T 7 Y STAR OFjTHE. N1RTH SSgS AECtT TOWN & COUXTRY, PIOOHSBUIgG, FA. I WEDNESDAY DECEMBER i. 1864. To our Patron? and the Public. Tb,e present high price of paper, labor, printing material and every article enter (ng intb oor business, ha compelled us to '' look lo a corresponding rrdvance in oor Vharges. Hence the undersigned, publish Vrs in Bloomsburg, will on and after the 1st of September, 1864. make an advance : !of Fifty per tent, upon old rate3. RATES OF ADVERTISINU. t)ne square of eight lines I time u " ' 3 time, t " 1 month, h " 3 moDths, ... 6 " 'tt i . ' i year. 1.00 1.5( 2 00 4 50 6 00 10 00 Executor's & Administrator Notices, 3 00 Auditor's Notices 2 00 JOB PRINTING. Hand Bills one-eighth sheet,30or less S2.00 : ' one-fourth " " 3 50 " one-half " " 6 00 " foil sheet, 0.00 - AH notices of public meetings (except ef political ot religious) must be paid for at advertising rates. Editorials or local, advertising will be th irge d 20 cents per line. Obituaries ac acopanyt)g noiices 10 cents per line. AH transient advertisiug. must be paid lor at the time of insertion. P JOHN, Publisher Bejmhlitnn. LEVI L. TATE, Pub. bemocml. . H.JACOBY, Publisher Mar. Bloomsburg, 10, 1864 Thb PrtksiDSKT's Message will be found n oor first page of this week's issueof the The regular December Term of the e ' eral Courts of Montour 'county will com mence on Monday the 18th mat. at Danville. i i Who will bring ua a Turkey forTJhristmas: , Oor coop at present has lor ii occupant nothing but a louely chicken ! The chick en as well as the cook rieeds re-enforce-aieoia. Johm K. GiaTOf. sells cheap groceries, provender, &c. at his old stand on Main St Purchasers can find many articles in his tore tbat cannot be tound in larger houses Good Fkish Burr caft be bought at price ranging Irora eight to ten cents per lb in this market. Pork is some higher 1 We have beard of sales having been made at fifteen lo seventeen cents per lb Is to-day's Stir will be found a pretty full account ol the movements ot both ar mies from the date ol our last ieue to the present. It is not uninteresting. !!crt GiGra has replenished his store, at A. B. Erasmas' old stand on Main St., with a splendid assortment ot notions, gro ceries, nuts, candie. & &c. He sell cheap.' Give him a call. laouanEiT isv we ill publish the late Address of C. L Wahd, chairman ol tbe Democratic State Central Committee It la an able document, and ot the right ring. Snow Tell on Saturday morning last, in this section, to a considerable depth. In consequence ot the roads being very rough, . more snow is needed to make good sleigh ing. Tbe wheeling is bard and we- observe there is not much of it being done. raor. Bci.cs C. Bkldins design teaching dabcing school in ibis place, to continue iuring tbe winter moo:hs, a term of thir teen lessons. He will meet his scholars at the Exchange Hotel, if a sufficient number are raised, every Thursday evening, during tbe season. His tuition, we understand, is 5 a term, of 13 lessons. We would direct the attention of oor teaders to the advertisement in to-day's Star, beaded 'Claim Agency." It will be found tbat our young friend, Charles B, Brocxway, of this place, has entered the business of collection bounties, back-pay, Samuel Sstder, the new Sheriff of this tounty, started to the Eastern State Peni teotiary, on Monday last, with a prisoner who was convicted for stealing money a' oar late Term of Court. The convict re ceived a aeotence of otte year two and a half months at bard labor and close confinement. Capt. Chester K. Hcchqs, of Grant's Army, bas recently received a promotion to the rank ot Major, in the 143d Ret. P. V. He ia spoken of ah a '-brave officer and sol' dier." From what we know ot the promo tion it has been earned through hard service Major Hughes bas a father and brothers living in this place. He is a noble looking cGcer. Om ow the Soldiers sent to this coonty last Fall to pat down an insurrection, as the Abolitionist of this place tried' to make the Authorities believe was going on in the north, died a lew day eince, at the resi dence of oor townsman, Henry C. Hart sf am. This veteran soldier had. been lying seriously ill for a considerable length of time. His name and age we did not learn. Cbristh ia i Coming As this festive sea ton is drawing near, the public generally are interested in knowing where they can make the cheapest and best purchases. On locking over the advertising department of oor paper it will be teen (hat Mr. Stohnbr basDOt been onmiadfal of the demands so common and so certain to be npon bim this season of the year ; but that his Confection ery Store and Bakery is well prepared to neat all calls. He will sell alt kinds of Toj, notions, Candies, Sweet-meats, and rich csies. at cither wholesale or reuiL Ci3 hli ertitrrbtrsnl csl). PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY tr7JLL be exposed to Public Sale on the premises cf the subscriber, in Jackson township, Columbia county, P-, on MONDAY, DECEMBER 1911, 1864, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, the lo Uo Personal Property to wit TWO HORSES, pfS Two Colts, (coming 2 years old m,,, the Spring).' Two Milch Cows, t'. rtv he. .J of young cattle, TKiV II RAD SIii'. 7 head of ' Hogs, (twr l.i ! for killing,) a lot of 1'oulfy ALSO, his entire Household am! KITCHEN FURNITURE and Farming utensils, consisting of the fob lowing articles ONE BlfREJlir, One Table, One Cupboard, one dock Be ls and Bedding, one stove and pipe, potts, kettles, a lot of Queens' and Cutiery ivar. ALSO, a lot of WHEAT, RYE, CORN", OATS and Buckwheat by the' bushel; a lot of Potatoes by the bushel ; GRAIN IN THE GROUND. Hay by the ton, Straw ty the bundle, and a lot of loose s raw. ALSO, One Tiro-IIorse W:igon, ihree Ploughs, One Harrov, Cultivators, One Wind Mill, a lot of Harness, togelht-r with a lot of other articles too tedious lo mention. Terms made known on day of Salev . en attendance will be iiven by ISRAEL ?. IIEA U MOSES COFFMAN, Jiutionetr. Dec. 6. 1864 . E. & II. T. AXTHOXY & 0 , Maiiotiicturerx of 1'hotogr.iphic .11 aterlals, WHOLESALE AND h ETA 1 1. . 5 0 1 BROADWAY, N. Y. In addition to Mir nnin bnsinss ol rOTOGRAPHIC MATKU1ALS, vre are Headquarters for ti e lollo p ing, v iz Slereocopea and Sferotcnpic Views, Of tliee we have an inim'i-e ;-.--rinif r r , includina War S"!i-, A'nrira i a::' For eign Citie an.i L-t'!:!i'r-4 Gr iij)s. Stat uary, &c , &r. AUo, llrrvr.l vit:u S-ero- scopes tor public or private exmnnn;i. Oar Catalogue will be t-ent to any receipt of Stamp. aJdre-s on Fliotornphic Album. We were the firft to introiluc llee into the United States, and we manufacture irn iiience quantities in preat variety, raaing in price Irnm 50 cents to $50 eacri. Our AI.IUJ-SS have the reputation of bemij superior in beaoty and dutability to any others. They will be pent by mail, free, on receipt 'ot price. Jilbums Made lo order. 3Tl CRD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over F Thousand subjects (to which addition continually beins made) of I'or'raiis of Eminent Americans, k.r., viz about 100 Maj Generals, 200 Brig. Generals, 275 Colonels, 100 Lieut. Colonel 250 Other Officers, 75 Navy Otficeis, ISO Prominent 550 S areme(i, 130 Div;ne, 125 xalhors, 40 Arlicts, 125 Stages, 50 Prom 'ut Women, 1'oreizn Iortr:H. S.OOO Copies of Works of Art, including reproduction of the mot cele brated Engravings patnfing, Stauites, &c Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An Order for one dozen Pictures from our Cat alogue will be filled on tbe receipt of Sl.O and sent by mail, Free. Photographers and others crlerin rood CO. D. will please rerr'n twenty live er cent of the amount with their ordc-r. , E. & H. T. ANTHONY 6c CO , Manufacturers of Photognp'i ie Ma'rjf,", 501 BROADWAY, NKW YORE. r"1 The prices nl quality cf ottr goo-it c iu net fail to gulify. Dec 7, 1864. 6mo. 11 E E V E n 0IUGIML, GCMIE & RLMACLC, FOR THE GROWTH. BEAUTY AND PRESERVATION OE THE HAIR. Established 18CO. Price, 75 cts. per bottle. Thi preparation can shov? living evidences of its excel lence. SEE Photograph and read certifi cate of Mrs. Vm. Sutton hair five leet and one n eb. in length used Reeve' Ambro sia about twenty months. AL'SO, Photograph and certificate of Mrs. L M. Neil hair five ft. length used the Ambrosia 18 mon:hs. Thousands are ning; this preparation and offering wil ling testimonials. Th ese potographs, tak-rt from life, have been awarded to extend th knowledge r.f the merits of this wonderful discovery. Hundreds have seen tnes; la ties un l heard the facts from iheir own hp-. Mrs. 2IaxweIL's Tsi!stonial. New Yrk Dir. 2?. I8K2. Knowing poritivtly that Reeve-: Am brosia pioduced a beautiful head of ti.ur for Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, o? Brooklyn. New York, I was induced, thereby, to us it thoroughly. I needed something for my hair, it being short atid thin had used one half dozen bottles when I could plainly notice an increase tn its length, stieng,ih, and beauty. An experience ol about iwy yeara has proved a complete success. Mo hair is now by measurement, four feet ten inches inMength, nearly reachirg the floor. I tave allowed my photograhh to proclaim tbe merits ot Reeves' Ambrobia to the world. MRS. WALLACE E. MAXWELL. entenprising Druggists have these Photographs and keep for tale, REEVES' AMBROSIA at 75 Cents per Bottle. Druggists who may not have our prepa ration, will send for it il applied to. Prin cipal Depot, 62 Fulton Street, New York. Nov. 30, 1864. 6 mos. '. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, - Sky-Iiislit Ambrolvpist, OOMS in the Tbird Story of the Ex- chanre Blocki (entrance above the Book Store, Bloomsbnrg, Colombia cood ty. Pa. Bloornsbarf, Not. 23, 1859 If. - L. LYONS' PURE OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, AKD Sparkling Catawba Wines, 3 qua. in Quality and Cheaper in Price than the Eraiidieand Hines tf the Old World. For Summer Complain:, Cholera Infantum, Bowel Complaint, Cramp, Cholic and Dirrhoea. Jl sure Cvre is guaranteed, or the money tcilf be refunded. In p'ippT' of 'li nbove n'fme"i', ntfwiufil , lit" V,?f- f'tVite.- ! P . J';". . K C!iil fn. ot.f f!:i- iew Y"fk. I)r H irnsii. t('.. ( ttf'C:.l li.rf)t-" f. Oti'o, Dr. Jhs U. ! N-!.'.; vr K.-i-,-..io.. Or N. B Jnr.es Cr:e..'nl r.-ct . r Circlev.lle Ohio. Frol VT J k-iij ti m i Bo-ton, Dr. Chas Upham Shfpa'rd. CttrleMor., S C, and J V. Z P'. t ry , and G A. Mariner, consult jn v.ff.i,' Cl:'sio, all of whom have anal)2'd the Catav ba Brandy, and com mend it in the iuuheM term, lor medical USP. jinaJysis f the Afossachussetts State JJi-sayrr, Jan. 25, 1858. When evaporated through clean linen it left no oil or oflenive matter. Iruei-ery refpert it in a Pure spiri ous liqnor. The Oil which siives to thi Brandy ii flavor and nroma i. wholly unlike IomI, or grain oil. Its odor panakes ot both the truit am! oil ot yrapes. With acid, it produce othr of a ti'mh fragrance. The ubrtituiioii of thii Brandy for Cognac Brandy will dci away with the manufacture of fieiition ci int.-'. sold nnder this riam both at . home abroad. " Respectfully. A". A. HAYES, M IX, A-ijer to S'au, Ma-., Ifi Bosle-tn.i St litf the name, in 1 80 1. I have anal)Zd "L. Lon' Pure C ntm Brandy," with relerene 'O its corn pn.-itioii and character, beina the arne a that produced in ast vear". A s-an p'e lakft) fri-m ten ca-Ls afforded the same refills with regard to purity ; a fli'Mly increased nrnoiinl of the principle on w turh its flavor depends v-as deWinined by co;n-pari-on with former sample " The indicatinrs of aiaUiis show ihut tlii Brandy i. piodcced by the same pr -ce- as most of the imported Brandy. Rese-ilully, A. A. HAYES, M D. Slate Aaer, 16 Boyles:on St. P.t'ston, July 20 1861 Manulacfiiifd oily by H H JACOBS: CO, (To whom all Orders ihwuld be aii-die-sed ) " P-pot. 91 Liberty St., New York. Nov. 16, 164 3m CHRISTSIAS PRESENTS! s, Aolions ana Kuicii-iinacKs ; U1S CANDIES ASD SWEET MEATS, AT II. STOSIXEirS BL00MSBUIIG BAKEBY AND ConJ eclioncry Store. THE undersigned wouM repectfufly in form the ci:izeus of rloomturt and the poblic generally, that he ha-ut received, at his Store, a large ftock of ALL KINDS OF CHRISTMAS TOYS conieiing of Candies made ui into nearly every kind of hape, besides thousands of little no ions manufactured out of wood, all of which are gotten up with a good deal of care, and with a view of being, very ap propriate tor Ihe feaon. He h-a LARGE CASE well filled with NOTIONS, such a Mis-es Net, different styles of combs, beads, buttons, gloves, belt, suspenders, VAKIKTY OF SOAPS marbles. top, titile willow-work, ne!ie. pin. Kllive, a !(iuu rnri'! ui -jti in n IdlJf llier with hundrr-d of ether artfie-. wS'ieh he oilers to the public ot very low price, is lir-''!'; Tiie r '-' rem a tin-' I '.1 v call, H i! 1 n dentao , re f.-i ; b off -r I to cv: precrt f' r v v fa'tiiU. i 'i i we t;i't.!tr:a i Ki.'iW i I v a B sTOHNEU. 164. Blombug, Nov 23 BEADING RAIL HO AD. IV INTER A Ii li A . GEjli E T. OVIISSEII 7S I7C1. GREAT Trunk line from th- North and North-west for Philadelphia, New York, Rea ling. Potisville.Lebaiiou, Alien town. Easton, &c , &c. Train leave Hain-burg for New York, a follows At 3.00and'8.15 A. M. and 1.45 P. M.- arriving at New York at 10 A. M., a-d 2 45 and 10 00 P. M The above connect with similar Trains ; or, the .Pennsylvania Road, and Sleeping. Caia-accomiiauy the first lv i-attiS wi-li oni change. j Leave for Reading. PoMvi!le. Ta r io'ia. ; Mirtersville. Allen'own ar.-l Ph. !.-. Mr, ai at 8 15 A. M. ar.d 1 45 P. M., st.p;i-jg Lef anoii and principal S ation ottly. Way Trains, stfpping at all poi ts. at 7 25 A. M Sn! 4 40 P.M R-ti.rniiig, fave NVw York at 9 A. M.. 12 nbn, and 7 00 P. M. Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 3.30 P M ; PoMville at 8 50 A. M. 2.35 P M., Tamacua at 8.10 A. M and a'.il 2.15 P. M and Re.laing at 12 midnight, 7 35 an t 10 45 A. M., 138 and 6 05 P M. Reading Acf ommodaiioo Train : Leaves Readf.g ai 6 30 A. 1 retun ing from Pt.il-a-lelpl.ia at 4 30 I'. M. Colvmbia Railroad Trains leave Read ing at 6 40 ar.d and II A. M. tor Ephraia, Li'tz, Col.;mbia, &c. O.i ."stit. day ; Iave NVw York at 7 P. M. Philadelphia 3 15 P. M . Pottsviie 7.30 A. M., Tamaqua 7 A. M., Harribcrg 8 15 A.M., hi Reading at 12 midnight for Harnsburg. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Ex cursion Tickets, at teduced rate to and Irom all points. Baggage checked through ; 80 pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICuLLS, General Superintendent. Reading Pa Nov. 30, 1864. IVationnI c:laim Ageu-ry, coxrrccTXD BT HARVY 8o COLLINS, WASHINGTON. D. C. IN order to facilitate the prompt adjust ment of Bounty, arrears of pay, Pension and other claims due soldiers and other persons Irom the Government of the U. S. the undersigned has made arrangements with the above firm whose experience and close proximity to, and daily intercourse with, the Department, as well a the early knowledge acquired by them of the decis-ions-frequently being made, enable them to prosecute claims more effectually than Attorneys at a distance can possibly do. AH persons entitled fo claims o! the above description can have them properly attend ed lo by calling on me and entrusiins them to my care. W. WIRT, Agent for Harvr & Collins; Bioomsbuis, Aoguei 10, J864i - National Foundry. liloomsbtir?, Columbia Co., f he snbribjr, proprietor of the above -- named extensive establishment, is now prepared to receive orders for all kind of mai hir.-ry, for COLLERIF.S. BLAST FUR N A C KS STATION A RY ENGIN ES, MILL' THRESH I Mfl MA(HINE &e , &c. He i !r' iifj:iri'd'l')' nukf Soe. til t-ize :in- ;itteri.-. I'lov -i'oii!., .u.d ven iijr i:Knai:- iim 'e mi nr-!-las Foi dr -i extanie t w i I t i - and t rctira .n, wairf.nt tutu m receui.i' larnM fOtltrafts or tee rnoei reacotiaoie terms. . t Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchanae for caMinas. XW This establishment is located near 'tie Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER B1LLMEYER. Bloomsbursr, Sept. . 1863. The New York Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN the WORLD riiHE extensive and compiehensive facil- ities in its pocsesMon enable the Pro prietor of the Weekly Herald to guarantee the la'est and most reliable information poMible to be obtained, not only from all parts of the United taes,but Irorn all part of th world Ii home correspondents emagf'l at very heavy ro-t, and connected with eacii new naval an 1 n. Hilary expedition ol ih- gov ernment, orovetha; it is deiennin-'d to I-tve f.n i!ite')Vre.l '.'' its n )--T a ' ' 'i and no ( eve: I 'i Ofi-I.r T'. K'.ni tui lir.'i inni.r-.'i:-'" !:; rt 'i' it Cf-lnrrjn-.. I1 eo-t :he prt.- ." oft one huTicited if-O'n-.yd itiI-br.-j ,ye.rt r' i :t tai :i i'.s corp.-. ol cor r. i-pot. dents in the field. , In it collation oi . Foreign News, the Herald ha for year- held a high position, and it will endeavor in the future o main tain ihe stand it ha aumed. It has spe cial correspondent e'ationed in all of the pri"cipl cities of the world. It? telegraphic arrangements extend to wherever the eWtric wires are stretched. Wren the Atlantic cable i laid, which f-at will soon be accomplished, telegrams will be received Irom Europe and Aia, as well as from the United Stales Then our reader w ill have the event of the week in all parts of the civilized world regularly and clearly laid before them. The nronrietor devotes a cortior. of ihe piper to literature,. Fashion, Agriculture, iKp Morliunif Art. Snorting Mailers Bui- nei-s, ineatncai aim miam-iai c;'Min, Cattle Markets. General News, and reports ' of all event calculated to form an excellent metropolitan newspaper a weekly photo graphic view of ih events of the world anil all at a very low price. The Weekly Herald i ined every Sat urday morning, and furnished at ihe fol lowing rate ; One copy S2 00 Five copies S3 00 Three copies 5 00 Ten copies 5 00 Any larger number addressed to names of suh-enbers 81 50 each. An extra co,'y will be Kent to every club of ten. Twenty copies to one addres one year, S25, and any larger number at same price. An extra copy sent ta club of twenty. Advertiemenis lo a limited number will be inserted in the Weekly Herald. The Daily Herald, Four cents per copy. Fourteen Dollars per year for three hundred and sixty three issues. Seven dollar for six momhs. Three dollars and Slty cer.ls for three months. JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Editor and Proprietor, Northwest cor Folton and Nass-an-sts. N.Y. travelling agents for the Herald. 52-lfj THE MAGAZINE FOU TIIE TIMES! PETRKSOX'S MAGAZINE The Rest and Cheapest in the World for La lies ! The ropnlar rr nttiU Msazine will be gr-a l imj rc.veil for 1865. It will roiram One Ttion-aiid Page ! Fourteen Sple tdid Steel PI r ! Twelve Colored Fashion Plates ! Telv- Cclorei Berlin Work Pattern ! Nine Hundred Wood Cut ! Twe;.ty leur Pages of lu-ic ! All thi will be giver, for only Two Dol lars a year, or a dollar les than Maa y.ms ol ;he da. ol "Peierson " I s Thrilling: T.iles and Xavelettfs Are tti bsi publi-be.l anywiieM. Ali the most popular wtilers are etr.plny ed to write origionailv for Peterson." In 1F65, in I additinn to its usual quantity of short stor ies, Four Original -Copyright ioveienes will be given, by Ann S. Stolftis, Louise C Monlton. Frank Lee Benedict, and the Author of ' The Secor.d l ife." It aUo pub lishes Fashions Ahead of all Others. Each number, sn a.J !m't to t'te color-d I' tatf ,Tivt Knii'ict. f.loak siul IJre-e. ciigra il l I on (oil. A Iso. a f)r.-i M t'.fil! . or pa r - j i ert,. Ii''.t .! I - D:tf. ... ;t, i ' 1. - tn a Hon-?!..'' 1 e.i n kr. a I e !'', 'viit..'.)i it" Hi't o; a A!-: se er ! ta - of I - i . - -X R-feM)i'- C& It is (he 6.J Lary's Magazine in the world TRY IT YOU ONE YEAR. TERMS Always in Advance. O ie copy , one year. S 2 00 Eight copies, for one year. 12 00 Fourteen copies for one year 20 00 Premiums for Getting itp Clubs: To every rersons getting up a dub, at the above ia es, a copy of :he Magazine for 1865 will be given gratis : or, if preler red, the superb engraving (iz1! 27 inches bv 20 inrhe.j "Washington Parting Fiorn His General." Address, post paid, CHARLES J PETERSON, 306 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. fF'Speci-nens sent gra'.i, whea sent for. Nov. 23, 1864. TIIE XEW GROCERY ST0I5E FORMERLY ERASMAS' OLD STAND ON MAIN STREET, BLOOMSBURG. ill ore E'roli GootH. Just received at Henry Giger's New Store. MOLASSES, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEE, RICE, SPICES, FISH, SALT, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANDIES, RAISIN, FEED AND PROVISIONS. Together with a great variety of notions &c, too numerous to met tion. GTBulter, Eggs, Meal and produce gen erally taken in exchange for oods. HENRY GIGER. Bioomtborg, Nor. 23, 1864. r-pir.... l-;rf ; m tJ;::: :: h- ,C; :. ?-"-"v-rr"Vv-,-H'--'.' v'-'--vw .l . - C PC VETEN 56 CO. PIAOlOini: M A II FA OT I'UE 11 , THE attention of the poMic and the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano Fortes, which for volume and purity of lone are unrivalled bv any t.rherio offered in this market. They contain rdl the modem improvement. French, Gran. Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame. Over-Strung P.as ad rarli inurnment t-e.ng mat e under the personal supervision of Mr J. H GROVESTEEN, who has had a practical e rerience of over 30 years in thir rranolactnre. is fully warrented tr eety purucn'ar. The Grovextetn Piano-Forte Received the Highest award of Merit ovtr all vthers at the Celebrated World's Fair. , . Where were exhibited inslrnmenls from the best maker? of London, Part-, Germany, Pl.ilapeljd.ia, B-ltitnore, Boston and New York; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the gold and silver medal fro,,, both of which car, be seen at our r. J, .. r : no m,ta a mi 11 more oertect t lat'O por; wate-in in. m me in'rooin 'icui oi iiMU'ru.rii.r , r. , and by mannfactnrir? largel,, with th e ms' rti merit at price w nu-n PRICES: No. 1, Seven Octave, round corner. Uosewooc. piam i n- r r . I I.'ncjumnil t.P.iVV OlOllhlin? $.209. No 3 round comer. R-sewood Loui- XIV mIs g3?5. a lac Minile ..f "Tl'i-1 . rF DKSCIUP71VE CIRCULARS SEAT FREE. jj July 13, 1864 ly. IfTWM CLCTUrs in:M;5-!!, 1J IS THE ONLY RELIABLE SVL F-Jl !J U STING IVllINGER. No JVood Work lo swell or qHt No Thumb-set ews to get out of order Warranted with or without cog-tvheels IT look the first premium at tiliy-seven State and County Fairs in 18fi3, and i vr'nhont any exception, the best Wringer ever ma.'e. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Agents wanted in every town, and in all pans ol the world. Energetic 'Agents can make from three to ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers sent Express paid on receipt of price. No. 2, 6 50. No 1, S7 50. No. F, 50. No. A, 9.50. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO, No. 13 PlrtH Street, N. Y. & Cleveland, O. A H. FRAN CISC US, A gen', Philadelphia, Pa. What Everybody Knows, viz'. That iron well galvanized will not rust. That a simple machine be'ter than a complicated one. That a Wringer should be self adjusting, durable, and efficient. That Thumb screws and Fa-tening cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep in order. That wood soaked in hot waW will swell, shrink and split. 1 hat wood bt-arins for the shaft to run in will wear out. That ihe Putnam Wringer, with or without cog wheels. wil! not tear lh clothe Tli at cog wheel regulators i-.re not essen tial. That the Putnam Wringer ha all the advantHges, and not one of the dippdvan tagH al-hve named That all who have teste.) it, pronounce it the. b -st Wringer ever itittt'f That i wi'Ptvrins a THREAD or a BED QUILT without ai'.-riior.. We niiht nil the paper with fs'imrini al. but. insert only a tew to eonvinc skentieal. if such there be; and we say to all, test P;iitiarn ' Wiinger Test it tlior- onghly with any an.f l! others, and if not entirely satisfactory, rentt it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. (jPni know from prnotv experiet ce that iron well galvanized with zin- will not oxidize '-r rn-t or p:rfcl-?. The Putnam Wrii'iier is :. nenr p -rfe;M a pcsible; arxf I c:.n cheerfully recommend il to be the bet in us. P.esp ct'r.Ilv JOHN yours. W. W'HF.KLF.R. Cleveland. O'tio. Many ears experience in the gak miz ing bnsir es. ennble me to endorse the aboe statement in all partK-n'ar JNO C LEFKERTS, No. 100 Beekman S'. New Yotk, January. 164. have ieted Pn: n a m s Clot lies Wring er b ) r.i iii-al working, ami kno.w that it v.!l do. It i- cheap, ,1 is simple, il require no room .wheiher at work or at rest; a i hil.l run operate it It does itt'.u'y thoroughly. It save- time anfl it save wear and tear. We earnestly advi-e all wt.o have much washing to do, wi'h all intelligent per-vin who rnay have anv, to buy tli.s Wringer. It w ill pay tor itself in a ver a. trio -t. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864. ly. Eating and Drinking f T.;TV Ty.- CO Cf CV c THE subscriber re-p-ectfully gives no tice to the public that he lias at hi Saloon, on Main Street, consta.rly on ha:;d Fresh ysters, either in the shell cr by the CAN, to suit hi customers. Families can be supplied by the can or by the quart upon short no tice. He also keeps on hand XX Ale, Si der and minerals. Give him a call. B. STPHNER. Bloomsbnrg, Nov. 23, 1864. Information Free. To Nerveous Sufferers, A GENTLEMAN, cured of-Nervous Debility, Incompetency Premature Decay, and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others, will be happy to furnish to all who need it, (free of charge,) the recipe and direction, fur making the sim ple remedy used in his case. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertisers bad ex perience, and possd a sure and valuable remedy, can do so by addressing him at once at his place of business. The Recipe aad full information of vital importance will be cheerfully sent by return of mail. Address JOHN B. OGDEN. No. 60 Nassau S'ret, New York. P. S. Nervous Sufferer. of bnih sexes will find this information valuable. Dec 7, 1864 3mo. DAVID LOWESISERG. CLOTHING STORE, On Main street,lwo doors above the Amer ican Hotel. a Mr., My cah system, Bieruuu.ru ,v. .-w. ii.. - , - Seven Oe'ate, JYew Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rjtHE undersigned res,ectfully informs A Ins friend and the public generally, ihat he t.a jut received from ihe Eastern CttiP, a large assortment of CLOTHING, Fresh from the seat of Fa-hion, of sorts, size and quantities, which will sold cheap for cash or country produce. -A LS O,- all be IEATS& CAfiV i!iiat yii KMnES.f i- Together with a'var'.ety ol no lions and ihing loo troublesome to numer ate, to which he it:Vites the attention of pur chaser. . He s oho prepared to make us chthinsr to order, on reasonable lertnp, and up to the latest fashions. CSTCall pod examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomshurg, April 27. 1864. Hitter's Store. OF FALL AM) VIXrER GOODS. rjHE subscriber has just returned from Ihe cities with another large and elect assortment of Fall and If Inter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and New York, at ihe lowe-t figure, and w hich he is deter mined to sell on as moderate terms a can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Hi stock comprises LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of ttte ehiieesl styles and latest fashions, io"ether with a large assor'men' of DRY-GOODS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS, AND VESTINGS. t I.SO, GROCF.R1ES, HARDWARE. , QUE ENS W A RE, C E I) A R W A R R. HOLLOW WARE. NAILS, IRON. 1S JOTS 4-SHOES, HATS frCAPS.frc. In sliort, every thing usually kept in coun try stores, to which tin inv.les l he altet.li jo of the public generally. The fiilie.-i urice will be pJ for conn - trr. tli.ee, it. exchange for goods. STEPHEN U. MILLER Blonmsbuig, 0..-I 12, 161. NOTICE IN DIVORCE. I-, 'be Court ol Common Pieas of Columbia Countv. JOHN STlNER'rs ANNA MARI A STINER ND now, to wit: Sepiember 5th. 1864. tiiH Conn, upon motion of P. S. Ri.hei A. orney f;.r Libellant, granted a rule upon t', rep Mulent to show caui-e why a Di vorce a vinculo mi'rimoni fionl l not be de creed in the above s'uted ra?, retnr'.able at o.-r court on Monda, December oth 1864 JOI AH 11 . FURM AN. Sheriff. l;ootn-D'rg. On 26. !Sfi4id ;m:.v jiillineuy goods VcLi- rw,l, AMI WIMHR. i Mi- MARY BARKLEV ha ju-t returned fiom New York and Philadelphia it!i a-, exce'leiil assortment of Millinery Good. She bas lh- very Litest fashion and the mo?! approved styles of Hi's and Bonnet-, loedieV wilh the n.o-t tasteful lot of Rib brTns Trimming-, &:. Give her a ckII and evau ti e for vourj-elve?. MARY BARKLEY. Bloomsbnrg, Oct. i?, 18K4. AI;:isi'ator's Aoticc.r Estate of Jacob Kindig, Jute of Fishing- creek, twp., deceased. 1" FETTERS of administration on the es--ia:e ot Jacob Kindig late of Fishingceek twp, Columbia county, deceased, have been grari'ed by te Regi-ter of Colutnbia countv, to John Wenner, re-iding in town ship and county nforesa'd. All person having claims a-ain-t the estate of the de cedpnt are requested to present them to the undersigned without delay, and all per SDH indebted to make paymepi forth with JOHN WENNER, AJm'r. V.it-hcnetl. N v. 9. IrM fv !r2. DO YOl7 UTSI1 TO BE CURED ? DR. BUCHAN'S Eng!ih Specific Pill, cure in less than 30 days, the worst case of NERVOUSNESS, lmpotency, Premainre Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, an. I all Urinary, Sexual and nervous affections, no n atier from what cause produced. Price, ONE DOLLAR per box, sen! post pai d by mail, on receipt of an order. One. b' x will perlect the cure in most cases. AJdre-s, JAS. S. BUTLER, General Agent, 427 Broadway, N. Y July 20. 1864. 3m. ESTRAY. CAME to Ihe subscribers in Locust Iwp.. Columbia county, on ihe 16th of Octo ber, 1864, a pale yellow cow about ten years old. The owner or owners are noti fied to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her away, otherwise she will be disposed of as the law directs. RICHARD MORGAN. Loeost, October 26, 1864, "-""3? piwp "ill t ml fv Phi GROVER 8c BAKER'S cn. BitsTrn ki.astic stitch . - seavbi n.u iiirvi: Wpre awartierl tfte highest P-emioros over all Con pernors, at the follow ing State and County Fir- of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. Kirst Premium for f.mily Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine Fir-t I'reminm for Machine Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. ' First Premium for Machine for atl purpose First Premium for Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir. I Premium for Family Machine. . ' Firsi Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium for Machine Woik ohio state Fair. . . . F'rt Premium for Machine Work IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for-Fainily Machine' First Premium for Manufacturing Machine Firt Premium for Mai bine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. ( Frt Premium for Machine for all purpose Firl Premium for Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. F rst. Premium for Machine for all Furpoea Frist Premium for Machine Work, Ml CAIG AN STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacturing M achina. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Maehinn Work PENN'A STATE FAIR , Fii-t Premium for Manufacturing 'Machine Frist IVeminm for Machine Woric OREGON STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Firt premium for Machine Woik CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR L SOC. irl Premium lor Family Mchin Firi Premium for ManuUt turinj Macl in First Premium for Machine Work FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. F'rsl Premium tor Family Machine. F.rt Premium for Mannfaciuring Machine CIIAMI'LAIN VALLEY Vi. AG'L SOC. First P remium for Family Machine Firt Premium or Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Macnnc Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma for Macnine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P:erniom for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR . First Premium for Family Machine Fir! Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON Y, FAIR. Firt Premium for Fmily Machipe MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAlrf. Firs; Premium for Machine for all purpose First Premium for Machine Work GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. Firsi Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR Fi.tt Premium for Machine for all purposes First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium for Machine Work ftluThe above comprises all.the Fairs at which ihe Grover & Baker Machine were exhibited this year Sale room, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chestnut S., Philadelphia: March 23; 1864 ly. THE Greatest Improvement yet in Vm Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity worta seeing. Please sen J for circular with sampla i4 -ewit g. Tltese Improved Machines save o hundred per cent, of thread and silk, and make the lock stitch alike o-t both sides. They require no insinuations to operal perfectly, except the "printed direction ' Norha.ige in sewing from one kind of goods to Brother. , And no taking apart lo'cl-an o oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete, with ali il michinery and lools entirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machine, wl ich for beauiv and perfection o' finieh are not surpassed by. any manufac ture in the world. N. B. Should any Machine jl'ove unsat isfactory, it can be returtisd ami money refunded Agents waned in counties not canvassad by our own Agent. FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. No. 538 Broadway, New York. April 20, 1864. ly. IVoticc lo Trespassers. THE following farmers and landowner, of Orange and Cen;re townships Columbia coumv, do hereby cannon all peron against huriUng, or in anywie lrepasi'ir; on iheir lands, thus making iherrtsetve subject lo the penalties of ihe !' wbirfi will be most -tmaently enforced David E Haymen, Stephen. Hdl, Samuel Heidle; , Frany Hayman, Simon Lawry. Reuben Sider, All of Oiange township. Benj. Stine', Wm Beck Frederick Beck, Adam Hill, Wm Witmiie, Gio Winnire. Joseph Ruckle, all of Centro lw.. Orange, Nov. 16, 1864. UOH AUDS ASSOf IATIOS. PHILADELPHIA, PA DISEASES of ihe Nervous Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Sy stems ew and re- liable Irea'menl in Reports oi ihe HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by ".ail in sealeJ letter en velonew, free o!" e'mrge. Address- Dr. J. SKILLIN HOfGUTON Howard Association. No. 2 South N'itH S'reet Philadelphia, Ta. DfeC. 16, 1863 ly. t l i