O r n 1 4 ' 11 0 TV. U. JAC03Y, fnblisherO Truth and Iligbt God and our Country. $2 59 in Advance, per Annuo. VOLUME 16. BLOOM SBURG. COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1865. NUMBER 14. 1 1 'A.'' i i i y 9 ) - r X THE STAR OF THE NORTH IS PUBLISHED KVCRT WEDNESDAY B7 WM. II. JACOBY, office on Main St.. 3rd Son a re below Market. TEKMS:-Two Dollars and Fihj Cents in advance, If not paid lilt thn end of the year". Three Dollars will be charged. No subscriptions taken for a period less than six months ; no discontinuance permit .'ted until all arrearages are paid unless at tbe option of the editor Ikt terms of advertising will be as follows : One square, eight lines, one lime, SI 00 Every subsequent insertion, 25 One square, three months 4 50 One year, ................. 10 00 Who is By Jlcighbor ! BT WILLIAM CUTTER. Thy neighbor ? it is h"e whom thou Hast power to aid and bless Whose aching heart and burning brow, , Thy soothing hand may press. - Thy neighbor! 'tis the fainting poor, Whose eye with want is dim, Whom hanger sends from door to door Go thou, and succor him. Thy neighbor ? 'tis that weary man, Whose years are at their brim, Bent low with sickness, care and pain Go thoo, and comfort him. Tby neighbor 1 'tis the heart bereft Of every earthly gem Widow and orphan, helpless left Go thou, andshelter them. Whene'er thourfner t'st a human form Less favored that) thine own,- Remember, Ms thy neighbor worn, Thy brother, or thy son. Oh ! pass not, pass not heedless by Perhaps thou can'st redeem On' breaking heart from misery Go, share thy lot with htm. PASSING EXAMINATION. BT CLH AUGUST. . Last summer, greatly to ihe horror of my Uucle Aleck, and equally to :he disgust of my Aunt Jane, I determined on turning my education to 60me purpose, and teaching for a living. I had graduated at a fashion able seminary with the highest honors, as the saying goes, and I flattered mjselt that what I did not know was uol worth know ing. 1 had no doob: of my competency lo leach any school, in any region, any branches, '.o Ihe infinite satisfaction of everybody." I - told Uncle Aleck so, and had the pleasure of hearinghirn laugh heartily at the scheme, jnd declare he would bet his gold lever against a brass button, that I should fail to pas an examination before any ordinary school committee ! I was iudignant ! He should see, I said, and sure enough he did tee ! As soon as it ' was noised round that Miss Isabel Blane "desired to leach, I had numerous applica tions from Ihe city authorities to take charge ol classes ; but I had set my heart on hav ing an old fashioned district school in the country. 1 wanted to board amid the rural shades through the snmmpr; and teaching would afford a pleasant variation of the mo notony, I said to myself, f bad imbibed a perfect passion for Ihe country from a novel I had teen reading and fancied it one " great paradise of strawberries and cream, blue sties, fresh butler, blooming meadows, and sap molasses; and I thought 1 -should enjoy life full and entirely there. ' I searched the Daily Herald every morn ing, and read faithfully the entire list of "Wauta" and after a while, my pains were rewarded ty the following notice : ."Tkacher Wanted: A young lady of frora twenly to twenty-five, who can bring good recommendations as to character, ability, etc., is wanted, by a highly respect' able and intelligent community, in the beautiful and romantically situated district of Wellspring, to leacb a select school. The ball of learning is located splendidly in a cedar grove; and the society in the neighborhood is excellent. Call on J. II Harwell, or address a letter to him at Well- j epring, Vermont." This advertisement seempd in nmmis everything. This was just sncb a situation I " other Pe"on" aiJ 1 confidently., as I wanted. I showed it to Uncle Aleck, and 1 am pt''n of. 0,8 8araB Pini"" but be only langhed and said he'd no doubt j "Ahern ! weU' wtlat is ,he EnZUh ,aw in but the "ball of learning" w. a In .h9n.v i re?arJ to ,ha E P"hn unum, and what in a hazel swamp, and ihe "excellent soci ety" a pack of gossipping old men and wo men, who would blacken my character to Ihe hue of ebony in less than a fortnight. 1 was not to be-convinced and before 'the close of the next day I had written to Mr. Har weil. Saturday's mail brought me a . letter from him ; ns was pleased with my tyle of address, and if I would come out AO Wellspring at once, he thought the school would be mine provided I could pass ibw examination, which it was highly probable A young lady of my talent and education would do with Credit. Mr. Harwell's style of address pleased ne, aad the-ensuing Mauday afternoon found rue at Wellspring, making my way io lhe house of Mr. Harwell. Just before ar riving there, I passed nondescript build jng silnaied in ihe very midst of a rocky, brosby swamp, .about which I was sorely puzzled. The structure was guiltless of a ridge pole, stove . funnel protruded lrom tbe roof, the windows were al! oa the ven tilating principle, and -if there ever bad been a door, it bad left for parts unknown. I racked my brain vainly tar a conclusion regarding this singular building, and finally s';.lzi tlowa ia the b?!i?f ibat it nusl be a moke house, fallen into disuse. On inquiry, the residence of Mr. Harwell was pointed out to me ; and through a small Mediterranean of dish water, and po- 'a' P3!'9'1 made y way to the front door. Mr. Harwell. was at home, and so was his dog, but the latter was so much more wide awake than his master, that be bad barked full fifteen "minute, and suc ceeded in driving me to the lop of the wood pile for refuge, before bis owner made his appearance. - Git out Linn!" yelled he, "don't you know beans when the bag's omied. Git out, I say! Ye see, Miss, they've been building the railroad out here, and my dog s terribly opposed to the Irisbers ! I guess he took you for one of 'em by bis actions. Git out you brute ! .Come down, marm ; 1 s'pose your'e Miss Blane, eb ? L About a dozen red-haired child'en, and a red-haired woman doubtless their mater nal progenitor gazed at me from the win dows, and I overheard the latter individual say to her oldest girl "Humph ! wcnder if she's painted ? her teeth looks jest like Mrs. Morgan's that she bought of Dr. Crashmill. She hsin'l no great shakes, no how ! Guess there'll be no danger of my Daniel's falling in love with her. a he did with tother one !" Mr. Harwell showed me into the "fore room," and after putting on hi coat and brushing his forelock with a scrubby- brush he announced himself ready to attend me to the comminee. Squire Smith, Rev. Mr. Jsricho, and Dr. Powderman, constituted ihis augoM body. "All on 'em mighty learned men !" re marked Air. Harwell, "all been to college or been to see the college, as I've hearn 'em say. They're acquainted with most of the languages in the world, and a few, be sides. "Mr. Jericho knows Ojibeway and Hottentot ; Squire Smith is powerful on the ex pur to fxdo the hahcu. corpm, ami such, and the doctor knows all the orgins in the rbody from the toe joint to the bridge of the noe Judge of my feelings ! We Hopped, at length, before a dingy red building,, bearing above l weather beaten door Ihe sign in small yellow le' ters Squire Joseph R. Smith, Jutice of ihe Peace, and Attorney at La at for GifTrd County." I flatter myself that I am a young lady of nerve, therefore I did not tremble when uhered into the illustrious presence. Squire Smith was alone, but he immedi ately dipatched a messenger lor hi col leagues, and iu a lew , moments they ar rived. Young lady," said the squire, uyoa will please to take that seat v the window. I want a lair opportunity to judge ol your character by your lace." ' He put on his spectacles, and the doctor did likewise, after which the twain eyed me closely for the space of five minutes in silence. Rev. Mr. Jericho passed his hand over his lore'.op, and gazed out at the win dow, at the sand bank opposite. . ' Young . lady," said the squire, at last, "what is your name ? " "Isabel Blane."- " Blane ! Btane ! a familiar name enough ! seems to me I've heard it before. Doctor, do you recall the name' of Blane? It strikes me that uu, man who was bung last summer, was named Blane." I modestly suggeted that ihe individual in question bore the cognomen of Smith. The squire looked annihilation at me. "You need not trouble yourself to speak nnless addressed,' the said with dignity, "this court, and the gentlemen of ihe jury ahem ! these, my clients I mean, my fel low committee men, are well versed in all that is necessary lor ihem to know. Doctor, will you proceed with the examination? or will you lavor us, Parson Jericho ? ' "Go on, squire," said both gentlemen in chorus. "Ahem ! hem ! Miss Blane, allow me to ask you If you can sqnare the contents ol a ' reciatmled triangular centipede, and find J the cube root of the base by establishing lhe aPex ol ,he Wk, on a perpendic- ular line from tne equatorial circumflex ?" " I have no dobt I could succeed as well does Coke on Blackstone say about the in termarriage ol blood relations " Juno J"vh conjux erat "' returned 1, quot ing the first Latin sentence lhai came into my head. Luckily for ice it was sufficient ly imposing. , " Ah ha !" cried Mr. Jericho, starting op from a brown nudy, "so you are cognizant of the Hebrew ? Put thai down in her fa vor, Mr. Squire Smith. No woman's educa tion is complete without a knowledge ot that beautiful language ! Permit me a few simple questions f Who was the first mis sionary to Japan, who built the Ark, and in what country, or laud do the Jibberopba nies llighpoltity Ging Ging reside ?" In Dixie "answered 1 Doldly. ' Dixie ? Dixie's Land oh 'yes; 1 recol lect yer you are correct. Doctor have you any questions to put I" " I think I have," remarked that function ary slowly, "Miss Blane, will yoa oblige me by bowing jour tongue?" 1 obliged him. "You need a small dose of Peruvian bark, and a gentle tonic ; I think the right lobe of the liver is slightly torpid and the diaphragm is in a a well, it is not so fcsalthy as it rai'ht bo. Have you everhadMu oM"i",,'r tbe mea?l s V "Yes-sir." ". The chicken pox ?" " Yes sir." "The whooping cough ?' " No sir." No ! ah, that is bad ! If yon should take it while here it would be horrible ! All the children would be sure to get it and the public peace would be destroyed . by their whoops ! Squire put it down that Miss Blane hat- r.of bad the whooping j cough ; and then you cao proceed with the I examination.', ' I " Ahem ! hem Miss Blane, we will ex- j circles who re-ides in that quarter of the ercise you in spelling, if you please How j c,,y- Noihiiia had been spared in the edu do you spelt Squanamagonic " I cation of this young lady which could lend I spelled the word to the best of ray abil- iiy, but the squire demurred. " A little deficient in ethy nolloger," he said, with an ominous hake of the head, 'but I will try you further, how do you spell dictionary." I gave the nsual method, but be correct ed me. "Dickahnnoiy is the word it should be spelled thus d-i-c k-s-h-u n-a r y dick- shunary. I am sorry to find you so defi- cjni it "I'll examine her a little in grammar, if Tou please," said Mr. Jericho, "youg lady how many genders aether ?' ' Four-mascnlina, feminine, common, r.i. n ' . . . " Define them." " Masculine distinguishes the names of males leminme those of females com- con ..enoies ministers, lawyers, and doctors and the nenter applies' to oldachelors and old mat. Is !" ,. . . i . . ily three interlncurnrs were astounded. i. ' . (-, . , , , ,. It was full fifteen minutes before they could . t. , , proceed 1 hen the squire took up the role, . i . ... . ... . . . . .. . thing about the government of the school j What would yoa do to the scholar who i would spit in yoar face ?" 44 1 would beat birch rods up about him till my strength failed !" said I stou lr. "What i( that fcholar should be my boy?'; I'd not fpre him on that account !'' Yrou vronliln'. ! Your" lady,'rou are an dacious ! lam surprised ' at you! I am shocked and " He did not finish the sentence, for at the moment a drove of hog coming down the treet. espied the open door, and came rushinii in eviden'lv in the bona nf fnra". . . , , , . , , . . j Tr squire,the doctor, and the paron nt'ered i. n , i i . i i a simultaneous yell, and made (or tha door, 1 . , .. i , ,,, . . closely pu rsued by Ihe porcine visitors, who 1 A .i .t, .v. . n - i . i ii i perhaps took '.be yell as a signal to follow fo' swill ' i " . , , , The squire climbed a tree the paron , , took refuge in a neighboring sheep's houe 1 ; uy,;,or tul a ',ee ",,B eira,-I1, dowQ treet to his 'res.dence. In his h probablj la.led lo not.ee the tall, scraggy woman who was comma n the uri'uoiio iiuckiiwii, ivaucu mill uailllA uiiic. ' ' r ' and a basket ol parsnips. In comenuer.ce . . , . , 1 he ran lainy against her knocked her over . , . into a neigrrrorirg rnnJ puddle, and sprawl-I . . . r ' ci. uis il Lfuuj itrtir liter icvrldcie The woman rose io her leei surveyed her muddy gown looked at her smashed pole and tbe result I knew would be fearful. I j was correct. She seized on a hue pars , nip, and beat it up about the doctor's head J in less lime than it takes me to'chronie'e it. j Another, and another met lhe same fa'e. The poles next did duty, and in the midst ! of the melee which ensued, I made go d j my escape to the railway siation, where 1 ! was lucky enough lo get on board tbe train lor home. 1 was cured of my desire to tea?h in a country neighborhood. By inquiry, I have since learned mat the iionde-cripl building I had seen, was the school house : and that it is still without a 'school marm" the committee having been unable to find a person who could pas examination. ' I advertie the chance, free, gratis, for nothing. If any young lady who can bring good recommendations, desires io try her luck with the Wellspring literati, I can give her a leiler ot introduction. A Black Sdrprib. Some month since when Lucretia Borgia waS being done with I ...... ... ... - , i Mail K.lilra aitAnii t K i f K r rj f a . t i i j i ml cenly interrupted by the sobbing .ol some tenderhearted female whose sympathetic j soul was keenly alive to the uulortunate condition of lhe aforesaid victims. A mod est young man began to be intsrrested in discovering the female white heart, like his own, wai so susceptible to human feeling. While the young Rumen was looking round from lhe barquene, and scanning the coun tenances of the fair ones, be thought ha ex perienced a sensation as it something was upon his head. Raising his hand,he found lo his delight, thai 6ome ' young lady had accidently dropped her cambric hankerchief irom the box above O ir young Romeo sotin be-ran to discover that there was an opportunity for him to display his gallantry ; he arose, and after privately pressing the cambric to his lips, exteued it, delicately secured between the tips of his fingers, for ihe fair claimaui to take possession of. At this morneut a head protruded over the gal lery above, and cried iuaiuw bet distinct tone, "Chuck it up, Sah !'' The young man suddenly raised his eyes, and beheld the blackest wench that ever white man locked j the name of her first husband in a Jisi oj upon. It is needless io add that be drop- ; Massachusetts soldiers who had recent!) ped almost lifeless in to his seat, and a !a- j een released from a rebel prison, he hav vored few who chanced to witness. this Iu- ! ing arived at Annapolis, M !. She now had dicrous scene burst ioto an uncontrollable i ! Tainful Romantic Affair. The residents of a certain highly respect able portion of the West side, says the De troit Free Piess, have been thrown into .he mo.M agonizing state of alarm within the past week by an occurrence at once '.he most singular and loiboding that could have occurred. Miss , the heroine of this ro mantic hut distressing affair, a young lady of about eighteen year ol age, and a per son of many accomplishment and great personal attractions, is the daohter of a wealthy parents moving only in refined lo 'enuer n an nrnameni io society, auu nothing upon her part had been omitted wr.ich couid indicate, in any degree, the warmth of the gratitude with which she had ever repaid them lor the tender solici tude exercied in her behalf. So the young lady's life ran on surrounded with luxury and the ki.iJest influence of affection, until in an unhappy hour, yielding to a glittering I Id m nil i irti t r K i a I s Af'on r pa tf i ? i . f j """'" - "" ! a-?in1 ''"perfect resistance ol o ir frail j humani'y, has called out a noble trait in the ! ljJ's eh.-irae.er not known to have exited ; lhertf' a,,1 dri'Hn ,,er '""J. and ; doubiles-l , with -.ear to the p.n;ul step ! which e ,ia at la' ,aken- A '3"S ,na" '-of considerable weal'h, a resident of th it city, become enamoured ot the young lady, had diiliently protected his suit for her i i. . i -i ii. t. ! - i j I e" had-ty mea.s ol his ap.-arent cir- I cumstance-.ucceede J in impresu.g upon l'ie m':K' ' her parents the de-irableue-is ! of so auspicious a union ; and in spi e of '. the v oung lady's opposition, 'the proiected 3 55 ' . matcii was lavored and incis ed upon with j r all ihe plausible arguments usually upon such occasions, if not with the additional edict of parental authority even. Time wore on, but ihe matter asu:ned no more favorable an aspect. At length the lover became imponoriate and nothing se?med able to prevent the prize falling Irom their grap except the speedy conummuo!i of the forced engagement. Accordingly Tues day ot that week was agreed brvn by the gentleman and the jo'ung lady s.paren's upon which to celet-rate the nuptials, and the "bu no'e of preparatiot." resot-mlod in ail par's ot the stately mansion. There wa.i'ie usual hurrying :o and fro, the visit- i iua of inps ami attendance upjn the mil- . ' liners. Upon M itiday evening the ward- robe of the br'ulu wai completed, and her t ' ' rich Irottneuux wa spread nut r lit'.ering on ' " ihe loilet 'table. With many coigraiula- tions her parents retired to rest, happy in , c . . , ,, . . . . . . the n.ial rrium pn of lhe:r c'lenshed scheme, i . ' , , , . , , , , nn.-t in !hi rnntim nlatinn r! lht iTiil.!n In. ; ire which to-morrow'- sun would usher in. I he oo me,ailcho. I nJ te A . o t;', CA them. Kariy on ihe morning of i , , . . t i uesday the wedding day the yojng la- , , . ,, i t.y expressed a desire lo make a larewel! I ,, I call upon a very intimate companion in a , , . , ,. , distant p,rt of the city , and accordingly set out lo accomplish her purpose, b;t hanev er yet returned. Hiur af;er hour elapsed, surprise change I to.woider in the mind of those blin-le.l pirents, and tne deluded bridegroom and ihee in turn nave way to painful anxiety and overwhelming alarm as the day waned ; and lhe disappointed guests, with the attending clergymen, re luctantly look their leave, with many con dolences, and departed from ihe house. Messengers were dipatehed in vain to seek intelligence of 4lie fugitive her schemes were loo well !ai 1 for discovery. Upon the next morning ihe policb were made acquainted witfihe melancholy taie, and the service of expert detectives brought ino requisition. Four days the-e untiring men, familiar as they are with every nook and corner of ihe city, had been al wr,' end in seeking the hiding place of the lady, bat to m purpose. There is abundant evi dence, it i-aid, that she has not left the town, yet wiin lhe thorough and de'ermin ed searcli which practised vigilence can de vise the adroit fugitive cat defiance to her pursuers. Oiir reporter was inlormetl that 'he search was given up i'i despair. If words fall short in expressing the uionin which has overshadowed with i s untimely presence that once happy home, how I lien ' can the overwnelniiig an 'Uisli of can the overwhelnmg ungui-!i of that young an I he ples beuig be described who?s simple resource i her own nobte impn!-e, and whose only protection is "her own purity of heart and thought ? The matter is a distressing one Irom whatever part it is viewed. Time alone can unravel ihe mystery. A Singular Cask. A gentleman in one of our suburban cities raised a company I wo or three y ears since for one of our regi ments and departed for the battle-field, lca ving behind a young wife. A few months afterwards lhe lady gave birth lo a chi d ai.d subsequently the name of her husband appeared among ihose kiCed iu one ot the battles fought by lhe Potomac army. A body, said to be that of her husband, was sent t9 her, and ihe remains were interrce, she believing all lhe time she wms burying her husband. The lady remained single about a year then removing iier mourning, was married again, and now has a child by the secern! husband. A few weeks ao the wife was somewhat surprised at reniiiu two living husbands, and children by both. AMERICA. My country, 'tis of thee. Once land of Liberty, Of thee I speak, Land where my fathers died, Once of the freeman's pride, Hear from each mountains side, Oppression's shriek. My native country, thee, Male by the noble free, I thee would save ! With all thy rocks and rills, Thy wood and templed bills, Let usurpation's ill Make thy free, slave. Our father's God, to thee, Auihor of Liberty, ' To thee we call ! Grant us peace, stop th fights 'Gaii. st lreedryn's holy lights, Protect os in our rights, God grant our all. Tlic Prirs!cr.' B. F. Taylor of th Chicago Jmrnal, a writer whose jvery word is poetic- tho ight, ihus speaks of the. Pfin'er, irujv -and pretti ly. " In those picii-re of lnii-iue what word painter s' ariMic, st ekqiii-i'.e as he ? Read it. it.irik of it. "iris(." The Printer is the Adjutant of'thonht and this explains the mysteries ol the won derful words that can kindle a Inrrre as no smijcan thai warm a" heart a no hop can thit word "we" with hand -in-hand warmth iu it, for the Auihor and Printer are engineers together. Engineers indeed! When the little Corsica-i bomb ir led Cadiz at the 'istar.ee ol five miles, it was deemed the very triumph ol engineering. B-H what is that pa!:ry range to this, whereby they bombard ihe ages yet to be. There he stands at ihe case and marshals into line ihe force- amiel for truth clothed in immortality and in Ensjli-lt And what can be more noble than the equipment of a though: in sterling Saxon Sjxjt with the spear or shield therein, and that commis sioned it whn we ara dead, to move gra 1" ually on to "the last syllable of recorded lime." This i to win a victory from death, lor tnis has no d iti in it. The Printer is called a laborer, and the office he performs is toil. . Oh. it ; not work but a suMitnt; ri'e be is per'ormin, when he thus sight the engine that is lo fl.ng a worded truth in grander curve than missiles e'er before de-cribed fluids it ir. to ih hn'om of an age yet unborn. Mo throws oiThico;i indeed ; but we wonder the ra'her lhai h does no! put his shoes off his leet, for the p'ace whereon he stands is holy ground. A little song was uttered somewhere long ago ; wandered a' the twilight-feebler than a star; it died upon the ear ; but the Prin ter tales it heie ii was Ij ing there in si lence like a wounded bird, and h-i sends ii from the Atk that had preserve I it, and it flies into ihe iutiire with the olive bra:;c!i of peace, and aroun I ihe wojld with melody, like the dawning ot a spring morning. A Lightning Storv. l he foMwing lizht- j nitsg story show us why the lelegrapa is so j given to lying : j In a little seaport on Long. I-!and Snind, j not manv lionr trrtm itirf mfimnnli r;r1js I ., ... . an old coatin skiper, whoa marvellous . i - c , , . , , . f i tales of ad venture by sea and land, if col- ., . .t lected ar.d published, woo. d reiioer the co(,y . . , .. . - , . . riht ol Miitichausen s travels worthless. Here is a story of hi, f.-r a samp'e ,. , , '. "It's close on to thirty years ago hat.I was coming down lhe Sound in lhe old sloop , S.illy ; 'iwas summer lime, and lira wind ' ' ' died away, ami il commerced ihick'niti up to uorth'ard a r: .1 wesi'ard. I in I au ide that we was goin' lo hev a thunder squabble, one took in sail and wared lor ii , i . r i . - . isyme ty nere :i come, le-mter wnite, as itir t fiyoucouM see ; and such thunder and j liitnng find ram a I guess wa never seen t-tire in ihpse latitudes. The mate was at the helm, and I was siimling at ih j companion-way, li.e lightning striking ali '. around the sloop, when, suddenly utter a big flash, I felt a curio is Jeeluig a old ! chi l, hice I hid sA'ili'V.nl quicksilver , come over rne. I got down b?tjvv as soon ; as 1 could, ami feeling mighty streaked, I j can tell you ! The squall soon pjsed oer, j aod I tell all rigtit except an cuaccounlable ! leeling about my teet. 1 sung out lor the ' cook, who pulled off uy too s and, grange j lo say, although it is the truth, 1 turned out i of each one nigh on to a pint of the electric j fluid." i .... One in Queen citv ol the West writes : Two yeats ago 1 came to Cincinnati to eti- j tage in busi!ie-s; and soon obtained the as- j ei.-tduce ol a German porter, by name Bar- ii ey, Fnniiii" iu a t-bort time mat the mud- 3 dv water cl the Ohio was nui as plaiat le or heal.-hv n. it mi, hi be. 1 bounhi "a oorous stt rii fil er and sent to the store. I told Bar ney to take it down in the cellar and keep it tiiied with water ut.Ul wanted.. A lew day s al l er, I asked Barney to "bring up lhai stone jar trotn ihe cedar." Said he 4 1 caru.ot." "Wnv not 1 ' 4'1 gave the ashman sixpence this morn- : .. I , . I k .. I I f,.., - I II louailj ii tiMay , ui i ll a.i p.'uicu iuui pails of water iu it, ar.d ii leaked so that I knew you would be glad io gel -rid-.ot il." The quickest way to demoralize the Con- j federates would, be to send the Federal! .... n i 1 Romance !n real Life Mixed up Affair. Edwin C. Chase, a man about forty four years of age, married an English woman several years Bgo, in Needham, Mafs., where they lived for a time it. moderate cir cumstances. Removing to Pennsylvania, 1 he was one- of the fortunate seekers after oil, and amassed quite a fortune.-perhaps ! seventv or einhtv ihonnd -rfnllarrf. ' 'i Last July, Mrs. Chase, who is described as a fair looking woman, wearing curls, went to Europe to visit her friends there, taking a considerable " sum ol money wi h her. During her absence, it appears, her hus band managed to trrCure a divorce thro'the Indiana courts, for the reason, a he says, thnlhe was. a vixim, and he could no: live with her, and that she went to Ensland asainst his wishes. About two weeks ago, Mrs , Chase returned from her visit, and proceeded lo Meedham, Ma-s,, her former home, where she learned thai her husband was writing soft letters and making agreea ble v-i-it io a young lady "scarce eighteen," who lived in Filz Williams, New Hamp shire This 'wa a stunner, because, as she say, Mr. Chase had writ :en her frequently, during her absence, each time giving Ihe flow of his ick a remarkably bfT'-cti'..na,e turn. She at once started to iti vestiat the "matter, and was, a day or to alterin Keene, Xe Hampshire, bound lor Fitz Williart.s "II so happened." as lhe novelists say, that al the Eagle Hotel, in Keene, where sf.e stopped, she was surprised, the morning after her arrival, to learn th it her husband was in the same hotel, and there too, on his bridal trip, having teen married on the day before to the lair maiden aloresaid. She kept her own counsel, and went lo procure more, which the did in the shape of (wo lawyer. who speedily came In Keene from B .(Stun. bringing a couple ol physicians con nected with the Insane Asylum al South Bo.-1 on. Consultation was had, which resulted in Mrs. Chased noing to the room of her hus band that was, ar;d pulling him out of bed much to the surprise of Mrs. Chase 2d. Then the lawyers, and doctors were brought in ami there was mnch cpnfusioti. A court j ol sorne kind was speedily convened, if it j was no! a ready in session, and in a quiet j wny Mr Chs-e was brought before it in the ' character of an insane man. His wife swore h was insare ; the iloc'or? knew he was ; and, lot so being, he was taken to the South UoMoit Re.rea-; ot w hich he remains au in- William the 1 hrd died Irom comump rcate. Tnat he has never manifested any live habits ol body, and Imm the Mumbling signs of ii.satitity ; has always been a goo J j of Lis I orse businessman, and thai he had over forty ; Q-Jeeti Anne did from her attachment to thousand do'.'ars in Keene with him, his J "rn"? water," cr, in other words, from friends cliim io know. j drunkenness, which ihe physicians politely The inhabitants ol Keene are very mncli ca:lt drop-y. exciteJ over the matter ; .hey do not under- i G("u-e U,e F,Mt dieJ nf dronkenness, stand it,a:.d here gossip is rife. The poor wh:rh h,.s phy'a'.i P!'e!y called a.. girl frDui F.:z Williams ba been sent home aPp'ecl'c fi'- . to ponder. Mrs. Cha.ce is still "at large," ' Geore ,he Sec,M,J of a roP,ur of et jnyina the punishment she ha inflicted. 1,16 i,ear! w,.,,ch ,h P'rild;'--1 'hat day i . , i ,. . ... termed a visitation of G id. It is the only llarilurd Lourant, December loth. . . ! instance in which God ever touched bis I'll fufiilion it U Him. Two y oar g lawyer, Archy Brown and Thonta Joi.es, were fo. d of dropping in.o Mr. Smith' parlor and spending an hour 1 or t'o wrth It i- only daughter ; Mary. One . evening, w litsi Brown was there. 8tid he; and Mary haJ dicu-sevi every topic Bro vn J stuldetilv in h'3 stteeitonet, struck out as ' ' ; lollo.vs : I I." ma thiriL , Mary yon con d leave - ' ' farther and moiliei, this pleasant home 1 I w' h !i ea"B ana oomfljrls a,!': emgfaie ': to the Fr U'e-t, i:h a young lawyer, v. ho j ;S bo WXiis t.eSjis u-it ,uofessio:i lo de- I , t .. , , - . . . i pend upon, and wi.i, l.wn se..rcli out a new t . , , -. , ..:. i ... , hnrrtA ivlil.ti It l.oili.l ll vnur loin! itntv lo , - i - j j j u j be.iutily . .and make delihtlul and happy like wu f Dropping her head softly on his fchoulders J she w h pered : i "I ihn.k 1 could, Archy." Weil, s..il he, "lliere's Torn Jones, who's "oiuij to emiri!e, and waiiU to gel a wile ; j I'll me.i'uon it to hint."' . - A humorous o'd man fell iti with an igno- 1 ra ,t an ' ra'hr impertiiieni young minister, who proceeded to ln'orm tha gentleman in very positive terms that be could never reach J raven unless be w as lorn again, Ar.d have yoa teen bom again," taid his companion musingly. ''Yes, I trust I have." "Well," sa.d Hie old gentleman, eyeing him attentively, 4 I Jon't think it would hurt you to be born once more," ' The Secretary of War recently received ihrou'i the mail, a letter containing lour ' Urge pills. There wa nothing in the let- ' ler IO indicate who the donur of the strange General Hooker say ha is going to stay in Detroit until greenbacks are worth as I . iuc.1 a gu:j. So he has settled down 0t lite al last. Wheu shall the din of ba'tle be heard no IA .... - I - . j wore in the land f When again snail tne i run hi course by day, and the moon I travel up her pale pathway at. night, and n; niore on our country distracted, Jli i- t. i. 1IM 9 1 Oiei?Ji'iS anu lorn oy civu war : nueu t The w Udom. nnriti. nalrotism and De- i . ... -jw... , j, ...... w.. i mocriicy of the Kentucky Legislature 1S j shown b5 the election of Hon. James Guru- ! r.iK to the Senat-J of the Unite I States. Ladies will sooner pardon want of sense j. m ? n T Deaths of English Kings. 'William the Conqueror died from the enormous fat, from drink, and from the vi olence of his pas-ion. . ! William Rutus died the death of the poor H2 that he hunted. "enrv ,he F,rM dieJ of 'ony. Her.ry the Second died of broken hear, c&swued oy the bad conduct of his chiU dren. Richard Coctirde Li tin die ! like the ani mal Irom which his heart was named, by an arrow from an archer. John died, nobody knows how, but it is said of chsgrin, which we suppose, is au o her term for a doe of hellebore. .Henry the Third is said to-have died a natural death. Edard the First is likewise said to have died of a "natural . sickness," a sickness which it would puzzle all the college of phy sicians to denominate. Edward the Second was most barbarously and indecently murdered by' ruffians em ployed by his own mother and her para mour. Edwajdthe Third died of do'age, ar.d Richard the Second ol starvation the very reverse ol George the F.iunh Henry the Fourth is said to have died "of fits caused by uneasines.-," and uneasiness in palaces in tho-e limes was a very com mon complaint. Henry the Fifth is said lo hsve died'of a paiful afiliclion, prematurely!'' Thiols a Courtly phra.-e for getting r;d of a King. Henry lhe Sivth died iu prison, by means known then only to his ju'or, and known now only to Heaven. Edward lhe Fifth was strangled io the tower by. his uncle, Richard the Third. Richard the Third was killed in battle. Henry the. Seventh wasted away as a miser ought to do, and Henry the Eighth died of carbuncles, fat and fury, while Ed ward ihe Sixth died of a decline. Queen Mary i taid io have -died ''of a broken heart," where: she died of a sur feil from eating top much ol black pud dir.as. Old Q leer: Bess is sai I io have died of melancholy, Irom having sacrificed Essex to his enemies her prirpte character not be ing above suspicion. James tne First died of drinking, and of the effects of'a nam?les vice. ' Charles the First died a n-h'ejus death, on ihe scaffold. and Cturles the Second ded suddenly, it is said, of apop!ey, heart. George the ThirJ lie.l as he had lived, a madman. Throuho.j: life, .he was at leas a consistent monarch. " George the Fjurdi died of gluttony and drunLeness. A laricJcjs Story. : The following ex'raordmary story, in cir- , ' 1 ' i cuiation Paris, i given lo the world oa 13 g:.od authority : A Russian nobleman, extremely wealth v j j and very reerveu and melancholy, has ap- pearml of late in the best circles, lo which be had most distinguished introducers n.. . . ,, , The Rusian became remarkable for wear- - , t , 1 n ci a rin n( r.nlitc.jl rr-t nnrt i nn A . : n " r- ' ' ' v. iu j-i uuii. j lyici 1 11 nearily theeniire fi.iger and of slngul ir ap ' pearar.ee, the centre being cotipo-sed of a substar.ee resembling jet, which was set in j :old. No one ventured io ask lhe charae- ter of the ring cf lhe causa ol its bein2 worn, and placing the "wearer, a studious quiet man in trie light of being an eccentric j individual. A lady, however, who w ; piqued to know something uoout lhe matter at last mustered the requisite courage m.il satd : Monsieur, every one is very much strick ; w;tn the singular character ot lhe ring yon wear, and I lor one would like to know its origin. The Ru-sian made a i.ervoos ' twitch with his hand as though be woulJ ! lik to hide it, when he replied, "Madam, the riffg Is not a jwel,a you suppose, bu: ! a tomb." Tl. curious fathered around j while he continued ''The jet substance is the body ol rny wife ; she was Italian. ( ' promised her that I would guard her day ' and night during my life, and she repo-ed : in my word, which has never been Jbroken. 1 took the body of my wife lo Germany w here lhe most able chemist of the day ! promised to tednce it, by powerful dissolv-- ! enis atul t.y great compression, to a size ; wcicii couLi emMe me io wear it as a ' souvenir. For eight days he labored al- j most constancy in my presence, and 1 saw lhe ile-r remains graaually dissolve and in- t .'11.1 . ' . t . j icsiiy tut uie residue was me compact ma which you see in the ring, which is my ( dear wife, whom, a I promised, I w ll ! never quit day nor night during my life." ' . - j A venerable lady in br hondreth year 1 I.-, i i . k. f 1 ""4 uiUl,:t;l. W!' "-'ea ir.e goou ( ; old age of e.gluv. 1 he mother s gnef wa S'e: "d o 'r.end who came io condole j wiih her she remarked, "Oi, dear ! I knew i I should never be able io raise that child !" Wanted. The receipt . which is si vet)