,- r V STAR OF THE NORTH THISGS ABCIT TOWN & CCIXTRT. WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY. 1, 1863. WAXTEU-A MTiar', active and intel ligent boy lo learn the printing business. -.. - " Oca that.ks are due Hon. (I. V. Tract, for valuable public ilocamen a. Dr. E B. Foote, 1 170 Broaday. Neve York, reaJ tin advertisement in anoiher column of this paper. Vm. Mcnch of Franklin advertise a Public Sale of Personal Property. See the advertisement in another column. - Th communication from E. B. in the rmy, came too la:e for this issue. It wilt appear in our next. Tat Statement of the Finances of Colum bia County fids our pttj.er to the exclusion rf o:her reading matter. A Bill has been introduced into the, Leg HUtura by the Member from this Districts proposing to increase the pay of our county Commissioner, Juror' arid Witnesses. If "Seward's Bell" does net receive a lap, we will expect to sea cir County Treasurer and a full board of Ccmruision- rs at Coon, next term. . . Th e Board of Enrollment, was in session, in this place,three dayslast etK.. iVi'h the aid ol Commi tees from the various town ships in the County important correction were made in lb enrollment list. Kkfobt ia current that tli hy d of this as w'rll as-other towns are forwarding peti tion to Conuress praying tor the repealing I of the Internal Revenue decision in regard I lo having a:l babies damped born alter the 4th of March next. . We are informed the Committee appoint . d to re ice and correct the enrollment ol l this townthip succeeded in htrikin? oil about or e hundred nanes Irorn the list This will reduce the quota in luture drafts Thc aubject lo bedicused by the Blooms burg- Iv-cal Sena next Friday evening, is the propriety of ienilin:j Pece Commis sioners to Ktchmoiid. The tfiscusion will, ro doubt, be lively and interesting to the undience. Ladies ar.d gentlemen are i spectlully invited tn attenO. Ths County Sia'eme it appe irs i:i this pa per as passed by the Auditors. It wi!i lioticed that notwithstandttii lha tines are adapted lo the accumulation of debt o;r county rem taken care ot, and exh'tDit a healihy financial sy-tern. Wc oTlCl: that o;)r feuior ha been ap pointed as part of a Committee to invite Audrew Johnson, rice Pre.-idei.t elect, in lo the Halls of the Legislators to make a speech, vi hde on his peregrination lo Wash ington city. W rattier thir.k Mr Jactbv ill not oflicidte on said Committee. ' Contention cr Publishers A conven tion of publishers will be held ai Harn-burg. on THURDAY, FEB. 9ib, 1855, lor the purpose of petitioning Congress in favor of the repeal of the duty on paper, and o' taking such other action as may be deeme' beneficial to trie business of printers anvf publishers. , The publishers of the 5idte, are respectfully req ie-ied to atiend. The time of adjournment tine die ha been fixed by the House on the 2ith o Mirch. . We may now expect the Leisla ture lo soon go to work. Four weeks have been spent already and comparatively noth ing done. In f?cl there does not seem to be ranch Legislation to be done this winter The Public works are given away, and the different Rai!r id Conrpanies have ail the Legislation they desire at preterit.) Rclicjos and PoLtTits. A cunniosr .poli tician is oftenfound skulking under the clerical robe, with an outside all reliaion, and inside all political rancor, linns epiritoal and things temporal are rarely jumbled together, like poitons and antidotes oa an ppthecary's shelf ; and instead of a devout sermon, the simple church goinz 'people bave .oftrfn a political pamphlet ..thrust down their throats, labelled wiih a rpioa text from scripture. , .All those of our subscribers who have not yet paid their sabscrip'ion o ihe Stab for the past and present year are respectful ly requested to come forward on Ctiii week .and se!'.9 the i,same. There are quite a Dumber on oar books who have not paid for the last Volume which ended on the 21h of October 1834. We must have prompt pa) meets to enable us to con intie out. business these times. .These are ' Lin- rcoln limes," not gooJ , old "Democratic limes," when a man could aTord to print for $2 a year and wait one, two or three year lor ibe pay. Hoping hose knowing themselves indebted to us will respond in a $ubslanliat manner, we will -say nothing further on the subject. Give 08 a positive man one whoso po hum is well defineda roan' '.'who is enb er for or agai.st the mail dam." We ;ke a rnaa who puts himself upon the record, anu is willing, in all time to corse, to stand or tall by bis principles. Such men alone are of serice to any cause or any party. Tim9 serving men, iwn faced mentrimmers who can prove Ihemselves friendsjo bo:h parties, and who are especially acceptable to rebel sympathisers and copperheads, are of no account, and ought lo be looked upon with disgust by all loyal men. Columbia Co. Re publican - - "That's all bight" Give them anoiher kick. They houIJ not ta favored by any pirtr. And when yo-J kick them out we will ir.iiij men cf 'her; or cs.l thea orer- REEVES' original, genuine & reliable, FOR THE GROWTH. BEAUTY AND FBESEKVATION OE THE HA Hi. Established 1 8 GO. Price, 75 cts. per bottle. ThU preparation can show living evidence of its excel lence. SEE Photograph ami read certifi- . ca'e o( Mr. Wm. Sutton hair five leel and one inch in -leng'h used Reeve-' Atnbro V sia about twenty monhs. . . ALSO, P'lotoiirnph. and certificate of Mrs. L M. Neil hair five ft. length used the Ambrosia 18 month J Thousand are n-insr this preparation and ottering wil liny testimonials. These poiographs, taken from life, have been awarded to extend th knowledge of the merits of thii wonderful discovery. Hundreds have fitrii these Indies and heard the tacts from iheir own lip-. Mrs. Maxwell's Ttstinioni.il. A'cr York Dec 23. 1862!" K'lowin? p-nsi'ivi-ly that Reeves' Am brosia piot'ure-d a beautiful head of hair for Mrs. Lizzie Srwpi erJ, of Brooklyn, Ne v York. I was iniioced," thereby , to use it Ihorongh'y. I t.ee led something for my hair, it bein;i short and thin had used or h half dozen bottles when I could plainly no"CH an increase tn its length, sttength, and beauty. A i experience of about lvy years has proved a complete success. Mo hair is now by ntfUtifemeM.' four feet ten indies in length, nearly reaching the floor. I favrt allowed my photograph to proclaim the merits of Reeves' Ambrosia to the a 01 Id. -MRS W A I L A C E E M A X Y E L L. Z3.ill enteipr isiug Ditt ggist hare these Fh'.it irrnphs and kfep fr Cents per 11 stile. " . Druji'ts who may not have our prepa ra'ion, will 9uA l.ir it--if appii-d to. Prin cia! Depot, 62 Fnlton Street, New York". Now. 3D. tftr4. 6 rnos. List of Causes for Feb. Teria, 1S33. 1 El jih McMuririe Endorsee cf Aaron Wolf, vs Cbris'ian Wolf. 2 Jy'ob Harris s Peter J u oSy. 3 lUs-el P Stn "ker s Wm. Ikler i v ill A'l mibuh vs Jot. n War.iin. 5 ( Lomef-berr, Geo Midler el al vs Joshua Ri)bbm-orr and Win. Boy les 6 J.ifin Ai lesr and !arih A. Aliegar vs. John Y Allfaar. 7 i.rrine! Wilnarns v Charles II. D i t - rr'wh and Geo. A. Herring. 8 VVil-ori AiJfr vs Josp1i F. Lrtr. 9 Huuh IcRrtynohis et al vs Pt ter Oli- pfiati'. 10 A W Creamer vs Enoch Howell Jl A W Creamer vs E'i'' t Howell 12 Jo'tr Het-el et al vs S F II i llv ei 1 J3 (ifn W O.irri-on vs Ca-oer I Ttn-roas 11 Ki(hrd Moran s SarnuHl Hualnd. 15 John Ruckle vs II -nrv T Riley et al Ifi Henry fMnipr vs Mo-jre Creeliriir. 17 Km . Adam? vs S::m?l B Setbert with Sei fi. to Ptier M T:auh S; Josi..i Tfiotna. (iarr.i-t ae iS Jo n, K-ttT-r aJni'r of J.isfpli G. arha;!, !caAd vs M fs Jliver 19 Rfhecca "aIHieriie vs Richard B M-Miaaii 20-George Carr. ernlorsee r-f Jarnns Carr vs S!vsier J Faux oi Thomas Crev. el ins: jr. Traversa Jsrers Feb. Tera, IS33. 3or. Bervick-ff. C Sibbel, Frederics Niee'y. tjloorn St-nuel Melliok, Siephi K iorr. Jos. L Shannon Ca'awi-sa J i-e,di Breisch, Jacob Gnsil, Daniel He.l-.vi2. Centre Then. MeD. Price. Henry C. Bar ton. -Fishing-reek Dar.ifl T.oma, Sila Mi Hciny, Reuben Sivkh. FrankUn Mii-hael Mtin-ch, J-'e Cleaver, H.'iiiloi k Anrahaiii Van Horn. Jackson Abraham Ma in to. Loiru.t John Snider, Henry Fahriner Watiinton Vea?r. Mi Pleasant J.hn Rccke!, Jot n Mordan. MtfUiii Henry C. H Lewis Ei;l?roth. Madison Jacob Girton. Maine Michael Grofver. 0'aue A C Beidiematl. pie riiomn McBiiJe, John W. Hunter, l.'.t'ier A. G.irmaii. Roarinucreek William Rrmd. Scon John Km, Wm H Creasy, Thomas Dol!m;ti, Henrv W. Creasy. Snxarloa! George Dills. December 2, l?84. Grasd Juross far Feb. Tern, 1833. Bor. Berwick Jremiih Seeriol'.z. Brian-reek Wm. ILpj e-i-teel, J-jhti II Smi ti, Samuel K-lc;iner. Bloom VaMi 'e Boon. Bentoii Je-se Oil I. Catawissa -Solomon Helwi. Cemre Henry D. Knorr, Hiram Schwep- pe;ihe;'i-er. Fisnincree k Abraham Kline, Esq. He in lock John Jiilrliiiati, William Fry. Jrtcksrui Leiby Locu.-t Mirfiael Uiwer Join Fahrinyer. Iaac Rhodes, U'm BrHinger. MifTlin Cl itrles (Jrover. Maihson Fr-Jerrclc Derr, Jacob Eyer. Maim Jacob Stuar Orange William Brlla. Seoit Marmot;" Creveiin, II. D Jlellick. Jjii. 4,-18o5. VOTICE is hereby given that the foltow- in 12 per-ons have filed in Uie office of ihe Clerk ot the Qcarter Ses-ious, appli laiions to keep II o1 cl , or sell liquor by the quart, vi ith or without o'ler merchandize, at the places named, and that the applies lions will be preserved to the Court ol Quarter Sessions of Coir.mbia county, ou ilonJay. the fi h day ol Febrtiary, 1865, at 2 o'clock, P. M Berwick, Hotel, H ram "S mothers (ireenwood, k' John Leot, Ctsritervilie, Liquor store Clias. P. Smith, - ' B. Mt-Hrerty. JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk, O. C. Bleomsburij, Jan ll, 165. Estate cf John Graham, late of Orange townshipt deceased. LETTERS of administration on the Es tate ot John Gaham, late of Orange twp , Columbia county, dee'd, have been grant ed by the iletster of said county, lo Peter Ent, ot Lint Street ; and all persons hav ing claims aiainst the estate of the dere dent aretequested to present them for set lement to the undersigned without de lay, and those owing me estate ta make payment for! hwlth. prTf'rvr "j i., L. LYONS' PFUE OHIO - CATAWBA BRANDY, AND Sparkling Catawba. Wines, in Qualify and' Cheaper in Price than the liruhdies and 11 ines of (he Old Wot Id. For Summer Complain , Cholera Infantum, Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Cholic and Dirrhoea. A sure Cure is guaranteed, or the money will be refunded. In snpport of the above statements, ar prefented ihe Certificates of Dr. James R Chi l:oo, eh misi, New York, Dr. Hiram Cox, Chemical Inspector, Oipo, Dr. Js. K. Nichols, chemi-t, Boston, Dr N. E Jor.es Chemical Inspector, Circleville Ohio, Prof ('. T. Jackson, chem st, Bo-ton, Dr. Chas. Upharn Shepard, Charleston, S C, and J. V. Z Blaroy, and (J. A. Mariner, consull ini chemists, Chicago, nil of- whom have anal znd the Catawba Brandy, and com mend ii in the hiyhe?t teiin, for medical use. Analysis of the Afussachussctta State Jjisaytr, Jan. 25, 1858. W'hen evaporated thronah clean linen it left t.o oil or ofieti-ive matter. In erery re.-pf-ct it is a Pure s, iri ons liquor. The Oil vh:cb izives to ihis Brandy its tl ivor and aroma, is wholly unlike fnsil or grain oil. I s oJir partakes of both th fruit and oil ot iiapes. Will: acids, it produce- others of a h'njh frasrance. Th sut'-linition of this Brandy for Counac Brandy vnl do away with the manufacture- rt bctitious spirits, j sold under this narrtft boin at nome atu abroad. Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, M D., A-sayer to Siatt. Mass., 1H Boy k-too St ly the same, in 1SG1. I hnve anal)Z'd "t... Lyons' Pcre Cata wba Brandy," with reference io,its corn positi in ?.nd character, beinii the same as that produced in ast par". A san pie t.'k-Mi from ten ca-ks afforded tLe sam re'-iits with rejard to puritv :-a slit'ily iiicre ased arrmii'il of the yrmcipie on whir h its flavor d"iends was ilrterinined by com-pan-on witSi lonoer samples Ttie iiulicatior s ot ai alyiis show tbftt this Brandy is pro liced by e t-ame pro ces- as ni"t oi'-lhe imported Brandy. Be-pecitolly, A. A. HAYES, M. D Slate Assaver. 16 Bry les:on St. Bcstcn. July 20. 1864. Manufactured o;j ty by H H JACOB & CO, (To wliorn all Orders should be ad-dres.-eif ) l)epo' 91 Liberty St., New l7ork. N;1V. It), 1VG4 3.T1 E. L 11. Tt AMHO.NY &. i , ."Uiiliul-icturers ct rholsialliic .l iterials. WHOLESALE AND h tTA I . . 50 1 BROADWAY, N. Y. H addition to t. ur main business ol POrOGKAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Ilea qoatters for ti e lollowii. viz Slcrei'Copts and Slt r.fcnpic I'it trs, Ol lhe-e we have an i:r.rnn-e a-s rtmenl. itiflnduji! War Scenes, Amerirnn r.rjif Ffr eim Ci'tes a-i-1 Landscapes, Grmjis. Stat uary, &c , in: Also. Revolvir.a S er-o-scopos tor pnMio or private e rii:nion . Our Cataloaue wiil be sent to aoy a.idress on receipt of Stamp. riacto3;r:5:tiic A!l)::i:i. We were the first to t'itrO',i)ce these into the Uoi'ed State, and we manufacture irn meiie qiiar.tit es in creat variety, raains in price lr in 50 cents to 550. eacn. Our il.SJU lis 'have the rfpn'aiion of being superior in beauty and . dut tbility t any (.ttiers. They wtil be sent by mad, , i u receipt ol price. ZjZTFint Alb inns Made to order 3 CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue rn-w emf races over Five Thousand ut jcss ('.o which addition are i co,.ij,. teinj made) of Pvraifs of! Et:iinr!it Americans U'.. viz about 100 Mj G-ner.ils, 200 Bri. Generals, 275 Colonels, Kit) Lieut. Colonels 250 O her Olfice's. 75 Navy Orficoi, 550 S a!e-mer.s, 130 Div'n cs, 125 Authors, 40 Art-t, 125 Stares, 50 Pronrtit Women 130 I'romiiiPiit Foreisn rortraiis. 3,t?o; c:o;iii-s or wi::sj or Art, incliidint; reproduciion of most c"le firateil Enir iv ii s, Pain ins, S atntes, &;. Catalogue sent on receipt of Sump. An Order lor one dozen P.ctnres from our Cat ..i ....it k ! i... i .i-.. ,3...;.i vi -st n UM'iUC will DC llll-ll U'l IUE iswi m i .i . . l -i l- nuu ct; ii . vji !, j . Pho ojraphers ar.d others ordering 20 d C. (). D will please ren: it twenty nve ,ie cent of ihe amnnni w it h iheir order. E & H. T. ANTHONY 6l CO. , Manijfaciurers r.f pnnl'a uphir Ma'eria'i, 501 BKOADWAY, NEW YOKE. The prices oud quality tf our guoJi can nct.ftU to isili-j. Dec 7, lrfi4.-6rao. Sr.ibriiinS eoii Free. To Xerveous Si'Jfenrs. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous .Debility, Incompetency Prerr.ature Di-cay. and Yoii'litnl Error. a tiiated by a desire to benefit i;thers, will t- happv to fnrnisn to all who ne-.i it. (free ol charge.) (tie recipe and diiectio-i, I'-r making the siin pie rerrey user! in his case Sufferers. vihii 2 to prlit by the advem-r oa( ex perience, an.l possrj-s a s'ir arid valuable remedy , can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The I.eetpe aa.l lull iiifornn-.tior. of vital importance wiii be cheerluily tent by retnrn ol mad. Addre-s JOHN B. OGDEN. No. GO Na-hii S revl, New York. P. S Nervous Sntferers of boih eexes will fin-! this inlorrnation valuable. Dec 7, 1S64 3mo, To Whom it may Concern. THE undersigned, Auditor appointed bv the Orphans Court ot Columbia Co.. to make disirtbuliou of trie assets of ihe F.-tate of El.zabeih Murry, deceased, amoiiii Ihe per.sori9 entitleJ by law lo receive thesatMe will attend to the dmies of his. appoint meat at his office in Bioomsburg on Saturday, the 28th day ol January, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when and where all persons interested may attend it they think proper. W. WlPvT. B'oomsbirs, Jan. 4, 1S65 4i. Auditor Democrat, copy.: - , Adiaaisiistrntor's IVolicc- Estate rf:Thmncs IF. Young, late of Jackson twp, deceased. LETTERS ot' administration on the En tale of Thomas VV. Young, late of Jackson township, Columbia county, dee'd , have been granted by the Register of said coun ty, to Peler Ent, Esq., residing tn Light Street. All persons having claims . against the estate ot the decedenf are requested lo present tbetn to the undersigned without delay, and thisc indebted to the same lo make payment forthwith. JYatwnal Foundry. ! Clooinbur, Columbia Co., vftie snbsribjr, proprietor of ihe tbove fttensive e-lablii-l men!, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds o machinery, for COLLER1 ES. tLAST FT R NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILL f LS THRESHIMG MACHINES. &c, &c. He is also prepared to make S.ove-, all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in first-class Foundries His extansive facilities and practical workm-n, wairant him in receiving the largest contracts cii the rnosl reasonable terms. O Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. This establishment is located near tie Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER B1LLMEYER. Bloomsbur?, Sept. 9, 1863. The New York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN the WORLD M1E exterive and comprehensive facil ities in its poi-session enables the Pro prietor of lie Weekly Herald to uuarante the la'est and most reliable information possible to be. obtained, not only from all pans of the United States, but irotn all parts of the world lis home correspondents. encased at very heavy cost, ar-d criuircted with each new naval anj military expedition ol the gov ernment, prove thai it is determined to have no spot uncovered by its operations and no event c.mi occur tnat 5'Mll not ui:n iiiiiiib . .i l .. .v I., tt... fiilnri. t rt iriin. ariu it win eiiucini'i m iui-- tam the sta-i 1 it ha a-umed. It has spe cial coi respondents stationed in all of the pri'-cio-d cities of tf e world. lis tele-ri'pl.ic arranaements ex'end to wherever tt.e clectnii wires are siretc'ieu. i .i.. Ati.jntif chlr is laid, which fent will soon be accomplished, leieram will be received Iriun Etircp and Asia, as well :is from the Um ed Slnles Then our t readers will have the events of the w eek in all parts ol the civilized world regiilarly and clearly laid beto'e them. The prcprietor itevo'es a portion of the paper lo bier. ture.. Fashion, Aricul ure, t lie Mechanie Art, Sponioa Matters Bn-i-ness, Theatrical at i Fi.::nicial Reports, t Cattle Markets. General Ne w, am; reports of all events calculated to form an excellent metropolitan newspaper a weekly photo graphic view of thf even's ol the world and all at a very inw price. The Weekly Herald is i-ned every Sat urday morning, and furnished at the fol lowing rates : O .ecopy 82 00 Five copies St 00 Three, copies 5 :0 Ten copies 5 00 An) larger number addres-ed to names of sn-'-enbers 1 50 eW(-h. A-i evtta copy- will tie sent to ever c!u( of ten. Twen'y cojiies lo one a ddre-s one year, ami any larr num-ier hi s.ioi An extra copy sent t i club- of iwentv. Advertisements to a limi'eil number wtsi be inserted in ihe WeekU Herald. The Daily Derai l, Four rents per copy. Foiir'een Dollars per year lor three hundred t ivv ti.r. U.iis Si-vpii doilar- f-r 0'M ... .J .ill. v. . - vix trictiths. Three dollars ai d hlty cei.l j for t lire- month, - j J A M ES GO R DON B EN N ET T, Efi or atic Proprietor, I Northwest cor Fulon and Nas-au-st. N. i . . There Herald. are no iravelun:; is iui iv" i 1 at... 2-tf ; HIE 3IAGAZIM2 FOIi THE TI3IES I r s t i . s ; s o ' jiagazj e The Best ad Cheapest in the World fr Ladle .' The popular month iv ina-jaJne w'dl be areatly improved for 1865. It will contain 0..e Tnouar1 paces'. Fot.iieen bplendid S el P'ates ! Twelve Coloied Fa-I ion Piares ! Twelve C' lre I B-rdo Work Patterns ! N.ue Hit idrr-d Wool Cots! Twen!y four Pae- of llSc ! All this will be 2'ven tor only Two Dol lars a year, or a dollar le-s than Maga zines of the class of ' Peter.-on " I s 1 brillin? Tiles and S velftles A'e Hie bet published anywhere. All the rni-t popular writers are emoloved to -vrite ori.inaTy ior "Peter-on " In Una. m atuiition to its u-uii u i h rt stcr- . . . if. Fimr ori-'inal Co:)riht Ao.el-.l es be oil-en. bv Ann S hphen-, l.ont C M.Hilton. Frai k Le B-t'edi.M, and the Author ol the "Second L'fe." It also pua; lisfie- Fashions Ahead of all Others. Each i.ouiber, sn ad lninri to the cnl'ired idate, "ives rennet, Ciks atid Dtrs-es. ani'aveJ rm wood. Al-o, a pattern, from t which a Dress Ma-.tiila, or ("iiill s Dres can be ct.t, without the aivl of a rnao'ii-ina Wer. Al-o sevenl paes of Ilous-jhul.l i a-id other Keceipi s. GT It it the vest La'y's :!"aziae in -the world THY IT FOIi ONE YER. ' TERMS Always in Advance. On ropy , one vear. S 2 PO Htht copies for one year. 12 00 F tnrieen copies for one. year 20 00 Premiums for Getting vp Clubs:' To every j ersons pe.uin j up a club, at the aro-e ta'es, a coov t rr.i .Maazn e lor 18o5 will be iven urau- : or ii preir reii, tin- Mipeib en-jr.ivin,' (ste, 27 im-'ie-b 20 inrt-es.) " ll uildngton Parting Fiom Jltft Grt end." Ad.lress, piist paid. CHARLES J PETERSON, 306 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. rySpeci'nens sent cra.is, whe i sent lor. Nov. 23, 1864. CARD 10 LNVAL'DS-A CLERGY iitan, while residing; in South Aniriica as a ini-sionary, discovered a sate at A -irn p!e remedy for the cure ol Nervou- We.k ness, Early Decay. diea-es of the Urmar and Seminal Orjans, and th. whole tram ol disorders brought on by baneful and vi cious haoits. Oreat nivn hers have already been cured by this noble rerr.edv. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit II alllicied and unfortunate I will send the recipe lor pre paring and using this medicine, to any one who needs it. in a feaU'd enrelope free ol cnare. Plea-e eccio-e a stamped envel op0, sttldre-se.l to vours df. Addres JO SEPH T. INMaN, Siation D, Bible Huts-. New York Cny. 52 1) iVATRIMONIAL. LADIES AND (iEN L' ileinen. If you wish (o marry address the underined, who will sen.t jon wi h out money and without price, valuable in formation that will euatle you 'o marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age. wealth or beauty. This information will cost you nothing, ami if yoti wi.-h to marry. 1 wiil cheerfully assist you. Ail letters strictly confiaeiitial. The desired informa lion sent by return mat':, and no questions asked. Address Sarah B. Lambert, Gren- I., its en iimns. 1 ' I'Or S I tie in e-e i r, h r u m r in s ai i - - . j , w .. ...... ........ "-' ' , , , ,rv( it mis and di 1- I PRICES: Nc 1. Seven Octave, round corners, uose .....,.....- - F.rt Premium lor Machine lor hll ...Ariiin niHi one tnriuretl tronsaitti oli- i nii. . , . ,- conn !SIn 3. Seven UC ave, I . , .... ... . - . . , Seven O.-tave, round corner-, liosewooo n.v ....,u.u,, . -- Kir-t Premium lor Machine Work larsper year to mai.U.r. i.s corps ol ; u x,y Mtlp c32s. a i,c simile of above pUj. i KENTUCKY STATE FAIR ' : : 'nl!a,ion ,A Foreign News the T Li llll ' . 1 M . "1 " h-M 'rem.nm tor Mach-ne lor an , vrlt, hell a hi.'h po.i.ion, tir DKSCR1 P 1 1 E C1KC U l.A lo ot- i ruco.j Fn. Premium tor Macb.ne Work, lleraui nas lor y r.ir- i.r ii - uiu ( , , . s ntriiciv s.t ati." v a i n L - - 'r .,!.,'.;. a ., , .-- . - . . V, ; ..- 1 G FCVESTEN 8c CO. PIAIVO-FOKTK iTSAIlJFACTlREUS, THE attention cf the poblic and the trade is invited lo our Aew Scale 7 Ortave Rr wood Piano Fortes, which for volume and purity of lone are unrivalled b any hi t er.o offered in this market. They contain all the modem improvement. Fncl'''V Action Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Slrunr Bas &r.. rd em h .i.Mn.mer.t being n under the peso'al supervision ot Mr J. 11 GROVF.STEEN, who has had a prsrt.r. .1 rerie. ee of over 3') years in iheir n annlarlnre. is fully warranted I in ev-ty ptirucuiar. The GroveUttn Piano-Forte Iiecnvedthe Uihfst award cf Merit over all vthtr at the Celebrated World's Fair. - Where were exhil lied instruments f,om the best makers of London, Par.-, Germanv, Pc Q,.,t New Yo.kr and aNo at the Amw.can Institute lor five Sncces-iv e years the "old and silver me.tals from .ooth ol which r-n be n-s.p.mnM. 1U i!,e iiiir(lucion of improvements we n atce Forte, and bv m a u fac t u r in2 largely, with ' j - .... i July 13, 164 ly. riir.M (Lonir.s ivhigeu. IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE SVLFADJUsriSG IflUNGEll Xo Ifovl W.irk li swU or sptitNo Thumb set no to set out of order U'arranledwilh or without eg-wheels IT took th- first premium at fifiy-sevan Sia:e a:id County Fairs in 18r3, and wi.hout any exception, tt.e bei Wrmsier ever made. Patented in ihe Untied States, F.,r,iai,.l . Canadi. and Australia. Aueuls wanted in every town, an l in ali pans o 1 tiie worl.l. Enerjetic. Agents can make ' (r m ttiree to ten Dollars per day. j Sam: I Wrii.yers sent Express paid on ' recet pi of price. 2 5n No 1, S7 50. No. r-, ?S .,0. . w - I I N'. A. 9.50. MrfinitaCluTeO ati ool.l, wtiole-ale ami retail, bv THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO , No 1-3 Piatt S'ree!. N Y. & C eveldtid, O. A H. FRANCTSCUS. A-r.'. Ptiiiadelpt.ia. Pa. ff'hdt Everybody Knows, viz: That iron well -ajva iizH,! will not rust. Tt.u a simn'e mac Vina is te'ler than a complicated on". T'lat a Wri'i2"r should j i ..n ..,i;.,.tin AfTi-c. and fflicient. Tha,-Thlimb r,d Fastenings cause ' ilula aim irniuue in iramnic mni ir-t-ji in . , , it i i i , order. That wood sonked in hot water will swell, shrink an I split. 1 hat wood bearit'2- lor the !r!i to run in w ill wear oc.t. lhat Ihe Putnam v. ringer, wun or v itliout co wheels, will not tear ihe clothes. That i-oi wheel renla'or-. Lre not essen tial. Ti at the Putnam Wringer has dilthe advantaae-, a-ul noi one of the oisKitvrtn taes above named. l hat all who have tested it , pronounce it the bst Wrinser ever made. Tt :it i' will wrin2 a THREAD or a BED QUILT wi hout alteratior. We sitiiiht fid the paper with testimoni als, but insert only a lew lo convince the skeptical, if such there be; and we say to all, test Pn'oam's Wtiniier Test it thor oughly wnh any and ali 0'hers, atid if not entirely sati-faclory. return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Gentlemen I know from practical p.xperiei.ce that iron well jalvaoize,l -with zitic will tioi oxi.'.ize or rust or e particle. Ihe Putnam Wringer is a .er perfect as possible, and I ran c! terfully recjm metid il to Le the best in n-e. iie-pect'nlly yours, JOHN W. WHEELER. Cl-VelartJ, O'nO Many ypars exrerience in the aivaniz 102 busit ess. enable me to endorse Ihe above c-iatemeni in all parlicular JNO C I.EFFERTS, No. 10i) Beet man St. New York, January, 104. We have ie-ied P.rnam s Cloth-s Wrtnn er bv pru'tical workinir. and kriO.vthiM it will 'do. It is cheap, it is -i.up!, it requires i.o room whether at work or al re-t; a rhild ca:i operate it It iloes its . 1 ; y th oron ;h I y . It sve- tin.e and it savfs wear and lear. We erne ly a-tvi-e all who have much whsIiiiiu to lf, with al! intelliiient persot.s !'w ho rriav have a n y, ' o bn y t h is Wriner.. it will pay tor it-ed io a v-.r a. mo-t. HORACE GREELEY. July ?, Pf t.- ly. HJ ati tig aiu UrinL'iusr :rr. THE sibscnber respectfully ;ivc no lice to ih" public that he ha at his Saloon, on Main Street, cohstao'lv on hand Fresh Oj'sters, either in the shell rr by the CAN. to suit ln customers. Families can be stippliej by ile can or by the quart upon short no tice. He al-o keeps ou hand XX Ale, Si iler and minerals. Give him a call. B. STUHNER. -' P.loomsbnnr, Nov. 23, 1864. Administrator's IVoticc. Estate of James Mclride, late of Htm- lock township, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on th es tate ol James McBride. late ot Hemlock iwp., Cobicibia county Pa , ha,ve been arantedriy thfi R-i-'er of sai I conuty to Hugh D McBrule, ter-idin in the twp . and county aforesaid. Ail persons having rUims against .he esta'e of the decedent are requested to preeut them for settle ment m the adminisiralor without delay, and all persons indebted to the decedent shall make payment iinmediateley to the undersigned HUGH D. Mc BRIDE, Adm'r. Hemlock, Jan. 4, 1865 6vv 92. DAVID LOHTABEUGi C LO T II FN G STO HE, "lip 1 -K ..' seen at our . , , r. a snd more perfect I moo a sttictty ,-ash system, are enabled to offer Jrio Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES-CHEAP GOODS. fivtiP. nnder-naned respectfully informs Ins friends and Ihe public et.era'.Iy, that fie ha st received from the hastern Citie. a lare as-ortmenl of CLO'J'HIXG, ...w-wrTi Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of all ports size- ami quantities, which will be e0U che-op for cash or couniry produce. A L S O, Y boots : -uo LS t-s5s V..vw Together with I Variety o, no . i- Miner- lioiia and thin" too t ronr leso:r) ic "rt ate to which he invites the a tenliOiJ o. pw- chasers. rr" JJe is also prepared tn mokerti lot. a-i 'reasonable termp, and up to the latest fashions flTCa aiu examine our mock h -.--i:--. ANDREA' J. EVANS. . l. I BWimsbnrg, April 27. 1 Miller's Store. tirrAi.LAM) VIMLit G0DS. itir t. ... f. r. hi. r l.u. i.isi returned from - the cities wnh another large and .elect o ..I.. n,pr t nf T,!l nnd IHaftr Goodi. pnrcha-ed at Ph dadelph ia a n .1 Ne w York, at the lowe-l figure, am) which he i- deter mined to sell on a rriodera'.e terms a- can be nroenred elsewhere iu B.oomsburg. llis hioclt comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS. of the cht'ne-l s:yles and litest fashions, Ni.iwther with lar-je assnrtmeni of IItY -GOODS. - MUSLINS, C!.OTI!I?f AND YlvS TLNGS3. ALSO. fi R 0 ( : F. U 1 n S , 11 A I'D W ARE. Q I : K 1 : N S W A R V. , C E D A H V A 1 1 1 ' , HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON1. ROOTS ,S- SIIOKS. HATS CAPSVc. In shorl, everything usually kept in conn- ; try stores, 10 which he inv heatletitijn j ol ihe public generally. ' j The hiiihe-l inice will b" pan! for conn try produce, in exchan-je fur ood. STEPHEN H. MILLER. 1 Bloomsbnig. Oct 12, 1 S64. j CONFF.rT ION K R Y STORE. H. C. ('llRl-T.HN, FSPECTKULLY announces to the c'ni Jfc. ,,,,. ( l:;,Him-bi ti ami vicinity that he ha- jnH oj er;ed a nt Rr fre-hmer t Sa- j Ir on and C-n ft:ciio:iery S ore, on Main-st , j i i i i . . A .nori.tjii 1 1 r ii where he i ten ,1s -n pp, tng all who may oive him liie r cu-tom v.iiri f 'ihSH 0S TEKS. Clam S.np. Sardines, Boded i-gs, Hai Tripe Pi-s' fee', Dried Heirinn, &c. He wilt n'-o kee;i on hand a superior ar ticle of DRUG ill ALE. Porter Laerbecr, and arsn; viriil. toett er vi:ti a gnoil as- -or-iiit nt of Caii 'i-.'s. S wi -et r.-ieais, C-kes, Ciar a'id Ct.ewj.i T .paio. Incoritiec U'm wi;h th'- -al 'i-n I " ha- fitt;t up a La t!iec? DepaMtneiil. v here uYt vi ho rl.ay de. sire ran call l"r ()ys-prs an t R- lreshmei.t and wnl be tree from ali anno aitces and indecencies til it ht iie are too often ex p ised ii in s(.n:e of ot r best rerlaurauts. Don'i fail togive him a call. H. C CHiHSTMAN.'Proprietor. Bioombutg, Oct. 12, 1 S o 4 . Ads2&2ssisf rntor's IVotsccr Esf..te of Jacob Kidig hde of FUhing- cretk. twp., deceased. f EETIERS of administration on t!ie es--''la'e of Jacob Kindig late of Fi-hingceek twp, Colutnt'ia cooi:ly, deceased, lave been granted by 'he Register of Columbia county, to John Wenner. re-idin in town ship and county aforesaid. All persons havin' claims again-t the estlte of Ihn de- reilenl are requested to present them to the under-igtiedwuliout oetay, ami all p r sons indebted m make pavinert forth win JOHN WENNER, AJnr. Eishgcreek, Nov. i.1H-4 U t2. I a 8 ion a I ( laiisi Agesiy, CODtTCTFO BV HARVY 56 COLLINS, WASUIXGTON, D C. UN order to facilitate the prompt adjn-t-it. en1 ol Bounty, arrears of pay, Pension and other ciautis due soldiers and other p-rson Irotn the Governmeni of the U. S , the uti ler-'gne 1 has rnade arrangement wiih the anovp firm who.- experience ami close proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, as well as the early knowledge acquired by them of the decis ions frequently being tnade, enable them to prosecnte claim more effectually than AJIomeys at a di-tance can posibly do All persons entitled to claims o! lha above: description can have them properly attend ed to by calling on me and entrusting them to my care. W. WIRT, ,. .. ... r.. m c n ..:.. . l '''St A I rl? r fTl trsAK . , rf-i"i.fiT-ijVi.i s-Mf-M tuZJPa GROVER 56. BAKER'S CFI.KBaATrD CLASTIC STITCH sFiWi ' c n c ii i i i:s Were awaidea the highest Pre n. in mi over all Coii'petitors, al the following Slat and County Fur- of 1863. NEW' VORK STATE FAIR. First Pietin'um or family Machine First Premi"'n or Manufactnrino Machioa Fir-l Preininn. 'r Macf i ie Work INDIANA SPAli? FA I It. Fir-t Premiiim for 'Mfn'i" fo apurpO Fir-t Premium Jor Machit'' Vork VERMONT STATE FAIR. . Kir t Premium tor Family Machine. First Premium lor Mannfarturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. Firt Premium fot Machine W0iJ ' IOWA STATE FAIR. ' . . , p. i.u:- I r irpi 1 it-miuui Mil i rtiiiny niai nii" r.m:nm ,or TVInra,-tnrini. Mchf m Fir! Premium for JMactiine Work. pcrpoaetf purpose Wor! MICA IG AN STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing Maehlae F:rM Premium for Family Machine Fifsj Premium for Machine Woik PENN'A STATE FAIR First Pr-rninm for Manu 'actarma Machine Frist Premium for Machine Worn I OREGON STATE hAIK. First Piemium for Family Machine rir-t Premium tor Machine Work I r ir-t Pre.inum tor r airily M -.chine First Premium f.ir Mann rc nriri Maol in Fir-l Premium frr M.chirn Work. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. F r-t Premium for Manufacturing M-t'bii.e. CHAM PLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium or Manufacturing Machine Fir-t Premium fur Machine Worlt, HAMPDEN CO, Ma-s AC L. SOC. I Diploma lor hamily Machine. f),poma for Alachine Work, WASiilNTON CO, N Y FAIR. yif!it p:ernit7,r for Family M-.chioe 1 QUEENS CO N V. FAIR First Premium for Family M.cfiin. j First Premium for Man ufacturing Machi 1 First Premium for Machine Work ! SARATOGA CO N Y, FAIR. j Firt Premium for Family Machine 1 MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. ,' First Premium for Machine for all purpot-4. First Premium lor Machine Worlc j GERENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. ; First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for IMachihe Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. Firs. Premium for Family Jlachihe ' E'1-"1 Premium for Machine. imu.m uu.vt t.u t cu ra, i-aik Fist Premium lor Machine for all pnrpotM ! irn 1'rennum lor JMachme W oik. SAN JOAQUIN CO C-f FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DIS1R1CT Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine F.r-t Premium for Machine Work C.i2"The ab'ive romprispu all ir e Fait si v.!;ifnth G'over &: Baker .lMachip- were exhibited this ear. Sale rooms, 495 Broad vy, New Yorl. 73U Chestnnl St., PhiUdtlphia. March 3, 1?G4 ly. ' THE Grpntesi Improvement yt in Stm-ii.n a v h I nfl A f 1 A curiosity w seeing. Please sen J for circular with sample se-.vtr s. These Improved Machines save e t hundred per cent of Ihtead and silk, m l make the lock stitch alike on both side TLi-y reonire no instructions to open - perfectly, excepl the "printed directions No change ii sewing from one-kind 1 goo. Is to anoiher. And r.o tak.ng aftart to clea- o oil. Our New Manufactory is now comple v; itli all us rn hiue.ry ar.d tools enllr ' , new, ami i already rapidly turning tn.X Machines, wl ich for teant and perfecli j o fi-iish are hot surpassed by an manuL - trre in the worl.l. i N. B. Should any Michire prove ons.- isf-tor, it can be teturueJ and moiit y refunded. Agents wan'ed in fonnttea not canfasA by our own Agents I-INKLE St LYON S. M. CO. No. Broadway, Now York. April 20. 164. ly. Notice to Trespasser. THE lollowing farmers nd landcwner, of Orange anO Centre lo r.i-hrps, Columbin cournv, do hereby caution ajl perton j auaiust hm-lit g or in anywise trespanbimt on their lands, tf u making themselye snt-j-ci to ti e penalties of the law whisjj will te most stringently enforced David E Hayn.en, Stephen Hill, Samuel HenJie , Fr iny HaymaJ, Simon Liwry. Renben Si ler, All ol Oiange township. Repj. S iuer, Wm Feck, Freiterick Beck, Adam Hill. Wm Wiimite. (ieo Witrtnra, Josen'i.RiK.-kie, al! of Centre twp Oranjje. Nov 16, 1864. f j tHE.nndersi'jned havipo connected him- sell with estabii'fied Agencies in Wash ington and Philadelphia is prepared to attend tn th collection of Back pay, lioiuitie, Peusioas, aric! all o tier pquitablfl claims against the Government. Hi ;Wierice anl business connections enablr tiim to attend lo them with the least rossible delay. No charge niade nn le-s the claims are secured. OfW wi h E H. Liule, Esq.. Court House Alley, Bioorost org Pa. 6