Prospect is of Vol. 111. A MCVlT M J71VL , DIVOTSD TO LITIORATCRK, 6CIENCB AMD . ASr, ASB TUB Principles of 1 73 and JS7. C. CHAUNCEY BURP, Ecitoh. Flhi Maaazme wd? continue to defend the " principles cf Gvemment which pniJeJ oar father, in the'fnnndatiort of 'he Republic. Trie spirit and doctrine of ibe two fi'sf volumes will be folly mainlined in the third volnme. We have no compro mises to rr.ake .with error no parley with despotism.. Democracy will be treated, riot as a varying policy of conni-g rffloe seekers and epci! hunl bui rather as an abiding principle of political economy and of popular liberty. - AH supporter of this revolutionizing, "Abolition war,willbe held as ihe enemies of ibe Democracy. ; We hall acknowledge .do organization lo be Democratic which doe rot hone-tly ertun riate and support -the principle o' 'be . Kentucky aod. Virginia Restrictions of 179? arid the Dred. Scott D-c sion' of the Su preme Conn, the one apfertina Stale Sov trtignly and the other. White supremacy. To preserve these honorable doctrines, the Democratic party was organized lv the vey founders of Ihe Federal Government, and it remained true to them down to ti e, fatal and dishonoring departure, at the commencement of this war. The Old Guard is "an organ of Democracy as it wa: before' this cowardly sn-rreoder of principle and as it rnosr be again, before it can re deem ourtoonlry from trie rule of (action and despMism. Thi9 year it ha. been en larged to double it forma r size t hat is, to forty eight pages for the purpose of mak fr2 it in all respects. a to style and ma'ter a popular Literary and Family Magazine. 4 "'One i copy, one year, S2 00 Seven copies, or:e year, and one to the getter up of club, 14 oo Twenty copies, .. ; 35 0ft i. Single copies sent, posi-paid, for 20 -Terms .invariable in advance, and thr Magazine will be slopped when the tiun -paid for expire.' . . . As each number of-THE OLD GUAR f' ii stereotyped, bark number and volume can alway? bp lusnished.- ... Subscriptions will be understood ascoin mencir.g wiitV the year, and back number sent accordingly, unless specially ordeied 'otherwise. . ' The Old -uarri will be sent thronoh the Office to . subscribers in the city Brooklyn, Williamsburg and Jersey City. . i The postage ol The Old Guard is 12 c.s per year, payable in advance, at theoffice of mailing or tTelijery.; - Copies ol Vols. T, and II of The 01 -J Guard for 1863. and 184, will be furnished bonnd in paper, for" 51 50; in cloth tor 82 post pa j.J. All letters in relation to the -business de partmeni of the Magazine, should be in . variably. addrestei to the undersigned, a follows: - j - VAN LVRIE. HORTON-& CO., 162 Nassau Street, N. Y. READING RAIL ROAD. fflMEB AiaiAXGLJIKM. . ,IOTErfIRE2t 7S 1 764. "REATTrnnk line from the Nor:h anH ' North-west ';for Philadelphia, New YorkJ Reading. PotisvilIe,Leb.nou,- Allen townfc Eastonr &c, &c. ' Trains leave Harriubnrg- for New York, a follows. At 3.00 and 8.15 A M. am 1.45 P.'M., arrivins at New York at 10 A; M., and 2.45 and 10 00 P, M ' The above ctfnftect with sirmlar Trains on the Pennsylvania Road, and Sleeping Cars accompany the first two trains with em choree. - Leave for Reading, Pottsvilie, Tatraqna. -Minersviller Allen'own and Philadelphia mi 8 15 A. M. artd 1 45 P. M.t stoppiog ai Lebanon and principal Station only. Way SFrains, stoppinz at all points, at 7 25 A. M. and.; 4 40 V . M Returning rlave New York at 9 A.JM., 12 noon, au.t .7 00 P. M. - Plulaie'hia Jt 8 A- M. ami 3.30 P JV1 PmSviHe al 8 50A. M. arid 25 V(lY.yTaiUon StlOlk. M. ar.d 2.15,P.M. - and Redan2 at 12 miniuht. 7 35 and.l0 45 A,I., 1.38 a.d 6.05 P M. -Reading Accommodajioo Train : Leaves Reading at 6 30 A. M. te uriimg from Phil "adelphia at 4 30 P.' M. .. . 'Colombia Railrnd Trains Ipave Read ina at 6 40 andand 11 AM. lor.Kptuata, , Lttiz, Columbia, &c. . I OrrSoruJaysLeave New. York at 7 P M. PhlladeiphialS 15 P. M . Potisvile 7.30 A .x M , Tarn a q n 7 A . M.r Harnsbcrg 8.15 A. M.ranrT Readiug at 12-midnight toi Rarrisburg. . ' Commutation, Mileasa, Season, and Ex rorsior. Ticket,1 at reduced rates 'to arut from all points. Bagsage checked through : 80 poand. allowed each Passencer. "G. A. NICuLLS, General Snperintendent. . Riadikg Pa Nov. 30, 1864. " National Poliee Gazette, . THE GREAT CRIMINAL: FA PER. OF THE AGE. The Prop'rietors would call the attention of lha public to-the fact that this paper i now'in the twentieth year of, its publica tion, and lhat it is the only paper pnbltb ed in the, United States containing accurate Reports of all Criminal matters of impor glance occurring1 ' in the "world. Havinc a targe iorps oi reporters ana correspoo .'dents extending over the . country, sive? them unnsoal facilities or obtairiins cor rect Information -ori " pubjcls connected with their speciality Each number i embellished vvn! engravings of Manlina eveut occurring in ; this erfat metropoli an other Cities- of -the Union, It also contains from time- tr tim-, exact like nesses cf thieves and other criminal's. which enables citizen to gnard . 'themselves againtr depredaiion. ; To citizens and officers it is a in7alnble as it contains every- week an acconni of the doiogs of the thieves,their wherea bonts and their plan and devices to entrap and despoil thenciwary. - THR NATIONAL POLICE GAZETTE Is published in the interest of good gov ernment and correct mpral, and it ex'en sive circuihion in all parts of the pu'intry is an ev'nlence of its appreciation by the public, ll c-n be purcb"-ed at all news depots, and persons ' winning ro" subscibe can do so haJJrein'r ' ' "."' ; t GEO. W. M A I SliLL & CO , . s - 3 Trvon. Row, New York. . . Dil. J.'R. EVANS, r ' ' riijsician. and Sjr?or?,' TTAV1NG I o c a r e d p e r m a n era I y ' o n Main J K. V Mrcf-f :-.:OH31bBUIiG, Ps., would in 5rrm Vi ml . -' jpneraiiv. that he is ore- p;irsd to S't?r- i la.'I bnine failhfully and GREAT GIFT DISTUIDUTJON ! 250,000 Watches, Chains, Dianond Kings, c. WORTH OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS , in be sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH ! ! Wiiho'it regard io value ! I Not to be paTd for until yoa know what you are to r!,ei ve ! ! Splendid List of Articles ! All to he sold fn ONE DOLLAR EACH 1 1 250 Gents' G ll hunting cae wa'ch-, ' S50 to $150 each 250 Ladies' Gold and enameled case waiche 35 70 500 Gents' hunting case silver witches 35 70 200 Diamond rrrtgs 50 100 200 Gold vest and neck chains. 15 3000 " ' 4 3000 Gold band bracelets 4 5000 Chased gold bracelets 5 2;;00 Chaielane chains and guard 5 7000 Solitaire and gold brooches - - . 4 - 30 6 8 io otiin s 20 10 2000 Lava atid Florentine brooches 4 - 6 5ooO Coraf, opil and emerald brooches 4 - 8 5CW) Moaic, jet, lava and florentine- ear 'drops , 4 8 7500 Coral, opal and emerald ear drops , " 4 6 4000 California diamond brea pins 2 50 10 3000 Gold fob and vest watrh keys 2 50 8 4000 Fob and vest ribbon slides ' 3 10' 5C00 Sets solitaire sleeve buttons, studs &lP 8 3000 Gold thimbles, pencils, &c. 4 1000 Miniature lockeis 2 50 4000 " magic spring; 3 3000 Gold toothpicks, &c. 2 5000 Flain gold ring- 4 t00 Chased cold rings 4 10000 Slone set and -ignet rings 4 8 20 8 1 1 11 2 50 10 rinj;s mOO California diarron J 2 . ia 7500 Sets Ladies' jewelry, jet and gold 5 15 6008 eis Ladies' jewelry, cameo, pearl & 4 15 extension holder- 10000 Cold pens, silver aiitW pencils .' 4 15 10000 (Joid pens and gold mounted hold ers 3 3 5000 Gold pens and geld extension ladders 6 10. 5()00 Silver goblets and drinking cup ' . 5 50 3000 Silver castors ' 15 50 2000 Silver fruit and cake baskets .20- ? 000 doz silver feasooons SJ0 to- 520 pr doz 5O00 " ' tablespoon and forks , 20 40 Inconsequence of the greit stagnation f trade in Hie manntae'erina districts of England, through the war havinu cut off he 'supply of cotton, a larg quantify ot valuable jewelry, originally intended Lr he English market has been sent off lor ale in this country, and must be s.ld at any sacrifice. Under these .circumstances,' A"rrand.!e & Co., actina as Agents lor the principal Eu ropean Manufacturer, hay'f retdvd upon V GREAT GIFT DIStRIKUTION, subject o the following regulations: Certificates, r.aming each article ami it- value, We placed in Sealed Envelopes, and well mixed.' One cf tn?e envelopes will he fent by mail to any addres, on receipt ot 25 cents. Alt arlic'es sold at 0e Dollar etch, ici'hout rcartl to vilue On receipt of the Certificate,, yon will -ee what you are going to have, arid then it is at yojir option to send ihe dollar and take the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a gold w atch, diamond rina. or tny set of jewelry on"ur lift, for One- Dol lar, and in no raenan they get le-s iha n one dollar's Aorth, as there are no blanks. The !rice ol certificates is as follows: One for 25 cents. Five for one dollar. Elev n for two dollars. Thirty for five dolfars. Stxiy-five for ten dollars. One hundred for fifteen dollar-. Agents will b? allowed ten tents on ev ery'.Certifirate ordered by them, provided rheir remittance amounts to One Dollar. Asenl will Cfllect 25 cents for everv Cer rdicae. anl irml 15 eenfs (o us, eiher in ca:-h or posase 'amp. AKRANDAliE 4 CO., 51 3m 1 f7 Rri lwa , Ve -Y'rk. Vnolher Arrival of Wood. A I Hat, Cap and Grocer 3 to co 02, o Now is Tour Time to liny. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having just returned Irom the Eatern cities with a large and full assortments of ffQRfr in addition to a snper-d3' fcKI te.aJ or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER Q HATS AND CAPS, comprising every sort anil quality, "is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than can b purchased elsewhere. H Stock rd GROCERIES are not sur passed in this marke', which he offer cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO.-A fine lot of KIDS, MOROCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which he invites tie at; ten'ion of Shoemakers and ihe public. Give him a call At Stroup'n Old Stand, on Main Street." JOHN K GIRTON. Bloorrrshnxfr. Nov'r 27 IP64. - f&rfiLW JIILLIXERY GOODS t isT r,,r Mi-s MARY BARKLEY has just rem rued from New York and Philadelphia with an excellent assortment of Millinery Good. She. has Ihe vry latest fashion and ite most approved styles of Hats anil Bonnet., together with ihe most tasteful Jot ol Rib bons, Trimmings. &c. Give her a call and examine for yourselves. " MARY BARKLEY. Bfoomsnr?. Oct. 12. lSfi4. liOH AUDS ASSUtlAT10.. : PHILADELPHIA. PA. . DISEASES of, Jhe ' Nervous. Seminal, Urinary srid Sexual Systems new. and re liable treatment in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter envelopes, fre of charge. Address,. Dr. J. SKLLLIN HOUGHTON. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth S'reet Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 16. 1863 Iv ' To Coiisumplivcs. Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescription .for the cure of Con sum ption: Asthma, Bronchitis, and al! CABINITWARE ROOM. T F.SrF.CT FULLY invites the attention of --'the Public to his extensive aorrmeut of Cabinet' FVrnitiire and C II A I R ,fA which he. will warrant made of good Yoi material and in a man-' ' ne-r. At his establishment can always be found a good assortment of fashionable furniture, which is equal in style smd fin ish to that of Philadelphia or N. York cities and at as low prices. He has on hand oi uinerent 6tyie ano: ii prices, from S25 to. 860. Divans Lounges, Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs, Rocking.and eay chairs, Piano stools, and a variety of upholstered work, with Dress ing and parlot bureaus, sofa. card,f' . y centre and piet tables, detashn, T chetfeniers, whatnots and comrides,r--T. -S aud all kinds of fashionable work. His slock of bureaus, enclosed and common was4ifetahds,dress-table-, corner cupboards, soJa, DINING AND BREAK FAST TABLES, belsteads,cane seat an f common clmirs i the largest in this section ol the county. He will also keep a good assortment ol looking gl:ises-vit h fancy gilt and com mon frames He will also furnish spring mal'rasses fitted to any sized bedstead, which are superior for durability and com fort to any bed in use. Dloomsbnrr Nov. 4, 1863. GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Compound Fluid -Extract Bnehn, a prvsi live and Specific Remedy Lr di.-ea-es of tl-v Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop sical Swelling. Thi-Mcdtrine increases ' the. power of Diiiet I on, anil excite the A htorbent into healthy action. by which the Waterv or Calcareous deio.itinr,s. and all Unnatural Enlargement,, are red need, as well a-. Pain anil inanimation. IIUI.MItoLtt': IXTRACT IIIJCIII'. For Weaknesses arising from excee, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indifcreiion of abuse, attended w ith the Ipllowing s) mp. mm : IrnlispS'ticn to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lo- of M?mo., )iflii"uitv of Brea'hi-g, Weak Nerves Trembling. Horror ot Di eae, WakeJolne-s, Dminesf of Vision. Pain in the Back, Ur.iver-al Lasitud of th Mn-cnlar S stern, Hot Hand, Flnhin of ttte Roriy, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance. Ttiese symptom if allowed to go oru, which tfii medicine invariably remove soon follows. IM POTENCY. FATUITY. EPILEPTIC FITS, in one of which the Patient may expirer Who can say that they are not frequently followed by those ''Direlnl )i-ea-es." "INSANITY AND CON'SUM P flON." Many are aware ot the canst of iheir snt- i ferirtj, but none.wi'l confess the Rt-cords ; of I tie In.-arrie A-ylom. And ineUcchnie Deaths" tv Coni)m:i- 1. lion bear ample wi-nei to me froth ol the t a--ertion. The Con-iitntion on-e effVcied v it h Oiaanic Weaknesb requires the aid of Medicine to S're.-jiiheii ai.d In vinorute t e Sv'-em.' which II ELM FOLD'S EXTRACT liUCHU invariably does. A trial will con vince Ihe mosr skeptical. FE.M A LES.-FEM A LES.-FEM A EES. Iri many Aff-'ctions peculiar lo Females the Ex'ract Buchu i any other remeily. as in Chloro-is or Retention, I rreaclarily, Patnfnlness, or Snpp-eion of Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Scirrhous siate of ine L'lerus, Leuchorrhcea or White, S e-ility, and Irw all complaints incident to :fie sex, whether ari-ing from ind i-creiiori Habits or D'ssijation, or Ui ttie or Change of Lite Take pr more Balsatr, Mercnry, or un f.Ieasant Medicines lor unpleasant and dar-fferon disease . H ELM FOLD'S Ex'ract Bnehn and Im proved Rose Wa-li cures SECRET DIS EASES, In all their. Stages, Al 1-ltie Ex pense, Lit'Ie or no change in Diet, No Inconvenience, And no exposure. It caue a frequetit dpsire and give strength to Urinate, thereby retriovinj ob s'rircttons, preventing ar.d coring strictMre"' of the Urethra, allrn g Pain and Inflim maliotijso frequent in ide cla-ol dise-e, and expelling all poisonous, lisea-ei! and worn out ma ter. Thousand upon Thousands who have been the victim of Quack, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured, in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the "poison" lias, by the use of "pow erful astringents," been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggravated lorrn, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Helmboid's Extract Btuhu for rdl affection and diseases of trie Urinary Or gans, whether existing in Male of Female, from whatever cause originating and no matter of how lona standing. l)israe of these Ori';nf eqnires the aid of a Diuretic, Helmboid's Extract H.jcIiu is the Creat Diuretic, and is certain :o have the desired effect in all disea-e for whicjj it is recom mended. Evidence of the most j reliable and responsible character will ac- I company the" medicine. Price 1.00 a Bottle, or Six for S5.00. Delivered to any address, securely packed from observation. Describe symptoms in all communications. Cures suaiantee I ! Advice gratis. Address letter tor informa tion to II. It. IIFI.MKOMi, hernial. 104 South 10th st.. bel. Chestnut, Phila. HELM HOLD'S Medical Depot, HELM BOLD S Drug&ChemM Warehouse, 549 firoadtcay, New York. EBrMvare of coun'.erleps and unprinci pled dealer-, who endeavor o dispose ' ol their own'' acd -'other" articles oa the reputation attained by Helmboid's Geouine Preparations, do do Extract Buchu, Helmboid's Genuine Extract Saraparilla. do do Improved Rose Wash. t-srSoJ by all Druggi-ts everywhere. Ask for Helmboid's. Take no ether. Cut onl Ihe'Ad vertisemer.t and send for it, and avoid imposition and exposure. December 9, l863.-ly. K00XS Proprietor I!3.031Mll XU; PA. rpHIS magnificent Hotel, situate sir the - central portion of the town, and op posite the Court Hoose, hiF been thoroughly repaired and refurnished, and the Proprieior ie now prepared to accommodate travelers, teamsters, drovers and boarder in the most pleasant and agreeable manner. His table will be' supplied with the best the market afTordsand his Bar with the choicest liquors. Atientise ostlers will always be on band, and his stabling is tae most extensive in fltllK Futcrif.-er wonlj annoanc'e to t'.e citizens of lloomtmr and vicinity. that he is sellih"-LIQUORS in larze and small quantities, and at different, prices, at his ISew Store, on Mam street, north side, two doors Toulh of , two doors Toulh of Tva.k4 i, Bloomsborg. . His oreisn and Domestic Iron P'.reet stock of Fo consists of Coanac and Rochelle. Blackber ry, Ginger, Raspberry and Lavender. He has a large assortment of Old Rye, gray with age, tine Old Bourbon, Old Folks Whiskey, and &uy quai.tity of common. He alo has PURE HOLLAND GIN, Madeiras', Lisbon, Claret, Sherry and Cam paune Wines; and last but not lea-t. a quantity of good double extr? BROWN STOUT: all of which he . will sell at the lowest cash prices. The public are respect fully solicited to sive his liquor a trial. D. W. ROB BINS, Ag't. Blomsburg, May 1. 1861. , uyoMixti IMIAu: co31pam, Office over the Jt'yoming Hank, CAPITAL AND MIU'LIS, I5(J,0CO. tW V i 1 1 insure again-l loss or damage b Fire on property in town or country, at reasonable ierms. DIRECTORS, G. M Hollenback, John Reichard, bamuel Wadhams, 1) L Mioe maker, Daniel G. Driesbieh, R. C. Smith R. I). Lacoe,G..P. Steele. W V. Ketcham Charles Dorrance, W. S. Ross, George M Harding. fj. M. HOM.ENnACII. Pres't 1). L. SHOEM AKliR, V. Pres't. R W C. SMITH, Secretary, . G. STERLING, Treasurer. L H.CONOVEIl. Agent, Beacti Haveu, Pa. December 2.1, 1863. ly. JVcio Slock of Clothing. !Sirinr and imiiiicr.M(Is I NVl I ES at ention lo his stock of cheat and fashionable Clothing at his Si.ore, or Mzil.V STREET, HLOOMSIIURG two doors above the Jimtrican House, where he ha just received from-New Yotk and Philadelphia, a lull as-onment ot ?lvi nn! KoyV I tiling, including ihe mo-l fahionab!e, durable am1 handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisting ol -liox, Sack, Pro-kt Gum and Oil dot! Coals, and 'ants, of all srrts, si;tes, and colors. He also ha replenished hi large stock of Fal and Winier Shawl-; ctriped. figu:ed and plait; Vets, shirts, cravats, stock-, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, suspenders a id lancj article". N B He has constantly cn hand a !ar and well selecteci as-on men' ol Clotti am Ve't'mgs, which he i prepared to make tip to order, into a iy kind of clo hirig on ver) short notice and in the best of manner All his coth:ng is made to wear and mo: of it i of home manufacture. Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap Hi Case of Jewelry is roi surpassed in il s place. Call and examine h is general I --ortment of Clothing, Watches, Jewerj, See . &c. r AVID LO W EN B E RG . Bloomsbnrg, April 20, 1864. Lackavvau a & i!l9o:n5bnrg Ii. R. TWO ItASIY TKAIXK. ON and alter Monday, December. 26th. 1864, Pas-eiiger Trains will run as lol lows : - Leave IVorthivnrd. STATIONS. ' Northumberland, Dan vil!e, Rupert, Bioomsburg, Berwicjc -S'i'k kshinoy, King-ton, Wyoming, Pittson, Arrive at Scranton, (Jreat Bend, New York, Eastott, Ptuladelphia Leave S Scranton, Pittston, Wyoming, Kingstoit, Shickshitiny, Berwick, Blormisburg, liuperT. Danville, MAIL. PASSEN'GR. "AND 8.00 Avi 5 00 p m 8 40 5 40 9 25 6 25 9 45 6 35 10 25 7 30 11 10 8 15 12 15pm 915 12 50 9 35 1 05 9 50 1 50 10 2 r.M 6 40 " 5 50 2 45 6 30 itslhivard. ' 6 00 am 4 20 p m H 30 ? f0 6 15 - 5 45 7 00 5 30 7 55 6 45 8 15 7 30 9 15 8 25 9 25 8 25 10 00 9 15 Arrive at Northumberland, 10 40. 10 00 Williamsport, 6 30 pm 200 am HrrisDnrg, 1 20 1 25 Baltimore 5 40 7 00 Wa-hington, 9 05 10 35 Ptiiiad-ipria, 5 40 5 fin The shortest and mos' direct route to the West ami ihe Oil Region! Trains ot the Philadelphia and Erie Rail road leave Northumberland everv mourn ing 'or Erie, arriving there the afternoon of ihe same day to connect with Trains tor Buffalo, Cleveland, Chicago, And ail other points West, connecting at Corry with all Trains on the Oil Creek Railroad. Passengers for Train 3, can leave New .Yoric via I he Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R. at 9 00 A. M., thereby reaching all poin'.s on this Road the same day. II A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, Dec. 20,-1864. OMNIBUS LINE. j fMIE undersigned would respectfully an "- nonnre to the cin?ensof bioomsburg, and the publie generally, that he is running (An OMNIBUS LINE e'U between this place and the different Rail Road .rTTf, li. ' r " . Depot, daily, (Sunday exceptedN lo con nect witn the several Trains going South and West on the Citawissa & Williamsport Rail Road, and with ihose going Nor'h and Sotit on Ihe Lac. & Bioomsburg Road. . His OMNIBUSES are in good condition, commodious and comfotrable, and charges reasonable. E" Person wishing to meet or see iheir friends depart, can be accom modated, opnn reasonable charges, by leav ing timely noiiee at any of the Hotels. JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Bioomsburg, April 27, 1864. l till SL1VI G TtlACIIIXES. GUI; Letter A l bowing Machine i last uainins a world-wide repntaiion I' is beyond douht the best and cheapest and most beautiful ot all ramily fcewing Ma chines yet offered to the public. No other family hewing Machine has so many nse- fc-l appliances for Hemming Binding, Fell ing, Tucking, Gathering, Guaging, Braidinc Embroidering, Cording, and so lorttu No other Family Sewi ng Machine has so much capacity lor a great variety of work. It will sew all kinds of clo-h, and with all kinds of thread. Great" and recent . improvements .tiake our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, and most durable, and most cer tain in action at all rates of speed. It makes ihe interlocked stitch, which i Ihe best stitch known. Any one. even of the most ordinary capacity, can see, at a glance how to use the letter A Family Sewing Machine. Our Family Sewing Machines are fmi-hed in chaste and exquisite style. The Folding Cae of the Family Ma chine i a piece of cunning' workmanship of l!e most useful kind. It protects the ma chine' when not in use, and when about to be operated may be opened, as a t-paciou-" ar.d subsiaotial table to .sustain: the work. While'some of the Case, made out of. the choicest woods, are fini-hed in the sim plest a.ul chastest manner possible, other are adorned and embelihed in the most cosily and superb manner. It is absolutely necessary to see the Fam ily Machine in operation, so as lo judge ol its great capacity and heauty. Il is fa' becoming s popular for family sewing as our Manufacturing machines are lor manufacturing purposes. The Branch Offices are well supplied with silk twist, thread, needle, oil, etc , of the very best quality'.. Send for a Patriphle. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO , 458 Broadway. N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE.810 Cnestnut St N: S. Tingley. Agent, in Epy, Pa. A. J. Evans, Ag,ent, in Bloomsburg. Nov. 11, 1863. Old Thing Krcmiie I civ, The undersigned would beg leave lo in form his idd friends, and " he rest of man kind, :1 that he hasjately returned Irom the service of his connlrv, and again re opened hi- OLD EST A Bid S H E 1) T A I L O R I N G S A L O O N, -i-j tth a view of making up enure new gar ments, as well a mending old ones, for all mankind, anil any body el-e who ma) favor him w :t!i their work in hi-Ime. He i prepared io do work fE.T. Fa-h ION ABLE and SUBS IAN HAL, and hope bv so doing, and strict attention to husine-s o merit and receive a due share of pa'roii aue. But remember, all, that Itiesp time reqnire'money , or someihirig to live upon, m therefore hope and tfust, that when he ha done hi part, his customer will do theirs, bv f urnisnintr ti e "ready John," or ready trade. For truly the "Laborer is worthv ol his hite." BERNARD RUPERT Bloompburg, Sept. 10 l?G2. A CARD TO THE STFFERIXG. SWALLOW two or three H.ig-had of Buchu, I'onic Bifers Sar.-aparilla, Nervous Antidote, &c, &.c, &c. ami alter you are siiti-fit'il with t.e result, then tiv r-'ie box .1 OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN ENGLISH PECIFIC PILL, u.d b3re.:ord to health and vigor in less ihin SO days. I'hev are purely vegetable, peaanr to ake, prompt and salutary in their eff.-ct on the brnken down and s"ia'tereil consti ti'ion. Old and yoong can lake them wiih idvantage. Imported and sold in me U. S. only hy JAS. S. BUTLER, No. 427 Broadway, New York,' CsAgein lorttie United State. P. S. A box of the p Us, securely pack ed, will be mailed lo anv addres- on receipt ol price, which iONE DOLLAR post paid, monev refunded by the Agent f entire ati.lacnon i not given. July 20. 1864 3m. EDITOR OF THE 'STAR,' Dear S r. With your permission I wish to'say to the readers ol your paper thai I will send, by return mail, io ail who wish il (free) a R ipe, with full direction (nr making and sing a simple Vegetable Br.lm. ihat will 'ffectually remove, in ten days, pimples, hlotc-'e. Tan. Freckles, and all impurities of the skin, leaving Ihe same so't, c!-ar. smooth and beautiful. I will also mai. free to those having Bald Head, or bare Faces, -impie directions and in forma' ion that wVl ennble ilieT) to start a full arowth luxuriant hair, whiskers, or a moustache, in e-s than 3d days. All applications answered by return mail without charge. Respenfiillv yours, Til OS K. CHAPMAN, Cnemi-t f"3l Broadway, New York. July 20, IS64 3m. rVorlli central 2Iailvay. T I M E TA LB E. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North at d West Branch of the na. Eimira, and all of Northern New York, On and after Mondav, 20:h, 1863,! the Passenger Trains of the Nrr h Central i Railway will arrive and depart from Sun bury, Hrrisburg ai d Babimoreja tollows: SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 10.10 a m. Leaves Hairiborg, 1.15 p.m. Arrives at Baltimore, 5.35 " Express Train leaves Sunbury daily except Sundays, at 1 1 07 p.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg. except Monday 2.00 a.m. Arrives al Baltimore daily except Monday, at 6.15 a.m. Accommodation leave Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m. NOR TIllf'JIRI). Mail Trail leaves Baltimore daily except Sunday at 9.15 a m. Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 p m. Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p m. Expiess Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 Arrives at Ha'risburg, 1.35 a.m. Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday ,3.00 " Arrives at Sunbury, 5.38 " For further particular appiy at the office. I. N DUBARRY, Supt. Harrisburg, Aug 8, li63. D-3 It 2 1ST 2; "2V ii c novri:n, SIRGEOA DEM IST. - - r-cr.r-'r-'T-'i-r t r er , jji-or u L.L. i oners nis ladies & gentlemenol Bloom burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend io all the various operation in Den;itry, and is provided with the latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in serted oo pivot or gold plate, lo look as well as natural. Mineral plate and block teeth manufac tured and all operations on teeth carefully attended to. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al-2Z2X.J?&3l.V-$ Alloperaiions on the teeth ptlRIIA'-S INVALID SOLDIER NATIONAL K03IE ENTERPRISE, 5 8 5 B RO A D XV A Y N E W Y 0 R K. THE BEZZICIT.. ' The Most Complete, and Magnificent War Exhibition Extant Devoted to raisi g Funds for a Ra tional Home. 100,000 TICKETS, AT Si EACH. A DONATION of $34,720 in Valuable Prop erty to the Ticket Holders. JOS1AH PERHAM, Agent for the Pro prietors, has the honor to. announce a plan lor creating a fund for the founding of a Natiolial Institution, to be a home for lu valid, disabled, discharged soldiers. The original somber of Tickets issued for this object was 1()0,C()0. ore third of which have teen already disposed of in Boston, Mass. where the enterprise was first projected. ' , ' Each ol the One Dollar Tickets is good for Four Admissions to the Mammoth MIRROR OF THE REBELLION, at 585 Broadway, New York City, or wherever exhibited. One half of ihe profits of the entire sale will be exclusively devoted and donated to tht above named patriotic object. According n il.e original dvenied plan, a Mass Meeting of the ticket hold ers was held in Fanenil Hall, Bos'on, on Nov., 4th,and an adjourned "meeting at ihe same place on Dc, 16th. The fol lowing named gentlemen were eleced a a Board ol Trustees, to receive the funds which may accrue frm the novel enter prise, and to appropriate the same to ttii ot jeet in accorcance with the plans of the originator : Gen John S. Tjler, B stori; his Excellency Governor James Y. South, of Rhode I -land: Hon. Geo Briggn of New York ; his Excellency Gov. A.G. Curtin of Pennsylvania. Majo-Gen N P. Bank, of Mass , Mjor Gn.'O O Howard ol Maine, his Excellency Gov. Richard Ya'e, of I II irioi. To -pf dily accomplish thu great oh- ill i ject, every yvi-e means win re nseo ry the projector to effect the immediate sale of the iickeis; and he call upon 'he Io)) and humane to a-sist earnestly in catryntg this noble undertaking forward lo a iriuni phaut success. Nei;her its importance, ror it fei bility.can be called i n question. Lei me people Put respond in a spirit worthy cj ihe prejeel, and no obstacles phajl celay it- consummation. Making the proposition in good faith, and ready to devote his whole enerie- to the greai work, ihe projector firmly be lieves t he tide of popular la,vor will flow in the t'e-ired direction, and accornpli-h the lotn:di"g and in-nre tne creation of permanent National lo-l i! ui in, which sha'l be ;in a-biin lor the retired sol fier, whoe Ins of health or limb i- hi- !ipto ma tor heroic services performed in ,i country's cause, and which shall go down to the future generations a bles-ing io man kind ar d an enduring monument to ihe Idicraliiy ot the loyal people., Bv coiiiTiinu g thi- enterprise wiih a put hlic place ol amn-ement oi such weil e-latMi-tie.) !ngn character am' n-erP, t!ie snbsc'.iber to ihe fund, while giving hiK money for the pri-m o' ion rd a char itaide de-tgn, may receive a l')!l equiva lenl for Ihe outlay in witnessing I tin -nlendid -eric- of Paintings. ATTARACHV.E POUXTY TO PUR CHASER. To e(TC the speedie-J pi -i-sible sale of these ticket-, so thai unnecessary expen-e rnny b saved, and ihe National Home Fund proportionately increased, futtt e' inducement is offered a a oounty to pur-cha-er. A soon a th-? tickets hall have ben -e sold, in 'addition to one halt the profits, a aforesaid the following described prop . erty will be dona'ed io ihe ticket holders, and placed mi the hands ol theit Tru-tees, adistirict board having been chosen ui 'hat purpose, at the ma meetings held a above stated. .and x h ich coti-i-t of the lollowit.g gentlemen wtni. on receipt ol the propertyj will (i post ollh'e sanie, by Inf, or O'herwise, a ine ticket holders in tnas meeting may r'irect there to be no violation of law in such disposal : Ho i C. O- Roger. H'mi. C. W. Slack. Gen. B-.Pt Cowdin, Col. A. J Wnghi, John C Hay , E-q., "t Bo-ton, Jnhna Webner I'.sq., d" Mapleville. Mas , l-aac S. More Eq., of Cam bridge, Ma-s. SCHEDULE OF DONATION PROPERTY To ichhh the 'Jitkit-Iiolilers v i l be entitled. One gen eel residence in the City oi Ro bnrv. Mas, vabied at SinOPO I hree Piano tort-, vat. i I. at 5'id eacti 1 500 I .M'O 500 2,500 Five pia'.o-for'es, val. 3'3td, eech Five Gold Watch-, a- ?1Cl0 each, Filly Gold Watches, at 5t each, I wo share in Ihe Boion and Wor cester Railroad, a' S-IS0 each. Two shares in the Boston and Maine 260 260 R R. valued at 5130 each. i Two share- in the Merchants' Btnk, t L1. . -linn m....i. ..SIII, CI. '-I.W r n, l, 200 i Si.vj honsand Gold Union MeCals valued at 3 each. 18.000 Tfco Sewing Machines, at $50 each, 100 Total, S34 720 Due notice will be given of the uexi ma-s meetiog of the ticket holder whicb will take place in New York City A National Home Ticket, costing C.i. j dollar, consists of five coupons, lour ol i which are adrwi-sions lo the Mirror, at any lime, and 'he other a centric s,olJ ' an intere-t in the Enterprise which the purchaser reians. The admision coupon may be ned sep arately, or sll at once, a.-stilts the conve nience of the purchaser. All communications on the subjjc', and all orders for tickets by mail, or expre-, should be directed to JOSIAH PERHAM, Agent, 585 Broadway, New York City. TO CLUBS. Persons taking an active interest in thi charitable undertaking, by gelling; up clubs, will receive eleven tickets lor every ten do'lar sent. Jan. 20, 1864 ADJHMSTKATOU'S NOTICE. Estate of Win. P.. Robbert late of Jackson toi nship, Columbia County deceased. LETTERS of administration on the es tate of William E. Robberts, late o( Jackson Tw p., Col urn bi iii uiiitn', have beee'n granted by the Register of Co lumbia county to Abranam Yoong. of Ben'on lownsh p, said county. AU person having claims against the estate of the de cedent are requested to present them to the administrator tor settlement, and thoe indebted lo the es ate are required to make payment to the ondersigred forthwith ABRAHAM YOUNG, Adm'r. Benton twp-, Nov. 9. 1864 6w. 2.. BLANKS ! CLANKS I BLANKS ! i or -:.'" WILD GllZLH-? , O ie of the olj ! n i irn.t 'eliahU rena e dies in the wod I fir Cung'i. CIJ Whooping C nrh, B"riehi'i,u f fi odiy ol" Brea'hins, A-thm, .. II arene, K ire Throst. Cronn. and every A fl- ti n of the THROAT LUNGS and CHEST, including even WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHKRflX So general has the irre of thiw'rerne. ' become, and so popular is it everywhere that it is or.necessary io recount it Tirtoe'-' ,! I; speHk for it, nd find ntteraoc in the abundant and voluntary terimony of the many who from long suffering and get -tied diease have by its use bee-i restored to pristine vigor nd health. We can pre sent a mass of evidence in proof ol our assertions, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED? 'Testimony of Mr. JaMES GRIMES, a gentleman highly esteemed in Columbi Co. Pa , and one whose, sta emeni can be relied upon. Mi. Pleasant, Col. co., Pa , May 2l,I80. Me -st Seth W. Fo- ler & Co.. Boston Gentlemen About ihree y ear ago onr daughter, now twelve years of age, was severely bfllict-d with croup. A general itrittiiou ol the lungs followed, Droduein- " a f.eclio congh, which became alo.oM con stuiit. swejiing of the temples and othe indications of Consumption went al-o ap parent, and her life was 'espaird of bf t er physician. At this critical moment we weie induced to jjiv ' Dr. Wi-tr' Balsam ol Wild Ctierry a trml. and after she Lad taken one bottle we tound her so mU'-h re lieved lhat it yvas thcngtii . umece-sary to continue its pee. ibat time we havs used ih; Balsam ir, our family in cases of Coughs and Cold-, i tut believe it to be a superior" leinedy 1 i all diseases ol ihe Lung. . . Your with respect JAMES GRIMES. . FROM JKSfcE SMITH E-q., President of ihe Morris County Bank.Mor rtsioun, N J. 'Havisg ned D W'istar's Blsam of Wild Cherry tor about fi'teen ; yar, ami tiaving rel xed its tenefi 'ial reuu jn n-y larnil) , it ariord- n.e g'el p'ea-iue in re trommei dini it 't ti e ti'ic a- a valua ble remedy in cases o weak lung, chi, cough. , a' d a rerre'i which I consul er lo be en'irel iiiuopenl. an-t iav be ta ken wi'li iieret sa tety by .be i, o.ii, c'ell C4le" ill health." FROM. HON. JOHN E. SMITH, A dis-iinguished Liwyer in We-lintpsi-, Md. I havp on several occasion- n-ed D'. Witars Bal-am ol Wi'd Cherry tor everi cold-, and HiaS w ijti tle.-i.'ed benefit. know ol no pter-arii'in that i- mote effi cacious or more deseivinjf cf tei.eral ne. The B il-arn ha al-o bee i use I witti ex cellent flier' by J B Kdu-ti, Merchant, Ilaii's Cross Road. M I. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF U ILD'CKERRT None gennnie unless signeilvl bUlTS, on the tv rapper. FOR SALE BY J P DINSMORE. No. 4SI B'rejdw-v, N.r. S W.' FOWI.E Co.. 'r pretors. B.-iob. Atid bv I'l Drnygi- s. II ' DDING'S I SSJ A S A LT H Ilpl Old ore-; Redding'- Ru-sia SaUe Cure Burrva. Sea! I. Cms. j Rdding:s Rnsia S tl vtt Ci-s Wound-. i Bruises. Sprau.s. I I.e. I. ling s w is ia Salve Ci. res Boi!, Ul- cer-, Cancer". Redding'- R-s-ia Sdve Cure- ftft Rheum. P ie, Erj stpel is. f . R (l ln.g's i us-M Salve Cure- Ritif wortn. Corn. &c.. ! Nt fan.ily -toul I t- vtir! oni t. .! ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. For sale bv , J. H. I.INW.ORE. No 491 Br.lwav .,N.T. S. W. EOWLK ic O. N". Tie; out S , B i-toii, and by all Dtugiiv and Coun'rj S orekeepe'8 Aug Id, r"61. ly. APtiiirR's worn: hacazie. Edi ed bv T S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN IA E IOWNSKND. I ne Home Magajfrte for ish5 yvill been laiged and"nr-r.)vetl, and still more worthy of the eminent laor with which il 'hi- been received J:- character a BZsIi-Toncd rcriodicnl, el liming -public favcr rn the ground of real merit, will be carefully maintained ; wbdi tor variety interest, u-eiulne--. and all it, attractions ot li eralure and art e-setiai .jn a 'rue Home Magazine, ttie pnhli-l ers uid aim to ir.-ke Si.oer.or To All O her- A Fine Steel Engraving, a. ot Two Pages of Music, will appear in every nutliM, Pid choice picture, groups n I char acser, prevailing ta-hiot.a, and a large va riety ol pa'tern- lor garments, embroidery, I etc , e c. m an re-p-ct .ve shall g've A FIRST-( LASs MAGAZINE, at a price withm the react of every intelli ge'uf-imilv in ine land. A new.'mry by T S. ARTHUR will be commenced in ihe January number. Yearly Term, in Advnrce One copy, S2 0, Ihree copies. S6.00, fire copies and' one to ihe pener-np ol club, SlOo:), nine cop e, and one lo the getter op of club S15 00 tT A beau'if jl Premium Plate enti.Ietl I he It fancy of Shakpeare,"' will b j mailed to each person who setnf' j of subscribers It will also be ns a club mailed lo f each single subscriber from who ni we re- ceive. 2, SO. tsfor S4 50 we will send one copy of each ol Home Magazine and Gody' Lady' Book lor one year. Addres, T. S. ARTHUR L CO 323 Walnut Siteet, Philadelphia. Nov. 23, 1864. THE NEW GR0CERF STORE FORMERLY ERASMAS' OLD STAND ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. I?Sorc Trcj-Ii Good-i. Just received at Henry Giger's New Store. MOLASSES. UGS. . TEAS, COFFEE. RICE, SPICES. FISH SALT, TOBACCO, SEGARS, ' . CANDIES, RAISIN, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notion &C loo rjn"erons io mention. i i' v.; r -"-ttl . ,1 -ri,,w?tLi.)jj