The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, March 08, 1865, Image 1

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    ""TllE SlWK OF THE NORTH -'
: iEmb . t . -
i - - ' - v :
Truth and Bight God and our Country.
$2 50 la. Advance, per Anania,
tt. U. JACOSI, nibllsherO
.... lOAH '
ll 1 well known lo the medical profes
sion that Iron is the vi al Principle or Lite
Element of Hie Mood. This i derived
chiefly from the food we eat ; but if the
" focd ia not properly digested or if, from
any cause whatever, Hie necensary quan
tity of iron is nor taken into the circulation
or becomes reduced the whole system sut
ler. The bad blood will irritate the heart,
will clog op the lungs, will stupefy the
brain, will obstruct the liver.and will send
its disease producing elements to all part
-of the syniem, and every one w'il suffer in
whatever oigan :ry be predisposed to dis
" case. The great value of
Is well known and ackno'i ledged by all
medical men. The difficulty ha hear, to
: obtain such preparation of it as will en
ter the circulation and assimilate at once
with the blood. This point, says Dr Mayes,
Massarhnvel'6 Siaie Chemist, has been at
tained in ibe Peruvian Syrup, by combina-
. lion iu a wav befor nnknown.
Is a protected olutinn of the Protoxids
' f Iron. A new discovery in medicine rhat
strikes at the Root of Disease by supply
in? the blood with its Vital Principle or
Lite Element Iroi.
Cures Dii-pepfia, Liver Complaint, Drpsey
Fever and Ague,' Lors of energy, Low,
"Spirit, b.
infuses strength, vigor, and uew lite into
the -jftem, a no builds up an 'Iron Consti
tution. "
Cores Nervous Affection, Female Com
plaints, and all disease, of the Kidneys
and Bladder.
Is a Spetific for all dieate originating in
a bad state of the blood, or accompanied
by Debititj or low Mate of the t-ystem.
P.rophlet containing certificates of!
rare and recommendation from some oJ
the moM eminent Ph).ciarin.- Clergymen
end others, willbetetii FREE lo any ad
Jrew We select a few of ihs names lo show
h character ot trie testimonial..
John E. Williams E-q , President of the
Meiropo iuit Bank. N Y.
Rev Abell Sevens, Lie Editor Christian
Advocate & Journal.
Rev P. Chnreli, Editor N Y. 0 hrnn icie.
Kev. Jnl,u Pierponl, IX-v Wrrei Burtons
liev. Artnur B. Fnller Rev. GnrJou Ror
bins, Rev. SvivaMi Cobb, Rev. T. Starr
Kng. Key. Ephrsirn Nuie. Jr.,
H Clinch. Rev Hertrv Upham, R-v. P. C.
Headley, Rev. Jon n W. Lewi
J'thnoii, M. D . Rnwell Klnnev,M. D
K Kendall, M D , W UChi-hr.m,M D
Fri cii Dna. M, D, J-remiah Stone. M
D, Jo-e AiMOttio Saner'. M. D , A A.
H-es. M. D , Abraham Wendell, M. D ,
J. R. Chilton. M. P., H- E Kinney, M. D .;
Prepared by N L I'laik & -Co . exclu
sively tor J. P..DINSM0RE,N.. 491 Broad
way, Now York. Sol! bvatl DruiaU.
RediJiimM Kiijuia Salve !
ly estaMi-hed the ouperioruy ot
Over all other healing prepara inns m
U cure all kinds of Sores, Cut, Scald.
Burn-. BuiN, Ulcer, Salt Khenin. Eryip--la-,
Sues, Piles, Corns, Sore Lips, Sore
Kt, &c. removing tie pain at onee, and
reducing rhe mol ansry looking sweling
und iufi jma'i on a if bv m?ic.
Fnrsaleby J. P. DINSMORE. ?r. 491
.Broadway, New York, S VV. FOWLE n
Co.r N. 18 Tremoiu St. Beeton, and by
a. I Dru2ii-ts.
Anau-i 3, 161. lv
Sparkling Catawba Wine,
jqwu in Q'oiy ond Cheaper in Price tk"
the Bruudiei and H ints vf the
Old Wot Id ,
' For Summer Complain . Cholera Irdnntn in,
Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Ctiolic
and Dirrhoea.
Ji sure Cure is guaranteed, or ihe '
money will be refunded j
"In support of ihe above statements, ar
presented ihe Certificates tf Dr. James R. .
Chilton, chemist, New York, Dr. Hiram
Cox, Chemical Inspector, O'h'o, Dr. Js. II. ,
Nichols, cherr.i-t, Boston. Dr N. F.
Chemical Inspector, Circleville Uhio, Prof !
C.T. Jackson, chem si, BoMon, Dr. Chaa.
Upham Shepard, Charleston, S C, and J. !
i,, chemists' ChicPQ. of whom 'have
.analyzed the Ca'awba Brandy, and com-f
mend it o lha highest terms, for medical j
" J JiftalysU tf the Ma ssachufi setts' 'State
fit say er, Jan. 25, 1858.
I When evaporated through clean - linen it
Jeflnooil or offensive matter, let trery
respect it is a Pure spiritous liqnor. The
P which gives to lhi Brandy it flavor and
aroma,' is wholly unlike fuKtl, or grain oil.
is odor partakes of both, the (roil and oil ol
grapes. With acid, it produces- others of
a high fragrance. The substitution of this
"Brandy for Cognac Brandy will do away
.with the manufacture of fictitious spirits,
.sold ender this name both at home and
abroad. , Respectfully,
, A. A. HAYES, M D., Assayei to St a t
iJass., 1 Boyleston St i
Yy the same, in 18(34. :
I have anal)?ed 'L Lyons' Puro Cata
wba Brandy," with relerence to ill corn
position and character, bein the same as
hat produced in ast years.; A lample
.taken frcm lerj caks afforded ihp same
resilis with rezard to purity ; a slightly
increased amount ihe principle on which
its flavor depends was determined by com
rarion with former samples.
. The indications of analyiis show that
.this brandy is produced by tha sarac pro
ces." as most of the imported Brandy..
Re-pectlully, A. A? HAYES, Ll. D.
Ausayer, 1.6 Bnylesion St. .
ostcn, July 20, 1S34.
iTjfdC(ured only by H. H. JAC03 &
'To r-h:n '. Orders fhuuIJ te .ad-
i Office on KaiaSt.. ltd Square below Kar&et
TERMS: Two Dollars snd Fifty Cents
in advance. If not paid till thr end jof the
i year,
Three Dollars will be charged.
No Fubccripiions taken for a period
than six months ; no discontinuance permit
ted until all arrearages are paid uuless at the
option of the editor
4 kt terms of advertising will be as follows:
i Une square, eight lines one tune,
SI 00
. 4 50
10 00
Kvery subsequent insertion, . . .
One square, three months, . . .
One year,
The Footstfps of Decay.
The following is a translation from an
ancient Spanish Poem, which, says the Ed
ingburz Review, is surpassed by nothing
with which we are acquainted in the Span
ish language, except the "Ode of Louis de
Oh ! let the soul its slumbers break
Arouse it serses and awake,
To see how soon
Life, in its glories glides away,
Aud the stern footkiepsof decay
Come stealing ou.
And while we view the rolling tide,
Down which our flowing minuter glide
Away so fast.
Let us the present hour employ,
And deem each future dreatn of joy
Already past.
Let no vain hope deceive the mind
No happier let us hope to find
In morrow than to-day.
Our golden dreams of yore were bright,
Like them the present shall delight,
Let them decay.
Our lives like battening streams must be,
That into one engolphing sea
Are doomed to (all
The ca ot death whose waves roll on
O'er kins and kingdom, crown and tsrooe,
And swallow all.
Alike the river's lordly tide.
Alike itiH humble rivulets glide
To thai sad wave ;
Death levels p -verty and pride
And rich and poor rleep side by aide
Within the grave.
Our binh is but a starting place,
Li'e i- th running of the race,
And deatn the soal ;
There are all our glittering toys are bro'l-
Ttie path alone ot all unsought,
l found of al I.
See ihen how poor and little worth
Are all the glutering toys ol earth
That In re us here !
Dreams ol steep thai death most break,
Ala ! hetore it bids us wake,
Lnng ere the damp of ejrth can blight,
The cheeks pure glow of red fbd white
Has pasted away.
Youth smiled and alt was Heavenly fair,
Age came and laid bis finger there
And wbere are tbey ?
Where is the strength :hat sporned decay,
The step that roved so light and gay,
The heart's blithe tone 1
The strength is gone the step is slow,
And joy grows wearysome and wo !
When age comes on.
The Maie coach ws nearly foil.
Everboly knows what that means oo a
burning August afternoon, when the sun
glows like a live coal in the fervid sky, and
tne dual raises up in dense columns around
ihe r-lowly revolving wheels. All the pas
senger poor. Travel worn mortals were
tired and cross ; veils became an abomina
tion, and the palm-leaf fan, wielded by the
stoot lady in the corner, was eyed with en
vious jjlanc-s by everybody.
OUI'Mr. Thome was fast asleep and snor
ing in his nook probably wandering thro'
green fields where dust never sullied the
daisie and hot roads'Wtre unknown, in bis
peaceful slumbers. But Isabel and Minnie,
his two daughters, could not sleep and con
sequently reaped a foil benefit of dust and
nJ Joll,nS "h"1". '"be 8 Pre,,T
head was corrogated with a rather unbe
coming Irown, aud her red lips were slight
ly elevated, while Minnie leaned out of the
window,' tryjng to be patient, but finding it
very hard work, poor little thing !
,''I wonder il we are almost there," she
aid at length, with a soft, weary laugh.
''Not within half a dozen miles," answer
ed label, pettishly. Why on earth don't
they have some more respectable convey
ance than a lumbering stage coach to carry
people to the Sulphur Springs T'
"It is not so very' bad," sighed Minnie,
meekly, 'that is it would not be if the
weather was not quite so warm, and the
dost not ao intolerably thick."
-No, ot course .not," returned Isabel,
ironically. ,4But you always were a poor
little, mean spirited creature Minnie, per
petually trying to make the best of every
thing. ' Pear me J what are we stopping
here for ! Qood gracious if tbey are go
ing tu squeeze .in auy more passengers 1
stall cenatoly f-tnt away." -
Regardless, however, of Mlsa T'a des
pairing countenance, the driver ruthlesdy
opened the door, and their . party was aug
mented by a tallV rather pleasant looking
gsullemanr followed by-a trim English
nurse, carrying a rosy7 liule babe, with a
nel of lace around its bead, and long,
eeping skirts of white cambric, loaded
tra toss over the cushions, and applied ber
cut-glass vinaigrette lo her nostrils, without
seeming to notice the intruder. Minnie,
! however, whispering "Move, Isabel, there
is more room on this seat," compressed
i herself to a small space as possible, and
j beckoned to the nurse to take the place va
i cated.
'Minnie, how can yoo be so absurd?"
said label, petulantly. "See how yoo are
crushing my dress ! O, dear me, if that child
isn't beginning to cry ! 1 hate babies !"
Old Mr. Thorne straightened himself into
a sitting posture, and rubbed his heavy
eyes, as the feeble wail of the little one fell
oo his ear.
"What's the matter, Bell 1 he aked,
'The matter 1 Why, a cross baby, to be
sure. A pleasant ride we shall have to
Rockdale, with that squalling in our ears
the whole time. I do thick babies ought to
be left at home.'.'
"Bell," remonstrated Minnie, blo'hing to
the very tips of her ears with mortification.
But Isabel merely tossed ber head without
looking around, too ill-humored even to no
tice the snlt pleader at her side. And still
the incorrigible baby, after the fashion of
the attempts of the nurse to soothe il and
divert its attention. The woman looked in
despair the gentleman's brow flushed
with annoyance.
"Let me take it," said Minnie, softly.'.
"I thiok lean quiet the little thing."
"I am afraid it will-annoy you," said the
gentleman opposite. "I am sorry "
' Oh no, not a bit," said Minnie. "I am
very fond of babies. Do give it me, surse!" i
It was strange how soon that baby dis-j
covered that it was in loving hands. Gradu- !
ally the little wrinkled forhead smoothed
out like wax slowly the ceased, and
the scarlet lip stopped i's quivering, as ;
Minnie laid off the motherii.g cap which
all nurees seem to consider necessary in-!
gredient for the suffocation of infants, and
smoothed the silky hair, and whispered,
coaxingh , ''baby talk" ia the little pink
ears. j
"Ble's me, Miss, I do bel'eve yoo have
got a spell about you !" ejuaculated nurse,
as the little creature's dimples broke out
into a smile, which revealed six infinite j
small teeth. ,
Yes, Minnie bad a spell ; but it was only '
a spell of'sweet good humor and sunny
temper. ' I
"I wocder who has arrived thi season,"
said Isabel, as she arranged her rich brown of hair before the mirror in her
room at the principal hotel of Rockdale
Springs. "They tell me every room- is
crowded. Laura Todd wrote me word that
Co. I Tremaine was to be here, and he
alone is sufficient to bring plenty of belles
to the place."
"Who is Col. Tremaine 1" asked Min
nie who was patiently helping Isabel to
braid the long, shining tresses.
"Why, the wealthy widower who owns
that superb place at Rivermoua t ; doa'l you
remember bearing of him 1 My dear, your
memory is getting defective.''
"O ! now 1 reccellect," said Minnie. "But
I should never have thooght of him again,"
"Just like you ! Minnie Thorne, I'll wa.
ger anything you'll marry nobody yet !"
"Very likely," returned Minnie, wiih a
laugh. "Wealthy widowers do not trouble
themselves about insignificant little mites
like me. You may win the golden prize,
Bell, if you choose to try."
"I shall certainly do my best V said Isa
bel, glancing at the mirror with a throb of
conscious pride.
Truly the face reflected might give pleas
ure to the most fastidious, with its golden
brown braids, and velvet)' black eyes, con
trasted so royally with her peach-blossom
cheeks and lips, like the scarlet heart of
pomegranate. While Minnie's blue eyes
and smiling mouth had but the cbarra of
truth and frankness to set off their .delicate
"I say, girls, what do yon think," ex
claimed Mr. Thorne, thrusting his bald head
into the room, as bis daughters were pre
paring lo descend to the dinner table. ''Col.
Tremaine is here, and ia none other than
the tall gentleman who came down in the
staze coach with us V
"Not the gentleman with the nursed and
baby ?"
"Nonsense. Papa, some one has been
grossly deceiving you," said Isabel. "Col.
Tremaine, who owns the finest horses and
carriages in the country, would, never
dream of traveling in a rusty stage coach."
"Not under ordinary circumstances, per
haps," returned her father ; bnt I was just
introduced to ihe Colonel himself, and in
thecourseconversation .be mentioned that
bis carraige breaking down, had compelled
him to inconvenience the passenger in our
coach with his presence. And be express
ed, in very warm terms his gratitude to my
daughter far ber kindness to his motherless
infant what do you think of that Minnie?''
It would be hard to tell which blushed
deepest, Minnie or Isabel but the rosy
colors were called to their cheeks by widely
different emotions. , .
The long bright summer day crept on,
with skies of blo, quivering liht, and son
seta of fine and .carandine ! Newport and
Saratoga, Lake George and the Catskills
succeeded each other on the traveling pro.
gramme ol ihe Thornes, and greatly to the
annoyance of the reigning belles in general t
Cof. Tremaine PceomMn?,d tht nrtv
the hotel at Niagara Falls. She bad been
wanderirg through ihe lealy wilderness of
Goat Island, but that was not sufficient rea
son for the deep color that su'used her
cheek, nor was tbe'moistore upon the eye
lashes altogether the spray of Niagara.
"Isabel" she whispered, laying her
head upon her sister's rhoulder, "1 am very
very happy. Col. Treroaine has aked me
to become his wife i"
Isabel was naturally good-hearted, and
he smothered ihe pangs of her own keen
disappointment with an effort, as she fold
ed Minnie in her arms.
4I am glad of it, Minnie; you. will make
him an excellent little wife. But to think
of bis choosing a homespun body like
yoo. "
The real clue to this matrimonial mystery
was not discovered until one day, not long
after the wedding, when Mrs. Tremaine
was bend:ng carelessly over her step daugh
ter, murmuring the melody of a sweet cra
dle song. Suddenly a hand was laid on
her shoulder. She started and smiled to
meet the tender light of her husband's eyes.
"Sing on, darling," he said loudly ' I
liice to see Bessie on your lap. You
were sitting just in that altitude with that
smile on your face, the day 1 fell ia love
wi'h yoo." -
I don't know what yoo mean."
'Don't you remember a warm day in Au
gust, in a crowded stage coach, with'a baby
that would cry, and a bloe-eyed little rriaid.
ed who smoothed the child and tended it,
even though ber- naughty sister declared
"she hated babies ?' I felt a sort of intui
lion that the blue eyed lassie would make a
tender mother to the little orpaned one, and
then and there I lost my heart. Dearect I
have never regretted my loss '."
Isabel, sitting in the next room, heard ev
ery word of this little conversation, and she
could not help thinkiug how light had been
the words and glances that had decided the
destiny ot her eister'a life and her own.
Il you throw a stone into the glassy bo
som of the stilleft lake, the circling ripples
widen, with constantly increasing sphere,
long alter the stone is forgotten. And even
so it is with every word and deed of our
lives. -
Pharoah awo Javr. Davis. Mr. Cox
made the following admirable point in the
debate on the araendmendmect to the Con
stitution respecting slavery.
If, then, as il is said bT the gentleman
from Vermont Mr. Morrill,! slavery is
dead, what is ihe orject of this amend
ment ? That distinguished gentleman told
us the other day that like Pharoah and his
hosts, the South had rushed with slavery
into the Red Sea of war, and that slavery
was destroyed.
Well, if that be the cae, if slavery is
dead, where is the necessity lor invoking
this extraordinary power of amendment ?
My friend from New York Mr. Odcll,
wlio also spoke so well in defence of his
views, said that although it was dead he
wished lo give it a constitutional bnrial. 1
am not much of a- biblical scholar, but I
believe that we bave no authentic record of
the fact that after Pharoah and his hosts
were destroyed in the Red Sea the children
of Israel, after the destruction, met together
upon its shores in grand convocation and,
alter listeniog to Aaron and the other ora
tors, passed resolutions somewhat like this
amendment, to wit :
Resolved, That neither Pharoah nor his
hobla. except as a punishment for crime,
whereof ihey shall h.are been duly con
victed, shall hereafter exist within the juris
diction of the children of Urael. Laugh
ter. What would the people have thought of
the children of Israel for passing such a
roMilution alter the decease of Pharoah?
My friend from New York Mr. OJel!,
belongs to the new dispensation, and wo'd
give the deceased slavery a constitutional
burial. What would have been thought of
tha children of Israel, after they had fished
out PharoahVdead body, if ihey had pro
ceeded olemnly to give to il a constitution
al burial ? Laughter.
A Sad Fate and a Warning The Eas
ton Argus says r Some years ago a mother
less liule girl was adopted by a respectable
family in Easlon and named after her
adopted parents. She was carefully raised,
well educated and grew up to be an in
telligent sprightly gill. Improper associates,
however, corropted her mind, and only last
fa'.! she threw herself into the arms of
some'reckless adventurer, who took her to
Philadelphia. A short time ago. she was
found in the atreeta by the police of thai
city; an abandoned, diseased out-cast, and
taken lo the alms house. Asserting her res
idence to be in Northampton county, she
was removed to our Poor House, Whera
she died a few days after arriving there.
Such is the brief and sad history of a young
woman of twenty, who might have been an
ornament to society, had she cooseo to
walk in the path of honor and virtue. Let
her fate be an example and a warning to
the poor, deluded, giddy creatures who in
these days of recklessness, more than at
any previous lime, are rushing headlong lo
ruin, in all our towns and villages.
That is So.Some musio teacher ence
wrote that "the art cf playing on the violin
requires the nicest perception and the most
sensibility of any an in the known world."
Upon which an editor comments in the
following rrfanner 'j "The art ot publishing
a newspaper andmKy.g..U Py arjd at the
Storj of Two Brothers Their Desperate
"Not long since," said a gentleman, "I
was travelling in one of our remote settle
ments, when the following incident took
place :
Two brothers, pioneejv in that region had
together settled opon a tract of several-hundred
acres. For a while they carried on
their business harmoniously together, and
they became prosperous and rich Little
differences alter a while arose between
them relative to the management of their
estates which finally ended in a division ef
the property. One brother, whose tastes
ran to grain growing, took the upland,
while the other, whose tastes rsn to flocks
ond herds, took the lowlands as best adapt
ed to his purtuit. The division was ami
cably made, and for a time al! went on well.
The grain growing brother, owing Jo his
greater industry and better management,
soon outstripped his more indolent brother,
and in proportion as his riches increased
he pot on airs of superiority, and became
inclined to contrat his fine condition wiih
that of his brother. He soon began to find
fault with the encroachment. of his broth
er's cattle and horses, and notwithstanding
a written agreement which w made on
the partition ot the exta'e to the contrary,
he would occasionally appropriate a uray
steer, and turn a pay a runaway colt or
horse into the border or enmnmus beyond
him. Odier little irritations arooe which
extended finally lo the families of ihe broth
ers, and resulted in a growing coldness and
distrust. Faults, which if seen, were over
looked when they were mutually depend
ent, were now greatly exaggerated, and
ihe old love and affection which grew out
of common necessities and sufferings had
almost died out. Crimination and recrim
inations succeeded, aud occasion only was
wanting for open hostility and personal
combat. The occasion came how, I need
not say and a desperate fijhl pio
gress when I came into the neighborhood
ef the brothers. They had been milling
each other for several hours, and when I
saw them, the larger had the other down,
and il seemed to me that he had greatly the
advantage. He had already seized his
brother's watch and pocket hook, and was
now demanding his cattle and hordes as a
condition of settlement, under a threat that
if they were not surrendered, his larm
should be taken, and himself and family
set adrift. To neither ol thee conditions
would the smaller, weaker, but wiry and
spunky brother submit. 1 saw that while
Ihe sympathies of the bystanders was gen
erally in .favor of the weaker brother, yet
that fear of the stronger prevented any inter
vention to stop the disgraceful coined.- I
watched the contest for several hours, and
was astonished to see the pluck and deter
mination, as well as the skillful manoeuvre
of the weaker brother under the powerful
blows ot his adversary. When I le.'t ihe
ground both parlies, besides being bloody
and garment torn bad become much' ex
hausted, but it was apparent that neither
would give op except by absolute hunger
and exhaustion. I have not yet heard how
the contest ended, but from what I saw I
Ibink the stronger brother will keep the
watch and money, but some compromise
will have to be made about the hore, and
cattle and the real estate. 1 could see that
he tbreat of exile to himself and fam'y
from tber land and home eave a deporale
energy to the weaker brother, and that it
could only be accornplinr.ed by his death
There wa, however, so much pride and
pluck on both sides, that I shall not be sur
prised to hear that (he quarrel ended by
the intervention of mutual friends.
The above almost improbable story,
comes from a gentleman of character and
veracity, and is given as an illustration o!
Christian civilization in the United Slates.
The re'ative popularity of the English
poor house and prison among the-class
which fills them is very clearly shown by
the following dialogue which took place at
a reformatory penitentiary, and is reported
verbatim by a lady in a letter to the London
Times ;
"What is your name ? E H -,
"What is your age ? Eighteen, please,
"Are your parents alive 1 Never 'ad
"Who brought you up ? Chelsea Work
os please.
"Where? At Penge.
"Can you read ? Very little please.
"How long were you at Penge ? Till I
was fourteen.
"What did you then do ? Got us a place.
"Did you remain there ? No, 1 ran away.
"Why ? The work was hard. ,
"Did they get you another place, and
did you rnn away from it ? Yes 1 stayed
some months, and then rati away.
"What did you do then ? Lived on my
"What after that ? Did badly.
"Were you ever in prison ? Yes, please.
"Why were you sent there ? For smash
ing windows.
-"At the workhouse ? Yes, please.
"Why did you do that ? Because, please
they gives us 41b of oakum lo pick in the
honse io the day, and it scrubs our fingerst
and we can't do it, and ir. the prison we
only gets Id, aud (ar better wittles I
Learning. By too much learning many
a man has been made mad but never
one from the want ol it- Hence, some
would draw an argument against learning;
but as well might thie advantages of steam
Story of a Shepherd Dog.
A writer in the Prarrie Farmer, over the
signature of "Wool Grower," , tells a long
and marvellous story about hi shepherd
dog, from which we make the following
extract :
1 I will add a short account of what 1
used tn do with my dog 'Colonel,' which, I
fear,, thoe who bave never seen a well
broken dog work, will be apt to class among
dog stories.
"When 'Colonel' was six months old, t
drove with him a flock of sheep from Ohio
to Illinois, pending forty-seven days on
the road. H has never been behind a
flock of sheep until the day 1 started. In
lour weeks' lime I could send him into a
a hundred acre pasture, and he would make
a circuit ol it aud bring the flock' out with
out leaving a sheep, and without hurrying
them out of a walk. By ihe way, it is very
important to break a dog to go slow the
most ol dogs are too eager and hurry sheep
too much 1 ferried the Wabash river at
Attica. The boat ran up on a low level
bar, xhere there were no yaids or fence to
assist in getting the sheep aboard. With
two hands and the do( 1 loaded the boat
without having to catch one ofjhetn.and
the flock made five boat loads. 1 got up
on the bank where the dog could see me
well, and ther. by motions made him jtr
the flock down light to the boat, and when
well jammed up, mount ot. tbair back,
snd by barking and nipping not severe
enough to call biting shoved ihern right
in. No ten men without a Jog could have
loaded them so noon, if ihey could have
done it at all.
When I had occasion to drive not to ex
ceed ten hundred sheep a few miles,
wanted io other help but the dog's. I have
driven that many sheep along the road six or
eight miles, where it was unfenced, some
limes on one and sometimes on the other,
and sometimes on both sides, myself being
ahead of the flok, ihe dog behind, the
sheep so strung through the timber tht
perhaps I did not see the dog for an hour
at a time.
''When ihe flock got to spreading out fan
shaped, as a flock will where ihere is a
chance to pick, Colonel' woold go out and
turn in the corners, passing op just tar
enough to effect that purpose, and no far
ther. He used, apparently, as much judg
ment in parsing up the side of the flock
jusi so far as would a man. When he wa
in doubt about an order, he would stop aud
look back until the order was repeated. I
have many a day driven all over ihe prairie
and taken a flock io every direction by
walkiug on before, tearing him to bring the
sheep after me, without looking at him or
speaking lo him. I could send hint two
miles ou ;nio the prarrie after a thousand
sheep which were strung fur half a mile
and be would collect and drive them all up
to me. I bave owned other dogs which
would do the same, but none but him that
did not rush the sheep too hard.
'I could send Colonel' over a fence on
ahead a quarter of a mile, lo stand in a
crot.8 lane to prevent the flock from turning
out of the road. I have herded a thousand
sheep with him for two weeks on pieces of
grass surrouoded by other crops. When
herding on a piece of grass bounded on two
or more sides by other crop, I watched
one side and let him guard the remaining
sides. His manner was to steal quietly
along in the edge ol the corn wherever he
saw the sheep approaching too near, and
show himself merely sufficient io make
ihsm turn iheir heads in another direction,
yet not enough to frighten them over to the
other side of the field."
A Mas came to the Duke of Wellington
" What have you to offer?" "A bullet
proof jacket, your crace " "Pot it on."
The inventor obeyed. The Duke ranz a
bell An aid de-camp preented himself.
"Tell ihe captain of the guard io order one
ol the men to load with ball and cartridge."
The inventor disappeared, and was never
seen again near the Horse Guards. No
money wasted in trying that invention.
In describing the difference between
aristocracy and democracy, it is wittily, said
in Cincinnati : The democracy are those
who kill hogu for a living ; the aristocracj
those whote fathers have killed hogs.
Wit and coin are always doubted with a
thread-bare coat. No one stops to question
ihe coin of a rich man, but a poor devil
can't pass off either a joke or a guinea, wih
eut its being- examined cn both sides Jr
ving. Fernando Wood, Pendleton, and other
peace democrats propose to give a dinner
lo Mr. Sweei, of Maine, the only New Eng
land representative who voted against the
Constitutional amendment, at a mark of
their regard to him.
There is but one road in ft which it is
the power of all to follow, and of alt to at
lain. It is subject" to no disappointment,
since he that perseveres makes every diffi
culty an advancement, and every conies' a
victory; and this is the pursuit of virtue.
A Clergyman lately traveling in the Oil
Region saw a child in the road stumbling
and falling. He kindly picked her np, say
ing, "Poor dear ! are yen hurt?" When she
cried out, "I ain't poor ! Dad struck ile
yesterday !"
jjtPTipVsljjiiekets of admissrw t
An Indian Uvt Stor.
In Gen. Scott's recently published antibi
ozraphy, among bis experiences io 1h
Black Hawk war, occut ibe lollowiog ro
mantic episode ; ..
The summons for th conference waa
now given to all tbe tiibea and obeyed, and
the grand councils of war for the settle
ment of ihe treaties commenced- .While
these wem pending, a demand came op,
from a Judge ot Illinois, some sixty milea
below, for an Indian murderer, his nam
nnknown, but who had been distinctly
'raced to ibe camp of the 'freat body of
Sacs and Foxes whom the chiefs bad con
trived'io hold iu neutrality during the re
cent hostili'ies, influenced ' mainly by Keo
kuk, nut a. hereditary chief, and only
principal brave ur warrior, the sense bear
er, orator and treasurer of the confederacy.
The demand was communicated to lore
remarkable man.
After a little' musing, tne painful truth of
the storj seemed to flash upon hirq. With,
candor he slated the grounds cf bis fears.
A. young. brave of some twentf years of;
age, the son of a distinguished chief, bad
long sought lo marry a bar dsome young
sqnaw, the daughter of another famous
chief, but the maiden repulsed the lover,
applying to him Ihe most opprobrious epi- -thet
sqoaw he never having' taken a
scalp, killed a grizzly bear, uor, by sur
prise; robbed an enemy of his arms, bnrs
and w;ie. Hence, she said her lover waa
uot a bruwe but a woman. Her sympathies
were, moreover, with Black Hawk her
only brother having tun off wjth that reck
less chief. . . .. .
All these particulars were not yet known
to the wise treasures ; for he bad only been
surprised at the chauge of conduct in the
ttUe savage, who bad so suddenly married,
her lever. Keokuk, in good faith eaid he
would inquire, for bis great care bad been
to save hit people from destructive war and
entire spoilation, with which Black Hawk's
conduct had caused them to be threatened.
The next day he called at head-quarters
and whispered-that bis fears had proved
prophetic ; that the happy bridegroom had,
for the good of the confederacy, confessed
himself to be the guitry party, and was af
hand ; bot begged the General to repeat,' in
a full council, the demand, etc.. This waa
accordinaly done, and as soon as Scot's pa
oration 1 demand the murderer was inter
preted, the young A polio stood up and said
lam the man I With a violeoi stamp and
voice Scott called oui, the guard I A ser
geant, with a uczen grenadiers, rushed In,
seized ibe offender and carried him off.
When the blacksmith bexan to place and
rivet ihe irons upon him, he struggled lo
riou&ly. It took several of the goard to
hold him down! He said he did not coma
forward to be ironed ; he did not wish to be
tr ed, tha' he preferred to be shot at once.
He was sent down to the Illinois rson then
in seion, put on Lis trial, and notwith
standing ihe btrong cjrcqmolanti! nil
denoe, and that it ws proven he had ac
knowledged the killing in a hand-to-hand
right, a tricky lawyer, well provided with
the means of bribing, no doabt by the
e hie Is of the confedaracy, obtained from
the jnry a verdict of not guilty.
The acqnittad had yet to pass another or
deal one of fire and water, A witi
horse, half-way between the court and the
Mississippi, (a few hundred yards off,) had
been provided for the occasion ; frontier
men alwas have their rifles in hand, and
their horses ready. The lawyer hastened
bis client out ot court , and gained for him
a good start. 'Fly, young man, or your
dearly bought Helen will soon be a wid
ow !'' iu a minute followed by some whiz
zing shots he was in ihe saddle. In another,
"horse and rider" were plonged Into "tha
great father of waters," swimming side by
side. Now oame up furioo!j a dozen ri
flemen, who threw away their lead at the
ton distant game. The last of the ro
mantic, represented him as the happy fath
er of a thriving family of "young barbari
ans," by more than a "Dacian mother",
all tar beyond tha Mississippi.
The negroes of Washington propose to get
up a. testimonial to Butler expressive ot
their sympathy for his removal. By all
means let the niggers have chance to.
praise Butler, if there are no whit men
who will. : ,
Gen. Banks states that the total popula
tion of Louisiana has been red need from
700,000 before the war to 450,000 at pres,
ent. The mortality among the blacks ha
speaks of as " appalling."
"What! are you drank agaio?"
"No my dear, not drunk but a li lle slip
pery. The fact, is, my dear, some scoundrel
has been rubbing my boots till they ara as
smooth as a pane of glass.".
Thk Law or Love. He who cannot hold
bis tongue cannot love.
No one can be sincerely in love with two
persons at the same time.
Tbe gift and pleasures of love should ba
Love never dwelt in the house of avarice.
Love cannot remain stationary; it trust of
necessity increase or diminish.
Fcilty of possession ia lata! to lore, dtQ
cnlties increase it.
As long as men smell ol whiskey and
tobacco, tha women bara a right to defend
thtmselvea with aaosk.
Some hypoer'nir- prater in chnrch ar