STAR OF THE NORTH THINGS ABOUT TORN & COUNTRY. WEDNESDAY JANUARY, 4. 1865. Sec new advertisement in to day's Star. Sheriff Sktdeb moved to Bloomsburg on Tuesday December 29ih, 1864. He will hereafter be loan? al bis residence in (he Jail Buildings, ready to attend td bis official business. All job-work will be aitended to and executed, in oar absence, by Isaac Hart man, with neatness and despatch. He also will receipt for subscriptions and advertise iag. Sheriff Snvdch advertises in to-day' paper tract of land to be sold on the 17th iust., at the public bouse of John L. Hurst, in Slabtown. Query. Say Sam, vhf am da Blooms burg "Republican " like one of our mer chants? DoVt know Corf, I gibs it up. Cause italwaysgoe. to Philadelphia (Frees) for supplies. You simple nigger. Daniel McHenbt aiad Stott E. Collet, have both passed trial before the Military Inquisition al Harrsiburg. And alter many and various efforts on the part of the Ad ministration to procure evidence, of crimi nal conduct., they have been discharged with an entire acquittal ot all charges. No comment is needed. New Omnibps. Jacob Girtori, of this place, has purchased a ne w and elegant omnibus in the city of New York, which is now running on the line from this place to Report Station. Since every thing else has 4 riz," "Coooy" has concluded to raise the fare from", twenty five cenis to Ihiay five, 'That's al! right."' Frank Leslie's Lady a Magazine for Jn. has been received. Its pla'e and patterns excel evert thing of the kind published in New York or Philadelphia. It is decidedly the Magazine. It is larger than all other-, and contains reading matter eaal, if not better, than the very test, lonnd in like .Magazines. We would recommend thi Magazine to our readers who desire m sub scribe for a publication of this kind. Price only $3 50. Published by Fran Le-lie, 537 Pearl Street, New York. At the request of Guer-il McLe'Ian, the amou: of money (692. 10) coi.tribuied to purchase him a sword- (aler he had been cheated out of that balloted for at the great Sanitary Fair by ihe Loyal Leaguer) haw been turned over to the Patriotic Orphan Alum located at F;bhing Long Island. (Jen. McCldilan i u.l at Lome in Off ne New Jersey. Scsstitutc Snce the lata call of the Frosiueut lor ihiCi ha..Jted thousand more' many ot .oar uucon followers of MThe Administration" are very acuein searching lor Substitutes. They consider it mote safe to procure these neces-ary Hp. pendages before the drati jwhen '"the wheel tarns around and the miller cries grab" their names may be lonnd among the list of conscripts. Oh, how learful f The Tim Table of the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad has been changed. The Taole, with the alterations in the run uing of the Passenger and Mail Trains, will be seeu in to-day' paper. The Company have put aaotber Train on the road, which arrangement will no t!oub.t Jprove advanta geous to the traveling public, and al the same time oe no loos to tne company, i uis load is doing a tolerably good business; and, ' is being well managed under the present popular and efficient Superintendent, H. A. Fusda, Esq. diss' mert" notwithstanding they Lave a ra'ber bad name. Some. time ago, our Dev il and bis lady love were taking an evening ' stroll, and while walking along, chatting briskly upon the numerous topics ot tie day, aha suddenly caught bid hand and looking smilingly in . his face, asked : Do yon . know why I cannot get,,, religion V No" replied be, I do not my dear." L;s i'ecause 1 love the 4 devil.' " Charles N. Savage, late f the "Penpsyl tiania Hoose," has re-opened the Danville Hotel, formerly owned and kept by John ' Deen, jr., and is making it "a pleasant and ' agreeaole place to stop at.- The house has undergone a thorough change and rt nova tion,' and with Mr. Savage as proprietor are can recommend it to the traveling pub lic. Kia fare is most excellent, and terms moderate. There is no reason why this bouse, should cot do a good business, considering its desirable location and its -paving a popular tenant. "Charly'' knows ,bow to keep a hotel People going to Dan'- grille wiR not forget the '-.Danville Hotel." - John J. S rites and Hiram Everett, both, f Benton, Columbia County, late transient boarders with the . "Government" and in mates of Fort Mifflin, from the 31st oi Au gust, 1864, were released and again made Jut citizens of the United State, on the 30ih 'nil. The friends and relatives of these wor . i . . : . : t i i - toy anq, respesieu citizens, win welcome .hem borne; and ihey may ever remember the tyranny of Abraham Lincoln and (eel 'gratified that, though .they have suffered confinement and treatment, more cruel than is put upon the meanest criminal of this country v yet the labors of the combined for ces of Lincoln & Co., have been frui lags', to find a singfs circumstance from which their wonderful imaginations could estab lish the shadow of oalawfol conduct. Hence ':, charts is withdrawn and they are al- FOR RENT. THE Mountain Lodge, No. 264 I. O. of O. F. desire to rent the public house known as the The Union Hodse in Orange vide Cr.1. Co. Pa. Possession to be given on the 1st day of April 1865. For terms &c. inquire of Samuel Everett Orangeville Pa. SAMUEL EVERETT, ) O. A. MEGARGELL, Hull ConCtee. G. V . RITTEN HOUSE. ) Orangeville, Jan. 4th 1865. 3t. REEVES' ORIGINAL, GENUINE & RELIABLE, AMBROSIA, FOR THE GROWTH, HEAUTY AND . PRESERVATION OE THE HAIR. Established I860. Price, 75 cts.pcr bottle. This preparation' can show living evidences of its excel lence. SEE Photograph and read certifi cate of Mrs. Wm. Sutton hair five feet and one inch in length used Reeve' Ambro sia about twenty months. ALSO, Photograph and certificate of Mrs. L M. Neil hair five ft.. . length used the Ambrosia 18 months. Ihonsands are nsn.g 'his preparation and offering wil ling testimonials. Tri ese potographs, taken from life, have been awarded to extend the knowledge of the merits of this wonderful discovery. Hundreds have seen these ladies anJ heard the facts from their own lips. Mrs. Maxwell's Testimonial. Kev York 'Dec 23, 1862. Knowing positively that Reeves' Am brosia ptoduced a beautiful head of hair for Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, New York, I was induced, ihrreby, to u it thoroughly. 'I needed something for my hair, it being 6hortand thin had used one half dozen bottles when 1 could plainly notice an increase in its length, stie-ngth, and beauty. "An eperience of .vboui twy years has proved a complete success. Mo hair is now by measurement, four feet ten inches in length, nearly reaching the floor. I fcave allowed my pttotograph to proclaim the merits of Reeves' Ambrosia to the world. " MRS. WALLACE E MAXWELL. XT'Att entenprising Druggists have these Photographs and keep for sale, REEVES? 'AMBROSIA at 75 Cents per Dottle. Drui:gi!8 who may not have our prepa ration, will spnd for it if applied to Prin cipal Depot, 62 Fulton Street, New York. Nov. 30, 1864. 6 raos. SHERIFF'S SALE. ffY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to me directed, issued out ut the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia county Pa. will be exposed 10 public ale t the House of J..hnL. Hirst,-i" Slafttown, Looiim iwp , on TUESDAY, 17TH OF JANUARY. 1865 at 2 o'clock T M., of said d.iy. t'. follow ing described propertj. to wit : A certain Jjot or Piece of Land situate in LojusI tovti!iip, C'inmbia conn'y, 'containing aboutU ACLKS, nnrp or les, bounded as fo!lo . to wit ; O i the Vet hy lauds of PavH H wer, ot, he North by land of Renjamin FolK, on the East by lands of Israel R-irig. nr. the South lanN of William WiU m, whereon are ere.cted a Story and a halt FRAME DWELLING HOUSE and a three story Carding Machine Hons?, xvith jr'wvi - . WATSR POWER, and a fog Stable, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execniion anM to te sold as Ihe property of JohrrFesrelv. SAMUEL SNYDER, SnerifT. Sheriff's Office, Bloomsburg, Dec. 21, 1864. f AUTUUR'S HOME MAGAZ1E. Edited bvT S. ARTHUR and VIRGIN IA E. lOVVNStND. - The Home Magazine for 1865 will be en larged and improved, and iiiaiie ill more worthy of the eminent favor witn which it lias been received It character as a Iligh-Toiiecl Periodical, claiming public favcr cn the ground of real merit, will be carefully maintained ; while for variety, interest, uelulne-s, and all tte aVtractions of 1'neratore and art eeMi.! to a iroe Home Magazine, the publi-her- will aim to make it Superior To All O her-t A Fine Steel Engraving, and" Two Paire of Music, will appear in every nnmter, besides choice picture-, groups an I char acters, prevailing fashions, and a l-r2e va riety of patterns for garments, embroidery, etc., etc. In all respect? we hall give A FIRST-CLASS MAGAZINE, at a price within the reach of every intelli gentfam'dy in the land. A newMory by T. S. ARTHUR will be commenced in the January number. " Yearly Termsr, in Advance One copy, S2 50, three copies, S6,00, rive ropies antl one to th getter-op ol club, SI0.00, nin copies, and one to the getter up of club $15 00. Eb.A beantifal Premium Plate, entitled "The li fancy o! Shakspeare," wil' be mailed to each person who sends bs arlub of subscribers. Ii will alno be mailed to each single subscriber from whom we re ceive 52,50. GFor $4 50 we will send one copy of each of Home Magazine and Gody's Lady's Cook for one year. Address-, T. S. ARTHUR Sc CO 323 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 23, 1864. Administrator's Notice- Estate of John Graham, late of Orange townshipt deceased. LETTER8 of administration on the Es tate of John Graham, late of Orange , twp., Columbia county, dee'd, have been grant ed by the Register of paid county, to Peter Ent, of Light Street ; and all persons hav ing claims against the estate of the 8ece deni are requested to present them for fettlemeni to the undersigned without de lay, and those owing the estate to make, payment forthwith. . PETER ENT, Adnrr. Dec. 21, 1864 6w. S3. Administrator's Notice. . Estate of Thome s W. Young, late of Jackson twp. deceased. LETTERS of administration on the .E iate of Thomas W; Yoonu, late ol Jackson township, Columbia couoty, dee'd , have been granted by the Register of aid coun ty, f Peter EnVEoq., residing in Light Street. .All persons havinz claims aR'nsi the estate of the decedent are requested to present them to the undersigned without delay, and those Indebted to the same to make payment forthwith. PETKR ENT, Adn'r. - L. LYONS' PURE OniO CATAWBA BRANDY, AND Sparkling Catawba Wines, 35un. in Quality and Chenptr in Price than the Brandies and Wines vf the Old Wot Id. For Sommer Complain:, Cholera Infantum, Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Cholic and Dirrhoea. A sure Cure is guaranteed, or the money will be refunded. In support of the above statement, m presented ihe Certificates of Dr. Jaoies R Chi lion, chf miM, New York, Dr. Hiram Cox, Chemical Inspector, Oho, Dr. Jaa. R. Nichols, chemist, Boston, Dr N. E Jones Chemical Impector, Circleville Ohio, yrof C. T. Jarkon, chem Pt, Boston, Dr. Chas. Upnam Shepard, Charleston, S. C, and J. V. Z. Blancy, and G. A. Mariner, consult ing chemists, Chicago, all of whom have analyzed the Catawba Brandy, and com mend il in the highest term, for medical use. Analysis of the Massachussetts Slate Ansayer, Jan.' '25, 1858. When evaporated through clean linen it left no oil or offensive matter. In erery respect il is a Pure spiritous liquor. The Oil which gives to thi Brap.dy its flavor and aroma, is wholly linlikft fnil, or grain oil. lis odor partakes of both the fruit and oil ot aapps. With acids, it produce- others of a hiijh fragrance. Th substitution of this Brandy lor Coanac Brandy will do away with the manulaclure of fictitious spirits, sold under this name both at home and abroad. . Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, M D., Assayer to Statt, Mass., 16 Bo lectori St liy the same, in 1864. I have analyzed "L. Lyons' Pure Cata wba Brandy," with reference io its com position and character, heiris the same a that produced in asl vear. A sample taken frm ten casks afforded the same re-ults with regard to purity ; a slightly lucre ased amount of the principle oh w hirb its flavor depends was determined by com parison with former samples. The indications of analyiis Miow that this Brandy is ptjoJtced by the earne pro cess a most of the imported Brandy. Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, 'M? D. State As.aer, 16 Boyleston St. Boston, july 20. 1864. Matiufariured O'.ly by H H JACOB & CO , (To whom all Orders sh. uld b a ! diessed ) Depot. 91 Liberty St., New Fork. Nov 16. 1P64 3m. READING RAIL K0A1). WINTER ARRANGEMENT. iiVEM55EU 7, 1761. GREAT Trunk line from .the. North - and North-west for Philadelphia, 'New York, Reading Potisville, Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, &c, &.;. Train leave Harrisbnrg for New York, a .follow.. At 3.00 tind 8.15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M.. arriving at New York at 10 A. M., a..d 2.45 ai.d 10 00 P, M Th above voiinect with similar Trains' on the Pennsylvania Road, and Sleeping Cats accompany the first two rains with out change. Leave for Reading, Pottsville, Tatraqna, MincrsviLe, Allen'own and Philadelphia at 8 15 A. M- ar.d I 45 P. M., slopping ai Lebanon and principal Staiion only. Way Trains, Mopping at all' points, at 7 25 A. Al and 4 AO P.M Returning, Leave iew i uik i ., - .... V ...., C A AI 12 noon, aud 7 nn P M. Philadelyhia at 8 A. M. and 3.30 P. M ; Po.tsville at .8 50 A. o 71 P vi Tamaoua at 8.10 A M. and M a..l 2 15 P. M and liedaing at 12 nnOr.iar.i, 7 35. and 10 45 A M., 1 38 and 6 05 P M. Reading Aerommoda ion Train : Leaves Reading at 6 30 A. M leiurning Irom Phil adelphia at 4 30. P. M. Col-anibia RMiIrnad Trnins leav Read ing al 6 40 and and 11 A. M. lor Ephra'a, Litiz, Ctdumbia, &c. On Sundajs; Leave New York at 7 P. M. Philadelphia 3 15 P. M , Pontile 7.30 A. M., Tamaqua 7 A. M., Harri?burg 8 15 A. M., anC Reading at 12 midnight for Harnsburg. Commutation, Mileaga, Season, and Ex cursion Tit ket, at reduced rates to and irom all points. Bagaaae checked through: 60 ponnds allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICULLS, General Superintendent. Rcadiso Pa Nov. 30, 1864. E. & U. T. ANTHONY & CO , Hanutaciiirer-cfrtioiographic Materials, WHOLKSALK AND h ETA 1 1.. 50 1 BROAD W-A Y, N. Y. In addition to Mir main business of POTOGRAPUIC MATERIALS, we are Hea-tq'.a1iers loMhe following, v iz Stereocopts and Steroscopic I iews, Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Seen', American and For ei mi Cities and Landscape, 'Grdups, Stat na"ry, &c, &c. AIo, Revolvicg Ster-o--cop lor public or private exhibiuou. Our Catalogue will be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Alhmiis. We were Ihe firsi to introduce these into ihe United elates, and we manufacture im mense qoautities in gieat variety, raging in pr.. from 50 cents to S50 each. Oar ALBUMS have the reputation of" being superiit in beauty and iluiabllity to any others. They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt olrice. ?Fine Albums Made to order. jQ ,CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now engraves over Five Thousand sutlers (to which additions are continually being mai'e) of Portraits of Eminent American s. &.. viz about 100 Maj. Generals, 550 S a:e-nieii-. 200 Brig. Generals, 130 Div.n es, 275 Colonels, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut. Colonel 40 Artist 250 Oiher Otfice'S. 125 Stages, 75 Navy Otficec, 50 Protn'nl Women. tn mmt mint 1'orpifTH I'orl r:ls. 3.000 Copies o4 Vorli of, 7 A ..a including reproduction' of ihe most cele brated Enuravings, pain:ings, Siatntes, be Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An Order lor one doyen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on the receipt ol $1.80 and" sent by mail, Free. Pho-ographers and others ordering goods C. O. D" will please rerrit twenty -five er cent of the amount with their order. E. & H. T. ANTHONY ii CO., Manufacturers of Photomaph ic Materials. 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Ce The prices and qnaltly of our good$ can nrt fail to satifi). Dec 7, 1864 6mo. EST RAY. CAME io thd subscribers in Lccnst twp., Columbia county, on the 16th ol Octo ber, 1864, a pale yellow cow aboiK ten years old. The ow'uer or owners are noti fied to come forward, prove property, pa j charges, and take her away, otlierwi she will be disposed ol as the law directs. RICHARD MORGAN. National Foundry RIoombiirg-, Columbia Co., flne snbsribjr, proprietor, of the above- .a. name. I extensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of machinery, for COLLER1ES. BLAST FUR NACES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESH IMG MACHINES, &c, &c. . . He is also prepared to make Shoves, all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in first-class Fdundries IlTs extansive facilities and practical workman, wairant him in receiving ihe largest contracts op the most reasonable terms. CP Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchanaejor castings. CiT This establishment is located near he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER Bloomsburg, Sept. 9, 1863. The New York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN the WORLD lHE extenive and comprehensive facil ities in its possession enables the Pro prietor of the Weekly Herald io guarantee the la'est and most reliable inlormalion possible to be obtained, not only from all parts of the United Staes,but from all parts ef the world. lis home corregpondents,engaged at very heavy cost, and connected with each new naval and military expedition ol the gov ernment, prove that it is determined to leave no spot uncovered by its operations and no event can occur that shall not find imme diate" report in ks columns. It co-Is the proprietor over one hundred thousand dol lars per year to maintain its corps of cor respondents in the field. In its collation of Foreign News the Herald has for years held a high position, and it will endeavor in the future to main tain the'stand it has as-umed. It has spe cial correspondent stationed in all of the pri'-cioxl c ities 'of the world. It? "telezrapb'u- arrangements ex'end to wherever the electric wires are stretched. Wlen the Atlantic cable is laid, which feat will soon be accitoiplishf d, telegrams will be received from Europe mid Asia, a" well a from the TJniied State Then our readers will have the event of the we.-k in a'l pr;s ol the civilized worl-t reuu.jr.y at;il clenrly laid l in'e Ihe-ii. Tte rr prieior itevotes a nortior. oi me paper to liter -lure. Fashion, Aarii-nliure, The Merhai.ic ArtSporung Matters. Theatrical and Finautial Ue:ori, Catd'e Markets, General New-, and reports of all evef.ts i-aleulaied to form an excellent metropolitan nnwspat-er a weekly photo graphic view of th events of the world and all al a very low price. The Weekly Herald is issued every Sat urday morning, and lurnished at the lol- lowing raies : . ' . a on One copy ?2 00 Five copies 00 Three copies 5 00 Ten copies 5 00 Any larger number addressed to names of'sufscnbers SI 50 each. An extra copy will be sent to every club of ten. Twenty eppies to one addre-s one year, S25. and any larger number at -same price. An xtra conv sent O ci.ib- d twenty. Adverti.-eme-iiis to a limited numbr,will be inserted in ihe Weekly Herald. The Daily Herald, Four cenis per copy. r. n.ii . ..... . J. fnt three hundred ....A k'iiir three issues, seven .l S;veri donnr- tor tix mcn'tis. Three dollars ai.djSI ai.d:l"ty cer.l forthre months. ' JAM ES GO R DON BENN rVTT, Edror anc? Propnetor. . : L-..t.. N'assau-sts. N.Y. There are no travelling age.its Herald. nr nwrM t-iir r n't"1 ! ---- or me 52-tf ! THE 31AGAZINE FOR THE TIMES ! The Pest and Chrapest in the prlil for Ladiet! The Popular monthly Mauaz'me "will be sreatly improved for 1865. Ii will One Thousand Page ! Fourteen Splendid Steel Plates ! Twelve Colored Fashion Plates! Twelve Colored Berlin Work Patterns I Nine Hundred Wood Cuts! Twe.ty four Pages of Music ! All tbi- will be iver. for only Two Dol lars a year or a uoiiar ies man zne of 'h clas of "Peterson" I's Thrilling Tales and iwveieue: Are the best published anywhere Alt the most popular writers are employed to r-te oriaionallv for - Peterson." In- l6o, m addittm. u its usual qnanlitj of short stor Four O.ii.tal Cooiriuht Novelettes will be iven. by Ant. S. ?, Lop.-e C Monlto.i. Frank Lee Benedict, and i:i Author of ' The Second Life." .It aUo pub lishe- ' Fashions Ahead of all Others. Each number, sn addition to the colored plate, gives Ponnet, Cloaks and Dresses, ana'avedon wood. Also, a pattern, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Dres. can be cut, w ithout the aid of a mantu-ma ker. Also, several pages of Household and other fleceip'us. GOT It is the eest Lady's Magazine in the uotlu TRY IT FOR ONE YEAR, TERMS Always in Advance One copy, one year. Eiaht copies, for one year. Fourteen copies for one year. S 2 00 12 00 20 00 Premiums for Gtlting up Hubs To every persons getting op a dub, at ,he above i a es, a copy of the Magazine for 1865 will be given ar&tis : or, if prefer red, the superb enar-vmg (size, 27 inches bv 20 mrhes., " llaih'ton Parting from His Gn-ernh.'' Ad'ire.--. u''St paid. y CHARLES J PETERSON. 306 Ciiesinui streei, Ph iUdel,.h n rF'Specri.ei.- sent oralis, when sent for. Nov. 23, 1864. THE NEW GROCERY STOilE ("FORMERLY ERASMAS' OLD STAND ON MAIN STUbbi, BLOOMSBURG. U3orc rieh Good. ' Just received at Henry Gigers New Store. MOLASSES, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE. RICE, SPICES, FISH, SALT, TOBACCO, SEGA RS, CANDIES, RAISIN, FEED AND i-ROVISIONS. Together with a greal variety of notions &c. mo numerous io 'menVion. ryBuiter, Eggs, Meat and produce gen erally taken in exchange for vo'"- s&&&ii- --Tr. fef & SiSv Srv IP GRCVESTEN 8c CO. PIAIVO-rOKTK i?!AMlFACTIIiERS, THE attention of the poblic and the Irade is invited lo our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano Fortes, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled bv any hitherto offered in this mark. Tbey contain all the modem improvement, trench, Uraim Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Slruns Bass. &c, ai d earh instrument being n a.le under the personal supervision cd Mr J. H.. GROVF.STEEN, who has had a practical e neriej.ce of over 30 years in their manufacture, is fully warrented in every paruciJar. The Grovesteen Piuno-Fore Received the Highest award of Merit over all others at the Celebrated World's Fair. ' 'Where were exhilited instruments from the best makers of London, Paris rman, Pnilapelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York; and also a, the American 1..H . u.e f five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which cn be see, , o .u warewoon. B the introduction of improvements we make a still more pe fee Piano Forte, and by manufacturing largely, w ith a st.i.Hy cash ;s stem, are enabled to offer the-e instruments al prices which will preclude all competition. o PRICES : No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners . Rose wow pla.n case ?f5.0;:' Seven Octave, round corners, RowooJ heavy moulding S300 No. 3, SeverfOc ave, round corner". Jlopewooit Louis JS.IV styte DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FREE, ij' July 13, 1864 ly. IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE SVLF-ADJUST1XG IMIXGER. Xn 'U'oiul Work to swtll or spHtNo Thumb-acme to get out of ordtr Warranted with of without cog-wheels XT took th first premium al fitiy-seven State and County Fairs in" 1863, and i without any exception, ihe best Wnnger ever made. Patented in the United Slates,. v.. i... i rui.U. and Australia. Aaeuts amei! in every town, and in a!i par ii the world. Energetic Aaenls can from three to ten Dollars per day. make' Samjde Wringers sent Express paia on receipt of price.. No. 2, S6.50. No l,S7o0. No. F SS.oO. No. A s-9.50. Manufactured am sold, wholesale and retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO , No 13 Piatt Sireet, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. A H. FRANCISCLS. Agent. Plii'.adelphia. Pa. If'hat Everybody Knows, viz That iron well yal v:i ied will not iust. Ti,.ji -imide machine i- tieuer titan a complicatel one. That a h sU adiu-iiiii:. duratde. Wrincr should and e flic ie nt. That Thumb screws and Fastenings cause .t-l.iv ami trouble to regulate and keep in ked in hot water will swell, shrink and split. I hat wood bearing Joi Ue shall to run in will wear out. the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog w hee!s:wiil pol tear Ihe clothe-. That cog wheel regulators are not tial That the Piitnam Wringer has all the advantaoes, and not one of the o,is?dvan-ta-es above i amd. That all who. have teed it, pronounce it the b-rt J r.nsP r ever made. That it will wring a I HlvEA J or a BED QUILT without alteration. We might nil Ihe paper with tesiimoni aU, but insert only a few to convince the ,-kepticsd. if such there be; and we say io all, test Putnam's Wiinger. Test it thor oughly with any and all others, aud il not entiiely sat i-factnry. return it. ' Putnam Manufacturing Co. Gentlemen I know from practical tha; iron well galvanized with zinc will not oxidize or rut one particle. 1 he Putnam Wringer is as near perfect a prssitde. iii(l I can cheerfully recommend il to be tlie hei in Use. Re-pecttnlly ours, JOHN W. W HEELER. Cleveland, OrilO Many y ears experience in the galvaniz ing business, enable me to endorse the aboe statement in all particular JNO C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Beetiman St. New York, January, 1861. We have tested Putnam's Clothes W ring er by practical working, and know that it will do. Il is cheap, .it is simple, it requires no room whether al work or al rest; a child can operate it It does itsdu'y thoroughly. It saves lime and it saves wear and tear. We' earnesdy advise all who have much washing to do, with all intelligent persons who iiiay have any, to buy this Wringer. It will pay lor Ht-eH in a year a. mo-i. HORAC E GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. OYSTI2ISS. OVTEIt!1. Eating and Drinking THE subscriber respectfully give no lic to ihe public trial he ha- at his Saloon, on Main Sireet, constantly on hand Fresh Oysters, either ii: the shell or by the CAN. to suit hi customers. Families can be supplied t v the cati or by ttie q'jart upon short no tice. He also keeps on baud XX Ale, Si der and minerals. Give him a ca'.l. B. STCHNER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1864. luroriiintion Fi'ec. at To JVerveous Sujferers. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, (free oT charge,) the recipe and direction, fur mailing Ihe sim ple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad ernser bad ex perience, and posse- a sure and valnabl remedy, 'can do so by addre-sin.' hirn at once al his place o' bn-ines. Trie Recipe aad lull information of vitaNmporiance will be ch-etlully sent by return of mad. JOHN B. OUDEN. No. 60 Nassau Sirevt, New- York. ' P. S. Nervous Sufferer ol b-i'h sexes will find this information valuable. Dec. 7, 1864 3 mo. DAVID L0IFEXRERG. C L O T II I N G' S T 0 R E. PUTNAM f L0THES W!;iF!?. tdzn, a ir' 1S .iVr-i. ikta I JYew Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES-CHEAP GOODS. fliHE undersigned respectfully informs 3 u :,-.. ,i. .,.,.1 tha rwvhhr- "pnerailv. that he has iust received trom the Eastern Cities, a large assortment of CLOTHING, Fre.h from the seat of Fashion, of all be sorts, izes and quantities, which will sold cheap lorciish or country produce. A L S O - W . ROOTS AND SiIOES.3 l'."-. Tncrpther with a vanety oi no tions and things too trcublesoroe to numer ate, lo which he invites the attention of pur chaser. CST" Tie ts also prepared to make us clothing to order, on rtaonuble termp, and up lo the latest fashions. . CsTCall and examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bionmsburg, April 27. 1864. Miller's' Store. OF FALL. AX D HTM ER C.OODS. fgHE subscriber ha just returned from ttie cities with another lare and .elect assoitmet.r of Fall and Winter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and Nfvv York. the lowe-t figure, and which he is-deter-mined to sell on as moderate terms a- cau be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Hi stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of the chcice-j styles and latest faohions, to"ther with a larie as(.r'men' of PRY-GOODS. MUSLINS, CLOTHS, AND VEST1NGS. GROCERIES,' HARDWARE. QUEENS W ARE. C EO A R WARE, HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON. ROOTS $- SIIOKS, 1 1 ATS CAPS.c In shott, everything usually kept in coun try stores, to which he inv tes the attention ot the public generally. The l.i-he-t pt'"ce will beT paid for coun try produce, ii. exchange fr good-. 3 1 STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsbutjr, Oct. 12, 1364. I2i:i a:i:iir-T saloox AND CONFECTION ERY STORE. II. C. Christmas, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citi zns of Bloom-burg andvicitiity that he has just opened a new Relreshmeivt Sa loon and Conlectionery More, on iiaiu-si , second door below the "American House," where he intends supplying all who may awe him their custom with FRESH OYS TERS. Clam S-np, Sardines, Boded Eggs, Ham, Tripe. Ptsi Feet, Dried lletring.&.c. He will aUo keep on hand a superior ar ticle of DRAUGHT ALE; Porter Lagerbeer, and Sarsaparilla : together with a good as sortment of Candies, Sweetmeats, Cakes, Cigars and Chewing Tobacco. In connec lion with this saloon he ha fitted up a La die9: Department, where all who n.ay de sire can call for Oysters and Refreshment, and will be frpe Irom ail antioyancesaud indecencies that ladies are too often ex posed "o in some of our hes: restaurants. Don't fail to give him a caM. H. C. CHRISTM AN, Proprietor. Bloomsburg. 0,:t. 12, IRfi Almiititra tor's IVoticcr Estate of Jacob Kindig, lute of Fithin or. creek, twp., dt-ceased. LEETTERS of administration on the es tate. of Jacob Kindig late ol Fishingceek twp, Columliia county, deceased, nave been granted by the R-gister of Columbia county, to John Wenner, residing in "town ship and county 'aforesaid. All person having claims again-t the estate of the de cedent are requested "to present them-to the undersigned without delay, and all rer suns indebted to nuke paym-rM forth with . JOHN WENNER, Adm'r. Eishgcreek, Nov. 9, U64 f w i2- 3alionnl laim Agency, COSDL'CTEO BY HARVY &. COLLINS, U'JSllIS'GTOX, D c. IN order to facilitate ihe prompt adjust n ent of Bounty, arreir oi pay. Pension and otlier-claims due soldiers aud oiher lersons Irom the Government of the U. S . 'he undersigned has m-de arrangerne"nt with the aroe firm whose experience and cloi-e proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, as wpII a ihe early knowledge acquired by ihm of the decis ions frequently being made, enable then to pro-ecute claims more effectually than Attorneys at a distance can possibly do. AH persons entitled lo claims oi lh.9 above description can have ihm properly attend ed toby calling on me and entrusting thew IO rtlV crtfe. - W,.W1RJZ . '-- s. - V' -o- -V J GROVER 8c BAKER'S cfi.kbiiat;d KI.AsIJC stitch' SE WIKft M a 1 ESI I CS Were awarced the lnghen Prerr.imns rv. all Competitors, si the following Stat and County Fir- of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Muchin First Premium for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium lor Machine for all purpose birst Premium lor Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir.t Premium for Family Mac-hire. first rremium lor Manufacturing JVlacnin first Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Wotk. IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Firsi Premium for Manufacturing Macbin Firt Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE EA I R.- . First Premium for Machine for all purpo First Premium lor Machine Work KU1UUI SlilC fAllt I F'rst Premium for Machine for all purpose Fri-M Premium for. Machine Work, I M1CAIGAN STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing M achirts First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work PENN'A STATE FAIR Fii-t Premium for Manufacturing Machine Frist Premium for Machine Wont OREGON STATE FAIR .First Premium for Family Machine Firi Premium for MachineffWork CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AG L SOC Kirst Premium for Family Mchin Firt Premium f r Manufacturing Mac! ine First Prerninm for Machine Work FRANKLIN.CO N YFAIR.j Firsi Premium tor Family Machiae. F:rst Premium for Mar ufactnrins Macbin CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium nr Manulaciunng Machin Firt Premium for Machin Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Wmk. ' -WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P.-emiorn for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FA Ul Firt Premium for Family Machine' First Premium for Man ufartnring Machin First Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. , Firt Premium lor Family Mcl.ine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all porpo-i First Prerninm tor Machine Wor GER EN FIELD O, UNION FAIR Firr Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. Frt Prerninm for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine. M 0NTG0M E RY CO Pa , FAIR. rremium lor xla tune lor ail rorpo First Premium for M:ichr.e Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Piemmm for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. Fi.r-t Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work The above com prise all ihe Faira at which the Grover & Baker Machirea weie exhibited ihis year. Sales-room, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chesimt St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1864 ly. THE Greatest Improvement yet in ihe Sewing Machine Art.. A curiosity wont) seeing. Please send for circular with sample of sewing. These Improved Mich'nes save one hundred percent, ofthread and silk, nd make the lock-stitch alike on both fides..- They require no instructions to operate perfectly, except the "printed directions No-change in sewjjig from one kind of goodn to another. And no taking apart lo'cl-a o oi'. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all its machinery and tools entirelr new, and is already rapidly turning o;t Machine, which for beaut and perfection o'- finih are not surpassed by an manufac ture in the world. N. B. Should any Machine piove unsat isfactory, it can be returned aud mon-y refunded Agents wanted i.icoantien not canvassul by our own Agent Fl N k'LE & LYON' S. M. CO. ' No. 538 Broadway, Nw York. April 20. 164. 1 v Notice lo Trc2asscr. THE. following farmer an I land owre--, of Orange atid Cen;re townships Colum' cournv. do herepy camion all persf i againsi huntiiig or in anywie lretipasi j on their lands, thus making i)i-ri.sel subject to tl e penalties f H e l-w vt .1 will be most stringently pni-nced .Divid E Haymen, Ste.i-.en Hill, Samuel lleidle, Fiany . Hay man. Simon Lwry. Retben Siiler, All ol Oiange township. Benj. Stiuer, Wm IWk, Fr"(terick Beck, Adam HiU. Wm Wiimne, Geo Witrri'n, Joseph Ruckle, all cf Cemre iwi. Orange, Nov 16, 1864. rSHE undersigned having connected bi self with established Agertyies in VV ington anvl Philadelidiia is ireoared t Mlteutt to ihe collection of B.'.ck pay, 15 on si tie, Vr.siou, and all other equitable i laiuia sguiust Ih4 Government.. His expedience and tusin"- connection eunbie hiin n attend to t'" with the least possible. ie',ay. N'o char- made unless ihe rl;.imsar secured. Office wi h E H. Little, Esq., Co. t Hons e Alley. P-if 'l m -ils 1P g