' ... . . .. J - ' " - ' - " ' .. ' 4. y STi It OF THE NORTH s THIXGS ABCCTTOirX;&. CCWTRT. - ... WEDNESDAY- NOVEMBER 23, 1864. To cir Patron. and the Tublio. Te present high price of paper, labor, ...tenting material and every article enter tig Into oor business, ha compelled us. io look to a corresponding ' advance in nor " .charges. Hence the undersigned, piifdih ' ersin Bloomeborif.' will.' on and af' er ihe 1M of September. 1864. make an advance of Fiftyper cent, upon old rates. BATES OF ADVERTISING. One square of eight .lines i lime 1.00 1.5(1 2.00 4 50 6 00 times, l it k it 1 month, 3 months, 6 " 1 year, it 10 00 '. Executor's & Administrator's Noti cedf 3 00 .. Auditor'a Notices, ' 2 00 JOB PRINTING. . v Hand Bill one-eighth sbeetO or ,eg8 S2.00 . ."one-fourth 350 .,' M one-half . " 6 00 , x - full teet, 10.00 . All notices of publw-meeting (except .: of political or religioua , musx t,e paid fot : ,'ajt advertising rates. ' Editorials or Icxm.1 advertising will be charged 20 cents pr r jjne Obituaries ac ' ompanyinsi noticr 10 cents per line. - All transient nverticino must be paid for t the lime of i'usertinn'.' . P. JOHN, Publisher Republican. LEVI L. TATE, Pub. Vemoont. .-' . . W. H.iACOBY, Puhlisher Sla. A Bloowssbarg, An?. 10. 1S64. ' . - L -, See Tew advertisements. "Remttt4nce of Pkaslke & Co. received. I he favor of ITcsrt Miller, of W'hap wallopen, came to hand. , We acknowledge the remittance of pEany . AltiiRLlso.ot Indiana. t Be, tiner, of Centre, has received proper credit on subscription. Two Dollars from U'ra. A. Dean, of Lime stone township, Montour county, has teen J received. Al.6ADr.rDRT Wood is wsnted at this effice on subscription lo the -Star. Fine wood will be prelerred. Thk trial of Danie! Ncllenry has sgain been postponed indeSnirely, witnesses re turned home. . Before three mon'hs are around many f will curse the day ther vo-etl for the re election of Lincoln and curse the Aboli tion leaders for deceiving them irito the act. The Commiannners aM nearly ready for the enrollment of the Militia, preparatory for AdDT Cobtin's draft. Wonder if '.hi is Ihe tif'ft whic.1 h tcd the.p("Dle they could acoil by vo.in fjr t.r.ti Hjat is it Aboliironis;-. ? The official reult or liie eleutio 1 of Pern sylvania and other States, has :.ot yet been s-certained. We will give them as scon, as possible. As far as know n, but tl.ree States have gone for McCI?lhn, to wit ; New Jer sey, Delaware and Kentucky. The Cavalrv Company eticampeJ at Ben ton, this county, lefi lor Harnsburg, on Thursday Ja-l. 1 here are vrry lew troops in the county a', pre eni. a squadron at Or- Augevinj pljce. an J corporal s guard at iniu . . The Local Senate o; ibis place is nain in operation. It is in session every Friday evening in the Academy. The organiza tion, we understand is complete; but as yet there is not a very foil representation. The members will endeavor to make their proceedings in'eresung both to themselves and spectators. 'Jacob Sakders, of Montour county, and - brother of J. S Sanders of the Berwick Cm . ztUe, has become associated. with the llec- ord cj the Times, published at Wilkesbarre. He making an interesting locnl department - for the paper, and in so doing displays con , aidersble ability.. Success to bin in all i-ave - .bis polities. ' Rjstcrn ed Lieut. Brockway has return ed home after three jeart and seven months service in the army. He ha3 seen some . hatd service dnring this term, and has ac ' quired the reputation of a brave and gal lant soldier.i . The Lieutenant addressed the Democracy of Danville at Thompson's Hall, on last Friday evening, in an able and effective speech which was well received. Danville " Intelligencer of the 18th isl. pROtTjcc, of nearly every description, will -be taken on subscription to the Star,' it brooght J in beiween'this and the 31st of December., next. Those knowing them " selves indebted, and can better pay. os in - lhi way, now have a fine opportunity of doing so. Bring along your beef, pork, corn, potatoes, turnip, cabbage, applet, and buck, vitcal flour ; we have large capacities for its consumption ; an office full of boys be tide? the corps at our bouse commanded by our better-half. . The current market price - Will be paid. : " Hestry ZofpisGER. We have . been re 'qaested to give notice in our column. . that Mr. Zt'pPiJiGEs still continues- the watch making business at bis old stand oh Main Street; Btootnsburg, where he i ever ready and willing to give bis old' custotDers.and " friends entire satisfaction.. He pays parnc o'ar attention-to all kinds of repairing ;' and anything in his line that can be done in the cities can be done by him ; and it will r.ot fce'ai all infericr io the best in tl)8 cities. He bears a reputation of being one of. the nest successful in his line of business in all this section of country. He constantly keeps on hand a full assortment, of pood I per.?.;!-3s. Any person wishing -anylhWi n lis V.Z9 wee'i r! w!l ! r'ri htTc a cs!L rjeis B. STOHNER advertises iri j'jia paper a large assortment ol toys, notions, and holi day presents. 'Thursday, to-morrow is set apcrt by the President, and . since hy Governor Cnr'.in, as .Jay of ThankefjTin,, -The business places here will e closed. . There will be services in sorv.e oi the Churches Niw Shkrifv The time is close at hand when the nev Sheriff elect for Colombia county will -assume, the duties of his office. Mt.Samdb-l Sntuek, of Mifflin township, an intelligent and industrious joung farmer, was chosen at oor October election, with-, oat the sh adow of opposition, for that office. The people of the county have made a good selection. He will be installed into o"fFiCe on Saturday of court week. Chasge in Propriktoks. By an adver-li-ementin to-day's Star it will be seen that 's. B." Erasmns, Grocer of this place, has sold out to Henry Gigsr, who has, posses sion and continues the grocery and notion business at the same old stand. He has quite a store ; besides a complete stock in the grocery line, he has on hand a full as sortment of boots ancLshoes and bats and caps, for men and boys, all of which he'll sell at a very reasonable figure, He most respectfully asks a continuance of the old customers and cordially invites new ones. We are firmly in the belief that hundreds of men in this county oted for Lincoln who are it anything, frightened at the result. For a time forfeiting their own and the country's best interest, they allowed them selves 10 be swayed by their oflice holding and oloce-hunnog party leaders into sup porting bis re-election. But they already fear w hen more taxes and more drafts come, these leaders will bed no service to them fear that they have been deceived- to their own irreparable injury. There is much ground tor their apprehension. A i.lin Mann, Eq., of Beaver township, has entered upon lh duties of his new ol- ( tice, as a Ct tnmissionner of Colombia co. He is successor of Charles H. Hki-s Eq of Mifflin, who has re'ired from the office, after having faithfully dichared his du ties for three years. Mr. Hes.s was an effi cient, honest and careful Commissioner. Mr. Makn has the abilities to make a rirM- ! ra,e mcpr- The resident of the board, ! KoH Mt Heubt, i yet unnble to attend to any of the duties of his office. He is still suffering from inflammatory lhenm-ilism, brought upon him by his .bein incarcfra-j ted in that damp and unhealthy place Fort M:Cliu. h is doubtful whether he ever fully recovers. f L. lygxs' rein: OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, AM) Sparklixspr CalawSia Wines, 1 Ewia. in Q'ihfy ami Cher per in Price thnn the lirai.dietnnri U 7ie? tf the Old It mid. ForSnmmT Cooiplain:, Ch'd'ra Infantum, Bowel Complaim, Cramp, Cholic and Pirrhoea.. Jl sure Cure is g.mra7iteed, or the monry tci'l be refunded. In support of the above statements, ars presented the Certificates of Dr. James R Chilton, chfmi-t. New York, Dr. Hiram Cox, Chemical Inspector, Oh'o. Dr. Jas. II. Nichols, chemist, Boston, Dr N. E Jor.es Cbem'cal Inspector, Circleville Ohio, Prof ('.T. Jack-on, cherrvst, Boto', Dr. C'tias. Uplam Sbepard, Charleston, S. C, an I J. V" Z Blancy, and (J A. Mariner, con-u!t-iii chemists, Chicago, all of wlom have analyzed the Catawba Brandy, and com n.ptid it in the" highest terms, for medical use. Analysis of the Afnsiachi'Ssetts State, Jit say tr, Jan. 25, 1838 When evapora'eJ thronsh clean linen it left no-oil 'or offensive matter. In esery re-pect it is a Pure spiri ons liquor. The Oil which uives to lhi Brandy iis llawor and aroma, is wholly unlike fil, or yrain oil. Its odor partakes of both the fruit and oil of grapes. With acids, it produce others of a hiih fragrance. Th? substinilioti of this Brandy for Cognac Brandy will do away with ihe manulacture of fictitious spirits, sold under this name both at home and abroad. Repeciful!y, A. A. HAYES, M D., Assayer to State Mass., 16 BoUtori St fiy tlie same, in 18C 1. I have 'analyzed "L. Lyons' Ptre Cata wba Brandy,''" with reference to i's com position and character, being the same as that produced in ast years. A sample taken from ien casks afforded the same renlts with reaard to purity ; a slightly incre ased amount of the principle on which its flavor depends was determined by com parison with former samples. The indications of analvtis show 1 hat this Brandy is produced by the same pro Cess as most of the imported Brandy. Respectfully, A. A. HAYES, M. D. State Assayer, 16 ooyleston St. Boston, July 20. 1864. Manu facmred oily by II. H. JACOB & I CO , (To whom all Orders should be aJ dressed. Depot. 91 Liberty St., New Fork. Nov. 16, l64 3m " I'UBLIC SALL. VALUABLE PROPERTY. WILL be exposed at public vendue on the premises of the subscriber, in "Montour township, Columbia county, on Saturday, the. Z&th day of JSovember. 1,864, at 9 o'clock in Ihe forenoon, the fol lowing valuable personal property to wit : FOUR HEAD OF HORSES, THREE HEAD OF -MILCH COWS, ONE BULL, a lot of SHEEP, one breeding SOW, six fat HOGS, one ihree-horse wag on. 6ne two. horse wagoe, one spring wag on, pne -Thrasliinsr itSacliinc, ONE CLOVER HULLER, one Fodder Cutter, one pair of Hay-Iadder, plows, on side-hill plow, harrows, cultt vaiors, one. set of-Y'ankee harness, onesei of lead harness, one fet" of liiiht waon harness, one set of gfcA single harn?s, three sets of fly-nets ; ALSO, a lot ol furn iture. consituig of BEDS. TABLES, STANDS, Cupboards, one eiah: day clock, together with a varie ty of other articles too numerous to men tion. - ' ' : ' ., . W Conditions made known on day of sale when attendance will be atvert by - ' HENRY GIGER, JAC03 SHELHART, Auctioneer. nif...,P w, N-y. 1?. ! ; SHERIFFS SALES, BY virtue of sundry writs of -vendUioni txponas, i-sned out of the Court oi Com mon Pleas of Columbia county, and to me directed, wilf be exposed to sale at public oot-ry, at the Court House, in Blooms burg on Monday, the 5th day of Decern ber next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. A certain Lot of Ground, situate in Ben ton township, Columbia-county, cojilain in one fourth of an acre, more or less, bounded as follows, to wit On the West by lot of Clemuel McHenry, on the North by an alley, on the East by an alley and on the South by the main street paj-sing through said town,, whereon are erecl:d a large ' Cabinet Shop, . with the appurtenances. Seiz-d, taken in execution ar.d to be sold as the property of Samuel Krickbaum. ALSO, At the same time and place, the undivi ded one fpurtri part of a 'L.ot or Ground situate in Cen're township, Columbia co., rtounded as follows, beinniiia at a post, thence by lands late of Isaac how, soutn seventy two and a half degrees west six perrhes to a post, thence by lands of Lewi Deiterick, south thirty tree and one lourth decrees east eleven and a half perches to a po-t, thence north seventy seven and a half dearees east ix perches 10 a post, thence by lot of Daniel Jameson nordi thirty two and one hall d eyries west elfv n and threa fourth perche to the place of beginning, containinir ' Sixty Three Square Perches, with the appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to te sold as the property of Richard Torby. JOSIAH H FUR MAN, Shcr-ff. Shertri' Office. ) v Bloomsburg, Nov. 16, 1864 J Traverse Jurors Dec. Term, IStil. Bloom Jackson J. Robbins, Leonard B. Rupert. B r. Berwick Jmes Jacoby. Briarcreek Jas Sponnberor, Lei Shafer. fieavr Isaac Drisbaeh, Peter Hauck. Benton Jacob Wc.olever. Catawissa Peter Reader. J. K Sharpless. Centre John Hi!!, Isaac, Ehrwine. Conynaham Jonathan J Hoaiil-ind. Franklin John Artley, Satnuel Lore rr an, (Jreenwood Isaac Dewitt, VViliiain Raal, Adam Utt. Hemloi k-Wellino'O'i Pnrsel. Locus Jacob Herner, Huri Anley, John Herner. Madison John Ksick, Jacob Geiser. M.ffitn-Albert C Me-, -.ar Sweppentii-er Mt. Pleaatit Jai k-011 Horfr. Oranue Daniel Kline El.jth G Rukt's. Roarinacrek Samuel Iib Jacob Loiij etiberger Scott Georue John, Pbenas Trench, Eii Creveliov;, Jarnew Lake. Sugarloaf Montgomery Cole. Graud Jurors for Dec. Term, 1SC4. Bor. Berwick Daniel Martz f!oom Win EriMnt, J. K Groul. Beaver William Fiher. - Cen:re-Samuel Crevnlu Samuel Kelchner Catawisfa Nathan Creasy Conyniiham Joshua VVo-nr. Fistiingcreek H nf) Mc bride. Hemlock Isaac L?i!v Locust John J Hurst Wrr. (I oilman. M- berry Sn der Jacob Fierier. Mt. Pleasant A mo K HeacocK. Madison Jarne V eliiver. Mifflin Daniel Neyer. Orane John Her'ind Tl os McHenry. Pine Moses Waits. Sogarlojtt Jacob Fritz Ezekiei Co'e Scon Joseph Lilly William C Hmver. List of Causes for Dec. Term, ISCI, I Eliiah Mi-Mnririe Emforser of Aarot; of W.df v. Ctiritiaii Wolf. 2 Jacob Harris v Peter Jarorty. 3 George Hughes, et al v- J V. Cr'swcll." 4 Iln'el P StOv-kT s V'm. Ikeler 5 B F. Re'mhard & Bro. vs Sua D Edgar 6 Joseph Hartman vs R-nben Litis. 7 Da"id Achonbach v Inhn Waroin. 8 W'm. Loni vs B. F Reihard 9 G Lonne'iberijwr et at v Joshua Robbin- ion and William Bovles. Jo Henry Gilmer vs Mpre Cfvoling. 11 John Ailerar a(!(i aran A. Atieaar vs. John Y Allesar. 12 Samuel Williams v Charles H. Die I - ericfi and Geo.. A. Herring. I'S L,nke R.an and Anna Roan vs Charles II. DierteriHi 14 Philip Dieterich v Wm Lon?. 15 WiUon Aser Jr seph F. Loo . 16 Hugh McReyncddt.e: at vs Pcier Oli- phanf. 17 A W Creamer vs Enoch Howell 18 Rich. Hoa!and for use of Rachel Hoa- land vs Lewi Yetter adm'r of Jesi-e Evans,. deceaeil. 19 A W' Creamer vs L fi B R R Company 20 D L Hosier vs David Mdler. 21 Johr. Beinel et al v S F Headly et al 22 Geo W Garr':-on vs Ca-per 1 Th'-mas 23 Stephen Ba'dy v Caawisa Wd.iams- pnrt and Erie R R Company. 24 Lewis Larish vs Allied Ccevelins; 25 Richard Morgan vs San uel HoKitland. 26 Bloomsburg Iron Company vs Kichard B Meanjjh. 27 Amos W Cre-im vs Enoch HowIL ' Administrator's IVolice r Estate of Jacob Ki'.dig, fate of Fishing creek, twp-y deceased. T EETTERS of administration on the es- --iate of Jaco! Kindig late of Fir-hii.gceek ivrri . Cfdiirnbia couniv. deceased, .uve wi , uotiuiiOia couniv, been grained by ? tie Reioer ol Columbia county, to John W ennr, re-idmg in town ship and county afora'd. All persons having claims aain-t the estate of t h de cedent are requested to present them to the under-igr.ed vviihou I delay, and all per sons indebted 10 make pavmrM forthwith. JOHN - WENNER, Adm'r. Eish ccrefk. N v. y, UM-fv v , AD3IINlSTitATll'S NOTICE. Estate o' If m. E. RobberDt late of Jackson township, Lolumbia County deceased. LETTERS of adminisirvion oi thu es tate of William E. Robbens, la'e ol Jackson tp., Coiumbi coupiy, dece:s d, have been grar led bv he Register of Columbia-county to Abranam 'Young, of Benton township, said' county. All 1 er-n basing claims against tne esute of the de cedent are requested to present ihem to Ihe administrator for settlement, and those indebied lo the estate are required to make payment to the undersigned forthwith. " ' ABRAHAM YOUNG, Adm'r. Benton tw,. Nov. 9 1 h 6 4 6w. S2.. . r-NEtF DIILLINEHY GOODS t- J rr VfcC FLL AMI tVlMTEn. Mi-s MARY BARK LEY has just returned from New York and Philadelphia with an excellent assortment ol Millinery Goods. She has Ihe very latest fashions and the most approved styles of Hats and Bonnets, together with the most tasteful lot ol Rib? bons, Trimmings, &c. Give ber a call and examine for yourselves. v 'MART BARKLEV. t?i).-.cKpi National Foundry. Illoomsbur?, Columbia Co., f rrne subsribr, proprietor of the above named extensive esiablishmeni, is now prepared to receive orders for all kinds of machinery, for COLLERIES, BLAST FUR NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESHIMG MACHINES, &c, &c. He is also prepared to make Siores, all sizes and patterns, Plow-irons, and every thing usually made in first-class Foundries His extansive facilities and practical Workmn, wairanl him in receiving the largest contracts op the rnosl reasonable terms. R" Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for castinss. VW This establishments located near the Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. Bloomsborg, Sept. 9, 1863. Tho New Tork Weekly Herald. THE CHEAPEST PAPF.R IN the WORLD flHE extensive and comprehensive facil ities in its possession enables the Pro prietor of ihe Weekly Herald 10 guarantee the la'esl and most reliable information possible to be obtained, not only from all pans of" the United StateSjbut from all part of the world. . Is home correspondents engaged at very heavy cost, anil conifcc;ed with each new naval and military expedition o) the gov ernment, prove that it is determined to leave no spot uncovered by its operations and no event cm occur that shall not find imme diate report In its columns. It costs the proprietor over one hundred thousand dol lars per year to rnai itain its corps of cor respondents in the field. In its collation of Foreign News ihe Herald has for years held a high poeiiion, and it will endeavor in ihe future to main tain' the stand it has assumed. It ha spe cial corre-pondents stationed ir. all of the pri'-cipal cities of the world. Its "telegraphic arrangements ex'end to wherever the electric wires are stretched. When the Atlantic cable is laid, which feat will soon be accomplished, telegrams will be received Irom Europe and A-ia, as well as from the Uni'ed Stales Then our readers will have' the events of the w eck in all parts of the civilized world regularly and clearly laid before them. The proprietor devotes a porticr. of the piper to literature. Fashion, Agriculture, ihe Mechanic Art, Sporting Matters. Bni ness, Theatrical aid Financial Reports, Cattle Markets, General New.-, and repor s of all events calculated io form an excellent metropoii'aii newspaper a weekly photo graphic view of 'fot events ol the world hi. if all at a very tnw price. The Weekly Herald is i ned every Sat mday morning, and fumi-hed at the lol lowi ng rules : One copy 2 00 Five conies S3 00 Three copies 5 00 Ten copies 5 00 Any larger number addre-scd to names of subscribers SI 50 each. An extra co,y will bn sent to every club of 'en. Twenty copies lo one addre-s one year, $25, and any larger number at same price. An extra copy sent ta clubs of twenty. Advertisements to a limited numberwill be in-er'ed in ihe Weekly Herald. Ihe Daily Herald, Four cents per copy. Fourteen Dollars per year for three hundred and sixty threp issue. Seven dollar-' for ix mon'hs. Three dollars and fifty cer.i lor three months,, JAM ES GO R DON F E N X ET T, Editor and Proprietor. Northwest ccr. Fui'on and Nas-su-M". N. . There are no travelling age.its'lor the Herald. 52-lf eCLHiEIA COUNTY, SS : In the Court of Common !'! of Columbia Couciy f rnfd it is ihn ron'ained : the mut'er of I he ? And no v tn wit : Cemetery m Scott lp On the 81I1 Jay o! Sep temOer, 1864, upon ihe pre-entation of t'ie petition ot Eli Crevfling and other-spray--ng thai the "'Creteiing Cemetery" be in Corporaied wi:h such powes, and under si,ch restrictions, as are set lor;h in an in sirument in writing this d-iy liied, selling fort ri objects, articles, conditions name and -tjle. uio'er vvh.ch ihey Jiave associatetl. ft was ordered that notice thereof be given bv putdicatio'i agreeably to the fid of As sembly in such cae made and provide.!. By order of the Court. Certifi-d from the Records, Sept. 8, 1861. JESE COLEMAN, Protlty. September 14, I864.-pd. 62. AGENTS WANTED! illc CIcIIan ! Tic! U ll.tti ! YERY fine, large, sieel p!a e engr.iv- 1 ing of ihe PF.OPI.E'S CHOICE FOR Ph KM L Ki I Ur J H r, UMI KI) MAI K This ' Engraving rpresets him on his black hor:-e 00 ti e battle fifUl o! Antietam Size, 24 b 3t). The only acknowledged correct likene- yet published. From an ong ina I pa inting b) S!'H USSELE fiom lile. Setit t;y malt on a snll paper roller. Pi ice THREE LOLL RS. Liberal inducements to Agents. Published bv WM SMITH, - 702 S. Third Street, Phila. Srxomboi 2. I t LOU AHDs ASSOtllllON. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous. Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and re liable treatment in Ilei orts of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in Fealed letier envelop, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SK1LL1N HOUGH TON. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth S'reet Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 16. 1863 ly. To Consumptives Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable prescription for tlie cure of Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all throat and Lung alfectioufree of charge.) by sending their address lo Rev. EI) WARD 'A. WILSON. Wiiiiamb U'g, Kings county, New York. Sept. 21, l864.--3m CHAR LES G. BARKLEY, Atlorncy at ffjaw, cloomscirg, romiBiA CO., PA. tflLL practice in Ihe sever-l Courts of Columbia county . Ali legal busine-s intrusted 10 hi.- earn 6hall receive, prompi attention. O F F I C E, On Main Stree, Fxchange Buildings, over Millet's Su ie. April 13.164. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sky-Eislit Aiubrolypi(, UOOMS in the Third Slory of the Ex change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, Pa. . Bloomsbnrg. Nov. 23. 1359 lr - ESTRAY. CAME 10 the subscribers in Locust twp., Columbia county, on the 16tb ol Octo ber, 1864, .a pale yellow cow about ten years old. Tbe owner or owners are noti fied lp come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take ber away, otherwise she will be disposed of as the law directs. ' RICHARD MORGAN. htVjr?J& v;i-' !;.- xk:& vfv- mmc M -s. - THE attention of the public and the trade is invited to our New Scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano Fortes, which for.volume and purity of lone are unrivlled bv any huherto offered in ihis market. They conlain all the modern improvements, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frame. Over-Strung Base ur d each ii.s"rument being made under Ihe personal supervision ol Mr J. H. GROVESTEEN, who has had a practical ex perience of over 30 years in their manufacture, is folly warrerited in every particular. The Grovetteen Piano-Forte Received the Highest award cf Merit e ver all others at the Celebrated World's Fair. Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers of London, Paris. Germany, Philapelphia, Baltimore, Boston and New York; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, ihe sold and silver medal from both ol which cn be seen at Our ware roon. By ihe introduction of improvements we make a still. more perfect Piano Fone, and by manufacturir g largely, with a strictly cash system, are enabled (o otter thee ins'rument al prices which will preclude all competition. PRICES : No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood plain cae S275. No., Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood heavy moulding S300. No. 3, Seven Oc'ave, round comers. Rosewood Louis XlV Mvle S325, a lac simile of (he above cut. TE2IUX . NET C ASH, IX CUUISEIMT FIXDS. ETDESCIUPTIVE CIRCULARS SE.NT FREE. 3 July 13, 1864 ly. . rCTNAJI CLOTHES VTir,i:i;. IT IS THE ONLY" RELIABLE S L F-J !)J US TJX G It'll IXG ER . Xo J fond-Work to swell or split A'o Thumb sciercx to srel out of order Warrant edicith or without cog-wheels IT iok th first p re in i urn al filtv-sevwii State and Conntv Fair- in 18H3, and i withont any exception, tlie best Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, En-'laiid. Canada, and Anira'ia Agents wanted in every town, and in alt pans s ol ll.e world. Energetic Agents c;in make from three !o ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers sent Express paiJ on receipt of price. No. 2, 6 50. No 1, S7 oO No. F, 5S 50. No. A, 50. Maniifactiire.'l and sold, who!e-ale and retail, bv THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO., No. 13 Piatt St'eei, N- Y. & Cleveland, O. A II. FRANCISCUS. Auen-. Philadelphia, Pa. Whnt Everybody Knows, viz: That iron well al vaoized will not rust. That a simple mn'-hine is be'ter than a complicated one. That a Wrirtger shonlJ be self -adju-tioa, durable, and efficienl. That Thumb screws and Fastening caue delay -and trouble 10 ie-jn!'e anl keep in order. That wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split. I hat wood bearing for the shall to run in will wear out. That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog vheels.wil! not tear the clothes. That cog whed resinla'ors fere nol essen tial. That the Putnam Wringer has all the advantages, and nol one of the dispdvan laues above nameJ. That all who have tested it, pronounce it the b st Wrioger ever made. That it will wring a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration. We -might fill the pnper with tesiimoni al. but in-ert only a tew to convince the skeptical, if such there be; nnd we say o ail, lest Putnam's Wi inner Tei-t it thor oughly with any and all others, and if not comely sat i-faclory, return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. Genilemei) I know from practical evperiei ce that iron well galvanized with zmc w ill riot ovidize or rust ore parl'de. The Putnam Wringer is as npar perfect a ps-ille. and I cao cheerfully recommend it 10 be the be-i in use. Kespecttully von. JOHN W. W HEELER, Cleveland, Onio. Many ) ears experience in the galvaniz ing business, enable me to endorse the aboe fe'.aieiuei.t in all particulars JNO C. I.EFFERTS, No. 100 BerKman St. New York, January, 1864. We have ielef Putnam's Clothes Wring er bv practical working, and know that it will do. It is cheap, it is simple, it requires no room whether at work or al rest; a child can operate it . It does its duty thoroughly. It saves time and it save wear and tear. We, earnestly advise all who have much washing lo do, with all intelligent persons who may have anv, 'o buy this Wringer. Il will pay 'or its-elf m a year a. mot. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1P64. ly. WIEE3A5SIBUT NON EXPLOSIVE PURE CRYSTAL CARBON OIL. ALSO, AND EUHKICATING OIL. IN TIGHT PACKAGES. Cf j Tr Trj yj f sf? lriLLRttirC 1K03IPT ATTENTION. H. L. HOLDEN, Proprietor. Wiiliamspnrt. July 6, 1861. if. National Claim Agency, connccTKU bv HARVY So COLLINS, U'ASIIISGTOS D. C. IN o'der to facilitate the prompt adju-t-inent of. Bounty, arrears 01 pay, Pension and other claims due soldiers and other persons Iron the Government of the J. S , ihe undersigt ed has made, arrangement with the above firm whose experience and close proximity to, and . daily intercourse with, the Department, as well as the early knowledge acquired by ihem of the deci ions frequently being made, enable ihem 10 oro-ecute claims more effectually than Attorneys al a distance can possibly do. All persons entitled lo claims ol ihs above description can haw ihem properly attend ed 10 ty calling on roe and entrusting them to my care. - W. WIRT, .Agept fr Harry & Collins. GRCVESTEN 80 CO. -FIAIYO-FGXSTI? M ANUFACT1 REUS, Court Srocl amaJioii. VVHEREAS the Honorable William El- well. Pre-ident Judge of the Court of Over and Terminer and General Jail Deliv- ery, Court ot Quarter Sesions of the l eace, and Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court, in the 26th Judicial District, compos ed of the counties ot Columbia, Sullivan and W) oming, and the Hons. Stephen Baldy and John Mchevnolds, Associate Judge, ol Co lumbia co., have issued their precept, bear ing date one thousand eight hundred and sixty four, and to me directed fcrholding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, atid General Jail Delivery , Quarter Sessions ol the Peace, Com. Pleas and Orphans' Court, in Blooms burg, in thecour.ty of Columbia, on the firs' Monday, bfiiri the ih day of Decmber next and to continue one week. , Notice is herebv given, to the Coroner the Jn-iices of the Peace and Constables ot the ! said County of Columbia, thai they be then j and there in their proper persons at 10 o'- j clock in the forenoon ol said day, with their j records, inqni.-ition- and other remernbrati j res to do tho:-e tnings which to their offices j appertain to be done. And ihose that are OOUUO UV recoiilli.e-., 111 inwiuir n-'iii-i the prisoners that are or may be , the Jai of said county ol Colombia, lo be then muI ihere to prosecu.e then as shall be just. Ju aiiendarice, agreeably to Iheir r.otice. dated at Bloomsburg ihe 2t;h day ol Oct., in the year of our Lord one tbousar d eight hundred and sixty-fourth and in the eighly-ni nth year of the I. idepender.ee of the United States of -America. (God save the Commonwealth) JOSIAH II- FURM.AN, Sheriff's Office. fehenfi Bloornsburg, Nov. 2, 1864. JYcio Clothing Store. LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. fflHE undersigned respectfully informs hi friends ami the Oubbc nenerailv.l that he ha just received Irom ihe Eastern Cilie-, a large assortment of ...u.... . rwrrrir?fri ' CLOTHING, I all be ( Fresh from the seat of Fashion, of , sorts, sie and quantities, which will soid cheap lor cash or country produce. -A LS O, t-ii. Together with a variety ol no lions and thing too troublesome to numer ate, to which lie in viies the aittftition of pur chaser. XyT He ts alio prepared to make us c'idhins to order, on reasonable termp, and tip to the latest fashions. CI" Cal I aDJ examine cur stock of gods. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsburg, April 27. 16-L Jflillers Store. OF FALL AND WIN TEH GOODS. fjHE subscriber has jut returned from - the cities with another large and elec assortmetit of Fall ctiid Winter Goods, purchased at Philadelphia and New Y'ork, at the lowe-l figure, and which he is deter mined 10 sell 011 as moderate terms a can be procured elsewhere in Bloomsburg. Hi stock rompri-es LADIES' DRESS GOODS, of the die icest styles and latest fashions, io"iher with a large a"rtmen' of DIIY-GOODS, MUSLINS. CLOTHS, AND VESTA NGS. ALSO, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Ql'EENSW A RE, C E H A iW A R K. HOLLOW WARE. NAILS. IRON, DOOTS 4' SHOES, HATS CAPS.c. In shot!, everj thing usually kept in coun try stores, 10 which he invdea the attention of the public generally. The highest price, will be pail for coun try produce, in exchange for good. 1 ' STEPHEN H. MILLER. Bloomsburg, Pel. 12, 1864. NOTICE IN DIVORCE. In the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia County. JOHN STINER vs ANNA MARIA STINER ND now, to wit; September 5th. 1864, the Court, upon motion of P. S. Rihei Attorney lor Libellani, grameJ a rule upon ihe re-prnident 10 show cause why a Di vorce a vinculo ma'rimoni should nol be de creed in Ihe above stated case, returnable at our court on Monday, December 5lh 1S64 JOSIAH H-FURM AN, Sheriff. ' Bloomsburg, Oct 2G, I864pd AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Abraham Wr. Kline, deceased. fpHE undersigned, appointed by the Or -I phatts' Conn of Columbia coumy, an auditor to audit the account ol the adminis tratrix. &c, of Abraham W.Kline, deceas ed, will attend to the duties of his appoint ment, at his office in Bloomsburg, on Fri day, November 25, 1864, at 10 o'clock, a. m.,at which time and place. all persons in teretted are requested lo attend. R. F. CLARK, Auditor. GROVER 8c BAKER'S CELPBH ATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES Were awarded the highest Premiums oe ail tompeiitors, al the following State and County Fair of 1863. NEW YORK STATE FAIR. First Premium for family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Macbin First Premium for Machine Work INDIANA SPATE FAIR, First Premium for Machine for all purpose rirM I'remium lor iVJachiue Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir. I Premium for Family Machine. Firsi Premium for Manufacturing Machine1 First Premium for Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. . . . , First Premium for Machine aWork . IOWA STATE FAIR. F"irst Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machin rirl I'remium tor Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE EAIR.. First Premium for Machine for all porpost! Firl Preminm for Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR FtfI Premium for Machine for all purpose Frist Preminm for Machine Work, ' MICAIGAN .STATE FAIR. First Premium for Manufacdnring M achins? hirst Premium lor family Machine P'irst Premium for Machine Work PENN'A STATE FAIR Fii-t Premium f-jr Manufacturing Macbin n,L-r-nir STtTF FAIR UKKOUIN STATE FAIR. Frist Premium for Machine Work First Premium for Family Machine hirst Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L S0C. first Premium far Family Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Mac! inf frirM Premium for Machine Work. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. F;ri Premium for Manufacturing Machine CHAM PLAIN VALLEY Yt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine Fir-t Premium or Manufacturing Machine Fir-t P.reminm f ir Machine Work HAMPDEN CO, Mas AG'L. SOC. Diploma lor Family Machine. Diploma for Machine Work. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. Firt Premium for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machine rirsl Premium for Man ufacinring Machine 1 ,-. k, ....,: r . tr Ii. SARATOGA CO N Y, FAIR. prpm!1)m ,or F1'mi,v Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium for Machine for.all purpose First Premium for Machine Work GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. Firt Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. y First Premium for Family Machine ( First Preminm for Machiue. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. , ri.ft rremium lor iviacmne lor all purpose firt i'remium tor JMacnine YVork. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine hirst Premium for Machine Work. j jQSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. i?.. i,.;., r. t..,:i u. .1.:... I 'ITL lO'lMUtll ' laililir XtJ dl.HIIIH pjr.t prentiu'ii for Machine Work C7"The above comprises all the CpThe above comprises all the Fairs. at which the Grover & Baker Machine were exhibited thu vear. Sales-room, 495 Broadway, New York. 730 Chest-nit St., PhiLdelj-hia. March 23, 1864 ly. THE Greatest Improvement yet in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity worm seeing. Please send for circular with sample of sewing. . These Improved Machines save one) hundred per cent of thread and silk, and make the lock-stitch alike on both sides. They require no instructions to operate) perfectly, except the "printed directions " No change in sewing from one kind of goods to anolher. . And no taking apart lo'cleaa o' oil. Our New Manufactory's now complete. with all it machinery and 100U entirely new, and is already rapidly turning out Machine, which for beaut v and perfection o: finish are not surpassed by any manufao irre in the world. N. B. Shonl I any Machine prove unsat isfactory, it can be retorned and loonejr refunded. Agents wanted hi counties not canvassed by our own Agent. FINKLE & LYON S. M . CO. No. 533 Broadway, Now Y'ork. April 20, 1864. ly. HELMBOLDS EXTRACT BUCHU. THE GREAT DIURETIC. HELMBOLD S EXTRACT BUCHU. IHE GREAT DIURETIC HELM BOLD 'S EXTRACT BUCHU. 1 HE GREAT DIURETIC 11 ELY. COLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. IHE GREAT DIURETIC. And a positive and Specific Remedy for Diseases of trie Bladder. Kidneys, Organic Weakness.- Gravel, Dropsy, and all dis eases of the Urinary Organs. See adver tisement in another Column. Cat it oat, and send for the Medicine a once. . BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Oct. 12, 18641 mo. 5250. SEVEN OCTAVE i"oo? ROSEWOOD PIANO-FORTES GROVESTEEN U CO. 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Offer their new, enlarged Scale Piano Fortes, with all latest improvements. Thirty year's experience, with greatly in creased facilities for manufacturing, ecabla them lo sell lor CASH al unnully lovr prices. These instruments received lh highest award at the world's Fair, and lor five successive years at the American In stitute. Warranted five years. Terms htx csh. Call or send for descriptive eirouUc SI w