The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 19, 1864, Image 1

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iO the Citizens of Pennsylvania :
A prescribed duty, as well as lorrg-
sstablished usage, impels us to-address
you in regard to the questions involved in
l the several elections now at nana, in
discharging this duty we shall speak plain
(1 y and candidly what we know to be truth.
Ia this, the fairest, richest, and (until
Llately') the most favored laud of all the
earth ; here, where the last footprints of
civilization bad been planted ; iu this land
(alone of all the Christian nations of the
World the fell spirir of war is now rag
ling,, Our proud aid unexampled carrer
Vol prosperity as a nation has been-thus
n rlnl .(li.ilrjil rmr indnstrir t.hK ! nnt
devoted to the purposes of a destructive
.war,-has bccom piralyz.jd ; "our finan
cial concerns have be-n thrown into utter
confusion aud debasement j we have hence
forth probably forever to fetagger un
der a load of debt greater, aud under tax-
d'nn mna Anpfniu than that flf inv Ot.her
nation on the globe ; coLadeoce iu the
' stability of our institutions is everywhere
sadly diminished in fiue, gloomy fore
bodings as to the future, alarm, embar
assment, and distress have- taken the
pTace of the happy peace, confidence, se
curity, good order alid contentment we so
lately enjoyed.
Nor can hope find a resting place in
contemplating the MS who now control
OUT "jrovsrniuens -ua 113
snd it turns eickeued and sadiy away
from the audacity, arrogance and tyranny
it finds in h gh pia-cs. vtu iu the very
eitidel of the cauou. Sciolists iu govrn
jnent; atheists to religion; men who are
free lovers io 003 sphere, a id free thieve
in another ; renegades iu politics, aod
scoffers at every well settled principle of
public right and private viitue, now sway
the dentin es of this Republic, and are
crushing out the very tit's of "American
For three long fearful )ear3 have the
best blood at-d scarcest efforts of our peo
ple been freely given in a civil war wiiich
has no parallel ia the Li-try of the world.
When fhis war conwuvwred, the Demo
cratic party iu the North, as such was
prostrate under recent defeat, which re
sulted from its own unfortunate divisions.
B it what a grat.d and inspiring Fpectacle
was presented on bearing the first thunder
.of rebellious arms ! and partisan
feeliDgs, even iu that hour of party hu
miliation, where ail laid upou the altar of
the country, and the sua of Heaven never
shone upon a people more uniud.resolute,
and determined than those of the Noi th
em States at the period we refer to. -
Whatever migbC have been the views of
the Northern Democracy in regard to the
causes which untimely eigjodered this un
happy strife ; however much in their in
most souls tbsy dcploied the mad and
reckles career of Abolitionism ; however
Jeep was their de-tination of the course of
those party leaders, wh had been for
years sweeping up all the low, lurking el
ements of bigo ry and frnaticism, and di
recting their vilest efforts against the
rights, interests, and institutions of ihi
Southern people itill the attempt of a
portion of that peoplet in consequence, to
"break down the authority of the Constitu
tion over the whole country, aod destroy'
the Federal compact was a crim'nal act
which could cot be tolerated or justified.
The amplest retredies for the wrongs
complained of were not oo-ly within hope,
but at hand. Two millions of voters had
jast recorded their ballots in a general
popular election agaiust Abraham Lincoln
and the one million ho ear-ported him
and his policy. There was besides, a
Democratic majority in one, if not both
branhces of Congress, which would ren
der him powerless to inflict any permanent
evil on the country.
The right of secession, claimed by the
South aa the remedy for their grievances,
its a political heresy .condemned by Mad
jaon with bis latest breath, and by many
others of our. ablest statesmen in all sec
tions of the Union. Call the Constitution
-a compact, if you will as does Jofferson
in the Kentucky resolutions of '09 but
it is a compact ol1 sovereign State, made
with each other as such, having n j right
of secession "nominated or constituted in
the bond," The Union thus formed was
in its nature, if not in terms, perpetual.
Secession, then in view of the compact, is
limply Revolution ; and the breaking up
of the Union our fathers had bequeathed
us, was, under all the circumstances we
' have detailed, and tha thousand other con
siderations and consequences which must
crow! every intelligent and patriotic mind,
not only treason ft law, but against the
-best .hopes, of mankind. , We could not
then: cannot now and never will consent
to if. . . - '
:' Ia this spirit of determined loyalty, to
the Constitattoa and Laws, the Democra
cy of th North, with scarcely an excep
tion, relying upon the pledges given by
President Lincoln, yielded him their
Teaayasa eiacient support. Wzsac were
s-,- cf toss cledea 7 First ia his oath
cFcl : "I Sn tlo i
of the United States, so help me God."
Then his Inaugural Address, and with
this solemn adjuration fresh upon his lips,
he said :
-tlI do but quote from one of my speech
es when I declare that ''I have no purpose,
directly or indirectly, to interfere with the
institution of slavery in the Stater where
it exists. I believe I have do lawful right
to do so, and I have no inclinatihn to do
bo." ' Those who nominated and elected
me did so with full knowledge that I made
this and similar declarations, and. have
never recanted them. , I bow reiterate
these sentiments ; and in doing so, I only
press upon the public attention the most
conclusive evidence of which the cae i
susceptible, that the property, peace and
security of no section are to be in any
wise endangered by the now incoming Ad
ministration. I add too, that all the pro
tection which, consistently with tho Con
stitution and the laws, can be given, will
be cheerfully given to all the Slates, when
lawfully demanded, for whatever cause -as
cheerfully to one section as to another.'
The repeated public pledges brought
voluntarily to the standard raised in bo
half of th union, hundreds of thousands
of as brave men as ever breasted a bayo
net. The armie- tbu ;aisd were pre
cipitated on the South, with varied icr
tunes of victory aud defeat, and war, civil
war always the most bloody of ill hu
maa strifes has ever, since Taged over
some of the fairest portions of that unhap
py region.
But the long cherished schemes of fa
naticisni lor trie extinction of African ser
vitude could not be given wj. No matter
if Massachusetts, sixty cr seventy years
since, did sell tlaves to tha pe pleof the
Southern Statts, under the guarantees of :
Constitution which she helped to form
still, Massachusetts meddlers, both in
Congress and out of it, now determined,
since they could not 'Tail," they would
rend 4 ithe Beal from off the bond." The
gallant ''three thousand clergymen of
Saw Euglaud" (worthy dicipies of
the Prince of Peace ) rallied to a man,
in the new crusade of fanaticism, and
wrought, side by tide, with infidels, who
haveior years been in the daily habit of
eneetiug at the Christian's Bbi,aod blas
pheming the Christian s God.
The fears of our timid and facile Presi
deut were worked upon, as well as his
van. ty, and desire ot re-election,' by the
extreme and radical members of his party,
and the emancipation and confiscation
measures were forced upon him, aod made
a part of bus policy in thd conduct of the
war. Every etfoit of the friends ol peace
but forth iu t.ongrfess wa defeated. The
hostility ot the Abolition leaders to serf
dom iu the south to employ the words of
the lamented ' Douglas - "was stronger
than their fidelity to the Constitution."
l'hey beiieved that a disruption of the
Union would draw after it, as an inevita
ble cousequenc-j, civil war, servile msur
rejtious, aud finally, through lhe.--e, au
utter extinction ol slavery in all the South
ern Sutes ; and, it would seem, they act
ed even, ou this terr.ble belief.
Look at the r -J cord : Ou the 18th day
of December,-1660, SeLutor Crittenden ol
Kentucky, the boBome friend of Henry
Clay iu biS lifc-timo introduced into the
Senate ot tbe United States a series of
resoiations, as a b isis of settlement be
tween the two eectioos of the Union. The
secession of South Carolina look place on
tbe 2lhn of tie same month, and her
members of Congress retired from their
places. We are thus particular in refer
ence to this subject, because our oppo
nents, througk their Central Committee in
this State, luve introduced it iuto a late
address to yu ; and there is a specious
effort made in that address to turn aside
trom the Pkcpublicans, the just obloquy
and reproach which the defeat of Senator
Crittenden's proposition has fastened upon
their party.
The offered compromise terms,
have sealed more than three-fourth- of all
onr territorial domain against slavery for
e?er placing about 90D,00U mile? under
the provisions ol the Ordinance of 1787,
more recently known as the "Wiltnot
Provision" living the remaining 300,
000 miles iubjxt to whatever laws thoe
who settled upon it mighC establish tor
themselves, wlenever they become a
State. All the other features of the pro
posed compromise, were nothing but re
aflirmanees of '.he plainest powers and
provisoes of the Constitution, cave, possi
bly, tbe fair and equitable stipulation that
slavery should lot be abolished in the
District of Colunbia, as long as it exist
ed in Moryland and Virginia, the two
States which had ceded that District to the
General Government.
On the 15th ot January, 1801, Senator
Clark, a leading Kepublican, moved to
amend the Crittenden proposition by
striking out all the material provisions
certainly all tiiae contained the olive
branch of "peace, - and inserting a single
resolution breathing war and threats to
wards the South. This amendment was
carried by a vte of 25 in favor, all Re
publicans, against 23 Democratic votes.
But says tbe address of the Republican
Committee ''ehc Southern 8unators re
fused to vota at all on the, proposed
amendment ;" ted then with a degree of
cool assurance remarkable even in these
times, it goes ou to tell the people of
Penn3yivani4ihat had these six South
ern men voted against the Clark amend
ment, it would ave been defeated, and
tha Crittenden Compromise might have
been taken op and carried by the same
majority." General Cameron who pats
forth this addresscannot be very proud of
his own share in this record, or he would
not have kept outof view tbe fact that he
himself voted for bis very Clark amend
merit and the sam- dav moved a recon-
sXltion ; Ztoqi 1
was called up only three days afterwards,
he voted asamit his own nia'ton io ret
. , i -.l
consider. It was carried, however, with
the aid of at least tivo (Johnson and Sli
. del! ) of the 'fcix' named, and the Compro
mise was again in statu quo before the
Senate. It was finally taken up on the
3d of March, and defeated many of the
'Southern Senators having' withdrawn
from the Senate in the interim, tho States
1 having seceded from the Union.
Now (ieneral Uameron, wno issueu
the Address, knows just as well as did
Senator Cameron, who sustained the
Clark amendment, that it required a two
thirds vote to cive vitality to the Critten
den Coinnroraise. Ue knows, too, that
den Compromise. Ue knows, too, that
every Republican vote, including his own,
in the Senate, was given agamt tne mea-
ure, in effect, from first to last He knows
furLlier. tliat tho lieDaolican bon;itors re
fued Senator liigler'a propo-al to sub
mit this Question to a vote of the Di'Dle
A a a
as instructive of Congress. IIj ku jws
alo that Mr. Ck-men, ol Virginia, oti ihe
17lh oi February, before that iState adoo
ted eccesion, endeavored io the IIou.-e
of Iltpresentatives at Wa-hiugtoo , to ob
lam similar arrangement iu that bndy
to te-'. the question of compromise before
the people, aud it was voted dow.i by 112
itepubiiein agiint SU Democrats every
Republican in tho House vot nf iu the
negative, l'hey would not tuey did not
dare to trust the people, the legisimate
source of power, on this quei-ti -n !
At the hazzurd of turui-hing unnecces
sary proof on thi point, we b g attention
to tbe clear and explicit evidence of Seua
tor Pugh a coiemporary of the author of
the Address, io the.Senate of the United
States. Iu the course of his speech iu the
Senate, in March, Ibdl, be says:
"The Crituaden proposition has been
endorsed by the almost unanimous vgte of
the Legislature of Kentucky. It has
been endorsed by the noble old Common
wealth of Virginia. It has been pet tioned
for by a largr number of the electors of
the Uuited Spates than any proposition
that was ever before Congress. 1 believe
in my heart to-day that it would carry
an overwhelming majority of tha .people
of my State, ae,ir, of nearly every
State in the Uuion.- R fore ihi Senators
from the State of MifM..-ippi lett thia
chamber, I heard one cf them, wfco as
sumes at least to be President of the
Southern Confederacy, propose to ace pt
it, and maintain the Union, if that pro
pooitiou could receive the vote it ought to
receive from the other nide of tiie cliauiber
Therefore, ali of your propositions, uli of
your amendment, knowing as I do and
knowing that the historian wiil write it
down any time before the first of .Iai
unrj, a two-thirds vote for the Crittenden
resolutions io this chamber would have
saved every Slate iu the Uion. except
South Caroima. Georgia would be here
by her representatives, and L;u:siana
those two reat States whicn at least
would have broken the who e column of
Sece.-sion. Ulobe, page I30U,
Upon the same point, on trie same day,
the clariou voice of the patriot Douglass
bare tes'imony as loiiows :
uThe Senator .Mr. Pugn has said that
if the Crittenden proportion could h;ive
been pa9sed early in the susbion, it would
have ?aed all the Stat,- except South
Caroiina, I firmly believe it would
While the Crittenden proposition was not
in aucordauo willi my cheri-lud views,
I avowed my readiness and eagerness to
accept it in order to save the Uuion, if
we could unite upoa it- I can confirm (he
Senator's declaration that Senator Davis
himself, when on the Committee of Thir
teen, was ready at all times to compro
mise on the Crittenden propo-itiou. I will
go further, and Eay that 31r. Toombs was
also. Globeyjage 1391."
How preposterous at this day then, this
attempt of one of the leading actors in that
pventtiil drama thus to stifle coicieuce,
and so seek to rescue his co-cou.-piraiors j
from the recorded verdict of hi.-tory, aud !
the deserved and inovitibi : cond;-ui;i-itiou i
,1; ! Tho coutroll'.iij;
) 1 i urjbi A k iu L.'
pirits cf the R-;public:in p rty never;
meant peace uutui .
first to last, any time or in any form, save !
' J.
iir.nn thf oriA ilrf unr aud UcVili&h . Oil
ditiou of turning to-se upou our laud throe ;
aud a halt millions or tdacK semi-oaroar-ians
uuder th? specious pretense of free
dom ; while in reality, it was only to tear
so many of these poor creatures away from
their homes ot comparative nappiness and
peace, to find starvation, misery and
death in an inhospitable clime !
President Lincoln ha3 but recently de
clared, in very definite terms, he will lis
ten to no proposition for peace which does
not include this Africau millennium, not-withstatdinj-;
thosa plain constitutional
prohibitions of all right on tha part of the
General Government thus to intervene,
which he himself, with the oath cf ofBoe
fresh upon his lips, declared he "h'l no
legal rtghl '&nd no intention'' to disre
gard If we were to credit the ravings of tho
chief advisers ol tbe President, or, at
least, those who seem-, to iufluence him
most fully Sumner, Baecher and Phillips
human reason has been making uch
rapid progress in these latter days, that
the haven of human perfection must be
near at band. But alas I when we look
hojefully for the blessed gale which is to
bear us onward in its course, we hear
nothing but the loud breath of the tcm
pet; see nothing all around us but the
angry snd the troubled sea, every
where sparkling with foam and surging in
its madness; atd we are tempted to ask,
can this indeed be
"The wind anii the atorm fuiniliag hi word I
Thp-ft men are mistaken and mad, or
are traitors ot the deepest aye, reserving
traitor', darkest doom.' This equality 1
are traitors of the deepest dye; deserving
j of the black and white races which they
are neenmg io ".uiu - -j -
i v...i - J A itpnam. Tvhinh a briet
n oV.a.tnl and idla dream, which a brief
j contrast of their progress and peculiarities
must dispel from every tnougutiui miuu.
A little more than two centuries since,
when our fathers first planted a few germs
of our race at scattered' points along the
North American coist, the whole number
of that race in the old world did not ex
ceed six millions. England, Scotland and
Wales then numbered fewer inhabitants
than New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio
do now. Mark tbe progress : in North
America at this time (including a whole
Bn -i a r?el tin infusion. there are at least
fnirrw milllnnq. snd in the whole world
tmny muuous, uu m
(confessing there also the gime infusion,)
irom nguijf o uiu, . r- r.-,
! substantially Anglo Saxon in their origin.
mnrp Klncrrrif;h racw?. or hetnminc tbern in
e are every ytui - v u t - .-
' ci every side; and at this current rate of
increase, in one hundred and fifty years
from tbiV'timo, will run up to eight hun
i dred millions of human beings allspeak-
ing the same hugaa-re, rejoicing in tha
I same hih intellectual culture, and exhi
! bitin the same ioherent and inallenablt
: characteristic 1
- Ou the oiher hand, the African race
has never, anywhere, given any proof of
its capacity for a sdl-auuuied civiliza
tion. Since th suu firot shMi on that
continent it . h is remained in tho same
state of mental gloom. Cru d, brutal, vol
uptuous, and indolent by nature, the Af
rican has never advanced a single stop
beyong his own savage original. "Sla
very has ever been, and to this hour con
tinues to be, his normal coudition,throijgh
out every clime he can call his own !
And yet they have had as many oppor
tunities of improvement as the inhabitants
of Asia or of Africa. Along the sborei of
the Mediterancau was ouca concentrated
the Literature and Science of the world.
Carthage, tho' rival of imperial Rome iu
the arts of commerce and ci v iliz ition, ex
isting for many years on the A'ricau bor
der. The Saracens, the most, polished
raco of thi irnmc, founded and maintained
tor centuries a continuou. empire Still,
for ail this, the African has.coiitinud to
piovvi ou through his lou niht of barbar
ism, ai.d thus, in ali hmuao probability, be
will coutinuo forever. Tell us not that
his wont of progress in ciziluation is the
result of long established bondage. So.
for centuries, was our own raca bound t
the earth under various uaodificatiou of
predial , vassalege. But the white soul
expanded, a id mounted above all its bur
thens and trammels, and finally, in this
couutry, readied the full fruition of repub
lican freedom
We grant this mental inferiority of tbe
African (we forbear, in the spirit of so
briety, any physical contemplation orcoii-tra-tj
doo not give a doiiiiuatit race the
right to convey hiia Irom his own benight
ed i md to a foreigu bondage, even under
the forms of a purchase from his African
uiaeter. But this natural iuferiority mtt
bo considered by the btatesmeu iu training
laws, and adopting Constitutions for human
government, in Pennsylvania we have
always afiinuei tl:is inferiority iu our luu
daruental laws ; and the 'bams has been
dou.; ia almo-t all the free States of t e
Union $ euerally excluding tho African
trom the right tuifrae. This necessity ol
duty regarding the law of races, is thus
forcibly comme nted upou by Lamartiue (a
scholar aud a statesman, ilwajd in t ivor o
man s largest liberty) iu a recent work :
"The more I have traveled, the more
I am convinced that races of men form the
I treat secret of men and manners. Man
is not so capable ot education as philoso
phers imagine. The iu3uenca of Govern
ment audlaws has le.-s power, radically,
th.iu is supposed, over the manners aud
iuwinct of any people. V Lil; the primi
tive constitution and blood of the race
have always their iafij'no, an 1 man iT.-st
tiiemsidvis thousand f jears aLcrwards
iu the jr iiy sicat f;i mati-vi and habns of a
p-cu'iar family or tribe. Humau nature
flows iw rivers and -trcsm- iu the vast of humanitv ; but its waters miDgle
but fiowlv sometimes th'V never mingle,
- j - c
and ,t emerges a-uu lute Rhone rom the
r...i- r ii,.i.oi..i wiih iti nwn tste aud
cneva. witn its own i;sie
color. Hero is, aiyssoI tbougbt
and medita'ion, and at the same time a
grand Jocret for legislators. As jong as
they keep the t-pirit of the race in view
they frucceed ; but tb-ey fail 'l.en they
strive against this Latural predisposition ;
nature is stronger than they are.''
But why thus enlarge upon a topic which
Las undergone so much.and such frequent
discussion I Why becau-o this idea of
working out negro equality ou the pait of
our opponents is the very b mis of our
prcstui jioli'ical itrugg'c. Let uo man be
mistaken. This is really me leaams issue
of the present moment between the two
parties. To carry out this idea has come
at last to be the ruling, if not the s ;le pur.
nose of the tear which is now dclttgi tg
the land WWi fraternal iucna i xor i.uia,
the Constitution and the reserved rigbts of
the State and the peopie have been mock
ingly trampled under foot; for this, both
impertbus and imperial 'edicts, such as
would seud to the block any monarch in
England, have been issued by the Presi
dent and sought to be enforced; for lhis
t . ....... ,-1 1k,hi.., fn T.nril' T.vnns
oecrciary oewaiu - j
"I can touch my office belt'at any moment,
sina order io oe arresiuu any wucu
cbuntry"'-has teen all too trequenty
realized !
The extent to which the party support
ing the President are willing to go in ne
gro affiliation, find3 a memorable illustra
tion mine pro josiuu unuo uj w.v.-.;
i..mnrnn tha f ret nf ihe several occupants
tion in the proposition made by secretary
oftheplacaof Secretary of W-r under!
President Lincoln. He cooly proposed, !
in hi first and cast annual communication,
m m urts m
to free, and thea to arm tha whole bUek
population ol the South, and turn them
against their white masters iu a work of
indiscriminate butcberylThis truly infernal
suggestion was not adopted by the Presi
dent when first proposed, but it has since
been acted upon in more instances that
We have charged the party at present
in power, fellow citizeus.with tyranny and
usurpation. We now go further, and
solemnly assert our belief, that there ii a
deliberate design to change the character,
if not the lorra of our government. The
leading papers in the support of the Ad
ministraliou openly advocate a modifica
tion which will place greater powers in the
hands of the President ; and if their ad
ci,n,,,t Vn ortnt.tpd hv tha r.eonlj". in
' I r yum u v j - r I I
! a short time the chains will be firmly rive-
ted, aud our liberties completely suDver
ted. The Philadelphia Z'ress not log
since remarked :
'Another principle must sertainly be
embodied in our reorganized form of gov
ernment. The men who bbape the legis
lation of this country wheu the war is past,
must remember that what we want i-power
and streng-th. Thb problem will be to
co ubine the forms of a Republican Govern
ment with tbe powers of a Monarchial
About tho the saino time, as if by con
norf wn lii.d in the Nortk Avxer'v.aa :
" I hi war has already shown the ab
eurJity of a Government with limited pow
ers, it has shown that the power of every
Government ought to be and must be Un
Such doctrines as these would have met
with rebuke even at the hands of the elder
Adams ; but they were tho natural pre
cursors of the "war power" which has been
made to over ridu the most explicit doc
trmes of the Constitution.' Tha very
wrongs, is fact,complained of by our fath
ers, and enumerated in their declaration
against tho English monarch, have been
revived upou their sous. This Adminis
tration lias wilfully violated its own oath
bound pledges, aud sought ''pretexts of
innovation upon the establii-hed principles
ol the Government ;" it has fostered a
"t-pirit of encroachment, which reuds to
consolidate all the departments of the Gov
ernment in oue, aod thus create, whatever
the form may be, a real de.-potism ' It
has rendered "the military superior to the
civil power." It has superceded iu a r. ign
of lawless fotce the security prescribed by
law against seizure and imprisonment
"without due process of law." It has
verilv "created a multitude ol new offices,
and bent among ns swarms of officers to
harass our people and eat out their sub
stance." By an iu;quitous Conscription
law, it has distributed its agents among
ihf peoplfbacked by bnyon -ts.and cloth
ed with di-retiouary powers over tbe iiber
ert;e: if not the lives of our citizen. !t
"has quartered large armies of troops
among us." It has "imposed, taxes on us
without out consent" Finally, its chosen
and purchased advocates are now clam
orous for a stronger Government, that
"our charters may be taken away, our
most valuable laws abolished. and the pow
ers cf our Goverum jnt altored fundamen
tally." These, we submit, fellow citizens,
are all of them features fairly exhibited,
of that 'stronger Government,' which our
forefathers, appealing "to the Supreme
Judge of the World," einhry year- ago,
pl-dj-ed their lines, their fortunes and
tbeir'saTcd honor" to put a side forever.
We have before spoken, fellow-citizens,
of the depressed condition of the country.
The mountain of debt which has been pil
ed up so recklessly, cannot be less than
three thousand millious of dollars, when
all is fairly counted. Of this, Pennsylva
nia's share will be at least one-tenth of the
whole, or S3.M),O.U,0OU- The annual in
terest uion this i-u:n (more easily eetima
ted than paid) will be about eighteen mill
ious of dollars. This, added to the annu
al interest of our former debt,ruaks an ag
gregate of interest now, and henceforth,to
be borne by tbe people of this Common
wealth, ftaied in round numbers, of twen
ty millions of dollars! We cantos heigh
ten this picture of the stern reality, which
an inezorable antnmeucai caicuiauou
gives. Some make evm a deeper debt
and a darker prospect of the future.
Taxation always falls heaviest upou
labor ; it will now grind the poor to tho
ver' earth. And yet the mock philao
throrists of the day are increasing the
taxaiion, and urging on a system of meas
ures, which, under the pretense of ameli
orating the condition of the African, will,
if carried on much longer, practically en
slave the laboring white man and starve
his family. And besides this, if the for
cible abolition of bondage at tbe South
should suceed, it will only be to bring the
white working mm and women of tue
North into competition in the same paths
of labor with the Africau they have been
taxed and beggared to bring here and
support amount us !
The favored eajitalist, who has money
to lend the Adminitration, gets his bonds,
upon which xhereis no taxation ; aad thus
is increased the burdens of the laboring
and middle classes. But we forbear to
pursue this melaucholy train of facts and
reasoning, and turn to the more grateful
consideration of how we can do something
for the correction of these evils.
It must be plain, fellow citizens, the on
i it uju.. ( 7
Jy hope that conservative men can have of
i bayeiu mc tuuwwjr nom -
chy and nlimate ruin, is by uniting with
thA Democratic oartv the only party now
left that is truly national in its character
and conservative in its aims; the only
nartv in the countrvthat has ever been
able to govern it, for any length of time,
j auio ,j guiu , " -
to tha satisfaction of the neople at large.
.This party has now presented for the
PreBidency,and Vico Presidency, two men
of the most unspotted lives and unblemish-
. i u
I cd ttihon
unassailable, except by the corrupt and
mercenary creatures io the day and prom
ise of the existing Administration.
In regard to George B. McClellan, wa
shall not pause here to write his history
That is already engraved on tbe hearts and
1 consciences of a grateful people. We fed
confident, also, that his admitted ability,
, integrity and independence, the manly
firmness he has always exhibited, and espe-
; cially, and abovo all, bis- heroic devotion
1 iu tbe darkest hours to the true principles
of the Uons itution will draw around Lim
now, the nation's confidence. This confi
dence reposed in such hands, would never
be batrayed.
lie stands at the present, as he baa al
ways stood, whollj- aloof from iiitrigue.
He is allied by no ties or contracts with
mercenery adveutuiers iu political life.
He seeks not the office for which he has
been named ; but has all aloug held "the
noisleas tenor of his way,' free from tbe
embarrassments which trammel the active
and ambitions candidate for office. Rven
it defeat should fall to nis lot io this con
test, (wnich we cannot believe,) he will be
condoled with the consciousness f having
implored no man's aid ; pledged in tdvonce
uo places that would be in his gift, if elec
ted ; and that those who had espoused
his cause even trom the beginning, acted
from sympathy with a biave, persecuted,
and patriotic man ; acted from piiuciple
and love of country, Beeking no reward of
future favors. Mo one who has been
named for the presidency de'ircs it less ;
uo oqc certainly, has counted it less, and
this is an additional reason why he should
be, and will be preferred by the thought
ful and the upright.
Th varnished repoits of rivals in com
in and ; the suppressed aud distorted facts
of a partisan committee of Congress ; the
constant jealously and maglignant opposi .
tion at every step of those who feared his
success and dreaded his popularity, have
all failed in blasting bis military reputa
tion. Intelligent men evervwbeie, in ev
cry land, have read the libels upou this
accomplished soldier, only with a spell
ing sense of their injustice and venality.
In this country, they have penetrated tbe
hearts of our soldiery and the people at
large, only to kindle there & troaler and
brighter flame of devotion to their intend
ed ii tim; and tbe world, ere long, will
witness with approbation the reward which
they will intte out to a national benefac
tor. Tbe eminent statesman who Las been
nominated for the second place on our
tidket, has long been conspicious in the
legislative branch of the Government
Remtmberiog his years, few men iu our
couQtry have ever reached a higher posi
tion in thf respect and confidence of tho
public. No man in the present Congress
possesses to a greater extent those gifts of
oration and accotnpitfbments of a states
manship, that amptv justify the wide pop
ularity and esteem with which he is every
where regarded in the etctioa of tbe Union
that gave bim birth. He, like our Pres
idential candidate emphatically belongs
to the men of this couutry. These
nominations are essentially, their nomi
nations. The fact of youth tdiould give
a deeper interest, if possible, to this class,
in the struggle now at hand The whole
of active life if before them, with all it.
purs iits, hopes and enjoy n.ents. Lei
them weigh well, recent and passing events
and mark tho rapid coiling of despotic
power ; let them resolutely see to it, that
the wise and beneficeut iuititutions of the
pure men of former limes become their
owrj sure heritage, and that of their chil
dren. Finally, fellow-citize: s of Pennsylva
nia, of all clatjies and conditions "it is in
your power to dissolve the clouds which
now threaten to overwhelm all our bright
est hopes, an! bring upon our country a
long uight of storm and darkness.
Agaibst tbe usurpations and evils, which
we are conscious of baving.but too in.per
fectly depicted, let us array ourselves in
combined strength The electiou of our
Coiigre-gional, Legislative and County
tickets in October ii of the highest impor
tance, if we would succeed in tbe Presi
viential contest iu November. Success
here will inspire the Conservative men of
other States Defeat will alarm and dis
hearteu. It U the DUIY of the Pennsyl
vania Democracy, and those who unite
w ith us, to4curry this electton,if we would
not bring on prematurely, thit which is
sure to follow in the end, if finally we fail
in November '77iC despair which uni
cornis despotism t or tin rage which wtl
comr.s anarchy."
Let our watchwords be War (if we
mustjhave it)for the true, legitimate objects
of feuch a war, and none other; for
PEAC E the tirt moment that peace restore
to us the common heritage of a united coun
try ; for the imperishable glory of the old
Union and the Constitution unimpaired ;
with sympathy for our soldiers in the field
under their trials aud dangers ready ev
er to aid and to honor them which can
not posibly be better done, than in giving
our best efforts in endeavoring to so mod
ify the grounds of the struggle they are
maintaining as it shall appear purely
just before men, and iu the sight of God 1
We implore, then, ali who love peice
and order; all who wish to sea iodutry
successful aud property secure ; all who
are willing to support wise legislation, pub
lic virtue, and constitutional liberty ; all
who wish to leafi! prosperous lives them
selves, and enjoy in quiet the fruits ot
their own industry ; all who wish to trans
mit their property aud the' b!esings of
free institutions to their children, we im
plore all these to unite with us We go
for the country, the 7noLE country for
Union Libkrxy and Law. If a majori
ty o the people will thua. be true to them
selves, "we may hop soon to see our couu
try resuraei o Mfjthjrn
ious career free, prosperous and hsppy
tbe pride of her eitaens, and the ad
miration of the world ! .
By order of the Democratic State Cen
tral Committee :
C. L. Ward, Chairman;
R. J. Hemphill, Secretary, ?,
To ten. George B. Mcl'lcilaa.
Brave chieftain, in a nation's heart 4 "
Thou hast a warm-abiding place ;
Thy deed of valor, deep engraved.
E'en Envy's Laud dare noi efface.
The fires that Malice kindles now -
Around thy dear and honored oame
Will, by their tierce but transient glow,
In row brighter losire 'round thy fame. .
The stint of falsehood Truth will beal,
Wipe tul the t-car and soothe the pain.
While, with a strong recoil, H drives
Tbe venom of its source again. .
Let him who is without a stain
" Cast the first stone,'-' il will reboand,
Leaving untouched the " shining mark,"
And at the (dinger's feel be found.
Thou needst not fear tbe -vinged abaft
Tbe hidden arctier letieth lly ; . ;
The wicked band that bends tne bow
Uas aimed so low 'twill pass thee by.
God holds a shield above thy bead '
That turns iach pointed dart aside,
And in impervious armor clothes .
The Hero a .d the Natiou'f Pride.
We iovKd you when, vi h martial race,
You wore tbe well earned wreath of bay,
While loud hos-annas weetly rang
To iaud the vicior ol the day.
But more we love the pauent heart,
That beats the wros- ihe taunt, the sneer;
Thai 'ttJet lliee nobly good as brave-
Above r-proacb a well as tear. '
How beau'iful he reappears
When clouds have long obecored his form,
The regal run whose I'ght doth ebine
More glorious after gloom and storm.
So ibou frnm rhadow shall emerge
With burnished armor, waving crest ;
While yraielul hearts replace with joy
The otar ol honor on thy breast.
Tote fur an Honest Man.
Hae honest Republicans, who have
rraintained a course of strict integrity them
8elvee, aud desire, aboe all things, to im
press upon their children (he conviction
that dihonest men never prosper, even in thi$
world, sufficiently reflected ou tbe conse
quences to follow from oting tor re-election
of Lincoln, alter all that has been proved
upon him ? Ot what avail to denounce dis
honebiy in all other men except ihe-President
ot the United States i Will upright
Republicans vote lor a re-election of a Pra
ideut who has notoriously permitted the
misappropriation of public money under
his very eyes, and received and enjoyed
ihe fruits ot the plunder? Why imprison
Kotinetanim tor lite, mid sentence Ham
in ond to te u rever excluded trom holding
any office of trost or emolument under the)
United Stales, and vet vole lor the re-elec
tion of Abraham Lincoln? Will somebody
tell us ? Don't go oil iu a paroxysm of
verbose vituperation, Messrs Editors of the
Ynbune, Times aud Post, and come down on
Democrats lor making euch charges, but bo
uood enough to come down on oar ques
tion atked trom day today. Will you ad
vocate the re-election ot a man to be Presi
deui who pays for coats, hate, and silver,
bickles lor bats oi bis coachmen and fool
men, out ot money appropriated for im
provemeut ot public grounds, and then per
mits the ot jeel ot (he expenditure .to be
falsely staled 10 the accounting officers of
iiid trertaur Wodd.
The Rhh'nond Enquirer is out in favor of
tle re election of Mr. Lincoln. Ii considers
him the bent man for the South. The Con
lederate believe there is far greater chance
of obtaining their independence under tha
administration of Mr. Lincoln than -under
McClehan It says:
"Whether we view this nomination in
the ligb: ot eacj or of war, we prefer Lin
coln io McCleUan. We can make better
terms ot peace with au an'i-idavery fanatic
than with au earnest Unionist. We can
jam more mili ary success in a war con
ducted on 'my plan' than one ot a real sol
dier like McClellan, and sooner destroy the
resouices and strength of our enemy when
ihy Hre managed and manipulated by the
1 1 ii t i fingered gentry of Messrs. Chase and
Feoseudeu, than when huobanded and skill
fully controlled by ucu a man as Gurthrie."
McClellan. The Schenectady Star (in
dependent) but which ban sustained the
administration in the main, speaks of Mc
Clellan from the knowledge of its editor.
It calls him ' a Jackson iu firmness a
Docglas in all thai ia ptrictly just between
he North and ihe South :" and again, "the
superior of even Honest Abk in e'.aiesman
slup, in military ability, acd iu that natural
aLii ity which should always be attached to
the otfice of President'
The S3 racuse Courier, speaking of a comj
pai.y ot United States Regulars, thai passed
through that city on Wednesday for Allan
la, jys : While waiting the outgoing of tbe
car--, the Uegulir saw fit 10 cheer lustilf
tor their old commander, General McClel
lan, and they did it with a will. Many of
'ihem wore McClellan badge, and all were
enthusiastic tor their old commander.
I.' you want peace, if you want tow tax
es, it jou want no more conscriptions, itp
you want to save 'be government of your
fathers, if you want your children to enjoy.
thebIeosing of liberty, if you want union
in place of disunion, prosperity in place cf
adversity, harmony io piace of discordt
peace iu place ot war, and plenty in place)
want and destitution, vole the Democratic
Jjlc b