STAR OF THE-NORTH! - X- . 'TCIXGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTRY. - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1165. Wchave been informed that ihe "Vill be made to day for ibis county. draft E. H, Litti., Esq., has moved hi law 'office, to the rooaa formerly occupied' by J. G. FnaEZK Esq., on Main Street, two doors 'below Sloan' e'.ore. Thc BLnoMBuaa Local Senat proposes to discuss, on next Friday evening, the pro 'prietjr of amending the Constitution of 'he 'United. States, so as to prohibit AOicac. Slavery. Three cent pieces of copper and nickle have been authorized by last act of Con gress, and the issue of fractional currency ttnder five. cents is 'to be prohibited. Calico at from 25 to 30 cents and muslin from 30 to 65 cent per yard, for 6ale at Sharpies'" store. Sharpie sells at reduced prices and always " down" when goods "fall." Call and examine for your selves. . Coming Down. Consumers will be glad to know on the authority of the New York Commerical Adveriier, that there "has been k very heavy fall in .the price of cotton goods in that market. Standard sheeting which two weeks ago. were held at 6ixt cents, were sold last week for forty cents. Let them tumble. Sivestt persons confit-ed in the jail of the District ol Columbia have been sold as substitutes. The officers of tire jail, nil loy- r -I I . I n . a nhlilna.l ( i . a i men, puceitu iuo muut these criminals, and they are turned out to aiegrace.iue army auu iciuiu iu men u practice. . A General Bounty Bill was discussed ad oassed in the House of Representatives Oi (6U1) rjjf I Alll A 11 illl'WS till? UlUCI&ui .ma n m rm 111 n ril X ( I f Tt a P n tt tm r II f: 11 TPI1 . r f r -j mount 10 uu raiaeu jy laiauuii auu a y-i Abraham Lincoln by authority of a late (act of Congress, has issued a proclamation offering a pardon to all deserers 'who will leport themselves to their proper regiments elnd companies within sixtj days after the A Kb of March 1365, and giving notice that all deserters not returning 10 service shall be, by the act of Congress, deprived ol all rights of citizenship, and shall be for ever incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under the United S'.a'.es. Kobbert -Mr. Geo. L. Johnson, of Orange township, in this county, few nights ago, had his house broken open and robbed of 'about S500. It is said, that Mr. Johnson heard the thieves in his house, but from prudential motives, did not molest them. This is the same unfortunate Mr. Johnson, who lost his wallet, some two monihs ago, containing about $250 ia greenbacks Col. Democrat. Luckt Editors. The draft wheel, in its recent revelations in Philadelphia, turned out tha following members of the corps edi torial :. Wm. V. M'Kean.of the Ledger, D. 'B. Wiliiamsoo, of the Enquirer, Ferdinar.d L. Featberston, of the Bulletin. All loyal men : but a hundred to one that neither of Them exposes himself to Confederate bul- -let or bayonets. They belong to the Loyal League Home Guard. A Rcpoblican :n town says he "goes for his country right or wrong." And, bad man and traitor that too are, it does not :make bit of difTerence whether it is right or wrong. Your patriotism is as much at 'fault as your morality. The real friend to hi country will be switt to expose andcon- ;demn what be finds wrong in it, as he js to , praise aad foster all that is right and just. Licenses. We have been requested by Jesse Colema, Prothoootary of Colom bia county, to notify Hotel and Saloon .keepers, that, the law requires all persons desiring to obtain license at May Conn, to hav their Petitions filed in hi office, at least twenty-one days prior (o the meeting ; of Court, io order that their applications may receive the legal publication. S rict -attention is required to this requisition of the law. Petitions and Bonds ueatly piinl 'ed and for sale at the office of the Star or . the North. What" good thing it would "be for a Psnnsylvaoian to lire in Massachusetts du ring the draft. That Slate has ooly to fur ' cish thirteen hundred and six (1.306) men by drall. The next best place for a brief residence would be New Hampshire which is to fnrnistnly two thousand (2,000.) Think of yonr forty-nine thoasaod, yet blun xlering Penaamites, and wish yourselves Yankees ! - 0 , -n A PsTmoH has been presented- to Con gress, by War Clergymen asking for an "amendment to the Constitution recognizing tniht be made, enforcing these bloody- "Toinded carsop.s to recognize the teachings -of the Scriptorei "as proclaimed by the- meek and kfwJj Jesns peace on earth and good .'will towardT man. Let them preach the 'word of God, and His beneficence,, remem bering that His Son, not John. Brown, died lo redeem the world. Then we shall find their .flocks in calmness an i with joy, sing- "O, for a closer walk with God," 'sad not congregated to blaspheme the AI Taighty ia praising a murderer whom- they tall the redeemer, and shouting, 'John Brown's sool is marching oa." ,A critic niAlignant enoaah" to tell the xtz'.h, eays that tha most awkward thing in : ii a' wcrBH tryisj to run. Special Notices. TO OrtSOirTlVES. THE undersigned having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very sim ple remeJy, after having suffered several years, with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption is anx ious to make known to his fellow suflerers the means of cure. . To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the presciiption used Iree of charge with the directions for preparing and uing th'e same, which Ihey will find r sure 'cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Colds, &c. The only object of the adver tiser in sending Ue Prescription is to bene fit the affl icted, and . spread information which he conceives to be invaluable ; and he hopes eveiy sufferer will try his remedy as it will cost them nothing, and prove a blessing. ' Parties wishing the prescription will please address, REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, New York. Feoruary 15. 1865 3mo. JF YOU WANT. TO KNOW A LITTLE ol everything relating to the human system, male and female ; Ihe causes and treatment of diseases; the mar nage customs ot the world; how to marry well ar.d a thousand things never publish ed before, read Ihe revised arul enlaced' edition of "Medical Common Sense," a curious book for curious people, and a good book for every one. 400 pages, 100 Illustrations. Price $1.50. Contents table sent free to any address. Books may bd ' had at the book stores, or will be sent by mail, po-t paid on receipt o' tie price. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, M. D. 1130 Broadway, New York, Feb. 1, 1865 6mo. Information Free. To Nerveoits St'fferers. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature Decah and Yomhfol Erroractuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnisn to all who need it, (free ol charge,) Ihe recipe and direction, for making the sim ple remedy need in his case. Sufferer wishing to profit by the advertiser bad ex perience, ai.l posse a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The Recipe aad lull information of vital importance will be cheerfully sent by return of mad. Address JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 60 Nasau Street, New York. P. S. Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will find thi information valuable. Dec. 7, 1864 3mo. EDITOR OF THE STAR: DEAR SIR : With your permission I wih to' say to the readers of your paper that I will send, by re turn mail, to all who wUh it (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and u:ng a simple Vegeable Balm that will elfectu ally remove, in ten days, Pimples, BlottJies, Tan, Freckles, and all Impuri ties of ihe Skin, leaving the same colt, clear, nmooth and Beautiful. I will also mail free 10 those having Bald Heads, or Bare faces, simple direc tions and information Ihat will enable ihem to st jn a full rowth of Luxuriant Hur, Whiskers, or Moustache, in less than thir ty das. " " All applications answered by return mail without charge. Reppctf'iliv yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, ChemiM. 8il Broadway, Naw York. March 1, 1S65 3 mos. ARCANA WATCH. An Elegant Novelty ia Watches. THE cases of this watch, are an entirely .new invention , composed ol i.t different ma'als combined, rolled toefTier and planished, prod ucins an exact imitation of 18 carat gold, ca'fled Arcana, .which will always keep its color. They are as beantiful and durable as solid gold, find are afforded at one eishih the cost. The cae is beautifully designed, with Panl and shield lor name, witn Patent Poh Pin, and ertgraveiT in the exact style of the cele brated Gold Hunting Levers and are real ly handsome and desirable, and fo exact an imitation of gold, as to defy detaciion. The movement is manufacmred by the. well known St. Jirner Watch Company of Europe, and are superbly finished, having ericraved pallets, fancy carved bri.fges adjusting regulator, with sold balanced, and the improved ruby jewelled action with the line dial and ekeleton han-, a'id is warranted a sood line keeper. These watches are of thre different sizes, the smallest being for ladies, and are all Hom ing Cases. A case of six, will be sent by mail or Express lor S125.00. A single oe seni in an elegenl Moroi cu ca?e lor 25.00 will readily ell for three times their cost. We are-the sole asents for this Watch in the United Stale, and none are genuine which do not bear onr Trade Mark. Address, DEVAUGH & CO., Importers, 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Feb 8, 1865 3ano. 1SG 18G PENNSYLVANIA & ERIE RAILROAD This great line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania lo the city of Ere, on Lake Erie. It has been leaded by the Pennsylvania Rail Road-Company, and is operated by them. Its entire length was opened for passen ger and freight b-jsiness, Oct. 17th, 1364. Time of Passenger trains at North'd. Leave Eastward. Mail Train 10 16 P. M. ' Elmira Express Train, 1 1 27 L. Haven, Ac'modation, 14 27 A. M. Leaves "Westward". Mail Train, 4 26 A. M. Elmira Expres Train, 5 IS Lock Haven Ac'modation 4 34 P. M. Passenger cars run through on Mail train without change bo'h ways between Phila delphia Erie, and Baltimore and Erie. Elegant Sleeping Cars on the Mail T'ain both ways between Philadelphia and Lock Haven, and on Elmira Epxres Train both ways between Williamsport and Baltimore. For information respecting Passenger business apply at cor. 30th and Market Sis., Philadelphia. And for Freight business of the Corrpany's Agent. . S. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Mar ket Street. Philadelphia. J. W, Reynolds, Erie. J. M Drill, As'i. N. C. R. R.. Baltimore. 11. H. HOUSTON. General Freight A gt.Phil a. II. W. GWINNER, General Ticket Agt. Phif'a. JOS, D. POTTS, General Manager, WHliamspcrt. Feb. 22, 1865. , Ayer's Cathartic Pills E.&II. T. ANTHONY & tO , "Uanulacturers of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. fcOl BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to iur main business ol POTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS,' we are 1 Headquarters, for the following, viz tslereocopes and oteroscopic news. Of these we have an immense a-sort mrit, including War Scene., American and For eign Ci'.ie and Landscapes, Group. Siat uary, &c, &c. Also, Revolving Stereo scopes tor public or private exhibition. Oar Catalogue will be sent to a;;y aJd:e?s on receipt of Stamp. riiotosraphic AII)u.v We were the fiist to introduce thee into the United States, and we manufatMure im rnense qiinntities in great varieiy, raains in price from 50 cents to 50 eacti. Our ,iI.I!UMS have the repuiation. of beins superior in beauty and durability le any others. They will be tent by mail, , fn receipt ol price. Z?Tine Albums Made to order.2 CKRD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now v mbrace over Five Thousand sntj-'cis (to which additions are (nominally beinsi mxe) of Portr-iiis ol Eminem Americans. &r. viz about 100 Mj Generals, 200 liriii. Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. .Colonels 250 Oilier Office's, 75 Navy Otficeis, 550 S aiej-mens, 13 ) Div.n e, 125 Autiiors, 40 Ariiets, 125 Sta?es, 50 Prom'nt Women. 150 Tromiiient Foreign I'ortrjiii. 3,000 Copies of Works of Art, including reprodne.iion of the most cele brated Engravings, Paintings, S;aliites, &J Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An Order for one dozen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on the receipt ot SI. 80 and sent by mail, Free. Pno ouraphers and others ordering good CO. I) will please rex it twenty-five pe cent of ihe amount with iheir order. E. & HVT. ANTHONY ac CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The prices ond qnufity of our goou'a can not fail to satisfy. lec 7, 18fi4. 6mo. II E E V E S ' oniGixAL, r.i:cii: si ri.luble, AMimOdA, FOR THE GROWTH. BEAUTY AND PRESERVATION OE THE HAIR. EI:iIliIud 18G0.3 JPricc, 75 cts.per bottle. Thi preparation can show living evidences of its excel lence. SEE Photograph and read certifi cate ol Mrs. Wm- Siitton hair five feet and one inch in length used Reeve' Ambro sia about twentv mon hs. ALSO, Pho'ograph and certificate of Mrs. L M. Neil hair five ft. length used the Ambrosia 18 months Thonsand are -using this preparation and offering wil- . ling te-ttmonia'.s. These potouraphs, taken from life, have been awarded to ex'.end the knowledge of the merits of tlis discovery- Hundred have seen trtese Udies and heard the facts fro'? :heir lip. 3Irs. 21axweirs TiStiir.onial. Ac-j; Yotk. Dec 23, ISfi2. Knowing pociiivtly thai Rcve' Am brose pioducecf a beautiful head pf hair for Mrs. Lizzie Sh-pt.erd, o! Brooklyn, New York, I was induced, thereby, io use it thoroughly. I needed something for my hair, it being short and thin had used oi.e half dozen bottles when I could plainly notice an increa-a in it length, sttetiHi, and beauty. An experience of about tw years has proved a compleie success. Mo hair is now by uiea-urenieiM, four feet ten inches in length, nearly reaching the floor. I I are allowed my photograph to proclaim the merits ol Reeves' Ambrosia io the world. MRS. WALLACE E MAXWELL. CT.-y entcnprisi'ig Drugzist.i have iheie Ph'ifnzrt'pts ami keep for sal-, REEVES' dMIiROSLi at 75 C'ena per 1 utile. Drui:i'its who may not have our prepa ration, will send for it il 'applied to. Prin cipal Depot, 62 F'-.ltori Street, New York. . Mes-rs French. Rc!iaH, Co. of Phil adelphia. General Asent- tor Pennsylvania. Nov. 30. 18H4. 6 mos. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. The ts'.ate of Il'm. Brown, deceased. THE utidei-ined Auditor appointed by ihe Orphan's CoLrl ot Columbia coun'y, to make di-tribution of ihe lurid in ihe hand ol the Execidor ot Wm. Brown, late ot Br arcreek twp, Columbia county, deceased, among the person entitled by lav to re ceive ihe same, will attend to ihx duties of his appointment at his ot'fk-e in Bloom-burg on Saturday, the lS:h day of March, 165 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, wher. and where all persons having claims against the es'ale of said deceased, shall prrsent ihe same be!or said Audinr, or be debar led from coming in for a share ot said fund. , W. WIRT, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Feb. 22, 1865 4wS2.50 A CARD TO INVALIDS A CLERGY man, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a sale and sim ple remedy for the cure ol. Ntrvou We.k ness, Early Decay, diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train, ot disorder. brought on by baneful and vi cious habits. Oreal numbers have already been cured by thi noble remedy. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit the afilicted and cnfortunate; I will send the recipe for pre paring and Using this medicin1, to any one who needs it, in a sealed envelope free ol charge. Pleae enclo-e a stamped envel ope, ad.lre-se 1 to- yourself. Address. JO SEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. 52-ly OLD THINGS MADE NEW- V PAMPHLET directing how to speddy restore sight and -give up spectacle, wi hout aid ot doctor or medicine. Sent by-mail, free, on receipt af 10 ecu's. Ad dress, E. B. FOOl E, M. D. 1130 Broadway, New York. Feb- I, 1565 Cmo. WORSE DILLS. 7 VJ.-W..H - IM FATLY IMttfY . JLfcAASS tub orricR or THC STAR OF THE IVOXITM BLOOMSBVRG.PJi. - JYational Foundnj. RIooni&lHir?, Columbia Co., f I'he sob-ribjr, proprietor of the tbove named extensive etatlihmen!, is now prepared lo receive orders for ll kinds of machw.erVjforCOLLERlES. BLAST Fi ll NACKS STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES. &c, &c. He is also prepared to make 'Shoves, all sizes and pattern, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in rirst-class Foundries llTs extansive facilities and practical workman, warrant him in receiving ihe largest contracts oi the most reasonable terms. Grain of all kinds will be taken in excharue for castings. nf This e-tablishmen' is located near he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsborg, Sept. 9, 1863. The Xew York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN the WOULD IJUIE exier.ive and comprehensive tacil- itie in its possession enables ihe Pro prietor of tl e Ueekly Hernhl to j-uarai.ti'e the la'eft atiil novt reliable iniormjuoo pns.b!e to b ob'atnd, not oidy from all pans of Ihe United Sia'es,but Irom ail parts ot tne worlds lis home correspondents. enjagpd at very heavy cost, and connected with each new naal and rr.ijitary expedition ot the s;ov. eminent, proVM thai it is iletermind to leave no spot uncovered by ts operaMoim aiul no event can oecur that shail noi find imme diate report in in column, ltco-ts the proprietor over one hi nd'ed ihousaml l 1 lars per yer to mai:.tai:i i:s corps of cor-r.-spoixleiits in the field. In iis collation ot Foreign News- ihe Herald ha for years held a hiiih poeiiiori, and it will endeavor in the future 'O main tain the stand it ha assumed. It has spe cial correspondent stationed in all of the rir;ciDl cities of the world. Its telegraphic arrangements extend to wherever Itie electric wires are stre'ehd. Wten the Atlantic cAle is laid, which fest will soon be accomplished, telegrams will be received Irom Europe and Asia, as well as from the Uoi'ed States Then our readers will have the events of the,weck in all par's, of the civilized world regularly and clearly laid before them. , The -r'-prieior ilevoies a portion of the paper lo literature. Fashion, Agriculture, ihe Mechanic Art, Sporting M-Utfrs rWi-i-nes, Theatrical and Financial Reports." Canle Markets, General News, and reports of all events calculated to form an excellent metropolitan nMpaer a weekly photo graphic view of ih events of the world and all at a very low price. The Weekly Herald i iued every Sat urday mornin, and lurnished ai the fol lowing rates : One copy ' 52 00 . Five copies S3 00 Three copies 5 00 Ten copies 5 00 Any larger number adJressed to names or subscribers SI 50 ench. An extra copy wilt be sent to every clu1 of ten. Twenty copies to one address one year, S25. and arty Urer nomter at same price. A.ti extra copy sent t club of twenty- " Advertisemenis to a linru'ed number, will be inserted in (he Weekly Herald I he Daily Herald. Four cents per ropy Fourieen Dl!lars per year for three hundred arid six:y three issue. Seven dollars for si months. Totec dollars and filiy cer.i lor three monttis, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Ednor anc Proprietor, Northwest cor Fulton and Nasan-M. N.Y. There are io travelling ae.its !or the Herald. 52-,f rUE 3IACAZIM-: FOUTIii: Tnics: V KT T. H S O ?i ' tt - G.IZ1.E The L'esr and Cheapest in the World for Ladies I The popular monthly magzme w'-ll be greatly impiovei' for 1865, It will contain One Ttioi.-anl pae ! Fourteen plemlid S'eel Pla! '. Twelve Coh'ied Fashion I'lares ! Twelve C. I re 1 B-r io Work Pa t-r is 1 Niue Hu-i lred Woo l Cti!.! Tweiry fcx.t Pane- of Mu-ic ! All this will be uiv-rt t'r only Two Hol lars a ear. or a dollar le- tha'i Mai- Z lie ill ihe da ol Pt-ter-Oil '' 1 ThriSlin? TalfS and X-vcIcUes Are tt e t.'isi pnt'-i.-:.ed a v wi-er-. Ad !'" IMi-t popular A r ! ' r - are f i : i I r- 1 ! " ri( crii'al lor t'eier on ;: It: 1H5. n i add n C'li to i:s il-ti 1 1 'iiii-iv ot n-r' -' r ' ip. Four or-ni'-al. "i'i' t N w ill t e i vpo. t A'i'i N S t !;- n -C. M o.ii.Mt, F'.i. L-- B-i.r-.ii.-' Author ol ihe -'SO'iid LTe '' li L-. i-a-i.t ;h- h-O Ut' llstlr Fanhions .1 he rid cf all Lthess. Erfdi i.nmb-r, su al toi m 'o t.i .-olrre i plaie. Hives lonnel, Ci k a id Dulses, ariii'aved on wood Also, a pafern. Irom winch a Dress. Ma-.t ll . or ('lul l's Dir-s-. can be cut, w ittioul liie aid of a man'u-ma-ker. Al-o several pae of Hous-ii"l ! and oirier R-cei, its. 13 It ii tie ce.-.( Lady's Magazine in the vbiiLI TRY IT FOR ONE YEAR. TERMS AUas in Advance. One cop) , one vear. S 2 00 Etht copies, (or one' year. 12 00 Fourteen copies for one jear 20 00 Premiums for Getting up Clubs: To every persons getting up a club, at the above ia es, a copy of :he Magazine for 1865 will b given gratis : or, il preler red, Ihe superb engraving (size, 27 ir:che bv 20 inches. j Washington Patting From Ills Grr.eralf.'l Address, post paid. CU ABLES J. PETERSON. 306 Chesuiui street Philadelphia. RSpecimens sent gratis, when ss-it lor. Nov. 23, 1864. THE XEU GUCCEUY STOiiE FORMERLY ERASMAS' OLD STAND ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. lore 1'res.h Good. Just received at Henri Giger's Xew Store. MOLASSES, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, RICE, m SPICES, FISH SALT, TOBACCO, SEGARS, . . CANDIES, RAISIN, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions &c , too nuinerous to mention. iJsrBo'.ter, Eggs, Meat and produce gen erally taken in exchange lor voods. HENRY Gl GKR. Btoo nubnrs, Not. 23, 184. t-r'.-i- .. --:;-, - " r-::;- :,- v - - -.- GROVEETEN 8c CO. vww o rou:-: v. a w vfa ctj re rs, THE attention of the public and the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave. Rose wood Piano Fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by bi.j lu'ner.o . . . T-i .11 .1 . .4 ! nrimmiiiiic h t Pnf II . Lra l:u offered i -i ihismarKel. I ney cor.iain an Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, . '. ' . .i m t ii under ir.e personal sn ervisirii ci .vir j. n ", i . of over 30 years in .heir r. anufneture is fi.lly uarrented m every rPiMiiar. The GroveUen Piano-Furte Ifrcnved the Jiphest award of Merit over all others at the Celehrated World's Fair. . Where were exhibited instruments ftom ihe best maker of London, Pari- ""'"Jf Philapelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York; and also at th e Amer.c an It) si u. e lo five successive years, the gold and silver medal- from both of which en b e J our ware roc... Bj the imrodnc-ion of improvements we make a still more Pe lee Piano Fore, and by manufactories lately, wrh a striciy cash sjstem, areenab.ed to ofler th-e ins-riimerits at prices which will preclude all competition. n PRICES: No. 1, Seven Octave, round comer, Rosewoo,. plain case S275 Seven OctaU, round corner-, Rowood l.envy moulding S300 No. 3, Seven OC ave, rouud comer. Rosewood Loi XIV s-vle S325, a Jc -.mile of . "'"J- RT CS!1, irV CW8J8SB2T VVNDS. C&- DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FKEE.jj July 13, 1864. ly. ri;T5A2I CLOTIIKS WRIG!:it. IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE S : . FJ DJ US T1SG 1W1NGER. No Won d- Work lo sivdl or rpHlNo Thumb-set fws to get out of order -H'arraixtedicilh or icithovt cog-wheels XT took th first premium at fifty-seven State and Cunt) Fair in 1863, and I without any ex.cept.on, me best Wringer ever made. Patented in ihe United Mate, En-land, Canada, and Australia. A-ents wanted in every town, and in ali pans ol the world. Eueri'etic Aent cnri make from three lo ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers sent Express paid on receiti of price. No 2 S6.50. No. 1. S7 50. No. F, 50. N. A. 50. Manufactured am' sold, who'e-ale and retail, by THE FU IN AM MANUFACTURING CO , NO 13 Piall Si'e.M, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. A H FRAN CISC US, Aen', Pniladelj hia. Pa. If hnl Everybody Knows, viz: Tht iron well iialv',uzed will not rust. Tha' a simple ma'-'.ine i t.ctrr ttia-.i a rompltcated one. That a Wrm-er should ,...ti .,.i;.,.ihi diirhle. and etlicient. That Thumb -crews and cause j . . . i . . 1 1 L-Ufi i fi illav aini iron: le io ic'j'" "" "--i- order T' wood soaked in hot water will ..well, shrink and spill. I hat wood beari'-a oi the -alt to r-m m nl vvear p.H I nal ihe P.i nam Wriniier, nh or .it out n: vhci- ls. Ai',! not tear lhclo'he. Tn at cog l;eI regulator noi essen tial. TiTai tlie Putnam Wrin-er ha a ltMe aitvania---, and i:o one of the disvuvau U -e above ramed. That all who have tested i'., pronounce it the b-st Wringer evr-r made. Tt at ii will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We nnuht fill Ihe paper with tes imoni al. but in-ert only a lew to convince ihe skeptical, if s'.ch there be; ni.d we say to aii, 'est Pan. am'- Wiin-jer Test it 'hor O1.o),lx wuh any and all others, and if not . 1 1 I . s- 1 i-f.tcl rv reinrn it. Patntim Manufacturing Co. lj r n i t ... .ol Vi I I Hl'v I I " ' 1 1 ' r-. .N-'.eriei ce tha- Ton well calvarled V if? j,u.: ,v .!; .."i oXi-'tZrt nt m-t o'e j.,rt '.-i. ! !,., Wficuer i- rear Deflect ;- ; : ir". : i! I can c.heer!u!!y recomiie'id ! ) ! ' t e ' r--! ii: ii--". l""-J)-t.l!'il'y o..r, . . ... . . . a f ' JOIi.N '.V. n I'c.t.LMt. Cl-vl ind, O iio Ma-iy vear ex; eri-Mice fie galvi.t.iZ : nsii rs.. en.-i'.'le me to f r.dor?e the above staieinewt i' all jiarticijUrs JNO C I.EFFERTS, No. Hid lieeKinan St. New York, January, 1S64. We have le-ir.! Pu nam s Cl 'thes Wrins.' er b practical working, and know that it will do. Ii i cheap, it is simple, il require no ro'-ni h-:Ler at work .r at ret; a child -an opr-rate il I' does its, Ml V ihororghly. I, Mie- mo e and it save- a;id lear. We ariit'ly advi- all wt,o have much washing iodo, with al. intelligent ter-ons who may have anv, to boy th. Wringer. It will pay tor il-e.f "i a year ; mo-t. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, tyfil. lv. Ealing and Drinking THE "subscriber re-pecifully gives no tice to die public that he has at his Sfdoon, on Main Street, coitsiaiiily on hand Fresh Oysters, either in the shell or by the CAN, to suit hi customers. Families can be supplied by the can or by the quart upon short no tice. He also keeps on hand XX Ale, Si der and mineral. Give ti im a call. B. STPHNER. Bloomburg, Nov. 23, 1864. Adiiiinistralor's polite Estate of James McHridr, late of Hem lock township, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on the es tate ot Jarne McBri ie. .late ol Hemloc twp., Columbia county P.t , have been granted bv rie Register of sai 1 county to Hugh D McBride, residina in ihe twp.. and coimty aloresaid. All persons having claim against ihe esla'e of the decedent are recrJcsted to present ihem for settle Tie il io ihe ad mioistrator without delay, and all persons indebted to the decedent shall make pay meat immediately to the undersigned ' HUGH D. McBRIDE, Aa.n'r. Hemlock, Jan. 4, 1865 6w &2. liTtXKS ! CLANKS ! CLAAKS 1 1 DEEDS, SUMMONS, EX ECU! IONS, SUBPCENAS', f proper & sale j'ice of the "Star of the North.'? hi- - Ba- tc nr en.-h ii.sur.rr.ei.t tr-P made rvm - ixTnrN hn l.r. tind ii practical ex- 1 JYcad Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES-CHEAP GOODS. fglHE undersigned respectfully informs his friend and ihe public nenerally, that he has just received Irom the Eastern Cities, a laroe assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seat of Fashion, ot all sorts, sixes and quantities, which will be sold cheap lor cash or country produce. -A L S O, 1 BOOTS AND SD0ES. is Together with a varieiy of no . lions and thins too troublesome to numer ate, to nhicn he invite.- the attention of pur chaser. CC? He is also prepared to make its clothinz to order, on reasonable termp, and up(o the latest fashions. 2" Call a-jd examine nyr stock of ?oods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsbiirj, April 27. 1864. JUillcr's Store. ZJP 3 Ho. .nzrL 1 OF FALL AND V. IN I Lit GOODS. fiMlE subscriber ha just returned from itie ci'.ies wi'.h another large ai,J beicct assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, al the lowest figure, find which, he is detei niined to sell on as moderate terms a? can be nrocured eUewbere in Bioornsburg. Hi slock roropr'sfs L.J DIES' nil ESS GOODS, of (he cl.ticKsi styles and latest la-hiotis, m-eitter with a larjo aor'meii of DRY-GOODS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS', AND VESTLNUS. ALSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. Q( E ENS W A K E, C ED A l MY A U F HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON. BOOTS SHOES. HATS CAPSVc. In sliorl. ever; ilnni; Usually ke:d in cnon- trv More, in which he inv des heatleiition ! ot ihe pnt'lic L'! v. rt,e hiu c-i ,ii ice will ba pa' l for cocn lr iirodiite. it. c.c'ia''i?.- for jood. 1 M'EPHEN H. MILLER ;:..o-r,l urv Oct 12, 1G4. c o n f : :c r l ( n i : ry s to r e . H. ('hkistman, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi-z-ii- d B; loui-br.rj and vicinity that he ha- j'ii opened a new Reire.-hirenl Sa loon and C'.n :tc;ionery S ore, ( a Main-st , ecotul iloor br-iwihe ''American House,1' vvhr-re tie intends suppling ail who rry ;ivr hirn their cu-l'nii wi h FKEHOS TEilS. Clam S'Hip, Sardines, Boded E-s. Ham. Tnpe Pn:-' Feet, Dried Heuina.&c. H- will ni-o kce . on hand i superior ar ticle of DRAUiHl r ALE.. Pottt-r Lagerbeer, and ;.r-ao.i ida : ti-etier wi:h a good as sor tin-ot of Can Ii.'. S a eet meats, Cwkes, Cigars and Ctiewj.ig Tobai-co. In connec tiim wi:h tin saloon hi ha fined up a La die'' m-rit. where all who may de sire can call lor ()y-ter3 and Refreshment and will be fre from all annoyances an iiulei-r-ticies that ladies are too often ex posed 'o in some of our best re.-iaurai;ts Don't fail to give him a call. H.C CHRIS I'M AN, Proprietor, blcomr-burg, Oct. 12j 1864. At!E:iiiiiti'ntofc''g IVoticcr Estate cf Jacob Kindig, late of Fishing- crefk. livp., dtceat-id. T EEI'IERS ot a lmiiiis'ration on the es-A-ia!,. ol Jacob Kindig lale of Fishinyceek twp, Columbia county, deceased, iiave been araive I by the Register of Columbia county, to John Wenner, residing in town ship and county aforesaid. Ad persons having claims -aain-t the estate of th de cedent are reqne-ied lo present them to the undersigned without delay, and all p r spns indebted to make pavmt:t lorthwih JOHN WENNER, JJm'r. Eishgcreek, Nov. 9,UC-! fw 2.. Rational Claim Agency, CONPICTEU BT HARV.Y 8c COLLINS, WASHINGTON, D. C. IN order to facilitate the prompt adjusi mem of Bounty, arrears ot pay, Pension and oilier claim due soldiers and oiher persons trom the finvernmeoi of the U. S , the undersit'cd ttas made arrangement with l ho above lirrn whose experience ami close proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, as well as the early knowledge acquired by them of the deris ions Ircqneiiily being madp, enabia them to prosecnie claims more effectually than A'lomeys at a distance can possibly do. AM persons entitled to claims ot tha above description can have them property attend ed to by calling on ma and entrosiine them to my care. W. WIRT, Agent for Harw & Collin. Bloomsbarg, Augflst 10, 1864. jf AfiUHf-ArJ'Ii tc.v; o. V1 . GROVE R 8c BAKER'S, CFLtBHATft) Kt-ASTlO STITCH SERVING 711. U HirWKS , Wpre awarded the highest PiBn.iurns o'irr ad Competitors, si the following State and Couritj Fnr' of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for family Machine. -First Premium for Mamifacnirina Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. ' First Premium for Machine for aii purposed First Premium lor Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir.t Premium for Family Machin. First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Work . r IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Marhin " First Premium lor Manufacturing Machihe Firl Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all porposas First Premium for Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR F'rst Premium for Machine for'hfl purposes Frist Premium for Machine Work, MICAIGAN STATE FAIR First Premium for Manufacturing Mhifl'i F:rst Premium for Family Machtn'e. First Premium for Machine Work PENN'A STATE FAIR Fiist Premium for Manufacturing Machine Frist Premium for Machine Wbrk OREGON STATE FAIR. . First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. Kirst Premium lor Family Machine Firit Premium for ManHlr.rturing Macl ioe Fi'st Premium for Machine Work FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium for 'Fa rnIy Machiii,r. First Premium for M an u fad u ring Machine CHAMPLA1N VALLEY Vi. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium or Manufacturing MacUiui First Premium for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mas AG'L. SOC. Diploma lor Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P:emiurn for Family Machine ' ' QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium.for Family Machin First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. Firsl Premium tor Farnilv Machine MECHANICS' INST! TUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purposi First Premium for Machine Work GEREN FIELD O, UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. C.LINTON CO. O, FAIR. . ' First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fi st Premium for Machine for all purjyurt Firsi Premium for Mach.ire Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. First Vremium for Family Machine . Fir-t Premium for Machine Work C27 The above comi prises all he Fair at which th Grover & Baker Marti me were exhibited thi vear. Sales-rooms, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Ches-iiut St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1SG4 lj. THE Greatest Improvement yt---uV Sewing Machine An. A enriositj worl i-ceirg. . - r . . .. .I l lease send lor circular witn sample sewmg. Thee Improved Machine mt o hundred per cent of Ihread and silw. an I msike the lock'siitch alike on both side: They require no instructions to Oiier4 perfecdy, except Ihe "printed dire-I io-i " No change in sewing from or.e kit U f goods to another. And no tak.nsz apart to clean c ol'. Our New Mano-iactcry is now vnw.Jey with all it machinery . and iools emir-" . nfw, and is aleady rapidly tnrninir n"t M-chir.c, wl ich for beauty and perfrcti' i o' finish are not surpassed by am mata;fa trre in the world. N. B. Should any Machine p'ove nn isfaciorv, it can be returned and h oney refunded. Asen's wanted in counties not cdnvait by our own Aaent. FIN K LE & LYON S. M. CO No. 538 Broadway, New York. April 20. l64. 1 V. Ioticc Io Trespassers. THE following farmers and land ow:;eN, of Orange and Cen:re townships Coium roiintc. do herebv caution, all n-- -j- j, . . i asainst hunting or in anywise trespa-si ; 1 on iteir lands, thus making themelv 1 surjeci to tne penaiiies oi me law i.i i will be most stringently enforced David E Haymeo, Stephen Hill, Samuel HeuHej, Frany Hayman. Simon Lawry. Reuben Si. ler, All ol Oiange township. Bnj. S iner, . Wm Beck, Frederick Beck, Adam Hill, Writ Wiimite, Geo. Witmir, Joseph Ruckle, all of Ceo're twp. . Orance, Nov 16, 1864. rJHE undersigned having cnneried hin - self with esiabiihed Agencies in Wasti - iniiton and Philadelphia is prepared t. attend io ih of Back pay, ISoiuilieM. I'eiisioti. ;id ail o hr equitable claims ai'ai .t lhr Government. Hi. srience ad bu.sine conneciior eriablb ti i m to a.icnd to theu with the Seas1 rossible delay. No cl argr made unless the claim are jercreJ. Office wiib E. H. Little Eit., Court Houe Alley, Bloomsborg Pa. C. tr HiiOCKWAY. Bloomsburg, Dee, 14, 1364. tl. .