STAR OF THE NORTH rniXGS AEOtT TOWN & COUSTRT. WEDNESDAY D EC EM BER 21. ' 1864. . ArrtnTioN is directed to tbe new adver liseme'iita in to day's paper. . Fresh Besr, Potatoes nd Cabbage, ta ken on subscription to the Star, il brought in within a week or lyn. . This beisu our last issue ontil after the tiolidays, we wish all our patrons a "Merry Christmas" and "A Happy New Year." Mob Mbn Wantsd ! As we go to press ,we learn that Old Abe has called Tor three kundied thousand more men! The State Dhatt Our County Commis sioners have received notice from "Head Quarters" that the ' State Draff' is indefi nitely postponed The reasons for ihis change in the programme, have not been famished os. The sleighing has (at present writinj, Monday) nearly at! disappeared. For sev eral days last week tbe sleighing was most excellent The youngster, iu and about This place enjoyed j' hyy- Lost We regret to lesrn that Mr Jacob Moyer, of this place, had his pocket pick ed, of bis wallet, containing about five nun dred dollars in money and notes, while on recent visit to Harrisburg. That City seems to be infested with a set of outlaws, cut threads, and thieves. Eeivhk Gazelle. " The Democrat, published at Tur.khannock, Pa.f is reminded that the notice of William JJcbgess. as appeared in that paper of last week, first came out in he Star or the North; and the quotation headed polit ical preocheit, snd credited in the Democrat of Tonkhanr.ock 10 lemncrat. Bloomsburg, e first read in the Bel'efonte Watchman. Thos. Dc thinks Mr. Lincoln a "good hearted president." This, there is some doubts aboDt. What kind of a heart most a president have who would ride over one of h4s battle fields immediately after a severe engagement, when the ground was strewn with the dead and d) iog, and have a darkey sit by hi side si.iging a negro melody to drown the shrieks and moans of the poor wounded and dying soldiers? Festival The ladies of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church ol thi place, will hold a Festival and Fair, in the large Brick Build ing, on Main Street below Market, on Thursday and Friday next. Doors will be open from 10 o'clock a. m. to .0 p. rn They wi!l have every kind of fancy article tor sale, all of which will be very suitable , lor Christmas pre-enls. Oyster, and vari ous other refreshments, will he served up to soil the tastes of all who may attend. V. S. Assessor all caiMe, hog calves and sheep which you slaughter for sale- The tax on each head of horned cattle, is 40 rents ; on each hog. 10 cent ; on each calf. 5 cents, and on each sheep 5 cts. Reports most be made during the first ten days of each mooth. Persons failing to make re turns as reanired btr law. subject themselves . 1 - to a severe pe;ialr. v - i. ' . t ik;. office next week, between Christmas and "New Years. The Foreman, Devi', and Imp, all wish to enjoy the holidays, by taking a little recreation, and we co not know why ihey should not as well as'other folks. Tim is a practice we have quite lately gotten into, lo drop one No., donna the holidays, although our cotemporariea throughout the ' country have been doinz so pretty generally 'or years past, and we find it works reasona bly well. The Stae will make its appearance on the 4ih rd Janoary next. Our office will not b9 closed during our temporary suspen sion, but tbe Editor will be lound at his post ready to receive customers, receipt for eobecriptions and execnte job-work. In owe of the townships lying a little ' North ol ih is place, there was an import ant individual drafted, who professes all the loyalty necessary to make a good soldier. Bat we are informed, to our very great sur prise, that he claims, since tbe draft, to be over age," i. e , forty five. When we last aw tbe conscripted individual we allude to, (two day since) we could scarcely be lieve birn to be over forty-one, two, or three. At ibe late enrollment we are in formed be gave his age as forty-three: and hit age as given in at the taking of the lat Census would agree with that, if we count correctly. We will not say who thia per- -eoa J that is attempting to "avoid the draft," iince bJs"having toted for Lincoln ... f K m. nor in ifa Hifpr nnrt. Htt iaoueof the "last men.'.' One of Thomas "Dunn's stripe. He can fight best at home. Couldn't think of 'going awayto do any fighting. Ratner stay-at-home and fight r .k. ..I. Ik!.. ihr.1 - n iia this country if savedat all. The trial of Daniel McHehrt, Esq.. is dill going on at Harrisburg, Pa. A large number of witnesses were in attendance from FUhingcreek last week. The Com mission being enable to hear them all last week part returned on Monday evening last. It would seem that tb "Government" is t raining every chord in their possession to make oat a case against Mr. McHenry. He baa been before two different Commissions, trial pat off from time to time, . and nearly J half the people of tbe upper end of our county subpoenaed in the case, and bal not been committed-of any crime bnt still is being jostled in and out of prison for the purpose of bearing how well some of his Republican neighbors- understand what is "treason." Mr. McHenry looks well, bears np nobly under his incarceration ... .- foot. In ,t .n.rif. V Lope he will come out all right; bat there is no telling what wi'l becotae of a penon vtten he cace gts before a Military Com- r-i;sion. ' . ; To Those Indebted. ' " - ' f It is now nrarlv seven years since we took charge as editor and proprietor ol the Stab ok. thk North. During tbat time we have had no general . settlement wi.h our patrons (so called) and many have not paid us during that entire period.' We have several times appealed in vain. Common prudence demands that we should no long er suffer this state of affair to exist. After the Is: of January, 1865, we will proceed to enforce the collection or settlement of every open account. If any have not the greenbacks to pay, they can at least give their cotes. Ooe or the other of these things they must do or submit to a legal judgment. We have neither the pecuniary ability or disposition to print for nothing, and no de cent man will ask os to do so. Besides, we want none but honest men on our iiot. - All papers sent out ol the 'State will be discontinued on the first ol Janoary ensuing unless paid in advance , Whim did we evsr Laie a President that made so much of the negro, or was ever willing to lake him into bis private and so cial circles as Abraham Lincoln doesl M. Lincoln is emphatically the black man's President and the while man's curse What act has ihe President ever done in his offi cial capacity, trace it out to its legitimate eridn. that ha been beneficial to the coun try, or to the white man Not one, and we defy contradiction ! Tut Tunkhannock Democrat, says : The Buhleh House," at Harrisborg, which has been kept for a number of years by Geo. J. Bolton, tormeily of this place, has lately been purchased by him ; and is now un dergoing such al eraiions and improvements as will make it one of the most desira ble stopping place in that city. Mr Geo. W. Hunter the courteous and gentlemanly clerk and manager of the House Mill continnes at his post. Such of our friend, as have occasion to visit the city by dropping in at the 4 Buhler House" will i-atisfy themselves that the "two Georaes" ""know how to keep a Hotel. " 13. & II. T. ANTHONY & 0 , tUaiiulttCinriTM of Photographic Itlitterlnlg, WH0I.CSALK AND RETAIL. 50 1 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to enr main business' ol rOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Headquaners lor the following, v iz Stereocopts and Steroscopic Views, Of these we have an immerieajisonmeof, including War Seen, American and For ikn Citie and Landscape, Groups, Stat uary, &c , &c. Also, Revolving Stereo scopes tor puMic or private exhibition. Our Catnloaue will be sent to any address on receipt ol Stamp. , riiotograpliic' Album. W were the first to introdur thee into the Untied M ate, and we manufacture im menfe quantities in preat varieiy, ravins in price I mm 50 cmiI to $50 each. Oar Al.i;U!S have the reputation of bt-mg superior in beauty and durability lo any others. Tiiey will be tent by mad, f'rte. "ii rei-pipt ol pric. 2?'i'e -Albums Made to order. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our CauloHue now embraces over Five ThoiiKnd sntj"Cis (to which additions are continually beinii made) of Portraits ol Eminent American s. &c, viz a-bout 100 Mnj G-nerals, 200 Brii- Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. Colonel 250 Other Offire'S, 75 Navy Offlcei, 550 S a:e-men, 130 Div n es, 125 AutNorg, 40 ArliMs 125 Stages, 50 Prom'nt Women. 150 rromlnent Foreign Horlrmu. 3,4)00 Copies of Works ol Art, including reproduction' of the rnot cele brated Engravings, Paintings, Stamies, &. Catalogue sent on receipt ot Stamp. An Ofdrr tor one dozen Pictures Irom our Cat alogue will be filled on tbe receipt ot $1.80 and sent by mail, Free. Pho'osrapher and others orderine jioods C. O. D will plae renrit twenty -tive jer cent of the amount with their order. E & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YOKK. Ihe prices and quality of our goods can net fail to satisfy. lec 7. 1864. 6mo. II E E V E S ' ORIGINAL, GEMIM: & HLLIICLE, AMBROSIA, FOR THE GROWTH. BEAUTY AND PRESERVATION OE THE HAIR. fEstnblisliccl IS GO. Price, 75 cts. per bottle. Thi preparation can show living evidences of its excel lence. SEE Photograph and read certifi cate ol Mrs. Wm. Sutton hair five feet and one inch in leng'b used Reeve-' Ambro sia about twenty months. ALSO, Photograph and certificate of Mrs. L M. Neil hair five ft. length ued the Ambrosia 18 months Thousands are nsing this preparation and offering wil ling testimonials. Th ese potographs, taken from life, hav been awarded to extend the knowledge of the merits of this wonderful discovery. Hnndreds have seen these ladies and heard tbe facts from their own lip. Mrs. Maxwell's Testimonial. Aff York, Dec 23. 1862. Knowing positively that Reeves' Am hrnsia ntmlucpd a beautiful head of hair .for Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, of Brooklyn, fsew xora, i was uiuuceu, mciruj, "r- it thoroughly. I needed something for my bair, it being short and thin had osed one half dozen boules when I could plainly notice an increase in its length, stiength, and beauty. An experience of about iwy years has proved a complete success. Mo hair is now by measurement, four feet ten inches in length, nearly reaching the floor. I have allowed my photograph to proclaim the meritB ol Reeves' Ambrosia to the wor U MRS. WALLACE E MAXWELL. XjTM entenprxting Druggists have these Photographs and keep for sale REEVES? JMBROSI.t at 75 Cents per Bottle. DruggiM who may not have our prepa ration, will send for'it if applied to. Prin cipal Depot, 62 Fulton Street, New York. Nov. 30, 1384. 6 raos. L. LYONS PURE 01110 CATAWBA BRANDY, AND Sparkling Catawba Wines, gquiu . in Qualify and Cheaper in Price I bun the Brandies and 11 ines if the Old Woild. For Snmmer Complain:, Cholera Infantum, Rowfl Cornnlainl. Cranio. Cholic 1 ' and Dlrrhoea. A sure Cure is guaranteed, or the money will be refunded. In support of ihe above statements, aT presented ihe Certificates ol Dr. James R Chilton, chf miM, New York, Dr. Hiram Cox, Chemical Inspector, Oh'o, Dr. R. Nichols, chemiM, Boston, Dr N. E Jones Chemical Inspector, Circleville Uhio, Prof C.T. Jacknn, chem'st, Boston, Dr. Chas. Upham Shepard, Charleston, S. C, and J. V. Z. Blancy, and G. A. Mariner, conduit ins chemists, Chicago, all of whom have analyzed the Catawba Brandy, and com mend it in the highest terms, for medical use. - Jlnalysis of the Ahssachussetts State Jlisayer, Jan. 25, 1858. When evaporated thronsh clean linen it left no oil or r-flensWe matter. In erery respppt ii i a Pure spiriions liquor. The Oil which gives to thi Brandy its flavor and aroma, is wholly unlike fuml. or grain oil. I;s odor partakes of both th truil and oil ot grapes. With acid. it prodncs others o a hih fragrance. The ub;litution of this Brandy lor Cognac Brandy will du aay with the manufacture of fictitious spirits, sold under this name both at home end abroad. Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, M D., Assayer to Si a U, Mass., 16 Boyleston St Jiy the same, in 1861. I have analyzed "L. Lyons' Pure Cata wba Brandy," with reterence io its com position and character, beins the same as thnt produced in fast' years. A sample taken from ten casks afforded the same re.'ilts with regard io purity ; a slightly incre ased amount of ihe principle on which its flavor depends was determined by cora pariion with former samples. The indications of analyns show ttiRt this Brandy is proJccedby Jhe nme pro cess as most of the imported Brandy. Ke-pecilully, A. A. HAYES, M. D. Stie Assaver, 16 Bnles:on St. Bosion, July 20. 1864. Manufactured only by H. H JACOB & CO , (To whom all Orders should be ad dressed.) Depot. 91 Liberty St., New York. Nov. 16, 1864 3m. CURISmiS PRESEN TS ! Toys, Notions and Knkk-Knacks ! SUTS. CANDIES AND SWEET MEATS, AT . STOHXEirS BL00MSBUR6 BAKERY" AND Conj eclioncry Store. THE undersigned would respectfully n for.n the citizens of Bliom.bura and the public generally, that he ha-just received, at his Store, a lare stock of ALL KINDS OF CHRISTMAS TOYS ' ronts(ir:2 of Candies triads uo into nearly every kind of shape, beside tnonsands nf I i t I hs no ions ir.aiiufai-iiired out ol wood, all of which art o:itte;i up widi a 200. 1 deal of care, and with a riew ot feeing veryap propriate lor ihe iem. He ha a LARGE CASE well filled with NOTIONS, such as Mis-es Nets, different stales ol combs,, beals, bullous, gloves, belts, suspenders. .VMS I ETY OF SOAPS, marbles, to- s, little willow-work, needles, pins, knives, a good article ol spectacles, together with hundreds of other .articles, which he offers 10 ihe public l very low prices. Give him a call, as all he offers for sale is uselul and in demand injevery family. The holidays are last approaching and we know cf no belter place 111 this se'fon to obtain a complele supply ol Christmas Toys and gifts lor children. 3 B STOHNER. Bloomsburs, Nov. 23. 1864. READING RAIL ROAD. TVIMEIl AKBAXGLM1EXT. IHOVGREi: 7, 170-1. GREAT Trunk line from the Nor':h and North-west fcr Pfnladelphia, New York, Reading Pottsviile.Lebanon, Allen town, Easton, &c , &i.. Trains leave Harrisborg for New York, as follows. At 3.00 and 8.15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M.. arriving at New York at 10 A. M., and 2.45 and 10 00 P. M. The abore connect with similar Trains on 1be Pennsylvania Road, and Sleeping Cars accompany the first two trains with out change. oocd fnr Readinw. Pottsville. Tain ami a. Minersvilie, Ailentown and Philadelphia ! at 8 15 A. M. ar.d I 43 r. stopping at Lebanon and principal Sraiion only. Way Trains, stopping at all points, at 7 95 A M. and 4 40 P.M Returning Iave New York at 9 A. M., 12 noon, aud 7 00 P. M. Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.30 P.M.; Pottsville at 8. 50 A. M. and 2.35 P M., Tamaqua at 8.10 A. M ar.d 2.15 P. M- and Redains at 12 miniaht, 7 35 and 10 45 A.M., 1.38 and 6.05 P. M. Reading Accommodaiion Train : Leaves Reading at 6 30 A. M. returning from Phil adelphia at 4 30 P. M. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Read ing at 6 40 and and 11 A. M. lor Ephraia, Litiz, Columbia, &c. On Sundays; Leave New York at 7 P. M. Philadelphia 3 15 P. M.. Pottsvile 7.30 A. M., Tamaqua 7 A. M., Harrisburg 8 15 A. M., anc Reading at 12 midnight for Harrisburg. Commutation, Mileasa, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and Irom all points. Baggage checked through: 80 pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICuLLS, Gene.ral Snperwitendent. Rbadikg Pa Nov. 30, 1864. Rational Claim Agency, CONDCCTED BT HARVY 8c COLLINS, WASHINGTON D. C. IN order, to faciliiate the prompt adjust rr.em of Bon!;'', arrears fit pay, Pension and other claims due soldiers and other persons Irom the Government of the U. S , ihe undersigned has made arrangement with Ihe atuve firm whose experience and close proximity to, arid daily i:i;ercarse with, the Department, as well a-? the early knowledge acquired by them of the decis ions trequeniiy being maJe, enable them to pro-ecr.! clanns more effectually than Attorneys nT a distance can posib!y do. AH persons entitled to claims ot the above description can have them properly attend ed to by calling on me and entrusting them to my care. W. WIRT, Agent for Harvy & Collins. Bloomsboig, August 1Q, 1864. JYationai Foundry. Bloonifebtir?, Coluniliia Co., 'Tne subsribjr, proprietor of the above -1 named extensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of machinery, forCOLLERlES, BLAST FIR NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESHIMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, Plowirons, and every thing usually made in first-class Foundries hTs extensive facilities and practical workman, wairant hira in receiving the largest contracts op tfce most reasouable terms.' CF" Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castings. fST This establishment is located near the Lackawanna Railroad Depot- PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. ft, 1H63. The Xew York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN the WORLD ri'HE externive and romprehnrisi ve lacil- ities in its possession enables the Pro prietor of the Weekly Herald 10 guarantee the la'est and most reliable inlormation possible to be obtained, not only from all pans of the United Siaies,bul Irom all parts of the world. lis home correspondents,enraged at very heavy cost, and connected with each new naval and military expedition ol the gov ernment,prove that it is determined to leave no spot uncovered by its operations and no event can occur that shall not find imme diate report tn its columns. It costs the proprietor over one hundred thousand dol lars per yea to maintain us cuip ui mi respondents in the field. In iis collation of Foreign News the Herald has for years held a high position, and it will endeavor in the futur o main tain the stand it has assumed. It has spe cial correspondents stationed in all of the prir-ciptl cities of tbe world. Its telenraphie arrangements ex'end to wherever the electric wires are stretched. When the Atlantic cable is laid, which feat will soon be accomplished, telegrams will be received Irom Europe and Asia, as well as from the United States Then our readers will have the event of ihe week in all parts of ihe cyvilized world regularly and clearly laid before ihem. The proprietor devotes a portion of the paper to literature. Fashion, Agriculture, ihe Mechanic Art, Sporiing Matters. Busi ness, Theatrical and Financial Reports. Caltle Markets, General News, and reports of all events calculated to form an excellent metropolitan newspaper a weekly photo graphic view of the events of the world and all at a very low price. The Weekly Herald is issued every Sat urday morning, and furnished al the fol lowing rates : One copy S2 00 Fiv copies S3 00 Three copies 5 00 Ten copies 5 00 Any laraer number addres-ed io names of subscribers SI 50 each. An extra co,y will be sent to every club of ten. Twenty copies lo one address one year, S25; and any larger number at same price. An extra copy sent to clubs of twet-ty. Advertisement to a limnefi numuei m be inseried in the Weekly Herald. I he Daily Herald, Four cents per copy. Fourteen Dollars per year for three hundred and sixty three issues. Seven dollars for six moirhs. Tiue- dollar- ai d fifty cents for three months, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Editor atid Proprietor, Northwest cor Fnboti and Nassau-sts. N.Y. There are no travelling agents for the Herald. 52",f THE MAGAZINE FOR THE TUIES! lI3TKKSOSS 3IAGAZIXE The Rest and Cheapest in the World for Ladies! The popular monthly Maaazine w ill be greatly improved for 1865. It will contain One Thousand Pages ! ' Fourteen Splendid Steel Plates ! Twelve Colored Fashion Plates ! Twelve Colored Berlin Work Pat'ern ! Nine Hundred Wood Cuts Twer.ty four Pages of A1asic ! All this will be eiver. for only Two Dol lars a year, or a dollar less than Maga Z'Uhs otihe cla-s ot l Pe'er-on " I s Thrilling Tales anil XTeIettes Are ti- best pob'.i-'te 1 .nyvher-. AM th- ir.o-t poptdar writer are emphyed to write origior.ailv for - Peterson." in 16- i' dditinn to its usual q amity oT short stor is. Four 0-l-iti:d Copyright Noveleiies will be given, bv Ann S Stephens, Louisf C. Moulton. Frank Lee Benedict, and the Author of VThe Second Life." It al.-o pub lisfces Fashions Ahead of all Others. Each number, sn addition to the colored plate, gives fonitet. Cloaks and Dresses, ang'aved on wood. Al-o, a pattern, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Chill's Dres can be cni, without the aid of a mantu-ma-ker. Also, several pages of Household and other Receipi'.s. Z&"lt is the test Lady's magazine in the world TRY IT FOR ONE YEAR. TERMS Always in Advance. One copy, one year. 2 00 Eight copies, for one year. 12 00 Fourteen copies for one year 20 00 Premiums for Gelling vp Clubs : To every persons getting up a dub, at ihe above raes, a copy of the Magazine for 1865 will be given gratis : or. if prefer red, ihe superb engraving (.size, 27 inches bv 20 inches.) Washington Parting From His General." Address, post-paid, CHARLES J PETERSON, 306 Chesinut street, Philadelphia. Specimens sent gratis, when sent lor. Now. 23, 1864. ' THE XEW GROCERY STORE FORMERLY ERASMAS' OLD STAND ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. More I-'rcfch Goods. Just received at Henry Gigers New Store. MOLASSES, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, RICE, SPICES, FISH, SALT, TOSACCO, SEGA US, CANDIES, RAISIN, ' - FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions &c, too numerous to mention. GTButter, Eggs, Meat and produce gen erally taken in exchange for goods. JiSNRY GIGER. Bloorniborg, Nov. 23, 1864. GPCVESTEN &, CO. PIAINO roUTF iB AMIFACTUKE US, THE attention of the public and'the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano Fortes, which lor volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto offered in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame, Over-Sirnns Bas &r., ar d each instrument being made under the personal supervision ol Mr J. H. GKOVESTEEN, who has had a practical ex nerience of ovr 30 years in iheir manufacture, is fully warrenied in every particular. The Grovehteen Piano-Fvrfe Received the Ihghett award of Merit ever all others at the Celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments finm the best makers of London, Paris. Germany, Philapelphia, B-liimore, Boston and New York; ar.d also at the American Instiiute lor five successive years, the gold and silver medals from both of which csn be seen at our ware roon. By the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano Forte, and by manufactures largely, with a etrinly cash system, are enabled io otlei the-e instruments al prices w hich will preclude all competition. PRICES " No. 1. Seven Oeiave. round corners. Rosewood plain cae S275. ISo. Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy moulding $300. No. 3, Seven Ocave, round comers. Rosewood Loui XIV style S325, a lac simile of j)81; TEK.U-. XET CASH, 11V CUI UEiT FUOS. DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FREE.j July 13, 1864 ly. PIJTNA3I CLOTHES WRIM.KR. IT IS THE ONLY RELIABLE SVLF-A D JUSTING If RINGER. No It'ood Work to swell or split No ' Thumb-scietes to get out of order -Warranted with or without cog-wheels IT took the first premium at fifty-seven Slate and County Fairs in 16H3, and i without any exception, the b-st Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, E'igland, Canada, and Australia. Aaenls wanted in every town, and in all pans ol the world. Energetic. Agents can make from three to ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers sent Express paid on receipt of price. No. 2, SB 50. No 1, S7 50. No. F, S8 50. No. A. 9.50. Manufactured am' sold, wholesale and retail bv THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Piatt Si ', N Y. & Cleveland, O. A H. FRANCISCUS. Agent. Philadelphia. Pa. What Everybody Knows, vizi That iron well galvanized will not rnst. t That ft simple machine i- be'ter thau a complicated one. That a ringer should be sell adjusting, durable, and efficient. That Thumb screws and Fastenings cause d-lay and trouble to regulate and keep in order. That wood soaked in ho! water will swell, shrink and split. I hat wood bearings for the si. all lo run in will wear out. That the Putnam Wringer, w nh or without cog wheels.will not tear Ihe clothes. That cog wheel regulators are noi essen tial. That ihe Putnam Wringer ha all Ihe advamages, and not one of the disadvan tages above named. That all who have tested it, pronounce it the bst Wringer ever made. That it 'will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We might fill lh papnr with testimoni als, but insert only a lew to convince the skeptical, if such there be; and we say to all, test Putnam's Wiinger. Test it thor oughly with any and all oshers, and if noi pMlitelv sati-factory, return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Ger.ilemen 1 know from practical experiei-ce that ircn well galvanized with zinc will r.o! oxidize or rust one pariiHe. !(: Wringer is a- near p-rfeet a p-.--itde, ami I can cheerfully rec J'n metal it to be the he-t in n. Re-pect'i:lly onrs, JOHN W. WHEELER, Cleveland, Om'io Many years experience in ttie galvaniz ing business, enable me to eudoree ihe above statement "n all particulars. JNO C. LEFFERTS, No. 100 Bee km au Si. New York, January, 1864. We have tested Putnam's Cloihes Wring er by practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap, it is simple, it reqnire no room whether at work or at ret; a c-hild can operate it It does its duty thoroughly. It saves ti'iie and il save wear and tear. We earnesily a Ivi-e all w ho have much washing lodo, with all intelligent persons who may have miv, to buy this Wringer. Il will pay lor it-elf m a year a( moi. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. OVSTIJRfif OYSTERS! Eating and Drinking THE subscriber re.-pecifclly gives no tice to ihe public that he ha at his Saloon, on Main Street, constantly on hand Fresh Oysters, either in the shell or by the CAN, to snii his customers. Families can be supplied by the can or by the quart upon short no tice. He also keeps on hand XX Ale, Si der and minerals. Give him a call B. STCHNER. Bloomsburg, Nov. 23, 1864. Information Free. To Nerveous Sufferers. A GENTLEMAN, cured of Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy lo furnish io all who need it, (free of charge,) the recipe and direction, for making the sim ple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing lo profit by the advernser bad ex perience, and posses a sute anil valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The Recipe ad 'nil information of vital importance will be cheerfully sent by return of mad. Add'- JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 60 Na-san S'ret, New York. P. S Nervous Sufferers of boih sexes will find this information valuable. Dec 7, 1864 3mo. DAVID LrOHEMlERG, CLOTHING STORE, On Main slreer,twodoorsabove the Amer ican Hotel. . fce.T amm JYcic Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fliHK undersigned respectfully informs A his friends and the public generally, that he has just received from the Eastern Cit ies, a large assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from ihe seal of Fashion, of all i sorts, sizes anil quantities, wnii n win tse sold cheap lor cash or country produce. -ALSO,- II ATS AiCAFS ROOTS AM) SHOES. Together with a variety of no lions and things too troublesome to mi -iter ate, to which he invites the attention ol pur chaser. ES?" He is also prepared tn make us clothing to order, on reaonabh lermp, and tip to the latest fashions. E3Call and examine our stock ol eoods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsbnrg, April 27. 1864 Miller's Store. OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. flHE subscriber ha just returned Irom the. cities with another large and select : assortment of ' Fall and Winter Goods. purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at the lowe-l figure, and which he is deter mined io sell on as moderate terms as can j be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. j Hi -took comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of the chcict-ft styles and latest tahions, mether yvith a large assormen of , DRY-GOODS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS', AND VESTINKS. SLSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUE ENS W ARE, CED A RW A R F, HC LLOW WAKE. NAILS. IRON. ROOTS $ SHOES. HATS CAPS.-c. In short, everything usually kept in coun try store, to which he inv tes ihe attention ol ihe public generally. The highe-i price will be paid Tor coun try produce. in exchange for good. STEPHEN H. MILLER Bloomsburg, Oct 12, 1 6 1. KEr"K2i5sil?I EXT S A M O T AND CONFECTION ERY STORE. II. C CmilsTMAN, I ESPECTFULLY announces to the citi zens ot Bloomsburg an.1 vicinity thai he has just opened a new Refreshment Sa loon and Confectionery Siore, on Maiu-st . second door below ihe "American House," where be iMends supplying all who may give hirn their cu-torn wi'h FHESH OYS TERS. Clam Soup, Sardines, Fo led Eg2s, Ham, Tripe Pigs' Feet, Dried Herring, &c. He will also keep on hand a superior ar ticle of DRAL'GHT ALE, Porter Ls?rbeer, and Sarsaparilla : togetner wiih a god as sonment of Can fie, Sweetmeats, Cakes, Cigar and Chewing Tobacco In connec ti.m wuh this saloon he ha fitted up a L-t-dies: Department, where all who n.ay de sire can call lor Oysters and Refreshment, and will be free from all annoyancesai d indecencies that ladies are too often ex pod o in some of our best restaurants. Don't fail to give him a call. H. C CHRISTM AN, Proprietor. Bloomsburg, Oct. 12, 164. Administrator's Aoticc.r Estate of Jacob Kindig, lute of FiJiing creek, twp-, deceased. LEETTERS of administration on the es tate ol Jacob Kindig late of Fishingceek iwp, Columbia county, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Columbia county, to John Wenner, residing in town ship and county aforesaid. AM persons having claims again-t the estate of the de cedent are reqaesied to present them to the undersigned without delay, and all per suns indebted io male payrnrt forthwith JOHN WENNER, Adm'r. Eiih:: reek, Nov. 9, 164 fw 2. DO YOU WISH TO BE CURED ! DR. BCCHAVS English Specific Pills, cure in les than 30 day s, ihe worst case ol NERVOUSNESS, Impoteney, Premature Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual and nervous affections, no n atte from what cause produced. Price ,ONE DOLLAR per box, sent post pai l by mail, on receipt of an order. One be- x will perfect the cure in most caes. Address, JAS. S. BUTLER, General Aaent, 427 Broadway, N. Y July 20. 1S64 3m. ESTRAY. CAME to the subscribers in Locust twp.. Columbia county, on the 16th of Octo ber, 1864, a pale yellow cow about ten years old. The owner or owner are noti fied to come lorward, prove property, pa j charges, and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of a the law directs. RICHARD MORGAN. Locust, October 26, 1884. -iXTSl ik-s .3 SUN0. - tOVb. GROVER c BAKER'S Ck'I.IBRATVD Ik I. A STIC STITCH " SKWI 1 n A i tl I ft ES Vere awarded the highest psgrniums o all Competitors t the lidlcwir-g Sldte and County p-ir of 1863. XEW YORK STATE FAIR. . First Premium for 1 1 only Machine. First Premium for ManufdCinring Machine First Premium for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purpo Firsi Premium lor Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir. l Premium for Family Maehtht: First Premium (or Manufacturing Machines First Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. First Premium for Machine Woik IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Marhine First Premium for Manufad uring Machine Firi Premium for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE EAIR. First Premium lor Machine for all purpose First Premium for Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAlRf F;rst Premium for Machine for allpurpow Frist Premium for Machine Work, MICAIGAN NT ATE FAIR. First Ire-nicm for Manufacturing M RChlrta. First Premium for Family Machine Firsi Premium for Machine Work PENN'A STATE FAIR Fiit Premium for Manufacturing ' Machit.rf Frist Premium for Machine Wore OREGON STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. Kirst Premium lor Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Macl fits Firt Premium for Machine Work FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. Z PJ First Premium lor Family Machi.te. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium or Manufacturing Machine Firsi Premium for Machine Work -HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P.-emium for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Fanuly Machine First Premium lor Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium tor Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. Firs: Premium for Machine for all purpose First Premium for Michine Work GEREMFIELD O, UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium nr Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O. FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fist Premium lor Machine for all purpoMjr First Premium for Machir.e Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Firt Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work J7The above comprises all the Fair at which ihe Grover & Baker Machine were exhibited this year. - Sale rooms, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. March 23, 1864 ly. THE Greatest Improvement yet Tn tS" Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity wor ri seeing. Please send for circular with sample of ewitijj. These Improved Machines save on hundred per cent, of "thread and silk, and make the lock stitch alike on both sides. Thv require no instructions to operate perfectly, except the "printed directions " No change in sewing from ope . kind of soods to another. And no takmg apart to'clean o' oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with all it machinery and tools entirelr new, and is already rapidly turning ott Machines, which for beauty and perfection o! finish are not surpassed by any manufac inre in the world. N. B. Should any Machine prove onst isfactory, it can be returned and money refunded. 1 Asen's wanted i counties not canvass J by our own A2nt. FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. 538 Broadway, New York. , April 20. 1864.1 v . rVoticc to Trespassers. THE lollowm farmers and landowners, of Orange and Cen:re to wnsbips, Columbia coun'v, do hereby camion all persons against hunting or in anywise trespassing: on iheir lands, thos making themselve subject to tbe penalties of the law which will be most stringently enforced David E Haymeo, Stephen Hill, Samuel Heidle; , Frany Dayman, Simon La wry." Reuben Sitler, All of Oiange township. Benj. Stiner, Wm Beck, Frederick Beck, Adam Hill, Wm Wnmiie, Geo Witmire, Joseph Ruckle, all of Centra twp . Orange, Nov. 16, 1864. - ; 'JMllE undersigned having connected hiru- self with established Agencies in Wash ington and Philadelphia is prepared to attend to ih collection of Back pay, Bounties, Pensions, and all other equitable claims against the Government. His experience and business connections enable him tr a :tend to them with ihe least possible delay. No charges made unless ihe claims are secured. Office wi h E. H. Lutle," Esq., Courl House Alley. BlcooiMjrg C. B. BROCK WAYr. 1 Bloorosbur;, Dwj. 14 1564. tL m