. .... . . .... . . . 1 f 1 X.. ft i i ! ,' V. U. JACOSiubUsher.j Truth and Right God and oar Country $2 50 in Advance, per Annan VOLUME 16. BLOOMSBURG. COLUMBIA" COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1865. NUMBER 18, E NORTH. a- - THE 'KEW.TOKK IE1VS. TUli BEST PAPER M THE. WORLD. 53. Wood, Ed. andPropi ietor The Democracy of the North will com mit a latal error if they arceDl the result of the lute. Presidential election as an indica tion trom the hand of Destiny to relax their political action until the opening of the xt campaign. ".The future welfare of the republic depends upon the political zoat and activity of the Democracy during ihm vear 1865. ' The 'small majority of the po pular vote that elected the Black -RepuMican candi dates,1 cooMdered in view of the extraordi nary resources of the AdminiMration for corruption fend rpmpulsion, attests that the power of the Democracy, on a fair field, is eqnal to the vindication ol Democratic principles. - There is one fc.'ure in the result of the Presidential election thai goes far to re concile the patriot to the hard, fate of his country under four years more of Black Republican misrule. The baleful meteor that lingered in grief whil in onr political atmo-phere ha vanished lor ever. War Democracy has fulfilled its mission of dis organization, and like any other pestilence will be remembered only for the evil it' ta done. The j!(iue now before the people' is the final struggle between Centralization, and Stales' Right, nd no journal is Democrat ic that is not the devoted' champion of States' Rights, the paramount principle of "he Democratic faitti. . ,TheNew York News needs no totimony beyond its plain unalterable record to sub , Uoliate its claim to being and having' been the most earnest, able and coutidKiit States' Rights Journal in the land. We have no excuses toiuyeitt for modifications ' of sentiment, uor have we tOf pit ad "ex pedieucj" in palliation of iDconsistencv. Uui path has been lraigM forward. Our olumn are belore the. people, not a line . iutheiu that we would cancel nor senti ment we would recall, not an assertion that teqnires an explanation,' not a word that we regret to have ut'.ered, not a prin ciple ad vocafed that we have no' stood, by and Will stand by to the last. Such has been our pact record, o will be our future. We Jo not, however, a-k the Democracy to' sustain as in our mission a a reward lor the service we have done, but in con sideration ot the good work that we pro pose to do. The N.w Yoik News for 1865 w"ill oot merely ituitafe its predecessors, it j will excel them. ' It shall be not only the I'uesl exponent ct Democratic principle, lnt the. best neicjpaper in the country.' Hereioiore it h-i tiad no superior as a ve-, luclrt of hews, hereafter it shall have no t-qual. ' In every department ot jHiniHliru -we have arrand that ilie New rhall dis- ' lance-competition. It is the only Demo- j crane newspaper hi Hie metropolis that has the advantage ot publi4hm nVily issue with the full dispatcns of the Associated Press, and iherelure its machinery for fur- ' pishing a complete record of events is more perlecl than that of any of i:a Ddmo rratic coteoiporaries. None have attempt 1 latterly, to compete with it in the publi cation of Souihrj intelligence, as our . -yMem of exchange with Southern journals baffles ike sagacity aud enterprise of our 'rivals. . A glance at the columns or The News devoted to ;rioo liern and Northern per- sonals'' will remark the extraordinary sue. cess that has ausnded'our enterprise in that direction. We are in daily receipt of letters expressing; ihe thauk ot those who, throuab the medium oMhe 'Personals'' in The News, have been f f.aMed to receive tidings from their friends and relatives io the tfoath, and the heart of many an exile nd -wanderer has been gladdened through .(bat instrumentality by words of affection Uud hope from those mourned for as dead. The New York News Jus become so popular iti- the rural districts thai other Me tropolitan '- jonruals, in publ shing their stereotyped boa-t of 'the lament circula tion of any' weekly jonrnal" are constrain ed to make an exception in our favor. It is a significant cireu instance that since the Presidential election and cotitwaueni de- ini-e of War Den.ocntcy, the tobscrip:ioiis ' 10 thia paper have been uuutually uumer- ous. - '' j The Agricohura1 Department of The New York News renders it. an invaluable companion aua assistant to the farmer; and its Cattle, Maiket. and Produce Re ports are" more reliable and full than those of any other journal. The Daily News will forfeit one thou sand dollars if, in the above Departments, competent judges should deny its superi ority. TERMS. " DAILY NEWS.:' ' One copyone year, by mail ' , f 10.00 Oue copy, six mouths, 5 00 WEEKLY NEWS. - : - Oni copy.1-one year, -. 2 CO Four copies, one year,' -.; '. ; . 7.00 Ten copies, one year, ,-. -.. 17.00 Twenty copies, one year, 30.00 We have no traveling agent authorized 10 collect or receive money for subbcaip tions. . , --a - , 1 : Orders and letter should be addressed lo BENJAMIN WOOD, L Daily News Office, New York. Jan. 25, 1865. - j . : , .. OLD. THINGS i MADE NEW. -A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily' 'restore sight and give up' 'spectacle, vi bout aid ot doi:tar' or medicine. Sent iy mail, free, oa receipt af 10 cents. ' Ad 4ms; ' E. B. FOOTK, M. D. 1130 Broadway, New York.' ' Feb. J, 1863-.6mO. ' ! ' CHARLES C. BARKLLY, Attorney' at law, fJLCOSCG; C01X2ICI1 CO., PA. TTTTILL practice ia the severl Coorts of ' i ' Colombia county. All legal business jntrnsted'to" his cars shall rsceive prompt attention. ! ; t . . ! O F F IC E, On Main Street, Exchange JJaiiJiPS, 6v?r JiiUsr's S c4e. - ' April - -- -A - ; THE STAR OF THE NORTH IS FOBUSHED EVERV WEDNCSDAT BV WM. II. JACOBY, OTfice on Main St., 3rd Sqnare below Market. TEKMS: Two Dollars and Fiftv Cent in advance. If not paid till tbtf end of the year. Three Dollar will be charged. No subscriptions taken for a period less than nix months ; no dii-continuance permit ted' outil all arrearages are paid unlessal the option of the editor. 7 he terms of advertising will be as follows: One square, eight lines, one lime, SI 00 Kvery subsequent insertion, . .... 25 One square, three months, 4 50 One yearfc 10 00 MATRIMONY. T A couple sat before the fire, Debating which should first retire, The husband sportively bad said, 'VVu'e yu should go and warm the bed?' '1 nevvr will,' she quick replied ; -I'd id so once, and nearly died." And I will not,' rejoined the spouse,. With firmer tone and lowering brows. Aud thus a war ol words arose, Continuing till they nearly froze. When both grew mute and hovering nigher, Aroand the faintly glimmering fire, They trembled over the dying embers, A . though the ague, had seized their members, Resolved, like heroes, ne'er to.yie'd, Rut force each other from the field. And thus this once fond loving pair In silence shook aud shivered there, Till every spark of fire was gone, Aud cocks were crowing lor the dawn ; When all at once the husband said, 'Wile, had'ot v better go to bed V Oil on the Brain. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Com mercial, writing from Paritsbur, Va , gives the lollowing description of the all-oil per- vading manial la that locality : If you want to be boied come to. the oil region. Lie re's the place where you bore and get bored, it's nothing but oil from morning to night oil on paper boiled oil people talk, write, sleep and snore oil. Ask a man how far it is to Charleston : 'Twenty-ix miles from Slabside'a oi! spring." . "What time does the steamer leave for Wheeling !" ''Just as soon .as Siocum's oil is loaded." "What was the fight about yesterday T" .'O t n ' ''Jenkins married an oil well yes'erday or just as good married Miss Snilkins, whoe fattier s rock 'lie' a few days ago." .Siiifkms hadn't lime toga to his wife's funeral last Tuesday his 1 ile woald run over." Preachers preach nboot ol being poured spoil the troubled waters, and say this is the very spot where the oil for that occa sion comes tfom. 1 leP oa.iout barrels of oil last night; every hotel full. The entire country looks greasy, people bave'oilv tonsoes. and voar oil factory nerves are stronsly impressed with the tepible stench. Everybody bas . territory for sale, and there are plenty of "loots and their money" who anticipate , the realization of the Baron Munchausen stories itat are afloat. ' . L Every sharper has a map of the region and can (ell a stranger exactly where the nicest spot is he hss been there, knows the place, but is sjiort of funds has no personal interest in the ra&uer, not he in deed. Ba: in mere nratter c friendship, advises you to buy, there and then do what he is doing bore and oil must come. Mel seem crazy ; victims are plenty Seeking 10 become suddenly rich, many a tolerably well-to dj bat ever sanguine in- dividual goes bis pile and loses all he has. and sneaks off ; a lew strike ile and become millionaires ; not one in a hundred bat get their fingers, terribly burned. Wants to Sell. We find the .following novel advertise ment in the last Fredonia Advertiser : For Sale Tb Xegro Worshippers : I offer for sale my lauds, bouses and store in Fre donia, at a good bargain. It is a mou de sirable town to hear political preaching on jSunda), aud generally the people believe in negro equally. To these inducements may be added that it contains abolition edi tor who believes firmly in negro superior ity especially, for the 1 purpose of stopping a ballet, which he .objects to do in person, and who ridicules the ofd flag and Consti ;tioa of bis country. I shall sell, and now is jthe time to purchase. It is a fine property. Tbe dwellings have from one to two acres jin each lot. The ' store is brick and in (the centre of the town- Any money but greeobacks Certificate of :ndebtness will jbe received in payment. -Believing in be png an honest man and caretal to my hands jjfrom picking and stealing, tcannot accept payment in Confederate bonds or money, pr in any Southern property wbatsovef. It Is also true 1 never ."poloie" my soul by mterlng church to give God thanks for nurder, but leave that for ths editor of the feasor aad other tnaligoaat Christians7. D. A.White. Let there be plenty of sunlight in your duo. Don't be afraid of it. ... God. floods ie world with light," and it costs yoo an ..Jort to keep it out. Yoo want it as much plant, wTiich grow sickly, without iu . It , i:ecesiary to the health, spirits, good Spiritualism in a 3ew York Court. New Yoke, Feb. 6. SUPRIME COURT CIRCUIT. Before Judge Leonard. Lather C. Tibbets vs. Horatio N. Trom blej.. This was one of a series of suits brought by plaintiff against tis relatives, to recover damages iri a slander suit. The al leged slander consisted in stating to several parties that ;'he (plaintiff) was insane, and ought to be in an insane asylum." The defendant set up justification, -Mr. Malliard opened the case for plaintiff, and staled that Mr. Tibbets would conduct his own case. A COMMUNICANT WITH THE OTHER WORLD. Eliza M. Neal, a lady fat and forty, vas the first witness. She deposed that Mr. (Tromblej- called at her house on the ni'ht of the 7th of February (this was a short lime before plaintiff was tried,) and said that the best thing plaintiff's friends could do was. to make him out crazy; defendant said plaintiff was crazy, and that he would KJse all bis property in wild speculations ; there were many other things, but the pur port Mr. D. D. Field (starting op briskly) Never mind the purpart give the exact words. ' Mrs Neal Well, don't jump up that way; be reasonable ; you embarass me. Mr. Field Ob, well ; I'll not not jump at you. Mrs. Neal You better not ; you most remember I have nerves. On cross:exsmination, Mrs. Neal had the testimony she gave in the Court of Ses sions, in wbicb. the swore to plaintiffs in sanity. s - NON-COMMITTAL. Mr. Field cross-examined : Q- Does Mr. Tibbets pay your board ; , A. I decline to answer ; its none of your bosinexs. i Q. Do yon remember taking a trip to Boston with plaintiff?; j a. I refc6e to answer. 1 did have Mrs. j Tibbets arrested in Connecticut, because i she threatened my life. I have known j Tibbets two or three rsars. Q. Have you spiritual relations with him ? ) A, I decline answering. j Q. Do you both have communications ' with the unseen world? Have vou con- ! nection with the upper or lower world? A. I decline answering. Q Does Mr. Tibbets have communica tionis Irom the unseen world through you ? A. Ask him yourself Q. Are yoo a mediom between plaintiff and his former wife ? J a. uon't Know waaiyou mean, i nave communication with the other world. 1 decline to answer any more saucy questions. a magnetic doctor. Dr. James A. Neal, called for plaintiff, testified in substance to hearing Trombley . say that plaintiff was craxy, and ought lo be in the insane asylum. ! . Cross-examined. I am a magnetic doc- . tor ; I cure by the laying on of bands ; the spirits have something to do with it and God. ' Q. From whoji do you gel your knowl edge ? ' A. 1 pray to God for my power; I per form miracles, and my wife is a miracle worker. Q. Have you a diploma ? A.. Not one of your-sort. Q. Have you a diploma ? A. Nv, sir, uot a written one, but an un written oue from Almighty ; I cure all dis- eases by the rubbing on of hands ; chronic J and Ioathesome ; I cored one of Lord & , Taylor's clerks of a secret disease ; I do not receive aid from the spirits, and I doo't think I receive special revelations from God. Oliver Lovell testified to' being present at the interview when. Trorable) said that they ought to make Tibbets crazy ; that was the best thing we coald do. Cross-examined. Mr. Trombley was trying lo make out a case for Tibbetts in case ihe janitor died ; I know Dr. Neal as he is called ; be performs some wonderful cures; I consider Ibem miracles ; the doc tor is my son-in-law. ' In answer to a suggestion of the court, Mr. Tibbetts said he was trying the case himself to show the jary whether be was insane or not. A Shocking Anti-Climax. A sensational writer in a Western paper relates the lol lowing incident of a recent execution - by fire-arms : , "Each man's feet were then tied together, his hands unbound, Lis coat taken off, hjs hands retied behir.d him, and he was then made to sit down on bis coffin. Their eyes were then bandaged, and all was ready. The tcood .priest had retired lo oneide of the firing party, and was kneeling in the snow, bareheaded, in the bitter cold wind, and praying for the welfare of the souls about lo be launched into eternity Just at this instance of awful suspense, while a thousand eyes were wet with tears before the order to make ready had been given, Murray spit a great quid of tobacco out of mootb, and beodiog forward, wiped his moo;h on the knee of bis pantaloons." ; Shillahek? of the Carpet Bag, tells the following oulragHOUs gun story : I Speaking to-dy with a son of a gun re garding his exploits, be told me a singular instance of a gun haoging fire which, were i not for his well known veracity, 1 should feel disposed to doubt. -He had snapped bis gun at a gray squirrel, and the cap had exploded, and the piece not going off he took ii from his shoulder, looked down in the barrel and saw the charge just starling, j Progress of National Degradation. from the special co h respondent or the daily news. Washington, Feb 13, 1865 The worshipers of the black idol asem bled yesterday in the Hall of the House of Representatives in honor of an event that will live long in the memory of the people. They assembled to hear a discourse from a colored preacher, the Rev. Henry H. Gar nett, the first negro who has ever preached ' ton was dLusted las, night, and that the i shame that had been put upon the country formed the Iodic ot conversation in all cir cles. Theaudience perhaps I should say the congregation was mixed, white and black. The serrpon was of like complex ion arranged to suit the tastes of those assembled to hear it. Who will now 127 that we are not now approaching Utopia ? A negro pre-c her standing a, the Speaker's OI-uJ l "e ies 10 sena recruittDg desk, bis voice' resounding through the ! Se.ms ,'U?,.an of the SLtate declared to chamber wont to ring with the eloquence I Je In bellton. except the State, of Ar . . , .. ;.K - K : kaDsas, lennessee, and Loutsnna, to re- pf statesmen, declaring ih.l the barrier be- j CfuU volun,ee UQ(jer caU u'Jer tween white and black has been ( provisions of this act, who shall be credited down that both men stand upon a com- ; t the Staf d TBti bi,kj: mou level, announcing that ihe African shall henceforth sit side by side with the Circassian country ! ; and this in the Capitol of the We have reached . the lowest round of the ladder descending to social degradation. We have had a negro lawyer in the Supreme Court of the United States and a negro preacher in the Council Cham ber of lbe country. We. may hereafter have black Judges, black senators ant: IB dlltt I black Representatives, and why not? Have f, . . . uot our pii.anthrop.c socialists opened the ; door by potting a negro into the chamber ( holy with the memories of Mar.-ball and . Story and Taney, and transformed the Speaker's desk of the House of Representa- lives into a pulpit, wherein to hammer and 1 beat into shape the new doctrine of mis cegenation ? Come back, .oh ye erring brethern ! and listen to the "new diepensa. j tiou,"as expounded by your slaves who! shall be placed above ye.' Come back and j beiieve that the lowest of mankind is your I equal. Come back and took into the cham J tier once so familiar, and there behold Home, and Boutwell, and Kasson, aud El liot, and Draudagee, and Julian, and Hob bard, and others that ye knew of Tore, aud say that they are better and holier than thee, for they sit beneath the draping of the sanctuary, while he who preaches unto them is the son of a slave ! Oh, how noble is the war we wage ; how rich its fruits, how glorious its harvest! The negro is king, and a men bow before him. j He speaks, and Senators kneel unto him. I He preaches, and the audience of Repre sentatives, jurists, and o'.her distinguished oersons can "with difficulty ren'.ratn their en,hQBiagra.. 0i Saturday, Gen. Grant waB e.coned ,0 the Speakers chair, and the House took a recess io honor of the hero. On Sunday the same chair was occupied by ... ... foremost in doing honor to the soldier as sembled tp bear the fulminations ot the preacher. Seymour. Leap Year. Weep and hoVI, oh ye old maids ! Tear ' your hair ye widers ! Leap year is clean gone for four years and how have you im- proved it ? Oh, ye of little courage, don't j you know that these war times '"men are ftrar anil urnman ara nlArilv 1 mil itin 't I kn(m .f ook fof . . ,k ,il. ' for you ? Now that you have to wait tour t more long, weary years you wilf have plen J ty ol time to mourn over your loolish pro crasnnation, and to regret thai yoo did not j make up your mind before it was too lat. Just thiuk oi it! four years! fonr times! three hundred and sixty five days ! when ' you can find a new wrinkle in your old . face, and another gray hair on your old head ! for you are ee:::"2 old and there is no nse lor yoo to look so indignant. Bat 1 - , r t ,. : . ,'T. . - i beseech of rou dou't let this lake jourap- , , , i t petue, for you will look much worse if you 1 . J. , . , . get .bin, neither let it melt you to tears, for that will wash off the paint ! Keep your temper if yon would preserve your beauty. Mr SrjMNER I aQ) inclined.to think ln conclusion let me exhorl you to do. your the iett(jr waa wriUcd before the' passage best and if you don't succeed you wiir not of this law be to blame and one consolation let me Mr. NESMITII. The letter was writ whisper, when you get as old as I am, you ; tfcD after the (all of Atlanta. won't mind it at all. but settle down and charge it fate tbal yoo are doomed to waste your sweetness on the desert air. Who are the Happt ? Lord Bryson said : "The mechanics and workingmen who can maintain their families are, in ray opinion, the happiest body of men. Pover ty is wretchedness, but poverty is prefera ble to the heartless, uiuneaning dissipation ol the high orders." Another author says : 1 1 have no propensity to envy jany one, least of all the rich and great ; but if 1 were dis posed to this weakness, the subject oj my envy would be a. heaity young man, in lull possession of his strength and faculties, go ing forth in the morning to work for his wife and children, or bringing home bis wages at night." The following is the latest oil story : A man wen: from New York to ihe Pennsyl vania oil region and spent S1.500 in boring for oil, bu. without success. He bad no funds left, but bought five barrels of oil on credit, carred them lo his well in the night, poured the oil down his pipee, and the next morning began pumping with, a success which astonished all bis neighbors. Before the flow stopped be sold his well for $7,000 Recruiting in the Rebel States. , Io the Senate of the United States, Feb ruary 6th 1865, a bill supplimeDtary to the Conscription laws, being under con sideration, the followiDg proceedings took place . Mr. BUCKALEW. I offer an amend- i tnent to come in as a new section : And be it further enacted. That the third section of the act entitled "An act further VM? PlVde ?' eDr11,n? Land calling out of the national forces, and lor other purposes,' approved July 4, 1864, be,and the same is hereby .repealed. I serjd to the desk to be read the section which I propose to repeal. The section was read, a's follows : ''Sec. 3 And be it further enacted, 1 hat it shall be lawful for the Executive visions thereof, which luay procure the enlistment." Mr. BUCKALEW and Mr. CAIILILE called for the yeas aud nays ou the amend- meDt. The yeas and nays were orTered. After some debate Mr. Saul-bury said : "In support of the remarks that 1 have .J- T II 1 . r uiaue l win reau au extract iroin a paner r 47 v. 1 Ian r hs. I T- m r- n cba aU V.M..I. J . t I'm.i u .u lioston, which is understood to be the or- of a disti ujjbed member of thib body) and wbich f upt0(te always states whal ia exacliv correct ln t,e8(J matters. The extract reads io this wise : "Phompx as USUAL. Immediately on the fall of Savauuah, Governor Andrew dispatched agents to that city to recruit black loyalists for the national Army, to be credited to the quota of the Slate. lie ihen asked permission from the Secretary of War to do so, which whs cheerfully ac- corded, and the documents will arrive out ouu",, luo ",uc ur" 6(iuau 13 0Q to Massachusetts." 1 appeal to the American Senate, is that right, is it fair I When the young men of my otate, of Pennsylvania', and of other ctates,are compelled undor your conscrip tion law to leve their homes and go lo the battle-field, is it right that the Governor of M assachusetts, or the Governor of any otbar State I make no assault upon Mas sachusetts shall be allowed 10 send agents into the southern States, waiting, perhaps, until some city falls, that they may re cruit and enlist into their service the ignor ant, degraded slave, and to count him as a man against the educated young man of my State I No, sir. If this direful war is to continue; if, as judging from the indi cations of the time I presume we are, we are to have twenty or fifty years of-bloody fratricidal war in this country, I have a right to second the demand of the honor able Senator from Pennsylvania, and ak that you send your sons and brothers to the field, when we are compelled to seud there our sona and our brothers. Do not fiend VOUr airents into rha nnnftiorrr States to pick up the poor degraded African to fill your quota, and keep your sons and your brothers and the husbands of your raugncers in your own midst to enjoy all the pleasures of life while ours are drawn away from home. Mi SUMNER. I merely wish to make one remark on this proposition, aware that any abuses of evil I am not consequen ces from the existing law have ben shown. Mr. U KIM 1 .5. Does the Senator rec ollect the letter of the ditiogutshed Gen ( unci lu a ii upuu mil BUl'IcCl Mr. SUMNER. What was the date of the letter. Does the Senator remember. Mr. GRIMES. I cannot remember the precise date, but I rem inberdistinctly it w" after the passage of the law, which is now sought to be repealed, and after ome of x States had sent their recruiting "Sen; dowi " General Sherman's army lor the purpose of recruiting, thus coming: . r r , , ,, ! . n collision with the United States recruil- . ing officers who were attempting to recruit , into Unfted State, rpen nipnfj Mr. SUMNER, Very well. It was a good letter. I remember very Well that it was a well-written letter, rather pointed, and seemed to be written rather with the point of the sword than with the pen, I j thought, as I read it at the time. But, sir, I am not aware, notwithstand ing the letter to which my friend from Iowa calls the attention of the Senate, that any abuse has been shown, nor any evil con- sequences, nor any evil example. I there- fore sumbit to the Senate that inasmuch as the laws exists, as it is already on our statute book, it should not be hastily re moved, unless some reason can be shown for the removal. The burden, therefore, is on the Senator from Pennsylvania, who makes this motion, to show that something wrong has occurred under thu law. Mr. DUCKALEW. I explain by Bay ing that I desire each State to raise its own troops within its own limits, establish ing a principle of equality, and that no State, by favoritism of the War Depart ment, or of the President, or of generals in the field, shall be permitted to fill up its quota from the South. Mr. SUMNER. The Senator now brings forward another point. He speaks of favoritism, and says that no State by ; favoritism of the President or of the War favoritism there can be under this statute I Mr. BUCKALEW. 1 refer to the paper already read in the presence of Senators, Mr. SUMNER. I say what favoritism can there be under the law as it exists ! Is it not open to all the States alike I There is no State that may uot send its agents there, precisely as it is said Mass-, achusetts has sent hers. Let .us 'under- stand each other. Do not let us vote ig-! noraotly., The Senator says that the law as it now exists operates unequally ; that it opens the way to favoritism, either from the President ' or from the Secretary of War. Sir, he can show no such thing. The law as it exists operates equally throughout the whole oountry. If one State is more active in its recruiting agents, if it rushes swiftly to that field of exertion, there is no favoritism in it. That is from the activity and th energy ot the State, and not from any favoritism or indulgence here io Washington. Therefore, sir, that argument of the Senator I put aside. I came back, then, to the question with which I began when I was interrupted by the Senator from Iowa, what abuse, what evil example has been shown I. Not one. Senators, if ihey vole for this proposition, must vote under the influence of prejudices and not of reason. . There are Senators, I know, who have prejudices against ihe en listment of colored troops ; but I make an appeal to the patriotic- Senators on this floor; those who love their country, and who hate beliigwrect slavery, not to yield to any such prejudice. I can understand that the Senator on the other side who smiles, the able Senator -from Indiana always does vote against the employment ol colored troops. lie, therefore,if he sus tains the proposition of his friend, will act naturally and in harmony with all he has done and said on this floor. I am sorry that be feels obliged to take thatoourse. It is not for me, however, to criticise him. But how other Senators who do not follow the lead of the Senator from Indiana and the Senator Irom Pennsylvania can strike at this enactment when no abuse under it has been ehowo, when, in point of fact, no reason has been adduced for its repeal, I am at a lo?s to understand. I haveiaid thatnothingbasbeen brought against the existing law. I may add now that something can be said in its favor. It has stimulated recruiting ; it has secured to the public service certain soldiers who otherwise would not have borne arms for their country ; and that alotie.sir.ia an all tuvu bvuuii V 1 nu4 visa aivucoii sis au a 41- sufficient reason for keeping it still longer 00 the statute book. Mr. GRIMES. It will be recollected by the Senate that this question wa be fore it at the last session, and by several decisive votes it was decided that the law as it now stands ought not to be the law of the country, ln other words, we re fused upon several occasions to allow any State to go into any other State for the purpose of recruiting and filling up its quota. There was disagreement between ti is body and the House of Representa tives, and the question was referred to a committee of conference, and in some way, after I left the city, this provision was adopted, contrary to the expressed j opinion by a yea and nay vote several times made, of the Senate, and by very de- j cisive votes. I trust now, sir, when we , have the opportunity to do so, that we will ' put ourselves right on the record in this regard, and that we shall declare that if, there are colored men in oavannan or in any other place to bo recruited, they shall be recruited into the service of the Uni ted States and not into tha service of any particular State ; that we will clothe them, ' that we will feed them, we will give tbera the bounties, we will furnish them with arms, we will become responsible.politically and morally, for their afe-keeping, and ! not allow this Slate or that State to a- j sume to become the superintedent of these ' men, and claim them upon their quotas, ! and compel the other States that do not ' happen, perhaps, to have quite as prompt j a Governor as the Senator from Massa ; chuset's says they have, to fill np their quotas with the young white men of their States. These colored men in the rebel States are a fund that .belong to all of us, and neither the State of Massachusetts, nor the Stafe of Iowa, nor any other State should be permitted to go and draw upon ' that fund so as to fill up its own quota, and . thereby impose the necessity- of a still greater dralt upon the States which do not see fit to do this, or have not the opportu- ! nity to recruit these colored men. It is manifestly unjust, and I trust the amend ' ment of the Senator from Pennsylvania ' will be adopted." ' After remarks by Mr Wilson, Mr Davis, Mr Te h Eyck, and Mr Sherman.Mr Pow ell of Kentucky, said.: j "Mr. President, the only equitable way to furnish men in this war is for each State, out of its own population, to furnish iti quota. When you put the negroes who are residents of the seceded States, or the rebel States, ia the Army, they mast be credited to the general qouta, and that it would lessen tue urau upon an me au , hereing States. That is the only equitable way iu which it can be done ; and that was', the sentiment of the Senate at the last ses- ; sion on more votes than one. If you want three huadred thousand soldiers by draft, ' 1 .1 1 r. and you get fifty thousand from the ne- ; groes in the rebel States, then the draft ill be only for two hundred and ntty thousand, instead of three hundred thous and, and that eistributed equally and properly will tend to relieve every State in the Union from the dralt. The Senator Irom Massachusetts "eays there lias been no abuse uuder this law. The Senator from Ohio has told you of the abuses under it. That excellent let- under it. But I will tell the Senator some, of the abusas which have fallen under my own observation. In Kentucky, all the negroes are enrolled as the ' white peopU are The draft in that State is based upon, the enrollment of both whites and blacks. Under the operation of this law, agent from the northern States have come and , located themselves io Indiana, and Illi-r nois, righi on the borders of Kentucky, and absolutely sent over agents and stolen I and taken by force negroes Irom Kentucky ' and enlisted them. Theso-are facts that I know. Jf yau take away the negroea. from Kentucky and Missouri ia that, way do you not see that Massachusetts, or thet State that gets them, gets credited for j them, and we have to be drafted upon the fold enrollment upon which these very no- groes were all enrolled i 1 he greatest frauds were committed in that way. When they get these qegroeB over the river,they make the negro say he is from Alabama or Georgia or some State in rebellion, not excluded in the law, and that is the way . the thing is worked. - There is no doubt about these evils existing there ; I know them myself; and yet the Senator from Massachusetts says there are no evils re sulting from it. On every hand yon hear of the evils of it. Why, sir, the border States ia the West are not ablo to send out and pay large sums to recruiting agent, all over the country to fill up their quotat they have to give. their men to the conflict 1 and why should not the older and rioher States do so ? If you enlist these ne groes, and they are being en lifted every, wliere by the general orders of our super-. ior officers, let them go to the general Ac count, where they ought to go, and let. each State of the Union be compelled out of its own population to give the quota that is wanted from it." The question being taken by yeas and nays, re-uted-e-yeas 28, nays 12; as foi lowi .YEAS Messrs. Brown, Buokalew.Car lile, Chandler, Col lamer, Cowan, Davis, DoolittleJ rimes, Harlan, Harris, Hender son. Hendricks, Howard, Howe,Johnson, Lane of Indiana, Nesmith, Powell, Ramsey Richardson, Stuisbury,Shernian,Ten Eyek Trumble, VanVinkle, Willey and Wright 28. NAYS' Messrs.Anthony, Clark, Con ness, Dixon, Farwell, Foster, Hale, Mor gan, Morrill, Nye, .Sumner, and Wilson 12 ABAENT Messrs. Foote. Ilardine. : y . ' f . II,L?1I,e Kansas, MeDonKall Pome-. roy.Riddle, Sprague, S'tewartWade. and ViIkinon 11. . So tha amendment was agreed to. Petroleum. The mineral wealth of the United States ' is of the most gigantic proportion, -and of the most valuable kind. All of the useful and precious metals with one or two ex ceptions as regards the very rare metals, which have not as yet been found in any great quantity, exist in the widest abun dance. They are not confined to on seo lion, but extend over the entire Republio in the most wide spread profusion. Principal among tnese metals and min erals, both on accoint of its incalculable practical value, and for its extraordinary abundance, is coal, both of the anthracite and bituminous varieties. A peculiar fea ture in the great' carboniferous deposition, of the country is the fact that lb beds ta . the eastern part of the land are anthracite. The coal gradually loses this distinctive fea'ore as we go westward, assuming mora and more ol a bituminous character until we find it entirely devoid of the peculiar anthracite propeities in western Pennsyl vania, about Pitt.burg in West Virginia, and iodeed io ail the Western States. . Thus the great coal fields of Rhode Island and the contiguous portions of Massachus etts, (ere at indeed, although the am al leal of the vast coal beds in the country) the ex tensive depositions in east Pennsylvania, and the other fields in the eastern part of the country, are anthracite and most admir aoly adaptad for burning being clean, and dsvoid io a great measure of the volatile and infiamable oil which characterize the bituminous kind. The large coal field west of the Allegha&ies, comprising a part of western New York, western Pennsylva nia and Virginia, and a part of Ohio, and stretching down through Kentucky aad Tennessee 10 Alabama comprising an area of some six y-three thousand square mils, are purely of the bitnminoas type. Besides the value of this kind of coal' for fuel pur poses, it contaias an oil, commonly called petroleum, whose value not discovered until recently, renders these bituminous coal fields of fabulous value. Inexhaustible ia . quantity, and so situated as to bo easily worked, the Biblical irdditions of Qphyr aid the oriental myth of Cathay, sink law insignificance, and from the importance of j this oil in commerce we bid fair to realize ; u,e magnificence of the dreams of that poet i0idier Walter Kaleish.-vod fiod El Dorado - ' at our very doors, holding out its inexhaust ible treasures to our grap. No PktME. Iu the days" when servants were bought and sold 10 service in Massa chusetts as wall a in South Carolina my graudialber had in his family an aoetaooa darkey, called, of coorse, "Dinah," Now, Dinah was fair to look upon and after son dry flirtations, received, in her eighteenth year, a bona Adt offer from a well to-do) Sstnbo of forty. ' '.'And why doa't yoo have hiro, Dinah V asked my grandfather ot the faifcone. " "Toxoid, masa " was the grinnieg reply, Why Diuah, he's just in his prime. 31 . . . .