- v ; :;r .ill OF THE NORTH JIXGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTRY. m.OOHSI.TJUG, PA. (WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 12. 1864. To our Patron? au! the Public. The prpent high price pf paper, labor, printing triatrial and every article enter irz into our buiness, has compelled us lo look to a rorrepoiidin2 advance in our charge. Hence the undersigned, noblish- rs in Bloomsburg. will on and after the 11 of September, 1864. make an advance of Fifty per cent, upon old rates. . RATES OF ADVERTISING, One square ol eight lines I lime 1.00 1.50 2 00 4 9 6 00 10 00 i a lime, 4 It ti : (C 1 month, it tt ii 3 mouths, 6 l 1 year, Executor's & Administrator Notices, 3.00 Auditor's Noticed, 2 00 - JOB PRINTING. Hand Bdls one-eight1 beet,30 or less S2.00 ' ,fc one-fourth " " " 3 50 it it one-half 4i full het. " it 6 00 10.00 All noices of public meeting (except of political or religious) must be paid for at advertising rates. . Editorials or local advertising will be charged 20 cents per line. Obituaries ac companying notices 10 cents per line. All transient advertising must be paid for at the tune of insertion. P JOHN, P bli-her Hepi'lliem. LEVI L TAl E, Pub. Democuit. V . H.JACOl'.Y, Publisher Star. Blonwburg, Ana. 10. 1864 Am AFPRKNTK't: bot vtill be takeu at this office to learn the art of printing. Thk ' Abolition party were hard up for votes ou Tuesday la.-t. They did no! have ! the services ol Secretary Stanton this time, j lie did not send them 30 000 voted I Th V ir wilt commence at this place on Thursday (tomorrow.) Many articles have already been brouahi in lorehibiiion. IndiatioiiB are that the Fair will be a sue cess. . ; Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three Mbs Mary Barki.ky has received rein- ; yt,.(rs from Ao?. 15irij 1864, with semi fnrcemeuts at her millinery shop, in the I anriUH jmerebt at the rate of seven and hapeol a larue acquisition made to her j ,hree.tenths per cent .per annum, princi alread) extetH-ivQ Ptock of goods. Mary pH, aid ilJleresl boili to btf pa,d -in lawful Knows how lo cater. tn trie tastes ot the! most fashionable in dress. Nkw Saloon Our young friend Mr. H. C thristman,ha just removed to this place i V" lc,M- s",u v"- ImmU a.hintOH City, where he has feen in l'. five " ",orK ,han lwe,,,J' eara the Government employ for the last . ;hree fr,un lU"U da,e' H lhe 'nment may years, and opened an A. No. 1 Eati-ig Sa j e'1' They will be issued in f-enomina. loon. He know how to keep a sa'oou. and with the. attention thai Mr: C. wi41 give it, he will Jo first rate in this place. btOJ a cull. See advertisement. Qlve GrpKRAL Hookkr The Republican are making treat noise and bluster about Fiuht In; Jok HooKKa tiug in lavor ot the re election of Abraham Lincoln. We pub lished, says the New York Hern Id t a few day ago, -a despatch from our Albany cor respondent, announcing that General Hook- ; en declared himself in lavor of the election of -McCi.KLt.AN nn the platform adied and urged by fie Herald. That statement Gen eral Hookck authorized to be made. " ! Th Abolitionists of this place thought to; . .1. : i . i k... do a mart thing on election day by run ning Lkonakd S. Stinknan for Member against ourself, tlie regular Democratic nominee. In this township, as ail know, the Abs have ffstrong majqrity, and as a maMer ol coarse to far as il goes their cundi dtt would be oheadl lhe better members oi their owo party woujd not be found en gaged in such work. The American AgticullmLsl published by Orange Jieb in New York, has come to us (or fArtober. It is an interesting publica tion, calculated to enhance the interests ol the farmer, and promote the objects of the horticulturist. This is the standard publi cation on all agricultural subjects in Amer ica, ami the cheapest. This publication is large, containing more reading matter than most .like publications, and thoroughly il lustrated throughout in every number All for Si. 00 a year in advjnce Send and get 1 it No. 41 Park Row, New York. Vot on the Cars. We have reliable information of a vote having been taken on the train between Elmira and William port a few days since, which resulted as follows: For McClkllan 91 ; Lincoln 22; a majority for the hero of Aoliet&ra of 72 What may seera strange to some of the Opposition, quite a considerable portion of this vote were soldiers who have proved tiietr devotion to the Union and the Con titution on the battle fild. They are do! alt tor Lincoln. - "Poor TraT.'" -Tuesday eveninig last at the Court House, the Managers aud Direct or of the straights of this boro. gave an rHertainment,at which they introduced as one of the speakers, R. F. Clark. Esq (as he raid) from the rebel county of Colum bia, who was made the tcape gout in this Congressional District two years ago to "tand ia the boots" of the Rev; Geo. Lak DO, to bear the sins of the outcasts, to sava the roomy Ticket from'ignominious deleat! He bowed himself to the yoke of bit oppressors, and kissed the hands of those who made him the dope and victim of their selfish ends ! . It was a ead pic ture to behold, bat it shows the power of the arli'it who paints the canvass to suit his own selfish ands Not one word of inqui ry did- Mr. Clark make after the 'lwo thou sand nwjirily" that was promised him in (his coble old county, that was able to give Mr. UncrJn for whom he spake, flue fwu . sand rrpjirity.. Il he can't talk irr Bradford.1 belter lhan he can run for Congress, he will find that ha is spell bound, and he had better return lo bis -Uet-el County," and ?if Alj. Tf-har Lave llieyoies" Diaofurd ' Arui. ' ' , ELECTORS. At urge,RofltxT L Johnston, Richard Vacx. William Longhlin, Paul Leidy, r'dward R. Helmbold.Rot ert Swineford, Edward P Dunn," John Ahl, Thomas McCoIlongh,Geot2e A.Smith, Edward T Hess Thaddeus Banks, Philip S Gerhard, George G. Leiper, Michael Sel'zer, Patrick McEvoy, Thorna? H. Walker, Oliver S- Dimrnick, At ram B. Dunning, Hugh Montgomery, John M. Irvine, Joseph M Thorn peon, Rasnelas Brown, James P. Barr, William J. Koontz, William Montgomery On thc morning ol the election as Thos Downed was about to deposit his ballot a couple ol soldier very politely stepped up and iulormed him that they ha 1 business with him over at the Provost Marshall's office; and when there Mr. D- wasJoUl that he was a deserter, ami h id no right to vote. It appears that this man has been working at Irondale Furnace Jor itearly a year or moie, was drafted July last and paid bis three hundred dollars, exempting him from the service, but not till on election day was it discovered Hint he was a deserter ! He, it is said, voles the Democratic ticket to the great dissatisfaction of the woolies ! Morc Military A'krests On the day of election Shchiff Fubman, assisted by R. C. Fkuit, took from the jail ' two men. who had been placed in his keeping by the mil itary authorities ot this place, to Hemlock township, their place of residence, for the pnrpose of voting; and while o, his trey back with there (ilrafteil) men, the xvhohj party wa arrested and taken to Harrisburg, where they are confined at present, in fome military lock-up. These Hemlock men are claimed by she miliary to have tieen drafted ;n the nine months service, but never served their time. Ma. Wim.iam Shaw wiil please accept the 'hank of the Editor, as well as to ail whom it may concern", for that large wi'er pitcher presented us a few days since. It is a handsome ai ft, and a very conenieut institution" in a printing office. May his shadow never grow less, and may he never be d raited U. S. 7-30 LOAN. . . The Secretary of the Treasury uives no- lice that subscriptins will be received lor money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the bolder at maturity, into six I . -.11 ' K .. .1 , Kt .. i ! """" v' " "JX,U ' i ..it .. Kt r t v . tn. F.it. t,,i. till puurtl iiiuiip V o I ys i nnj u . i I - i-l l f c. lit I tars or &ome muiMpie oi niiy aonars. The notes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges as oon after I fie receipt of the original Cer tificates of Deposit as they can be prepared. As the notes draw interest from Auhusi 1 5th . persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accmed from date of note to date ol deposit. Parties depositing twenty five dolla's ' atnl upwards for these notes at any one , time will be allowed a commission of one quarter of one per cent, watch will be paid by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certi fi ,, . .t rr ,l , tied to by the officer with whom the de- J posit was matte. No deductions for com missions must te made from the deposits. , Special Advantages of this Loan. It is a National Saving Bank, offering a higher rate of interest than any other, and the bes. security. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in U.S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating me dium of the country, and it cannot pay in anything belter, for its own asets are eith er in government aecuiiiies or in noles or bonds payable in government paper. It is equally7 convenient as a temporary or permanent investment. The notes can always be sold forwithitl a fraction of their ! face and accumulated interest, arul are the best security with banks as collaterals for discounts. Convertible into a Six per cent'. 5-20 Gold Bond. In addition to the vary liberal interest on the notes lor three years, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per cent, per annum, for the current rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less than nine per cent, premium, aud before the war the premium oo six per cent. United Slates Stocks was over twenty per cent. It wll be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less lhan ten per cent, per annum. ' , Its Exemption from State ot Municipal J axation. But aside from all the advantages we have enumerated, a special act of Congress exempt all Bonds and Treasury Notes fiom local Taiation. On the average, this ex smption is worth about two per cent, per annum, according to the rate of taxation in various parts ol the country. , It is believed that no securities offer so gieat inducements to lenders as those issu ed bj" the government. In all'other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of pri vate parties, or stock compsnies, or sepa rate communities, only, iu pledged for payment, while the whole property ol the country is held to secure the discharge ol all the obligations of the Uniud States. While the government offers the most liberal ferms for its loans, it believes that thervery strongest appeal will be the loyalty and patriotism oi the people. Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the Untied States, at Washing ton, the several Assistant Treasurers aud designated Depositaries, and by the First iValional Dank or J3Ioomsbur) I'a. And all National Banks which are deposi- ; taries ol public mosey,, and all iespi.ciable Banks and Bankers throughout the country t, glTe further information and afford pvety facility to subscribers. ' August 10, J864. 3ra. TRESWEXTIAL ELECTION PROC LAMATION. WHEREAS, in and by an Act of Gen eral' Assembly of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An A?M io regulate the General Elections within this Common wealth,"" it-is enjoined upon me to give. pnMic no' ice ol said elections and to enn tnerate in 8aid notice what officers are lo be elected, I, JOSIAH H. FURaIAN Sheriff of the county ol Colnmbia ilo hereby make known anjj proclaim to the qnnlified elec tors of the county of oIumbM. Siate of Pa , ON TUESDAY. THE FIRST DAY OF NOVEMBER, beinn i'e First Tuesday in said month, at which time Twenti-Six. Electors, lor a PRESIDENT and VITE PRESIDENT ol the United Slntes ate to be elected. I also ii ake known thai the places of holding the Elections in the several town ships throughout the county, are as follows viz: . Bloom lownshii , at the Court House, in Bloomsburg. Benton township, at the Publie House of John J. Stiles, in the Town of Benton. Beaver township, at the Public House of Frarklin L. Sburnnn. Briatcreek township, at the Put lie School House, near Evansville. Borough of Berwick, at the Town Hoose, in the Borough. Catawiss ttwrtship. at the Public House Of Samuel Kostenbander. .Centre fownshiy. at the niiatl He8. derened. Con j tn'iaui to vv !,-h -:. IIoi;c ot J, r at the I'n Si Houe ci! i -uhei; . n-;.r. , j,, i; t ;'.:ium:.frk '.ov. -'. in. at thc I utdic Franklin lo-.vn.Miip. at Clayton's School ! Ilcuse. ! GieeiiWuod towr.st.ip, at iheHoue Joset ii a. r'a;t in. ji.t..i, ... ,k.. ....... i, n .... t Jacks,,,, townsr.ipa. the Hou.e oi Eze- ! kiel Cide LocM,.."townhi..at the Public House ot ! Joh., L Hrs.. i, .M.-.K..n ! Vl.tti;.. t ..,."..-! ... .i... n... r i'niuui i-..ii-.,ii, ai iiic- h iu,ii!ic "I Johrj Killef Ma.'ison township, at the Public House of Samuel Rirnuy Mu Pieaaril low-i-hip. at the PuUic House ot Thomas J'tues. Montour township, at the Houe of Wm. Hollinshead. M jii townhip, at the Public Houe of John A. Shuinan Roariocreelc tnwuhip.a: the House for merly occupieti by George VV. Dreistacn . Oraniie townshic, at (he Putdic H-xie of Alexander Hitches, in Oranev.lle. Pine township, at the llou ot Albert Hunter. ' Sugarloaf township, at the House of A., Cole : Scott township, at the P.iblnj Hoo-e ol l J. D. March bank " It is lurther directed that the election of ; the several di-tricts hal! be opened t e-j tween the hours ot 8 ami 10 o'clock in m -lorenoon, ami shail conimne open without interi option and a tjf'ii rn meni until 7 o'ciovk in the evening, wlieii the polls shall be 1 closeil. It i further directed that de myelin" of Return Judues at the COURT HOUSE in Bioomsbura, lo make out the General elec tion, will be on the FOURTH OF NOVUM Bt.ll next. NOT'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Thai every person excepti'us Justices of ; the Peace who shall h; ' I any i liicer or ap i pointrnent of profit or trust under he Uni ted Mates, or ot inisjyaie. or any city or i co r orated d istrict, w hether a comrni.-simi : ed othcer or otherwise, a subordm a:e riiri cer or ai:ent lm i or shall be empi.it d ; under Ifie le-ji-laiiire, executive nr j-i !ici ar department ot litis S ate, or ol a iy crv f or of any iiu-Oi;inrated d-stiirt, and a's, that every member ol C ni:re-s arul of tie State Lei-laiure, ar.il of the relect or Corn- ; mon cnt.ncil ol any ciiv, or comi mi-sinn . ' ers of an; mcorpmated diinct, is by law ; incajiable of holding or exercisi.,: at (tie 1 lime, the r ffice or appointment cf Jmlije, . Inspector, or Clerk of any election of ;hi J Common eal'h,-and that no Inspectnr, j Jutle or oilier officer of such eleciion shll fe eligible f be then voted tor. And the said act of aeinhiy entitled "an act i e!a:iiii to elections of thi Com monwealth." parsed July 2. 1819, lurther provides as follows, viz : In case the person who shall have re ceived the highest number of voies hr Li spei tor shall not alien. I on the day of any election, then the person wtjo 8lall have received the second highest number of votes for Judge at the next preceding elec tion shall act as Inspector in his place. And in case the person who has receive ! the second highest ncrnber of voles f,r In speclor shall not attend, the person elected Jude shall appoint an Inspector in his place, and if any vacancy slit, continue i in the board lor the space of one hour after the lime fixed by law for the open-n of the election the qoa; hd vo ers nt .!,e township, ward or .,.!ne r vr4:ic.r -u-?i officer shall hive t ee . p'.n, I jireient i! the elenioi.. -h iii e one of tii.'ir nnni- i ber to fi; socii VHCa:.i:y 'It sr,a!i '..e Ji:ty of i;:e sevt-rsl As se(iors respectively 'o ;t:;:i.f at the place of ho'diiij every yene'al, s.e-,ii or tv.vn ship elei'nn during ihe whole lime sm'h election is keji. oi.ei, for the purpose nt "ivina itiforrnatio'i to the Inspei-trrs and Jude, when cade 1 mi, in relatio i io tfie riiiht ot any per-'i i rt-se?, j by them to vote a such elecMTi, and on such other matters in relation to the assessment ol voter", as the said Inspectors or either of thern shall fr irn time to time require. ' No person shall be permitted to vote at any election as atoreaai , .han a white cit izen of the aye of twenty-one or more, who shall have resided in thi State at least one year, and in the ejection district where he offers to vote, ten days immedi ately preceding such election, and within two years paid a St?te or County tax which shall have been assesed at leat ten day before the elechon. But a citizen ot the United Slates who has previously been a quaiified voter of this S a'e and removed therefrom and returned, and who shall hav resided, in the election district and pa.' taxes, aforesaid, shall he entitled to vole alter residing in hi- State six month Provided, Ttiat the white freemen, i-zen of the United S ates, between the a- ol wenty-one and twenty-two ears wo have resi led in the election district ten days as aforesaid shall te entitled to vote, although they fcfjall not have paid tax. 'No person shall be permitted io vote whose name is not contained in the bt oi taxable inhabitants, furnished by the Com missioners, unless : First, he produce a receipt of payment, within two years of State or County tax assessed agreeably to lhe Constitution, and give sati-factory evi dence on his own oath or affirmation of another that he has paid such a tax. or in failure to produce a receipt shaTl make nam to the payment thereot , or Becond. if he claim a r.gbt to vote by bring an elector between theae of tweutyone and Iwen-ly-l wo years b all depose on oath or affirm -at;on,that he has resided in the State at Ieat one y ear before bi application, and make such proof of residenca in the dis trict as. is required by this act, and that he doe verily believe lrom the account given him that he is ot the ape aforesaid, and given such other evidence as is required bv this act. whereupon the name of the ) person so admitted to vote shall be inserted nr the alphabetical nsi oy me inspector, and a note made opposite thereto by' writ ing the word "lax," if he shall -be admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax, and the word 'age" if he shall be admitted to i vote bv rea"n of ag?) h,(1 fl Mi"her i-hs the reason of such a vo'e shnll he cai ont to the clerks, who shall make a like note in the list of vo'er kept ty mem. ' In all caes where the name ot the per son clnimiPi: tn vote is no? f'tund on. tfie lis; furnished by the Com i i-sioneri, or his fiuht to vote whether f'und ihereon or not, is objected to by any qnsdified citizen. :t shall be the duty of the Inspectors to en. amine such person on oa'h an to hi quali fications, and il.he claims to have resided within the State for one year or more, his oath shall be sufficient proof thereof, but he shall make proof by at least one cottt patent wiuiss, who shall be a qualified elector, that t.e ha- resided within (he 'is tricl for morn than leu uays immediately, precdins said election and shall also wear that his bona fide residence, in pur suance of h'n lawlul calling is within the district, and that he did i:ot remove within 1 the district for the purpose of voting. 1 "Every person qualified a aloresaid,arid who cha!l make due pioof if required, of his residence and payment of taxes atora sa id, shall be admitted .to vo-e in the town. r-hi; a-.rd (rd.sin i in whicN he shall te- Sl.il-' p ';t,y ,..eroi! R'lall prevent or aUernpt vi t -any niai'er o: :in e ecii'Mi uniier i ''.) hid 'uiu such fl''ct;'!i or ne tht- 'r ihrit'e-t violence to :ny such offi ce', r.n I s',;ui ir'?rrii;-i fT improperlv in-tTf--re wit!, t ir.i in the execution of his ""'V' . 't td"CK up or ntterr.pt to block nv or avT'iuie t" i!iy window j j w ne re me a'i;e in a i e ihmucu, -i puan ( rio'on-lv flisiurb the peace of such elec- L. . I L. ! I tion, r hali use or praeuc innmidaiion, "' l"rv m, "' ljef-n l" infit.ence nndu.v nr a erawe any el.jc- "r- or f'rev,en' f'"" T" V""":' " ii,rf"1 'reedoin ul chn.ee, ch persons on convict "i had t-e h i.'il in any snni no eceeit'ii- five hur. d;ed I'ulnr.-. to be ! iirt prisoned fur a.y cue ro' Ii ihan i'ne ti.-r n.ote than tv e-ve monihs a;:d it it shull be sfiowii iu the Cour' t,er-.- the trial of ' sneh n Hence !lail be had tliat the person : so olie),iinj as r,ot a resi lei t ol the city, i ward or district wh frethe sid clTeure was S cornniiue I, and not si, titled to vote there j in, on conviction, he shad he sentenced to ' pay a fine no' less than one hundred or more than one thousand dollars, find be i'r pr ironed not less ihu't iv months nor , more .ha t .wo- ars. Given under my ham, at my office in BI.-iMiiriir;:, t 12 h U rd Oct her, in the war o' nnr Li-rd, o.ttt thi!l-and eij',t f-u mi red ,m I six y '...-nr. .md ir. t!. ' eijiitv niii ri oi' t!i e ;i.!i',,om j.'M'i; the Liioed Ma.es. JOS1A1T II KrilMAN.-ShtriiT. Shenfi's Office, Bioomsbnr.', Oct 12, !G4 I JYatioHal Foundry, ' I'ne sub-ribjr, proprietor o ' " named extensive establish) of the ?bove men;, is now prepared lo receive orders lor all kituU of machinery, for C'OLLERI ES BLAST FI R N A C ES STATIONARY ENGINES, MILLS THRESHIMG MACHINES, &c, &.c. He is also prepareil to make S oves, all sie- ami patterns, i'Jow-irons, and every thing usually ma le in rirsi-class Foundries Hts elmi-ne facilities and practical workman, wairant fiim in receiving the largeii contracts or the most reasonable terms. tV (Jiain of all kinds will be taken in exchange I ot Cl -! i"ls. ViT This e-tat ii-h rnent i located near he Lackawanna Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMEYER. ' Blorrnsbur2, Se.it. ISri.l. f OLldlBI A COIXTT, feS : In the Court ot Common Pleas of Columbia C'mii ty iitteulta it is thus contained:. In the mnl'er of lhe And now to w it : C cmelery m Scolt Ip. j On the 8lh day o.' Sep temner, Jfcbl, upon the presentaiimi ol t' e petition -ot Eli Crevflm and nt her.-, pray -ini that the "Creveling Cemetery" fie in corporate.! with such power-, an I under siicti reslrictions a a.e se. Uir'h in - it in sirurrient in writing this da filed, ttins lorth orject. article-, rood ,tiii..- in ii e and Mjie. nn !er winch they have a.--ciat.-.!. It was ordered that notice t!n-r"of he tven bv pnblication agreeably lo the act ol .s seiiibly in such r-a-e made and provide I By order ot lhe Conn. Certifi d from the Recordis. Sepi. 8, 1861. JES -E COLEMAN, Frothy. Septpmer M, lf64.-;d. t2. AGISTS VA.Ti'D JZcru SIaii ! JscL'EcUaia ! VLl' f; e, lari'e. i. -e. ,. , , t-nur tv k .-i PEOPLIS t-'H -MCE FOli ri EVIDENT OF Tin: UMTKI 1 TKS. T'ii- J-...-.-HV i' e; re.e. hitn ori his t-'.;;,'k hor-e o , t; - b.,t t fi-ld o! Aliti?tam ii b Sd. Ti.e Miiy .n-knnwieded correct iiiei e yet pi,rli-hed. From an orii'iai paintiti by S('1!USELE fiom iile. etit i-y mail on a siiti paper roller. Price THREE LQi.LUiS. L-heral inducements to Agents. l'ibtisl,ed by WM SMITH, 702 S. Third Mreet, Phila. Sepiembei 2H, I84. HOW AUOS ASSOMATIwN . PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES of the Nervous. Seminal, Urinary ami Sexual Syterm new- and re liable trea'merd in Reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION Sent by mail in Sealed letier envelo.es, free ol charge. Address, Dr. J. SKILL1N HOUGHTON. Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth S'rcet Philadelphia, Pa. Dec. 16 l i3 1 y To CoiiMiiiigHivcs- Consumptive sutlers will receive a valuable nrecri;-ion tor the cure of Cotl- -i, ir, ;n ion , Ast'.rr.a ', rr :,: t. it I a ,1 t.ir iat ai'd L all-Cti ii.ittre-- ) h'v - e U 1 1 - J i v.;::-ward A . WILy . Wiiiiarn.- New Yfitr.'. T 21, ltr4 --3m CHARLES G. BARKLEY, Atlorncy at Law, BL0031SCIIIG, 10L13ICIA CO.i I'A. WILL practice in the several Courts of Columbia county. All legal busine-s intrusted to his earn shall receive prompt attention O F F I C E,On Main Slree,N Exchange Buildups, over Mil'.sr's JS'-' .e. April 13, lfi4. HENRY ROSENSTOCK, Sky-IisIt Am!rolypity lO0MS in tbe Tt.ird Story ol the F.x- chaug-e Block, (entrance above the B ok Store,) Bloomsburg, Columbia coun ty. Pa. . - . Bloomsburg, No.23, 1859 If. i ' V GROVESTEEN 80 CO. riAAosoir: e: a sir a crnKEKs, O.C2ifT5ri "j-"'.. ryt rTS fT r?l C?""' Pf THE attention of the public at d the trade wood Piano Forte, which for volume and purity of lone ure linn veiled bv any nrnero offered in this market. They roniain nil 'fie modern irr provemeiiis, French , Grand Action, Harp Pedal. Imn Frame Ovtr-S.nini- Pa" '&-.. d each ins'rument beine made under the perso- al s.-.t ervisi ti cl Mr J. I! GJ ()VP'I EF.N, who has bad prarticalex rerience of over 3'J years in their rr ai ulactnre. is hilly warren'ed ir every particular. The Grovestetn I'iuno-Forfe Itecfivnt tic llishtst oicurd f Mtrit ovtr ull others at the Celebrated Worlds Fair. Where were exhil ited instruments hom the besi makers of London, Paris. Germany, Ptiilanelrihia. Baltimore. Boston iind New York; aid al?o at lhe An.erican Institme for five successive years, the gold and silver ware-roon. liy the inrnd ncticn ot impro err ems we n ane a sun mnir .-v. . Forte, and by manufacturing larely , with a shin y a-h system, a.e enabled to offer thee ins'ruments ai pru-es which will preclude all competition. PRICES: No. 1, Seven Octave, round corners. Kosewrx.d. plain case S275. n. Seven Octave, round corner-, Roo wood l e .v mmddfus 300. No 3, s-even Oc ave, round corners. Rosewood Lo,n X V sl le ll 1.0i AIV Sl te ;,'JV3 a IHC Mmilf mi inr nil.,. - . ..i ESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS SENT FKEE.j tFDE, July 13, 1S64 ly IT. IS THE ONLY RELIABLE SLF-Jl VJUST1XG irilLXGER. Xo li'o til Work to swtll or split Xo Thumb-tici ftp to g-e.f out of urdfr IVarrantedicilh or without cog-wheels TT tyok the first premium at riliy-seven SiHte and County Fair- in and i wiihout any exception, the bet Wringer ever rn.a !e. Patented ill the United Slates, E-ojia.id, Canad, and Australia Aiieuts wanted in every town, ami in ad pan-of the world. Energetic Age.-im caii make Irrmi i:iree to leti Dollars per day. S,ni, le Wringers sent Express 'paid on receipt o price. N. 2, iff at). N'o. 1, S7 SO N". F. 50. N . A. tS.fO." Manufactured ami sold, wi.ole-aie and retail, bv THE f U I N M M A N U FA CTURI NG CO , No. 13 Piatt S 'eet, N. V. & Cleveland, O. A H FRANCISCUS. Agen-. Philadelphia. Pa. II hat Everybody Knows, viz: That iron well i:ulvi,iiized will not rust. Tna' a simple machine is be'ter' than a complicated one. That a Wringer should be sell adjusting, durable, ami efficient. That Thumb screws and Fa-teniugs cause delay anil trouble to regulate and keep in order. That wTioil. soaked in hoi water will dwell, shrink and split. 1 hat wood bearing- lot the snalt to r.m in will wear out. That the Putnam Wringer, with or wit ho ii i con wheels, will not tear itie clott e That von wheel regulator- ..re not essen tial. That ihe Pmi.ani Wringer ha i i he advantages, and not one ol the disfdvari lajes almve named That all wtio have tested it , proi. ounce il the b st W'.nger ever made. Tt-ai ii w ill w ring a THREA1 or a BED QUILT without aileratior.. We nnuKt fill the paper with testimoni als, but in-ert only a lew to convince the skeptical, if such there tie; arul we say io all, tes. Putnam's Wiinuer Te-t n thor oughly woh any and ail o:her-, and if n t ei tirelv sat i-f-tcl orv return it. Putnam Manufacturing Co. I r- n it - iivi I nun i Weil u h 1 v a ii i r -1 .-i-'' i- - -ir rlii!,'. ec . e pe riei i ' .i - w zinc vv 1 1 ' Pm , (HI , W ...Mi t , n lo i f)H . i '- ; '. i r.: C l-v- .o t. o --e in l . u 2 llo' to I.-: irr i..i in-'Z- ' . ;; e. Ma'iy ears ex. eri tug bi.MK'-s-. en-! iibov'e s'.a.eiiient in ai 1 1 n icu ' r- JNO C LEFFERTS No. KHJ BecKinati Si. New York, January , 1864. We have le-ted Putnam's Clothes Wring er by practical working, and know that it wiii do. Ii is cheap, it is simple, it requires no room wheiher at work or at rest; a child can operate il It does iUduty thoroughly. 1: saves time and il fine- wear and tear. We earnestly advie all who have much washing to do, with ali intelligent (.er-ons who may have any, to buy th.s Wringer. Il will pay lor itself in a y ear a, irio-t. HORACE GREELEY. July 6, 1864, ly. VILTilAi2SI":iT NON EXPLOSIVE PURE "CRYSTAL CARBON OIL. ALSO, AND MTRSSICAT3 OII. IN TIGHT PACKAGES. C"r: r rr j ; i r ..j Vc ii.B. i:r.i i;ivi: iitmr ATTEATIOY II L. HOLDEN, Proprietor. WiUi .nispor:. July 6. 1S61. it. AaliCiial i laiin Ascnys C"NDI CTSU EY HARVY 56 COLLINS, If -'ASIUSGTOS U C. iS order 'o lacih ate the prompt adju-t-men1 of Boiui'y, airears ot pay. Pension and other claim di) soldiers and niher persons lrom the Government of the U. S , the under-igned tea made arrangement with lhe above firm whose experience and c!o-e proximity to, and daily intercour-e with, the Department, as well a- lhe early knowledge acquired by them of the deci io.i treqnenlly being made, enable ihem to pro-ecu'e claims more effect ually than Attorneys at a di-tauce can po ibiy do All persons entitled o claims ot ths above description can have ihem properly attend ed to by calling' on me aud entrusting them to my care. - W. WIRT, Agent for Harvv & Culiiu. Bljooibburg, Au-jusl 10, 114.. ' AS A. V S . T - i. . ' r" J J TV -. IT"r Tr. C7S' "?fCr2 is invited to onr New Scale 7 Octave Roe- medals frmi ?o:h ol which can be seen at our f-3?o a lac simile nt n.e anorf em OF O ne ol the o!de-i an imost 'eliabl e rem edies in (he world foi Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bionchiti,iiif-fi.-ti!iy ol Breathing, Asthma, Una rreness, Sore Throat. Crono.and every AfI-;iioii of the THROAT LUNGS and CHEST, including even WISTAR S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY tv general has tlie use of thisrt niedy become, and so popular is it everywhere that it is unnecessary to recount its virue-. Its work speak for it, and fi id utterance in the abundant and voluntary tes imouy ot the many who lrom long sr.flering and set tled di-ea-e iiave by its ue been re-.oreil to pri-tine vigor and fiealth. We can pre sent a mass of eviJetice iu proof ol our as.-e.t inns, t hat CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. Testimony of Mr JAMES GRIMES, a gentleman highly e-teemed in Columbia Co. Pa , auJ one w;;oie etateineul ' can be reliel upon. Mi. I lasar.t, Col. co., ' Pa , May 21.1890 Xlfr Setli W Fo ler& Cn., Bo-ton Gentlcitieii About three year ag'.i our daughter, now tselve years of age, wa se.vere!y iHicted with croup. A uenerai iiritalionid ihe lungs lollowed, nroducing afieclit: cough, whi.-h became almost con stant, swelling ol lhe temples anil other indications ol Consumption were aUo ap parent, ar d her lde was. ('e.-paired of bv t er ptiysir-iau. A' this critical moment we were imlined to give Dr. Wi-tar's Balsam rd Wiiil Cherry a trial, ami after she had taken one bottle we found her so much re lieved .bat- it was ihcngf.i nnnece-sary to continue n- u-e. Jn,ee that lime we have ned ihe Balsam ir. our family in ca-es of Coughs and ('old-, i nd believe il to be a -ni-.erior remedy loi all disease ol the Lungs. Your with respect JAMES GRIMES. FROM JESK SMITH. K-q., Pre-idcii. of the Morris County Bank,Mor r ist own, N J. "Ilavu-g useil Dr. Wist&r's Balsam of Wild Ctierry 'or about fi'teen years, and having real zed lis bei,eli -ial reults in my luiiU, i' a dor. I- me 2'eal pleasure in re- Coi.tmei.-ii'ig it o is.e put-ins as a vaiua- i t -. i-.i-e. -.1 V.eai. 1'1'IJ-, C'.ft-, i; ...' Lv .. ,1 a it 'e-l w hicn I consid ' r i ii. eni. and may be (a- !. i -a i. t oy -lin mot deli- -1 M- 'V I- )N v. S; rn, i : i Lr -r i i Wc.-tm:i!ster, ill i..,vm .... s. i:;il iin-a'i'-n n-e-1 D'. Wit.tr'- Bai-:in o W.;.! l'ii-tiy for severe i-'M- and alwavs with de, i.ied benefit. I k':,;w r.i no p'e;- ration that is more efli-raem-.s or in. ire deserving of general Use. The Hal-am ha- aNo been used with ex ceiier.l efipci by J B Elliott, Metchanl, Hah - Cm-s Rnads, Md. WISTAR S BALSAM OF W ILD CHERRY None genuine unless igued"I BU VTS, :' on Ifie Wrapper. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 Broadway, N.Y. S Y. FOWLE & Co., Propr etors, Bo.-toa. And by all Druggists. Ki DDIMj'S Rlr?SIA SALVC He tls O, 1 ore; Redding's Russia Salve Cures 'Bums, Scalds, Cuts. R-dding's Rus-ia Sdlve Cures Wounds, Bruises. Spra-ns. Re.iilmg's Russia Salve Cures Boils, Ul cers, Cancers. Redtling's Riissia Salve Cures Salt Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. Redding's I u s-i ,i Salve Cures Ring worm. Corns, &e. No family shoul.l be without it. ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. For sale bv J. P. DINSMORE, No 491 Broadway .N.Y. S. W. EOWLE & Co. No. 18 Tremont St.. Bn-ton, and by all Druggists anJ Country Sorekeepers ' Aug 10, 1SGL ly. v mn eti LATEST STYLES CHEAP GOODS. rfHE untiersigne.l respectfully informs his friends and lhe public generally, thai he has just received lrom the Eastern Cities, a large as-ortment of ji-tji.tjNi wj Jv. . 2fc.pi i.v - CLOTHING, Fresh from ihe seat of Fa-hion, of all sorts, sie and quantities, which will be 'sold cheap lor cash or country produce. ALSO, 11 A TS & CAS 8 BOOTS AND SUOES.gbj, i ogetner w un a variety oi no tions and thingw too troublesome to numer ate, Co which he invites lhe attention of pur chasers. D2? He is oho prepared to make us clothing to order on reasonable termp, and tip to the latest fashions. rSCall aud examine our stock of sroods. ANDREvV-J. EVANS. U! ooaisjurg, Ajirii 27, 1S64.. I FIRST PREMIUM g -i&g ' A.l VERMONT ;-"-V;S ILllNOiS. GROVER 8c BAKER'S CVI.rRKATKD KI.ASTIC STITCR SIVBC- MM biiim:s Were av.arc'ed the highest Premiums over ail Con-p'i'ors nl ti e fellow ing Slate and (.'ounlv Fnr- of 1K63. ' NEW YORK SIATE FAIR. , First Premium 'or fttiiiiy Machine. First Premiuni for. Maunfacmrina Machine K r-1 Premium for M'-cl.oie Work INDIANA SI ATE FAIR. Fir't Premium lor Machine for all purpose Fir-i IVemium for Maohiue Work VERMONT SPATE FAIR. Fir t Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. First Premium lor Machine Work OHIO STATE FAIR. - ' First Premium for Machine Work ' IOWA STATE FAIR. First Premium for, Family Machine " First Premium tor" M-tnuractniinjj Machine First Premium for Mac'iine .Work. -ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. ' . First Premium for Machine for all purposes F.rs'reininrn for M ichme Work KENTUCKY STATE FAIR . F r.-t Premium for Machine for all purposes Frist Premium f'r Machine Work, MICAIGAN TATE FAIR First Premium for Manufacturing: Machine-. ' F:rM Premium for Family Matdiine 3 Fir-1! Premium for Maclnni Work PENN'A STATE FAIR , . , FiMt Premium for Manufacturing Machine Frist Premium for Machine Work OREGON STATE FAIR. :' ' First Preminm for Family lachin - ' First Premium fT Machine Worlc -- - ' '" CHITTENDEN CO.-VtGR L SOC. '.. , r"trst Premium tor Family M chin "J First Pre.iiiiirn for Manilr.cturiiig M4oi ine Fir-t Pre.riilliri fr-r Machine Woik. FRANKLIN CO N Y, FAIR. First Premium lor For.iIy AInd.iin. F:r-t Premintri f or M a I n f tci n rm f Mi'l' CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vi. A""L SOC First Premium for Family Machine First Premium !r Mnnlactuung M,achi..e Fir-t Premium for Machine W--rk HAMPDEN CO. M- AG L SOC. ' Diploma tor Faulty Maidii-ie;. . I)i,.',oma lor Macttine vVoifc. WASHINGTON CO, N Y FAIR. First P entium jor Family Machine QUEENS CO N Y FAIR Firsi Picmium for Fan.ilv Machine Firsl Premium lr Ma.. utat ti ring Machine First Premium for Mac'iine Wot I, SA BATCH" A CON Y, FAIR. Fir' Premiuui for Family Machine MECHANICS INSTITUTE P. FAIR. ' Fir.-: Premium for 5lachine for all purpose First Premium tor Machine Work GREENFIELD O UNION FAIR . First Premium for Family Machine First Premium lor Machine Woik. CLINTON CO. O, FAIR ' Fir-. Preiiiintn for Fainilv Michine Fir-t Premium 1or Machine. ' MONTGOMERY CO P.i r FAIR. , . Fi.st Premium lor Mai hine for all mr'M! Fir-l Premium Inr Machne Work SAN JOAQUIN CO Cl FA III. Firs. Premium tor Family Machine ' Fif-l Premium fnr Machine U'nni. SAN JOSE DISTRICT Cal FAIR. Fir.-t Premium fnr Family Machine.' Fir-t Premium for Machine Work j2fT.ie above cnMipri-HB all th- Fa'rf at which the Grover & Baker Machu e- were exhibited this year. Sales-rooms, 495 Bmadway, Nw Yotk 730 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. March 23. 186 1 1 ' - - THE Greatest Improvement yet in the Sewing Machine Art. A curiosity wortn seeing. Please send for circular with sample -f pewirtr. These Improved Machines sarp oj. hundred per cent of thread and silk, atil m;tke the lock stitch alike on both s'vtle They rerjtiire no i tisiructiins to operate perfectly, except the "printed direction No change in sewing from oi:e kind- f goods to another. And no tak.ng apart to clean ' oil. Our New Manufactory is now complete with all its in ichinery and tools entirely new, and is already rapidly turning' ont Machines, which lor heautv and perfection ol finish are not ourpassed by anv in.iuufai--, lure. ti the world. N. B. Should any Machine ptove nn-at-isfa.-iory, it can be returned ami mouev refundeil. Agents wanted in counties not canvassed by our own Agents FINKLE & LYON S. M. CO. V No. 53S Broadway, New York.' " April 20. 164. ly. liV GOODS' A not her Arrival of Cnou1. A I Hat, Cap and Groccrv Si3 J. "LLi 3I?J a Xoiv is Your Time to liny. HE NOW' SELLS CHEAPER THAN EVEU ri'MIE undersigned hnving jnsi return "1 X fiom the Eastern cities withalarg an.f full assortmeu' of f. R q Kf in addition io a super vTV-y 1 e. or STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER 'Q HATS AND CAPS, comprising every foil and qualitt . is imw prepared to sell :. little cheaper than cu t' purchased elsewhere. H's Stock ol GROCERIES r- not m. passed in this maike', which he r.tter cheap for rafh, or in excfianjse for Gi'AIN OR PRODUCE. ALSO.-A fine lot of KIDS, -MOliOCCOES, ar.d LININGS to which i i.iv:-e tie ak lenlion ol Shoemakers' nnd ' loiblic. Give him a call t Sir n , Old S and, on Main Sireet. JOHN K. G !;lN. Uluvrcsburg. April i7t l?4.-; 1 ... . -I