STAR OF THE NORTH THINGS ABOUT T01VR & COUNTRY. BLOOMS BIJ pa. WEDNESDAY JANUARY. 25. 1865. . WASTED A unart, active and intel i ligentboy to learn theprinting business. TnK frien'ds of the Rev. J. W. Lescder, desire to give him a donation on the 26th inst., ai his residence, in Bloomsburg. . At present there is very little volunteer ing going on, anJ but few substitutes being put in. Th Court advertisement?, complete, will be found in thid week's isene of the Star. Oi'qht to be laid in ashes our town we mean coal ashes. The slippery condition of the side-walks demand it. The County Statement, as passed by the - Auditors, will appear in onr next paper. It will exhibit the affairs of our county in a healthy condition. We have Three Dollars for'the Star if . not paid until the end of the year. Those who pay in advance pave fijiy cents. THEFleighin in this sectiou has been tolerably good for the past three week. On . Saturday night last reinforcements were re ceived, : Thk houses for rent in this place do not meet the demands. A few of our enter prising citizens might do well to erect a lew dwellings for rent. . Samuel McHkxry of Benton township, one of the Fort Mifflin prisoners, returned to his home on Monday lttih inst., with an honorable discharge. He was acquitted af ter trial by the Mi itary commission. . The Board of Enrollment for this Dis trict, will be in attendance at Bloomsborg. to correct the enrollment in the several townships pf Columbia . Connlyt on Wed uesday. Thursday and Friday ol this week Information Wanted: An inquisitive youth asked us lor information in regard to the process of healing the. back-bone nf the Confedaracy, used by the rebels. We of . course declined anwering and referred him to. some practical surgeon. ' LvstaLlvd. Rev W J. Leacock, was in stalled as Pastor ol the First Baptist Church, of Berwick, on Sabbath morning last. A ' protracted effort is now4n progress' in' that church, and considerable interest is being manifested. May he be the instrument in -the hands of God of accomplishing much good Berwick Gizeite. All those of our ?uscrlbe who have not yet paid their subscription 'o ih Star for the fast and present year are respectful ly requested to come forward on Cou-t week and se'lle the same. There" are quite a uamber on onr books who have not paid for the last Volume which ended on the 27th of October 1S61. Wa mnst have prompt payments to enable us to con inne our business these times. Thee are '--Lin-coln times," not good old "Democratic times," when a man could afford to print for $2 a year and wait one, two or thTee yearn l?r the pay. -Hoping those knowing themselves indebted, to us will respond in a substantial manner, we will say .nothing further.on the subject. We understand that Bloom township' has raised a bouuty lor volunteers by private subscriptions, but stiil intemd to lay a tax officient to s well ths bounty three humhei dollars higher to each volunteer. Volun teers by taking the bounty of the township, and then entering General Hancock's corps and" receive a government bounty of three hundred dollars, can make a pretty thing out of it. Those having any inclina tion of joining the service will find t!,i- a splendid opportunity. General Hancock i falsing a cractc corps, designed chiefly to - be of veterans, although others will be ac cepted. Another time the ''back-bone of the Ccnfedaracy is broken." Fort Fisher has been captured and we are informed by loi al persons that this is positively the crush ing stroke to the rebellion. "We will have no more drafts after the one to be made in February" said one of our hryal-adminii-tatior,-emancipation annihilation neighbors . We have no donbt the felloe feels pleasant under such anticipations, but we can not learn why men bear disappointment, so freely. Daring the past four years every Tictory Dy the Federal army has broken a back-bone of the Confe.daracy and it has been said there will be no more drafts" Either the persons living under these hal lucinations are confirmed fools and dupes, not having brains enough to be conscious of disappointment, or they are liars and base xleluders, attempting to brow-beat more sensible and thongh;ful citizens. ' Wx are informed that Printing paper has declined in price, in this market, to the amount of one dollar. This reduction i not yet sufficient, for (here is no reason jotify ir.g paper manufacturers in charging such enormous prifes for paper. The price cf materials used in the manufacture has not advanced anything like the rates claimed by the paper makers. It is high time these gentlernea were looked after, they have been eiiorting money out of the pockets of the people long" enough without even an investigation of the matter. A joint reso lu;ion passed the lower House of the Legis lature last Friday instructing the Pennsyl vania Congressional delegation to vote for a pf the duty on paper. That was right in every particular. Ever? Congress man wilt be watched by his constituent fn this matter. He had not better come before thm forrsriominatioa if ha acts unwisely, aad votes gainst 'the repeal. . -REE V E S ' 'OMGIXAI:, GENUINE & RhLIADLE, s - A'MBROalA, . FOR THE GROWTH, BEAUTY AND PRESERVATION OE THE HAIR. Established 1860. Price, 75 cts.pcr bottle. This preparation can show Jiving evidences of its excel lence. SEE Photograph and read cerifi cate of Mrs. Win. Sutton hair five feet and one inch in length used Reeve' Ambro sia about twenty months. 'ALSO, Photograph and certificate of Mrs. L M. Neil hair five fl. length used the Ambrosia m 18 months Thousands are using this preparation and offering wai ting testimonials. These potographs, taken from life, have been awarded to extend "the knowledge of the merits of this wonderful discovery. Hundreds have seen these ladies and heard the facts from their own lip-. Mrs. Maxwell's Testimonial. Kev York, Dec. 23.. 1862. JCrmwing positively that Reeves' Am brosia pioduced a beaGtifnl head of hair for Mrs.. Lizzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, New York, 1 was induced, thereby, to us" it thoroughly. I needed something for my hair, it being short and thin ha. I used oic half dozen bottles when I could plainly noiice an increase jn its length, stiength, and beauty. An eAperiene of about twy years has proved a complete sucee--. Mo hair is now by measurement, four feet ten inches'in length, nearly reaching, the floor. I have allowed my photograph to proclaim the "merits ol Reeves' Arzitr-isia io ti e world. MRS. WALLACE E MAXWELL. &3T'.ill entenprising Druggists hare these Photographs and keep for sale, HE EVES' AMBROSLl at 75 Cents per Dottle. DruggiM9 who may not have onr prepa ration, will send for it if applied to Prin cipal Depot, 62 Fnltorl Street, New York. Nov. 30, 1864. 6 roos. PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF the Orphans Court of Colum bia County, an JANUARY, SATURDAY 2STI1, 1865. at 2 o'clock in the forenoon, Henry C. HifW, Administrator of Peer Hess, tat of Sogarloaf township, in sat 1 co ur.ty dee'd , will expose to sale by Public Vendue, on the premises, a certain TRACT OF IjAIYD, Situate in said township of Sngarlo'al ad joining land" of Joshua and Alexander He., Henry Golder and John Sickle, con taining 1.15 ACRES and THIRTY SIX PERCHES; on which are reeled a two story Frame DWELLING IIOISC. ?rr LARGE tii frame barn, mm and out-building. A Fine Young H ORCHARD, aud IQ3 undivided half of oru SAW WILL; and a firtt-ra'.e Sugar Camp.. ALSO, an other Situate in the same township, adjoining lands above mentioned, am! land ot Alex Hinler and Joshua Hes- ; containiim and one hundred anil thirty-eight parches. A'l timber laml, of jjood quality. Late the o.-ta:e ol aii deceased, f-itoate in the iwp., of Sugarloaf and county aforesaid. JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk. Jan. 1, 1865. , Conditions of Sale Ten pr cent . of ihf pnrshwse money to be paid down on t!t day. of sale : one-fourth of the balance of the purcha money, on the co .fi rm:ilion ot the sale; and the balance in ore jear from confirmation, with intere-t from said confirmation. A Deed will be delivered to th" purcha ser upon pa'yme.jt of the consideration mone y , or securing the sama lo be (aiJ a. required by the administrator. HENRY C HESS. Adm'r. , Estate of John Graham', late of Orange townshipt deceased. LETTEF..S of administration on th Es tate of John Graham, late of Orungs twp , Columbia county, dee'd, t ave been grant ed ty the Register of said county, to Peter Ent, of Light Street ; and all persons h.iv ing claims against the estate of the dtce dpr.l a'e requested to prete.'.t thwrn for sef.Iement to th undersigned without de lay, and those owing the estate to make payment forthwith. PETER ENT, AJm'r. Dec. 21, 1864 6w. S3. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate rf Alexander Mears, deceased. THE underssned, appointed by the Or phan's Court of Columbia county, to make distribution of the balance in the hands ol Peter R. Herbein and John Yeager jr., Exechtor of Alexander Mears, late of Lo cust twp., in said county, to and among the creditors of the said deceased, in the order establ isfled by law, will meet the creditors ofihe deceased, at the Rmorder Office, in Bloomsborg, on SATURDAY THE2STH OF JANUARY, A. D. ,1865. All person having claimf or demands against te Estate of the deceased, are re quested lo present them to the Auditor, or be debarred froTJ coming in for a share of the assets. JOHN G. FREEZE, Auditor. Bloomsborg, Jan. 4, 1865 2. 50. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Sarah Stephenson, deceased. THE undersgned, appointed by the Or phans' Court ot Colombia county, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of Richard Detnott, administrator of Saran Stephenson, late of Madison twp., in said county, to and among the heirs and Jeual representatives of the said deceased, in the order established by taw, will meet the parties irteresteJ, at the Recorder's Otfice, in B!oomsburg,on SATURDAY 23TH O? JANUARY, A. D. 1865. All per on hav ing claims or demands against the Estate of the deceased, are requested io present them to the Auditor, or be debarred from coming in for a share of 'ih assets, . . JOHN G. FREEZE, AuJi'.or, ' Floombbarg, Jm,4, 1365 22.50 L. LYONS' PFRC OHIO CAT&WBA BRANDY, AND Sparkling Catawba Wines, otw. in Quulify and Cheaper in Frice than the biavdieiar.d If hies of the Old World. For Summer Complain;, Cholera Infantum, Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Choiic and Dirrhoea. A sure Cvre is guaranteed, or the money icill be refunded. In support of the above statements, ht presented ihe Certificates ot Dr. Jama's R Chilton, ch misi, New York, Dr. Hiram Cox,' Chemical Inspector, Oh'o, Dr. Jhs. R. Nichols, chemi.-t, Boston, Dr N. E Jones Chemical Inspector, Circleville Ohio, Prof C . T. Jat-ki-on, chemist, Boston, Dr. Cha". Upham Shepard, Charleston, S. C, and J V. Z. BlaRcy,-and G. A. Mariner, coii!ult i chemists, Chicago, all of whom have tfualj zed the Catawba Brandy, and com mend in the highest leims, for medical use. Analysis of the Afnssachussetts State JJ.sayerf Jan. 25, 1858. When eva ported through clean linen it left no oil or rflensive matter. In et'ery re-pect it . is a Pure opinions liquor. The Oil which gives to thi- Brandy its d,ivor nnd Hroma. is wholly unlike fnsil or grain oil. lis odor partakes of both tht? truit and oil ol grapes. With acid's, it produce other of a high fragrance. - "The substitution of this Brandy lor Cognac Brandy will do away with the manufacture of fictitious spirits, sold under this name both at home and abroad. - Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, M D., A-sayer to Stat jMasi., lb bo) leton bt ' . . , fly the same, in 1861. I have. anal)Zrd VL. Lyons' Pure Cata wba Brandy," with reference, to its coin position and ch-iracter, being the same as tint produced in i ast year. A sanip'e taken from ien ca-ks afforded the same re'ilts with regard to purity ; a sligly mere aspd amount of the principle on n. hirh if? flavor depends was determined by co;:r-pari-on with former, samples The irulicatiors of ar.alyns fhow lh?.t ..this Brandy is produced b) tt' anie pro cess as mot of the imported Brandy. Re-pectluily, A. A. HAYES, M, D. Slnte Ass;ver, 16 Boylesron St. Boston, July 20. 1864. Manufactured only by H H JACOB L CO., (To whom ali Orders should be ad dressed.) Depot. 91 Liberty St., New y.,rk. Nov. lfi, 1864 3m K. k II. T. ANTIIOW & 0 , .tiiiiuit ciiir-r- cf rtiotiigraphic MtiteriHlS; WHOI.FSALB AND hF.TAtt.. . 5 0 1 BROAD W A Y, N. Y. In addition to t :r m ii.n business ol POTOtiRAPHIC MATERIALS, we. are Headquarters ture following, v iz Slere-'Copes and Stetoscopic Views, Of these we have an immnriH assortment, including U'arSwnf-, Anerira-i and For eign Citie and Landscape, (Jroups. Stat uary, Sec , &(.'.- Also, Revolving Stero- sropes fof pnic or private exhibniiiu. O'lr Catalogue win du tent receipt ot Stamp. to any address on riiotornpSiic Albums. We were th'!-t tt introduce these into the United ci ate, and we manufacture im mene qnaulities in grpat variety, raging in pi'int ix"m 50 cents to 50 eacti. Our .iLIiUlaS favp the reputation of being superior iri bean'y and durability te any nthf-rs.-. Thev will be eeui by mail, , on 'receipt ol pricr. mZT'Fiue .Hbums Made to order. 2 CRD PHOTOGRA-PHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousand tMilj'Cts (to which additions ar continually being ovae) of Portraits of Eminent Americans. &c. viz abont 100 Mj Generals, 200 Brig. Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. Colonels 250 O her Offi-css, 75 Navy Office!, 550 S atesmens, 130 Div n e, 125 Authors, 40 Artists, 125 Stages, 50 Prom'nt Women ISO l'rominent Korpign rorlrnii. G,000 Copies or Viorus ol Ait, including reproductions of 'he mot cele brated Engrivings, Paintings ,"Stat'i tes , Catalogue sent nn receipt of Stamp. An Ordr for one dozen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on the receipt of SI .80 and sent by mail, Free. Pho'ographers and others ordering good C. O. D wiil please remit twe ny tiv ,)h cent of the amount with iheir ordr. E & H. T. ANTHONY. CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. W The prices and quality cf our goods can not fad to sotify. Dec 7, 1864. 6mo. IssfbrEiiisSion Free. To Kerveous Sufferers. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Debility, Incompetency Premature Decay, arid Youihlul Error, actuated by a desire to benefit rtyier, will be happv to furnish io a. I wii0.rtf"e-.l it,- (free of charge.) lh leHp and direction, for makirrg the sim ple remedy nsed in hi case. SnfTerers witiirg to profit by the advertisers bad ex perience, arid possd a sur and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his placs ot business. The Recipe aad lull information of vital importa nee will be cheerfully sent by return of mad. Address JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 60 Nassau Street, New York. P. S. Nervous Sufferers of both sexes will-find this information valuable. Dec. 7, 1864 3:no. otic a:. To JVhom it may Concern. THE undprs:gned, Ao litor appointed by th Orphan Court ol Columbia co.. io make distribution of the as-orj of the E.-ta'e of Elizabeth Murry, deceed, among the persons entitle J by law m receive the same will attend to thf dutiesbf his appointment at his office in Bloomsburg on Saturday, the 28th day of January, at 10 o'clock i:i thu forenoon, when and where ail persons interested may atteud if they think -prpper. W. WIRT, ' oloomsbnrg, Jan. 4, 1S65 4l. Auditor Democrat, copy. . AdiuiEiistrator's IVoticc. Estate of Thames IV. Young, late cf Jackson twp. deceased. LE TTERSJ ol administration on the Es tate of Thomas V. Yonng, late ot Jackson township, Xolurabia county, dee'd , have been granted by the Register of said coun ty, to Peter Ent, Esq., ret-iding in Light Street. v Ail persons hawing" claiioft agausl the estate of the decedent are requested to present them to the undersigned without delay, and those indebted to the same lo nake payment forthwith. - PETER ENT, Adtu'r. , Dec. 21, 1364 6w. ?3. . JYational Foundry, Sfoombni3 Columbia Co., fjne snbribar, proprietor of the above named extensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders. for all kinds of machir.ery, for COLLERIES. BLAST FCR NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared to make S ovec, all size and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in first-class Foundries His extangivH facilities and praclicaf workman, wairanl riim in " receiving the largest contracts op the most reasonable terms. " - f"sT Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. C This establishment is locatej near 'he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. B'oomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. The New York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN the WORLD ' jHE extensive and comprehensive lacil ities in its possest-ion enables the Pro prietor of the Weekly Herald to guarantee the latest and rnot reliable intormation possible to b". obtained, not only from all parts of the United Slates', but troio all parts of the world. lis home correspondents. engaged at very heavy cod, and connected with earn new naval and military expedition ot the gov ernment, prove that it is determined to leave no spot uncovered by its operations and no event can occur that shalj not find imme diate report tn its columns. It costs the proprietor over one hundred "thousand dol lars per year to maintain its corps of cor respondents in the field. In its collation cf Foreign News the Herald has for years held a high position, and it will tyideavor in the f.iture o main tain thti Mand it has assumed. It has spe cial correspondent stationed in all of the prir-ciprft cities o"f the world. Its telegraphic arrangements ex'etid to wherever the electric wires are stretched. Wt.en the Atlantic caPle is hid, which fent will soop be accomplished, telegrams will be n-ciMved lrom Europe and Asia, as well us from the United States. Then our readers will have the events of the week in all pans of the civilized world regularly and clearly laid before them. ' The proprietor devotes a portion of the paper to literature. - Fashion, Agriculture, the Mechanic Art, Sporting Matters.-Business, Theatrical and Financial Repor's, Cattle Markets, General News, and repor's of all events calculated to form an excellent metropolitan new.-rpaner a weekly photo graphic view of the. even's 'ne world and sll at a very Invv price. The Weekly Herald is issued every Sat urday morning, and furnished at the fol lowing rates : One copy- S2 00 Five copi?s S3 00 Thr ?e conies 5 00 Ten copies 5 00 Any larger number addreed to names of surscribers SI 50 each. An extra copy will be sent to every dab of ten. Twenty copies lo one addrrsone 'Rar 525, ard any larger number at same price. An extra copy sent t3 clubs of twenty. Advertisement to a limited nurnber.will be inserted in the Weekly Herald. The Daily Herald, Four cents per copy. Fourteen Dollars per year for three hundred and sixty three. isr.e. Seven dollar for ix monihs. Three dollars and Sity cer.l for thre month. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Editor anc Proprietor, Northwest cor. Ful'on and Nssan-st. N.Y. There are no travelling agent for the Herald. 52-tf HIE 2MGAZKE FOR THE TIMES! PETE 11 SQTil S ITI A A Z I ?S E The Best and Cheapest in the World for Ladies! The popfllar monthly tnagazme will b gr-atly improved for 1S65. "It will contain One Thouiaro" pagps ! Fourteen 5pler.Jid S'eel Plates ! Twelve Coloiel Fa-hion Flares ! Twelve Colored Beriin Work Patterns I Niue Hu .-ulred Wood Cuts'. Twenty four Pagee of tuic ! All this wilt be givfii for only Two Dol lars a year, or a dollar les than Maa znes of in class of -Pe'erori " I s Tlirillio? Tales and K .velettcs Are the best published anywhere. Ail the mot popular writer are employed to 'riti ior "Peterson. " In 1865. m addition to its uual Auanihv of short stor ies, Four original Copyright Novelettes will be given by Ann S -Sthphens, Louise. C. Moultori, Frank Lf Benedict, ami th" Author ot the ."Second Life." It aLo put linties Fashions Ahead of all Others. Each number, sn addition to the colored rdaie ives b'otinel. Cloaks and Dres-es. dngavpd on wood. "Also, a pattern, from which a Dress, MaMdbi, or i-hil t s urv can becnt, w ithout the aid of a man'u-ma ker. Also several page of Household ' and other Receipits. Zjtll is the eest Lacy's Magazine in ihe hcortc TRY IT FOU ONK YE All. TERMS Always in AJvance. One copy, one year Eight copies, for on year. Fourteen copies for one year. Premiums for Getting up $ 2 00 12 00 20 00 Clubs : To every persons getting up a club, at the above raes, a copy ot :he IWagazine for "l8R5 will be given gratis : or, if preter--red, Ih-J superb engraving (size, 27 inches bv 20 inches.) " Washington Parting From His Gr remit." Address, post paid, CHARLES J-PETERSON, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. rF"Spec"nnens sent gratis, whe i teat for. Nov. 23. 1S64. A CARD IO INVALIDS A CLERGY--rnan, while residing in South America as missionary, discovered a sale and sim ple remedy for the c:re ot Ncrvou Weak ness, Early Decay, di.-ea-es of the Urinary and Seminal Orgar-, and th whole train of disorder brought on by baneful and vi-t-ious habits. Oreat numbers have already beeti cured by thi- nobU remedy. Prompt ed by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send th recipe for pre paring an 1 using this medicine, to any one 'who needs it, in a sealed en elope tree ot charge. Pleae enclose a stamped envel ope, "addre-sed to voursalf. ' Address JO SEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York Cny. 52 ly Mi JATF.IMQNIAL. LADIES AND GEN- emen. If you wish 'o m3rry address the undersigned, who will send you wi:h out money and without price, valuable, in formation that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age. wealth or beauty. This information will cost yoc nothing, and if you wish to marry. I will cheerfully assist you. All letters strictly confiaential. I be desired informa tion sent by return mail, and no questions asked. Address Sarah B. Lambert, Green point, Kings county, New-York. Oot. 12, 1S64 2m . ' l - 9 , t J. , ..; , - ... - ,. . ,. . . ,- v G R C PI Ai0-rRTSi THE atterrtion of the public and. the trade is invited to onr New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano For'es. which for volume and purity of tone are nnrivatle-i lv ar j hi'herto offered in this market. They -Contain all th1 modern improvunents. Fret ch, Grand Action, Hnrp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Strung Ba &.. aid ffi h irtri n-erit beiny made under the personal supervision ol Mr J. II. GROVKSTfcEN, who has had a pra tical -experience of over 30 years in iheir manufacture, is (nlly w arrftiteri ii every p r.i icti 'nr. The Grovent"tn Viano-Fvrte Deceived the Highest encard of Merit over all others atfthe Celebrated "World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments f.iom the best makers of London, Paris. Germany, Philapelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York; and also at the American Institute tor five successive years, the gold and silver medal from both of which can be seen at onr ware roon. By the i'mrod nc'ion of impro vemen's we make a still rnnre perfect Piano Forte, and by manufacturing largely, wiih-a stri.-ny rash system, 'are enabled to offer these instruments at prices which will preclude ail competition. PRICES : No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood plain rae 275. ISo. Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy moulding 6300. No. 3, Seven Oc ave, rouud corner. Rr-sewood Loni JCIV si le S325. a lar simile of M.e abore rut T 22 El 31 ITKT C-Vftll, IX CSIHiUST rU'Slfe. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS BENT FREE. July 13, 1864 ly. CLOTH KS HTI r.VAl, IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE . S P.LF-A DJUSTIXG WHINGER. No Wood Work to sivdl or split A't Thumbscrews to gel out of order -JVarrantedwith or without cog-wheels H T took tin first premium at filty-sevan -k -State and Count) Fairs in 1863, and i without any exception, 'the bst Wringer ever made. Patented in the United Stales, Englai'd, Canada, and Australia. Agents wantcd in every towu, and in all pans ol the world. Energetic Aien(s can make from three to ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers sent Express psid on receipt of price. NTo. 2, Sf 50. No. 1, 57 50. No. P, 58.50. No- A, 9.50. Manufactured am' told, wholeal and retail, bv THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Plntt Si'et, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. A H. FRANCISCUS. Agen. Philadelphia, Pa. What Everybody Knows, viz'. That iron well galvanized will not rns!. That a simple machine i better than a complicated one. That a Wringpr should be sell pdj'Jsting, durable, a-id efficient. That Thumb screws and Fastening caue d!ay anil trouble to reguUte and keep in order. That" wood soaked in hot uater will swell, shrink and split. 1 hat wood bearing for the shaft to rm in will wear out. Tnat the Putnam Wringer", with or without cog wheels, w ill not tear tri clothe. That cog wheel regulator are not essen tial. That the Putnam Wringer has all the advantage?, and not one of the disadvan tages above named. That ail who. have ts;ed it, pronounce it the b -st Wringer ever mde. That it will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We might fill the paper with testimoni als, but insert onlya few to convince the skeptical, if such there be; and we say io all, test Putnam' Wii.iger. Tsd it thor oughly with any and ali others, aud it not entirely sat i-factory. return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Gentlemen I know from pr.ictiral pperieic that iron well galvanized with zrnc will not oxidize or rnt ore part cle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect a pcssiLle, 1 can cheerfully recommend it lo bevthe t est in use. Re-pecttnlly vonrs, JOHN W. WHEELER, Cleveland. C)."io Many years experience in trie galvaniz ing bu-it es, enable me io endorfe the above statement in all particnt-irs JNO C. I.EFKERTS, No. 10!) BeeKman St. New York, January, 1864. We have te-ted Pumam Clothes Wring er b practical working, and. know that it will do. It is cheap, it is simple, it requites no room whether at work or at re.-t; u ctiitd can operate it It does'V thoroughly. It saves time and it saves wear and leur We earne ly advice all who have much washing to do, with ali intelligent wtio may have a:iv, to buy th.s Wringer. It will )ay lor itself in a year a ni-t. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. "OVST II 1 1 , O Y T E it S ! Eating anil Drinking THE scbscriler rc.-pcctfi l!y gives no tice to ih public that he ha at his Salt on, on Main Street, constantly orufcharid Fresh Oysters either in the shell or by the CAN, !o suit his customer. Families can be supplied by the cab or by the q-iart upon short nn- I tice. He also keeps orr natid A.A. Ale, ti- der and mineral. Give him a call. B. STPHNER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1864. Administrator' Aotice. Estate of James McDriile, late of r;j- loch township, deceased. LETTERS of Administration on the ps tPte ot Jairie McBride late of Hemlock twp., Columbia county Pa , havet been granted oy the Reisiei of sail county io Hugh' D McBride, residing in the tw p . and county aforesaid. All persons having claims against ,he esta'e of the decedent are requested to present them for settle ment io the administrator without delay, and all persons indebted to the decedent t-hall make pay mem imtne-'iatel ey to the undersigned HUGH D. McBRIDE, Adm'r Hemlock, Jan. 4, J865 6w 2. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sliy-ffviht Attihrol yist, OOMS in the Third Story of the Ex change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsturg, Colombia coun ty, Pa. Bloomsburg, Hot. 23, 1859 ly. it-. ': ! I 9 VFSTEN 8o CO. r?2 A VI ArVlIFACTfElRESS, Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES-CHEAP GOODS. riMIE undersigned respectfully informs A Ins friends and the public generally, thrt he has jnl rcreivett lrom tne r.asier.i Cities, a large as-orlmnt ot CLOTHING, Fresh from the seal of Fahion, ot all sorts, size and quantities, .which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. A L S O, ' UATti Ac C.UVS D'JOTSAM), C.'N Together with a vTicty rd no tins and thing loo trout lesome to iiunier nte, to whion he invites ihe attention of pur-Cha'-rs. f JIp is also prepared to vwhe us Jothing to order, on reasonable lermp, or up to the latest fashions. E5-Call aad exarnm our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bioomsburg, April 27. 1864 Miller's Store. tT FALL AM) V. IM EU GOODS. .rj'IIK subscriber has just rammed froin ttie cities with another large and select assortment of Fall and JVinter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and vNew York, at the Jowe-t figure, and which he is deter mine! to sell on as moderate terms as cat. be procured elsewhere in B'oomsburg. His stock,Hi-e LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of the chiicet stjlp ami latest fashions, loeiher with a largi assortment of DRY-GOODS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS, AND VKST1NGS. ALSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. Q 1 1 1 : H N S W ARE, C E D A K W A R F. , HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON. UOO PS 4' SHOES, HATS CAPS.-c In shot1, ever) dung usually kept in conn try rit.res. to which he inv he atteiition (it the public generally. Tile hiut-t t-rice will brt paul forcoun- Iry it, c.v.'h"ie for good. STEPHEN H. MILLER Bloomstuig. Oct. 12, 16 i. is i: r 1 1 1 ; sa .11 v. xt j a r. T CO N F EG TI ( ) N : R Y ST ORE. II, C. ClIRISTXAN, JT LSPECT FU LLY atitiounces to the citi - :-!i- ot ill ..otn-bi.rg and VicToity thai he ha- j'ist opened a new Retretiment Sa loon antLConiectionery Sore, on Main-st second door bebiw ihe "''American House,1' where 1" i.. tends supphing all who may give turn their custom with FKEH OYS TERS. Clam Soup, Sardine., Co-led Eggs, Ham Tripe V igs' i eel, Dne.l Heirif.g, isC. He w II al-o keep on hand a supcr'or ar ticle ot DRAUGHT ALE. Porter Ligerfcecr, ai Sar'aparida : togettier with a gooj a, or :" t of Cah-.'ie. S -veeiiiiats, Crkes, Cigar ato' CI ewit g Tr.baico. Incontiec- is hi l IS r,l lOliO he ha fitted up a La. ti-s- I)e'i;ir'rnf nt wher? ad WOO O a" ' le sire can cad tor Oysters and Refresh me: t- aiid will b?; tree Iron all annojances a:d in ..,. oticies thut iadies are too often ex p. Wd to in si rne of our best restaurants. Don't fuil to give. hit:i a call. H.C CHRISTM AN Llooaifbur-,', Oct. 12, 1864. Proprietor. Administrator's ?oliccr Estate of Jacob Kindig, late of Fishing- creik ticp., dtceasul. T FETTERS of administration on the p. -!ate ot Jac" Kiniiig late of Fistiingceek twp, ColunirMa county, deceased, .iave been granted by the Regi-ter of Columtia county, to John Wenner, residing in town ship and county aforesaid. All per-ons having claims again-t the estate of the de cedent are requested to present thern to thJ undersigned vvil tion t de lay, and alp pi si'ii-i iridebled io make paym-tM forth wih JOHN WF.NNER, Adm'r. Eishgcreek, Nov. 9.1fM hv -2 rilional I lairn Aj?ei-'.ys COMUCTEP BV hARVY COLLING, WAS1USGTOS, D C. TN order to facilitate the prompt adjn-t -- merit of Bounty, arrears ot pay, Penvion and other claims da soldiers and other persons trbm the Government of the U. S , the undersigned has made arrangement with the apovp firm whose experience and f'oc proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, a well a th early knowle'de acquired by them ofTm decis ions frequently t ein made, enable them to pro-ecute ctaim tr.ore effectually than Attorneys at a di-tance can pos-tbly do AH persons entitl-d to claims ol th above description can have them properly attend nd to by calling on ma and entrusting them to my care. W. WIRT. Agent for Harvy & Collins. BlocwnsbQt, At-ust 10, kS64. i' ."?- vis v GROVE R BAKETS CFt.:BATFD FI.ASlJP STITCH SEWfiJi ni 11 1 X E s 'eri awante-1 the highest Premiums ot ail Competitors, at the following State ai d CnurJy of 1863. NEW YORK S1AI E FAIR.. Kirt Pietnium for family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machirt First. Premium for M-cf i ie Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. FirM Premium for Machine for hM purpoet nr-i rremium tor Alacn me Uurk VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir t Premium f'-r Fan ily MaMre. J-'irst Premium lor M-intifacmruip Machin First' Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. Firt Premium fot Machine Woik IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine F-rst Pre mi urn for Manufacturing Macblti Firt Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. First Premium (or Machine for all purpori Firt Premium for Machine Work I KENTUCKY STATE FAIR First Premium fr Machine for all purpos Friat Premium fT Machine Work, MICAIGAN STATE FAIR. First Premium for .Manufacturing M aehl Firet Premium for Family Machine First' Premium for Machine Work PF.NN'A STATE FAIR Titst Premium for Manuhiclnring Matbirj f-rist Premium for Machine- Woric OREGON STATE FAIR First Premium for Family Machine first rremium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt." AGR'L SOC. first Premium lor Family Mtchin Fir' Premium for ManHf?cturiu Maol iq First Premium for Machine Work FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium lor Family Marhin. Fir-t Premium for Manufacturing Marbi CH.W1 PLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium or Manufacturing Machin First Preminrn for Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machin Fir-1 Premrum for Man ufacturing Machi Fir-t rremium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. . Firt Premium for Family Machine MECHANICS INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purtoi First Premium tor Machine Work ' GERES' FIELD O, UNION FAIR Fir-t Pr?iniorn for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. CLTON CO. -O, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium lor Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fist Premium tor Machine for all purpot First Premium lor Machir.e Work. . S A N JO A QU I X CO Ca I FA I R. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Wnrk. SAN JOSE DISTRICT-Cal FAIR. Fir.-t Prerrfinm for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work t5,'The above com prisea all the Fai at which the Grover fc Baker Machimf were exhibited this year- j Salt's-roo-ns, 495 Broadway, New York! 730 Chest.'iut St., Philadelphia. i iIarch 23, 1 s i iy. "-'Jf-iG MAC THE Greatest Improvement yet in I sewmg Machine Art. A curiosity wort seeing. Please send for circular with sample sewi! g. These Improved Machines save on hundred pr cent of thread and silk, an make the lock -stitch alikp on both sidesJ They require no instructions to operat perfectly, except the ''printed directions No change iu sowing lrom one kind of goods to another. And no tak ing apart to clean oil. Our New Manufactory is now compleM with all its machinery and tools entif new, and is already rapidly ti ming o M-iehine, w t ich tor beaut v and pertectn : o fi.iih are not surpassed by an manufa' tcre in the w orld. N. B. Should any MacMce ptove nn i-ficiory, it can be returned and rucru refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvas by our own Agents FIN RLE &. LYON S. M. CO. No. 533 Broadway, Now York. April 20. 1P64. 1 y Notice lo Tresspassers, THE following farmers and landowner of Orange and CVti ra to wnships, Colnmt cotirnv, do herehy caution all perso against bunting or in anywise trspa-M on their lands, thus making themelv, snt it'ct to the pet. allies of the lw whu w iil be n nt -tririgentl) enforced Davi t E Haymet', St-phen Hill, Samuel Heidlej , Frany INjntHn, Simon Lawry. Keoben Si ler, Ali ot Oiange township. Benj. Stiner, Wm Beck, . Frederick Beck, Adam Hill, W-m W'.tmite, Geo Wilmire, Joseph Ruckle, all of Centre twn, Orange. Nov lfi, 1864. iHE nndersignel having connected hi.. self with established Agencies in Wast igtO'i and Philadelphia is prepared 1 attend to thp coiiectiory of Bwck pay, ' noiintictfy Ecusion-, and all oher equitatde claims against tl Government. Hi-experience and busined connections enabi him to attend to thei with the tea?! r osil delay. No charg. made unless the chime are secured. Office with E H. Little, Eaqn Coo It n we Allev tu tnK.. tew Pa c b". BROCKWAYJ Bloorar-bars, D.j. 14, !So4.-tt m J r