pearl Sireei New York. Evert paper issued by Abraham Lincoln is called by our loyalist an able document. In order to be patriotic we shall admit the saving and maintain with them that hid in- i augural address was an original Abe L doc ument. For the. beuefii of unbelievers let hi quote f "Fondly do we hope, Fertently do we pray. Thai this mighty scourge of war, May speedily paes away' Ts MkN taken Irom here on Wednesday last by Captain Silvers, volunteered lor township in Lebanon county, tor a bounty of six hundred and fifty dollars. An effort is being made lo have them credited to Bloom, by force x the late law declar ing that volunteers 6hall be credited only for the place in which they have a re.i- denc3. We can easily understand that the law has been set aside, but it h peculiar to us how some of the men engaged in draw in '4 the rein on the boys, have become ad vocate ol law, who but a short lime ago were oproeed to legal proceedings. Nkxt Democratic 5tate Convention. The S ate Central Committee at their meet ing on Wedne Jay, at Harriborg, settled upon Wednesday the 2lt day of June next, the day of holding the Democratic State Convention, and the Ha'I of the Houe of . Representatives in Hrrisourg as the place. The meeting of the Committee, we learn, was a full one, and the utmost harmony prevailed. I m la r & Bic it null's Bank Note Reporter, for March, is mt This is one of the berl if not the bed Reporter published. Farm, ers, mechanics, merchants and all business men should be.armed with Imlay & Bick n kjlls Reporter,to prevent toss ly receiving counterfeit bank notes, and note of broken or closed bank. Semi-monthly, S3 per annum. Monthly, Si, 50 per annum. Sin gle copies 15 cents. Imlay & Biclfnell's Bank Note Repotter, 45 South I bird Street Philadelphia. Fatal -Accident Mr. Wni. Marteeney, ol Criarcreek township, Columbia, county, was, we regret to learn, kilied in the mines, at or near Sheuandouh City, Schuylkill co., on Monday last. His remains were brought . home on Tuesday and interred on Wed. neday, in the Methodist bury ing ground on 'Summer Hill. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn bis sudden demise. He was aged 33 years, 9 months and 13 days. -Berwick Gazette. - The editor of a western paper say s that a "loyal" man in ilia parts, undertook to read Washington' Farewell Address on the 22d of February. "He read silently and sul .Jenly for some time. At last be rose from bis seat, grated bis teeth, and threw the bock down in a- passion." :VYbv, John !" aid his astonished wile, "what on'earth ail you !" "Why," said John, 'Til be cussed if I sit still and hear the Yoonyun party abused, by old Washington himself !" . The good woman knew he bad cause for ranger, and she chided - him not, but com menced aingiog the baby to sleep with ibe .National Hymn "John Brown's Body," .etc., etc. -The whole family are '"loyal." , Columbia Couktt is not alone in oppres sion by tyrants. The rod is now drawn over Centre County, where arrests are made .as freely and with as little ground as were the arrests of our county. The Editor of the j3ellefoale Watchman, a sound patriot and -able editor was arrested for publihiog the Jetter of a correspocdent which-says ; On the 1st instant two men from Belle lonte holding or ciairaiag to hold the office of Government detective (in plain word "spy") and Deputy Provost Marshal, stop ped here, having in their custody three or four persons, reputed deserters. Mr. John Citoner, qaiet. and estimable cfiizgn, re irarking that "he would not be as easily taken as were these prisoners,'' or words to 'that effect, was, with two revolvers ained at bis head, seized and dragged, without a moment' preparation, (not even being al lowed an overcoat to protect him - from the chilling winds) ly Bellefonte, whers he was j Special Notices. TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE undersigned having been restored to heatth in a few weeks, by a very sim ple remedy, after having suffered sev.eral 3 ears, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To ail who desire, it, he will send a copy of the presoiiption used free of charge with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, CoId9, &e. The only object of the adver tiser in sending the Prescription is to bene fit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and, he hopes eveiy sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost them nothing, and prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address, REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County,- New York. February 15. 1865 3mo. IF YOU WANT TO KNOW A LITTLE ol everything relating to the human system, male and female ; the causes and treatment of diseases; the mar riage customs ol the world; how to marry well and a thousand things never publish ed before, read the revised and enlarged edition of "Medical Common Sense," a curious book for curious people, and a good book for every one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price SI. 50. Contents table sent free to any address. Books may ha had ai the book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid on receipt o' tie price . Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, M. D. 1130 Broadway, New York, Feb. 1, 1865 6mo. Information Free. To Nerveous Sufferers. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervou Debility, Incompetency Premature Decaf) and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to fumisn to all who need it, (free ol charge,) the recipe and direction, for making the sim ple remedy used in his case. SnfTerers wishing to profit by-the advertisers bail ex perience, and posses a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The Recipe aad full information of vital importance w ill be cheerlully sent by return of mad. Address JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 60 Nassau Street, New York. P. S. Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will find this information valuable. Dec. 7, 1364 3mo. EDI I OR OF THE STAR : DEAR SIR : With your permission l.wish to say lo the readers ol our paper that I will send, by re turn mail, to all who wish it (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making arid using a simple Vegeabie Balm that will effectu ally remove, in leu days, Pimples, Blotches. Tan, Freckles, and all Impuri ties of the Skin, leaving the &ame eolt, clear, smooth and Beautiful. 1 will also mail free to those having Bald Heads, or Bare faces, simple direc tions and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or Moustache, in less than thir ty dajs. aII application answered by return mail without charge. Repectfnlly yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. 831 Broadway, New York. March 1, 1365 3 mos. ARCANA WATCH An Elegant Aovelty in Watches. THE cases of this watch, are an entirely new invention, composed ot six different i'ma'als combined, rolled together and j pianist, ed, prod ucing an exact imitation I of IS carat gold, called Arcana, which i will always keep its color.4 They are a beautiful and durable as solid gold, and are afforded at one eighth the cost. The ca-ei is beautifully designed, with Panel and shield lor name, with Patent Puh Pin, and engraved tn the exact style ol the. cele brated Gold Hunting Levers and are real, ly handsome and desirable, and so exact an imitation of gold, as to defy detection. The movement is ma nufactured by the well known St. Jimer Watch Company of Europe, and arc superbly finished, having engraved ralieis, fancy carved bridges adjusting regulator, with gold balanced, arid the improved, ruby jewelled action with the line dial and skeleton haiuN, ami is warranted a ood lime keeper. These wa'ches are of three different sizes, the smallest being for ladies, and are all Hunt ing Cases. A case of six, will be sent by mail or-Exre?s lor SI25.00. A single one snt in an elegent Morocco case for $25.60 will readily sell lor three limes their cost. We are the sole asienls for this Watch in the United States, and none are genuine which do not bear onr Trade Mark. Address, DEVAUGH & CO., Importers, 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Feb 8, 1865 3mo. 18G ISO PENNSYLVANIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Penns ylvania to the city of Ere, on Lake Erie. It has been leaded by the Pennsylvania Rail Uoad Company, and is operated by them-. Its entire length was opened for passen ger and freight business, Oct. I7in, 1864. Time of Passenger trains at North'd. lieavc Eastward Mail Train 10 16 P. M. Elmira Express Train, 11 27 L. Haven, Ac'modation, 14 27 A. M. Leaves Westward. Mail Train, 4 26 A. M. Elmira Expres Train, 5 IS " Lock Haven Ac'modation 4 34 P. 31. Passenger cars run throogh on Mail train without change bo'h ways between Phila delphia Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Mail Train both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and on Elmira Epxress Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business apply at cor. 30th and Market Sis., Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Corrpany's Agent. S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Mar ket Street. Philadelphia. J. W. Reynolds, Erie. J. M Drill, Az'r. N. C. R. R.. Baltimore. H H. HOUSTON. General Freight A gt. Phil a. H. W. GWINNER, General Ticket Agt. Phil'a. JOS D,, POTTS, General Manager, Williamsport. Feb. 2?, 1865. ) E.&ll. T. ASTUOSY & t0 . Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 501 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to cur main business ot PDTOtJRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquarters for the following. viz Stereocoves and Steroscopic Views, Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and For eign Cities and Landscapes, Groups, Stat uary, &c, &c. Also, Revolving Stereo scopes for public or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. riiotographic Albums. We were the first lo introduce these into the United States, and we manufacture im mense quantities in great variety, raging in price from 50 cents to $50 each. Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability te any others. They will be seui by maij, , on jeceipt ol price. ZX7Fine Jllbums Made to order. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousand subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits, ol Eminent Americans, &c, viz about J00 Maj. Generals, 200 Bris. Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. Colonels 250 Other Officers, 75 Navy Cfficeis, 550 Statesmen, 130 Divin cs, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stages, 50 Prom'nt Women, 150 Prominent Foreign Portrait. 3,OO0 Copies of Works of An, including reproductions of the most cele brated Engravings, Paintings, Statutes, &c Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An Order lor one dozen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on the receipt ot St. 80 and sent by mail, Free. Pho'ographers and others orderins good CO. D willpleasererr.il twenty-rive pe cent of the amount with their order. E. & II. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Phdtoaraphir Material, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. CP The prices and quality of our goods can not fail to satisfy. Dec 7, 1864. 6mo. R E E V E S ' original, GRtcnc i im.liacli:, AMUUO'A, FOR THE GROWTH. BEAUTY AND PRESERVATION OE THE HAIR. i:tatlilird 18GO. JPricc, 75 cts.pcr bottle. This preparation can show liv ing evidences of its excel lence. . SEE Photograph and read certifi cate ol Mrs. Wm- Sutton hair five leet and one inch in leng'h used Reeve-' Ambro sia about twenty mon hs. ALSO, Photo2raph and certificate of ' Mrs. L M. Neil hir five ft. length used the Ambrosia 18 mon'hs Thonsands are nsing this prepuration and offering wil ling testimonials. -These potouraphs, taken from life, have been awarded to extend th knowledge of the merits of ihi wonderful discovery. Hnndreds have seen these ladies and heard the fans front their own lip. iSIrs. Maxwell's Testimonial. rJ York. Dec 23, 1862. Knowing positively that Reeves' Am brosia pioduced a beautiful head of hair for Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, New York, I was induced, thereby, to use it thoroughly. I needed something for my hair, it being short and thin had used one half dozen bottles when I could plainly notice an increase in its length, stiength, and beauty. An experience of about iwy years has proved a "complete success. Mo hair is now by measurement, four feet ten inches in length, nearly reaching the floor. I have allowed my photograph to proclaim the merits of Reeves' Ambrosia to the world. MRS. WALLACE E MAXWELL. ZZgTjM entenprisinr Druggists have these Photnsrriipis and keep fur J sale, REEVES' tfMBROSLi at 75 Cents per Bottle. Druggiis who may not have our prepa ration, will send for it if applied to. Priii cipal Depot, 62 Fulton Street, New York Messrs Frmch, R;chards. & Co. of Phi! adelphia, General Agents lor Pennsylvania, j AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The estate of IVrni. Brown, deceased. THE Hndei-igned'Audi'.or appointed by , the Orph iii's Court ot Columbia county, to make distribution of ihe fond in the hands of the Executor ol Wm. Brown, late of Bri arcreek twp, Columbia county, deceased, among the persons entitled by law to re ceive the same, will attenrt lo th duties of his appointment at his office in Bloomsburg on Saturday, the I8:h day of March,. 1865 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, wher. and where all persons havins claims against the es'ate of said deceased, shall present the same beforerfKaid Auditor, or be debar red from coming in for a share of said fund. W. WIRT, Auditor. Bloom.-burg, Feb. 22, 1865 4wS2.50 A CARD TO INVALIDS A CLERGY man, while residing in South America as a'missionary, discovered a safe and sim ple remedy for the cure of Nervous Weak ness, Early Decay, disea-es of ihe Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train of disorders brought on by baneful and vi cious hab'Hs. Oreal num b rs have alreftdy been cured by this noble retted v. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit ihe aiHic'ed and unfortunate; I will seud the recipe for pre paring and using this medicine, lo any one who needs it, in a pealed envelope free ol charge. Please enclo-e a fctamped envel-ope,addre-se.l to yours'f. Address JO SEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. 52-ly OLD THINGS MADE NEW- A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore tight and give up spectacles, wi houl aid ol doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, on receipt af 10 cents. Ad dreaS. E. B. FOOTE, M. D. 1 130 Broadway, New York. Feb 1, .1865 6mo. HORSE BILLS, NEATLY J&ISJ , THK omcB or THC STAR OF TRE NORTH, National Foundry. nioomsUurgr, Columbia Co., - fThe sabsribjr, proprietor of the above -"- named exiensive esiaunnimen:, i now prepared to receive orders lor all Rinds o mhrrv fnrmi.r.F.RIRS. BLAST FLR f NACES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared lo make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, Plow. irons, and every thing usually made in first-class Foundries His extansiva facilities and practical workman, warrant him in receiving the largest contracts op tte most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. W This establishment is located near the Lackawanua Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. The New York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPETi IN the WORLD '1HE extensive and comprehensive facil--- ities in its possession enables the Pro prietor of the Weekly Herald m gearantee the la'eet and most reliable information possible to be obtained, not only from all parts of the United States, but from all parts of the world. lis home correspondents, engaged at very heavy cost, and connected with each new naval and military expedition ol the gov ernment, prove that it is determined to leave no spot uncovered by its operations and no event can occur that shall not fir.d imme diate report in its columns. It costs the proprietor over one hundred thousand dol lars per year to maintain its corps of cor respondents in the field. In its collation of Foreign News the Herald has for years held a high position, and it will endeavor in the future to main tain the stand it has assumed. It has spe cial rorrespondenl stationed in all of the prir;cipl cities of the world. Its telearaphic arrangements extend to wherever the electric wires are stretched. Whehlhe Atlantic cable is laid, which feat will soon be accomplished, telegrams will be received lrom Europe and Aia, as well as from the Unned Slate Then onr readers will have the event of the week in all pans of the civilized world regularly and Nearly laid before them. The proprietor devotes a portion of the paper to literature. Fashion, Agriculture, the Mechanic Art, Sportino Matters Buii ncs, Theatrical and Financial Reports, Cattle Markets, General News, and reports of all events calculated to form an excellent metropolitan newspaper a weekly photo graphic view of the evenls of the word and all at a very low price. The Weekly Herald is issued every Sat urday morning, and furihed at the fol lowing rates : One copy S2 00 Five copies S3 00 Three copies 5 00 Ten copies 5 00 Any larer number addressed to names of subscribers SI 50 each. An extra copy will be seni to every dub of ten. Twenty copies to one address one yar, 25, and any larger number at same price. An extra copy sent to clubs of twenty. Advertisements to a limited number will be inserted in ihe Weekly Herald Th njilv- n-raL! Four cents per cony. ! Fourteen Dollars per year for thtee hundred and sixty three issues. Seven dollar- for six months. Three dollars and filly cents for ihrerf monih. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Editor anc" Proprietor, Northwest cor. Ful'on and Nassau-sis. N.Y. There are no travelling agents for the Herald. 52-tf THE MAGAZINE FOU THE T1JIES ! j PETE 15 SON' S n A U A Z I N E The Best and Cheapest in the World for Ladies! The popular monthly magazine will be greatly improved for 1665. It will contain One Thou-ai rt paaes ! Fourteen S-plendid S eel Plates ! Twelve Coloied Fashion Plares ! Twelve Colored Berlin Work Patterns '. Niue Hundred Wool Cuts! Twenty four Pagee of Music ! All .this will be given for only Two Dol lars a year, or a dollar le-s than Maga zines ot ihe cla-s of "Peier-ou." I s Thrilling Tales and Novelettes Are the bed published anywhere. All the miift popular writers are employed to rite originally tor "Peter-on " In 1865. in addition to its usual xuarni'.v of short stcr ;es. Foir ortyinal Copynadt Novelette will be given, by Ann S Sthphen, Louise C. Moulton, Frank Lee Benedict, and the Author ol Ihe "Second Life." .It al.-o pub lishes Fashions Ahead of all Others. Each number, sti addition to ihe colored plate, gives ! 'timet, Cloaks a-i.l I)res-es. engraved o A. A Uo, a pat'ern, from which a Dr--M, vlantilla, or Chill's Dres can be cut, w : .,unt the aid of a rnar.'u-rna-ker. f1"0 several pajies of Ilous-ihold arid other Rec-eipii. GTll is the test Laoy's Magazine in tht vorll TRY IT FOU ONE YEAR. TERMS Always in Advance. One copy, one year. . S 2 00 Ei:ht copies, for one year. 12 00 Fourteen copies for one jear 20 00 Premiums for Getting tip Clubs: To every persons getting up a dub, at the above ia es, a copy of :he Magazine for 1865 will b given gratis or, if prefer red, the superb engraving (size, 27 inches by 20 inches.; ''Washington Parting Fiom His Gn eralt." Addres, post-paid. CHARLES J PETERSON, 306 Chestnut stret, Philadelphia. trSSpecimeris sent gratis, when sent lor. Nov. 23, 1864. NEW GOODS! Viiotlicr Arrival of Hoods. A I Hat, Cap and Grocery S3 t QD Now is Your Time to Buy. HENXnv SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER rilHE undersigned having just returned 1 from the Eastern citjes with a larg and full assortments of fGROcrDT in addition to a snperi 23 -il c JJ or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER & HATS AND CAPS, comprising every soil and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. H Stock of GROCERIES are not sur passed in this marke', which he offer cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, acd LININGS to whicn he invites the at tention ot Shoemakers and the pnblic. Give him a call At Slroup's Old Stand, on Main Street. f"'y, T'.rtT'.TPV r 1 -t GROVE ST E N 8c CO. PIANO-FORTE iiaANUFACTI REUS, THE attention of the public and the Irade is invited lo our New ScaTe 7 Octave Rose wood Piano Fones, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hiiherto offered in this market. They contain all ihe modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Struna Bass &c, ai d each instrument being made under the personal supervision ot Mr J. H. GROVESTEEN, who has had a practical ex oerience of over 30 years in iheir rranufarture, is fully warrented in every particular. The Grovekteen Piano-Forle Received the Highest award of Merit over all others at the Celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from the best maker of London, Paris, Germany, Philapelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which can be seen at onr ware-roon. By the introduction of improvements we make a. still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing largely, with a etrinly cash system, are enabled to oiler the-e instruments at prices which will preclude all competition. n PRICES : No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood plain case S275. ISo. . Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy moulding S300. No. 3, Seven Oc"ave, rouud corners. Rosewood Loui XIV sn le S325,a lac simile of the aove rut. term. NFr dsn, Biv cijim: ent funds. I3T DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SE.NT FREE, jtj . , July. 13, 1864 ly. PUTNAM CLOTHES WRISGKK. IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE S ? LF-.3 D JUSTING WRINGER. No Wood Work lo sivell or split No Thumb screw to get out of order -Warranted with or without cog-wheels IT look th first premium at fifiy-seven State and County Fairs in 1863, and i without any exception, the best Wnnger ever made Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Ausiralia. Agents wanted in every town, and in al. parts ol the world. Energetic Agents can make from three to ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers seal Express paia on receipt of price. No. 2, 66.50. No. 1, S7 50. No. F, 8.50. No. A.S9.50. Manufactured au( sold, whole-ale anil retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO, No 13 Plait Si'eei, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. A H FRANCISCUS, Agent, Philadelphia, Pa. What Everybody Knows, viz That iron well galvanized will not rust. That a simple machine better than a complicated one. That a Wringer should be sell-adjuring, durable, and efficient That Thumb screws and Fasten ings cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep m Tt.m wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and .-pill. 1 hat wood bearings lor the shaft to run in will wear out. Thai the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog wheels. will not tear itie clothe. That cog wheel regulators are not essen tial. That the Putnam Wringer ha all the advantages, and not one of the dissdvan tages above named That all who have teMed it, pronounce it the bst Wringer ever made. That it will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We might ii'd the paper with testimoni als, but in-ert only a tew to convince the skeptical, if uch there be: and we say to all, test Putnam's Wiinger. Test it thor oughly with any and all others, and if not entirely rat i-factory, return it. Putnam Manvjaclvring Co. Gentlemen I know from practical experience that iron well galvanized with Zinc wdl not oxidize or rust ore particle. The Pfctnam Wringer is as near perfect a pcssible. and 1 can cheerfully recommend it lo be the ret in use. Respectfully yours, JOHN W. W HEELER, Cleveland, Onio Many years experience in the galvaniz ing business, enable me lo endorse The above statement in all particular JNO C f.EFFERTS. No. 100 Beck mail St. New York, January, 1S64. V have te-ted Putnam's Clothes Wring er b practical working, and know that it will do. It i- cheap, it is simple, it requires no room whether at work or at rest: ;t child can operate it It does its duty thoroughly. Is eaves lime and it save- wear and tear. We earnestly advise all who have much washing to do, with all intelligent persons who may have any. to buy this Wringer. It will pay lor iise'f in a year a. mo-t. HORACE GREELEY. " July 6, 64. ly. OYVriullS, OVMIIKS! Eating and Drinking THE subscriber te-pectfully gives no lice to ihe public that he has at. his Saloon, on Main Street, constantly on hand Fresh Oysters, either in the shell or by the CAN, to suit hi-customer-. Familiecn be supplied by the can or by the q'iarl upon short jio lice. He also keeps on hand XX Ale, Si der and minerals. Give him a call. B. STPI1NER. Bioom.-burg, Nov. 23, 1864. Administrator's Koticc. Estate of James Mc Bride, lute of 1km- j lock township, aeceasea. LETTERS of Administration on the es tate of James McCride. late ol Hemlock twp., Columbia county Pa , have been granted ov the Register of sail county to Hugh D McBrideresidinc in the twp, an J county aforesaid. All persons' having claims against be esta'e of the decedent are requested lo preent them for fceule me it to the administrator without delay, and all persons indebted to the decedent shall make pay ment immediateley to the undersigned - HUGH D. McBRlDE, Adm'r. Hemlock, Jan. 4, 1865 6w S2. DAVID L0WENBERG, CLOT JUNG STORE, O-M.j.H.iitrg cXj':jcuLwj: s .aJh n.v c.J. ! i a Are ? tt .11 ' -s JYew Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP. GOODS. rriHE undersigned respectfully informs JL his friends and ihe pnblic generally, that he has just received Irom ihe Eastern Citie, a large assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seat ol Fa-hion, of all sorts, sizes and quantities, . which wjll be sold cheap lor cash or country produce. -ALSO.- II ATS X VW& Tnorpther with a variety of no T.tTTW "t?- ' lions and things too troublesome to numer ate, to which he invites the attention of pur chasers. ESpr" Ue is also prepared to make us clothing to order, on reasonable termp, and up to the latest fashions. LF-Call and examine our slock of goods. ANDREW, J. EVANS. Bloomshurg, April 27. 1864. Miller's Store. OF FALL AM) WINTER GOODS. flMlE subscriber has just returned from the cities wilh another large and elecl assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowest figure, and which he is deter mined to sell on as moderate terms as cau be procured elsewhere in Blooin&burg. Hi stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of the chcicesi siyles and latest fashions, loeiher with a large assortment of DUY-GOODS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS, AND VEST1NUS. ALSO, (JROCKRIES, HARDWARE, QU E ENS W A RE, C ED AH W A K F HOLLOW W A K E. N AILS, 1 IIO N . HOOTS SHOES, HATS C A PS.c. In short, every thing usually kept in coun try stores, to which he inv des he atlentiou ot the public generally. The highest price will be paid for coun Iry produce, in exchange for goods. ' STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsbuig, Oct. 12, 1864. II K VII KS II JI EAT S A IA) O IV AND CONFECTION EKY STORE. H. C. Christmas, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi zens ot Bioom-burg and vicinity lhal he has just opened a new Refreshment Sa loon and Confectioner S.ore, on Maiu-st , second door below the "American House' where he intends supplying all who may give him their cutom with FRESH OYS TERS. Clam Soup, Sardines, Boded Eg2S, Ham Tripe Pigs' Feel, Dried Herring, &c. H- wijl also keep on hand a superior ar ticle of DRAUGHT ALE, Porter Lagerbeer, and Sarsaparilla : together with a good as. sortment of Can lies, Sweetmeats, Cakes: Cigar- and Chewing Tobacco. In connec tion with -this saloon he ha- fitted up a La. dies: Department, where all who may de sire can call tor Oysters and Refreshment and will be tree from all annoyances an indecencies lh.it ladies are too often ex p sed to in some of our best restaurants Don't fail to give him a call. H. C CHR1STM AN, Proprietor. Bioom-burg, Oct. 12, 1864. Administrator's Aoticcr Estate of Jacob Kindt gs late of Fishing crerk. twp-, deceased. I FETTERS ol administration on the es--:aie ol Jacob Kindig late of Fishingceek twp , Columbia county, deceased, aave been granted by the Register of Columbia county, to John Wenner, residing in town ship and county aforesaid. All persons having claims agaiti-t the estate of the de cedent are requested to present them to lie under-igi.ed without delay, and all p r sim indebted to make payment (orthwih JOHN WENNER, Adm'r. Ei-hgcreek, Nov. . UP4 fw f2. Aatioii.il 4'IaiKi Agency, CON PITT 1 1) BY HARVY 8c COLLINS, WASIllSGTOS, D. c. IN order to facilitate the prompt adjust meni of Bounty, arrears oi pay, Pension and other claims due soldiers and other persons lrom the Government of the U. S.. the undersigned has made arrangement with th" above firm whose experience and close proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, as well as the early knowledge acquired by them of the decis ions Ireqnently being made, enable them to pro-ecute claims more effectually than Attorneys at a distance can possibly do. All persons entitled to claims ol the above description can have them properly attend ed to by calling on tne and entrusting thern lo my care. W. WIRT, ' Agent for Harvy & Collins. K-7 cl- m Mi few GROVER 8c BAKER S CFLEBHATKD KI.ASTIC STITCH $CWIi HI A I IIIIVES Were awarded the highest Premium or all Competitors, at the following State ' and County Fair of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for family Machine'. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR, . First Premium lor Machine for all purpose First Premium (or Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir. I Premium for Family Machine. First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Work IOWA STATE FAIR. . First Premium for Family Machiua First Premium (or Manufacturing Machine Firl Premium for Machine Work. fc ILLINOIS STATE EAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purpose First Premium for Machin Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR Frst Premium for Machine for all purposes Frist Premium for Machine Work, . MICAIGAN STATE FAIR -First Premium for Manufacturing Maohioe First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine- Work PENN'A STATE FAIR First Premium for Manufacturing Machine Frist Premium for Machine Wore OREGON STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. first Premium lor Family Machine , First Premium for Manufacturing Macl ine First Premium for Machine Work FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium' lor Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vi. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium or Manufacturing Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. . Diploma for Family Machine." Diploma for Machine Work. , WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Man ufaciuring Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Woik SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. . First Premium lor Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purpo First Premium lor Machine Work GER EN FIELD O, UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work, CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fi.st Premium lor Machine for all purposes First Premium (or Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work CSThe above com prisfls all ihe Fair at which the Grover & Baker Machines were exhibited this year. Sales-rooms, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1864 ly. . 1 E i -vJ Uk W fx. IiwddovEO" THE Greatest Improvement yet in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity wortn seeing. Please send for circular with sample oi sewing. These Improved Machines save one hundred per cent of thread and silk, and make the lock-stitch alike on both sides. , They rpquire no instructions to operate perfectly, except the "printed directions." No change in sewing from one kind of goods to another. And no taking apari lo'cleaa .c oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all its machinery and tools entirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machines, which lor beauty and perfection o' finish are not surpassed by any manufac ture in the world. N. B. Should any Machine piove onsai- isfac.ory, it can be returned and money retunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by oar own A-jent FLNKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. 538 Broadway, Now York. April 20. 1P64. ly Aoticc to Trespassers. THE following farmers and land owners, j of Orange and Centre townships, Columbia countv, do hereby caution all persons against hunting or in anywi-e trespassing mi it eir land. thn makinr themselves I .. j subject to the penalties of the law which t--will be most stringently enforced 4r Ddvid E Haymen, Stephen Hill, Samuel Hetdle; , Frany Hayman, Simon Lawry. Recben Sitter, All ol Oiange township. B;nj. Stiner, Wm Beck, Frederick Beck, Adam Hill, Wm Witmiie, . Geo. Witmire, Joseph Ruckle, all of Centre twp. Onnge, Nov. 16, 1864. IMIE undersigned having connected him-j self with established Agencies in Wash instcn and Philadel;hm is prepared li attend ' ih colie-tion of Back pV, Koiuitic, IVusions, and :itl mhr pnniiuhln claims against 1h Government. His experience and businesJ . . : . i i i. : . . . .4 ... ' i-uiiuccuuiis enauiB iinu itr i.isuu iu. mi with the least possible delay. No r' mad unless the claims are senm i. OfRae with E. H. Little E-v,., Hoae Alley, Bloomsbors Pa C ' BH'iCKWA1 1