The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 12, 1864, Image 4

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furtcnately there are objects vpnn which
We cm look and -gain com postfre and confi
dence from their conemplation. In consid-
enng them, and proceeding toward them,
we may feet thoroughly assured that's safe
and plain path wilf open before us in
which we need bat walk to injure our
peed j deliverance from'danger.
ILet os wi4fclold oar eyes from objects on
ei;ber hand which would divert oar alien
tion and hinder or prevent ps from sec o ring
oar national Salvationist the earliest possi
ble moment. -Let us fix our eyes upon
'Union, Libxrtt, and Peace, as our capital
objects and the things to be attained to ;
not at the eod of long wars, not by by-road
of emancipation, not by plundering- hostile
populations, not b an iron rule ot lawless
power under plea of necessity, nor by the
aid'Tior npon 'the policy of fanatics and sel
fish and brutal men ; but directly, speedily,,
honestly; by the anion of jast men upon a
'policy at -once sure, sensible and magt.aoi
mous. Tarn yourselves wholly -srwayfrom 'these
miserable disputes about " loyalty", about
what your 'neighbor shall be called tod
what he shall call 700, and look to those
to the appropriate means for securing them.
They are the capital objects of desire ; for
which the hearts of the people should yearn,
.and to attain ihe ro not one but all of them
-every man's arm should be lifted and ev
ery man's mouth qpcired.
- Now what is proposed in the electiojjof
Gen. Gkorgc B. McClellan end iu Che-elevation
to power along with him of the or
ganisation or party with which he is identi
fied t We desire to obtain the very objects
just named, which combine everything ot
excellence and of blessing which the public
heart at this time can desire.
'In rtlre first place, by Gen. McClkllan's
election we-eek to restore the Union which
was broken hi consequence of the elevation
of the existing Administration "to power.
That Administration has' failed to .restore
ihe Union j its true character and incapaci
y have 'trow become known to as, and the
lime to pronounce judgment of condemna
tion upon it has arrived. Oberve, no ob
jection can now be made to those who cri
ticise Mr. Lincoln and oppose him before
the people upon the ground urged two or
three yeare since- when we were told that
power being actually lodged in bis hands;
be being the Actual depositary of the public
' authority, he vas fairly nd. -reasonably en
titled to the support -of the people j that we
uuhi 10 uiiiib luge.fitrr, ui aume exieui iu
Hgnore party at least 10 far a would enable
the Administration to possess the necessary
meaiis and influeuce to execute its policy
mni to exhibit its merits before the Country.
Bat lb rennireriiPnl of that armmenl wprfl
folly' met. Consider the course of the peo
pie of the United Stales, including most ot
the Oppofcition, toward 'Air. Lincoln's ad
ministration. Did they not give to It all
ihe aid, all the assistance that could be re
quired lor a foil trial of its policy I Were
men wihheld from the armies controlled
ty it? Was money withheld from the pub
lic treasury, or appropriations of that mon
ey refused? Was there resistance even to
taxation So raise monies for public use be
yond the enormous sums raised by the ne
gotiation of ioaua ? No, Gen.lernen ; men
were not withheld from the Administration,
oof was cnoney withheld. Nay, in the ear
lier periods of the war, -men wen: willingly
to the conflict: Tbey took their frvee in
their hands andhoctKi ttuhe music of the
ITninn I hv ji t r a rv- rt to. aunnnrt a. caiifiA
which had chirms for them and which
they believed would be prosecuted in good
faith in accordance with, the policy an
nounced in the outset and upon which the
war was begnn a policy adopted by Con
gress, endorsed by ike Administration, and
accepted by the" American people aai by
foreign nations as ihe policy'of this govern
ment in rhe great social straggle which had
broken out among us. Mr. Lincoln and his
pary have had a fair trial. They have had.
if ever any Administration' had,' a fair, full
And complete trial before the Country with
reference to the merits of their policy in
restoring the Union, in bringing back to us
the blessings of peace, and in secnring to
us anJ to those who may come after us that
constitutional system which was committed
to (heir management by the people. And
row, at the end of their four years because
we have nearly reached the end of that pe
riod how do they stand before us 1 Take
their case as described by men of the Re
pablican party itself: Take the character ot
Mr. Lincoln's administration as drawn by
the pen of Joan C. Frcmost, the candidate
of Mr. Lincoln's party in 1356 for the Pres
idency. He says that Mr. Lincoln's admin
istration has been a failure in both its mili
tary and civil policy, and that its usurpa
tions and abases of power have gone so
far that we. have now to inqaire not so
much who shall be elected , to office as
whether we shall have candidates and elec
tions at al! in this country in future. Again,
take Mr. Lincoln's administration as depic
ted by Senator Wade and Representative
Davis, in a recent manifesto issued by them
as members of the Federal Congress ai.d as
members of the political party to which the
President himself belongs. Do they not
describe in terms of josl indignation Jlis
csarpations, his abase of poblie authority
and his contempt of Congressional jurisdic
tion, and denounce leading measures of his
policy as unconstitutional and fraught with
peril to the country ?.'-.."
Thus Hands the case in '.he year 1864,
and e are obliged to consider the ques
tion how it thill stand during the four years
immediately impending and which mast
run their ccune before the Administration
1, j 7 to be elected snail conclude the exer
c!.3 of its diction. Gentlemen, yoa are
t decide. If joa desire Union, in General
I Clallan you have a candidate wt;o
t ;!y condition of peace is Unio i. Ha tell?
: j so himself ia explicit language, and
: have reason to believe that declara
t " t zr.d it U endorsed by those who up-
; Lira. -
yi?u desire Liberty ? Yea will seenre
in General ilcCleiian' election the
zo'.i cf law ovr this country no ar
.:. ry arrests no French Bastiies imported
.3 t3 Ai'iruic for ue in free America
! (iJ cf ii.rsa things will be at haaii, 1
nay will have arrived, when George 8. Mc
Clellan is inaugurated. Applause Yes!
you will secure liberty ! not ihe ignis fituut
of an equality of races but the lioerty of
your own race? yonr complete and uninterrupted-enjoyment
of that constitutional
freedom which came to you as an inheri
tance from your fathers..
Do you desire peace also! That will
f bea nhtural result ot restoring just, libera',
iree principles 111 your government. Do
yoa not know that one of the obstacles in
the South to the return of the people to
their allegiance to the Government of 'the i
United States, ii the character of this Li n-
coin Administration; that it is lire chief
reason why they do not yield the coirrev,
the chief reason .why we cannot make
.agreement with, them' t Hurt is the ob
stacle and you people of the North put that
obstacle there. : It stands halfway b
tween the North ai.d the"Sooth, hindering
us from comi'ijr together, from building
up the old Uc ran and being again one peo
ple as we were lor ewveoty years. il3
mave that obstacle and you have Peac,
and along with it you have Union and
Liberty also.
We believe these things and therefore
we seek for triumph. We believe these
things and therefore we support our can
didates.. On ih other hand, we know that
evil has come in upon us as a flood under
this man from the banks of the Sargim
on this despiser of liberty this trampler
upon the Constitution this man wtio ha
insulted all American history seated though
he te in the seat of Washington. We
-would be blind and detf indeed il we did
not both see it and hear of it. Let us end
it. Let us select a man for President in
whom we have confidence, who hs mili
tary ability lor war if war should unfortu
nately eontinoe, who has abilities for a
state of peace and high honor and inte'li
gence and a loathing and utter deU6taiion
for smutty jokes, and cypocrrsy, and all
lorms of despicable meanness.
Gentlemen. I hare spoken without pre
meditation, but I have spoken out of the
depths of a sincere and honest heart. 1
speak as one wounded'and offended in
spirit by the gigantic evils and abuses
which now have course amons; us under
favor of power J;I speak as one who has
read the history of his country and been
proud of its past glory ; as one who has stu
died its laws and revered its Constitution
and the memories of (he men who mad it.
And 1 conceive it my doty at this june
ture, unpleasant as the task may be, to
denounce ihemen who compose the exit
ing Administration as men who hare
prostituted their high powers-; who have
brought upon the country the horrors ot a
war they might have averted ; who have
taken our brothers by thousands fliiJ-ent
them to fields pf slaughter' who have
loaded us with thousands of millions of
debt: who hav. bnsken the laws our
fathers gave us and e'en! ir-oIem hirelings t
to seize oor people; who have repeated
here the abuses of the despotic and wick
ed government of the old worl-.l, nti J
who yet, not wiihtandirig all this, have the i
supreme and unexampled impudence to
come before freemen a.kint to be re elect
ed to '.he othces which they have dis
GREAT Trunk line from the North and
North-west for Philadelphia, New
York, Reading. Pottsville.Lebanon, Allen
town, Easton,&c, &?.
Trains leave Harrisburs for Philadelphia
New, Vork, Reading, Poitsvdle, and all in
termediate Stations, at 8 a.m. ami 2 p. m
New Vork Expre-s leave HarribnrJ at
6. oOa. m. arriving at New York at 1. 45 ; tire
same day.
A special accomodaiion Passene train
leases feadin at 7 15 A. M. and retom
from Harrir-burg at ft P M. ,
Fares Irom Harrisbnrs: to New -York
$5 1ft ; to Philadelphia S3, 35 aod 52.80.
Ba22ge checked through.
Returning leave New York at 6 A. M. i2
Noon, and 7 P. M. (Pitt-burgh Express,
arriving at Harrisburg at 2 A. M.) Leave
Ph-Hadelphia at 815 A. M. and 3. 30 P.M.
Sleeping d.u in the New York E.xprers
Trains, through te and from Pittsburgh
without cbMe.
Passengers by the Caitawisa Rail Road
leave Tamaqna at 8 50 A M and 2. 40 P
M. for Philadelphia, Nw York, and a I
Way. Point.
Trains leave Pottsville at 9. 15 A. M. and
2.30 P.M. for Philadelphia, Harnburg
and New York.
"An accomodation Pa-senger irin leaves
Rending at 6. 00 A. M. and returns Irom
Philadelphia al 5. 00 P. M.
ST All ihe the above uains run daily,
Sundays excepted.
A Sunday train leaves Potisville at 7.30
A. M. and Phi.aJeMiia at 3.i5 P. M.
Com imitation, Mileage, Seaon, anl Ex
cursion Ticket, at reduced rates to and
from all points.
80 Pounds Baggage allowed each Pas
General Superintendant.
May 2, 1864.
Valuable Personal Property
Will be exposed to public sle at the
residetce of the snbsciiber, in Pine twp.,
Columbia county, on
1864, the following decribed personal
property, viE
two Spring Colts, four Milch Cows, ihree
head Young Cattle, and 31 head of Sheep.
Also, one Spring Wagon, on Truck
Wagon, one Sled, one set ' of Heavy Har
ness, one Set of Plow Harne.-s, one Sei of
Single Harness, one . Double Set of Light
Harness, one Slump Machine and chains,
in. good repair. Al-o
and Buckwheat by the bushel, HAY by
the ton, and POTATOES by the bushel ,
besides many other articles loo numerous
to mention.
Sale to commence al 10 A. M , of said
day when conditions wilt be mad known
and attendance given.
" Pine twp., Sept. 28, 1864 2t
Physician and Surgeon,
HAVING located permanently on Main
Street, BLOOMSBUKG, Pa., would in
form the public generally, that he is pre
pared to a'tend to all bu-iness faithfully and
punctually that may be intrnsted 10 his care,
on terms cornmerora;e with the times. '
. nr lie pays strict atten.ion to Surgery
as well as Medicine..
Novemb-r 25, 1863 -lv.
Oa Main streetjiwodoorsabovethe'Amer
ioan Hotel.'
Ayer Cherry Pectoral
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of
the Public to his-extensive assortment
of Cabinet Fnrniture and CH AR S
which he will warrant made of good
materials and in a workmanlike man
ner. vAt hiVeslablishment can always be
found a good assortment of fashionable
furniture, which is equal in style fcid fin-
hsh to that of Philadelphia or'N. York cities
and at as low prices. He has on hand -
prices,' from "S25 to $60. D 1 vans Lou 11 2 eP',
Walnut and Mahogany. Parlor chairs,"
Rocking and easy chairs, Piano stools, and
a variety of upholstered work, with Dress
ing and parlor ' bureaus, sofa, card,
centre and pier tables, detashn.
cheffenif rs. whatnots and romorie;
and all kinds of fashionable work. His
stork of bureaus, enclosed and common
washMandSjdress-tables, corner copbojrds,
bedsteads, cane seat and common chairs is
the largest in this s-eetion of the county.
He wiil also keep a good assortment ol
looking glasses with fancy gilt and com
mon frames He will also furnish spring
mattrasses fitted to any sized bedstead,
which are superior for durability and com
fort lo any bed in ue.
Dloonif burg Nov. 4, 1863.
ilompoond Fluid Extract Buchu, a pos
-tive and Specific Remedy for dia s
of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, and Drop
sical Swellings.
This Medicine increases the power of
Digestion, and excite the Absorbents into
healthy action, by which the Waierv cr
Calcareous depositions, and all Unnatural
Enlargements are reduced, as well as Pain
and Iflmmaiion.
iii;i..iiuoLJ s i xtract nucnif.
For Weaknesses arising from excer-e,
Habits of Dissipation. Early lndi.creiion
of abuse, attended with the following s) mp
loms :
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power.
Loss of Memoiy, Difficulty of Breaihing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Di
ea.e, Wake:fulne-s, Dimness of Vision, Pain
in the Back, Universal Lasitud(? of th
Mu-cularS stem, Hot Hands, Flushing of
tli Boily, Dryness of the Skin, Eruption
on the Face, Pa-Mid Countenance.
The?e symptom", if allowed to go on,
which this medicine in variably removes
soon follows. I M POTENCY, FATUITY
EPILEPTIC FITS, in o..e of which the
Patient may expire.
Who can say thai they are not Jreqnemly
followed by those "Direlnl Diseases."
Many are aware ol the canst of their ?-uS-fering,
but none Will confers the Records
of Ihe Inr-ame A-y!ums.
And melancholy Deaths by Consump
tion bear ample witness lo tne Truth of the
assertion. -The Constitutioti once efTei:ied
with Organic Weaknes requires the aid of
Medicine to S'repgthen arid Invigorate ti e
BUCHU invariably does. A trial will con
vince the'most skeptical.
In many Affections peculiar to Females
the Emraet Buchu is unequaled by any
other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention,
Irregularity, Painfulness, or Supp-essitm
of Custoniary EvjcuatJons, Ulcerated or
Scirrhon "stare of 1 tre Uterus, Leuchorr I cea
or Whites, S erility, and for all complaints
incident 10' the sex, whether ari-ing from
indi-cretion Habits or Dissipation, or in
the f)e line or Change ol Lile.
Take no more Balsam, Mercury, or un
pleasant Medicines for unpleasant and
danerons disease.
HELM FOLD'S Ex'ract Borhn and Im
proved Rose Wash cures SECRET DIS
EASES, In all their Stages, At l-itie E
pense, Little, or no i hange in Diet, No
ItifOnvenierice, And no exposure.
It causes a frenoei.t desire and givps
strength to Uri:iaie, thereby re. rioving ob
siriirl'Cme, preventing ar.d curing s-trii-t nr-'S
vf ilie Urethra, a!la ing I'.tiri and lntl;ri
Tnation,so frequent in ihe class t di;i-e-,
and expelling all pt.i.-oiious, diseased and
worn out mailer.
1 housaruls upon Thousands vh. have
been the victim of Quack, and who have
jid heavy fees 10 te -iired in a short
lin.-e, f.ave tonnd they were I'eceive?, and
that the ' jwison" has, by the n.-e ol -poc--erful
asiringents," been dried up in the
system, to break out in an aggravated form,
and perhaps after Marriage.
U.-e Hetmbuld's Extrwrt Buthu for all
affections and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether exi-ting in Male of Female,
from whatever muse originating and no
matter of how long standing.
Dist ases of these Organs requires the aid
of a Diuretic. Helmbold's Extract B-ichu is
the Creat Diuretic, and is certain :o have
the desired effect in al) disease for which
it is recommended. Evidence of the most
reliaDle and responsible character will ac
company the medicine.
Price SI. 00 a Bottle or Six for S5.00.
Delivered to any address, securely packed
from observation. Describe symptoms in
all communications. Cures guaianieed !
Advice gratis. Address letter fox informa-'
lion io
II. IJ. IIFI.MBOLI), Chemist.
101 South 10th st., bel. Chestnut, Phila.
HELMBOLD'S Medical Depot,
HELM BOLD S Drng&Chem'l Warehouse,
549 Broadway, New York.
ESrBeware of counterfeits and unprinci
pled dealers, who endeavor to dispose ' ol
their own" and ''other" articles oa the
reputation attained by
Helmbold's Genuine Preparations,
do do Extract Birhu,
Helmbold's Genuine Extract Sarsaparila.
do do Improved Rose Wash.
CF'Sold by all Pruggi-ts everywhere.
Ask for Helmbold's. Take no. other. Cut
out ihe Advertisement and send for it, and
avoid imposition and exposure.
December 9, l863.-ly.
O.B K00SS Proprietor
11 a) oils 11 ntc; pa
rpHIS magnificent Hotel, situate 111 the
J- central portion of the town, and op
posite the Court House, hif been thoroughly
repaired and refurnished, and the Proprietor
id now prepared to accommodate travelers,
teamster, drovers and boarders in the most
pleasant and agreeable manner. His table
will be supplied w'uh the best the market
affords,and his Bar wiib the choicest liquors.
Attentise ostlers will always be on hand,
and bis stabling is the most extensive in
this section ot country. Omnibuses wil
always be in readiness to convey, passen
gers to and from the Railroad Depots.
- Bloornsburg, July 4, 186-9,
stvle and fo ff
AVhooale and ISetail.
THE subscriber w ould announce to the
citizens ol Bloornsburg and vicinity,
that he is selling ' LIQUOliS in targe and
small quantities, and at different prices, at
his New Store, on Main street,
north side, two doors south of
Iron street, Bloornsburg. His
block of Foreign and Domestic oteriMM
consists oi Cognac and Rochelle. Blackber
ry, Ginger, Raspberry and -Lavender. He
has a large assortment of
Old Rye, gray with age, fine Old Bourbon,
Old Folks Whiskey, and a'iy quaUity oi
common. He aUo has
Madeiras, Lisbon,' Claret, nerry ami Crri
pagne Wine:; cul lt but not lea-t. a
qnamiiv of good ilouble extrs HKOWN
ISI'OUT;:.ll of wlli. lt he ill -eli ;il t(.e
i lowest cash prices. The public are re!-pct-;
fully solicited to iive hi liquor a triwl.
D. W. ROB BINS, Agt.
Bloornsburg, Mav'l, 1861.
OJJlct. over (he If'yoming Hank, -
tW Will insure against loss or damage
b Fire on property in town or country, at
reasonable verms.
DIRECTORS, G. M Hollenback, John
Reirhard,. Samuel W'adham, D L "Shoe,
maker, Daniel G. Driefbaeh, R. C. Smith.
R. D. Lacoe.G. P. Steele. W. W. Kelcham
Charles Dorrance, W. S. Ross, George M
G. M IIOLl.ENRACtl. Prtst.
D. L. SUOEM AKKK, V. Preset.
R C. SMITH, Secretary,
W. G. STERLING, Treasurer
- Becr Haveu, Pa.
December 2il, 1863. ly.
pa:ii & ;oois
TTASjust received from the aste'n cities
and is now opening al the old stanc.
a splendid assort merit of
2. Z3 Z Qa Si Cl cQ 0. Z3 9
which will be I cheap lor
His slock consists of Ladies Dress Goods,
choicest stvles and latest fashions.
U IN Gil A MS.
Ucaily-JSiuIe Cloth ins,
frv-l ; ? C r r? Trf f ? ts- ?
In short ever) thing usually kepi rn a
country ftor. ,
The patronage of his old friends, and
thn nun-fir- oeiiprlli . is r esueel I ul I v so-
r ri j 1 - 1 j
The highest market price paid formun
' try - PETER ENT.
Light Sireet, MavJ. 186
JYcw Slock of Clolhing.
Spring ami Glimmer diottiN-
NVl t K .t
r 1 ( ! 1 c ii 1 .
s 1 ; . it:'
two doors above the imtricu House.,
where he ha jnt received front New York
ami Philadelphia, a full assortment ot
flcn axitl ISoy's i'lothins:,
including the mo! fatiif)ii;.b!e, dofnlie arid
handsome, DRESS GOODS, consisiina of
P,ox, Suck, f'rockf Cum and Oil Clot.
Coats, utul I'ants,
of all sf-rts, sizes, and colors. He also has
replenished his already larse stock of Fall
and Winter Shawls; striped, fiioed and
plain Vest., shirts, cravats, stock, collars,
haridk?rcliielsj gloves, suspenders aid fancy
N B He has constantly on hand a lare
and well selected assortment of Cloths and
Veslinus, which he i prepared to timke i p
!o order, into a iy kind of clo-.hing on very
short notice and in the best of manner.
All his clot!i:ng is made to wear and most
of it is of home mannlactiire.
C-csHci sidles Da cs S3
Ol every Description, Fine and Cheap.
His Case of Jewelry 1- not surpa--e.I in this
place. Call and examine his general as
sortment of Ciothins. Watches, Jewelry,
Bloomsbnrg, Apr. I ?0, tS64.
omni bus Line.
MIE undersigned would respectfully an-
nounce to the citizens of Bloornsburg,
and the public generally, that he is running
between this place and
the different Rail Road
Depots, daily, (Sundays excepted) lo con
nect with the several Trains soing South
and West 011 the Cfctawisa& Williamsport
Kail Road, and with lhoe going North and
South on the Lack. & Bloornsburg Road.
His OMNIBUSES are in aood condition,
I commodious and comfotrable, and charges
reasonab'e. Sr Person wishing to meet
or see iheir friends depart, can be accom
modated, upon reasonable charges, by leav
ing timely notice at any of the Hotels.
JACOB L. GIRTON. Proprietor.
Bloomsbnrs, April 27, 1861.
DR. BUCHAN'S English Specific Pills,
cure in less than 30 days, ihe worst case
ef NERVOUSNESS, Iirtpotency, Prena.ure
Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and
all Urinary, Serual and nervous aliections,
no rr alter from what cause produced.
Price, ONE DOLLAR per box, sent post
pai d by mail, on receipt of an order.' One
be x wUI perlect the cure in most caes.
Address, , , JAS. S. BUTLER, .
' General Agent, 427 Broadway, N. Y.
July 20, 1864. 3m.
VUR Letter A Family Sewing Machine is
-Mast saining a world-wide reputation. It
is beyond doubt ihe best and cheapest and
most beautiful of all family Sewing Ma
chines yet offered to the public. No other
Family Sewing Machine ha so many use
ful appliances for Hemminsr, Binding, Fell
ing, Tuckina,' Gathering, Guanine, Braiding
Embroidering, Cording, and so forth . No
other Family Sewing Machine has so much
capacity Idr a ureal variety of work, h will
sew all kinds of eloih, and with all kinds of
thread. Great and recent improvement
make onr Family Sewing Machine most
reliable, and mosi durable, and most cer
tain in action at all ra'es of sped. It
makss the interlocked siuch, which is ihe
best i-ti'.ch krown. Any one. even of'the
most ordinary capacity,can see, at a "lance
hr.w 10 ne the letter A Family Sewing
Machine. Our Family "Sewing Machines
are finished in chaste and exquisite style.
The Folding Cae of ihe Family Ma
chine, is a piece of cunning workmanship
of tr.e most" useful kind. It protects the ma
chine when not in use, and when about 10
be operated may be opened as a spacious
anil substantial table to sustain the work.
While some of the Cases, made out of the
choicest woods, are finished in the sim
plest aid chastest manner possible, others
are adorned and embelished in the most
costly and superb mariner.
It is absolutely necessary to see ihe Fam
ily Machine in operation, so asto 'judge ol
its great capacity and beauty.
It i fast becoming as popular for family
sewing as our Manufacturing machines are
for manufacturing purposes.
The Brunch Offices are well supplied with
silk tist, thread, needles, oil, etc., of Ihe
very bet quality.
Send for a Pamphler.
458 Broadway. N. Y.
N. S. Tmgley, Agent, in Ey, Pa.
A. J. Evan, A:ent, iu Bloornsburg. ;
Nov. 11, 1863.
OU Thins Become New,
The undersigned would beg leave to in
fi.rm his old friends, nnd ".he rest of man
kind," mat he has lately returned Irom the
servicfe ol his country, and again re- Rj
opened his O L D E S T A B L I S H- ti
E D T A I LO R I Nil SA LOON,---w
tth a view of making cp entire new gar
ments, as well a mending old ones, for all
mankind, Xod any body ele. who may
favor him with their work in his line.
He i prepared to do work NEAT, Fash
by so doing, and strict attention to business
to merit and receive a due fhare cf patron
age. But remember, all, that these times
require money, or something to live upon,
he therelore hopes and trusts, thai when
he ha done hi part, his customers will
do theirs, bv furnishing the "ready John,"
or ready trade. For fraly the "Laborer is
worthv ol his hire."
Bloornsburg, Sept. 10 1862. -
SWALLOvV two or three Hog-heads of
Bncbu, Tonic Bitters. Sarsapanlla, Nervous
Antidotes. &.c , &c , &c, and after you are
tMti-fi'-d win te re-11 1 1 , then try one box
PECTFIC PILLs., and be res-ored to
health and vigor in less ihaij 30Jays.
TtTey are purely vegetable, pleasant lo
Uk., prompt and salutary in their effect
on the broken d,wn an I sli a'tred consti-
tuiion. Oid and yoiinj can lake them with
alvaiiiage. Imported .i;id sold in me U.
S. only by JAS. S. BUTLER,
No. 427 Broadway, New York,
ttTAgrnt for the United States.
P. S. A box of Hie pdls, securely pack
ed, will be mailed to anv address on
rcip. of price, wn'ch is ONE DOLLAR,
pi.-t paid. moiiev refunded bv the Agent
if entire satiU(-tiori i not given.
July 20. 1864 3m.
With your permission I wish to say to the
readers ol or paper that 1 will semi, by
return mail, 10 ail wh.i wish il (free) a Re
cipe, with full direciion lor making and
u.-ing a simple Vegetable Blm. that will
etfccnally remove, in ten dajs, pimples,
hi, 'tci'e-, Tan, KrecklSj and all impurities
ol the skin", leaving the same soft, clear,
siiioo h ai.d beaiiiilnl. I will also mail
tree io thoe having Bal.J Hejijs, or bare
Frtie-. si in pie directions a'ul information
tiHi will enable ihr-n to start a full a'rowih
li.Auriant hair, whiskers, or a mtu-tacl.e,
in than 30 days.
' All applications answered by return mad
wiitiout charge. Respectfully yours,
THOS K. CHAPMAN, Cr.emis,.
831 Broadway, New York.
July VO; lo4 3m.
Aorlli Central ICailnav.
TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the
North and West Br anch of the Susquehan
na. Elmiras and all of Northern New York.
On and alter Mondav, 20th, 1&63,
the Passeng-r Trains of the North Central
Railway Mill arrive and depart from Son
bury, Harrisbur:: nnd Baliimore, as loliows:
Mail Train leaves Sunburj daily
except Sundays, at It). 10 am.
Leaves Hatrisburg, 1.15 p.m.
Arrives al Baltimore, 5.35 "
Express Train leaves Sunbury daily
except Sundays, at II 07 p.m.
Leaves llarrisb'r-j. except Monday 2.00 a.m.
Arrives at Baltimore diM'y except
Mouday, at 6.15 a.m.
Accommodation leaves Harrisb'rg 6,30 a.m.
Mail Trail leaves- Baltimore daily
except Sui:da) s al ' 9.15 a.m.
Leaves Harrisburg, 1.15 p.m.
Arrives at Sunbury, 4.05 p m.
Expiess Trains Baltimore daily, 9.15 "
Arrives at Harrisburg, 1.35 a.m.
Leaves Harrisb'rg except Monday .3.00 "
Arrive? al Sunbury, 5.-38 "
For further particulars apply at the office.
I. N D(J BARRY, Supt.
Harrisburg, Aug 8, 1863.
11 c invf i;it,
T ESPECFULLY offers his
professional services to the
ladies & gentlemen ot Bloorns
burg and vicinity. He is prepared to attend
io all the various operations in Dentistry,
and is provided with the latest improved
PORCELAIN TEETH, which will be in
serted on pivot or gold plate, to look as
well as natural.
Mineral plate and block teeth manufac
lured and all 'operations on teeth carefully
attended to. .
. A superior article of Tooth Powders, al
ways on hand. All operations on the teeth
warranted. ' '
Residence and Office, a few doors above
the Conrt House, name side., Aug. 19 I8i.
5'B 5 B RO A''D W A Y H E VV Y ORK.
'T H E
S E L-LI : IT.
The Most Complete 'and Magnificent
IV ar Exiib it ion Extant
Derotttf'to rafsi ?: Funds for a Na
tional Home.
100,000 TICKETS, AT $1 EACH.
A DONATION of &3A. 720 in Valuable Prop,
city to the Ticket Holders.
JOS1AH PERHAM, Agent for ihePrb
prieiors. has the honor to announce a. plan
for creating a fund f6r the founding of a
Rational Institution, lo be a home for In
valid, disabled, discharged soldiers.
The original sumber of Tickets issnnd
for this object was 100,000, one 'third of
which have been already disposed of in
Boston, Mass. where the enterprise was
first projected.
Each of the One Dollar Tickets is good
for Four Admissions to the Mammoth
at 585 Broadway, New York City, or
wherever else exhibited.
One half of the profits of the entire sale
will be exclusively devoted and donated
to Ihe above named patriotic object.
According to ihe original advertised
plan, a Mass Meeting of the" ticket hold
ers was held in Faneuil Hall, Boston, on
Nov., 4th, and an adjourned meeting al
ihe same place on :Cc.,'16th. The fol
lowing named gentlemen were elected as
a Board of Trustee, to receive the funds
which may accrue Irom the novel enter
prise, and to appropriate the same to this
object in accordance with the plans of the
originator ; (Jen John S. Tyler, Benton':
his Excellency Governor James Y. Smith,
of Rhode Inland; Hon. Geo Brigys of New
York-; his Excellency Gov. A.'G. Cnrtin of
Pennsylvania. Majo' Gen W. r. banks, of j
Mass-., Major Gn. O. O. Howard of Maine,
his Gov. Richard Yates, of
To speedily accomplish great ob
ject, every wise means will be used by
the projector to effect the immediate sale,
of the tickets; and he calls upon he loyal
and humane 10 sffsrsl earnestly in carrying
this noble undertaking forward to a irium
phanl success.
Nei'.her its importance, nor its feasi
bility, can be called i n question. Let ihe
people but respond in a spirit worthy o
the project, and no obstacles shall delay
its consummation.
Making ihe firoposirion in good faith,
and ready lo devote his whole energies fo
the great work, the projector firmty "be
lieves the tide of popular favor will How
in the desired directum, and accomplish
the founding and insure the creation of a
permanent National Institution, which
shall be an asylum for the retired soldier,
whose loss of health or lirnb is his diplo
ma for heroic services performed in his
country's cause, and which shall go down
to the future generations a blessingto man
kind and an endur'itrg m6nument
liberality of the loyal p90ple.
10 ibe
Bv comoinitrg ibis enterprise with aj
public place ol amusement ol such well i
established high character and merit, Ihe .
snbsciiber to the fund, while giving his
money lor ihe promotion of a great char- !
ita'ole dein, may receive a full fequiva- j
lent for Ihe outlay in witnessing Ihis i
snleudid series of Paintings.
CHASER. To effect the speediest possible sale of .
these tickets, so that unnecessary expense j
may b saved, and ihe National Home !
Fond proportionately in'cre3Feri, a further i
inducement is oflVred as a oounty lo pur- .
chaser. '
As soon the tickets shall have been
sold, in addition to one half ihe profits, as
atoresaid lh following described prop
erty will be iina'ed lo ihe ticket holders,
and placed in the hands of their Trustees, ;
a distinct hoard having been chosen for,
that purpose-, at the mass meeting held
as above stated, and a Ivich consists of the
followir g gentlemen who, On receipt ot
the property, win dispose of ihe same, by :
lot, or otherwise, a'tne ticket holders Sn .
mass meeting may direct there lo be no
violation of law in such disposal : Hon. C.
O- Rogers, Hon. C. W, Slack. Gen. Bobt.
Cowdin, Col. A.J Wright, John C Hay
ties. Esq., ol Boston, Johoa Webster Eq.,
of Maplevill", Mass , Isaac S. Morse Esq.,
of Cambridge, Mass.
To iv hi 1 h the Tick it -holder liid be
rn titled
One cenieel residence in the City
ol Robtlry. Mass. vahied at 510 000
Three Piano forts, val. at $500 each 1,500
Five piano-for'es, val. at3l'G ech
Five Gnh! Watches, at S100 each,
Fitly Gold Watches, at $50 each,
Two share in ihe Boston and Wor
cester Railroad, a 5130 each.
1 Two shares ir. the Boston and Maine
J R. valued at S130 each,
Two shares in the Merchants' Bank,
Boston, at S100 each,
Six thousand Gold Unit 11 Medals
valued at ?3 each, 19,000
Two Sewing Machines, at S50 each, 100
Total. 34,720
Due noiice will be given of ihe nexi
mass meeting of the. ticket holders which
will take place in New York City
A National Home Ticket, costing ona
dollar, consists of fiv conpons, lour of
which are admissions to the Mirror, good
at any time, and 'h other a certificate of
an interest in the Enterprise, which ihe
purchaser reians.
The admision coupon may be ospd sep
arately, or nil at once, as euils the conve
nience of the purchaser.
All communications on the subject, and
all orders for tickets by mail, or express,
should be directed lo JOSIAH PERHAM,
Agent, 585 Broadway, New York City.
Persons taking an active interest in this
'charitable nnderiaking, by getting up
clubs, will receive eleven tickets lor every
ten dollars sent.
Jan. 20, 1864 '
Just received at Erasmus Nets Store.
Co fleet
Spices, j
. Salt,
Candies, v
Together with a great variety of notions
&c., ion numerous to mention.
CF" Butter, Eggs, Meat and produce gen
erally taken in exchange for woods.
Bloornsburg, Feb. 29, 1664.
TO t
It is well known to 'the
sion that Iron is the vital
Element of the tlood.
chiefly from ihe food we
focd is 1101 properly' digelei
any cause whatever, the necf
tity til iron' is not taken into lh(
or becomes reduced the whole
fern. The bad blood will irritate!
will clog uprthe lungs, will stl
brain, will obstruct the liver, and
its disease producing elements to nl
of the system, and every on'ew:irs?
whatever organ may be predisposed
ease. The great valne of
Is well known and acknowledged by
medicai men. The difficulty has been
obtain such a prepp.mtion ot it a will ttt
tot 1 nil 1 rn 1111 inn anil bii m 1 um o t ama
:.a. 1 ui. 1 tu:b r- 11
Massachusetts btate Chemist, ha been if.
lamed in the Peruvian Syrup, by cornbu.m
lion in a way before nnkriown.
'is a protected notation of the Protoxide
of Iron. A new discovery in.medicine that
strikes at the 'Root ol Disease by supply
"ing the blood wiih it Vital Principle or
Life E.ement Iror.
.Cures Dispepsia, Liver Complaint, DfbpVy
Fver and Ague, Loss of energy, Low
infuses strength; vigor, and new lile into
the system, ano builds up an "Iron Consti
Cores Nervous Afleclions, Female Com
plaints, wtrd all diseases of ihe Kidneys
and Bladder.
Is a Specific, lor all disease origufcfiug in
iVhail state of the blood, or accompanied
byuebtlit; or a'tow state 01 the system.
Pamphleis containing certificates of
cures and lecommendations Irom some of
ihe most eniinmt Phjsiciann. Clergymen
and others, will be tent FREE to any ad
We select a f-w of he names to show
the character ol the testimonials.
Johir'E. 'Williams E-q , President of the .
Keirodo itan Batik. N. Y.
Rev Abell Sievei.s, late Editor Christian
Alvocate & Journal. I
Rev P. (Jtmrc.ti, Editor N. Y. 'Jirnide.
Kev. John Pierpoui, Rev.Warre'i Burion.'
Rev. Arthur B. Fuller. Kev. Gurdou Hop
bine, Rev. Stlvauns Cobb, Rev. T. Starr
Kng, Rev. Ephraim Nine., Jr., Rev.seph
H'Chnch, Rev Henrv UpHam, Rev. P. C.
Headley, Rev. Jonn W. Olrnstea l. Levi is
Jihrt-on, Al. D . Roswell Kiutiey, M. 1)
S. K Kendall, M D., W R Ul.i-holm.M O,
r rai cis u-na, ox.
D, Jeremiah Stone. M.
D , Jo-
e Antonio Sanches. M. D , A. A.
Hayes. M. D , Abraham Wendell, M. D,
J. Ii. Chihoo. M. I)., H. E. Kinney, M. D.
Prepared bv N L Clark L Co. excliji
sively lor J. P. DINSMORE.No. 491 Brod
j way, Now York. Sol 1 by all Druggists.
YSedfHiiM Ium.i Salve !
ly estatdishetl the superiority ot
Over ill other healing prepara ions
"it cures J-.! I kinds ol $ res, Cm-. SrHtl,
Burns, B01N, Ulcers, Salt Rnenm Etyi
els, Sues. Pils, Corns, S-re Lips, So
LVa. Ik-r romfirino ihe tiuiii l mice, ami
reducing itie. most artgry looking swell n
and iiiflama'io!! as if by magic.
For sale b J. P. DINSMORE. No. t'H
Br dway, New York, S W. FO'A'LE
Co.. N. 18 Tre m out St Bo.-ton, ami tj
all Driiiiii-ls.
A,u..,-1 mr.i 1 r
il :rii t W m w
iD Z2i Li
j OWING loth very high price ol 'Coffee,
and the great difficnl.v in procuring a good,
nnilorm and reliable article onr customer
; have ptten expressed a wi-h lhai li'ey
: could Je supplied Irom firsi hands. Ii ra
, the in'emion ol
The treat Am tile an Tea Comp nj.
to do r- strictly Tea business, bin 8
; have had some customers living at a di
; lance that have relied npoii u t6 supply.
' them excln-ively wiih Tea and Coflee, it
being inconvenient from lliem 'to come lr
' New York. Trie Great Tea Coffee Empo
j rium of thi tountry and as our Tea Tai
' ter wa possessed of information relating
i tf a TrtnP that could be lnrnish 1 at a
i oderatt price and give iinive'r-al satis
faction, and at ihe am irtns afford Ihd
reiailer a handsome profit wfe have beii
compelled to supply lhrse par ies. THIS
with our customers and ih'eiV safes hv
increased to such ri extent thai we have
been compelled o make larue addition to
. our machinery, which wid enable os 10
supply a few more enst mers with il. We
1 will therefore cer-d il to those who may or
i der.
COFFEES. This coffee has been ov-.l lr
: more than a century in Pans, and since)
; its introduction litis country, it has
been in use by -jme olhv leading Frent h
i Restaurants here Tfie Pari-ims are said
to be the best judges of coffee, and ihe
great favor in which it is held by them i
the best recommendation that can be pro
dnced for its fine tfavor and healthy effect
upon Ihe human system.
We put up but one grade of this coflee,
and that is of a quality thai our customers
have lound from experience will give per
feet satisfaction and meet all Ihe demand
nt their trade. It is the lowest price that
w& ran tommend.
We do all our business on the most ex
tensive scale, buy by the carjo and sell at
only two cents per pound profit;
We put op this coffee In barrel only, of
125 pounds each. This method of patting
it up saves from 2 to 5 cents per pound trt
the customer, and by its being in a large
quantity it retains its fine flavor mbcrl
longer in ihis orm than in any bther. We.
send with each barrel Show-Cards, Circo
lars and Posters, to assist the dealer 10 irt
irodoce it to his customers. We hope our
customers will take pains lo have them
well posted up and distributed, as il will
be 10 their advantage to do so.
This coffee we warrant 10 give perfect
satisfactfon, and if it does not please, ihe
purchaser has the privilege of returning
Ihe whole or any pari of it within 60 days,
ami having his money relundfd
with all the expenses of transportation both
We issue a Price Circular of our Tea
and CoffeeSj which we ari glad to send
fretf to all Who wish it. Consumers of cof
fee should enouire for the French Breaklist
and Dinner Coffee and be sure lhai il wan
purchased ol ihe GREAT AMERICAN?
TEA COMPANY, Importers and Jobbers,
35 37 Vetey St., New
July 13, 1864.Sms. . .
of proper desirablefornis,fo sale
of Ice ofthe4,taf ofthe North.'