The star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1849-1866, October 12, 1864, Image 2
r -J "71 "' - I 1 - "S V f t'; J 1 J: I t.r it STAR OF THE IVOR TH. IPJ. tf. JACOB Yt EDITOR. fti s ELC03I5JJCEC, WEDNESDAY OCT. 12, 1861. , .. ; Ut. , - . ' f . S. M. PrrTEsoii.L & Co., 37 Park Row, '' New York, ate duly authorized to solicit and "'-receive subscription ar.d advertising lor the m.Stai of the AorfA, published at Bluomsburg, I t Columbia county, Penn'a. . Mather & Co., 335 Broadway, New York, are aoihonzed to receive subscriptions and -! 'advertisinz for ihe Star of the North. DEMOCRATIC TICKET.- . PRESIDENT. . GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, OF HEW JERSEY- VICE PRESIDENT. GEORGE H. PENDLETON, or ouio. Death of William E. Huberts. It ii onr painful duty this week to an liouuce the deaih of one of the most estim able citizen.- of Columbia county, in the person ol William. E. Roberts, one of the forty-four arrested n.en trxn the upper end of ibis county, who died while under mili ' tary power, at Fort Jlijflin, a few dayo since His remains pitted through ibis place, on 'their way to their last resting place, lor interment, cn Monday evening last. He Ieaes a respectable, kind and affectionate family to mouro his departure. Imagine the leelingsof his lamily, of his friend and relatives, nu hearing of his death. His lam ily is stripped of its bead, deprived ol its 'support and protection, without any mem ber of it being present at his dea'.h to have dminisieredto him any words of comlort in bis dying hours. The community ha lost a oselul and worthy citizen, the church au exemplary member, and his family a 'kind parent. He had arrived at a good age, being some filly-six, just at the stage men usually decline in health andbecome more or less infirm. Mr. Roberts's heahti was delicate when be wa placed under arre.-t, and soon after became so feeble that fears were entertained as to bis recovery. He lin gered along in one of the lastiles of this administration, held as a political prisoner for over a month, when death relieved him 'from all his pain and suffering This is one case out of many, where men have been ar rested by this corrupt and despotic admin ist ration, thrown into some rotten and filthy 'prison, and there left to pine away and die just as has been the case of Mr. Ruber;. 'Men bate been dragged into pri-on for no offence known to the law, without charge or commitment, and there held until the panizan malice and spleen is thought suf ficiently spent, after which they are released ' tc return to tLeir homes, not knowing thai they ever violated any part of the laws of 2 iheir country, or in any way became amen able to :he law. It this administration 'is famous for any one thing, in the eyes of the ' American people as well as that of all Eu- " " rope, it is fur its military and arbitrary "ar- J ' rests ! The present administration wields more power than any one that tVt r preceded " ' it. Thi man was a quiet law-abidiu citi zen, firm friend and supporter of his gov " ernment, upholding1 and advocating all con- r stitutioqal laws and measures, but never for a moment1" doubted Ihe right to criticise 1 ' and examirfe into the acts of the present ""'"- administration, which he, in common with the Democratic party has dune, and the any shall continue to do so, until every member of it lie in military bastiles. Tt.e 1 balance of the forty our Fort 5'iffiui prison ' era, save four, are stilfheld in the military - ' bastite Four are at Harrisburg mdergoiug " ' some kind of a military trial. They hae - v been tinder this military power overlony ' da) s, as innocent men. They cannot long sianu taat Kinu oi treatment, i ney are ' used to an out door agricultural life, and to 'insure the lives of many of them they must . t soon be released, or follow the way of Mr. Rjber.4. v .,.Nicb Bt'siakJis ma CLEkCT. On Saturday we noticed a couple of strangers in town 7 hey appeared to have considerable atten ''-- lion pani to then, by our Shod.Jy" brth : ren. .- Their ' mysterious movements noon u developed, ihemelvea into a full blown Union League", orgitniza: ion. They ini tjaied their movements in the room over the store of Mebsrs Jackson and Woodin. and " now bold their midnight secret orgies in a 1 room opened fw that purpose over Milhr's . dru etore. Tl.eir proceedings are secret, hi reported, however, thai thn "Brethren" " all swear lb support "Old Abb.' It appears that the strangers were a cojple ol Divines Havn't they mistaken their calling? In - the days of the Apostles they would have been regarded as "wolves is sheep's cloth- ins". Nice business for a brace of cleray r" men, truly. We are 'not surprised at the -'. condition of the conntry, when men pro . fps-ina to be called of God to preach 'Chfit ; and him crucified are lound foremoct ir. ' war, war, and wallowing in the ces " pool cf party politics. What else is lo be expected? Eetvuck Guzettt. The Vcorjpfe of Divines'5 alluded lo in the above belong to the political corps ol clergy of '.his place. The one was.RcoBCN T. Wilsos, who preaches in the M. E. CLurchj and the other was Dahiel A. Bear. 1.ET, who sometimes exhorts in the same church, and who as the Democrat said last uet, '-"stands cpon the records of our Quarter Sessions, as a' convicted BioTiR." ThU is ihe kind of atoll that is supporting ABaitiAM Lixcoln, haranguing the mem bers ol the Methodist Episcopal , Charch. and running over the country organizing Uxiok LEAtuEs"! Ttiese men have ter r . 'y niieJ their calling to preach 'Christ i.;.J hi.n crucified", if e mistake not. TL?y are ptaumed to know their duties as iiifw.s, Lut lew people ever couceivad t -t ot their bcrs were to establish iwt 1 crafiizitioQa ! 1. war psvvs ts mi so encouraging to ; THE ELFTTMY. I The returns, come in too 6low for oj to give any very great amount in this issue. Bloom ttp. gave an Abolition maj. of 63, a falling off Of 24 fiora their maj last fair. In Scott the Democrats elected their Justice, over one of the'strongest Abolition guns in fhe iwp., and Col. Piollet, for Congress, was beaten butone vote by Mereur, the Aboli tion candidate. This is a large gain, as the township usually gives in the r.eigh borhood of 100 Abolition m). Scott d:d do welt as Thomas Dunn promised us she would a. month ago. Th Democratic maj . in Hemlock is 103; in. Montour 30; in Orange 41 ; in Berwick borough 17 Aboli tion maj , a falling off of 15 votes from latl year; and in Jackeon, Fiahingcreek and Beuton the Democratic majority is not quite so heavy as it has been ctheryears. A great many voter having left the, county will account for this. CORRESrOXDOCE. Fort Mifflin, October 7. I8fi4. Editor of The Star: It becomes my painful duty to announce the death of Wil liam E. RobTrts, one of the citiznn prison ers brought here by the military on the first of September. He had been at the hospi tal about twelve days. At midnight last evening the gates'of our ee l were thrown open and the death ol Mr Roberts was an nounced. You may imagine, Mr. Editor, the feelings this sad news imparted at that solemn hour g t til uur teelings were such that , little sleep came to our reliel during the re mainder ol the ninht. When he left the bomb-proof for the hospital he was the very picture of despair ; his beard and hair whitened with the Irosts of fifty-six winters, his form beni over, hishands clasped across his breast. . I turned from the scene wiih feelings . ol anguish. Banished from his home from his wife and lamily and dy ing without ihe sight or a com!or;ni word from those who would have gladly admin istered ucto him i'i his dying hours. And what can I say to his bereaved wife and lamily? All that we could do in our s'raightened circumstance to render him comlortable was done. After he was ta ken to the ho-pital he was cared for as well as could be expected. 1 do not envy tne position ol the fiend or. fiends who were the cause ol forcing this poor old man from his home and family and friends to die urn org strangers. Frequently, after he became very feeble, he would enquire it General Couch had corne, as he anticipated a re lease. Poor man, he is released from the control of all earthly power, and will te brought belore a Judge where justice is meted out. Those wicked persons that were instrn.Tietita! in bringing him here, it uot dead to all feelii'gs ot common human ity, must have bitter compunctions of con i.., !U l.w.b- ., tl.:.t r.r " ., disconsolate family, whose support an1 comfort they have taken away. May God in His mercy, forgive them. This is considered a very unhealthy loca tion, even out in the open air, and must be much more so in this damp, close cell. The effect is visible upon all. Without even charges being preferred, thirtyT-eight days to-day have elapsed suae we were brought here. But only intending to give an account of the death ofone of the inmates of this cell, I will not trouble you further, .hoping soon again to enjoy the sacred boon of Libekty onr forefaihers looght and suffered so ranch lo accomplish If the present state of things continue, the inestimable blessings of liberty will be wrested from the people, and despotism with its dark pall will settle over our once happy country, which, may Heaven pre vent. JiMES M HCNKT. Old Frank Blair and the old Cat. The " son of his father" told the Republi cans at New-York that, "he. (old Frank) has pa-sed that period of lii when its hon ors or its rewards or its glories have any charm for him. He looks back only and forward only to the grandeur of this nation, and the happiues.-s of the people who are growing op under its prosperous Constitu tion and Union, and he would not permit a son of his to stand in the way of the recog nition arid the support of the glorious and patriotic President who aivr leads as on to success, not for anything that this world could have in store for him " "This remind me of a story." An old rat, once upon a time called his compan ions about bim,and took a forma! and affec tionate farewell ol them say ion that he was about to take up his abode where the "wicked cease from troubling and the wea ry are at rest." Subsequently he was found alive and kickir.2 in the centre of an extensively large and rich old cheese. Grkat Salk of jKwrLRV. We have jnst J inspected, at the ottlce of ArranJale & co's 1 Aaency for European Manufacturing Jew-f ropean elers, a larae assortment of fashionable and valuable Jewelry, consisting of gold and silver watches, chains, bracelets, ladies' sets, rings, &c, all of the newest and most fashionable patterns. We also noticed a large quantity of silver plate, consisting of goblets and drinking-cops, cruet-stands, fruit-baskets, spoons, forks, &c. We un- de"ianJ lie WQoI oi these newly- imported articles are to be disposed oi on a novel principle, giving great advantages to buyers, and affording extensive employ ment to agents. Our readers will find all particulars in our advertising columns; and as we know the firm in question to be very respectable, and thoroughly worthy ol public1 confidence, we recommend our friends to read their advertisement N. Y. Albion, Sept. 3, 1864. ' ' fiES. Lewis Cas, supports for President, Gen. Gcorgk B. SIcClellav. Some of the Opposition have attempted to place him in Lincoln's class, but it seem that ihe old hem and staiennan will attend no other school, tic is a pore patriot and sound j list of Drafted Men of Colombia Coaaty. DRAWN OCTOBER 3, 1S81. j GHKBNWOOD. Jacob Long. William U Parker. Michael Want!, I-aac Ktine Jacob Harrison, David Demott. O. P. Swisher, William M -Parker, William R. Mather, David Brady, John Eves, William M. Reece. John ' Stadeu, Zebulon Kline, Elijah Ike'er, A. P. Young, John C. Lemon, John Crawforit, Jamas' Manning, Asa F. Roe, Clark W. Klir.e, Andrew J. Alberison, Richard J. Ees. Samuel McHeury, Robt. Mu-urave. Win. j C. Eves, Gsorge Greenly, Ira Johnon, Jmo. i Moore Eve, Isaac Heacock, P D. Swisher, ! Motrin Wu.o.. 'I'h .. t ...... .. .. Lemon, H. J, Watts, Hendrivk. Bangs, Sam uel Patterson, Daiiini Ohl, Wm. P. Ikeler, Jos. Eiias Eves. Jno. C Richart, George Ikeler, Francis M Roe, Henry E. Mathers, Joseph Clement John T Patterson, Har vey Smith, Joseph S Kline. Samuel T. Berniti-jRr, Samuel Musrave, Perry D Black, Wn. E Patterson, Mathias M Kline George Martin, Montroville McHenry, Weils Girion, Jos. Hayman, J. D. Wilson, i reter H Girton, hrasia Hendershot, L)av t id P. Allan. Francis P Eves, Abraham Tit- man, Clinton Robbins, George W. Lee, Joseph H Parker, Jos. W. Patton, Reason Conner, Peter Hayruan, Williamson De witt, James Dewitt. COM VNtillAM Mathias CoyI, Moses Snyder, Jno Thorn as, John Drainer, Wm. Snyder, Patrick McD-.tiald. Henry Dresher, Richard Hr ran. George W. Davis. Harney McGuire, Moses Long, Jtrank Stneler. George ll-Jy j Uriah. 1 1. ley, ituraas bnvnn Richard arret, rhino Wanier John Shi inr ( ar Newman, Eiiis Va'emir.e, Edward Eager ty, John Laess. Frederick Bash. Bj li.imin Leonard. Rchrd Keller, Thomas Howell, "I Peter - Oie,, James Hageny, James Lrawfor.l. Alamo Brem.t, Joshua Carl, Henry Umlaut, I hos. McCorrmck. Freder- istiiy a. iifiii, jauuu uilniic. pi . ii(,ll;,mm 1,,,,, NT Dewitt, Anthony Gallagher. Daniel Keiffer. James Genurtiger, Charles McXiel, Benj. Camp, Robert Parker, Jacob Fisher, Jis Hughes. John Sioltz, Daniel Moser. John Engle, Ralph Nixon, Thos. Grover, J. L. Beadle, Thomas Lengan -Michael Hannari, Morris M rnson, Joseph Stel John Dan nau James H. Rhine, Robert Fagler. KI'Hl.NOCKtkK. Elias Ash, Livingston Rhone. Jr.o Pealer 3d, Stephen Dresher, Jethro Henry, Josiah Cofemaif, John R. Merrel, Ira I). Kdne, Erna-i-.tus Bj;ider, Sainuei F- Pettier, Pi--ter Sutioii, Alexander Mjllenry. Jacoit M. Peeler, P. D Sutiuii. S D. Kline. Joseph F. McHenry, Hirarn Pealer, Jacob Gisi er Atraham Kline, Levi Lnntr. (lyrat B. White Cyrus Robbins, Daniel F Kra-ner, Camden Mear. Daniel M.:Herirv, J-ti Neyhasd, H. A. Former, J din I. Hess j Goverrwnent cannot expert any more ser-Da.-iel Rinard, Norman McHenry, -Wm ' vicw 01il ot ihem, lor they are worn out. Coleman, Jacob Kindig, Wm. Lauderbacli . . . , , . , ii . w ... i better give two rebel rrinoners for one , it .Martin A. Ammeraii Ira J. 1 homas hmar: I e ' tins Unangst, A. A. P. Unani ' Cjrus W- I would te a suing in two ways, viz: the Creveifing Eiias B. Beruter, George Doiiy , Ufcui'Cii ijos un, Alirea l. crevelliug Alfred Peas' ISinnuel Johnson. William B Riinya.i, I hornas Docherty, James W. Eves. Jolin J. Kearnes, Jix. Richards, Geo. W. Nephew, atnuel R Klmt. Amos Hit1, Davis Rnnvan, Elias Richard Francis Eves John M. Smith, Austin Corel!. Andrew S. Aden, Thomas O. Kline, Josiah Moist, Jno. Dallman, Jacob A. Swisher, H. II. Stout, Geo. H. Loie, bamuel P. Demott. Isaac V hippie, Hiram Lunger, William Runley, Joseph C Smith, W illiam Pursel, George - W"iu, - W. Girton, Michael Hock. Joseph Kester, Joel F4u!ke, Siephen Fiiis, Daniel S. Bjch 11 Al.iMt.Hin Si.infTHr. D.iiM.1 llt.lrt nul , - - -, , , - - Kmi.ey, Witliam Eyer, James Mills, O. P. Kunya.i. ORANGE. Hefiry H. Keichuer, John Harmoi, Sam uel Hidlay, Wm O Eves. Henry Conner, A. B. Siuart, Geo. W. App'eman, M M. McGargie, J. V. Keeier, Lemuel Forc; Alexaiider"tlerring, Perry DeLcns, Michael Haeuouch, Sandereon Parsel, Wm. Miller, J oil ti Welsch, Uanslow Fei-ter, J-tm Kee -er, Emanuel Rome, Wm. Goodrich, Jer. Comsiock, Jno. Mu.-selman, Jno. M Wliue, AleTlui nrnbore, Russel While, C'T eilus Bellas, John Fisher John Heldebrand, Dan iel Suuliz, Samuel Everett. V'm H. Snyder, Puineas Youiig, Joseph Idler, Munrosa S. Hay hurat, Oscar Aciienbacii. . BENTON. John KesJer, J, C. Karnes, Philip Knanse, Chatleo Ciobntis, Reuben Applernau. Philip A. Kline, John J. Stiles, Ja'iies F Karons, Hiram Ash, Benjamin Coliey, Gf o. R. Hess, Elias McHenry, Jeremiah Sales, Jeremah Vaiisickle, Alexander Hess, Saml. R. Kline, Lawson Hughes. John R. Keeler, Geo. Lau bach, Levi H. Priest, Hiram He, Join: S. Mcfieurv. Lowrv McHitnrv. Th.i'iin O. Kline, Chri.Miau Lit.ach, Rohr McHenry, . " -' ' . lrvm Knckoaum, Freeman Horn , Georje W. Cole, McKeivy Brink. Abraham Hart ' r Jacob Bamberger. Henry Miller, Daniel ! Ramer, Hutchinson Brown. Wm. Baker.". Reuben Owen, Andrew Hunsir.uer. John j Hatz, Peter Shelihammer. Jacob Keiler. i oiiu iNuss. Jacob Jv.eie.ter. Josnh t oiiu Nuss, Jacob JCeicter, Joseph Sin. man, t ohn Fry, John Naus, I honias Shuman, Stephen M.cliael, Jtel Swenk, John Hur ring. Andrew Shuman, John Singly, Wm. ' SUGAR LOAF. Abraham Peterman, Jarnes Smith Nath an H Seward, Andrew Hess, Wilson Fritz Calvin Kitchen, Divid Coker, Emanuei Dills, Dyer C. Alaus, John .Getz, Ainkew iwiiubaii, George U . Hawk, Henry Hoailer, fr;riCe Friday. Stanton bends us various M;ii ii ii i f i n iv despatches Irom Grant, in which he makes iller, Henry Hiuterliier, Conrad bred ben- ... V? i i i . n t i i i .i, i . , ii n i the Inderal lo, at nri four Im ndred, and Jer, Jcob Harager, Henry Heuiiiiii,er, Jno. ,. , . ,, ,,, i v. i . , . H. ' ... a ' 1 a!tervards three hundred, in Friday s bat-! Kile, Clark Neitz, Geirge Alovre, Jolin W.jdoneJ. This is undoubtedly true, because uiltz, Uario Kierkvn, Ueorite v. aii"tener. t r f vi . i, i.. Pk.r.n I Hess, James Pennington, George Hess, George Eliison. Benton Cole, Alern Cokes eabairer, Jer. Vansickle, Wm. Peierman. LOCUST. Henry Hoffman, Alichael Honberer Jno- Snyder. George Pnillips, J. B. KostenOai'er Jo'"' Erwin, Jacoo Lindenmutli i Franklin Beaver, Beri:i Hornt-erger. Peter Bitner, sr John S Carl, Jes-e McCIow, Win. L. Kline Davio Lonjj. iaac Uyer, litiatn. trwn.e, Washington Getger, Jacob Stine. jr.. ii A. Herbine, C. S. Mears, John Luide.imuili, Wm. D. Phaylor. JACKSON. Silas W. McHenry, John H. Fntz; Levi Keeier. Daniel Fritz, Jacob Shuliz I hos Y. Herr, John Rot-ens, John SholUnoerger. W. S. Parkt-r, Wm. W. Roberts. Jefferson Fritz, Jacob Knouse. Wm. Young. Jackson Mc Henry, John F. Derr, Washington Knou.-e. prst. Joseph Sweeny. Wm. Thompson, James Hist, R. W. Lyons. James DreiOlebis. Isaac M. Lyons, Wm. Karchner, VaL Weliiver. Austin Hauldron. Silas Sweeny, Benjamin Piati,John Cole, Robert Potter, Saml. Wil liam, Isaac Yoont. Henry Gardner. FRASKUN. Jacob Kninle, Jacob Kelcbner, Clinton Meudechall, D.vid W. Keeter. The Republicans came out at ihr little end 'of the horn in this township, on Tues day last. Instead of their having the usual majority of two hundred or some las they only had s:xfy-threel Q.iite Democra'ic gain. So much for Uloorc district, which is under-(be iron masters' heel fn a meas ure. But yesterday the people took the r f . ' into thdr oven funds t For the Star of the Xui'th. lock onl for Croakers. . Ma. Jacobv, Sir; You can almost hear the Republican would-be leaders boarliQii ol their worideriul sympathy lor the poor soldier; they claim that they caused or brought atoot the change in the Constitu tion, giving ldiers the riqht of voting while in actual servic, if so they should boirst of it sa it was the firi-t atx of their partj that had a tendency to pnlarge the freedom of the white race, as all their cyni pathies have heretofore been in favor ot the negro. But as to the elective franchise ot the soldier, it is a matter of doubt whether they are entitled to snch credit. The Dem ocrats have been in favor of white privileges, and as to the amendment of the Constitu tion, the sutject was not discussed at all, neither in the rapers or otherwise : many had their fears about the matter, fearing that, as three years ago, if a man went into camp with Democratic tickets he would be rode out on a rail, or as in ihe State of Dela ware, they would have to vote untler the point of the bayune'; but now, Mr. Republican, arouse your ryrnpathief in favor of the poor soldiers who are held a prisoi e'rs, and have been for the la.t eighteen" mo'uhs. why not have them exchanged and give j litem a chance tc vote ? poor fellows that I were taken at the tattle of Gettvsburir. in ! ,e-o .. t ,t ... t . -i " ' ! ,he' vole 1 ""here i. the 7ih Regiment of t Pennsylvania Reserves, taken on the 5ih of May last? their term of enlistment has expiret, veI lhej mu,t be held as premiers f i c on account of the negligence of your ad ministration , in place o! being kept there under pay, if they should ever be released, where will they vote ? They are not even allowed to write to their friends, and even if they were, must pay thee tea's pos tage; or, if they have not the means (being kept out of ther pay so long) to pay postage j U'l li m ii.l itsI a n y77-r I n thpif t letter- as soldieks' lstters," and charge the postage to the person to whom it is ad i dressed ; but the hirelings ol Abraham Lix ; coln car. have their electioneering docu ments by the cart load sad fne by the en- J dorsement ol James Haklin, with " U.S S.'' attached to the end of his name. I i-ay, yrote your sympaihies for those poor prisoners ; their time has expired, and the y e.xpei te of keeping the rebels, and pay j y0U r CWl h0oiers il that justice be ever done New-Columbus, 0i 4. VOX I'Oi'L'H. 1861. For'The ftaroflhe North. A7r. Editor: Forty-lour Democrats vic tim, zed ! Forty two from Columbia and two from Luzerne cour.ty ; all disfranchised at one lell swoop, by being arrested and a- ! ken to FoRT AIirruN, for no crime what ever : all tooJ cittzens, who have the rrood of the country at heart as much as any re publican that ever lived, ond will not be al lowed lo vole on the lllh of October, 1864! As to (he county tickets, in either Luzerne or Columbia, this transaction wiii effect nothing, bat as to the Con ureismeu it may pos.ibly have some effect, as Loth the?e : counties sre attached to strong Abolition coutiiies. in firrpmu the districts; but the! Republic!, wii i furni-hed h is ion money, and curried him with others over the moun tain, when de'er'in s atier having voluntarily enli-ted, wa not attested, and. will wak np to the pi. Us of Fairmount, arid vote like a PATRIOT. VOX POPL'LI. New-Columbus, Od. 10, 1S64. From ht Army of the rotomac. We have received Southern despatches j detailing the contest with General Butler : on Friday last. The Confederates captured all the Federal works between the Central and Newmarket roads, and still held them They also took between four hundred and . i . ..... r. . n?e '"Jr" prisoner?, nine gun-, aim tr.-i m two to turee hundred bor?es. ihey sa say ( their loss is very small. Secretary Stanton wrnes that ha cannot give any details aflrHir because storm1' ha b of , roken 'd l!,e The New York Ttihune j refu-es to believe tie Aoc'uted Preis ac j t ,t.a ...,, ....i h,.-.-.k ; . . ! . w,m ,nve"' injr j falsehood. It ciins to ; Nothing of ; 'Secretary S Secretary Stanton's account. importance has occurred at Petersburg The takinu of Mobile Given i p It is stated in a high Republican quarter that the idea of taking Alobiie has been aban- tarraul has Deen ordered lo the command vi the Atlantic squadron. II Mobile and Charleston could be taken, trade would in evitably, spring up as at New Orleans, aud the supply ol tha! great necessity lothe'i laboring man cotton would be vastly increased. Trade is a great civilizer a'id pacificator. Mr. Chase held teiore the war lo ' letting the Southren S:aies go, for trade would soon bring them back ag un.1' That would have given up tt.e Union without an efjorl to tna'ittinn its authority. Cut a Dem ocrat 'cr any other man1' who after four years of badly managed war, suggests steps for reconciliation is 'a traitor! . In the Duaft In our Congressional dis trict we rind two of our brother Democratic editors caugiit in the draft, viz: Michael Meylert, of the Su.'l.var, County Democrat and Hakvef Sickler, ol the Nstth Cranch Democrat, published at Tijnkhannock . We can sympathize with you, gentlemen; about two years ago we were conscripted ioto the service, and experienced a tate of the horrors and deprivations of war. We are unable to discover any ef the editorial fraternity drafted on the dark side ot the boose. In many districts all the men sub jvet to do military duty rn conscripted. Next the Government will be after the wo men and children. In many it stances the gravt and a udit are robbed at ready. . The report of the late draft will be found I la aau'.h3i columu. 1 I i. KEFRESIflMUXT SALOON AND CONFECTION liRY STOUE. II. U. Christman, O ESPECTFULLY announces to the citi- 'zeii! ol Bloomnburg aiul vicinit' that he bar just opened a new Refreshment Sa loon and Confectionery Sore, on Main-st , .second door below the "American House," where he intends supplying all who may givrt him their custom with FUESH OYS TERS. Clam Soup, Sardines, Boiled ti;s, Ham, Tripe Pigs' Feel, Dried Herring, &c. He will also keei on hand a superior ar ticle of DR UGHT ALE.Porter Lagerheer, and Sari-aHfilla : together with a gooJ as sortment ot" Can iies, Sweetmeats, Cukes, Cigars and Chewing Tobacco In connec tion with this saloon he has fitted up a La dies' Department, where all who n.ay tie sire can call tor Oysters and Refreshment, and will be free from all annoyances and indecencies that ladies are too often ex posed to in some of our best restaurants. Don't fail to give him a call. H. C. CHRIS I'M AN, Proprietor Bloomoburg, Oct. 12, 1864. runs 1,5 C SIi K OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. I N pursuance ol an order of the Orphans' Curt id Columbia county, on SATUR DAY, the tilth da of November next, at 10 o'clock iti the forenoon Abraham Young, Administrator of James S. Gibson, late ol Greenwood township, Columbia county, adjoining lands of Isaiah Kline or. ihe west, Silvester Albertson on the south and east, and Elias McHenry on ihe north, containing about one hundred and six acres aiid thirty-nine perches strict meas ute ; about ninety acres are improve. 1 land whereon is erected a Two Story Frame House. Log Bam, Wagon Shed, and other outbuildings, a spring of waier near the dwelling, and a large Apple Orchard and other Irtiit trees-on ihe premises, Ute the esiaie ot said deceased, situa'e in the towu fehii) oi Gieeawood and county aforesaid. Tkhms of Sale -Ten per cent, ot ona fourth ol ihe puichase money lo be paid on the striking down of the properly, one lourtti of ttie purcha-e money, less the ten jer 'jent., to be paid lo the administrator on the confirmation ot sale, and the balance ot the purchase money to be paid one jear from the confirmation, with iutereai from the confirmation ol sale JESSE COLEMAN, Clerk. Bloom-burg. Pvt. 7, 1864 GREAT GIFT U I STUWUTIUN ! 250,000 Watchei, Chains, Diamond Rings, c. WORTH over ONE MILLION DOLLARS ! " All to be sold lor ONE DOLLAR EACH ! ! Without regard io value ! J Sot to be paid lor until you know what you are lo receive ! ! Splendid L'.it of At title- ! All to be sold fn USE I DOLLAR EACH U 250 Gents1 Goli hunting case watches, $50 to S15U each 250 Ladies' Gold Sud enameled case watches 35 70 500 Gents' hunting case silver watches 35 70 200 Diamond rings 50 luO 2000 GuiJ vtrt-t and neck chains 15 30 3000 " " " " 4 6 3000 Gold band bracelets 4 8 5000 Chased gold bracelets 5 10 2000 Chatelaii e chains and guard chains 5 20 70oO Solitaire and gold brooches 4 10 2000 Lava and Florentine brooches I 4 6 5000 Coral, op-l and emerald brooches 4 8 5000 Mosaic, jet, lava and florentine ear drops 4 8 7500 Coral, Oj'al and emerald ear drops 4 6 4U0U California diamond breast pins 2 50 10 3000 Gold fob and est walrh keys 2 50 8 4000 Fob and vest ribbon slides 3 10 5( 00 Sets solitaire sleeve buttons, studs &c. 3 8 3000 Gold thimbles, pencils, &c. 4 7 1000 Miniature lockets 2 50 8 4000 magic spring 3 20 3U00 Gold toothpicks, &c. 2 8 5000 Plain gold rings 4 11- 5000 Chased gold rings 4 11 loUoo Stone set and .-ignet rings 2 50 10 10000 California diarrond rings 2 10 7500 Sets Ladies' jewelry, jet and gold 5 15 CoOO Sets Ladies' jewelrj , cameo, pearl 4 15 10000 Gold pens, silver extension holders and pencils 4 15 10000 Goid pens an 1 gold mounted hold ers 3 3 5000 Gold pens and geld extension holders 6 10 5000 Silver goblets and drinking cups 5 50 3000 Silvei castors 15 50 2000 oilver fiuit and cake baskets 20 50 J000 Joz silver teaspoons SlO to 520 pr doz 5000 ' 44 tablespoons and forks 20 40 In cons-'q'ience of the great staanation of trade in ihe manu'acuring di-rncts of England, tnrough ihe war having cut off the supply of cotton, a large quantity ol valuable jewelry, originally intended fur the English market has been sent off lor sale in this country, -arid must be sold at any sacrifice. Under these circumstances, Arrandale & Co., acting as Agents lor the principal Eu ropean Manufacturer, have resolved upon a GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION, subject IO the following regulations. Certificates, i. anting each article and its value, aie placed in Sealed Envelopes, and well mixed. One ct tnese envelopes ill be sent by mail lo auy address, on receipi Of 25 cents. AH attic es sold at One Doliir each, without regard to vMue. On receipt ol the Certificate, jon will see what you are going to have, and then it is at your opt'ou to send the dollar an I lake the article or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a gold watch, diamond ring, or any set ol jewelry on our list, for One Dol lar, and in no case can they gel le-s than one dollar's onh, as there are no blank-,. The price ot certificates io as follows: One lor 25 cents. Five lor one dollar. Kiev n tor two dollars. Thirty lor five dollars. Sixty-five lor ten todars. One hundred lor fiiteen dollars. Aueuls will b allowed ten cents on ev ery Certificate ordered by thejui, provided heir remittance amounts tcf One Dollar. Agents wilt collect 25 cents for every Cer -dficate, and rem; 15 cents io us, either in cash or postage stamps. AK11ANDALG 4- CO., 51 3m V; 157 Broiidway, New-York. Altorncv :it Law bloomsburg; pa, Offi c on Main Street, Firm door below A J. Slcau'-i Store. Dec 1864 MATRIMONIAL. LADIES AND GEN- ileinen. If you wish o marry address V the Llidersi'JIieil. who will sml von wi li mit money and without price, valuable in formation that will enable you to marry happy and speedily, irrespective of age. wealth or beauty. This information will J co.-t you nothing and if yon wish to marry, il will cheerfully assisi yon. . All le'lers i strictly confiaeutial. The desired informa k tioti sent by return mail, and no questions asked Address Sarah B Lambert, Green point. Kings county, New-York. 0:t. 12, 1864 2m $250. SEVEN OCTAVE $250. ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES GROVESTEEN & CO. 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK.' Offer iheir new, enlarged' Scale Piano Forles, with all latest improvements. Thirty year's experience, with greatly in creased facilities lor manufacturing, enable. ihem to sell lor CASH al unu-ually low i prices. These instruments received the inchest award at the world's Fair, and for five succe-sive ear at the American In-I stitu'e. V arranted hve years. 1 ekms net c- sh. Call or send for descripiiv e circular. June 15, 1864. 3m. - riJKLIU SALE I OF I VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY! I 'j'HE ur-der-ianed offers his private resi J deuce at pubbc sale. Il is situated in a j pleasant part of Bloomsburg the couuty oi J Columbia, has a commodious BRICK HOUSE, well finished, and the tot contains all the j necessary improvements. The sale will j take place on S, I URDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1864, j at one o'clock, p. m. There is a good va j r.ety of fruit on the promi-es. Possession ' will he n-iven on 'he first d.iv of Anril next. r- - j --i Also, l the same nme I will offer iwo valuable out lots lor sale. 1 ELI As HICKS. Bloornsburif, Sept. 29. 1864 ! IMPORTANT TO LADIES I r! Har- vey's Fetriale Pills have never yet failed in removing difficulties arising from obstruc- I tion, or stoppage cd natgre. or in restoring! Ihe system to perlect health when euflei ; j ing from spinal affections, prolapsus, Uteri, '. " i . ,i , .- a ... I j the whites. Or other weakness ot the uter- , . ' . . : j me t-rgans. The pills are perfectly t.ann- ; lesson ihe constitution, and may be taken j by the mo-i lielicate female without taus- I ing d.stress-.he same time they act like a ' ; . . . ... , ! jenarmby sireng.hetisug, invigorating and , ' restoring ihe sjstem lo a healthy condition and by brinaing cn the monthly period with regularity, no maiter from what caun- 1 , . . , ! es the obstruction may arise. They should i however, NOT be taken during the first ( three o: four months of pregnancy, though 1 ses of Dyspepsia and in less confirm. t safe at any oilier timeas miscarriage ,or'ns ol Ja"'0'- Acting a- a gentle , . . . . . (and painless a) peneit, as well h hiio i would be Hie result. f,e liver, it al-o invariably relieeth Each box conlair.s 60 pill. Price 81. ! Constu'a'iori mj eriu-'in-d by 'inegiiLr Dr. Harvey's Tre..tise on diseases of Fe . action ol the digestive and secretive or- males, preunancv, miscarriage, Barrenne-s J ga"- .... .. , - . , , .T ' PerOT6 of feeble hsbc. liable to Afrr..M sterility, Iveproduct.on, and abuses of Na Attalks. LoUliesS 4 Spitjt and Fits of U ture, and emphatically the ladies' Private , outrj find prompt and pHrniafinii rehef Medical Adviser, a pamphlet of 64 pases! Irom the Bitteis. The l'e!iinouy on Una sent free lo any address. Six cents re- t Poinl Ut01 conclusive, and Irom both, quired ,0 pay postage. . Th(? nf Bi,;on- Cw;. u imfn(,(ii- The Pills and book will be sent by mail j aiPjr assuaged by a single doe of ihe when desired, securely sealed, and prepaid stimulant and by nccasioiialiy resortins lo by J. BRYAN, M. D. General An'i. it, the reinrn.of the complaint may be pre- No. 76 Cedar street, New York. : v?ntd. ' I As a General Ionic, Hosietter s timers nrsold by all the principal druggists. 1 prot,ic eflecis which must be experienced Nov. 25, 18G3 ly. ! or witiie-sed lelore the can lie f 11 II v ap- j preriate.l. In cases of Coii-ti'utional AVeak- BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS Warrated ! ness, ap.d Pre-isture Decav and Debili-y in all cases. Can be relied on! Never faia J and Decrepitude an'-ins 1mm Old Aae, it to cure '."Do not nauseate P Are speedy exercises the elecirtc inflneuce. In the .... , .. ,, ' cnnvalescpiit slnoes ol all di. eases il oper- in action ! No charge of diet required !, a,es a U R2htlolifiwiaora..t. Whe t,.e Do not interfere with business pursuits ! p0Wers of mature are relaxed, it operates lo Can be Used without detection ! Upward j re enforce ami re pstabl sh them, of 200cures the past month one of them Last, but not Jeast, it i- ih The Onlv . iii ' Safe Siimnlent, beina inannfacturwd from very severe cases. Over one hundred p!iy-1 , , - ' , . . . 1 ' Hound and innocuous materials, and en sicians have ued them in their practice, !tjrer fre Irom the acid element- present i and all speak well of theireflicacy, and ap- i prove their composition, which is entirely stomachics of the dav. . ki ,i 1 ,.,t .1,. ,.t,. I No lamily medicine has been -so nniver veetable, and harmless on the system ? . . r . 1 sally, ai d, it may be truly added, deseiv- Hun.ireds ol cert ideates can be shown. J e(,y popuar wil, the intelligent portion ot Bell's Specific Pill are the original arid ; the community, as Ho-tp-ier' Bi-ter. only genuine Specific Pill. They are! adapted for male and female, old or young, ) and the only reliable remedy for effecting I a permaiiietit aud speedy cure in all cases j i Spermatorrhea, or Semitial u eakness, with all its train of eils. such as Urethral and . . Vaginal Di.-cVtares, the whites, nightly or 1 I nvoluntary Emi-sious, Incontint nee, Geni ; .... . tal Debility and Irritability Impotence ) ; ,1 T A T J t ' excellent a-sorlment of Millinery (oods. Weakness or loss nt lower, nervous De- ghe ,aH vry latest fashin and the bility, &c, all of which arise principally, J most approved styles of Ha' ami Bonnets, from Sexuel Excesses or self-abuse, or ; logeth-r with ihe most tasteful lot ol Rib some constitutional derausement, and in- bons , Trimminus, &c. Give her a call and ,r i f im a examine for yourselve. capacitates the suflerer Irom lulnlling the . MARY BARKLEY. duties of married lite. In all sexual dis- j BIK)mV.nir2. Oct. 1?, 1864. eases, Gonorrhea, Gieet ami Strictures, and ! in Diseases of the Bladder aud Kidneys, r 1 i ii-r- -t It.ey ail as a cnarm : iienei is eperi enced by taking a single box. Sold by all ihe principal druggists. Price 1 ' I They will be sent by mail, securely seal- ed, and confidentially, or, receipt of the j money, by J. InuAiS, Al. It. j .- s- f 1... V Consulting Physic'ans for the treatment of Seminal, Urinary, Sexual, and Nervous Diseaes, who will send, free to all, the lollowing valuable work, iu sealed en-; v,pe : THE FI FTIETH THOUSNAD-DR nrmc rn-Mric" ir k, BELL'S TRc Al ISr. on self-abu,e, Prema- ture decay, impotence and loss of power, sexual diseases, seminal weakness, nightly emissions, genital debility, &c , kc, a pamphlet ol 64 pages, containing impor- taut advice to the afflicted, and which should If read by every sufferer, as the 3 1 ' means of cure in the severest stages is plainly set lorth. 1 wo stamps required to I pay postaae. Nov. 25, 1863. ly, tS SHAKE AND BURN ! Shake and Bu-n !! Shake and Burn ! !! This is the life of agony enJured'by the sufferer from Fever and Ague. He war ders like an uncertain shaXow never knowing what moment he may be pros irated. and therefore disinclined to give any serious attention lo business. This is the condition of thousands in town and country. Il is 110 exaaeration to say that Fever and Amie kills more people than any twenty other diseases in America For a sure and speedy cure of this terrible atlliciioi, we lake ureal pleasure in rec ommending HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, which have already achieved a wide reputation for rapid and powerful effects in renovating lha system prostrated J by tirs disease. j erare1er7whDer,e?S5'UaOj C,0a,0r5 m re. -risi'P A HOSTBTTER'S CELEBRATED. TOMIOH. BITTEBS. A PURE and powerful Tonic, corrective -anJ alternative ol wonderml etlicHcy in , disease of he STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS Cu re Dysppsit. Liver corns plaint, Headache, General D-bi1ity, JVer vousriHss, Deiression of Spirits, Constipa tion, Colic, Intermittent Fevers, Cramps and Spasms, and all complaints of either Sex, arising Irorn Bodily Weakness -whether inherent in the system or produc ed by special cau-es. Nothing that is not whol wome genial, aud restorative in its natur Mite' into the composition of HOSTETTER'S STOM- ACH BIFrERS. This popular preparation contains no mineral of any kind, no deadly bota.iical element; 'no fiery, excnani ; but it is a combination ot the extracts of rare balsamic herbs and plants with the purest and mildest of ai diffusive s'imula'it. It is well to be torear meil auainsi dieae and, so tar a ihe human system can be protected by human riieni.s against mala d es engendered by an un liulrrome at mosphere, impure water and other exteri vi causes, Hoste;t t's Bitters may be relied on as a salegi.ard. ' Ir. district- iufcted with eier and Ae. it ha been f u mi inlallitde as a p'O votive a rresi-titd as a reined v and I'lousamU , who resort lo it -uiuier api lehetision of an . . .. i , , attack, esoiprt the (;oiirge ; aid th itt'HtnU who ,ie,ecl lo avi themselves ol its pf... tective qualities ir: a;!vauio, are .-itr.'d hy a?very ori-f cmir-e ol I ns matVc-l ua uMdi- CiM. 'ul M" l';-"'-. 'r be- in g pi ed with quiiiii'e. lor iimiuhK in vHin, u,(l Ulf,v rtHIur4le,j that .l.nasrna alk'oul, are not unlreq'iemly restored 'to beano wt'h'm a lew days by the Use of H,,,lr'Bi,"r,, . . . . I tie weak stomach i rapidly itiviortted anJ aj)pj,e reMor, by ;,U aree,.le Tonic an.l hence it works, wonders in ca- more or less in all the ordinary Ionics and Prepared by HOSTElTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh P. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Su re- keepers everywhere. Dec. 9, 1661. ly. WAV 3IILLIXEKV HOODS for Miss MARY BARKLEY has jit returned lwsrr T IE.' Vnrlr UTl.t Pll ll .li!tl uti I j Uiilll PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Personal Iroiu ry Will be expo-ed tt public s-le a ihe re-idei ce ot th subscriber, in Pine tw-p.r Col ii 't. hi j roii'i'v. on TMUI;5;l)U T,E 3ll 0F OCTOBER, ... the lollowing decribed personal irui property, viz THRIE Ht'IiSES, 1 YEARLING COLT, iwoSorin? Colls, four Mitch Cows, three htail Young Cattle, and 31 head of Sheep, Also, on- Spring Wagon, out Truck J Waoii, oneSled, one set of Hevy Har- 1 "ess, ote Set of Plow Harness, one Set of 1 iniile Harness, one Double Set of Light j HanieMij Sl0ip MiMhilie and chains, m oUOd repair. AI-o j WHEAT, OLD COUN, OATS, alu micwheai by the, bushel, HAY by j the trn, and POTATOES by the bushel , ': besides many other articles too numerou j 10 mention. j Sale 10 comw enre at 10 A. M , 01 said j ja. w heil l odition8 will be made known. 1 and attendance given. BENJ A M I N W I NTERSTEEN. Pme iwp., Sept 28, 1864 21 DK. J. It. LVANN, Physician aud Surgeon, HAVING loca'ed permanently on Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in form the public generall), that he is pre pared to a'tend in all bu-iness faithlulfy ami punctually that may be intrusted to his care, on terms co'nmeiisnrate with the time. . C He pays strict attention to Surgery as well as Medicine. 1... - t November 25, 1863 -ly. ;) . ; . : '. DAVID L0WEXBERG, C L O 7 II I N G S TV Ji E, -On Main street, t wo doorsabove ihe 'Aroer-, icn Hoi I.' . . - V j S 017 PeCtOral. 1 1