Prospectfis of Tol. III. I8S5. THE OITgUARDj A MOM Vr J 0 JMAL , PIVOTED TO LITKRATCRE, ICIENCB AND ART, AXD TUB Principles of 1776 and '87. x C. CHAUNCeFbURR, Ecrroa. . f1hi Maaiin 'will continne lo defend the principles of Government which " guided our father in ihe foundation of he -Republic, The spiiit and doctrine of the Iwc- first volumes will be fa Ny maintained in the third volume. We hare no compro mises to make, with errorno parley with despotism. Democracy will be treated, cot as a varying policy of cunnicg office seekers and spcil hunters, but rather as an abiding principle of political economy and o popnlar liberty. All supporters of this revolutionising, Abolition war, will be held r as the enemies of the Democracy. We shall acknowledge no organization to be Democratic which does not honestly enun eiate and support the principles of the Kentncky and Virg inia Resolutions of 1793 end tie. Dred Scolt Dtcision of the Su preme Court, the one asserting Stale Sov .' ertignty and the other While supremacy. To preserve these honorable doctrines, the Democratic party was organized by the ve'y loundersof the Federal Government, and it remained trne to them down to the tatal and dishonoring departure, at the commencement of' this war. The Old Guaidis an organ of Democracy as it was, before this cowardly surrender of principle andkas it must be again, before it can re deem our country from the rule of faction nd despotism. This year it has been en larged to double its former size that is, to forty eight page for the purpose of mak ing it in all respects, as to style and matter , a popular Literary and Family- Magazine. One copy, one. year, S2 00 "Seven copies, oce year, and one to the getter up of club, 14 CO Twenty copies, - 35'0O Single copies sent.' posi-paid, for 20 Terms invariaby in advance, and the Magazine wilt be stopped when the time paid for expire. As each number of THE OLD GUARD i stereotyped, bark numbers and volume . can alwaye it fusnished. "Subscriptions will be understood as com mencirg with.the year, and back numbers sent accordingly, uuless specially orJeied otherwise. TbeOid Guard will, be sent through the Ptfsl Office o subscribers in the city, Brooklyn, Williamsburg and Jersey City. ' The postage ol The Old Guard is 12 cts. per year, payable in advance, at the office of mailing or delivery. Copies ol Vols. I. and II of The Old . Guard for 1863 and 1864, will e tarnished bound in paper, for $1 50; in cloth lor 12, I'Oet pa ut. J All testers in relation tc the rosines de f partmem of the Magazine, should be in I variably (dresed to the undersigned, a loiiows : VAN EVRIE, HORTON & CO., 162 Nassau Street, N. Y. "heading rail road. inSTEU ARRAXGEMEXT. NOVEMBER 7, 17G4. REAT Trunk line from the North and North-west for Philadelphia? New Yrk, Reading. Pottsville,Lebanon, Allen rwn, Easton, &c, &c. Train leave HarrUburg for New York, r follow. At 3 00 and 8.15 A. M. and 1.15 P. M., arriving at New York at 10 A. M., and 2.45 and lO 00 P. M. The above connect with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Road, and Sleeping Cars atcompauy the first two trains with out charge. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tavaqna, Minersville, Alleniown and Philadelphia i 8 15 A. M. ar.d 1 45 P. M., stopping ai Ibanon and principal Station- only. Way Trains, slopping at all points, at 7 25 A. M. and 4 40 P.M Returning, Leave New York at 9 A. M., 12 noon, aud 7 00 P. M. Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.30 P. M. ; PoUsville at 8. 50 A. M. and 2.35 P M , Taraaqua at 8.10 A. M ar.d 2.15 P. 2.1. and Redaing at 12 niidr.ight, 7 35 and 10 45 A. 11., 1.38 and 6.05 P. M. Reading. Accommodation Train : Leaves . Reading ai 6 30 A. &. leiurmng from Phil . hdelpbia at 4 30 P. M. Colombia Railroad Trains leave Read ing at 6 40 and and 11 A. II. fpr Ephrata, , Ljuz, Columbia, &c. ' Oj Sundays; Leave New York at 7 P. JI.Philadel?Lia. 3 15 P. M-. Pottsviie 7.30 A . M., Tamaqaa 7 A. M., Harrisburg 8 15 , .M., anc Reading at 12 midnight for vlj.;ixciftiurg. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex clusion Tickets, at reduced ram to aud Iro-n all pciii!. Baggage checked through; 80 pounds Showed each Passenger. G. A. NICuLLS, General Superintendent. Kkadimo Pa Nov. 30, 1864. - NEW GOODS I RE VO L UT1 ON IN II I G H PRICES! NEW ARRIVAL OF WINTER GOODS AT PETER ENT'S STORE IS LIGHT STREET, COL. CO. f TAS just received from 'he eastern cities and ia now opening at the old stand m splendid assortment of which will be sol" eheap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE ! Mis stock consists of Ladies Dres Goods, --tieesr styles and latest fashions. ' CA LI COL'S, MUSLINS, GINGHAMS. FLANNELS. HOSIERY SILKS. SHAWLS, CARPETS, Iteaily-iTladc Clothing-, SATINETS, CSSIMERES, COTTON A PES, KENTUCKY JEANS, TflREAl), &C. ' . QUEENS WAKE, CEDAR W AtlE UARUVVARE. MEDICINES. DRUGS, CG0TS AID SHOES, UATS anl CAPS, la sfiort everything usually kept ia a coontry store. The patrona;? of h' old friends, and the public gneral!y, , respectfully solicited- , ... Tb hijet market prtce p'ir lor cooo- t nroduct- PTER EST. THE KEW yOKE AEWS, THE BEST PAPER IX THE WORLD. C. Wood, Ed. and Proprietor . The Democracy of the North will com mit a fatal error if they accept the result of he lat' Presidential election as an indioa 'ion from the hand of Destiny to relax their political action until the opening o tthe next campaign. The future welfaTe o the republic depends upon the politic a zeal and actitity of the Democracy durin the year 1865. ' . The small majority of the popular vote that elected the Black Republican candi dates, considered in view of the extraordi nary resources of the Administration for corruption and cpmpulsion, attests that the power of the Democracy, on a fair .field, is equal to iht vindication of Democratic principles. There is one feature in the resolt of th Presidential election that goes far to re concile the patriot to the hard fate of hi country under fonr years more of Plack Republican misrule, fhe baleful meteor that lingered in grief while in onr political atmo-phere has vanished for ever. War Democracy has fulfilled its mission of dis organization, and, like wny other pestilence will be remembered only for the evil-it has done. The issue now before the people is the final struggle between Centeralization and Slates' Rights-, and no journal is Democrat ic that is not the devoted champion of States' Rights, the paramount principle ol the Democratic faith. The New York News needs no testimony beyond its plain unalterable record to sub feUoliate its claim to being and having been the mot earnest, able and consistent Stales' Rights Journal in the land. We have no excuses to in vent for modifications of sentiment, nor have we to pltaJ ''ex pediency" in palliation of inconsistency. Our path has been straight forward. Our columns are belore the people, not a line in them that we would cancel norsenti ment we would recall, not an assertion that requires an explanation, not a word that we regret io hive uttered, not a prin ciple advocated that we have not stood by and will stand by to tSe'lnst. Such ha been our pact record, so will be our future. We do not, however, ak the Democracy lo sustain as in oar mission- as a reward for the service we have done, but in con sideration ol the good work that. we pro pose to do. The Nw York News for 1865 will not merely imitate it predecessors, it will excel them. It shall be not only the t'uest exponent cf Democratic principle, but the best newspaper in the country. Heretofore u hs had no superior as a ve hicle of news, hereafter it shall have no efj'Jal. In every department of journalism we have arrngtd that the News shall dis tance competition. It is the only Demo cratic newspaper i.T the metropolis that has the advantage "of puMi-hin a daily issue with the full dispatched of the Associated Press, and therefore its machinery for fur nishing a coTnple'e record rf events is more perfect than that of any of its Demo cratic cotemporaries. None havp attempt ed latterly, to compete with it in the publi cation ot Southerj intelligence, as our syMem of exchange with Southern journal baffles the sagacity and enterprise of our rivals. A glance at the columns of The News devoed to ''Southern and Northern per sonals'7 will remark the extraordinary suc cess that has . attended our enterprise in that direction. We are in daily-receipt of letters expresin the tnank of those who, through the mediom ol the "Personals" in The News, have been enabled to receive tidings from their friends and relatives in the South, and the heart of many an exile and wanderer has been gladdened through that instrumentality by words of affection and hope Irom those mourned for as dead. The New York News has become so popular in the rural di.-trict that other Me tropolitan journals, in publishing their stereotyped boat of "the largest circula tion of any weekly journal" are constrain ed to make an exception in our favor It is a significant circumstance that since the Presidential election and consequent de mise of War Democracy, the subscriptions to this paper have been unusually numer ous. The Agrieultura1 Department of The New York News renders it an invaluable companion and assistant !o the farmer ; and its Cattle, Market and Produce Re ports are more reliable and full than those of any ether journal. The. Daily News will forfeit one thou sand dollars if, in the above De-parlmeni, competent judges should deny its superi ority. TERMS. DAILY NEWS. One copy, one year, by mail 510.00 One copy, six months, 5 00 WEEKLY NEWS. One copy, one year, 2 00 Four copies, one year, 7 00 Ten ropies, one year, 17 00 Twenty copies, one year, 30.00 We hajre no traveling agent authorized to collect or receive money for subscrip tions. . Orders aud letters should be addressed to BENJAMIN WOOD, . Daily News Office, New York. Jan. 25, 1865. NEW GOODS; vnolhtr Arrival of Goods. AT Hat, Cap and Grocer) S3 0 GD 02 o Now is Your Time to Buy HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER MM THE undersigned having jnst returned from the Eastern cities with a large and full assortment of C"l Dni Z-iS . , . kJzJ-ZSL U t S3 I r C in addition to a snperi-tCi? -J? 1 fc J- or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER HATS AND CAPS, comprising every eott and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can purchased elsewhere. Hs Stock ol GROCERIES are not sur passed in this marke, which he offer cheap for caph, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO,-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which he invites the at tention ot Shoemakers and the public. Give him a call At Stronp'n Old Stand, on Maki Street. JOHN K. GIRTON. Bloorcsburg, Nov'r 27 1864. - HOWARDS ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and re liable trea'ment in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of eharse. Address, . Dr. J. SK1LLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth S'r-t Philadelphia, Pa. . . CABINET WARE ROOM. JT ESPECTFULLY invites the attention of -'-'the Public to his extensive assortment ol Cabinet Furniture and CHAIRS, which he will warrant made of good materials and in a workmanlike man ner. At his establishment can always be tound a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which is equal in style knd fin ish lo that ol Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low prices. He has on hand of different Prices, from $25 to 560. Divans Lounges, Walaut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parlor bureaus, sofa, card,," centre and pier tables, detashn, cheffeniers, whatnots and comode, and all kinds of fashionable work. His stock of bureaus, enclosed and common wasnbtandsjdress-tableg, corner cupboards, solas, DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, bedsteads,eane seat and common chairs is the largest in this section ol the county. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking glasses with fancy gill and com mon frames He will also furnish spring rnaitrasses fitted to any sized bedstead, -which are superior for durability and com fort to any bed in use. , Bloomsburg, Nov. 4, 1863. GENUINE P R EPA R A TI ONS. "(impound Fluid Extract Buchu, a posi Vive and Specific Remedy for diseases of the. Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swellings. This Medieine increases the power of Digestion, and excite the Ahiorbenls into healthy action, by which the Wa'.erv cr Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain and Iflammation. ' juii.M hold's fxtkact Bunur. For Weaknesses arisins Irom excesfe, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion of abuse,atieiided with the following s) mp toms : Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Dis ease, Wakefulne-s, Dim nes of Vision, Pain in the Cu k, Universal La-situda of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushina of the Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Countenance. These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medicine invariably removes soon follows. I M POTENCY, FATUITY,' EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the Patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those "Direlul Dieas." "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the canst -of their snf ferinii, but none will confess the Records I of the Insarne Asylums. And melancholy Deaths by Consump tion bear ample witness to the Truth nf the asertien. The Conciliation once effected with Orgnnic Weakness requires the aid of Medicine to Strengthen a;nl Invigorate the System, which HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU in variably does. Atrial will con vince ti e most skeptical. FE.MALES,-FEMALES,-FEMALES. In many Affections peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu is unequaled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Re'.ntion, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Supp-ession of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous s'ate of the Uterns, LeuchorrhcBa or Whites, S erility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whether ari-ing from indi-cretion Habits or Dissipation, or in the Decline or Change ol Life. Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or un pleasant Medicines lor unpleasant and dangerous disea-ei. HELM bOLD'S Ex'ract Bnchn and Im proved Rose Wah cures SECRET DIS EASES, In all their Stages, At ImiIh Ex pense, Little or no change in Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It causes a frequent . desire and give9 strength to Urinate, thereby removing ob structions, preventing ar.d curing strictures of the Urethra, allaying Pain and Inflam mation, so frequent in the clas of diseases, and expelling all poisonoas, diseased aud worn out ma'.ter. Thousands' upon Thousands who have been the victims ef Quacks, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short lime, have lound they were deceived, and that the "poison" has, by the use ot 4ipor erful astringents," been dried up in the sj stem, to break oct in an aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Helmboid's Extract Buchu lor II affections and diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male of Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs requires the aid of a Diuretie. Helmboid's Extract Buchu is the Great Diuretic, and is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. Evidence of the most reliable and responsible character will ac company the medicine. Price $1.00 o Bottle, or Six for $5. 00. Delivered lo any address, securely packed from observation. Describe symptoms in all communications. Cures guaiameed ! Advice gratis. Address letter for informa tion to II. U. IIELMDOLD, Chemist. 104 South 10th st., bel. Chestnut, Phila. HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot, HELMBOLD'S Drug&ChemT Warehouse, 549 Broadway, New York. . t3?Beware of counterfeits and unprinci pled dealers, who endeavor lo dispose 'of their own" and ''other" articles oa the reputation attained by Helmboid's Genuine Preparations, Ao do Ex'ract Buchu, Helmboid's Genuine Extract Sarsaparilla. do do Improved Rose' Wash. EPSoM by all Druggists everywhere. Ask for Helmboid's. Take no other. Cut out the Advertisement and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. December 9, l863.-ly. . ' EZCS-1TG-3 E0L3L, WM.B KOCNS Proprietor HL003ISlilKG IM. THIS magnificent Hotel, situate in the central portion of the town, and op posite the Court House, has been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor is now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarders in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be supplied with the best the market affords, and his Bar with the choicest liquors. Altentise ostlers will always be on hand, and his stabling is the most extensive in this F9 ion of country. Omnibuses wil alwayscte in readioess to convey passen gsrs to and from the Railroad Depots. ' WM.'B. KOONS. irJf d'fferert 6tie andJj ff '". ' ' 'intrf.- """ "' V HQTOxtSi LIOTJCUSi WhoeVaTe and detail. n"M!E subscriber would announce totte J- citizens of Bloomsburs and vicinity, that he i selling LIQUORS in large and small quantities, and at different prices, at his New Store, on Main street, north side, two doors tout! of fJfZTi Iron sweet, Bloomsburg. His Jl&?ty stock of Foreign and Di?mestiot-Hiii 't&i'L IB IE ii SS" 22)2X2 S9 con?iss of Cognac and Rochelle. Blackber ry, Ginuer, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Da a S3 ps. ce . Old Rye, gray with age, hue Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and aiy quat.tity of common. He aUo has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras, Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam pagne Wines; and last but not least, "a qnantity of good double extra BROWN STOUT; all of which he will sell at the lowest rash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to ie his liquor a irinl. I). W. BOBBINS, Ag t. Bloomsburg, May 1, 1861. W Y03IIAU IXsrRAM'G C0311MM, Office over the Wyoming Bank, CAPITAL AND hUUPLCS, I50,CCO. R7" Will insure as;ain-t loss or damage by Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable lerms. DIRECTORS, G. M. Hollenback, John Reichard, Samuel Wadhams, D L Slioej maker, Daniel (J. Driesb.ich, R. C. Smith 11. D. Lacoe, G. P. Steele, W. W. Ketcham' Charles Dorrance, W. S. Ross, George M Harding. G. M. IIOLLENHACH. Prest. V. L. SHOEMAKER, V. Pres't. R C. &ITH, Secretary, W. G. STERLING, Treasurer. L 11. CONOVER, Agent, Beacti Haveu, Pa. December 2d, 1863. ly. JYcic Stock of Clothinr. S22i2:SI2 ii3H?EViinC I? Sjrijfig" aaid Summer Goods- T NV1TES at enti on lo his stock of cheap and lashionable Clothing at his Siore, on M.11N STREET, BLOOMSBURG. two doors ubove the flniricau House, where he ha- just received from New York and Philadelphia, a full as-ortment of .Hi n and Roy's Clothing, including I he most fah inn able, durable and handsome, DRESS GOODS, consist ing of liox. Hack, Frockt Gum and Oil Clot!. Coais, ancL Pants, of all sr rts, sizes, and colors. He also has replenished his already large stock of Fali and Winter Shawl-; t-triped, fiiu:ed and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders and fatlcy ar:icle. N l He has constantly on hand a large and well selected as-ort ment of Cloths anil Ve.-iii'gs, which he is prepared to snake op to order, into a iy kind of cloTiing on ver) 'short notice and in the be-i of manner. Ail his clothing is made to wear and most of it i oi home mannlacture. AND 0 Criea p I Of every Description, Fine and Hi Case of Jewelry is not siirpaeJ in th:s place. Call and examine fits general ts sortment of Clothing, Watches. "Jewelrj, See. &c. DAVID LOWENBER. Bloomsbnrg, April 20, 1861. Lnckauau a & tiloovaib urg It. R. m 3 m. . go. TWO 1AILV ON and after Monday, 1864, Passenger Trains December 26th, will run as fol lows : IjcaYc Northward. " ST ATIONS. MAIL. PASSENG R Northumberland, Danville, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Berw ick , Shickshinny, King-ton, Wyoming, PilteOtl, Arrive at Scraiton, ' Greal Br.d, New Yotk, Easton, Philadelphia. Leave S Scranton, .Pitlston, Wyoming, Kingston, Sr.ickshinny, Berwick, BlriDinsburg, Rupert. Danville, Arrive at Northumberland, Willi jmsport, Harrhmirg, Brfhimore Washington, Fhiladslpt ia, 8 00 i m 5.00 p M 8 40 5 AO 9 25 6 25 9 45 6 33 10 25 7 30 11 10 8 15 12 15 P X 9 15 12 50 9 35 1 05 9 50 1 50 10 25 pm 6 40 " " 5 50 2 45 6 30 uthivard. 6 00 am 4 20 pm fi 30 ? 00 6 15 5 43 7 00 5 30 7 55 - 6 45 8 35 7 30 9 15 8 25 9 25 8 25 10 00 9 15 10 40 10 00 6 30 pm 2 00 am 1 20 1 25 5 40 7 CO 9 05 10 35 5 40 6 no The shortest and most direct route to the West aud the Oil Regions ! Teams ol Uie Philadelphia and Erie Rail road leave Northumberland every mourn ing for Erie, arriving there the af'ernoon of the same day to connect with Trains tor Buffalo. Cleveland, Chicago, And ail other points West, connecting a! Corry with ail Trains on the Oil Creek Railroad. Passengers for Train 3, can leave New York via The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. at 9 00 A. M., thereby reaching all points on this Road the frame day. II. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, Dec. 20, 1864. OMNIBUS LINE. riMlE undersigned would respectfully an nounce to ilie citizens ol Bloomsburg, and the public generally, that he is running MniniMITUK LIVE , between this place and vl "--' Y-''"' the different Rail Roadjfrri rT tTiilr Depots, daily, (Sundays excepied to con nect with the several Trains going SU'h and West on the Chtawissa & William:trrt Hail Road, and with thoe going Norh and South on ihe Lack. &z Bl.iomsburg Road. His OMNIBUSES jre in good condition, commodious and coir.'foirable, and charges reasunab'e. 13T Person wishing to meet or see their friends depart, can be accom modated, upon reasonable charges, by leav ing timely notice at ttnv of the Hotels. JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864.' THE SINGER SEWIXG MACniXES. fcUR Letter A Family Sewing Machine is fast gaining a world-wide reputation. It, is beyond doubt the best and cheapest and most beautiful of ail Family Sewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No other Family Sewing Machine has so many use ful appliances for Hemming, Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, Guagtng, Braiding Embroidering, Cording, and so foith. No other Family Sewing Machine has so much capacity lor a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds ofchvh, and with all kinds of thread. Groat and recent improvements make our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, aud most cer tain in action at all rates of speed. It makes the interlocked stitch, which is the best stitch known. Any one, even of the most ordinarycapacity,can see, at a glance how to use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are fini-hed in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Case of the Family Ma chine is a piece of -conning workmanship of the most useful kind. It protects the ma chine when not in use, and when about to be opetaied may be opened as a spacious ami substantial table lo sustain the work. While some of the Cases, made out of the choicest woods, are finished in the sim plest ajd chasiest manner possible, others are adorned and embelished in the most costly and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as lo judge of its great capacity and beauty. It is fast becoming as popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are for manufacturing purposes. ' The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of the very best quality. Send for a Pamphlef. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., 458 Bmadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.810 Chestnut St N. S. Tm gley, Agent, in Epy, Pa. A. J. Evuns, Agent, in Bioomsburg. Nov. 11, 1863. Old Things iJccoiuc INcvv, The undersigned would beg leave to in form his old friends, and "the rest of man kind," that he has lately returned from the service of his country, and again re- O open d nis OLD ESTABLISH- ( EDTAILO R I N G S A LOON.-1. with a view of making up entire new gar ment, as well as mending old ones, for all martkitid, and any. body eUe. who may favor him with their work in his line. He is prepared to do work NEAT, Fash ION ABLE and SUBSTANTIAL, and hopes by so doing, ami strict attention to business to merit aud receive a due share of patron age. But remember, all, that these times require money, or something to live upon, he therelore hopes and trust, that when tie has done hi part, his customers will )o theirs, by furnishing the "reaity John," or rendy trade. For truly the "Laborer is worthv of his hire." BERNARD RUPERT Bloomsburg, Sept. 10 18G2. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. SWALLOW two or three Hogsheads of Buchu, I onic Bitters. Sarsaparilla, Nervous Antidotes, Sic, &c, Sic, and after you are sti-fi-d witn the result, then try one box ot OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S ENGLISH PK(JIFIC PILL?, and be re-tored to heaiih and vigor in less than 30 days. They 'are purely vegetable, pleasant to uk'e, prompt aud salutary in their effects wi the broken do wn and s!i altered consti n iion. Old and young can take them with advantage." Imported and sold in trie U. S. only by JAS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway, New York, K"Agent for the United Slates. P. S. A box of the ptll3, .ecurely pack ed, will be mailed to anv address on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, post paid, money refunded by the Agent if entire satisfaction is not given. July 20, 1864. 3m. EDITOR OF THE 'STAR,' Dear Sir: With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by return mail, to all who wish it (fre) a Re cipe, with foil directions for making aud using a simple Vegetable Bilm, that will -ffeciually remove, in ten days, pimples, hlo:clie, Tan, Freckles, and all impurities of the kin, leaving Ihe same soli, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail Iree to those having Bald Heads, or bare Faces, simple directions arid information that will enable them to start a full growth luxuriant hair, uhisKers, or a moustache, in less than 30 days. All applications answered by return mail wiitioul charge. Respectfully yours, THOS F. CHAPMAN, Ct.emUt, 831 Broadway, New York. July 0, 1864 3 in. iVorlh central Ilailway. T I M ETA LB E . TWO TRAINS DAILY lo and from the North and West Branch of the Susquehan na, Elmira, and all cf Northern New York. On and after Mondav, Anril 20'1, 1663, the Passenger Trains of the North Central Railway will arrive and depart from Sun bury, Harrisburg ind Baltimore, as lollowe: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leases Sunbury daily . except Sundays, at 10.10 a m. Leaves Hairi-burg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'ig, except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives at Baltimore' daily except Monday, at 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NORTHWARD. Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sundays at 9.15 a.m. Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p rn. Expies Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 " Arrives at Harrisburg, 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday ,3.00 " Arrives at Sunbury, 5.38 " For further particulars apply at the office. I. N DU BARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Aug 8, 1863. II C IIOITLR, SDKGEOI DENTIST, RESPECFULLY offers his miyff rf&inn a 1 rviri tn thp ladies & genllemenot Blooms - - burg and vicinity. He is prepared io attend io ail the various operations in Dentistry, and is provided with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al ways on hand. Alloperations on the teeth warranted. Residence and Office, a few doors above the Court House, same side. XTTt PERIIA.II'S INVALID SOLDIER NATIONAL II03IE ENTERPRISE, 5 8 5 B RO A D W A Y NEW Y O R K. THE 2IILr.C? 0? 1H3 21 B3LLIC1T. The Most Complete and Magnificent War Exhibition Extant. Devoted lo raisi g Funds for a Na tional Home, 100,000 TICKETS, AT Si EACH. A DONATION of 34.720 in Valuable Prop, otylo the Ticket Holders. JOS1AH PERHAM, Agent for the Pro prietors, has the honor to announce a plan for creating a fund for the founding of a National Institution, to be a home for lu valid, disabled, discharged soldier. , The original sumber of Tickets issued for this object was 100,000, one, third of which have been already disposed of in Boston, Mass. where the enterprise was first projected. Each of the One Dollar Ticket isgood for Four Admissions to the Mammoth MIRROR OF THE REBELLION, at 585 Bjoadway, New York City, or where ver else exhibited. One half of the profits of the entire sale will be exclusive!" devoted aud donated lo the above named palriottc object. According to the original advertised plan, a Mass Meeting of the ticket hold ers was held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, on Nov., 4th, and an adjourned - meeting at ihe same place on Dec, 16ih. The fol lowing named gentlemen were elected as a Board of Trustees, to receive the funds which may accrue Irom the novel enter prise, and to appropriate the same to this object in accordance with the plans of ihe originator ; Gen John S. Tjler, Beaton : his Excellency Governor James Y. Smith, of Rhode (-land; Hon. Geo. Briggs of New York ; his Excellency Gov. A. G. Curtio of Pennsylvania. Major Gen N. P. Banks, of Mass., Mrfjor Gen. O. O. Howard of Maine, his Excellency Gov. Richard Yates, of Illinois. To speedily accomplish ihiss great ob ject, every wise means will be used by the projector to effect the immediate sale of ihe tickets; and he calls upon 'he loyal and humane lo assist earnestly in carrying this noble undertaking torward to a trium phaul success. NVnher its importance, nor its reasi bility.can be called in question. Let ihe people but respond in a spirit worthy o the project, and no obstacles shall tielay its consummation. Making the proposition in good faith, and ready to devote his whole energies io the great work, the projector firmly be lieves the tide of popular lavor will flow in the desired direction, and accomplish the lounding and insure the creation of a permanent National Institution, which shall be an a) Into for the retired sol.lier, whose loss of health or limb i his diplo ma for heroic services performed in his country's cause, and which shall go down to ihe luture generations a blessing to man kind and an enduring monument to the liberality of the loyal people. Bv comoining this enterprise-with a public place of amusement ol such well established high character and merit, the subsct'iber to the fund, while giving his money for the promotion of a greal char itaole design, may receive a lull equiva lent for Ihe outlay in witnessing this snlendid series of Paintings. ATT A R ACTIVE BOUNTY TO PUR- CHASER. To effect the speediest possible snle of these tickets, o thai unnecessary expense may be saved, and the National Hom Fund proportionately increased, a further inducement is offered as a ooutity lo pur-cha-er. As soon as Ihe tickets shall have been sold, in addition to one half the profits, as aforesaid, the following described prop erty will be donated to ihe ticket holders, and placed in ihe hands ol their Trustees, adistinet board having been choseti for that purpose, at ihe mass meetings held as above slated, aitd which consists of the following gentlemen who, on receipt ot the property, will dispose ofthe same, by Int, or otherwise, as the ticket holders in rnas meeting may direct there to be no violation of law in such disposal : Ho i. C. O- Rogers, Hon. C. W, Slack. Gen. Bobt. Cowitui, Lot. A. J Wright, John Haj nes, Esq., o Boston, Jo.hua U Esq., of Mapleville, Mass , Isaac S. Morse Esq of Cambridge, Mass. SCHEDULE OF DONATION PROPERTY To whith the 7 ickct -holders u i!l be entitled One genteel residence in the City I of Roxbury. Mass. valued at SI0 000 j Three Piano forts, val. at S500 each 1,500 Five piano-fortes, val. atS30G each 1,510 500 2,500 260 Five Gold Watches, at $100 each, Fifty Gold Wache, at S50 each, Two share in ihe Boston and Wor cester Railroad a 5130 each. Twc shares in ihe Boston and Maine R R. valued atS130 each, 260 Two shares in the Merchants' Bank, Boston, at SI0O each, 200 Six thousand Gold Union MeCals valued at S3 each, 18,000 Two Sewing Machiaes, at S50 each, 100 Total, S34720 Due notice will be git en of the next mass meeting of ttie ticket holders which will take place in New York City A National Home Ticket, costing oni dollar, consists of five coupons, four of which are adn-iissions to the Mirror, good at any lime, and the other a certificate ol an interest in the Enterprise, which the purchaser retans. The admisiou coupon may be used sep arately, or all at once, as suits the' conve nience of Ihe purchaser. All communications on the subject, and all orders for tickets by mail, or express, should be directed to JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent, 585 Broadway, New York Cuy. TO CLUBS. Persons taking an active interest in this 'charitable undertaking, by gelling up c'lubs, will receive eleven tickets for every ten dollars sent. Jan. 20, 1864 jNKW MILLINERY GOODS p VifC FALL AM) WINTER. Miss MARY BARKLEY has just returned Irom New York and Philadelphia with an excellent assortment of Millinery Goods. She has Ihe very latest fashions and the mo5t approved styles of Hats and Bonnets, together with the most tasteful lot ol Rib bons, Trimmings, &.c. Give her a call and examine for yourselves. MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsburg, Oct. 1?, 1864. To Consumptives Consumptive sutterers win receive a sufferers valuable prescription for the cure of Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung affections free of charge.) by sending their address to Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Wiliiamshurg, Kings county, New York. - - WISTASS'.S BALAAM; or One of the olde-o ami most reliable rem- edies ju the world for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Courfh, Biouchiti,Uif fiddly ol Breathing, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Thront. Cronp.and every Affection ofthe THROAT' LUNGS and CHEST, including eveu WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD C HERRI So general has the use of thin remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to recount its virtues. Its works speak for it, and find utteraocrf in the abundant and voluntary tes itnony of ihe many who from long suffering and set-' ' lied disease have by its ue beei restored? to pristine vigor aud health. We can pre 6ent a mass of etidence in proof ol ou assertions, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. Testimony of Mr. JAMES GRIMES, a gentleman highly esteemed in Columbia! Co. Pa. and one whose statement can. bd relied upon. Alt. Pleasant, Col. co., Pa , May 21,1860. Messrs Seih W. Fooler & Co., Boston Gentlemen About three years ago our daughter, now twelve years ol iget wa severely bfUicted with croup. A general iintationot the lungs followed, urodocing a hectic cough, which became almost con sunt, swelling of ihe temples and othe indications of Consumption were also ap parent, and her hie was despaired of by her physician. Ai this critical moment w weie induced to give Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry a trial, and after she had taken one bottle we found her so much re lieved that it was thought unnecessary to continue its use. finc that lime we have used the Balsam in our family in cases of Coughs and Cold-, rnd believe it lo be superior remedy fui all diseases of the Lungs. Yours with respect JAMES GRIMES. FROM JESbE SMITH, Eq., J President of ihe Morris County Bank,Mor ristown, N. J. j "Having used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of ; Wild Cherry lor about fifteen y-ars, and having realed its beneficial results in rrv famil), il afiordsme great pleasure in re commending it to the public as a valua j b.e remedy in cases ol weak lung, colds, ! cougns, ace, and a remedy which I con&id ! er to be entirely innocent, and may be u I ken won perleel sa tety by the Uiost deli-t cale in heaiih." f FROM HON. JOHN E. SMITH, , A dtsstinguiohed Lawyer in Weslmipfte, ; ..uu. I have on several occasions used Dr : istar s btlsam ot V ild Cherry for sever colds, and alwavs with decu'ed "'.fi.fii I know oi no preparation thai is more ffiJL j caciocs or more deserving of general use.j The Bal-am has also been used with ex i celler.l erfect bv J.. B.' Elliott. Merchant ; Hall's Cross Roads, M L ' i W 1 STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY" j None genuine unless bigned'! BUTTS, ; on the tvrappe. ' I FOR SALE BY t I. P. S. W DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, N.'tL . FOWLE & Co., Proprietors, Boston. Ai.d by all Druggiets. A UM)DING'S KCSSIA SALfK He ds Old Sores: li?ddiiig: Rui-sia Salve Cure Burr, Scald, Cuis. Rdding:s Kus-ia Silv& Cure Wouuds bruises. Spra ns. Redding' Russia Salve Cures Boil, Ul cers, Cancer?. Bedding's Knsia Slve Cures Salt Cures Rinj Rheurn, IMes, Erysipelas. Riding's hnssia "Salve worm, Corns, 6iC, No family should be without it. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. For sale bv J. P. DINSMORE, No 491 Broadway. N.Y. S. W. EOWLE ii. Co. No. 18 Tre.noni St., Bo-toti, and by all Druggit and Country Siorekeepers Aug 10, 1561. ly. ARTHUR'S II03IC DIAGAZIE. Edi-ed bv T. S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN IA E. 10WNSEND. Phe Home Magazine for 1965 will be en- I A ;fniroveJf aj 1)ailf mor9 worthy of the eminent favor with which has been received li character as a a &Sih-TosicI Periodical, clai.ning public favcr cn the ground of real merit, will be carefully maintained ; while for variety interest, uselulne-s, and all the attractions of literature and art essential to a irue Home Magazine, the publishers will aim to make it Superior To All Others. A Fine Steel Engraving; and Two Paget of Music, will appear in evBry number, besides choice pictures, groups and char acters, prevailing fahions, and a-large va riety ot patterns lor garments; embroidery etc., etc. In all respects we shall give- A FIRST-CLASS MAGAZINE, at a price within the reach of every intelli' , getu family iu Ihe land. : A new story by T. S. ARTHUR will bs commenced in the January number. Yearly Terms, in Advance One copy, S2 50, three copies, S6,00, five copies a-iiA one to the ;:etter-up of club, 510,00, ninr copies, and one lo the getter up of club S15 00. LV A beautiful Premium Plate; entilled "The It fancy of Shakspeare," will ba mailed to each person who &end R8 aclbb of subscribers. It will also be .mailed to each single subscriber from whom we re ceive S2,50. C'For $4. 50 we will send one copy of each of Home Magazine and Gody's Lady' Book lor one year. Address. T. S. ARTHUR Si CO. 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia- Nov. 23. 1864. MATRIMONIAL. LADIES AND GEN tlenien. If you wish o marry address ihe undersigned, who will send you with out money and without price, valuable in formation that will enable you- to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age-,, wealth or beauty. This iu formation wilit cost you nothing, and if yoi wish to marry,. I will cheerfully assist you. All letter, strictly confiaential. The desired-informal lion sent by return mail, and no question, asked. Address Sarah B. Lambert, Greeu point, Kings county, New-York. OiL 12, 1864 2m DR. J. R. EVANS Physician and Surgeon, T-TAVING located permanently on Maioj L Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generally, that he is pre- pared lo attend to all business faithfully and! punctually that may be intrusted to bis care, ou terms commensurate with the times.' Br He pays Urict attention lo Surgery as well as Medicin86 November 25, 1 3.-ly." DAVID LOWEXBERGt CLOTHING STORE On Main street,t wo doors above lh A nut