r J. I:. t i mi - country. .NJNG, OCT. 26 1864. ,5 and tie Public. .gh prl'e of paper, labor, ihI and jevery article enter j ,.ti-ineK,jia-compe4led us to eorre-pondrig advance in onr . Hence he indersigned, iublih ..loomsburg, U nrv and after ih I Seotembei. ia4 make an advance f FiJ'yper Cent. upi old rates. . ; KATES OF p DYEliTISINu. On a square of eighfime-U' ;; t.00 1.5 2 PO 4 50 6 On t i. a nine-, 7 it 4 Ii 1. moult), , 3 months, 6. " ; c it I - . t, J- . . 1 year 10 00 Fecoior' & Adrrinistroior s Notice, 3 00 ' l...l:tA.'d Vnl innj 2 00 i. JOB .FKI.'N II IMi. Wund Bills one-eihtn beet,30or less S2.00 ; " one-fiurtU ,u . 3 50 " " one-Ulf " 6 00 . f s, It Meet, ; 10.00 All noce nlpublic meettna" (excep of pohlwal.or rltoup must be paid for' tt advertising rares . - Editorial -orlocal advertising will be charged 20 cenA per line. . ObHuarie au coupari) rng nqi',e'.IO ce tit), per line. All traut'ienMdvt'fii'iii must be paid lor alttetime of (nertion. - ' , P J(,HN- Pftli-her Eepuhfictn. 'f.'l '' 'LEVlL TAl E, Pt. Vemocml. 1 ' .UK JAC0BY, Publisher Sia." Bloombur.', Aug.. 10, JH64 - - . Sk advertisements in to day's paper. fiveral portan notices appear. . " " - - ' . . A Loid or Wood is wanted at tbis office p subscription,. . . I Am APPRC.NTire bov will Retaken at this" ftice io learn the an of printing. j- jSftccT ?cnooi.. M. . & E.'W. Wyncoop ,ttii place will commence, their next 1 f rri of Selrct' School, at their rooms on V'hird Streety Ofi'Mjuday, the vtb day ol kovember next. Thoce desirous ol having a decline in ices, ol having, the necessaries of life cce more in tbe reach of the poor man, kill Cfttl his vote f'r Genrne B. McClellau. Alu 'who vvih tu see -the Unio o-ce sore, restored, cotscrptimi ft an ml, and p more h4ty invstion. lor Ihe p:irpoes carrying on a vat. to free the neroe, rtll vote' for (ieWsje B. Ak-Ciellan1 ou tbe ihday of N'oem?er. " ' Thk Dem'otrats contend lor a revtora'ion ftje. Union; the Republican fir the matiip'"Oti of lh negroes. It i. lor the Uople t decidw by Aheir ballot on lh 8il) If pcnll'er wich they prefer Unionj ''eace a' d the saltation ol . the coi:nr ; k a pt-rpetnal n a 'vain effxri to iiancipaie Soutt-erj ueyrtea. j Mokk Ntw Good? Our friend andiownp frtn ol the mamrnth rlothipg estabiish Wunt up ton hasteoeived anoiher late supply ol ; new goo for fall and winter ear, fcicrf lie will)ispoeof to suit cn omer, mane up 'o r uumauf. mis the place to purci-e a cheap and hand iome suit of doth His late arriral I lolhs and ve;tinus)r Die tali season are splendid, far surpaanythi ng ol the kii.d we have seen . this jl. He al;o keeps , band a fine assortmi of watches anH jew 1 'rji notions, etc , cb he will sell at a , ery reasonable prof G:ve him. a call. t ' Watch e snd JiiLBY. We direct at entiQn to an adveri'ment in another col Mtnn, oflermg a rare portuntty to any who iesire m engagb ihe sale of a superior rticle of Waichea H Jewelry. Mesrs. "TV & H. Gaiigbanle Broadway, .New York, are conide as reliable businei men, and we are ainrized to say will car ry out in every itmie what they propose. " We consider it afn osnal indaremeni to engage in a'proGtatiBmpIoymeut. . Foht, MirruM 34 Coming Homk. On Saturday last someteen of onr citizen came home from rt MifEin, released without theshadowa trial, or knowing what they were tlvn into prison tor. The chief causes oteir arrest may have nearlf passed awajpne of tbe causes went b on tbe llt October. They all vote tbe Pemocraticet, and support the war in every me&sUuncer tbe Constitu tion for the . Union i was. Not one ol them would be will! to tee the Union !i5c!ed. Tbey are favor of the whole Union nothing elll suit them and ' that "m one of the cai of tbeir imprison ment. The Abolitioirty if not a Union loving party nor m has been. Tbe record each promiij member of thai party has made tor ie'.t proves against him, and on tbe othpand the record ol the Democratic partears evidence of their ( strict fidelity de Unioa auJ the Uws ol their country; Democratic MsEij will be held in nearly every eleciiotistrict throughout this county. commeii on tbe 26ih (to day) arid eodicg on evening of the 7th of November. Spealbave been engag ed by tbe Chairman the County Com tnitie?, who will ads the meetings as appointed by him, an places and times as have been desigd. Posters have been circulated, and. people generally nmifieiL Tbe Deonoy are io full mo tion in thU ceuniy, j will show to the 0ppoM!in tbair nniteength once more. TLia party never hasi held down, and iJra't mean to be troj upon by a pack ci ca'ropt dis3nicnihofe aim is 10 tcIj at ruin. They hteen carrying oci ths Utter to a per'ec: tnstratlon for the li'.liiut yews. Theja accomplished ' :: ; ' 1 ruin. Tbbnerthi party is ' I ? c: 3 sid litl from power .. r it wiu te t j courary for us ..L cr.actifad a!;eje:Ler. ' i T IT H ii IXS 4 LE ONL.Y. v WAT( IIES & JEWELISY. of every descrintton at the ' Lowest prices for cash. ' Army and country merchant, pedlars, trader, spiers, and general dealer"ean make .enormous profit upon, atsmalf io vetment. " ' ' Je.vel.-y of any pattern or qn'ality and in any quantity made torder. . Estimates-for any class of work Inrni-hed. Particnlar at tention paid to supply iHa.auctior.eers, coun try pedlar, Indian? trader, and 'army deal er. Ary style of goods "manufactured, soeb as invention, etc.. at short notice Good canva-ing clerks, with a "mall capi tal, van find ccn-tanT employment. Illus trated lists ariil full particulars free. The profit to the retailer is very large. A wI 'Mesaie supply can be carried in a knapa k hand,vali-e, or carpal bag, and will nor be lilci books bulky or inconven ient to carry Irom place to place. Remember Miiottver ihtna ! This business u strictly honorable.' Thre is no need of misrepresenting or exaggerating Our goods show lor themselve, and prove themelve. It is ft business io which an ample and satisfactory 'equivalent i given for the mon ey received, and an encouraging profit is pocketed at the same time. ! is an oecn- I : . :. u I I. I 1 P""" ?"'" rr -" I ur 'l,0",r,J lib mr unu Htin ani auain, tor'wtiere once our goods are introduced a perm aneul and continuous dema'id is created To soldier in the army, or thoe at home di-abled by ihe hardships of war, to cler gymen ont-of health, teacher, postmaMers, or any person who , wishes either loeal or an active occupation, and one that brin8 wi'h it great pecuniary mlucement8, thi lferteni an opportunity'sel.lorn met with. Try u. and see lor onrl-3. Carelully'selected lo's of jewelry, com prising onr newest st le and mot saleable variety of goods, will be sen anywhere in the Loyal Siate. We ore constantly filling orcVrs. trorn prsons leaving (he choice ol gods w h"lly; wiili . To sucb we prom- se the be-t exercise of our taste and judg ment, and Irom our lono exjierience can ensure satisfaction. We a'k no pay in ad vance, state wftat style anil quality of good are wanted, and we will send the same and collect pay by exrre-s at the end of rou:e. Gold and silver watches, good movement pnri n.anulactured in the best manner, of pure, maift'ial, tl warranted at prices from 4 10 lo $250' each ' - Sent anywhere, pay col Iccted ny expre.-Satisfaction cunranteed. A'l watches at firt prices ; they being of 0 r own imporlation. r Circulars free by mail. Send for them. T & H. GAUG HAN. Alanutac nrers an Importers.. 52 3m 716 Broadway, N.Y Jllillcr's Store. s ; OF FALL AND mSTEll GOODS. "HE subscriber ha jut returned from the cities with aaotlier "a and elect assoitmei of. Fall and IViattr Goods purchased at PiiiLulelpt.ia miJ iWw York, at the lowe-i figure, and which he is deter nif'ed io sell on as fiuuter!e terms as1 can be procured elsewhere in Biootn-sburg. Hi sticU comprise LJJDIES' dress goods, of Ihe clu ice-t styles and latest fashions, inher with larje asanr'ioen' of IJIIY-GOODS. MUSLINS. CLOTHS, ; AND VK8riNGS. ALSO, GROCERIES, H A RD WARE, QUEfcTNSW a RE, C K I) A K W ARE, HOLLOW WAKK. i AILS. IRON litto'rs Sf- biio::s, hats 4. caps, c. Iii short, ever) thing usually kept in cun try tore. to which he itivites the attention 01 the r:nMie. generally. The hijhe-t iri'e vi! be pa'd for coun try produce, iii excha-iae or good. , ! STEPHEN II. MILLER Bloomsbntg, Od 12, 1861. Fuisai; sals-: F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. S"N pursuance of an or-.!er ol tte Orphans' - Coutt of Columbia eoip.ty, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 1S64, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, Augustus Ev erhurl, executor of I tie last will and trsia ment of Jacob Eerh:ri !ate of Orange tp m said county detend, will expn-e to ale by pubiic vendue, on the premises, a certain me"snaue arid tract of land, adjoin ing lands of Laae IJagnbuch and William Htitfay on the east, D.in-el G Ent or. the i-ou'h, (ieorge Oman on the West, and Jo"tn Keim on the north, containing one hundred and -seventeen acres more or less, about eighty acre of which are cleared lod, i:i a iiood sla e of cultivation, a i;od a)le or chard, ai;d a new bank barn and houe on Ihe premise, wuh a never lading spring of wter, la e the estate of said deceased, situ ate in the township of Orange an1 ronnty aloreaid JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk. Mo-es Coffin a ii. Auctioneer. Ociober 17, 1861. , ATRIM0NIAL. LADIES aN'D GEN-'-'tlemen. If yon wish 10 marry address the undersigned, who will send yon wi.h out money and without price, valuable in formation that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of ae. wealth of beauly. This information will co-t you nothing and if yoi wish lo marry. I will cheerfully assist you. All leters strictly confidential, the desired informa 11011 seia Dv.rsinrri man. ami no question asked Addrea-i Sarah B Lambert, Green point, Kings county. New-York. O-t. 12, 1861 -2m SHAKE AND BURN ! Shake and Bum!! Shake and Burn!!! This is ihe life of agony endured by the sufferer from Fever and Ague. He war ders like an uncertain shadow never knowing what moment he may be pros (rated, and therefore diir.clined to give any serious attention lo busines. This is the condition of thousands in town ami coontry. Ii is no exageralion to sav that tever and Ague- kills more people than any twenty other diseases in America For a sure and speedy cure of this terrible afflicioi, we lake sjreai pleasure in rec ommending HOSTE ITER'S STOMACH BITTERS,' which have already achieved a wide reputation for rapid and Dowerfnl effects in renovating ihe system proslraied by Ibis disease. For sale by Druggists and dealers gen erally, every where. S250. SEVEN OCTAVE 8250. ROSEWOOD. FlA.rj-FORTES GROVESTEEN Si CO. 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. ' Offer their new, enlarged Scale Piano Fortes, with all latest improvements Thiny years exp-rience, with greatly in creased lacilnies for manufacturing, enable inern to sU lor GASH at onn-ually low "prices. These instruments received the highest aard at ihe world's Fair, and for five successive jears at the American In stitute. Warranted five years. Teh ms net cash. Ci! or send for descfiptjv e circular. a Jurat 13, 153 4. 3.T.. FHSIjDE,TIAL ELECTION m - LA31ATI0N. WHEREAS, in and by an Act orGenp this act, , whereupon the name of the . i i r . u r 1. 1. r : .1 m in a A m trnta ct.all he in Re r ted era! Assembly of the Commonwealth of rentf-yivarna. entitlen "An to reuiate the General Elections within this Common wealth,'? it is enjoined upon me to give public no'ice of said electio'ns and to enu -inerate in said notice what officers are to I vote by reason of agfcha" ba admitted 1 be elected, I, J0S1AH H. FURM AN, ShenfJgreason ol such a vo'1 .,r,..ei'her of tjhe county of Columbia. do hereby mjaiumihe clerks, who shall3'' -"e caJ , Icnown and proclaim to the Qualified elec tor ol the county of Polnmbia. S'a'e Pa. ON -TUESDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OK NOVEMBER, beinj ihe Second Tuesday in aid month, at which lime Twenty-Six Electors, lor a , PRESIDENT and ; VICE PRESIDENT ol the United S:ates are to be elected. . I also make known that ihe places of holding the Elections in the' several town ships throughout the county, are as follows viz: Bloom township , at the Court House, in Bloomsburg. ' up Ben'on township, ai the Public House of John J S:iles, in the Town of Benton. Beaver township, at the Public House of Franklin - Shuman. Briarcreek iownship,at the Public School ILmse, near Evansville. Borough of Berwick, at the Town House, in the Borough. Ca'awiss township, at the Public House of Samuel Kostenbamfer. Centre township, at the House of Jere miah He-s. deceased. Conyngham township, at ihe Pubic Hou-e ol Reuben Wassar. Fishincreek township, at the Public House ol Benjamin McIIenry. Franklin township, at Clayton's School House. Greenwood township, at the House f Jo-ej h R. Pattoti. Hemlxck totvu.liip at the "B ick H irn." Jai-ksr.n lownship, at the House of Eze- i kiel Cote. Lx-usi township , at th Public Houe of Johi L Hc.r-t, i.j Slitttown. Mifflin township, at the Public House of John tvvl!er Madison township, at the Public House of Samuel Runby Alt. Pleaant township, at the Pulbic Ilou-e of Tlioma Junes. - Montonr township, at the House of Wm. Hol!iiigne3d Mail township, at the Public House Df John A.Shninau RoanrcreHk township.a: the House for- ir.erly occupied by George W. Dreisbacn Orange township, at the Putdie House ot Alexander HiiL'he. 10 Oraneville. Pn-e towi.shin. at the Houie of Albert a Hnn'er. Sugarloaf township, at the House of A Cole Scon township, al the Public House of ! J. D. Marcbbank It is furtr.er directed that the election of the several di-tricts shall be opened be tween the hour of 8 ami 10 o'clock in the loreuoon, and shall continue open without interruption and i"jinrnmen until7 0VI0. k in the evening, w!ieu the polls sltall be closed. It i further directed that h meaiina off Return Judges at the COURT HOUSE in Bscomburs, to make oui the tieneral elec tion, will be on the ELEVENTH NOVEM BER next. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thai every person excepting Justices of the Peace who shall hold any officer or ap pointment of profit or trust un 'er the Uni ted States, or of this State, or any c'tty or corporated d istrict, w hether a r nimi-sion ed officer or otherwise, a subnrjia a'e orfi-j cer or agent who j or shall be employed under the lestda'ure, executive or jndici- ary department ol th is S ate, or of any city j or of any incorporated dis'iii t. and a'so. ' that every member ol Cungres and of the State Legi-la'nre, and oithe select or com mon council ol any citv, or commission ers, of anj mc-irpoiated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising .at ihe time, t tie rfric or appointment of Jude, Inspector, or Clerk of an election ol ;hi Common wealth, and th-l 110 Inspector, Jiiilje or other officer of such ejection sh.ill be eligible to be then voted tor. And the said acl of assembly enti led "an act relating to eiee'ions of mis Cmn monweallh," passed July 2, 1819, lurther provides a follow, viz : ' Incase the person who shall have re ceived the highest number of vo'es for In spector shall not at end on the day of any I ..: -L...t- - . 11 eiecnon. mei ute per-o'i win snan nave received the second highest number of I votes lor Jm'ge at l.e next preceding elec tion shall act a Inspector in his pUce. And in cae the person who ha -receivej the second highet number of votes for In spec'.or shall not a'teud.the perou elec ed Jmti;e sl.atl appoint an Lispec or in bis place, nd if any vacancy still continue in the board lor the space of one hour alter Ihe lime fixed by la for the open'ng of the election the qualified voters" of the township. wrd or i?i;rict f r w.'iic'i such officer shall hive been elected, present at the electim;, shall elect one of titeir num ber to fiil such vacancy. ' It s.hall be the duty of the several As sessor respectively o attend at the place of hulding every aeneral, special or town ship election during the whole time such eleciioti i kept open, for the purpose of aivinis information to the Inspectors and Jndae, when called on, in relation 10 Ihe risiht of any person assessed by them lo vote a such election, and on such other matter in relation lo the assessment ol j voter, a the said Inspectors or either of iiieoi &"ii irin ume 10 ume require. ' No person shall be permit'ed to vote at any election a aloresai 1, than a white cit izen ot the age of twenty-one or more, wno snail nave re-ite : m tt 1 fctate at least one year, and in the election district where he offer. to vote, ten days immedi ately preceding such election, and withit" two ear paid a Stste or Con-,iy tax which shall have been as-es.ed at eat ten day before the election. But a ciiiz-ri of the United State who has previously been a qualified vo;er of this S a'e and removed therefrom and returned, ami who shall have tesided in Ihe election district and paid taxes, aforesaid, shall he entitled to vote after residing in (hi Slate six months Ptonrfed. That the "white freemen, ci'izen of (be United State, between Ihe age ol twenty-one and twenty-two years who have resi led in the election district ten days as aforesaid shall be entitled to vote, although they shall not have paid lax. "No person shall be permitted lo vote whose name 1 not contained in the list ot taxable inhabitants, furnished by the Com missioned, unless; First, he produce a receipt of payment, within two years ol S'ate or County tat assessed agreeably lo the Constitution, and give eati-fctory evi dence on his own oath or affirmation ol another ibat he has paid such a tax, or in failure to produce a receipt shall make oath to the payment thereof , or secoud, if he claim a rigbt to vote by b-ing an elector between the age of tweoty-one and iweu-ly-lwo years shall depose on oalh or affirm ation, that he has resided in the State at lea.t one year before bis application, and make such proof of residence in tbe dis trict as is required by this act, and that he f himibat he is of the age aforesaid and :Lr;B(.n such o her evidence as is required in ru noiiii"" w..-.. anij a rtlphabeticai iisi oy uie lunjirciui, hi" fie worel,e opposite thereto b writ i vm i,v rpa'HX'? f h "ball be admitted . - - i . i i . the word 'age" ftf having paid tax, and ' i r ...thall bs admilted to ase lied ,Ahe l.sl of voters kept tip 8 "Ke ' In all caes where the name otfll tnii nl-jiminfr In voia is not fdlind nrP' ITst furnished by the Commissionerj, or his riaht to vole whether found thereon or not, is objected lo by any qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of tro Inspectors lo ex amine socli person on oath as to his qnali fications, and if he claims to have resided within the State lor one year or more, his oa'.h shall be sufficient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least one con pater.l witness, who shall be a qualified elector, that he ha resid-d within the dis trict for more than ten days immediately preceding said election and shall also swear that his bona fide residence, in pnr snance ol his lawlal calling is within the district, and that I e did not remove within 1 the district for the purpose of voting. IL.verv person quHiiueo a- mrcsam,aiHi who shall make due pioof if required, of his residence and payment of taxes afore said, shall be admitted to vo'e in the town ship ward or district in which he shall re side. ;,If any person shall, prevent or attempt to prevent any officer ol an election, under this act 'roin holding such election, or ne or threaten any violence lo any such offi cer, and shall icterrupt or improperly in terfere with him in the execulion of his duty, shall block up or attempt to block up the window or avenue io any window where the same may be bolden, cr shall riotously disturb the peace of such elec tion, or hal! use or practice intimidation, threatSj force or violence, with the design to influence nndulv or overawe any elec tor, or prevent him from voting, or It re I strain ihe Ireedom of choice, such persons 1 -.. t il ! ; on conv.ct.on sna.i re ni n in-any sum exeeeviuij. nve nur.oreu uoiiar, 10 oe impnso'ied lor any titne not less Irian one nor more than twelve months and if it sholl be shown to the Court where the trial of such offeree shall be had that the person so ollending a nol a resi lent ol the city, ward nr d n: rict m here the said oifence was 1 commnte'i, ami not ei.ime.j io vote mere- ' ' nn ''on v'"'11 "1 ne sria oe sentet;cett lo pay a fine noi less than one hundred or m"rH lf,a" r"e I'M"d dollars, and be I lw,Prl0"d ' ! han six months nor I TT)r,! lhan two earS- 1 G,vJTn under, my hand, at my office in Bloomsbura, t'n J 2ih day of October, in the year ol our Lrtrd, one thousand eiii.it hundred and sixty four, and in the eishtv ninth ol ihe Independence of tbe Uuited States. J0SIAH H. FURMAN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 1 Bloonisbur;, Oct. 12, 1861. ( National Foundry. 'oi.sssburr, Columbia Co., fS'he s;ibribjr, proprietor of the above named extensive e-tablirhnien', is now prepared to receive orders for all kind. of mac h i i.ery , for C0LLERI ES. BLAST FI R NAC ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESHIMG MACHINES, &c, &c. " He is also prepared to make Soves, all size and patterns, Plow-irons, and every- ihiri2 usually made in first-class Foundries His extansive facilities and practical work mn, w airant tiim in receiving the largest contracts or tte most reasonable terms. fcV Gain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for ca.-li-igs. CzT This eub!ishmeni i located near 'he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. B!oombnr2, Sept. 9. 1863. Columbia ccr.vrr, us : In the Court of Common Pleas of Columbia Coiu iy inletidui it is thus contained : In the. mit!er 0 iht ? And now to wit : Cemciety in Sco'l Ip. j On the 8th day of Sep timber, 1864, upon ihe presentation of t'e petition of Eli Crevelum and other, pray ing thai the "Creveling Cemetery" be in curporiited wi;h such powers, and under sich restrictions, as a.e set forth in an in strument in writing ihi day filed, setti'ig forth objects, articles, conditions name and )ie. un 'er which they have as-ociated. It. was ordere I I hat intice thereof be iven j b publication agreeably lo (he act of As sembly in such cae made and provided. By order of the Cori. Certified from the Records. Sept. 8, 1851. JF.S-K COLEMAN, Prothy. September 1 -J, lg61.-pd.S2. AGENTS WANTED f illt CicIIaEi ! iUcSJ.clIan ! VERY fii.e, larae, steel pla'e enzrav. x ir. of the PEOPLES CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. This Engraving repre-e( j9 him on his black hor-e on the battle field of AtJli?lam Size, 21 bj SO. The only acknowledged correct likeness yet published. From an original painting by S(TI USSELK from Jile. Sem by mad on a stiff paper roller. Pi ice THREE LOLLARS. Liberal inducements to Ageuis. Published by WM. SMITH, 702 S. Third Street, Pnila. Septembei 23, iSil COWARDS ASSOCIATION. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, Urinary and Sexual Systems new and re liable treatment in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in sealed letter envelores, free of charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON. Howard Asociatiou, No. 2 South Niuth S'reet Ph-.'adeli.hia, Pa. Dec. 16 1863 ly To Coussu.iplives Corsumptive sufferers will receive a Valuable prescripiion for the cure of Con sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and al! throat and Lune affections, (free of charge.) by senoiii-; their addressto Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kiugs county, New York. Sept. 21, 1861.--3m CHARLES Q. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG COLUMBIA CO., PA. VIHLL practice in the several Coons of Columbia county. All legal business intrusted lo his care shall receive prompt attention O F F I C E, On Main Stree', Exchange Buildings, over Miller's S'Cie. April 13, 1864. HENRY R0SENST0CK, Sky-Iiilit Anibrolypist, O00MS in the Third Story of tbe Ex change Block, (entrance above the Book Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty, fa. " ' " ' . .. i . mmmmmmmmmmmm m GROVESTEEN & CO. THE attention of the public and the Ira.t invitetl lo pnr .w scale 7 Octave Rose wood Piano For'es, which for volume and pun.. pf ,one rP nprivhllcrf bv ary bi'herto offered in this market. They coniain all the m.j iff prov mrms, French, Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Iron Frsme: Over-Slruns Ba q, (, ,,.,, ir,nni,r t.,t terns mii'e under the personal supervision ol Mr J. H GliOVESTElvw 1 ... i.rai tu at ex- j rerienre of over 30 years in their rr aiufactiire, is fully warre,.,, -r exet. rupn ii'ar. J he Urovebteen riano-torte Htcnven thr itightxf award oj icrt cvtr all otheri at the Celebrated World' Fair. Where were exhitited instruments fom the best makers of Lnpdon, "sfi Germany, Philapelphia,'Biiltiniore, Boston and New Yoik; and also at the Amencm. tiiiiUt for five succes-ive years, the gold and silver medal fiom both of which can be s,n a, our ware-rooii. By the imrod uction of improverr eins we make a s'ill, more perfect Vino Forte, and by manufac tnrir g largely, with a stii t'y ah sjstem, are enabled to orr the-e ins'rumenth at prices which will preclude all competition. PRICES: No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners. Rosewood plain cae $275. No. 2 Seven Octave, round corners, Rosewood I envy mouldinz $300. No. 3. Seven Oc'ave, rouud cornr. Il'sewool Lnui XIV stle $3?5 8 Imc sim ile of 1 he abnc cot. TEKHI . IV KT C!ASII, 1 CUKHEIVT U.MJS. tlT DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SEAT FREE.j July 13, 1861 ly. rrMM cioTirrs vrrvi-T, IT IS Tlifc. ONLY RELIABLE SFLF-A VJUST1SG triilXGER. iVo Wood Work to swtll or split No Thumb scitw to get cut of order -Warranted with or without cog-wheels IT took the firl premium at fifty-seven State and County Fairs in 1863, and is without any exception, the best Wringer ever made. Patented in the United States, England, Canada, and Australia. Aaetits wanted in every town, and in all parts of the world. Energetic Agents can make from three lo ten Dollars per day. Sample Wringers sent Express paid on receipt of price. No. 2, S6 50. No. 1, 87 50. No. F, $8 50. No. A, 9.50. Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by THE PUTNAM MANUFACTURING CO , No. 13 Piatt Street, N. V. & Cleveland, O. A. H. FRANCISCUS, Agen Philadelphia. Pa. If'hat Everybody Knows, viz : That iron well galvanized will not ru6t. That a simple machine i better than a complicated one. That a Wringer should be self adjusting, durable, and efficient. That Thumb screws and Fastenings cause delay and trouble to regulate and keep in order. That wood soaked in hot water will swell, shrink and split. I hat wood bearing fot the shall to run in will wear out. That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog wheels.wil! not tear Ihe clothe. That cog wheel regulators are not essen tial. That ihe Putnam Wriner has all the advantages, and not one of the disadvan tages above named. That all who have tes;ed it, pronounce it the b -st Wringer ever made. That it will wrinu a THREAD or a BED QUILT without alteration." We might fill tha paper with testimoni als, but insert only a lew to convince the sceptical, if such there be; and we say 10 all, test Putnam's Wiinger. Test it thor oughly with any and alt others, and if not entirely sati-factory, return it. Pulnmn Manufacturing Co. Gentlemen I know from pruc'ical experience that iron well galvanized with zinc will not oxidize or m-t one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as near perfect a pcstble, and I can cheerfully recommend il lo be ihe be-t in use. Re.-pt-cttnllv tours, JOHN W. WHEELER, Cleveland, O'lio. Many years experience in the galvaniz ing business, enable me to endorse the above statement. in all particular JNO C LEF! ERTS, No. 100 Bc-eRrnan St. New York, January, 1864. We have le-led Putnam Clothes Wring er b practical working, and kbow that it will do. It i cheap, it is imp!e, il requires no room whether at work or al rest; a c hild can operate it It does its duty thoroughly. It saves lime and it save wear and tear. We earnes'ly advi-e all who have much washing lo do, with all intelligent perons who may have any, 'o buy this Wringer. It will pay for itself to a year a mo-i. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. WELfjIAJISrOEST NON EXPLOSIVE ri'RE CRYSTAL CARBON OIL. ALSO, AND LUKRICATLG OIL,. IN TIGHT PACKAGES. ce r rv. rf, WILLKIX'CITC IH031iT ATTENTION. IL L. HOLDEN, Proprietor. Williamsport, July 6. 1861. If. Rational Claim Agency, COHDlCTCO BT HARVY 8c COLLINS, WASHINGTON, D. C. TN order to facilitate the prompt adjut ment of Bounty, arrears oi pay. Pension and otfler claims due soldiers and other person Worn the Government of the U. S , the undersigned has made arrangement with the above fir.n whose experience and close proximity 10, and daily intercourse with, the Department, as well a the early knowledge acquired by ihem of the decis ions frequently being made, enable the! to prosecute claims more effectually than Attorneys al a distance can possibly do All persona entitled lo cIaimio tha above description can have them properly attend ed to by calling on me and entrusting them to my care. W.WIRT, ;V - Agent for Harvr & Collini. .- -fx, r7 f v k-.A i: '-. or One of the oldest anoino-l 'eliablerem edies in the world for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, B'onchiti, Dif ficulty ol Brea'hiug, Asthma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Crono.and every Affection of the THROAT LUNGS and CHEST, including even WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY So general has ihe use of this remedy become, and so popular is it everywhere that it is ur.tie.-e-ary to recon.it its virtues Its works speak for it, and find utterance in the abundant and voluntary te imo.-iy oi Ihe many Who from long suffering and fet tled di-ease have by its ue beet restored lo pristine vigor and health. We can pre sent a mass of evidence in proof ol our assertions, that CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. Testimony of Mr. JAMES GRIMES, a gentleman highly esteemed in Columbia Co. Pa , and one whose statement can be relied npon. Ml. Pleasant, Col. co., Pa , May 21.1860. Mesr Seth W Fooler & Co., Boston Gentlemen About three years ago our daanhter, now twelve years ol age, was severely afflicted with croup. A general irritation ol ihe long. followed, producing a hectic cough, which became almost con stant, swelling of the temples and other indications of Consumption were also ap parent, and her life was. despaired of by t.er physician. A this critical moment we were induced 10 give Dr. Wi-tar's Balsam ol Wild Cherry a trial, and after she had taken one bottle we found, her so much re lieved that it was thought unnecessary to continue its use. Jii ce that lime we have ned ihe B-ilsam ir. our family in ca-es ol Coughs and Cold, t nd believe il 10 be a superior remedy lot all disease of the Lung. Your- with respect JAMES GRIMES. FROM JKSE SMITH. E-q., President of the Morris County Bdnk,Mor ristown, N.J. "Having used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry lor about filteeii year-, ami having real ze I lis beneficial reult in try family, it affords me gre.t pleasure in re commending it to the public as a valua ble remedy in i-a-e l weak lung, cdi, coughs, and a remedy which I consid er to be entir-l innocent, and may be la ken wrh erfc( safety by the most deli cate in health." FROM HON. JOHN E. SMITH, A distinguished Lnwyer in Westminster, Md. I "have on several4 occasions 0sed Dr. Wi-tar's Balsam ol Wild Cherry for tevere cold, and always with decided benefit. 1 know ol no preparation that is more effi cacions or more deserving of general use. Tho BaUam has alo been use I with ex reller.t effeci by J B Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Road, M l. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY None genuine unless signed''l BUTTS,'"' on the Wrapper. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, No. 4S1 Broad wv, N.Y. S. W. FOWLE & Co., Piopnetors, Boston. And by all Druggists. RI DDIXG'S LTSSIA SALVE Heals Old Sore-; Redding' Ru.-sia Salve Cures Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Wounds, Bruise. Sprains. Reddmg's Russia Salve Cures BoiN, Ul cers, Cancers. Redding's Russia Salve Cures Sail Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. Redding's t osii Salve Cures Ring worm, Corns, &c, &c. No family should be without jt. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. For sale bv J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway.N.Y. S. W. E0WLE& Co. No. 18 Tremont St.. Bo-ton, ami by all Druggists and Country Storekeepers ' Aug 10, 166L ly. Ycic Clothing Store LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. 'IHE undersigned respectfully informs his friend and the public generally, that he ha just received Irom ihe Eastern Cities, a large assortment of CLOTHING, Freh from ihe seat of Fashion, of all sorts, size and quantities, which will be sold cheap lor cash or country produce. A L S O, til ATS Sz CAPS BOOTS AND SU0ES. Irv25t Together with a variety of no tiona and things 100 troublesome to numer ate, to which he invites the attention of pur chaser. D? He is also prepared to make us clothing to order, on reasonable termp, and up lo the latest fashions. fcarCall and examine our stock of goods. ANDREW J. EVANS. T - v- ;. mm mtSTPRD11"4 NrwY9"t. VE-MOST. ILLINO.S. MICKtAM. IHOIAHS. G ROVE R 8c BAKER'S Cri.lBRATED ITI.ASTIC STITCH si:wirv- n c irvi:s Were awarded Hie highest Premiums over all Competitors, at the following Stale -; and County Fir- of 1863. " ' NEW YORK SI ATE FAIR First Premium for family Machine-. First Premium for Manufacinrina Machine. First Preminm foi Mct me Work INDIANA STATE FAIR. First Preminm for Marhine for all purpose Fir-t Premium for Machine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. Fir t Premium for Family Machine-. ' . , Fust Premium lor Manufacturing Mchiue. First Premium for Machine Work . ' OHIO STATE FAIR- First Preminm for Machine Wotk IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Preminm for Manufactming Machine Firl Preminm for Machine Work. "AIMJIS MAlb K. A I It. First remi,im tor Ma. lune for all purposes Firt Preri.;nrn for'Machine Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR F-rst Premium f.n Machine for all purpose Frist Premium lor M.,-l-ive Work, MICA1GAN STATE FAIR First Premium for Manulactring Machine. F:rrl Premium for Family Mactiine First Premium for Machine Work PENN'A STATE FAIR Fii-t Premium for Manufacturing Macbln Frist Premium for Machine Work OREGON STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine - Firt Premium for Machine Work CHITTENDEN CO. Vt. AGR'L SOC. irst Premium for Family Mchine First Premium for Manal&f tunnx Maot Fir-I Preer.ium for Michine Woik. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium lor Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vt. AG'L SOC. First Premium for Family Machine First Preminm lor Manul ac'DrmMaejiin, Fir-t Premium for Macn'n e Work HAMPDEN CO, Mass AG'L. SOC. Dipioma for Family Machine. Diploma for Macnine Wmk. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P:emino for Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y. FAIR First Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Mart ufai-tnring Mschin Firt Premium for Machine Work SARATOGA CON V, FAIR. Firsi Premium tor Family Machine MECHANICS' INSTITUTE Pa. FAIR. First Premium for Machine for all purpo. First Premium lor Machine Work GREENFIELD O, UNION FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine. MONTGOMERY CO Pa, FAIR. Fi st Premium lor Machine for all purpose First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOAQUIN CO Cal FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. Frst Premium for Family M.ichine Fir-i Premium for Machine Work ZjSajTTU: above comi prises all the Faa at which the Grover & Baker Machir were exhibited this year. Sale room, 495 Broadway, New Y'ork , 730 Chestnit S;., Philadelphia. Mar;h 23, 1861 ly. lNlMACH,5i, THE Greatest Sewing Machine Improvement yet in " Art. A curiosity wm j seeing. Please send for circular with sample sewing. These Improved Machines save o hundred per cenl of thread and silk, m f mtike the lock stitch alike on both side- They require no instructions to operst- perfectly, except the "printed directions ' No change in sewing from one kind 1 goods to anoiher. And no taking apart to clean or oil. Our New Manufactory is now comp , with all it machinery and tools emit y new, and is already rapidly turning I Machines, wl ich for beauty and perferu. n o' finish are not surpassed by any manufac lure in the world. N. B. Should any Machine ptove ntjc isfactory, it can be returned and n oncy refunded. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed, by our own Agent. FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO No. 538 Broadway, New Ymk. . April 20, 1861. ly. NEW GOODS J Aiiolhtr Arrival of Good. a r Hat, Cap and Grocery ; 3 cOi 122. 523 0 Now is Your Time to Buy. HE NOW SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVER THE undersigned having just returned from the Eastern cities with a large and full assortments of fQjft7t-f?--S in addition to a superi feAHJLES 3 or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER a HATS AND CAPS, comprising every son and quality, is now prepared to sell a little cheaper than eaa be purchased elsewhere. H Siock oi GROCERIES are no sqr passed in t.is ma ke', which be offer cheap for cash, or in exchange for GRAIN OR PROPUCE. ALSO,-A fine loi of KIDS, MOROCCOKS; and LININGS to which n invite n i. tention ol Sbomkers and Ihe public. til V. film a auII Al C 1 - m l C . oa Mai a Street. JOHN vmiO Bffvi- w 5